25+ documents containing “Health Industry”.
could you please make it 1000 words because it's the limit?
This assignment must use the following layout ??" 1.5 line spacing, 12 size font, 2.5cm margins
all round.
My Academic Paper should answer this
Working in the health industry usually means working with people. Identify some of the
attributes needed by professionals working in the health industry and discuss why you think
these attributes are necessary. Reflect on how a health professional might demonstrate some of
these attributes.
Should sound my own voice.
This is MBA (Master of Business Administration) level
Assume you are the CEO of a health industry trade association.
What regulatory strategy would you favor to provide your industry with a competitive advantage over industry rivals?
1. Specify the industry that you represent.
2. Specify the industry that will be disadvantaged as a result of your policy.
3. Justify your policy proposal in terms of being in the public interest.
ASSESSMENT: Individual: Communication Opinion Paper
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on health care communication.
Answer the following questions in your paper:
How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of communication?
How do the basic elements of effective communication differ from the basic rules of health care communication?
How might a provider encourage a reluctant consumer to communicate candidly?
How might cultural differences influence communication?
Cite a minimum of two sources, one from the University Library and the other from the course textbooks or Electronic Reserve Readings, to support your opinion.
Materials that must be cited:
EBOOK COLLECTION: du Pr?, A. (2005). Communicating about health: Current issues and perspectives (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
EBOOK COLLECTION: Hicks, N. J. & Nicols, C. M. (2012). Health industry communication: New media, new methods, new message. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
EBOOK COLLECTION: Cheesebro, T., O?Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Please refer to your course syllabus for additional information.
"Please use only these 3 ebook collections in order to cite the paper in APA format."
Using the African culture create or write a clinical vignette or scenario of interaction between a clinician and a patient within the home health industry. Use either learn , bathe, translate or ethic in the scenario.
Three-page paper about career goals, addressing:
Class-career and professional development
o What your long-term goals are, and what short-term goals you set to help you reach the lon...g-term goals
Long term goals- creating success in my job, climbing the corporate ladder, getting married within the next 5 years, buying or building a home, purchasing a new car.
Short term goals- graduating, getting a new position at work with my degree, higher pay
o Why you selected these goals
o How you will improve your skills and experiences to reach these goals
o How this class helped you prepare for these goals
Being understanding and sensitive to different points of view and cultural backgrounds is extremely important when interacting with others in any setting
The importance of proper etiquette
Helped point out my skills of interest (likes and dislikes), career goals, understand my unique talents, applying knowledge to my career plan which is in the home health industry, beyond supply and demand-looking at the job market in reality of the economy, Managing conflict constructively
The paper should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font, with 1 margins
This paper needs to be in your own words, express and elaborate on what is given in the directions. more
Health Law and Regulations
? Explain the role of one specific governmental regulatory agency that has a significant effect on the health care industry.
? Provide at least two examples of specific laws (and corresponding regulations) currently faced by the health care industry and enforced by the specific governmental regulatory agency you are examining
o Examples of such laws may include access to care, anti-discrimination, health care privacy and security, and so on.
? Include in analysis the effect of these laws on at least one specific health care provider (such as: a specific hospital or clinic) that you select.
? Provide examples and specific cases in your examination.
? Include ways that you have seen this effect in your own life or community.
RESEARCH required
? Include at least two references that are articles from peer-reviewed professional journals published no earlier than January 2000.
? Include the website for the governmental regulatory agency you are discussing in your references.
? References to include journal publication information (volume, issue number, pages); do not use a URL in place of publication information
Healthcare in the U.S., where is it headed? Compare with healthcare in Canada, Japan and maybe a near-eastern country. Mainly interested in population growth and cost of same. Perhaps tell what impact healthcare lobbyist's have on our congress, the people who handle our money! Bring up medicare and medicade and what an impact they have on our national budget. Care for our Veterans.
There is an entire fishtank of things that could be addressed regarding our healthcare system. Please see what you are able to put together for me.
Health care reform can mean several things. It can mean expanding access, lowering costs, or improving the quality of care. First, choose one of these goals and list three specific policy changes in the debate over the affordable care act that are specifically designed to meet the goal you have chosen. Second, assess the pros and cons of each proposed policy change. How will each policy change affect the other two goals? Third, choose one policy change that you think will be most effective and/or necessary for meeting this goal and defend it.
