Internet Technology Essays Prompts

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1. The purpose of this study is to test the theory that there is a relationship between the level of critical controls guidelines an Information technology managers have implemented on the network and the number of attempted cyber attacks done at an application layer or network layer of federal government agencies in Columbia, SC. A descriptive quantitative study will be conducted to determine which type of security layer is the best for organizations to use, applications layer security or database layer security or the use of both, in order to protect against any cyber attacks and maintain data integrity within their network.

2.Conduct a review of the literature associated with the context of your study (e.g., environment, setting, location, organization, company). The paper includes, but is not limited to, the identification, application, and relationship of the contextual factors associated with your problem statement.

The paper being written will be an Action Research paper. Which means the paper is based on things I am testing and collectiong data about technology being used in my classroom. Some forms of techno...logy that may possibly be included are the use of a SMARTBoard, computers (,,, Powerpoint based lessons, and devices such as a listening center, DVD player, etc..

Listed below are the requirements for the paper as supplied by my university. All examples given in the text below are from the university and are not pertinent to my paper

The first chapter provides the overview of the project. You may use personal pronouns in your writing, since you are describing your own classroom and teaching practice. . The important of the problem or issue would be noted and a rationale for why you have chosen to undertake the study. Remember, this is an introduction it sets the stage for the next sections, so you would also briefly outline the following sections of this chapter.

Background and statement of the problem:
This purpose of this section is to provide a discussion of how the problem has been dealt with in the past. This section presents the big picture and provides the context of previous studies and relates to the present research.You may want to include in this section:
The issues and problem(s) from a school and/or district perspective (i.e., statistics, literature and research).
Describe the issues and problem(s) from your classroom (or program) perspective (i.e., statistics, literature and research)
If appropriate, provide literature describing the lack of relevant research
Provides historical perspective leading to the present concerning the problem

Purpose and research questions:
Based on the rational and perspectives you described above, outline the purpose of your study, using the research you cited above to support your statement. You will state specifically the purpose of your study, or what you will discover, describe, examine, investigate, etc. State your research question in terms of a what, how or why format.

Context of the action research study/project:
Typically an action research project has significance for your own teaching practice or immediate educational environment. Describe the context in which you will implement the study. Include information about the following:
District and school
specific needs of students (disabilities, second language learners, gifted, etc.)
content area, subjects or behavioral focus
other significant information
Audience (if a guidebook, curriculum, staff development, policy paper)

Definition of terms:
Define major variables, concepts or terms that are specific to this study or are new or novel to the reader. Define important terms that may have multiple definitions and need to be clarified. If needed, please provide citations. Introduce the words that will be defined, i.e. For purposes of this study, the following words are defined:

IEPs. (Use level 4 heading for each term defined).
Write the definition in complete sentences.

Provide a brief summary of this chapter and be sure in the summary to link to the literature review in Chapter 2.

Review of the Literature:
Review relevant literature as appropriate for the project. This should provide an interpretative summary of the topic. The purpose of the literature review is to provide a summary of current research developments on your topic. Research that is evidenced based and peer reviewed should be examined for this review. A good review critiques the research studies and show how the findings relate to the problem under study. This chapter provides the link between existing knowledge and the problem being studied. Use your purpose to focus your reading and literature search.

The introduction is untitled. Provide a reorientation to the purpose of the study and refer to the topics to be covered in the chapter. The order of topics is from the global view to the specific. Generally one paragraph is sufficient. In the introduction, briefly re-state the rationale for your study.

Based on the literature you have gathered, identify the three or so big ideas or concepts/ideas related to your topic that you will review. Describe the relationships between these ideas. Each of the big ideas you have identified in the literature will become a heading or section of the review. These section are centered with capital letters. For example:
Behavior Modification

Describe each main idea and explain the importance of this idea or concept. Introduce the sub ideas that relate to the main idea. For example, your first big idea may be behavior modification as an overall approach to working with students with disabilities. Sub topics might include instructional approaches, behavior change strategies, and cognitive behavior therapy. Or you may want to start with a historical overview of services for students with specific learning disabilities or autism. Your sub ideas would be related kinds of interventions used with these students during different time periods.

You would summarize the research related to the main idea then describe important studies related to that idea.

Sub Idea for First Big Idea:
Following the description and discussion of the research for the first big idea,
transition to the sub ideas and follow the same pattern. First describe the sub idea, how it relates to the big idea and its relationship to the other sub ideas. Discuss the research and related literature. End with a summary of this section, and provide a transition to the next sub idea.

Continue the process describe above until you have discussed the big ideas and related sub ideas that you discovered in your literature search. Be sure to provide brief summaries of what was discussed in each section.

Conceptual Holes, Problems and Needs:
In this section, describe any conceptual holes you may have found in the literature, if any. You may not have found specific research related to your topic. For example, you may have found research about teaching math to middle school students, but no specific studies related to your classroom population. In this section you may note problems with the research you found (a number of poorly completed studies), or you may note the need for studies in the area you of your own research.

Implications for Practice:
In this section of the review you will discuss the implications for educational practice raised by the literature you have reviewed. Given what the research says, what does this mean for your program, for other teachers, or the school, etc. Specifically, you need to focus this section on ---what aspects of the literature review have influenced you to pursue the project proposed in Chapter 3? Use the literature reviewed in Chapter 2 as a rationale for your project in Chapter 3.

