25+ documents containing “Healthy People”.
Research question: How can sport affect health?
Thesis: In this paper I will argue that even if sports can lead to serious injuries such as.. Sports not only help, but they can heal, and prev...ent some of todays most pressing health issue such as...................... (Example: the Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease with a high prevalence among older people, obesity, and heart disease).
Abstract: While most citizens in the United States are suffering from mental or physical health problems, scientists agree that the practice of sports on a regular basis is the key to a healthy body and lifestyle. According to a recent survey, sports is a really effective way to prevent against obesity (Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Houston, 3855) which is a major concerned in the United States. Many scientists seek to answer the question: In what way the practice of a sport will best prepare the body to face different diseases, nutrition and mental problems? In this paper I will argue that even if sports can lead to serious injuries such as................ Sports not only help, but they can heal, and prevent some of todays most pressing health issue such as...................... (Example: the Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease with a high prevalence among older people, obesity, and heart disease).
You do not have to use the exact same abstract but you can use this one. For the thesis you will have to replace the dots by some injuries and diseases that you found throughout the research.
The sources have to be in MLA format. You have to use 4 scholarly resources and 4 non scholar. Make sure that they are credible.
Use at least 2 journals, 2 web sites and 2 books. You can choose the two remaining ones.
Thank you more
After reading Chapters 6,7,13 from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the following 3 links: 1) http://www.cdc.gov/aging/pdf/mental_health.pdf 2) http://...www.cdc.gov/aging/ and 3) http://nihseniorhealth.gov/ and also looking at a Powerpoint that I will also send please answer the following......Wrtie a 4 page essay explaining why there is a needed shift in perspective regarding the approach to healthcare in serving a growing aging population. Be specific in your concepts discussed, and cite relevant text readings, PowerPoint lecture notes, module-related Internet links.
4-Page essay, 121pt. Times New Roman, APA Format....I will do the header page.
Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order.
A short synopsis of all the readings:
The above readings will present information about needed preventive "wellness" initiatives to keep more older adults who are living longer also living healthier. Also, these readings will introduce issues of delivering healthcare to a growing, increasingly diverse aging segment of the population. For example, cultural sensitivity is an important issue in delivering healthcare to older adults. Finally, affordable healthcare in light of a worsening national and international economy is presented as an aging-related public policy concern, impacting resource allocation decisions for aging service recipients.
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Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order. more
Hi, I would need an Ma Political Economy essay on the subject of Financialization, Financial Innovation and Neoliberalism. Has the innovation done more damage than good, how far should it be regulated etc. Financialization vs Inclusion. Simone Pollilo's essay talking of two types of innovators, Market Utopians and Populists is sthg I would mention. Also the Special in the Economist on Innovation a month ago. I am attaching these. My line would be that Neoliberalism needs fixing with some regulation but that the finance and market should be allowed to function without too much external involvement. Risk is an important aspect here, people don't want it, so speak of it in sociological terms as well as business - Chicago School - perspective of opportunity. Modern society afraid of the future, wishes to control it and incorporate it into the present. Modern capitalism, valuation of expectations etc.
Graded Assignment ? Community Needs Assessment
Aggregate or vulnerable population ? homeless veterans, male, aged 40-50 years old in Orange County, Orlando FL.
1. Introduction/D...escription of aggregate ? the introduction provides the foundation for the paper. Include the following in your introduction:
a. Describe an aggregate or vulnerable population within a community that is at risk for health problems.
b. Describe this aggregate in terms of at least three (3) commonalities.
c. Discuss the diversity that exists within this aggregate.
2. Community Description ? describe the geographic community within which the aggregate or vulnerable population resides. Describe the dimensions of people, place, and function that serve as a framework. Address partnerships within the community by including the sources of data or information, such as key informants, governmental agencies.
3. Health-related problem, issue or health risk
a. Describe one health-related problem, issue, or health risk of the selected aggregate that is amenable to an intervention project or program that is within the scope of community health nursing practice.
b. Describe how the health-related problem, issue, or health risk is amenable to an intervention, project or program and explain how it relates to the scope of community health nursing practice.
c. Discuss the implications of the health-related problem, issue or health risk for policy change and social implications at the systems level.
d. Explain how you as a masters prepared nurse would establish collaborative partnerships with the diverse community and interprofessional teams to address the needs and influence change for your selected population.
4. Problem Description and Rationale ? the problem description and rationale should include the following:
a. Describe the significant factors contributing to the health-related problem, issue or risk.
b. Provide a rationale for selection of this health-related problem, issue, or health risk based on its relationship to a specific Health People 2020 objective.
APA style. 10 pages including abstract. At least 4 references. more
Paper must fully answer and explain the following three questions:
Describe and elaborate on the personal characteristics of psychologically healthy, effective counselors.
Explain value conflicts: How might values work for or against a counselor? What does the literature suggest about counselors-in-training-involving themselves in counseling as a client prior to or during their master's level training?
What are your views regarding the literature? Be specific.
Please use 6 references from professional journals.
