Health Care Management Essays Prompts

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Discuss an emerging issue that will pose new ethical dilemmas for healthcare.
**(For example, technology integration, innovation testing, genetic mapping, stem cell research, etc.)
Requirements related to this issue include:
a. Analyze whether global competition affects U.S. healthcare policy about the emerging issue. For example, stem cell research in Europe but not here ??" how will that affect our economy and our health care options?
b. Discuss how the U.S. should handle licensing and liability issues for clinicians practicing telemedicine across state or national borders in regards to the emerging issue.
Additional instructions:
The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews major points
Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow
Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme.
Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper

Please include the reference page.

Final Paper:

* An Analysis of President Obamas Health Care Plan
* Write an eight (8) to ten (10) page paper using APA format that provides an analysis of President Obamas proposed health care reform plan. Include in your analysis the following:
o A description of the major features of the proposed health care reform plan, including how the plan will be funded
o An objective analysis of the pros and cons of the proposed plan in relation to the following factors:
o The degree to which the plan will increase access to health care for various segments of the population
o The extent to which the proposed plan will affect cost relative to the consumer, the taxpayer, the insurance companies, government, and other payers
o The impact of the plan on the quality of care delivered
o Unintended consequences (e.g. health care rationing)
o An analysis of the potential response of the three stakeholders listed below. Analysis should address the subgroups within each stakeholder group (examples are given):
o Health care providers: subgroups include groups such as physicians, hospitals, HMOs, etc.
o Health care consumers: insured, uninsured
o Current health care payers: employers, insurance companies, etc.
o A summary of the paper that articulates your position relative to the proposed plan. Explain why you support or oppose the plan.

Risks associated with labor-related issues include sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and poor working conditions. Maintaining good union-management relations is a part of managing these risks.

Research newspapers, news magazines, or journals to find an article about unions in healthcare. Write a 600-word statement based on your reading.

In your statement, explain the following information:

* The union structure
* Individual rights within the union
* Union concessions
* Five areas of negotiation
* Employer activities that are considered unfair labor practices in violation of the Taft-Hartley Amendment

Respond to the following:

* What was gained by the union?
* What was lost by the union?
* Is the organization better due to presence of the union?
* Are the workers better provided for due to the presence of the union?
* What were the major milestones of the process of unionization?

apa style. 300 words per page
Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

Economic Policy -- Health Care

Identify a challenge that economic policy makers are likely to face in the coming years and discuss how you think they should meet the challenge. Please go into great detail using references such as economic reports, articles and journal reviews.

The challenge is Healthcare reform for Universal health care. The economics of it has to be very detailed.

Use India or China as country for case study (whichever best fits at your discretion)
Use either Home Health Aide or Certified Nursing Assistant role as profession being changed
Use either universal health care or availability of health care or no health care as global trend (whichever best fits at your discretion)

This assignment gives you an opportunity to explore how your professional field is evolving in response to one of the global trends that weve examined in this course, and to learn about the status of your career field from the courses you took in your major. Thinking about the global issues that weve covered and the world region that youve been following this semester, you need to develop a topic that includes a specific global trend or issue that is changing how your professional field is practiced in another country

Write an 8 paper, divided into four sections:
1. Introduction: introduce your main topics and your main thesis regarding them

2. Global trend: identify your trend, explain its causes and its global scope, discuss any factors or responses that oppose the trend, and analyze its impact upon your professional field.

3. Case study: using one specific country, describe how this global trend is affecting your professional field or practice in that country. How do the local conditions in that countrypolitics, economics, culture, environmentaffect how this trend plays out in your field?

4. Conclusion: based on your research, what can we say about the future prospects for this trend, as it plays out in your professional field and in your case study country?

A successful paper for this project will:
Be well-organized and clearly written, with a thesis statement that guides the content of the paper.

Integrate information from at least 8 published sources (articles found on Lexis-Nexis and ProQuest or on reliable web sites), from professionally-appropriate publications.

Show a thorough understanding of the global trend involved.

Include analysis of the political, economic, cultural and historical context of the case study country as appropriate.

Show appropriate expertise in your professional field.

A recent agreement by the Council of Australian Governments has resulted in the establishment of Local Health and Hospital Networks as the principal health service management structure for public health services.
Write a brief which outlines the factors that have influenced this reform, the changes that have occurred and discuss its implications for health service delivery. Your discussion should identify the proposed changes and identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed reforms.

