25+ documents containing “Health Care Finance”.
Healthcare Finance.
Cases in Healthcare Finance Front Street Hospital: Uninsured Charges and Collections. Pages 235 ? 237.
a) Uninsured Charges and Collections: Review the case in the Front Street Hospital in Cases in Healthcare Finance casebook (page 235). Respond to the questions presented throughout the case. The total length of your responses should be about 2 pages (500 words).
Cases in Healthcare Finance Westwood Imaging Centers: Payment for Referrals. Pages 239 ? 241.
b) Payment for Referrals: Review the case in the Westwood Imaging Centers in Cases in Healthcare Finance casebook (page 239). Respond to the questions presented throughout the case. The total length of your responses should be between about 2 pages (500 words).
Note: All the two cases do not require computations. You will submit written reports only.
You are assigned this week to provide perspective on your local health care delivery model. Write a paper answering the following:
? Part I: What is your opinion r...egarding the delivery of health care in your local area in the contexts of "system" and "fragmentation". These concepts are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Instead, within a locale, some aspects can be systematic while others are disjointed. (250-300 words)
? Part II: What common themes did you find from the various models proposed in this week's readings? Analyze the major attributes of the various models within the context of political and economic realities. (250-300 words)
Eaton, S. (2006). Definition of 'affordable' a key issue in new Mass. health care reform law. Massachusetts Nurse. 77 (8), 2-3.
Kaebnick, G.E. (2006). Bipartisan health reform? Hastings Center Report, 36 (5), 2-2.
Murray, C., Kulkarni, S., et al. (2006). Eight Americas: Investigating mortality disparities across races, counties, and race-counties in the United States. Medicine. 3, (8), 260.
Romano, M. (2006) Consumers, HSAs don't mix?. Modern Healthcare, 36 (33), 8-9.
Arias, D.C. (2006). Cost-conscious health plans less satisfying. Nation's Health. 36, (1) 22-22.
The Corporatization of American Hospitals. (Excellent look at the evolution of hospital ownership in the context of predictions from Paul Starr. Starr authored The Social Transformation of American Medicine, arguably the definitive work on the history of the U.S.health care system.) more
Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students:
Define and describe efficiency and effectiveness. What are the differences between efficiency and effectiveness? How ...can a healthcare organization use this information?
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
3) Third student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
Part B. Reflect on what you have learned from this question and include at least 1 reference either peer-reviewed or the textbook. (200 words).
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you. more
Maters level healthcare finance
Part 1
A. For the attached list of CPT codes, use the physician lookup function on the CMS website to find the physician reimbursement for each code.
B. Discuss why there is a difference between the facility and non-facility rates for each code.
Part 2
A. For the same codes, use the Calculator 2012 to find the facility reimbursement for an Ambulatory Surgery Center.
B. Discuss the new ASC reimbursement system being phased in beginning January 1, 2008. Provide a history of the payment system. Discuss how and why the new payment system was implemented. Conclude with a discussion on how the new payment system will affect ASCs.
C. Provide a list of the specialties that are winners and losers under the new reimbursement system.
Part 3
Discuss the MS-DRG system for hospital inpatient services. Include in your discussion the history of the MS-DRG system and the need for the updated system. Discuss the pros and cons of the new system.
Write an opinion paper on the threats and opportunities for health care providers to manage revenue and expenses during the next few years. Reference the sup...plemental readings under ?Electronic Resources? for this week. Your opinion paper should be between (1,000-1200 words). You are encouraged to expand your literature review if you find that the supplemental readings lack vital information important to supporting your position. Below is a list of the electronic resources that you need to reference throughout your paper.
Electronic Resources
Deficit Reduction Act
National Provider Identifier
Richter, G., Stucker, R. UB-04 and CMS 1500 . By: Richter, Gina; Stucker, Rob. Health Care Biller, Dec2006, Vol. 15 Issue 10, p3-6
NPI Subparts . By: Nguyen, Chris. Health Care Biller, Jan2007, Vol. 15 Issue 11, p6-8
Get ready for National Provider Identifiers. By: Oatway, David M.. Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management, Nov2006, Vol. 55 Issue 11, p70-71
Pay for Performance
Smoldt, R.K., Cortese, D.A. (2007). Pay-for-performance or pay for value? Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 82 (2), 210-213.
A hospitals tale. (2007). Healthcare Financial Management, 61 (2), Special section 1-8.
Williams, J. (2006). Making the grade with pay for performance: 7 lessons from best-performing hospitals. Management: Journal Of The Healthcare Financial Management Association, 60 (12), 79-85.
Reimbursement Trends
HFMAs healthcare finance outlook 2007. (2006), Healthcare Financial Management, 60 (12), 40-1.
Zimmerman, E. (2006). The implications of reimbursement changes for specialty hospitals . Healthcare Financial Management, 60 (7), 42-5.
Evans, M. (2006). In good health, at least for now. Health systems report another strong year in 2005, but rising bad debt and concerns over reimbursement weigh on prognosis. Modern Healthcare, 36 (24), 24-6.
D?Cruz, M.J. (2005). No small change: payment trends call for big preparations for 2006. Healthcare Financial Management: Journal Of The Healthcare Financial Management Association, 59 (12), 50-6, 58, 60.
DoBias, M. (2007). Docs fear 2008 cuts. Modern Healthcare, 37 (2), 8-9.
Evans, M. (2007). CEOs focus on finances, docs. Modern Healthcare, 37 (1), 8-9.
Forum Discussion: Your facilitator will post questions for discussion. more
? The paper includes articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care finance.
? The paper addresses financial management of health care organizations and integrates research articles.
o Include a summary of the four elements of financial management.
o Include a summary of generally acceptable accounting principles and general financial ethical standards.
o Provide examples from the articles that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices.
o Explain the significance of each example.
In this paper, begin to put the final project together. Be sure that your paper includes discussion of not only the information from earlier 3 papers listed below but also the followi...ng:
A. The obstacles, barriers or pitfalls (legal, ethical, personal, etc...) to success in resolving the earlier identified problem
B. Describe the factors that may influence those obstacles, barriers or pitfalls
My occupation in the military is a field medical assistant which is a general term used for all medical service officers. My specialty is a health care manager. The occupation of a health care manager can include many different responsibilities in a military hospital. Health care managers are necessary in many organizations, from hospitals to HMOs and other insurance programs. A health care manager in a small clinic may have very different responsibilities than a health care manager at a huge hospital, and both deal with very different issues than a health care manager that works for an HMO. However, the qualifications are very similar. To be a health care manager one must have a degree in health care management (or be a doctor with experience and training in management) and be able to organize and oversee aspects of management and patient care. The responsibilities also have one thing in common: a health care manager is someone other than a patient?s personal physician who has the difficult task of deciding what kind of care is appropriate and arranging circumstances so that can be provided. ?Health care managers play essential roles in keeping the business of health care running smoothly. They plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise the delivery of health care.
