25+ documents containing “Grade Level”.
Grade Level - 9th Grade High School
Subject - U.S. History
Constructivist Lesson Plan
Select an academic concept ??" just one concept, not a related set of concepts ??" that y...ou hope to teach to students. Specify the grade level. For example, you might select the mathematical concept of measuring perimeter, but not the whole set of concepts related to polygons in geometry. Or you might select the concept of identifying the main idea in a reading passage, but not the whole set of concepts related to reading comprehension.
Write a lesson plan for teaching the same selected concept to students at the grade level youve specified. Incorporate instructional strategies based on constructivist views of learning.
Include the elements listed below and follow the Kaplan University Graduate School of Education Lesson Plan Template as follows:
Lesson Plan Template
Learning Objective:
Materials and Resources:
Key Vocabulary Terms or Concepts:
Opening Activity:
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
Elements to include:
o Grade Level and Academic Subject
o Learning Objective: Academic Concept to be Taught/What the Student will Know and Be Able to Do
o Materials to be Prepared Ahead of Time
o Key Vocabulary Terms Related to the Lesson Concept
o Opening Activity: Get Students Set to Learn by Engaging their Prior Knowledge
o Instruction: Provide New Information Effectively and Accommodate Individual Learners Needs for Challenge or Extra Help
o Check for Understanding and Give Guided Practice
o Allow for Independent Practice
o Assess Student Learning
o Extension Activities: What else can students do over the coming days or at home?
The rationale for this standard lesson plan format is as follows:
Lesson Plan Rationale
State learning standards stipulate that students must be able to demonstrate their understandings of academic concepts and skills. Therefore, the objective of every well-designed lesson is enhanced student understanding and performance. For this reason, you can think of a lesson in terms of the metaphor of preparing and presenting a theatrical production.
Learning Objective (What the Student will Know and be Able to Do)
State what information or skill(s) the student will be able to demonstrate at the conclusion of the lesson. The Learning Objective must be measurable so that when you assess student learning you will clearly be able to state the extent to which the student knows or can do what you taught.
Setting the Stage (Opening Activity)
Just as a stage set creates a context for a play, the first activity in your lesson must engage student interest, connect with prior knowledge, raise questions, and establish the lesson topic. Opening activities should be designed to be quick and interactive, e.g., a group discussion, puzzle, or short game.
Behind the Scenes (Background Information)
In our drama metaphor, you, the teacher, are like the director of the play.
You plan and oversee all aspects of the event. Prior to any production there is information to study and materials and resources to gather. This section of your lesson plan includes a brief list of materials/resources to be prepared and a list of the key vocabulary terms or concepts that students will need to learn within the lesson. When the lesson is part of an instructional unit, you may want to create a glossary of the key vocabulary terms or concepts for the unit.
Dress Rehearsal (Instruction and Guided Practice)
Actors must study to develop an understanding of the play's story and of their character's role. They memorize and deliver their lines by practicing under the director's guidance. Through this process, they move from assisted performance to competent independent performance. Similarly, in your lesson plan, you will state how you are going to help students become familiar with the concepts and skills presented in the lesson, and how they will practice using these concepts and skills with your guidance.
Rave Reviews (Assessment)
Actors in a play evaluate their own and each others' performances and gain a tremendous amount of feedback from audience response and from their director's comments. Further, they are formally assessed through written reviews by experienced drama critics. Within your lesson plan, there should be one or more ways in which student understanding and performance will be assessed. Students might evaluate their own and each other's work. As the teacher, you will make observations about their understanding or misunderstanding through their comments and questions, and you will sometimes formally evaluate by correcting their activity sheets, evaluating their projects with scoring rubrics, or administering quizzes and tests.
Encore! Encore! (Extension Activities)
A successful play can be performed repeatedly, taken on tour, or transformed into a motion picture. It can even inspire a sequel. Your lesson plan should offer practical suggestions for further activities in which to engage your students to deepen their proficiency with the lesson's concepts and skills.
Activity Sheets: You will often wish to create activity sheets that include games, puzzles, stories, or worksheets and that provide immediate implementation and practice of the lesson's concepts and skills. Activity sheets can be used in an Opening Activity, for Instructional purposes, for Guided Practice and Independent Practice Activities, for Assessment, and for Extension, Further Challenge, or Homework.
Answer these questions, drawing upon the Woolfolk text:
o Why are the instructional activities that you have planned appropriate for students at your grade level?
o How have you planned to have students connect what they already know to the new information that you are teaching?
o How are learner differences accommodated in the lesson?
o How does this lesson demonstrate constructivist views of learning?
Submit your Constructivist Lesson Plan to the Dropbox.
Your Constructivist Lesson Plan Presentation is due at the end of Unit 9 .
