25+ documents containing “Investigation”.
Investigation #1: Academic Library Challenges 1986-1996.
The purpose of this Investigation is for you to identify a significant professional issue or issues and its/their influence/impact on academic libraries; to become familiar with professional and scholarly publications, and to develop and strengthen your research skills and abilities.
You should have a clearly identifiable thesis statement or line of argument! Note that you can find relevant articles via various article databases such as Library & Information Science Abstracts, Library Literature & Information Science Fulltext, Library Literature & Information Science Retrospective, and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA).
Investigation of Social Issue: Aging
- Describe the social issue in which you are interested. Be specific.
- Describe how issue fits into the field of sociology.
- Which sociological theories and terminology from the text (pages to be provided) apply to your social issue?
- Discuss the value of sociological research into aging. Are there (or would there be) practical implications of sociological inquiry?
- Examine how society shapes the live of the aging population and how aging individuals shape society.
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Investigation of major I am interested in, which is business management. Use of library and web references and possibly field research. I am going to fax the (4) criteria this paper must follow.
Respond to each of the following questions with detailed responses:
1. What are the methods of inquiry and how are they used in a criminal investigation?
2. What is the optimal mindset of an investigator, and how are the concepts associated with the optimal mindset of an investigator manifested?
3. What is the scientific method and how is it applied to criminal investigations by investigators?
4. Discuss four important sources of information for the criminal investigator, and provide detailed practical examples of each source listed.
Please include topics including, Control of the crime scene, safety, approaching the crime scene, broadcasting alarms, media relations, Crime scene investigation, such as search procedures, collecting & marking evidence, packaging of evidence, chain of custody transporting and handling infected evidence. Recording the crime scene, field notes, preliminary investigative reports, photographing the crime scene, canvass, locating witnesses, Taking field notes
Case Study Analysis Paper
A significant criminal event may occur at any place and at any time. The size of the jurisdiction does not dictate the scope and scale of the inc...ident. It is perfectly possible, even predictable, that investigative needs will be beyond the resources and/or sophistication of a local law enforcement agency. In such cases, one option is to expand the resources available through multiagency collaboration and cooperation (e.g., a task force). However, regardless of who or how many investigative resources are brought to bear on an incident, the parent agency remains responsible for the successful outcome of the criminal investigation.
Project Setting
Acting as a subject matter expert on criminal investigation, you have been asked to assist in the creation of a simulation exercise of a multijurisdictional criminal investigation. Some of the preliminary work has already been completed. Your specific task is to compile the post investigation review document (rubric) to be used by exercise assessors in their evaluation of the quality of the criminal investigation. This is what you know:
A series of 11 random explosions have occurred in an area that traverses two states, and a total of seven counties (five counties in one state and two counties in the other state), embracing a total of nine cities and incorporated towns. The explosions resulted in five deaths, 32 injuries, and significant property damage. In each case, the explosion was detonated remotely. The lead investigative agency is the Virtual, Maryland, Police Department, because the first three explosions occurred within its jurisdiction. VPD has about 100 sworn personnel, including 17 all-purpose detective investigators. It has a certified forensic laboratory for rudimentary analysis, staffed by credentialed civilians. Ultimately, two suspects were identified and apprehended, one adult male and one teenage (minor) male. Statements were made by each, resulting in investigative searches and seizures of forensic evidence. Both subjects eventually confessed to their respective and collective parts in the crimes.
Assessors in the simulation exercise will be debriefing the role players as to their actions; their understanding of the legal basis, purpose, and advantages and disadvantages of their investigative strategies; and the conduct of the investigation. The assessors have already come up with a series of questions for the participants. You have been asked to provide the "model" answer against which the responses of the participants will be graded.
Following are the questions to be posed by the simulation exercise assessors to the investigators:
Investigative Task Force
Assuming that legal authority was not an issue, should this investigation be conducted by VPD personnel or a multijurisdictional task force?
At what point should the potential of establishing an investigative task force be considered?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an investigative task force?
Who, or what entities, should be involved in the decision to create an investigative task force?