There are faxes for this order.

double spaced, one inch margins 12 point type. include references and a bibliography, using APA style:

Availability and cost of health care (nationalized health care v. private insurers)
state the issue in a form of a debate question, taking a particular side and support it

? Must be eight- to ten- double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
? Must include a cover page that includes:
o Title of paper
o Student?s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor?s name
o Date submitted
? Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
? Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
? Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from proQuest.
? Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
? Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
? Analyze future trends in U.S. healthcare related to that one topic.
? Address the questions below related to that one topic:
? How does the quality of healthcare in the United States compare to the quality of care in other industrialized nations?
? How can an acceptable quality of health care be assured for all?
? Will providing data in areas such as patient outcomes, compliance with national standards for preventive and chronic care, and comparative costs to the public be an acceptable measure of healthcare delivery outcomes?
? Though physicians believed that only physicians could and should judge the quality of hospital medical care, they found participation in such hospital peer review activities a most disagreeable obligation. What were the problems with the process?
? Managed care organization credentialing by the National Committee on Quality Assurance rapidly evolved as a standard of quality in the industry. Discuss the pros and cons on the value of credentialing by an independent organization to a managed care organization and to consumers.
? How does medical technology affect the communication between healthcare providers and patients? What affect does this have on the quality of care?

Must be 15-20 pages (excluding title and reference page) Investigate a specific topic, research current literature, apply graduate level critical thinking to the presentation of the information

TOPIC - Analyze the effects of the social, cultural and political influence in the delivery of healthcare services as they specifically pertain to QUALITY IMPROVEMENT and RISK MANAGEMENT to the healthcare organization and patients served.

Must be 15-20 double spaced pages and formatted according to APA style
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis
Must use at least 10 SCHOLARLY and/or PEER REVIEWED sources published in the last five years
Must document all sources in APA style
Must include a separate reference page formatted according to APA style

(Financial Planning)

1. Discuss the steps involved in formulating a strategic plan within health care organizations.

2. Discuss how health care organizations benefit from financial planning.

3. Discuss how scenario analysis and scenario planning differ from traditional methods of planning in health care organizations.

(Reading material)
In today's volatile healthcare environment, traditional planning tools are inadequate to guide financial managers of provider organizations in developing managed care strategies. These tools often disregard the uncertainty surrounding market forces such as employee benefit structure, the future of Medicare managed care, and the impact of consumer behavior.
Scenario analysis overcomes this limitation by acknowledging the uncertain healthcare environment and articulating a set of plausible alternative futures, thus supplying financial executives with the perspective to craft strategies that can improve the market position of their organizations. By being alert for trigger points that might signal the rise of a specific scenario, financial managers can increase their preparedness for changes in market forces.

Managed care plans and providers face tremendous uncertainty regarding the future of the industry, as a variety of healthcare policy scenarios are being offered by candidates in this year's presidential election campaigns. Health care's loss of stability demands that new strategic-planning tools that determine the potential impact of uncertainty on financial performance be implemented.

Scenario planning is a tool that can be used to explore the impact of different possible futures for health care. a Scenarios provide a structured framework for imagining and assessing uncertainty, allowing the distillation of complex market interactions into a limited number of plausible alternatives that can be used to determine an organization's most appropriate strategic initiatives.

Managed Care Market Forces

Scenario planning is especially useful for analyzing the current healthcare climate, which is characterized by a significant level of uncertainty regarding critical market forces. These market forces include:

Collective bargaining for physicians. To what degree will physicians legally be able to negotiate collectively with payers?

Consolidation of health plans. Will health plans continue to consolidate until only a handful of payers compete in each market, or will new plans aggressively enter markets, leading to fragmented healthcare coverage across many payers?

Employee benefit structure. Will employers continue to provide employees a defined benefit that allows them to choose from a limited number of health plans, or will they shift to a defined-contribution approach that allows employees free rein to determine how to spend a fixed sum?

Federal healthcare reform and universal access. Will health coverage continue to be provided through fragmented channels, or will there be a shift to universal coverage guaranteed by the Federal government?

Medicare managed care. Will the number of Medicare beneficiaries covered by managed care plans significantly increase or decrease?

Healthcare inflation. What will be the relationship between the increase in healthcare costs as measured by the medical price index (MPI) and overall economic inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI)?

Health plan models. Which health plan model will emerge as the dominant structure?

Impact of consumerism. Will consumers continue to play a relatively passive role in healthcare decision making, or will they become more active, demanding more information about provider prices and quality of care?

Provider payment structure. What will be the primary payment mechanism for hospitals and physicians?

Physician practice structure. Will the majority of physicians participate in multispecialty or singlespecialty group practices, or operate solo practices? Will group practices be large or small?

