International Economy Essays Prompts

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International Economy

1) You are part of a team of international economists selected to make recommendations on how the international community might work together more effectively to ensure the global economy does not experience severe economic shocks that could lead to a worldwide recession.

2) Include one recommendation of how the international economy can benefit from World Trade Organization. Include one example (one in-text citation) of how international trade can benefit trading countries by creating more jobs.

3) Include a second recommendation of how international community can work together to successfully mitigate economic instability (include one in-text citation).

4) Write a 800-word essay

5) Use APA Format

6) Include a minimum of 2 in-text citations

7) Include a minimum of 3 credible sources - URLs

Customer is requesting that (Dhj2385) completes this order.

Excluding your title page, in which you include the name of the organization you have chosen for your SLP, I expect your SLP4 to be approximately 3 pages, and should begin with a summary of what you p...repared for SLP1, SLP2, and SLP3

Make sure you use section headings for each of the following Questions/Issues: Write in a succinct, organized, and professional way. DO NOT USE ESSAY FORMAT.

For the organization you are auditing, how are PRICES SET?
Is this the best way to set prices? If so, why? If not, what do you recommend?

This reading in Marketing Teacher explains how products are priced.

Review this site on Pricing Your Product. It contains some actual steps on coming up with a price that you can explore in detail.

Would DEMAND be higher or lower prices if prices are raised or lowered?
How is your company affected by the international ECONOMY?
A link to Carter, S. (1997) Chapter 09: Pricing And Financing. Global Agricultural Marketing Management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
is provided so that you can learn about pricing decisions.

Some of the above information that should be in your SLP may not be available. If the information is unavailable, make a note that you could not find the missing information and that a more complete audit will need to include that information. The missing information that should be included in a more complete audit will be included in your list of recommendations that you'll make at the end of your audit report. If you believe an issue addressed above does not apply to your organization (for example, there are no competitors) do not leave that issue un-addressed. State that ' The issue is not addressed because, ' then state why it is not addressed.

Please answer the above questions and submit this information by the end of this module.

Assignment Expectations:

Use information from the modular background as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please, cite all sources at the end of your paper.

The following will be specifically assessed:

1. Your ability to clearly communicate your understanding of the concepts (i.e., the different pricing activities, etc.)

2. Your ability to link the concepts above and discuss them with respect to your chosen organization.

3. In-text references to modular background readings (APA formatting not required)

Assignment Submission Requirements

Length: 2 pages, double spaced.

Points will be deducted for assignments that are less than, at least, two pages long.

There are faxes for this order.

Part of the changes in the Japanese political economy has been caused by globalization and other changes in the domestic and international economies. Are Japan's changes, then, similar to those of other industrial countries that are also subject to the same systematic pressures? Is Japan's political economy converging to other industrial economies or is Japans' changes different from others'?

Compare the international economies' changes and growth mostly with the UK and US governing systems!

~Profiling an International Firm~

This project is a semester-long endeavor, starting from Day 1 of class. In the past I have used similar projects to this one, in... which students can apply weekly-lessons learned towards the finishing of an overall project. Each week, if at all possible, some time should be devoted to incorporating the discussions, lessons and vocabulary learned in class in the final draft of your projects.

For this project, I would like for you to follow 1 of two paths:
1.) Examine an existing International Firm, and profile it according to:
a. Organization type,
b. Strategy,
c. Planning,
d. Market Assessment,
e. Marketing Strategy,
f. Organizational Structure,
g. Organizational Culture,
h. Locations of the Organization,
i. Business Operations (Import/Export, Banking, etc.), and then:
i. How does this company confront the environmental, political, social, economic, legal, and labor forces of the international economy?
2.) Create the profile of an International Firm you would like to establish as an entrepreneur, according to:
a. Organization type of your future organization,
b. Strategy of your future organization,
c. Planning of your future organization,
d. Market Assessment of your future organization,
e. Marketing Strategy of your future organization,
f. Organizational Structure of your future organization,
g. Organizational Culture of your future organization,
h. Locations of the Organization of your future organization,
i. Business Operations (Import/Export, Banking, etc.) of your future organization, and then:
i. How shall your future company confront the environmental, political, social, economic, legal, and labor forces of the international economy?

A.) Lirn
B.) NetLibrary,
C.) The Economist,
D.) The Wall Street Journal,
E.) BBC,
F.) CNN,
H.) Al Jazeera,

~Referencing/Researching Your Project~
Your references must absolutely be in APA style (Please refer to the Course Home Section entitled Writing Scholarly, and be sure to visit the Webliography for outside reading sources as well as APA links to guide you.

Please do not forget that I am here to help you, so please, do not hesitate to leave me a message in the virtual office if you need help.

~Reference, Writing & Researching Guides for Your Paper~
Class, please make sure that you revisit the following parts of this online course so that your project goes smoothly:
1.) Webliography APA Links (I shall be looking for APA standards of research throughout your paper),
2.) Webliography Outside Reading Links (These are a great source for helping you build your research basis),
3.) LIRN/ NetLibrary (Again, more great resources for helping you build your research basis of the project),
4.) Writing Scholarly section of the Course Home (Your project shall be heavily weighed against this writing guide),
5.) Plagiarism Policy (Found in the Syllabus under PLAGIARISM POLICY)
6.) Semester Project section of the Course Home (As this page will help refresh your memory of what I am looking for in your projects).
Also, do not forget that I can always be reached for any issues regarding this project in the Virtual Office/Email.

~Last Weeks of Class~
Throughout Week 14 I shall be available for you to submit rough drafts for review before your final submission in Week 16, so please be sure to take advantage of my availability. However, make sure that you submit your rough drafts in the Journal or Doc Sharing sections of your course AND MARK THE DOCUMENTS AS PRIVATE (so that only I can see them). PROJECTS SUBMITTED AFTER THE DUE DATE (11 MAY 2008 @23H59 [11:59 PM] US EST) SHALL RECEIVE 10% OFF FOR EACH DAY NOT RECEIVED!!!!!

Nextly, class, once you have finished your composition please post the final draft (saved in .pdf, .rtf, .doc, or .html) in the Doc Sharing section or the Journal section of your course (please mark private so that only I can see your project).

Finally, Class, have fun with this project: it will not only get you accustomed to researching methodologies for the online learning environment, but it will also enrich your learning experience by placing the concepts we learn in class into a real-world context.

NO ONE ever said that researching and composing a project couldnt be fun and educational (consider this project your weekly-homework). There is no reason why any member of this class shouldnt make a high mark on this project worth 175 points with all of these resources available. Good luck! ?
Writing a Scholarly Work:

When writing a scholarly text, there are 10 major points to be considered. I am going to now go over the following 10 points and hope that you will print this out and use this quick guide as a sort of measuring stick by which to begin, judge and edit your own research projects in the future. When writing an academic paper, a scholarly paper that shall be reviewed by other scholars and possibly even used as a work of research, one must consider the following:

1.) Document Content, Development & Organization
a. Cover the main focal points/key elements in a substantive way, and, as the author, use your own words/voice while carefully NOT improperly using the words of others (Plagiarism).
b. Content comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive
c. CLEARLY state and support/back up the major points of the essay
d. The organization of your paper should emphasize central theme or purpose
e. Where appropriate and necessary, support your major points of the paper with theory (citations/quotations)
f. REMEMBER to use an economy of discourse: eliminate any unnecessary words/quirky sentence structures, etc

2.) Introduction
a. Purpose identified or problem statement clearly formulated
b. Does the introduction provide sufficient background on the topic?
c. Do the major points of the introduction match the assignment?
d. As the author you must always create a sense of focus and direction for your subject matter to be discussed starting from THE BEGINNING (Introduction)
e. Consider that the introduction would be a good place to preview-prep your audience (the reader) for your subject

3.) Body of Paper
a. Ideas are consistent and flow in logical sequence
b. Make sure not to stray, in writing each and every sentence of each and every paragraph ask yourself is this content worthy of inclusion? does it serve the purpose of delivering what I originally described/previewed in the introduction? If not, how can it be used to do so? OR, it does not belong. A good rule to remember is that if a point (no matter how wonderful a point it may be) does not easily fit into the greater discourse/scheme of the paper being written, then perhaps it must be left out. Better to leave out a wonderful point that has no logical place in the paper, rather than include a wonderful point with the risk of losing focus/direction.
c. Major points are organized using appropriate headings wherever necessary.
d.Points are supported with appropriate research and references
e. State your ideas clearly and concisely
f. Bridge your topics of discussion-points of interest with transitions from one paragraph to the next, making sure that each paragraph is fully developed.