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Order ID: A2020654
This ia a follow up from the first assignment on the multi-age classroom. The second part of the assignment is the development of an illustrative teaching unit for multi-age or multigrade classrooms.
To develop an illustrative unit for implementation in a multi-grade or multiage classroom that has two or three grade levels combined. The unit should illustrate how one or two subjects in the different grade levels could be combined and integrated into a set of learning activities for a two or three grade levels. For example the unit might illustrate how a unit from two grade levels of science or social studies etc. could be integrated and taught in a multi-grade classroom. This unit must cover a two to three week learning period. It must be at least 8 to 10 pages in length. This unit will be presented for discussion and several questions must be formulated for a discussion forum.
For teaching a grade level and subject of your choosing provide one example of a teacher centered instuctional strategy, and one example of a student centered instructional strategy. explain how and why you would use each.
I need a detailed lesson plan for the Reading//Writing skills to intermediate ESL students. It must follow the below steps. Any reading/writing materials mentioned in the lesson plan MUST be included ...fully at the end of the lesson plan. I've written below the necessary steps to follow.
Lesson Plan
1. Unit Title: type the title of your unit here
2. Lesson Title: type the title of your lesson here
3. Grade Level: type the appropriate grade level here; it may be a range of grades
4. Estimated time: type the estimated length of the lesson here; use minutes or class periods. Be as specific as possible; it the lesson requires 15 minutes a day for 5 consecutive days, say so.
5. Lesson Description: This section provides an opportunity for the author of the lesson to share some thoughts, experience, and advice with other teachers. It also provides a general overview of the lesson in terms of topic focus, activities, and purpose.
What is unique about this lesson?
What level of learning is covered by this lesson plan? (Think of Bloom's Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation.)
6. Standards Met: copy and paste all appropriate standards from either a state-approved list of standards (i.e., Oklahoma P.A.S.S., Texas T.E.K.S. or other state standards). Be sure to copy the entire standard, not just the number system.
7. Lesson Objectives: This section focuses on what your students will do to acquire further knowledge and skills. The objectives for the daily lesson plan are drawn from the broader aims of the unit plan but are achieved over a well defined time period. Be sure each objective contains all 4 parts: Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree.
Audience: The learners
Identify who it is that will be doing the performance (not the instructor)
Behavior (Performance)
What the learner will be able to do
Make sure it is something that can be seen or heard; it must be measurable
State the conditions you will impose when learners are demonstrating their mastery of the objective.
What will the learners be allowed to use?
What won't the learners be allowed to use?
Under what conditions must the mastery of skill occur?
Degree (or criterion)
A degree/criterion is the standard by which performance is evaluated. The communication power of an objective increases when you tell the learners HOW WELL the behavior must be done. Focus on answering the question, "What's good enough?"
Common degrees include:
8. Technology Integration: Describe how this lesson integrates technology. Specifically, state the following:
A. Student Use of Technology: How will your students use technology: what hardware, software, or other technology will they use and what A"product will be the result of its use?
B. Teacher Use of Technology: How will you use technology: what hardware,
software, or other technology will you use in the teaching of this lesson?
9. Materials: This section has two functions: it helps you quickly determine a) how much preparation time, resources, and management will be involved in carrying out this plan and b) what materials, books, equipment, and resources you will need to have ready. A complete list of materials, including bibliographic citations of textbooks or story books used, worksheets, and any other special considerations is expected. Put the list in numbered or bullet list form.
10. Lesson Procedure: This section provides a detailed, step-by-step description of how to replicate the lesson and achieve lesson plan objectives. This is usually intended for the teacher and provides suggestions on how to proceed with implementation of the lesson plan. It also focuses on what the teacher should have students do during the lesson. This section is basically divided into three components: the introduction, the main activity, and the closure.
Write each section in the form of a numbered list.
A. Introduction
How will you introduce the ideas and objectives of this lesson?
How will you get students' attention and motivate them in order to hold their attention?
How can you tie lesson objectives with student interests and past classroom activities?
What will be expected of students?
B. Main Activity
What is the focus of the lesson?
How would you describe the flow of the lesson to another teacher who will replicate it?
What does the teacher do to facilitate learning and manage the various activities?
What are some good and bad examples to illustrate what you are presenting to students?
How can this material be presented to ensure each student will benefit from the learning experience?
C. Closure
What will you use to draw the ideas together for students at the end?
How will you provide feedback to students to correct their misunderstandings and reinforce their learning?
11. Assessment/Evaluation
This section focuses on ensuring that your students have arrived at their intended destination. You will need to gather some evidence that they did. This usually is done by gathering students' work and assessing this work using some kind of grading rubric or procedure that is based on lesson objectives. You could also replicate some of the activities practiced as part of the lesson, without providing the same level of guidance as during the lesson. You could always quiz students on various concepts and problems as well.