For purposes of scenario analysis, planners should select from among the identified market forces two forces that are anticipated to have a great potential impact on the organization. These forces should be used to form a matrix that presents four plausible futures, or scenarios. These four scenarios represent the extreme outcomes of the market forces at work.

Scenarios and Strategies

In Exhibit 1, two opposing possible developments in healthcare inflation (the magnitude of the MPI vs. the CPI) and the role of the healthcare consumer (active vs. passive) are combined to construct a matrix illustrating four possible managed care scenarios. These four possible scenarios can be called the Two-Tiered System, Freedom of Choice, Flashback to the Mid-1990s, and Healthcare Reform Revisited. Exhibit 2 illustrates the strategic implications of each scenario for hospitals and physicians.

Two-Tiered System. In this scenario, the increase in medical costs greatly exceeds general inflation, and the consumer chooses to takes an active role in healthcare decision making. Employers would move to a defined-contribution approach to health coverage and providing employees with a fixed dollar amount every month. Consumers would make their own decisions regarding the purchase of insurance and healthcare services, seeking value from hospitals, physicians, and insurers. The combination of individual purchasing discretion and greater demand for information would lead to new models of contracting. The Internet may emerge as the low-cost channel for individuals to use to purchase insurance and healthcare services either on their own or as part of a group.

As new purchasing channels emerge, providers would need to develop relationships and redefine contract parameters with another set of payers. Branding and product differentiation would become important strategies for providers. Scoring well on public "report cards" would be crucial. Direct consumer evaluation of the price/quality trade-off would reward "value" providers. Additionally, hospitals and physicians would need to more closely evaluate strategies traditionally used to sell consumer goods, such as pricing, discountcoupon distribution, and product bundling.

Freedom of Choice. The Freedom of Choice scenario reflects an active consumer and medical inflation that generally is in line with the nation's inflation rate. Because employer healthcare costs would not be growing significantly faster than general inflation, companies would continue to offer their employees a choice of plans and providers with a defined benefit. Consumers would take an active role in making healthcare decisions within the defined limits of their coverage. Although freedom of choice would exist, the market forces of supply and demand would serve to ration care and access.

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Consumer-driven choice and low inflationary pressure have several strategic implications for hospitals and physicians. Participation on every managed care panel would not be essential. Consumers would migrate to their provider of choice, increasing provider leverage with payers. Consumer watchdog groups, employer coalitions, and payers would attempt to define and measure quality. If these attempts were unsuccessful, consumers would make choices based on their perceptions of quality, causing many providers to put greater emphasis on market visibility and brand recognition.

Flashback to the Mid-1990s. The third scenario, Flashback to the Mid1990s, combines relatively low increases in medical costs with consumer passivity. In this scenario, managed care payers would be the dominant market force, setting contracting and coverage parameters and, thus, making the greatest profits. In an attempt to define and measure provider quality, payers would require providers to submit information that would allow quality evaluation to occur. Because of consumer indifference to choice among healthcare providers, there would be a shift from open-access products to closed-panel models presided over by gatekeepers. Federal legislation would wane because employers would be content with the relatively low rate of medical inflation, and consumers would not demand government intervention because perceived problems would be minor.

Hospitals and physicians would consider aggressive responses to the payers' strong market position. Hospitals would consider consolidation in an attempt to increase their bargaining power. Physicians would renew their interest in independent practice associations (IPAs) or group practices as their primary contracting organization. Providers faced with the daunting choice of major rate concessions or exclusion from panels would refuse to enter into contracts with payers who would not pay minimally acceptable rates.

Healthcare Reform Revisited.

High medical cost inflation and passive consumers create the fourth scenario, Healthcare Reform Revisited. Concerned with the high rate of medical inflation, the Federal government would pass a series of reforms that would establish active Federal oversight and regulation of both providers and payers. Faced with increased Federal scrutiny, providers would focus a significant portion of their resources on corporate compliance and policy development. Risk would be shifted from payers to hospitals and physicians primarily through capitation.

Hospitals and physicians would reevaluate the role of the integrated delivery system to optimally match their organizational structure with the industry's risk-based payment system. Hospitals would reconsider purchasing primary care physician practices to link with their hospital services. IPAs and physician-hospital organizations (PHOs) would be revived as contracting organizations. Risk-management skills and information technology would become essential as providers would be asked to develop risk-sharing, incentive-based systems. Additionally, hospitals would develop quality-measurement systems to meet Federal regulations.

Using Scenario Analysis

Each of the four scenarios given above examines a different possible future for health care brought about by the interactions of critical variables. Healthcare finance executives can use scenarios to identify strategies that would be successful under various future conditions and those that would be especially valuable in a specific scenario. By being alert for triggers that might indicate the onset of a particular scenario, financial managers can begin to adjust strategy to prepare for a shift in the healthcare marketplace. For example, if major purchasers of health care lobby Congress to regulate health care more closely, the Healthcare Reform Revisited scenario might be on the horizon.

