Health Effects Essays Prompts

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Preferred Writer FreelaceWriter Or A Writer whos familiar with Health Related topic papers and Can meet the standards of Doctoral level of writing

This paper is to help to demonstrate, how p...atients choose a healthy behavior and the likelihood of taking action towards it . Also, what factors influences this behavior and steps to making their decision. Therefore, as a pharmacy student it helps us to understand their point of view by trying this theory our self and writing about it.

I need the writer to choose a health behavior (my example is working out 3 times a week) . And attempt to change it over period of time (two weeks) .
Note: The writer could use any other healthy behavior if he wishes. As long as Health behavior must be a change in the positive direction.

The paper should be 2 pages at least. Paper should include the following.
-Description of the behavior the writer tried to change
-Statement of whether the writer was successful or unsuccessful in changing this behavior. ( It does not matter whether or not it was successful in changing this behavior , however, its required to reflect on their experience and writer about it.)
*Note: In my example, attempting to exercise 3X a week, it was successful. And it made me have more energy and feeling productive from the beginning of day after my gym workout.) If writer chooses this topic please emphasize this idea.
-Paragraph or two why the writer felt he/she was successful or unsuccessful.
-Application of at least one of the heath behavior models that I will attach at the end of this paper.( please see attachme nt below)
-Honest appraisal on whether the writer found this experience valuable and why

Health Decision Model :

Health belief Model
Decisional Analysis
Behavioral Decision Theory

Decisional Analysis
For a given outcomecompute a score based on
*Perceived Value
*Probability of occurrence
Theoretically= choose the outcome with the highest score.

Health Decision Model
Behavioral Decision Theory
Identify biases in decision making.
Risks involving gains and looses
Certainty effect
Sunk costs
Selective perception
Concrete vs. abstract information
Reluctance to revise beliefs/ discount beliefs given new data

Importance of Behavior Change

Most efforts to improve health require some change in behavior on the part of the pa tient.
(OConnell D. In behavioral Medicine in primary Care.)

-Elimination or reduction of destructive behavior( smoking, alcohol dependence
-Promotion of healthier lifestyle( e.g. Regular exercise , safer sex)
-Adherence to medical regime for acute or chronic illness (e.g. Taking medication, checking blood glucose.)

Health Belief Model
1--Individual Perception
( Perceived susceptibility to Disease X)

Modifying Factors.
2--Demographic Variables( age, sex , race, ethnicity, etc)
Sociopsychological Variables( personality, social class, peer and reference group pressure, etc.)
Structural Variable ) knowledge about disease, prior contact with disease etc.)

This step has influence on Step 1

Step 2 leads to Perceive threat of Disease (x)
And finally
Likelihood of Action
Perceived benefits of retentive action
Perceived barriers to preventative action. Which determines the likelihood of behavior change

Theory of Planned Behavior.

Behavioral intention---- Perceived likelihood of performing behavior
Attitude---- Personal evaluation of the behavior
Subject norm----Beliefs about whether key people approve or disapprove of the behavior, motivation to behave in way that gains their approval
Perceive behavioral control---- Believe that one has and can exercise, control over performing the behavior.

8 page (excluding title page and reference page) paper detailing the advantages and disadvantages to of an employer welcoming a unionization attempt as well as the advantages and disadvantages of working diligently to stay union-free. The organization of the potential union activity is in the healthcare industry (hospital).

Use APA style for citations and reference page. Looking for a minimum of 2 references.

Your answer to each essay question should be complete approx. 200 words.