No sources necessary but you can use if you want. Times New Roman preferred.
Health Care Professionals
Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:
1. Identify and describe three reasons there may be a physician shortage rather than a surplus in the United States.
2. Identify and describe three factors that contribute to the nursing shortage in the United States.
3. Identify and describe at least three roles the public health professional has in the health care system.
4. Identify and describe at least three roles that a health service administrator has in the health care system.
5. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment.
Your assignment must:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA with conclusion
? Include a cover page & reference page
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Explain the major components of the U.S. health care system, their functions, and the relationships among these components.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization and management.
? Write clearly and concisely about health services organization using proper writing mechanics.
Healthcare Information Technology
My company is a long term care facility- Respiratory therapist
This is in 2 parts, Part one is three discussion questions, and the second part is a research paper. All details are attached. If I can have the same writer for the last paper, it will be great.
Healthcare Management.
Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students:
"What are the top three compliance and regulatory issues that will keep you up at nig...ht?"
1) First student - at least 600 words and must include 3 online sources (if it is possible, 2 out of 3 peer reviewed). Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - at least 300 words and must include 1 online source (if it is possible, it should be peer reviewed). Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
3) Third student - at least 300 words and must include 1 online source (if it is possible, it should be peer reviewed). Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
Part B. Reflect on what you have learned from this question and how you can incorporate what you learned into the workplace. (300 words).
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
Thank you. more
For this assignment you are to select a single policy issue of interest to you.
Policy analysis is a mechanism used to provide issue-re...levant information to decision makers. Typically this involves the systematic investigation of alternative policy options and the gathering and display of evidence for and against each option. It also involves the focused, systematic analysis of the outputs of governments and their effects on society. Policy analysis looks at the connection between goals and the extent to which a given policy achieves those goals. This means it is a problem-solving approach, the collection and interpretation of information, and some attempt to predict the consequences of alternative courses of action.
There are four essential parts to a policy analysis document. They are:
Goals, including normative constraints and relative weights for the goals
Policies, programs, projects, decisions, options, means, or other alternatives that are available for achieving the goals
Relations between the policies and goals, including relations that are established in intuition, authority, statistics, observation, deduction, guesses or other means
Drawing a conclusion as to which policy or combination of policies is best to adopt in light of the goals, policies, and relations
The six basic steps to the policy analysis process are:
1. Verifying, defining, and detailing the problem
2. Establishing goals, objectives or other evaluative criteria
3. Searching for alternatives
4. Evaluating the impacts of alternative policies
5. Evaluating, comparing, and ranking the alternatives
6. Monitoring the implemented policy
The paper should be 5-7 pages in length. In addition, the paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices must follow APA guidelines for format.
Parts / Questions Value Answers / Performance Criteria Total Points
1. Verify, define, and detail the problem
(20 points) Did your answer include?
Clearly identify the problem to be resolved?
Identify the interested parties?
Include all stakeholder agendas?
2. Establish evaluation criteria
(15 points) Did your answer include?
Cost, net benefit, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, administrative ease, legality, and political acceptability?
3. Identify alternative policies
(10 points) Did your answer include?
The status quo
Past experiences
Include brainstorming, research, experiments, writing scenarios, or concept mapping
4. Evaluate alternative policies
(10 points) Did your answer include?
Evaluation of how each possible alternative benefits the criteria previously established
Different levels of influence
The economical, political and social dimensions of the problem
5. Display and distinguish among alternative policies
(15 points) Did your answer include?
Comparison of virtues
Economic, political, legal, and administrative ramification of each option
Display of the positive and negative effects in implementing each alternative policy
Analyze how the number of participants will improve or diminish with each implementation
6. Monitoring the implemented policy
(10 points) Did your answer include?
Assure continuity
Determine whether the policy is having impact
Determine whether the selected policy is being implemented
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Healthcare Finance.
Cases in Healthcare Finance Front Street Hospital: Uninsured Charges and Collections. Pages 235 ? 237.
a) Uninsured Charges and Collections: Review the case in the Front Street Hospital in Cases in Healthcare Finance casebook (page 235). Respond to the questions presented throughout the case. The total length of your responses should be about 2 pages (500 words).
