25+ documents containing “Implementation Plan”.
Implementation plan/resolution to the Wal Mart de Mexico scandal.
I will attach information already part/pertaining to this topic. My section of the paper is to do the implementation/resolution.
Dear Missionduo,
This is what I need for this week: Section IV Draft January 2014
? Instructions/Grading Criteria
? Assignment Files
Complete Section D: Implementation Plan.
Describe the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution.
1). Describe the overall plan for implementing the proposed solution.
2). Identify resources needed for the proposed solution?s
3). Describe the methods for monitoring solution implementation.
4). Describe the way(s) in which a theory of planned change was used to develop the implementation plan.
5). Discuss the feasibility of the implementation plan.
6). see attachment additional material
Write a draft of no more than 1,700 words of the strategic plan for your organization, including the following:
? Implementation plan
o Objectives
o Functional tactics
o Action items
o Milestones and a deadline
o Tasks and task ownership
o Resource allocation
? Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
? Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Please refer to previous paper A2050128, A2050132
Use Emeritus Senior Living Company
Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Implementation Plan
Template (to be used as a content guide for the paper?s main body)
Create an IS Implementation Plan for the approved organization
based on Week two IS Implementation Plan brief.
Include the following:
? Business strategies for implementation
? Both technology- and human-based safeguards used for
information systems
? Information comparing security requirements of out-sourcing
and in-sourcing
? Comparison of technical, user, and system training documentation
? Timelines and the need for their accuracy
? Reference page
Determination of Useful Project and Recipient Country or Region/Implementation Plan
Research and evaluate alternative solutions to a real-world global public sector problem in a specific co...untry or region and recommend the best course of action.
This will be a 7 pages paper that involves conducting the research necessary to carry out an important public sector project. Your research will include knowledge from public sector management of strategic planning, human resources, marketing and finance, and the role of NGOs (Non Government Organization) and IGOs (Inter Government Organization) to develop a plan to implement the project in a specific country or region. You may NOT choose N. America, the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand or Ghana.
Step #1: select, research and discuss a common public sector project for example: providing a sustainable source of potable water, a program to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, micro investment, improving food safety, access to primary education, resettlement of refugees etc. countries.
Step #2: select a real country or region for example: West Africa, Middle East, Cambodia etc. for which the project would be appropriate and explains why the need exists.
Step #3: views the information that has been gathered, assumes the role of a government project manager in the selected country or region and
1. develops an implementation plan for the program including at a minimum the finance, human resources and marketing activities and
2. the consideration of any potentially helpful IGOs and NGOs and what their role may be.
Step #4: Complete the research and write a 7 pages paper that conforms to the grading rubric below.
It is expected that the sources for this paper will include scholarly research, official reports from governments, IGOs and NGOs, and credible news sources, which are limited to major newspapers such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Times (London), and to newsweeklies such as TIME and The Economist.
It is expected that the paper will conform to accepted standards of formatting and documentation, including proper citations and references as found in the Manual of Style for Writers by Kate L. Turabian or an equivalent manual of style, such as the MLA or APA guide.
The final product must
o be typed, double spaced [even between paragraphs], 12-point Times New Roman with margins no wider than one inch.
o be paginated and no other headers or footers.
o should be prepared in a word processing software (submit paper in only Microsoft Word or Rich text format only.)
o Footnotes are mandatory. Only author name and page number in body of paper for example (Smith, pg 44). Full footnotes will be at end of paper not at the end of each page.
o Pictures, Graphs and lists will not be included in the body of the paper. If you need these to support your facts, then they will be placed at end of paper as an addendum, referenced in body of paper, and will not count for your paper length.
o Bibliography is mandatory and will include all sources used, which should include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publishers name, year, and page number. You may NOT cite Wikipedia as a source in the papers.
o Paper is to be in narrative format and not outline or bullet format. Paper will be reformatted if submitted in outline format.
Paper will be reformatted if not in compliance with formatting rules discussed above to determine true length of paper. more
Complete a marketing plan for a new consumer product that will be sold in the U.S. and Canada.
The new product will be a new iPad keyboard and case combo that has a back-lit keyboard light, integrated battery pack (for extending device usage), and an offers a 360 degree tilt.
