Global Supply Essays Prompts

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Module 4 ? SLP--Strategic Management: Strategic Choices

Making Strategic Choices * Wal-Mart
Strategic choice is at the centre of strategy... formulation and it helps you to align your company with its competitive edge. If you have no choices to be made, there can be a very little value in thinking about strategy at all. However, one should not forget that there are limits on the range of possible strategic choices because of the lack of resources, capabilities, and other internal and external organizational issues.
Headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages (Introduction, Info Headings and Conclusion).
For the fourth installment of the SLP project, we are going to look at the choices made. To complete Module 4 SLP, please write a three page report for your professor by answering the following questions:
1. What recent strategic choices have been made by the top folks at Wal-Mart that help the organization to be more competitive or more successful in accomplishing their mission?
2. Can you categorize these choices as following any of Porter's four generic strategies? Explain.
From the SWOT perspective you have developed in previous modules, how successful has this strategy been at:
?Capitalizing on your organization's strengths.
?Shoring up your organization's weaknesses.
?Exploiting opportunities in your organization's environment.
?Protecting the organization against threats.
3. What do you perceive you have learnt in Module 4 SLP? Please provide your evaluation of the Module 4 SLP in brief.
NOTE: Please note that your report/assignment will not be accepted without proper citations and references. You must use the sources from the background material together with the sources you find your own.
SLP Expectations:
Your paper will be evaluated on how completely you address all of the questions. Be sure to point out both positives and areas that need improvement. As always, document your sources of information with citations.
Strategy formulation takes place at three different levels:
?Corporate Level: Concerned with the selection and management of a portfolio of businesses in which your company should compete.
?Business Level: Concerned with developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the products/services the business produces.
?Functional Level: Concerned with the development and coordination of resources at the operating level.
Making the right choice strategically at each level of the company is what divides the successful company from the ones who are now in the pages of history. In this course, however, we have been focusing mainly on the business level of strategy and we will continue this focus in this module.
In formulating a strategy, which will then influence the day to day choices made by the firm in pursuit of its mission, the organization must:
?Take into account their resources and capabilities
?Accommodate the restrictions and opportunities imposed by the environment
?Integrate knowledge of strategy and organizational architecture
Although companies seems to follow an endless variety of different strategies, in truth, there are only a handful of generic strategies - though the choices of how to implement them may indeed be endless. To learn about the role of the basic four types of strategy in building a competitive advantage read: (2011). Competitive advantage. Retrieved August, 2011, from
The key to organizational viability and growth -- is to stake out a position that is:
? less vulnerable to attack from competitors, both established and new, and
? less vulnerable to erosion from the direction of customers, suppliers, and substitute products/services.
The following readings demonstrate the relationship between Porter's generic strategies and the threats from competitors. customers, suppliers, and substitute products. (2010). Porter's Generic Strategies. Quick MBA. Retrieved August, 2011, from (2011). Competitive advantage. Retrieved August, 2011, from
?Chapter 14 ? Strategic Choice? of the following textbook may also be useful to understand strategic choices:
Jeyarathmm, M. (2008). Strategic management. Global Media, Mumbai, India.
The following criteria will also be used to assess your paper:
>Precision: Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
>Breadth: Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., all the keys to the assignment, addressed?
>Depth: Does the paper/report address all elements of the topic in sufficient depth? Does it include and apply the background readings and other background resources? Are they included as references?
>Critical thinking: Are the concepts of this module applied accurately, logically, and relevantly?
>Organization: Is the paper organized in a coherent and systematic manner? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages?
>Clarity: Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly?

References within the paper: (For example: Kerzner (2010, p.465) is resolute in stating that there is a relationship between project management and Six Sigma.)

List of references at the end of the paper: An example of a proper reference:
Kerzner, H. (2010). Project Mnagement Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence, 2nd edn John Wile & Sons Inc, Hoboken, NJ.

(500 words, original work- plagiarism free)

When a significant percentage of project costs are related to procurement, project reviews will necessarily spend some time on procurement issues. Select two of the following four industries:
? Service (public and private)
? Manufacturing
? Software and IT
? Construction/building/maintenance
Compare the two industries with respect to how you would conduct project reviews to integrate procurement, risk management, and contractual obligations. How would the reviews differ in the two industries if the project were carried out completely in-house instead of involving a third party for some or all of the work?

Please include an introduction and conclusion.

This is a MBA dissertation and should be given to at least MSc level (preferably MBA or doctoral level) writer with excellent English writing skills.

The topic is: "A Comprehensive Study of O...ffshore Financial Centres and Their Effects on Global Economy". As the name suggests this will be a comprehensive study for the MBA dissertation, including positives and negatives of Offshore Financial Centres, how they operate, etc. All the arguements MUST be supported by evidence (i.e. other research paper, previous analysis, IMF reports, country specific charts and reports, etc.). I will also upload the project summary page once the order is accepted.

The main body section of the report needs to be 60 x 300 = 18000 words. This will be checked via word counter. The report needs to contain: Title page, executive summary, contents, the report body and references. It MUST be written using Times New Roman (font size 11 point), double line spaced with left-hand margin of approximately 3 cm (to allow for binding), right-hand margin of 2 cm, and margins of approximately 2.5 cm at the top and bottom of pages. These margins apply equally to appendices, tables and diagrams.