Scenario planning and analysis provide a systematic method to recognize and address the major uncertainties facing healthcare organizations. It is most useful when a high degree of uncertainty exists around critical market forces, such as government reform or policy changes, competitor consolidation or expansion, and changing attitudes of the healthcare consumer. By identifying and discussing the implications of each scenario, healthcare financial executives will be able to develop a set of robust and adaptable strategies that allow their organization to stay one step ahead of the market. *

Social Media and Healthcare

Please write an in depth review of a legal topic; the topic is (Legal Ethics of E-mail and Social Media and its Applicability to the Healthcare Industry )

While the paper should focus on Legal Ethics of E-mail and Social Media and its Applicability to the Healthcare Industry, it MUST relate to HEALTHCARE legal issues in health care administration.

Please guard against the paper being too broad that it lacks focus or too narrow that you cannot find sufficient references.

Law Review journals are a good research source. Additional sources are the websites for the American Health Lawyers Association and Health Care Compliance Association. Some additional journal sources are listed below:

Journal Title

Health Affairs
Health Economics Policy and Law
Journal of Health Care Finance
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Policy Politics and Law
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

Assignment: International Health Paper
For this assignment, you will complete a three- to five-page paper on another country's health care system. You will compare and contrast your chosen country's health care system with the U.S. health care system. This assignment is worth 10% of your grade and is due before the start of the Week 4 live session.
Grading Rubric
Analysis clearly outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the HCS and includes the concepts of access, quality, sustainability and satisfaction rates
The similarities and differences is detailed, accurate and extensive.
Conclusion offers a comprehensive, detailed summary and includes a strong argument for which system is superior
Grammar is accurate. Writing is clear and engaging. APA formating is adhered to perfectly, including citations, references, and formatting
Any country can be used to compare with the U.S. Just need a country that has enough information that the requirements can be accomplished.

Specific topic is surgeon general..problems with in association with the US Deptartment of Human Services

The research paper presented in prescribed format will constitute 10% of your course grade, and is expected to be approximately 4*single* spaced pages in length not including the reference and title pages. Reports should follow the MLA style and your research must include at least 4 outside references which can include internet material (properly documented) and other reference sources. The entire research paper will be submitted by end of Week Seven, for grading. All work must contain appropriate formatting, grammar, and spelling.
Research topics should include course related subject area and requires the approval of the instructor. You should have your topic selected="true" by the second week of the course so you may have ample time to complete your projects
Sample Research Paper Topics:
1) Research how, why, and the areas in which the healthcare system fails

2) Discuss the effects of healthcare in our society i.e. middle class, wealthyetch.
3.) Discuss how the various levels of government are involved in the political process and its effect on health care

The Table of Contents of the project paper will include
I. Introduction (Overview, History, other needed Background)
II. Statement of the Problem (to include limitations, what will not be studied and Research Questions to be answered.)
III. Significance of the Study
IV. Definition of Terms Used
V. Review of Related Literature
VI. Data Presentation and Analysis
VII. Conclusions (To include answering each research question)
VIII. Recommendations for Action and Recommendations for Further Study

The healthcare system in California, speculating on causes of the problem (too many uninsured patients, resulting in high costs to hospital, closure of emergency wards). The support must include a minimum of five articles. Two can be from newspapers and magazines and three from academic journals, government websites, etc.
The paper should be structured as follows:
Introduction: Presentation of the topic showing the seriousness of the problem and negative effects
Body: three or more causes, explanation of each cause and support for each cause-detailed examples, facts, etc.
At least 2 objections to my reasons or to the thesis itself.
At least 1 alternative cause
Conclusion: Restatement of thesis.
Please note that the counterargument and the alternative cause cannot be left out.

Universal healthcare is a broad concept that has been implemented in several ways around the world. The common denominator for all such programs is some form of government action aimed at extending access to healthcare as widely as possible and setting minimum standards. Most countries implement universal healthcare through legislation, regulation, and taxation. Legislation and regulation direct what care must be provided, to whom, and on what basis. Usually some costs are borne by the patient at the time of consumption, but the bulk of the costs come from a combination of compulsory insurance and tax revenues. Some programs are paid for entirely out of tax revenues. In some cases, government involvement includes directly managing the healthcare system, but many countries use mixed public-private systems to deliver universal healthcare.

research the healthcare system of a country that has government universal healthcare coverage. Write a 2 page paper including the following:

* Describe the healthcare system and how universal coverage is financed.
* Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the system.
* Determine if this form of universal healthcare coverage would be viable in the U.S.

make sure to:
Summarized information about the healthcare system of the selected country and the financing mechanism.
Evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the system.
Evaluated the viability of the system in the U.S.