How will you evaluate the objectives that were identified?
Have students practiced what you are asking them to do for evaluation? more
You are new to NYC School 123 and are one of three teachers in your subject/grade level. It is the first month of the school year and your principal asks you to identify one end of the year aca...demic goal that would apply to all your students. Your principal wants you to use student data to help you determine your goals. Last year's assessment results indicate the following about your students.
20% above grade level
50% on grade level
30% below grade level
33% of your classroom is comprised of students with special needs whose assessment results range across all three levels
Identify the most important end of the year academic goal for your students. (Be sure to assume a specific a subject area and grade level; if you have multiple certifications or teach multiple subjects, select one.) Please write a plan that addresses your principal's directives in essay format. Your response should also include the following.
What is your goal? Why did you select this goal?
Identify and explain the strategies would you employ to meet this goal? Provide concrete examples.
What would you do if you realized in February that a quarter of your students were not on track to reach the end of year goal? more
An assessment for this activity that would be appropriate for the targeted student; consider and describe technologies and other instructional supports that would enhance the learning for this student.
The information below is regarding a 15 year boy who is in 10th grade, but his writing and reading levels are at a 2nd grade level because of his enability to speak english fluently. All of his assignments are modified consisting of (material being read aloud, assistance in writing, and math problems are written out in number format whether than a story format.
Problems behaviors do exist when he is feeling overwhelmed/stressed. The modification are made to this extent to alleviate the chances for problems behavior to occur.
He enjoys math, history and current events even though he struggle in these areas.
(a) Which accommodations and modifications were successful?
(b) If you taught this lesson again, would you do it the same/different? Explain.
(c) What other accommodations/modifications might the students regular education classroom teacher make?
(d) Discuss his strenghts and weaknesses.
Differentiated Lesson Plan
Using the Lesson Plan Template (http://files.solution-tree.com/pdfs/Reproducibles_SDI/lessontemplate.pdf) from Solution Tree, design a complete lesson plan that includes the following:
Grade level (5th grade)
State Standards
Learning Objectives
Big Ideas
Essential Question
Hook or Anticipatory Set
Teacher Input
Student Output
Evidence of Learning
Student Reflection
After writing the complete lesson, go back and integrate differentiated elements by changing the content, process, and product. Use at least two sources for gathering ideas for differentiation strategies. Specify the changes to content, product, or process in the template (bold font or highlight the changes and specify if it is to differentiate by content, process, or product).
Design a lesson plan for your subject area. Since we are in the library I would really like to be able to teach the students about maps and how the library is like a map. Or something on this order f...rankly I'm at a loss. Since I work on a reservation I do a lot of Native American lessons.
Use the lesson plan template below.
Header: Include Title, target Grade level, and your name.
Time Frame: On class period
Lesson plan Overview: Description of the unit of study. List student learning outcomes and Montana content standards that are met.
Background knowledge: Prior knowledge students must have in order to complete this assignment.
Activities: List what the teacher will do and what the students will do.
Resources: A list of outstanding resources for use in the unit and a summary of other helpful sources:
Assessment Overview: A description of the student activity, product, or work that is assessed during the unit, with notation of who assesses it and how is it assessed. Assessment tool(s) (rubrics, checklist, or other) are included where available.
Attachments: Handouts, graphic organizers, and rubrics.
I can't seem to get this to paste correctly but below is supposed to be in table form with
Criteria Distinguished (4) Prepared (3) Needs improvement (2) Inadequate (1) Score
(4) All of the required elements are included and the description includes detailed information about the lesson.
(3) The lesson overview provides a brief statement that summarizes key aspects of the lesson.
(2) An incomplete description of lesson is provided.
(1) An overview is not provided.
Learning Outcomes
(4) Each outcome is stated in terms of student behavior; identifies the learning that will take place; and is measurable
and observable. At least 1 outcome addresses higher order thinking skills.
(3) Each outcome is stated in terms of student behavior; identifies the learning that will take place; and is measurable
and observable.
(2) Some of the learning outcomes are clear and some are not. Not all outcomes are stated in terms of student
(1) The outcome(s) is (are) imprecise or unclear or written in terms of teacher behavior, rather than student behavior.
Curriculum and Standards
(4) The lesson is tightly focused on a content area. The lesson provides significant and clear connections to local curriculum and/or state content standards/ benchmarks in all major phases of the lesson plan.
(3) The lesson is focused on a content area. The lesson provides clear connections to local curriculum and/or state Content standards/ benchmarks in some, but not all major phases of the lesson plan.