All work done by other people - either published or unpublished - must be acknowledged and clearly referenced, as should the source of any published data, diagrams or photographs. References to the work of others should be made in the text, citing author and date, for example: 'Tellis (1986) argues that ...'. A comprehensive bibliography, with references sorted alphabetically should be included at the end of the management project. It is important that these references should be accurate and include all the information required to enable a reader to find the references cited. Please use the Harvard system for referencing. This entails the author(s) name(s) cited in the text (as above) and a list of references giving full detail of the source at the end of the management project in the form shown below. Where possible the use of footnotes should be avoided when referencing.

Example of referencing:

For a journal paper: Tellis, G J (1986), 'Beyond the Many Faces of Price: An Integration of Pricing Strategies', Journal of Marketing, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 145-60.

For a book: Kotler, P (1980), Marketing Management Analysis, Planning and Control, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

For a chapter in an edited book: Fenn P and Hodges R (1997), 'Long-tail liabilities and Claims Management in the NHS', in Baldwin R (ed.), Law and Uncertainty: Risks and Legal Processes, Kluwer Law International, London.

For a conference paper: Knight, J A G and Lebrecht, H M (1979), 'Tool control and distribution and work-holding requirements in flexible manufacture', Proceedings of the second Joint Polytechnic Symposium on Manufacturing Engineering, Coventry, Guilford, IPC, pp. 14-24.

If the writer has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. I worked with Essaytown many times before and hoping to have a good report once again.
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This research paper is really an exercise in producing a feasibility study/Business Plan. There must be an Abstract page included in the document

The idea is to choose a country and use the research to determine the best product or service to introduce. In this case, the Country chosen is Mozambique. The concept for this Business Plan/Research Paper is to sell MEDICAL SUPPLIES to Africa, specifically in Mozambique

So, just to clarify-the product must be introduced into a foregin country. The end result will have a product/ service and country to introduce for global expansion. Lastly, your opinion/recommendation about whether it will work and why.

I will also be faxing over additional information for review. I can be reached via email or telephone. The email address is and my phone number is 770-845-0056. I'm available at this number from 8am-12 midnight EST.

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Management has recognized the effect of changes in the real-world competitive environment and government policies on other industries and anticipates similar events occurring in their industry, so they ask you for a report considering the following points.

Write 1,400 -word paper of no more than in which you describe how each of the following are or potentially will affect your industry or one with which you are familiar:

? New companies entering the market, mergers, and globalization, on pricing and the sustainability of profits: Identify the type of merger activity in your industry or one with which you are familiar?horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate?and explain why you made that choice.

? Current and expected government policies and regulations, including taxes and regulations in place to address issues related to externalities

? Global competition on the decisions made by management with regards to change in labor demand, supply, relations, unions, and rules and regulations in your chosen industry

Recommend how the industry you chose may respond to each of the previous points.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

TOYOTA cars company

You are required to examine the external environment of TOYOTA you have selected and discuss how this impacts on the internal organisational strategy (structures and management).

Task 1: Critically evaluate the key factors (e.g. environmental, global, competition, technology) that impact on TOYOTA performance. Your findings should be drawn from use of analysis tools (e.g. PESTLE, Porter?s five forces, SWOT).

Task 2: Provide strategic recommendations for senior managers of the TOYOTA

The above two tasks need to be presented in a business report format.