2 page paper, one inch margins. DO NOT USE QUOTES. 300 WORDS PER PAGE

Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

financing and structuring Health care
1) Identify and destribe the three main types of health insurances in the US
2) DESCRIBED THE 3 METHODS for categorizing health insurance in the US
3) Identify the 3 types of managed care plans and give the pros and cons of each for the health care provider, insurer, and patient.
4) described the impact of managed care on both the medicare and medicaid programs

Lesson 4: Selecting a Path: Careers and Graduate School
Assignment 2: Informational Interviewing
For this assignment, you will:
Identify a potential career opportunity- Healthcare
Conduct online research about this career
Create 12 questions you want to know the answers to learn more about this career
Identify a person working in this career field- Uncle
Conduct an informational interview; and
Reflect upon what you learned about this potential career path
To identify a potential career, think back to your skills, values, and interests assessments. Is there something that has piqued your interest? Is there a career you always thought would be cool?
1. Once you identify an occupation, take time to gain some foundational knowledge about this job. Go to O*Nets MyNextMove (, the Occupational Outlook Handbook (, and Career InfoNet ( and research the occupation. Learn about tasks, knowledge needed, skills, values, etc.
2. Review the informational interview articles* and Quintessential Careers Informational Interviewing Tutorial ( to identify potential questions. You also can generate questions based on your occupational research. Perhaps you would like to know more about the skills needed to succeed in the profession. Type 12 questions you will use in your informational interview and be sure to leave space for your notes.
3. Identify someone in the field of interest and gather her/his contact information. Send an e-mail requesting the informational interview (you will need to turn this e-mail in as part of the assignment). Set up a time and place to meet for the 30 minute informational interview. Write and send a thank you to the person you met with for the informational interview (you will need to turn a copy of this thank you in for this assignment).
4. Conduct the informational interview. Be sure to take notes and ask follow up questions if anything is unclear.
5. Write a 3-4 page reflection paper about your informational interview experience. Be sure to include:
a. The name of the occupation you investigated
b. A summary of what you learned about the occupation through your online occupational research
c. The name and title of your contact
d. A summary of what you learned about the occupation through your interview
e. Answers to the following questions:
f. What surprised you about this occupation?
g. What did you like about this occupation?
h. What did you dislike about this occupation?
i. How does this occupation align with your skills, values, and interests?
j. Based on what you learned is this occupation still of interest? Why or why not?
k. What skills, knowledge, and experience do you need to meet the requirements of this position and how do you plan on gaining these?
Please note that the paper should be 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 margins, and double spaced.
*Crosby, O., & Dillon, T. (Summer 2010). Informational interviewing: Get the inside scoop on careers. Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 22-29.
* Decarie, C. (2010). Literacy and informational interviews. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(3), 306-317.


(To be completed for each Level 1 Outcome Narrative)

1. Faith & Ethics Integrator
2. Skilled & Knowledgeable Practitioner
3. Accountable Professional
4. Health Care Educator & Advocate
5. Coordinator of Care

Level 1 Outcomes

I. Utilizes Christian worldview to integrate beliefs, values, ethics and service in personal and professional life.

a. Describes the beliefs, values and ethics that influence personal behaviors and potentially impact professional behaviors.
b. Describes the spiritual subsystem of self and patient.
c. Defines what a worldview is and how it affects ones behavior.

II. Provides nursing care utilizing professional knowledge and core
competencies (critical thinking, communication, assessment and technical
skills) derived from a foundation of nursing science, general education and
religious studies.

a. Begins to utilize the elements of professional knowledge and core competencies (critical thinking, communication, assessment and technical skills) to provide nursing care to well and selected ill adults.
b .Identifies the relationship between general education, nursing science and religious studies.

III. Demonstrates initiative for continual personal and professional growth
and development.

a. Identifies and reflects on experiences for personal and professional learning and growth.

IV. Acts as a patient and family educator and advocate to promote optimal
health and well being.
a. Begins to function as a Health Care Educator to Advocate for patients.

V. Functions independently and collaboratively, both as a leader and/or member of a health
care team to manage and coordinate care.

a. Identifies interdependent components of health care team membership.
b. Makes beginning contributions to the health care team under supervision of the nursing clinical instructor.

There are faxes for this order.

