25+ documents containing “Governmental Organization”.
Management Accounting Research Dissertation
Critically analyze this topic:
The necessity and the role of Management & Cost Accounting Reporting system for an organization to achieve ...predetermined goals, while the other supportive reporting systems are existing and whether it is necessary to have a common control framework to monitor this reporting system.
The essay is meant for assessing your capability to critically appreciate and analyze modern management accounting concepts and techniques. Submission of the essay is compulsory in this unit.
Word limit: 2000 words (excluding bibliography).
Other Assignment presentation requirements:
Each assignment should be typed using a computer or word processing package. The pages should be numbered.
A left margin of 40mm is required to allow for written comments and line spacing of 1.5 is required.
Assignments marking criteria:
1. Knowledge, understandability and application of management control concepts as explained and discussed in the unit.
2. Critical analysis.
3. Research and inquiry skills including appropriate referencing skills.
Lecture topics associated with course is as below if useful:
1. Introduction to Management Accounting and Basic Cost
2. Job Costing
3. Activity Based Costing and Management
4. Flexible Budgets, Direct-Cost Variances, and Management Controls.
5. Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Variances, and Management Controls
6. Inventory Costing and Capacity Analysis
7. Target Costing, and Cost Allocation, Customer-Profitability Analysis, and Sales Variance Analysis
8. Allocation of Support-Department Costs, Common Costs, and Revenues.
9. Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Byproducts.
10. Process Costing.
11.Inventory Management, Just-in-Time, and Simplified Costing Methods.
12. Management Control Systems, Transfer Pricing, and Multinational Considerations. more
1. Citation Style
The Sydney Law Review Style Guide (available on WebCT) and the Melbourne Manual for International Law Citation (available at http://www.mjil.org/wiki/index.php/Melbourne_Manual_for_International_Law_Citation)
Thank you
The full title of my course is 'media culture and society' and this specific module is 'Corruption' The exact title of the essay is 'To what extent is corruption a problem in the modern world?'. The reference system is would like to be used is numerical: i.e. footnotes. and all quotes and references should be made clear. The essay should include a full bibliography siting all texts and websites used for research.
Some useful texts which iwould like to be used are: Harris.R 'Political corruption' (2003). Heidenheimer.A, Johnston.M 'Political corruption: concepts and contexts'. Rose-ackerman.S 'corruption and government: cambridge university press'. www.transparency.org.
I would also like the essay to be of a solid 2:1 standard (around 65%). The essay should focus mainly on the political side of corruption with reference to different case studies.
The major assignment for this course is an original research paper (roughly 20-25 pages in length) that examines some aspect of United States foreign policy with respect to a particular country and a ...particular situation. One of our texts for the course, John W. Creswell?s Research Design, will guide you through the stages and steps of doing standard social science research. In the remarks that follow, I want to add some comments?philosophical, conceptual, and practical?that might be helpful in approaching this assignment. I assume that you have had a standard IAS education in one of the concentrations, but maybe not had the opportunity to apply your knowledge, skills, and abilities in a project of original research. Here is that opportunity, and for those who have had the chance, here is another occasion to hone those skills and abilities. What follows is not a fully-developed essay, but rather some thoughts and talking points. I welcome your comments and ideas.
Your first and most important job will be to ask a question that no one knows the answer to, and then proceed to provide that answer. At first glance, it might appear that someone at some time has written something about everything, but that is not the case. Scholars and writers have written about only a minuscule fraction of what could be investigated and described. This is true for a host of reasons but the most significant are two: the world is enormously complex and the world is constantly changing. This does not mean that there aren?t patterns and generalities in human behavior and the institutions that attempt to organize it, but the patterns are not automatic. In other words, we can?t say that a particular life or situation is an example of a pattern until we investigate. This is a plea for research at the micro-level and to avoid the grand claims to universal truths.
The second job is taken care of for you by the subject matter of the class; namely, anything you investigate with respect to human rights matters. It is something significant because it is about human suffering or inequality or justice or dignity or freedom. Applying one?s mind, now made sharp as a tack by your IAS education, to things that matter is the responsibility of all intellectuals, but especially publicly-trained ones. The public has paid for most of your education and now you have a responsibility to give something back in the form of research that matters to the common good, in this case, represented by common knowledge.
Avoid seeking angles that promise to make the task easier. Choose hard cases and tough assignments and work at them. The rewards will be greater both in terms of your own learning and in terms of what matters. Choose issues and situations that reveal the world as it actually is, and not as it ought to be according to some ideology, including mine. That children are exploited in many parts of the world is true, but that does not mean that a particular child in Bangladesh who works in a factory is having her human rights violated. That must be demonstrated through argument and evidence.
Knowledge is social, that is, knowledge is knowledge when a group of people says it is. No matter how confidently I know that I saw Bigfoot on my camping trip, it isn?t knowledge until I can convince others. And to convince others I must use the tools that have been approved of by my society or subgroup within that society, in this case, the academic community. Those tools are of two kinds: evidence and argument. Evidence is what other scholars will accept as the facts of the case. They will only ?allow into evidence,? to use the legal way of expressing this, facts which have passed some tests: relevance, corroboration, representativeness of the whole. Irrelevant stories, isolated comments or anecdotes, heart-wrenching emotions, or isolated bits of information do not constitute evidence. Think of prisoners exonerated by DNA or the search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Evidence must fit into an argument, which does not mean debate, but rather a crafted series of statements connected by an acceptable logic. By logic we don?t just mean formal logic but rather an acceptable form of human reasoning. Take for example the precautionary principle which states that, given our current state of lack of knowledge, we ought not to do something. We cannot prove that continuing to heat up the earth?s atmosphere will have catastrophic effects, but we probably should act as if it is the case, in order to be safe. The precautionary principle is not a part of formal logic, but it is probably a prudent form of human reasoning.
The ultimate goal and highest compliment for a piece of research is that it is convincing. No argument will be perfect because of that complexity issue, again, not to mention the fact that time will not allow all possible research or the gathering of all possible facts. In the back of your mind, all research should be accompanied by the thought ?Based on what I?ve discovered so far . . . .? But at the same time, one must play fair and push the discovery as far as possible. That is how we make progress in what we know about the world. We are trying to convince each other that what we have discovered is important and true, knowing perfectly well that the latter two qualities can never be absolute.
Every piece of research, indeed, any claim about the world, is grounded in theory and you should actively work at identifying and interrogating your theories. I use the plural because we always use more than one in approaching a topic or issue and sometimes they are coherently linked, and sometimes not. At a bare minimum, we should all be familiar with what theories we use to explain the following: reality, the world, social behavior, political behavior, human psychology. A theory of reality forces us to ask about what is and what isn?t:
? Is happiness possible? Should we count on it? Is it the ultimate reality? Do rights exist? If so, where do they reside? What is morality? Does evil exist?
? What causes the world and its institutions?states, markets, cultures?to act the way they do? What?s driving the big shifts in globalization and world power? Why don?t countries respect the human rights of their own citizens and why don?t they intervene in acts of genocide?
