25+ documents containing “Industrialization”.
Write a 2 page, double-spaced, paper on how the movie "BARAKA"(a non narrative by ron fricke) relates to Geography. This assignment is NOT meant to be a movie summary and review, but rather a thoughtful discussion on how geography plays a role in the plot, theme, or cinematic portrayal.
Include 2 geographical themes listed below. Please refer to your book for more ideas or more information on these topics.(text book is : third edition "world regions in global context, peoples places and environments" by sallie a martson, paul l knox, and diana m.liverman
Space vs. place
Culture and the environment
Diffusion (ideas, people, etc)
Your paper will be evaluated based on the following rubric.
Clarity of discussion/depth of understanding
Does the student effectively link movie to at least 2-3 geographic issues?
Does the student clearly understand the geographic issues he/she raises?
Organization (flow, structure)
Mechanics (citations, spelling, grammar, etc)
CITATION is very important!!!! All ideas from anyone needs to be INDICATED!!!!!!!!!!
Langston Hughes, Harlem,Marge Piercy, A Work of Artifice,
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18,Walt Whitman, Facing West,
William Wordsworth, London, 1802,Wilfred Owen, Dulce Et Decorum Est,Thomas Hardy, The Workbox,e.e. cummings, she being Brand /-new,
Theodore Roethke, My Papas Waltz,
from literature and introduction to reading and writing by edgar v. roberts/ henry e . jacobs ,second compact edition
Formal Assignment(ONE PAGE)
In many of these poems, we have a difference between what IS and what SHOULD BEan ironic disconnect. Select two of the poems and show how the poet describes the difference between matters as they are and matters as they could be, or could have been. Which seems to be the better alternative? Is the other alternative even achievable?
Informal Assignment(ONE PAGE)
In London, 1802, Wordsworth wrote, Milton! Thou shouldst be living at this hour/ England hath need of thee, in Mrs. Robinson, Simon & Garfunkel wrote, Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Every culture, every time has looked to departed heroes to show it the way to salvation and a light in dark times. So, who would you look to today to save us from our current difficulties? What figure (not active on the world stage, but possibly still alive) could help us through our woes? (And Im not looking for Superman or something like thatwere talking REAL historical figures here.) Give it a go
please write as an informal assinment thanks
A Critical Analysis of J. Bhagwati & Srinivasan "Trade and Poverty in Poor Countries"
Carefully read the Bhagwati-Srinivasan paper, on the link above. Examine the case for and against free trade analyzed presented in the paper. (using economic and geographical point of view)
Every assertion of yours must be justified theoretically or empirically
The pursuit of economic growth is not in people's long-term interest.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.Discuss.
Your essay should meet the following expectations:
Answer the question set and keep to the topic.
Demonstrate an understanding of relevant economic principles,concepts and theories;
Ability to provide insightful analysis of issues involved;
Ability to organise material with supporting evidence;
Skills in using diagram to explain economic ideas;
Knowledge of currect issues relating to your assignment question;
Evidence of through research.
Consult as many writings on the topic as you can.Comprehend and synthesise the ideas expressed and then attempt to present them in your own words.Eventually,you should be able to analyse and criticise other work and cogently argue your own point of view.You should always support your arguments and opinions with extensive referencing.
Include an introduction in your opening paragraph and a conclusion in the final one.Attach references and a bibliography of the books and journal articles used in the assignment.
my class is politics of latin america the prof. wants us to write about the hostest topic in Cuba right now. the prof. hates history papers so this is not what he wants. he wants something thta is happening right now in cuba in terms of its economic and political change and the relation of cuba with the rest of the countries. he also mention something about the chinesse model that cuba was trying to get with fidel if he was trying to make cuba like china but i don't know much about that. he also mention something about totalitarianism. also explain what is the situation in cuba with the new president will it continue the same or not. but remember this is not a hystory paper. he wants us to identify an anlitical concept that causes/explains a key aspect of current national politics in cuba. and try to avoid as many dates as you can.in addition to that the paper has to be divided like this:
* he wants the first page to be a proposal/thesis paper
* and the other 5 pages will be the research paper
for the bibliography he wants us to include these two book:
-democracy in latin america by Peter H. Smith
-Politics of latin America: the power game by Harry E. Vanden and Gary Prevost...this is the second edition.