4.) Conclusion
a. The conclusion should be like a goal or aim. With regards to the conclusion at which you, the author, are arriving, does it flow logically from the material presented?
b. Your conclusion insights should be drawn from summarized major points
c. The conclusion MUST contain a strong closing that lends strength and power to the paper and a sense of well-argued, logically presented completion/closure

5.) Organzation
a. Use non-monotonous voice, making sure to use a varied display of CORRECT sentence structure
b. Paragraphs well structured with logical and effective transitions
c. As far as achieving a fully developed body, each one of your paragraphs should touch on ONE of each of your major points of discussion and examine it in great detail with sufficient supporting information
d. Your paper should review relevant concepts and create a coherent theoretical framework for the subject (in some way, however miniscule it may seem, contribute to the theoretic discourses of the subject you are examining).

6.) Punctuation
a. Used correctly throughout the document
b. The word and and the ampersand (this is an ampersand = &) are used correctly
c. Punctuation correctly placed with quotations marks

7.) Grammar
a. Subject-verb agreement (For example: Avoiding mistakes like, She do, the dog speak).
b. Proper voice (active vs. passive) and person used
c. Pronouns unambiguous and congruent (For example: IT, HE, SHE, THEY = to what or whom do they refer?)
d. Gender-correct pronouns used
e. Plurals are used correctly
f. Appropriate hyphenation of terms

8.) Style In-Text Citations
a. All outside ideas properly cited (outside meaning not your own)
b. Citations complete and properly formatted according to APA standards
c. Electronic sources properly cited according to APA standards
d. Personal communications cited in text only
e. Page numbers included for direct quotations are used properly.
f. Indirect or secondary sources properly cited

9.) Text/APA Format
a. Courier/Times Roman 12-point font used
b. Document double-spaced throughout
c. Margins at least 1 inch (2.54cm) on all sides and ragged right edge
d. Paragraphs indented 1/2 inch
e. Headings and subheadings properly formatted
f. No end-of-line hyphenation
g. Only one space after punctuation
h. No bold type used for emphasis
i. Italics used instead of underlining

10.) Tone
a. There is no hyperbole (exaggeration)
b. There is a balanced and scholarly presentation of information
c. Writing is clear and precise
d. Creative writing conventions such as setting up ambiguity, inserting the unexpected, and omitting the expected are avoided
e. Colloquial expressions, slang, clichs or overused phrases are avoided and shunned
f. The author uses an assertive tone and language that is not hesitant, not aggressive, not obnoxious but confident and well-informed

The assignment is to write a paper about the oil industry. The essay can, basically, be devided in five parts.

1. A description about the indsutry and its background, in regards to the international economy.

2. Key issues that are related to international economy.

3. The oil industry's impact on the international economy.

4. Future challenges for the industry, that relates to economy.

5. Conclusion

Globalization and the Impact on

Below please find the outline submitted for the paper. Please include all points mentioned and any other you may find in your research (statistics etc.). Use parenthetical citations unless a direct qu...ote. The university is extremely critical with citation please use freely.

Globalization and the Impact on US Manufacturing

I. Introduction

A decade ago, the debate about manufacturing leaving the U.S. focused on the jobs being pulled into Mexico. Today, it is more urgent than ever, but its source is no longer just south of the border. Open up the business section of any newspaper or perhaps read your own employers latest press release and you will quite likely learn about manufacturing relocating to Brazil, China, India, Bulgaria or Malaysia., an economic consulting firm in West Chester, Pa., estimates 1.3 million manufacturing jobs have been moved abroad since the beginning of 1992 the bulk coming in the last three years. Most of those jobs have gone to Mexico and East Asia.

II. Describe the events in the world economy of the past 20 years.

A. Encouraging and liberalizing international trade between countries

1. Organizations have been established to regulate global commerce, such as the WTO.

2. Numerous treaties and alliances have been signed between countries to ease trade and reduce barriers, such as NAFTA

3. The relative importance of international trade in the world economy had greatly increased: from 5.5 percent in l950 to 17.2 percent in 2000

B. Developing countries economy

1. In 1950 the United States was THE economic power, and by the mid 1970s Europe and Japan were clearly established as major global players, by 2000, emerging Asiaespecially China and India, but also a number of other countrieshad become a significant economic force in the international economy.

2. Most of the transition economies of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are realizing above-average rates of economic growth and integrating into the world economy.

C. A third major change has been the rapid increase in integration of global financial markets.

1. In 1952, only seven countries (U.S., Canada, and five Latin American countries) had free exchange rate regimes for current account transactions as set out in Article VIII. Today, 164 countries have accepted Article VIII obligations, while capital account transactions are much freer than they were.

III. How technology has contributed to the globalization of markets and productions.

A. It is generally agreed that the technological revolution of the past few decades has had major contribution to the globalization of markets and productions.

1. The technological innovations have supported the unification of international markets as it eased communications and the data sharing process between players on the economic stage.
2. Ricardos theory of Comparative Advantages has also been implemented in the technological sector in the meaning that countries began to trade technological appliances as to increase the efficiency of their operations and reduce costs.

IV. Why US manufacturing companies are moving their facilities to China, Mexico and developing countries.

A. Lower Labor Costs

1. Many of the factory jobs are being cut as companies respond to a sharp rise in global competition. Unable to raise prices and often forced to cut them companies must find any way they can to reduce costs and hang onto profits.
2. Jobs are increasingly being moved abroad as companies take advantage of lower labor costs and position themselves to sell products to a growing and promising market abroad.

B. Restrictive and counter-productive government regulations

1. The area of environmental compliance, encourage many companies to look outside the U.S.

C. Lower material and natural resource costs

1. Natural resources have become insufficient and corporations are moving their operations to less developed countries as to get increased access to the natural resources
2. Lower costs of materials, generally a direct result of suppliers having lower-cost structures, as well, is another driving force

V. What are some possible solutions to mending US Manufacturing?

A. Dollar relief
1. There are both short-term and long-term policy options for the problems posed by the U.S. trade deficits that resulted from the overvalued dollar. In the short term, the U.S. dollar should fall against a broader range of currencies, especially those that are currently pegged to the dollar (China, Malaysia, and Taiwan). In the long-term, the United States should adopt exchange rate policies that keep large trade deficits from recurring.

B. Trade policy relief

1. Enforceable labor and environmental standards codified in trade agreements would keep U.S. manufacturing firms and workers from being undermined by trading partner countries that gain advantages through the exploitation of their human and natural resources

C. Rebuilding labor capacity in manufacturing

1. Investments in workers' skills can result in substantial positive externalities (spillovers) for the economy at large. Policy initiatives aimed at upgrading workers' skillsespecially initiatives targeted at production workers, a group that often goes lacking in terms of employer-provided trainingwould have a significant effect on filling new manufacturing job opportunities.

D. Lean Manufacturing

1. A manufacturer that can reduce direct labor costs by 50 percent slashes the potential benefit of lower-cost labor by half as well. Reducing defects cuts the need for generally labor-intensive rework, further reducing the attraction of low-cost labor. In many industries, the cost of direct labor is less than 15 percent even prior to lean efforts. As this number is reduced, there becomes less and less incentive to drive decisions primarily on this component of total cost.

2. Lean technology can also impact other factors that drive manufacturers overseas. For example, the high cost of dealing with hazardous waste products has forced some manufacturers overseas where environmental controls are less restrictive.


Bivens, Josh., Scott, Robert., & Weller, Christian. (2003, September). Mending Manufacturing. Economic Policy Institute.

Freeman, C., 1989, New technology and Catching Up, The European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 85-99.

Haces, T.G., Nicolas, D.H., 1996, Economic Change and the Need for a New Federalism: Lessons from Mexicos Northern States, American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 26.
Hagenbaugh , Barbara. (2002, December 12). U.S. manufacturing jobs fading away fast. USA Today.
Hill, Charles W.L. (Ed.). (2007). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Rink, Jack. (2006, February 02). Lean Manufacturing Can Save American Manufacturing. Maintenance World.

Singh, A., 1994, Global Economic Changes, Skills and International Competitiveness, International Labor Review, Vol. 133.

I need the Business Proposal for Thomas Money Inc. Scenario.I will send you on attachment the material.It is mandatory that the paper will containg the following components:

Recommen...d appropriate pricing and nonpricing strategies for your new or existing good or service based on the projected economy?s stage in the business cycle and the prevailing projected economic conditions for one or more macroeconomic factors. Explain the evidence that supports these recommendations.

? Describe planning or operating decisions for your new or existing good or service based on the economy?s stage in the business cycle and other economic conditions.

? Recommend an appropriate course for your new or existing good or service based on the projected credit markets.

