25+ documents containing “Graduate Study”.
It is essential that nurses understand the issues related to healthcare financing, including local, state, and national healthcare policies and initiatives that affect healthcar...e delivery. As a patient advocate, the professional nurse is in a position to work with patients and families to access available resources to meet their healthcare needs. Nurses also have an ethical responsibility to be fiscally prudent in all practice settings, to eliminate inefficiencies, and to promote best practice.
Scenario 1:
Note: For parts A and B, the suggested length is a combined total of 1?2 pages.
Mrs. Zwick, a 77-year-old widow and permanent resident of the United States, was admitted as an inpatient and hospitalized for 5 days following a mild stroke. She was then transferred to a skilled nursing home for rehabilitation. The original projected time she would spend in the skilled nursing home was around 21 days. Mrs. Zwick was diagnosed with a hospital-acquired urinary tract infection 10 days into her stay at the skilled nursing home and required IV antibiotics. She was very weak and unable to participate in her rehabilitation for a full week. She remained in the skilled nursing home for a total of 40 days. A recently hired new graduate complained that the facility was not following the current evidence-based protocol related to urinary catheter care.
Upon discharge from the skilled nursing home, Mrs. Zwick is prescribed several medications and a walker. Mrs. Zwick has Medicare Part A, Part B, and Part D. Her daughter is involved in her discharge plan and will be handling all of her medical bills. The daughter admits that she does not understand Medicare and confuses it with Medicaid. Before taking her mother home she asks you, the nurse, for assistance. Neither Mrs. Zwick nor her daughter is aware that the urinary tract infection was considered a hospital-acquired condition.
A. Discuss with Mrs. Zwick?s daughter, based on coverage requirements, which of Mrs. Zwick?s costs will be fully or partially covered by the following:
1. Medicare Part A
2. Medicare Part B
3. Medicare Part D
B. Explain how Medicare policies would affect reimbursement for the additional care Mrs. Zwick needed when she developed a hospital-acquired infection.
1. Discuss the ethical implications of Mrs. Zwick?s incurring costs related to her hospital-acquired condition.
Scenario 2:
Note: For parts C through E, the suggested length is a combined total of 1?2 pages.
Mr. Davis was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia in childhood. He is very familiar with his chronic condition that requires laboratory testing, hospitalization to manage sickle cell crisis, blood transfusions, oxygen, medications, vitamin supplements, hydration, pain management, and rest. In the past year, he has been hospitalized twice and, due to his long absence, was terminated from his factory job where he was covered by a group health insurance. The factory has more than 100 employees. Mr. Davis is very frustrated with the healthcare delivery in the United States. He says he wishes he lived in some other country where he could have better access to healthcare.
C. Explain how the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) will allow Mr. Davis to continue his insurance coverage while he is out of work.
D. Discuss two challenges that state or local government face in providing care for patients like Mr. Davis who lack insurance coverage and have long-term, chronic illnesses that require ongoing care.
1. Recommend one step that state or local government could take to address one of the challenges you have discussed.
E. Discuss whether it would be better for Mr. Davis if he were a citizen of Great Britain, Japan, Germany, or Switzerland based on his healthcare concerns. In your discussion, include the following points:
? Access for children, the unemployed, and retired persons
? Coverage for medications
? Requirements to get a referral to see a specialist
? Coverage for pre-existing conditions
F. If you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: Please save word-processing documents as *.rtf (Rich Text Format) or *.pdf (Portable Document Format) files.
Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. more
AIU, marketing/640 graduate program.
As part of the requirement for Marketing Management 640 each student must complete a 2 page summary from the marketing articles listed below. (Presentations should be in Power-point and handouts are required for the case study research)
Research Articles
Research Problem
Research Theory
Future Research
My assigned article
15. Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal influence Perspective - Crosby, Lawrence A., Evans, Kenneth R., Cowles, Deborah; Journal of Marketing; July 1990; Vol. 54, Iss. 3, p. 68 - 81.
Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design
***The company to research is Publix***
1.Discuss how you could apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the workplace.
2.Determine how evidence-based management could be applied to the work environment you researched.
3.Analyze the blocks, stages, and methods of creative decision making to determine the best approach the employer you researched should follow when making managerial decisions.
4.Discuss the environmental and strategic factors that affect the organizational design of the company you researched
of the paper
Ensure to completely answer with quaility responses, logic/organization and properly cite work and references. This paper is to be written at graduate level.
Case Study: The Rock Group
You are an attorney representing a rock group. Recently the group has told you that it wants to get out of its present recording contract in order to take advantage of... a much better offer. The group's contract is a "new kid" agreement common in the recording industry. The group complains, and you agree, that the terms of the contract heavily favor the recording company. For example, although the contract calls for the group to make eight records, the company can drop the group at any time. In contrast, however, under the contract, your client (the rock group) cannot terminate the agreement at will (i.e. whenever it wants to), but instead must stay with the recording company and make all eight recordings. These could take twelve years to produce, however.
The rock group entered into the contract, before you represented them, at a time when the members were all just out high school. In your opinion, however, had you been there to represent them, you probably could not have secured a much better deal because the above kinds of contractual terms are standard throughout the recording industry. In this regard, record companies say they have to rely upon "new kid" contracts to balance the financial risks of signing and producing many new artists, most of whom do not pan out.
A lawsuit requesting a court to release the group from its contract could go on for years. You know about another legal strategy, however, that could generate the same result much sooner -- declaring bankruptcy. Under federal bankruptcy law, the courts may free debtors from contracts the court views as burdensome. You realize, although you have not yet shared this with the rock group, that it might be able to get out of the contract if the group members all rapidly accumulated large debts that might convince a judge they are financially bankrupt.
Assignment: In a 3-page, typed paper identify the business problems and analyze the legal issues involved in this case study. Present recommendations or conclusions based on information you have learned. Use proper documentation when citing resources. more
Hello There,
I would like please this essay to be written by a writer "dlzit" !!!!!!!!!!!!
The writing should be on:
1) Reflecting on 2 chapters ( chapter 4, Lincoln's Judgment, and chapter 7, Regulating Biotechnology to Protect Human Life and Human Goods) from the book "Politics for the Greatest Good" by Clarke D. Forsythe.
2) Please write clearly without grammatical and spelling errors, please write on the Graduate level not an undergrad level, Thank you very much.
CRJ 530 Article for Publication Instructions
Each student will identify an ethical issue in the criminal justice field and write an article about it. The topic is to be completely researched and t...he article length is dictated by the topic and publishers guidelines, but the article must be no less than 1700 words. Normally 2000 words are required for an article.
NOTE: The article is not to be a short story on your opinion of a particular topic. Your writing is to be a scholarly article that is based on extensive research. Any articles that are not written in the required manner will not be accepted. Do not write your article with less than 1700 words for their publication as it is not something that would be suitable for a newspaper column commonly known as the Letters to the Editor.
