25+ documents containing “Group Decision Making”.
In a 1000 to 1050 words discuss how personal, organizational and cultural values affect decision making in your personal and professional lives. you must use at least 4 references.
(Cultrual Values and Personal Ethics paper)
In a 1050-1500- word paper, discuss how personal,
organizational, and cultrual values affect decision making in your personal and perfessional life. This assignment is to be writtern using Micosoft Word and following the APA formatting. I must have at least three reference in the paper.
(I have spent ten years working as a law enforcement officer and twenty years in the Military)
write a memo to a colleague describing the charasteristics of an effective leader for the public sector in the 21st century. Please be sure you include negotiation/ mediation skills among the charact...ersitics!! Explain why these characteristics are important today's leaders.
Be sure to include footnotes and biliography at the end of the page. I would like you to use the sources as followings:
Be sure to include the readings on these lists especially the first four and all of them needs to be refered to the papers.
Lewicki, Roy J, David M. Saunders, and John Minton. Essentials of Negotiations. NY: McGrew Hill 2nd edition 2000.
Shell G. Richard. Bargaining for advantage: Negotiation Strategies for resaonable people. NY Pengun books. 1999
LeBaron, Michelle. Bridging Troubled Waters: COnflict Resolution From the Hear. SF: Jossey0bass 20002
Siegel, Michaek E. "leadership from three American Presidents." The Journal of leadership studies. 2001. Vol. 8 No 1
Howard Gardner " Using Multiple Intelligence to Improve Negotiation Theory asd Practice." Negotiation Journal October 2000: 321-324.
Katheleen M. Eisenhardt, Jean L. Kahwajy and L.J Bourgeois III "How management teams can have a good Fight" Harvard Business Review. July-Aug 1997.
Messick, David M. and Max H. Bazerman. "ethical leadership and the psychology of Decision making" Slogan management review; vol 37. No 2 p 9. 1996
Please consider this notes as you write:
Notes: Successful negotiator:
> Use fewer irritators--> use core values
> refrain from offering immediate counter proposals
> minimize defending/ attacking good idead
> consider wide range of options.
> Pay more attention to common grqound
>display more flexibility in the sequencing of a negotiation
> develop a ruputations as knowledgeable or expert
Important factors in leadership skills
>taking a solid stand committment
>have principles, values
>encouraging direct report reach potential
>be yourself
>know how to influence and pursuade people
>has a policy or vision: vision concentrates energy and attention and also elevates works and also inspires the heart. It also helps to control our own future
> has a politics: how will you get there?? you can have a vision but how tou are going to do it or get there? who will you rely on to get the work done?
> has proper structure or management:
> has a process and proper decisions:
Mediation also needs to be mentioned
Meidator's role: has an open communication
power equalizer
If you have any questions or problems meeting all these request. Please let me know.
703-655-0501 or email at hyunlee0015@yahoo.com more
Write 1,050-1,750-words on Management Skills and Competencies
This assignment has two parts. In the first part, you will create a skills and competency grid for the 21st century manager based on t...he following topics;
The forces of change affecting management practices
The similarities and differences of managing processes and people.
The difference between efficiency and effectiveness as it relates to management. The use of managerial functions (planning, leading, organizing, and controlling) in an organization.
Compare and contrast how different types of managers (functional, project, virtual, process, general) perform the four major functions.
Analyze the impacts of management level (first, middle, executive) on informational, interpersonal and decisional roles.
Evaluate the life cycle of the organization and its influence on management practices.
Assess the external factors that impact management practices
Analyze the interdependence of departments in an organization and its impact on management effectiveness.
Describe the importance of building internal partnerships and alliances.
Assess the influence of power and politics on decision making.
Explain how a manager models and influences ethical behavior in an organization.
Appraise emerging trends in society and business that influence management practices.
2.In the second part, you will create a personal development plan that analyzes your strengths and weaknesses related to the grid you created, and identify concrete action steps that you will take to build your competencies
Part One ? Managerial Skills and Competencies
Write about management skills and competencies for the 21st Century. Complete the managerial skills grid provided (which is based on Katz?s research on the three major categories of managerial skills), identifying a minimum of three specific skills or competencies for each area.
My Career Goal:
Skill/Competency Category
Competencies/Skills Required
Assessment of My Current Capabilities
Technical Skills
Conceptual Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Part Two ? Personal Management Development Plan
Create a management development plan for that analyzes your strengths and weaknesses relative to the competency grid. Select at least three areas where your skills are not sufficient to support your organizations requirements and/or your career goals. Create an action plan for each of these skills.
My Goals Here
1.Improvement of the overall Industrial security program
2. Enhance supervisory and management skills
3. Identity ways to assist staff in their individual and professional development and success
4. Work on management skills. Delegate more responsibilities and tasks to my staff to enable more focus on forward planning and to define and implement requirements for the security organization.
5. Complete MBA in 2006
6. Take courses in project management (this will help me to see projects through in a timely and cost effective manner)
7. Develop the skill base of staff by cross-training them
a. Research methods for developing competency in each of these areas,
b. Select specific learning activities and professional experiences that will increase your competency.
c. Explain the importance of these specific activities and experiences.
d. Develop a time frame and measurements to track your progress.
e. Identify potential obstacles you will have to overcome and describe how you will overcome them.
Your completed assignment should be 1,050-1,750-words and should be very specific in terms of your action plans. You will use this development plan later in the Masters? program to assess the progress you have made towards your goal.
Questions, email them to: dg1159@aol.com
The Impact of IT on Business Strategy and Operations
Background information:
Plotting the case study of IT applications and their impact on a strategic grid enables executives to choose the appropriate approach to organizing and managing IT-enabled business activities. There are five key questions that can be used to guide strategic decision making when one is evaluating the impact of a networked IT on core operations and core strategy:
- Can IT be used to reengineer core value activities and change the basis of competition?
- Can IT change the nature of relationships and the balance of power among buyers and suppliers?
- Can IT build or reduce barriers to entry?
- Can IT increase or decrease switching costs?
- Can IT add value to existing products and services or create new ones?
First: Please do not respond question by question.
Second: Respond this as an essay. You may use subheadings in the interpretation section. Use the following format for writing your paper:
1.) Abstract
2.) Introduction
3.) Summary
4.) Interpretation and/or Analysis of your or report. A detailed analysis of the summary and introduction sections based on your findings.
5.) Conclusion
The class in which I need the paper research is POli. SCI 551. It is a Master's level electie course on International Relations. The overall paper assignment is to take a TOPIC, in this case the Vietnam War and apply the topic to the following IGR treroies. The theroies are
1. Realism/Neo Realism
2. Globalism
3. Hegemoic Stability Theroy
4. New War Theroy
5. Just War Theroy
6. Pluralism
7. Game Tehroy
8. Decision Making Theroy
9. Systems theroy
10. Deterence Theroy
What can be applied about the Vietnam War in each of the above theories? You do not have to give more than a paragraph of hisotrical background for each theory, it is more important to write about the emperical knowledge and how the theroy is applied.