Hope you can help me with it because this is driving me crazy...if you don' find the 2 books i mention above let me know because i have them and in that case i can fax some information for you.. thanks a lot.
There are five questions below, each worth 10 points. You need to answer any four (4) questions. If you answer all five questions, I will give you credit for only the first four.
The whole point of giving a take-home test is to get you to do substantial library research. The depth of your research and the extent of your bibliography will heavily influence my grading decisions.
Your answers should cover at least eight (8) double-spaced pages, not counting the bibliography. They should follow the numbering scheme of the questions: For example, if a question is subdivided into parts (a), (b), and (c), then so should your answer.
I will, of course, examine your answers in detail for signs of plagiarism.Plagiarism: Students must submit all their written work in electronic form as well as on paper. I will use plagiarism detection Web sites such as http://www.mydropbox.com and http://www.turnitin.com and make a rigorous attempt to detect plagiarism. Students are therefore encouraged to clear their writing with these Web sites before submitting it to me. Please see the Universitys Students' Guide to Preventing and Avoiding Plagiarism at http://www.liu.edu/CWIS/CWP/library/exhibits/plagstudent.htm for further clarifications. Needless to say, any plagiarism in my course will be punished in an extremely cruel and heartless manner.
1. (a) Summarize the central beliefs of the Mercantilist School. (b) To what extent can these beliefs be said to have arisen out of the political history of the Mercantilist era, such as the rise of nation states in Europe and the Voyages of Discovery that led to the opening up of new trade links to South America and Asia? (c) Describe the nature of and the effects of the mercantilist policies of Colbert, finance minister under Louis XIV of France. (d) What was the nature of the theoretical reaction to such policies from economists such as Boisguilbert and the Physiocrats?
2. (a) Why did the Physiocrats argue that only landowners should be taxed? (b) Discuss what the Physiocrats meant by "surplus". (c) According to the Physiocrats, with which class of people did the surplus eventually end up and why? (You may wish to consult the extracts from the writings of Quesnay and Turgot on pages 3545 and 5051 of The Worldly Philosophers.) (d) On pages 7779 of New Ideas from Dead Economists there is a discussion of the ideas of Henry George, an American economist, on this same issue. Show the similarities and the differences between the approaches and arguments of the Physiocrats and Henry George on the issue of taxation.
3. (a) Discuss Adam Smiths views on the proper role of the government. In Smiths view, what should the government do and what should it not do? (b) Explain the meaning of Robert Heilbroners comment in The Worldly Philosophers that The great enemy to Adam Smiths system is not so much government per se as monopoly in any form.
4. Read Chapters I, II and III of Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations. (a) Summarize Smiths ideas on the division of labor. (b) In what ways has the concept of division of labor changed economic thinking? Which topics in economic theory have been affected the most? What role did the division of labor play in Smiths theory of economic development? (c) To what extent were Smiths ideas on the division of labor anticipated in the writings of Xenophon, Plato, and William Petty?
5. (a) Discuss David Ricardos Theory of Comparative Costs, its history, and its strengths and weaknesses as a theory of international trade. (b) What did John Stuart Mill later add to Ricardos trade theory?
6. (a) Is Thomas Malthuss Theory of Population relevant today? (b) Could todays worries about environmental damage be used to justify Malthuss ideas? (c) Compare Malthuss ideas with those of the late economist, Julian Simon. (See our reference librarians and http://myweb.liu.edu/~uroy/eco54/histlist/j-simon.htm for more on Julian Simon.)
Discuss how the film "Metropolis" deals with some of the most important issues of modernity: the relationship between men and technology (think about the fact that film as a genre relies on technology) and the class system. In order to make your argument, describe and analyze specific scenes in the film.
