25+ documents containing “Global Transportation”.
Global Transportation
in what ways has containerization made shipping more cost effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages of intermodal freight transportation? In what ways have government policies impacted global transportation?
Given the need for seamless security between various components of the global transportation system, we should make needed improvements and enhancements to the transportation security efforts across all modes of transportation and re-establish the requisite funding levels.
Briefly summarize the need for transportation security in a global transportation industry.
Specifically, explain:
The practical need for global transportation security.
The kind of regulations that have been implemented.
RESEARCH PAPER on Global Transportation Challenges
The paper should have the following (APA formatted)
Several government agencies have been created or assigned new missions to ensure security of the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, especially with regard to global transportation. Some of these agencies are new, and some of them have been expanded to increase the scope of their duties. For instance, the Department of Homeland Security was created in response to the 9/11 attacks but the role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was redefined as a result of the attacks.
Discuss the agencies that you believe had the biggest impact on global transportation security post 9/11.
Discuss how these agencies have made an impact on global transportation security.
While developing a security system, several components must be considered. For example, the concerned person should determine the risks or threats to an organization, decide what type of equipment will be the most appropriate to protect the assets of the organization, and identify an appropriate method to ensure that the system works effectively. Most organizations require different methods of security for the system to be effective.
Identify an asset such as an airport or a shipping company within the global transportation system.
Develop and describe a security system that you feel would be most appropriate to protect the assets of the organization selected by you.
Make sure to include the following:
Security measures to be used
The possible threats or risks to the particular organization
How the designed security system would help divert or avoid these threats
This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500 10% word Report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills in unders...tanding key strategic issues relating to structural transformation through e-business in a real life organisation. You will be required to apply the strategic concepts and analytical techniques studied in this module. All the learning outcomes below will be assessed:
1. Demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant theories associated with global corporate policies and strategies.
2. Understand the holistic nature of strategy and apply analytical techniques to solve complex problems in real life organizations
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the strategic decision making process through critical analysis of how strategic decision making enables an organisation to relate to its global business environment.
4. Critically evaluate and monitor the business mission, objectives and policies of international organisations.
5. Use critical reflective skills to reflect on the impact of their understanding on the problem solving process
The assignment will be internally moderated by: John Dixon-Dawson
Please note:
1. All work must adhere to the University regulations on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism which are provided as an Appendix in your Programme handbook. See Module Tutor for useful guide on Harvard Referencing Style and on how to avoid Plagiarism.
2. A hard copy and an electronic copy on floppy disk or CD of the assignment must be handed to your Study Centre on or before the appointed date under cover of the Sunderland Business School Feedback Sheet.
3. Issue Date: 19 November 2009
4. Submission Date: Friday 22nd January 2010
Your task is to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation of the strategies adopted by global logistics and supply-chain management company, such as FedEx Corporation, using the information in the case study provided and other materials researched. You will be expected to select and apply appropriate theories, techniques and models studied during the module whilst having regard to the practical aspects of strategy development.
Your assignment should be presented in a Business Report Format and should be within the range 3,500 10% words (excluding executive summary, references and relevant appendices). The report should include a title page and executive summary and be fully and consistently referenced, using Harvard Referencing style. You must also submit a floppy disk or CD containing an electronic version of the report. This should be clearly labelled with your name, your course and the name of the case study.
It is recommended that you research information additional to the case study to support your arguments. This may be obtained from a diverse range of sources and you are encouraged to research the issues in whichever way you deem appropriate.
Assessment Criteria
In the event of failing this individual assignment, normal referral / deferral procedures will apply. This assignment carries a weighting of 100%. The assessment will focus on the level of ANALYSIS carried out. That is, the application of THEORETICAL CONCEPTS studied in the module to the practical case study presented. In other words, you should proceed beyond a DESCRIPTION of the company and its actions. You should be analysing why rather than describing what. The assignment will be assessed and moderated by two members of staff in accordance with the marks allocated to each of the questions detailed below. 10% of the marks are set aside for the presentation criteria.
