Healthcare Leaders Essays Prompts

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Please use the writer(s) that completed order numbers: 2167341 or 2166321
Shared values and diverse ideas may appear to be in conflict. However, these need not be conflicting in practice. Leaders in health care organizations must learn to reconcile the potential conflict of shared values and diverse ideas. Please address how shared values and diverse ideas can coexist in a health care environment.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Use APA style for their writing assignments.
This assignment requires that at least four additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least two in-text citations from each source be included.
Here are the directions to follow:
Write a paper (1,100 words) that addresses how shared values and diverse ideas can coexist in a health care environment. Include the following in your paper:
A. The significance of shared values to an organization.
B. The significance of diverse ideas to an organization.
C. A discussion of how shared values and diverse ideas can coexist in a health care environment.

Health Care Facility Managing a

This paper should be about Managing a Health Care facility. You can discuss Managing both short term care facilities and long term care facilities but it should have a Business Management/HealthCare management feel to it.


Paper Layout:
This paper needs to be fully detailed over the community service you participated in.
Community service- Helping group homes with healthcare, along with c...oordinating activities to help with exercise and overall health. Also contacting families to facilitate times to hang out.

Part I: (This part of the project is 8-10 pages double spaced excluding all appendixes)
Coordination (Resources & Personnel)
Assessment/Evaluation of Goals

The goal of service learning is to provide pedagogy that links academic study and civic engagement. work with a non-profit community organization. No group member should be out of pocket more than $20 each. From the service learning project, students will be able to put theory into practice through transformation of disciplinary concepts, skills relevant to promoting web page. The learning outcomes include opportunity for students to identify, and reflect critically on personal, ethical, and professional civic life.

Sample evaluative questions:

o How did you handle the problem solving process? Were you systematic?

o Did you show evidence of critical thinking? How?
o Did you show evidence of creative thinking? When? How?
o Use the information in the textbook to discuss how leadership was handled in your group. Who are the leaders? How did they come to be leaders? Support your claims.

o Group Climate??"describe your climate giving specific examples to support your claims

o Tensions: describe the evolution of feeling you had for working/helping with people in the organization.

o Describe a major conflict that arose. How was it handled? How could it have been handled better? o Also discuss how you handle working together as a group and what you learnt about working with the organization selected for the service learning project.

o If you are to do it over what would you change?

All this needs to be in your own words and kindly stated.

Book: Austin, C. J., & Boxerman, S. B. (2008). Information systems for healthcare management (7th ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Write a 5-7 page paper in which you:
Assignment 3: Information Governance
1. Analyze the primary causes of information management / information technology project failures and recommend at least three (3) best practices that could be adopted by any organization to avoid such failures in the future.
2. Determine the most effective way that project metrics and portfolio management can facilitate IM/ IT governance. Provide specific examples to support your response.
3. Analyze the various types of government intervention into health care business and argue for or against such intervention. Explain your rationale.
4. Cite at least two (2) references from peer-reviewed sources to support your argumentation.

Please include intext cites and please add actual web addresses for the references.

Thanks in advance!!!

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems
How do effective nurse leaders and others approach problem solving and decision making in organizations? As suggested in this week?s Learning Resources, s...ystems theory provides a valuable way to assess situations and prepare to purposefully address problems.
For this week?s Discussion, you identify an issue or process that could be improved and apply knowledge and strategies related to systems theory.

Review the information presented in this week?s Learning Resources on systems theory and the difference between open and closed systems.
Reflect on the practices and processes with which you are familiar in your organization. Identify one problematic issue or process that could be improved.
Consider the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then think about how the issue or process you selected could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective. How would the transition from a closed- to an open-system view help you and others to address the problem and improve outcomes?
description of the problem that you identified in your selected organization. Explain the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then, describe how the problem could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective, and explain how this modification would help you and others improve health care outcomes.

A problem in my department: Excessive trust in unlicensed personnel has caused some of them to make decisions reserved to licensed health professionals

I have attached the paper that I have started. Please review and assist with completing whatever needs to happen in order to make sure that I meet all of the requirements of the following below:

Write a 550-750 word paper, based on your action plan outline, addressing the following questions:

? What are your professional goals?

