25+ documents containing “Global Organization”.
Global Organization Analysis Resource: WTO website
Write a 900- to 1,050-word analysis of the WTO. In your analysis, include the following:
Explain its role in promoting international trade.
Cite at least one recent example reflecting the organizations involvement in promoting international trade.
Compare and contrast the role of the WTO with that of a regional organization, such as the Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, Latin American Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Use the WTO website, http://www.wto.org, as a reference.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Assessment Description: Select a global organization. Summarize the historical origin of the organization with special emphasis on the character traits of the leaders(s) during the formative years. What aspects of the leaders' traits intrigue you? Compare the approach of current leaders of the organization to those of the founding leaders? How has the organization evolved over the years? What problems can you foresee in the future and what recommendations would you make for solving them? 1400-1700 Word APA formatted paper. A minimum of 3 sources should be cited.
Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization?s interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization must deal with as result of being a global organization.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the results of the analysis. Include the following:
? Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization.
? Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in the global organization.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
1) Overview
Write a scholarly paper addressing one or more of the topic areas presented in the course. The paper is expected to contain a comprehensive discussion of the topic.
Suggestion...s for possible paper topics:
Analyze the influence of a course topic, such as knowledge management, Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), or Internet technologies, on human resource management (HRM) practices in the global business environment.
Analyze theoretical perspectives of knowledge management and synthesize them into a model for using knowledge management practices within HRM functions.
Evaluate the use of Internet technologies in staffing within global organizations and develop new strategies and methods of increasing their effectiveness.
Please consult with the instructor to discuss additional topics.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
Analyze the principles and practices of knowledge management.
Evaluate knowledge management's role in creating organizational competitive advantage.
Analyze the strategic role and capabilities of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS).
Evaluate the influence of Internet technologies on human resource management (HRM) functions.
Analyze the relationships between Internet technologies and the role of human resource management (HRM) in organizations.
Evaluate the influence of knowledge management, human resource information systems, and Internet technologies on human resource management (HRM) leadership.
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Your paper will include the following components:
Theoretical background.
An analysis of the issues in the chosen organization.
The recommended course of action, including supporting argument, strengths, and weaknesses of the recommendations.
The paper should be 15 pages of double spaced text and formatted in accordance with the APA manual (5th edition). The following deliverables will be due throughout the course:
********************************************************************************************************I2) Intent Statement?A one-page document stating the intent of your course paper. Include the following:
Proposed Title?What is the proposed title of the paper?
Overview Paragraph?An overview of the topic, for example, "This paper focuses on the use of knowledge management best practices by human resource professionals in Fortune 500 petroleum companies."
Intent Statement?What do you intend to do in the paper? One example: "Analyze current technology methods for identifying, capturing, and deploying knowledge enterprise-wide and evaluate the impact of knowledge deployment on the role of human recourse management professionals as business partnership technology leadership in the executive ranks."
Paper Deliverables?Do you intend to include materials that can enhance the presentation of the paper? Examples might include graphs, Web sites, and recommended readings.
Prepare your Paper Intent Statement?A one-page document stating the intent of your course paper.
3) Annotated Bibliography?An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents.
Each citation is followed by the annotation, a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, usually about 150 words.
The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
A minimum of 20 references is required. more
Ethical Perspectives
ETH/316 Version 2
Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization?s interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization must deal with as result of being a global organization.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper.
Include the following:
? Summarize briefly the organization?s background/history.
? Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization.
? Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in the global organization.
? Identify yourself in an imaginary position abroad and explain how you would handle ethically a specific example of the cultural issue.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
As a consultant to a leader in a United States corporation, you have been hired to lead a diverse team in the development of a global organization. The organization in plantin...g business operations in Greece, Singapore, Germany, and Iran and will be hiring employees from these diverse nations to work along with staff from the United States. In this assignment, address the role of inclusive leadership in strengthening the organizational culture among this diverse global group of employees.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
? Use APA style for writing assignment.