Internship Report:

o 1 - Background of the organization/work unit. ??" Home health care marketing for home health and hospice

o 2 - Identification and synopsis of the problem.
Problem- doctors referring patients to home health when they dont particularly need it. Also home heath companies keeping patients on service when they dont need it. HIPAA violations pertaining to home health

o 3 ??" Research Method/Process

o 4 ??" Description of potential solutions
Having Medicare watch these companies more closely. Etc..

o 5 - Conclusion

Please use this following link as resources to responding to these two questions: and I will also be sending an e-mail with an adobe reader file attach to it.

The questions are 1. Whose responsibility is conflict resolution within the healthcare setting?
2. What do successful conflict resolution programs within healthcare include?

The historical evolution of medical treatment and the role of government in delivering health care.

Answer the following two questions in APA format

1. I have always been fascinated not only by advances in medical treatment throughout recorded history but also by changes in the paradigms about what the healing arts considered proper treatment. (If you look at a Merck Manual from the 1950s, as I have, you would see such changes!! Bleeding and leeches were the standard cures for many a malady when our Republic was founded!!) From your readings, identify and briefly discuss 2 or 3 of the major developments or advances in medicine since the Moors occupied Spain (or our own Declaration of Independence, if you will.) what advances cost very little in money for their enormous impact and benefit and for advances prior to the election of John F. Kennedy as President! Just talk about on and cite the source in APA format

2. As you are aware, there is an enormous public sector devoted to regulating and delivering health services in the USA (made all the more so by recent "health reform" legislation)...despite our abhorrence of socialized medicine. From your research and experiences, identify 2 or 3 important (and not-so-visible but nonetheless important) agencies at the Federal level which impact how Americans receive health care services today or will obtain them under the reform law. Why are the agencies you cited significant players and what is their statutory mandate? In your view, how have these agencies met their missions? If you could reform any aspect of their operations, what might you propose, fiscal matters aside?

K101 TMA 02

Write an essay of no more than 1400 words,

Why are role boundaries important in care work, and how can care workers maintain suitable relationships with their service users? illustrate your argument with case study examples from
block 1.

In units 2 and 3 you read about Anwar Malik's encounters with a range of healthcare services and workers, and Ann and Angus's exp;eriencers when Yetund arrived on the scene. YHou considered much of it from the perspective of the service user , but you also observed the different ways care workers managed their practice to meet certain needs and demands. in particular, the somebody carers case study illustrates ideas about managing the relationship boundaries between workers and service users in practice.

For the first part of the question, you might want to describe briefly the different boundaries etween professional roles, as well as the service user care worker boundary, which you have been learning about in block 1, explaining why they are important. you can think quite broadly abound boundaries when considering their importance, but you need to make it clear in your essay which boundaries you are discussing. for example, in unit 2 section 4 you read about Anwar's experience of different roles within hospitals. in unit 3 section 1, you came across some of the limitations of yetunde's role.

For the second part of the question, you need to explain how care workers can maintain suitable relationships, and for that purpose you can draw on the somebody cares case study to consider some issues in more depth. unit 3 activity 7 on the DVD explores the boundaries between work and friendship as experienced by the workers and care recipients of the somebody carers agency.

you should aim to organise your answer something like this:

an introductory paragraph

a paragraph or two outlining some of the reasons why role boundaries are important to maintain in care work.

a few paragraphs detailing how care workers can maintain suitable relationships with their service users

a concluding paragraph, summarising my approach to the questions and my main points

I need references from both, the case study book, and dvd

Selection and Retention

Assignment 3: Selection and Retention
Assume the same role of VP of HR as in the previous assignments.

1.Discuss how the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standards impact how you develop job descriptions. Provide specific examples to support your response.
2.Create a selection process for your specific health care organization that adheres to all legal requirements.
3.Outline a plan to maximize employee retention specific to your organization.
4.Outline a plan for terminating employees who are not a good fit for the organization.
5.Cite at least five (5) references, three (3) of which must be from peer-reviewed journals.
Your assignment must:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.

Customer is requesting that (Maryamkazi) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (Maryamkazi) completes this order.

Marketing in Health Care

Answer the following questions after reading the article below, Have an introduction and conclusion to paper:
Please respond to the following questions:
1. What are the problems that the Stroke Center is facing, and how would you suggest they respond to it?
2. The executive director of a health care institution claimed that he/she did not need marketing since " we are all professionals here , and we know what the public needs". How would you respond?