? Why do people form into groups and why to these groups act the way they do? Why does one ethnic group or religion hate and fear another? Why, in general, do we find differences in how men and women act toward each other? Can human rights change these relationships? How, exactly?
? How is power distributed? Who has most and why? Can power be opposed, harnessed, co-opted, abandoned? What are the ways that people organize themselves into relations of power? Do organizations like Amnesty International really make a difference?
? Why would one person torture another? What is it in human psychology that makes this possible (and the evidence is that we?re all capable of it)? What is the difference between dignity and humiliation? How do you get someone to do the right thing? Is it even possible?
Whether you know it or not, you have theories that answer these questions, either because you?ve constructed them over the course of your life, consciously and unconsciously, or because you?ve been exposed to, and been convinced by, arguments advanced in your formal education. These theories can be more or less sophisticated, more or less helpful, and more or less correct; theories are not just speculation or guesses, but an interrelated set of concepts that claim to explain some phenomenon. Some do better than others. Any piece of research assumes theories. For your paper, I want you to identify the relevant theories that ground your argument. Sometimes you?ll just have to assume these theories and sometimes you?ll have to explain and defend them. The Dunne and Wheeler book is mostly about theories.
The earlier you choose your topic the better off you?ll be because you?ll have more time to read and think about it and more time to pay attention to other instances and related issues. Do not be too fussy about choosing a perfect topic?virtually any country will reveal a host of potential human rights problems or solutions (your paper can be about a human rights success). Remember that your paper is about U.S. human rights policy, so you must include an element of policy in the paper, namely, what is the U.S. doing to help or hinder the problem. For example, that child working in the factory; how is U.S. policy affecting her? Is it making her life better or worse? How and why?
Yes, the United States is guilty of human rights violations within its borders (the potential violation of habeas corpus at Guantanamo Bay is a recent example, but also endemic racism and domestic violence), but we will be looking outward to the relation between the United States and other countries, therefore, you cannot choose the U.S. as your focus for this project.
The next step after choosing a country is to choose a problematic case. This should be one that has a concrete and specific case as the focus, a case that tests the theories and arguments employed. The case can come from a newspaper article, a human rights report, or a legal case. For example, Mohammed Mahmoud Osman died two days after being released from a Cairo police station with extensive bruises over his body. Is it a human rights violation? Or just a civil matter? How should U.S. policy react to this, if at all? Should the President, the Congress, the American public get involved? Can they? What would the repercussions be? What?s realistic? Why? Where does the Osman case fit into the larger picture? Who is responsible?
The crucial thing here is not just to document suffering or purported violations, but to examine a complex case that can be analyzed from more than one point of view. In human rights work it is tempting to identify with victims and just write from one?s moral outrage over violations of the innocent. But in this class we are focusing on policy, and policy is a complex phenomenon that is not the simple application of morality to power. Choose a case that will not have an easy answer
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A report is required to address the following assignment which is a process analysis.
The process to be analysed is that of the outsourcing (which is a form of managing out from public sector... to private industry) of the Firearms licensing application process from Western Australia to Australia Post. This process commenced on 12th November 2009.
Report style document with titles
Executive summary
A definition of outsourcing.
And a process analysis which addresses the following which will also be titled;
The context as per 1 below
The process outline as per 2 below
The challenges and complexities for management as per 3 below
Resource implications as per 4 below
Possible management strategies as per 5 below
(recommendations if relevant)
The process and its problems/benefits need to be compared/contrast.
References are required to managing out (this is a set of change processes, new relationships which includes individuals or organisations external to your organisation but integral to your work i.e partnerships, privatisation of some processes, outsourcing, place management, whole of government, contract) from public sector to private, benefits, problems, relationships, risks, contemporary policy analysts, other similar processes etc.
12 font
Double line spacing
Justified text
Numbered pages
English - British
Word count at end
Harvard referencing
Reference list
Please ensure in text quotations are limited, references should be summarised or paraphrased and provided with context and supporting argument/finding or clarity regarding their inclusion and have some comments to add value to them. Previous essays have contained 50% of word count in direct in text quotations some 5-10 lines in duration which is not acceptable at this level, thanks.
Managing out ??" the public sector in the community
Process Analysis (2500 words)
Analyse a process of managing out that has been implemented or changed in the Australian public sector. Your analysis should be presented as an internal report.
Your analysis should cover the following points:
1. The context, including any relevant (but very brief) historical background leading up to the process being implemented.
2. Process outline, including a brief description of what was actually implemented in terms of managing out with various parties.
3. The challenges and complexity for management, including but not limited to potential risks or problems and why there might be local variations in service delivery in what is supposed to be a coherent and consistent system.
4. Resource implications, including financial, associated with addressing the challenges.
5. Possible management strategies.
Notes for Assistance to Participants
1. Think about what managing out really means. Reflect first on your context, any case studies in the manual and the topics in the unit. Add a definition.
2. Your document needs to have the scope to cover all five points.
3. You need to demonstrate an ability to cover the appropriate style, content and analysis.
4. When management strategies are developed they need to take into account the availability of such resources as:
??key staff with appropriate competencies
??operating funds
??capital funds
??capital equipment
??office space and fittings
??other related agency needs
??appropriate policies
??standard operating procedures.
The existence and extent of these elements determine whether management has properly designed, sequenced and resourced the strategy.
5. The overall aim is to relate contextual understanding of trends in Australian public policy to a particular process of managing out and enable you to analyse concrete problems entailed in managing out and to explore potential solutions.
6. You will need to demonstrate clear understanding of the relationship between the managing out process and some of the main themes, concepts, problems and resources identified in the unit.
- The Managing out imperative
- Networks, contracts and policy communities
- Citizens, clients and stakeholders
- Participation and Accountability
- whole of Government
- Managing relationships in s newtwork environment
- network delivery and e-governement
- Managing the media and public relations
- managing out in practice
(see resource material for the above)
Notes for assistance
Old left (Keynesian)
New Right (Friedman)
Third way (paradigm shattered by gfc when banks pulled out of public sector) ??" under significant review
Current political economy and the impact of public service and service delivery
Managing out is integral to contemporary public service.
Factors that drive the trend to manage outwards (ie partnerships, contract out, privatisation of service/function, place management, outsourcing etc) are;
o Shifting expectations, efficiency, globalisation (seeing how others do it). Accountability, transparency and standards ..
o The role of governement
o Education, more informed.
o Expectation more bang for buck.
o Technology, access to info and speed. Space and time, not so much required due to increasing technology.
o Resource constraints ??" reduction in government agencies.
o Maturity of industry, knowledge, experience.
o Societal and community expectations.
o Attitude towards government.
o Demographic changes, diversity of community
o Globalisation.
o People being more demanding.
o Shift in dominant political ideology.
o Finance.
Skills to manage out
Edwards M 2002, Public sector governance: future issues for Australia, Australian Journal of public administratin 61(2) 51-61 argues new or additional skills are being required of public servants in they are to be partnership ready.