Examine several social groups or organizations to which you belong or have belonged (school, government, family, religious (catholic), American Heart Association, International Association of Administrative Professionals, American Bowling Congress). Prepare a 600 to 950-word paper explaining the role of the group and the social functions it supports or promotes. Be sure to define the groups that you select in terms of primary and secondary classifications. If you can deem the group can a reference group, consider how this group affects or has affected your life personally and/or professionally? Consider Webers five characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy and suggest which (if any) of the characteristics are directly applicable to your organization. From personal experience, examine the positive and negative ramifications of operating within a bureaucratic structure.
For this project students will read Stanley Elkins Slavery and then write a comparative analysis of Elkins historical interpretation of slavery with James McPhersons interpretation in Ordeal by Fire. Your analysis should address the following questions:
1. What are the points of agreement and disagreement between the two authors, Stanley Elkins and James McPherson, concerning the institution of slavery?
2. Specifically, what influence did institutions like the church have on the character of American slavery?
3. How much control did the masters have over their slaves? Did the slaves exercise any autonomy over their own lives?
4. Did American devotion to limited government and laissez faire capitalism ameliorate the brutality of slavery?
5. What evidence does each author use to support his arguments, and is the evidence anecdotal or quantifiable?
6. Which author more accurately describes antebellum American slavery? Why?
The paper (not including the cover page) should be a minimum of 1250 words in length, double spaced in 12 point Arial font. APA guidelines should be followed.
Here are some thoughts to help you shape your Project 1 work:
I am looking for about 12-15 paragraphs which show a thorough knowledge of the base text and present it in a logical way... here is how:
1 paragraph biographical information about Elkins - dig hard find clues showing biases agenda the times he wrote and what he was about.
1 paragraph with the same information about McPherson.
3 paragraphs one for each of Elkins' primary theories +++ Hint do not write about them as if you own them... write with a clue about how you will unpack it... i.e., In Elkins' (1976), strongest argument he wrote.... or According to Elkins' (1976), theory..., which was a bit of a stretch.
++This hint is critical++
3 paragraphs about how McPherson covered those areas as you addressed as Elkins' main theories and only that much of McPherson - you need not try to address his whole text in your paper.
3 paragraphs about contrasts of the two works within that vein.
1 paragraph of your own conclusions.
1 page of References supporting your citations.
Typically, the text by Doctor Stanley Elkins (1976), presents the most difficulties and challenges for students. Below are some notes on making the reading of his work a bit easier.
1. Read an entire section without looking at the footnotes. Then go back and re-read the same section, stopping for the footnotes as necessary. For many who have never previously read a highly scholarly text or a dissertation that has been turned into a text book, they will find the frequency and length of the footnotes to be a stumbling block to comprehension. Do not let that be an obstruction, but use them for clarification or expansion of an idea.
2. Before you begin reading the book, familiarize yourself with it read the contents page in the front to see the names of the chapters and see how the book is organized.
3. Skim over the index; look for familiar names, concepts or ideas with which you are familiar.
4. Before you read beyond the introduction chapter (which should be read), briefly research Elkins, see when he wrote the text, who his intended audience was, in short find out what were his context, biases and element.
5. Watch out for a practice called periodization meaning Elkins blended or jumped from era to era without informing the reader to make his arguments and theories seem more clear and to work better for him. That can do several things, but primarily it can be confusing, it can obscure issues or other relevant information from the reader, or principally it miscasts the information for and advances a specific goal. Watch carefully for those jumps and ask yourself why when you hit one.
6. Watch out for quick and easy generalities and vagaries particularly in relation to the church that is a troubling generalization of European state churches and the Roman Catholic Churchs power prior to 1800. Hint there is no the church in the United States, that is a founding and basic principle keep that in mind when reading and when writing up project 1.