The Draft Marketing Plan should include the following sections:
Executive Summary
Company Description
Mission and Goals
Situation Analysis
Product Market Focus
Marketing Program
Financial Data and Projections
Implementation Plan
Evaluation Control
Include Situation Analysis, Marketing Objectives, Marketing Strategy and Objectives, Financial Documents, and Marketing Plan Monitors and Controls sections of the plan, according to the requirements for the Final Marketing Plan
Insert insert charts, graphs, diagrams, tables where applicable (minimum 3)
Marketing plan to be 3000 words plus appendices
Customer is requesting that (amber111 ) completes this order.
Write a draft of no more than 1,800 words of the strategic plan for your organization (http://www.stryker.com/en-us/index.htm), including the following:
Implementation plan
-Functional tactics
-Action items
-Milestones and a deadline
-Tasks and task ownership
-Resource allocation
Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines
Design an implementation plan for e-learning within an organization.
Your organization (business or higher education) is seeking to move employee training/student learning to the online environment. Before implementing this process across departments, however, you have been asked to design an implementation plan and a learning module to demonstrate how this could be effectively accomplished. For this assignment you are to (a) describe the purpose and type of organization for which the training/learning is designed, (b) number of employees/students involved, (c) suggested method for implementing the training/learning program, (d) suggested online environment that would best meet the needs of the training/learning, and (e) a syllabus of a sample learning module that contains: goals/objectives, learning activities and assessments for the activities contained in the module. Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.
Assignment Topic : Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans
Organization: Office of Payroll Administration (OPA)
Website: http://www.nyc.gov/html/opa/html/home/home.shtml
Write a draft of no more than 1,800 words of the strategic plan for your organization, including the following:
? Implementation plan
o Objectives
o Functional tactics
o Action items
o Milestones and a deadline
o Tasks and task ownership
o Resource allocation
? Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
? Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
? Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines.
Kudler Fine FoodsStrategic Plan (Business Plan)
Kudler Fine Food Strategy is growth- adding 2 more stores
Each of the following must be writen about seperetly.
-Table of contents
-Executive summary, with a 2-page maximum
-Company background, organizational mission, vision, and value statements
-Environmental scan
-Review of Week Four strategies and a recommendation for the best strategy for your organization
-Implementation plan: Include objectives, functional tactics, action items, milestones, tasks, resource allocation, and a deadline. In addition, analyze key success factors. Include a budget and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
-Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Will be sending sample papers, company information and sample of what the final paper should look like.
You proposal will be graded using the following criteria
Executive Summary
The executive summary is compelling and prompts the reader to further consider the proposal.
15 points
Organizational plan
The plan examines the impact the proposed project has on the overall organization or how the proposed project will be organized.
15 points
Resources and Staffing
Clearly defines all resources required to meet the objectives of the proposed project
20 points
Implementation plan
Fully described how the plan will be operationalized
20 points
Evaluation plan
Develops measurable objectives and outcomes for the proposed project
10 points
Presentation and Format
The proposal is prepared in a professional and enticing format
10 points
Progress Reports
Progress reports are submitted in a timely manner and reflect critical thinking and analysis of the project
10 points
100 points
Write a draft of the strategic plan for your Toll Brothers, Inc, including the following:
? Implementation plan
o Objectives
o Functional tactics
o Action items
...o Milestones and a deadline
o Tasks and task ownership
o Resource allocation
? Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
? Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
? Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines
Some references
Barnes, R. (2011). Economic indicators: housing starts. Retrieved from http://www.investopedia.com/university/releases/housingstarts.asp#axzz1giVLHkHY
Pearce, J. A., II, & Robinson, R. B. (2011). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (12th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Funding Universe. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Toll-Brothers-Inc-company-History.html
Cooper, F.N. (2011, December 6). Toll Brothers reports 4th qtr fye 2011 result. Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Toll-Brothers-Reports-4th-Qtr-pz-3516449679.html
Managementstudyguide.com (2011). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved December 1, 2011 from Managementstudyguide.com online website: http://www.managementstudyguide.com/swot-analysis.htm
Toll Brothers. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.tollbrothers.com
Toll Brothers. (2011). Toll Brothers code of ethics for Principal executive officer and senior financial officer, Retrieved from http://www.tollbrothers.com/pdfs/SR_ethics.pdf
Toll Brothers. (2011). Toll Brothers 2010 annual report, Retrieved from http://www.tollbrothers.com/investor_relations/corporate_governance more
Assignment: Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans
Write a draft of no more than 1,800 words of the strategic plan for South West Airlines, including the following:
o Implementation plan
? Objectives
? Functional tactics
? Action items
? Milestones and a deadline
? Tasks and task ownership
? Resource allocation
o Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
o Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
o Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines.
Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These... stakeholders are considered your audience.
Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words). The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below:
1. Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization's leadership and fellow staff.
2. Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison.
3. Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit).
4. Rationale for selecting proposed solution.
5. Evidence from your review of literature in Module 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change.
6. Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?)
7. Resources required for implementation: Staff; Educational Materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); Assessment Tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); Technology (technology or software needs); Funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change.
Developing an Implementation Plan
? Explains method(s) of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support for proposal.
? Provides thorough description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring change.
? Provides detailed explanation of proposed solution.
? Discusses rationale for selecting proposed solution.
? Incorporates evidence from review of literature in Module 2 to support proposed solution.
? Provides a detailed description of implementation logistics.
? Identifies resources required for implementation (Staff, education materials, assessment tools, technology, funds, etc.).
POPULATION is Healthcare workers and patients, SOLUTION is Hand-hygiene. LITERATURE review module 2
Custom research material provided by Student Network Resources, Inc.
Topic: Article Review
Order ID: A2075420
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Hand Washing Articles Review
1. Caglar S; Yildiz S; Savaser S. (2010). Observation results of hand-washing by health-care workers in a neonatal intensive care unit. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16(2), 132-137.
In this article the authors wanted to determine whether healthcare professionals were washing their hands and if they were doing so effectively. The researchers observed 344 incidents in which hand washing was warranted and found that nurses were 63% compliant and physicians were 53% compliant. However, when it came to making sure that the job was done thoroughly, physicians were able to do a better job than nurses at a 24% to 13% rate of success. Since hand washing has been proven to be the most effective and simplest method for preventing infection, it is imperative that healthcare professionals perform it as often as needed and thoroughly.
2. Ramos. M. M., Schrader, R., Trujillo, R., Blea, M., & Greenberg, C. (2011). School nurse inspections improve hand-washing supplies. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 355-358.
The research was conducted to determine whether reporting inadequate hand washing supplies to the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) alone or both to the NMDOH and the school was the most effective method for ensuring the supplies were more readily available. The researchers used a random number of schools which were of roughly the same student population and split the schools into equal sized control and test groups. The researchers at both types of locations checked whether the schools had adequate hand washing supplies and reported it either to just the NMDOH (control) or the NMDOH and the school. It was discovered that when the lack of supplies was conveyed to the school they were more likely to be filled quickly. Nurses recognize the importance of hand washing supply availability because of the prevalence of infectious disease spread, especially at schools.
3. Akyol, A. D. (2007). Hand hygiene among nurses in Turkey: opinions and practices. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(3), 431-437
This study looked at nurses in Turkey specifically and whether they had the education, supplies and ability to adequately wash their hands after patient care. A questionnaire was used to determine the education of 129 participants at 2 different facilities. It was found that the nurses showed an inadequate level of comprehension regarding the need to wash their hands and how to conduct a proper hand washing procedure. The researchers determined that more education is needed as to skin conditions and the ability to wash hands had to be available at all times. It is important for nurses to speak up when the workload is too demanding for them to provide basic patient care such as hand washing.
4. Hussein, R., Khakoo, R., & Hobbs, G. (2007). Hand hygiene practices in adult versus pediatric intensive care units at a university hospital before and after intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 39(6-7), 566-570
This article looked at the difference between the hand washing technique and frequency in adult versus pediatric ICUs and tested healthcare workers knowledge of using alcohol hand sanitizer versus traditional hand washing. It was found that adult ICU nurses were far less likely to wash their hands than those in pediatric ICUs (35% versus 90%). A training was conducted after which the adult ICUs were tested again and it was found that proper hand washing technique had increased to a large degree. Nurses, especially those that work in areas where infection is a greater danger, need to understand the efficacy of simple hand washing and how to do it properly.