There are faxes for this order.
The paper is for an international affairs course on US foreign policy in Africa, and should be a general review and analysis of the factors that have gone into US foreign policy decision-making in southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, and Angola particularly), dealing especially with US covert aid in Angola during their civil war, beginning with the Reagan administration.
This link may be useful: Please feel free to use it, and any other nine credible sources.
Thank you in advance.
Insider Trading Risk Assessment Paper. This paper should deal only with risk management associated with insider trading. You can define insider trading, but please just adhere to the required format l...aid out below. It is to be done in APA style format, thus it is not to include any footnotes and all sources are listed on a reference page and not a bibliography page. There is no set number of cited sources required. Within reason, all information must be recent. The use of LexisNexis and WestLaw would be helpful. Anything earlier than 1988 should be avoided if possible. Please inlcude a free title page and reference page. Below is a required guideline to follow in writing the paper.
Discuss the role of risk assessment and mitigation in the prevention and detection of insider trading.
Consider the following:
1.Identify the risks to individuals and/or organizations.
2.Analyze the risks.
a.Discuss impact, probability, timeframe.
b.Classify risks and prioritize them.
c.Discuss financial reporting, operational, and compliance risks.
3.How can proven risk assessment methods be applied to insider trading to improve the decision making process?
4.Discuss the importance of information sharing to develop risk assessment models. What types of information would enhance the model if you could procure it?
5.Discuss the legal boundaries, including privacy issues. What exceptions if any exist to allow for the use of such data? If they do not exist, how would you counter the privacy advocates concerns?
6.Discuss risk mitigation strategies. These should be in the form of recommendations to mitigate the risks identified while considering the allocation of resources within the organization? more
The major assignment is an academic piece discussing some issue of Interactive Marketing theory. The
assignment is intended to be a scholarly piece of work discussing relevant theory and its application to
marketing practice in the context of Interactive Marketing.
Outline of theory or problem domain,
How the theory applies in practice.
Highlight critical functions that can be substituted by Interactive technology.
Explain how marketing practice can change with introduction of Interactive technology.
Draw conclusions about viability, and value.
Here you can take THEORY to mean any of:
Important idea,
Explanation of phenomena,
Decision process.
PROBLEM DOMAIN also can mean any of:
Product category,
Customer group.
CRITICAL FUNCTION means: Those important things that an organisation must do. For example:
Communication flows,
Transportation and storage,
Decision making,
Exchange facilitation,
Information handling,
The topic is: You are to assume the position of being a member of the strategic planning team of a large multinational enterprise (MNE)The team has noted that other MNEs appear to be changing their organisational strategies and structures to enable them to obtain competitive advantage in a changing global environment.
Your are required to write a report
a) examine the major determinants of the control strategies adopted by MNEs and the extend to which the parent companies are prepared to allow their subsidiaries decision making autonomy. (1500 words)
b) Describe the organisational structures used to implement such strategies, the types of control mechanisms most likely to be used and explain why these might be deemed effective given the control strategy(s) adopted. (1500 words)
In compiling the report, you should search and examine the theoretical and empirical literature and illustrate your points with examples (e.g. you should compare and contrast the strategies and structures of at least two real MNEs and cite any/all sources used. Use Marks and Spencer and one of your choice as real examples eg Nestle, Johnson and Johnson, Fuji xreox
Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. (A project management or portfolio management company)
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
-Examin...e traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of power. Create a profile of the ideal leader for the company you researched in which you describe the most appropriate leadership characteristics in terms of leadership style and interpersonal forms of power; and how these characteristics impact organizational performance.
-Based on your research, analyze the organizational stressors (e.g., task demands, role demands, physical demands, and interpersonal demands) to determine their likely impact on organizational performance as well as how those stressors could be addressed.
-Analyze critical elements for effective group and work team performance to determine the steps you would take to develop an effective team or work group within the company you researched.
-Identify potential sources of conflict within the group or work team. Evaluate the five (5) conflict management styles (e.g., competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating) and explain which style of conflict management is most appropriate for the potential sources of conflict described above.
-Determine potential barriers to communication, how these barriers may impact group and work team performance, and two (2) recommendations for addressing them.
-Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
>The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
>Analyze the issues related to workplace stress, including responses, consequences, and preventative management of stress.
>Analyze the communication process within organizations through traditional communication methods and technology.
>Evaluate the critical elements of groups and works teams, including group behavior, development, and decision making.
>Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and their related impact on organizational performance.
>Analyze the causes of conflict, consequences, and resolutions to group conflict within organizations.
>Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior and leadership.
>Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics. more
To writer: I need one page and a half for each article. Thanks
Author(s): Arthur Thompson & A. Strickland.
Book Title: Strategic Planning and Policy
Edition: 13/E
Ye...ar: 2003
Publisher: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0-07-249395-X
Strategic Management and Policy :
This course examines specific examples of the development and use of strategic management concepts in successful organizations within dynamic and diverse environments. It explores strategic planning tools an organization can use to monitor and react to opportunities and will assist students in developing the knowledge and skills to perform strategic analyses. It is designed to augment analytical and decision-making skills, as well as develop interpersonal skills that are essential in building a successful career. Tasks range from designing products to process analysis, improved reliability and customer service. Students will learn how to perform a strategic management analysis by applying a series of planning tools to real-world cases. Students will also learn how to implement and evaluate new strategies by working individually and perhaps in teams to complete different case analyses.
Article Abstract: You are required to locate articles on Strategic Management and Planning. Each article abstract should include the following questions:
1. Outline of the article, how it relates to class and observations.
2. What is the significance of the article?
3. What have you learned from this reading?
4. What important questions does the author raise?
5. URL to the complete article or source of article, including date and author more
Analyze ethical and legal issues in business decisions.
Describe the influence of stakeholder groups on legal and ethical business decisions.
Ethics Game Simulation
Resource: Ethics Game Simulation
Complete the Ethics Game Simulation worksheet.
Write a 500- to 750- word reflective journal in which you answer the following questions:
? What were the ethical issues presented in the simulation?
? What decision-making steps did you take to ethically address these issues?
? What ethical perspectives, or lenses, did you use to make your decisions in the simulation?
? How did these ethical perspectives, or lenses, influence your management decisions?
? How might concepts from this simulation relate to your workplace?
EthicsGame Worksheet: Please use this worksheet when completing the EthicsGame Simulation
Note: This simulation may be taken only one time. It is recommended that you use the worksheet provided to take notes as you progress through the simulation.
PLEASE NOTE: Complete the Ethics Game Simulation. (Attach is a document in word Worksheet.)
Complete the Ethics Game Simulation worksheet.
dentify two websites relevant to you and your career. These websites can be your company?s website, the website for a company you find interesting, an association that is relevant to your current job ...or profession, or a website that is relevant to your future planned career. An example of such a website is the American Psychological Association. Review their Code of Conduct and/or any information that provides guidelines on how members are expected to behave. Sometimes the Code of Conduct is a separate document. Other times expected behaviors are within their other materials.
