25+ documents containing “Grocery Store”.
the effect of grocery store by entrance of hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand.
I'll sent proposal which is preliminary data for dissertation and i'll sent any information that I got to you later. Thanks
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How can a grocery store make better use of e-commerce? How do e-commerce operations management compare to traditional operations management? What are the critical success factors of e-commerce operations management? What?s the framework of PERT and CPM?
I have to do a research in grocery stores industry. However, the research will be in external environment only. And please do it in general, not a specific grocery store.
The question is (What factors are driving industry change and what impact will they have?)
The research will include most of these points:
1. Emerging new internet capabilities and applications.
2. Increasing globalization
3. Changes in an industrys long-term growth rate
4. Changes in who buys the product and how they use it
5. Product innovation
6. Technological change and manufacturing process innovation
7. Marketing innovation
8. Entry or exit of major firms
9. diffusion of technical know-how across more companies and more countries
10. Changes in cost and efficiency
11. Growing buyer performances for differentiated products instead of a commodity product( or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products)
12. Reductions in uncertainty and business risk
13. Regulatory influences and government policy changes
14. Changes societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles.
Please write each point in two sentences.
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1. Please read the instruction and Rubric that will be send later.
2. The first resources
Second resources is the text book:
3. 1 inch margin, 1.5 space no more than 2000 word.
4. Choose a grocery store to analyze from the list provided in the instruction
1. Lunds
2. Cub Foods
3. Byerlys
4. Kowalskis
5. Supervalu
6. Whole Foods
7. Rainbow
8. Trader Joes
9. A coop store
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Go to the grocery store, look at all the different products that you encounter. What are the segments for frozen food products? Do different brands appeal to different segments of people? Try describing these target markets. What type of market research do you think the marketers of these products obtained before positioning their brands?
Paper must contain following information. Based on the article by Kim Serverson " Be It Ever So Homespun, There's Nothing Like Spin. What are the difference between Organic Food Stores and Groceries Stores. Which is Better and Why? Compare Prices and product Like meat, produce and other speciality items. And are we paying for good quality food. Is organic Food being purchase from local farmers or other countries. What role do big companies like whole Foods play in marketing and packaging. Do they play on consumers. Will Organic stores be the groceries storesof the future.
Souces: Animals, Vegetables and Miracles by Barbara Kingsolver with Steven L. Hopps and Camile Kingsolver
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Kudler Fine Foods is a gourmet grocery store that has experienced significant growth and is now focused on expanding its services, improving the efficiency of its operations, and increasing the consumer purchase cycle. Use the information/document I have emailed to to access the necessary company information on Kudler Fine Foods. Using this information on Kudler Food?s Marketing Overview as a guide, prepare a paper in which you justify the importance of marketing research in the development of Kudler Fine Food?s marketing strategy and tactics, and identify the areas where additional market research is needed. Also, analyze the importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in regards to the development of Kudler Fine Food?s marketing strategy and tactics.
Marketing Analysis Paper: Demographic Shifts
Assuming the demographic changes about Hispanics are accurate, comment on how this shift changes the segmentation in the grocery and the fast food industries. For example, if a grocery store that you visit frequently currently has about 15% of its space dedicated to Hispanics should that be changed now in light of the demographic research? Be sure to use key demographic and lifestyle facts and figures about these markets and their consumers.
Write your marketing analysis in 2?3 pages in a Word document using Times New Roman font size 12, double spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Follow the APA style for writing, editing, and citation of sources.
Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it.
All marketing analysis papers are subject to anti-plagiarism software.
Write a rsearch proposal of either true or quasi experimental design for the following research question. Suggest how you would design the experimental study including a determination of the independe...nt and dependent variables.
"It has been claimed that the use of music played on a grocery store''s public address system will affect the shoppers in the grocery store. Will music influence shoppers in a grocery store?"
The research proposal is to include:
a) Introduction (2 pages) which consists of the problem/purpose of the study, hypothesis or research question, and definition of terms.
b) Method (3 pages) which is to include;
1) Participants or subjects including sampling design and description of the sample population.
2) Research design which includes name of the experimental or quasi experimental design, independent and dependent variables of the study, and the procedures for conducting the study and collecting the data.
c) Limitations of the study (1 page).
d) Implications of the study (1 page)
e) Appendix including permission form, copies of the data collection plan, and time line of the project.
f) Reference section.
The following empirical sources are provided for use.
a) Kellaris, J.J., & Kent, R.J.(1991). Exploring tempo and modality effects, on consumer responses to music. Advances in Consumer Research, 18(1), 243-248.
b) Areni, C.S., & Kim, D. (1993). The influence of background music on shopping behavior. Classical versus top-forty music in a wine store. Advances in Consumer research, 20(1), 336-340.
c) Milliman, R.E. (1982). Using background music to affect the behavior of supermarket shoppers. Journal of marketing, 46(3), 86-91.
d) North, A.C. Hargreaves, D.J., & McKendrick, J.(1999). The influence of in-store music on wine selections. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84(2), 271-276.
e) Yalch, R., & Spangenberg, E.(1990). Effects of store music on shopping behavior. The Journal of Services Marketing, 4(1),31-39. more
Read the C & C Grocery Stores, Inc. case in Daft (pp.126-129)
Do you think that the proposed reorganization will work in addressing the four problem areas identified in the case?
Why will it or why won?t it work?
Support your arguments/conclusions with specific examples from the case and/or citations from the text.
I would like my works cited to be from scholarly journal or web; and i have the possibility to find them.
The Biggest Grocery Store You?ve Never Heard Of:
Grabbing ?Ahold? of the Virtual Market
It?s not likely that other online grocers will repeat the mistakes made by ...Webvan. The Foster City, California, company originally relied on technology and a high-cost warehouse to fulfill orders. Before going out of business Webvan did an about-face: It spent $2 billion in an effort to re-create a regular supermarket?s distribution service.
?This is an industry that already has a pretty efficient distribution system,? says, Mary Brett Whitfield, a director of e-retail intelligence systems for Pricewaterhouse Coopers. ?Grocery stores are literally at every major intersection in most metropolitan markets.?
Chicago-based Peapod was actually the first grocer to couple home delivery with electronic ordering by having customers install its proprietary software in their home computers. Peapod delivered out of stores before it fell under Webvan?s influence. It subsequently converted to a central warehouse distribution like Webvan?s, which was also unsuccessful.
Online grocers soon figured out that retail chains with existing infrastructure held a big advantage and began forming alliances with them. For example, GroceryWorks.com is now a part of Safeway. Peapod was rescued by the Dutch giant Ahold. Ahold went on a global buying spree in the 1990?s, grabbing a large chunk of the U.S. market along the way. Its chief competitor is now Wal-mart, which is striking fear into the hearts of grocery executives everywhere.
Ahold owns over 9,000 stores. None of them, however, are named Ahold. ?What makes Ahold unique is that we are perceived by our customers as the local guy,? says the company?s CEO, Cees van der Hoeven.
Van der Hoeven says he envisions a day when his cut-price stores in Guatemala offer tips on discounting to its colleagues in America and when lighting for every Ahold supermarket from Bangkok to Boston will be ordered from the same supplier. Ahold?s back office will squeeze suppliers into offering rockbottem prices to all stores.
All this will take place in the ?virtual Internet world? and will be invisible to the 40 million customers who shop at Ahold stores every week. The dream is a long way off, though. Currently, only about 5 percent of Ahold?s products are even ordered cross-continentally.