? What job do you plan to have in the health care sector?

? What skills for this job do you currently have?

? Which skills do you need to change or alter?

? What is your plan for ultimately achieving these professional goals?

? What professional organizations can help you achieve these goals?

? What benefit does your career action plan outline provide?
Include at least four APA formatted references.

1.FDA regulations regarding barcoding (February 25, 2004)
2.Joint Commission for Accreditation in Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) guidelines for 2004 national patient safety goals: patient safety and barcoding
3.Institute of Medicine reports
4.Netional Patient Safety Foundation
5.HIPAA Compliance
6.Hospitech Solutions
7.Medical journals (ex. Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Healthcare management)
8.Successful implementation of barcoding in different medical facilities around the country (US only)and technology providers (companies)
9.Internet articles (full), but NOT ABSTRACTS
10.Newspapers (last 3-4 years)
There are faxes for this order.

Important functional roles within healthcare organizations. Quality and Risk Management at all levels must understand these roles in order to interface effectively with the individuals who perform the functions and understand clinical and organizational operations..
Quality Management Functions
This is the individual with primary responsibility for quality management including the development, implementation, and evaluation of organizational quality initiatives.

Jean Watson Nursing Theory

Perform a database search for primary sources of your theorist's work. Your search should focus on work specifically done by your theorist, not ABOUT your theorist authored by someone else.
o This... work can be in the form of articles, textbooks, or journals.
? In addition, some theorists maintain their own website. It is imperative that you use primary sources when gathering information.
? Submit bibliography list of primary sources
? APA format
? Minimum of three sources
Submit your theorist project outline. Follow the rubric for the theorist outline; use a power point slide presentation (or similar format) to create your outline. Use bulleted points for each section of the rubric. Make sure you have addressed all aspects of the presentation according to the rubric. Remember to include rationale for theorist selection.

Paper on Work done by Jean Watson, caring theorist, a view of nursing

1.Introduction to theorist,
including rationale for selection
2.Complete intro
with rationale
3.Overview of theory
4.Critique of theory
5.Contributions to nursing/health
6.contributions listed
7.Theory? practice link

Regarding critique of theory, you will be completing a theory critique in Assignment 6.1. For this draft, use bullet points to address the critique.

I need : Research paper on work done by Jean Watson, caring theorist including
power point presentation, bibliography, works cited, theorist outline, critique of theory, and use rubic listed above.

.This ia an "ISSUE BRIEF" Write specifically to the one issue of "Can the Nurse Practitioner Affect the Shortage of Primary Care Physicians?" (i.e, NP's can improve access to care and... fill the void of the primary care physician shortage. Physician scarcities continue to threaten health care delivery, as more and more new MD graduates are choosing to specialize. Research studies conclude that where Nurse Practitioners have the same authority, responsibility, productivity, and administrative requirements as MDs, patient outcomes are comparable. Based on this research, private insurers, states, as well as Medicare and Medicaid, are indeed beginning to expand the use of Nurse Practitioners in roles traditionally played by doctors, as the health care industry views such innovation as another tool to help cut costs. In recent years, 26 states, including Connecticut, New Jersey and Texas, have passed laws allowing nurse practitioners, those with the most advanced training, to work without a link to a physician
The medical establishment and many doctors vehemently oppose the idea of Nurse Practitioners working without a link to a physician. The opposition given is not supported by the research. A growing body of research indicates that primary care delivered by nurse practitioners is equivalent to physician care.)

Write "no more than five" pages (no more). Brief is to be five focused, clearly, concisely, and convincing pages (APA style, doubled-spaced, 12 font, times roman) addressing "Can the Nurse Practitioner Affect the Shortage of Primary Care Physicians?", with the APA reference page being #6.

2. Cite at least 10 references in the text (everything must be referenced, cite references even when summsrizing the thought of another and also list the references at the end (page 6) APA style.

3. No .com for references. Only .org or .gov and can only use 2 websites for references, the rest must be journals.

Paper format:

A. Identification of topic and major issue;
B. Analysis and evaluation of key issue (Can NPs fill void); and
C. Potential solutions, difficulties, and implications (Solutions should be a full page).