Finally, given the challenges and questions that will arise with the Elkins text, it is valuable and prompts (or at least should prompt) discussion of several issues related to antebellum America. Chapter IV (6) Choices is one of the key chapters in the book and most revealing it may be a place to start after the introduction and then go back to the beginning. That particular chapter makes the book worth having for reference.
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1.The neo-classical growth model predicts long run conditional convergence among economies. Write a concise essay in which you explain why the neo-classical growth model may predict divergence in the short run, and why even long run convergence is conditional.
2. It is not so much that the British economy slowed down after 1860 as that other economies grew more rapidly, and that is what accounts for late nineteenth century economic convergence.
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
3. Williamson claims that trans-Atlantic labour migration was an important cause of post-1860 real wage convergence. However, it is much more likely that the unprecedented movements of labour we observe during this time period were nothing more than an effect of the economic convergence that was underway.
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
4. The neo-classical growth model emphasizes two determinants of intensive growth (ie. growth in output per person). Write a concise essay in which you explain the operation of the neo-classical growth model and the role played by the two key determinants of growth within the model.
5. According to Williamson our standard neo-classical economic objective should lead us to study real wage convergence, rather than output per person convergence. Write a concise essay in which you describe exactly what is meant by the term modern economic growth, how this type of growth is linked to the standard neo-classical economic objective, and why this link leads Williamson to focus on real wages.
6. Entrepreneurial failure cannot explain all of the relative decline in post-1860 British economic performance. Write a concise essay in which you describe the evidence used to support claims of British entrepreneurial failure, and discuss what other factors may have led to Britains relative decline.
7. Based on evidence from the post-1860 Atlantic economy, stable and flexible institutions seem to help foster economic growth. Write a concise essay in which you describe, in general terms, what institutions may be important for a nations economic performance and why stability and flexibility are more important than any particular institutional framework.
--I need a Table of contents page: list each section and the major subsections with the beginning page number.
--Could you also include a figure or table of overpopulations around the globe in the paper. Both if possible, but not using up much space of the paper.
Here is an outline of what I submitted of all the topics involved. Could you please make it consise and not in point format.
I. Introduction
A. The Big Picture of Overpopulations and its environmental effects
B. Thesis
II. Main Points
A. the Overall Change
B. The Impact of Overpopulations around the globe
C. Environmental Effects Involved
D. Methods/Factors of population control
E. Proposals
F. Pros and Cons
G. the Future of our Society/Main Concerns
III. Analysis
VI. Recap
V. Conclusion
VI. References
Again this paper is on OVERPOPULATIONS AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. This is from an Environmental Health perspective. Thank You Essaytown.
The essay question is: What are the main explanations for the 1997 Asian currency crisis? Discuss the implications of that crisi for the Asian economic paradigm.
* word limit up to 2,500
* No citation, quotation or footnotes necessary
* I was given a specific essay structure by tutor:
The Asian Crisis
* 1985 Plaza Accord appreciation of yen against dollar
* Liberalisation, BOJ foreign loans,
* Keiretsu export of capital
* End of bubble economy
* Foreign banks lending expands
* 1988 GSP status ends (4 tigers economy)
* 1994 china devalues currency all the rest of the Asian countries are affected by Chinas devaluation - can not compete with china
* 1995-96 Mini-recession, debt problem, accumulation
* 1996-97 debt/ foreign exchange, reserve rations deteriorate
1997 July 2nd Thailand abandons peg, currency crisis spread
* Asian countries had only 25 billion in reserves and owned more than owed more then 75 billion had to go to IMF for help
* The economies tried to hide the problems by borrowing from banks
* Thailand is first to be hit by the crisis
* South Korea was given conditions from IMF:
1. Cuts in domestic government spending
2. Unemployment to double from 4% to 8%
3. 12 government owned banks to close
4. Restrictions on foreign ownership of Korean banks to be terminated
5. Foreign firms to be allowed full access to Korean government bond market
6. Foreign firms to be allowed 100% share in top chaebol firms (jump from 25%)
7. Foreign firms to be allowed full access to insurance
8. Government chaebol link be more transparent.
1. Moral Hazard the mainstream view cronyism
2. Over-liquid and under-regulated financial markets speculation
3. Globalisation Lysandrow`s view
* Global imbalances
* Banks and governments can`t take the burden
* If the Asian countries had bond markets than the crisis would not occur.