Please answer all of the questions. Based on the textbook International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior.
1. In this course, we base our study of international management ...on a contingency framework. This framework allows a systematic review of all the aspects and factors related to understanding management in a global economy.
a. The framework consists of several components. Describe each component and explain how the components relate to each other.
b. Since the external environment plays such a critical role in the contingency framework, management needs to cognizant of the PESTEL components. How do these components change when a business operates internationally?
2. We talked about the definition of management, the managerial activities, and the managerial skills. We discussed that the field of management has its roots in the Anglo world. Please define management as discussed in class. What do managers do? Specify and explain the four managerial activities and the three specific skills to perform their responsibilities. Although we have not specifically addressed this question in our lecture, considering what you have learned so far in this course, what do you think is the relative importance of the three skills for an international manager? Provide a rationale for your answer.
3. A critical challenge for companies that operate internationally results from differences in legal systems that countries use. Contrast the common law based system of the United States with the code based system used in most European countries. What are the important differences and their implications for international business?
4. Today, businesses operate in a global economy. What does that mean?
a. How is this global economy different from previous economic systems? Summarize our systematic comparison of the global economic system to the economic conditions that existed before the fall of the Berlin wall. Make sure to include in your summary the need for entrepreneurship and innovation and the notion of creative destruction.
b. The global economy is a free-market, capitalistic economic system that is created through the micro-level decisions that companies make. These decisions are based on the need for companies to make a profit. Explain! Consider the lecture on the reasons for companies international expansion.
5. As companies are expanding internationally they seem to go through several phases of development, resulting in different types of international companies.
a. Describe and explain the different types of international companies. What are the primary differences among them? Make sure to talk about differences in international orientation (ethnocentric etc.) and staffing strategies (PCNs etc.).
b. Give an example of a truly global/transnational company. Explain why this company fits in that category.
c. What do you know about the level of internationalization of a business and its effectiveness?
6. Many international and global institutions exist to facilitate the coordination and effective functioning of the global economy. Very briefly, describe the purpose of the following organizations: World Economic Forum, APEC, OPEC, WTO, G7 (8), G20, and OECD.
7. When conducting a CBRA to determine the attractiveness of a particular country, companies must also consider issues related to CSR and business ethics. In addressing the following questions, make sure to consider the Nike and Pharma cases.
a. What is CSR? How is business ethics different from CSR? Why do business ethics and CSR become an even bigger issue when companies operate internationally?
b. What is a stakeholder map and what is it used for? Give an example.
c. What guidelines for ethical behavior can we use in business? Describe how you would ensure that the employees who report to you act ethically?
d. To what extent does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act provide guidance to companies who operate internationally?
8. What is the purpose of the Porter Diamond? In detail, describe and explain Porters four factors. Use one of the examples discussed in the lecture to demonstrate how Porters Diamond works. Using the material from the lecture on Porters model, explain why it makes sense that the World Bank provides financial aid to developing countries to support the building of infrastructure.
9. The effective functioning of the global system depends on free and open trade among countries. Protectionism, explicit or implicit, however, is still quite common and has in fact increased during the current global economic crisis. Some commentators have talked about de-globalization as a result of the global economic crisis.
a. In general, what is the primary purpose of protectionist measures? Provide examples, two or three, for implicit and explicit protectionist measures.
b. Describe and explain the differences between a trade area, such as NAFTA, and an economic union, such as the EU?
10. For companies that operate internationally, cultural differences between the parent country and the host country are often the source for substantial cost and risk.
a. Define national culture. Using the iceberg model of culture, explain the three aspects of culture.
b. Summarize the six basic assumptions of culture and explain how they are reflected in the US culture today.
11. What role does understanding cultural differences play in the CBRA? What is the difference between cross-cultural literacy and cultural sensitivity? Provide examples from the Harry and Sally story to support your points.
12. Social Structure, Education, and Language are three of the six Characteristics of Culture discussed in class. Explain how they are used to identify and understand cultural differences. Recall that we use both, qualitative and quantitative methods to identify cultural differences. You may want to use the American culture and compare it to that of another country to answer this question.
13. We are able to quantify/measure cultural differences using Hofstedes and Trompenaars dimensions.
a. Why is it important that we can quantify differences in culture?
b. Hofstedes cultural framework consists of five dimensions. Explain each of the dimensions using the United States as an example. Describe how these dimensions are reflected in the workplace.
c. We talked about Trompenaars obligation dimension. Explain this dimension by contrasting the United States and Mexico.
14. Euro Disney faced serious problems at its inception. Explain how such problems were a result of the cultural differences between France and the United States. How could Disney have avoided these issues?
15. R&D projects in a transnational company are typically the performed by multicultural teams. Assume that a Japanese, an American, a German, and a Swedish engineer are assigned to work on a project together. What challenges may this group face because of cultural differences? Applying Hofstedes dimensions, provide a systematic comparison of these countries cultures. You may want to use a table showing the dimensions for the three countries. You do not need to use the actual scores but you need to know whether a country scores high, low, or moderate on a dimension and what the implications are for behavior and expectations.
16. Being able to perform a CBRA to determine the attractiveness of a country is one of the main learning objectives for this course. So far, our focus has been on the external environment and the associated CBR. Using the basic statistics introduced during the first week of class, provide a cursory analysis for one of the BRIC countries (Brazil, India, Russia, China)??"Your choice! Include the approximate population size, GDP/capita, GDP growth, GDP/sector, corruption perception rank, economic freedom rank, cultural dimensions (high or low in power distance, high or low in uncertainty avoidance, masculine or feminine, individualistic or collectivistic, short-term or long-term oriented). What conclusions do you draw about the attractiveness and the cultural toughness of the country that you analyzed for American companie?
17. Political risk is one of the specific risk components typically assessed in a CBRA of country.
a. We differentiated qualitative and quantitative methods of risk assessment. Explain each.
b. Once the political risk of a country has been determined, a company has a choice between a defensive/protective and an integrative approach to managing the risk. Describe each of these approaches.

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Cooperative Strategy

Cooperative Strategy

TMA Question
What are the criteria for successful Alliances in Emerging Country Economies?

Your answer must demonstrate an understanding of the term alliances from different perspectives and the importance of global alliances in the world of international business.
You should outline what is necessary for a firm to be successful in alliances with emerging country economies and in doing so explain:
o What an emerging country economy is;
o Why undertaking alliances in emerging economies is beneficial;
o What the main advantages of international alliances are;
o What the main challenges when undertaking alliances with companies from emerging country economies are.
A good answer will address the potential issues of alliance management and establish proper mechanisms to solve them when undertaking alliances in emerging country economies.

Your essay should NOT exceed a maximum of 2500 words (excluding the list of references).

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Water Sustainability

Research methodology can help to define the activities of research, how to proceed with the research, how to measure progress and how to determine success. This week you explored how different epistem...ologies relate to particular research methodologies and the highlights of some methodologies in use today. In this Discussion you will evaluate existing methodologies and explore the methodology that you will use for your dissertation.

To prepare for this Discussion, identify two or three journal articles that address research problems similar to the problem you have chosen, and evaluate the methodology used to conduct the research. With these thoughts in mind, in about 750-1,000 answers to the following questions:

1) How has your problem or question been studied in the past?
2) What methodology would be most useful in addressing your research problem or question?
3) Defend your choice of methodology. Discuss whether you would use a research design and approach similar to those you reviewed, or approach your problem differently and why.