This assignment requires a critique by each of you. See below information on critiquing of papers.
NOTE: In Module 5, by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT, you will post your draft to the Article for Publication Discussion Board located under Module 6 in the course menu. You will also submit your draft to the Dropbox. (This Dropbox basket in linked to Turnitin.) You can then review your originality report for potential plagiarism issues so you may address any that are identified in the report. This submission will not be reviewed by the professor for content. It is only for your review. Your critiquing partner will review your draft article and post comments on the Module 6 Critique of Article for Publication Discussion Board.
You will then have another week to complete, and then, by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7, the final article is to be submitted to the Dropbox (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.) Your article will then be reviewed and graded by the instructor. Those individuals who submit an article that actually meets the requirements of a quality research paper for publication will be encouraged to have it published by a magazine or journal that deals with the topic.
The following criteria will be used to grade this assignment and are outlined on the Articles for Publication Scoring Rubric on the next page: logical, informative, topic of interest, biography about the author, punctuation, grammar, spelling, APA Style, length, and suitability for publication.
If you feel that your article is suitable for publication you may want to consider submitting it to The Society for Public Safety, Chronicles at: http://societyforpublicsafety.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=69&Itemid=75.
CRJ 530 Article for Publication Scoring Rubric
Name ______________________________ Date Completed _______________
Students will complete the assignment with attention to the criteria below.
Exceptional corresponds to an A (95-100%). Performance is outstanding; significantly
above the usual expectations.
Proficient corresponds to a grade of B to A- (83-94%). Skills and standards are at the
level of expectation.
Basic corresponds to a C to B- (75-82%). Skills and standards are acceptable but
improvements are needed to meet expectations well.
Novice corresponds to an F (< 74%). Performance is weak; the skills or standards are not
sufficiently demonstrated at this time.
0 corresponds to criterion is missing or not in evidence.
Ratings (total points possible: 100)
0 Novice Basic Proficient Exceptional
The article identifies and completely
researches an ethical issue in the
criminal justice field. (20 points)
0 1-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
The ethical issue is completely
researched using appropriately
documented sources and is not an
opinion piece. (20 points)
0 1-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
The article is logical, informative
and of current interest. (10 points)
0 1-7 8 9 10
The article complies with
the scholarly journal publication
standards (which are sent to the
instructor) and is submitted; no less
than 1200 words.
(10 points)
0 1-7 8 9 10
A biography of the author is
(10 points)
0 1-7 8 9 10
Writing and grammar skills are
appropriate graduate level. (10
0 1-7 8 9 10
Resources are completed and
appropriately cited and references
using APA Style. (20 points)
0 1-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
Total ___/100
Customer is requesting that (baby99) completes this order. more
MBA540 Term Paper Directions:
Due by the end of Module 7
Term Paper: A final paper that focuses on the course content, applied in the setting of your current or past employer, will be due in M...odule 7. In this paper you will focus on the following:
1. Provide a description of the company that you work for. As part of your description include a discussion of the type of organizational structure.
2. Describe an agency problem within the firm and discuss what you think is causing the problem and how the problem might be better controlled.
3. Describe the job dimensions of the firm and discuss whether or not you believe the current design is appropriate for the firm. Discuss any suggestions you might have for improving the job design. Grouped by function or by product or geography or a matrix organization? Provide a diagram if helpful to illustrate. Is this organization effective?
4. Describe the compensation package for executives and employees within the firm. Discuss whether or not you believe that the compensation package is effective and any suggestions that you might have for improving the compensation package.
While these questions focus on the latter half of the course, you should remain mindful of the economic concepts that were developed in the beginning of the course. An ?A? paper will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the relevant topics, completely discuss each of the four points of the paper, use terminology appropriate to the topic, and use word choice, spelling, and sentence structure appropriate for graduate-level work.
Specific Formatting Instructions
1. All assignments must be completed as Word documents. If you do not have Word you can use Microsoft WordPad and use the rich text format (.rtf extension).
2. All assignments must be prepared in the APA format, including references.
3. Cover page. Use a single cover page that contains:
a. the title of the assignment
b. your name
4. Margins. All page margins should be the default margins for your word processing program. Use only the LEFT margin justification setting.
5. Page numbering. Please use page numbering for all pages except the cover page.
6. Spacing/Font. All papers should be single-spaced only (this includes spacing between paragraphs) and a 12 point font.
7. Direct quotes/ paraphrasing. Direct quotes and paraphrasing MUST be referenced and cited using APA guidelines. Although there is no limit on how many citations are in the paper, I will use limits of 15% for quotations and 25% for unoriginal wording for this course. When more than one quarter of a paper seems to be unoriginal, it usually indicates a problem. Even if sources are properly cited and some of the words are changed, it raises the question of how much original thinking went into the paper. There is a big difference between starting with a blank page and writing your own thoughts, and building the paper around quotes,
paraphrased sources, and the altered wording of another author. You are encouraged to use textbook concepts as you attempt to explain in your own words the answers to the assignments rather than relying heavily on quoted material. Try to think about how you would explain your answer to someone who has not taken a managerial economics class. High scores on the originality report in Turnitin are not just a result of plagiarism; they can also result from an incorrect quotation/citation methodology or from using words that have been rearranged from your sources. If you use someone else?s work you must cite and reference it appropriately.
8. References. You must include a separate References page in APA format with each paper.
Any source that is used to develop your paper must be included in this section.
9. File Name. The file that you submit to the Dropbox is the one that your instructor will grade.
To facilitate the grading process, please save your file name as lastname_assignment name (e.g., caldwell_chapter 1 case study) so that when you upload the file it will be obvious to me who the file is from once it is downloaded for grading.
Use of Turnitin: You will be submitting your term paper to a Dropbox that is linked to Turnitin. For those of you not familiar with Turnitin, it is a plagiarism identification service that can also assist students with term paper reference methodology. The Turnitin tool compares your writing against all published sources and also checks against prior class papers. You must cite all your source material including direct
quotations, paraphrasing, and statements of fact. Click the Turnitin link under Resources in the course menu to download additional information on how the integration with the Dropbox works. more
Length: 2500 words
Mental Health Policies and Legislation
Choose a piece of mental health legislation or National, State, or Local policy which has made an impact on mental health ca...re over the past 20 years. - I have chosen the recovery model of care - as outlined by the Australian 2010 Mental Health standards.
a. Justify your choice with regard to how it affects your nursing practice and the care of persons with mental illness.
b. Analyse the historical, social, and political influences that shaped the policy that you have chosen.
c. Critically evaluate how effective the policy or legislation is when measured against its stated aims. Which groups benefit from it and are there any disadvantaged groups?
d. Reflect upon the impact it has had or may have upon your own nursing practice.