Implications for Inquiry:
What implications for future research can you draw from the literature you have reviewed? In other words, based on the research reviewed, what additional kinds of studies should be completed? This is where your own research fits in to the discussion. Educators often choose to complete an action research study on a classroom practice they are using, because there is very little information available about that practice. You can also discuss the kinds of research that would add to the growing body of literature on a topic

Rationale for Action Research Question and Study Design:
This section is where you connect your research question(s) and study design (action research) to the literature reviewed. Briefly describe why your question fits into the literature, what your study may add to the knowledge base and how your design will help you answer your question.

Research Design:
This section of the proposal begins with an introduction that is not subtitled. This gives the reader direction for the content covered in this chapter. Genrally one paragraph is sufficient. This chapter is written in future tense for the proposal and past tense for the final project and is a step-by-step guide for the research. The design for the research is directly connected to the purpose and research questions asked in Chapter 1.

You might start the chapter The purpose of Chapter 3 is to describe the action research design and procedures that will be used to answer the research question(s) presented in Chapter I: (repeat the question exactly as stated in Chapter 1).

Action Research Plan:
?Summarize the key findings from the Review of Literature (Chapter 2) that provide support and a rationale for your inquiry and action research question.
?Describe the action strategy or intervention to be implemented and studied. Connect this to the research as well
?Describe the rationale for the intervention/action strategy. Why did you select this particular intervention?
Remember to protect the privacy of your participants (students, parents or teachers), by either assigning them pseudonym, letter or number.

Data Gathering Methods and Procedures:
Describe the methods used to gather information about the effects of your intervention. You will need to use multiple methods in order to provide triangulation for your data. The multiple data sources will add validity to your findings. Talk about the different measures and sources of information. Chapter 3 and 4 of the Mills text contains many examples of ways to gather data. Some examples include: interview or survey;
teachers journal or anecdotal notes/field notes; systematic observations of student behavior; document analysis; assessments or performance measure.

Describe in detail how you will implement each of the data collection methods, including a timeline and process for ensuring consistency and reliability in your data collection procedures. Include an alignment chart to illustrate the design integrity of your study. The alignment chart or matrix can be included in the body of your paper or as an appendix. It is often helpful to create this chart and then use it to describe in detail your procedures. The IRB committee wants to see what kind of data you plan to collect and how you plan to gather those data.

Ethical Considerations:
Discuss ethical considerations and the review process that should be followed. Discuss risk/benefit ratio and identify steps to minimize any risks. Include a letter to your school administrator describing your study and requesting permission to complete the study. Place cover letter and/or consent forms in appendix.

Data Analysis:
Describe the plan for data analysis. How will demographic data be analyzed? How will you analyze the data you have gathered in terms of procedures (percentages, identifying themes and patterns, tabulating totals, etc). How will the data be used to answer the study question(s)? Outline how you plan to compile the information in order to discuss the results (which you will do in Chapter 4).

Provide a brief (one paragraph) summary of this chapter. Use the section headings to briefly review what you will be doing in your study.

Data Analysis and Discussion:
An introductory paragraph starts this chapter. Briefly restate the purpose of your action research project. Briefly describe how you gathered your date. This chapter is written in past tense, since you have already collected your data.

This is a presentation of the results of the data you have gathered. You may organize this by the kinds of data collected and how each is related to the research question. Data presentation should be factual and tables or charts are utilized to illustrate information when appropriate. Tables, charts and graphs should be placed as close to the narrative as possible rather than at the end. (Refer to APA Manual and Appendix C in the Mills text for examples of how to display your data).
Sub sections

Use sub headings in the Findings sections to organize your results. Organize findings in relation to each research question, or parts of the question. Discuss the analysis process you used for each of the data collection methods and describe the results for each method.

This section includes a discussion of the major findings. The discussion often relates what you have found to what others have found in similar research. Organize this discussion to follow the findings describe in the about section.

Limitations are the weaknesses that impact the results of the study. Describe the limitations that exist due to factors that you could not control that impacted the study. These are compromises to the goodness of the data collected. Some examples might be the small sample size, or other factors that affected your study and the results (poor attendance, interruptions in the action research plan, etc.).

Summary and Conclusion:
Start with an introductory paragraph, again briefly stating the purpose of your study and how it was conducted. This chapter has three main sections, conclusions, implications for teaching and implications for future research and is written in past tense, since your research has been completed.

What are the conclusions of your study? How were the research questions answered? What was learned about the intervention or about the participants? Discuss the general, overall conclusions and summarize the related evidence

Implications for Teaching Practice:
In this section discuss the implications of your study as they relate to your own teaching practice. Use the conclusions from above to personalize the results and talk about how the study has impacted you as a teacher. What will you change or do differently? What did you learn about self as a teacher, student learning, teaching practices and/or other related professional issues? Finally, describe how your findings may have implications for others in the field?

Implications for Further Research:
Identify the implications for further research. . Outline how you might want to either continue the study along with considerations for the next inquiry question, data gathering methods and data sources. Based upon what you found in your study (conclusions) what needs to be studied in the future? Research is a cycle, so what are the next logical questions to come out of this research for you, and for others to pursue?