(2) The lesson is loosely focused on a content area. The lesson provides some/limited connection
to local curriculum and/orstate content standards.
(1) The lesson is not focused on a content area. The lesson provides no connection to local curriculum and/or state content standards.
(Materials and
Resources that are needed by the student or the
teacher to execute
the lesson.)
(4) All necessary materials are identified. It is clear what materials are referenced in the lesson (e.g. rather than saying
the handout, it is referred to by name.
(3) Materials necessary for both the student and the teacher to complete the lesson are listed.
Worksheets and reproducible materials are available for
immediate download from the lesson site.
(2) A sketchy list of student and teacher materials is provided. Worksheets are described, but not downloadable.
(1) Materials necessary for both student and teacher use are not listed.
Learning Activities
(4) All activities are aligned with the learning objective(s), build upon each other, are appropriately paced, and developmentally appropriate. The activities are engaging, creative, and innovative.
(3) All activities are aligned with the learning outcomes(s), build upon each other, are appropriately paced, and
developmentally appropriate.
(2)Activities are connected to the l earning outcome but disconnected from one another.
(1) Activities are disconnected and not focused on the learning outcome.
(4) Assessment opportunities are clearly identified and require students to critique, assess, and/or draw conclusions as they relate to the MT Content Standards. Provide clear evidence that students have
achieved the learning outcome(s).
(3) Assessment opportunities are identified and require students to apply knowledge or
demonstrate understanding of MT Content Standards. Provide limited evidence that students have achieved the learning outcome(s).
(2) Assessment opportunities are loosely identified and make limited connections to the Montana Content Standards and learning outcomes.
(1) Assessment opportunities are loosely identified and make limited connections to the Montana ContentStandards and learning outcome(s). more
1) Develop a detailed table representing a variety of instructional strategies for differentiating instruction.
2) Include a minimum of 10 strategies in the chart. The first column should have the name of the strategy, second column should indicate the grade levels for which the strategy works, and the final column should have a detailed description of the strategy.
3) Write a 250-500 word analysis of the chart and how these will affect your teaching strategies.
A 2-3 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 font essay, including a reference page. The grade level is First Grade.. Find the state standards for North Carolina for that grade level. National Council Of Teachers of Mathematics (Compare the NCTM content and process standards of that grade level to North Carolina's standards. What similarities and/or differences do you find between the NCTM standards and North Carolina's standards? Do you think the standards for North Carolina will be effective in teaching our students math successfully? Why or why not? Make sure to compare the two and answer all questions posed in the instructions in your Essay.
This plan should be a mathematical lesson for 1st grade classroom. I will say, however, to make sure that the lesson is appropriate for the students at the first grade level. The lesson plan should be 12 pt. Times New Roman Font with clear headings for each section. You should use the new Common Core objectives from North Carolina in your plan and include technology and 21st century skills.
Sections to include:
Common Core Standards
Learning Objective
Materials & Resources
Introduction: Student Connections & Background Knowledge
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
This is a Reaction Paper
Read the "Mathematics: Core Curriculum." You can access the Core Curriculum at:
Read pages 1-6 and 17-59.
Describe and react to the core curriculum for grades 1-5. Guiding questions:
-Is it usuable as a new teacher?
-How is the curriculum different from your elementary math curriculum versus todays forward thinking curriculum?
-Are the standards a step in the right direction?
I need an Intro at least three (3) pages of descriptions and two (2) pages of reactions. Specific grade level is 1-5
Thank you very much!!
You are required to teach a comprehensive unit. Your goals and objectives should be based on the 8th grade Lanuage Arts and literature class you will be teaching. You will also need to create an assessment plan designed to measure student performance before ( pre-assessment), during ( formative assessment), and after (post assessment) your unit instruction. Finally you need to analyze and reflect on your instructional design, educational context, and learning gains demonstrated by your students. Your teacher work sample must include all of the elements listed above and must be word processed and double spaced in 12 point font. The sample should be 20 pages of narrative not counting charts, graphs, and attachments. Provide a table of contents that lists yhe sections of your paper and the page numbers and a Cover Page that includes: your name, date submitted, grade level and subject, and your course number and title. I am faxing extensive instructions on the lengths that each section should be etc.
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From the Grade 7 curriculum in visual arts select one concept and one skill from the learning expectation subsections. Keep in mind that the concept is identified by the nouns in the learning expectat...ions and not the verbs such as use, interpret, explain, etc. So, for example in the learning expectation, D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using multiple principles of design and the rule of thirds to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic the basic concept is principles of design. Skills, on the other hand, do include the verbs. Then, track how the concept and the skill are further developed in Grades 8, 9 and 10.
