Incident Management System Essays Prompts

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Emergency responders use an overarching incident management system called the National Incident Management System (Walsh, et al., 2005). The system began with California FIRESCOPE, matured to the incident command system (ICS), and expanded to NIMS after the 2001 attacks. The following question requires a theoretical analysis of ICS and NIMS. ICS resides in the Command and Management component of NIMS. Describe the six components of NIMS. Explain how these components integrate with and/or complement ICS.

Department of Homeland Security. (2008). National Incident Management System. Retrieved from

Walsh, D., Christen, H., Miller, G., Callsen, C., Cilluffo, F., & Maniscalco, P. (2005) National Incident Management System - Principles and Practices. Boston: Jones and Bartlett

The purpose of the Critical Incident Management Research assignment is to further your knowledge on the topics of a multi-disciplinary response, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the response and management of a chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological and explosive (CBRNE) incident. This information will aid in your case study analysis assignments throughout the remainder of the course.
Select three articles, one on each of the following topics:

Coordinated multi-disciplinary response to a critical incident.
National Incident Management System (NIMS).
Response and management of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incident.
Write a summary of the article and describe how the article contributed to your knowledge on the topic. Conclude your paper with an explanation of how these three topics contribute to successful critical incident management.

Your Critical Incident Management Research paper should not exceed three pages. All citations and references should be in APA 5th edition format.

Submit your Critical Incident Management Research paper in the assignments area.

Do Not Fax

National Incident Management System (NIMS) (PART 1)

1. Read the Overview of the Munich Massacre Article. If you were the commander, how would you have set up the command structure during this event if it had happened in the United States, using the NIMS?


Walsh, D. W., Christen, H. T., Miller, G. T., Callsen Jr., C. E., Cilluffo, F. J., &
Maniscalco, P. M. (2005). National incident management system: Principles and practice. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Identify, research and discuss two (2) weakness or needed improvements in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) mission or structure that have been identified from a formal study, prof...essional review, official after action report of a CONUS based local terrorist incident. Insure your initial post is a minimum of 300 words in length. A common negative grade issue in this area of the assignment is not conducting a word count. Lengthy quotations, reference lists, etc. are not counted in meeting the required narrative length.In your post include a minimum of two (2) academic/scholarly quality references that address the event. The source reference documents can be of a scholarly/academic or of a governmental nature. A common negative grade issue is the references do not meet acceptable scholarly standards, that no reference is provided or that only one reference is included. I recommend that you use the SLU library resources or similar quality search engine links that one finds in college/university library systems to locate scholarly quality references. See SLU Cannon Library has a wealth of online services. If you need research/writing help they can provide it. See the SLU link above or ones like the EMU library link below for definitions of what does/does not constitute a quality reference. Inclusion of working web links to all references used in a post is required. The links provided are especially helpful to classmates who may lack significant expertise in conducting online research. The links are required for me to verify the validity/quality of your source references.We will focus on weaknesses as these are areas which need improvement for the NIMS structure to improve. If you have an open mind one learns more from our mistakes. You get to pick the CONUS terrorism event. Be careful in your selection. Be specific in the identification of the two (2) issues and how/where they are discussed in the references you use. You need to be careful to select an event that has a number of scholarly/academic quality references or formal after action reports. The terrorist event that you select may have occurred before or after NIMS was formally adopted in the 2003/2004 time frame. The key issue is for you to be able to locate a suitable terrorist event, locate an academic quality/formal after action report or study of that event and then make a connection of the two areas of NIMS that the studies addressed. Please be specific in the identification of the two issues. The study may have addressed issues that NIMS incorporated in its formation if the event occurred before the formal adoption of NIMS or issues in which the NIMS process was revised after the study was completed if the event occurred after the formal adoption of NIMS. You may discuss any terrorist event, any weakness, (and any major improvement) and any aspect of NIMS that is covered in your assigned reading. However the event and weakness/improvements should be items that in your opinion have come to light from the formal study, professional report or official after action or similar review of the event. Please do not focus your discussion on the political based mudslinging type of questions, answers, response as etc. that has been the focus of our two major political parties for at least the past 25 years. That type of an approach in this course would accomplish no more than what the politicians have accomplished on the national level. I believe that our objective in education is to learn how to solve problems, not how to point fingers and to blame someone else for the problem. There are many versions of the general phrase, and it is often misquoted, but one version is 'There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem.' In this course I would like to see us all being part of the solution.The issues that you select to discuss should be covered in academic quality references that you have located from sources such as journals, government reports, academic studies, research organizations, etc. While you are required to use a minimum of two (2) quality references in your discussion post you should feel free to use more. References are not required when responding to your classmates posts/threads or their comments to your initial post/thread. When used provide exact links/details on references so that I and your classmates may easily locate your exact sources. That means we should simply be able to click on a web reference and be taken to the exact page/document that you used. If your reference is to the search engine home page or the web sites home page I will not count it as a valid reference. You need to take us to the exact item that you used. As an example, the general FEMA web site is located at and by itself would not count for grading purposes.If you wanted to include a specific reference to FEMAs discussion of NIMS you would use a specific link such as, . However if you were discussing the NIMS training course ICS-400 fact sheet, you would not use the general FEMA web site as your reference. Rather while conducting your research you would click on the NIMS Training link from that page, and then on the ICS400 Fact Sheet link. That would take you to a specific fact sheet at, This is the specific fact sheet that should be used as a reference NOT the general FEMA web site. If you wanted to provide a general reference to some other FEMA/NIMS course you might use this link, as a starting reference or even one of its narrower links. If you have not done so I encourage you to explore this free online training program.General web sitesWeb sites which I have found to be productive in researching government data, crime data, terrorism, intelligence process, and related topics. (Library of Congress) the LOC legal search engine , After Action Report.pdf , , , and , , , , , ,Military web www.usni.org interest web (I recommend that you take the free Jung personality test) (federal job listings) (federal law enforcement job descriptions)  more

Open to all writers!!

Below are 5 essay questions in parentheses. below each essay question is my research, pay no attention to my own research write 5 new essay questions in your own words. ...please add at lease one reference per essay question.
also please write 1 page per essay question.