?E-retailers need more than just technological bells and whistles to create a sustainable business model,? says Geof Wissman, principal consultant, Pricewaterhouse Coopers. ?The basic problem with technology is that it is often thought of as a strategy, not as a strategic tool.? For example, technology alone is not a compelling enough reason for consumers to shop online, he says.
Retailing changes come slowly if consumers are required to change their behavior, agrees Whitefield. The online grocery craze may be limited to people with time-related or mobility-related needs.
Mike Spindler, president of MyWebGrocer, remains confident in online selling. According to Spindler, about 500 supermarkets are Web-enabled for picking orders. He predicts that that number will be 1.500 in a year.
Despite their unhappy fates, online grocers such as Webvan had a glimpse into the future. They saw that they could give people back their discretionary time. Technology, superior distribution systems, and size can give companies like Ahold a competitive leg up, but ultimately the game still revolves around the consumer?s needs.
1. Discuss the organizational structure of Webvan as compared to that of Peapod. How was Webvan structured differently from Peapod? Which company?s structure was superior?
2. How did size and organization play a role in the merger of online grocers with ?brick-and-mortar? stores?
3. How can large grocers like Ahold organize themselves for customer responsiveness? Defend your answer.
4. If you were the CEO of Webvan what steps would you take to maintain the organization?s success? Support your answer with at least 2 references from the lecture or your readings.
Answer any 4 of the following questions: (**Pick 4 out of 7 questions to responsd to)
1. Discuss evidence you have seen of the imperatives for change, flexibility, and responsiveness faced by today?s firms.
2. Describe large, bureaucratic organizations with which you have had contact that have not responded flexibly to customer demands. Also describe examples of satisfactory responsiveness. What do you think accounts for the differences between the responsive and nonresponsive organizations?
3. Considering the potential advantages of large and small size, would you describe the ?feel? of your college or university as big, small, or small within big? Why? What might make it feel different?
4. What is the core competence? Generate some examples of companies
with distinctive competencies, identifying what those competencies are.
Brainstorm some creative new products and markets to which these
competencies could be applied.
5. If you were going into business for yourself, what would be your core
competencies? What competencies do you have now, and what
competencies are you going to develop? Describe what your role would be
in a network organization, and the competencies and roles of other firms
you would want in your network.
6. Identify some recently formed alliances between competitors. What are the goals of the alliance? What brought them together? What have they done to ensure success? How are they doing now?
7. What skills will you need to work effectively in (1) a network organization,
(2) a learning organization , and (3) a high-involvement organization? Be
specific, generating long lists. Would you enjoy working in these environments? Why or why not? What can you do to prepare yourself for these eventualities?
The following Decentralization Worksheet contains some observations on
decentralizing. As you review each of the statements, provide an example that illustrates why this statement is important and related problems and benefits of the situation or condition indicated in the statement. ***SELECT ANY 2
Decentralization Worksheet
A large number of factors determine the extent to which a manager should decentralize. Clearly, anything that increases a manager?s workload creates pressure for decentralization because only a finite level of work can be accomplished by a single person. As with many facets of management, there are
advantages and disadvantages to decentralization.
1. The greater the diversity of products, the greater the decentralization.
2. The larger the size of the organization, the more the decentralization.
3. The more rapidly changing the organization?s environment, the more
4. Developing adequate, timely controls is the essence of decentralizing.
5. Managers should delegate decisions that involve large amounts of time
but minimal erosions of their power and control.
6. Decentralizing involves delegating authority, and therefore, the principles
of delegation apply to decentralization. (list the principles of delegation
before you start your discussion.) more
Write a paper that DESCRIBES and EVALUATES an organization's innovation strategy.
Use publicly available information, including Securities and Exchanges Commission filings.
Choose an organization that is introducing new products or services. (You will be using the grocery store chain?Publix. Publix has recently introduced an on-line shopping website).
? 1) You HAVE to use Present Tense when writing this paper. That means, you CAN?T say ?Sally WalkED to the store?. You HAVE to say ?Sally WalkS to the store? (I get points deducted) and I will request a re-write?THIS IS VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT
2) Use Headers to define/explain EACH bullet above
3)Use citations within the text/paragraphs WITH Page numbers
4) Your Reference page has to be perfect. Ensure you ?tab? the second line if there is a second line in one reference.
5) I have to be able to access all reference materials as my instructor double checks and actually reads them. Use only references that I can access please
7) Please do not go over the word count; she is strict
8) Times New Roman, 12 pitch please
Using on-line resources to conduct an research and an analysis of an industry sector of the economy using NAICS code (small retail grocery stores) regarding employment, the economy, compensatio...n and benefits.
Assume you are an executive for a specific business within the sector you are examining (Ukrop's Super Markets, Richmond, VA - Rank in Fortune 500 is 71, locate at http://www.ukrops.com) Identify the NAICS code for this organization, and use NAICS as a basis for the analytical framework of research.
Provide a data-based information about employment and compensation in this industry. You can provide data about the sector at the county, state, or national level as a basis of comparison. You can use a temporal comparison within segments (eg. changes in employment/compensation over time as well as in comparison to other sectors) Provide how many establishments are in sector, what the average payroll in the sector, how many employees on average in sector, what kind of benefits are provided in sector, compare and contrast sector to other sectors of interest. Please incorporate chart/graphs into the paper.
Use www.census.gov - www.bls.gov - http://factfinder.census.gov - www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html more
Impacts of a borderless society
We live in a world where geographic boundaries cease to exist when it comes to goods, services, and even food. We think nothing of having freshly squeezed oran...ge juice or kiwis for breakfast, even if we live in New York City with 10-inches of snow on the ground in the middle of January. We live in an age where everything and anything is available for consumption year-round at your local grocery store. However, this global market also comes with potentially major ecological and economic impacts (both positive and negative). For example, the coffee you drink may come from beans imported from Columbia, the sugar you use may come from India, or the steaks you sear on the grill may have come from Argentina. How much fuel was spent transporting these products across the ocean? Were any pesticides used? If so, was it done in a sustainable fashion? Were forests cleared to make room for grazing herds or larger agricultural fields? These are just a few of the many questions we should be asking ourselves.
This is an article (short) from 2006 in Time magazine. It is called ?Local Food Movement: The Lure of the 100-Mile Diet.?
This is a much more in-depth look (14 page journal article) at the contrast between global and local food choices.
For this assignment, think about the impact that two (2) of your meals have on our world from an ecological and economic perspective. You can pick breakfast, lunch or dinner, and then answer the following questions. in 1,000-words, using APA style formatting, including all appropriate citations:
List all of the components of two of your meals. Then,
Where did each component of your meal originate? List the country that each part of your meal came from. (i.e., Did that glass of red wine come from Australia? Is the cheese from France?)
List where you purchased the products from.
Consider the chain of events that took the product to get from the farm/laboratory to your table.
What are some of the benefits of a global market and why? List at least 2 benefits, weighing any short-term and long-term impacts.
What are some of the impacts of this global market and why? Considering both short-term and long-term impacts, provide at least 2 negative impacts.
Consider the phrase Think Globally, Act Locally. What does it mean to you?
Has your research on the global market changed the way you will choose goods in the future? Why or why not?
This project should be a minimum of 1,000-words in APA style format. As always, be sure to provide appropriate citations, references, and links to any information you use in this paper. Be sure to also avoid copying and pasting large sections of text from any given source. For help with citations, refer to the APA Quick Reference. more
In this assignment, you will review the concluding case study: The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets at the end of the chapter, "Managing the Diverse Workforce," and prepare a case study analy...sis (approximately 3-4 pages). You will need to use additional resources in preparing your report.