? Describe how current credit market conditions affect your planning or operating decision for your good or service.

? Recommend business decisions based on estimates of evolving international economic conditions. Be sure to relate decisions to international trade and comparative advantage.

? Describe how the international economy affects your planning or operating decisions for the good or service.

? Make any additional recommendations you think are important based on evolving economic conditions.

Please cite the sources, and I don't want plagiarism.I saw alot materials on this site about this scenario, I want original work with all components included.
Please let me know if you can help me, my email is
Thank you very much,

Globalization Is a Process of

What is globalization:

This is what i have begin with.... "Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among regional economies, societies, and cultures through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. The word Globalization often refer as economic globalization means a national economy goes into the international economy often through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, and human migration. Now and days there were a lot of debates on issues that caused by globalization. Problems of globalization are more distribute like, religious, politics, economics, and culture. " You can change it or carry on....

Positive Impacts of Globalization (pros about free trade):

negative impacts of globalization(cons about free trade):


Files for order uploaded to fax/file board.

- Sydney University in Australia
- Degree-> Bachelor of Internaional Studies
- Subject-> International Economy and Finance
... - Essay-> major essay 40%

1. number of sources; books, journals, newspapers, etc. BUT, must has to be reference during the essay & at the end, there has to the BIBLIOGRAPHY.

NOTE) please be careful of doing reference, I use as brackets (we call in Australia, Harvard style), for eg. ..........(Smith, 2000, pg. 12).

And the bibliography has to be correct way as well, otherwise, we loose mark much.

2. 12 sized font, double spaced, 2000 maximum, but has to go over 1800 words.

3. ADVICE from tutor- it can be broad, however, at the main body of the essay, it can be more specified in terms of essay because the topic is so broad. it can be narrow the case studies for example.

4. it must has to be academic level, fully reference, and answer the question, no using first person ofcourse.

5. This is so bit major essay, so please be careful of writing it. Because last time, I have tried, but i got really bad mark.

6. it should be very analytical, critical, and has my own thoughts by having theoretical, historical, ethical, or moral issues included.

7. And I have to hand it in next monday, so please send it Sunday by 1pm. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
There are faxes for this order.


The followings are reading materials that can be used for this essay.

*K&L, chapter 22 (Kenwood, AG and AL Lougheed (1999), The Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000, 4th)
Besley, Timothy and Robin Burgess (2004), Can labor regulation hinder economic performance?

Evidence from India, Quarterly Journal of Economics 119(1): 91-134.

Crafts, Nicholas (2000), Globalization and growth in the twentieth century, IMF Working Paper Series
WP/00/44. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.

Krugman, Paul (2008), Trade and wages, reconsidered, unpublished manuscript, presented at
Brookings Panel on Economic Activity spring meeting.

*-- (1994), Competitiveness: a dangerous obsession, Foreign Affairs 73(2): 28-44.

*Leamer, Ed (2007), Outsourcing and globalization, EconTalk podcast (length 1:05:09),

Nickell, Stephen and Brian Bell (1996), Changes in the distribution of wages and unemployment in
OECD countries, American Economic Review 86(2): 302-308.

Williamson, Jeffrey (2004), De-industrialization and underdevelopment: a comparative assessment
around the periphery 1750-1939, unpublished manuscript, Department of Economics, Harvard

*Wilson, Dominic and Roopa Purushothaman (2003), Dreaming with BRICs: the path to 2050, Global
Economic Paper 99. New York, NY: Goldman Sachs Global Research Centre.

Tourism After September 11
PAGES 45 WORDS 11294


This dissertation needs to be 10,000 words (36 pages) excluding bibliography. Appendices must be an ADDITIONAL 2,250 words (9 pages) and present my research, detailing my theory, methodology, data collection, analysis, results, and conclusion. Written submission will be assessed on the following:

-Aims Clarity of definition of research objectives
Application of area of enquiry to business environment

-Research Methodology Specification/Justification of Methodology
Identification/use of appropriate primary/secondary resources
Review past literature
Conceptual, theoretical and empirical level

-Analysis and Conclusions Understanding of subject
Evidence of objectivity and independence of thought
Success in achieving research objectives
Quality of analysis
Validity and reliability of conclusions

- Form and Style Structure
Logical progression
Clarity of expression
Acknowledgement of sources/ bibliography

LAYOUT: Word processed on A4 on one side
Times new roman 12pt, double spacing
Margins of 2.5cm on left and right, header 2cm, footer 2cm
Preliminary pages unnumbered, pagination begins with the first page of text proper
Need to include word count( excluding bibliography and appendices)

REFERENCING: all written work must include bibliography, a list of relevant items I consulted, including those not directly referred to in the text including books, articles and web pages
all written work should follow the Harvard system of referencing
use Author''s name and year of publication to refer to a document
include page numbers if making direct quotations

The structure of my project should follow these lines:

-Table of contents
-Introduction (Introduction, Personal motivation for choice of topic, Potential readership, Central research question, Research objectives)
-Literature review
-Methodology (inductive approach, preliminary research, secondary & primary research, interviews, designing interviews, candidates, points that should have been improved, external influences etc)
- Results
-Recommendation for further studies on this topic

obviously charts, figures tables would definitely need to be included as well as Dedication Page , Acknowledgments Page. But I don''t want to make it look so professional it''s obvious it wasn''t me, I want to look " amazing but not too amazing" I hope I''m not being to vague, but I hope you understand what I mean.
Anyway to help you further below is a research proposal that I wrote for my college to explain what I will be doing, hopefully giving you a clearer picture.


?What are the effects on people?s behaviors and tourism in New York city after September 11th?


Over the past few months, I have been more and more certain that the choice of my topic has been the right one. Initially, I was unsure about the topic due to its complexity of factors that contribute to this matter, factors that have economic roles, political roles, socio- cultural roles etc. But, narrowing down my research content will allow me to focus on what has interested me the most: ?what particular sectors in New York have been damaged the most due to the lack of presence of tourism?.

We could be talking about the usual leisurely activities such as dining in restaurants, playing sports in a leisure club, going to a disco, gambling in a casino etc etc

All these fields will be analyzed and given a thorough examination individually to allow us to draw up a set of conclusion into how this horrible tragedy on September 11 has changed the usage of shops, restaurants bars and so on.

Evidence of such downward trend has been shown clearly across the board by major American banks, which entitle investors to look at specific industries and their performance as a whole. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter states that the events of September 11 pose an unprecedented challenge to the American business community.

This massive terrorist act has inflicted panic, low self-confidence amongst the American citizens and investors who choose to make a living by providing services for others. However, the destruction of the World Trade Centre and the attack on the Pentagon reveal the immediate dangers facing all Americans as a result of terrorism.

For example, air travel has plunged, layoffs in the aviation industry have spread rapidly and virtually all carriers confront a threat of bankruptcy. Therefore, such acts have caused businesses as well as whole industries to make massive losses due to the lack of usage of the services offered by these businesses, which make New York City.

The sheer scale of physical and economic damage from the terrorist attacks have been compared to even the most devastating natural disaster of recent years in the US.

New York city faces the following challenges:

v The scale of devastation, with damages in New York estimated in the tens of billions of dollars, entire square blocks uninhabitable, and 30 million square feet of office space rendered unusable or destroyed.

v Its disruption of global air travel, daily commuting in a major metropolitan area, and routine business operations;

v Its reach, having implications that have touched all Americans and extend throughout the world

v It?s potential to have an impact on the international economy for a significant period of time.

Hence, I will look at all the statistics offered, so that I can demonstrate how all the damage that has occurred has disrupted major industries in the US, devastated properties that perform and contribute greatly o the American economy.


My research objectives should leave the reader in no doubt as to precisely what it is that my research seeks to achieve, they are the following:

v To identify the damage made on that tragic day by displaying charts and graphs whilst looking at businesses and industries.

v To establish which businesses have been completely ruined, consequently ruining the industry,

v To examine how this will change people?s perspective of doing business in the future and whether they are cynical of starting a new business in a busy city like New York.

v To evaluate people?s behavioral changes and whether they believe that day will have an impact on the rest of their life. I will encourage people to discuss with me their weekly typical life and compare it with an average week a year ago for example.

v To examine how this business loss and slowdown has affected the global economy by looking at various industries individually.

v To draw clear conclusions on what will need to be done to change things back to the way things were or whether there is a chance things will never be the same and whether the city?s structure is debatable to permanent change.


Inevitably, to arrive to clear conclusions for this topic, it is important to draw a plan of every single attribute that will help me deliver an answer. This plan needs to be followed and revised frequently in order to get the best methodologies available.