Cases in Healthcare Finance Westwood Imaging Centers: Payment for Referrals. Pages 239 ? 241.
b) Payment for Referrals: Review the case in the Westwood Imaging Centers in Cases in Healthcare Finance casebook (page 239). Respond to the questions presented throughout the case. The total length of your responses should be between about 2 pages (500 words).
Note: All the two cases do not require computations. You will submit written reports only.
(Healthcare Strategic Planning and Operation Problems and Remedial Action Plans)
The goal of this course is to gain a thorough familiarity with the workings of a healthcare ...organization or system by assessing its core components and functions, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and provide a potential and feasible remedial action plan for the weaknesses identified.
In this module, we will focus on one such component / function: Strategic Plannig, Operations, and HRM.
1. Based on: (a) Your choice of a healthcare organization, (b) Your outline of a strategic assessment of said organization as completed in the Culminating Project Integrative Matrix (PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHMENT FOR THIS!), and (c) The feedback you received from your instructor:
2. Elaborate and enhance your initial descriptions of the weakness(es) identified, assessed and its effect on achieving the goals of the organization pertaining to: Strategic Planning, Operations, and HRM.
3. Support your reasoning with references from your background reading and/or other professional sources.
P,s: i just want to let you know that you should utilize the information (reading material: Culminating Project Integrative Matrix) that i have provided to you please see the attachment and this essay has to related to each other . thanks
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Health Economics paper: This paper will focus on a type of prepayment system for healthcare and its effect on the cost and quality of healthcare. The topic: The effect of diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) on the cost and quality of health care. I will be emailing you a bibliography of articles I've read that are pertinent. I will fax you an article in 8 hours or so (it is now 2am EST.) No minimum number of quotations or footnotes, etc. required.
Health Care System Evolution Paper
Prepare a 1,050 1,400 word paper in APA format discussing how the evolution of health care delivery systems has influenced current health care systems. Select one of the following systems: HMOs, Medicare/Medicaid, managed care, or insurance companies.
Health Care Delivery in the United States. It is important to understand its history to develop a working knowledge.
"As the Curator of the first Health Care Hall of Fame Museum which pays tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of health care in the United States."
Industry Analysis
In this section of your Business Plan, you need to convince a potential investor that you understand critical details regarding the industry in which your b...usiness will compete. Understanding the characteristics of your industry allow you to make intelligent decisions regarding all future sections of the Business Plan. Examples of vital industry analysis details include the (not all have to be addressed, whatever is applicable).
? size of the industry in units and dollars;
? grow rate of the industry;
? future prospects for the industry;
? average gross and net margins on sales in the industry;
? major companies in the industry; and
? government regulations that apply to the industry.
Most likely, you will use secondary information from such business publications as Standard & Poor's, U.S. Industry Trade Outlook, or Hoover's Online to gain an understanding of the marketplace. Your goal in this section is finding information that gives you and your investors the picture of the size and scope of the industry.
You should know your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code and/or NAICS Code for your industry. This code was created by the government to classify business for accounting purposes. NAICS is a division of the United States Census Bureau. You can use the Census Bureau to identify valuable demographic information for the target audience in your Marketing Plan.
Please use the Adult Day Care Industry Report as a Reference, there is virtually everything you need here.
IBIS World. (2013). Adult Day Care in the US Industry Report OD5942. Retrieved November 10th, 2013, from http://www.ibisworld.com/industry/home.aspx
4 Sections of Plan:
Industry Review
(attached is a SWOT analysis ?DOCUMENT A? completed that can used for some of the Industry Review information). Also, please have a table like the one attached as ?DOCUMENT C? in this section, you can modify.
In this section, you will research and report on various aspects of the industry as identified in the introduction. You should start off with a brief history of the marketplace and identify any factors that affect growth. Are there any new entrants in the marketplace? Is this industry heavily regulated? What are the various leading companies in the industry? How long have they been in the market? What is the competition and how much of the market do they own?
In addition to the brief overview, you should give hard facts?the size of the industry in dollars, to be exact. You should list the total products or services sold in the past few years and look at the forecasts for the industry.