Assuming, on balance, that you favor a task force approach, what difficulties do you foresee, and how will each be addressed?
What demands and/or concessions should VPD exercise in order to employ a cooperative task force in this particular case?
Legal Issues
1. What legal issues should be considered when embarking on a task force investigative strategy?
2. How are each of these issues resolved?
C. Forensic Evidence Collection and Analysis
Without regard to individual items of forensic evidence, describe the steps necessary to ensure that items, materials, and samples are eligible as forensic evidence in a criminal proceeding.
In what ways do the evidence collection procedures differ at the scenes of the explosions versus the residences of each of the suspects?
D. Testimonial Evidence
1. Describe the steps necessary to ensure that verbal or written communications from each of the suspects are eligible as testimonial evidence in a criminal proceeding.
2. Describe the direct and indirect consequences if the testimonial evidence is deemed inadmissible by the trial court.
E. Public Information
As the investigation proceeds, in general terms, what information is or is not available to
non-VPD members of the task force?
other law enforcement agencies?
family members of the deceased and injured victims?
credentialed news reporters?
community members?
Who should be the point of contact for investigative information, and how should that designation be decided?
Project Assignment
You will compose a comprehensive "model" response for each of the questions posed by the simulation exercise assessors. Note: This project submission is enhanced by outside resources that support the appropriateness of the model responses. Creditable resources and citations (or lack thereof) will be graded accordingly.
Grading for this project will be based on
the comprehensiveness of the model responses
your description of reasons and rationales for the responses provided
your general understanding of cooperation and collaboration in conducting criminal investigations
the clarity and efficiency of your writing
Review of this project will help the instructor determine your ability to
communicate effectively across a wide variety of stakeholders
apply sound knowledge of administration, leadership, and organizational principles to a law enforcement agency
use interpersonal and leadership skills to work both independently and cooperatively as a member of a criminal justice team
Format Requirements
Paper should be a minimum of 2,500 words or about ten pages
Double space
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)
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The paper will be centered on the following scenario:
Mary Ellis, a widow who resides with her adult son William, awakens on a Saturday morning and goes to her walk-in closet, where she finds... a man whom she recognizes as a neighbor, Clyde Stevens, lying on the floor unresponsive. Mrs. Ellis calls 911. Minutes later, police and EMS personnel arrive. Mr. Stevens is pronounced dead from an apparent stabbing, as he has a large butcher knife protruding from his back. Mrs. Ellis is transported to the hospital for observation, as she is quite distraught.
Crime scene investigators actively process the scene. In William's bedroom, technicians develop a blood fingerprint adjacent to a light switch, using an amino acid stain, after locating the print using the absorptive properties of blood and a portable argon laser. The crime scene investigator photographs the print and recovers a sample of the blood for DNA analysis. The print is from the right index finger of William Ellis, and DNA analysis matches the blood to Clyde Stevens.
Discussion and research should address, at the least, these questions:
First, describe the 4th Amendment as it applies to entry into a persons home. What is needed for police to obtain a warrant, and under what circumstances can police enter a private residence without one?
Second, based on what you know of this scenario, provide an analysis of whether police had the legal right to access the Ellis household. What about Marys bedroom? Williams bedroom?
Third, explain the exclusionary rule and the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine and their importance. How do these relate to this scenario?
Finally, describe what steps you would have taken had you done this investigation to ensure that all individuals rights were protected and all evidence could be used at trial.
As you think about this scenario and related legal concepts, you may want to research the following cases:
Mincey v. Arizona (1978)
Weeks v. United States (1914)
Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States (1920)
Nardone v. United States (1939)
Paper should contain 6 references, preferably from original court cases and their holdings or findings, as well as peer-reviewed sources. more
Research authoritative articles for a recent case of antitrust investigation. You are free to choose a case from any industry and any part of the world. Based on the case you have selected, ans...wer the following questions.
Why was/were the firm(s) investigated for antitrust behavior?