? This assignment requires that at least four (4) scholarly/empirical research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
? This assignment uses a resource document, "GLOBE Assignment Data." Download the document and use it as a tool to complete the assignment.
? This book can be referenced if available: Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies and the attached article below.
Write a paper of 1,100 words that discusses the role of inclusive leadership in strengthening the organizational culture among the diverse global group of employees described above. Include the following in the paper:
1. Introduction
2. An overview of the traits of inclusive leadership.
3. An analysis of the key leadership skills required to create an inclusive organizational culture.
4. A review of the leadership characteristics that will be most influential in creating the organizational culture of this group.
5. A discussion of how inclusive leadership can be applied to this group in order to meet the challenges and opportunities inherent in a global environment.
6. Conclusion more
Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization's interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization must deal with as a result of being a global organization.
Organization: KFC, Nike, or McDonalds (any one)
Include an Introduction to explain which topic you have selected and why this HR topic is important to contemporary US and/or global organizations. My company is adopting a new performance mana...gement process and I would like to become more of an academic in this area and feel this research paper will help me achieve that.
Here are the questions I will attempt to answer in my research:
What are the best methods for conducting evaluations and 360 degree feedback?
How do organizations create goals that align with employee goals?
What compensations strategies are there to drive the right behaviors?
How do you build actionable development plans as a manager and as an employee?
I used this article to come up with my questions: www.hrmguide.com/performance/5-tasks.htm
5 Important Performance Management Tasks That Often Are Forgotten
By Sean Conrad
June 17 2010 - Performance management should be much more than a process for documenting and delivering feedback, coaching and ratings. When expanded beyond these basics, it becomes a powerful tool for helping your employees develop and achieve their full potential, and for driving employee engagement. Here are 5 additional performance management tasks that should be a standard part of your performance management process:
1. Get Employees to Complete Self-Assessments
To drive up employee engagement in your performance appraisal process, and ensure an effective dialogue between managers and employees, it's important to include employee self-assessments as part of your process. You can use the same form you do for your regular performance appraisals, or create a slightly modified version. The purpose of the self-assessment is to get your employees' perspective on their performance. This is a powerful way to give them a voice in the process. Sometimes, managers worry about the value of self-assessment, thinking that employees will simply give themselves glowing reviews and ratings to try to drive up their actual ratings. Experience shows the opposite tends to be true; when we evaluate ourselves, we tend to be much harsher than others. Getting your employees' perspective is an invaluable way to get more information on their performance. It also helps managers be ready to address differences in opinion or perspective, and gain insight into expectations.
2. Gather 360 Degree Feedback
Let's face it, managers rarely have the full perspective on their employees' performance. 360 degree feedback can help managers avoid bias, get a different perspective on their employees' performance and better identify areas that need coaching or development. And employees often discount negative feedback as "just your opinion". Substantiating feedback by gathering if from multiple, credible sources can make it more objective and increase its impact. You can collect feedback from other managers, peers, subordinates, even customers - anyone who works with the employee on a regular basis and can give you insight into their performance. 360 degree feedback can be especially vital when there is conflict or tension between the manager and employee, when different personality types make the feedback process difficult, or when managers don't work directly with their employees (shift work, project work, etc.).
3. Align Employee Goals with Organizational Goals
We all know the importance of creating SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals for our employees. Part of what makes a goal relevant is its context. By aligning and even linking employee goals with higher level organizational goals, you give employees this all important "larger context" for their work. This helps employees understand why their work is important and how it contributes to the larger organization's success. While traditionally, managers have tried to accomplish this by linking employee goals to their own, a much more powerful practice is to align or link them to higher-level departmental, divisional, or organizational goals. Research on employee engagement has shown that this context setting is vital to employee performance. It helps them feel that their work matters.