Academic Rigour
your ability to isolate the key strategic issues
the coherence and depth of the analysis of those issues
the ability to analyse the strategy context within which companies operate
the ability to critically review and evaluate strategic decisions made by companies
the use of relevant evidence, from material provided and personal research to support any statements made
the appropriateness of the methods used and theoretical models and frameworks applied
the breadth and depth of research undertaken
Evaluation of data
the ability to make sound recommendations or conclusions arising from the analysis
the soundness of arguments put forward
the summary of arguments
report layout and format
use of illustrative material and evidence to support arguments
the appropriateness of length
the quantity and accuracy of referencing
FedEx Corporation Structural transformation through e-business
FedEx Corporation has built superior physical, virtual and people networks not just to prepare for change, but to shape change on a global scale: to change the way we all connect with each other in the new Network Economy (FedEx Corporation Annual Report, 1999). According to Jonah and Wilder (1997) cited in De Wit and Meyer (2004, p.647), FedEx is not only recognizing its internal operations around a more flexible network computing architecture, but its also pulling-in and in many cases locking-in customers with an unprecedented level of technological integration.
Question One: - The express transportation and logistics industry
Using examples from FedEx Corporation and your own research on the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, critically evaluate the:
(a) Strategic Vision and visionary Leadership behind FedEx Corporation,
(b) Transportation and logistics infrastructure within FedEx Corporation, and the
(c) Virtual information infrastructure at FedEx Corporation.
Your answer should be based on a critical Value-Chain and Supply-Chain analyses of the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
[35 % marks]
Question Two: - Branding and business structure up until 19 January 2000
Using information from the case study and your own research, critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) strategies in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
Discuss how FedEx Corporation managed the acquisition of Caliber Systems in 1998, and determine whether or not the acquisition of Caliber Systems was a success or failure?
[35% marks]
Question Three: - Events leading up to the January 2000 reorganisation
Using appropriate examples from FedEx Corporation, critically evaluate FedExs financial and non-financial performance in the context of developments in the Internet market and e-tailing up to the January 2000 reorganisation.
[20 % marks]
Note: 10% marks is allocated for presentation
Suggested Reading:
De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2004) - Strategy Process, Content, and Context International Perspective, 3rd Edition, Thomson Learning
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Lynch, R. (2006) Corporate Strategy, Fourth Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J. (1998) Strategy Safari, Financial Times Prentice Hall
Websites & PDF documents:
http://fedex.com/ FedEx Corporation
www.economist.com The Economist
www.ft.com The Financial Times
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Topic: Is the Human Factor important in Cargo Security?
Words: 2000
Pages: 8 not counting title page or resource page.
Sources: 4. Suggestion; 1. Securing Global Transportation Networks, a total security management approach, by Ritter, Barrett and Wilson (2007) Mc Graw and Hill. Suggest Chapter 7 & 8 ).
Suggestion; 2. Giermanski,J ( 2011). Facing the Realities and Probabilities of Enhancing Supply Chain Security Retrieved from http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/facing-the-realities-and-probabilities-of-enhancing-supply-chain-security
Project Introduction:
The project for this course requires you to formulate and prepare a vulnerability assessment of a major U.S. transportation system. When preparing the project, research ...and draw on historical events to establish a predictive analysis of the attack. Consider events such as the September 11, 2001 attack and others in planning your project. Your research paper should include recommendations to prevent or mitigate the potential attack.
The first part of the project is to research various transportation systems and identify the one to be used for the case study. summarize the identified system in terms of the organization and how the public uses it.
Course Objectives Tested:
Explain the history and importance of the global transportation system and its various sectors.
Analyze the measures taken for the protection of transportation facilities post 9/11.
Evaluate the impact of domestic and international laws and regulations on the transportation industry.
Evaluate the threats confronting the global transportation system and the countermeasures designed to mitigate them.
Examine the policies and techniques pertaining to procedural security within transportation systems.
Project Submission Plan:
Project Part Description/Requirements of the Project Phase
Course Project Part 1 Tasks:
Research the various U.S. transportation systems and identify the appropriate one to use for your case study.
Research the selected system carefully and prepare a brief summary. The summary should include the following:
An introduction to the system.
Public utilization of the system.
Any history of previous terrorist attacks on the chosen system. For example, the 9/11 hijackings were a terrorist attack on the aviation system. more
Project Introduction:
The project for this course requires you to formulate and prepare a vulnerability assessment of a major U.S. transportation system. When preparing the project, research ...and draw on historical events to establish a predictive analysis of the attack. Consider events such as the September 11, 2001 attack and others in planning your project. Your research paper should include recommendations to prevent or mitigate the potential attack.