Be sure to start with the large picture and move into the specifics for your company. For example, let's say you are developing a pizza restaurant in New York. You start with the overall restaurant industry data, which is $1.3 billion dollars. Of that, $430 million dollars is in the pizza industry, and of that $430 million, $46 million is located in New York City. In other words, you start out very large and move into the specific area (as low as you can go). In some cases, you could get into the local neighborhood industry by drawing a three- or five-mile circle around your store location and defining the market in that area.
Regulation Review
(attached is ?DOCUMENT B?, which is used as a source for this section)
All businesses are subject to various regulations at the local, state, or national level. These regulations would include what is required to register your business. The type of business your create?proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation (and there are others)?will impact your business taxes and liabilities for various claims against the company. Depending on your type of business, you might need specific licenses to offer products or services for sale. It is important to note that these licensing requirements can differ from state to state; for example, barbers need a license in most states, but not all. For any kind of storefront location, you must ensure that the location is properly zoned to offer the products or services you provide from that location. In addition to meeting the basic requirements of business registration and licenses, you should consider regulations unique to local ordinances. These might include the limit to the number of patrons per square foot, or the amount of parking space required per square foot for retail locations. To make sure you meet these requirements for your Business Plan, research laws and regulations that are specific to the industry in which your business will compete. Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.
Demonstrate that you have completed your research. Do not say, "We will obtain all of the appropriate permits." Instead, you must list the regulations by name and how they apply to your business.
Competitive Analysis
This section is a look at the competitors in the marketplace. You need to list the major businesses in the industry. Who are these companies? Are they growing or declining? How long have they been in business? You also need to discuss where these industries are located and discuss their market share.
This is a pretty straightforward section where you profile your competition to understand how you will compete
SWOT Analysis
(Feel free to use some of the information in ?DOCUMENT A?, however this section is more specific to the new business along with key industry data). I have attached DOCUMENT D which is how the SWOT should be in this portion, bullet point with a paragraph or so. Very simple; maybe with a chart at the end like you did in DOCUMENT A. The SWOT should be summed up in less than a page.
Once you have described the key characteristics of your industry, complete a SWOT analysis to briefly describe how your company will compete with regards to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
The location is up to you for the Adult Day Care Center - go ahead and pick the State, City, and marketplace depending on research - it needs to be in the Mid-Atlantic Region (page 16 on industry report).
Do not hesistate to ad one chart/graphs in another section for nice visuals (on top of the one in Industry Review). I like what you did with the ones in DOCUMENT A.
I have provided two sources that need to be used, the other four are up to you. more
(Healthcare Legal and Ethical Problems and Remedial Action Plans)
In this module, we will focus on one such component/ function: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES.
1.Congratulations ??" you have been appointed (by me) as the new CEO of your organization.
2. Based on: (a) Your choice of a healthcare organization, (b) Your outline of a strategic assessment of said organization as completed in the Culminating Project Integrative Matrix, (c) The feedback you received from your instructor and (d) your case assignment paper:
3. Present a remedial action plan for the weakness(es) identified in the component / function area of: Legal and Ethical Issues.
4.What will you need in terms of resources to make this plan work?
5. How will the effectiveness (success) of your plan be measured?
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Healthcare Management.
Our week objective is "Evaluate an organization's key requirements for efficient financial management systems and recommend appropriate EMR, coding, billing, collections, general accounting, budgeting, expense management, managed care contract strategy, and vendor relations processes".
So, pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:
"What will be your insurance contracting strategy?"
1) First student - at least 600 words and must include 3 online sources (if it is possible, 2 out of 3 peer reviewed). Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - at least 300 words and must include 1 online source (if it is possible, it should be peer reviewed). Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
Thank you.
Health Care System Paper. Write a brief paper about YOUR
view ( I'm a mpderate republican) of our US Health Care System after you have taken this class.
What about it IS working (please explan)?
What is NOT working (pleae explain)?
What REFORMS are needed?
Be sure to address:
Governments current role in Health Care
What you think Governments role should be in Health Care (i personally think government should have little role in health care, Im about have a small government)
AIM: to develop and understanding and analytical appreciation of social and psycho- social perspective relating to health and well being in the united kingdom.
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social and psychological perspectives as they relate to health, well being and social care in the uk.