1. The text highlights the economic, political and social forces responsible for moving the health services system bey...ond the largely reactive acute care paradigm to a more holistic paradigm, emphasizing population-based wellness. These forces are causing a fundamental shift in the way health care is viewed. Compare and contrast the major elements of this "transformation" of health care. In your opinion, is this shift better for the patient or for the health care system? Explain your answer.
2. The processes that occur in health services organizations can be described in terms of six primary functions. Expound upon these six functions, detailing how each is vital to the organization. Do you think that the functions are equally important, or do you believe that one or more should be viewed as more vital than others? Explain your answer.
3. The national debate concerning health care reform and national health insurance provides one of many good issues for applying the open systems model and the resource dependence view of organizations. In your opinion, is health care a social good or an economic good? Support your view, reflecting on how the different managerial roles might support and have to apply these positions. If health care is a social good, then should we have a national health insurance plan that guarantees access? Why or why not?
4. Refer to the "IN PRACTICE" sections of Chapter Two, regarding "A Medical Center in Transition" from four different perspectives. Explain the managerial role and how it pertains to the changing environment of the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital. Discuss the executive leadership challenges posed by the need to integrate and align the internal organization structure and culture at MHMH with the external environment. Explain the strategic context of organizational effectiveness, regarding the transformation of the MHMH and its implications for managerial action. Describe the simultaneous roles of managerial process management and executive leadership as this "new organization vehicle" takes shape.
5. Compare and contrast the four content theories/perspectives on motivation. As a health care manager, which theory/perspective would be most valuable to you, in motivating your employees? Which do you consider the least effective? Justify your answers
6. Compare and contrast the roles of management and leadership. Refer to the traditional, functional roles of managers: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. In your opinion, do these functions describe management or leadership? Explain your answer. Are effective managers always effective leaders? Why or why not? What types of traits, skills, knowledge, and abilities are necessary for the leadership role, as opposed to the management role?
7. Groupthink occurs when maintaining the atmosphere of the team implicitly becomes more important to members than reaching a good decision, and it is more likely to occur when there is an implicit avoidance of all conflict. These decisions can sometimes result in unethical or immoral consequences, an example of which was the Nazi mentality during World War II. Illustrate the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict. Describe examples in which groupthink has led to decisions being made or actions being taken that were not in the best interest of the groupat the organizational level as well as governments and societies. What do you see as possible implications, when leaders discourage conflict of opinions?
8. As the newly hired manager of an Adult Day Care Center, you are also new in the community. Wanting to take an active roll and become involved in Eldercare issues, you attend a meeting of the local Mental Health and Aging Coalition, only to find yourself appointed as the leader of an existing team whose goal is the promotion of Elder Abuse awareness. How would you determine your team's stage of development? Once you identify the stage of development, describe the strategies you would use to make the team more effective. Because of your "newness" to the situation/location, are there any strategies you might avoid? Why or why not?
9. Consider the effect diversity plays in the mix of members of a group--ethnicity, gender, skills, expertise, traits, abilities, and attitudes. Discuss the pros and cons of group diversity and the value of heterogeneous groups. Detail the benefits that diversity should bring to the group, and detail the problems that could also result from that diversity.
10. Given three positions in a health care organization--a food service worker, a nurse, and a physician--analyze each position in terms of how each would rate the motivating potential, based upon the five core job dimensions of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Generate ideas for improving the motivating potential for each position, based on the five core job dimensions.

Your answer to each essay question should be complete and between 200 and 300 words.
1. Should hospitals be encouraged to compete with one another to lower costs? Explain your rationale.
2. In...herent imbalances between supply and demand cause numerous problems for health care administrators. Detail what can be done to stabilize the fluctuations between supply and demand in the medical community.
3. You are the President of a large Health Maintenance Organization. You have been asked to justify your cost increases during the last two years. Describe in detail how you would justify your cost increases.
4. Describe the use of the Internet as a means to change health care. In your response list four URLs of medical advice websites and explain how they can be used.
5. You have just been chosen to create a marketing campaign for a medical college whose enrollment has been dropping. Present a convincing argument for the system that you would use to recruit new enrollees.
6. Develop a strong pro and con argument for federal subsidies for nursing schools.
7. Should citizens of the United States be allowed to import prescription drugs from foreign countries, such as Canada and Australia? Explain in detail your rationale.
8. Should the United States have a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit? Why or why not? Compare and contrast the different program methodologies. Which is the best? Does one work better in a different situation than another? Explain your rationale.
9. The policy objectives of government are to redistribute medical resources and to improve economic efficiency. Compare and contrast how this two objectives work in the health care system in the United States and in Canada.
10. Government functions under two specific theories - the public interest theory and the economic theory of regulations. Compare and contrast these two theories based on the objectives of government.

Research health care reform from the 1990's until the present time and the impact of those measure on nursing.Discuss the consequences of limited access to health care.Discuss the impact of reform measures on the profession of nursing

8-10 page paper APAA fformat focusing on diversity in healthcare organization the focus of the paper must be a subculture of people that exist within your local community. the subculture you choose yo...ur represent should be a mnority group. (remember the term minority in this context refers to more than one race3, ie: depending on the community a minority, a minority subculture could be the poor a religious group, or other group of people who share the common bond. you will complete this assignment by respondingt to the folllowing:
-describe the community you have chosen to write about, what ar the demographics of the those who live there
-what are the types of healthservices are available
-if you live ijn a sall community to include the hospitals healath care providers etc. used by the people in the area.
-describe the subcullture you hqavve i'd'd in the community includding the cvalues,beliefs,practices of the group you have se3lected. ID any specific health problems or health issues eperienced by the group, your description should be baased on the literature and may include your own experiences. are there any health service programs available in the community designed to meet the neeeds of this population.
-If you were to create an "ideal systm" tht would exemplify culturally competent health care for this subculture in your community what would it be like?