Results from the Asian crisis stocking up dollars, opening all networks (banks, keiretsu), establishing bond markets.
* Journal: CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, VOLUME 22, NUMBER 6, NOVEMBER 1998. Special issue on asian crisis, will send it via e-mail
* Books: After the storm by JOMO K.S. and Tigers in trouble by JOMO K.S.
* No bibliography required unless you will also use other sources
* Tutor was very angry how IMF treated South Korea
If you have any questions please contact via e-mail.
Thank you, Baja
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The essay should be on modern Iraqs history of social conflict, of power struggles between rival clans, of hostility and wars with neighboring states, as well as the struggles aftermath, and Iraq's deteriorating relations with the West. Analyze the course of the modern state of Iraqs development and how this led to its distinctive politics.
Please use the following referances where available:
Georges Roux, Ancient Iraq, Penguin USA (Paper); 3rd edition (1993), ISBN: 014012523X.
Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab Peoples, Fine Creative Media, 1997, ISBN: 1567312160.
Charles Tripp, History of Iraq, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN: 052152900X.
3-5 page assessment of Chinas likely future strategic intentions
If you have access, please use:
Defense Intelligence Journal Volume 10, Number 1 - Winter 2001. ISSN 1061-6845
as one of the reference.
Book report on
The report has to focus on the following,
1) describe the textbook (story, chapters, characters, main points)
2) interpret the book in terms of Quality
3) evaluate whether this text provides the same or a different view of Quality (give examples)
4) describe HOW you would use the knowledge from the book in your work
Hi, I wrote the first draft of a 20 page research paper on the Wiener Werkstatte. Although the paper was completed, I had a lot of issues from the professor regarding my ability to digest the paper appropriately. He wrote that the background of the topic has too many details, many unrelated to any theme or topic. They need to be streamlined and made more readable. I provided too much detail about the artistry and works. He wrote that they need to be shaped and organized better. I need to make more generalities. He wrote that I needed to reflect, rethink and reformulate some of my formulations. It's not enough to list facts from my sources. I need to select which of the material facts serve my larger themes(no extraneous facts). I will e-mail you the first draft of my paper. Use that as a starting point if it helps(a paper completely different from its first draft may be a little suspicious). If you can in some ways adopt my writing style, that would also be good. Writing that's too alien from my own would also be suspicious. Included with the first draft is also my bibliography(five sources). Please research from them. I'm also sending three pages that I recently typed to guide me when I was presenting my paper topic to the class. Included are some background information on the workshop. I also highlighted on the positive effects of the workshop(joining art as a whole-Gesamtkunstwerk) with examples such as the sanatorium and book binding. Another positive aspect was the way the workshop handled machines(all in the first two pages). I also focused on the negative effects or factors leading to the downfall of the workshops(all in the last two pages). Those were possible themes that I planned to use for the paper. Be sure to use some of the ideas from the three pages. Throughout the paper, I'd like chicago manual style footnotes. No parenthetical citations. You can copy the footnotes from my e-mailed first draft if you'd like. Be sure to take in the criticisms from my professor. Good-bye and thank you!
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Both Rousseau and Marx are considered critics of bourgeois society. Compare and contrast Rousseau's critique in Discourse on the Origin of Inequality with Marx's critique in the Communist Manifesto. In what ways are their critiques similar? In what ways different? Get at the fundamental similarities and differences. Discuss at least three distinct and substantive points.
Make sure you provide an analytical, systemaatically integrated, and truly comparative analysis. Don not just discuss one theorist followed by a discussion of the other theorist. Provide a simultaneous discussion of both theorists.