4. Create Development Plans for Employees
Development planning is most powerful when it's an integral part of the performance management process, not a separate activity. The performance appraisal meeting is usually the principal time when managers and employees discuss performance deficiencies and career aspirations. Identifying learning activities to address any deficiencies during the appraisal meeting, helps to communicate both the manager's and the organization's commitment to the employee, and their expectations for improvement. Exploring opportunities to develop and prepare the employee for advancement gives them a sense that they have a career path or future with an organization. By including development planning in your performance appraisal process, you give employees a context for their learning and help increase employee engagement.
5. Reward Good Performance
Finally, it's important to reward and reinforce good performance. Performance ratings should be a known and visible factor in determining employee rewards and compensation. Integrating your performance management process with your compensation management process lets employees know that compensation practices are fair and based on their performance. This integration applies to more than just merit increases and bonuses; all forms of employee reward or recognition should be linked to employee performance and serve to reinforce desired behavior and performance.
Trying to stay current I found this article recently published on CNN Money's website. Please use this in my research.
Glickman, Jodi. (2011, July 18th). How to Avoid Pacifying Performance Reviews. Retrieved from http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2011/07/18/how-to-avoid-pacifying-performance-reviews/?section=money_pf
There are faxes for this order. more
To clarify the above title it stands for Information Technology (IT) and Knowledge Management (KM). For this module's case study assignment please read the article below on the importance of KM softw...are. Then answer the following question in a three to four page paper.
Tapping knowledge
InfoWorld; Framingham; Oct 15, 2001; Cathleen Moore;
A company's greatest asset is its employees, but tapping their store of knowledge can present a challenge to large, geographically dispersed enterprises. Aware that its success hinges largely on the knowledge locked in the minds of its nearly 110,000 employees around the world, consumer-products giant Procter & Gamble turned to knowledge-sharing software to transform departmental experts into tangible information resources for the whole company. From improving the blend of ingredients in toothpaste to manufacturing diapers, P&G; & G's scientists and researchers depend on information exchange among workers in multiple, distributed departments to develop and market about 300 of the world's most recognizable brands of products.
Full Text:
Copyright InfoWorld Publications, Inc. Oct 15, 2001
A COMPANY'S GREATEST asset is its employees, but tapping their store of knowledge can present a challenge to large, geographically dispersed enterprises. Aware that its success hinges largely on the knowledge locked in the minds of its nearly 110,000 employees around the world, consumer-products giant Proctor & Gamble turned to knowledge-sharing software to transform departmental experts into tangible information resources for the whole company.
From improving the blend of ingredients in toothpaste to manufacturing diapers, P&G's scientists and researchers depend on information exchange among workers in multiple, distributed departments to develop and market about 300 of the world's most recognizable brands of products.
Four years ago P&G established an employee portal to facilitate collaboration among workers involved in product development. Dubbed Innovation Net, the portal is used by about 18,000 workers around the world in the areas of R&D, engineering, purchasing, and marketing, said Mike Telljohann, associate director at P&G's technical center in Cincinnati.
The portal was successful in providing workers with browser-based access to published information such as documents, reports, and data from a variety of disparate sources. But the intranet was limited because it could not extract one of the company's most valued resources: employee knowledge.
"[Innovation Net] was doing a good job connecting people to knowledge that is documented and articulated, but not as good a job in connecting them to experts," Telljo- hann says. "Because we are a global company, people are building products all over the world. People often didn't know where to go with questions or issues. They suspected, given the size of the company, that there was more out there that they just didn't get to leverage," he says.
This feedback prompted P&G to seek out tools for tapping the knowledge of its many experts. Enter AskMe Enterprise knowledge-sharing software, which P&G deployed on a trial basis earlier this year to about 1,000 Innovation Net users.
AskMe Enterprise is designed to be integrated into corporate intranets and portals to add qualified experts to the pool of information resources. Based on how much particular workers are involved in certain subjects, the system forms a directory listing of individuals noted as subject-matter experts who can be called upon to lend advice or collaboration for problem solving and product development.