It is likely that you will not see exactly the same description of the concept in the succeeding grades but you should be able to identify expectations and topics that are related to it, and that add to student knowledge of the concept identified. You should also be able to see the identified skill being further developed through the grade levels. It may also be, however, that there is no recognizable connection to the concept or skill in a succeeding grade and this should be identified and considered in your paper.
In a paper of about 1000 words (3-4 pages) describe your findings concerning the progression of the development of the concept and skill across the grade levels. Be sure to explain the connections identified. Then, select one or more grade levels and describe one teaching/learning episode or lesson that you could use to teach the concept, and one lesson that could be used to teach the skill. You should plan to use different teaching/learning approaches, and at least one of the two lessons should involve the use of computer-based technology. Your lesson descriptions should include a clear connection with the concept or skill, identification of the grade level designation, instructional strategies, materials used, student activities and products, and the assessment strategies used. Please deal with the progression of the concept and the skill first, and then describe the two learning episodes. Also, you should plan to use subheadings in your paper to clearly identify each component of the lessons and this assignment.
Evaluation Method
A concept and a skill from the Grade 7 curriculum have been clearly identified
The development of the concept and the skill across the grade levels has been clearly described
One learning episode for each of the skill and concept, including one out of the two that is computer-based, have been clearly described
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Part One: Graphic Organizer
a) Using the ISTE Web site (www.iste.org), compare and contrast the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS for Teachers) with any set of standa...rds listed by the state of Maryland.
b) Create a graphic organizer to make these comparisons.
c) If your state does not include any requirements for teachers to know and understand before teaching, select the two standards that you feel best support what you see as imperative knowledge for a classroom teacher and explain your decisions in detail.
Part Two: Essay
a) In a 550 word essay, discuss the requirements of a specific grade-level or content specific standards as developed in the NETS(www.iste.org) for Students.
b) Describe technologies that are widely available to teachers in K-12 education to facilitate teaching, learning, and communications.
c) Which requirements for 2nd graders do you feel are right on target and will be easy to implement?
d) Evaluate how technology can be used in the typical K-12 classroom to enhance teaching and learning.
e) Which requirements for 2nd graders do you feel will be the most difficult to support from those recommended?
f) Although limited at the present in your overall grade-level knowledge, are there any specific skills you feel are missing from the 2nd grade level? Do not forget to check that it was not already introduced within an earlier grade level. more
choose three grades and create a listing of standards (for one content area) for each of the three grade use mathematics
national standards at www.educationworld.com/standards use georgia state standards
Then, you are to create a set of standards for at least three grade levels; be sure the standards are numbered.
9, 10, 11 (High School Cluster) Be sure to use page breaks to separate each of the three grade levels. (You should have one file to submit with three sets of standards, one set per grade level).
: Standards for grade level 9
: Standards for grade level 10
: Standards for grade level 11
: Standards are numbered, written thoroughly, and reflect proper grammar, spelling, etc., and the document includes a title page and running header.
Consultation of at least three resources to write your standards. Resource list (in APA format) is included.
1) Discuss the relationship/difference between phonemic awareness and phonics in a 1,250-1,500 word paper. Include in the discussion the following elements for both concepts:
a) Definition/description.
b) Summaries of several strategies that demonstrate explicit teaching.
c) Typical grade-level appropriateness and sequence in the stages of developing
readers. (When is it effective, and when is it no longer effective?)
d) Its value/purpose.
e) Methods of assessment.
2) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required. Include an introduction, body, conclusion, in-text citations, and a reference page.
Assignment requirements:
1. Write a lesson plan and a reflection of the lesson after it was taught
2. Total of 4... pages (2 for the lesson plan and 2 for the reflection)
3. Use the lesson plan template to write the lesson.
4. APA format with in-text citations and reference page
5. Use only the sources provided as references.
6. Times New Roman, size 12, 1 inch margins
Directions for the LESSON PLAN
1. The lesson must reflect the interactive perspective as described in the Framework for Literacy Instruction.
2. Address the specific literacy needs of students A, B, and C in the areas of word recognition and comprehension. Provide opportunities for students to think about their strategy use and become self-regulated in their use of strategies.
3. Consider how you will shift the responsibility to students to be strategic and metacognitive and to independently use strategies.
4. Plan how you will collect data during the lesson through observation, student work, or by using other assessment methods.