Identify some of the costs (pecuniary and nonpecuniary) associated with the antitrust behavior (firms having power in the market). Additionally, note the specific antitrust act (Sherman Act, Clayton Act, etc.) under which the violation was investigated.
Given your research and findings, are monopolies and oligopolies (firms demonstrating power) always bad for society? Be sure to provide real world examples of where this may be the case to strengthen your position.
Provide at least one example of a case where having a monopoly or oligopoly may actually benefit the society.
Based on your findings to the questions listed above, write a report with a minimum of 300 words in essay format in APA style (use the APA template in Doc Sharing), using correct economic terms covered in the discussions. If you ONLY write 300 words, you probably won?t be able to fully answer the questions.
Key concepts to include in your paper include the following.
Monopoly Market Structure
Oligopoly Market Structure
Barriers to Entry Into the Market
Natural Monopoly
Government Monopoly
Downward Sloping Demand Curve
Economies of Scale
Price Fixing
Monopoly Pricing
Price Maker
Market Power
Economic Profits
Imperfect Competition
Rent-Seeking Behavior
Deadweight Loss to Society
Marginal Cost
Marginal Revenue
Antitrust more
Try to gather as muchresearch as possible for any two accidents and then compare and contrast the investigation, looking for such things as crash dynamics, accessibility, needed resources, thoroughness of the investigators involved,human factors issues, etc. I welcome any aspect of these accidents. Also, this is an opinionated type of paper, I want to know your thoughts as the writer, view points and opinions concerning the accident investigation from start to finish. There is no certain requirement for the number of pages in your analysis, but remember, it has to be thoroughfor the average citizen of the public to understand it.
The Accident's to be investigated are going to be Delta Airlines, Flight 191 - L-1011, Dallas/Forth Worth, TX and United Airlines, Flight 173 - DC-8, Portland, Oregon.
Both accidents involved a certain degree of human factors and I want you to tap into that and the last moments before the accidents.
The paper should have 5 pages of content and prepared using APA 6th Edition standards. WDon't forget the basics; spelling, grammar, and APA format.
Throughout history certain deaths have been reviewed and official reports (critiques of the investigation) written. Investigations into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the explosi...on aboard the USS Iowa, the Michael Jackson case, the Jon Benet Ramsey Murder, the 911 Murder Cases, the Yorkshire Ripper Murder Cases (UK), and the Paul Bernardo Murder Cases (Canada) have had reports documenting those investigations.
For your assignment, select a homicide(s), suicide, or accidental death.
Written Assignment 1:
Select a topic for your Death Investigation Report, and explain why you chose this topic, and what it means to you (2-3 pages). Also, demonstrate your understanding of the APA style of referencing by providing that style for one book and one journal article that you may use for your final project
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Consider the following business case
Finder, J., Brandon, H., Kubasik, C., Comey, J., Klein, E. & Teuber, W.J. (2007) ?The CEO's private investigation?, Harvard Business Review, 85 (10), pp.47-60, Business Source Premier [Online].
? Identify the key issues in the case
? Research related literature
? Summarise and demonstrate understanding of related literature
o Discuss three leadership theories or approaches that would be appropriate in this particular business case and why.
o Summarise current research on the leadership theories or approaches you selected.
? What are the current theories and models of each approach?
? What aspects of each approach need further research in general?
o Does either theory or approach compensate for the weaknesses of some of the theories you explored and why?
Case Study Scenario: Several systems in your company have been compromised. Your Intrusion Detection System has identified that these systems are now exporting data out to a known hostile IP address.
Please write a research paper on the steps you would take to conduct an Incident Response and Computer Forensic investigation based on the information in the Case Study Scenario provided above. Your report must include the minimum following deliverables.
Make an initial assessment about the case you are investigating.
Identify the risks.
Mitigate or minimize the risks.
Determine a preliminary design or approach to the case.
Create a detailed checklist.
Determine the resources you need.
Establish the Chain of Custody.
Obtain and copy an evidence disk drive.
Identify the risks.
Mitigate or minimize the risks.
Analyze and recover the digital evidence.
Investigate the data you recover.
Complete the case report.