Your response should address the community at large ad the entire health care continium as it relates to your subbculture ..... ie: you should include ambulatory and preventative services such as medical doctor offices , acute care services such as hospitals, and long term care services such as nursing homes.
what i want to focus on:
*****pottsville (schuylkilll County) Pennsylvania area has a large population of alcoholics, smokers, obesity, unwed mothers, low rate of high school education. it was a large coal mining region please make my paper due on these demographics as this is what i work with. we have alcpohol rehabs, clinics, hospitals, 4.1 neighborhoods, 4.2 paqrks recreatilons, 4.3 suburbs, the city as of 2010 pottsville had 14, 324 in their populatiojn (

Synthesize the technological and social challenges of information technology in health care and the need for cultural transformation. #2 Assess and communicate the impact of health information managem...ent systems and networks on organizational strategic and tactical decision making. #8 Demonstrate effective communication through project reports, business reports, and grant and contract writing.)

Literature Review will involve a review of the recent scholarly and trade literature that Outlines the budgeting and investment cycle for information systems acquisition . The paper includes a literature search and distillation of the primary and fundamental selected issues, discussion of the possible solutions to the issues raised, identification and direction of "trends?. The student should expect to consult several books and a host of current articles to perform an adequate literature search and write the review of literature. If you have not completed the library tutorial, please do it now! (Course Content)

Length and Style: The completed literature review paper should have a body of two double-spaced pages maximum. A third page contains the list of references used in APA format. Graduate level writing required. This paper is posted to your Assignment folder for comments and grading, and then to the Conference text box (no attachments) by the last day of Session 5.

Excellent resource links for this assignment:

* The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -
* North Carolina State University: Literature Review Tutorial -

Discuss the Health Information Systems (HIS) Professional.
Discuss the roles, responsibilities, position requirements, background (education and experience), job descriptions, advancement potential, need for this specialty, salaries (national average), national outlook of the profession as well as the best ways to recruit personnel for theses specialties, what is most important about this profession.
Salary should be based on national average (range), benefits should include vacation pay, bonuses, sick leave, retirement package, etc.. or similar sites to find this information may be used.
Describe how HIS professional assists withreaching organizational annual goals and patient outcomes.
Please use evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals or text books, or government sites.
Please use APA 6th edition.
Have at least 2 citations per paragraph.
Use headings to identify specific sections of the paper.
Summary paragraph
There are faxes for this order.

2. Final Project: Health Care Roles in Communication

Knowing how to communicate in all health care roles is important. There are many areas of health care, so a diverse understanding of each will not only help you as a health care employee, but will also help the patients you meet. Being aware of the different communication roles may also help guide your decision in choosing your particular health care career.

? Choose one of the scenarios presented in Appendix A and examine the role of communication for each relevant key player listed in Appendix A. Describe the perspectives of each player and an appropriate solution to the scenario.

? Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper in APA format that contains the following:

o Introduction
o Overview of chosen scenario
o Discussion of each key player?s perspective in accordance with your chosen scenario
o Discussion of communication implications
o Overview of an appropriate resolution
o Conclusion

? Use and cite a minimum of three outside sources.

? Write a no more than 700-word paper about the market for a health care good or service (such as blood or organ donation or nursing care facilities) covering the following items:
? Explain how scarcity of resources influences this market and describe the choices stakeholders are forced to make.
? Describe the economic flows that might affect this health care market.
? What are some causes of change in supply and demand and how do they affect equilibrium price and quantity?
? Are the pricing decisions for this market elastic or inelastic? How does that affect the decisions?
? Please see instructor's syllabus for details on Individual and Learning

Healthcare - The Truth About

Critique 4 professional jounal articles, write a 3 page review on each article. The 4 subjects are as follows:
1. Article relating to the various management theories or theory in healthcare.
2. Article relating to specific organizational structure or structures in healthcare.
3. Aticle relating to the priciples of leadership in healthcare management.
4. Article relating to overall decision process in healthcare management.