Marking Criteria : Mental Health Policies and Legislation
1. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the legislation or policy. (15 marks)
2. Ability to effectively analyse how the policy or legislation affects care. (20 marks)
3. Ability to critically examine the legislation or policy?s effectiveness. (15 marks)
4. Demonstrates an ability to reflect upon the impact the policy or legislation has on one?s own practice. (10 marks)
5. References are recent, obtained from reliable sources, using the correct APA format. (5 marks)
6. Overall presentation, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling are at a level commensurate with post graduate course work. (10 marks) more
Please have the following writer do this assignment:
Base on order no:
Order ID: A2101774
Base on the order number A2101774( attached), please write 2,000 words explain...ing the outline:
Please use figures, charts and graphs when appropriate to support the argument
1. Identify the most critical issues faced by managers with regard to the topic,
2. Outline solutions to the issues you identify using theories and best practices presented in this module,
3. Cite real-world examples (you may wish to focus on the issues and challenges faced by a particular organization, but should include more than one organization in your analysis),
4. Consider any ethical implications of both the problems and the solutions that you identify.
Completion of the this Project will require a thorough understanding and application of multicultural management concepts.
Please make sure to consider the following:
? There would need to be much more detail in terms of problems; these would need to be more specific and common to two organization preferably
? I would also need to see a stronger sense of progression from problems, to application of theory and to potential solutions. On the whole there needs to be much more substance and depth in this regard.
? Please also be careful not to directly quote other authors as this may raise your turnitin score
? you have selected sound sources but this proposal needs much more substance in terms of application.
Please follow the below instruction when writing as they are very important and must be followed:
Please note the following:
this is a post-graduation course, therefore a post graduate writer is required
Please provide examples to any great extent to illustrate your points and this is also lacking in sources to substantiate your points and again I must stress this is absolutely crucial if you are to produce high quality work which I feel you are capable of doing. Thus you would need to access a wider range of sources beyond the set texts.
Use of peer-reviewed material but more use of references could be made in your actual narrative.
Make use of the library and locate peer-reviewed sources and please avoid internet material as its reliability cannot always be guaranteed.
We use the Turnitin link to submit the assignment, therefore please avoid similarity
Please use references and citations properly.
Please do not cite a book just by reading an article on the internet that contains such book.
Additional instruction: must be( followed):
You must also continue to be careful with the similarity percentages. One way to minimize similarity percentages is to reduce the number of references to no more than 2-3
you must use headings to identify strategic components/elements of the subject matter. more
XX century had witness the wide use of Irony and humor in French literature. With the help of Delphine. Perret article analyse and argue how Irony and humor had been used in french literature from the two french work of literature by Eugene Ionesco ( The Bald Soprano ) and Jarry Alfred ( King Ubu )
Remember at the very beginning of your essay to state the thesis or argument that you gonna defend throughout the essay.
Remember to analyse the key points made by Perret and look how they play out in Ionesco and Jarry works.
Remember this is a graduate essay, Your work should be analytical and argumentative with the use of clear example from the two works of literature by Jarry and Ionesco..
With your team, review the case study, "Henry Tam and the MGI Team." Come to a consensus and create a team paper that:
Describes the pertinent history and facts of the case.
?Support your position with points from the readings.
?Include a minimum of two references with citations.
States three or more problems in the MGI team.
Identifies one problem your team will focus on in the case analysis.
Describes your team process for completing the assignment.
Describes how each team member used their skills and addressed their development areas indicated in your charter.
Describes results of your team evaluation for the week.
There are faxes for this order.
Examine the case of Arizona et al. v. United States, 567 U.S. __ (2012). http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-182b5e1.pdf
Explain the case and then apply the holding (the decision) to law enforcement as a whole and not just to Arizona. Include in your analysis the potential benefits and detriments to police agencies. What are the possible future uses of the decision in the case?
Papers should be 1,200 words (excluding title and reference pages). Students are expected to produce a well written, reasoned, logical, and most importantly, thoroughly analyzed response befitting a graduate student.
Ensure that the paper conforms to APA standards of writing (including a title page, abstract, discussion, reference page, in-text citations, and appropriate formatting). This is not an opinion piece. Theories are to be supported with facts, evidence, and scholarly research. Each student?s goal is to find new and innovative ideas in policing that are not the ?same old, same old.?
Information for Unit VII Case Study (Affirmative Action)
Assignment (from the course syllabus):
Affirmative Action: Using the CSU Online Library and the Criminal Justice P...eriodicals Index, research an affirmative action case that is not mentioned in the textbook. Summarize the history and the outcome of the case. Discuss the positives and negatives of affirmative action in general and whether you agree or disagree with the specific findings of the case. Your paper should be at least 500 words in length.
Summarize the case's key arguments - recommend about 35% of your paper's length.
Summarize the court's ruling - recommend about 35% of your paper's length.
Discuss the benefit and drawbacks of affirmative action - recommend about 20% of the paper's length.
Briefly review your thoughts on the court's ruling - recommend about 10% of the paper's length.
Additional Suggested Guidelines:
Court Case: You must summarize a legal case that has been reviewed and decided by a United States court, preferable at the federal level (US Supreme, US Court of Appeals, or US District Court). State level cases are fine provided they were reviewed by a State Supreme Court, State Appellate Court, or State Trial Court. No local level cases, such as those heard by a magistrate court or decided through arbitration or mediation.
Affirmative Action Case (v. Discrimination case): The case you review must be an affirmative action case. An important point to note is the distinction between affirmative action and discrimination. While related, these concepts are not the equivalent.
Discrimination refers to the treatment of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. In essence, discrimination is the denial of a person the right to equal protection.
Affirmative action refers to policies, laws, and practices that seek to redress the impact of discrimination. Affirmative action entails taking positive steps to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded.
"freelance Writer"
Affirmative action seeks to redress discrimination. But not all cases of discrimination are subject to affirmative action policies. Ultimately the Courts decide if an action or category of actions is (1) discriminatory and (2) a violation of affirmative action policies.
APA Citations: You must cite your sources using APA style in-text citations and a reference list that includes all sources used in the APA more
A GRADUATE QUALITY research and analysis paper. Topic = "The evolution (or Changes in..) of Crime and Punishment in 18C Europe" (using info from 17C as necessary to lead into the 18C developments). ...This is NOT a Law paper rather it is a Liberal Studies Paper so it is from a Historical/Cultural perspective (though obviously it will need to explain the changes in the law and practices of crime and punishment). Must recount and analyze the interplay between Crime and Punishment practices/philosophies and the forces of the cultural/societal and ideological advancements taking place at the time (18C) (The influences/developments of the following should be INTERTWINED with the developments in crime and punishment: things such as the advancements in science, the arts, economics, government forms and thinkers such as Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. Also, the revolution from Church based authority to the authority of reason and authority of "the government" etc.) I realize this is much to accomplish in 12 pages. But, I trust you will be able to handle it. Do not be afraid to use "big" words in a "tightly" reasoned paper, that''s what I like to do.