Critique the case.
Thank you.
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Illustrate the ethical and legal preparations required for successful prosecution of a case.
Choose at least 2 specific offenses (Homicide, Arson, Rape, Burglary, etc.)
Consult at least 2 research sources
For this assignment, focus on the following:
1.What are the specific ethical considerations that need to be addressed when investigating the specific crime?
2.How can we reduce the ethical problems involved in the investigation of the crimes you selected?
3.What prosecution problems could arise when the case is presented for trial if the investigator was unethical?
4.What ethical issues are directly related to the prosecutor in the case?
Topic: Discuss the evolution of Criminal Investigation Research.
Term Paper Instructions:
The Term Paper will be written in APA (6th edition)Format. This format will consist of the following:
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract Page
3. The Body of the Paper(Content of the Page)
4. The Reference Page.
The paper will have a MINIMUM of 5 pages of content. NOT to exceed 8 pages of content. Written in 12 point Font with one (1)inch margins, double spaced. Numbered pages. No graphics or designs on the Cover Page. The page count DOES NOT INCLUDE the Cover, Abstract and References Pages. The last page of the paper MUST be at LEAST half filled with content. One or two sentences at the top of the page WILL NOT meet this requirement No Graphs, Art or Shading on the Cover Sheet of the submission.
No Pictures, Graphs,Charts or Power Points will be included in the body of the paper.
(These items can be attached as addendums at the end of the paper)
The paper MUST have 5 scholarly resource references, properly cited in APA format. (wikiapdia and ask.com are not considered scholarly research sources).
The paper should describe Aircraft Accident Investigation standards of the United States. Discuss technological advancements in accident investigation. Site an example of an aircraft accident from the previous two years.
1. (a) Explain what is meant by the term Criminal Investigation.
(b) Describe and give examples of the three primary sources of information in a criminal investigation
2. L...ist and explain four (4) personal traits which you believe a criminal investigator should possess.
3. Describe and explain the process known as the scientific method for conducting a criminal investigation. In doing so create a hypothetical crime and be sure to incorporate and demonstrate your understanding of the following terms: inductive and deductive reasoning; hypothesis; theory and investigative mindset.
4. The success of a criminal investigation is measured not only by the outcome of a case but also by the quality of the evidence intended for use in court
(a) What is the difference between the standards of probable cause and reasonable doubt in the contexts of charging a person and convicting that person of a crime? Is it fair to bring a person to trial having only enough evidence to charge (probable cause) but hope for a conviction (reasonable doubt)? (Gap Theory) Explain and give an example.
(b) Explain the meanings of testimonial, real and demonstrative evidence.
(c) Explain the meanings of direct and circumstantial evidence and compare and contrast these two (2) types of evidence in terms of quality and persuasiveness. Can circumstantial evidence be as strong as direct evidence? Give examples.
(d) Explain the meanings of relevant and competent evidence. In the instance of competent explain why reliability is most important. Why are privileged communications, hearsay and illegally seized evidence deemed not to be competent? Give examples. more
Medicolegal death investigative systems play a very important part in police investigation and the criminal justice system. How deaths are handled can make or break a case, put the wrong man in prison or allow a killer to remain on the streets. In this paper, you are to discuss the past and present systems of medicolegal death investigations, how they work, the pros and cons of each, and how the police, lawyers, politicians, and citizens think of the systems. Finally, discuss the system that is in place where you live.
As part of your paper, you are to read the paper on the ?Death Investigation Medicolegal Workshop,? and cite at least three other sources (one of which can be your text). Your paper is to be a minimum of 1000 words.
This paper shall include the Internal Affairs Procedures for handling an investigation, how findings are determined, the disciplinary process and the decertification process. Topics may include Ethics and Leadership Theories, Professional Codes of Conduct.
Resources - Florida Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights
Caldero, Michael, John P. Crank, "Police Ethics: The Corruption of Noble a Cause".
City Council
The fire chief has asked me to develop a presentation for the county council for the development of a fire investigation unit within the fire prevention bureau. He is seeking input on the philosophy of fire prevention through investigation for use in his presentation.