5. Gould, D. & Drey, N. (2009). Preventing the spread of acute respiratory viral infections. Nursing Standard, 24(5), 44-49
This article is a meta-study which examines the research done with regard to hand washing technique and how it lessens the likelihood of the spread of respiratory illnesses. The study looked at the techniques that have been practiced since the 1970?s to determine how methods have changed and whether the incidence of the spread of infectious disease has lessened with better education for nurses. They found that although the incidence had gone down, it was not sufficient as of yet. Nurses need to understand not only the importance of hand washing, but they also need to know the proper techniques and how different methods of disinfection can be used.
6. Wilson, S., Jacob, C. J., & Powell, D. (2011). Behavior-change interventions to improve hand-hygiene practice: a review of alternatives to education. Critical Public Health, 21(1), 119-127
This paper is a literature review rather than a study in which the authors hope to determine other methods of increasing hand washing compliance numbers among nurses. Because methods such as education and training had been tried numerous times with little result, the researchers looked at behavioral methods that could be used to increase compliance. They found that although peer pressure and other techniques have shown some success it is more likely that the in-born behavior of the individual will have to be changed. Nurses need to have a desire to personally have clean hands or they will not comply completely.
7. Hart, S. (2007). Using an aseptic technique to reduce the risk of infection... art & science clinical skills. Nursing Standard, 21(47), 43-48
This article deals with the question of healthcare-associated infection and how it can be prevented. The researchers found that there was a belief among healthcare workers that aseptic techniques were commonly used in the operating room, but were not called for during a patients stay in the wards. However, the researchers found that the high degree of sepsis (45% to 70% depending on the study) was generally from hospital care. Hand washing technique alone was not enough, so nurses also need to know how to use aseptic procedure when dealing with fluids and procedures that are more invasive and infection-prone for patients.
8. Warren, E. (2008). ENT in primary care: part 3: Upper respiratory tract infection. Practice Nurse, 35(8), 38-39
This article was a look at the literature with regard to the effectiveness of hand washing techniques as they applied to the decreased incidence of upper respiratory infections. The researchers found that many studies had indicated that the use of proper hand washing technique was able to deter such infections. The issue was that many of the nurses surveyed did not have a good grasp of what constituted proper hand washing technique. Because of this deficiency, it was shown that upper respiratory infections were increasing in some areas. The researchers argued for better education and for different protocols which could be used to ensure better compliance.
9. Groothuis J., Bauman, J., Malinoski, F., & Eggleston, M. (2008). Strategies for prevention of RSV nosocomial infection. Journal of Perinatology, 28(5), 319-323
This study looked at the literature regarding techniques to prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) as a cause of nosocomial infection specifically in NICUs. The researchers discovered that many techniques, from improved usage of medications to improved diagnosis, had been used and that few showed a significant drop in the incidence of the disease. The best course was found in early detection and then proper hand washing techniques with ?cohorting? of patients and staff was the best suggestion. Nurses need to understand the full efficacy of proper hand washing procedures. It may seem to be an unnecessary bother at times, but as this study shows, it can be the most important weapon nurses and other healthcare workers have at their disposal.
10. Newnham, D. (2009). Outside in. Nursing Standard, 23(21), 26-27.
This article discusses how nurses can better comply with hand washing standards if they use non-water hand washing aids to supplement the times when water is not available. The author?s short discussion revealed that the majority of nurses did not realize the effectiveness of alcohol-based non-water hand washing liquids and that they could adequately protect from infection if the proper technique was used. He also discussed the fact that alcohol-based hand washing stations needed to be more commonplace in all hospitals. It is important for nurses to understand that they can adequately disinfect their hands if they use these methods.
11. Newnham, D. (2008). Outside in. Nursing Standard, 23(8): 24-25.
Sepsis is a major problem for hospitals and it has been for a number of years. The author looks at how sepsis has been treated through the years and how management has changed recently. He looks at new research which reaffirms that the use of proper hand washing techniques is the best way to prevent these types of infections, and that nurses are receiving better training all of the time regarding prevention. The author admits some reluctance to follow trends, but allows that when treating sepsis he has to use the best information available. Right now the best aseptic method is to wash hands properly and use other aseptic methods of care.