My research problem is: Operations and Data Management at the Water Authority-will there be a sustainable water supply for the next century? A Case study of Water Infrastructure Management in the Caribbean.

The three Journal articles to be evaluated are:
Iglesias, A, Moneo, M, Garrote, L, & Flores, F 2007, 'Challenges to manage the risk of water scarcity and climate change in the Mediterranean', Water Resources Management, 21, 5, p. 775-788

Rijsberman, F n.d., 'Water scarcity: Fact or fiction?', Agricultural Water Management, 80, 1-3, pp. 5-22

Xu, Z, Takeuchi, K, Ishidaira, H, & Zhang, X 2002, 'Sustainability analysis for Yellow River water resources using the system dynamics approach', Water Resources Management, 16, 3, p. 239-261
(These articles are attached as resource files.)

Gas Prices High Gas Prices

This paper should contain managerial economic analysis to enable a global company manager use this information to make business decisions. Some of the following managerial economics topics should be c...overed:
1. Game theory
2. Industrial organization
3. Statistical demand analysis
4. Information theory
5. Oligopoly
Porter's 5 forces framework can also be utilized.

The impact of increasing gas prices on global economy


Gas prices make significant impact on the economic growth of every nation making its stability dependent on the volatility in the gas prices. Alterations in these prices affect global economy even greater. To maintain economic health, it is essential for the nations to increase their focus on the management of the gas prices fluctuations within their domain as well as in the global economy overall.
In my research paper, I would like to analyze and review how the variations in the gas prices impact global economic environment. The research paper help readers understand gas prices trends, their fluctuation reasons and the impact these fluctuations make on the health of the economy. Research will be conducted utilizing online and offline available literature and analytical reports.
Proposed outline:
1. Introduction
2. Description of the issue
3. Objective of the research
4. Research method
5. Data analysis and observations
6. Recommendations
7. Conclusion
8. Bibliography and References

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Continue your business analysis of McDonalds. I will supply Part one.
Write a paper 0f 2,100 words in which you research the companys business environment.

Review the companys income s...tatement, balance sheet, and cash flow to determine the financial health of the company. Be sure to compare your company to at least two other companies in the industry. Be sure to answer the following:

What have you learned about the company by reviewing each statement?
Is there information in any of these statements that concerns you? If so describe what it is and what it concerns.
How can management use this information moving forward?

Summarize the companys financial health. How does it compare to other companies in the industry?

Include a summary of the companys technological advantages, or lack thereof, in comparison to at least two other companies in the same industry.

Describe how globalization has affected the companys business strategies.

Conduct a benchmarking analysis. Be sure your analysis includes the following in comparison with other companies in the same industry:

Best practices
Operational processes and procedures
Products or services

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Customer is requesting that (amber111) completes this order.

International Marketing


1.Discuss the similarities and differences of domestic marketing, international marketing and global marketing

2.Identify and discuss some of the unique strategies used successful multinational corporations in the international marketing environment.

3. Identify and discuss the external variables that influences and affect the success of international marketers.

4. Identfy and discuss methods that can be used as entry strategies into international markets.

5. What are the advantages of standardizing products in the global market place?

Write a report about ?Internet Media and Its Impact on Shaping the Global Economy? use the direction below:-
a)Introduction: Why the trend(internet) is unique/important for global business/Economy.

b)Background: Information supporting the trend with existing data.

c)Analysis: Clear description and analysis of the Pros and Cons of the trend with supporting data, including the impacts and influences by the State and TNCs, and other aspects of globaization(culture, embeddness, etc).

d)Future of the trend: Analysis of the future of the trend would look like.

e)Conclusion: Clear conclusion from the report.


TITLE- Impact of international financial institutions on public health in developing countries (this is a critical analysis)

o assimilate re...levant information from a variety of sources and settings and to communicate this from a global public health perspective;
o demonstrate appropriate reasoning, analytical and judgement skills;
o demonstrate knowledge of multivariate factors affecting global public health;
o demonstrate ability to critique, analyse and debate key public health issues from various perspectives; and
o handle uncertainty, challenge and conflict.

? The essay is expected to demonstrate students systematic and in-depth knowledge of public health issues in the global context;
? The concepts and terms described in the essay should be well defined with the appropriate reference to the literature as well as students own understanding
? There should be an appropriate balance between theoretical presentation of the topic and its practical implication in public health
? A wide range of literature sources providing contrasting and/or contradictory opinions should be provided, correcly referenced and discussed within the context of the essay. Minimum 25 references are expected within this essay
? The references should included academic books and textbooks; peer reviewed publications from the academic journals; and reports by national and international organisations;
? Where Internet sources are used, these should reliable and evidence-based sources and correctly referenced with the website address and date

Good books;
Baggott, R. (2000) Public Health: Policy and Politics. Palgrave, London.
Beaglehole R, Bonita R. (2004) Public Health at the Crossroads 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Commission for Macroeconomic and Health (2001) Globalisation and Health: A Framework for Analysis and Action,
Millennium Development Goals,
Scriven A and Garman S. (2005) Promoting health: global perspective.. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

(I am looking for a 1st class honours)

Country Leave the EU or

This module is assessed on the basis of a single piece of coursework. For this assessment you are required to write a 3000 word policy paper to a stakeholder of your choice (e.g. European Commissione...r, Head of Member State) which provides a critical discussion of one of the following key issues:

Should succession countries join the European Monetary Union?
Should the CAP be reformed, and if so why and how?
What are the economic arguments for further enlargement of the EU?
Is the further emergence of global competitors (e.g. India or China) going to threaten the economic competitiveness of the EU?
Should any country leave the EU or the euro zone

The assessment should be written in report style, and make appropriate use of relevant material, data, charts and diagrams.