2. Discuss the existence and relevance of debates between different sociological perspectives in the uk.
3. Discuss the existence and relevance of debates between different psychological perspectives in the uk.
4. Investigate the psycho - social needs of service users in health, well being and social care in the uk.
The psychology and sociology must relate to a area of work, it must be relevant to the job/area of work that you might have selected eg carehome, homeless and etc...... Please choose the area of work that is easy and understanding to you. But must be in a HEALTH SETTING.
Health Care Bill Project
Please read the uploaded word file for work details and requirements.
Determine what the legislation will target; research background information; develop talking... points and write a piece of legislation. The project should be 10 pages typed double spaced and a 12-point font.
Elements that must be incorporated into the project:
What will the legislation target?
Every piece of legislation came from an idea or to address an issue. You will need to determine what your legislation will target. Do research! There are so many topics in healthcare to choose from.
Examples of topics:
Elective surgery
Mental health
Substance abuse
Bioterrorism/Emergency response
Gun bill
HPV vaccine
Oral health
Element 1: A written description outlining how you determined what your piece of legislation will target must be submitted with your project. Was it a particular article, event that helped formulate your topic? Include any research you did to determine your topic.
Research background information
To substantiate or justify the need for the legislation, information gathering is required. This information can be but not limited to:
position statements from national organizations that set scope and standards of practice, conduct research in their field
This information will be needed to formulate talking points and the piece of legislation.
Element 2: You must include supporting documentation from at least 3 separate organizations as they relate to your topic. For example the American Heart Association, EPA, research. Be sure to cite sources and include in your bibliography.
Talking Points
Source: http://www.naccho.org/advocacy/LHDcommunications/planning/messages.cfm
Clear, well-constructed messages help people break through information overload and choose among many different sources of information. In general, a message consisting of approximately two sentences should convey a complete idea and satisfy the following criteria:
Define an issue in a specific way
Identify the cause of a problem
Be short and easy to understand
Indicate a course of action
The message helps frame the issue for the audience. Framing an issue suggests a cause and effect??"either the harmful force that endangers health (such as asbestos or risky agricultural practices), or the beneficial force that can improve health (such as nutrition education or substance abuse treatment). Framing also can depict the magnitude of a problem. Often metaphors are useful in framing.
Heres a partial example of how an issue??"health literacy??"might be framed:
As many as 9 in 10 Americans lack the health-literacy skills for effectively managing their health and preventing disease. The road to optimal health is a marathon, and too many of us run it wearing a blindfold.
Some important points to remember are:
Communicate clearly to the audience
Specify your request
Provide a reward that your audience cares about
Make the reward believable by providing evidence to back it up
Use vivid and appropriate images
Choose the right moment, and
Choose the right messenger.
Its especially important to avoid jargon; use plain language that will be understandable and interesting to a health reporter, elected official, consumer, or colleague from another field. Research shows that audiences give greater credence and respect to experts who express ideas in simple terms than to those who indulge in a lot of technical terminology.
Nurses are increasingly providing more care to Medicare patients, services that will be needed as Baby Boomers expand the program by 50% over the next
25 years.
30% of all Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries received one or more services from an APRN in 2011 (compared to 26% in 2009 and 28% in 2010.) Source: CMS.
In 2011, 100,585 APRNs directly billed Medicare Part B carriers for services provided to 10.4 million Part B fee-for-service beneficiaries.
Despite barriers to APRN practice, there is an increasing patient acceptance and satisfaction with receiving Part B services from an APRN. Though comprising just 9% of all Medicare Part B providers, APRNs treat more than three times that percentage of all fee-for-service patients.
Element 3: You must have at least 3 separate talking points. They should be written in the format above.
Bill Writing
Source: http://abacus.bates.edu/bcsg/legislation/howtowrite.html
Anatomy of Legislation
At the top of the piece of legislation are three items of interest: the legislation number, the legislation type (bill, resolution, executive appointment), and the bill title.
The body of a piece of legislation consists of two major parts: (1) Reasons why this legislation is necessary; and (2) Actions that should be taken due to those reasons.
The first part of the body consists of "whereas" clauses which outline the arguments, facts, and circumstances supporting the action to be taken. Each "whereas" clause except the last, ends in ";". The next-to-last clause ends in "; and".
The last "whereas" clause ends in ": Now, therefore, be it". This leads into the second part of the body, which begins with "Enacted," (for Bills and Executive Appointments) or "Resolved," (for Resolutions).