12. Staff. (2009). Hand-washing campaign to include all hospital staff. Nursing Standard, 23(30), 11.
The article was more of an announcement than an actual research article, but it did reiterate the importance of hand washing as a major deterrent in preventing secondary infections. The article looked at one agency that had a high than average level of infections happening to its patients, and the administrators were trying to determine how they could end the problem. One of the interventions that they started was to re-educate the entire nursing staff as to proper hand washing technique. The article stated that the ?campaign? was organized to reiterate the importance of the activity, and to make sure that all personnel were aware of this.
13. Oliveira, A. C., & Lucas, T. C. (2008). Adoption of measures of the precaution in the teaching care practice by health care workers team: Perceptions and limitations. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 7(3): 1.
This study was designed to determine how well healthcare workers in a Brazilian public hospital were trained in the use of infectious disease controls. The study looked at all techniques of training (traditional, behavioral, etc.), to see if any was more successful than the other. One hundred fifty nine healthcare workers were involved in the study which involved survey knowledge of training methods for infection control. Only 38% of workers knew about the training and just over half of them had participated in it. Also, more than 90% of the participants knew of the effectiveness of hand washing in preventing infection spread, but only 46% knew proper technique and fewer still used that technique. The implication for nurses is that training has to be used in order to be effective.
14. Snow, T. (2008). Weighing of soap dispenser bags sees staff hand-washing rates soar. Nursing Standard, 22(40), 11.
Researchers are trying different techniques to increase the incidence of compliance with hand washing guidelines and in this study they used social pressure. Initially, compliance with hand washing regulations was deemed to be significantly below expected standard within the nursing staff. To hopefully combat this, researchers told the staff that they were going to weigh the soap dispenser bags to see if people were actually using them or not. The object of the study was to determine if this type of pressure would induce the staff into better compliance with hand washing regulations. The researchers found that this type of behavioral technique is very effective.
15. Parish, C. (2008). Patient campaigner calls for TV cameras to check hand-washing. Nursing Standard, 22(38), 6.
The author of the article looked at the compliance records of staff and whether patients and visitors used infection controls. The campaigner, Roger Goss, said that because MRSA and other similar healthcare-acquired infections were becoming more dangerous that staff and visitors needed to be monitored more closely to prevent spread. The man advocated that close-circuit televisions be used to determine compliance with regulations, and he encouraged staff to be fired and visitors not welcomed if they did not comply. The warning here to nurses is that people are watching whether they wash their hands properly, and they are ready to have them terminated if they do not. more
Technology Implementation Paper
Based on personal experience, articles from a Library, or examples on the Internet, write in detail how a new technology system should be implemented and/or introduced to a company. Include your recommendations as if you were the manager in charge of implementing the new technology. Give your ideas on how the following information should or should not be shared by technical and non-technical staff: (a) project plans, (b) implementation plans, (c) training plans (d) support strategies. Submit the paper, as directed by the faculty member.
Less than 10% of the paper should be cited, please paraphrase if possible - if needed.
Request jowriter63
Success University (SU) is a medium sized undergraduate institution located in Southern California. SU offers Associates and Bachelors programs in Business, Psychology and Education at their San More...no campus and online. SU has decided to launch three new programs next Fall.
The three programs to be launched are:
1) A Business Certificate in Leadership
2) An Associates of Science (AS) degree in Business Administration
3) A Bachelor?s of Science degree in Business Administration (BSBA) with a concentration in Organizational Leadership
The accrediting body of Success University has given the programs their blessing and the School of Business has been charged with launching the three programs. They have created a team consisting of faculty, graduates, admissions staff, student services personnel and a marketing representative from the Corporate Office to assist in the launch of the programs.
You are tasked with bringing the team together, apprising them of their roles and responsibilities within the team and mapping out a timeline with deliverables.