The second part of the project is to research the potential vulnerabilities of the chosen system. Choose one or two facilities within a given system for examples of potential targets of terrorist attacks. Consider the type of terrorist organization that would attack the system and create a profile of the terrorist organization. In addition, explain the repercussions of the theoretical attack by the terrorist organization and your recommendations to prevent or mitigate the potential attack.
Course Objectives Tested:
Explain the history and importance of the global transportation system and its various sectors.
Analyze the measures taken for the protection of transportation facilities post 9/11.
Evaluate the impact of domestic and international laws and regulations on the transportation industry.
Evaluate the threats confronting the global transportation system and the countermeasures designed to mitigate them.
Examine the policies and techniques pertaining to procedural security within transportation systems.
Research the potential vulnerabilities of your chosen system.
As part of your research, identify one or two facilities within your chosen system to use as examples for risk assessment.
Consider what type of terrorist organization would attack the facility you have chosen and explain the profile of the terrorist organization.
Draft an outline explaining how the theoretical attack is carried out.
Discuss the repercussions of the attack.
Provide recommendations to prevent or mitigate the potential attack
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Global Marketing Strategies and Finding Customer
Globalization and technological advances have coincided with the dynamics of world cultures, increasing standards of living, and increasing opport...unities for companies to market their brands throughout the world. In this international environment, companies target many different types of customers. Globalization stimulates interest in and facilitates the ability to acquire products and services from the broadest range of companies worldwide; and from the most remote locations. Further, recent trends have made possible the ability of companies to source required inputs from the best suppliers in the world. Similarly, governments rely on MNCs to supply them with the products and services they use to serve constituents and perform their administrative tasks. Growing global consumerism and global sourcing in emerging markets has also opened opportunities for firms to target billions of buyers worldwide who, only a few decades ago, were relatively inaccessible (Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. A., 2013).
Required Reading:
Please refer to each Activity for required readings within Activity Resources.
Assignment 4 Influences on the Global Consumer
In international marketing, certain factors are known to influence the preferences and buying behavior of consumers. These factors summarized in Chapter 6, Exhibit 6.2, of Czinkota, and Ronkainen?s, (2013) textbook, are the economic status, the existing technology levels, consumer?s personal motives, the culture, social factors, and any situational factors. Further, buyer behavior is affected by the national origin of products and services. Many consumers are relatively indifferent to where a product is made. Other consumers favor goods produced in their home country. And the decision making on industrial buying varies around the world (Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. A., 2013).
Activity Resources:
? Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. A. (2013). Ch.6, 7, 8
? Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).Ch. 6 Exhibit 6.1, & International Marketplace 6.3
? Steenkamp, J. E. M., & de Jong, M. G. (2010).
Steenkamp, J. E. M., & de Jong, M. G. (2010). A global investigation into the constellation of consumer attitudes toward global and local products. Journal of Marketing, 74 (6), 18-40. http://proxy1.ncu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edswss&AN=000283027200002&site=eds-live
? Lee, M., Knight, D., & Kim, Y. (2008).
Lee, M., Knight, D., & Kim, Y. (2008). Brand analysis of a US global brand in comparison with domestic brands in Mexico, Korea, and Japan. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 17 (3), 163. http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/220597176?accountid=28180
? Prahalad, C. K. Globalization's effects on the global poor.
Video - Prahalad, C. K. Globalization's effects on the global poor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVShrk7Qj_s
Main Task: Evaluate the Factors that Influence Global Consumers:
Based on the section readings above, including Exhibit 6.1, and your research:
? Describe and then evaluate the main characteristics of the global consumer. Explain the three levels of the global consumer. What are the main influences on the global consumer? Explain.
? Explain the drivers of the contemporary global buyer marketplace and determine which drivers would be most or least effective..
? What are country-of-origin effects? Define consumer ethnocentrism and world mindedness.
? Describe and evaluate how the main characteristics of the industrial buyer can be implemented.
? Assess positive and negative factors that influence the global industrial buyer.
? What is global customer relationship management?