(1. You were recently selected as the Emergency Management Coordinator for a medium-sized city. Your position didn't exist in that city before you came along. You have been asked to submit a couple page write up for the city's quarterly newsletter to explain just what emergency management is and what the function of the coordinator is. Draft a two-page explanation of what it is that you will be doing for the fair citizens of your community. )

Emergency Management comes to Medium City. This is an introduction to the cities newest program and I, Emergency Coordinator will head our Emergency Management program office. I want to explain what Emergency Management is; what you can do to become a valuable asset and how this program will benefit you and your families. What is Emergency Management? It is the discipline dealing with and avoiding risks. It is a discipline that involves preparing, supporting, and rebuilding when a, natural or man-made disaster occurs. Its simple purpose is saving lives and property from major disasters. It is a continuous process which all individuals, groups, and communities manage hazards in an effort to avoid or reduce the impact of a disaster resulting from the hazards. Actions taken depend on perceptions of the risks to those exposed.
Emergency managements goal is to identify and reduce potential risks associated with a disaster. As the new emergency manager, I will implement the four phases of our cities Emergency Management Plan. Those phases are Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. There will be a town hall meeting in two weeks to discuss Emergency lessons learned over the last 5 years and how they have affected our city. The meeting will focus on the aging bridges and flood waters that have lead to early corrosion of our city streets and damage to some historical buildings in our downtown area.
We will focus our combined efforts in preserving our past, and develop control points for flood waters, which our city suffers through yearly. Our cities treasurer will provide the budget and expected costs to start the program. Currently the city has $ 1.5 million set aside for Emergency funds. Following our Town meeting we are prepared to introduce our initiatives to the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program which provides funding to assist States and communities in implementing measures to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insurable under the NFIP. We are currently staffing the following incentives for future construction. Construction of a New River Bridge with the new flood gates designed to help control flood waters. Rebuilding and reinforcing of levies on both the north and south river banks. I can assure this community that I will along with the other city leaders use all the resources provided under the Department of Homeland security to protect our community. As Emergency Coordinator, all first responders and emergency services fall under my direction. The first order of business is to ensure our Police Force, Hospital Staffs, Utility Companies and all other responders are trained in the emergency response set forth in the National Response Plan.
This plan establishes a comprehensive all-hazards approach to enhance the ability of the United States to manage domestic incidents. Training our first responders and volunteer services in response, and recovery efforts is the first step to our success. My office will also direct the training in emergency response to our schools and community. This training is free and open to everyone. I encourage all of you to take advantage of this unique training and learn how to help your self and your neighbors in the time of need. Our office is open to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please stop by pick up your Free Emergency Response kit and let us clear up any questions that have not been answered yet. My office and I look forward to serving this community and working with everyone for the common goal of the best service to this community when the need should arrive for emergency service.

(2. As the Emergency Management Coordinator in the above city, you have quickly learned that the police chief and the fire chief do not get along. Both believe their respective departments are at the top of the public safety food chain. Further, the two local hospitals are both privately owned-- one for profit and one non-profit, religiously owned. Heretofore, the city has had very little contact with the hospitals other than when the hospitals have had land-use requests. In short, you realize none of the key players in an emergency are talking to each other. What strategies might you pursue to change this? Explain thoroughly.)

My approach to dealing with this issue of egos will have to take an indirect approach to cover their basic need of what is in it for them. The game plan would start with me letting all the stakeholders in this scenario control a significant part of the Emergency planning and response. As the Emergency Management Coordinator, It is my job to organize these stakeholders and form a strategic alliance. In alliances, the partner stakeholders will join forces in the pursuit of our common goal (protect the first responders and public safety) without losing their strategic autonomy, and without abandoning their own specific interests. I would form a new chain of command for Emergency Services.
This new chain of command will be based on the Incident Management System vesting all stakeholders in standardized roles rather than the abilities of the individuals (IMS). It will reflect the following chart:

I will present new Standard Operating procedures for all to follow. The key to success is how my office handles the distribution of these resources. Standard Operating procedures will include a complexity matrix based on the type of emergencies integrating them into a unified coordinating structure. In all emergency cases there will be an Incident Commander (IC) on scene.
Incident commanders will be designated from each stakeholder and report directly to, and receive their orders via emergency operations center (EOC). Each IC will be responsible for analyzing and developing lessons learned for the cities emergency management data base. Since the Police Department and Fire Department are employed and funded through the city I expect those two stakeholders to fall into place with little to no resistance and without disruption to their daily duties.
For the Hospitals, City council has approved incentive packages for both the profit and non-profit organizations. Some of the incentives include:
Expediting land use request through city government.
Funding emergency room upgrades through grant from Emergency Food and Shelter program. (Non-Profit Hospital)
Distributing revenues from all DHS grants to all stakeholders for modernization and education/training requirements.

(3. Consider the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), its organization, and its strategic plans (which are available at Write up a critique (pros and cons) of DHS as it is presently constituted. Is it organized properly for its missions? Are its missions appropriate and logically tied together? You may wish to use a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), or you can craft your critique in some other way.)