What attracted Telljohann to Bellevue, Wash.-based AskMe, apart from the software's scalability - a key issue for P&G's large number of employees and locations - was the software's method of rewarding workers most active in their field with distinguished rankings.
"We found that the way the experts were highlighted within the project was an implicit reward system. It made experts want to participate," he says. "The more active you are in a particular area, AskMe highlights you as a featured expert. People in the innovation area enjoy being seen as an expert. I think it gives a lot of personal satisfaction."
The technology deployment went off without a hitch, but Telljohann says one of the biggest challenges was integrating the system into the day-to-day business process of workers.
"People are very busy. Anything new tends to be seen on the surface as a distraction. Getting people to listen as to why this is valuable is a bit of a struggle," he says.
Telljohann says he and his team spent a lot of time on marketing, conversations, and meetings to evangelize as to how the product could help workers. The tangible ROI results of the pilot deployment were enough to persuade management to invest in a larger rollout to all 18,000 Innovation Net users, which P&G is in the process of completing.
"The quality of conversations going on was very high and could be tied to people moving projects forward. It was clear this would be a pretty good investment," he says.
Another benefit that users appreciated was the efficiency that resulted from establishing a single knowledge base in the company.
"Experts see great value in being able to see a question once and refer repeat questions to those answers," Telljohann says. Users liked the ease with which they could locate experts
and the fact that the system was integrated with e-mail so questions or feedback could be sent immediately. The software gave P&G employees a place to go to ask questions and to share their knowledge.
"I think the experts feel like they can make more of an impact. They typically have close circles they share experiences and knowledge with; this broadens their ability to share what they know, and the people with questions have a place to go."
What specific benefit does KM software add to a global organization? more
Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization?s interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization must deal with as result of being a global organization.
Write a 600- to 1,050-word paper summarizing the results of the analysis. Include the following:
? Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization.
? Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in the global organization.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Option 1: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization?s interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization must deal with as result of being a global organization.
Write a 700 - to 1,050-word paper summarizing the results of the analysis. Include the following:
? Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization.
? Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in the global organization.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
IBM hiring untouchables or Dalits in India.
Define the cultural issue within IBM. Analyze the ethical and social responsibility issues that IBM must deal with as a result of being a global organization. Identify ethical perspectives in the IBM. Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in IBM.
Include introduction and conclusion.
Instructions are below:
Research Paper Outline
1. Cover page
2. Table of Contents
A. The Age of Thought Leadership
B. Thought Leadership in a Virtual Worl...d
C. Elements of a Thought Leadership Program
D. Media Strategies
E. The Internet
F. Speaking
G. Publish Valuable Content
H. Thought Leadership Starts at the Top
3. Problem statement-research issue: (?) Thought Leadership Marketing is increasingly necessary for success in any field, but cultivating it in the marketing world represents a special challenge. Thought Leadership Marketing meets that challenge with tools and techniques for breaking through the cacophony of marketing noise.
4. Introduction to the paper
5. Body of the paper
A. It is expected that the body of the paper will make use of HEADERS and consistently use paragraphs that are readable. The body/content of the paper must be at least 10 pages in length. Headers alert the reader to the subject of the following paragraphs. Headers roughly correspond to the outline provided in the Table of Contents. All citations must be in the APA style format. (Particular attention should be paid to providing citations where you paraphrase the ideas of the source authors.)
B. Paragraphs generally contain only one idea most often in the first sentence in the paragraph. The sentences that follow should support/explain the topic sentence
C. A sentence should not exceed three typed lines.
D. A paragraph should contain from three to six sentences.
6. There should be a Summary or Conclusions that provides closure to the paper.
7. There must be a BIBLIOGRAPHY. These are the sources that were cited in writing the paper. (APA FORMAT REQUIRED)
8. There must be a Related Resources. This is a list of sources the student consulted in used in doing the research but did not quote/cite in the term paper. (APA FORMAT REQUIRED)