Based on the two websites you identified above, review their Code of Conduct and/or any information that provides guidelines on how members should behave, then answer the following questions:
1. How extensive are the codes from the two organizations/associations?
2. Do these codes reflect values? What values?
3. Do these codes reflect laws and policies? How?
4. What kinds of actions do the codes cover?
5. Are there ramifications for violations? How extensive are the ramifications?
6. What influence do you believe these codes of conduct have on the decision-making behavior of their members or employees?
Each answer should be a paragraph or two and well written. Include a title page and the questions with answers. APA Style Cite and reference as needed. Identify the two organizations you used. Write a brief introduction, answer each question under separate headings, and then write a short conclusion.
website are:
Anonymous, (1991). Conflicting responsibilities. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Applegate, L. M. (2008). Stakeholder analysis tool. Harvard Business Review.
Finder, J., Brandon, H., Kubasik, C. E., Comey, J. B., Klein, E. A., & Teuber, J. J. (2007). The CEO's Private Investigation. Harvard Business Review, 85(10), 47-60. more
1) How well does neo-functionalism explain the early development of European Integration?
Introductory Reading
? Cini and Borragan 2010: chapters 5, 6.
Discussion Paper
? Cap...oraso, J. (1996), ?The European Union and forms of state: Westphalian, regulatory or post-modern??, JCMS, 34(1); 29-52.
Core Reading
? Hoffmann, S. (1966), ?Obstinate or Obsolete? The Fate of the Nation-State and the Case of Western Europe?, Daedalus 95(3): 862-915.
? Risse-Kappen, T. (1996), ?Exploring the Nature of the Beast: International Relations Theory and Comparative Policy Analysis Meet the European Union?, Journal of Common Market Studies 34(1): 53-80.
? Tranholm-Mikkelsen, J. (1991), ?Neofunctionalism: Obstinate or Obsolete??, Millennium. Journal of International Studies 20(1): 1-22.
Further Reading
? Budden, P. (2002), ?Observations on the Single European Act and ?Relaunch of Europe?: A Less ?Intergovernmental? Reading of the 1985 Intergovernmental Conference?, Journal of European Public Policy 9(1): 76-97.
? Cockfield, A. (1992), ?The Real Significance of 1992?, in C. Crouch and D. Marquand (eds.) The Politics of 1992: Beyond the European Single Market, Oxford: OUP.
? Corbett, R. (1994), The Treaty of Maastricht, Harlow: Longman Current Affairs.
? Dinan, D. (2010), Ever Closer Union. An Introduction to European Integration, Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers, chapters 3, 4, 5.
? Forster, A. (1998), ?Britain and the Negotiation of the Maastricht Treaty: A Critique of Liberal Intergovermentalism?, Journal of Common Market Studies 36(3): 347-368.
? Golub, J. (1999), ?In the Shadow of the Vote? Decision Making in the European Community?, IO 53(4): 733-764.
? Grieco, J. (1995), ?The Maastricht Treaty, Economic and Monetary Union and the Neo-realist Research Program?, Review of International Studies 21(1): 21-40.
? Haas, E.B. (1958), The Uniting of Europe, Stanford University Press.
? Heathcote, N. (1966), ?The Crisis of European Supranationality?, Journal of Common Market Studies 5(2):140-171.
? Hix, S. (1994), 'The Study of the European Community: The Challenge to Comparative. Politics', West European Politics 17(1):1-30.
? Moravcsik, A. (1991), ?Negotiating the Single European Act?, in R.O. Keohane and S. Hoffmann (eds.), The New European Community, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
? Moravcsik, A. (1993), ?Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach?, JCMS 31(4): 473?523.
? Moravcsik, A. (1998), The Choice for Europe, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, chapters 1, 3, 6.
? Marks, G., Hooghe, L. and K. Blank (1996), ?European integration from the 1980s?, JCMS 34(3): 341-78.
? Pollack, M.A. (1997), ?Delegation, agency and agenda setting in the European Community?, International Organization 51(1): 99-134.
? Rosamond, B. (2000), Theories of European Integration, New York: St. Martin?s Press, chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
? Rosamond, B. (2005), ?The uniting of Europe and the foundation of EU studies: revisiting the neofunctionalism of Ernst B. Haas?, Journal of European Public Policy, 12(2), pp. 237-254. See also the other articles in this Special Issue. more
Hi could you please help me organize this paper.
Here are the requirements that I need.
Also the out line that I started.
Requirement #1 Paper addressing an ethi...cal issue 30%
You may choose any topic that has created an ethical dilemma in health care. Examples may include end of life care, pain, uninsured, poverty, minority populations, organ donation, DNR, individuals with special health care needs, medicine and torture, rationing, etc
1. Select an issue. Keep it focused enough to address it thoroughly. Use the literature to support your position. Be comprehensive, clear & concise. Try to be objective. Ask questions!!
2. Paper will be approximately 12 maximum typewritten pages (double spaced), excluding the title and reference pages. It must comply with APA.
APA format: (20 pts total)
3. General guidelines: (80 pts total)
Introduce the topic in a brief paragraph. (2.5 pts)
Give the background of the key issue & its relevance to health care/and or
Nursing. (15 pts)
What does the scholarly literature say about the issue? (2.5 pts)
What is the consensus or
controversy surrounding the topic? (5 pts)
Who (groups, prominent individuals, organizations/agencies) supported
which viewpoint? (5 pts)
What suggestions would you make to try to solve the issue? What
suggestions did the above make? (10 pts)
Identify the defined pros & cons regarding the issue from both your own and the
public?s viewpoint (10 pts)
Are there positive or negative implications of the outcomes? Specify. (10 pts)
What is the impact on health care, the public, nursing? (10 pts)
Specifically, what recommendation (s) would you make and why? (10 pts)
Dilemmas in Health Care at End of Life
Today, we live in a modern society where advanced medical treatments and technology can keep patients alive longer, which would not have been possible in previous times. This has made end of life care one of the most controversial issues in health care. Medical advancements have set the stage for ethical and legal dilemmas not only about patients and family?s rights but also about the health care professionals? role. In 1991 the U. S. Congress passed Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA), the purpose of this law is to inform patients of their rights regarding their medical care including the right to accept or refuse treatment and the right to make an advance directive and ensure that these rights are communicated by the health care providers, sspecially when patient?s become incapacitated (Duke et al, 2009). The dilemma presents itself in the area of conflict between the conflicting desires of patient and family. The nurse must completely support the patient?s wishes while assisting the family to do the same. The nurse is the advocate for the patient, educator of the family, and liaison between the interdisciplinary team.
The argument arises within those conflicts; the ANA Code of Ethics requires nurses to respect the autonomy of each patient and their decision to choose the healthcare options they believe are correct for them based on their religious, race, social, cultural and personal desires for end-of ?life care (ANA Code of Ethics 2001). Nurses are also obligated to participate in advocating for the patient to alleviate unnecessary treatment for the patient who has designated they do not want treatments that doctors and/or families may be advocating for the patient against that patients wishes (ANA Code of Ethics 2001). The nurse must be familiar with the end-of-life wishes of their patients otherwise; the patient looses a valuable advocate to assist in achieving their goals for end-of-life care. Nurses must also be recognizing their own personal values and beliefs surrounding end-of-life care for their patients? choices to advocate adequately.