The dissertation is an applied study where I'm creating a marriage preparation program for adult children of divorce. I need the paper to include references to couples, marriage prep and adult childre...n of divorce. I will be using the theory to create the program. Here is what I wrote about why I'm including this theory:
Structural family theory is a type of family systems theory and contributes to this program by creating a sense of structure in the way the couple plans to spend the rest of their lives together. Instead of haphazardly navigating through the marriage, couples who go through this program will have the ability to make more educated decisions for themselves and the relationship based on having more information about themselves and one another. Structural therapy can also assists the couple in untangling old unproductive behavioral/relational patterns that are ineffective when attempting to creat an authentic intimate long-term marriage. With a conscious plan that illuminates the needs, desires and boundaries of each member of the couple, new healthy and productive patterns can be formed over time.
I need an overview of the theory keeping in mind that I'm using it to create a marriage prep program for adult children of divorce. Some references to follow.
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Need three peer reviewed references Please read directions below, this has to be a 3-page brochure
Many individuals stress about retirement and how to properly plan for the lifestyle the...y would like to maintain. Cultural barriers or the lack of culturally specific educational material may prevent many adults from engaging in adequate financial planning for retirement. This may in turn perpetuate traditional inequality patterns. Many issues arise when considering the thought of retirement, and it is up to you to help relieve some of the worry. A reference brochure can be a concise method to summarize the available options and how to start planning for the process.
Create a 3 full page brochure referencing the options for the aging population. Be sure to complete the following requirements:
?Select a culture or specific population as the target audience for your brochure.
?Consider a younger person from that culture still in the workforce but preparing for retirement or caring for an elderly individual who is going to retire soon.
?You may also consider an older member of that culture to which you will speak at a senior center or adult day care facility. You want this brochure to be a guide to help older adults with the transition.
Select one of the following options and provide relevant information for your selection:
?Social services for either the senior or his or her caregivers, which may include public and private options or costs
?Planning for retirement, including economic, housing, medical, and legal preparation
?Healthy lifestyle opportunities or health maintenance options
?Another selection approved by your faculty member
Select a title for your brochure. Be creative when selecting your title; some example titles include the following:
?Preparing for Your Older Years?Targeting Generation X
?Living Longer?But Not Always Better
?Keys to Successful Aging
Ensure your brochure is at the appropriate readability index to the target audience.
Create a separate reference page with a minimum of three peer-reviewed references in APA format.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. more
At least 250 words or more, excluding direct quotes and citations.
1) Explain your opinion on the legalization of illicit drugs. Do you believe that legalizing drugs will "increase" or "...decrease" drug abuse?
2) What do you think is the availability of drugs in high school? What drugs do you think are regularly available to high school students? In your opinion, do you think using drugs in high school (even experimenting) can have long term negative affects on a person?
3) Do you think "addiction is a disease"? Why or why not?
Please explain your answer.
4)Which drug (drug classification) do you think has the most detrimental effect on the body's nervous system? Explain your answer.
5) FOUR LOKO is a drink comprised of 23 and a half ounces, with 12-percent alcohol and the caffeine equivalent of at least two cups of coffee.
Energy drink consumption has been on the rise over the last 3-5 years. A number of deaths have been associated with energy drink consumption in otherwise healthy young adults. Combined with alcohol many young people are using these types of drinks to stay awake yet intoxicated.
SB 39 aims to block the selling of caffeinated beer beverages in CA and is waiting to be signed by Governor Brown.
What is your opinion on the safety of energy drink consumption?
What is your opinion on caffeinated alcohol drinks? Would you support the passage of SB 39?
6)Many Americans have trouble getting to sleep. As a results they may turn to sleeping pills to help them get some ZZZs.
How do you feel about the prescribing of sleeping pills for people to assist them with sleeping? Should our medical industry instead be writing prescriptions for vigorous activity which would also help people sleep better? How about a prescription for caffeine avoidance?
Please explain your answer.
7)Considering the following:
1. Alcohol kills more young people than all illicit drugs combined. (Grunbaum,. 2002)
2. Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes and non-fatally injure someone every two minutes (NHTSA 2006).
3. During 2005, 16,885 people in the U.S. died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, representing 39% of all traffic-related deaths versus 18% rate for Marijuana and Cocaine (NHTSA 2006).
Do you think that alcohol should remain a "legal drug" free of regulation on consumption?
8) Discuss your position on red wine consumption as a protective factor for heart disease.
What is it specifically in red wine that is considered cardio protective? Or is this just another excuse for people to regularly drink wine?
9)How do you feel about the wide availability of medical marijuana cards and clinics?
10)Do you feel that "abstaining" from a substance which one is addicted to is crucial for treatment? For example, do you believe that if one is being treated for alcoholism that they must "abstain" from drinking any alcohol in order to be in recovery? more
This assignment is about comparing the US health care or lack of health care to its people with other developing countries. Briefly explain the pros and cons of not having universal health care. Finally, the big Health Care Insurance companies overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney over Obama.
Please write a paper that contains the following:
a. A cover page with the title, your name, and date submitted.
b. About 2000 to 2500 words to cover the topic. This works out to be about... 6-7 pages using a word processor (i.e. Microsoft Word, iWorks Pages) default, 12 point font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides.
c. Keep quotations to a minimum. More is not necessarily better. Although your paper should contain some appropriately placed quotes, it should not consist entirely of someone elses ideas or opinions.
d. Internal citations for quotes and paraphrasing throughout the paper, documented according to MLA format
e. Works Cited (reference) page with references documented according to the MLA format. All Works Cited references must have an internal citation in the body of the paper referring back to them. A minimum (more may be required) of 6 reference sources.