Investigate and analyze the company?s origin, history, corporate structure and growth.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses within the company in reference to their diversity initiatives
Identify opportunities and threats within the company?s external environment in reference to their diversity initiatives
What steps can Vivian Noble take to recruit and develop her new workforce?
What other ways can Noble help her company reach out to the community?
How will Fresh Foods Supermarkets as a whole benefit from successfully moving into this new region of the country?
Fresh Foods Supermarkets is a grocery store chain that was established in the Southeast 20 years ago. The company is now beginning to expand to other regions of the United States. First, the firm opened new stores along the eastern seaboard, gradually working its way up through Maryland and Washington, DC, then through New York and New Jersey, and on into Connecticut and Massachusetts. It has yet to reach the northern New England states, but executives have decided to turn their attention to the Southwest, particularly because of the growth of population there.
Vivian Noble, the manager of one of the chain's most successful stores in the Atlanta area, has been asked to relocate to Phoenix, Arizona, to open and run a new Fresh Foods Supermarket. She has decided to accept the job, but she knows it will be a challenge. As an African American woman, she has faced some prejudice during her career, but she refuses to be stopped by a glass ceiling or any other barrier. She understands that she will be living and working in an area where several cultures combine and collide, and she will be hiring and managing a diverse workforce. Noble has the support of top management at Fresh Foods, which wants the store to reflect the surrounding community?in both staff makeup and product selection. So she will be looking to hire employees with Hispanic and Native American roots, as well as older workers who can relate to the many retired residents in the area. And she will be seeking their input on the selection of certain food products, including popular ethnic brands, so that customers know they can buy what they need and want at Fresh Foods.
In addition, Noble wants to make sure that Fresh Foods provides services above and beyond those of a standard supermarket to attract local consumers. For instance, she wants the store to offer free delivery of groceries to homebound customers who are either senior citizens or physically disabled. She wants to be sure that the store has enough bilingual employees to translate for and otherwise assist customers who speak little or no English. Noble believes that she is a pioneer of sorts, guiding Fresh Food Supermarkets into a new frontier. ?The sky is almost always blue here,? she says of her new home state. ?And there's no glass ceiling between me and the sky.? more
In this final project, you will be building on the knowledge base you developed throughout the course. The Final Project, due at the end of Unit 9, will be both the synthesis and an expansion of infor...mation used on the three earlier case studies. Building on what you learned from the first three projects, you will answer questions about a case study and compile a mock report. You will want to implement any suggested changes your instructor provided you through feedback on the first three case studies. The text is your primary source for this, but be sure to also review the APA guidelines on ethics at http://www.apa.org/ethics/code2002.html and past unit material and work on ethical theories.
Your Final Project will consist of the following elements:
Read and analyze the case study below wearing the hat of a marriage family therapist.
Answer questions listed beneath the case study to describe your strategies for screening and assessment related to this case. All of your responses should be based on the material on ethics you have read. This section of the final should be in essay form, follow APA format, and be between 1500 and 2100 words in length, not including the title and reference page
Create a report modeled after the report in your textbook (see Chapter 12 and Appendix F). You may create a mock referral source or agency affiliation. You will complete all parts of the report for which you have information. You may also recommend referrals for additional information.
Final Case Study
A female, age 19, Marceline (M), is in your office. She has a friend, who is waiting for her with M?s 26-month-old male child, Michael Jr. (referred to as Junior). The child is quite disruptive and the friend is trying very hard to keep him quiet and interested in a toy, but they are really very frustrated with each other to all appearances.
M has requested that you speak to her current boyfriend, Leon, about several things right now. She wants him to be more patient with Michael Jr., and to be more attentive to her like he used to be. M is complaining about Leon?s increased drinking after a recent job loss, and some threatening behavior when he gets upset. This is usually at night when M and Leon both drink to calm their nerves. M perceives things are getting worse at home. They live together in a one-room studio apartment since M had her hours at the grocery store cut and Leon got laid off from the same store. They have lived in the studio for 4 months and previously in a home that they thought they could buy but walked away from because of escalating expenses and job cuts. ?To be truthful,? says M, ?I am miserable and so is he. What can we do? Junior is so hyper that I take him to my mother-in-law Grace?s house -- she runs a day care -- whenever I can.?
Living arrangements:
The studio apartment is not good; the landlord is not very receptive to complaints about the peeling paint, the toilet that won?t stop running and the heater that does not work. M and Leon are often late with the rent check. The landlord lets them go as long as they pay the same month and pay a late fee. Bill collectors are calling but the phone number has been changed now.
Marital status:
M is still married to her high-school sweetheart, Michael. They married in Las Vegas after learning she was pregnant with his baby. He was her first romantic involvement. Elopement seemed great and things were okay for the first year, but he left about a year later for another woman. Now he is back and wants to get together again and live with M and his son.
Present mental status:
M states that she is confused. Should she stay with Leon or should she go back with Michael? She?s pretty angry at Michael for his affair and leaving her and Junior, and has not really talked to him much except when M leaves the baby with Grace. You soon learn that they have done a bit more than talk, and she admits she has been intimate with Michael recently. Marceline says she is depressed, has suicidal thoughts, but overcomes them with alcohol and some other stuff now and then. She only drinks to calm down. Since they cut back her hours at the grocery store, she is really drinking more than usual. But, she says, she is always up with Jr. and gets him to Grace?s day care by 9:00 A.M. She and Leon both wait until five before they drink and then it?s just a few. After she gets the baby back and starts dinner for the family, she will drink to calm her nerves. ?I should have never had a kid,? she comments. M adds, ?And this kid just isn?t normal. I swear he hates me. It isn?t easy to love the kid when he won?t talk and just screams and runs around like crazy. I just sit and stare at him sometimes. Right now, Michael seems nicer to me than Leon. Well, I do sort of see more of Michael now at my mother-in-law?s. We talk a lot."
Child?s status:
Michael Jr. is not doing well at all. He is extremely avoidant of people, won?t try to talk, cries, and throws tantrums when he cannot get his way. Both M and Leon are ready to give the child to Michael and his mother, Grace, who want him. Michael Jr. is with his grandmother, Grace, a great deal of the time. She runs a small day care for 3 children to help pay for the house she inherited through the family. The house is overall suitable but needs some plumbing work and a new refrigerator. Overall, M eventually lets you know that she wants to end her relationship with Leon and move in with Grace.
Current status:
The phone rings into your office, and M?s mother-in-law, Grace, is calling to tell you, the therapist, some things that she believes will assist you in helping M and Junior. She would like to see Michael and M get together again. In fact, Michael is on another phone extension and can speak with you right now. Grace and Michael also want to see you about helping Junior.
Begin your final project with the essay section and address the following questions:
Whom do you want to interview and why?
What paperwork should be on file?
Based on the material on ethics you learned in this course, what are the ethical issues to be considered? How do these ethical considerations influence the work you will do with M and her family? Remember to explain the type of ethics (consequential, non-consequential, virtue) that supports your ideas
What type of assessment/testing would you perform? For whom? Be sure to name the person, explain the specific assessment/testing you are doing, and why you are performing it.
What other screening may assist your assessment of the people in this case? Would you refer any one of these hypothetical clients? To whom might you refer? For what?
In your answers to these questions, you should provide a good deal of support from the course material, using examples and references. You also may use sources from the Kaplan library or credible Internet sites (useful internet cites are using .gov; .edu; and .org). Your opinions also are valued, but it is important to keep in mind that your primary objective in completing this project is to illustrate your knowledge of the course material. This essay section of your final should be approximately 1500-1800 words in length not including your tile and reference page. Be sure to follow APA formatting. You can find information on APA format in the Kaplan Writing Center. You may use the APA Quick Reference on the Course Home Page for citation examples.