Within the military hospital setting, a health care manager has a number of roles. The primary health care manager is responsible only to the hospital commander, though indirectly one could say that they also answer to Tricare and insurance companies because they have to juggle their demands and conditions in order to be financially reasonable. The health care manager is the one to whom doctors and nurses must go for direction, and to whom they are answerable regarding the financial aspects and some of the organizational aspects of their job. Daily duties in a large military hospital are primarily delegatory so that subordinate health care managers do more of the paperwork, but in a small clinic, the health care manager is actively responsible for the record keeping involved with filing medical charts and organizing patient records. They also must answer patient questions about insurance, process insurance claims and take charge of the billing, collections, and other financial concerns such as taxes. Health care managers also oversee personnel development, such as hiring of civilians and organizing employees and soldiers, evaluating the performance and financial intake of civilian doctors, enforcing work schedules, and making general goals for the hospital. The health care manager may also be in charge of expenditures on equipment, and upgrading or maintaining the facility.
As can be imagined, there are a nearly infinite number of things that can go wrong for a health care manager. Two common problems are worth some attention. The first deals with the ubiquitous staff problems that arise in any managerial position. Doctors and nurses may have interpersonal conflicts. Certain doctors may not feel comfortable with the appropriate profit-consciousness and resent the interference of a manager. Budget concerns may mean that everyone has to work long hours, and complaints may arise regarding lack of flexibility or inhospitable working conditions. Poor relations within the staff and resentment between levels (like nurses who resent the doctors, or doctors who resent the interference of management) can represent a real problem with a huge scope. This problem may seem like it represents insurmountable difficulties, however, it is possible that such tensions can be reduced not by making significant changes that would threaten the hospital?s basic profit margin and management, but by implementing more personal attention would make everyone comfortable with the status quo.
On the other side of the problem that arises when staff resent the pressures placed on them from above is the problems that arise when the hospital commander or staff decide that the profit margin is not high enough. The health care manager may be asked to find a way to reduce costs, or to be more efficient, or even to reduce the number of patients. Figuring out how to balance the neat for a trim budget with the doctors need to feel that they have freedom in their treatment options can pose difficulties. Raising the profit margin, balancing the books, and assuring that the hospital is a viable business first and foremost is the biggest problem faced by health care managers in the army. Possible solutions may lie in a variety of fund-raising techniques, cutting waste, reducing unnecessary procedures on the under-insured, and trimming personnel expenses while attempting to assure quality so that the hospital can best attract patients with the willingness and ability to pay for high quality treatment. This is the problem I would prefer to investigate further, since it seems to be the most pressing for most health care managers. ?A 1988 survey of 1,400 general acute-care community hospitals found that the administrators of 700 of the hospitals feared that their institutions would be forced to close in the next five years because of financial problems.
Assignment #2:
As a health care manager, the reason for choosing this profession and the day-to-day activities, which fill my schedule, are often vary different. As a health care professional, I entered this profession to make a contribution to the health and well being of my fellow soldiers. I chose to become a part of the support system, which keeps the military functioning, and able to freely commit themselves to the defense of our country. As a health care manager, my time is filled with responsibilities, which revolve around 4 categories that have little to do with the daily care of the soldiers and civilians who use our facilities. My job responsibilities focus on the Administrative, financial, legal, ethical, and financial aspects of keeping the medical care facilities operational (so that the other health care staff, such as doctors and nurses, can tend to the medical well being of the patients.
Administratively, I am responsible to keep the diverse staff functioning as a team. A multicultural mindset has taken hold in most professional environments, including the armed services. This has created a diverse set of attitudes, and talents within the team operating in the medical facilities. While the military chain of command remains strong, as a health care administrator I am continually challenged to creatively assist my staff to work together. We see changes in demographics of staff and those we serve, and changes in technology, which create a flood of, increased demand on our resources. The multicultural mindset may be a positive paradigm to assist staff to accept the difference between us, but the increased number of differences demands increased management and problem solving time. These changes are occurring at a time when changes in financing and care management create an earthquake of system instability. (Kirkman-Liff, 2002)
Driving the financial changes in the health delivery system is raising health care costs in the public and private care sectors. The military health care systems cannot remain unaffected to the rising costs because we are interrelated. We purchase medicines form the same sources, and we purchase the same diagnostic machinery. While military wages are not as volatile as in the civilian world, the cost of health care is rising due to other factors, such as those mentioned above. In order for the health care facilities to stay in operation, I am responsible to balance needed care options with the most economical methods for delivering those health care services. In the civilian world, nearly one third of health care expenditures are spent on hospital care. When patients, employers, insurers, and the government worry about rising health care costs, they put pressure on hospitals to provide more efficient care. This pressure lands on the shoulders of the health care administrator. (Shah, Reed, Francis, Ridley, and Schulman, 2003) Unfortunately, these choices can lead to legal issues, and further to ethical considerations. Health care premium rose 13.9 percent this year, according to a recently released survey of more than 2,800 companies by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust. (Knight-Ridder, 2003) This reflects the rising costs of health care. When faced with the daily decisions of operating the hospital or field medical office within budget, and providing the best medical care for my patients, I am often faced with a decision with no good options. If the treatment cost exceeds the likelihood of successful treatment of illness of injury, then my responsibility to the patient is opposed by my responsibility to the hospital. These ethical issues can lead to legal ramifications if a hospital unit is operating with it?s eye only in the bottom line, and chooses to limit care for financial reasons. These choices are not representative of the reasons I became a health care professional.
Keeping a military unit operational in the highest level of readiness is a combined effort that requires dedication from many disciplines. Medical services are one of those areas, which must serve the needs of the patient, and the overall military. We must balance the needs of today with those of tomorrow within a changing world.
Kirkman-Liff, Brad. Keeping an eye on a moving target: quality changes and challenges for
nurses. Nursing Economics. 11/01/2002;
South Florida Employees Face Higher Health-Care Premiums, Fewer Benefits. Knight
Ridder/Tribune Business News. 10/12/2003
Shah, Bimal R Reed, Shelby D Francis, Jennifer Ridley, David B Schulman, Kevin A
The cost of inefficiency in US hospitals, 1985-1997. Journal of Health Care Finance.