APA style, paginated and including: Title page, Abstract, 12 full pages of Text, endnotes, bibliography, and works cited. If you have any questions, please contact me ASAP. Absolute deadline is July 8th. Would like to have it earlier so as to have time to redact as necessary. Thanks!
ps. Here are two books I think may be helpful
1) Crime & the Law The Social History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500. Edited by V.A.C. Gatrell, Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker. copywrite 1980
2) Albion''s Fatal Tree Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Centry England. by Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh, John G. Rule, E.P. Thompson, and Cal Winslow copywrite 1975 more
This is a graduate level term paper in postmodern philosophy (10 pages). The essay is to address the following:
What do we do with the concept of the "outside" in Derrida or Foucault (based on Derrida''s book ''Of Grammatology'' and Foucault''s book ''Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison.'' What kind of political strategies become possible or necessary given a particular understanding of our closure, be it within writing (for Derrida) or power (for Foucault). What happens to politics after you give up on liberation?
(note: I had previously utilized your services a few months ago - order A1024600; paper ID 16753. The author wrote an outstanding paper which immensely helped me in completing my project. If that author is familiar with Derrida, I would appreciate their services on this project. If not, I trust the quality of the work will be equally outstanding)
1. Select 3-4 research papers which discuss detection, prevention, or mitigation techniques for DoS (denial of service) or DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks:
a. The research pa...pers must be published by a peer reviewed journal or be published in conference proceedings (e.g., IEEE, ACM, IBM Systems Journal, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), etc.).
b. You must not choose papers or research works from magazines or periodicals that are not research-oriented (e.g., Wikipedia, SANS, etc.).
c. Briefly explain your rationale for selecting a specific research paper.
2. Summarize each research paper and identify a combined total of three different detection, mitigation, or prevention techniques described in EACH of the papers you selected. For example: you can have a) one detection + two prevention methods, OR b) one detection + two mitigation methods, OR c) one detection + one prevention + one mitigation
Futher Instructions:
1. Describe how each technique works. Clearly describe (in detail using your own words), how each technique works. Assume that you are explaining the authors technique to someone with a fairly strong fundamental knowledge in network and security (e.g., a first year computer science graduate student) and assume the student has no knowledge of the authors research (never read the article before). Discuss each technique or method using the following questions:
a. Is the proposed technique a promising, practical approach which can be effectively implemented into an existing platform? Clearly explain your answer.
b. What are the strengths and weaknesses (limitations) of this technique?
2. Make sure there are No IPR (Intellectual Property Right) issues. This requires the following:
a. Re-draw all figures and tables.
b. Summarize all concepts using your own words.
c. Do not copy any part of text or unmodified figures (short quotes are acceptable.)
d. Cite references as needed using APA format.
4. To support your claims or statements, you may cite/reference non-peer reviewed papers and journals (including white papers, SANs documents, etc.; do not have to be academic papers or articles, however, no Wikipedia or blogs).
Submission Guidelines
Print format: MS Word or PDF format.
The general structure of your research paper:
1. Name and Title
2. Brief Intro
3. Background (if needed)
4. Main Sections
5. Conclusion (if needed)
6. References
The paper length: 6 double space pages (good, solid content which is factual, relevant, and concise), not including the cover page and reference page(s).
Follow the APA format.
This paper will be submitted to turnitin.com.
Thanks. more
Clear organizational goals can drive employee efforts throughout the organization. So can the organization's values. Google was named first in Fortune Magazine's 2007 rankings for 100 Best Companies t...o Work For in America. Why? In part because it is a values-driven firm with strong corporate goals that translate into how work gets done on a daily basis.
Required Reading
Read about Google in the article found on the following Web page:
100 Best Companies to work for 2012. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/best-companies/2012/snapshots/1.html
Now check out Google's website to get a look at the company from an inside point of view:
About Google. (2012) http://www.google.com/about/
Be sure to click the links under "Company," as well as "Investor Relations."
In a 4- to 5-page essay, answer the following questions:
1.How do Google's corporate values and goals concerning employees, customers, and the business combine to create job satisfaction and motivate the people who work there?
2.Is this a model every business should adopt?
The following may help you address these questions:
From the OPN Website, Organizational Goals Can Be Powerful Energizers. (2000). U.S. Office of Personnel Management. http://www.opm.gov/perform/articles/2000/apr00-7.asp
Energizing Goals. In their strategic plans, many government agencies outline goals and outcomes they expect to achieve. Examples of some of those goals are:
?We strive for clean air, and clean and safe water (Environmental Protection Agency).
?Reduce the rate of highway-related fatalities and injuries (Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation [DOT]).
?Restore the capability of disabled veterans to the greatest extent possible and improve their quality of life and that of their families (Department of Veterans Affairs).
?Improve the safety of the national and international aviation system (Federal Aviation Administration, DOT).
?Restore and maintain the health of the land (Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior).
?Provide significantly improved short-term warning and forecast products and services that enhance public safety and the economic productivity of the Nation (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce).
Goals such as these can inspire employee performance. Many federal employees choose public service, not for the pay or glamour of the job, but for the missions and ideals for which their agencies stand. For example, many National Aeronautics and Space Administration employees work there because they believe in space exploration; many research scientists at numerous research laboratories throughout government believe in the good effects their research can have; and many who work at customer service agencies believe in helping the people they serve. By communicating clear goals, the organization is confirming some of the reasons the employees work there in the first place. Clearly communicating organizational goals, in and of itself, can help engage employees in their work.
Communicating Goals. Most agencies publish their strategic and annual performance plans in hard copy and several ensure that each employee receives one. Most agencies' goals and objectives also appear on their websites. Formal publications and websites should be only one way of communicating organizational goals. The most effective way of communicating these goals is through direct communication between first-line supervisors and their employees. While developing employee performance plans, supervisors and employees can discuss how employee efforts support organizational goal achievement. By aligning employee performance plans with organizational goals, and by discussing organizational as well as employee goals, supervisors maximize the powerful effect organizational goals can have on employee performance. Organizational goals become real to the employee.
For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reengineered itself. In doing so, it revised its mission and strategic goals. Now, FEMA's strategic plan includes objective performance measures that emphasize results rather than activities. (For instance, one of FEMA's goals is to reduce by 20 percent the time taken to provide individuals with disaster housing assistance, which results in improved customer satisfaction.) To communicate its goals, the agency uses a strategy that has made significant improvements in its communication with Congress, state and local officials, disaster victims, the news media, and particularly with its own employees. FEMA also has reorganized its structure so that sub-units and individual employees derive their responsibilities from its mission, and employees have decision-making authority that matches their responsibilities. FEMA reports that its mission, measures, and recent track record contribute heavily to its employees' intrinsic motivation.
The point is that supervisors can energize their employees' performance by communicating their agencies' goals.
Keys to the Assignment
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:
?Define the problem: What are Google's key goals and values? ?Do additional research about working at Google to get more than just the company's view from its website. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a cited source. It is acceptable to use Wikipedia as a starting point to get background information, but always verify the information from a more reliable source.)