Strengths: The Department of Homeland Securitys Strategic Goals are set upon the four cornerstones of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response and recover, to include; service, and organizational excellence. The last two entities are comprised of the effective distribution and maintenance of the departments quality assurance program. The necesity for establishing the Department of Homeland security was to ensure that Americans and their interest; businesses, (infrastructures), and personal freedoms were secure within our own boarders. Prior to 9/11, there were many departments of government that had the same idea/vision in protecting our freedoms.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has brought forth a shared vision and the opportunity for these departments, i.e. FBI, INS, CIA, FEMA, and many other agencies to work as a cooperative vehicle in securing our boarders. The Secure Boarder Initiative (SBI) is a prime example of the effort. The Secure Boarder Initiate is exactly what this country and its services need to accelerate in the right direction for protecting our interests, but at the same time keeping our legacy as the land of opportunity alive. Our Counter Terrorism plans division articulates the necessity to be vigilant in our search for those who wish to disrupt our freedoms. This division specifically provides other U.S. departments and agencies with a single, central element within DHS to ensure consistent coordination of interagency counterterrorism and WOT plans affecting multiple DHS components enabling those plans to be translated into timely action. (DHS.GOV). The cooperative effort made by DHS over the last 5 years has improved the security of our boarders and the safety of our citizens.
Weaknesses: With all its Sub agencies, and with the new Secure Boarder Initiative, we must take DHS must address current problems, develop a strategy, execute that strategy and implement Quality Assurance programs to monitor and report the success and failure of that program. For example; Part of our Layered defense initiative is; Overstay Tracking. Significant numbers of foreign visitors overstay their authorized periods of admission. The Department of Homeland Security estimates the resident overstay population at 2.3 million as of January 2000. Because the starting point for this estimate is the 2000 census, it does not cover short-term overstays who have not established residence here. It also omits an unknown number of potential long-term overstays from Mexico and Canada.
Because of unresolved weaknesses in DHSs current system for tracking arrivals and departures (e.g., non-collection of some departure forms and inability to match other departure forms to arrivals), there is no accurate list of overstays. Two new tracking initiatives are intended to address these weaknesses. NSEERS, the National Security Entry and Exit Registration System, does not cover most visitors. US-VISIT, the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology, a more comprehensive, automated program, is being phased in. While its design and implementation face a number of challenges, evaluating US-VISIT against the weaknesses GAO identifies here would increase its potential for success (Kingsbury, 2003). This is just one of the weaknesses in our DHS that needs specific attention if we are to achieve our mission set fourth in the Secure Boarder Initiative program. Establishing a shared data base, in which all DHS cooperative agencies can share real-time information, and can be accessed by local and state agencies in an effort to enhance the information distribution for the War on Terrorism. Department of Homeland Security efforts are directed in centralizing all components of Homeland security. DHS needs to draw upon the lessons learned of the last couple of decades in which the 48,000 or so law enforcement agencies have experienced in the painstaking and many failures in an effort to share information, and work between different agencies.
Opportunities/Threats: There are many opportunities that DHS can take advantage plans and organization. Planning offices will improve communication, shared technologies, initiate command and control entities, and oversee distribution of human recourses which will enhance resource distribution between multiple agencies.
An effective resource distribution pool can initiate responses ineffectively and efficiently respond natural disasters. Identify potential threats is the key to combating terrorist on their soil.

(4. How has terrorism and the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) impacted the field of emergency management and disaster planning in your opinion? Why do you think so? Do you believe that the threat of terrorism on a small or large scale should be an emergency manager's primary concern over other types of disasters? Does it make a difference as to what type of community the emergency manager operates from? How so?)

Weapons of Mass Destruction have made a significant impact on emergency
management. This change prior to 9/11 when the country was introduced to the massive destruction caused when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murray building in Oklahoma City. McVeigh mixed three 55-gallon drums of liquid nitro-methane with 108 50-pound bags of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, and used high explosives to detonate his Weapon of Mass destruction. Emergency managers must understand the very real domestic, and the international threat along with the unique characteristics that surround past events to plan and prepare for the possibility of such disasters happening again. The lessons learned from the Oklahoma bombing were that no location is off limits to someones hate. Emergency managers are educated and trained in emergency response. Planning for all contingencies should be a part of his/her Emergency Operations plan. Establishing plans for your community will depend on the demographics and the infrastructure. But this does not change the need for understanding and planning for worse possible case scenario. Each emergency plan should have pre-planned responses to deal with all possible scenarios.

(5. In the course, you have been introduced to the various responsibilities of different levels of government in the homeland security effort. What level of government do you believe should be primarily responsible for securing the homeland? In what ways is homeland security confounded by our federalist system (i.e. shared power by states and federal government)? With 50 state government, 3000+ county governments, 16000 township governments, 20000 municipal governments, and tens of thousands more special district governments (i.e. park districts, school districts, etc), is it even possible to have effective management and delivery of homeland security? How so?)

I believe state governments should be responsible to the Department of Homeland Security. Each state represents a single brick in the wall of protection for this country. The elected officials for that state, represents their constituents and their legitimate concerns.
State officials are the control point for ensuring local governments has the tools for training and the resources for responding to state emergencies. State representatives channel concerns and needs of their state through the Department of Homeland security and those sub agencies. In turn, the Department of Homeland Security and their oversight committee is responsible for ensuring state governments are in compliance with the National Response Plan and are allocating grant monies to those programs. Representatives from state and local governments across the nation will share best practices and lessons learned at the Office of Grants & Training National Conference. Homeland security partners will work on regional collaboration, strengthening interoperable communications capabilities and improving citizen preparedness capabilities. All levels of government should incorporate the National Response plan to out line their emergency response plan.
An effective emergency management organization is defined to be one that: "when applied during a disaster, will provide the levels of protection for life and property, and recovery assistance, which are acceptable to the citizens of the community." It is impossible to determine what levels of service are acceptable to citizens of any given community -- in fact, the citizens themselves probably do not know what is or is no acceptable until a disaster has occurred. However, it is possible to state certain subjective, qualitative conclusions concerning what is and what is not acceptable.
Generally, citizens expect their local governments to:
Provide information on alerting signals, action to take, etc., in advance of the disaster.
Quickly and accurately assess the magnitude of an emergency and keep the public informed throughout the incident.
Provide for the rapid restoration of services, even when specific services are not the direct responsibility of the local government, such as private utilities.
Provide for (or provide access to) recovery services, such as family reunification, insurance claim preparation, tax counseling, and the like.
Provide information in regards to specific action steps toward, mitigating the impact of future emergencies. (Public Entity Risk institute).

It is possible to effectively manage homeland security as long as we continue to educate ourselves and educate those first responders, volunteers and local citizens in the significance of their individual contributions. Getting the communities involved is the first step in successfully achieving our goals in protecting this country and its citizens.

The Federal government requires local governments to implement emergency response plans based on FEMA's National Incident Management System (NIMS). In New York City, the implementation of NIMS is the Citywide Incident Management System (CIMS). New York City's CIMS program has been criticized as inherently flawed and as an inadequate response to the problems experienced by emergency responders during the September 11th World Trade Center attacks.

Discuss and evaluate the CIMS program, including the following:

1? Evaluate the CIMS program as a means for implementing the NIMS.

2? Describe at least one criticism made of the CIMS program.

3? Describe at least one reason why the CIMS program was designed in this particular way.

4? Make at least one recommendation about how the CIMS approach might be improved.

General information about CIMS is available at:

Information about NIMS, including links to more detailed information, is available at:

Use the internet and library resources to find many other sources of information about the citywide incident management system.

NIMS Medical/Public Health Components and Disaster Responses

Assignment Overview

National Incident Management System (NIMS) (2008). Department of Homeland Security. FEMA:...

Review Appendix B?Incident Command System, specifically references to the Medical Unit and medical services.