Assignment #3:
Today, health care management for the Department of Defense is handled by TRICARE, which is a regionally managed health care program, for all active duty and retired members of the armed forces, their families and survivors. TRICARE meshes the health care resources of the Army, Air Force and navy plus the abilities of civilian health care professionals. This network has been established to provide the utmost quality care plus access to a wide variety of professionals to meet the needs of the military.
Health care management in a military setting differs from the professional who serves in a small clinic or large hospital. Although the rigors of the job can be the same because the responsibilities, i.e., to help determine and administer the appropriate care, the role of a military medical assistant is under further stringent guidance from TRICARE.
Within the confines of a military environment, the healthcare manager must also handle insurance and financial aspects of patient care. They play an evolving role in the patient?s well being that goes beyond the daily care routine.
Any number of problems can arise from a healthcare management perspective, but the majority of problem concern interpersonal conflicts and the pressures associated with healthcare profit margins. Both of these problems are compounded by the fact that health care management in any setting is under a high degree of scrutiny.
Personality conflicts abound in an environment where volatility and pressures are part of the every day routine. The key is to reduce the tensions between the staff by ensuring that there is awareness on everyone?s part of the role that each member plays and the nee for teamwork. Long hours and tension about profit margins can create a highly charged atmosphere. It is up to the delegating staff members to remove potential threats and implement a system that acknowledges individuals, their achievements and their needs. The business of caring for people has to begin with the staff.
As for profit margins, healthcare has become a business. Reducing costs and saving money are part of the health care managers responsibilities, particularly in the armed force. The objective is to cut costs but not at the expense of quality care. The solution may be to implement a variety of procedures that can substantially reduce costs while not negatively impacting healthcare. Evaluating budgets and trimming excess costs, reducing unnecessary costs, eliminating unnecessary procedures, and cutting personal expenses can provide a way to increase profit and continue to provide quality healthcare.
A revolution is taking place in the healthcare industry with the emphasis on profit. Rising healthcare costs in the private and public sector is changing the health care delivery system. Even the military health care system is being affected by the rising cost of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic systems and hospital costs.
As a health care manager it is my responsibility to insure that military personnel and their families receive the best health care options while minimizing the financial burden on the system. Ethical issues arise on both ends, as my duty is to implement the best possible solution for the patient and the system.
It is imperative that improvements continue to be made in health care to strengthen the existing system and improve the infrastructure. Healthcare services globally need to benefit from the talented resources available as demand for services increase. Medicine cannot continue to be commercialized by malpractice, misconduct and negligence.
In order to satisfy the growing needs associated with the healthcare system, initiatives need to be put into place to focus on the critical issues the industry is facing:
? In some instances, existing hospitals need to be upgraded to provide the expected level of care
? Teaching medical ethics is imperative and there needs to be a comprehensive revision based on the standards now provided through the healthcare management system
? Healthcare managers must be aware of their obligation to ?serve? to masters---the patient and the hospital. In the case of the military, that also needs to be taken into account.
? Laws regarding healthcare services need to be basic knowledge for all healthcare personnel
These recommendations still require the healthcare manager to keep the objectives of their job in view. Careful consideration needs to be given to each case and the best possible solution implemented that would satisfy all.
Amid the turmoil of constant change that surrounds the healthcare manager, rarely is there a simple solution to meeting both the patient?s needs and needs of the business. In the book, The Tracks We Leave Behind, Ethics in Healthcare Management, the author provides some expert advice on dealing with competing values and the moral issues that are part of healthcare.
With the cost of healthcare premiums rising (13.9 percent in 2003), healthcare managers are faced with the daily decisions of cost effectively running a hospital or field medical office. As a healthcare professional in the military, I realize the importance of keeping a military unit in operational readiness through the administration of quality medical services. My duty is to make sure these men and women are receiving the proper care?providing quality care in an efficient and effective manner. The business of healthcare is to cure and care and healthcare managers are the first line of defense in insuring that happens.
Kirkman-Liff, Brad. ?Keeping an eye on a moving target: quality changes and challenges for
Nurses.? Nursing Economics. November, 2002.
Shah, Bimal R Reed, Shelby, D. Francis, Ridley, Jennifer, Schulman, David B. ?The cost of
inefficiency in US hospitals 1985-1997. Journal of Healthcare Finance.
Perry, Frankie. The Tracks We Leave: Ethics in Healthcare Management. Healthcare
Administration Press. Chicago: 2001.
?South Florida employees face higher healthcare premiums, fewer benefits?. Knight
Ridder/Tribune Business News. October 10,2003. more
Review a published empirical reaeach paper, Select a topic related to health care finance. This is for a statistics class at the MBA level. The literautre review shoule provide at least the following:
1)Summary of published paper including:
Purpose of the paper
data sources and data description
methodology employed
research findings
2)review's comments onh the study
2 full pages using Times New Roman- 12 font, 1 inch margins, 1.5 spacing.
Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students:
Describe the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). What is the primary provision of the EMTALA? How cou...ld a hospital legally avoid being covered by the EMTALA?
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
3) Third student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
Part B. Reflect on what you have learned from this question and include at least 1 reference either peer-reviewed or the textbook. (200 words).
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you. more
Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students.
What is the relationship between the present value factor and the future value factor? What happens to the present value factor as our discount rate or interest rate increases for a given time period? Why are these values important to healthcare organizations.
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you will need a textbook for reference, E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you.
Dear Essay Town,
Following is my request: analyze/review the article from the economist (copied below) in 3 pages. Emphasize the fact that the portion of GDP spent on healthcare is not a problem... if society adequately benefits from it and everyone has access to it, then discuss ways in which the healthcare system is inefficient and wasteful in America, using the following article (and other articles you may have):
and this summary information about this harvard business review article: Harv Bus Rev. 2004 Jun;82(6):64-76, 136.
Redefining competition in health care.
Porter ME, Teisberg EO.
Harvard University, Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. mporter@hbs.edu
The U.S. health care system is in bad shape. Medical services are restricted or rationed, many patients receive poor care, and high rates of preventable medical error persist. There are wide and inexplicable differences in costs and quality among providers and across geographic areas. In well-functioning competitive markets--think computers, mobile communications, and banking--these outcomes would be inconceivable. In health care, these results are intolerable, with life and quality of life at stake. Competition in health care needs to change, say the authors. It currently operates at the wrong level. Payers, health plans, providers, physicians, and others in the system wrangle over the wrong things, in the wrong locations, and at the wrong times. System participants divide value instead of creating it. (And in some instances, they destroy it.) They shift costs onto one another, restrict access to care, stifle innovation, and hoard information--all without truly benefiting patients. This form of zero-sum competition must end, the authors argue, and must be replaced by competition at the level of preventing, diagnosing, and treating individual conditions and diseases. Among the authors' well-researched recommendations for reform: Standardized information about individual diseases and treatments should be collected and disseminated widely so patients can make informed choices about their care. Payers, providers, and health plans should establish transparent billing and pricing mechanisms to reduce cost shifting, confusion, pricing discrimination, and other inefficiencies in the system. And health care providers should be experts in certain conditions and treatments rather than try to be all things to all people. U.S. employers can also play a big role in reform by changing how they manage their health benefits.