Customer service
Communication ??" written, oral, verbal, email - TONE
Managing conflict - use in positive as well as challenges
Situational awareness
Know your responsibilities
Theoretical understanding of the bigger picture
Institutions need to be accessible
7. You will need to demonstrate ability to apply theoretical and contextual understanding to a concrete example.
8. Choose a process of managing out that gives you scope to raise the issues. It is not the subject of the process that is important ??" it is analysing and managing the issues associated with the process.
10. Avoid lengthy descriptions of the process.
11. Ensure you include a covering letter or minute as a first page of your report or submission to an enquiry, this will be excluded from the word count.
12. You should not use an existing document. This assignment requires you to create the document and use of an existing document constitutes plagiarism.
13. Your role in the process needs to be made clear in your document to give context.
14. The submission to an inquiry or internal report should contain a number of references to the academic literature on the topic (text books, journal articles etc.) and you should follow the reference guidelines in Section 5.10 of this guide and the Style manual for advice on how to treat these different kinds of documents.
Consideration for Assessors
A pass is attained if the five points (outline, context etc.) are covered. Mere description is insufficient for more than a pass. The degree of analysis determines Distinction and High Distinction work.
Higher marks are awarded where the process or case chosen is effectively used to illustrate the challenges of the managing out process. Higher marks are also awarded where resource availability is properly analysed rather than just stating that there arent enough resources.
More weight should be given to the content which:
??captures the complexity
??contains analysis, application and understanding
??looks deeply into the issues.
See the Assessment Response Sheet and marking criteria sheet.
Pp PRESENTATION Understanding the assessment??" PAGE 5 ONWARDS the importance of the analysis of the process
Various material as per previous order A2036842
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You should select ONE of the five journal articles, as listed overleaf, and provided four your attention. Following your review of the content therein, the assignment requirement is that you address t...he core themes accordingly by following the guidance below.
a) That you develop your own thesis or argument related to the theme and that you state this clearly in your submission.
b) That you develop your own conceptual framework around the theme and link it to other topics in economics or Finance management of public service.
c) That you draw, in-depth, on one or more theories related to the theme
d) That you draw on the best scholarly sources to support your discussion of the theme
e) That you go beyond existing literature conceptually and empirically in discussing the theme
f) That you relate the theme to your own organisations and or experience
g) That you outline the counter arguments to your own position in addressing the theme
h) That your submission is clear and engaging
Journal Articles
I. Argyris (1977). ?Double Loop Learning in Organisation? Harvard business Review, September ? October, pp 115-125.
II. Fryer et al. (2009). Performance Management in the Public Sector?. International journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 22 No. 6, pp.478-498.
III. Ghobadian, A. et al. (2009). ?Explaining the Unintended Consequences of Public sector Reform? Management Decision, vol. 47, No. 10, pp 1514 ? 1535
IV. McGurk, P. (2009). ?Developing Middle Leaders in the Public services? The Realities of Management and Leadership Development for Public Managers?. International journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 22, No. 6 pp.464-77.
V. Ogilvie, J. R. (1986). ?The Role of HRM Practice in Predicting Organisational Commitment? Group & Organisation Studies, Vol. 11, No.4, pp.335-359. more
1. Summarize what is the most interesting and the most alarming data provided in the .pdf attached below.
2. Based on the summary of data listed below what are the most promising and the most alarming data discovered overall about the school district. Also, are there any incorrect assumptions that outsiders might draw from looking at the data that everyone should know?
a). Summary of the information under the ?Source of Funds."
Sources of funds for district are Local at $1,185.57 which is approximately $800.00 less than the state average. Our funds from ?State? resources are around $7000.00 which is about $2000.00 dollars more that the state average. Our ?Federal? funds are about $1900.00 and are above the state average of $1341.32.
b). Summary of the information under the topic ?Student Performance Data By Student Groups"
The ?Performance of Each Student Group on the ABCs End-of-Grade Tests? breaks down to males at 68.8% for the district which is .2% more than the state average. For females the district average is 65.6% and is 1.0% above the state average. The average of Hispanic, American Indian, E.D. and N.E.D all where at least 10.0% above the state average for scores on the end-of-course test. Our students with disabilities are at 37.5% which is above the state average of 34.4%
The ?Performance of Each Student Group on the ABCs End-of-Course Tests? breaks down to males at 74.4% for the district which is 4.0% less than the state average. For females the district average is 83.8% and is 2.8% above the state average. Hispanic, American Indian, E.D. and N.E.D all where at least 5.0% above the state average. Our students with disabilities are at 36.4% which is below the state average of 45.0%
c). Summary of the information on the topics "Suspensions / Attendance / Access to Books and Technology / Parent Involvement"
The ? Student Out-of-School Suspensions & Expulsions? which is the average number of short-term (10 days or less) and long-term (more than 10 days) out-of-school suspensions and expulsions per 100 students per school is Elementary short-term 2.87, Middle 6.32 and High school 6.21. There was not any expulsion and only .28 long-term at the High School level.
?School Attendance? average percentage of students attending school daily at Elementary School is 94% which is 1% below the state average. At Middle and High School the percentage is 94% which is 1% below state average.
d). Summary of the information on the topics ?Teacher Turnover / Principals by Demographic Groups / Principal Turnover."
The ?Teacher Turnover Rate? which is the percentage of classroom teachers who left their school district from March of the prior year to March of the current year for the district is Elementary 7%, Middle school 0% and High School 13%. Elementary and Middle are below state average and High school is the same as state average.
The percentage of principals in each demographic group is white males for all schools which is more than the state averages of 40 to 50%. The percentage of principals employed last year who are no longer employed in the same district this year is 0% compared to the state average of 9%.
3. On the basis of your examination of state level and county level data, develop a 10-item priority list of programs/tools/strategies/etc. that have been associated with raising student achievement and/or recommended to advance children's well being and social welfare that would BEST address the issues raised in the above data. The 10 programs/tools/strategies/etc. should be the ones that would be MOST helpful (if implemented at this school) to close the 'gaps' identified in the data compiled. The rank ordering of the 10 strategies/recommendations should also be based on those living and teaching in this community; it will necessarily be an "educated guess? about what would really work in the county based on the challenges identified in the information compiled. more
Pick an organization (any organization) to recommend future human resource strategy initiatives. The organization should be one with information readily available about its HRDV (human resource develo...pment) strategy so that you can fully discuss each of the required areas, as outlined.
The paper does not need an outline, abstract, intro, or conclusion. Just the items outlined. Please send me a note with the name of the company you have chosen to make the human resource strategy recommendation so that I can start looking it over. Six sections total, 5 focused on recommendation and 1 section on the summary of the recommendations. Please send me a note if you need more information. I need about 12 to 15 different references, APA style and cite throughout the paper. Thank you.