Citing Sources
It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:
Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, Internet sources.
Use others' ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing discussion question responses or completing projects.
Use direct quotes in the context of your project (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks).
Writing the Assessment Report
For this last section of your final, follow the format in Chapter 12 and in Appendix F to write the Assessment Report. Choose either Marceline, Leon, or Junior as the person in your report. It is fine to make up the demographic information to add to the data you have in the case study. You will also have to augment the data in the case study in the family background, significant medical/counseling history, substance use/abuse, educational/vocational history, and the other pertinent information sections in the report. Discuss the results of the tests/assessments you chose in the essay section as if you actually administered the tests/assessments. This section of your final should be approximately 1500-1800 words following the format in Appendix F. more
idividual Assignment: Person Values Paper
Reflect on the Ethics Awareness inventory and personal values. Then consider what Kudler Fine Foods appears to value as an organization.
Wri...te in no more than 1000 words, a paper identifying your values, how those values align with the values of Kudler Fine Foods, and how this would affect your performance if your were a manager at Kudler Fine Foods.
Results of of Ethics Awareness Inventory self-assessment.
Ethical Perspective
I tend to base your ethical perspective on what it is good to be, rather than what it is good to do. You believe that ethics should focus on ways to help people achieve moral excellence. When asked to judge whether an individual's actions are ethical, you look beyond the actions to examine the individual's character. Uprightness and intergrity are key factors in your assessment. You look for evidence of virtue in people, including such traits as honor, justice, and benevolence, believing that a virtue is not just an abstract principle. Rather virtue is reflected in the quality of an individual's character, and character is more important than an individuals actions. In your opinion, mere compliance with rules, no matter how well-inentioned, does not make anyone an ethical person without being accompanied by consistent voluntary striving to be morally good person. This category is most closely aligned in philosophy with virtue theeory.
Ethical Style
I believe that ethics relies on the ability of individuals to make sound moral judgements. You do not believe that it is enough to comply with some preset standards or principles of right and wrong to find the solution to a complex ethical dilemma. Ethics relies on exemplary character to make the difficult choices. You value such qualotoes as honesty, wisdom, and integrity, and you place greater emphasis on demonstrating these qualities than on following the rules. You believe that an individual would be incapable of choosing between conflicting rules or standards of right and wrong without already possessing good character. Your approach to ethics call for developing practical wisdom and sound judgement within individuals to guide them in their ethical decision making. Your ethical style compels you to strive to be a person of wisdom and intergrity.
Kudler Fine Foods is committed to providing our customers with the finest selection of the very best foods and wines so that your culinary visions can come true.
Kudler Fine Foods will be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses, and wine.
Social Responsibility Statement
Kudler Fine Foods uses only the finest organic ingredients. Whenever possible, we purchase local produce from organic farmers. We use unbleached flour in our bakery goods and we dont add unnecessary preservatives to our products. Food is rotated from the shelves on an ongoing basis. Those items that are still in good condition are donated to local homeless shelters and food kitchens.
Kudler Fine Foods was established in 1998 when Kathy Kudler fulfilled her vision of establishing her own gourmet food store. Kathy had a passion for gourmet foods but found that her particular neighborhood just did not have a wide selection of products to choose from. Although she had no experience in operating a gourmet food shop, she believed that a one-stop shopping experience at a place with lots of variety and reasonable prices would be successful.
Kathy opened her first store and then a second and recently a third. The La Jolla store continues to grow while the Del Mar store has been having some difficulties. The store in Encinitas has just opened, but sales seem brisk. Kathy works seven days a week, visiting and
working at each store sometimes daily. Kathy has hired a manager and an assistant manger for each store to handle much of the day-to-day details, cashiers to check people out and some part-time, local college students to help with stocking the shelves and constantly tending to the inventory to make sure that fresh product is always on the shelf. She also has hired specialists who advise and assist clients with their culinary needs. These specialists are located in each store, usually during regular business hours. Since the beginning, Kathy has handled all of the buying for the stores. In order to get the best price possible for products, Kathy buys in bulk for all three stores. While this approach saves Kathy money, ordering for all three stores on a weekly basis takes so much of her time, that she hardly has time to interact with the customers anymore. Because customers expect a high-quality product, Kathy makes sure that the product is pulled from the shelf and replaced as soon as possible if the turnover rate is less than expected. Kathy intends to continue providing fine quality foods to the local area, while expanding and opening new stores in the process. While cash flow is good, buildings are leased and not purchased and thus far, Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) has been able to operate without any outside investors.
Current Locations
Kathy opened her first store in 1998 in La Jolla, California. La Jolla was selected because it is the area in which Kathys initial needs assessment illustrated that a gourmet market is needed. La Jollas population was 44,424 and growing at 1.9% per year. The average median house price is just over $2 million. Kathys assumption that La Jolla would be a great place to open a gourmet store was quickly proven to be correct as her sales were strong from the beginning and continues to grow. Since the doors opened, Kathy spends most of her time at the stores, selecting and ordering product, occasionally running the cash register, and sometimes even stocking the shelves after the store closes or before it opens in the morning. Kudler Fine Foods was a success since it launched. In La Jolla, locals would stop by the store on their way home from the tennis court or the golf course or the office and purchase fresh produce and other products. As sales continued to increase, Kathy began to think about opening another store using the same model.
The La Jolla location had not only generated sales, but produced enough cash flow so that two years later Kudler opened its second store in Del Mar, CA. Del Mar is just far enough north of La Jolla that residents of Del Mar dont want to fight the I-5 traffic to visit La Jolla so this offered a great opportunity for growth. The two stores are only about 35 minutes apart on the freeway
and Kathy can easily visit both locations for control and monitoring and to finalize the weekly inventory list and order product. Del Mars median household income in 2000 was $98,257. The population was only 4,389 people but the area was considered to be economically strong enough and it has been able to support the second store, just above break-even. In early 2003, as part of her expansion plan, Kathy opened a third store in Encinitas. Although Encinitas is located just a little more in-land than the other two locations, the average age of its residents was 39.7 and is expected to be a very good target market for gourmet foods. The average household income is just over $75,000 and with a population base of just over 50,000 people, we think that the Carlsbad, CA area might be a good area for the next store. The Del Mar store would be consolidated into the Carlsbad store once it is open. This will be discussed later in the marketing plan section.
Store Departments
Each store consists of the following departments:
Each of our stores has its own modern European-Style Bakery. In the wee hours of the morning, our bakers begin mixing their dough and creating fresh breads and pastries including fruit tarts, table loaves, flat bread, and the flakiest croissants in Southern California. Our breads and pastries are made from old world recipes and the finest ingredientsIrish butter, organic eggs, and unbleached flour. Kudlers bakery products do not contain peservatives. We use only the freshest ingredients and rotate our inventory daily. We donate day-old bakery products to local charities who feed the homeless. The slogan for our bakery department is: If you arent satisfied that our baked goods are among the best you have tasted, your purchase if free!
Our meat and seafood are procured from certified organic producers. The meat and seafood products are fresh and prepared in the store to order. The butcher shop in each store carries:
? Dry, aged beef
? A variety of poultry including turkey, duck, pheasant, quail, and chicken
? Lamb
? Home-made sausagesmade without preservatives
< FONT size=3>The slogan for our Meat department is: We will be happy to handle any special requests you may have.