Money well spent?
Jul 15th 2004
From The Economist print edition
It depends on how you do the sums
DESPITE the prodigious growth in health-care spending over the past 40 years, there have long been nagging doubts over whether it provided value for money. Medical advances such as vaccines and antibiotics against infectious diseases have clearly done much to improve people's health, but these things are relatively cheap. What has all the rest of the spending achieved?
A commonly used gauge of health status is life expectancy. This measure casts doubt on the effectiveness of heavy spending on health care in recent decades on two grounds. First, the biggest increase in life expectancy pre-dated the introduction of national health-care systems. In England and Wales, for example, life expectancy at birth rose by 20 years in the first half of the 20th century, but by only ten years in the second half. The most important reason for the early gain was the conquest of the infectious diseases that were taking such a heavy toll a century ago. But the biggest improvement occurred before the introduction of mass immunisation programmes and antibiotics. It is thought that medical care accounts for only about a fifth of the 20th-century gains in life expectancy in Britain and America. The rest came from improvements in nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and housing.
The second reason to doubt the value of health-care spending emerges from international comparisons. America spends easily the highest proportion of its GDP on medical care, but its people's life expectancy at birth is lower than in many countries with more modest health budgets (see chart 6).
Such comparisons are often used to criticise the American health-care system or to defend stingy medical budgets in other countries. Yet what they really show is that health is a complex matter, with medical care just one contributory factor. Health can be seen as a capital good in which individuals invest not just through spending on medical care but through their own behaviour, for example by cutting out smoking, over-eating and binge-drinking. Living conditions and environmental factors can also affect health.
An influential exponent of this view is Stanford University's Victor Fuchs. In his classic text, ?Who Shall Live??, first published in 1974, he wrote that differences in health levels between America and other developed countries ?are not primarily related to differences in the quantity or quality of medical care. Rather, they are attributable to genetic and environmental factors and to personal behaviour.? He suggested that ?higher income often seems to do as much harm as good to health, so that differences in diet, smoking, exercise, automobile driving and other manifestations of ?lifestyle? have emerged as the major determinants of health.?
Until recently, most health economists were sceptical about the contribution of medical care to general health, says Ted Frech of the University of California, Santa Barbara. A former sceptic himself, he now argues that even allowing for the effect of lifestyles, medical care does make a difference. He is convinced about the value of drugs, especially the cholesterol-lowering statins used to counter cardiovascular disease. His analysis of 18 advanced countries suggests that pill-popping does work: ?Countries that consumed more pharmaceuticals saw their populations live longer and suffer less ill health than those that consumed less.?
William Schwartz of the University of Southern California School of Medicine stresses that medical care delivers more than longer lives. It pays an extra dividend by improving the quality of people's lives, for example through greater mobility, enhanced vision and pain relief. He argues that the cost of such treatments accounts for a considerable part of the spending gap between America and other countries.
At the same time, the quality of treatments has improved by leaps and bounds. New forms of surgery are less invasive and allow swifter recovery. New drug therapies mean that patients receiving heart transplants now spend only ten days at Stanford Hospital, whereas 20 years ago they often stayed two months or longer, says Ms Marsh. Jack Triplett, an economist at the Brookings Institution, cites cataract surgery as an example: ?At one time you had to spend ten days immobilised in intensive care. Now it's done as an outpatient appointment, so not only has quality improved but it takes far less time.?
In a recent book, ?Your Money or Your Life?, David Cutler, an economist at Harvard University, offers some interesting sums on the value of health care. For example, an American aged 45 today will live four-and-a-half years longer than he would have done in 1950 because of a decline in cardiovascular disease. Mr Cutler attributes two-thirds of this increase in life expectancy to better medical care and the remaining third to behavioural changes, such as giving up smoking. Survival rates for low-birth-weight infants have also improved greatly because of medical treatment. These are the two areas where health care has made the biggest difference to mortality in the past 50 years.
What's life worth to you?
People put a high value on living longer: Mr Cutler estimates that an extra year of life is worth $100,000 to an individual. On that basis, he reaches a startling conclusion: that in America ?the benefits of medical advances for these two conditions alone are equal to the entire increase in medical costs in the past half-century.? This finding appears to overturn the conventional wisdom that the value of medical spending is questionable, and to vindicate the vast sums poured into health care.
One difficulty with this kind of analysis is that it does not compare like with like. Costs are real: they have to be met out of workers' incomes, whether through insurance premiums, cash payments or taxes and social-security contributions. In contrast, the valuation of benefits is notional. True, it is derived from solid evidence, such as the amount of money people are prepared to pay for safety features, eg, car airbags, that could save lives in a crash. But this prompts the question: why do so many people take so little care of themselves even though it may cost little or nothing, whereas once they have become ill medical intervention costs such a lot?
Yet this new research underlines an important point: whatever the doubts about the contribution of medicine for much of the past century, it is now doing much more to push up life expectancy. Ahead lies the prospect of even greater gains as advances in the life sciences are translated into innovative therapies. Potential treatments include targeted techniques to combat cancer and tissue engineering to replace failing organs. John Potts, former research director of Massachusetts General Hospital, says that further big increases in life expectancy are ?within the capacity of the scientific knowledge base and medical delivery system if you didn't have to worry about costs?.
But costs should be less of a worry if the gains in health are so highly valued. Mr Cutler has no difficulty in principle with projections in which health spending as a share of the economy continues to grow to, say, 30%. Such a figure may seem outlandish, but the current share of 15% would itself have seemed absurd in 1960, when America's total health expenditure amounted to only 5% of GDP.
There are two major objections to the idea that health care should absorb an ever rising share of national income. If this arose from private choices subject to the constraints of household budgets, all well and good. But as Peter Zweifel, a health economist at Zurich University, points out, this is a market in which governments intervene on a massive scale. Governments, for their part, have to worry about raising taxes, which may slow economic growth.