? Do you believe that China?s consumer market will become the largest in the world? Please explain.
Support your paper with five (5) scholarly sources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5 pages not including title and reference pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards more
global warming is the topic but it must not just be a list of effects the paper must have a purpose a thesis
each paragraph must have a minimum of 2- 3 parenthetical citations,
each paragraph should have an opening claim followed by the evidence the citations and then a closing statement.
at least two quotations
one title page
one outline
body of paper must be 7 pages
one work cited page
must have 7 sources, one source must be a book, one source must be a primary source such as a statiscial study,
be aware professor will check against website that checks for plagerism,
Global Issues
Challenges of the 21st century in Aviation Management and the forces of change.
1. Knowlege of issues
The relevance of sources. 10%
Depth of the research (Plain narration of examples vs. comprehension of data gatherd. 10%
Understanding of factors affecting an Issue (in relation to class presentation) 10%
2. Analysis
Identification of internal and external factors. 8%
Discussion of operational and or management effect of issue identified. 8%
Assessment of risks and opportunities. 8%
Application of other management models. 6%
3. Recommended Solutions
Demonstrated understanding of factors affecting an issue (technical, human, economic and regulatory) 10%
Business advantages identified in solution presented. 10%
Practicability of solution presented. 6%
Existance of lateral and creative solutions. 4%
4. Coherence of the theme
Presentation (reports structure and flow) 5%
Technical details (table of content, puncuation, page numbering. 3%
Refences (in text and list) 2%
http://www.gonzales.com.sg/airline.html#EVENTS SHAPING THE FUTURE
If you have any questions please email me.
Request leannot to write the paper.
Thanks, John Emhoff
Customer is requesting that (leannot) completes this order.
Global companies are exposed to financial risks, such as currency volatility. Financial risks affect all aspects of the global company. Next, you will read a case about the automobile industry, with a focus on BMW. Auto makers' operations and manufacturing can be affected by currency fluctuations. In this case-article, you will find out how BMW managed this foreign exchange risk.
Required Reading:
"Managing operating exposure: A case study of the automobile industry", by Yong-Cheol Kim, Robert McElreath. Multinational Business Review. Detroit: Spring 2001. v 9, Iss. 1; pg. 21-27.
Also, read the following BMW and industry information:
Group of 31 (includes BMW) Managing Foreign Exchange Risk (1999) http://www.greenwichtreasury.com/download/GTA_G31_report.pdf
And, Visit official BMWGroup.com website: http://www.bmwgroup.com/bmwgroup_prod/e/nav/index.html?http://www.bmwgr oup.com/bmwgroup_prod/e/0_0_www_bmwgroup_com/home/home.html
Note: Bandwidth restrictions may prohibit your accessing BMW's website; however,, it is still possible to complete the assignment without access.
Case Assignment:
Write a 2 page paper, answering this question:
What did BMW do in order to manage global financial risk and why?
thanks !!!!!
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Global Logistics Management
Written Assignment 1: Apple ? Outsourcing manufacturing operations
I will need 3 references, I added 2 below, see if they are helpful. I will prefer if you ...keep these two and add one on your side to support any views. I have to list them ahead, try not to change them.
1. How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work
2. Outsourcing to China
3. Open ? For writer to research article or report to support view
Below are the instructions for the written Assignment. It is all for the same report but I am required to submit in the below formats by the weeks due.
Assignment 1: Pick a company from the syllabus, a topic you would like to write about that company and list your references. Keep your topic narrow in focus and dive deeply into it. I decided for: Apple ? Outsourcing manufacturing operations, no action on your part required.
Assignment 2: Draft an outline of your paper and submit that as your assignment. Use headings and bullet points to show this outline.
Work 1: Paper Outline: 1 page; Intro or thesis; background; major and minor points; conclusion, etc.
Assignment 3: Submit a rough draft of your paper.
Work 2: 2 pages: draft of paper; abstract and maybe some of the discussion ideas, etc.
Assignment 4: Submit the final draft of your paper.
Work 3: Final product of the paper, 4 pages not including cover sheet and references.
The paper should be a minimum of 4 pages in length, for a total of 7 pages for the entire job. Feel free to use charts and graphs as appropriate to make your point. A chart or graph should not take up more than a half page of paper.