Background information on students A, B, and C
The students are struggling readers. There were three students in all: two boys and one girl. Reading assessments administered at the beginning of the year indicated that all three students are beginning readers. They read aloud slowly in a word-by-word fashion (Tompkins, 2010, p. 124). However, the text is below grade-level, they struggle with common high frequency words, and lack the phonics skills of typical second grade students. They continue to perform below grade-level expectations. Students A and B went from reading level sixteen to level eighteen. This is equivalent to progressing from reading like an end-of-year first-grader to a beginning-year second-grader. Since these students are in the middle of second grade, they are approximately five months behind their peers. Student C progressed from reading level twelve to level fourteen. Although he has made progress, he continues to read at a first grade level. This student is approximately six to seven months behind his peers. It was noted that all three students have a tendency to read in short phrases. Therefore, oral reading fluency will continue to be a focus for future instruction. Students also tended to take inappropriate pauses while reading. Sometimes they paused because they did not know the word. At this time, it was noted that these students appear to lack helpful word-attack skills. Student A often attempted to sound out the words while students B and C substituted similar words or asked for help. This indicates that these students need additional phonics instruction. All three students also need to practice self-correcting their mistakes.
Use the following three texts in the lesson.
1. A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn (2006)
2. Insects Up Close by Elena Martin (2003)
3. Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin (2003)
Background information for these texts is provided below.
The first is an informational text called Insects Up Close (Martin, 2003). The second is a narrative text called A Pocket Full of Kisses (Penn, 2004). The third is an online narrative text called Diary of a Worm (Cronin, 2003). To provide an opportunity for students to practice their fluency, I selected A Pocket Full of Kisses (Penn, 2004). This book was an appropriate choice for practicing fluency because it is the sequel to a book we have read and enjoyed together called The Kissing Hand (2006). Students are already familiar with the names of the characters and increases comprehension. Students will not need to try so hard to understand the text and they can focus on their fluency. The second text, Diary of a Worm (Cronin, 2003) will also promote fluency practice. It is an online text that includes animation and audio. The words are highlighted as the story is read so students can read along. Students are seeing, hearing, and practicing fluency. This particular text is slightly higher than the student?s independent reading level. Therefore, scaffolding is needed in order for students to read the complete text. The last text, Insects Up Close (Martin, 2003) is an informational text that supports the animal theme, however it also supports our reading comprehension unit. This particular text highlights words with short vowel sounds. Words like bug, slug, and up are repeated throughout the text. This would provide an opportunity to complete a word study on short vowel words.
Directions for the REFLECTION
1. Explain how you promoted students? strategic processing and metacognition.
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson based on specific data you collected during this lesson.
3. Explain what the data suggests about next steps for one or more students in the group and __what you might do differently next time__
4. You may write in first person. more
use the interview work sheet i'm sending you to write the paper: The name of the teacher is Ms. Menocal the grade she teaches is the first grade, school name Somerset Academy.
please follow this intructions to be able to write this paper:
* Site information: Teachers name, grade level, location description, and type of classrroom .
* Summary of teacher's response to the interview questions.
*An explanation of the importance of using developmental theory in the classroom.
* Arefection of the interview experience.
Post along with the paper , a summary or graphic representation of an item from your observation and interview that you might use to support development in one of the domains. It could be a lesson plan , a classroom management idea, a bulletin board idea, I f you did not find an artifact you could use, suggest one the teacher could have used to support development in the classrrom and answer this questions:
*How did the teacher incorporate this into the classroom?
*How might you incorporate this into the classroom?
*What theory is this item based on ?
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A classroom teacher has asked for assistance with reading group evaluations. The teacher has four reading groups in a rotational cycle. Select the lesson topic and grade level of your choice. Create a rubric for a reading lesson that outlines indicators for students who are falling far below, approaching, meeting, and exceeding the standard in literacy. Include the components of the lesson on the rubric. This should be a practical data collection tool.
2) Include a summary (750-1,050 words) in which you explain how the teacher might be coached to address the needs of each group of students using the rubric. The rubric can be in any format.
The grade level should be 2nd grade and the literacy standards should be Arizona's.
This essay is about "Observation", However, please just make up by ypurself, please. Thanks
Following are the direction I have been givn:
You will visit a physical education class on... 2 different occasions.
The same class (group of students) will be visited each time. The assignment may take place at a regular (public or private) or special education school.
Write 1 observation report
a. Age and grade level.----(better lower grade)
b. Social interaction among the students (What was going on in terms of social skills? How did the students treat one another during the activity? Was there a social skills component to the physical education program?),
c. Activity played / taught.
d. Organization of the class (consider what students were doing, amount of equipment, space) e. Was there instruction with the lesson or was there merely an activity provided
for the students?
f. Did the instructor give any type of feedback to the students? If so, what type? g. How much and how often was feedback administered?
h. If applicable, describe the stage of learning you observed in terms of manipulative skills (for example, throwing stage 2, kicking stage 1. . .)?
Part II.