1. None may be from a general encyclopedia, or Wikipedia.org.
2. Two from a Scientific Journal
3. The others may be from any of the above, or an appropriate internet site, a printed source etc. You may have more than 6 references. Be careful about the sources you choose to use; some of them are not carefully edited or contain false information
f. The paper should include the following information:
1. A section introducing the bioethical question Organ Transplantation: Should people who abuse their bodies receive transplants and containing scientific background information and a historical perspective of topic. The biological basis of the topic must be addressed and explained in this section. Be specific, and discuss how the biotechnology works if appropriate.
2. The viewpoints about the bioethical issues with a substantive section explaining the various perspectives. Discuss each viewpoint and describe the arguments supporting that viewpoint. Do not argue for any one perspective, yet. (Make sure the citations are complete and correct).
3. Take an ethical stand (Ethical stand against people receiving transplants when theyve abused their bodies), and argue the ethical viewpoint constructively. Back your argument with ethics supporting your viewpoint of the ethical issue. Your argument should be scholarly, not based on an emotional response. Cite any sources you use and base your response in ethics. Use third person. The word I should never appear in your paper. more
Individual Grief
Compare the experiences of two people you know well who experienced a major loss or the death of someone close in a brief summary. What did you observe that did or did not demonst...rate the typical stages and types of grief (anticipatory grief, normal grief, complicated grief and disenfranchised grief)? Did you see any barriers that impeded the normal grief process? Why is it an important role for the nurse to facilitate positive coping mechanisms at the end of life? Compare and contrast the outcomes of positive and negative grief situations.
Assignment Requirements
The finished assignment should be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained.
Before you finalize your work, you should:
? be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
? consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary;
? utilize spell check and grammar check to minimize errors; and
? access information regarding APA citation information,
Your SON writing assignment should:
? follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
? be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful;
? display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
? use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources. more
Personal and Professional Philosophy of Leisure....I hope you can help???
My thoughts are that leisure and recreation should be enjoyable, social, have health benefits whether psychological o...r physical, mildly competitive, and bring people together who share a common interest. Increases quality of life through health and social interaction. Leisure does not have to cost a lot and should be available to all social levels. Leisure activities should not harm our environment. I believe in preservation, conservation, environmental acts to preserve nature as God intended it to be for all to enjoy.
A personal philosophy of leisure should include
1) HUMANISM: provide each individual the opportunity to realize his or her full potential. Achieve joy, mastery, uniqueness, and self realization and a shared experience.
2) IDEALISM: value consistency of ideas. Values the person believes in remain constant and unchanging, values such as conservation, preservation, and quality of life.
3) REALISM: views of leisure as a means to rejuvenate individuals to work more effectively. Leisure services should be used to learn about and determine reality to help people to get in touch with the real world.
I hope this gives you a little idea of my thoughts; I need help putting these into words to form a Personal Philosophy for Recreation and Leisure.
A Professional Philosophy of Leisure:
What is the role of recreation and Leisure services professionals towards individuals, communities, and society as a whole?
Should identify the benefits of recreation and leisure for individuals, groups, communities, and society.
5 pages may be too much but I didn?t want to short you.
? Sources?? Not really sure number of sources either. more
Ethics paper:
Topic: Buy and Sell Organs for Transplants
We have to support the fact that people should be allowed to buy and sell organs for transplant purposes.
Writing an initial statement, a short argument which defines the proof of why and how you are supporting or opposing the proposition. These are similar to opening arguments, where you are expressing your position and then stating facts and subscribing to ethical justifications to support your position.
First, begin by considering your debate proposition (either for or against the above statement):
?What are the issues associated with your position? Really identify and explore the relevant aspects and components of the different issues.
?Identify the different angles from which to address your position (i.e. the rights of the patient, donor, health care provider, tax payers, etc.)
?List the arguments that support and oppose your position
?Identify the relevant ethical frameworks that can be used to support your position
essay on how people who are celebrities deal with a variety of social issues (of your choosing) -- in terms of my class, the relationship to stress is obvious, but also with regard to health/medicine and doctors.
I was an actress and singer in Vietnam then I decided to stop my career to go to New York to study.I want to expand my horizon Showbiz has a lot of problem, rumor and celeb has to deal with.
Google my name THUY TOP and write about this and combine the celebrities problem with social issues.
This essay for my SOCIOLOGY class.
Assignment 5: Application of Epidemiology to Obesity
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze the obesity problem in the U.S. as compared to another developed countr...y in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Include factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate of obesity is higher in the U.S. than the other country.
2. Compare obesity rates and obesity-related health care costs in your state to all of the U.S.
Recommend how your state can treat obesity as a threat to public health.
3. Suggest how politics of this issue will hinder your ability as an epidemiologist to help your
community and / or state deal with the issue of obesity.
4. Propose four (4) new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity problem in the U.S. Include the implications of those policies or laws on people, health insurance, health care providers, businesses, and the food industry.
5. Assess and address the causes which have made obesity rates increase for the past decade.
6. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other
Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Make sure you type the question and then the answer afterwards. more
Exercises:(80 points)
1. The various kinds of health professionals are educated in separate schools but with considerable overlap in curricula and training requirements. They are, however, expecte...d to integrate their training and work together after graduation. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to professional education in terms of costs, educational efficiency, and patient care quality.