I need all 3 works done at the same time no later than 6 Sept at 9am. I am overseas at the moment with 7 hours time difference (ahead), e-mail is the best way to communicate with me. Should the writer have to modify anything please ask him/her to try to stick to this the best possible way, but I am somewhat flexible. more
Please analytical assay about Transportation and Distribution. The essay should discuss what you understand from all the sources . I attached 3 sources
I have really enjoyed the help so far. Just another week.
Comparative Transportation Systems
Assignment eight Written Paper ( 4 pages with references)
Open a google search page and t...ype in Amtrak: Its Struggle for Survival and Respect the first page brought up will be a google book that allows you to read that certain chapter of the book American Transportation Policy. Use this text as a reference.
Provide a one or two page response for each of the following questions. Note:
You may combine both questions under one document submission.
(1) How has the railroad industry changed from its monopoly position in the 19th
century due to the Staggers Act?
(2) Analyze and contrast the differences between rail and truck based cost, both
fixed and variable, when moving freight. What are the benefits and pitfalls for
consolidation in the freight rail industry working in conjunction with the trucking
Strategic Intermodal Transportation
Written Paper (1 page with references, use Geography of Transportation link to chapter 6 & 8)
What is the environmental impact of the worlds ever increasing (direct and indirect) demand for transportation?
Discussion Board (1 page use Geography of Transportation online companion reading and go to page 211)
Discuss the last mile as a distribution problem in terms of your knowledge and/or experience (page 211 of your text.
Port and Terminal Operations
Discussion Board (1 page with about 5 references)
Explain how you would develop port labor as a port owner. Be specific. Discuss in detail.
Customer is requesting that (dubayns) completes this order. more
Recall that the central theme of this course is how science and technology has influenced history of the modern period. Specifically, politics and government (including the "isms," international organizations, democracy, settlement of dispute, transportation (steamships to trains to automotives to aircraft), communications (telegraph, radio, television, computers), family and social relations (role of women, family structure, education), and economics (economic arrangements, global economy).
Modules will cover all of these above areas to some degree. However, the SLP will give you an opportunity to study in depth the history of one of the above areas. So, you need to choose an area of interest to you.
You are to decide on the topic or area on which you will be reading with a description and send your choice to me. Also, please enclose a brief biographical sketch so I can get to know you better.
The word doc has been uploaded through the fax board!
After reviewing the Global Communications scenario
Identify and research two companies that have faced specific issues related to those you identified in the scenario and connected with the organizational communication, emotional intelligence, and organizational commitment course concepts. I have chosen to relate to Competition. For each company selected, discuss the following in a 300-word synopsis: (A) issue identified in the scenario that is also facing the company, (B) how the company applied the concepts in response to the issue, and (C) outcomes of the companys response to the issue. (2 companies i.e. FORD Motors, Blockbusters Movies-300 word x 2 companies =600+) Appropriately cite all references used.
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Industrial Visit
Bombadier Transportation Switzerland
Visit Preparation:
- Read the Wikipedia article titled Bombadier Inc..
- Read the Wikipedia article titled Bombadier Transportation.
- Visit the Swiss Website to learn about the Swiss company and its products, www.bombadier-
Post-Visit Task: Write a report on the company based on pre-visit readings and information provided
during the visit.
- Homework.
- Individual work is required.
- Form:
1.5 line spacing.
FLRR (Flush-left ragged-right, NOT centered).
Minimum five pages.
- Contents:
Background: Provide a short background of the organization.
History of Bombadier Inc..
History of Bombadier Transportation.
Overview of Bombadier Transportation Switzerland.
External analysis.
What current PESTEL issues impact Bombadier Transportation?
Does the company have competition?
Do its customers have special requirements?
Internal analysis.
Current organization/structure.
Current financial analysis.
Most recent major decisions or changes.
SWOT analysis.
NOTE: format:
Strengths Opportunities
Weaknesses Threats
NOTE: List only KEY issues in the analysis.
Future business strategy options available for Bombadier Transportation Switzerland.
Your recommendations.
Lessons learned.
Discuss the impact (negative and positive) that regulation/deregulation has had on the growth and/or continued growth of intermodal transportation in both Europe and The United States. Ensure you site specific examples in the paper.