Based upon what you observed, assume that you will teach the same group of kids. Write and type 1 lesson plan for the activity that you observed. Write the lesson plan as to how you would teach this group of children.
a. one objective from each domain
b. approximate time frame per activity
c. teaching cues, instructional cues
d. organization of activities
e. equipment and facility needed more
I need Section X and XI filled out please. I have already completed the previous sections. I attached the chapter, notes and grading rubric needed for section X, XI. The template is below. Please co...ntact me if you have any questions. Thank you
I. Subject: English Topic: Writing/ Use of Correct grammar punctuation, capitalization, spelling, sentence structure, with paragraphing.
II. Grade Level: 5th
III. Sub Topic: Students will learn how to identify the intended audience, using several prewriting strategies, organize specific information to convey a central idea, and write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main ideas.
IV. Standards: 5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade. http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/standards_docs/english/index.shtml
a) Identify intended audience.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
c) Organize information to convey a central idea.
d) Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
e) Write multi-paragraph compositions.
f) Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice.
g) Vary sentence structure by using transition words.
h) Revise for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.
i) Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea.
V. Objective: Given an independent reading assignment in text book on paragraph structure (pp. 30-45), the student will write a 3 fifty-word paragraphs correctly identifying the topic sentence, body, and concluding sentence 3/3 times attempted.
VI. Biblical/Character: Matthew 13:52 ?Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.? God inspires writing and the importance in sharing knowledge through writing.
VII. Materials: Materials: Ignitium Christian Academy 5th Grade Language Arts Text, workbook, CD, construction paper, notebook paper, pencils, highlighters, dry erase board, and a television. http://www.ignitiumacademy.com/pdf/ignitia/IGN500L.pdf
VIII. Pre Assessment: Pre Assessment10 multiple-choice written questions to recognize topic sentences, transition words, and main idea of paragraphs.
IX. Procedures:
a. Anticipatory Set:
b. Informing learners of objective: Informing learners of objective:
? To remember the 3 main parts of a paragraph.
? Be able to give 3 examples of prewriting strategies.
? Correctly identify the intended audience.
c. Review:
Do you remember the purpose of a topic sentence?
Do you remember what a transition word is?
Do you remember what the last sentence in a paragraph is?
d. Instruction: Students will observe a 15 minute video on ?Paragraph Building? show examples of the elements of a paragraph, topic sentence, body, and conclusion. Introduce learners to examples of proper paragraph writing, with examples on display boards, and dry erase board.
Show learners (Dry Erase Board) key concepts in identifying the 3 main parts of a paragraph.
Show learners with various colors of construction paper, each color representing parts of a paragraph how build paragraphs with color association.
Looking at paragraphs to see how a bible passage is formed.
e. Guided Practice: Prepare several questions on the dry erase board. Ask brief questions on main points, and have students create their own questions. Have students write examples of prewriting strategies. At the end of the presentation/ discussion divide the class into groups, with each group summarizing the main points together by writing on the dry erase board.
f. Closure: Give each group the answer key of the quiz and read answers aloud.
g. Independent Practice: Design a grading rubric of the paragraph outline displaying various degrees of proficiency. Criteria will include identifying the topic, body, and conclusion of each paragraph.
X. Diversity / Differentiation for Exceptionalities:
i. Gifted:
ii. LEP:
iii. LD, ED, ADD:
iv. Multicultural Connections:
v. Learning Styles (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic):
vi. Multiple Intelligences:
XI. Technology Connection: more
Essay must use the Lessons sent in email as reference. The essay is based off the information in the lessons. Must incorporate Gail Tompkin's strategies, tips, and ideas which will be found in the Lessons tip:(any page number citation found in Lessons are from Gail Tompkins)
Essay Details:
*****Plan a writing program for your class.**** (You may choose grade level). Decide how you will organize and structure your program. You may include basic set up, such as topics, conferences, sharing, modeling, motivation, group activities and prewrites, revision, publishing etc. You may also include specific activities you would do, ways you would allow for individual differences, research, writing in content areas--whatever you plan to try. You do not have to schedule by day and time; just discuss what you would do and why.
1. Option: If you want to mention specific ways you would provide for students with disabilities, you are welcome (though not required) to include this.
There are faxes for this order.
This paper need to be APA Style, Double-Spaced, 12font, and complete sentences and paragraphs
Popham: Chapter 5 - Classroom Climate Shift
Fisher ??" Chapter 3: Using Questions to Check ...for Understanding & Chapter 4 Using Writing to Check for Understanding
Step 1: Begin by reading through each of readings listed from above. Then address the following questions for each of the readings.