Due to the nature of this topic and its complexity, it is vital to abstract as much knowledge a possible, this includes data, charts, literatures, journals, interviews and questionnaires and so on. Preferably these attributes will need to be developed fully in order to gain as much response a possible. For example in the case of an interview, I will need to ask the right questions whilst making sure they are directly relevant to my topic, keeping in mind that I am seeking various objectives.

Questionnaires for example will be handed out on the streets for quick answers, this way I will be able to get as many samples as possible. Quick, clear questions will be asked expecting short and precise answers. After that, I will draw up graphs that illustrate interesting points about people?s opinions and lifestyles.

Clearly, assessing people?s opinions will not be easy as they might feel differently than others in terms of the drastic changes that have occurred in their lives, therefore it will be interesting to see how citizens from New York feel compared to people from Los Angeles, whether they feel and act differently since the incident. It is important to understand that I will be analysing tourists as well as national citizens because then we will have a clear view and analysis of how people?s lives have changed, whether tourists feel threatened just in New York or in other countries equally, whether it?s the simple act of terrorism that affects them and not the city specifically.

Therefore, this thesis will be based on people in New York as well as tourists visiting New York, because it?s the actual impact on people and their behaviour that is very interesting. So, I intend to abstract as much knowledge as possible, by looking at the important statistics of businesses and consumers.

As for the particular sectors that I will be analyzing, I feel it is more appropriate to discuss relevant sectors which have changed deeply due to this tragic incident. Restaurants, shops, airports, investments, hotels are some of many aspects that I will be analyzing to arrive to some answers, but whilst analysing the changes I will hope to arrive to some estimations for what lies ahead for these businesses and whether they will be altered for good. It is with the help and cooperation of employees in companies, shops, restaurants and hotels that I will gradually start to see some answers approaching me.

Banks will play a vital role for this dissertation as analysts examine all the effects that have changed in the economy, thereby allowing me to follow their expectations and estimates to further develop my answers.

I have chosen a few major investment banks for this aspect of the thesis, to assist me with their thoughts on various sectors and whether investors truly see opportunity for development in those sectors. For example, the airline industry is in a state of depression due to people feeling threatened by terrorists or safety issues, this lead to layoffs of employees, companies going bankrupt with little hope that the industry will come back soon. However, speaking to bankers, I will get an idea of how investors are reacting and whether they are optimistic or pessimistic of the sector, encouraging more people to fly with increased safety.

Each individual sector will be analysed by using as many sources as possible, to then find a trend that can lead us to an appropriate set of answer


Questionnaires will need to come with appropriate names of people that have been interviewed ,date and time.
Please try to be as specific as possible with great detail, it is important that we convince the examiners of our research and points made.
Table of contents should come with page numbers and chapter numbers.
Tables and charts should be well developed and well placed to prove one''s point.
Please make sure full referencing occurs.
Please don''t hesitate to add anything I have missed pointing out in adding as long as it answers the question. Any sector that you may want to add in this is up to you.

(Business School)

(Let SIPA know about the early admission choice)

The following essay questions are part of the application to Columbia Business School and the School of International Affairs. In addition to learning about your professional aspirations, the Admissions Committee hopes to gain an understanding of your interests, values and motivations through these essays. How you answer these essays is at your discretion, there are no right answers and we encourage you to answer each question thoughtfully and honestly.

Question 1: What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA/MIA goals? How will Columbia Business School and the School of International Affairs help you achieve these goals? (Recommended 850 word limit). Please indicate the Dual Degree programs and schools to which you applied or intend to apply. Please discuss how the Dual Degree will enhance your short-term or long-term goals, and at which school you intend to begin your studies.

I am applying for the MBA (Business School) and MIA (Masters in International Affairs at the School of International Public Affairs?SIPA) dual degree program. (Short term goal: Work for the IMF or World Bank or the UNDP. And then get my PhD. Long term goal: Ministries of Commerce & Trade, Economic & Finance, Foreign Affairs, and eventually, the Presidency of Senegal. And then, work with other African leaders for a common market and a single currency in Africa, and eventually, the creation of the United Nations of Africa). I intend to begin my studies at the Business school. I have always been interested in internationally-oriented career. Thus, I believe that International Affairs/Diplomacy and International Trade/International Economy or finance go together. This mentality is reflected in everything I do: from my major/minor to my internships.
I am applying for the MBA/MIA Program. I believe that my background, preparation, career goals, and personal and professional aptitudes make me particularly well-suited to further my studies in these areas.
As my resume shows, I am an International Political Economy major (Global Business Concentration) and a minor in Business Administration with more than 12 years of experience in business-related fields, including entrepreneurship and business development, sales and marketing, and team leadership and project management. As a marketing representative with a major managed care company who has been recognized as the company?s top salesman three years in a row, I have trained and led teams to deliver affordable healthcare to disadvantaged families, made extensive presentations to groups, and had the opportunity to develop my business writing skills by drafting regular productivity reports for management.

In the process, I have developed excellent communication, organizational, and trouble-shooting skills. Despite my business background, however, my goals transcend business. As a Senegalese who now resides in the US but has strong roots in, and emotional attachments to, both continents, I want to build on Political Economy background to launch career in economic development with a multilateral agency such as the UN. My aspiration is to acquire the organizational experience, contacts, and management depth that would enable me to work with others to make strategic decisions that promote stronger links between the US and Africa, as well as West African regional integration. That is my hope and dream.

To get there, there are several intervening steps. The first and most pressing is for me to obtain focused, structured experience in a high-quality institution such as Columbia University.

I bring to Columbia several strengths which I will summarize here:

? Initiative and Leadership: As my resume shows, I am a founding member of several organizations on campus, and have assumed a leadership position in many
? Diverse experience: Having lived both in West Africa and the US, having worked with several NGOs to raise funds for community projects in Senegal, and being fluent in English, French and several African languages, I would bring a breadth of cultural perspective and business intuition that I believe Columbia would find valuable
? Organizational ability: Having balanced full-time work with full-time school, and having successfully run my own firm, one of my strengths is multi-tasking.

From Manhattan bicycle messenger dispatcher to a Bachelors in International Political Economy at Fordham, I have not only overcome real obstacles but been blessed with a rich diversity of life experiences that have only made me more determined, more empathetic toward others, and more focused on achieving my ultimate goal?which is not a goal just for myself, but for the entire region of the world where I come from, and for all those who care about it.

Question 2: What has been the greatest challenge to your value system that you've faced and how did you handle it? (Recommended 500 word limit).

Question 3: In discussing Columbia Business School, Dean R. Glenn Hubbard remarked, "We have established the mind-set that entrepreneurship is about everything you do." Please discuss a time in your own life when you have identified and captured an opportunity. (Recommended 500 word limit)
(Leaving early bird Messenger company to start my firm, then, my difficult decision to sell my firm and go back to school for my BA. Minimum 50 hours/week work and full time school?15/17/semester?)

Question 4: Please select and answer one of the following essay questions. (Recommended 250 word limit):
a. Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.
b. If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do? Post/Edit Response
(I will comment on ?a.? About helping my people, fighting poverty in Senegal-Africa in general, Dismantle artificial barriers among African countries so that trade can flourish, which will lead to the creation of a Single Currency in Africa, and ultimately birth of the United Nations of Africa. Having the opportunity to come study in the US, I feel like being one of the chosen ones on whom the development of the future Africa depends?)

Optional Question 5: Is there any further information that you wish to provide to the Admissions Committee? (Please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history.)
(I should talk about all my strengths, leadership skill, language skills. I wanted to graduate with at least a 3.7 GPA. However, because of my full time work responsibilities and my wanting to graduate during the normal undergraduate academic years (4 years), it has been challenging for me to achieve that goal. But I am still endeavoring to improve my current 3.3 GPA. I should also mention my entrepreneurial skills, my persistence to make my dreams come true in spite of all the odds against me, how I surmounted the language barrier, why my co-workers/customers/professors/Deans all admire me so much?.

Hello, please write 20 page and 2 page for summary. thank you.

and my specific topic is "A new pattern of integration through governmental coordination: European
Political Cooperation"...>
- point : The first enlargement of the European Communities in 1973: from six
to nine member States

Objectives: Understanding the reasons for the way out of a dead end in
integration and the changes of the communities due to the enlargement.

Political Cooperation>

Required readings: TBA
George, Stephen: An Awkward Partner. Britain in the European Community, 3rd
ed. Oxford 1994.
Moravcsik, Andrew: The Choice for Europe. Social Purpose & State Power from
Messina to Maastricht, New York 1998.

Arter, Daniel: The Politics of European Integration in the Twentieth Century.
Aldershot 1993.