A. Identify strategy issue (e.g. effectiveness, efficiency, customer service, growth, product quality, governmental regulation, globalization, etc. ) within organization
i. Identify HRDV concepts pertinent to the issue
ii. Describe HRDV activities that would address the issue.
iii. Design HRDV program concerning the issue
1. Organizational partners
2. Organizational resources
3. HRDV program outcomes
B. Identify 2nd issue within organization
i. Identify HRDV concepts pertinent to the issue
ii. Describe HRDV activities that would address the issue.
iii. Design HRDV program concerning the issue
1. Organizational partners
2. Organizational resources
3. HRDV program outcomes
C. Identify 3rd issue within organization
i. Identify HRDV concepts pertinent to the issue
ii. Describe HRDV activities that would address the issue.
iii. Design HRDV program concerning the issue
1. Organizational partners
2. Organizational resources
3. HRDV program outcomes
D. Identify 4th issue within organization
i. Identify HRDV concepts pertinent to the issue
ii. Describe HRDV activities that would address the issue.
iii. Design HRDV program concerning the issue
1. Organizational partners
2. Organizational resources
3. HRDV program outcomes
E. Identify 5th issue within organization
i. Identify HRDV concepts pertinent to the issue
ii. Describe HRDV activities that would address the issue.
iii. Design HRDV program concerning the issue
1. Organizational partners
2. Organizational resources
3. HRDV program outcomes
F. Summarize recommendations and projected organizational outcomes resulting from HRDV programs more
The Art of Sustainability: The Future of the Performing Arts
The focus is on how performing arts organizations can create a more accessible environment to maximize and encourage patronage in the arts---
The performing arts are experiencing a downward trend in patronage and the economy is not entirely to blame. the *major barriers to accessibility.the trend is continuing but not much is being done to figure out why.
*Collect data to determine the effect that prior experience in the arts has on participation, as well as to discover other motivators and barriers to accessibility.
Sections to include:
Literature Review
Discussion and Recommendations
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1-Write a brief essay describing how each of the 16 reference disciplines provides support for and inform IS/IT practice.
AA: Behavioral Science
What are the Behavioral Sciences?...r>
Our most narrowly focused discipline, Psychology, studies the human mind, thought and cognition; the development of the self through the life span; and the relation of the individual to the group. Sociology continues the discussion, with its focus on group behaviors and social institutions. Anthropology takes the widest possible focus, incorporating the entire scope of humanity through time and across the world.
AB: Computer Science
Computer Science AB includes all the topics of Computer Science A, as well as a more formal and a more in-depth study of algorithms, data structures, and data abstraction. For example, binary trees are studied in Computer Science AB but not in Computer Science A. The use of recursive data structures and dynamically allocated structures is fundamental to Computer Science AB.
AC: Decision Theory
the theory of making decisions based on assigning probabilities to various factors and assigning numerical consequences to the outcome.
AD: Information Theory
Information theory or communication theory, mathematical theory formulated principally by the American scientist Claude E. Shannon to explain aspects and problems of information and communication. While the theory is not specific in all respects, it proves the existence of optimum coding schemes without showing how to find them. For example, it succeeds remarkably in outlining the engineering requirements of communication systems and the limitations of such systems.
In information theory, the term information is used in a special sense; it is a measure of the freedom of choice with which a message is selected from the set of all possible messages. Information is thus distinct from meaning, since it is entirely possible for a string of nonsense words and a meaningful sentence to be equivalent with respect to information content.
AE: Organizational Theory
Is a learning organization "like a living organism, consisting of empowered, motivated employees, living in a clearly perceived symbiosis, sharing the feeling of a common destiny and profit, striving towards jointly defined goals, anxious to use every opportunity to learn from situations, processes and competition in order to adapt harmoniously to the changes in their environment and to improve continuously their own and their company?s competitive performance" (Otala 1995, p. 163)? Or is it an aspiration often viewed cynically by staff who don?t believe the rhetoric is sincere (Garratt 1999)? Does it offer individuals liberation and empowerment to maximize their full potential as innovative, intelligent workers (Fenwick 1995)? Or is it a tool that can turn into a weapon (Marsick and Watkins 1999)? This Myths and Realities examines different views of the learning organization, both in theory and in practice.
Cullen (1999) dates the current popularity of the learning organization from Peter Senge and his five disciplines characterizing learning organizations (personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking). The learning organization can be described as "an organizational culture in which individual development is a priority, outmoded and erroneous ways of thinking are actively identified and corrected, and the purpose and vision of the organization are clearly understood and supported by all its members. Within this framework, the application of systems thinking enables people to see how the organization really works; to form a plan; and to work together openly, in teams, to achieve that plan" (Worrell 1995, p. 352). That characterization of the learning organization has powerful intuitive appeal and promise (Fenwick 1995).
AF: Management Theory
AG: Language Theories
language, systematic communication by vocal symbols. It is a universal characteristic of the human species. Nothing is known of its origin, although scientists have identified a gene that clearly contributes to the human ability to use language. Scientists generally hold that it has been so long in use that the length of time writing is known to have existed (7,900 years at most) is short by comparison. Just as languages spoken now by peoples of the simplest cultures are as subtle and as intricate as those of the peoples of more complex civilizations, similarly the forms of languages known (or hypothetically reconstructed) from the earliest records show no trace of being more ?primitive? than their modern forms.
AH: Systems Theory
AI: Research
Ai Research is a leading artificial intelligence research project. At Ai, we're creating a new form of life. Our expanding web site is an essential part of the emerging global discussion about artificial intelligence. On this website, we showcase the state of the art in patterm-matching conversational machines, demonstrated by Alan, and in reinforcement learning algorithms, demonstrated by HAL. Use our forums, original papers, online labs, demos and links to explore what's happening both at Ai (the project) and in AI (the field).
AJ: Social Science
social science, term for any or all of the branches of study that deal with humans in their social relations. Often these studies are referred to in the plural as the social sciences. Although human social behavior has been studied since antiquity, the modern social sciences as disciplines rooted in the scientific method date only from the 18th cent. Enlightenment. Interest at first centered on economics, but by the 19th cent. separate disciplines had been developed in anthropology, political science, psychology, and sociology. The 19th cent. was characterized by the development of wide-ranging theories (e.g., the work of Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Herbert Spencer). Developments in the 20th cent. have moved in these directions: the improvement and increased use of quantitative methods and statistical techniques; increased use of the empirical method, as opposed to general theorizing; and the direct practical application of social science knowledge. Social science departments are now firmly established in universities, and social scientists are increasingly called upon to advise industries and governments for future planning.