Please use reliable resources
Citing: Make sure you cite ideas that are not your own. Remember that it is OK to quote others. You can use footnotes, endnotes, or parentheses when you cite. Pick ONE style and use it throughout your paper. If you prefer parenthetical citation, then please provide a "works cited" section at the end of your paper.
Citation Styles:
Parenthetical: Joe/Jane is smart (Smith, 1999: 8 or Smith 1999, 8).
Footnote or Endnote: Joe/Jane is smart.
* Advice: What matters in this paper is COHERENCE and PERSUASIVENESS. I must understand what you are saying and why you are saying it. Do not say, for example, that the answer to problem X is Y "because." Because what? I will ask you. Offer proof or evidence in the form of historical events, statistics, or in some other way. Above all, you must persuade me with the logic of your argument(s). This assignment is designed to make you THINK about the world you live in and how individuals such as yourselves can and should deal with global problems.
Citation Styles
To Footnote Or Endnote:
Melinda Smith, "Intelligence Understood," The Journal of Psychology, Volume III, No. 4 (Fall 1999): 8.
Melinda Smith, The Human Mind (New York: The Free Press, 1999), p. 8.
Melinda Smith, "How Humans Learn," The New York Times, November 15, 1999, p. A9.
Internet Sources:
For commonly known and used sources:
Melinda Smith, "How Humans Learn," The New York Times, November 15, 1999 (Internet Version).
For web sites:
Melinda Smith, "How Humans Learn," January 2001 (http://www.americanpsychologyassociation.org/smith).
Parenthetical Citation (For Works Cited Page(s)):
Articles and Books:
Smith, M. (1999) Intelligence Understood. The Journal of Psychology 3 (4): 8. Or Smith, M. (1999) The Human Mind. New York: The Free Press.
Smith, M. (1999) How Humans Learn. The New York Times, November 15, p. A9.
Internet Sources:
Smith, M. (2001) How Humans Learn. On-line at
Remediation Chemistry and Methods for Chromium-contaminated Sites.
Prepare a six to ten page technical report on the assigned topic. The report should include three parts: an introduction, a reporting of various aspects of the topic, and a discussion of the information presented including pictures where applicable. The introduction should indicate what the report presents and may indicate how the topic is a part of broader aspects of remediation. The introduction should be substantially less than one page in length. The middle of the report should clearly describe the topic and any complications, difficulties, advantages, etc. that are associated with it. The discussion should include the viability or applicability of the subject in actual remediation situations.
The report should be based upon between five and ten references.
Cannot use wikipedia or answer.com as any sources!Please make sure to have a tentative outline!An intro , body , and conclusion! And please make sure to have the first outline tentative! Try to avoid using contractions as much as possible!Try to use third person as much as possible!
I need a one page essay. The essay question is:
"How does the history of New York City predict the history of the devlopment and growth of most of the mass media in the United States?"
A good reference to use would be textbook [R. Campbell, C.R. Martin, & B. Fabos (2007). Mass Media and Culture, Sixth Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's: Boston, NewYork]
I would like for most of the essay to not have citations.. in otherwords, please research the topic and then write about it in your own words. The essay should be straight to the point. I don't need any fancy writing. The most important thing is to get the point across. Also, please focus on what the question asks, the history of New York City. This city was the origin of many mass mediums.
request for writer shelah!
Heart disease in young adults and making them better aware that kids their own age have it and they may have it.
If there is an issue that youve been interested in and wish you had time to work on and make a difference in your community, Service Learning is for you! Your final paper will define a particular issue of importance in your life and present an analysis of the issue and strategies for addressing it.
These papers are not reports or summaries, and will be presented in a persuasive and analytical voice. In most cases, you will rely upon primary sources (poems, short stories, speeches, autobiographies, letters, and essays) with support from secondary sources (scholarly journals, critical reviews) to develop your research. These sources will be critical to your analysis of your topic and will serve as the foundation for supporting your thesis.