Discuss the medical components in terms of:
?Personnel Credentialing
?Emergency Operations Center
?ICS 206, Medical Plan

Read pp 11-12, Foster integrated, scalable health care delivery system, of the National health security strategy for the United States of America (2009).


What are the implications in conjunction to the NIMS?

Assignment Expectations

Length: This Case Assignment should be at least 3-4 pages not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:
?Relevance (e.g. all content is connected to the question)
?Precision (e.g. specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate).
?Depth of discussion (e.g. present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues)
?Breadth (e.g. multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues and factors considered)
?Evidence (e.g. points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references)
?Logic (e.g. presented discussion makes sense, conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information)
?Clarity (e.g. writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples)
?Objectivity (e.g. avoid use of first person and subjective bias)

List and describe three strengths and three weaknesses of the series of directives and plans (HSPDs, NIMS, NRP, etc.) issued after 9-11.
Homeland Security Presidential Directives
National I...ncident Management System
National Response Plan

Write a short 150 word paragraph for each strength and weaknesses.
Provide a unique perspective, drawing on information from the course reading and background information, on the summary topic.
Background Info:
Federal Government Involvement
In the aftermath of 9-11, the US government initiated a series of directives seeking a, coordinated national approach to planning and to domestic incident management (DHS Fact Sheet, 2005). Of these Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPDs), HSPD-5 deals with improved inter-agency coordination in incident response and establishes the National Response Plan (NRP) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) that outline a common approach to preparedness and response. Subsequently, HSPD-8, National Preparedness directive signed in December 2003, lays out how the government prepares and coordinates with other government agencies (e.g., federal, state, and local) for a catastrophic event. With HSPD-8 came 15 national planning scenarios or identified potential threats to the U.S. Further, critical tasks (e.g., a Universal Task List) which uses common language and references are identified, and a capabilities review list is establised to provide competency in 10 areas related to incident response. HSPD-8 represents a legalistic approach to providing a basis for determining critical threats, the national level of preparedness, and a process for closing gaps. (DHS Fact Sheet, 2005). HSPD-8 works hand in hand with HSPD-7 that deals with critical infrastructure protection and assigns various sectors to various federal agencies.
To what extent are these federal goverment initiatives useful? A simple answer lies in the mantra of state and local emergency management operations across the United States, who might reasonably counter that all response is local. Notwithstanding, the usefulness of these federal initiatives is far more complex. From a counter-terrorism perspective, HSPD-8s strength rests in focusing attention on critical threats and in establishing the skills and processes for a successful response. However, it must be recognized that no document can efficiently cover all threats or detail a response plan. For example, none of HSPD-8s fifteen scenarios discuss a threat resulting from a breach of aviation security including flying hijacked planes into buildings or using suicide bombers to blow up planes that are airborne. Similarly a chlorine tank explosion is the only mention of the use of explosives, yet the 2003 State Department Report on Terrorism indicated that 85 percent of attacks involved explosives. Similarly, the 2005 NCTC shows that 81 percent of all terrorist incidents that year were armed attacks, bombings, or fire-bombings and that 80 percent of injuries were caused by explosive devices including 62 percent directly attributed to IEDs, vehicle bombs, and explosives (NCTC Report, 2005). Other federal government actions include a resurrection of the civil defense concept used during the Cold War. Lastly, after identifying public awareness as one of three major educational needs,1 The Department of Homeland Security has launched a nationwide media campaign to increase public awareness and preparedness.
On the response side, the NRP made no provision for local responders being incapacitated during an event and thus unable to respond. Accordingly, while the federal government can attempt to legislate preparedness and to seek to provide protection, each individual needs to assume a level of responsibility for the latter. Furthermore, the general population needs to realize that the sheer scope of opportunities, capabilities, and intentions means that even with excellent risk assessment, strong deterent measures, and committed intelligence specialists, the likelihood of more terrorist attacks penetrating the protective barriers is high. As a result, it is essential that society consider how it will respond and recover.
To Read

Russell D. Howard and Reid L. Sawyer, Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment, McGraw Hill, 2006. ISBN: 0-07-352771-8 Textbook Chapter 8
Study Questions Effectiveness of Efforts to Deter Terrorism. (2006, July 7). Insurance Journal.
Van Natta Jr., D., Sciolno, E., Grey, S. (2006, August 28). Details emerge in British Terror Case. New York Times.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8. (2003).  more

Core Components of the NIMS

Prepare a post that describes the core components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and discusses its implementation. Address the following items in your post:
Provide an overview of the core components of NIMS.
Discuss when, in the course of a disaster, NIMS should be implemented.
Discuss whether a public official or a public safety official should be accountable for the implemented NIMS.

Consider the intensity and rapidly-evolving circumstances during the warehouse fire in Charleston, South Carolina in June of 2007. Can a singular public safety agency, such as a lone fire department, logistically adapt to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) framework under these types of critical incidents?

Public and Private Support Agencies
Chapter 5 tells us that a significant number of both private and public associations and agencies stand at the ready to
assist fire service leaders in prep...aring for disasters, mitigating disasters, and recovering from disasters. Many of these
organizations offer individual and company memberships, though membership is not always a requirement for securing
information and assistance.
For this paper, you are required to write a full one-page summary of the scope of purpose, responsibility, and benefit of an
organization of your choosing from the list of 12 provided below. You will include how the organization interacts with the
fire service and how the fire service could utilize the organization?s resources.
The paper will be written in proper APA format. The paper must have a cover page, at least one page of text (body), and a
reference page. Text font and size are to be Times New Roman, 12pt., and margin settings should be one inch for all
sides. Your paper should be double-spaced. Proper grammar and spelling are expected as well as this is a professional
college-level paper.
Choose one organization from this list:
1. American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA)
2. American Red Cross
3. Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC)
4. Insurance Services Office (ISO)
5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
6. National Incident Management System (NIMS)
7. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
8. United States Fire Administration (USFA)
9. National Fire Academy (NFA)
10. Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)BFS 3251, Introduction to Fire Protection 4
11. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
12. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Origins on NIMS

Based on the research you did this week regarding the historical origins of the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework, discuss the issue of bureaucracy in critical incident management. Do you think the increase in bureaucracy helps or hinders the response to a critical incident?