Health and Medicine

Talk with a healthcare professional who has been employed in the field for more than 25 years. What changes have had the greatest impact? How is healthcare better and/or worse than it was over two decades ago? To what extent has the "two-tiered" health care system diminished the quality of heath care? How does this person see the future of heath care in the U.S.?

1. Write a college standard essay format 3-4 pages.
2. Paper must include textbook ideas.Compare or contrast your findings from interviews with related principles or concept found in the text.

Henslin , James. Essentials of Sociology, 5th edition

Prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which you explain the application of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)in the current employment environment. Describe the impetus of this law and how it evolved from organized labor activity to more widespread application.

Health Economics There Is Avid

Some are arguing that it is indisputable that market forces and competition are working ?miracles? to slow the rate of growth of health care expenditures in the US. You tend to agree that this maybe true but you argue that the question of whether market forces and competition can really improve efficiency of health services is still somewhat unclear. Furthermore, competition may have little or no effect in solving some of the pressing health problems facing our country.
somone presses you to be a bit more specific on these points. Write a short (one page) summary discussing why market forces and competition may not:
1) actually improve efficiency
2) solve some of the pressing problems facing our country.
3) If competitive strategies were to work, what reforms would you suggest to the US health care system.

I want you to base your answer on economics reasoning and principles and not personal opinion. You are free to use graphs to illustrate your answer.

Health Care A) the Different

The following questions need to project my own thoughts, then be verified by references and be concluded with your final thought. One of the references need to be from Jonas and Kovner's, 'Health Car...e Delivery in the United States' Chapters 6, 8, 9, 13, and 14.

1. About long-term care (LTC)

a. Is it desirable to have so many types of long-term care settings for elderly Americans? Please explain.

b. Why is LTC inaccessible, fragmented, and of questionable quality for many people?

c. What non-governmental solutions (by individuals, families, organizations, and/or communities) might improve the lives of sick, frail, and isolated older Americans?

2. A coherent mental health system would move patients smoothly through the various services that they need when they need them, enable patients to be seen by appropriate mental health professionals, and ensure continuity of care. Why is mental health considered to be incoherent now? Discuss this with reference to:

a. Types of practitioners, including those outside of mental health (identify these), actually treating persons with mental disorders.

b. Resources to pay for care.

c. Kinds of settings, including those outside of mental health (identify these) in which persons with mental disorders are seen.

d. Community perception of and relationships among providers of mental health care.

3. We seek to make health care appropriate (responding to the right disease, at the right time and place, in the right amount, by the right provider) and also effective (getting the job done and without unwanted consequences).

a. If care is not appropriate or effective, why is that a quality concern?

b. If care is not appropriate or effective, why is that an ethical concern?

4. Note the discussion of consumer choice in your text. How might home care, hospice, and day services be provided to optimize consumer choice?

5. Kovner describes hospital barriers to patient-focused care and community benefit programs. For each of these barriers, evaluate the quality and ethical implications for continuing lack of involvement by many hospitals.

6. Consider the incentives and behavior of hospital executives and governing boards. If hospitals were not regulated by the government, would their actions lead to the achievement of community goals, such as improved health for all? Explain your answer.

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Obtain 5 NURSING research articles published within the last 5 years related to cultural diversity of Appalachian population (focus on beliefs about seeking healthcare, etc). Include the following information.

a. Title page
b. Introduction to clinical nursing problems
c. Narrative presentation of five relevant articles.
d. Summary of current knowledge from five articles.
e. Reference page

Include introduction and rationale for an awareness of cultural issues in practice.

Find an article and write a description on health care spending and WHY Gross Domestic Product (GDP) so high?
Select an article on current health care economic issue such as health care spending-why is health care GDP so high.

60 Percent
? Select an article on current health care economic issue on health care spending-why Gross Domestic Product is so high, in the United States.
? Describe the issue in 550 words.
? Perform a literature search on the topic. Find at least one article and summarize article in 550 words.

20 Percent
? The issue description is at least 550 words in length.
? Find an article and summaries to at least 550 words in length.

20 Percent
? The issue description and article summaries is consistent with APA guidelines. The description and summaries are laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
? Intellectual property is recognized with references.
? Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Additionally provide an Annotated Bibliography on healthcare spending and why Dross Pomestic product so high.

Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:

Describe the four major activities of a health plan.

1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.

2) Second student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.



1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.

2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.

In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website

Login information:


Thank you.

Healthcare Policies

1.The paper must be no less than 5-pages in length. This requirement does not include your Title and Reference pages.