Topic: Internet and its implications on a society. Write a balanced essay about, looking at the concept from different perspectives

Cover Page
Abstract (100 words)

All references should be current (within past five years) and from credible publications.
The paper should show that you understand the theories (your examples in the paper) and you have appropriately applied the theories to make your point.

Written?Developed the content by using relevant information in a focused manner without being long winded [2], showing understanding of the topic [2], in an organized manner [1].Shows understanding of criminal behavior (5), applied theories appropriately(3), and followed the guideline to develop the paper(2).
Demonstrated attention to details including appropriate style [2], acceptable format [2] and meaningful examples [1]. APA style was used (3), followed the prescribed format (5), used five required picture (2).
Demonstrated use of research based sources/evidence that are relevant [2], credible [2], and sufficient [1] to build an argument in the writing.
NA 10
Critical Thinking
Clearly identified [2] and fully discussed [2] the critical thinking issues. Did not identify irrelevant issues [1].
Adequate body of evidence [2] has been used to raise reasonable questions [1] and support the (learner\'s) opinion [2]. Student used resources from the research to support his/her opinion.
KCA (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application)
Demonstrated comprehension through interpretation, examples, metaphors, contextualization, and characterization. Student showed an understanding of the theories by using appropriate examples and metaphors.
Applied acquired knowledge and process to a prescribed situation (modeling). Clearly applied the theories on criminal behavior.
Lifelong Learning;
Demonstrated initiative by completing the required work to learn [2], by finding new information to strengthen understanding [2], and by inquiring [1].
The student research went beyond the textbook (5), five current and credible references were used (5).
Created technology facilitated presentation (poster/model/drawing/chart etc) by showing mastery of the technology tool [2], by enhancing the quality of
the presentation due to use of technology [2], and by focusing on the content rather than technology [1].Demonstrated use of technology (Word processing software) to prepare the paper with acceptable format (5), appearance (3), and graphics (five pictures)(2).
ASE (Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation)
Judged a situation, gave an opinion, or took a stand [2]. Justified the evaluative action by sound and rational explanations [3].
Clearly established an opinion (5) and provided sufficient arguments for the opinion (5).

Create a presentation in the format of your choice (paper of 10-12 pages, Powerpoint presentation, website etc.) that could be used to orient high-level decision-makers on the impact of a specific technology on an organization with which you are familiar. In your documents, consider 1) type of organization, 2) impact of technology of that type of organization, 3) history and/or evolution of the technology on the type of organization, 4) social and ethical ramifications of technology that the organization may be propagating and 5) your recommendations on controlling or encouraging technological change as it applies to the organization.

Internet Advertising

Class: IDS 290 Business Communication.
Report Type: Long Report
Title of Report: Analysis of Internet Advertising as a career choice for Pre-Business students --As the number of internet users... increase daily, internet advertising grows in importance as one of the elements of the communications mix.
Report: (5-7 pages; introduction, body, and conclusion)

excerpt from assignment: (a topic related to business, specifically to your job or career choice. Would you please pursue the research letting me know your career choice is a wise investment for pre-business students? In particular, you should include market trends, salary, employment ratios, and other specific data. The research gathering can become overwhelming so select three subtopics for the assignment.

Secondary Sources: Total 10 (You are responsible for knowing how to correctly paraphrase, use direct quotes, and summarize using the format you select.
2 scholarly
3 trade
2 popular
1 book
1 reference
1 internet

I can take care of the prefatory parts...all i need is the main body with supporting research and sources. Basically why internet advertising would be a good career choice for business students...along with market trends,salary..etc include what internet advertising involves..types, future outlook, potential growth. Maybe only need to select a couple types of ad formats (search engine, rich media, affiliate programs). ANything that would help in persuading someone to pursue a career in internet advertising.


In all questions, follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Graduate student should have a copy. Otherwise, check out In Web Tycho, do t...he APA tutorial.

References and Bibliography
Cite references in your text by using the author-date method. Examples

Walker (2000) compared reaction times.

In a recent study of reaction time (Walker, 2000).

You will no doubt be using internet references. In the website mentioned above, click on electronic references for the correct manner of stating internet sources in your bibliography. In the manual, refer to page 270.

All work must be typed.
Use 1" margins on all sides of the paper (8.5 x 11 or A4)
Use Times New Roman, 12 points.
Use double spacing.
Use appropriate headings and subheadings. (pages 10-11) The first word of each new paragraph should be indented from the margin.
Number each page in the bottom right corner. The cover page should not be numbered.
Use a cover page (title page) for the paper. See page 10. In the center of the page, in this order, double spaced, put:

Your Name

Course Number and Name

Title of the the paper

English Style and Grammar

All of the errors listed below have occurred and continue to occur.

In the discussion on p.37-39, notice that the Manual does not even consider the use of the word you, because such an error does not even occur to the author. Do not use the pronoun you in your paper! This is a serious breach of style. Example:

Having your identity attached to your every thought and opinion .. will surely deter open ended and honest discussions about governmental policies.