?Analyze the cause: To analyze the effect of Google's goals and values on job satisfaction and motivation, use the Employee Satisfaction Model, and/or the Job Characteristics Model (from the Background materials) in formulating your answer.
?Propose a solution: Be sure to defend your answer in terms of the model you selected in Question 2 of the assignment. The "why" is more important than the "what."
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven (7) points:
?Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
?Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
?Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background readings and other background resources as references?
?Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
?Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
?Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
?Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background readings and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation? more
In Module 5, you will continue with the scenario and simulation you worked on in the Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, and Module 4 SLPs.
It is still 2012: January 2, 2012, the beginning of Time Warp 3. You have completed your analysis and revised strategy for the next four years. Just like the last time, you enter your predetermined decisions each year and collect the data for future analysis.
Now it is New Year's Eve, 2015, and you are hoping against hope that Time Warp 3 and all time warps will soon come to an end. You have the results of your decisions. How did you do? What was your final score?
It's New Year's day, 2016. You just had a great New Year's Eve celebration, you finished another four years of moving Clipboard Tablet Co. through 2012 ? 2015, and are ready to charge ahead into the future. You turn on the TV and notice something strange (again?). The TV commentator is saying something about New Year's Day, 2016. You have moved ahead into 2016.
You realize that this experience has been invaluable. You know it will help you make better decisions for Clipboard Tablet Co. as you move forward. But before you move ahead, you want to make sure that you have learned what you need to know.
You decide to analyze and compare the last two Time Warp results. You want to see how this last Time Warp results compare to the previous Time Warp results (the results from this run in SLP5 to the results of the run in SLP4). Putting the results side by side and the decisions side by side, you are able to analyze what happened and how the results are different. You use CVP analysis to help you understand why the results were different.
You think this is very important and you write it all down so you can refer back to it later if you need to as you move forward into 2016 and beyond.
You hope this never happens to you again, even though you realize how valuable this experience has been.
Session Long Project:
Run the simulation with the Strategy that you developed in SLP4 for Time Warp 3. Collect the results for all three products over all four years. Compare the results from Time Warp 3 with those of Time Warp 2. Show the results side by side and show the decisions side by side. Explain how they are different. Use CVP analysis to explain why they are different.
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered and taken into account in preparing your paper include:
? You need to be detailed, clear, and complete.
? Using CVP analysis, explain how the different prices and R&D allocations have generated different results.
? Celebrate the end of the Time Warps.
? Time Line Summary.
? 2015: Hired on December 15.
? Turned in first report to Sally a few days early on December 30.
? Celebrated on December 31.
? Time Warp 1 begins: January 1, 2016 warps into January 1, 2012.
? You realize you have to make decisions for 2012 ? 2015, which you do.
? December 31, 2015 ? You have gone through all four years, and you write your report to summarize how you did. You are hoping that you will wake up tomorrow and it will be 2016.
? Time Warp 2 begins: January 1, 2016 warps into January 1, 2012. (Again)
? Now it is January 1, 2012: You decide to use CVP analysis and develop a four-year plan for your strategy. You analyze the results of your first decisions in Time Warp 1 and make notes. You use the CVP Calculator to help you develop your strategy and you make more notes explaining your logic and your analysis.
? January 2, 2012: You begin to implement your four-year plan. You follow it and use the pre-determined decisions for each year, through 2015. You keep track of the results, year by year, both financial and marketing.
? Celebrate ? December 31, 2015
? Time Warp 3 begins: January 1, 2016 warps into January 1, 2012 (Again).
? Now it is January 1, 2012 (for the third time.) You do it all over again, one more time. You decide to do the same thing you did the last time and develop a four-year plan. You use CVP, analyze your previous results, and make notes explaining what you did and why.
? January 2, 2012: you begin to implement your four-year plan. You follow it and use the pre-determined decisions for each year, through 2015. You keep track of the results, year by year, both financial and marketing.
? December 31, 2015 - Celebrate and hope for the best.
? January 1, 2016 - You made it through the Time Warp - you analyze the results, compare this last run with the previous run, and write your final report.
SLP Assignment Expectations:
Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven points:
Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
? Breadth - I the full breadth of the subject, that is, the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
? Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references?
? Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, that is, accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
? Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
? Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
? Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background reading and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?
? Application - Are the concepts of the module appropriately applied to the subject?
Note the following tips and suggestions:
You might find these downloads useful:
See Strategy Matrix attachment - Download this Word doc with a blank table you can use to show your proposed strategy decisions.
See CVP Powerpoint attachment - Provides a good overview of Cost Volume Profit analysis, the various equations that you can use, and how to use it. Some examples are provided showing how to use the CVP Calculator.
See CVP Calculator attachment- This an Excel-based calculator that you can use to determine prices, volumes, and profits. Keep in mind that it will tell you what NEED, but the market determines what you actually get.
? Include headings for all papers greater than two pages (basically all papers), but do not use headings as "space fillers."
Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources. more
This written assignment deals with the lessons to be learned by the American experience of the Vietnam War. This assignment deals with lessons learned in different arenas: diplomatic negotiations, presidential leadership, and cultural/social contexts. With your historian's hat on, briefly write the single most significant lesson you have learned for each of the three areas given above, with reference to what you have learned in the textbook for the whole course to date. Because there are so many lessons to write in the narrow space of this assignment's page limit, brevity is important. Write with precision, and limit yourself to a well-developed paragraph for each lesson. There is nothing like a limit of space to make you get to the point! The size limit of this assignment remains, like the others in this course, two to three pages double-spaced. For a summary at the conclusion, write a short paragraph about what you have learned in our course as a practical historian, a "lesson learned" for yourself. What you have learned about yourself in the role of being an observor of Vietnam and 20th century events, and what do you value in studying the events of the world's past?
EEO Compliance for Federal Contractors/Subcontractors
Before starting this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with the following laws and their amendments:
Office of Federal C...ontract Compliance Programs (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Drug-Free Workplace Act (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Executive Order 11246 (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Affirmative Action Plans (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Executive Order 12989 (E-Verify) (Click on the link for a brief overview.)
Assignment Task
(Signature Assignment: Critical Thinking, Introduced Level)
You are an HR Manager for a large plastics company. One of your largest customers has just secured a major office furniture contract with the federal government. Your customer wants your company to become a subcontractor for the project, making all of the plastic parts required. There is uncertainty among your organization's top officials about whether or not to become part of this project, even though it would be very lucrative. The disagreement centers around the preparation of an affirmative action plan and the goal achievement requirements imposed to correct underutilization.
In this assignment you are asked to apply your critical thinking skills to discuss additional EEO compliance requirements impacting a federal subcontractor. Also, be sure to discuss the important components of an affirmative action plan (expanding on the goal-setting process), and discuss how affirmative action goals should relate to an organization's strategic human resources plan.
Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen your discussion.
Please upload your paper by the module due date.