The dilemma during end-of-life issues arise when there are differing opinions between the doctor, the family and the patient about the care received during this time of life. Imagine this scenario; the patient has end stage heart failure, coronary artery diseases, peripheral artery diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, and renal failure insufficiency. This patent has refused for many years any invasive treatments regardless of the consequences and the patient opted for medical management. This patient has an advance directive stating the preference of no cardiopulmonary resuscitation, no artificial hydration or nutrition and desiring only comfort measures to allow for a pain-free and natural death. This patient developed shortness of breath, leg edema, and chest pain, was rushed to the emergency room. Up on admission to the emergency room the patient was diagnosed with pulmonary edema and renal failure. Medications are administered to treat pulmonary edema but, the patient is not responding to the medications and the patient starts to decompensate. The patient mentions she does not want to have dialysis or a respirator. The family insists on multiple treatments that the doctor has recommended improving the health status of the patient. The family is informed of the critical status of the patient and the chances of survival are minimal. The family continues to insist that the patient be put on the respirator and have dialysis. Only one sibling has a copy of the advance directive, is medical durable power of attorney and informs the family of the patient?s wishes per the advance directive. The family disregards the advance directive to meet their own needs to keep the patient alive regardless of the patient?s wishes or the severe decline in quality-of-life. It obvious that the family as a group has not discussed the advance directive or the patient?s end of life wishes.
When faced with difficult ethical dilemmas, it is best to have a plan of action to assist in decision-making. A step by step approach often works best because it allows the decider to breakdown a stressful choice into workable parts. Once the ethical conflict is addressed one must not allow his her personal feelings to interfere with professional decisions. Purtillo says there six steps one can follow in resolving ethical dilemmas this steps are; assessing, exploring identifying the ethical problem, analyzing the problem, exploring the options, implementing the action, and evaluating the process outcome (Purtillo, 2005). When assessing an ethical dilemma the nurse needs to collect the medical, social, psychological, and legal facts pertaining to the case, in some case the nurse needs to take in to consideration the patients psychological state, prognosis, knowledge of treatment and quality of life. It is also important to evaluate the families understanding of patient?s illness and wishes and not forget the patient?s culture and religious beliefs, organizational policies, and other available resources that can aid at the time of a dilemma. Identifying ethical dilemma can be intense and difficult at times, nurses may need guidance and support from professional expertise such as patient advocates, risk management, palliative care, and ethic committee (Cohen & Erickson, 2006).
Step two is identifying if the problem is a true ethical issue or is the nurses letting her feelings intervene with the ethical dilemma, when in question check with other colleagues and other recourse team members. If your moral issues interfere with ethical issues ask other colleague to take care of the patient. It is also important for nurse to look at ethical theories based on the ethical dilemmas to help identify solutions to the problem (Cohen & Erickson, 2006).
After analyzing the problem and identified that the dilemma is indeed an ethical problem, step three is to study and start the resolution of the dilemma. There are multiple theoretical methods that can be used to aid nurses to analyze the dilemma. Ethical theories can be consequential, duties, individual rights, and communal or intimate relationships ( Beauchamp & Childress, 2001). When dealing with ethical issues nurse have a tendency of either looking at consequences or duty-based mythologies to accomplish the result. When using consequential theory nurse feel that is very important to tell the patients the truth about diseases so patients can make decision about their care. When using the duty-based approach health care professionals feel forced tell the truth to patients, although this can cause patients mental stress and pain. When making decisions nurse tend to use their morals and opinions to guide them in ethical issues. One thing nurses need to recognize is that the opinions and ideas of all the team members are important; the morals of the patient and family members have priority in end of life decisions ( ANA, 2001).
Making decisions about end-of-life care is a difficult and emotional experience for patients and loved ones. Terminal illness and old age present numerous medical and ethical dilemmas that caregivers must address. Honoring the person's wishes, withdrawing care, withholding care or choosing a long-term care facilities are all decisions with difficult ethical implications. Someone who is elderly or terminally ill can make these decisions easier for his or her loved ones by creating a living will that specifies what she he wants.
When giving support and advice to patients and families at end of life one needs to understand how overwhelming and emotionally this issue is. If the patient or family member is struggling with end of life decisions, have them consult someone they trust to them help think about implications of the decision. Clergy members, counselors and medical ethicists can help patients, family members, and caregivers think about end-of-life issues and answer questions about care. A grief and bereavement counselor can help them work through the emotional difficulties associated with these decisions. Ask your doctor or health care providers for resources.
To prevent dilemmas at end of life between families and health care providers, families should discuss their issues and create an advance directive also known as living will. Once the advance directive is completed the patient should discuss their wishes with the family and primary physician to let them know that the document exists. Advance directives inform family members about the kind of care the person wants, eliminating the confusion at the end of life. Everyone, regardless of circumstance or health, can make an advance directive. It can be difficult discussing advance directives with young patients as they see no need to complete an advance directive because they are young. My explanation to them is if something catastrophic is to happen they want to make sure their whishes are granted.
In addition to the advance directive, patients may elect to name another competent adult to make the decisions regarding the providing, withholding, or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment and artificially provided nutrition and hydration on your behalf. This designation is often referred to as a health care proxy. (You have the option of giving the health care proxy full authority to make such decisions for you or you can direct your health care proxy the type of decisions to be made). The primary rule in choosing a health care proxy is to select an individual that you trust to make significant health care decisions. This trust usually stems from a relationship in which the proxy understands your values and beliefs. In addition, the proxy should be a person with whom you feel comfortable discussing issues such as life-sustaining treatment, terminal illness and mental incapacity. In choosing a proxy you should also consider the proxy's willingness to follow through on difficult medical decisions. In some situations there may be disagreements among relatives, friends and physicians as to the "proper" course of treatment for you. At these times the proxy must be able to communicate your wishes to the physician, sometimes at the risk of alienating others. A proxy should also be familiar with your spiritual values.
Disadvantage with ethical issues at end of life can be health care providers not have the knowledge to deal with the dilemma, they not understand the advance directives, or day may not understand how important advance directives are. There times when health care providers have a hard time accepting the advance directive because they have a difficult time accepting death.
Other disadvantage are; how well are is the advance directive written that is explain the patient?s wishes clearly or is confusing. Many times the advance directives are not available or the family do not know where they and in some cases some states may not recognize the advance directive, and families not acknowledge the advance directive. In some case families and patients have the fair that advance directive can interfere with the care. It is important that health care providers are well training in the understanding of advance directives so they educate the patient and family in how important this document is a end of life. (Westphal & Wavra, 2005).