Do not use the pronoun we in your paper. You are not royalty, nor may you assume that I am helping you or agree with you! Perhaps the following joke will help the point stick in your mind.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are surrounded by hostile Indians.
The Lone Ranger turns to Tonto and says, What do we do now, Tonto?
Tonto replies, What do you mean by we, paleface?

The section on grammar (p. 40-61) is well worth reading. Unfortunately, once again the Manual does not even consider errors which are commonplace in student papers. I refer, for example, to sentence fragments, which lack either a subject, or a verb, or sometimes both:

Not to mention that criminals records are also made public.

Which applies to the authors of original works of authorship which includes literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and intellectual works.

Other common student errors are:

Its vs. its
There vs. their vs. theyre
Youre vs. your
Whether vs. weather

Agreement: Every PC user should install encryption on their PC. (Should be his PC or his or her PC

Use of commas:

The boy, and the girl went to the store. (no comma after boy)
The boy went to the store, the girl went home. (Wrong)
The boy went to the store; the girl went home. (right)
The boy went to the store and the girl went home. (right)
The boy went to the store, while the girl went home. (right)

The following is both a rhetorical question (bad style) and a run-on sentence:

My question to you is the FBI considered a friend or an enemy?

In this regard, refer to this Wikipedia article and also the articles on simple and compound sentences. Many students have considerable difficulties with regard to sentence structure. There is no obligation to use compound and complex sentences if one has difficulty in using them correctly.

Finally, the following sentence is taken from a published book! This is clumsy, confusing, and illogical.

Every company wont have to have an IDS.

Write in a neutral, unemotional, and professional manner. Avoid appeals to patriotism, motherhood, or whatever you think everyone agrees with. Avoid rhetorical questions.

For an example of a good, impersonal, professional style, consult the following document:

Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

David A. Christie

Computer Security, Software Assurance, Hardware Assurance, and Security Management

Title of the MIDTERM paper

INFA 610 First Paper DAVID CHRISTIE 24JAN2011 to 01MAY2011
First Individual Paper: 20%

You will be graded on two short papers of 5-6 pages in good APA style.

The first paper is to be on a technology issue in information assurance.
All work must be typed.
Use 1" margins on all sides of the paper (8.5 x 11 or A4)
Use Times New Roman, 12 points.
Use double spacing.
Use appropriate headings and subheadings. (pages 10-11) The first word of each new paragraph should be indented from the margin.
Number each page in the bottom right corner. The cover page should not be numbered.
Use a cover page (title page) for the paper. See page 10. In the center of the page, in this order, double spaced, put:

Your Name

Course Number and Name

Title of the paper
Information Assurance ??" Info is there in its integral form when needed.
Technology issue ??" talk about the Iranian worm powerplant issue. How it originated, grew, and concluded.
They used different computer systems to it can be put into your computer and do nothing. Put in iran power plant it will crash it.;jsessionid=4P2bxFIlGfDgCdfzlU7XLQ**.ecappj01
Read that magazine: The Economist, titled, Cyberwar Threat from the internet and see where you can use or get some key information.
What will cyberwar look like? In a new book Richard Clarke, a former White House staffer in charge of counter-terrorism and cyber-security, envisages a catastrophic breakdown within 15 minutes. Computer bugs bring down military e-mail systems; oil refineries and pipelines explode; air-traffic-control systems collapse; freight and metro trains derail; financial data are scrambled; the electrical grid goes down in the eastern United States; orbiting satellites spin out of control. Society soon breaks down as food becomes scarce and money runs out. Worst of all, the identity of the attacker may remain a mystery.
(Murphy, 2010)

Murphy, M. (2010, July 01). War in the fifth domain. Then Economist, 396(8689), 3.,16641,19950821,00.html,28804,2037744_2037563_2037736,00.html
Google Search:

Good summary:
Google Search:
Look in and research via your membership with ACM & Microsoft TechNet and see if you can come up with anything.
Site the Bruce Willis Movie, Live Good, Die Hard

INFA 610 First Paper DAVID CHRISTIE 24JAN2011 to 01MAY2011
First Individual Paper: 20%

You will be graded on two short papers of 5-6 pages in good APA style.
The first is to be on a technology issue in information assurance.
Read that magazine: The Economist, titled, Cyberwar Threat from the internet and see where you can use or get some key information.
What will cyberwar look like? In a new book Richard Clarke, a former White House staffer in charge of counter-terrorism and cyber-security, envisages a catastrophic breakdown within 15 minutes. Computer bugs bring down military e-mail systems; oil refineries and pipelines explode; air-traffic-control systems collapse; freight and metro trains derail; financial data are scrambled; the electrical grid goes down in the eastern United States; orbiting satellites spin out of control. Society soon breaks down as food becomes scarce and money runs out. Worst of all, the identity of the attacker may remain a mystery.
(Murphy, 2010)

Murphy, M. (2010, July 01). War in the fifth domain. Then Economist, 396(8689), 3.
Google Search:

Good summary:
Google Search:
Look in and research via your membership with ACM & Microsoft TechNet and see if you can come up with anything.
Site the Bruce Willis Movie, Live Good, Die Hard
3 step systematic attack on the entire national infrastructure
1. Take out all of the transportation
2. Financial base & telecoms
3. Get rid of all utilities; gas / water / electric / nuclear / pretty much anything that is run by computers (which today is almost everything).
4. Thats why they call it a File Sale because everything must go
If you take out any one (x1) thing the system can recover, however, if you take it all down the system crashes.
You write one little piece of code and the world falls apart.
Virtual terrorism
Eastern Power Grid
Middleton, WV