2. The topic must be related to Health Policy. You may select a current health care program (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, S-CHIP) or you can select any other health care system (e.g. HMOs, IMOs, PPOs). In addition, government health policy is a fantastic topic; however, you must go in-depth with your assessments. A 5-page paper stating Universal Health Care is good or bad is not enough. You need actionable data and critical assessments in your work.

3. Be sure to properly cite all outside sources. Papers MUST be written in APA format. You may find an APA Writing Sample in the Course Materials section of our classroom.

4. You must use a minimum of 15 academic references. As always, Wikipedia and are NOT academic/scholarly sources.

5. Remember this is a graduate level paper and all writing assignments, punctuation, spelling and proper grammar is expected.

Health Care Staffing Agency

Marketing plan for a healthcare staffing agency with one office in the metro area and one in the suburban area. Would be dealing specifically in the healthcare industry and providing jobs for only in the medical field. The company intends on helping to staff in home care opportunities, nursing homes, local hospitals and hospice centers in these two areas. It is intended to have two location to serve the metro area as well as suburban areas. The recruitment levels will encompass entry level to experiences healthcare providers including nurses.

Marketing Plan Outline

I. Executive Summary

A high-level summary of the marketing plan.

II. The Challenge

Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals, such as sales figures and strategic goals.

III. Situation Analysis

Company Analysis

Market share

Customer Analysis

Value drivers
Decision process
Concentration of customer base for particular products

Competitor Analysis

Market position
Market shares


Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.


Macro-environmental PEST analysis :

Political and legal environment
Economic environment
Social and cultural environment
Technological environment

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the business environment can be performed by organizing the environmental factors as follows:

The firm's internal attributes can be classed as strengths and weaknesses.
The external environment presents opportunities and threats.

IV. Market Segmentation

Present a description of the market segmentation as follows:
Segment 1

Percent of sales
What they want
How they use product
Support requirements
How to reach them
Price sensitivity

Segment 2

V. Alternative Marketing Strategies

List and discuss the alternatives that were considered before arriving at the recommended strategy. Alternatives might include discontinuing a product, re-branding, positioning as a premium or value product, etc.

VI. Selected Marketing Strategy

Discuss why the strategy was selected, then the marketing mix decisions (4 P's) of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion.

The product decisions should consider the product's advantages and how they will be leveraged. Product decisions should include:

Brand name
Scope of product line


Discuss pricing strategy, expected volume, and decisions for the following pricing variables:

List price
Payment terms and financing options
Leasing options

Distribution (Place)

Decision variables include:

Distribution channels, such as direct, retail, distributors & intermediates
Motivating the channel - for example, distributor margins
Criteria for evaluating distributors
Logistics, including transportation, warehousing, and order fulfilment


Advertising, including how much and which media.
Public relations
Promotional programs
Budget; determine break-even point for any additional spending
Projected results of the promotional programs

VII. Short & Long-Term Projections

The selected strategy's immediate effects, expected long-term results, and any special actions required to achieve them. This section may include forecasts of revenues and expenses as well as the results of a break-even analysis.

VIII. Conclusion

Summarize all of the above.


In this paper, begin to put the final project together. Be sure that your paper includes discussion of not only the information from earlier 3 papers listed below but also the

A. The obstacles, barriers or pitfalls (legal, ethical, personal, etc...) to success in resolving the earlier identified problem