Write a two page paper and include two references
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This is a Reasearch Paper on Burglary Investigations:
1) It must have "Theory" not just facts.
2) 5 pages, Double Spaced with Appropriate Bibliography and Footnotes.
3) You should also have How "Surveillance" is part of the Stakeout, and How they look for a suspect.
4) Also, How fingerprinting is a part of the Investigation.
5)It should tell the differance between the differant types of Burglarys, ie: (1st Degree; 2nd Degree;) and so on as well as the differances of using a weapon or Not the Degree of Penalty.
6) Burglarizing during the Day or Night.
This does not a general topic or category. I just up there so i could send to you. All I have do here is to describe an investigation that I did. How was it. Any question email me back please. ...arthuralves@terra.com.br
Being a Crime Scene Investigator must be a terrible job. All of the things you see day in and day out must begin to take their toll on you. Do you remember your first day on the job? You were so na?ve back then, you actually thought this was going to be easy. There?s probably that one nagging case that you can?t seem to get out of your head. Is it the worst one you?ve ever seen? Or is it the one that you just can?t seem to solve? Because you?ve been under so much stress lately on the job, your sergeant has asked that you talk with the staff psychologist to get a grip. Go ahead, tell the good doctor all about the absolute worst case you?ve ever investigated.
Use elements of cause and effect that we have discussed in class
Write a 5 paragraph essay that contains the following:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Cause. This is the event and crime scene itself. Just what happened? What did
you see?
Paragraph 3: Effect. The effect that this crime has had on you, your family and the family
of the victim (s). Think emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Paragraph 4: Argument. Why is their crime justifiable? Is it? Would you have done the
same or different?
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Write at least 3 pages
Adhere to the format guidelines set forth in your syllabus
Be creative! Be specific! more
For Written Exercise 2, read the Constitution, and then list two major areas that you feel impact and/or restrict the forensic investigator in his/her task of conducting a forensic investigation at a major crime scene. What constitutional guidelines must the investigator be cognizant of while on the scene, interviewing witnesses, interviewing suspects, and processing the crime scene?
Written Exercise Format Guidelines
The format of Written Exercise 2 should be divided into four parts and include the following headers listed below.
1. Issue
2. Rule
3. Analysis
4. Conclusion
The paper must be in APA format and include a cover page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and references. Your paper should go beyond the obvious, be written at a graduate level. You must use at least three resources to support your position. Remember, all resources including, but not limited to, journals, magazines, and/or books must be properly cited using APA style.
The paper should explore the use of full flight simulation during aviation crash investigations. Specifically the benefits of recreating the conditions just prior and during the time of the accident. Additionally, the paper should cover the various systems that record what is happening with the airplane throughout flight and up to the point of the accident. The use of pictures is ok, but limit up to 3- 4 small pictures (include additional reference for each picture).
Complete a research paper on one (or more) of the NIOSH Fire Fighter Investigation and Prevention Program reports. Address how it impacted the way the fire service does business. As a guide, consider the following questions: What was the effect of this death on the fire service as a whole? Was the effect permanent? Did it produce legislation? Where are legislation and legal cases going in this area? Was Incident Command System functioning?
Style: the style must be in a format of a position paper for your fire department with the idea that this is to be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to clarify or correct a problem being addressed. As this is being written for politicians insure that clearly present any options and why you chose the option you did and the legal and regulatory backup for your decision.