This research is for a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies Degree. This research is only a small potion of my whole paper. It should be about 10 pages in APA format. The exact question of my r...esearch paper is "Will the integration of technology in a second grade class improve student achievement in math? I teach in an urban school district where the students are of low income and many of the students don't have access to computers at home. This paper needs to include the definition of technology, powerpoint, smartboards, and laptop computers, the history of when technology started in education, the national picture which includes the budgets for technology and high stakes testing here in MA which is the MCAS test, conflicting views of using technology, the challenges and best practices which is a discussion of what has worked and not worked with technology in other school districts and finally a summary of the whole chapter. I will be faxing articles that I have found on this topic and other necessary information for the paper. The professor told us to use articles, the internet, and books. I also fax what the professor expects the chapter to look like in an outline form. I would like to use a money order.
There are faxes for this order.

Hi there

My essay topic is ?Explain how the Internet has changed the practice of public relationships?? From this topic I need you write by exampling ? Red Bull Web Site? to explain question in strong argument. And please try to write more clearly and also make it easy to understand. While you use literatures, please giving example to support and answer question and doing well-integrated examples, provide a good integration with the literature / argument. I will appreciate

In essay, be sure to:

1. Have an introduction
2. Structure an argument
3. Use literature to make a contribution toward your argument
4. Utilise examples to support your argument
5. Conclude with an opinion

Ps. If you have any question please contact me ASAP!!
Thank you

This is a dissertation rewriting. I have attached the draft my supervisor has commented on. Please take into account all notes and suggestions made by him.

The draft is mostly descriptive and needs to be much more analytical and critical. As the supervisor states there is an absence of an aim and objective as this is a dissertation.

Furthermore in this draft I have attached (internet gambling) the final chapter is missing which is the self-reflective part (500-750words)

It is very important that the writer devotes time on CAREFULLY READING the Module Handbook and the notes of the supervisor!


p.s I don't really mind to alter the number of references I have requested. I would like to leave that on the writer to make this paper critical and offer an aim and objective.

Thank you

There are faxes for this order.

differences between the technology in use in 1910 and the technology in use today. The student should critically evaluate the pace of change over the last 100 years and predict as to where technology will be in 10 years. The student will make predictions of how the changing technology will modify how management of technology will change. For example, the advent of the PC and its numerous applications moved much of the management of data from the Glass Room to desktops in functional departments. Wide-spread use of the web has made other changes in how technology and information is managed. What changes will future technology require. The student will review and identify the job skills in management and technology needed for continually development of professional identity in relationship to how work, play, and life will be lived in 10 years.

Develop a Project Charter based on the attached case study called ' Technology Project ' . This case study is about YourGard technology company. Please use the template that was attached and the Project Charter document should follow these template.

This document should be written assuming that you are the assigned project manager for this technology project. This document should be professional and of high quality covering all the aspects specified in the template.

If you need any sample project charter document I am happy to provide additional documents for you.

Using the Internet Safely

The paper must include a Thesis and a simple outline of the paper. The instructor wants us to paraphrase and summarize sources. The instructor wants the majority of sources to be internet sources. The paper must be in MLA format, microsoft word (.doc). I would like to focus the paper on using the internet safely, avoiding spam and virus, safe credit card useage, and protecting children. Thanks!!!!!

Technology in the Year 2003

Topic (Pick one):
1.Discuss the current laws and acts that pertain to computer security?


2.Discuss if technology empowers or disenfranchises certain ethnic, social, or socio-economic groups. Discuss if technological literacy is as important as other basic skills such as reading, writing and math. Discuss what society can do to ensure equal access to technology.


3.Discuss WiFi wireless LAN technology.

Requirements Summary / Checklist:

o 5 references relevant to research on the chosen topic (minimum)
- At least 3 different source types required ? web sites, papers, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.

o All references in either MLA or APA standard style

There is fairly commonly haeld assumption that technology should be infused into education, both in terms of how schools are managed and in how classrooms are orginized and how learning occurs. What is yoour stand on this issue? Support your point of view. Be sure t address how technologh is used t either enhance or inhibit communiation content, processes, and relationships in the school. Paper should be atleast 500-750 words long. Need quotations and parenthetical(about 3). Also need some quote from Scrolling Forward by David M. Levy

Research paper -Internet Profiling and Privacy must include an abstract and outline. All references used must be Scholary Peer. The paper should address Internet Law, Online Commerce, Ethcis in Business, pertaining to internet profiling and privacy. References must be APA style.

Dear sir/madam,

I need a research Paper


"Technology does not replace pedagogy
Technology enhances pedagogy."
I would need at least 4 quotes
some citation
and footnotes

Write a proposal for a research project that will constitute a major assignment in this course. Using abstract services and other bibliographic tools, create a bibliography of articles and books on th...e subject. Create a reasonable real-world context.

Following is the idea topic that I want to do on:
(The Need To Provide Internet Access To Students) something related to this will be fine.