Step 2: Responses to the following chapters
Popham - Chapter 5
1. What is Pophams explanation of Level 3 formative assessment, what it requires, and why it's worth implementing? Examine the following three dimensions related to classroom climate shift. Then describe how you might use one or more of these areas to effect some level of change in the classroom:
a. Change in teacher and student perceptions regarding learning expectations
b. Responsibility for learning (teacher, student, or both)
c. Role of formative assessment
2. The following are Pophams five suggested steps for teachers to use in changing the classrooms culture and/or atmosphere. Examine the list and select the one that you would be first to use in your classroom. Explain how you would incorporate your selection so that it would be grade level appropriate for your students.
i. Distribute classroom climate guidelines
ii. Seek and nurture trust
iii. Model and reinforce appropriate behavior
iv. Solicit students advice on classroom climate
v. Assess students relevant affective status
Fisher - Chapter 3: Using Questioning to Check for Understanding
1. What types of questions help students think and provide teachers with an opportunity to check for understanding?
2. Discuss the misuses of questioning in the classroom.
3. As you read the chapter, update the strategy grid (below) by adding a description of the strategy in your own words and ways in which you can use this strategy to check for understanding.
Strategy Description How I can use it ...
Constructing Effective Questions
Providing Nonverbal Support
Developing Authentic Questions
Hand Signals
Chapter 4 - Using Writing to Check for Understanding
1. Discuss why writing can be used as an assessment tool across the curriculum and not just in English / language arts classes.
2. Discuss the difference between think-pair-share and read-write-pair-share. When would you use each? When is one more appropriate for checking for understanding?
3. As you read the chapter, update the strategy grid (below) by adding a description of the strategy in your own words and ways in which you can use this strategy to check for understanding.
Strategy Description How I can use it ...
Interactive Writing
Read, Write, Pair, Share
Summary Writing
Step 3: Based on the three readings develop a reflective summary of what you have learned about level 3 formative assessment both and using questions and writing activities in checking for understanding. If you are in the classroom describe any of the practices discussed in these readings that you have used and any new practices that you might begin incorporating in your lessons. If you are not in the classroom then focus of the larger picture of what you understand about level 3 formative assessment and to what degree you think that it would enhance student achievement. more
Attn: SNR (Sara)
"For Dr. O only, No other writer take this".
Please see a copy of the emil from Dr O. below:
1. The amount of analysis a researcher needs is dependent upon... the number of hypotheses stated in the project.
2. On the basis of the raw data originally sent with your order you can end up with an extensive analysis. As I see it now this is what you have:
Gender (2) x Departments (3) x Grade Level (3) x # of questions (10)
This equates to an analysis of variance process that is 2 x 3 x 3 x 10 (rather large to say the least.
The above can also be expanded by the number of nested variables (age categories, socio-econominc class categories, years of experience categories, education level categories, and so on) you feel are necessary to add exactness and knowledge to your study. Nested variable inclusion, is of course, your choice. You might also want to reduce the 10 question amount to questions that are meaningful when placed in groups of questions rather that looking at each individual question.
If you decide to proceed the raw data that I would need from you needs to be sorted as follows:
Raw Scores for each gender, each department, and each grade level for every question. Example: Question #1/Males - Question #1/Females and so on until all 10 questions have been tabulated. You would repeat this process for each grade level and each department level. Then you can also do something like Raw Scores for Males/Department 1/Grade Level 1 for each question. Repeat this for all possible combinations. This process is no different from that which you originally performed except that it is presented in a different configuration. It will take you a little quiet time to make sure you have all the data arranged properly. Once all this data is accumulated and presented in a form like the one you originally sent with your initial writing request I can then help you out with the analysis and present the information to you like I did before.
With respect to cost that will be determined by SNR (Sara) but I see your needs as being anywhere from 7 to 10 pages more. Conducting an ANOVA with all the bells and whistles is a little more than your original assignment request.
What you need to do now is contact SNR with a new assignment request, making sure that you indicate on the request "For Dr. O only, No other writer take this". Once this is done then I can help you once again -- and I would be happy to do so.
Please be advised that a copy of this email will also be sent to SNR for their records.
Hope to hear from you soon and let me know your thoughts.
Dr. O
There are faxes for this order. more
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Read Full Paper ❯I need Section X and XI filled out please. I have already completed the previous sections. I attached the chapter, notes and grading rubric needed for section X,…
Read Full Paper ❯Essay must use the Lessons sent in email as reference. The essay is based off the information in the lessons. Must incorporate Gail Tompkin's strategies, tips, and ideas which…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper need to be APA Style, Double-Spaced, 12font, and complete sentences and paragraphs Popham: Chapter 5 - Classroom Climate Shift Fisher ??" Chapter 3: Using Questions to Check for…
Read Full Paper ❯Attn: SNR (Sara) "For Dr. O only, No other writer take this". Please see a copy of the emil from Dr O. below: 1. The amount of analysis a researcher needs…
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