9. Mechanical issues.
A. The paper CONTENT/BODY must be a minimum of ten pages of CONTENT. (Expected range of the completed document is 15 pages if you count the Cover Page/Table of Contents, Problem/Research statement/Body/ Summary/Bibliography/References)
B. The paper must contain the proper citations throughout the paper (as a rule of thumb 3 cites per page)
C. The paper must be word processed, grammar/spell checked and PROOF READ.
D. The margins should be a minimum of 1 inch.
E. The font must be 10 or 12 pica and must be a standard font such as NEW TIMES ROMAN (the font being used here).
6. Conclusion
Below is an article that I based my term paper on, I need help in doing my term paper on this topic.
Thought Leadership Marketing
BY: Steven Van Yoder, POSTED: September 28, 2007
When David Silverstein launched Breakthrough Management Group (BMG) in 2001, he sought ways to establish BMG as business performance improvement specialists in the financial services, healthcare, and manufacturing industries. Knowing that advertising was not a viable strategy, he embraced thought leadership marketing to establish BMG in key target markets.
Silverstein spoke at industry conferences and commented on industry trends in his Leadership and Business blog. He coauthored INsourcing Innovation, a book that articulates BMGs approach to developing core business competencies that drive innovation. He offered his expertise to the media, helping BMG garner coverage in over 100 publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Business Finance magazine, and Investors Business Daily. He also appeared on CNN's Squeeze Play.
In roughly five years, thought leadership took BMG from an unknown startup to a global organization with eleven offices on five continents. Our reputation as a thought leader helped us expand into core markets, including Asia and Latin America, where credibility and name recognition go a long way, says Silverstein. Our reputation now helps our sales team get their foot in the door in key markets.
The Age of Thought Leadership
Marketing used to be about getting in front of prospects, delivering your pitch and making the sale. Today, the Internet has permanently changed the way people and companies find and evaluate products and services. Consumers now find companies through their own efforts, often through a search engine.
Moreover, buyers increasingly distrust marketing claims and expect businesses to show, not tell, when demonstrating their products and services. They shun self-serving salespeople and seek businesses that focus on making a difference, not getting a sale.
Thought leadership centers on earning trust and credibility. Thought leaders get noticed by offering something differentinformation, insights, and ideas, for instance. Thought leadership positions you and your company as an industry authority and resource and trusted advisor by establishing your reputation as a generous contributor to your industry.
Thought Leadership in a Virtual World
The Internet has permanently transformed marketing. Regardless of your companys size or industry, people expect to find basic information about your company at the click of a mouse. The Internet empowers prospects that now expect easy access to information about your products and services.
Prospects often form a Virtual First Impression of your company in an Internet browser. They expect your company to be findable on the Web, and demonstrate a credible record of results. If you appear lackluster compared to your competitors, you lose potential clients or customers and risk becoming obsolete.
To make the Internet an effective part of your thought leadership strategy, you must focus on showing your value, demonstrating your worth, and making a difference. Your website should provide fresh, educational content that helps prospects see your business as a solution.
Elements of a Thought Leadership Program
Thought leadership centers on sharing your knowledge and giving your expertise generously and frequently in a variety of formats.
Thought leaders position themselves as centers of influence who are always "present" within their target markets. Seek opportunities to be seen, read, and heard on a regular basis by the people who matter most to your company.
Media Strategies
The public values the media, and so should you. In one way or another, the media reach and influence everyone with a direct impact on your business. As a thought leader, your should establish relationships with editors and publications in the trade, and in local, national, and international media to enhance your credibility, build your brand, and reach far more prospects than you could in person.
The Internet
Share your knowledge by creating and distributing content online contributes incrementally to growing your business brand. As the Internet evolves to an interactive online community, new technologies collectively labeled Web 2.0 enable people to collaborate, co-create, and share information online rather than simply peruse information.
Syndicate articles on web sites that reach your marketplace. Embrace blogs, podcasts, social networking websites, social bookmarking websites, and online communities as virtual platforms to demonstrate your expertise and engage in two-way dialogue with your prospects.