B. Describe the factors that may influence those obstacles, barriers or pitfalls

My occupation in the military is a field medical assistant which is a general term used for all medical service officers. My specialty is a health care manager. The occupation of a health care manager can include many different responsibilities in a military hospital. Health care managers are necessary in many organizations, from hospitals to HMOs and other insurance programs. A health care manager in a small clinic may have very different responsibilities than a health care manager at a huge hospital, and both deal with very different issues than a health care manager that works for an HMO. However, the qualifications are very similar. To be a health care manager one must have a degree in health care management (or be a doctor with experience and training in management) and be able to organize and oversee aspects of management and patient care. The responsibilities also have one thing in common: a health care manager is someone other than a patient?s personal physician who has the difficult task of deciding what kind of care is appropriate and arranging circumstances so that can be provided. ?Health care managers play essential roles in keeping the business of health care running smoothly. They plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise the delivery of health care.
Within the military hospital setting, a health care manager has a number of roles. The primary health care manager is responsible only to the hospital commander, though indirectly one could say that they also answer to Tricare and insurance companies because they have to juggle their demands and conditions in order to be financially reasonable. The health care manager is the one to whom doctors and nurses must go for direction, and to whom they are answerable regarding the financial aspects and some of the organizational aspects of their job. Daily duties in a large military hospital are primarily delegatory so that subordinate health care managers do more of the paperwork, but in a small clinic, the health care manager is actively responsible for the record keeping involved with filing medical charts and organizing patient records. They also must answer patient questions about insurance, process insurance claims and take charge of the billing, collections, and other financial concerns such as taxes. Health care managers also oversee personnel development, such as hiring of civilians and organizing employees and soldiers, evaluating the performance and financial intake of civilian doctors, enforcing work schedules, and making general goals for the hospital. The health care manager may also be in charge of expenditures on equipment, and upgrading or maintaining the facility.
As can be imagined, there are a nearly infinite number of things that can go wrong for a health care manager. Two common problems are worth some attention. The first deals with the ubiquitous staff problems that arise in any managerial position. Doctors and nurses may have interpersonal conflicts. Certain doctors may not feel comfortable with the appropriate profit-consciousness and resent the interference of a manager. Budget concerns may mean that everyone has to work long hours, and complaints may arise regarding lack of flexibility or inhospitable working conditions. Poor relations within the staff and resentment between levels (like nurses who resent the doctors, or doctors who resent the interference of management) can represent a real problem with a huge scope. This problem may seem like it represents insurmountable difficulties, however, it is possible that such tensions can be reduced not by making significant changes that would threaten the hospital?s basic profit margin and management, but by implementing more personal attention would make everyone comfortable with the status quo.
On the other side of the problem that arises when staff resent the pressures placed on them from above is the problems that arise when the hospital commander or staff decide that the profit margin is not high enough. The health care manager may be asked to find a way to reduce costs, or to be more efficient, or even to reduce the number of patients. Figuring out how to balance the neat for a trim budget with the doctors need to feel that they have freedom in their treatment options can pose difficulties. Raising the profit margin, balancing the books, and assuring that the hospital is a viable business first and foremost is the biggest problem faced by health care managers in the army. Possible solutions may lie in a variety of fund-raising techniques, cutting waste, reducing unnecessary procedures on the under-insured, and trimming personnel expenses while attempting to assure quality so that the hospital can best attract patients with the willingness and ability to pay for high quality treatment. This is the problem I would prefer to investigate further, since it seems to be the most pressing for most health care managers. ?A 1988 survey of 1,400 general acute-care community hospitals found that the administrators of 700 of the hospitals feared that their institutions would be forced to close in the next five years because of financial problems.

Assignment #2:
As a health care manager, the reason for choosing this profession and the day-to-day activities, which fill my schedule, are often vary different. As a health care professional, I entered this profession to make a contribution to the health and well being of my fellow soldiers. I chose to become a part of the support system, which keeps the military functioning, and able to freely commit themselves to the defense of our country. As a health care manager, my time is filled with responsibilities, which revolve around 4 categories that have little to do with the daily care of the soldiers and civilians who use our facilities. My job responsibilities focus on the Administrative, financial, legal, ethical, and financial aspects of keeping the medical care facilities operational (so that the other health care staff, such as doctors and nurses, can tend to the medical well being of the patients.
Administratively, I am responsible to keep the diverse staff functioning as a team. A multicultural mindset has taken hold in most professional environments, including the armed services. This has created a diverse set of attitudes, and talents within the team operating in the medical facilities. While the military chain of command remains strong, as a health care administrator I am continually challenged to creatively assist my staff to work together. We see changes in demographics of staff and those we serve, and changes in technology, which create a flood of, increased demand on our resources. The multicultural mindset may be a positive paradigm to assist staff to accept the difference between us, but the increased number of differences demands increased management and problem solving time. These changes are occurring at a time when changes in financing and care management create an earthquake of system instability. (Kirkman-Liff, 2002)
Driving the financial changes in the health delivery system is raising health care costs in the public and private care sectors. The military health care systems cannot remain unaffected to the rising costs because we are interrelated. We purchase medicines form the same sources, and we purchase the same diagnostic machinery. While military wages are not as volatile as in the civilian world, the cost of health care is rising due to other factors, such as those mentioned above. In order for the health care facilities to stay in operation, I am responsible to balance needed care options with the most economical methods for delivering those health care services. In the civilian world, nearly one third of health care expenditures are spent on hospital care. When patients, employers, insurers, and the government worry about rising health care costs, they put pressure on hospitals to provide more efficient care. This pressure lands on the shoulders of the health care administrator. (Shah, Reed, Francis, Ridley, and Schulman, 2003) Unfortunately, these choices can lead to legal issues, and further to ethical considerations. Health care premium rose 13.9 percent this year, according to a recently released survey of more than 2,800 companies by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust. (Knight-Ridder, 2003) This reflects the rising costs of health care. When faced with the daily decisions of operating the hospital or field medical office within budget, and providing the best medical care for my patients, I am often faced with a decision with no good options. If the treatment cost exceeds the likelihood of successful treatment of illness of injury, then my responsibility to the patient is opposed by my responsibility to the hospital. These ethical issues can lead to legal ramifications if a hospital unit is operating with it?s eye only in the bottom line, and chooses to limit care for financial reasons. These choices are not representative of the reasons I became a health care professional.
Keeping a military unit operational in the highest level of readiness is a combined effort that requires dedication from many disciplines. Medical services are one of those areas, which must serve the needs of the patient, and the overall military. We must balance the needs of today with those of tomorrow within a changing world.