In developing the research scenario for this assignment, you must adhere to this basic criterion:
Follow "writer?s checklist" (1 through 6):

1. Does the summary provide an overview of:
?the problem or the opportunity?
?the proposed program?
?your qualifications and experience?

2. Does the introduction indicate:
?the problem or opportunity?
?the purpose of the proposal?
?the background of the problem or opportunity?
?your knowledge of the professional literature?
?the scope of the proposal?
?the organization of the proposal?
?the key terms that will be used in the proposal?

3. Does the description of the proposed program provide a clear and specific plan of action?

4. Does the description of qualifications and experience clearly outline:
?your relevant skills and past work?
?your department?s (or organization?s) relevant equipment, facilities, and experience?

5. Is the budget:
?accompanied by a textual reference?

6. Do the appendices include the relevant supporting materials, such as task schedule, a description of evaluation techniques, and evidence of other successful projects?

Please follow the structure of a research proposal:
?Proposed Program
?Qualifications and Experience

Keep in mind these notes of advice:
?Make sure that you are proposing the study of a problem, not the solution.
?Be sure that your budget represents the cost of the research, not of the implementation of the solution.
?Do not write the proposal in such a way that you sound as if you have preconceived ideas or that you already have a solution in mind. The reader may then think that you will not be open to conducting objective, complete research.

Evaluation criteria:
* Overall persuasiveness of the proposal
* Professionalism of the document
* Appearance and layout
* Use of visual aids
* Inclusion of all necessary elements
* Clarity and correctness of writing


We will pay $100.00 for this order!!

I would like to have a research paper written in APA. It will be on "How Technology has had a negetive effect on Literacy and Literature". I would like to go in the direction of how Technology has affected the way that our children are learning relating to Literature. Please only use websites that end .gov, .org, or .edu. Please do not use wikipedia. I also need a thesis statement in the paper. I will give the paper a title but any suggestions will be appreciated. Double spaced please follow APA rules.

Internet Was the Result of

request for awest!

This is for a doctoral level class. I have already written my paper, but my professor has written back with criteria that she wants to have added/changed in my Lit Review. ... Please only give this order to someone who has the experience with writing Lit Reviews! I have attached the professor's comments that need to be addressed. When the paper is graded, she will look for these exact items to be included in the paper that I already submitted once to her. The paper needs to be in APA format and follow the guidelines throughout the paper. Please add in an additional 3 - 5 resources to the list that I already have in my paper. Please cite as necessary for APA acceptance.

Please double check at the end of the paper that all components have been addressed in paper.

Hello Sharon,
this is the feedback,

Introduction: you need to state the purpose of the literature review, and why it is

The literature review should be your results and analysis section
You are missing the methodological components; it should provide the following

1.Characteristics of the information, was the information published in journals? Time
span? Articles published in the last 20 years? Books published in the last? Or from to..?
2.Describe the sources of information (journals books, etc)
3.Limitation of the approach
4.How was the data collected?
5.Databases used
6.Process for selecting the sources
7.Descriptors used
8.How the data was evaluated, criteria?
Results: this closely related to your purpose, what is the value of applets? The actual
literature review is your purpose.
It would be good if you read some of the articles posted in the course page.
This should be the components of the paper:
Data collection
Data evaluation
Results and analysis

These are the actual directions that were given for the paper....I was using a paper from another doctoral class that I had instead of coming up with a brand new 15 page Lit Review.....
Literature Review (30 points)

A review of the literature relating to an aspect of instructional technology. Papers should be approximately 15 pages in length (double-spaced, APA style).

Literature review paper guidelines


This paper provides you the opportunity to explore the research in an aspect of instructional technology. In completing the paper, you will demonstrate ability to apply and synthesize knowledge as it relates to instructional technology. You will also demonstrate your ability to support ideas with information from current writings and research, to use language effectively, and to write in an orderly fashion so that a quality work is produced.


The paper will be approximately 15 pages in length. Use Times or Helvetica (or similar) fonts and either 10 or 12 point size. Include a cover sheet with a title for your paper, your name, date, and the course name and number. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.) as your style guide for writing the paper. Use a neutral, third person voice throughout the paper (except in the methodology section, where you may use the first person).

Organization of the Review

The review of literature will include the following major components:

Introduction Describe the area in which the review of literature is being addressed. Include an analysis of why the information being included is appropriate for the discussion in this area. The introduction should also present the importance of the scope of the review of literature and how the review might be applied to instructional technology applications.

Methodology Explain the method of identifying and locating sources of information and the rationale for selecting the sources to include. Also identify the procedures used in analyzing the sources and the criteria used for evaluating the information found. A minimum of 12 references must be used, and no more than 25% of the references may be from the Internet (that is, .org, .com or .edu sites. Online journals or items obtained online through the library are not considered to be from the Internet.).

Analysis and Discussion Present evidence and ideas summarized from the sources analyzed. This review is driven by the area of discussion and by sub-topics related to that area. Therefore, individual sources are to be reviewed, not as isolated entities, but with attention to the contribution they make to the topic of discussion. Information based on personal experience, observations, or interviews may be included as a means of clarifying or exemplifying research conclusions, or as a source of new information. The source and limitations of such supplementary information should be clearly stated. An evaluation of the quality or adequacy of the related sources may also be included. This evaluation may relate to individual works, or to characteristics of several investigations available on the topic. This review, then, is the result of a search for the most useful information related to your project.