You are to produce an executive brief of a 5 - 7 pages (not including the title or reference page) that clearly outlines the:
Team plan: Your plan to create a cohesive team. Include at least three strategies you plan to use to ensure a unified team.
Launch plan ? a comprehensive list of steps (at least 6) describing how you will launch the new programs.
Goals and Deliverables: Describe the goals you have set for this project and create a timeline with clearly marked deliverables.
Evaluation and Monitoring: Explain how you plan to evaluate the progress of your team and individual team members ? discuss the key strategies you will adopt to monitor your team?s progress and coach them to success. Examples might include weekly face to face meetings or written reports submitted to you weekly by each team member.
Implementation plan: How do you intend to implement the launch plan? Discuss how the team will function and their roles during the implementation.
Change plan: Create a strategy to deal with potential resistance from all stakeholders involved in the running and delivery of the new programs. For example there may be a concern in terms of increased workload, having to learn new policies and processes and the speed of the planned changes. more
10. Individual Assignment: Strategic Plan and Presentation
? Resource: Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans assignment with facilitator feedback
? ... Complete a 2,800- to 3,500-word strategic plan for your organization.
(My Company instructor - Currently am working for pacific oil .My position is bookkeeping and money management. Pacific oil is a privet owner ship, which they own 4 gas stations and couple of commercial and residential properties for rent.).
Your plan should be Include the following:
o Table of contents
o Executive summary, with a 2-page maximum
o Company background, organizational mission, vision, and value statements
Note. For a start-up, this should focus on the backgrounds and accomplishments of key anticipated management personnel. The goal is to convince the investor that these individuals are trustworthy and successful.
o Environmental scan
o Review of Week Four strategies and a recommendation for the best strategy for your organization
o Implementation plan: Include objectives, functional tactics, action items, milestones, tasks, resource allocation, and a deadline. In addition, analyze key success factors. Include a budget and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
o Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks
? Prepare a 6- to 10-slide Microsoft? PowerPoint? presentation with speaker notes.
Your audience will play the board of directors or a venture capital firm. The focus is to sell your recommendations to the board or venture capital firm, and obtain approval for funding your plan.
? Format your plan and presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
818-5223021 more
Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word paper detailing how a new technology system should be implemented or introduced to a company. Include your recommendations as if you were the manager in charge of implementing the new technology. Give your ideas on how the following information should or should not be shared by technical and nontechnical staff:
o Project plans
o Implementation plans
o Training plans
o Support strategies
Semester 1 2009
The e-retail plan (2500 words): Individual 30%
...To develop an e-retail plan for a product or service. The e-retail plan is based on a new business, not on an existing business.
The assessment item is designed to engage the students in integrating e-retailing theory and practice. REMEMBER, your role is to act as an entrepreneur or an e-marketer whos planning a venture startup.
1. Select a product or service. According to De-Kare Silver, different product categories have more or less virtual appeal.
2. Define and describe the product/service from a customer-centric perspective. REMEMBER, consumers purchase the benefits of the product/service, not the product/service itself.
3. Determine the target market.
4. Analyse the current operating environment for all companies within the product class you choose. REMEMBER, you have competitors (high street, online, or both). It is YOUR DECISION to use any analysis models that are appropriate: PESTE, SWOT, SNAKE DIAGRAM, PORTER GENERIC STRATEGIES MATRIX, ANSOFF MATRIX, etc. The purpose is to clearly understand your market opportunities and where your product/service fits into the market place (market positioning).
5. Develop an e-retail plan
REMEMBER, a new online business presents a lot of challenges such as high perceived risks and lack of consumer trust. As an e-marketer, you should consider how to attract consumers to your store (website), how to build an engaging website (website design), how to effectively communicate with your target audience (the e-retailing mix and the communication mix), and especially how to create CUSTOMER VALUE and how to develop a long-term customer relationship. A unique e-retail plan requires a high degree of creativity. To ensure the quality of the e-retail plan, it is ESSENTIAL for you to integrate market research and e-retailing theories.
The group report is 2500 words maximum
Specific Format Requirements:
1. Report length 2500 (maximum) words for the body of the report. The word length excludes the title page, the table of contents, the reference list (APA style) and the APPENDIXES.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing; 12pt New Times Roman or 11pt Arial Font. At least 2.5cm margins.