Our produce department offers over 350 fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. We stock 16 different varieties of apples as well as a wide range of tropical fruits from around the world. Experienced cooks know that the right combinations of herbs and spices will turn a good meal into a great meal. Herbs and spices are most flavorful when they are fresh, and we carry the freshest herbs and spices in the area. We have an Asian Specialty Produce department where we carry the produce, herbs, and spices that are the staples of Asian cooking. We know that our customers are interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while also trying to live within their budgets. We address these concerns by offering most of our produce in both organic and non-organic varieties. The slogan for our Produce department is:
If you dont see it, let us know and we will special o rder the item for you!
Cheese and Dairy
Our stores carry a complete line of the finest dairy products including Irish butter and organic milk. We are known for our wide assortment of gourmet cheeses. We carry over 250 varieties of cheese from 21 countries. Our stores offer cheese made from cow, goat, and sheeps milk. We will also special order any cheese you may want that we do not carry in stock. The slogan for our Cheese and Dairy department is: Stop by any of our stores on a Saturday morning and experience a sampling of our cheese selections.
We have traveled the world to bring you an extensive collection of domestic and imported wines and spirits. Whether our customers want to mix the quintessential martini or find the perfect wine to serve at their next dinner party, Kudlers is the place to shop. They will find that our stores carry a wide variety of spirits and at prices that will meet any budget. While we are proud of our wide selection, we certainly dont want our customers to be intimidated, so each of our stores has a Wine Steward who will be more than happy to assist customers in making their selection. We also hold monthly wine appreciation classes so customers can learn the nuances of our wines.
1. Small organization
2. No direct competition
; 3. Lots of choices for the consumer
4. Very customer oriented
5. Good store locations
&n bsp; 6. Kathys personal relationship with the staff
7. Repeat customers
1. Deal in mainly perishable goods
2. Specialty shops with high pay-roll
3. Small management team with lots of responsibilities
4. The Del Mar location is not doing as well as expected
5. Geographic expansion limitations
1. Geographic expansion throughout California
2. Delegate purchasing process to someone with more time and experience
3. Offer more catering services
4. Add more product line as we grow
5. Spread our brand outside of California as we grow
6. Opportunity to be acquired
Our THREATS are:
1. Competing gourmet shops
2. The economy declining
1. Small organization. We are able to control and monitor all activities on a daily and weekly basis.
2. No direct competition. There are no other gourmet stores in our geographic area. Specialty stores are limited and, with the exception of major grocery chains and smaller, independent wine stores, we have no direct competition.
3. Lots of choices for the consumer. We offer 16 different kinds of apples, wines from all over the world, 250 variety of cheeses, and 350 fresh fruits and vegetables. No one, including the major grocery chains, offers such a diverse product variety.
4. Very customer oriented. Whenever possible, Kathy works the counter and spends time out in the store interacting with customers. She encourages the clerks to be friendly and helpful to the customers and ask if they found ev erything they were looking for. If several customers request the same item, Kudler orders that item for the shelves or will even offer to special order it for the customer.
5. The locations of the stores are in mid- to upper-range economic regions where potential customers can afford to pay gourmet prices for the better quality and healthy products and the greater variety.
6. Kathy is able to interact with all of the staff each week.
7. Repeat customers. Once customers come into the store, they tend to return every 7 to 10 days to purchase more products. Kudler Fine Foods has a great reputation in our neighborhoods.
& nbsp; 1. Deal in mainly perishable goods. Because we do not use any preservatives, approximately 12% of our perishable goods are rotated out of inventory every two or three days, either by being thrown away or donated to local charities. Donated food is still in good condition, but not excellent condition so it is removed from the shelves on an ongoing basis.
2. Specialty shops with high pay-roll: Butcher, baker, wine steward, etc. Payroll of these specialty positions is higher than that of the clerks and stock personnel. It is also difficult to find qualified people for these positions when someone quits or when we open a new store. Our pay is a little bit below average so we allow all employees to take home some of the perishable goods to share with their family. While this does help put food on the table, it does not help some of our employees who have high living expenses.
3. Small management team with lots of responsibilities. When Kathy is sick or on vacation, no one is able to order replacement inventory or deal with major business issues.
4. The Del Mar location is not doing as well as expected. Although the area meets the economic demographics for a successful area, the town is too small to really support the store. Once the Carlsbad location is opened a few miles south, the Del Mar store will be phased out when the rental agreement expires.
5. Geographic expansion limitations. While there are many areas, just within California that would make great sites for future stores, it gets more and more difficult for Kathy to visit each store and maintain inventory and ordering. While we are planning to open the Carlsbad location and close down the Del Mar store, we are also considering San Francisco as our next out-of-the-area expansion, which will make it difficult for Kathy to use her current management approach.
1. Geographic expansion througout California. There are many more potential areas for new stores including San Diego, Palm Springs, San Francisco and Santa Barbara. Other areas will be considered with Carlsbad next on the list and then possible sites in the San Francisco area. The Asian Specialty Produce Department has been doing quite well and Kudler believes that the largest concentration of Asians in California is in the San Francisco area.
2. There is an opportunity to bring in outside management to help run the operation. With multiple locations, Kathy is quickly recognizing the fact that she is having a difficult time doing everything that needs to be done. She is thinking about hiring someone to help with purchasing and inventory tracking. These areas keep her in the back office of the stores instead of out front with the customers, which is the part that she enjoys.
3. There is an opportunity to offer more catering services. Kudler has provided some catering services upon request and in general, the customers have been very pleased with the service. Since Kathy handles the delivery, set-up, distribution, and clean-up for
the event, she is able to keep costs down and the profit margin is 25% better than product profit margin in the stores. In addition, Kathy has received tips on top of the profit that basically pays her expenses to travel and set up the event.
&nb sp; 4. Opportunity to add more product line as we grow. Customers are always asking if we carry a specific item or product. If we receive several requests for the same product, we ask our wholesalers if they can provide the product on a trial basis. Recently, we had a few people request Hungarian Wax Peppers which are commonly found on the East Coast of the United States but difficult to find on the West Coast.
5. Opportunity to spread our brand outside of California as we grow. Most specialty stores are in the eastern half of the United State s so the entire west coast offers great opportunities particularly for those who have moved from New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia who are used to the specialty gourmet stores. We believe there are some additional opportunities in Naples, FL and Greenwich, CT that will be explored in the future as well.
6. Opportunity to be acquired. As we continue to grow, there is always the possibility that we may be acquired by another company. Kathy could consider such a move in the future as part of her retirement plan.
1. While we currently dont have any competition, another gourmet shop could open in our geographic area. If we offer fresh and healthy products at a reasonable price, hopefully we can keep competitors from entering the marketplace.
2. Economy could change and customers could stop buying gourmet foods. Gourmet foods (imported foods and organically grown food) cost just a little bit more than what you normally find in the grocery store. If the economy declines and peoples cash flow is decreased, customers may buy fewer gourmet items and purchase products at the local grocery store. more
Pretend that MBA student is planning to do a capstone project. What are the best topics (and relevant) to do his research on if he worked at grocery stores (ex. Kroger, etc)?
Thank you.
Customer is requesting that (tomlr_98) completes this order.
The service that will be used in this assignment is a ?Grocery Delivery Service? to the local, A...rlington, TX area. Like ?FreshDirect? offered on the east coast (www.freshdirct.com), the competitive advantage is there isn?t a store in the area that provides such a service. I would like it to be simulated as though it was going to be offered to a local grocery store, such as Wal-Mart, Kroger?s, Alde?s, Save-A-Lot etc. Instructions for this assignment are listed below:
Service to be sold ? What are the primary features and benefits of this service? What is the service?s competitive advantage?