AK: Management Science
AL: Artificial Intelligence
Grid computing is emerging as key enabling infrastructure for science. A key challenge for distributed computation over the Grid is the synthesis on-demand of end-toend scientific applications of unprecedented scale that draw from pools of specialized scientific components to derive elaborate new results. In this paper, we outline the technical issues that need to be addressed in order to meet this challenge, including usability, robustness, and scale. We describe Pegasus, a system to generate executable grid workflows given a high-level specification of desired results. Pegasus uses Artificial Intelligence planning techniques to compose valid end-to-end workflows, and has been used in several scientific applications. We also outline our design for a more distributed and knowledge-rich architecture.
artificial intelligence (AI), the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human reasoning and learning. Research in AI is concentrated in some half-dozen areas. In problem solving, one must proceed from a beginning (the initial state) to the end (the goal state) via a limited number of steps; AI here involves an attempt to model the reasoning process in solving a problem, such as the proof of a theorem in Euclidean geometry. In game theory (see games, theory of), the computer must choose among a number of possible ?next? moves to select the one that optimizes its probability of winning; this type of choice is analogous to that of a chess player selecting the next move in response to an opponent's move. In pattern recognition, shapes, forms, or configurations of data must be identified and isolated from a larger group; the process here is similar to that used by a doctor in classifying medical problems on the basis of symptoms. Natural language processing is an analysis of current or colloquial language usage without the sometimes misleading effect of formal grammars; it is an attempt to model the learning process of a translator faced with the phrase ?throw mama from the train a kiss.? Cybernetics is the analysis of the communication and control processes of biological organisms and their relationship to mechanical and electrical systems; this study could ultimately lead to the development of ?thinking? robots (see robotics). Machine learning occurs when a computer improves its performance of a task on the basis of its programmed application of AI principles to its past performance of that task.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computer systems and devices that simulate or operate in a way that is usually associates with human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, intelligent processing, understanding symbolic information and pattern recognition, and producing knowledge. Although AI is commonly viewed as a branch of computer science, AI is multi-disciplinary because it combines several branches of learning including algorithms, heuristics, databases, artificial languages, natural language processing, and theoretical computer science. It also has close ties with psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, biology, mathematical logic, system studies, business intelligence, and knowledge management.
AM: Economic Theory
AN: Ergonomics
What is ergonomics? Most people have heard of ergonomics and think it is something to do with seating or with the design of car controls and instruments. It is...but it is much more! Ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use. Ergonomics comes into everything which involves people. Work systems, sports and leisure, health and safety should all embody ergonomics principles if well designed.
AO: Political Science
political science, the study of government and political processes, institutions, and behavior. Government and politics have been studied and commented on since the time of the ancient Greeks. However, it is only with the general systematization of the social sciences in the last 100 years that political science has emerged as a separate definable area of study. Political science is commonly divided into a number of subfields, the most prominent being political theory, national government, comparative government, international relations, and special areas shared with other social sciences such as sociology, psychology, and economics. In practice, these subfields overlap. Political theory encompasses the following related areas: the study of the history of political thought; the examination of questions of justice and morality in the context of the relationships between individuals, society, and government; and the formulation of conceptual approaches and models in order to understand more fully political and governmental processes. The study of national government focuses on the political system of the researcher's particular country, including the legal and constitutional arrangements and institutions; the interaction of various levels of government, other social and political groups, and the individual; and proposals for improving governmental structure and policy. Comparative government covers many of the same subjects but from the perspective of parallel political behavior in several countries, regions, or time periods. International relations deals both with the more traditional areas of study, such as international law, diplomacy, political economy, international organizations, and other forms of contact between nation states, and with the development of general, scientific models of international political systems. None of the political science subfields can be clearly separated. All of them, for example, deal with questions closely associated with political theory. Valuable and sophisticated discussions of almost all the areas of political science, including the areas now generally classified under such titles as political sociology, can be found throughout intellectual history as far back as Plato and Aristotle. Through the centuries, the questions of political science have been discussed in contexts varying with the changing perspectives of the time. During the Middle Ages, for example, the major concerns revolved around the problem of where the state stood in relation to man and his God. Karl Marx, on the other hand, viewed political questions in the context of society's economic structure. Modern political science stresses the importance of using political concepts and models that are subject to empirical validation and that may be employed in solving practical political problems.
AP: Psychology
psychology, science or study of the thought processes and behavior of humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment. Psychologists study processes of sense perception, thinking, learning, cognition, emotions and motivations, personality, abnormal behavior, interactions between individuals, and interactions with the environment. The field is closely allied with such disciplines as anthropology and sociology in its concerns with social and environmental influences on behavior; physics in its treatment of vision, hearing, and touch; and biology in the study of the physiological basis of behavior. In its earliest speculative period, psychological study was chiefly embodied in philosophical and theological discussions of the soul. more
This paper needs to address each country separately but identify crosscutting issues and differences related to each of the topic areas below. The paper needs to address the following:
1) Bri...ef introduction on the general economic and political situation of the country, major export commodities, major industry/sectors of employment, recent past political instability, primary languages (top 4), and primary religions (top 4). (No more than 1 page: 1/2 page per country)
2) General description of poverty situation (including total population, percent of population below the poverty line, average annual income for poverty versus non-poverty, illiteracy rate, HIV/AIDS rate, infant mortality rate, unemployment rate, and other general characteristics about households in poverty). (No more than 1 page: 1/2 page per country)
3) Situation of children, including general description related to childhood development indicators (No more than 8 pages: four pages per country)
a) age at which children begin primary school
b) total population of children that are school-going age, five to 17 years
c) general characteristics of children five to 17
d) school participation including enrollment rate and dropout rate for various age groups, i.e., enrolled and dropped out by level of education (primary, secondary, college, vocational, non-formal)
e) number of children registered at birth (birth certificates/registraton)
f) gender issues related to girls, FGM (female genital mutilation), early marriage, cultural bias against education, etc.
5) Situation of children's economic participation for those five to 17 (No more than 8 pages: four pages per country)
a) description of those working (number, type of industry/sector, type of work activities performed and why hazardous). Industry/sector includes: agriculture (including fishing and forestry), mining, construction, manufacturing, prostitution/pornography, street vending, transportation, and informal industry, illegal activities (drug, alcohol or smuggling activities), and child soldiering
b) situations of work described above that includes forced labor, slavery or indentured servitude (including description of these)
c) of those children working, the child labor situation by industry/sector [how many in child labor and how many of those in worst forms of child labor (as defined by International Labor Organization Convention 182 and working under the minimum age of work as established by the individual country laws].
6) General description of the state/quality of the education system in each country, gaps, problems, etc., specifically government supported primary and secondary schools (No more than two pages: one per country)
7) Summary of cross-cutting issues for each country (No more than one page) more
Read Management Accounting: A personal History by Robert N. Anthony found in the Journal of Management Accounting Research, Sarasota:2003. Vol.15 pg 249, 5 pages. Find at least six other articles (may inlcude information from magazines, journals, and online sources - publications within the last three yeas - i.e., 2003, 2002, and 2001)that support and expand on Anthony's description of the evolution in management accounting practice and that describe future trends in the field. Write an essay that analyzes the changes in methods of product costing, investment analysis, and organizational performance evaluation. Include a one-page Executive Summary immediately following the title page that includes a statement of the major issue(s) and your conclusion and specific recommendations.
This id the Course Project II - Red Cell Analysis on Hizballah. The Course Project I Organizational Profile on Hizballah will be attached to resources. This paper should be 6 full pages (double-spaced) Times New Roman 12 font, Turabian citations with footnotes.
In the second paper, include the following: what data collection programs would be best utilized, which members of the Intelligence Community would be the best collectors of intelligence on this particular organization, and what intelligence analysis strategies would be the most effective and why.
An attached rubric will be used to evaluate the assignment.
Please careful to read below class requirement. All sentences are following APA style with APA style citation, (Please cited and add name, year, page number). References are APA format.