Strengths and Limitations of Global Partnerships
Global partnerships, though they may offer financial and political incentives, are not without their negative aspects. For example, a federal ...agency may partner with an international non-governmental organization (NGO) to provide computers to disadvantaged youths in both countries. Perhaps the federal organization can phase out old units when implementing a technology upgrade while benefiting the NGO. However, there may be specific transference taxes, or other policy or global implications of the partnership. In this Discussion, you will consider the strengths and limitations of global partnerships.
To prepare for this assignment:
? Review the article "Globalization: Fads, Fictions and Facts," focusing on the effect of global integration on governments and public organizations.
? Think about organizations that you are aware of and consider how globalization and global partnerships could affect them financially.
? Consider how global partnerships could strengthen or limit the effectiveness of a government organization.
? Select a specific global partnership between a government organization and either an international NGO or an international public or private sector organization.
? Reflect on the financial strengths and limitations of global integration/global partnerships you read about and relate them to the global partnership you selected.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write a brief description of the global partnership you selected. Then describe two financial strengths and two financial limitations of the partnership. Provide specific examples.
Be sure to support your response with specific references to the Resources provided.
? Web Sites
Globalization in the Mirror of History
http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/sites/default/files/flash/about/globalization/PART1-1/Presentation_Files/index.html and http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/sites/default/files/flash/about/globalization/PART2-2/Presentation_Files/index.html more
the subject of my essay is global law and politics. i will be looking at aspects of social/injustice that fall within the 'new' that is outside of the traditional framework of the national/internation...al, social relations/activities that demonstrate the workings of a global (i.e confined to inter-state or state -citizen relationship) system, and how globalization has affected our understanding of law and politics. i will be looking at the issue of gas flaring and oil spillage in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria and other areas of such spillage all over the world and the effects of such spillages. i will also be looking at the impact of the spillage on the environment and the indigenous people living there. i will be trying to bring to light the injustice done to the indigenous people and the environment. i will be looking at the role of NGO's , multinational corporation and the failure of the state institutions in protecting and looking out for the interests of the indigenous people and the environment. i will take a critical look at the relationships between the governments of oil producing countries and multinational corporations. i will be attempting to give a voice to the marginalized and forgotten people and bring to light the injustice done to them by both their governments and the multinational corporations keywords: gas flaring, oil spillage, corporate social responsibility environmental conferences. more
How important is intermodal transportation with respect to global logistics? How do supply chains get more complicated when firms are doing business across borders versus domestically?
Assig...nment Expectations
Research the topic with information from the background readings as well as any other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 3-4 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to cover the topic in a succinct, organized manner with research to back up your points. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you demonstrate your understanding of intermodal transportation and apply the concepts to a global environment. Submit your assignment for grading by the end of this module.
The following information is intended to give you a good idea of some of the changes taking place in global logistics planning and the facilities required. Read the articles below as a good start for completing the assignments within this module.
Read the following article concerning some of the things taking place on the borders of the US with regards to logistics:
Border activities get a boost since NAFTA Logistics Management (2002); Highland Ranch; Nov 2002; William Atkinson.
Abstract: There has always been trade between the US and its next-door neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came along in 1992, though, trade volumes between the three NAFTA countries have soared. With increased trade comes increased demand for services such as freight transportation, warehousing, customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and assembly. Many of these services are located along the borders, saving time and cutting costs for all parties in the supply chain. This article looks at some of those border services and their benefits for shippers.
This article should be very useful for the case assignment:
The 21st century freight yard: BNSF's Logistics Park near Chicago
Trains; Milwaukee; Jan 2003; Michael W Blaszak
Abstract: Burlington Northern Santa Fe's new intermodal terminal, Logistics Park-Chicago, combines intermodal, vehicle and carload services with transloading and warehousing. The facility is 1.5 miles long and a mile wide, encompassing 380 acres.
Anonymous, 1999 The Importance of Aviation and Intermodal Transportation Issues in Site Selection, Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry Magazine, September, accessed February 29, 2008, at http://www.devicelink.com/mddi/archive/99/09/005.html more
Need term paper on cargo transportation. Prefer it to be on Sea cargo transportation. Info related to intermodalism, deregulation, globalization, competitive practices, economic importance and future developments.