Your policy paper will be assessed on the basis of the extent to which the policy paper:

Provides a clear outline of the aim and focus of the policy paper;
Provides an in-depth consideration of the relevant themes and ideas that are pertinent to the issue under consideration;
Makes good use of relevant data, charts and diagrams to support the central narrative contained with the policy paper;
Provides a critical and analytical discussion of the relevant issues;
Appropriately references the arguments contained within the policy paper using a wide range of sources;
Provides a clear, structured and coherent review and analysis of the relevant issues.

Submission Deadline: Your policy paper should be submitted by 5 pm on 10th May 2012.

In order to pass this module, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 40%.

Guidance for assessment

How to approach the assignment:

The best way to approach this assignment is to imagine that you are a policy advisor who has expertise in the area of economics and the European Union. You have been commissioned by a stakeholder organisation to write a policy paper on their behalf that explores one of the policy questions outlined above. Your policy paper will form the briefing that representatives of that organisation will use to inform their discussions the next time they are participating in a key European Union summit or meeting.

A policy paper is designed to provide the policy stakeholder organisation with some advice about what view they should take on a specific policy issue. A policy paper primarily concerns the development of a policy argument which is based upon three components:

A policy position (i.e. what you think the policy stance of the organisation should be in relation to the policy issue under consideration);
Reasons for this position (i.e. what are the arguments for and against the organisation adopting this viewpoint?);
Next steps (i.e. what should the organisation recommend should happen next in relation to this issue?).

Let us assume that the policy issue under consideration is as follows:

Should there be restrictions on the movement of labour within the EU on economic grounds?

Let us now suppose that you have been asked by the finance minister of France to prepare a policy paper on this issue for the forthcoming Council of Ministers meeting. You need to obviously start off preparing for this task by undertaking some research. Firstly you need to find out the official legal position in relation to the EU Constitution and legislation regarding the freedom of movement of labour. Secondly you need to find out whether any Member State can impose restrictions on either the volume of labour movement, the skills profile of the migrant labour, or where the migrant labour is coming from. Finally you need to read the relevant economic literature on labour movement in relation to economic productivity and the operation of economic markets ??" and discover if there are any economic barriers to the free movement of labour.

Having examined all of these issues, you can now construct your policy argument and write your policy paper. You decide that the finance minister of France should oppose the restriction of movement of labour within the EU on economic grounds (policy position) because it will increase economic productivity, reduce costs, and solve the imbalances in employment within certain regions or sectors of the economy (reasons for policy position) ??" and that France should take direct steps to (a) prevent Member States from restricting the flow of migrant labour from Eastern Europe; and (b) provide specialist programmes of support to help migrant workers settle in France (next steps)

You now have your policy argument in a concise format. Now you need to simply develop each component of your policy argument. The reasons for policy position element of the policy argument is going to form the largest component of your policy paper. Although you are trying to set out reasons and arguments for adopting the chosen policy position, you must remember that you will also need to consider and set out the arguments against your adopted policy position and why you have rejected these arguments.

It really doesnt matter which stakeholder organisation you write your policy paper for ??" but obviously they should be an organisation which has an interest in the policy issue under consideration (i.e. it would look a bit odd if you wrote a policy paper on reforming the CAP which was addressed to the Defence Minister of a Member State!).

What should my policy paper look like?

The policy paper should be written in a report format, and make appropriate use of sections, headings and sub-headings to set out different components of the policy argument. Your policy paper should be addressed to your chosen policy stakeholder organisation and should start off be setting out the purpose of the policy paper e.g.

This policy paper is for the attention of the Finance Minister of France, and is designed to explore whether France should support the restriction of the movement of labour within the EU.

You should make appropriate use of relevant sources and data, and you should use tables, charts, diagrams when these are the most effective way of communicating this information.

How do I know whether my policy paper has achieved its objectives?

Although it is very hard to remove yourself from a piece of assessed work that you have spent a lot of time researching and writing, the best way of testing whether your policy paper has achieved its objectives is to forget that you have written the paper and pretend you are the stakeholder organisation that the paper is written for. If you were the finance minister for France, would you have a clear understanding of (a) what was being recommended; (b) why was it being recommended; and (c) what should be done next on the basis of reading your policy paper? If the answer is yes, then your policy paper has met its objectives. If the answer is no, then you need to go back and look at the clarity of what you have written and see whether any of the sections need revising.

Finally check the assessment criteria set out for this assignment in your module handout to make sure that you have not missed anything out!

Important: All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted ??" ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.

All student work which contributes to the eventual outcome of the module (ie: if it determines whether you will pass or fail the module and counts towards the mark you get for the module) is submitted via the iCentre using the formal submission sheet Academic staff CANNOT accept work directly from you.
If you decide to submit your work to the iCentre by post, it must arrive by midday on the due date. If you elect to post your work, you do so at your own risk and you must ensure that sufficient time is provided for your work to arrive at the iCentre. Posting your work the day before a deadline, albeit by first class post, is extremely risky and not advised.