Bange, Oliver: The EEC crisis of 1963. Kennedy, Macmillan, de Gaulle and
Adenauer in conflict, Basingstoke 2000.

Bullen, R.: Britain and Europe, 1950-1957, in: Serra, E. (ed.): Il rilancio dellEuropa e
i trattati di Roma. Milano 1989, p. 315-338.

Camps, Miriam: Britain and the European Community 1955-1963. Princeton 1964.
Cardozo, R.: The Project for a Political Community (1952-54), in: Pryce, R. (ed.): The
Dynamics of European Union. London / New York / Sydney 1987, S. 49-77.
Cassese, Sabino (ed.): The European Administration, Bruxelles 1987.

Cini, Michelle: The European Commission. Leadership, Organisation and Culture in
the EU Administration, Manchester 1996.

DeSalvia, Michele / Villiger, Mark E. (Eds.): The Birth of European Human Rights
Law: liber amicorum Carl Aage Ngaard:. Lclosion du droit europen des droits de
lhomme. Baden-Baden 1998.

Deighton, Anne: Widening, Deepening, and Acceleration. The European Economic
Community 1957-1963, Baden-Baden 1999.

Deighton, Anne et al. (eds.): The Western European Union, 1948 - 1998: from the
Brussels Treaty to the Treaty of Amsterdam, in: Studia diplomatica, Bruxelles
51(1998), p. 1-189.

Deighton, Anne: Building Postwar Europe. National Decision-Makers and European
Institutions, 1948-1963. New York, 1995.

Di Nolfo, Ennio (ed.): Power in Europe? Bd. II: Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy
and the Origins of the EEC, 1952-1957. Berlin 1992.

George, Stephen: An Awkward Partner. Britain in the European Community, 3rd ed.
Oxford 1994.

George, Stephen: Britain and European Integration since 1945. Oxford 1991.
Gillingham, John: European Integration, 1950-2003: superstate or new market
economy? Cambridge, 2003.

Gillingham, John: Coal, Steel and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945-1955. The Germans
and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community. Cambridge 1991.

Greenwood, Sean: Britain and European Integration since 1945. Oxford 1992.
Haas, Ernst B.: The Uniting of Europe. Political, Social, and Economic Forces 1950-
1957, Stanford Cal. 1968.

Heller, Francis / Gillingham, John. The United States and the Integration of Europe:
legacies of the postwar era. New York, 1996.

Heller, Francis H. / Gillingham, John R. (eds.): NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic
Alliance and the Integration of Europe. Basingstoke 1992.

Helmreich, J.E.: The United States and the Formation of EURATOM, in: Diplomatic
History 15 (1991), S. 387-410.

Hogan, Michael J.: The Marshall-Plan. America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of
Western Europe 1947-1952. Cambridge 1987.

Holden, Gerard. The Warsaw Pact ??" Soviet Security and Bloc Politics. Oxford (u.a.),

Jones, C.D.: Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe. Political Autonomy and the Warsaw
Pact. New York 1981.

Kirchner, Emil J. / Sperling, James (eds.): The Federal Republic of Germany and
NATO. 40 Years after. London 1992.

Large, David Clay: Germans to the Front. West German Rearmament in the
Adenauer Era. Chapel Hill / London 1996.

Lipgens, Walter (ed.): Documents on the History of European Integration. 4 vols.
Berlin / New York 1985-1991.

Loth, Wilfried (ed.): Crisis and Compromises: The European Project 1963-1969.
Baden-Baden, Brussel. 1995.

Lord, Christopher: "With but not of". Britain and the Schuman Plan. A
Reinterpretation, in: Journal of European Integration History 4 (1998), p. 23-46.
Lord, Christopher: Absent at the Creation. Britain and the Formation of the European
Community. Aldershot 1996.

Lundestad, Geir: "Empire" by Integration. The United States and European
Integration, 1945 - 1997, Oxford 1998.

Lynch, Frances B.: France and the International Economy. From Vichy to the Treaty
of Rome, London 1997.

Lynch, Frances B..: The Role of Jean Monnet in Setting up the European Coal and
Steel Community, in: Trausch, G. (ed.): Die europische Integration vom Schuman-
Plan bis zu den Vertrgen von Rom. Plne und Initiativen, Enttuschungen und
Misserfolge. Baden-Baden 1993, p. 117-129.

Maier, C.S. / Bischof, G. (ed.): The Marshall Plan and Germany: West German
Development within the Framework of the European Recovery Program. New York /
Oxford 1991.

Milward, Alan S.: European Rescue of the Nation-State. 2nd ed. London / New York

Milward, Alan S.: The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-51, London 1992.

Milward, Alan S.: NATO, OEEC, and the Integration of Europe, in: Heller, Fancis H. /
Gillingham, John R. (Hg.): NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the
Integration of Europe. Basingstoke 1992, S. 242-252.

Milward, Alan S.: The Committee of European Economic Cooperation (CEEC) and
the Advent of the Customs Union, in: Lipgens, W. (Hg.): A History of European
Integration 1945-1947. Oxford 1982.

Milward, Alan S. The UK and the European Community. London.
Moravcsik, Andrew: The Coice for Europe. Social Purpose & State Power from
Messina to Maastricht, New York 1998.

Pedler, Robin H. / Schaefer, Guenther F. (eds.): Shaping European Law and Policy.
The Role of Committees and Comitology in the political process, Maastricht 1996.
Remington, R.A.: The Warsaw Pact. Case Studies in Communist Conflict Resolution.
Cambridge / Mass. und London 1971.

Robertson, A. H. European Institutions. Cooperation ??" Integration ??" Unification.
London / New York, 1973.

Spierenburg, Dirk / Poidevin, Raymond: The History of the High Authority of the
European Coal and Steel Community. Supranationality in Operation. London 1994.

Stirk, Peter: A History of European Integration since 1914. London / New York 1996.

Stirk, Peter M.R. / Willis, D. (ed.): Shaping Postwar Europe. European Unity and
Disunity 1945-1957. London 1991.

Szawlowski, R.: The System of the International Organizations of the Communist
Countries. Leiden 1976.

Urwin, Derek W.: The Community of Europe. A History of European Integration since
1945. 2nd ed. London / New York 1995.

Young, John W.: Britain and European Unity, 1945-1992. Basingstoke, 1993.
Wallace, Helen et al. (ed.): Policy-making in the European Union, Oxford 2000 (4.

Warner, Isabel: Steel and Sovereignty. The Deconcentration of the West German
Steel Industry, 1949-1954. Mainz 1996.

Wurm, Clemens (ed.): Western Europe and Germany. The Beginnings of European
Integration 1945-1960. Oxford / Washington D.C. 1995.
There are faxes for this order.

A reasearch/term paper about how Germany under the control of Nazi's financially prepared for war. Some points that need to be included are:
- problems such as inflation/unemployment
- welfar...e system
- foreign trade!!!
- hoover moratorium
- deficit spending
- real wages
- WWI reparations
- four year plans (I&II)
- productivity
- how did they manage to have 11% GDP rate
- scarcity of resources
- rearmament
- use of slave workers
- and whatever else you recommend

professor said i need to use Albrecht Ritschl's articles/essays, he also recommended any topic related books by Alan Milward and R.J. Overy. He said that any other extra research material is fine but needs to be fresh, new, not some old articles or books that were written by the enemy (propaganda). At the end I'll will paste some of the articles/essays that he recommended. As far as citations go: "Footnoting should be scientific style. This means giving a complete list of references at the end of the paper, arranged alphabetically by author. The date of the publication should follow immediately after the author's name. Most footnotes, simply giving page references, will just be inserted in the text as, for example, (Neal (1990), p. 32)."

resources: 5-15

here are i am pasting the articles:
Database: EconLit
Query: au: Ritschl,

Comment: These are overviews of Ritschl's work on the macroeconomic view of the Nazi economy.