Et...hics, assignment, Unit 4, Unit IV Professional Practice and Public Policy
The American Psychological Association represents its membership and the public interest. Public policy generated by the Executive, Legislative and/or Judicial branches of U.S. Government can at times result in ethical dilemmas and conflicts for practitioners of psychology. The Ethics Directorate in conjunction with the Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association attempt to identify such dilemmas and conflicts. Through a process of self- study and reflection the association with Task Force initiatives authorized by the Board of Directors, attempts to provide guidelines for the association membership confronting identified ethical conflicts. This has been the case with potential conflicts surrounding the role of psychologists involvement in U.S. National Security enterprise and protections.
In light of the assigned readings what are your informed views on the participation of the psychologists in the U.S. military interrogation of enemy combatant detainees? What is the current APA position and public policy? Use the discussion questions to guide your thinking. Your response should be in an essay format with a limit of 8 pages, using heading and subheadings. In your responses: think carefully and outline your response before writing, use headings and clearly identify relevant ethical standards, legal principles, and public policies found in the references. Try to imagine yourself as a professional psychologist working for or subcontracting with the U.S. Military or a government agency such as the CIA or FBI. Support your positions with references from the assigned readings and ethical standards. Be sure to read the Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics and National Security, to start. Also read the recommended laws, resource reports, and position papers to inform and broaden your understanding of the public policy issues. Ground your feel for the issues by reading the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld. Google Youtube videos on torture for concise history of psychologists involvement in torture during the Bush administration. If you have views you wish to share with me or your class mates post them in discussion forum on or before assignment due date.
Required Reading:
APA Online (2005,August 28). Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics and National Security. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org
Hamdi et al. v. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et., al. certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the fourth circuit. No. 03-6696. Argued April 28, 2004- Decided June 28, 2004. Retrieved February 25, 2009, from http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=000&invol=03-6696
Recommended Reading:
United Nations. (1987, June 26). Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Retrieved February 25, 2009 from http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/h_cat39.htm
United Nations. (1950, October 21). Geneva convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. Retrieved February 25, 2009 from http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/91.htm
American Psychological Association Council of Representatives. (1986). III: Human rights. Concil policy manual: P. international affairs. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from http://www.apa.org/about/division/cpminternatl.html#3 Resolution against torture
American Psychological Association Council of Representatives. (1986). III: Human rights. Concil policy manual: P. international affairs. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from http://www.apa.org/about/division/cpminternatl.html#3 Resolution against torture
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Discussion 1: Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies. Students will respond to the following:
o The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal r...egulatory agencies create the rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce major legislative acts. Speculate as to what might happen if they become indiscriminant in their rule-making activities.
o Assess the effectiveness of the constitutional principle that the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government should not exist in the same person or group of persons. Provide an example of an instance when this does not work as intended.
? Discussion 2: Powers of Administrative Agencies. Students will respond to the following: o Choose three administrative agencies and explain the direct impact these have had
on your life.
o In the case, Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., referenced in the e-Acitvity above, filed a complaint in the United States District Court challenging the OSHA?s Data Collection Initiative as unlawful. The court concluded that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the complaint, and that the company must pursue its claims through the review process prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Summarize how this example of judicial review contributes to the effectiveness of the legal system.
? Review the information for this week?s case at the following link:
http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F3/300/867/545887/ more
Prepare a 6 ? 9 (exclusive of title page, table of contents, bibliography and any other ancillary material) page analysis of the Oklahoma City Bombing in relation to Timothy McVeigh and the government action against the Branch Davidians? Discuss Militias and their role and classification as ?terrorist? or ?potential terrorist? organizations.
Prepare a 6 ? 9 (exclusive of title page, table of contents, bibliography and any other ancillary material) page analysis of Islamic Fascism and its establishment in this country. Present a case whether it is ?domestic? or ?international/transnational? terrorism? Discuss the unique circumstances that make it so dangerous and its growing threat. Discuss terrorist funding and in particular charitable support of terrorist organizations as well as other fund raising methods. (Follow the money!) Discuss Narco ? Terrorism and how drug sales finance terrorist organizations.
Pick any MNE from the following list and discuss its global operations by applying Chapter 14.
Wal-Mart: http://www.walmartstores.com/AboutUs/246.aspx
Toyota: http://www.toyota-global.com/company/profile/facilities/worldwide_operations.html
Ford: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Motor_Company
GM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors
Siemens: http://www.siemens.com/about/en/worldwide.htm
Differentiating Between Market Structures in an Organization of Your Choice
You will apply important microeconomics concepts toward the competitive strategies of an organization that operates in an industry of your choice. You will evaluate the differences between market structures and identify a group of competitive strategies consistent with the market structure that best aligns with the market in which the organization competes. You will assess how the market structure positively and negatively affects the firm and evaluate the efficacy of the structure?s competitive strategies.
Write a 1,050 ? 1,400-word paper
Select an industry. Identify an organization in that industry. Identify the market structure in which this organization competes. Clearly indicate why the market structure was decided upon, and how this market structure differentiates from the other alternatives.
Identify three or more competitive strategies of your choice that may be used by the organization to maximize its profits over the long run. Evaluate the efficacy of these strategies in the market structure you identified.
Make recommendations related to the strategies the organization might consider to maximize its profits.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SLP5 Assignment
You have been asked by a CEO of a multinational enterprise to evaluate whether or not his company should begin a business enterprise in the country you have chosen for your se...ssion long project SINGAPORE. Write a 2 page memo to the CEO explaining why or why he should not start a business in this country. You need to carefully justify your answer based on the knowledge you acquired this session. You will be assessed not just on your knowledge, but how creative your arguments are presented. This is potentially a multi-million dollar venture and you are addressing a CEO. Please keep this in mind.
This is a Signature Assignment for BUS401 SLP Module 5
There are 2 specific learning outcomes: 1) analyze the impact of global forces on business practices and 2) assess the impact of culture and diversity on business practices
In this SLP assignment for Module 5 our emphasis will be on understanding global forces, culture and diversity on business practices. You will be summarizing all of what you learned in international business.
SLP 5 Assignment Expectations
Continue to write about the country you selected in Module 1, SINGAPORE.
Write 2-3 pages, identifying and providing a profile of ease of doing business in your selected country.
Research and provide illustrations that support your points. Include information from cases, SLPs and TDs where appropriate.
List supporting references and cite sources
Use appropriate writing style (organization, grammar, & spelling- see Writing Guidelines).
Please read the following articles:
Kaye, P., J. Mensch, & D. Shiry (2003) What's the Function?, Pennsylvania CPA Journal. Philadelphia: Spring 2003. Vol. 74, Iss. 1: pg. 28-32. from library portal via coursenet.
Hollein, M. (2002)"Pricing in foreign currency vs. U.S. Dollars - how is your company managing currency risk?" AFP Exchange. Bethesda: Nov/Dec 2002. v 22, Iss. 6; pg. 112-115. from library portal via coursenet.
Turner, B., B. Ackerman, & K. Kirwan (2004)"Transfer Pricing is Getting More Scrutiny", Financial Executive.Morristown, May 2004, Volume 20, Iss3 pages 28-31. from library portal via coursenet.