Kirkman-Liff, Brad. Keeping an eye on a moving target: quality changes and challenges for

nurses. Nursing Economics. 11/01/2002;

South Florida Employees Face Higher Health-Care Premiums, Fewer Benefits. Knight

Ridder/Tribune Business News. 10/12/2003

Shah, Bimal R Reed, Shelby D Francis, Jennifer Ridley, David B Schulman, Kevin A

The cost of inefficiency in US hospitals, 1985-1997. Journal of Health Care Finance.


Assignment #3:
Today, health care management for the Department of Defense is handled by TRICARE, which is a regionally managed health care program, for all active duty and retired members of the armed forces, their families and survivors. TRICARE meshes the health care resources of the Army, Air Force and navy plus the abilities of civilian health care professionals. This network has been established to provide the utmost quality care plus access to a wide variety of professionals to meet the needs of the military.
Health care management in a military setting differs from the professional who serves in a small clinic or large hospital. Although the rigors of the job can be the same because the responsibilities, i.e., to help determine and administer the appropriate care, the role of a military medical assistant is under further stringent guidance from TRICARE.
Within the confines of a military environment, the healthcare manager must also handle insurance and financial aspects of patient care. They play an evolving role in the patient?s well being that goes beyond the daily care routine.
Any number of problems can arise from a healthcare management perspective, but the majority of problem concern interpersonal conflicts and the pressures associated with healthcare profit margins. Both of these problems are compounded by the fact that health care management in any setting is under a high degree of scrutiny.
Personality conflicts abound in an environment where volatility and pressures are part of the every day routine. The key is to reduce the tensions between the staff by ensuring that there is awareness on everyone?s part of the role that each member plays and the nee for teamwork. Long hours and tension about profit margins can create a highly charged atmosphere. It is up to the delegating staff members to remove potential threats and implement a system that acknowledges individuals, their achievements and their needs. The business of caring for people has to begin with the staff.
As for profit margins, healthcare has become a business. Reducing costs and saving money are part of the health care managers responsibilities, particularly in the armed force. The objective is to cut costs but not at the expense of quality care. The solution may be to implement a variety of procedures that can substantially reduce costs while not negatively impacting healthcare. Evaluating budgets and trimming excess costs, reducing unnecessary costs, eliminating unnecessary procedures, and cutting personal expenses can provide a way to increase profit and continue to provide quality healthcare.
A revolution is taking place in the healthcare industry with the emphasis on profit. Rising healthcare costs in the private and public sector is changing the health care delivery system. Even the military health care system is being affected by the rising cost of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic systems and hospital costs.
As a health care manager it is my responsibility to insure that military personnel and their families receive the best health care options while minimizing the financial burden on the system. Ethical issues arise on both ends, as my duty is to implement the best possible solution for the patient and the system.
It is imperative that improvements continue to be made in health care to strengthen the existing system and improve the infrastructure. Healthcare services globally need to benefit from the talented resources available as demand for services increase. Medicine cannot continue to be commercialized by malpractice, misconduct and negligence.
In order to satisfy the growing needs associated with the healthcare system, initiatives need to be put into place to focus on the critical issues the industry is facing:
? In some instances, existing hospitals need to be upgraded to provide the expected level of care
? Teaching medical ethics is imperative and there needs to be a comprehensive revision based on the standards now provided through the healthcare management system
? Healthcare managers must be aware of their obligation to ?serve? to masters---the patient and the hospital. In the case of the military, that also needs to be taken into account.
? Laws regarding healthcare services need to be basic knowledge for all healthcare personnel
These recommendations still require the healthcare manager to keep the objectives of their job in view. Careful consideration needs to be given to each case and the best possible solution implemented that would satisfy all.
Amid the turmoil of constant change that surrounds the healthcare manager, rarely is there a simple solution to meeting both the patient?s needs and needs of the business. In the book, The Tracks We Leave Behind, Ethics in Healthcare Management, the author provides some expert advice on dealing with competing values and the moral issues that are part of healthcare.
With the cost of healthcare premiums rising (13.9 percent in 2003), healthcare managers are faced with the daily decisions of cost effectively running a hospital or field medical office. As a healthcare professional in the military, I realize the importance of keeping a military unit in operational readiness through the administration of quality medical services. My duty is to make sure these men and women are receiving the proper care?providing quality care in an efficient and effective manner. The business of healthcare is to cure and care and healthcare managers are the first line of defense in insuring that happens.