Summary In no more than a few paragraphs, summarize the contents of the paper.

Reference List List the references you cited in the text.

Objectives 5, 11

Grading criteria for literature review

A. Introduction (2 points)

Focus and scope are clearly presented

B. Methodology (4 points)

Selection and rationale for sources, as well as the value of sources and criteria for selection are clearly presented

C. Analysis (8 points)

Integrated discussion of literature into the theme(s) of the topic

D. Conclusion (2 points)

Cogent synthesis based on evidence in analysis section

E. References (4 points)

Followed APA guidelines

At least 12 references (only 25 percent from Internet)

Inclusion of scholarly references

F. Quality/Scholarship (5 points)



Clarity/articulation of thought

G. Peer Review (5 points)

Review will address the above criteria and will be submitted to the instructor two weeks before the literature review.

I am emailing my paper that I have written to

Thank you in advance for your help.

There are faxes for this order.

The assignment question:
Cyberware are a US based Internet service provider looking to develop new markets. They have commissioned you to design a questionnaire to investigate the potential of launching Internet services in your local area.

Describe and discuss the approach you would take.

You should locate this research in your local geographic area and your answer should consider sampling, the structure and design of the questionnaire and the nature of the questions to be asked. You should present well-reasoned arguments explaining the reasons behind each of these.

Your answer should include a copy of the questionnaire that you have devised. This counts as a part of the word count.

**Please use a famous theories to help your argument, do not use personnel judgments without a theory support.

recomended resorce:
-Market-Driven Management by JEAN-JACQUES LAMBIN, Publisher:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN
pages: 137-167

For the following paper:
Long Beach Mortgage: Technology Project Plan (Broker Front Office Tool)-- I would like to check if the following freelance writer can develop this project plan.


Material is coming via fax.
There are faxes for this order.

This research paper should be 7 pages in length and must be in standard research paper format. All source material must be appropriately identified according to MLA standards and must be word processed with double-spaced lines.
It is not acceptable to do only online research. Academic libraries have extensive periodical holdings in social and engineering science, as well as in philosophy, business and technology -all of which are all potential sources of material on computer ethics. It is expected that there will be at least 7 sources cited in this research paper and that these will not only be properly acknowledged, but also reflect a mix of online and library resources.

The Essay topic should be:Technology For School Adminstrators

- The principal plans and implements the integration of technological and electronic tools in teaching, learning, manag...ement, and research and communication responsibilities.

Questions to consider in developing Essay:

1. What principles or approaches did you learn from that will assist you as you work on future issues with similar characteristics?

2. What new information did you acquire that changed your knowledge and understanding of the issue/topic under discussion?

3. Is it possible for you to construct an outline, model, or generalization about the processes involved in dealing with this topic?

4. What questions have been raised in working with this subject matter that suggest the need for further study? (If the knowledge can be acquired easily, you should do so; otherwise, note the need to pursue this information at a later time and suggest a possible study plan).

5. What did you learn about yourself and your ability as a leader as you examined this issue?

6. How might you utilize your acquired knowledge and any skills obtained as an educational leader?

7. What did you learn in previous experiences that proved helpful in examining this issue?

8. Identify and describe points of differing opinions you may have about the issue(s) that were discussed.

Use the two as two of four sources:

Florida Principal Leadership Standards: From FDOE website

Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC)

One page for title page 4 content 1 bibliography

In this essay, I want the writer is the same with writer in
Order ID: A2015323
Writer?s And also the same idea.

write a research paper with title "technology in education" from 6 sources:

2 sources from books:

"Technology in education: a collection of academic senate papers on technology" and "Technology in education: Challenge and change" by Fred John Pula and Robert J. Goff.

2 sources from 2 articles:

Economist Intelligence Unit. The Future of Higher Education: How Technology Will Shape Learning." The Economist. 2008. Retrieved online on GoogleDocs:
Venable, Melissa A. "Using technology to deliver career development services: supporting today's students in higher education." Career Development Quarterly. Sept 2010. Retrieved online:;col1

and 2 sources from any articles that you want on internet.

When you've had a chance to read these articles, anything from the Background that seems helpful to you or anything else you may have come across, please write a short (5-7 page) paper discussing the ...question:

How should we help our organizations to use Internet-based conferencing safely and effectively?

In preparing your paper, you might want to think about some questions such as:

What are the basic capabilities of computer conferencing?
What does it do best? What does it not so well?
What conclusions can we draw from the experiences of the companies mentioned here?
What do we know about organizations that would either encourage or discourage conferencing?
What else would you like to know about computer conferencing that's not covered here?