Case 5 Materials:
Kim, Yong-Cheol & R. McElreath (2001) "Managing operating exposure: A case study of the automobile industry", Multinational Business Review. Detroit: Spring 2001. v 9, Iss. 1; pg. 21-27. from library portal via coursenet.
Book Review (2005) "The gaijin who saved Nissan", Business Week,1/17/2005, accessed 5/16/2009 at: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_03/b3916021_mz005.htm
Miskin, D. (2009) FX Risk Revisited, Treasury & Risk Magazine, 3/1/2009
Wells Fargo?s Larry Kirschner examines why in the face of double-digit currency moves, treasurers need to understand which risk exposures matter most and how to execute a plan of action.
Gamble, R. (2009) All Eyes on FX Risk, Treasury & Risk Magazine, 9/1/2009 more
i) What are the major threats to the organization's ability to serve its stakeholders and make its mission a reality?
ii) What are the major opportunities available to improve the ...organization's ability to meet the need and make the vision come about?
Please write three pages, give or take, on this issue and try to think creatively. I am more interested in you really thinking this through than I am with research and facts.
You do not need to disclose any private information. But it should be fun to "play boss" for the moment and analyze what the major external threats and outside opportunities are at play.
NOTE: Please note that your report/assignment will not be accepted without proper citations and references. You must use the sources from the background material together with the sources you find your own.
SLP Expectations:
You paper will be evaluated on how accurately you identify the threats and opportunities facing your company. Critical thinking is essential. Pay attention to how well you organize and support your analysis with evidence. Be sure to document any facts by citing the sources of that information with in-text citations (or footnotes) and a reference list. Papers should include an introduction and conclusion. more
On the Healthy People 2020 website, peruse the Overview, Objectives, and Interventions and
Resources pages for these topics (see link to index under Preparation column):
Topic HIV to discuss in detail, and in a 3-5 page paper in APA format
1-History of disease.
2-Global/ National/ State/ County statistics.
3-Current prevention efforts.
4-Future goals for prevention.
5-Nurses role in education and prevention.
6-Community programs/ organizations/ support groups.
7-Reference the pages of the website you use and two other scholarly sourcesExamines a topic from Healthy People 2020 .Please do not forget the reference is very important.
Please fallow this Grading Rubric
Assesses the history of disease.
Interprets Global/National/ State/County statistics.
Justifies future goals for prevention
Evaluates nurse?s role in education and prevention.
Appraises the role of Community programs/organizations/support groups.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, usage, and typing
APA Compliance
Question: Cyber warfare continues to grow bigger than our imaginations as we become more involved in technology. Identify one case study that presents a cell, klan, or state which conducted has the capacity to conduct cyber warfare. Describe who, what, when, where, why, and especially how it would be conducted. Describe the organizations ideology behind the attack. Conclude with a review of how the attack could be prevented, either through training or certain tools.
Please i need a first class and high standard research document, and most of all i really would like the delivery date to be adhered to strictly please. 2/4/2011 before 6am.
The research pape...r is worth 40% of the portfolio mark
You are to write a research paper on the topic given below and in the format specified. This research paper will take the form or a critical reflection on the available literature on the topic and critical discussion of the issues raised:
The Challenges of Protecting Personal Information
The rapid growth of information systems and increased use of online systems makes lives easier for everyone, but also holds considerable risks for the undesired access to and proliferation of sensitive information such as personal information. This is particularly significant in areas such as health records. Identity theft is a growing concern both for the public and organisations that deal with personal information of one kind or another. There have also been repeated cases where government departments and large companies have inadvertently disclosed details of thousands and in some case millions of individuals or where their systems have been hacked into and sensitive data been downloaded from them.
An example of the risks, requirements and solutions have been presented for a healthcare scenario in: http://bensmith.zapto.org/papers/spimacs2010.pdf
You are to write a research paper of 3000 words (10%) either for a healthcare or a general personal information scenario that covers the following issues in separate sections:
a) Explanation of what constitutes personal information, data protection and the risks associated with unwanted disclosure in practical terms
b) Evaluation of the risks and impact on information systems in terms of storage, transport, access management and disclosure.
c) Presentation and evaluation of technical approaches reported in the literature to counter these risks
d) Critical evaluation and synthesis of the above and summary of the lessons that can be learnt for individuals and how to be aware of the risks and lessons for organisations dealing with personal information
Your paper must be in a format suitable for publication. The standard of presentation in your paper should match that of papers published by academic journals. You should use the IEEE sample paper format for IEEE conferences or similar as a template.
You should use examples taken from real systems and organisations they represent to illustrate your points and help drive the discussion
You must justify what you write by using academic sources (based on academic journals and conference papers) to research and cite and discuss them using the Harvard Referencing System (minimum 8 academic papers). Any non-academic literature should be kept to a minimum.
As your paper progresses you should introduce topics, then present what the literature has to say using referenced quotes or referenced summaries of relevant publications and then discuss the references and come to a conclusion as to what can be learnt from it. There should be properly referenced presentation of materials from the literature and your own discussion of them in roughly equal measures. One without the other is of limited use!
Good academic writing uses literature to present evidence, experience and points of view and discusses the literature and where the author draws out concrete conclusions. For a good balance you should aim to spend about 50% of the space devoted to presenting materials from the literature and 50% to your contrasting the literature with each other and discussing it and reaching conclusions substantiated by evidence.
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Interim Report:
1.0 Working title:
Foreign Aid versus Economic Growth: A critical evaluation of the success/failure of foreign aid in Africa (Ethiopia)
2.0 Background Informat...ion:
I chose to research on the region of economic development. I find it interesting that despite massive donation of foreign aid to Africa, economies still tend not to perform up to standard and the countries are still developing or are still in the 3rd world generation. It is of my interest to investigate factors that affect growth, the scopes behind foreign aid and reasons for failure.
3.0 Nature of submission of work.
4.0 Aims and objectives
Aim: - To explore and survey the impact of foreign aid on economic growth and the country as a whole.
Objectives: - To investigate:
if there is a relationship between foreign aid and economic growth
The economic impact of foreign aid on consumption and investment
If recipient government misuse aid as a result of corruption and inefficiency of the governance
The contribution/failure of aid conditionality in Africa (lack of good domestic policies and institutional capabilities.
If African countries need aids to survive and grow?
5.0 Initial literature review:
Text books.
Leistner G.M.E, (1966) Aid to Africa, Africa Institute, Pretoria.
This book gives a review of western aid to Africa, motives for giving aid and brief history of aid to Africa.
Lindauer. D L, Radelet S, Perkins. D H, (2006), Economics of Development, Sixth Edition, Norton And company limited, New York, USA.
This book gives an overview of what foreign aid is, and what it is designed to meet towards economic and development objectives, aids impact on consumption and investment, conditionality relationship.
Gordenker. L, (1976), International Aid and National Decisions: Development programs in Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia, Princeton University Press, United Kingdom.
This book gives an insight of efforts made by international organisations to solve the problem of uneven economic development, and to meet pressing demand from the government of least developed countries of the world for swift change.