1 Deficit Spending in the Nazi Recovery, 1933-1938: A Critical
Author: Ritschl, Albrecht Source: Journal of the
Japanese and International Economies v16, n4 (December 2002): 559-82
Doc. Type: Journal Article Libraries Worldwide: 266 UNIV OF ILLINOIS
2 Nazi Economic Imperialism and the Exploitation of the Small:
Evidence from Germany's Secret Foreign Exchange Balances, 1938-1940
Author: Ritschl, A. O. Source: Economic History
Review v54, n2 (May 2001): 324-45 Doc. Type: Journal Article Libraries
Worldwide: 868 UNIV OF ILLINOIS (EconLit)
3 Reparation Transfers, the Borchardt Hypothesis and the Great
Depression in Germany, 1929-32: A Guided Tour for Hard-Headed Keynesians
Author: Ritschl, Albrecht Source: European Review of
Economic History v2, n1 (April 1998): 49-72 Doc. Type: Journal Article
Libraries Worldwide: 60 (EconLit)
4 Real Wages, Productivity, and Unemployment in Britain and Germany
during the 1920s
Author: Broadberry, S. N.; Ritschl, A. Source:
Explorations in Economic History v32, n3 (July 1995): 327-49 Doc. Type:
Journal Article Libraries Worldwide: 555 (EconLit)
5 Could Bruening Have Done It? A Keynesian Model of Interwar Germany,
Author: Borchardt, Knut; Ritschl, Albrecht Source:
European Economic Review v36, n2-3 (April 1992): 695-701 Doc. Type:
Journal Article Libraries Worldwide: 448 (EconLit)

Notes: Some useful journal references for your paper

FN ISI Export Format
VR 1.0
AU Leitz, C
TI "Export or die"; Foreign trade in the Third Reich
PY 2002
VL 48
IS 1
BP 52
EP 64
PG 13
UT ISI:000174207000005

AU Gruner, W
TI The state welfare system and German Jews 1933-1942 - Anti-Jewish politics of municipalities, the German Gemeindetag and the Ministry of the Interior in the Third Reich
PY 1997
VL 45
IS 7
BP 597
EP 616
PG 20
UT ISI:A1997XN05900002

PY 1986
VL 242
IS 2
BP 462
EP 463
PG 2
UT ISI:A1986C369800072


THANK YOU SO MUCH, any questions please email me at or you can call me at 708-228-7771
if you are not able to find those articles, let me know, i'll go to my school and find them (however its a 2 hour drive so i rather not) thank you

My name is Yoonki Chang,
I would like to get back this paper at 10:00 am (1/22/2009)
I am an international student from Korea. I try to transfer to the university.
I little bit wrote my in...formation to write this application essay.
You can get my information through attaching personal statement and states of purpose.
The essay should be about 250 words using my information.
Please, think about written conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, apitalization),
word choice (efficiency, clarity, and variety of words), sentence fluency (correction of awkward phrases, run-on sentences), overall organization (paragraph and essay structure).

I would like to get back this paper at 10:00 am (1/22/2009)

Short Answer Question - (Approximately 250 words)


College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA): Describe your educational path. How did you get to where you are today? What are your educational goals, and how does the University of Michigan fit into them?

This information will be helpful for writing essay below. (This is my all information)
I wrote this essay, but it is about 500 words. Also, I think it is not fascinated, please make it wonderful essay. Please summarize this essay Approximately 250 words including important things.


With the influence of my father who has worked in finance and my interest in watching documentary that emphasized on national competitiveness, I have always wanted to play a key role to the economic development. To that end, I promised myself to become a professional who has ability to meet the challenges domestically and internationally. People who are expert in economy must continually study the overall flow of economical trends, and have analytical and foresight to predict the future. In addition to my deep interest in international economy, I have solid background in solving difficult math problems, which I hope will help me in becoming an excellent finance analyst.

I have a career plan to become a reputed financial analyst. A financial analyst is a well paid and reputed professional in Korea, and I wish to establish myself as a top class financial analyst.

Since a financial analyst requires to be versed in such fields as economy and statistics along with good understanding of finance, I want to study economics as my major. Given my strong interest in economy and analytical mind, studying economics also goes well with my character and aptitude.

I entered a community college in the US in 2006 with business as my major. The first year at the community college was a kind of my adjustment period for the United States student life. I think I quite successfully settled to into the new environment, and became confident in pursuing my academic goals in the United States.

Although it was difficult at first to study in the United States for various reasons such as language barrier and culture difference, I have successfully overcome these difficulties. I am really turning on a new leaf here in the United States. I find my school life here challenging but enjoyable and rewarding, and strongly wish to move on to your esteemed university to achieve both my academic and personal goals.

With this confidence in studying business, I wish to study economics at your esteemed university. I am sure that my hard working nature, passion and enthusiasm for the study of economics will enable me to make an excellent scholar at the University of Michigan.

Following that, I want to receive a prestigious education by at the University of Michigan, a university highly regarded for its history and tradition in teaching economics and business to top students all over the world. I hope to nurture my ability at your institution and become a great asset to the society. In addition to acquiring basic knowledge in the field of your choice, I firmly believe that experiences in diverse areas are equally important in realizing ones potential. My cooperative and leadership skills that I earned while in school and in work will allow me to adapt to the environment of the University of Michigan.

It is my goal to become an expert and I am prepared to sacrifice myself and dedicate all my energy to realizing my dream. If I get an opportunity to attend The University of Michigan, I will devote fully to upholding the name and tradition of your great university.

There are faxes for this order.

Post War What Do the


TOPIC What do the experiences of postwar emerging economies say about free markets, industrial policy, and

*K&L, chapters 20-21
Bruton, Henry (1998), A reconsideration of import substitution, Journal of Economic Literature 36(2):

Cumings, Bruce (1984), The origins and development of the northeast Asian political economy:
industrial sectors, product cycles, and political consequences, International Organization 38(1): 1-

*Frye, Timothy and Andrei Shleifer (1997), The invisible hand and the grabbing hand, American
Economic Review 87(2): 354-358.

Krueger, Anne (1998), Why trade liberalization is good for growth, Economic Journal 108(450): 1513-

*Krugman, Paul (1994), The myth of Asias miracle, Foreign Affairs 73(6): 62-78.

Perkins, Dwight (1994), There are at least three models of East Asian development, World
Development 22(4): 655-661.

Qian, Yingyi (2002), How reform worked in China, William Davidson Institute Working Paper 473. Ann
Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Rodrik, Dani (1995), Getting interventions right: how South Korea and Taiwan grew rich, NBER
Working Paper Series 4964. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
-- (1992), Limits to trade policy reform in developing countries, Journal of Economic Perspectives 6(1):

Sachs, Jeffrey and Wing Thye Woo (1994), Structural factors in the economic reforms

all above can be used as reference, except K&L(Kenwood, AG and AL Lougheed (1999), The Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000, 4th)

THank You!

Current Macroeconomic Issue

Each student will research a current macroeconomic issue and submit a written report (minimum 500 words, typewritten, double-spaced, Times-Roman font, size 12, APA format) consisting of the following:

* Title Page;

* Abstract;

* Background synopsis (why is this a current economic issue);

* Synopsis of pertinent sides of the issue;

* Explanation of how the issue affects the selected business or the local, state, national, or international economy;

* Minimum of four "outside" sources must be used, a minimum of two of these must be on-line, juried sites. (Juried sites are "official" sources that you might find on "PROQUEST" OR "INFOTRAC." They are NOT like: "") A "References" page is required.

* Microsoft Word Document

History :
In The Devil?s Highway, Luis Alberto Urrea describes an event in 2001 when 12 people perished trying to cross illegally from Mexico into the United States through the Arizona desert. He ...calls it ?the big die-off, the largest death event in border history.? (Urrea, 31) In that sense, the story is unique ? it is something that has never happened before. However, as historians, we should always look for the historical roots of contemporary events. History may not have caused the tragedy in the desert that Urrea chronicles, but history helped create the conditions that made it possible.
For this assignment, identify and describe at least two aspects of the story Urrea tells in The Devil?s Highway and explain their historical roots. It might help to keep asking yourself the question, ?how did things get to be this way?? Craft your response into a 4-5 page paper (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with one inch margins ? about 1200-1500 words). Be sure to include an introduction that contains a clear thesis statement and body paragraphs with topic sentences. Support your argument with specific evidence from Urrea, The Devil?s Highway and Schaller, American Horizons. You may also find useful material in Johnson, Reading the American Past. Cite quotes and specific evidence with parenthetical citations that include author and page number, as demonstrated in the paragraph above.
There are many ways to approach this assignment. Some aspects of the story you might choose to write about include America?s immigration policies, the Southwest border, the power of the federal government, civil rights, the international economy, the consumer economy, migrant labor, and Native Americans. There are surely many others.

After reading Chapters 6,7,13 from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the following 3 links: 1) 2) and 3) and also looking at a Powerpoint that I will also send please answer the following......Wrtie a 4 page essay explaining why there is a needed shift in perspective regarding the approach to healthcare in serving a growing aging population. Be specific in your concepts discussed, and cite relevant text readings, PowerPoint lecture notes, module-related Internet links.
4-Page essay, 121pt. Times New Roman, APA Format....I will do the header page.
Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order.
A short synopsis of all the readings:
The above readings will present information about needed preventive "wellness" initiatives to keep more older adults who are living longer also living healthier. Also, these readings will introduce issues of delivering healthcare to a growing, increasingly diverse aging segment of the population. For example, cultural sensitivity is an important issue in delivering healthcare to older adults. Finally, affordable healthcare in light of a worsening national and international economy is presented as an aging-related public policy concern, impacting resource allocation decisions for aging service recipients.