Speaking can be the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to establish yourself as a thought leader, and it gives you tremendous credibility that increases over time.
Identify trade shows, associations and conferences that customers and industry influencers are attending, and get on their panels or lead workshops. You dont have to be personally present to give a talk that reaches your target market. Online chats and teleconferences, using your own or others Websites or telephone lines, can help you reach a lot of people eager to hear your message.
Publish Valuable Content
Thought leaders create and distribute information, such as white papers, books and reports, that educate their target market about issues related to their business.
White papers can be easily created in Adobe pdf format nd offered from your own or others web sites. When done correctly, a white paper is a powerful vehicle for a thought leadership marketing strategy that attracts prospects via search engines and other online channels.
Thought Leadership Starts at the Top
Regardless of a companys size or industry, thought leadership always starts at the top. When you are deemed a thought leader, it is a broad acknowledgment that your company, in a real, authentic sense, leads the thinking in your industry. Thought leadership is most effective when led by a companys top management, who develop and express new ideas that keep a company at the forefront of change. more
Dear sir,
Please write me an example essay on the below topic.
Business Operations in Your Organization: Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage.
Present a case fo...r how business operations in your chosen organization of choice,can be managed to achieve competitive advantage.
1) The company you have chosen to examine and an explanation for your choice.
2) To what extent does demand management as practiced in your organization support the view that, "An integral part of any demand management process is an implementation of an iterative process of sales forecasting and planning"? (Mentzer, Myers, & Stank, 2007)
How far does consideration of demand forecasting as practiced in your organization lead you to agree with the conclusion that, "true analysis of sales forecasting management often produces the conclusion that the benefit of improved accuracy is not worth the cost"? (Mentzer et al., 2007).
3) How critical is technology to any strategy for business process integration in a global organization?
What are the problems facing a traditional asset-driven supply chain planning to convert to becoming a customer-driven value chain?
Is business process integration feasible and, if so, what lessons can be learned from the case study that would be applicable to any organization planning a strategy of business process integration? more
Based on the literature, what strategies do effective leaders use to build relationships? How do these strategies impact an organization?s success?
How is relationship building accomplished in a global organization? What are the unique challenges?
Of the strategies you identified, which do you employ in building relationships? Cite specific examples and their outcomes.
Hello, my name is Ji-Hoon Hong and I ordered my personal paper several days ago and you sent me an e-mail that with my request, I need to reorder my personal statement with ordering under "custom rese...arch order form." (And I also paid $26.99 last time.)
Anyway, I will submit my information again this time.
Following is my personal resume and I think it will be pretty helpful to write my personal statement.
Ji-Hoon Hong
School of Public Policy
24255 Pacific Coast Highway,
Malibu, California 90263-7490
E-mail: Ji-Hoon.Hong@pepperdine.edu
Master of Public Policy
Expected Graduation Date: Aug 2004.
Concentration: Dual specialization in International Relations & Economics
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations May 2000.
Concentration: Asian Politics.
Minor: East Asian Languages & Cultures
Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts June 1998
With Dean??s Honor
May 2003?? July 2003
MBN-- Maeil Business TV News Seoul, Korea
Newsroom / Summer Internship
•Assisted other reporters to create reports.
•Assisted other reporters to conduct interviews.
•Read number of daily economic newspapers and created summaries.
•Analyzed the U.S stock market and created daily reports.
•Joined special research team and conducted a research titled, ??SARS- Influence on the Asian Economy.??
May 2000 ?? August 2001
HIMC--Hyundai Investment Trust Management CO.,LTD. Seoul, Korea
Product Development Team
•Assisted other staffs?? clerical works.
•Analyzed other companies?? fund products and created reports.
•Created the prospectus?? profiles for fund products.
•Analyzed Asian Stock Market and created monthly financial information packets.