Nursing and Health Care Informatics

In this assignment you are asked to write a briefing note to a ?decision-maker? about an issue you feel would improve health care delivery and /or health o...utcomes. You can develop your issue using Nursing and Health Care Informatics topic.

For example, as a nurse in a health unit that is moving to implementation of a population health model. You have noted that you and your colleagues have all been educated using an individual-focus model of nursing. You feel that educational resources are needed to assist the team to effectively improve the specific knowledge and skills needed to practice population-based nursing care.

An Issue Briefing summarizes, in plain language, research findings on topics of current interest to decision makers in organizations. Where appropriate, it also explores the policy implications of the research. An Issue Briefing is designed to give the reader a quick overview of key findings on a topic, and to stimulate a continuing conversation on the issues. While they do not attempt to be systematic or comprehensive in their review of all the relevant literature, they do pay attention to the quality of the research.

Your Issue Briefing should be in APA (6th ed.) format; the word limit for this assignment is 1800 Words.

Your paper should include:

Issue statement

Relevant Background

Theoretical Considerations

Guidance Provided by the Literature

Policy Implications / Recommendations


Future Legislation: The Impact on

Each student is required to submit a research paper on a pre-approved topic. Papers should be comprehensive and consider past, present and future trends, factors and influences (as applicable) relate...d to the course. Papers must be 15 or more pages in length and topics must be well-researched from applicable perspectives. May have no more than 20% of its content quoted from another source. This is for a masters degree course for Healthcare Management the class is HSA 6684 Managed Care and we are using the textbook Kongstvedt, Peter R. Essentials of Managed Care (5th edition): Boston, Mass., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007. (ISBN: 0-7637-3983-9 or 9780763739836). The paper must be in APA format, with a references/bibliography page and abstract, introduction, literature review and thesis or topic question, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and must be in 12pt Times New Roman font. The paper must include ( You may use my account info to use our online library, username is npaske and password is 08151976. Please only use American/U.S. sources and AMerican english. If the topic is to hard to research then you can write about the future of managed care in general, my professor is really interested in this area of managed care becuase of President elect Obama and his stanc eon healthcare. Thank you foryour hardwork on this.  more

Joint Commission
I. Mission of Joint Commision
a) successful or not
b) purpose of JC

II. History of Joint Commission
a) inception
b) progression/growth
c) today

a) influence of improving care
b) Standard of care
c) benchmarking nationally

IV. Cons
a) paperwork

V. Future of JC in today?s health care system

VI. Conclusion

Forces That Now Shape and

3 sperate essays, 3 pages each.

1) 1. Explain the forces that now shape, and will shape, health care in the new millenium, with the emphasis on administration. Summarize the skills necessary to be an effective administrator in this evolving industry. Detail the various elements that exist in the current system, so as to provide the departure point for new ideas, proposals and restructuring under both voluntary and involuntary (legislative) provisions.

2) Present the broad overview of the public health system in the United
States, to include national, state and local public health policies,
implementations, procedures and structures. Address the systems' strengths and
weaknesses, and look into the future to address looming issues in the first quarter of the 21st century.

3)Describe several different countries' public health systems, and compare the similarities and contrast the differences among them. Address the political, economic, service, expense and other major issues associated with the many different forms that public health takes around the world. Discuss the various public health tradeoffs that are made in all societies, based on limited resources and competitive priorities.

Health Care Administration

How can managers best use the principles of effective negotiation and conflict management to resolve power struggles within health care settings, and what types of power struggles in health care settings do you believe are most amenable to using negotiation and conflict management techniques? What are specific ways to limit the potential for power abuse in health care organizations? What specific human resource strategies and transparency mechanisms could be created within hospitals or physician practices, for example, that would help prevent any stakeholder, particularly the top leaders of an organization, from pursuing self-interested goals in suspect ways?


Sharp Medical Center San Diego Ca

(1) briefly discuss how your organization applies each of the Institute of Medicine's 10 rules for redesigning the 21st Century healthcare system. Be sure to comment on each rule;

(2) Within your organization, where are there gaps and room for improvement?