Format/Citation/Reference: APA
10-15 pages, six sources no encyclopedias
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Paper should include: 1) brief history on criminal investigations, 2) role of eyewitnesses in a criminal investigation, 3) description of the various types of eyewitnesses (primary and secondary eyewitnesses), 4) police interviewing and interrogation techniques, 5) cognitive interview and eyewitness credibility
Investigation #1: Academic Library Challenges 1986-1996. The purpose of this Investigation is for you to identify a significant professional issue or issues and its/their influence/impact on academic libraries; to become…
Read Full Paper ❯Investigation of Social Issue: Aging - Describe the social issue in which you are interested. Be specific. - Describe how issue fits into the field of sociology. - Which sociological theories…
Read Full Paper ❯Investigation of major I am interested in, which is business management. Use of library and web references and possibly field research. I am going to fax the…
Read Full Paper ❯Respond to each of the following questions with detailed responses: 1. What are the methods of inquiry and how are they used in a criminal investigation? 2. What is the optimal…
Read Full Paper ❯Please include topics including, Control of the crime scene, safety, approaching the crime scene, broadcasting alarms, media relations, Crime scene investigation, such as search procedures, collecting & marking…
Read Full Paper ❯Case Study Analysis Paper Background A significant criminal event may occur at any place and at any time. The size of the jurisdiction does not dictate the scope and scale of…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper will be centered on the following scenario: Mary Ellis, a widow who resides with her adult son William, awakens on a Saturday morning and goes to her walk-in…
Read Full Paper ❯Research authoritative articles for a recent case of antitrust investigation. You are free to choose a case from any industry and any part of the world. Based on the…
Read Full Paper ❯Try to gather as muchresearch as possible for any two accidents and then compare and contrast the investigation, looking for such things as crash dynamics, accessibility, needed resources, thoroughness…
Read Full Paper ❯Throughout history certain deaths have been reviewed and official reports (critiques of the investigation) written. Investigations into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the explosion aboard the USS…
Read Full Paper ❯Consider the following business case Finder, J., Brandon, H., Kubasik, C., Comey, J., Klein, E. & Teuber, W.J. (2007) ?The CEO's private investigation?, Harvard Business Review, 85 (10), pp.47-60,…
Read Full Paper ❯Case Study Scenario: Several systems in your company have been compromised. Your Intrusion Detection System has identified that these systems are now exporting data out to a known hostile…
Read Full Paper ❯Illustrate the ethical and legal preparations required for successful prosecution of a case. Choose at least 2 specific offenses (Homicide, Arson, Rape, Burglary, etc.) Consult at least 2 research…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic: Discuss the evolution of Criminal Investigation Research. Term Paper Instructions: The Term Paper will be written in APA (6th edition)Format. This format will consist of the following: 1. Cover Page 2. Abstract…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper should describe Aircraft Accident Investigation standards of the United States. Discuss technological advancements in accident investigation. Site an example of an aircraft accident from the previous two…
Read Full Paper ❯1. (a) Explain what is meant by the term Criminal Investigation. (b) Describe and give examples of the three primary sources of information in a criminal investigation 2. List and explain four (4)…
Read Full Paper ❯Medicolegal death investigative systems play a very important part in police investigation and the criminal justice system. How deaths are handled can make or break a case, put the…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper shall include the Internal Affairs Procedures for handling an investigation, how findings are determined, the disciplinary process and the decertification process. Topics may include Ethics and Leadership…
Read Full Paper ❯City Council The fire chief has asked me to develop a presentation for the county council for the development of a fire investigation unit within the fire prevention bureau.…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a Reasearch Paper on Burglary Investigations: 1) It must have "Theory" not just facts. 2) 5 pages, Double Spaced with Appropriate Bibliography and Footnotes. 3) You should also have How…
Read Full Paper ❯This does not a general topic or category. I just up there so i could send to you. All I have do here is to describe an investigation that…
Read Full Paper ❯For Written Exercise 2, read the Constitution, and then list two major areas that you feel impact and/or restrict the forensic investigator in his/her task of conducting a forensic…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper should explore the use of full flight simulation during aviation crash investigations. Specifically the benefits of recreating the conditions just prior and during the time of the…
Read Full Paper ❯Overview: Complete a research paper on one (or more) of the NIOSH Fire Fighter Investigation and Prevention Program reports. Address how it impacted the way the fire service does business.…
Read Full Paper ❯Paper should include: 1) brief history on criminal investigations, 2) role of eyewitnesses in a criminal investigation, 3) description of the various types of eyewitnesses (primary and secondary eyewitnesses),…
Read Full Paper ❯