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order.

Can you please help me to identify the best topic and the abstract for my asset management class:

Topic Selection and write a short abstract

Please use the following material to iden...tify my topic and write a short abstract:

The media promptly coined the acronym PIIGS, to designate main troublemakers in the Eurozone--Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. A sudden rise in the number of articles related to the crisis of euro gives an impression that the problems are surprising and recent. In this paper, we argue that the Eurozone's problems are neither surprising nor recent. The paper surveys the optimal currency literature and looks at the main divergences in competitiveness within the Eurozone. The paper concluded that PIIGS countries suffer from a competitiveness problem. Given that devaluation is not an option because they all belong to the Euroland, and that the monetary union has imposed fiscal rigidity and removed monetary independence, it appears that the adjustment has to come through the labor market. Therefore, policy discussions have focused on analyses of labor costs and productivity growth.

Keywords: Optimum currency areas, EMU, competitiveness, labor costs

The euro is the main competitor to the dollar as reserve currency, aiming to meet the paying and reserve requirements of large European enterprises and facilitating the global operations of European states. Yet, the euro is a very unusual form of international reserve currency. Unlike the dollar it is not a pre-existing national money that has been catapulted into its global role because of the intrinsic power of its economy and state. And nor has it arisen organically out of the commercial and financial operations of large capitals in Europe and elsewhere. Instead, it has been created ex nihilo by an alliance of European states. The peculiar construction of the euro is a source of considerable strength but also weakness for it as international reserve currency.

The institutional framework of the Eurozone has been determined by the large European banks and enterprises that primarily deploy the euro. Thus, the European Central Bank (ECB) took it upon itself to keep inflation below 2%, while creating a homogenous market for bank liquidity across Europe. Fiscal discipline was shaped by the Growth and Stability Pact, but responsibility for compliance was left to each sovereign state. Finally, the Eurozone has directed the pressures of economic adjustment to the labor market: competitiveness in the internal market would depend on productivity growth and labor costs in each country, while labor mobility would be in practice relatively limited. As a result, a 'race to the bottom' for wages and conditions has emerged in the Eurozone benefiting large industrial capital.

In addition, the institutional mechanism of the EMU has reflected hierarchical relations among member states. Extending the membership of the Eurozone to include smaller and weaker states was a rational step to create a substantial internal market that would allow the new currency to function as global means of reserve and payment. Core countries--particularly Germany--then exercised partial control over lesser states. The euro has provided Germany financial and industrial capital with competitive advantages in the European and the world market. For industrial capital it meant lower transaction costs within the common market and improved capital allocation, facilitating the outsourcing of parts of productive capacity. The euro also eliminated one of the major instruments European countries have traditionally deployed in the face of German exporting prowess: currency depreciation.

But the most attractive aspect of the euro for German capital has been its role as reserve currency, potentially creating a much stronger substitute for the old Deutschmark. Advancing financialisation in Germany and other core countries turned the euro into a decisive instrument for obtaining finance in international financial markets, for lending across the world, and for engaging in financial transactions to earn trading profits. A strong euro accepted globally as a reserve currency has been sought by both banks and industrial capital in Germany. It turned Germany into an important international financial center, while allowing its industrial capital to gain further access to capital markets as well as relocating across Europe (1).



Alberola, E. and Tyrvainen, T. (1998); "Is There Scope for Inflation Differentials in EMU? An empirical evaluation of the Balassa-Samuelson Model in EMU countries", Bank of Finland Discussion Papers, 98.

Alesina A., Ardagna, S and Galasso, V. (2010); "The Euro and Structural Reforms", in A. Alesina and F. Giavazzi, eds., Europe and the Euro, Chicago: university of Chicago Press, pp. 57-93.

Arghrou, M.G. and Chortareas, G. (2008), "Current Account Imbalances and real exchange rates in the euro area", Review of International Economics, 16 (4): 747-764.

Bayoumi, T. and Eichengreen, B. (1993); "Shocking Aspects of European Monetary Unification", in F. Torres and F. Giavazzi, eds., Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 193-228.

Bayoumi, T. and Eichengreen, B. (1993); "Is there a conflict between EC enlargement and European Monetary Unification?", Greek Economic Review, 15(1): 131-154.

Bayoumi, T. and Eichengreen, B. (1997); "Ever closer to heaven? An Optimum Currency Area Index for European Countries", European Economic Review, 41(3-5): 761-770.

Bayoumi, T. and Eichengreen, B. (1993); "Shocking Aspects of European Monetary Unification", in F. Torres and F. Giavazzi, eds., Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 193-228.

Blanchard, O. and Giavazzi, F. (2002); "Current Account Deficits in the Euro Area: the end of the Feldstein-Harioka puzzle?", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 147-187.

Blanchard, O. (2007), "Adjustment within the Euro. The difficult case of Portugal"; Potuguese Economic Journal, 6 (1): 1-21.

Friedman, M. (1953); "The case for flexible exchange rates", in Essays in Positive Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 157-203.

De Grauwe, P. And W. Vanhaverbeke (1991), "Is Europe An Optimum Currency Area? Evidence from regional data", (CEPR), Discussion Paper no.555, London.

De Grauwe, P. (2007), "The Challenge of Enlargement of the Eurozone"; SUERF Annual Lecture 2007, the Austrian National Bank, June 22.

Dellas, H. and Tavlas, G.S. (2009); "An Optimum Currency Area Odyssey"; Journal of International Money and Finance, 28(7); 1117-1137.

Duval, R., Elmeskov, J. And Vogel, L. (2007), "Structural policies and Economic Resilience to Shocks", OECD, Economics Department Working Papers, 567.

Eichengreen, B. (1990), "One Money for Europe? Lessons from the U.S. currency union"; Economic Policy: European Forum, 5 (1), pp. 118-187.

European Commission (2008); "EMU@10: Successes and Challenges after 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union", Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Fleming, J.M. (1971); "On Exchange Rate Unification"; Economic Journal, 81 (323), 467-488.

Frankel,J.A. and Rose, A.K.(1998); "The Endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area Criteria", Economic Journal, 108(449): 1009-1025.

Giavazzi, F. and Pagano, M (1988), "The Advantage of Tying One's Hands: EMS discipline and central bank credibility", European Economic Review, 32: 1055-1082.

Goodhart, C.A.E (1989); "Money, Information and Uncertainty", Cambridge: MIT Press.

Kenen, P.B. (1969); The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An eclectic view", in: R.A. Mundell and A.K. Swoboda, (eds), Monetary Problems of the International Economy; University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp.41-60.

Krugman, P. (1994); "Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession"; Foreign Affairs, 73 (2), pp.28-44.

Macartney I., (2009); "Variegated neo-liberalism,: Transnationally oriented fractions of capital in EU financial market Integration", Review of International Studies, 35: 451-480.

Matthes, J. (2009), "Ten Years EMU--Reality test for the OCA endogeneity hypothesis, economic divergences and future challenges", Intereconomics, 44(2); 114-128.

McKinnon, R.(1963); "Optimum Currency Areas"; American Economic Review, 53, pp.717-725.

Mongelli, F.P. (2005); "What is European Economic and Monetary Union telling us about the properties of optimum currency areas?", Journal of Common Market Studies, 43 (3): 607-635.

Mundell, R.A.(1961);"A Theory of Optimum Currency Area", American Economic Review, 51.

Porter, M. (1990); "The Competitive Advantage of Nations", Free Press, New York.

Robson, P. (1998); The Economics of International Integration (4th ed). London: Routledge.

Schiavo, S. (2008), "Financial Integration, GDP Correlation and the Endogeneity of Optimum Currency Areas", Economica, 75(297): 168-189.

Silvestre, J. and Mendonca, A (2007); "The Endogeneity of Otimum Currency Areas Criteria: Some evidence from the European Union and Portugal", International Advances in Economic Research, 13(1): 1-18.

Tavlas, G.S. (1993); "The 'New' Theory of Optimum Currency Areas"; The World Economy, 16(6); 663-685.

Tavlas, G.S. (1994); "The Theory of Monetary Integration", Open Economies Review, 5(2): 211-230.

Vieira, C. and Viera, I. (2010); "Assessing the Endogeneity of OCA Conditions in EMU"; CEFAGE-UE Working Papers Nr.2011, 01, Evora: University of Evora, CEFAGE-UE.