3. Add a Table of Contents.
4. Print the body of the report double-sided if possible.
5. Add a COMPLETE AND ACCURATE reference list of all academic works, business materials and websites, cited using APA style.
6. Include a copy of the e-retail plan Mark Sheet.
E-retail plan format:
Table of contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1.0 Overview
Who What Where When How
2.0 Brand, Product and Service offering
define & describe current activities
3.0 Situational analysis
Briefly state you feel is the operating environment
3.1 Existing plan and other information
Review of existing plan and any other secondary information on firms brand that may be useful
3.2 Analysis Models
use any traditional or adaptive marketing models that you feel are appropriate
Number accordingly
Explain why you are using the models
Present the table / diagram
Briefly comment on the highlights of each model
3.x SWOT
3.x Perceptual maps
3.x PLC
3.x Snake Diagram
3.x etc etc (BCG, Ansoff, Porter ------)
3.x e-retailing metrics
Review e-retailing plans & objectives, strategies & performance metrics
3.x Situational Summary
What are the highlights of the situation analysis
4.0 Strategies
Link e-retailing with e-marketing strategy
4.1 Revenue streams
Identify revenue streams identified by e-retail models
4.2 Market opportunity analysis
Perform market opportunity analysis
4.3 Segmentation & Target
Target stakeholders
4.4 Brand differentiation
Method of brand differentiation
4.5 Market positioning strategy
Market positioning strategy
4.6 Market/partner distribution strategies
Market/partner distribution strategies
4.7 Distribution
Distribution process
4.8 Communication
Communication issues & approaches
4.9 Strategy Summary
What are the highlights of the proposed strategies
5.0 Implementation plan
Briefly state your approach to implimentation
5.1 e-retailing mix (7Cs)
Use the 7c define, describe, support suggested activities
5.2 product/service offer
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.3 Pricing strategies
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.4 Distribution/supply chain
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.5 Integrated Marketing Communications
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.6 Relationship management
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.7 Organisational structure/integration
5.8 Implementation Summary
What are the highlights of the proposed implementation
6 Budget
6.1 Revenues
What is likely to be sold and why
6.2 Costs
What are the likely costs
6.3 Budget comments
7 Evaluation and control
7.1 Contingency plans
7.2 Monitoring procedures
It is expected that the majority of your references will relate to the theoretical concepts discussed rather than the product category itself
e-Retail plan Mark sheet:
Degree of relevance of issues to e-Retailing strategy.
Clarity and richness of the explanations and analysis. Evidence of integrating theory and practice
Logical structure of argument.
Breadth of research and quality of source material (relating to e-Retailing issues)
Written expression - concise, straightforward and easy to read as well as grammatically correct
Correct referencing, lack of typos' spelling and grammatical errors, a bibliography and table of contents.
There are faxes for this order. more
Proposed Solution, Implementation and Evaluation
i) Preparing a Solution
(1) Write a 100-250 word paper in which you:
(a) Describe briefly your proposed solution
ii) Preparing an Implementation Plan
(1) Prepare an outline of 1-2 pages
(2) Describe an implementation plan
(3) Include the steps needed to implement each strategy as well as the resources needed to implement the plan.
Preparing an Evaluation Plan
(1) Write a 500 word paper in which you:
(a) Prepare an evaluation plan supported by your critical appraisal of the literature.
(b) Explain how the project will be evaluated, and identify resources needed for evaluation.
(c) Describe what your projected outcomes will be.
iv) Use.APA format including a title page, introduction, and conclusion. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section
This a continuation of the first report which I will attach.
1.Using identified industrial trends and capability gaps in the first report as the reference points, discuss any relevant activities of the firm in the following areas: corporate level strategy, international strategy, strategic alliance and cooperative strategy. Your discussion is expected to illustrate how these recent activities will help to deliver new values to customers, neutralize competitive advantages from rivals, and overcome the capability gap, and sustain/renew the firms? competitive advantages in the market place.
2. If the recent activities showed signs of inappropriate/insufficient strategic endeavour or core rigidity, using your research evidences to discuss the problems that may reduce/destroy the firm?s competitive advantages.