2. An oversupply of physicians in many urban regions contrasts with continuing problems of access in rural and inner-city areas. Why does the mal-distribution of physicians persist in spite of the number of physicians graduated?
3. The health care delivery system now places increased emphasis on maintaining wellness and on promoting disease avoidance through healthy behaviors and lifestyles. What challenges does this new orientation pose for our existing system of medical education and training?
Option 2: Additional Discussion Question (Module 4)
Please respond to one of the questions that you did not respond to on the required discussion posting separate paragraph end of essay
In 1992, medical residency programs in the U.S. were described as "responsive principally to the service needs of hospitals, the interests of the medical specialty societies, the objectives of the residency program directors, and the career preferences of the medical students." In fact, there are so many more residency programs than can be filled by American medical school graduates, that an annual influx of foreign educated physicians has been required to satisfy the service needs of many hospitals. In addition, until recently, there has been no attempt to match Americas needs for various kinds of specialty and generalist physicians with the hospital-based training programs that were producing them. In light of these facts, pose an opinion on ONE of these questions:
Since the taxpayers fund medical residency training, shouldnt there be some planned balance between the needs for various kinds of physicians and the number of sites for their clinical training?
Few graduates of medical school choose primary care, and instead flock to specialties with greater pay and prestige. Since primary care is the basis for maintaining health and early diagnosis of potential health problems, who should be responsible for rectifying this misplaced emphasis of health care. insurersmedical schoolsthe governmentthe AMAothers?
Since there are not enough American medical school graduates to fill the residencies of the smaller non-teaching hospitals, would not the employment of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or young physicians starting practice be considered first, before recruiting foreign medical graduates?
Attach your assignment as a Word document or comparable file format.
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My essay is about "the Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, translated by Ian Johnston; the book is the bestselling classic. For the paper do an analysis on the Metamorphosis answering the following questio...ns: How does Gregor remind you of how broken and/or sick people are treated in society - aids patients/old people/cancer patients/drug addicts/homeless/that strange boy in grade school who eats crayons. How does his family treat him like a sick person? Use examples from the text with quotes and work-cited page. Hence, the essay writer must have read about the book or googling the book (there are a lot of information). I selected quotes from the book; these quotes must be paraphrased (Select 2 quotes from the list). In addition, I want you to use 2 or 3 more quotes from another sources that it must be related to the topic (Internet is fine).
Quotes list:
From the fruits bowl on the sideboard his father had filled his pockets, and now, without for the moment taking accurate aim was throwing apple to apple. These small red apples rolled as if electrified around on the floor and collided with each other. A weekly thrown apple grazed Gregor?s back but skidded off harmlessly. However another thrown immediately after that one drove into Gregor?s back really hard (P.48).
(This is the middle of scene: Gregor follows and when his sister sees him she runs into his room and slams the door, trapping Gregor outside. His father arrives to find him out of his room and begins throwing apples at him. One of these lodges itself in Gregor's back, almost crippling him).
But even when the sister, exhausted from her daily work, had grown tired of caring for Gregor as she had before, even then the mother did not have to come at all on her behalf (P.56).
(The family?s less attention is paid to Gregor--except when he gets out of his room. No one in the family is fully able to reconcile him).
Growing more silent and almost unconsciously understanding each other in their glances, they thought that the time was now at hand to seek out a good honest man for her. And it was something of a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when at the end of their journey the daughter first lifted herself up stretched her young body (P.74).
(This is the final scene in the novella in which the Samsas' celebrate Gregor's death with a trip to the country. Things are looking up for them now that they all have jobs. They can move to smaller quarters and save money; they don't have to bother with the giant insect in the next room anymore. From the look the parents exchange it appears they might have found a new "cash cow" to support them in the manner of Gregor).
The book information:
The Metamorphosis by Franze Kafka
Translated by Ian Johnston
Published by Tribeca Books
Printed in USA
Lexington, KY
05 January 2011 more
I am a graduate student studying counseling, and I am currently taking a course called substance abuse treatment. The book for the course is called Substance Abuse: Information for School Counselo...rs, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors (4th Edition) by Gary L. Fisher and Thomas C. Harrison Please complete the following assignment:
Meeting paper (three pages): a) attend an open meeting for alcoholics anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and b) write a thoughtful paper about you AA/NA experience. Be sure to include the location, member demographics (age, gender, SES, etc.) number in attendance, topics/issues discussed, whether or not you learned something new/interesting, and you personal reactions after attending the meeting.
Here are two samples of my writing from the course:
Reflection Paper Two (sample one)
Abraham Lincoln once said, ?Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.? Lincoln?s quote implies that with any noble endeavor, one is going to face difficulties along the way; however, if one is resolute and steadfast, one will accomplish his or her goals. As I read Lincoln?s motivational words, I think about an important question that many professors across America ask graduate students in counseling programs: What do you imagine will be the most difficult part of working with the AOD population? This question is important because Substance Abuse Counselors have a responsibility to provide support and encouragement to individuals in crisis who suffer from AOD addiction and dependency, and examining difficult aspects of working with this population will help one be a more effective Substance Abuse Counselor. Dealing with client denial and stepping out of my own rigid views about addiction are two aspects that would be challenging; however, preventing a client from overdosing would the most challenging part of the job.