Marketing for Stroke Centers
Stroke Centers: Hospitals Seek
Payoff with Quicker Care, Shorter Stays
Resources Secondary to Education,
Coordination, and a Can-Do Attitude
by Deborah Borfitz
It has been scientifically demonstrated: Making stroke treatment available sooner can reduce death and disability rates ? and care costs. Hospital stays are shorter, and more patients go on to live independently rather than in a nursing home or under 24-hour supervision.
The chances of a complete recovery are "markedly increased" when patients are administered tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), an "extremely potent" clot-busting medication, within three hours of the onset of symptoms, says Dana Kellis, MD, medical director of Fort Wayne, IN-based Parkview Hospital. But outcomes can worsen if it?s used much after that time period.
With that in mind, a few dozen U.S. hospitals have established special stroke centers or programs that include quick-response care teams and decision-making protocols that, among other things, determine whether or not treatment with TPA is appropriate. Most are major academic medical centers. But, as regional referral centers like Parkview and small, non-academic institutions like Monroe, NC-based Union Regional Medical Center serve to demonstrate, such initiatives depend more on effort and commitment than size or resources.
Multiple program components
The centerpiece at Parkview is a dedicated stroke unit, housed on a renovated neurology floor, where patients go for care by nurses and staff following carefully crafted protocols, says Kellis. The Stanley Wissman Stroke Center, named for the neurologist and stroke researcher who championed it until his death last year, opened July 1 ? just days after a study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommending that hospitals establish such centers.
Parkview lies in the Midwest?s "stroke belt," where demographics and lifestyle issues conspire to raise the occurrence of stroke above national norms, says Kellis. The hospital sees about 370 stroke patients annually.
A 10-member stroke team of physicians, nurses, and therapists is the key to keeping more stroke patients alive with less disability. The team is schooled in how to assess stroke patients, determine if they meet the time criteria for receiving TPA, and, if so, whether there are any other reasons (i.e., a history of bleeding) not to administer it, says Kellis.
County emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are another important piece of the hospital?s stroke-treatment system. "EMTs need to understand that this is a true emergency," says Kellis. "If they?re not sure if a person has had a stroke, they need to hustle." Fortunately for Parkview, the director of the county?s EMTs is also part of the emergency room medical staff and is a key assist in that ongoing educational effort.
Parkview?s neurologists, meanwhile, are engaged as investigators in a number of national studies, making available promising medications for stabilizing a stroke patient?s oxygen-deprived brain and improving outcomes, Kellis continues. The research component isn?t a revenue producer. In fact, Parkview spends a "fair amount" of its own resources supporting it. "But it?s definitely a marketing tool" in that it boosts public confidence that patients are receiving state-of-the-art treatment and aids in medical staff recruitment.
Narrowing the focus
More than 75 hospitals nationwide participate in the Clinical Advantage program of the VHA hospital alliance, in which interdisciplinary teams apply clinical-based methods and measures to improve patient care. Union Regional Medical Center has been one of the most successful at speeding up the handling of stroke cases.
Its stroke initiative is an outgrowth of a 1994 inpatient care improvement committee that focused on early planning and prevention of stroke complications and recurrence, says emergency department physician John Hartness, stroke team champion. So when the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of TPA for the acute treatment of stroke in mid-1996, the 160-bed hospital was well prepared to respond to the opportunity with a revised set of work processes and protocols.
Detail work
The average annual cost of maintaining a stroke team is between $5,000 and $10,000, according to JAMA researchers. The cost of building and staffing a new stroke unit ranges from $50,000 to $100,000.
At Parkview, customizing readily available care principles into hospital-specific protocols took six months of work by neurologists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, emergency medicine physicians, and rehabilitation specialists, says Kellis.
In order to carry out protocols, appropriate radiological backup had to be established, especially during nighttime hours, Kellis adds. Laboratory services also had to be available as needed for blood studies.
At Union Regional, emergency medicine physicians are still being trained in how, and under what circumstances, to give TPA, says Hartness. "It was three to four years before emergency physicians felt comfortable giving it" to heart attack victims. "Now it?s done every day. I think the same process is taking place
?for ischemic stroke."
A ?matter of time?
Whenever possible, cases are discussed with a neurologist, says Hartness. But if a neurologist is unavailable, "it?s up to [specially trained ER physicians] to do a thorough neurology exam." This might have set the stage for a turf battle had a neurologist been on staff when the TPA initiative was first getting underway. Union Regional now has two neurologists, who understand it?s a "matter of time," not clinical territory.
"Everyone needs to get on the bandwagon" with a can-do attitude, Hartness emphasizes. Union Regional?s committee involved in the TPA initiative includes a neurologist, radiologist, head lab and CT technicians, emergency medicine physician, internist, and the director of paramedics.