Following this phrase are sections which describe what is being enacted or resolved. Each section ends with ";". The next-to-last section ends with "; and", and the last ends with ".". Section numbers may be used, but are not always necessary.
The final part of a piece of legislation are the signers. This should be the group members on one line followed by title on the next line (ex. Representative, Group #1). Cosponsors (if any) are listed after in the same fashion.
A Bill
[Descriptive Title of Your Bill]
1.Whereas, [first argument or statement of background information];
3. Whereas, [second argument or statement of background information]; and
5. Whereas, [the last argument or statement of background information]: Now,
6. therefore, be it
Section 1. [first specific policy action; you can omit Sections if you have only one action]
Section 2. [second specific policy action]
Section 3. [last specific policy action]
Respectfully Submitted,
Group Names ___
Representative, ______
Possible Coauthor ____
Representative, ______
Cosponsors [if you have any]
[list these alphabetically by last name]
Day, Month DD, Year:
Originally proposed.
An Example Bill
To Move Bates College to Florida While Allowing Access to Skiing
1. Whereas, Maine is really cold between October and March, 5 of the 9 months of classes;
3. Whereas, most students do not enjoy the cold and want it to be warmer;
5. Whereas, Florida is very warm most of the time; however
7. Whereas, most students enjoy the snow and many ski or snowboard;
9. Whereas, warmer weather is not conducive to skiing or snowboarding; and
11. Whereas, this is an example of a proper and well-structured bill, if not a plausible idea for
12. a real piece of legislation: Now, therefore, be it
16. Section 1. Bates College must move to within 20 miles of Orlando, Florida during the
17. months of October through March. This move must take place over a single weekend at
18. either end and must be carried out as soon as the high temperature drops below 50
19. degrees Fahrenheit for one week.
21. Section 2. The BCSG must pay for weekend plane tickets to and from New England
22. during the ski season.
24. Section 3. Members of the Representative Assembly should use this document as a
25. template for their own legislation ideas. Some flexibility is allowed, but members should
26. discuss their concerns with the Parliamentarian.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bill K. Jack 08
Tamara Wyche 08
Representative, Rand Hall
Ryan Creighton 07
Representative, Class of 2007
Monday, September 25, 2006:
Originally proposed.
Element 4: A completed bill in the format described above must be included in your project. The bill must include line numbering. The purpose of numbering the lines is for a point of reference.
Assignment Requirement
Title Page that includes the names of all group members
Table of Contents that identifies who wrote/contributed to each section of the paper
Element 1: What will the legislation target?
Element 2: Research background information
Element 3: Talking Points
Element 4: Bill Writing
Bibliography Note: all sources should be cited within the body of the text using either endnotes or parenthetical form.
Sources should be cited within the body of the text and a complete bibliography should be provided in APA format.
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health promotion proposal related to current area of practice( i currently work in an aged care facility). I am sending unit outlines. the assessment is on page 7-8 of 15 and marking criteria is on pa...ge 15
or health promotion proposal the details of assessment required is on page 7-8 of 15 and marking criteria is on page 15. Please use recent resources from year 2002 onwards. this assignment is nursing based. please also see the study guide and follow links to download recommended readings for this assessment online. thanks
type in www.uws.edu.au
then click current students
then click E- learning(vUWS)
type in user name which is 16222739
password which is Ripu@1998
you will see all the course content. unit ouline contains the assessment details (assessment 2) and also study guide is available. For assessment 2 please download readings from week 7 onwards. The assesssment should focus on my current clinical practice. I am currently working in an aged care centre so topics such as falls prevention or other area relevant to my current practice should be included. Please let me know the topic so that i can ask my tutor if that is okay . The deadline should be counted after the topic is finalised. My tutor is happy if recent journal articles from year 2002 onwards are used and the proposal is wriiten in Australian context. maybe including some australian journal articles or books
Thanks more
(Healthcare Legal and Ethical Problems and Remedial Action Plans )
In this module, we will focus on one such component/ function: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES.
1. Based on: (a) Your choice of a healthcare organization, (b) Your outline of a strategic assessment of said organization as completed in the Culminating Project Integrative Matrix(please see the attachment), and (c) The feedback you received from your instructor:
2.Elaborate and enhance your initial descriptions of the weakness(es) identified, assessed and its effect on achieving the goals of the organization pertaining to: Legal and Ethical Issues.