One difficult aspect of working with the AOD population is dealing with denial. Denial occurs when an individual refuses to acknowledge he or she has an addiction. Clients use denial because they do not know how to cope with their addiction. These individuals become so dependent on the substance they cannot think, feel or act normally without it. They are willing to continue using and abusing the drug in spite of apparent negative repercussions (inability to maintain a job, good grades in school, or a healthy romantic relationship). They are under the false idea that ?they need the drug to survive? (Fisher & Harrison, 2009). I sometimes imagine myself sitting across the room from such a client. As I try to help the client therapeutically, will my words come out correctly? Will I be able to point out discrepancies between stated client goals and behavior? Should I use the technique of confrontation to jolt the client into productive action? I do not have quick answers to these questions; however, as a counselor, I will always remember that denial is a sign that a client is sick in, need of help and a part of the process.
Another challenging aspect of working with the AOD population is stepping outside of my own rigid views of addiction. I was raised in a very religious home where morality was drilled into my brain daily. My parents would often caution, ?Don?t swear! Do not engage in premarital sex! Don?t use drugs!? Engaging in such behavior, as my parent saw it, was an indicator of moral weakness. Because of my upbringing, I tend to gravitate towards the moral model of addiction which explains?addiction as a consequence of personal choice? (Fisher & Harrison, 2009). This model suggests that if individuals make better choices, they would not be addicted to drugs. Taking this class has helped me gain a better understanding of how addiction works, though, and therefore, as a counselor working with an AOD population, I will not be judgmental because I now understand that many factors in addition making good choices contribute to addiction, and the moral model alone simply cannot and does not explain addiction.
Finally, another and difficult part of working with the AOD population is preventing a client who is addicted to drugs for over dosing, killing him or herself. This is the most difficult of the three. With enough therapeutic coaching, I can help a client move pass denial. Moreover, I can and have opened my mind accepting as valid the multivariate model of addiction. What about death from overdose? It has an erry finality to it that is unsettling. There is no coming back from death. It is common knowledge that people who use and abuse drugs often overdose and die eventually. I have read countless headlines of celebrates who have died from overdose. In the United States, between 2005 and 2010 the number of deaths from overdose increased by 347 percent, and 11 people die every day from drug overdose (Morgan). In my role as counselor, I would have to steer drug addicted individuals way from harming themselves or worse, taking their own life.
Indeed, death from overdose and to a lesser extent, client denial and rigid views about addiction are going to be difficult aspects of the profession I will have to confront. I remain optimistic, nevertheless. I will use the therapeutic methods that I have learned in this course and beyond to overcome the difficulties, and in so doing, I am confident that I will be able to help clients overcome their addictions.
Reflection Paper One (sample 2)
I believe a variety of factors determine whether a person abuses alcohol or other drugs. Environment plays a role. Say for instance, a child grows up in a family where one parent or both parents drink excessively. The child might grow up thinking this behavior is acceptable and thus emulate that behavior as an adult, or worse during adolescence. Other people abuse drugs because of the pleasurable feeling it provides. A high school friend of mine would get ?high? from marijuana four to six times a week. ?I like getting faded. It just makes me feel right?like I can just relax,? he would say often. Stress can cause people to turn to drugs or alcohols. Stress in an inevitable part of life. In a way, a small amount of stress can be good motivation, causing people to push themselves to do better and have ambition. An example would be a college student who is afraid to take a required math course out of fear that he may not do well, but decides to enroll in course and alleviates stress by deciding to meet with a tutor twice a week, buy study guides from Barnes and Nobles Book Store, and form student groups, greatly improving his chances of passing the class.
Some people believe alcohol abusers are morally deficient or lack discipline. They reach this conclusion by looking at the visible effects drug and alcohol abuse and then forming a value judgment. For example, I was at the train station recently, when an intoxicated man came onto the platform. I could tell that he was intoxicated because his speech was slightly slurred, he was holding a can of beer, and he had a hard time keeping his balance. A man on the platform who was standing next to me turned to me and said, ?That guy is a looser; he needs to go to church!? This man apparently values church and as follows made a snap judgment. His statement implies that he does believe the gentleman good morals. A few weeks prior to that incident, I was walking to my car, having just left a graduate course I was taking that semester, when a classmate, Angela, approached me in the parking lot and asked if I could give her a ride home because here care would not start. A good samaritan, I agreed to give her a ride home. On the way home, we came to a stop light. At a full stop, a man who reeked of alcohol approached the front passenger side where my classmate was sitting, and asked here for some money. My class mate nervously and quickly rolled up the window and looked away. Embarrassed, the man at the widow walked away.?Damn alcoholic,? she said ?he needs to put the bottle down and find a job.? Her statement implied that the does not think that person was disciplined enough to keep a job because he had been drinking.
Like the people in both examples, other people do this all the time: They make value judgments about people so quickly and seamlessly they do not realize they are doing it. I grant it that morally and discipline can factor into the equation. However, these explanations as the cause alone are too simplistic; substance abuse is a complex issue that stems from a variety of factors, some of which are discussed above. My understanding of the reasons as to why people abuse alcohol and other drugs affects my view in that I am more understanding towards them. In my view, substance abusers are individuals that need help and are not bad people per se. more
Instructions: You must answer both questions.