Interviews: As part of your research process, each one of you will be required to conduct at least one interview with someone with life experience or specific expertise that can inform your research. You will be required to include this interview in your research although how you do so is up to you.
You should not pick someone you know well (close friend, family member) for your interview. The point is to expand your research and have an active discussion with someone who can open your eyes to new ideas and additional sources. I will help you identify interview subjects if this becomes a problem
I. Produce a 10-12 page persuasive and analytical research paper that demonstrates the ability to conduct college-level academic research using a variety of primary and secondary resources including at least one interview. In addition, students will be able to:
access a variety of sources including library databases (E.G. Proquest, Ethnic
Newswatch) (a minimum of 12 sources should be included in your Works
pursue ideas by using those sources;
evaluate reliability and appropriateness of sources; and
develop systematic strategies for using these sources in a long essay.
II. Read a variety of texts independently and critically, selecting and reflecting on relevant information and ideas, and synthesizing material with their own ideas.
III. Create, support and sustain a thesis through a clear, coherent and focused
IV. Cite ideas accurately from sources, applying MLA formatting.
V. Integrate cited material into your own work, avoiding plagiarism.
V. Demonstrate technical control of the standard conventions of English, with
attention to sentence variety and clarity.
VI. Write with an awareness of audience, anticipating opposition and demonstrating
appropriate voice and tone.
VII. Work collaboratively when appropriate, demonstrating effective group interaction.
IX. Present research information to the class
Part I. Identification of terms and processes, answer any five in a paragraph or more.
1. Celilo Falls
2. fishable swimmable standard
3. stormwater detention basins
4. Rosgen system of stream restoration
5. Lake Baikal / Lake Victoria (locate and describe key issues)
6. maintaining minimum in stream flow / Klamath River 2002 incident
7. whirling disease in trout
Part II Essays
1. Briefly describe primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage treatment. What level of treatment has been supported by the Clean Water Act, and what has happened to that support in recent years. How has sewage sludge disposal changed in this region over the last 25 years?
2. Why has urban flooding become a worsening problem in recent years? How have flood control strategies been evolving and changing, in terms of engineering and philosophy?
3. what are some concerns regarding herbicide use in Greenwood lake, Lake Cochituate, and other drinking water sources? What are some of the less toxic alternatives available for aquatic vegetation management?
4. How does the legal basis for groundwater usage differ from the legal basis for surface water usage in the United State? Referring to some controversial examples, describe the reason for groundwater pumping, and how it is affecting surface waters.
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Please read the article "Criticism and Self-criticism in German Modernism" by Alan Colquhoun,concentrating on the marked passages and write a 1 page summary of the author's main concerns in your own words.
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Title: Critically evaluate the identification and management of two or more low-intensity crises. What lessons, if any, might be learned?
I'm sending my class notes for this particular module, which will illustrate the citation and bibliography style. It will also provide some background to the subject and title of the paper.
I have chosen the fire at the Sandoz Ltd Schweizerhalle works in Switzerland, November 1986 and the London Smog of 5-8 December 1952 as the two low-intensity crises to be researched. If the writer finds other low-intensity crises which are considered stronger, please email me with the idea and will approve.