Elevator speech ? This part of the exercise requires that you gain the attention of a buyer un a very short period of time?the time it takes to get from the first floor to the top floor of a high rise building in an elevator. This exercise is real?it is commonly used by prospective entrepreneurs seeking venture capital. Venture capitalists do not have time for listening to entrepreneurs drone on about details of their inventions or ideas. They want to become excited and see the financial potential in an invention or idea in 30 to 40 seconds
Overview of elevator speech ? Prepared presentation that says a lot in a few words. The core message markets yourself and the organization?make them want more.
NO-NO?Don?t tell them what you are (e.g. salesperson, marketer)?tell how you help others.
NOTE: Accompanying the service description must be information about the kinds of organizations that might be interested in purchasing the service (Wal-Mart, Kroger?s, Alde?s, Save-A-Lot etc.) more
The Discussion for Module 4 explores online distribution. First, check out the following news articles on Amazon's online grocery service.
Then, answer the following questions:
1.What do you think of Amazon's move to online grocery delivery? Does it give the company a competitive advantage?
2.Identify one of your favorite grocery stores. What attracts you to it? Can you think of anything the store has done to draw your patronage and stop you from buying online? Is there anything further they could do to retain your loyalty?
Note: Please check the Discussion grading rubrics to better understand the requirements for Discussions.
Building an Ethical Organization Part 2 hsm 230
? Resources: Appendix A
? Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper in APA format containing the following:
o Int...roduction
o Description of the organization: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Mission statement: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Values statement: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Code of ethics: List your organization's code of ethics, with a minimum of 10 items. How does the code inspire a tangible outcome from employees? How is it related to the mission and values of the organization?
o Organizational culture: What type of culture do you plan to foster and how? How will the culture institutionalize the organization's values?
o Leadership: What approach to leadership will you take? How will you develop and maintain organizational culture as a leader? What is your moral responsibility as a leader?
part i is this
Here is a description of the organization of which I am director for. A brief description of the organization is that we are a nonprofit organization in which we specialize in meeting the needs of our clientele. Our clientele is primary residents of nursing homes, disabled citizens, and those that reside in senior assisted living communities. Our organization provides services by way of compiling a shopping list (primarily a grocery list) and we do their grocery shopping for them. This is very convenient because our clientele will not have to travel out of the residence, and in a sense makes their lives easier, and this a benefit for families living far away worrying about how their loved ones are going to eat, shop, in addition to giving them peace of mind that they don?t have to travel out. We pride ourselves in our mission statement in which the goal is ?Meeting the needs of our clients is our highest priority; selflessness is more than a gesture or act, it is peace of mind.? We want to establish this mission statement as a foundation and a build this foundation with our clients, to let them know that they are and will be our highest priority throughout the duration and time that call on us for our services.
Our organizational mission statement is ?Meeting the needs of our clients is our highest priority; selflessness is more than a gesture or act, it is peace of mind. We offer peace of mind to individuals within the community who are senior citizens, disabled and wounded soldiers of war. We offer means of grocery shopping why picking up orders online and delivering services to our clients.? Our mission statement serves a vital and strategic role in our organization that should never be neglected by the workers employed within the organization. The mission statement would prove the type of organization we seek to become in which we will have a common goal, which is helping, dedicating and committing ourselves to the people we are serving.
The mission statement will support the ethical system because in our organization, the staff will perform their duties, services, responsibilities, and activity ethically. Therefore, it means they will have in sense integrity because they are dealing with clientele monies. The clients are entrusting them to go to the store to shop for them, they are giving them money, access to their pin numbers on their credit cards and so forth, so honestly is an absolute necessity concerning meeting the needs of the clients. We as on organization expect proper controls and safeguarding of all resources given to them. Hopefully, this mission statement and the reputation and feedback that we receive from those we have served prove to others of the type of organization that we seek to become. As the director, I would assist the organization and lead by example to provide a high level of customer service to the clients, and be a mirror to my staff so he or she can mimic my exceptional skills and carry that over into his or her work. Possessing a mission statement would provide a basis of how our company would conduct business. We definitely would strive to be the best and nothing but the best. In addition to our organization and supporting the ethical system, we know many times that clients will have us picking up his or her prescription for certain types of medications for the ailments via the pharmacy, located in many grocery stores. I want to ensure that we would respect the confidentiality of clients and their records, including their prescriptions. We would not externally disclose confidential information or other nonpublic information without appropriate authorization. I wanted to point that out because I want family members and more important the client to feel comfortable in using our services, once again giving him or her peace of mind. Last, I want to state that our organization does not condone dishonesty in any form by anyone, nor the misuse of funds from our clients. We encourage and expect reporting of any form of untruthfulness to be reported to managers, supervisors, and other appropriate personally so an investigation can be conducted. We constantly strive for constant improvement within the organization so we can better meet the needs of our clients, because when we can make clients happy, which gives them the peace of mind to know us as an organization is still committed to fully serving them and helping them in any way possible.
The message the mission statement sends to the community is we are an organization that will help those who cannot help themselves. Also we are an organization that is built on making the lives of seniors, wounded war vets, and other with disabilities easier. Plus, this takes stress off of family members who in a position to shop for those we are serving. For senior citizens, we would involve their caretakers and those family members who are looking after them, so they can always be updated and know what is getting purchased, in a sense of keeping them in the loop of what is happening with their family members.
Our organization values statement is very simple, and one in which I touched on earlier. However, to be more specific our values state is ?As an organization, we value and honor integrity, honesty, and personal growth with the willingness to here constructive criticism in order to continually self-improve to make the organization better. We as an organization are committed to customers whom we make a priority. We as an organization hold ourselves responsible for our customers and employees by upholding our commitment and providing beneficial results. We want to set our organization apart from similar companies by providing the best services and striving to become the best. By the staff of the organization and me being the director of the organization, first, I will lead by example and uphold the values that I have put in place, and in return the staff can aspire to do the same. The values that are put in place are core value in which every staff member should follow because doing so shows the professionalism in which the organization is and will set the organization apart from non-professional companies and organizations that are similar. The values are in a sense a guide to work by, and by following these values will instill into our staff that we are the best and let our clientele know that we are honest individuals looking out for their best interest.
The value relates to the organization?s mission state is simple because they both form a climate in which the staff working for the organization can use as a tool or tutor to work by, and the clientele can look to about what to expect. The values and mission statement share a common bond of the in which for our organization is ?Embracing diversity within our organization and celebrating and accepting the differences of our employees and clientele, everybody is different and everyone differences make them unique. more
Assuming the demographic changes about the growth of the Hispanic population in the United States are accurate, comment on how this shift changes the marketing segmentation in the grocery and fast food industries. For example, if a grocery store currently has about 15% of its space dedicated to Hispanics should that be changed now in light of the demographic research?
Be sure to use current key demographic and lifestyle facts and statistics about these markets and their consumers.
Write your marketing analysis in 2?3 pages in a Word document using Times New Roman font size 12, double spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Follow the APA style for writing, editing, and citation of sources.
These three stories are going to be on a midterm exam this Thursday, May 31, 2007.
I would like you to write 2 pages for each story (6 pages total) focusing on the instructor's preparation instruc...tions and my six point summary below, to help me prepare for the exam. Also included please find "Some of Bruce Tambling's ideas on the Three Stories." Please utilize my seed ideas to the extent that you feel is advisable.
Please document the page and paragraph number for all quotes used.