Approach and Format
The final paper can be on any environmental policy topic which interests you, but the approach you take in writing the paper must be "policy analytic." The policy analytic... approach analyzes whether a particular policy should be promoted. "Policy analytic" is the conceptual approach of cost-benefit analysis. This approach explicitly considers the minuses, as well as the pluses, of the policy under consideration. Cost-benefit analysis performs the comparison by actually assigning dollar values to the pluses and minuses (giving benefits and costs explicitly), but you do not need to do that in this paper. You simply need to qualitatively identify the pro and con sides of the policy you are writing about.
No doubt many of you will choose a topic because you have a viewpoint about it, e.g., solar energy is good, and should be promoted. Thats fine. But in writing the paper, you cannot take an advocacy approach which just stacks up the evidence which supports your preconceived view. You need to represent the other side of the argument as well. The conclusion you reach must follow from a well-balanced discussion of both sides of the issue, rather than being predetermined from your point of view.
An important aspect of the policy analytic approach is to define the policy issue and the baseline against which it is being compared. The policy issue needs to be reasonable, specific, and clear. The costs and benefits of global warming is too vague to be meaningful. The costs and benefits of reducing carbon emissions by x%, or to achieve the goals of climate policy, compared with the status quo in which no policy action is taken, is a meaningful comparison. Likewise, the costs and benefits of alternative fuels is too vague to be meaningful. The pluses and minus of subsidizing ethanol as a gasoline substitute compared with not subsidizing ethanol is a reasonable comparison. In short, your policy issue and the alternative state of the world to which it is being compared need to be formulated specifically enough to make the analysis context clear.
You paper should be explicitly broken down into sections and subsections as follows:
Title Page:
Abstract Page
Table of Contents Page
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Pro Side of the Argument
4. Con Side of the Argument
5. Conclusion
It is fine if you prefer some other format than simply listing the pros and cons of the environmental policy issue but regardless of the particular approach, your paper should be explicitly broken out into numbered sections, as indicated above. Also, the final paragraph of the introduction needs to spell out the structure of the rest of the paper. Your grade will be lowered by at least one half letter grade if the introduction does not clearly indicate the policy issue you are writing about and the final paragraph of the conclusion does not clearly indicate how the rest of the paper will be structured to address it.
The web is a useful research tool and you are encouraged to use it. However, you need to use sources other than magazine articles and the opinion pieces of advocacy groups. You should also rely on journal articles and government documents, like those included in the readings, which give a deeper view than magazine articles and editorials.
Follow this reference format: First, alphabetize your references in the reference section of the paper. Articles from the web should be alphabetized in this list, and the web address indicated. Finally, use these numbers in the body of the paper for citation, e.g., Marijuana smoking increased last year in the United States by 20% [17].
Writing Style
Grades for the final paper will be based both on the rigor of the analysis and on the clarity of the presentation. Here are some basic writing principles: Avoid redundancy. Select words to precisely describe the meanings and nuances you wish to convey. Develop themes clearly and logically. Use adverbial and adjectival qualifiers judiciously, e.g., "brilliant," rather than "incredible genius," "poses a risk," rather than "threatens all humanity." Finally, use the active voice most of the time.
FYI, here is a sample of bad writing and why it is bad:
"The government refocused its influence in the agricultural sector by implementing policies such as more rigid production controls, lowering support prices, and more measures intended to increase demand, like school lunch and food welfare programs. Surpluses were lowered, but not significantly. In a related fashion, an exporting program to rid the government of surpluses was implemented. Yet these practices were seen as "dumping" measures to the lesser developed nations who unavoidably received the surpluses."
I would give this passage a C grade for the following reasons:
1. It is wordy;
2. It uses the passive voice too much;
3. The language is not precise.
Here is an improved re write:
"Consequently, the government implemented a battery of policies to reduce growing food surpluses. On the supply side, the government reduced support prices and instituted more rigid production controls. On the demand side, the government started two new programs: school lunch and welfare. Additionally, the government began subsidizing agricultural exports.
Unfortunately, these efforts had little effect. Surpluses dropped, but not significantly. Further, the export promotion program had an obvious side effect: it increased competition for struggling third world exporters. This consequence undermined other U.S. policies designed to promote economic development in these countries." more
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