Any late work (submitted in person or by post) will NOT be accepted and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question. You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

General EU Economics textbooks (the first five are particularly good):
Pelkmans, J. (2006) European Integration: Methods and Economic Analysis, 3rd ed. Pearson. (At the time of writing, the exact publication date of this 3rd edition had not been confirmed).
Baldwin, R. and C. Wyplosz (2004) The Economics of European Integration. McGraw Hill.
El-Agraa, A. (2004) The European Union: Economics and Policies, 7th edition. Prentice Hall.
Hitiris, T. (2003) European Union Economics, 5th edition. FT Prentice Hall.
McDonald, F. and S. Dearden (2005) European Economic Integration, 4th edition. FT Prentice Hall. (This is especially useful for part of the EMU lectures).
Barnes, I. and P. Barnes (1995) The Enlarged European Union. Longman. (This is a good lower level text).
Artis, M. and F. Nixson (2001) The Economics of the European Union, 3rd ed. Oxford.
Neal, L. and D. Barbezat ( 1998) The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe. Oxford.
Hansen, J. D. (ed) (2001) European Integration: An Economic Perspective. Oxford. (This is an excellent book but is more advanced and technical than the others and only covers some topics).

EU Trade policies:
Aggarwal, V. K. and E. A. Fogarty (2004) EU Trade Strategies: Between Regionalism and Globalism. Palgrave.
Petersmann, E-U. and M. Pollack (2003) Transatlantic Trade Disputes: The EU, the US, and the WTO. Oxford University Press.
Sdersten, B. and G. Reed (1994) International Economics, 3rd edition. Macmillan.
de Grauwe, P. (2005) Economics of Monetary Union, 6th edition. Oxford.
Gros, D. and N. Thygesen (1998) European Monetary Integration, 2nd ed. Longman.
Eijffinger, S. C. W. and J. de Haan (2000) European Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Oxford.
Eichengreen, B. and J. A. Frieden (2001) The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification, 2nd ed. Westview.
8.3 Recommended Internet Resources


There are a wide range of economics journals that carry articles relating to aspects of EU trade, monetary union, competition policy, regional policy, etc. which you can find hardcopy and online versions of within the University library. A couple of journals that relate directly to specific aspects of the material covered in the module are:

EC Competition Policy Newsletter (

Official Journal of the European Union (

Web Sites

This list can never be comprehensive ??" these are some of the main sites you may find useful. Be warned that there is so much information out there, you could spend your entire year surfing for material and never have the time to read any of it ??" so be selective. If you need guidance, just ask.

Institution: Link:
EU Homepage (also, the Whats New? link, tucked away at the bottom of the page, is worth checking regularly)
EU Commission activities are grouped by theme in Directorates-General.

Eurostat is the Official EU statistics Agency

European Central Bank

Institution: Link:
EU Trade Policy Review (by the WTO)

UN Economic Commission for Europe

UNCTAD World Investment Reports

Centre for European Reform

Centre for European Policy Studies

European Integration Online Portal

EU Business

European Institute (London South Bank University)

European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies


There are faxes for this order.

You are required to submit a portfolio (maximum 2,500 words) in Verdana 11 point which addresses the brief below.

Your portfolio should:
1. Explore the extent of internationalisation in both global retailing and the manufacture of aircraft engines for civil aviation.
2. Review successful or failing international strategies around the world for those industries (including an evaluation of the importance of joint ventures).
The portfolio should meet the specific assessment criteria below and should match theory with a range of appropriate industry/company examples.

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:
1.Describe the role of business in the economy..
2.Compare and contrast the roles of for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the economy.. the impact of current fiscal and monetary policy on the economy..
4.Select a product or service with which you are familiar and outline a strategy for accessing global markets..
5.Select an organization with which you are familiar and discuss the impact of that organization?s level of social responsibility on a stakeholder group of your choice.

?Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.
?Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment,
Assignment 1: The Business Environment

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Describe the role of business in the economy, including the factors of production and the key dimensions of the business environment..
?Classify the basic types of economic systems, the elements of private enterprise, and the various degrees of competition in a market economy..
?Describe the global economic environment that impacts U.S. business..
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in business..
?Write clearly and concisely about business issues using proper writing mechanics

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

1. Describe the role of business in the economy. Weight: 15%
2. Compare and contrast the roles of for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the economy.
Weight 15%
3. Discuss the impact of current fiscal and monetary policy on the economy. Weight 20%
4. Select a product or service with which you are familiar and outline a strategy for accessing global markets.
Weight 20%

Requesting writer that is familiar and comfortable with: Global Warming Issues


Global Warming Essay must address the following points:

What is global warming?
Describe how human activities impact global warming.
Explain what you can do as an individual to minimize your contribution to global warming.

Data and information MUST be supported with appropriate in-text citations and two references.

Thank you,

Course: Journalism and Global Media Coverage

*Research Paper:
All sources should be cited and a full bibliography should be included.


*Questions to think about in Research Paper*:

1.Do traditions and culture affect public opinion?

2.Is there truth behind the media?

3.Do language barriers between victims and journalist/correspondents affect story?
(Are journalists truly understanding/being told the real story?)

4.Do Tradition and Culture Barriers affect coverage?

5.Does one-sidedness play a role in the Coverage of Islamic Media?

6.Do new agencies report stories differently due to lack of knowledge/misunderstanding concerning culture and traditions?