1. Read the following passage and answer the two questions.
The moral high ground seems to be getting very crowded lately. Ed Miliban...d made reforming capitalism the centrepiece of his Labour party conference speech; Nick Clegg has argued for a "John Lewis economy"; and on Friday the prime minister joined them, laying claim to a distinctive Conservative doctrine of "popular capitalism".
The prime minister, challenged two Labour claims ? that it is best placed to reform the free market and that the Tories are disqualified from contributing to the debate because they are the party of capital.
Cameron said New Labour was to blame for the excesses of recent years, adding: "Three years ago, I argued that the previous government's turbo-capitalism turned a blind eye to corporate excess while we believed in responsible capitalism and would make it happen.
"The last government claimed to have got rid of boom and bust. What it really did was allow a debt-fuelled boom to get out of control.
"The result was a series of lethal imbalances in our economy, between north and south, between financial services and manufacturing, between the people who got huge rewards at the top, or welfare at the bottom, while everyone else seemed to be left out. The truth is that the last government made a Faustian pact with the City."
He said the Tories had a record for promoting social responsibility that dated back to the era of Edmund Burke, who insisted on public accountability for the East India Company.
The Conservative party had shown that progress was not achieved by abandoning the free market, which actually promoted morality, he said, adding: "I believe that open markets and free enterprise are the best imaginable force for improving human wealth and happiness. They are the engine of progress, generating the enterprise and innovation that lifts people out of poverty and gives people opportunity.
"I would go further: where they work properly, open markets and free enterprise can actually promote morality. Why? Because they create a direct link between contribution and reward, between effort and outcome. The fundamental basis of the market is the idea of something for something ? an idea we need to encourage, not condemn. So we should use this crisis of capitalism to improve markets, not undermine them."
The prime minister said the Tories were best placed to reform the free market because the party understood its failing and strengths, unlike Labour which either promoted the economics of socialism or "let capitalism rip" under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. "No true Conservative has a naive belief that all politics has to do is step back and let capitalism rip," he added.
Aides say Miliband is confident that Cameron will fail because he has no understanding of the difficulties many people are experiencing or the role the government should play in changing the rules. The Labour leader believes he will trump Cameron in three key areas:
? Changing the rules. Miliband wrote in the FT on Thursday about introducing new rules for takeovers to prevent a repeat of the "unedifying spectacle" of the Kraft takeover of Cadbury.
? Standing up for people suffering in the downturn. Miliband says his pledge to break up the big six energy companies is an example of this.
? Understanding that the world has utterly changed. "We are no longer in the politics of 'and' but are now into the politics of 'or'," one source said. "Tough choices will have to be made. But in Ed's case they will be informed by his values. David Cameron just thinks the government should get out of the way."
Adapted from The Guardian, 19th Jan 2012
Question 1 (you must answer both questions ? 1.1 & 1.2).
1.1 Using your knowledge of the free markets perspective, examine the ethics and morality of ?let capitalism rip? allegation made by British Prime Minister David Cameron. (Guide: 750 words)
1.2 Evaluate the system using Milton Friedman?s and Norman Bowie?s neo-classical models of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Make recommendations on the way forward for a more ?sustainable? market economics. (Guide 750 words)
Note: - Word count for 1.1 and 1.2 together is 1500 maximum. Both parts carry equal marks ? 25% each.
Question 2:
2. Using one of the following companies examine its CSR activities and behaviour in its home country as well as overseas. Evaluate its ethical and environmentally responsible behaviour by applying relevant ethical theories and sustainability models to date and make recommendations. (1500 words)
John Lewis plc
Marks & Spencer
News International
Satyam Computers
Detailed guidance on how to answer questions:
It is important to note that the British political scenario is a stimulus and it is not important to follow the politics. Examine the free market philosophy, its ethics and morality and the varying shades of capitalism and the differing degrees of government intervention.
In Question 1.2, ?the system? refers to the free market system, capitalism and the current economic foundations on which multinational corporations and businesses in general operate globally.
Question 1 does not need an introduction. For Question 2, if you should decide to use ?Introduction? or ?background? section, the marks for this is not separately calculated, but absorbed under the 4th marking criteria ? ?Structure, Format and Presentation?.
Marking criteria for questions :
For Questions 1 & 2 separately:
1. Theoretical framework ? 30%
2. Application, evaluation, critical thinking ? 30%
3. Conclusion & recommendation ? 10%
For Questions 1 & 2 together:
4. Structure, format and presentation ? 10%
5. Language ? 10%
6. Referencing ? 10% more
Task Description:
This unit introduces the concept that health is influenced by socio-cultural issues rather than simply biological and psychological factors. By examining the living and working c...onditions of specific populations, we can understand why some groups of people get sicker and die sooner than others.
Essay (1250 words)
The statement that ?Illness is simply a matter of bad luck, bad judgment, or bad genetics? reflects historical explanations for poor health based on biological and psychological factors. Critically analyse this statement by exploring how THREE socio-cultural issues (such as race, gender, age, education, socio-economic status, geographical location, media) influence health outcomes of individuals.
Your essay must address the following: Discuss how the THREE sociocultural issues influence outcomes of individuals
Refer to the statement throughout the essay to explain why some groups of people get sicker and die sooner than others
Draw conclusions by commenting on the accuracy of the statement based on the evidence and knowledge gained from the unit readings and content
Assessment criteria
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
Discuss the socio-cultural factors that influence the health of individuals
Draw on research to explain the health inequalities
Examine the accuracy of the statement in relation to the origins of health and illness Produce work of a professional standard including the use of appropriate referencing more
Length: 2,000 words
Identify Asthma, either acute or chronic.