Weyerstrass, K. van Aarle, B. Kappler, M. And Seymen, A. (2011); "Business Cycle Synchronisation with(in) the Euro Area: In search of a 'euro effect'", Open Economies Review, 22(3): 427-446.

Willett, T.D. Permpoon, O. and Wihlborg, C. (2010); "Endogenous OCA Analysis and the Early Euro Experience"; World Economy, 33(7): 851-872.

Zemanek, H. (2010), "Competitiveness within the euro area: The problem that still needs to be solved", Economic Affairs, 30 (3): 42-47

(1) See Macartney I., (2009); Variegated neo-liberalism,: Transnationally oriented fractions of capital in EU financial market Integration, Review of International Studies, 35: 451-480.

(2) For explanation of the calculations and variables used to compute these indices, see Vieira and Vieira (2010: 8-10). Source: Vieira and Vieira (2010:11)

Cheick Wague, South Stockholm University--SODERTORN, Stockholm, Sweden

Starting with a clean of my existing good or service business proposal, Update the business proposal recommendations with the feedback provided by me that includes a peer of mine and my instructor. US...ING GREEN typeface so I may easily identify these additions.

Add the following components to your proposal USING BLUE INK so I can easily identify these additions:
-Recommend appropriate pricing and nonpricing strategies for your new or existing good or service based on the projected economys stage in the business cycle and the prevailing projected economic conditions for one or more macroeconomic factors. Explain the evidence that supports these recommendations.
-Describe planning or operating decisions for your new or existing good or service based on the economys stage in the business cycle and other economic conditions.
-Recommend an appropriate course for your new or existing good or service based on the projected credit markets.
-Describe how current credit market conditions affect your planning or operating decision for your good or service.
-Recommend business decisions based on estimates of evolving international economic conditions. Be sure to relate decisions to international trade and comparative advantage.
-Describe how the international economy affects your planning or operating decisions for the good or service.
-Make any additional recommendations you think are important based on evolving economic conditions.
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (MSwriter) completes this order.

Requesting writer: infoceo
Final Proposal

please add on to attached that you had previously done:

Use as Headings:

h) Recommend appropriate pricing and non-pricing strategies for your new or existing good or service based on the projected economy?s stage in the business cycle and the prevailing projected economic conditions for one or more macroeconomic factors. Explain the evidence that supports these recommendations.

i) Describe planning or operating decisions for your new or existing good or service based on the economy?s stage in the business cycle and other economic conditions.

j) Recommend an appropriate course for your new or existing good or service based on the projected credit markets.

k) Describe how current credit market conditions affect your planning or operating decision for your good or service.

l) Recommend business decisions based on estimates of evolving international economic conditions. Be sure to relate decisions to international trade and comparative advantage.
m) Describe how the international economy affects your planning or operating decisions for the good or service.

n) Make any additional recommendations you think are important based on evolving economic conditions.

International Political Economy, that deals with the
inter lap between international relations and economics in the U.S. Specifically, focus on how
political activity has an impact on economics, such as trade policies, and how political
actions often have economic causes, such as the relationship between trade and conflict,
or the impact of economic inequalities across states on policies.

International capital movements can bring major gains both to the lending or investing countries and to the borrowing countries, through intertemporal trade and through portfolio diversification for the lenders/investors. But international lending and borrowing is not always well-behaved, financial crises are recurrent.

Develop a detail paper analyzing the empirical reasons for the international financial crisis and the role of the International Monetary Fund.

Paper structure as follow

*International capital flows
*The International Monetary Fund
* International Lending and borrowing between industrialized countries
*International Lending by industrialized countries to developing nations
*Reasons behind International Financial Crisis
-Overlending and Overborrowing: The Asian Crisis of 1997
-Exogenous Shocks
-Exchange Rate Risk
-Large Increases in Short-Term Debt to Foreigners

*Resolving the Crisis
*Rescue Package
*Debt Restructuring

Quotation and citation not to exceed 20% of entire paper

Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

international Marketing ? Individual Assignment
Situational Analysis of International Marketing Environment

Rationale for assignment: This part of the coursework will develop and assess... each student individually with regard to his or her research and analytical skills pertaining to the international marketing environment. Students will also be expected to show clear evidence of being able to critically evaluate models of analysis at this level. (NB Such critical comment is best put in the appendices)

Each student will be required to develop a situational analysis for use in an international marketing plan for any company -except Marks and Spencer. This will be incorporated into the second group work coursework-as the first and second halves of an International Marketing Plan

Module Learning Outcomes that are assessed by this assignment are as stated in the Module Outline.

Word limit: 1,000 words- excluding appendices, end notes and bibliography
Due Date: Friday 11.59:59 pm of week 8
Assessment weighting 50%

The activity

You work as a marketing consultant for a company (see above). The firm has asked you to conduct a situational analysis (with accompanying recommendations) for entry into a foreign target market ? which can be any (named ) BRIC nation or South Africa, South Korea, Japan Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina or Kuwait .

Your situational analysis should include components such as:

? a brief statement about the international profile (if ?none? state ?none?) of the retailer
and rationale for internationalizing (further)
? an application of a method of assessing the potential of various TM?s with the logic of the chosen market being clearly stated
? analysis of the chosen TM (Country Analysis) relating to the retailing sector
? industry/competitor analysis (within the TM)
? customer analysis (identification of TM customers and behaviours)
? potential positioning (Mapping with explanation)

In summary, normal research process here is to:

? provide cogent business reasons, after briefly identifying the retailer?s international activity, for internationalizing (further)
? demonstrate a means of assessing the comparative attractiveness of various potential target markets
? collect data from the mainstream business sources plus any industry-specific (retailing)
? do an analysis of the data and identify the environmental forces (macro and micro) at
work in the industry with the changes and trends in these
? identify cause and effect between these macro and micro forces and the impact on the
TM at present and into the future, so you can
? select, analyse, prioritise and summarize the key issues that face the retailer in the
potential TM. And develop a positioning depicted on a Map stemming from your
competitor and consumer analyses

Extra Guidance notes

This is to be presented in a report format with the normal report writing rules applying.

The 1,000 words exclude appendices,references and bibliography. Please include the references clearly (there should be at least 10 valid references including material from the net ) Please type double spacing.

You will be assessed on the extent of your research; how the research has been logically presented and the points clearly made and explained and finally, how well the brief was addressed taking into consideration the analytical quality of the written presentation, its overall structure and the development of a suitable conclusion.

The assignment must be handed in via turn it in by Week 8. Lateness will incur the usual penalties. Plan ahead, do not leave things to the last minute since data lost in your computer will not be accepted as an excuse.

Please note: Plagiarism and cheating are treated as very serious offences at RBSL Module tutors make every attempt to take a proactive and developmental view to the discouragement of cheating or plagiarism by training the students in the appropriate academic skills of writing and referencing within the module. For further information on this please see the Student Handbook.

If there are genuine reasons as to why a hand-in date could not be met, you should consult and follow the procedure outlined in the section called "Extenuating Circumstances" in the Student Handbook.

This is not intended to substitute for individual feedback (see turnitin on Friday this week) but to highlight some aspects which may be useful to note when addressing the group assignment.

Marks gained

Grades of 65% or over tended to contain:

(a) coverage of all the sections required

(b)theoretical frameworks and constructs mainly from

international marketing-related texts/articles

(c) attempts at applications for each and every section

(d) evidence of a clear line of argument

Marks lost

(a) The reverse of (any of)the above items
(b) Lack of linkage between sections/poor integration
(c) Insufficient explanation of choice available and made

International Marketing
Author Ibrahim Sirkeci and Richard Cawley
ISBN 9781780160047
Publisher Pearson Ed
Publication Date 01 January 2012

3 Pages

International Economy the Recent Economic

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International Marketing Rimmel Is a

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Globalization and the Impact on

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Requesting writer: infoceo Final Proposal please add on to attached that you had previously done: Use as Headings: h) Recommend appropriate pricing and non-pricing strategies for your new or existing good or…

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International Political Economy in the

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International Political Economy, that deals with the inter lap between international relations and economics in the U.S. Specifically, focus on how political activity has an impact on economics, such as…

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International Lending and Financial Crises

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International capital movements can bring major gains both to the lending or investing countries and to the borrowing countries, through intertemporal trade and through portfolio diversification for the lenders/investors.…

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International Marketing a Situation Analysis Is Termed

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international Marketing ? Individual Assignment Situational Analysis of International Marketing Environment Rationale for assignment: This part of the coursework will develop and assess each student individually with regard to…

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