**More Ideas/Notes for Paper:

*Coverage of Islam:
- Image of disorder
- Never peace in sight (Suicide Bombings)
- Violence (No smiles within coverage)
- Religion (Extremes, 3 opposing religions in socitey)

*Stars within Islamic Media:
- Saddam Hussein
- Bin Laden

*News Agencies
- Al-Jazeera (Bin Laden)

* 3 Dominate Religions and how they are portrayed in Media (Causes of Conflict)
- Judaism, Muslim, Christianity


Israel/Palestine Conflict
1. Is their disproportionate coverage?
-Geographic Role: Small Region
2.On the brink of constant conflict
3.Religion (3 dominant religions)

Isreal/Gaza Conflict

Iran/Iraq Bombings

Conflicts over Natural Resources and are stories one sided in the media

Main thing to remember:

focus on environmental problem reducing solid waste that formulates a mitigation plan. Give detailed descripition of the problem, nonliving and living factors that contribute to or are affected by the problem, Give positive or negative human impacts,evaluation of current sustainablility stragegies and solutions, your plan to reach sustainablity, benefits and challeges of your plan, and required government,societal, and global support.

Marshall Plan and the Post

I would like to request Tsiyasse again.

This research paper will discuss the economics of the Marshall Plan. After WWII and with the start of the Cold War, the United States took a lead role in the reconstruction of Europe. Discuss the pros and cons of The Marshall Plan on the economics of Europe after WW11. The Marshall Plan has been discussed in both positive and negative lights and this paper will discuss these and what this means in the Post Cold War, post 9/11 Global War on Terrorism World.

Ski, Surf, Skate) Is a

Remember that your assignment is to deliver your BAFO (Best and Final Offer) to S (i will attach a document regarding this fictitious company)on the application that you believe will best help the firm achieve one or more of its strategic goals.

Must refer to the SDLC process and especially the focus on Supply Chain and on Customer Relationship Management.

You and your team must think out, deeply research, develop, and deliver a well thought out systems development plan that defines the problem area, proposes an application development approach, considers the technological, management, financial and operational costs/changes, and considers the metrics for measuring success.

I have decided to make this as diverse and real a competition as possible so I have assigned the following application areas to each team:


Team3 Global E-Commerce

Each presentation must consider several common themes:

A) Data Warehousing and Mining

B) A detailed financial analysis and explanation of the anticipated ROI

This paper is the continuation of the first paper on Fidelity Investments and serves as the HR recommendation based on the prior research. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Below is... a description of the paper.

This final assignment serves to draw upon the cumulative knowledge gained from your course of study in HR and this capstone class. The final paper is a demonstration of your knowledge gained, your ability to think critically, to conduct research, synthesize information, write effectively and apply your knowledge. While some structure is provided, each student may be creative and innovative in the recommendations for the organization as long as scholarly justification is supplied (along with the appropriately APA cited scholarly literature).

After learning the way in which an organization can transform its HR function, you will develop a comprehensive, integrated HR transformation strategy encompassing any needed specific area(s) of the HR function (such as planning, staffing, training and development, performance management, total rewards, health and safety, and employee/labor relations policies and procedures, realignment or restructuring of the function, additional roles for HR, outsourcing) in support of organizational strategic plans and objectives. Keep in mind the work you performed in your first paper and draw upon the challenges and influences of the organization discovered in your interview and research. You will design and justify a revised so that statement (the mission statement for the HR function). The four phases of transformation should be included: business context, outcomes, HR redesign, and accountability. A timeline should be included for the transformation, as well as metrics to evaluate the success of the transformation. You will present your paper using appropriate headings, using in-text citations, 11 or 12 point font, double spaced, APA format, title page and reference page. Scholarly resources are expected of at least six but more may be needed to justify your recommendations. While no page minimum or maximum is designated, it is expected at least ten pages with appropriate attachments will be needed to present the required content and demonstrate your knowledge.

Request a Generic term paper on the SAP's External Financial Reporting

-History of SAP
- Company overview
- Global Market Overview
- Services they provide
- Technologies and future products
- Customers they support
External Financial Reporting procedures and process

No academic references from Wikipedia, investopedia or similar sources

in this assignemnt assume you are a savvy financial analyst researching companies in which to invest. Select a U.S. publically-traded company you think might be a good investment and perform a financ...ial analysis. Your analysis should include the following:
* Company Overview, Conduct research and describe the company, its operations, locations, markets, and lines of business. Collect financial statements for the past three (3) years, fiscal or calendar (please insert these in the appendix). These financial statements must include ast least the income statement and the balance sheet.
* Evaluate the company's vulnerability to current financial threats such as a recession, higher interest rates, and global competition.
* Financial Performance, Based on the financial trends of the company, predict how these trends will impact financial performance in future periods. Explain your rationale for this prediction.
* Stock Price Analysis. Given the performance of the stock in the periods presented on the company's financial statements, discuss how the stock is likely to perform in the future, what type of investor would be drawn to this stock, and make a recommendation to management to improve stock performance.

Submit your analysis in the form of a 6-8 page paper in which you:
1. provide a detailed overview of a U.S. publicly traded dompany. This shoud be one or two (1-2) pages.

2. Evaluate the company's vulnerablity to current financial threats such as a recession, higher interest rates, and global competition.

3. Based on the financial trends of the company, [redict how these trends will impact finacial performance in future periods. Explain your rationale for this prediction.