Do Not FAX

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Terrorism

For this level, you will access the Following:

Response Partner Guides of the NRF. The *?Partner Guides provides a targeted ind...ex to information in the NRF core document that is specifically pertinent to local [state and federal] government leaders and emergency management practitioners. The Guide is intended to serve as a ready reference to assist users in quickly locating sections of the NRF that are applicable to local [state and federal] partners.? (*Source: NRF).
National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS works hand in hand with the (NRF). NIMS provides the template for the management of incidents, while the NRF provides the structure and mechanisms for national-level policy for incident management.

Please respond to the following:

Explain the chain of command structure when receiving information about a possible act of terrorism in your city? The incident is confirmed to be the work of terrorists. Now what?
Review the NRF and the NIMS in reference to terrorism (e.g., explosions, shootings, biological attacks) and note the locations in these documents.
What do the documents note concerning biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear terrorism?
Go to Texas Department of Public Safety website and find document regarding biological terrorism response plan.

Case Assignment Expectations

Length: SLP Module assignment should be at least 2-3 pages.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes.

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper.

Format: APA format is recommended (but not required) for this assignment. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Relevance (e.g. all content is connected to the question)
Precision (e.g. specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate).
Depth of discussion (e.g. present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues)
Breadth (e.g. multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered)
Evidence (e.g. points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references)
Logic (e.g. presented discussion makes sense, conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information)
Clarity (e.g. writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples)
Objectivity (e.g. avoid use of first person and subjective bias)

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships

Assignment Overview

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Terrorism

For this level, access the following:

1.Federal Go...vernment Partner Guide of the NRF. The ?Partner Guide provides a targeted index to information in the NRF core document that is specifically pertinent to local [state and federal] government leaders and emergency management practitioners. The Guide is intended to serve as a ready reference to assist users in quickly locating sections of the NRF that are applicable to local [state and federal] partners.? (Source:

2.National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS works hand in hand with the NRF. NIMS provides the template for the management of incidents, while the NRF provides the structure and mechanisms for national-level policy for incident management.

Respond to the following:

1.Explain the chain-of-command structure when receiving information about a possible act of terrorism in your city. The incident is confirmed to be the work of terrorists. Now what?

2.Review the NRF and the NIMS in reference to terrorism (e.g., explosions, shootings, biological attacks) and note the locations in these documents.

3.What do the documents note concerning biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear terrorism?

4.Go to the Texas Department of Public Safety website and find the document regarding the biological terrorism response plan. Summarize the document's strengths and weaknesses as a response plan in light of the prior questions and readings.

Assignment Expectations

Length: Case assignments should be at least three pages long.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper.

Format: APA format is recommended (but not required) for this assignment. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:
?Relevance - All content is connected to the question.
?Precision - Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
?Depth of discussion - Points that lead to deeper issues are presented and integrated.
?Breadth - Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
?Evidence - Points are well-supported with facts, statistics, and references.
?Logic - Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
?Clarity - Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
?Objectivity - Paper avoids use of first person and subjective bias.

Disaster Preparedness Plan

Disaster Preparedness Plan
(Please use the state of Georgia and Tornadoes)

We all live in an area where some form of natural disaster is likely to threaten the wel...fare of the citizens; hence, also threaten the financial and personnel resources of agencies that might respond.

Given the likelihood of such an event, create two qualitative systems capable of responding to the specific need in your area. For instance, if you live in California, one natural disaster concern would be earthquakes. Therefore, your assignment would be to create two qualitative systems for earthquakes: one that measures consequence and another that measures the likelihood.

(Please use the state of Georgia and Tornadoes)

Develop your qualitative plan as if it would be distributed to your local emergency management planning board for individual agency response. You will need to consider what agency resources you have in your area, and how they will be affected, depending on the type of event. For instance, is your fire department full-time or volunteer?

Your local emergency management planning board will want certain aspects of your disaster preparedness plan to include the following considerations:

? Does your plan integrate homeland security concepts and directives?

? Do they incorporate the standards of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS)?

? Does your plan synthesize guidelines for dealing with fear management and crisis communications with the public?

? Does your plan identify and evaluate possible strategies in planning for natural disasters?

Your paper should be 5 pages long and your citations should adhere to APA style and formatting with page numbers.

U.S. Strategy on Terrorism There

The U.S. government has written several strategy documents since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. All of these strategies must complement one another in order to ensure an effective and ef...ficient U.S. preparation for and response to a terrorist attack or other Homeland Security event. Select three U.S. strategy documents from the required readings, the supplemental readings, and your research. Compare and contrast their objectives.

Assignment Outcomes
Analyze U.S. national and homeland security strategies.
Identify key agencies responsible for counterterrorism in the United States and explain their interactive role in gathering intelligence.
Critique preventive measures to acts of terrorism.
Assess response measures to acts of terrorism.

Howard, R., & Sawyer, R. (2004) Defeating terrorism: Shaping the new security environment McGraw-Hill ISBN: 007287306X Chapters: 7 to 9

These resources must be used to complete the assignments.

Best, R. A. (2003, August 6) Homeland security: Intelligence support (CRS Report for Congress RS21283) 3/25/2007
Best, R. A. (2005, February 11) The Director of National Intelligence and intelligence analysis (CRS Report for Congress RS21948) 3/25/2007
Department of Homeland Security (2006, January) DHS intelligence enterprise strategic plan 3/25/2007
White House (2006, March) National security strategy of the United States 2/16/2007
White House (2006, September) National strategy for combating terrorism 2/16/2007
White House (2007, March 26) National strategy for aviation security 7/29/2007
White House (2007, October) National strategy for homeland security 10/18/2007
White House (2007, October) National strategy for information sharing 11/6/2007

These resources are not required, but may provide assistance in completing your work for this course.