Through the use of the qualitative research and autobiographical literature, explore how one patient/person, or a group of patients/people, has/have experienced this illness.
To do this you will need to identify common illness experience themes that encapsulate the experience of being ill for the individual and/or their families. You will need to refer to the relevant qualitative research literature and show evidence of a conceptual understanding of how these identified themes illustrate the ill persons and/or
their families experience.
Assessment Criteria
Introduction gives background to the topic and states precisely what the essay intends to
Body of essay shows evidence of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant
qualitative research literature.
The essay contains a coherent, appropriately substantiated and well-developed line of
Conclusion draws evidence together, does not over-generalise.
Well-structured, logically sequenced presentation in appropriate English (see Assignment
Presentation Requirements).
Correct referencing technique (see Assignment Presentation Requirements).
At least 8 qualitative research articles (identified from the qualitative research databases)
used to support the arguments.( must be in last 5 years)
I need a paper that describes the effects of second hand smoke. Why smoking should be banned in public places. My side would be on banning smoking. The harmful effects of smoking. Facts on deaths and ...diseases that smoking causes. After every fact I need the source to be cited. The effects smoking is having in other countries such as China, and Africa. Below is a rough draft to work from that is written very poorly.
Should smoking be banned in public places? Smoking should be banned in public because smoking harms innocent people. Not every body chooses to smoke cigarettes so why should there be innocent casualties? People who smoke know the consequences of their actions. There needs to be rules put in place to protect people who do not smoke. People should not have to walk down the street and have second hand smoke effect their life because the person in front of them wants to smoke cigarettes. There are hundreds of thousands in other countries that are being harmed from second hand smoke. The media is playing a pivotal role in preventing the violence of second hand smoke. After smokers become aware of the dangers they are inflicting with second hand smoke and decide to quite, it takes several attempts for the majority of smokers. Smoking needs to be banned in public places for the health of mankind.
Secondhand smoke is very deadly and often over looked. Second hand smoke is smoke that has been exhaled or smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar and inhaled by another person. The second hand smoke contains over 7000 chemicals, which 69 are known to cause cancer and 200 poisons. Second hand smoke is already classified as a group A carcinogen ? cancer-causing substance in humans by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Second hand smoke occurs in public places such as bars, casinos, vehicles, and outdoors. Pregnant women who smoke expose their child to Second hand smoke increase the chances of a spontaneous abortion, stillborn, low birth weight, along with pregnancy and delivery problems. Second hand smoke has drastic effects on children that result in severe asthma attacks, ear infections, and increases the risk of SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome). For children that are a year and a half and younger is estimated to cause 150,000-300,000 cases of pneumonia and bronchitis every year. The Cardiovascular vascular system is affected immediately for non-smokers that have are subjected to second hand smoke. Non-smokers increase of heart disease by 25-30% by being around second hand smoke, and are a result of estimated 46000 heart disease deaths annually. ?????? The extra costs of medical care from second hand smoke in the United States for, illness and death is over $10billion a year. Although second hand smoke has dramatically decreased in the past 20 years do to the growing laws that ban smoking along with knowledge and awareness and dangers that second hand smoke causes. For people living below the poverty levels in America 60.5% were exposed to second hand smoke in 2007-2008. Substantial differences in exposure with African-American male workers, Construction workers, blue collar workers and service workers remain to be among the highest levels of second hand smoke even with the decrease over the past two decades. Second hand smoke in females is still being studied if it causes breast cancer or not. We know that smoke does reach the breast tissue and breast milk. A report from the California Environmental Protection Agency in 2005 have proven that in high concentrations second hand smoke causes breast cancer in rodents. There is no links to cigarette odors and cancer in people. Research has showed particles of secondhand smoke settle in dust and other surfaces, which can remain for months after the smoke is gone. Researchers dubbed this third hand smoke.
In 2011 NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg signed into law a ban on smoking in city parks, beaches, public plazas, and boardwalks. Every time a person is caught smoking they could face a $50 fine. This law was put into place to protect people from the health risks of second hand smoke. Although with the ban many are skeptical. Many think it is ridiculous that walking through central park you can receive a ticket. Others think that it will just be another reason to stop people. In 2005 a Michigan business Weyco installed a smoking ban for employees during working hours and non working hours. The employees would be tested at random and if found to fail the test would be fired. The state legislature passed a bill banning the practice of regulation of off work smoking because Michigan did not consider this to be discrimination. Many people believe that smoking is a civil rights violation of the Constitution and smoking is a freedom and choice that needs to be preserved. Almost all United Sates and Territories have a form of a smoking ban weather it is in restaurants or in public places. Nearly half of The United states have banned smoking in general public places.
China is a country that is having large issue with battling cigarettes. More then 3.5 million Chinese could die from smoking related illnesses by 2030. China has around 100,000 people die from exposure to second hand smoke each year. China is failing to help their citizens kick the habit by not being able to get the pledges to help the 300 million smokers. China as the world leading tobacco producer and consumer pledged to ban indoor smoking that has taken effect after over 5 years of its announcement. Although China is moving in the right direction to ban smoking, China score is low for implementation of tobacco control and FCTC obligations.