Secondly, the overriding objective for policymakers, as Mr Fuchs insists, is to ensure that additional money put into health generates commensurate additional gains. Mr Goldman of RAND puts it this way: ?The question is whether medical technologies are effective at the margin. For example, there will be a class of people for whom statins are clearly valuable, but should we put them in the water?? Mr Cutler himself is a fierce critic of many wasteful features of American health care.
These worries are given added weight by a recent accumulation of findings about inefficiency and waste in medical care. Clearly, these problems need to be tackled first before writing a blank cheque for health budgets. more
Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:
Describe the four basic financial statements. What are some ways in which accounting for health care organizations (HCOs), especially not-for-profit (NFP) ones, tends to differ from accounting in other industries?
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you.
Course Subject: Healthcare System Management
Specific Topic:Health Care Finance (Using Financial Ratios and Benchmarketing: A Case study in comparative analysis).
Academic level of wri...ting: Master (MSN: Master of Science in Nursing)
Hi,this is one od weekly assignments. It should be answered for the given six questions of the syllabus I am attaching below. Also the answers should be found from the book of the reference: MHS Case Study which is chapter Appendix 18-A; Using Financial Ratios and Benchmarketing: A Case study in comparative analysis; Page 184~189.
I am attaching the syllabus with the questions the writer should be replied each question to each answer, seperately.
If you have any questions,please let me know. Thank you in advance.
Reference book:
Baker, J. Judith & Baker, R.W. (2006). Healthcare Finance, Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers. Maryland Aspen Publications, Inc.
Health care administrators can learn from other organizations strategies that can improve the profitability of the organization while maintaining safety economical patient care. This week focuses on a case study review to evaluate its strategic plan with the current economic climate for financial stability.
Learning Objectives for this Week
After completing this week's assignments, you should be able to do the following:
Read a financial statement
Calculate profitability from financial statements
Evaluate quality of care within the financial constraints of a health system
Reading Assignment
Case study: Metropolis Health System
Web research as needed
Baker, J. Judith & Baker, R.W. (2006). Healthcare Finance, Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers. Maryland Aspen Publications, Inc.
Assignment 1
Review the *Case Study in chapter 18. Based on what you have learned in this course, evaluate the following:
1. Is the 5 year strategic plan sound based on the current economy?
2. Review the financial statements and evaluate % of profitability.
3. Is the staffing model meeting the needs of patient care?
4. What other programs based on your experience would you want to see the organization develop.
5. How do you think the organization could improve its financial return.
6. Include any other points of interest you see in the case study.
Paper requirements:
Cover sheet; 2-3 typed pages by APA format; References: minimum 3
*The online book website of the Case Study.
There are faxes for this order. more
(Financial Planning)
1. Discuss the steps involved in formulating a strategic plan within health care organizations.
2. Discuss how health care organizations benefit from financia...l planning.
3. Discuss how scenario analysis and scenario planning differ from traditional methods of planning in health care organizations.
(Reading material)
In today's volatile healthcare environment, traditional planning tools are inadequate to guide financial managers of provider organizations in developing managed care strategies. These tools often disregard the uncertainty surrounding market forces such as employee benefit structure, the future of Medicare managed care, and the impact of consumer behavior.
Scenario analysis overcomes this limitation by acknowledging the uncertain healthcare environment and articulating a set of plausible alternative futures, thus supplying financial executives with the perspective to craft strategies that can improve the market position of their organizations. By being alert for trigger points that might signal the rise of a specific scenario, financial managers can increase their preparedness for changes in market forces.
Managed care plans and providers face tremendous uncertainty regarding the future of the industry, as a variety of healthcare policy scenarios are being offered by candidates in this year's presidential election campaigns. Health care's loss of stability demands that new strategic-planning tools that determine the potential impact of uncertainty on financial performance be implemented.
Scenario planning is a tool that can be used to explore the impact of different possible futures for health care. a Scenarios provide a structured framework for imagining and assessing uncertainty, allowing the distillation of complex market interactions into a limited number of plausible alternatives that can be used to determine an organization's most appropriate strategic initiatives.
Managed Care Market Forces
Scenario planning is especially useful for analyzing the current healthcare climate, which is characterized by a significant level of uncertainty regarding critical market forces. These market forces include:
Collective bargaining for physicians. To what degree will physicians legally be able to negotiate collectively with payers?
Consolidation of health plans. Will health plans continue to consolidate until only a handful of payers compete in each market, or will new plans aggressively enter markets, leading to fragmented healthcare coverage across many payers?
Employee benefit structure. Will employers continue to provide employees a defined benefit that allows them to choose from a limited number of health plans, or will they shift to a defined-contribution approach that allows employees free rein to determine how to spend a fixed sum?
Federal healthcare reform and universal access. Will health coverage continue to be provided through fragmented channels, or will there be a shift to universal coverage guaranteed by the Federal government?
Medicare managed care. Will the number of Medicare beneficiaries covered by managed care plans significantly increase or decrease?
Healthcare inflation. What will be the relationship between the increase in healthcare costs as measured by the medical price index (MPI) and overall economic inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI)?
Health plan models. Which health plan model will emerge as the dominant structure?
Impact of consumerism. Will consumers continue to play a relatively passive role in healthcare decision making, or will they become more active, demanding more information about provider prices and quality of care?
Provider payment structure. What will be the primary payment mechanism for hospitals and physicians?
Physician practice structure. Will the majority of physicians participate in multispecialty or singlespecialty group practices, or operate solo practices? Will group practices be large or small?
For purposes of scenario analysis, planners should select from among the identified market forces two forces that are anticipated to have a great potential impact on the organization. These forces should be used to form a matrix that presents four plausible futures, or scenarios. These four scenarios represent the extreme outcomes of the market forces at work.
Scenarios and Strategies
In Exhibit 1, two opposing possible developments in healthcare inflation (the magnitude of the MPI vs. the CPI) and the role of the healthcare consumer (active vs. passive) are combined to construct a matrix illustrating four possible managed care scenarios. These four possible scenarios can be called the Two-Tiered System, Freedom of Choice, Flashback to the Mid-1990s, and Healthcare Reform Revisited. Exhibit 2 illustrates the strategic implications of each scenario for hospitals and physicians.
Two-Tiered System. In this scenario, the increase in medical costs greatly exceeds general inflation, and the consumer chooses to takes an active role in healthcare decision making. Employers would move to a defined-contribution approach to health coverage and providing employees with a fixed dollar amount every month. Consumers would make their own decisions regarding the purchase of insurance and healthcare services, seeking value from hospitals, physicians, and insurers. The combination of individual purchasing discretion and greater demand for information would lead to new models of contracting. The Internet may emerge as the low-cost channel for individuals to use to purchase insurance and healthcare services either on their own or as part of a group.