Department of Homeland Security. (2002, July). National strategy for homeland security. Retrieved February 16, 2007, from

Department of Homeland Security. (2004, December). National response plan. Retrieved July 22, 2007, from

Department of Homeland Security. (2004, March). National incident management system. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from

Department of Homeland Security. (2006). National infrastructure protection plan. Retrieved July 26, 2007, from

Department of Homeland Security. (2008, January). National Response Framework. Retrieved January 28, 2008, from

White House. (2002). National strategy to combat weapons of mass destruction. Retrieved November 13, 2007, from

White House. (2003, December 17). Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7: Critical infrastructure identification, prioritization, and protection. Retrieved July 29, 2007, from

White House. (2003, December 17). Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8: National preparedness. Retrieved July 29, 2007, from

White House. (2003, February 28). Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5: Management of domestic incidents. Retrieved July 29, 2007 from

White House. (2003, February). The National strategy for the physical protection of critical infrastructures and key assets. Retrieved July 22, 2007, from

White House. (2003, February). The national strategy to secure cyberspace. Retrieved July 22, 2007, from

At a minimum identify, research, and discuss two (2) areas of strengths/weakness concerning your LOCAL community?s emergency response plans/capabilities to address medical disasters. Be specific and p...rovide two (2) reference links to specific government plans, AAR?s, or scholarly data. You may wish to review the AAR?s of significant disasters such 911, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, etc. to make the connection between the type of plans your local community should have established and the nature/scope of these events.Insure your initial post is a minimum of 300 words in length. A common negative grade issue in this area of the assignment is not conducting a word count. Lengthy quotations, reference lists, etc. are not counted in meeting the required narrative length.In your post include a minimum of two (2) academic/scholarly quality references that address the event. The source reference documents can be of a scholarly/academic or of a governmental nature. A common negative grade issue is the references do not meet acceptable scholarly standards, that no reference is provided or that only one reference is included. I recommend that you use the SLU library resources or similar quality search engine links that one finds in college/university library systems to locate scholarly quality references. See SLU Cannon Library has a wealth of online services. If you need research/writing help they can provide it. See the SLU link above or ones like the EMU library link below for definitions of what does/does not constitute a quality reference. Inclusion of working web links to all references used in a post is required. The links provided are especially helpful to classmates who may lack significant expertise in conducting online research. The links are required for me to verify the validity/quality of your source references.Limit the discussion to addressing only the medical preparation aspects/responses to a potential terrorist event. At a minimum identify, research, and discuss two (2) areas of strengths/weakness concerning your LOCAL community?s emergency response plans/capabilities to address medical disasters. Be specific and provide two (2) reference links to specific government plans, AAR?s, or scholarly data. You may wish to review the AAR?s of significant disasters such 911, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, etc. to make the connection between the type of plans your local community should have established and the nature/scope of these events. Discuss the relationship of the LOCAL plans that you cite to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) mission, systems, or structure concerning the medical preparation aspect and responses to a potential terrorist event that would result in significant deaths/injuries as described below. Your post emphasis should be placed on actual data from local plans, official local government web site data, etc. If you live in a small community where no published plans are available, then move your discussion vertically or horizontally to a nearby city, county, or other level of government in your general area in which online references are available. You may also extrapolate data on capabilities from published information by corporations, community agencies, relief agencies, etc. You will have to make a judgment call on what you classify as a weakness.General web sitesWeb sites which I have found to be productive in researching government data, crime data, terrorism, intelligence process, and related topics. (Library of Congress) the LOC legal search engine , After Action Report.pdf , , , and , , , , , ,Military web www.usni.org interest web (I recommend that you take the free Jung personality test) (federal job listings) (federal law enforcement job descriptions)  more

Request Whitelaw:

Linkages and The Emergency Response Plan

The Session Long Project for this Course is to examine linkages of five essential sectors to an effective Emergency Plan (ERP)?using the National Response Framework (NRF) as a guide. Certain linkages are strengthened by a Concept of Operations Plan to be used in the Emergency Response phase of a natural or manmade disaster (see Background Information for examples).

These Linkages (or partnerships) are:

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and Volunteers Partnerships
The Military Partnerships: Humanitarian/Support Role
Local, State, and Federal Partnerships
Private Sector Partnerships
Local Fire/Law Enforcement Partnerships

For This Module you will do the Following:
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and Volunteers Partnerships

*NRF Background:

The National Response Framework of 2008 provides the basis for creating an effective emergency management plan. Essentially, the NRF:

Identifies Response Doctrine

The NRF retains the same core principles of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) in which first responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines can work together more closely to effectively respond to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism.

Draws Focus on Preparedness

Effective preparedness is a critical precondition for successful response. The NRF encourages a higher level of readiness by drawing a sharper focus on the value of the following preparedness activities: planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, and applying lessons learned. Mastery of these key functions supports unity of effort, and thus our ability to save lives, protect property, and meet basic human needs.

Guides the Conduct of All-Hazards Response

Through engaged partnerships with elected and appointed officials, dedicated emergency management practitioners, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector, and by applying common NIMS principles and response doctrine, government at all levels can respond more effectively to incidents and better serve our communities and the nation.

*NRF Fact Sheet:

The NRF contains guidelines for NGO and volunteer involvement in the aftermath of a disaster. Your ERP should have language addressing their involvement locally.

Locate in the NRF guidelines NGO and volunteer management. Cite your sources: Title, Location, page number.
Locate the appropriate NRF Annex for the American Red Cross and choose two (2) functions and relate them to your ERP. In other words, How and what would be the functions of the Red Cross according to your Plan? Cite your sources, Location, Title, page number.
Which NGOs and/or volunteer organizations would you include in your Plan, and why? Be specific.

Session Long Project Assignment Expectations

Length: SLP Module assignment should be at least 2-3 pages.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes.

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper.

Format: APA format is recommended (but not required) for this assignment. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Relevance (e.g. all content is connected to the question)
Precision (e.g. specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate).
Depth of discussion (e.g. present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues)
Breadth (e.g. multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered)
Evidence (e.g. points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references)
Logic (e.g. presented discussion makes sense, conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information)
Clarity (e.g. writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples)

Please write an article review based on the following article that will be provided to you. Acceptance and utilisation of the Incident Command System in first response and allied disciplines: An Ohio study, by Russell J. Decker

After reading it, provide the following information, as applicable:
Write a summary of the article. Include the purpose for the article, how research was conducted, the results, and
other pertinent information from the article.
Discuss the meaning or implication of the article??"what the articles information means in the big picture.
Discuss any flaws you found in the article, and how you think it could have been better (e.g., more organized,
more informative, more comprehensive, etc.).
Discuss how the author could expand on the topic. Indicate a direction in which future research could move and
how knowledge in the area could be expanded.
There are faxes for this order.