Assignment Expectations:
Demonstrate your understanding of the major laws that impact employment decisions made by federal government contractors/subcontractors.
Demonstrate your understanding of affirmative action issues for federal government contractors/subcontractors.
Demonstrate your understanding of the components of an affirmative action plan.
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and research.
Complement your Internet research with library research and be sure to use information from the background reading.
Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing.
Provide private sector employer examples (stating employers by name) of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures, if possible.
Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors.
Critical Thinking Emphasis
The first signature assignment addressing critical thinking at the ?introduced? level is in this Module 2 Case for MGT516.
Then, in HRM520?Staffing, Performance Management & Training, Case assignment for Module 3 our emphasis will be on further developing critical thinking skills, a key aspect of business decision making.
And, finally, in HRM599?Integrative Capstone, Case 1, your critical thinking skills will be further developed reaching the ?emphasized? level in that assignment.
These three assignments build upon each other and aim to offer you the opportunity to enhance and practice your critical thinking skills at the graduate level.
The grading rubric for this MGT516 assignment has been developed to measure student success in meeting the MGT516, Case 2 expectations related to critical thinking. Rubrics for the other two courses are included with their respective critical thinking assignments. more
(Please follow the instructions to a tee as this is my final paper and i graduate) For the Unit 9 Assignment, you will synthesize your understanding of the theories, best practices, and current trends... in human services to create a case presentation that would be used during a staffing meeting/case conference in an agency. While most of these meetings are informal, many agencies/organizations use a more formal approach. To prepare for this future job responsibility, you will create a paper that could be used during one of these meetings. Use the paper structure below to organize the facts and recommendations for your hypothetical client. (MY FUTURE JOB WOULD BE WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN THE HUMAN SERVICES WORLD, PLEASE USE THIS CAREER PATH WHEN WRITING THE PAPE)
Begin by deciding the type of agency and job that interests you, and imagine you are a professional working at this. (Note: The career planning exercises you completed for the Units 1-8 Learning Space Blog will help you with this part of the Assignment.)
Next, create a hypothetical client or use one from a prior exercise in our class. Follow the suggested structure below for writing your paper. Add relevant details and leave out minor ones that are not relevant to the client?s progress. While you will not be required to write papers for these meetings, you will be required to report this type of information and to be organized and prepared. This exercise will assist you in developing a case presentation for when you really will be making them.
Suggested Organization of Paper: use sub-headings to organize your information:
1.Client name and demographics (no sub-heading)
2.Presenting problem (sub-heading): What was the reason for the client enrolling in service at your agency? Be specific about the problem, but do not add many extra details by ?telling the client?s story;? just write a few sentences about the problem as the client perceived it.
3.Goal (sub-heading): What are the client?s main intervention/treatment goals? Be specific and add as many as you can think of that would relate to the full scope of services that your agency might provide. However, remember that clients may want to limit their goals to three goals at a time or fewer.
4.Needs (sub-heading): What other needs does your client have that others in your agency might be able to provide or assist in making referrals?
5.Crisis (sub-heading): Probably, your client is not currently in crisis, so you would simply report that the client is stabilized and there are no ongoing crises for the moment. If your client is in the middle of a crisis, you would briefly describe it, only giving facts that are relevant.
6.Recommendations (sub-heading): This is the part of the paper (meeting) where you provide your professional opinion about the continued direction of the client?s progress, ideas for future goals or strategies for helping the client, resource referrals, and any other suggestions that you have to advance your client?s care. You will spend time using information from your past classes to support your recommendations, so make this one of the longest sections of your paper.
This paper should be a minimum of 6?8 pages or 1500?2000 words to respond to the sections in the case presentation. Write the paper using guidelines of Standard American English, and consult the Kaplan Writing Center if you have questions about grammar or format. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure to review the plagiarism policy in your syllabus. References are not required; however, any citations for scholarly academic references to support of your recommendations should be in APA format, including the addition of a reference page.
Research these classes and use theories from them
To prepare for the Unit 9 activities, review notes from HN410: Human Services Delivery, and the following courses depending on your path:
?HN345: Public Relations in Not for Profit Organizations and HN347: Public Personnel Administration
?HN360: Concepts and Emerging Issues in Gerontology and HN365: Psychology of Aging
?HN370 Child Welfare and Family and HN377: Studies in Child Adolescent Development
Please make sure the reference page is in APA format
Thank you so much
Shaunna more
Case Study of General Rebecca S. Halsteads leadership style; focusing on who she is and what strategies she used when faced with challenges as a woman in the military.
Assignment ?
Page 1
1.Prepare your case brief in the appropriate manner
Charleston v. Board of Trustees of University of Illinois at Chicago 741 F.3d 769 (C.A.7, Ill.2013) R-Z....
Name: This is your name
Case Name: Type in the case you worked on here. Include the two parties and the year of the decision and the full legal citation. The legal citation for your assigned case can be found on the syllabus.
Do your best to limit the number of pages you use to prepare this case brief. Generally, do not go over one and half pages. Keep it to one page. Follow this template for posting your case brief next Thursday. Save and use this template if it is easier for you, just delete the prompts I have given you after the bolded words and in this introductory paragraph.
Procedural History: This tells the reader how this case got to this particular court. The procedural history does not include this particular court. You can save and use this template for your case brief assignments by simply delete the prompts I have given you.
Issue: This tells the reader why the case was brought before this particular court. It usually involves as statement like this---This case is in front of this appeals court to decide whether??
There is often more than one reason why cases are appealed. The issue or issues are tied very tightly to the holding. So, if you are in doubt whether you?ve identified the correct issue, go to the end of the court decision and see what the court ruled on.
Facts: This tells the reader what brought the two parties to court. Pare this down to just the essential elements. Think of it as how much you would tell your friend or spouse to get them to understand how these two parties ended up in court.
Rule of Law: This tells the reader a few of the statutes or other cases that the judges in this particular appeals court relied upon in the reasoning section of this court opinion.
Reasoning: This tells the reader how and why this particular court fits the particular facts and circumstances of this case into the rules that you articulated in R o L section above.
Holding: This tells the reader who won. Is the ruling of the lower court affirmed, overturned, or remanded with any number of provisos.
The Legal Relationship Between Students and Colleges
Of all the areas included in the field of higher education law, one of the more commonly litigated and least understood is that of students and their legal relationship with the institution. Olivas (2006) in his work, The Law and Higher Education, reports on a Iowa study that revealed that only 11% of the higher education cases brought since 1847 were brought by students (faculty brought 31%), a Texas study that only 31% since 1878 were students, compared to 35% that were brought by faculty.
One reason for the relatively small number of student cases has been the small likelihood of prevailing. In the Kaplin text, the author notes:
Traditionally, the law accorded postsecondary institutions extensive autonomy in their daily operations. The academic environment was thought to be delicate and complex. Outsiders, such as lawyers or judges would, almost by definition, be ignorant of the special arrangement and sensitivities underpinning the environment. Academic could operate well, by this view, only when its traditional means of governance by consensus and collegiality was fully respected.