The most important advantage of an advanced directive is it allows a person to express choices and wishes to health-care providers. This strongly asserts the patient's choice into what treatments or procedures will be used in an emergency. It provides peace of mind because it answers the matter of whether life support should be used. Another benefit of an advanced directive is that it can prevent unnecessary delay in administering medical treatments that require consent. Without an explicit statement, precious time could be lost determining who has the legal authority to act on behalf of a critical patient. Advance directives can protect a terminally ill patient from excruciating pain and heroic measurement that can prolong the patient?s suffering (Westphal & Wavra, 2005).
The nurses must first review the advance directive to establish the validity of the patient?s desired wishes for their end-of-life care. Then, discuss these wishes with the patient or family to clarify the nurse correctly understands the patients stated desires. According to Mauk, the nurse would further discuss options of palliative care and hospice care, and the family?s role in end-of-life decision-making if any. Another consideration is how the nurse could best facilitate a family discussion regarding the patient?s choices (Mauk 2010). With the patient?s desire the priority, the nurse must attempt to help the family understand the patient?s end-of-life decisions. Nurses must also be aware of their own personal values and beliefs surrounding end-of-life care for their patients? choices to advocate adequately.
American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. American Nurse Association. Washington, D.C.: American Nurses Publishing
Beauchamp, T L., Childress, J. F. (2001) Principles of biomedical ethics 5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Cohen, J. S., Erickson, J. M. (2006) Ethical dilemmas and moral distress in oncology nursing. Clinical Jouranl of Oncology Nursing10 (6): 775-782
Duke G; Yarbrough S; Pang K; (2009) The patient self-determination act: 20 years revisited. Journal of Nursing Law, 13 (4): 114-23
Mauk, Kristen L. (2010). Gerontological Nursing Competencies for Care. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett
Purtillo, R. B. (2005). Ethical dimensions in the health professions (4th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders more
In this assignment, you will prepare an in-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have similar challenges. This analysis will provide an opportunity for you to compare and contrast and critically assess the impact on management decision making based on the differences in political, social, ethical, and legal environments. Specifically, your paper should:
Identify two firms with similar problems but from different countries
Conduct a comparative analysis of the firms
Analyze political, social, ethical, and legal differences facing both organizations and determine the impact these differences have on management decision making
Provide substantive conclusion and recommendations
Support your analysis with academic citations and aligned references
Note:Do not use Wikipedia or the like as resources.
To study the humanities is to study what it means to be human. In your 10 weeks, you thought critically about concepts like myths and narratives, morality and decision making, freedom, and happiness, ...as well as specific subjects like literature, art, music, film, and popular culture. All of these ideas and applications are ways to communicate with the past, present, and future.
Your Project for this course will be a virtual time capsule. A time capsule is a grouping of items for future discovery. Imagine that your time capsule will be buried at the end of the course and opened 100 years later.
The goal of the capsule is to provide an overview of what you believe future generations should remember about the 20th and early 21st Centuries. The project can be composed in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. It can include multimedia if you wish.
You must include the course materials in your time capsule; incorporate APA formatting, including citations and a references section. Word count specifications are described below for each category.
The Project should include the following EIGHT criteria
Item 1: Letter of introduction:
Write a letter, including a minimum of 250 words, describing your current life to a potential reader 100 years in the future.
In your letter, consider the following questions: What is your daily experience? Describe your daily routine, as well as your customs and habits (i.e., holidays, work schedules, etc.). Also describe your perspective on the modern era, and your dreams/goals for the future.
Item 2: Morality/Decision Making
Include one specific example of morality and decision-making in current culture. Reference the course materials, or specific examples of morality. Include at least 100 words for this category.
Item 3: Happiness
Include your definition of happiness in 100 words or more. Describe how you reached this view of happiness. Do you believe your definition of happiness corresponds with one of the theories of happiness you studied in the unit on happiness?
Item 4: Literature
In one paragraph, select one specific literary word (poem, short story, play, or novel). Indicate why this literature selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 5: Art and Architecture
In one paragraph, select one piece of architecture or art. Indicate why this art or architecture selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 6: Music
In one paragraph, select one specific song (or group of songs). Focus specifically on the selected song(s) and not the artist/musician for the song(s). Indicate why this song or group of songs is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 7: Film
In one paragraph, select one film. Indicate the film genre as well as why this film selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this film selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 8: Pop Culture
In one paragraph, select one specific item from pop culture. Indicate why this item from pop culture is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Summarize your time capsule in a concluding paragraph. What should a reader in the future learn about the current era after reviewing your time capsule?
Please feel free to include examples that you discovered in your studies this term; incorporate the course materials in your time capsule. Challenge yourself to choose items that might be valuable for the future, though they might not necessarily be your favorites. Feel free to incorporate additional outside sources. Add citations and references for all consulted sources. Complete the project using the Microsoft Word template in Doc Sharing.
APA formatting:
Incorporate APA citations throughout the time capsule as well as a references section at the end of the time capsule. Review the APA quick reference guide on the left-hand sidebar under course home for APA formatting guidelines. As always, contact your instructor if you have questions.
Course Material: The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a Technique for Living Author: Richard Janaro and Thelma Altshuler more
You are being hired to provide information to my corporation about conducting business (generic, to purchase good for export). What would I need to be successful? Conducting business does NOT include hiring people or opening offices.
Please include:
Introduction and state the purpose at the beginning of the paper
Negotiations: compare and contrast negotiation style with that of the Unites States as well changes an American would need to make to succeed.
Cultural components:
business meetings
business attire
etiquette and behavior
decision making style
woman in business
gift giving
business cards
is English to be used?
*Hofsteds dimensions -- not in great detail
Module 5 Reflection ??" Peer Review
Submission Dates Vary ??" See Directions for Submission
Overview: Reflection on Dispositions
Over the past four modules, you have been asked to complete... four progressive assignments. Collectively, all of these assignments were focused on helping you to collect and analyze data and information regarding the discipline, behavior management, and school safety approaches that are needed in any school.
In this modules assignment, you will reflect on your assignments, their outcomes, and how this learning will help you exemplify the program dispositions of American College of Education:
? Equity: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to building and sustaining a positive school culture and a safe, orderly, effective learning environment that support the educability of all.
? Scholarship: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to leading and managing an evidence-based, data-driven instructional program that ensures that all students have the knowledge, skills, and values to become contributing members of society.
? Diversity and Unity: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to the inclusion of all stakeholders in a collaborative school learning community that promotes academic achievement for all.
? Lifelong Learning: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to the implementation of a shared vision of learning that is supported by the school community and promotes lifelong learning for self and others.
? Excellence: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to the implementation of clear learning goals, high-quality standards, evidence-based instructional strategies, and technology that will prepare all learners to experience success in a complex, global society.
? Ethics: Candidates believe in, value, and are committed to acting with integrity, fairness, and equity; bringing ethical principles to the decision-making process; and adhering to all local, state, and federal laws and policies governing schools.
In this Reflection, you will apply your research skills to locate and incorporate information in a response from a professional, scholarly source outside the course. You will also cite the source in APA style in your response with a full APA bibliography reference at the end of your response.