3.Based on the above, identify one key area for strategic change. Your discussion will demonstrate that this is the area the firm must act to improve or it will result into competitive disadvantage.
4. Suggest an implementation plan for the strategic change, including required organizational structure, leadership support, and a brief implementation procedure.
Write a paper regarding the facility planning of building an outpatient clinic located within a hospital that includes the following
? Regulatory requirements and their effect on the design and
? Color selection implications and noise issues
? List of the type of equipment needed
? Electronic items needed
? Examination of budget planning and cost estimates
? Description of the role of stakeholders in facility planning and
? Gantt chart that details an implementation plan
Develop an implementation plan for Alarm Fatigue resolution Include each component 1). Timeline for your project: from implementation to evaluation. 2). Develop a budget or discuss budgetary considerations needed to implement resolution. 3). Discuss a staffing plan that will need to be utilized in order to implement the resolution or project- such as (IT/Biomed or Financial, etc.). APA criteria: organization must include logical sequencing or flow, correct grammar, punctuation & spelling. Format must contain title page, spacing, font, 1" margins, level headings and reference page.
Course Project Components:
The subject for this assignment is a Residential Facility for individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation. Will also provide day treatment and respi...te care. Also will have a two person practice for a Nurse Practitioner and a Psychiatrist. Discuss a detailed plan for the implementation of a new IT technology within the health care system. This plan should be approximately 30 pages or more, depending upon the scope and the use of data flow tools such as Microsoft Project.
Part One:
Describe the institution, its mission, business model, and the governance structure.
Define the Project to be implemented.
Put this project into context by describing the overall IT Plan and the planning time horizons and organizational budgeting.
Compose your Sponsorship Team and your Implementation Team.
Business Manager
Chief Operating Officer and co-owner (Nursing Executive)
Part Two:
If you have a system that has been chosen for implementation, describe the process for request for proposal and then for selection.
Practice Fusion EMR System to be used.
Develop an overall timeline for the planning process.
Build the business case for the implementation of this new system.
Develop a chart of the key stakeholders and their likely pros and cons ??" what are your persuasive arguments?
Part Three:
Develop the Infrastructure Roadmap for the project and initiate a budget.
Detail specifics on additional personnel that will be needed on a full and/or part-time basis for implementation and then for maintenance.
Will roles change internally as a result of implementation (i.e., will someone be displaced by technology?)
What are the key design considerations?
Part Four:
Develop a detailed implementation plan, including stages for technical infrastructure, training of personnel by role, roll-out timing, trouble-shooting support, etc., with expected outcomes. more
Implementation plan/resolution to the Wal Mart de Mexico scandal. I will attach information already part/pertaining to this topic. My section of the paper is to do the implementation/resolution.
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Read Full Paper ❯Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word paper detailing how a new technology system should be implemented or introduced to a company.…
Read Full Paper ❯e-Retailing Semester 1 2009 The e-retail plan (2500 words): Individual 30% PLEASE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE E-RETAIL PLAN FORMAT AND THE E-RETAIL PLAN MARK SHEET Aim: To develop an e-retail plan for a…
Read Full Paper ❯writer:pheelyks Proposed Solution, Implementation and Evaluation i) Preparing a Solution (1) Write a 100-250 word paper in which you: (a) Describe briefly your proposed solution…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a draft of no more than 1,400 words of the strategic plan for your organization, including the following: ? Implementation plan o Objectives o Functional tactics o Action items o Milestones and a deadline o Tasks and task…
Read Full Paper ❯This a continuation of the first report which I will attach. 1.Using identified industrial trends and capability gaps in the first report as the reference points, discuss any relevant activities…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a paper regarding the facility planning of building an outpatient clinic located within a hospital that includes the following elements: ? Regulatory requirements and their effect on the design and equipment ?…
Read Full Paper ❯Develop an implementation plan for Alarm Fatigue resolution Include each component 1). Timeline for your project: from implementation to evaluation. 2). Develop a budget or discuss budgetary considerations needed…
Read Full Paper ❯Course Project Components: The subject for this assignment is a Residential Facility for individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation. Will also provide day treatment and respite care.…
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