Increasingly, however, legal scholarship has focused on the presumptions inherent in legal duties owed students. Trends and developments suggest that the student college relationship may not be so one-sided in favor of the college.
Enjoy developing your case brief this week.
Example Brief
Case: Sadid v Idaho State University 294 P.3d 1100 (2013)
Procedural History: Before this Supreme Court determination, this case had passed through many arbitration bodies. Upon termination as professor from the College of Engineering at Idaho State University, Sadid applied for unemployment benefits with the department of labor appeals examiner where he cited wrong dismissal and violation of the first amendment rights. Upon hearing, he was granted benefits, but Idaho State University (ISU) launched an appeal with The Industrial Commission, citing employment misconduct as the principal reason for dismissal. Sadid?s benefits were withdrawn after reversal of the labor appeals examiner?s decision. Sadid raised concerns about an audiotape of a faculty meeting that was not considered during the determination and asked for reconsideration of his case. Upon perusal of the evidence during reconsideration of the case, The Industrial Commission reaffirmed its earlier decision. Sadid was not satisfied and he appealed to the Idaho Supreme Court.
Issue: This appeal had two crucial issues: Firstly, the Supreme Court was to determine whether The Industrial Commission erred when it held that Sadid?s behavior during the April 21, 2009 meeting was a form of employment misconduct, hence the decision to withhold unemployment benefits. Secondly, the Supreme Court was to establish whether Industrial Court was wrong not to evaluate whether Sadid?s actions leading to his dismissal were protected by the First Amendment.
Facts: Professor Habib Sadid had been a tenured professor at Idaho State University prior to his dismissal. During his tenure, he had been overly critical of ISU issues and expressed many concerns in local Idaho newspapers. He claimed of retaliation by the university and subsequently, on September 29, 2008, he filed a complaint regarding this retaliation by ISU. He argued it was against his First Amendment rights. Despite the filing, Professor Sadid was still critical of ISU, making claims that some administrators within the faculty behaved criminally and unethically. He sent allegations through email to all administrators and faculty of ISU?s College of Engineering. ISU leadership warned Sadid twice to desist from using such methods to air his greivances and instead recommended that he use the stipulated faculty provisions. Despite the warnings, he continued with his allegations and continued using the same methods. At one faculty meeting, Sadid repeatedly accused the dean and other faculty members and wanted the issue discussed, hastening an appearance involving Notice of Contemplated Action (NOCA). NOCA invited Sadid to discuss his issues with the dean and explicitly made him aware of his disruptive and unprofessional conduct at the meeting. Before the meeting to discuss the NOCA could take place, Sadid made unauthorized purchases. After the hearing at NOCA, the faculty board recommended that Sadid should not be dismissed; however, President Vailas did not accept the recommendation and ended up terminating Sadid.
Rule of Law: In its deliberations, the court used Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006) as precedence. This case provided guidelines on utilization of academic freedom in analyzing public employee?s speech. Beaty v. City of Idaho Falls, 110 Idaho 891 (1986) gave the guidelines on employer?s burden of proof regarding termination on grounds of employment-related misconduct. The court also applied the doctrine of judicial estoppels needed to tackle inconsistent positions, which was well argued in Loomis v. Church, 76 Idaho 87, 277 P.2d 561(1954). These cases were crucial to determination of this case.
Reasoning: The court reached a conclusion that the provisions of Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006) did not cover the actions of Sadid. The court reasoned that Prof. Sadid?s actions during the faculty meeting were disruptive and had nothing to do with ideological or political issues within the College of Engineering; hence, his actions were anchored on personal vendetta. Although freedom of speech is provided for by the United States Constitution, the court argued that a state-employee had to accept some constraints and limitations to their freedom of speech a decision reached in Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006). Moreover, the court reasoned that Sadid?s termination was not because of the content of his speech but because of his insubordinate actions and failure to conform to the behavioral standards of ISU. Consequently, Prof. Sadid?s actions could not meet the threshold of protection by the first amendment.
Holding: The Supreme Court of Idaho affirmed the decision of The Industrial Commission. Hence, it found Sadid?s actions did not meet protection by the first amendment and that the commission?s decision to withdraw unemployment benefits from Sadid was accurately reached.
Page 2
Find research on the following topic. Make sure sources are from American scholarly journals and are within the past 10 years.
Topic: How Fair Use Guidelines of Online Education and Copyright Laws in Distance Education legalities affect designing remedial programs in the for-profit sector. With electronic mail that connects students and instructors; threaded discussions in learning management systems that bring instructors, students, and classmates together; and public display of student work, videos, images, and expert articles, it is necessary for online instruction to have clear-cut acceptable use policy. I am currently dealing with this issue at work as many students who do not pass the TEAS nursing exam are required to take these types of courses. We have had many complaints and threats of lawsuits from students who didn?t make the cut. They imply that because they are remedial these types of learning technologies do not fit their learning style, and we are acting illegally by making them take these courses.
1. There are many aspects to this issue that I will unravel, but I would like to learn how these guidelines affect remedial education content that relies heavily on adaptive learning modules.
2. - The law requires public colleges, starting in fall of 2014, to build remedial education into credit-bearing courses? How does the law affect the financial aid on subsequently the students? motivation to take these types of courses?
3. - How will these laws affect private sector recruitment efforts?
4. - What will recruiters be allowed to say and promise regarding online education and remedial work? more
Communication from Art Epance:
Welcome to this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advic...e on how to integrate Whole Foods into ABC Company. I will be working on analyzing ABC Company. You will be working on analyzing Whole Foods Market. Review as much information as you can on the Whole Foods Market website, particularly that in the "Investor Relations" section. At a minimum, review the following materials in preparation for your report/analysis:
Required Reading
Reuters Company Profile: Whole Foods Market. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=WFM.O
Case study: http://pnphillip.asp.radford.edu/whole%20Foods%20Case.pdf (be sure that you do not rely on this document as your primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources). Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://tainted-ink.net/archives/102.
Article: Business Analysis: Whole Foods Market Retrieved on November 7, 2012 (again, do not rely on this document as a primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources).
Whole Foods Market website: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/ Retrieved on November 7, 2012.
Whole Foods Market (about the company) Whole Foods Market Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/company-info.
Whole Foods Market - Annual Stakeholders Report, 2011. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/company-info/investor-relations/annual-reports.
Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning and to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case Assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin's Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case page.
Case Assignment
First, you need to do a strategic analysis of Whole Foods Market. The executives want us to provide an independent, objective view of Whole Foods Market's current strategic position, including full information of Whole Foods Market's mission, vision and values. They want to identify its current set of strategic goals, and a critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment (remote and operating environments). Also, they want to see the opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing, and they need a general idea of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Whole Foods Market and ABC Company want to know if we think they should make any strategic changes or continue with the status quo. Synthesize everything you have learned, provide a final recommendation, and justify your reasoning.