? http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/index.aspx
?? 2013 American College of Education
?EL5033 Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
Course Objectives
? Analyze the relationship of a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS) to students academic achievement.
? Identify functional components of successful classrooms, including their physical set- up, effective grouping and instructional approaches, criteria for a positive climate and academic engagement, and necessary teaching behaviors.
Signature Assessment
This assignment is also a signature assessment. A signature assessment best displays the knowledge and skills essential to the course objectives and serves as a milestone in your progress toward fulfilling the program outcomes.
As a signature assessment, this assignment will move through a number of steps, including creation of a draft document, submission of the document for peer review, peer review and rubric grading, and submission in the course and self-grading. Directions for final submission are provided in the Module 5 Reflection ??" Signature Assessment.
Directions for Submission:
1. Complete the assignment according to the Directions for Completion.
2. Follow the directions to submit your draft document for peer review. This
draft should be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday of Module 5.
3. Peer review the work of one other student, and receive a peer review of your work. Peer
reviews should be completed by 5:00 p.m. Friday of Module 5.
4. You will use the comments and peer reviews to revise and polish your assignment
document for submission on the Module 5 Assignment ??" Signature Assessment.
Directions for Completion:
1. Save and print the Module 5 Reflection PDF.
2. Create a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times New
Roman font. Follow APA format.
3. Create a title page and references page in APA style.
4. Respond to the reflective questions described for Journal Entry: A Reflection of
? Record your reflection as a one-page journal entry of approximately 250 words.
? Select at least one program disposition to relate to your learning experience, building a connection between the disposition and your understanding related to the topics presented in this course.
? Provide appropriate references and citations from any of the articles in the course.
? Incorporate information from one professional, scholarly source outside the course along with any presented in the bibliography. Use appropriate APA citations and references.
? Use the guiding questions to prompt your thinking and guide your writing. Do not use a question-answer approach.
???? Write reflectively with appropriate use of I. 2013 American College of Education
EL5033 Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
? Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document. Introduction
At the graduate level, it is appropriate to include a brief introduction to set the stage for what follows in the body of the document. It is at the instructors discretion as to whether this component is to be included.
Journal Entry: A Reflection on Learning
This is a journal entry, reflecting upon your perspective of the learning experience as it relates to the dispositions of American College of Education. As with other graduate-level writing, use documentation to support the connection between research and application. Consider the following questions to help promote and prompt your thinking:
How is classroom discipline and behavior management in an individual classroom influenced by what happens at the grade and building levels?
How does the instructional environment (i.e., the teacher and instruction in a classroom, the academic and social skills curriculum, and the individual characteristics of the students) influence effective classroom discipline and behavior management?
How does a preventative approach, such as a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS), help maximize the prosocial behavior of students, while minimizing the number of students who need strategic or intensive behavioral interventions?
As expected of all graduate-level, APA documents, it is appropriate to address conclusions drawn from the experience of considering these topics. It is at the instructors discretion as to whether this component is included.
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Quality Improvement Plan: Implementing and Revising
Format with the following sections:
?Authority, structure, and organization for the Mayo Clinic
?Describe the authority structure of the plan?s implementation. This must describe who is responsible for implementing the plan. Include a description of each role involved in the plan:
?Board of directors
?Executive leadership
?Quality improvement committee
?Medical staff
?Middle management
?Department staff
?Identify who the performance activity outcomes are communicated to and who does the communicating. This describes who is responsible for overseeing data collection and preparing data reports.
?Describe how staff will be educated regarding the plan. This covers how each staff member will be initially oriented to the plan and how each employee fits into the plan based on job responsibilities.
?Annual evaluation
?Describe what elements of the plan are annually evaluated for improvement.
?Identify how to monitor the effect of changes implemented from the decision-making process.
?External entities
?Describe the effect of external entities?governmental agencies, accrediting bodies, professional interest groups?on the quality and performance measure of an organization?s decision-making processes.
Case study and analysis of a particular approach or example of community development in practice.
(I will upload some HD essays to be an example for you. Pls take a look at example essays fi...rst before you do)
*Please use academic references only not website
All the best to you Thank you so much!
Energisers (adapted from a wide range of sources including)
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002, 100 Ways to Energise Groups
Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors
McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques
Conversation Cafes
Participatory Workshops
Chambers, Robert 2002 Participatory workshops : a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities. London: Earthscan.
Pretty, Jules N. et al. 1995 Trainer's guide for participatory learning and action, London: IIED.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 A Facilitators Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS.
Facilitation skills
Eitington, J 1996 (or most recent edition) The Winning Trainer: Winning Ways to Involve People in Learning, 3rd ed., Gulf.
Vella, Jane 2002 Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, Revised Ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kaner, S. et al. 2007 Facilitators guide to participatory decision-making, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons.
Lydia Braakman & Karen Edwards 2002, The Art of Building Facilitation Capacities A Training Manual, RECOFTC, Bangkok.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002, 100 Ways to Energise Groups: Games to use in workshops, meetings and the community, available as PDF from
---- 2001, A Facilitators Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS, available as PDF from http://www.aidsalliance.org/
Salas, M A et al. 2007 VIPP Visualisation in Participatory Programmes, UNICEF & Southbound. [An earlier version of this wonderful manual is available from http://www.jhuccp.org/sites/all/files/VIPPmanual.pdf]
Svendsen, Dian S. et al. 1998 Facilitation Skills: An Introductory Guide, Lusaka: Project Concern & Social Impact.
Community assets audit
ABCD Institute 2005 Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organizations Capacity, available from Asset-Based Community Development Institute http://www.northwestern.edu/ipr/abcd.html
PRA and PLA (a wide range of sources, but some of the best are)
Kumar, Somesh 2002 Methods for Community Participation: A Complete Guide for Practitioners, London: ITDG.
Pretty, Jules N. et al. 1995 Trainer's guide for participatory learning and action, London: IIED.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 Tools Together Now: 100 Participatory Tools to Mobilise Communities for HIV/AIDS, available from http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw36326.asp
Narayanasamy, N. 2009 PRA Principles, Methods and Application, SAGE.
Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation
Community Organising toolkits
Barefoot Collective 2009 Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change [just google it].
Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up.
Capacity building for local NGOs: A guidance manual for good practice
Gender toolkits
Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation
Williams, Suzanne 1994 Oxfam Gender Training Manual
Theatre of the Oppressed drama techniques
Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors
McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques, London: Earthscan.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2008 Network Capacity Analysis, Workshop Facilitation Guide and Rapid Assessment Guide.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 Pathways to Partnerships toolkit. Available from http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw26281.asp
McArdle, Jeremy 1998 Resource manual for facilitators in community development, Volume I & II, Melbourne: Vista (see section on networking).
Other Useful Resources
Community development journal (Full text available online through Monash library)
Community development : journal of the Community Development Society, USA (Full text available online through Monash library)
Development in Practice (Full text available online through Monash library)
Participatory Learning and Action,
available at: http://www.iied.org/pla
Environment & Urbanization, (Full text available online through Monash library) Excellent source of articles on urban CD & community organising in urban centres of developing world.