Please include works cited as footnotes and end notes

Below are some refrences

Matt McKenzie. Five Web Conferencing Packages: Not Just Conference Calls Anymore. Dec 1, 2005

Here are a couple of illustrative situations where web conferencing has been useful:

Kelly Jackson-Higgins. Video IP Project Boosts Network's Profile: A Look at Cisco Media Network. Apr 19, 2004

Kelly Jackson-Higgins. Concrete Company Trades Travel for Web Meetings: Bye, Bye Frequent Flier Miles, Aug 11, 2005

2 Pages

Technologies Designed to Secure Networks From Cyber-Attacks

Words: 607
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1. The purpose of this study is to test the theory that there is a relationship between the level of critical controls guidelines an Information technology managers…

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39 Pages
Research Paper

Technology in Learning of Elementary

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Length: 39 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper being written will be an Action Research paper. Which means the paper is based on things I am testing and collectiong data about technology being used…

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4 Pages

how the internet has changed society

Words: 1147
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic: Internet and its implications on a society. Write a balanced essay about, looking at the concept from different perspectives Cover Page Abstract (100 words) Body Conclusion References All references should be current (within past…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Technology Presentation Information Technology Cannot

Words: 3110
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Create a presentation in the format of your choice (paper of 10-12 pages, Powerpoint presentation, website etc.) that could be used to orient high-level decision-makers on the impact of…

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6 Pages

Internet Advertising

Words: 1968
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Class: IDS 290 Business Communication. Report Type: Long Report Title of Report: Analysis of Internet Advertising as a career choice for Pre-Business students --As the number of internet users increase daily,…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Technology Issue in Information Assurance

Words: 3012
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Style In all questions, follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Graduate student should have a copy. Otherwise, check out In Web Tycho, do the APA tutorial. References…

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10 Pages

Using Technology in a 2nd Grade Classroom to Improve Student Achievement in Math

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This research is for a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies Degree. This research is only a small potion of my whole paper. It should be about 10…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

How the Internet Has Changed the Practice of Public Relationships PR

Words: 2360
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hi there My essay topic is ?Explain how the Internet has changed the practice of public relationships?? From this topic I need you write by exampling ? Red…

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26 Pages

Internet Gambling Consumers Industry and Regulation

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This is a dissertation rewriting. I have attached the draft my supervisor has commented on. Please take into account all notes and suggestions made by him. The draft is…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Differences Between the Technology in Use in 1910 and the Technology in Use Today

Words: 2234
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

differences between the technology in use in 1910 and the technology in use today. The student should critically evaluate the pace of change over the last 100 years and…

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5 Pages

Technology Product Project Charter: Technology Project for

Words: 1280
Length: 5 Pages
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Develop a Project Charter based on the attached case study called ' Technology Project ' . This case study is about YourGard technology company. Please use the template that…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Using the Internet Safely

Words: 2208
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper must include a Thesis and a simple outline of the paper. The instructor wants us to paraphrase and summarize sources. The instructor wants the majority of sources…

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4 Pages

Technology in the Year 2003

Words: 1090
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic (Pick one): 1.Discuss the current laws and acts that pertain to computer security? or 2.Discuss if technology empowers or disenfranchises certain ethnic, social, or socio-economic groups. Discuss if technological literacy is…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Technology Is Invaluable in Today's Schools the

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There is fairly commonly haeld assumption that technology should be infused into education, both in terms of how schools are managed and in how classrooms are orginized and how…

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12 Pages

Internet Profiling and Privacy This

Words: 3885
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Research paper -Internet Profiling and Privacy must include an abstract and outline. All references used must be Scholary Peer. The paper should address Internet Law, Online Commerce,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Technology Enhances Pedagogy Technology Does

Words: 1917
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dear sir/madam, I need a research Paper titled "Technology does not replace pedagogy Technology enhances pedagogy." I would need at least 4 quotes some citation and footnotes

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6 Pages

Need to Provide Internet Access to Students

Words: 1781
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a proposal for a research project that will constitute a major assignment in this course. Using abstract services and other bibliographic tools, create a bibliography of articles and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Technology's Negative Affect on Our

Words: 1892
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

We will pay $100.00 for this order!! I would like to have a research paper written in APA. It will be on "How Technology has had a negetive effect…

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2 Pages

Internet Was the Result of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

request for awest! This is for a doctoral level class. I have already written my paper, but my professor has written back with criteria that she wants to have added/changed…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Internet Questionnaire to Investigate the

Words: 2682
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The assignment question: Cyberware are a US based Internet service provider looking to develop new markets. They have commissioned you to design a questionnaire to investigate the potential of…

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10 Pages

Technology Project Plan Long Beach

Words: 2897
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

For the following paper: Long Beach Mortgage: Technology Project Plan (Broker Front Office Tool)-- I would like to check if the following freelance writer can develop this project plan. Writer?s Material…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Emerging Technologies With Ethical Implications

Words: 2730
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This research paper should be 7 pages in length and must be in standard research paper format. All source material must be appropriately identified according to MLA standards and…

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4 Pages

Technology for School Administrators Expertise

Words: 1062
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The Essay topic should be:Technology For School Adminstrators - The principal plans and implements the integration of technological and electronic tools in teaching, learning, management, and research and communication responsibilities. Questions…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Technology in Edu Technology Has Changed the

Words: 1948
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In this essay, I want the writer is the same with writer in Order ID: A2015323 Writer?s And also the same idea. write a research paper with title "technology in education"…

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4 Pages

Internet-Based Conferencing Information Technology Has

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

When you've had a chance to read these articles, anything from the Background that seems helpful to you or anything else you may have come across, please write a…

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