Clayton. A, (1994), Governance, Democracy and conditionality: what role for NGOs? Intrac, Oxford, UK.
This book gives an insight on Governance, Democracy and conditionality. It explains the role of economy, government responsibility to manage, and the importance of private rights and civil society, including debates on the issues of the title.
Ghatak. S, (1995), Introduction to Development Economics, Third edition, Routledge, London, UK.
This book gives a detailed analysis of economic issues challenging less-developed countries. It contains theory of economic growth and development and takes account of the impact of foreign aid, human development index etc.
Alesina. A and Dollar. D, (2000) who gives Aid to whom and Why? journal of Economic Growth Vol.5 pp.33-6. Available at [online] http://www.springerlink.com/content/r230138p22974562/, [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This journal gives insight on allocation of foreign aid from various Donors to Recipient. It looks at distribution of aids and policies in certain countries.
Alesina. A and Weder. B, (2002), Do corrupt Government receive less foreign Aid? The American journal review, Vol.92 (4) PP. 1126-1137. Available at http://www.jstor.org/pss/3083301 [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This journal tackles the question if corrupt government receive more or less aid, using Ethiopia and Mali as a case study
Dollar. D and Burnside C, (2000) Aid, Policies and Growth, The American Economic Review, Vol.40 pp. 847-868 Available at http://www.jstor.org/pss/117311 [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This journal comments and explores other writers view on the relationship between foreign aid, growth and the effects of policy.
Easterly. W, (2003) Can Foreign Aid Buy Growth? journal of Economic Perspective vol.17(3) pp. 23-48. Available at http://www.jstor.org/pss/3216821 [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This journal gives an insight on the relationship between aid and economic growth using database developed by World Bank.
Prasad. E, Arvind. S, Raghuram. R, (2007) Foreign Capital and Economic Growth, Brookings Papers on Economic Growth, Vol.1 pp. 153-230. Available [online] at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VC6-45DHVDW-BV&_user=9107805&_coverDate=01/31/1975&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000047400&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=9107805&md5=ec1c35e38773f6374e9ff885d3561696&searchtype=a [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
The journal explores how foreign aid flows from donor to recipient countries, and perspectives made by other economist.
BBc.co.uk, Erixon. F (2005) Why aid doesnt work.
Available [online] at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4209956.stm [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This websites contains news and views of writers on foreign aid.
World Bank, Aid effectiveness. Available [online] at http://data.worldbank.org/topic/aid-effectiveness [Accessed on 29th November 2010]
This website contains information secondary data on country of choice
World Bank: Burnside C and Dollar. D (1997) Aid, policies and growth The world bank research Department macroeconomic and Growth Definition. , Available [online] at http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2000/02/24/000009265_3971023104021/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf
Contains a research paper examining panel growth on regression for 56 developing countries and six four years period.
6.0 Research Methodology
Secondary Research
Text books
Case studies
Datas from government website(world bank)
Internet sources (BBC website etc.)
6.1 Data analysis
Datas will be collected from government website, other relevant sites and the World Bank, this will be inform of time series Graphs (this is limited to availability of certain period of time of the chosen country (Ethiopia), estimated percentage etc.
7.0 Chapter Headings
Chapter 1: - An introduction to topic (this includes, history, current issues, the scopes behind foreign aid, economic growth and policy)
Chapter 2: - Aims and Objectives
Chapter 3: - literature review
Chapter 4: - Research Methodology
Chapter 4.1: - secondary research on chosen country and case study
Chapter 4.2: - data analysis
Chapter 5:- Time Schedule
Chapter 6: - Conclusion
Chapter 7: - Evaluation and limitation
Chapter 8: - References
I will appreciate it if the writer use this sequence i outlined, because this is a copy of my proposal which was accepted and will like him to follow it, i have supplied few references and articles to be included(journals,websites and text books) the writer should include relevant references that he thinks will be very relevant to this work.
thank you
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Read Full Paper ❯Pick an organization (any organization) to recommend future human resource strategy initiatives. The organization should be one with information readily available about its HRDV (human resource development) strategy so…
Read Full Paper ❯The Art of Sustainability: The Future of the Performing Arts The focus is on how performing arts organizations can create a more accessible environment to maximize and encourage patronage in…
Read Full Paper ❯1-Write a brief essay describing how each of the 16 reference disciplines provides support for and inform IS/IT practice. AA: Behavioral Science What are the Behavioral Sciences? Our most narrowly…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper needs to address each country separately but identify crosscutting issues and differences related to each of the topic areas below. The paper needs to address the following: 1)…
Read Full Paper ❯Read Management Accounting: A personal History by Robert N. Anthony found in the Journal of Management Accounting Research, Sarasota:2003. Vol.15 pg 249, 5 pages. Find at least six…
Read Full Paper ❯This id the Course Project II - Red Cell Analysis on Hizballah. The Course Project I Organizational Profile on Hizballah will be attached to resources. This paper should be…
Read Full Paper ❯Please careful to read below class requirement. All sentences are following APA style with APA style citation, (Please cited and add name, year, page number). References are…
Read Full Paper ❯Discussion 1: Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies. Students will respond to the following: o The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal regulatory agencies…
Read Full Paper ❯Writer?s Prepare a 6 ? 9 (exclusive of title page, table of contents, bibliography and any other ancillary material) page analysis of the Oklahoma City Bombing in relation to…
Read Full Paper ❯Writer?s Prepare a 6 ? 9 (exclusive of title page, table of contents, bibliography and any other ancillary material) page analysis of Islamic Fascism and its establishment in this…
Read Full Paper ❯Pick any MNE from the following list and discuss its global operations by applying Chapter 14. Wal-Mart: http://www.walmartstores.com/AboutUs/246.aspx Toyota: http://www.toyota-global.com/company/profile/facilities/worldwide_operations.html Ford: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Motor_Company GM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors Siemens: http://www.siemens.com/about/en/worldwide.htm
Read Full Paper ❯Microeconomics Differentiating Between Market Structures in an Organization of Your Choice You will apply important microeconomics concepts toward the competitive strategies of an organization that operates in an industry of your…
Read Full Paper ❯SLP5 Assignment You have been asked by a CEO of a multinational enterprise to evaluate whether or not his company should begin a business enterprise in the country you have…
Read Full Paper ❯USE WALMART i) What are the major threats to the organization's ability to serve its stakeholders and make its mission a reality? ii) What are the major opportunities available to improve…
Read Full Paper ❯On the Healthy People 2020 website, peruse the Overview, Objectives, and Interventions and Resources pages for these topics (see link to index under Preparation column): Topic HIV…
Read Full Paper ❯Question: Cyber warfare continues to grow bigger than our imaginations as we become more involved in technology. Identify one case study that presents a cell, klan, or state which…
Read Full Paper ❯Please i need a first class and high standard research document, and most of all i really would like the delivery date to be adhered to strictly please. 2/4/2011…
Read Full Paper ❯Interim Report: 1.0 Working title: Foreign Aid versus Economic Growth: A critical evaluation of the success/failure of foreign aid in Africa (Ethiopia) 2.0 Background Information: I chose to research on…
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