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Write a 2 page, double-spaced, paper on how the movie "BARAKA"(a non narrative by ron fricke) relates to Geography. This assignment is NOT meant to be a movie…
Read Full Paper ❯Langston Hughes, Harlem,Marge Piercy, A Work of Artifice, William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18,Walt Whitman, Facing West, William Wordsworth, London, 1802,Wilfred Owen, Dulce Et Decorum Est,Thomas Hardy, The Workbox,e.e. cummings, she being Brand…
Read Full Paper ❯http://www.econ.yale.edu/~srinivas/trade_poverty.pdf A Critical Analysis of J. Bhagwati & Srinivasan "Trade and Poverty in Poor Countries" Carefully read the Bhagwati-Srinivasan paper, on the link above. Examine the case for and against free…
Read Full Paper ❯ASSIGNMENT The pursuit of economic growth is not in people's long-term interest.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.Discuss. ------------------------------------------------------------- Your essay should meet the following expectations: Answer the question…
Read Full Paper ❯my class is politics of latin america the prof. wants us to write about the hostest topic in Cuba right now. the prof. hates history papers so this is…
Read Full Paper ❯TAKE-HOME MIDTERM ECO54 SPRING 2008 UDAYAN ROY There are five questions below, each worth 10 points. You need to answer any four (4) questions. If you answer all five…
Read Full Paper ❯Discuss how the film "Metropolis" deals with some of the most important issues of modernity: the relationship between men and technology (think about the fact that film as a…
Read Full Paper ❯Examine several social groups or organizations to which you belong or have belonged (school, government, family, religious (catholic), American Heart Association, International Association of Administrative Professionals, American Bowling Congress).…
Read Full Paper ❯For this project students will read Stanley Elkins Slavery and then write a comparative analysis of Elkins historical interpretation of slavery with James McPhersons interpretation in Ordeal by Fire.…
Read Full Paper ❯1.The neo-classical growth model predicts long run conditional convergence among economies. Write a concise essay in which you explain why the neo-classical growth model may predict divergence in the…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a research paper on OVERPOPULATIONS AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. --I need a Table of contents page: list each section and the major subsections with the beginning page…
Read Full Paper ❯The essay question is: What are the main explanations for the 1997 Asian currency crisis? Discuss the implications of that crisi for the Asian economic paradigm. * word limit up…
Read Full Paper ❯The essay should be on modern Iraqs history of social conflict, of power struggles between rival clans, of hostility and wars with neighboring states, as well as the struggles…
Read Full Paper ❯3-5 page assessment of Chinas likely future strategic intentions If you have access, please use: Defense Intelligence Journal Volume 10, Number 1 - Winter 2001. ISSN 1061-6845 as one of the reference.
Read Full Paper ❯Book report on TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM:BEYOND LARGE-SCALE PRODUCTION" BY TAIICHI OHNO The report has to focus on the following, 1) describe the textbook (story, chapters, characters, main points) 2) interpret the book in…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi, I wrote the first draft of a 20 page research paper on the Wiener Werkstatte. Although the paper was completed, I had a lot of issues from the…
Read Full Paper ❯Both Rousseau and Marx are considered critics of bourgeois society. Compare and contrast Rousseau's critique in Discourse on the Origin of Inequality with Marx's critique in the Communist Manifesto.…
Read Full Paper ❯Please use reliable resources Citing: Make sure you cite ideas that are not your own. Remember that it is OK to quote others. You can use footnotes, endnotes, or parentheses…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic: Remediation Chemistry and Methods for Chromium-contaminated Sites. Requirements Prepare a six to ten page technical report on the assigned topic. The report should include three parts: an introduction, a…
Read Full Paper ❯Cannot use wikipedia or answer.com as any sources!Please make sure to have a tentative outline!An intro , body , and conclusion! And please make sure to have the first…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a one page essay. The essay question is: "How does the history of New York City predict the history of the devlopment and growth of most of the…
Read Full Paper ❯request for writer shelah! Heart disease in young adults and making them better aware that kids their own age have it and they may have it. If there is an issue…
Read Full Paper ❯Part I. Identification of terms and processes, answer any five in a paragraph or more. 1. Celilo Falls 2. fishable swimmable standard 3. stormwater detention basins 4. Rosgen system of stream restoration 5. Lake Baikal / Lake Victoria…
Read Full Paper ❯Article has been uploaded to fax/file board. Please read the article "Criticism and Self-criticism in German Modernism" by Alan Colquhoun,concentrating on the marked passages and write a 1 page summary…
Read Full Paper ❯Title: Critically evaluate the identification and management of two or more low-intensity crises. What lessons, if any, might be learned? I'm sending my class notes for this particular module, which…
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