As new purchasing channels emerge, providers would need to develop relationships and redefine contract parameters with another set of payers. Branding and product differentiation would become important strategies for providers. Scoring well on public "report cards" would be crucial. Direct consumer evaluation of the price/quality trade-off would reward "value" providers. Additionally, hospitals and physicians would need to more closely evaluate strategies traditionally used to sell consumer goods, such as pricing, discountcoupon distribution, and product bundling.
Freedom of Choice. The Freedom of Choice scenario reflects an active consumer and medical inflation that generally is in line with the nation's inflation rate. Because employer healthcare costs would not be growing significantly faster than general inflation, companies would continue to offer their employees a choice of plans and providers with a defined benefit. Consumers would take an active role in making healthcare decisions within the defined limits of their coverage. Although freedom of choice would exist, the market forces of supply and demand would serve to ration care and access.
Enlarge 200%
Enlarge 400%
Consumer-driven choice and low inflationary pressure have several strategic implications for hospitals and physicians. Participation on every managed care panel would not be essential. Consumers would migrate to their provider of choice, increasing provider leverage with payers. Consumer watchdog groups, employer coalitions, and payers would attempt to define and measure quality. If these attempts were unsuccessful, consumers would make choices based on their perceptions of quality, causing many providers to put greater emphasis on market visibility and brand recognition.
Flashback to the Mid-1990s. The third scenario, Flashback to the Mid1990s, combines relatively low increases in medical costs with consumer passivity. In this scenario, managed care payers would be the dominant market force, setting contracting and coverage parameters and, thus, making the greatest profits. In an attempt to define and measure provider quality, payers would require providers to submit information that would allow quality evaluation to occur. Because of consumer indifference to choice among healthcare providers, there would be a shift from open-access products to closed-panel models presided over by gatekeepers. Federal legislation would wane because employers would be content with the relatively low rate of medical inflation, and consumers would not demand government intervention because perceived problems would be minor.
Hospitals and physicians would consider aggressive responses to the payers' strong market position. Hospitals would consider consolidation in an attempt to increase their bargaining power. Physicians would renew their interest in independent practice associations (IPAs) or group practices as their primary contracting organization. Providers faced with the daunting choice of major rate concessions or exclusion from panels would refuse to enter into contracts with payers who would not pay minimally acceptable rates.
Healthcare Reform Revisited.
High medical cost inflation and passive consumers create the fourth scenario, Healthcare Reform Revisited. Concerned with the high rate of medical inflation, the Federal government would pass a series of reforms that would establish active Federal oversight and regulation of both providers and payers. Faced with increased Federal scrutiny, providers would focus a significant portion of their resources on corporate compliance and policy development. Risk would be shifted from payers to hospitals and physicians primarily through capitation.
Hospitals and physicians would reevaluate the role of the integrated delivery system to optimally match their organizational structure with the industry's risk-based payment system. Hospitals would reconsider purchasing primary care physician practices to link with their hospital services. IPAs and physician-hospital organizations (PHOs) would be revived as contracting organizations. Risk-management skills and information technology would become essential as providers would be asked to develop risk-sharing, incentive-based systems. Additionally, hospitals would develop quality-measurement systems to meet Federal regulations.
Using Scenario Analysis
Each of the four scenarios given above examines a different possible future for health care brought about by the interactions of critical variables. Healthcare finance executives can use scenarios to identify strategies that would be successful under various future conditions and those that would be especially valuable in a specific scenario. By being alert for triggers that might indicate the onset of a particular scenario, financial managers can begin to adjust strategy to prepare for a shift in the healthcare marketplace. For example, if major purchasers of health care lobby Congress to regulate health care more closely, the Healthcare Reform Revisited scenario might be on the horizon.
Scenario planning and analysis provide a systematic method to recognize and address the major uncertainties facing healthcare organizations. It is most useful when a high degree of uncertainty exists around critical market forces, such as government reform or policy changes, competitor consolidation or expansion, and changing attitudes of the healthcare consumer. By identifying and discussing the implications of each scenario, healthcare financial executives will be able to develop a set of robust and adaptable strategies that allow their organization to stay one step ahead of the market. * more
Please write an in depth review of a legal topic; the topic is (Legal Ethics of E-mail and Social Media and its Applicability to the Healthcare Industry )
While the paper should focus on Legal Ethics of E-mail and Social Media and its Applicability to the Healthcare Industry, it MUST relate to HEALTHCARE legal issues in health care administration.
Please guard against the paper being too broad that it lacks focus or too narrow that you cannot find sufficient references.
Law Review journals are a good research source. Additional sources are the websites for the American Health Lawyers Association and Health Care Compliance Association. Some additional journal sources are listed below:
Journal Title
Health Affairs
Health Economics Policy and Law
Journal of Health Care Finance
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Policy Politics and Law
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
ding Criteria
Section I of the Capital Project
Week Four
? Write a 3,000- to 3,500-word paper in which you complete the following:
o Research a capital purchase, costing more than... $5,000, that your company could benefit from. Examples include a new X-ray machine, an MRI processor, software for filing patient records, a research library, or any large item that your company might use.
o Identify the management goals that expenditure would support. Management goals might include revenue, improvement, productivity, quality assurance, employee development, or management services consultant packages.
o Explain how the item could enhance the economic environment of the organization.
o Identify the organizational goals the expenditure would support. Goals might include patient care, medical and allied health education, community service, cost containment, leadership role, and clinical research.
o Explain how the expenditure would relate to the needs of the organization. Explain how it would be beneficial to the organization.
o Justify the expense to the organization. Relate the reasons to the hospital goals, including departmental and management goals, and how the acquisition might be beneficial.
? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Use the APA Sample Paper in Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) as a guide.
? Use headings appropriately to provide organization and structure for your thoughts.
8 points possible Points available Points earned
? Describes capital item and how purchase supports management goals, organizational goals, and or meets a specific need 4
? Explains the effect of the purchase on the economic environment of the organization and justifies the expense related to goals 4
2 points possible Points available Points earned
? Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
? Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
? Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works 2
pls include these 2 sources;ding Criteria
Section I of the Capital Project
Week Four
? Write a 3,000- to 3,500-word paper in which you complete the following:
o Research a capital purchase, costing more than $5,000, that your company could benefit from. Examples include a new X-ray machine, an MRI processor, software for filing patient records, a research library, or any large item that your company might use.
o Identify the management goals that expenditure would support. Management goals might include revenue, improvement, productivity, quality assurance, employee development, or management services consultant packages.
o Explain how the item could enhance the economic environment of the organization.
o Identify the organizational goals the expenditure would support. Goals might include patient care, medical and allied health education, community service, cost containment, leadership role, and clinical research.
o Explain how the expenditure would relate to the needs of the organization. Explain how it would be beneficial to the organization.
o Justify the expense to the organization. Relate the reasons to the hospital goals, including departmental and management goals, and how the acquisition might be beneficial.
? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Use the APA Sample Paper in Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) as a guide.
? Use headings appropriately to provide organization and structure for your thoughts.
8 points possible Points available Points earned
? Describes capital item and how purchase supports management goals, organizational goals, and or meets a specific need 4
? Explains the effect of the purchase on the economic environment of the organization and justifies the expense related to goals 4
2 points possible Points available Points earned
? Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
? Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
? Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works 2
ding Criteria
Section I of the Capital Project
Week Four
? Write a 3,000- to 3,500-word paper in which you complete the following:
o Research a capital purchase, costing more than $5,000, that your company could benefit from. Examples include a new X-ray machine, an MRI processor, software for filing patient records, a research library, or any large item that your company might use.
o Identify the management goals that expenditure would support. Management goals might include revenue, improvement, productivity, quality assurance, employee development, or management services consultant packages.
o Explain how the item could enhance the economic environment of the organization.
o Identify the organizational goals the expenditure would support. Goals might include patient care, medical and allied health education, community service, cost containment, leadership role, and clinical research.
o Explain how the expenditure would relate to the needs of the organization. Explain how it would be beneficial to the organization.
o Justify the expense to the organization. Relate the reasons to the hospital goals, including departmental and management goals, and how the acquisition might be beneficial.
? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Use the APA Sample Paper in Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) as a guide.
? Use headings appropriately to provide organization and structure for your thoughts.
8 points possible Points available Points earned
? Describes capital item and how purchase supports management goals, organizational goals, and or meets a specific need 4
? Explains the effect of the purchase on the economic environment of the organization and justifies the expense related to goals 4
2 points possible Points available Points earned
? Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
? Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
? Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works 2
pls include this 2 sources:Cleverly, W. O., Song, P. H., & Cleverly, J. O. (2011). Essentials of health care finance (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ch 19&20
Finkler, S. A., Kovner, C. T., & Jones, C. B. (2007). Financial management for nurse managers and executives. (3rd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. ch 15-17 more
Please include a summary page of about one-half a page write-up and brief outline
Considers the audience, p...urpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing assignment(s). Shows superior understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is extremely appropriate for the assignment(s).
Articulates and supports a main idea(s) that is consistent with context and purpose. Highly original main idea(s) is clearly articulated and strongly supported by predominantly current and relevant evidence that may be researched based. Main idea(s) is exceedingly consistent with context and purpose.
Uses logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to develop main idea(s) and content. Uses highly logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to fully develop main idea(s) and content.
Incorporates use of and identifies sources and/or research, according to APA and/or instructor guidelines. Demonstrates superior judgment in selection, incorporation, and identification of entirely appropriate quality and quantity of sources and/or research that fully meet or exceed established guidelines.
Word Usage/
Uses wording, grammar, spelling and punctuation accurately and correctly. Uses highly effective wording; demonstrates virtually error-free grammar, spelling and punctuation.
these are some resources you can use to assist with this
Typical journals from which you may choose include those outlined by the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Health Economics Core Library Recommendations, 2011 found at this site: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/corelib/hecon-2011.html , and duplicated here:
Core Health Economics Journals
A Note to the Reader The following is a list of journal in general, domestic health economics. Journals marked with a single asterisk (*) are considered to be leading medical journals that contain articles on health policy and should be considered as core to all health-related libraries.
Journal Title
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
American Journal of Managed Care
American Journal of Public Health
Annals of Internal Medicine*
Applied Health Economics & Health Policy
Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy
Forum for Health Economics and Policy
Harvard Business Review
Health Affairs
Health Economics
Health Economics Policy and Law
Health Services Research
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
Journal of Health Care Finance
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Policy Politics and Law
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Medical Care: Official Journal of the Medical Care Section, APHA
Medical Care Research and Review (MCRR)
Medicare & Medicaid Research Review (MMRR)
Milbank Quarterly
New England Journal of Medicine*
Quarterly Journal of Economics
RAND Journal of Economics
Social Science and Medicine
Value in Health
** Although this journal is now defunct?it was replaced by Medicare & Medicaid Research Review?articles from 1998-2008 can be accessed and searched at https://www.cms.gov/HealthCareFinancingReview. 4 Research Paper Details 6/21/12
In addition to those noted above, these journals are useful as well: Health Care Financial Management; The Journal of Nursing Administration; Nursing Economics; Health Care Supervisor; Nursing Management; Nursing & Health Care; Nursing Administration Quarterly; American Journal of Nursing; Health Care Management Review; Health Care Management Quarterly; Topics in Health Care Financing. more
Chapter two in the textbook describes billing and coding. What is meant by the term, the revenue cycle? What factors contribute to the complexity of the revenue cycle in health care? What are the six stages of the revenue cycle? Describe the registration process, including the activities that comprise it and how is it tied to the revenue cycle? Describe the two types of forms used for health services billing?
Write a 3 page paper describing each of these billing elements and 4 credible secondary sources, such as the AMA or CDC websites (not Wikipedia) properly cited and referenced for this paper.
Use only online sources and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles!
E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) for the chapter two is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Also, I will upload a grading rubric for easy navigation. Thank you.
There are faxes for this order.
Chapter 6 describes revenue determination (e-book version below). Write a 4 page paper to include:
a) List and discuss the three payment-determination bases.
b) Explain the difference between a specific services payment unit compared to a bundled services payment unit. c) Describe the three major ways that health care providers can control their revenue function.
At least 5 secondary sources properly cited and referenced for this paper. Use peer-reviewed research and credible websites, such as the AMA or CDC websites (not Wikipedia).
Use only online sources and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review everything!
E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) for the chapter two is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Also, I will upload a grading rubric for easy navigation. Thank you.
There are faxes for this order.
term paper for financial managment in health care administration.
topic: Health care xost containment techniques
Please explain its impact on health care finance
Please make sure bibliography should be clear
Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:
Describe the four major activities of a health plan.
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you.
Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students.
Define and describe the breakeven point. How do changes in volume and fixed cost affect the breakeven point? How can healthcare organizations use this metric?
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you will need a textbook for reference, E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you.