3. Support your reasoning with references from your background reading and/or other professional sources.
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could you please make it 1000 words because it's the limit? LAYOUT: This assignment must use the following layout ??" 1.5 line spacing, 12 size font, 2.5cm margins all round. My Academic…
Read Full Paper ❯This is MBA (Master of Business Administration) level Assume you are the CEO of a health industry trade association. What regulatory strategy would you favor to provide your industry with…
Read Full Paper ❯ASSESSMENT: Individual: Communication Opinion Paper Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on health care communication. Answer the following questions in your paper: How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of…
Read Full Paper ❯Using the African culture create or write a clinical vignette or scenario of interaction between a clinician and a patient within the home health industry. Use either learn ,…
Read Full Paper ❯Three-page paper about career goals, addressing: Class-career and professional development o What your long-term goals are, and what short-term goals you set to help you reach the long-term goals Long…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Law and Regulations ? Explain the role of one specific governmental regulatory agency that has a significant effect on the health care industry. ? Provide at least two examples of…
Read Full Paper ❯Healthcare in the U.S., where is it headed? Compare with healthcare in Canada, Japan and maybe a near-eastern country. Mainly interested in population growth and cost of…
Read Full Paper ❯Health care reform can mean several things. It can mean expanding access, lowering costs, or improving the quality of care. First, choose one of these goals and list three…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Care Professionals Write a 3-4 page paper in which you: 1. Identify and describe three reasons there may be a physician shortage rather than a surplus in the United…
Read Full Paper ❯Healthcare Information Technology My company is a long term care facility- Respiratory therapist This is in 2 parts, Part one is three discussion questions, and the second part is a research…
Read Full Paper ❯Healthcare Management. Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students: "What are the top three compliance and regulatory issues that will keep you up at night?" 1) First student…
Read Full Paper ❯HEALTH POLICY ANALYSIS PAPER (value 30% of grade) For this assignment you are to select a single policy issue of interest to you. Policy analysis is a mechanism used…
Read Full Paper ❯Healthcare Finance. I do not want writer Pheelyks. I WOULD EITHER Cathii OR Tal9186 TO DO THIS WRITING. pLEASE, i CANNOT GO PAST THE DEADLINE SO IF THERE'S ANYTHING…
Read Full Paper ❯(Healthcare Strategic Planning and Operation Problems and Remedial Action Plans) Introduction The goal of this course is to gain a thorough familiarity with the workings of a healthcare organization or…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Economics paper: This paper will focus on a type of prepayment system for healthcare and its effect on the cost and quality of healthcare. The topic: The effect…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Care System Evolution Paper Prepare a 1,050 1,400 word paper in APA format discussing how the evolution of health care delivery systems has influenced current health care…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Care Delivery in the United States. It is important to understand its history to develop a working knowledge. "As the Curator of the first Health Care Hall…
Read Full Paper ❯Industry Analysis Description: In this section of your Business Plan, you need to convince a potential investor that you understand critical details regarding the industry in which your business will compete.…
Read Full Paper ❯(Healthcare Legal and Ethical Problems and Remedial Action Plans) In this module, we will focus on one such component/ function: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES. 1.Congratulations ??" you have been appointed…
Read Full Paper ❯Healthcare Management. Our week objective is "Evaluate an organization's key requirements for efficient financial management systems and recommend appropriate EMR, coding, billing, collections, general accounting, budgeting, expense management, managed care…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Care System Paper. Write a brief paper about YOUR view ( I'm a mpderate republican) of our US Health Care System after you have taken this class. Specifically: What about it…
Read Full Paper ❯HEALTH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES... AIM: to develop and understanding and analytical appreciation of social and psycho- social perspective relating to health and well being in the united kingdom. 1. Demonstrate…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Care Bill Project Please read the uploaded word file for work details and requirements. Determine what the legislation will target; research background information; develop talking points and write a piece…
Read Full Paper ❯health promotion proposal related to current area of practice( i currently work in an aged care facility). I am sending unit outlines. the assessment is on page 7-8 of…
Read Full Paper ❯(Healthcare Legal and Ethical Problems and Remedial Action Plans ) In this module, we will focus on one such component/ function: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES. 1. Based on: (a) Your…
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