(3) How does your organization involve stakeholders and collaborate with other health agencies and organizations? Be specific.

(4) Within your organization, where are there gaps and room for improvement?

(3) How does your organization involve stakeholders and collaborate with other health agencies and organizations? Please include keywords such as ?gaps and room for improvement? and ?stakeholders.?


Cuellar, A. & Gertler, P. (2005). How the expansion of hospital systems has affected consumers. Health Affairs, 24, 213. Retrieved from

Institute of Medicine [IOM]. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Retrieved from

Merger Watch (2005). Religious Health Restrictions. Retrieved from

Sidorov, J. (2003). Case Study of a Failed Merger of Hospital Systems. Retrieved from

6.1.1 Product/ Service related
6.1.2 Distribution related
6.1.3 Price related
6.1.4 Promotion/ communication related
6.1.5 People related
6.1.6 Society related (e.g. corporate social responsibility and ethics)

Please answer the following questions and follow the directions below. There are three questions relating to management and healthcare
Briefly sketch the responses to questions before writing. Do...uble spaced pages, Font size is the equivalent of 12 point pica
2. The manager's essential job is to solve organizational problems and fulfill human needs through people working cooperatively. Unfortunately, schools, professors, and books can help you prepare yourself for the job but can't make you a manager. As you reflect at the completion of your graduate program, what are the most effective skills and personal attributes that you most need to develop in the next 3 to 5 years?
3. Assume that you (as a newly minted graduate of a health care program) have been invited to give a presentation to a local civic association on the major issues facing the health care industry over the next 5 years. Identify and rank order the five (5) key points that you would emphasize to the group. Briefly indicate your rationale for choosing and emphasizing each point.
4. Given the very wide range of information that you have been exposed to throughout your graduate program, develop a question that allows you to explore a topic related to leadership that is important to you (it could be something that you have learned a good deal about and need to organize your thinking, or it could be something that interests you but needs some research and/or thought). You must also answer the question.

The National Institute of Health Care management foundation (organization chosen)

In the assignment students will gain expertise in identifying and analyzing the role of stakeholders in the U....S. Health Care Sector, examining the health care sector from the perspective of stakeholders, and examining the leadership and management of a stakeholder organization.

This assignment calls for a 5 page report (not including title page or reference page) The student should address the following:

Name and provide a brief overview of the stakeholder organization. Identify and describe the key health care issue the stakeholder is influencing, who is be represented by the stakeholder, the desired impact of the stakeholder on the issue and what the stakeholders members or constituents stand to gain if the desired impact is achieved.

Identify and explain the stakeholders organization perspective. Identify an organization the stakeholder partners with.

Identity the most senior leader of the organization. Describe his or her educational and positional background. Identify the duties and responsibilities of the leadership position and why this position is important to the stakeholders organization and health care as a whole.

Describe the knowledge and skills the position requires, list some of the other stakeholders this individual would work with and describe the nature of the stakeholder relationship. Describe the impact a person in this career might have in improving the health care system.

Prepare a 1,250 -1,450 word paper in which you explain each of the following key concepts and terminology:

1) Organizational behavior
2) Organizational culture
3) Diversity
4) Communication
5) Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
6) Organizational learning
b. Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate to the healthcare workplace .
c. Examine the managerial roles overall relating to the concepts and terms above.

NOTE: The paper must include reference to at least 3 scholarly sources properly cited. These could include textbooks, journal articles, or other independently-researched sources. (Include the URL in the reference for electronic sources.)