1. Conduct an audit of the following safety management system elements at your organization, or at an organization with which you are familiar and for which you have access to the required information...:

1. Management Leadership
5, 6
2. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
3. Responsibility and Authority
4. Employee Participation
5. Initial and Ongoing Reviews
4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2
6. Assessment and Prioritization
8, 9, 10
7. Hierarchy of Controls
8. Design Review
9. Management of Change
10. Procurement
11. Emergency Preparedness
12. Education, Training, and Awareness
13. Monitoring and Measurement
14. Incident Investigation
15. Audits
16. Corrective and Preventive Actions
17. Feedback to the Planning Process
18. Management Review
7.1, 7.2
Some suggested sources for the objective evidence to support your evaluation:
? Documents: organizational safety manuals and instructions, Safe Operating Procedures, and Job Hazard Analyses;
? Records: emails or letters from management to employees, safety meeting minutes, mishap logs, audit reports, OSHA citations, inspection reports, risk assessments, and training records;
? Interviews: management personnel, supervisors, and employees; and
? Observation: walk through some workplaces to observe conditions for yourself.
2. For each management system element, discuss the objective evidence you found (or were unable to find). Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization?s implementation of each element against available reference sources and best practice information. Use the following five-tier evaluation scheme to rate each element:
? World Class: OHS Performance
? Strong: Conforming/complete, may have minor gaps with action plans
BOS 3651, Total Environmental Health and Safety Management 5
? Moderate: Scattered non-conformances need to be addressed, positive trends/major elements in place
? Significant Non-Conformances Exist: still needs focus
? Major Effort Required: major or systemic non-conformances exist
Appropriate references include the course textbook, textbooks from other college-level courses, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005, other published consensus standards (ANSI, ASSE, AIHA, ISO, NFPA, etc.), OSHA standards and voluntary guidelines, and articles published in professional journals. Blogs, Wikipedia,,, and other unmonitored Internet resources are not considered scholarly references and should not be used. Please contact your professor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a reference source.
3. If an element is found to be less than World Class, provide recommendations for improvement. Be sure to use appropriate scholarly reference sources to support your recommendations.
4. Conclude the audit report with a summary of the overall status of the organization?s safety management system.
The Course Project must be a minimum of seven pages, and a maximum of 10 pages, not including the title, abstract, and reference pages. A minimum of five professional references/sources must be used. Follow APA formatting for the paper, as well as for all references and in-text citations.

I request the services of "Excellencio" for this paper.

Incident Command System

You have just been informed that a disaster (as described in your scenario in Module 4) has occurred i...n your country. You have been given the responsibility to oversee the implementation of the Incident Command System for this specific disaster. Address the following:

1. Briefly describe the key features of an incident command system and provide specific examples of how it would be implemented in your scenario.

2. Describe the objectives that an incident commander would include in an incident action plan for your disaster scenario. These objectives should clearly define what the incident team is working to achieve during operations. For more information on incident action plans, see the Background page.

Format: The following APA template is recommended for this assignment: Download template. See Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

Writing Expectations

Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 2-3 pages double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment to CourseNet by the last day of this module.
?Relevance?All content is connected to the question.
?Precision?Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
?Depth of discussion?Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
?Breadth?Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
?Evidence?Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
?Logic?Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
?Clarity?Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
?Objectivity?Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
?References?Sources are listed at the end of the paper (APA style preferred).

Based on your readings concerning the issues and roles of women in Iraq, consider gender issues in critical incident management. In your opinion, are there any gender-specific considerations regarding critical incident management that should be taken into account?

do not fax

Prepare a paper about Critical Incident Management. Discuss the role of scenario-based planning and its influence on institutional strategic management in justice and security organizations.

Topic: Performance Management
Company: British American Tobacco (BAT)
1) Please do not introduce the company or describe what performance management is. That has been covered in my... research paper.
Please follow the following instructions:
Use the strategic human resource management model sent to your resource unit via mail as the starting point for this analysis. Your analysis should answer the following questions
1) Does BAT have a performance management strategy or philosophy? Is the strategy different or same in all parts of the organization? Is the strategy different or same in all BAT branches across the globe? How does BAT measure performance?
2) Discuss the relationship between actual HR policies and practices and the overall strategic objectives and management philosophy of the organization.
3) How well does the performance management HR system at BAT, support the organizations strategy and sources of competitive advantage? Is the HR system well integrated with strategy? Where does the system fit within the HR policy choices (see the triangular human resource system model sent to your resource centre via mail)? How do these four areas fit together?
4) Assess the effectiveness of BATs performance management HR system
5) What works and what does not? Is the system accomplishing what it is intended to accomplish? Why or why not? How does the system rate according to the evaluation criteria (the four Cs) Human Resources Management? - (the four Cs evaluation will be sent to your resource centre via mail)
6) State what needs to be improved in the system.
7) How might the performance management system at BAT become more proactive and driven by strategy? In addition to stating what needs to be done, explain your reasoning
8) Recommendation and conclusion

Please Note the Weighting and Grading of the Research Paper

Critical assessment of the HR system and its strengths and weaknesses 30%
Application of the Strategic HRM model and other concepts, theories, and ideas covered in strategic human resources management course and the effectiveness of the link developed between overall strategy and HR strategy 30%
Recommendations for improvements 15%
Supporting data and research 10%
Structure and presentation/writing quality/proper referencing 15%

There are faxes for this order.

For this task you will need to focus on the risk management cycle??"identification, assessment, control, monitor and review. Consider the aspects of WHS covered in this module??"the risk management pr...ocess, the use of policies and procedures and training, as well as the importance of consultation within the workplace.
Using the modules information, you are asked to evaluate the current WHS and risk management practices in your current work organisation, or one in which you have previously worked.
Write around a 1500-word report which contains the following three parts.

Part One
Report introduction
This should include the company profile.
You should consider: size, structure, the nature of the business, management structure, history of operations, locations, work environment and so on. You need to demonstrate that you understand the business and what this means in relation to the approach to risk management, especially WHS management.
Important note:
It is important that you gain permission and support from the company's management to undertake this assignment. Do not identify names of either individuals or the company in your report.

Part Two
Identification of hazards, assessments and control of risks
List and discuss the formal and informal practices to identify workplace hazards, assessments and control of these risks. You may need to use the following as headings and write your answers under each heading:
a) Briefly list and describe any WHS and risk management systems in place
b) Systems for identification of risks at your workplace (list). Are they effective? Consider examples such as observation, audits, site walkabouts, statistical data, consultation and records.
c) Systems for assessment at your workplace (list). Consider how hazards are analysed and prioritised (likelihood and consequences of risks), documentation of assessment process and the consultative process such as risk assessment matrix or expert advice. Are they effective?
d) Systems for hazard control (list). Consider elimination, substitution, engineering, isolation, administration and use of PPE. Are they effective?
e) Consider systems for managing specific risks, e.g. chemicals, manual handling and systems for reporting or recording WHS hazards and risks. Are they effective?
f) Consider consultative mechanisms utilised within the organisation (list). Are they effective?
g) Consider the safety training undertaken at the workplace (list). Have all safety training needs been addressed? Are they effective?