Three Stories:
- "Where are You Going, Where Have You Been, by Joyce Carol Oates
- "A & P," by John Updike
-"The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka
Instructor's "Fiction Midterm Exam" Preparation Suggestions:
Review stories lectures and discussion forums. You should know the theme youd like to explore for each story and how to define it. A theme is the underlying general truth about human behavior or the human condition that the story suggests. You should already have in mind several passages that reveal that theme. You should know the motivations and limitations of characters. You should have a sense of how the story or its aspects are working on a symbolic level. You should know how to discuss the elements of the story as they reveal meaning and enhance a theme. You should know how to apply particular lenses to a story. You should know how to put the story in a cultural context. You should know how to present long and short quotes. You should know how to develop your paragraphs so that they are tightly structured to show the truth of your interpretations.
Six Point Summary:
1) You should know the theme youd like to explore for each story and how to define it.
2) You should already have in mind several passages that reveal that theme.
3) You should know the motivations and limitations of characters.
4) You should have a sense of how the story or its aspects are working on a symbolic level.
5) You should know how to apply particular lenses to a story.
6) You should know how to put the story in a cultural context.
Some of Bruce Tambling's ideas on the Three Stories:
A & P, by John Updike (410)
The setting of the story is in a grocery store a few miles from a beach in Main. The narrator has what people from the West coast describe as an East Coast rebellious attitude or defiant edge.
The grocery store has a very conservative customer base that reacted in shock to see the girls in only their bathing suits, as they would "jerk, hop or hiccup" (409) when they saw the girls. The setting is further emphasized by the store manager Lengel. Lengel is ultra conservative, teaches Sunday school, and strongly disapproves of the girls attire, and he tells them to dress decent next time they come in the store. It is a very conservative, constricting setting. The presence of the two banks and Congressional Church right outside the door is an ever present reminder of conservative authority.
Psychoanalytical lens.
This story is about a young man who chooses to quit his job in a grocery store in response to the way his boss treats some teenage girls.
The point of view is first person narrator as Sammy describes bikini clad girls waltzing in ways only a teenage boy can do when he describes their body parts as "the two smoothest scoops of vanilla I had ever known were there." (411)
From a psychoanalytical approach, Sammy is pushing the boundaries of himself, discovering himself beyond the paternal controlling of external rules. This is a rite of passage as he affirms, proclaims and expresses his true inner and personal beliefs to the controlling archetypal authority father figure represented by the manager. This is symbolic of challenging his father and affirms Sammy's own independence as a man.
As part of this initiation, Sammy must accept the consequences of his actions and is thrust into the real world of independence, which is a birthing into adulthood and a declaration of his true self. His innermost being physically affirms that he has crossed the path of no return as his "stomach kind of fell" (411).
This is a small town close to Boston, a few miles from the beach. It is a time when views toward sexuality were more conservative and restricting. During this time period when you could buy "Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream" for 49 cents, walking into a grocery store in a bathing suit was literally considered "indecent." This cultural mindset reminds me of the old Maybury RFD TV shows in the 1960s when the whole town would freak out if they heard about girls in bikinis. That time is in contrast to American culture today, where most beach front community dwellers would not blink an eye.
Disclaimer: I went off the deep end in this analysis. Although I believe I am on to something, but I ran out of time to adequately support my argument with any degree of clarity. So with that in mind-?>>
A & P, by John Updike (410) is a short story about a teenage boy who challenges authority and the moral values of adult society. A sexual energy, the creative life force, expresses itself through Sammy's interaction with the girls. This inspires him to stand up for what he believes in, and he is forced to accept the consequences of his decisions and actions.
Sammy's tone as the narrator is rebellious, irreverent and sarcastic. It is clear that he is not exactly enthralled with his job at the A & P when he describes his customer as a witch that "would have burned [her] over in Salem" (408). He calls the other customers "sheep" and fat women with varicose veins mapping their legs" (409).
The environment of the market represents the laws and regulations with which Sammy must comply. Sammy is working within the rules and structures created and enforced by the adult world. He is forced to wear a uniform, apron and bow tie. He must obey behavior codes and is under the close watch of his adult customers who have "been watching cash registers for 50 years" (408). The presence of the banks and church right outside the store represent the overbearing, omnipresent influence of social, financial and religious rules and commandments to which he is expected to conform.
Sammy is not happy with these restrictions or social views and has no intention of following in the shoes of his coworker Stokesie. Stokesie is only twenty-two and is already incarcerated in the institution of marriage with a wife and two kids.
The girls represent and are an embodiment of the Divine Goddess Shakti and caused the primal energy in Sammy's root chakra to ascend upwards through the internal energy pathways known as Nadis, which are similar to acupuncture meridians. Connected to these pathways are other energy centers, known as chakras. If the nadis and chakras are blocked or clogged in anyway, such as negative emotions, those negative traits can be amplified and even explode in the person's face. If the pathways are open and clean the person will experience bliss, peace and enlightenment. In Sammy's case, the rising energy hit some core issues, such as anger, lust and judging others in a negative fashion. In this case, Sammy could "not handle the energy."
His feelings of wanting to be free from the bondage of these limitations are amplified by the presence of the girls. The girls represent the sexual aspect of the universal feminine principle and it's effect on the male. The girls presence awakens Sammy's masculine desires and increases the intensity of his thoughts and feelings. Sexual energy is a major creative force and the girls ignite this force within Sammy to the point where he has no choice but to express himself. The sexual energy in a young man is a strong force that can be expressed in a wide range of ways, from artistic to violent. His conscious mind is distracted and infatuated with the girls. On a deeper unconscious level, the sexual energy of the girls presence and Sammy's sexual desire unlock and release his innermost feelings.
Sammy is not happy in this environment and the girls push him over theedge to express himself in an unprecedented fashion. The primordial energy, at the base of his spine, swelled within him so strong that he could not control himself and actually barely knew what he was doing. When Lengel asks Sammy if he has rung up the purchase, Sammy was focused on the "two smoothest" (411) breasts he had ever seen. He was mesmerized and enchanted with sexual energy. The words "I quit" emerged from within him unexpectedly. Sammy narrates almost like he is watching himself say these things, like he is detached, disconnected and passively observing.
Sammy stood up against authority and expressed himself. The girls provide the energy, the impetus, the sexual charge and stimulation that ignite Sammy's actions. He has no choice but to express his inner personal truth. Without stimulation from the girls, this may have never happened. This is a rite of passage for Sammy. He realizes the consequences of his actions and "how hard the world is going to be [to me] hereafter" (411). This is part of his initiation into adulthood.
He still has a lot to learn and is just starting to harness and integrate his creative life force. Lengel, the store manager, gives Sammy the opportunity to reconsider. It's a sign of maturity and wisdom to be able to step back, take a breath and admit that you were wrong. But Sammy is not mature enough to consider the option. As the girls leave the store, Sammy no longer receives the juice that fed and ignited his feelings. The end of the story leaves Sammy alone without the additional female energy. As he returns to his normal consciousness, he begins to realize the ramifications of his outburst, and his "stomach kind of fell" (411).
Where are You Going, Where Have You Been
In "Where are You Going, Where Have You Been?," (186) by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie is portrayed as a typical teenage girl struggling through the inevitable transition into adulthood. Her struggle includes shifting between the multiple roles she plays with her parents, sister, friends and boys. She is infatuated with herself and tries to project confidence despite her teenage insecurities. Connie's confrontation with Arnold show how innocent and vulnerable she is. Arnold appears much older to Connie, "maybe 30 or more" (192), and he attempts to seduce her beyond the boundaries of her current identity.