Healthcare Organization

Individual Assignment # 2: Mission, Vision and Culture Paper
After researching the evolution of the type of health care organization you selected in Week Three, you must further define the organiz...ations mission, vision, and culture. "HOSPITAL"


Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper formulating the mission, vision, and culture that a typical organization of your chosen type might use to guide the development of new strategies, such as marketing or finance. Include the following elements in your paper:

o A brief summary of the function of the organization, answering the following questions:

What is the purpose of this organization?
What population does this organization serve?
What governing body structure would best suit this organization?

o A mission and vision statement for this organization

o A description of the culture??"norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors??"you want to develop to fulfill the mission and lead the organization to higher levels of performance. How, as a leader, might you nurture the culture? How might you encourage middle managers to advocate the culture? How might you promote employee support of the culture?

o A plan for monitoring the development of the organizational culture. If, as the culture developed, it deviated from the mission and vision you created, what steps might you take to encourage the organization to get back on track? How can you determine that the culture the organization naturally developed is not better for the organization than the culture the leadership foresaw?

o An organizational chart that illustrates the typical structure of this type of health care organization. Describe the roles and functions of the essential positions. Include the organizational chart as an appendix to your paper.

Make sure you use appropriate subheadings to identify the discussion that follows.

All assignments are to have a Conclusion and References section.

Here is one specific reference if you can find it when you do reference page: Longest, B. B., Jr., & Darr, K. (2008). Managing health services organizations and systems (5th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press.

Your answer to each essay question should be complete and between 200 and 300 words.

1.The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) collects information regarding the professional competence an...d conduct of physicians, dentists, and other health care providers. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution limits unlawful search and seizure. Aren't these two laws in conflict? Take a position either for or against the NPDB and support your rationale.

2.The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has required that organizations that have a sentinel event conduct a root cause analysis to identify the basic or causal factors of the sentinel event. Explain how a root cause analysis helps resolve this issue.

3.Individuals have a right to refuse to participate in abortions and can abstain from involvement in abortions as a matter of conscience or religious or moral conviction. Should this premise be expanded to include participation in stem cell research? Take a position either pro or con and clearly support your rationale.

4.Insurance companies and major organizations are limiting health insurance coverage because of lifestyle issues, such as smoking. Should treatment for AIDS be limited because of the same issues? Take a position either pro or con and clearly support your rationale.

5.Compare and contrast the differences between allowing a patient the right to die and physician-assisted suicide?

6.Numerous lives would be saved if more organs would be donated. Explain how this could be accomplished in the healthcare setting.

7.Should management have the right to hire replacement workers during a strike? Take a position either pro or con, and defend it.

8.Described what should be included in a management-training program to assist managers in preparing fair and objective performance appraisals?

9.Much has been written about the advantages and disadvantages of Managed-Care Organizations. Take a position, either for or against the following statement: managed-care organizations have helped to control medical costs.

10.Explain how a CQI process should be selected and implemented within a healthcare setting.

11.The textbook states that "an organization's most vital component in costly resource is its staff." With this being the case, the human resource function plays a very important role. Should the human resource function be part of the senior management team?

12.The "journey to excellence" must begin with a healthcare leadership. Since all leadership must be involved, how would you deal with a member of leadership that does not support the initiative? Explain your rationale.

Select an existing health care organization and interview two different levels of stakeholders. Prepare a paper explaining how each interviewee influences governance within the scope of their organization?s management plan.

Different level of stakeholders, which may be included (but not limited to): senior management, directors, employees, staff members, and customers. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Provide a description of the health care organization such as the type of facility and the size of the organization
Provide a description of your interviewee?s position and what level they hold

Explain each interviewee?s influence on governance

Individual Paper
Design and create a budget for a Magnet Recognition Program designation and describe how it will advance professional nursing.
Purpose: Nurse Leaders experiences with budget ...developement are often "lock-step". Often the data are based on historical tracking, and nurse leaders need only to confirm the data. The purpose of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to develop a budget that supports the advancement of the nursing profession, a responsibility of nurse leaders. In developing the budget, the student will be expected to develop an organizational strategy and research the strategy so the most recent professional information and data are used. These data will support the budget that is developed and analysis of organizational implications will be required. For the purpose of this assignment, you will use your employing organization.