4. Cite at least five (5) quality references.

3 Pages

Wal-Mart Porters Wal-Mart Strategic Management Wal-Mart Mission

Words: 827
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I would like baldwinmba for this order. Module 4 ? SLP--Strategic Management: Strategic Choices Making Strategic Choices * Wal-Mart Strategic choice is at the centre of strategy formulation and it helps…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Procurement Contract and Procurement the Supply Chain

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

References within the paper: (For example: Kerzner (2010, p.465) is resolute in stating that there is a relationship between project management and Six Sigma.) List of references at the end…

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60 Pages

Offshore Financial Centres and Their

Words: 22477
Length: 60 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a MBA dissertation and should be given to at least MSc level (preferably MBA or doctoral level) writer with excellent English writing skills. The topic is: "A Comprehensive…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Mozambique Faces the Significant Problem

Words: 2571
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This research paper is really an exercise in producing a feasibility study/Business Plan. There must be an Abstract page included in the document The idea is to choose a…

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4 Pages

Auto Industry Competitive Environment and Government Policies

Words: 1165
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Management has recognized the effect of changes in the real-world competitive environment and government policies on other industries and anticipates similar events occurring in their industry, so they ask…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

External Environment Facing Toyota, the Global Car

Words: 1823
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

TOYOTA cars company You are required to examine the external environment of TOYOTA you have selected and discuss how this impacts on the internal organisational strategy (structures and management). Task…

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7 Pages

International Management in This Course,

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Please answer all of the questions. Based on the textbook International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. Questions 1. In this course, we base our study of international management on a contingency framework.…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Cooperative Strategy

Words: 2884
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cooperative Strategy TMA Question What are the criteria for successful Alliances in Emerging Country Economies? Your answer must demonstrate an understanding of the term alliances from different perspectives and the importance of…

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2 Pages

Water Sustainability

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Research methodology can help to define the activities of research, how to proceed with the research, how to measure progress and how to determine success. This week you explored…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Gas Prices High Gas Prices

Words: 1878
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper should contain managerial economic analysis to enable a global company manager use this information to make business decisions. Some of the following managerial economics topics should be…

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7 Pages

Financial Analysis Mcdonald's Like Many

Words: 2973
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Continue your business analysis of McDonalds. I will supply Part one. Write a paper 0f 2,100 words in which you research the companys business environment. Review the companys…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

International Marketing

Words: 2113
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

EXAM QUESTIONS 1.Discuss the similarities and differences of domestic marketing, international marketing and global marketing 2.Identify and discuss some of the unique strategies used successful multinational corporations in the international marketing…

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11 Pages

Internet Media and Its Impact on Shaping

Words: 3220
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a report about ?Internet Media and Its Impact on Shaping the Global Economy? use the direction below:- a)Introduction: Why the trend(internet) is unique/important for global business/Economy. b)Background: Information supporting the…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

International Financial Institutions on Public

Words: 1560
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

TITLE- Impact of international financial institutions on public health in developing countries (this is a critical analysis) THIS ASSIGNMENT AIMS TO TEST YOUR ABILITY TO: o assimilate relevant information from a variety…

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10 Pages

Country Leave the EU or

Words: 2858
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This module is assessed on the basis of a single piece of coursework. For this assessment you are required to write a 3000 word policy paper to a…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Future Trends for Civil Aviation the Importance

Words: 2282
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

You are required to submit a portfolio (maximum 2,500 words) in Verdana 11 point which addresses the brief below. Your portfolio should: 1. Explore the extent of internationalisation in both global retailing…

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4 Pages

Business Environment Is Mainly Characterized by Various

Words: 1304
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you: 1.Describe the role of business in the economy.. 2.Compare and contrast the roles of for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the economy..…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

U.S. Cuba Culture Cultural Differences Between the

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Requesting writer that is familiar and comfortable with: Global Warming Issues FILES HAVE BEEN UPLOADED WITH MY NOTES Global Warming Essay must address the following points: What is global warming? Describe how…

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4 Pages

Islam in the Media Traditionally,

Words: 1457
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Course: Journalism and Global Media Coverage *Research Paper: All sources should be cited and a full bibliography should be included. ***Topic: ISLAM TRADITIONS AND CULTURE WITHIN THE MEDIA/GLOBAL MEDIA *Questions to think…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Terrestrial Resources at a Global

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

focus on environmental problem reducing solid waste that formulates a mitigation plan. Give detailed descripition of the problem, nonliving and living factors that contribute to or are affected by…

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20 Pages

Marshall Plan and the Post

Words: 6775
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

I would like to request Tsiyasse again. This research paper will discuss the economics of the Marshall Plan. After WWII and with the start of the Cold War, the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Ski, Surf, Skate) Is a

Words: 1282
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Remember that your assignment is to deliver your BAFO (Best and Final Offer) to S (i will attach a document regarding this fictitious company)on the application that you believe…

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10 Pages

Fidelity Investments Human Resources

Words: 3039
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper is the continuation of the first paper on Fidelity Investments and serves as the HR recommendation based on the prior research. Please contact me with any…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

SAP External Financial Reporting

Words: 2290
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Request a Generic term paper on the SAP's External Financial Reporting -History of SAP - Company overview - Global Market Overview - Services…

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6 Pages

Kinder Morgan the Enclosed Project Contains a

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

in this assignemnt assume you are a savvy financial analyst researching companies in which to invest. Select a U.S. publically-traded company you think might be a good investment…

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