Part Three
Role of Employers / PCBUs (managers, supervisors, team leaders etc.)
You must firstly list the Employers / PCBUs Primary Duty of Care legal responsibilities mentioned in the harmonised WHS Act or your own States Act if not yet using the harmonised laws, and then assess compliance, as follows.
As part of this analysis special attention should be paid to the role of the supervisor / team leader in the process.
To what extent do the policies, practices, hierarchy and culture of the organisation support the supervisor/team leader? How well acquainted are supervisors/team leaders with their role(s) and responsibilities?
You will need to discuss the evidence of these systems existing. Identify the systems and state how effective they are.
Note: You are not limited to the above considerations. You may use a checklist, undertake interviews, access records (with the company's permission), refer to relevant legislation and so on to complete this assessment task.
Important reminder:
It is important that you gain permission and support from the company's management to undertake this assignment.

There are faxes for this order.

17 Pages

National Incident Management System

Words: 5608
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Essay

Emergency responders use an overarching incident management system called the National Incident Management System (Walsh, et al., 2005). The system began with California FIRESCOPE, matured to the incident command…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Management Research Following the Terrorist Attacks of

Words: 824
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The purpose of the Critical Incident Management Research assignment is to further your knowledge on the topics of a multi-disciplinary response, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the…

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2 Pages

National Incident Management Systems Duty Responsibilities of

Words: 955
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

National Incident Management System (NIMS) (PART 1) 1. Read the Overview of the Munich Massacre Article. If you were the commander, how would you have set up the command…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Weaknesses in the National Incident Management System

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Identify, research and discuss two (2) weakness or needed improvements in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) mission or structure that have been identified from a formal study, professional…

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5 Pages

Managing Homeland Security You Were

Words: 2062
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Open to all writers!! Below are 5 essay questions in parentheses. below each essay question is my research, pay no attention to my own research write 5 new essay questions…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Emergency Management Evaluate the Cims Program as

Words: 2015
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Federal government requires local governments to implement emergency response plans based on FEMA's National Incident Management System (NIMS). In New York City, the implementation of NIMS is the…

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4 Pages

Medical / Public Health Components and Disaster Responses: NIMS

Words: 1073
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

NIMS Medical/Public Health Components and Disaster Responses Assignment Overview National Incident Management System (NIMS) (2008). Department of Homeland Security. FEMA: Review Appendix B?Incident Command System, specifically references to the Medical Unit…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Homeland Security: Weaknesses and Strengths

Words: 691
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

List and describe three strengths and three weaknesses of the series of directives and plans (HSPDs, NIMS, NRP, etc.) issued after 9-11. Homeland Security Presidential Directives National Incident Management System National Response…

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2 Pages

Core Components of the NIMS

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Prepare a post that describes the core components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and discusses its implementation. Address the following items in your post: Provide an overview of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

NIMS During a Single Agency Response

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Consider the intensity and rapidly-evolving circumstances during the warehouse fire in Charleston, South Carolina in June of 2007. Can a singular public safety agency, such as a lone fire…

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2 Pages

National Fire Academy Established in 1971, the

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Public and Private Support Agencies Chapter 5 tells us that a significant number of both private and public associations and agencies stand at the ready to assist fire service leaders…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Origins on NIMS

Words: 527
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Based on the research you did this week regarding the historical origins of the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework, discuss the issue of bureaucracy in…

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2 Pages

Local, State and Federal Partnership: Terrorism National

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Terrorism For this level, you will access the Following: Response Partner Guides of the NRF. The *?Partner Guides provides a targeted…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Texas Department of Public Safety

Words: 965
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships Assignment Overview Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Terrorism For this level, access the following: 1.Federal Government Partner Guide of the NRF. The ?Partner Guide provides a targeted index…

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5 Pages

Disaster Preparedness Plan

Words: 1631
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Disaster Preparedness Plan (Please use the state of Georgia and Tornadoes) Instructions: We all live in an area where some form of natural disaster is likely to threaten the welfare of…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

U.S. Strategy on Terrorism There

Words: 2818
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The U.S. government has written several strategy documents since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. All of these strategies must complement one another in order to ensure an…

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2 Pages

Community's Emergency Response: Monroe County, New York

Words: 811
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

At a minimum identify, research, and discuss two (2) areas of strengths/weakness concerning your LOCAL community?s emergency response plans/capabilities to address medical disasters. Be specific and provide two (2)…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Emergency Response Plan- Non-Government Entities FEMA Makes

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Request Whitelaw: Linkages and The Emergency Response Plan The Session Long Project for this Course is to examine linkages of five essential sectors to an effective Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?using…

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3 Pages

Incident Command System Ics for First Responders

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Please write an article review based on the following article that will be provided to you. Acceptance and utilisation of the Incident Command System in first response and…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Safety Management Systems Audit Management Leadership Strong

Words: 2231
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Conduct an audit of the following safety management system elements at your organization, or at an organization with which you are familiar and for which you have access…

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3 Pages

ICS Any Incident Command System (ICS) Must

Words: 863
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I request the services of "Excellencio" for this paper. Incident Command System You have just been informed that a disaster (as described in your scenario in Module 4) has occurred in…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Gender Considerations in Critical Incident Management

Words: 614
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Based on your readings concerning the issues and roles of women in Iraq, consider gender issues in critical incident management. In your opinion, are there any gender-specific considerations regarding…

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3 Pages

Management Plan a Critical Incident

Words: 737
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Prepare a paper about Critical Incident Management. Discuss the role of scenario-based planning and its influence on institutional strategic management in justice and security organizations.

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Performance Management Human Resource Performance

Words: 1543
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Topic: Performance Management Company: British American Tobacco (BAT) Details 1) Please do not introduce the company or describe what performance management is. That has been covered in my research paper. Please follow the following…

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4 Pages

Whs Risk and Management Practices

Words: 1353
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

For this task you will need to focus on the risk management cycle??"identification, assessment, control, monitor and review. Consider the aspects of WHS covered in this module??"the risk management…

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