Arnold uses psychological intimidation and even threats of physical violence to try and manipulate Connie into having sex with him. Connie experiences a wide range of confusion and emotions; she is intrigued, scared, flattered and excited all at the same time. She is being offered the chance to step outside the boundaries of her childhood and take a journey into womanhood. Even though her decision has potential risks, she decides to step into the unknown and surrender herself into the hands of Arnold. Maybe she is deceived by him, or, maybe, she realizes her own power and chooses to go with Arnold knowing that she is the one in control.
The Metamorphosis
In the essay "The Metamorphosis: Overview," Susanne Klingenstein wrote "despite the strange nonchalance with which Gregor accepts his transformation, the course of the story makes clear that 'it was no dream'. I agree that Gregor has a strange nonchalance. Although there is some initial denial by Gregor when he thinks What if I slept a bit longer and forgot all this foolishness, (paragraph 3) reality affirms that he is indeed a bug when he can't even maneuver into his usual sleeping position. Instead of becoming consumed with panic and anxiety about being a bug, Gregor's whimsical internal dialog continues in a very matter of fact tone. He contemplates his "strenuous profession" requiring "traveling day in, day out," (4) and makes plans for getting dressed and having breakfast to catch the next train. The denial factor continues as Gregor "didnt doubt in the least that the change in his voice was nothing more than the harbinger of a hearty cold." He has every intention to continue on with business as usual.
The essay cites Theodor W. Adorno recommending the principle of literalness as the first rule" which means "take everything literally; cover up nothing with concepts invoked from above." I agree with this approach in reading and analyzing The Metamorphosis. Klingenstein's essay mentions many interpretations from a psychoanalytical view including Gregor becoming a bug because of his guilt towards his father and "unconscious infantile desires." My interpretation is much more literal. Gregor turns into a bug. Try as we might to analyze the deeper meaning and causes of this event, no one can really know why this has happened. It simply is. I feel a great deal of compassion for Gregor, and his family, and am more concerned with how they cope with the issues than looking for symbolic meaning. I can understand the tendency to view the story as a metaphysical allegory, but the day to day challenges of the present moment for both Gregor and his family are significant as well.
Researching literary criticism on The Metamorphosis, I was surprised to find a consensus of opinions that this is an autobiographical piece of writing, and that parts of the story reflect Kafka's own life. Evidently Kafka felt like an insect in his father's authoritative presence and even developed a stammer while speaking to him. Like Gregor, Kafka was forced to take an office job out of a sense of duty to his family. He hated the job and wanted more time to write. His sister, Ottla, was usually understanding and supportive to him. But, in this instance, she turns against him insisting that he work in the office. Kafka felt that she had betrayed him, and that night he actually contemplated suicide!
Regardless of this autobiographical insight, my research indicates that Kafka's writing style offers opportunity for a wide range of interpretations that many critics are drawn to explore.
Literature: Authors: K: Kafka, Franz. Open Directory Project .http://dmoz.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/K/Kafka,_Franz/ 2007
B. Theme and Setting
One of the themes in The Metamorphosis is the search for personal identity. Gregor's major reason to exist has been to help support his family. Turning unto a bug shatters this image of himself and destroys his most important purpose in life: making money for his family. The setting of his room keeps Gregor surrounded in a environment that supports his internal dialog and reflections. The room is, of course, familiar and also nurturing and comforting to him. The setting of his room keeps him isolated and protected from outside influences so he can contemplate his identity and how to best move forward. The room also has a door connecting to the rest of the house which gives him contact and support with the rest of the family. The setting of this short novel never goes outside of the small apartment, until after Gregor dies, and this keeps the focus on Gregor's quest for personal identity from becoming diffused with other distractions. more
Individual Assignment: Create a Problem Statement
? Create a problem statement, from the issues you selected, which focuses management?s efforts to resolve these issues and achieve ...the organization?s goals.
? Create an end vision of Kudler Fine Foods by describing where Kudler could be if this opportunity is realized by management action.
What I would like is for you to prepare a paper in APA format that outlines the problems with Kudler foods. Also include in the report what Kudler Foods would look like if it took the opportunities these short comings could bring the organization. The trick is to do it in 700-800 words. Be sure to use plenty of citation here.
What are some of the issues at Kudler Fine Foods?
Kudler Fine Foods is a niche provider of high quality groceries and catering. The heart and soul of the company is their founder Kathy Kudler. Her vision statement is ?Kudler Fine Foods will be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses, and wine? in the San Diego area. The key to describing some of the issues needed to support Kathy Kudler?s vision are neatly packaged in the company strategic plan SWOT analysis listed below in Fig.1.
Figure 1.
1. Small organization
2. No direct competition
3. Lots of choices for the consumer
4. Very customer oriented
5. Good store locations
6. Kathy?s personal relationship with the staff
7. Repeat customers
1. Deal in mainly perishable goods
2. Specialty shops with high pay-roll
3. Small management team with lots of responsibilities
4. The Del Mar location is not doing as well as expected
5. Geographic expansion limitations
1. Geographic expansion throughout California
2. Delegate purchasing process to someone with more time and experience
3. Offer more catering services
4. Add more product line as we grow
5. Spread our brand outside of California as we grow
6. Opportunity to be acquired
Our THREATS are:
1. Competing gourmet shops
2. The economy declining
KFF is a small organization so they have the ability to react quickly to changing market conditions. But, their small size means that they can?t take advantage of economies of scale to purchase from their suppliers. They have a profit margin that is small compared to the big box grocery stores. They have to generate $10.8 million in net sales just to make $680 thousand in net profit. Not good if you are looking for venture capital to expand on. KCC sees several opportunities to grow net profit as shown in fig.1. Since Kathy Kudler is the heart and soul of the company there is always the risk that the company would not recover if something were to happen to her. The strategic plan makes mention of this but has not declared a contingency plan. The stock market bubble has already burst and the California real estate bubble is declining at the time the strategic plan was written. During a recession people are more inclined to tighten their financial belts. This means that San Diegan?s will be more inclined to switch from gourmet foods to foods that would be easier on the pocket book. I know from personal experience having lived in San Diego where KFF had stores from 1986 to 2001. Therefore I see the declining economy as a compelling issue for KFF. Another issue worth mentioning is the culture in San Diego as far as food is concerned. San Diegan?s absolutely love Trader Joe?s and I was one of them. The strategic plan does not give Trader Joe?s the respect it deserves as a real competitor. One thing that should have been included in the SWOT is the gains that can be made in order accuracy and productivity from installing an automated inventory tracking and ordering system. This would allow management to focus on the core values and vision of the company. more
Assignment # 1
After reading pages 80-81 in your textbook, consider the following problem: should someone leave a job after one week when that person has been offered a better job? Draft your response into a document supported with specific reasons and, if applicable, examples.
Assignment # 2
After reading 132-3,in your text, consider the ethics of the use of a work coumputer for personal business. Write a memo to me, as if I were your boss, in which you explain (with reasonable explanations and support) your views on this issue.
Assignment # 3
Read pages 163-4 in your text. (a). Investigate the conduct codes of serveral companies. Then, construct your own code of conduct for a chain of apparel, hardware, or grocery stores.(b). Also, assume the role of an administrative assistant and sent me a memo in which you outline your views on codes of conducts. Do you believe they are necessary? Unecessary? Do they violate employee rights? Do they safeguard employees and customers?
Will 1 page on each be enough?
I will FAX the text pages to (253) 390-0574
Enrique Villarreal
There are faxes for this order.
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