Third World Quarterly (Full text available online through Monash library)
Search Indexes & Databases such as Scopus, ProQuest, IngentaConnect (all available through our library website)
International Association for Community Development
Eldis Gateway to Development Information (International Development)
ProventionWeb (Disaster Reduction Community)
the encyclopaedia of informal education
Empowering Communities Participatory Techniques For Community-Based Programme Development
Overview of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
PRA Tool Box
http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/X5996E/x5996e06.htm#6. PRA Tool Box
Seattle Community Network Handbook for Mobilizers, http://www.scn.org/cmp/hbmob.htm
Actionaids Reflect adult learning and social change site
Empowering People: A Guidebook to Participation
Popular Education News
ABCD Institute 2005 Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organizations Capacity, available from Asset-Based Community Development Institute http://www.northwestern.edu/ipr/abcd.html
ActionAid International 1996 REFLECT Mother manual, London: ActionAid. Available at http://www.reflect-action.org/
ActionAid International 1996 REFLECT Mother manual, London: ActionAid. Available at http://www.reflect-action.org/
Afshar, Helen (ed.) 1998 Women and empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World, Hampshire: Macmillan.
Apentiik, C.R.A. & J. Parpart 2006 Working in Different Cultures: Issues of Race, Ethnicity and Identity, in Vandana Desai & Robert B Potter (eds.) Doing Development Research, SAGE.
Arevalo, M. & Guijt, I. 1998 Participatory monitoring and evaluation, London: IIED.
Arnold, Rick et al. 1991 Educating for a change, Ontario: Between the Lines & Doris Marshall Institute.
Begley, P. 2006 Sojourner adaptation, in Intercultural communication: A reader, Thomson/Wadsworth, pp. 387-393.
Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari 2001 Participation : the new tyranny?
Boal, Auigusto 2002 Games for Actors and Non-Actors
CARE 1999 Embracing Participation In Development: Wisdom From The Field, available from http://pdf.dec.org/pdf_docs/PNACK787.pdf
Carr, Anna 2002 Grassroots and Green Tape: Principles and Practices of Environmental Stewardship, Annandale, N.S.W: Federation Press.
Coover, Virginia et al. 1985 Resource manual for a living revolution, Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.
Core Initiative 2005 CBO/CFO Capacity Analysis: A Tool for Assessing and Building Capacities for High Quality Responses to HIV/AIDS.
Core Initiative 2006 Participatory monitoring and evaluation of community and faith-based programs, pdf.
Cousins, Tessa (1998) Giving space to conflict in training, in The Myth of Community, pp. 58-70.
Darder, Antonia et al. 2003 Critical pedagogy reader.
David Werner & Bill Bower (1982) Helping Health Workers Learn: A Book of Method, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level, Hesperian Foundation, Palo Alto.
DFID 2004 Facilitating Networks - a good practice guide, available from www.livelihoods.org/info/tools/Networks.pdf
DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets, www.livelihoods.org
Estrella, M. et al. 2000 Learning from change : issues and experiences in participatory monitoring and evaluation, London : Intermediate Technology Publications, 2000.
FAO & RECOFTC 2002 Community-based forest resource conflict management: A training Package.
FAO 2005 Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management, available as a pdf from FAO website.
Feuerstein, M.T. 1986 Partners in Evaluation: Evaluating development and community programmes with participants, London: TALC.
Fisher, Julie 1998 Nongovernments: NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Gary J. Martin 1995 Ethnobotany: a methods manual
Gilchrist, Alison 2004 Well-connected community: A networking approach to community development, Bristol: Policy Press.
Gosling, L. & Edwards, M. 2003 Toolkits: A practical guide to assessment, monitoring, review and evaluation, London: Save the Children.
Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up [PRA of organisational capacities]
Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up.
Gubbels, Peter & Koss, Catherine 2000 From the Roots Up: Strengthening Organizational Capacity through Guided Self-Assessment, World Neighbors Field Guide, World Neighbors, Oklahoma.
Holcombe, Susan 1995 Managing to Empower: The Grameen Banks Experience of Poverty Alleviation, Zed, London.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 A facilitators guide to participatory workshops with NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS, available at http://www.aidsalliance.org
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2001 Pathways to Partnerships toolkit. Available from http://www.aidsalliance.org
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2002 100 ways to energise groups: games to use in workshops, meetings and the community, available at http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw7452.asp
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 All together now! Community mobilisation for HIV/AIDS, available at http://www.aidsalliance.org/sw37144.asp
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 2006 Tools Together Now: 100 Participatory Tools to Mobilise Communities for HIV/AIDS, PDF available at www.aidsalliance.org
Ira Shor ed. (1987) Freire for the Classroom, Heinemann.
Johnson, Susan & Ben Rogaly 1997 Microfinance and poverty reduction, Oxfam.
Kaner, Sam 1996 Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, New Society Publishers.
Kretzmann, John & McKnight, John 1993 Building Communities from the Inside Out: A path towards finding and mobilizing a communitys assets, Asset-Based Community Development Institute, Evanston IL.
Ledgerwood, Joanna 1999 Microfinance handbook : an institutional and financial perspective, World Bank.
Mackenzie, Liz 1993 On our feet, Supplement to Adult Education and Development, 41.
McArdle, Jeremy 1998 Resource manual for facilitators in community development, Volume I & II, Melbourne: Vista.
McCarthy, Julie 2004 Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based techniques, London: Earthscan.
Meredith Minkler & Nina Wallerstein ed (2005) Community organizing and community building for health, 2nd ed., Rutgers Uni Press, New Brunswick.
Mikkelsen, Britha 2005 Methods for development work and research : a new guide for practitioners, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
Mukherjee, Neela. 2002 Participatory learning and action : with 100 field methods, New Delhi : Concept Pub.
Nelson, N. & S. Wright (eds.) 1995 Power and participatory development.
Nicholson, Rosemary et al. (eds.) 2002 Common Ground and Common Sense: Community-based environmental health planning. An action handbook, Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging. [available to download through Monash Library]
Participatory Methods Toolkit: A Practitioners Manual, Vlaams Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk en Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek, 2005.
Peace Corp (1989) Nonformal Education Manual.
Radcliffe, S.A. (ed.) 2006 Culture & Development in a Globalizing World, Routledge, London.
Rubin, Herbert J. & Rubin, Irene S. 2001 (or most reent edition) Community Organizing and Development, 3rd ed., Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan 2004 Participation, from tyranny to transformation? : exploring new approaches to participation in development.
Schech, S. & Haggis, J. 2000 Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction, Blackwell.
Selener, David et al 1999 PRA and Planning Workbook, Quito: Equador: IIRR. [good case studies and examples]
Slocum, Rachel et al. (eds.) 1995 Power, Process and Participation: Tools for Change, London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
Special issue on sustainable livelihoods, Community Development Journal, 38 (3), 2003.