Assignment Details: Ethics
(1) Discuss the following questions:
Which of the following have played a role in the development of your moral beliefs: your family, your religion, your e...xperiences, other people? Any other sources?
Do you sympathize with the divine command theory? Why or why not?
Explain your answer in a post of 2?3 paragraphs.
You are a new executive of a tertiary care facility that historically has had over 500,000 visits (or encounters) yearly in outpatient services alone. Because of a significant economic downturn, the number of outpatient encounters has decreased by 35% (or 175,000 encounters) in the last 3 years?thus, leading to a significant decrease in revenue.
Assignment Details: Healthcare Finance
(2) Discuss the following questions:
In this situation, why is it important that you understand finance and its role within the health care organization?
Describe the approach you will take in addressing the financial issues. Be sure to define your executive viewpoint and the reason you have that viewpoint.
The approach to addressing the significant decrease in revenue is a description of the tasks the manager will undertake in preparing an action plan to work toward mitigating the issue. The manager may have a financial, clinical, or process viewpoint.
(3) Assignment Details:Intro to Psychology
The deliverable length for this assignment is 2?3 paragraphs.
Assignment: The scientific world can agree that physically, humans have not evolved much from the time of the Pleistocene Era. In short, our basic human form has not changed in hundreds of thousands of years. Thus, we live in a time where we receive our adult bodies in late childhood/early adolescence, but we are not considered adults by society until our late teens and early 20?s.
What specific issues do adolescents encounter because of the mix-match in physical and psychological maturity?
How do some of those issues impact self-esteem or relationships?
Many television shows today portray teens in adult situations. Are those portrayals accurate or exaggerated?
What should television networks do (if anything) to portray teens in an accurate light and help them cope with their adult bodies and developing minds?
**** These are three discussion questions, three different classes, three paragraphs for each will be ok.
Thank you. more
The Quality Improvement Plan will be sent in a attachment :
TD 3: Processes and Outcomes: Resource Management
This threaded discussion will give you the opportunity to explore resources and c...osts related to organizational systems change within your practice setting. Specifically, you are asked to determine the cost-benefit of the your quality improvement plan. You are asked to determine the costs versus benefit of the change in your practice. Use information you obtained during informal fieldwork about your organization to explore how your system finances services (examples: care, products, etc.). How would your quality improvement plan fit into your existing structure, particularly from a resource management perspective?
This threaded discussion is an individual assignment. Outline and describe the elements you would use in performing a cost-benefit analysis. Cost variance analysis is also useful information to review when doing a cost-benefit analysis. Based on your work, would the benefit of the change outweigh costs? Consideration of the following steps as described by Cleverley and Cameron (2002) may be useful in this exercise (pg. 291):
1. Define the outputs or services provided by the program or departmental areas (practice setting)
2. Determine the costs of these services or outputs in our practice setting.
3. Identify options for reducing the costs through changes in outputs or services.
4. Identify options for producing the services and outputs more efficiently in your practice setting.
5. Determine the cost savings associated with options identified in Steps 3 and 4.
6. Assess the risks, both qualitative and quantitative, associated with the identified options in Steps 3 and 4.
7. Select and implement those options with an acceptable cost/risk relationships.
References and Resources:
Cleverley, W. O., & Cameron, A. E. (2002). Essentials of health care finance. Gaithersburg, MA: Aspen Publication. (Chapter 13)
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. New York, NY: HarperBusiness.(Chapters 4, 8).
Collins, J. (2005). Good to great and the social sectors, A monograph to accompany Good to Great. Boulder, CO: Jim Collins.
http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/cba.htm (cost benefit)
http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/cbaprofit.htm (cost benefit)
http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/cba1.htm (cost benefit) more
Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students:
Define and describe accounts receivable (AR). What is the importance of managing AR? What impacts the ability to cont...rol AR and what strategies can be used to address issues (reduce AR)?
1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
3) Third student - 200 words and must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
Part B. Reflect on what you have learned from this question and include at least 1 reference either peer-reviewed or the textbook. (200 words).
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
In case you need textbook for reference: E-book version (Essentials of Health Care Finance) is on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Thank you. more
Healthcare Finance. I do not want writer Pheelyks. I WOULD EITHER Cathii OR Tal9186 TO DO THIS WRITING. pLEASE, i CANNOT GO PAST THE DEADLINE SO IF THERE'S ANYTHING…
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Read Full Paper ❯Course Subject: Healthcare System Management Specific Topic:Health Care Finance (Using Financial Ratios and Benchmarketing: A Case study in comparative analysis). Academic level of writing: Master (MSN: Master of Science in…
Read Full Paper ❯(Financial Planning) 1. Discuss the steps involved in formulating a strategic plan within health care organizations. 2. Discuss how health care organizations benefit from financial planning. 3. Discuss…
Read Full Paper ❯Please write an in depth review of a legal topic; the topic is (Legal Ethics of E-mail and Social Media and its Applicability to the Healthcare Industry )…
Read Full Paper ❯ding Criteria Section I of the Capital Project Week Four ? Write a 3,000- to 3,500-word paper in which you complete the following: o Research a capital purchase, costing more than $5,000, that your company…
Read Full Paper ❯PLEASE NOTE ITS A HEALTH CARE ECONOMIC PAPERS Please include a summary page of about one-half a page write-up and brief outline Context/Purpose Considers the audience, purpose, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Chapter two in the textbook describes billing and coding. What is meant by the term, the revenue cycle? What factors contribute to the complexity of the revenue cycle in…
Read Full Paper ❯Chapter 6 describes revenue determination (e-book version below). Write a 4 page paper to include: a) List and discuss the three payment-determination bases. b) Explain the difference between a specific services…
Read Full Paper ❯term paper for financial managment in health care administration. topic: Health care xost containment techniques Please explain its impact on health care finance Please make sure bibliography should be clear
Read Full Paper ❯Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students: Describe the four major activities of a health plan. 1) First student - 300 words and must include 1 online reference. Response…
Read Full Paper ❯Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students. Define and describe the breakeven point. How do changes in volume and fixed cost affect the breakeven point? How can healthcare…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment Details: Ethics (1) Discuss the following questions: Which of the following have played a role in the development of your moral beliefs: your family, your religion, your experiences, other people?…
Read Full Paper ❯The Quality Improvement Plan will be sent in a attachment : TD 3: Processes and Outcomes: Resource Management This threaded discussion will give you the opportunity to explore resources and…
Read Full Paper ❯Part A. Pretend that this question answered three (3) different students: Define and describe accounts receivable (AR). What is the importance of managing AR? What impacts the ability to control…
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