This assignment will include:
A summary of the mission, vision, values, and structure of your organization using the format in week 1, an assessment of your organization using the format in week 2 and a power base and political assessment using the format in week 3. (MDAnderson Cancer Center)
Details that support the strategy of the resource you will use to advance the nursing profession based on current literature, evidence-based practice/management and data bases.
A line item budget for one fiscal year that supports your strategy for the advancement of professional nursing. The budget must include but is not limited to revenue, all personnel expenses including fringe benefits, other-than-personnel expenses including but not limited to education/seminars, travel, food (nourishment), office supplies, non-capital equipment, publication/sbuscription, dues, books, celebrations. These line items must be detailed in accompaniny notes explaining them. An analysis of the expected impact on the organization and the nursing profession based on the proposed budget. An evlauation template that can be used to monitor the progress of the advancement of the profession for one, three and five years and more often if indicated. An overview of budgetary requirements needed to reach the three and five year goals. An expectation of the impact on the nursing profession beyond your organization and how this will be realized.

Required Resources
Dunham-Taylor, J. & Pinczuk, J. Z. (2006). Health care financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Finkler, S. A. & Kovner, C. T. (2000). Financial Management for nurse managers and executives. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.

The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) eNews Update. Send name, title, organization, mailing address and email address to Subscription is free.

Assignment Grading Criteria
Content/Development 50%
Subject Matter
Key elements of the assignment covered
Content is comprehensive and accurate
Reflects an understanding of the material
Major points supported by details
Research is adequate/timely
Multiple resources used

Critical/Higher-Order Thinking
Compares/contrasts/integrates knowledge, experience, theory
Analyzes/synthesizes material
Arrives at conclusions/opinions consistent with
researce/evidence provided
Developes new idea/ways of conceptualizing performing

Organization 20%
Uses introductions to provide background information
The central theme/purpose is apparent
Information is effectively summarized
Structure is clear, logical and easy to follow
The theme/central ideas flow throughout the paper
Conclusions/recommendations floow logically
Summary is used to conclude the contents of the paper

Style and Mechanics 30%
APA format used correctly
Citations provided accurately
Headings/subheadings used
Presentation is neat/shows attention to detail
Follows rules of grammar, spelling, punctuations and
sentance structure
Uses transition statements
Uses words precisely
Differentiates researched information from personal

I can be reached at if you have any additional questions.

Physician Leadership Development

Identify at least three challenges faced by physician leaders in their attempts to "lead" physicians toward a common vision of healthcare performance. Support your response and include a minimum of 2 APA references from scholarly sources. 350 words

Applied Administrative Leadership

Read the ?Bankruptcy of Allegheny Health Education and Research Foundation? (HERF) on page 368 of the course text. Select one of the board?s practices. Identify and discuss the problems with the practice you have selected. Suggest ways the practice could be modified/changed in order to eliminate the problems you identified. 350 words

4 Pages

Shared Values and Diverse Ideas in Healthcare Environment

Words: 1240
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Please use the writer(s) that completed order numbers: 2167341 or 2166321 Shared values and diverse ideas may appear to be in conflict. However, these need not be conflicting in practice.…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Health Care Facility Managing a

Words: 2223
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper should be about Managing a Health Care facility. You can discuss Managing both short term care facilities and long term care facilities but it should have…

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5 Pages

Community Service This Study Analyzes

Words: 1506
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Instructions: Paper Layout: This paper needs to be fully detailed over the community service you participated in. Community service- Helping group homes with healthcare, along with coordinating activities to help with…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Information Systems for Healthcare Management of the

Words: 1512
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Book: Austin, C. J., & Boxerman, S. B. (2008). Information systems for healthcare management (7th ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press. Write a 5-7 page paper in which you: Assignment 3:…

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4 Pages

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems: How

Words: 1191
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems How do effective nurse leaders and others approach problem solving and decision making in organizations? As suggested in this week?s Learning Resources, systems theory…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Robust and Important Changes Within the Health

Words: 784
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I have attached the paper that I have started. Please review and assist with completing whatever needs to happen in order to make sure that I meet all…

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12 Pages

Patient Safety Reduce Medical Errors and Increase Patient Safety With Bar Coding at the Bedside

Words: 3077
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

1.FDA regulations regarding barcoding (February 25, 2004) 2.Joint Commission for Accreditation in Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) guidelines for 2004 national patient safety goals: patient safety and barcoding 3.Institute of Medicine reports 4.Netional Patient…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Functional Roles Healthcare Organizations. Quality Risk Management