Srinivasan, Lyra 1990 Tools for community participation: A manual for training trainers in participatory techniques, PROWESS/UNDP.
The Partnering Toolbook, 2003. available from http://thepartneringinitiative.org/
UNDP 1997 Empowering People: A Guidebook to Participation
UNIFEM 2005 Strategic Gender Interventions and Poverty Reduction: Principles and Practice, available as PDF.
Vella, Jane 2002 Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, Revised Ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Veneklasen, Lisa & Valerie Miller 2007 A new weave of power, people and politics : the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation, 2nd Ed., Practical Action.
Verhelst, T. & W. Tyndale 2002 Cultures, spirituality and development, in D. Eade (ed) Development and Culture: Selected essays from Development in Practice, Oxfam, Oxford, pp. 1-24.
Verhelst, Thierry G. 1990 No life without roots: culture and development, Zed Books.
Williams, Suzanne 1994 Oxfam Gender Training Manual, Oxford: Oxfam.
World Bank 1998 Participation and Social Assessment Tools and Techniques, compiled by J. Rietbergen-McCracken & D. Narayan, Washington, World Bank. [Available to download from WB website. Very useful sourcebook of techniques]
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HRM455: Training and Staff Development
The Report includes:
An 8-10 page paper (not counting the cover page, abstract, and reference pages) with appropriate references using APA style throughout.
The audience for this report is executive or management level decision makers. You are not building a course, but you are putting together the foundation on which a decision to continue can be made. The proposal will help convince executives to allow you to spend money for a solution that will benefit the organization.
The Report shall cover:
Abstract (1 page)
Organization overview, including strategic imperatives
Training Program overview, including goals
A statement of the problem/organizational issue
A flowchart of the process to conduct research and collect data for decision making (does not have to fit any specific process form, just make it clear)
An abbreviated needs analysis, including a high level assessment of skills, costs and risks
High level proposed training solution, including recommendations and justifications for development, implementation, technologies and assessment type (or justification that training is not a solution that will adequately address the issue but proposing a non-training solution)
A conclusion that reiterates the recommendation and ties back to organizational strategic imperatives
Public Policy Analysis
In a three to four page APA paper, create a public policy to address an issue you consider important. Construct the details of the policy utilizing one of the models listed below. Discuss the rationale of the policy and how your model will assist policy makers in their decision making and implementation processes. Evaluate your model utilizing the general criteria provided in the text. You are required to use at least two outside sources to support your position.
Models of Public Policies:
? Institutional Model
? Process Model
? Group Model
? Elite Model
? Rational Model
? Public Choice Model
? Incremental Model
? Game Theory Model
Dye, T. (2011). Understanding public policy. (P. P. Hall, Ed.) Upper Saddle River: Longman.
? Anderson, C. W. (1988). Political judgment and policy analysis. Public Administration Quarterly, 11(4), 439-462. (Document ID: 815441).
? Boerner, K. & Uebelmesser, S. (2007). Migration and the welfare state: The economic power of the non-voter? International Tax and Public Finance, 14(1), 93-111. (Document ID: 1192433621).
In a 1000 to 1050 words discuss how personal, organizational and cultural values affect decision making in your personal and professional lives. you must use at least 4 references.
Read Full Paper ❯(Cultrual Values and Personal Ethics paper) In a 1050-1500- word paper, discuss how personal, organizational, and cultrual values affect decision making in your personal and perfessional life. This assignment is…
Read Full Paper ❯write a memo to a colleague describing the charasteristics of an effective leader for the public sector in the 21st century. Please be sure you include negotiation/ mediation…
Read Full Paper ❯Write 1,050-1,750-words on Management Skills and Competencies This assignment has two parts. In the first part, you will create a skills and competency grid for the 21st century manager based…
Read Full Paper ❯The Impact of IT on Business Strategy and Operations Background information: Plotting the case study of IT applications and their impact on a strategic grid enables executives to choose the appropriate…
Read Full Paper ❯The class in which I need the paper research is POli. SCI 551. It is a Master's level electie course on International Relations. The overall paper assignment is…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper is for an international affairs course on US foreign policy in Africa, and should be a general review and analysis of the factors that have gone into…
Read Full Paper ❯Insider Trading Risk Assessment Paper. This paper should deal only with risk management associated with insider trading. You can define insider trading, but please just adhere to the required…
Read Full Paper ❯The major assignment is an academic piece discussing some issue of Interactive Marketing theory. The assignment is intended to be a scholarly piece of work discussing relevant theory and its…
Read Full Paper ❯The topic is: You are to assume the position of being a member of the strategic planning team of a large multinational enterprise (MNE)The team has noted that other…
Read Full Paper ❯Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. (A project management or portfolio management company) Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in…
Read Full Paper ❯To writer: I need one page and a half for each article. Thanks Textbook: Author(s): Arthur Thompson & A. Strickland. Book Title: Strategic Planning and Policy Edition: 13/E Year: 2003 Publisher: McGraw Hill ISBN: 0-07-249395-X Strategic…
Read Full Paper ❯Instructions OBJETIVES: Analyze ethical and legal issues in business decisions. Describe the influence of stakeholder groups on legal and ethical business decisions. Ethics Game Simulation Resource: Ethics Game Simulation Complete the Ethics Game Simulation…
Read Full Paper ❯dentify two websites relevant to you and your career. These websites can be your company?s website, the website for a company you find interesting, an association that is relevant…
Read Full Paper ❯1) How well does neo-functionalism explain the early development of European Integration? Introductory Reading ? Cini and Borragan 2010: chapters 5, 6. Discussion Paper ? Caporaso, J. (1996), ?The European Union and forms…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi could you please help me organize this paper. Here are the requirements that I need. Also the out line that I started. Zumie Requirement #1 Paper addressing an ethical issue…
Read Full Paper ❯In this assignment, you will prepare an in-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have similar challenges. This analysis will…
Read Full Paper ❯To study the humanities is to study what it means to be human. In your 10 weeks, you thought critically about concepts like myths and narratives, morality and decision…
Read Full Paper ❯You are being hired to provide information to my corporation about conducting business (generic, to purchase good for export). What would I need to be successful? Conducting…
Read Full Paper ❯Module 5 Reflection ??" Peer Review Submission Dates Vary ??" See Directions for Submission Overview: Reflection on Dispositions Over the past four modules, you have been asked to complete four progressive assignments.…
Read Full Paper ❯Quality Improvement Plan: Implementing and Revising Format with the following sections: ?Authority, structure, and organization for the Mayo Clinic ?Describe the authority structure of the plan?s implementation.…
Read Full Paper ❯Case study and analysis of a particular approach or example of community development in practice. (I will upload some HD essays to be an example for you. Pls take…
Read Full Paper ❯HRM455: Training and Staff Development The Report includes: An 8-10 page paper (not counting the cover page, abstract, and reference pages) with appropriate references using APA style throughout. The audience…
Read Full Paper ❯Public Policy Analysis In a three to four page APA paper, create a public policy to address an issue you consider important. Construct the details of the policy utilizing…
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