Media has played an important and effective role is banning smoking. Through media people have been given awareness that it is impolite and unethical to smoke between non-smokers. Due to this smoking in public places is becoming unaccepted. Various medical practitioners have refused to treat smokers. Life insurance premiums have increased for smoking clients. The Media displays how disgusting disease from second hand smoke can become. The media has launched different advertisement on banning and quitting smoking for the sake of loves one and him/her self. Some of the examples of different advertisements are; in romance displaying that smoker get rejection from their spouse, another advertisement emphasizing the harmful consequence due to passive or second hand smoke on family, kids or friend, finally media promoted advertisement showing that smokers are usually preferred unattractive to other because they have unhealthy lifestyle. The media is also doing a large part with living a healthy lifestyle complains that compliments no smoking.
Smokers that realized smoking are devastating for mankind and try to quite find it harder then first realized. Report of the surgeon general shows that smoking, heroin and cocaine have similarities. Nicotine is the active ingredient that smokers become addicted to and become so dependent on. Nicotine increases the release of glutamate by stimulating the receptors. There are many ways that have been developed to quite smoking. Some of those are the electronic cigarettes that vaporize a propylene glycol- or glycerin- or ply ethylene glycol- based liquid solution into an aerosol, which acts like the act of smoking. There is also the more common older tool. The nicotine patch is a transdermal patch. When quitting most smokers will have symptoms of avoidance and depression like moods from the nicotine withdrawals according to the Surgeon generals report. The patch releases nicotine to cure the craving. Smokers that try and quite by using the patch are to reduce the time the patch is on and the frequency of wearing the patch to slowly reduce the craving for nicotine. Most people are not able to quite without one of the helpful tools and takes them two or three attempts to quite.
Second has smoke is a killer. People choose to not smoke and do not want the risk involved with smoking. Their needs to be laws put in place to protect the people. There is no difference between murder and killing people with second hand smoke. One might be instant however the end result is the same. People know the effects of first and second hand smoke. Though they might not know the details they know the end result is most often death. The people who choose to have a healthy lifestyle by not smoking need to be protected.
Centers for disease control and prevention, Secondhand smoke facts.
American Cancer Society, Tobacco and cancer- secondhand smoke.
China smoking deaths could triple by 2030, report warns.
January 7, 2011 by Fran Wang
Most Women Exposed To Secondhand Smoke In China, Which May Raise Pregnancy Complication Risks.
Reuters, 11/06/2012
Bryant, Jennings, Oliver, Beth, Mary (2009). Media effects: advances in theory and research. Published by Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0805864490, 9780805864496. 470-475
http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/reports/tobaccosmoke/full_report.pdf more
You are to write a 15 page research paper on how you can promote change.
our paper is about how we can change the behavior of ravers and reduce the number of people overdosing from ecstasy at raves by providing straight and unbiased information through our website. We believe that most ravers are unaware of how serious the dangers of ecstasy abuse and therefore take it at raves.
our goal is to make something like www.thegooddrugsguide.com.
use info from this website but do not include them in the paper because we do not want the professor to know that a website like this already exists. use it as a source but do not put them in the works cited.
required text-the heart of change by john p kotter
apply the eight steps on page 6 as an outline for the paper.
we will send the main points that should be included in the paper. you do not have to use it all and u can use other methods too. please dont hesitate to message us if there is any questions.
There are faxes for this order.
Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material cove...red by the Webtext in weeks 6 through 9.
Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you:
1. Explore whether or not funding from international lending institutions like the World Bank and the IMF are helping or hindering the social, economic, or political development of the country that you have selected. Support your response with examples.
2. Discuss, with examples, at least four (4) substantive ways in which a healthy population strengtheners the economy of the country that you have selected.
3. Ascertain the degree to which the leadership of your chosen country has used foreign aid to improve its health care system. Support your response with concrete examples.
4. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
1. Determine how human capital is used and what effect gender disparity has on these decisions.
2. Determine what role health plays in developing economies.
3. Examine the role that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank play in transfers and the conditions they set to effect this funding.
4. Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology of developing countries.
5. Write clearly and concisely about sociology of developing countries using proper writing mechanics. more
Judicial independence is vital to a healthy society. Agree or disagree and discuss with particular reference to the judiciary system in Australia.
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Read Full Paper ❯Instructions: You must answer both questions. 1. Read the following passage and answer the two questions. The moral high ground seems to be getting very crowded lately. Ed…
Read Full Paper ❯Task Description: This unit introduces the concept that health is influenced by socio-cultural issues rather than simply biological and psychological factors. By examining the living and working conditions of specific…
Read Full Paper ❯Length: 2,000 words Identify Asthma, either acute or chronic. Through the use of the qualitative research and autobiographical literature, explore how one patient/person, or a group of patients/people, has/have experienced…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a paper that describes the effects of second hand smoke. Why smoking should be banned in public places. My side would be on banning smoking. The harmful…
Read Full Paper ❯You are to write a 15 page research paper on how you can promote change. our paper is about how we can change the behavior of ravers and reduce the…
Read Full Paper ❯Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as…
Read Full Paper ❯Judicial independence is vital to a healthy society. Agree or disagree and discuss with particular reference to the judiciary system in Australia.
Read Full Paper ❯