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Important functional roles within healthcare organizations. Quality and Risk Management at all levels must understand these roles in order to interface effectively with the individuals who perform the…

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4 Pages

Jean Watson Nursing Theory

Words: 1424
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Perform a database search for primary sources of your theorist's work. Your search should focus on work specifically done by your theorist, not ABOUT your theorist authored by someone…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Can the Nurse Practitioner Affect the Shortage of Primary Care Physicians

Words: 1565
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Instructions .This ia an "ISSUE BRIEF" Write specifically to the one issue of "Can the Nurse Practitioner Affect the Shortage of Primary Care Physicians?" (i.e, NP's can improve access to…

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6 Pages

Healthcare and Information Technologies: Nursing Colleges' Vital Course Offerings

Words: 1866
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing and Health Care Informatics In this assignment you are asked to write a briefing note to a ?decision-maker? about an issue you feel would improve health care delivery and…

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14 Pages
Research Paper

Future Legislation: The Impact on

Words: 3829
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Each student is required to submit a research paper on a pre-approved topic. Papers should be comprehensive and consider past, present and future trends, factors and influences (as…

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6 Pages

Joint Commission Is an Independent, Non-Profit Making

Words: 1842
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Joint Commission I. Mission of Joint Commision a) successful or not b) purpose of JC II. History of Joint Commission a) inception b)…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Forces That Now Shape and

Words: 2412
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

3 sperate essays, 3 pages each. 1) 1. Explain the forces that now shape, and will shape, health care in the new millenium, with the emphasis on administration. Summarize the…

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3 Pages

Health Care Administration

Words: 857
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

How can managers best use the principles of effective negotiation and conflict management to resolve power struggles within health care settings, and what types of power struggles in health…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Sharp Medical Center, San Diego Is a

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sylvester, Sharp Medical Center San Diego Ca (1) briefly discuss how your organization applies each of the Institute of Medicine's 10 rules for redesigning the 21st Century healthcare system. Be sure…

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3 Pages

Sonic Healthcare's Marketing Tactics and Strategies Sonic

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sonic Healthcare's MARKETING TACTICS AND STRATEGIES 6.1 TACTICS/ STRATEGIES RELATING TO MARKETING MIX 6.1.1 Product/ Service related 6.1.2 Distribution related 6.1.3 Price related 6.1.4 Promotion/ communication related 6.1.5 People related 6.1.6 Society related (e.g. corporate social responsibility and ethics) 6.2 COMPETITIVE…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Healthcare and Management as You

Words: 1842
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please answer the following questions and follow the directions below. There are three questions relating to management and healthcare Briefly sketch the responses to questions before writing. Double spaced…

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5 Pages

National Institute of Health Care Management

Words: 1508
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The National Institute of Health Care management foundation (organization chosen) In the assignment students will gain expertise in identifying and analyzing the role of stakeholders in the U.S. Health Care…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Healthcare Organizational Behavior Terminology and

Words: 1582
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare a 1,250 -1,450 word paper in which you explain each of the following key concepts and terminology: 1) Organizational behavior 2) Organizational…

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6 Pages

Healthcare Organization

Words: 1638
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Assignment # 2: Mission, Vision and Culture Paper After researching the evolution of the type of health care organization you selected in Week Three, you must further define the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Healthcare -- Legal Issues Medical

Words: 2029
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Your answer to each essay question should be complete and between 200 and 300 words. 1.The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) collects information regarding the professional competence and conduct of…

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4 Pages

Health Care Governance Overview of

Words: 1144
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Select an existing health care organization and interview two different levels of stakeholders. Prepare a paper explaining how each interviewee influences governance within the scope of their organization?s…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Nursing: Line-Item Budget Nursing: Magnet

Words: 2444
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Individual Paper Design and create a budget for a Magnet Recognition Program designation and describe how it will advance professional nursing. Purpose: Nurse Leaders experiences with budget developement are often…

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2 Pages

Physician Leadership Part 1-Identify at Least Three

Words: 859
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Physician Leadership Development Identify at least three challenges faced by physician leaders in their attempts to "lead" physicians toward a common vision of healthcare performance. Support your response and…

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