Keys to the Assignment:
1.Do diligent research on Whole Foods Market. I have included links to various websites above.
2.As an MBA, you must perform additional research to find information on competition and general trends for opportunities and threats. For the competitive analysis, identify a minimum of three of the top competitive companies and their best-selling services or products - and justify why each is a viable competitor.
3.Your report should be thorough, and follow closely the outline that I have given you. The final section is the most important one. Use excellent logic and sharp argumentation skills to make your case.
The report must be 5-7 pages minimum and no more than 10 pages.
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven points:
?Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
?Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, that is, the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
?Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references?
?Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, that is, accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
?Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
?Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
?Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background readings and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?
?Optimize your research time: Get an overview of the Case Assignments so you know what information you will be looking for when you do research. As you do research for Case 1, you can also be finding information and data for the other cases, too. Continue this strategy as you do research for the next case and the next, etc. The more information you have about the chosen company, the better you will get to know it. The better you get to know it, the better your analysis will be.
?You may use a simple diagram to highlight important factors. However, do not use the diagram in lieu of valuable analysis (or to take up valuable writing space). It should be in addition to your 5-7 pages of analysis.
?Just because you have written the minimum five pages does not mean that you have adequately covered the topic. Err on the side of writing more rather than less.
?Choose the data you use carefully. Is it relevant and important?
?Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 5-10 pages of analysis described above.
?Include section headings within the paper.
?Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources more
Case: Ron often goes to Print It to make large volume copies for his business needs (a local Kinkostype
copy and print shop).
Unbeknowns...t to Ron, he pulled onto Print It?s property and got out of his car just as a protest
was started by a group called ?Protect Our Air? (POA). POA protestors started throwing small
firecrackers and the loud gun-fire like noises sent people running everywhere.
Ron was knocked over by one of the POA protestors and suffered injury. As he was getting to
his feet, a Print It employee kicked Ron and yelled at him to ?stay down or I will make you stay
At the same time, another Print It employee was standing close-by filming the events with her
smart phone. This employee posted the video to her Facebook page and it ?went viral? around
the internet. She identified Ron by name in her post.
Ron received posts to his Facebook page and tweets to his Twitter account making fun of him for
how he looked in the video.
Ron suffered physical injuries from the events at Print It that day. Ron missed work while he
was recovering from his injuries. Ron has continued to lose sleep and is very emotional since the
events at Print It.
**Identify, discuss and fully analyze all claims Ron may assert as a result of these events, and
whether they would be successful. (A claim is a legal cause of action like an assault.)
**Identify, discuss and fully analyze any damages that Ron may be able to recover.
**Should your response require additional facts, please identify them and indicate how they
influence your analysis.
*REMEMBER: You must identify the issues and thoroughly analyze them. You will be
evaluated on your ability to identify the issues and to articulate your analysis. Graduate level
writing is expected. Punctuation, grammar, spelling and complete sentences are a part of your
grade. You must write a minimum of 550 words. more
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Read Full Paper ❯Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design ***The company to research is Publix*** 1.Discuss how you could apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the workplace. 2.Determine how evidence-based management could be…
Read Full Paper ❯Case Study: The Rock Group You are an attorney representing a rock group. Recently the group has told you that it wants to get out of its present…
Read Full Paper ❯Hello There, I would like please this essay to be written by a writer "dlzit" !!!!!!!!!!!! The writing should be on: 1) Reflecting on 2 chapters ( chapter 4, Lincoln's…
Read Full Paper ❯CRJ 530 Article for Publication Instructions Each student will identify an ethical issue in the criminal justice field and write an article about it. The topic is to be completely…
Read Full Paper ❯MBA540 Term Paper Directions: Due by the end of Module 7 Term Paper: A final paper that focuses on the course content, applied in the setting of your current or past…
Read Full Paper ❯Length: 2500 words Mental Health Policies and Legislation Choose a piece of mental health legislation or National, State, or Local policy which has made an impact on mental health care over…
Read Full Paper ❯Please have the following writer do this assignment: Writer?s Base on order no: Order ID: A2101774 Base on the order number A2101774( attached), please write 2,000 words explaining the outline: Please use…
Read Full Paper ❯XX century had witness the wide use of Irony and humor in French literature. With the help of Delphine. Perret article analyse and argue how Irony and humor…
Read Full Paper ❯With your team, review the case study, "Henry Tam and the MGI Team." Come to a consensus and create a team paper that: Describes the pertinent history and facts of…
Read Full Paper ❯Examine the case of Arizona et al. v. United States, 567 U.S. __ (2012). http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-182b5e1.pdf Explain the case and then apply the holding (the decision) to law enforcement as…
Read Full Paper ❯Information for Unit VII Case Study (Affirmative Action) Assignment (from the course syllabus): Affirmative Action: Using the CSU Online Library and the Criminal Justice Periodicals Index, research an affirmative action…
Read Full Paper ❯A GRADUATE QUALITY research and analysis paper. Topic = "The evolution (or Changes in..) of Crime and Punishment in 18C Europe" (using info from 17C as necessary to…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a graduate level term paper in postmodern philosophy (10 pages). The essay is to address the following: What do we do with the concept of the "outside"…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Select 3-4 research papers which discuss detection, prevention, or mitigation techniques for DoS (denial of service) or DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks: a. The research papers…
Read Full Paper ❯Clear organizational goals can drive employee efforts throughout the organization. So can the organization's values. Google was named first in Fortune Magazine's 2007 rankings for 100 Best Companies to…
Read Full Paper ❯REQUEST WRITER: MSWRITER In Module 5, you will continue with the scenario and simulation you worked on in the Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, and Module 4 SLPs. SCENARIO…
Read Full Paper ❯This written assignment deals with the lessons to be learned by the American experience of the Vietnam War. This assignment deals with lessons learned in different arenas: diplomatic negotiations,…
Read Full Paper ❯EEO Compliance for Federal Contractors/Subcontractors Before starting this assignment, be sure that you are familiar with the following laws and their amendments: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (Click on the…
Read Full Paper ❯(Please follow the instructions to a tee as this is my final paper and i graduate) For the Unit 9 Assignment, you will synthesize your understanding of the theories,…
Read Full Paper ❯Case Study of General Rebecca S. Halsteads leadership style; focusing on who she is and what strategies she used when faced with challenges as a woman in the military.
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment ? Page 1 1.Prepare your case brief in the appropriate manner Charleston v. Board of Trustees of University of Illinois at Chicago 741 F.3d 769 (C.A.7, Ill.2013) R-Z. Name: This…
Read Full Paper ❯XCG THE EXCELLENT CONSULTING GROUP Communication from Art Epance: Welcome to this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advice on how to integrate…
Read Full Paper ❯ETHICAL, SOCIAL & LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS Case: Ron often goes to Print It to make large volume copies for his business needs (a local Kinkostype copy and print shop). Unbeknownst to…
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