Kirkman-Liff, Brad. ?Keeping an eye on a moving target: quality changes and challenges for
Nurses.? Nursing Economics. November, 2002.
Shah, Bimal R Reed, Shelby, D. Francis, Ridley, Jennifer, Schulman, David B. ?The cost of
inefficiency in US hospitals 1985-1997. Journal of Healthcare Finance.
Perry, Frankie. The Tracks We Leave: Ethics in Healthcare Management. Healthcare
Administration Press. Chicago: 2001.
?South Florida employees face higher healthcare premiums, fewer benefits?. Knight
Ridder/Tribune Business News. October 10,2003.

Healthcare Strategy

Describe a minimum of five challenges from the list below that are defining the future strategic direction of health care.

1. Information technology advancements such as the electronic medical record (EMR)/ electronic health record (EHR

2. Access to health care including the uninsured and those in the poverty levels

3. Market shares and advancing age of population

4. Maintaining a skilled workforce

5. Pay for performance

Describe how an organization can adapt its direction and strategies to effectively address these challenges.

Please have writergrrl101 complete this essay

Over the summer, there was considerable debate in Washington DC and throughout the country about the so-called national health insurance program. The nations elected leaders were under attack by constituents during their summer recess and the President and majority leaders were continually under fire in the news media.

Take a few moments to review the online dialogue that occurred over the summer (use news sites such as CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, or other similar outlets). In your initial posting, please address the following: identify the debate over how such a program would (1) be funded (what will it cost and where will the money come from), (2) control of expenses, and (3) who will oversee the program?

This is a tense issue for all citizens. This forum is NOT an outlet for opinion or argument. Please keep your comments within the realm of the assignment and react respectfully to other comments and postings. The grade on this assignment will be based partially on civility.

Each person will be graded according to the completeness of information, quality of postings (including responses) and civility in offering dissenting opinions. .

Use this web site for the most part.
Write a short essay on what public health mitigation measures you feel could or should have been employed in the wake of the December 2004 tsunami.
Please use APA Format and APA style.
There are faxes for this order.

Clinical Paper:
A clinical paper is required for the completion of this course. Your clinical instructor and/or course leader can give you feedback on your paper topic ideas. The paper should around your specific clinical or practice area and the critical evaluation of the situation/problem or change process occurring in that setting. You will also use a theoretical framework in the application part of your paper to justify your changes and/or solutions to the situation. For example, if you suggest using the Change process to implement a new process, you could discuss Lewins Change Theory in your paper. Refer to NSC 442 Paper Grading Sheet for specifics. Paper will be 8-10 pages in length with 6-10 current references, including at least 2 research articles used in the paper.

NSC 492 Clinical Paper Guidelines
Content/Outline Guide:
1. Introduction (10 points): Thoroughly describe the clinical setting and identify the complex health care issue.
2. Analysis and Explanation of Complex Situation(20 points): Describe, explain, and analyze complex health care issue using relevant literature to support the analysis. Identify a theoretical framework to support your analysis as well.
3. Application(25 points): Creative approaches reflective of critical and creative thinking to manage or improve the health care issue. Use of relevant literature, research findings, and theoretical framework in the application process.
4. Evaluation(15 points): Discussion of the evaluation methods used to evaluate the process or potentially evaluate the process, using the feedback loop.
5. Summary(5 points): All major points are summarized and synthesis of conclusions appropriately drawn.
6. APA, grammar, spelling( 25 points)

My clinical setting is a small rural hospital app 200 bed facility. The paper needs to related to the financial area of the health care setting. If you have any questions please call 1-606-853-5231

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