Coordination is paramount. Emergency physicians and nurses can act swiftly only if they get the "heads up" from EMTs that suspected TPA candidates are on their way. Emergency room personnel, in turn, must give the laboratory ample time to run blood tests and radiology technicians enough time to ensure availability of a CT scanner to determine whether TPA treatment is appropriate. The technicians must then give the radiologist advance warning (45 vs. 5 minutes) that there?s film to be read. "If anyone in the group fails, we can?t make our time target," says Hartness.
It?s a narrow window of opportunity. The patient never arrives at the hospital less than half an hour after the onset of symptoms. Then another 90 minutes may go by between the time an IV is started and a radiologist reads the CT films.
Union Regional differs from other hospitals in that when stroke patients arrive at the emergency department, they?re divided into those who are potentially eligible for TPA and those who clearly are not, says Hartness. For the potentially eligible ? less than half of whom actually end up receiving TPA ? a stroke code is announced by overhead page, putting all staff involved in "overdrive speed."
Critics of the triage system say every stroke patient should be put on a similarly speedy pathway, says Hartness. "I think that?s a naive statement from someone who doesn?t work in ER. You can?t expect a person?s cooperation" ? including the CT tech who has to pull a non-emergency case off the table and a radiologist who may be out with his family when the call goes out ? "for something given 3 percent of the time."
Special stroke units like these also can be threatening to primary care physicians (PCPs) who fear that "yet another class of patients is being taken out of their care," says Kellis. While the neurologist is the stroke care manager, Parkview encourages PCPs to remain involved by "handling non-stroke, non-neurological issues that come up. The team concept is key."
Education as marketing
Perhaps most critical of all is educating the community about the importance of prompt treatment. One reason only 2-3 percent of stroke patients get TPA is because so many don?t get to the hospital in time, says Hartness.
Union Regional?s educational efforts to date have included several newspaper articles telling tales of successful recovery after TPA treatment. They instructed the public to call emergency medical services, which can administer oxygen and drive patients safely to the hospital, should they suspect they?re having a stroke. Physician and paramedic talks at high school science classes, churches, and large civic organizations are being planned.
The effort at Parkview includes informational advertisements about the center itself, says Kellis, as well as talks with community organizations like the PTA and Rotary Club. In addition, nurses the hospital provides to area public schools pass the word to teachers and administrators. The National Stroke Association also makes literature available for distribution to physician offices, which complements a hospital brochure on the stroke center. Further, the importance of timely treatment is discussed on the hospital?s Web site at All told, the annual marketing budget comes to about $30,000.
Quicker response
At Union Regional, the average door-to-CT time is down to 35 minutes. The national average, Hartness notes, is "well in excess of an hour." Actual administration of TPA occurs in "under an hour every time." The hospital has only administered TPA 15 times in three years, so "our numbers aren?t large enough to say how many lives have been saved." In any case, the real value of TPA is "improving the quality of life" of survivors.
The hospital is now able to administer TPA to about 5 percent of stroke patients, he adds, because it looks at who should get it and does a retrospective analysis of those who don?t to scout out staff educational opportunities. "We want everyone to think TPA immediately."
First step only
By year?s end, Parkview hopes to see some "identifiable improvement" from the stroke center, says Kellis. Among the possibilities: less mortality, higher post-stroke functionality, and lower lengths of stay with a corresponding reduction in cost to the hospital.
The stroke center, he notes, is "phase one of a larger initiative" that will bring to Parkview as soon as next summer a largely experimental procedure for treating blood clots precisely where they reside. This neurovascular intervention program will require a capital investment of several million dollars for a special lab, equipment, and recruiting doctors to perform the procedure.
Meanwhile, stroke initiatives ? in one form or another ? will continue to pop up. A VHA hospital in Cincinnati has a stroke team that flies by helicopter, as needed, to 14 different hospitals. But the more modest scale of Union Regional?s program "could be done by any hospital in the United States willing to make the effort," says Hartness.
One day, stroke centers will be as common at hospitals as ICU units are today, predicts Kellis. The "biggest challenge" will be to get the general public to take the warning signs of stroke seriously. "We?re kind of where we were with heart attacks 15 years ago."

Write a 3 page APA formatted paper, analyzing new technologies that make health care facilities such as Pleasant Manor (the uploaded resources) more efficient. Consider how IT solutions for health care can help Pleasant Manor save on the high cost of administration and billing.

Your paper should include the following headings.

An introduction to new technology in health care.
An overview of new IT solutions for health care facilities similar to Pleasant Manor.
Recommendations for Pleasant Manor.
A rationale for your recommendations including how they will cut cost and improve efficiency.
An APA formatted reference page.

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