January 2000 ?? May 2000
University of Southern California Korean Literature in English Translation Los Angeles, CA
Teaching Assistant
•Graded students?? assignments.
•Assisted professor with class assignments.
•Created lesson plans for Class
•Assisted students to complete their class works.
November 1994 ?? July 1995
Seoul Language Institution. Seoul, Korea
Teaching Assistant / Supervisor
•Assisted instructors with students.
•Supervised twenty students and created lectures for TOEFL classes.
•Organized lessons for instructors.
•Assisted students to complete their class works.
•Fluent in two languages: English and Korean
•Intermediate fluency in Japanese
•Ability to read and write Chinese.
•PC??s and Macintosh, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail.
•Member of HFHK (Habitat For Humanity Korea)
•Member of TIRP (Teaching International Relationship Program)--University of Southern California
•Member of KBSO (Korean Business Students Organization)--University of Southern California (1998??2000)
•Director of KISA (Korean International Students Association)--University of Southern California (1998~1999)
•Member of Honor Society, Alpha Mu Gamma--Santa Monica College (in Japanese)
In addition to my resume, I also have a personal statement that I used for law school admission for 4 years ago.
Here is my personal statement:
H.L.Hunt once said, ??Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.?? It was these same words that led me to the United States. I immigrated to the United
States when I was seventeen from Seoul, Korea with a keen interest in bettering myself, and in an effort to observe, study and learn the tenets that govern US society and the global economy. I came to America because I wanted exposure to a new society, I was eager to develop an understanding of the intricacies, which dictate Western society, and knew that the only way to do so was to immerse myself in that culture. In doing so, I opened up the gateways to a long and enlightening educational career path, of which Law
School is the next successive step.
The transition from Korean society to American was not an easy one. When living in Korea, I never had to explain my culture, tradition, my values or myself. However in America I felt a constant need to explain myself to my
American peers. I had the good fortune to be raised in a prominent family of medical professionals in Korea. Through our social status I enjoyed a very comfortable lifestyle, one that afforded me an opportunity to
further my studies in the United States. I feel a sense of obligation and desire to reciprocate that opportunity to the benefit of the Korean community.
In a manner of speaking, I want to change the world, my world, and I feel that I have the necessary motivation to do so successfully, now I just have to obtain the educational background that will facilitate the implementation of my plan. Throughout my undergraduate education at the University of Southern California, I was an active participant in Habitat for Humanity
(HFH), a global organization that sends volunteers to impoverished global communities to build homes. I participated in Habitat for Humanity Korea. My volunteer post was a truly humbling experience for me, as it
immersed me in the reality of other people??s lives. There were no frivolous comforts; life for the beneficiaries of HFH was simply about survival. This
experience truly influenced my decision to concentrate my studies on International Relations and to strive to achieve the power to yield positive change in Korean Society. By studying Law in the United States I hope to become
an active participant in the dialogue of international
politics and relations on the human relief sector, and to be an instrumental contributor to the edification of Korea as a nation.
The Law represents so much more than just a social construction born out of necessity to me, it is a solution to injustice. I know that being able to study the Law in the United States, I would learn so much more about what I
feel must be learned first hand about freedom and democracy in order for me to successfully transplant these ideas on an international continuum.
I am well aware of the difficult nature of the task I have set for myself, but I feel myself to be capable of success in this arena. My upbringing has facilitated my fluency in four languages: Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese. I am very able to assimilate quickly into new
cultures and ways of life. I feel that these attributes will help me greatly in adapting to the life of a Law student, and later on as an attorney practicing International Law, and ultimately in realizing my final goal of representing Korea as a United Nations attorney. I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the Law so that I can put that same knowledge into action and begin to effect universal positive change.
Above essay was written by myself for four years ago and since that period of time, I decided to study master program in public policy rather than just go straight to law school and study law. The field that I studied for last 2years, the Public Policy Analysis is very closely related with law and I had taken number of classes at Pepperdine Univ, which were directly related with law study.
One class that i had taken at the school was titled "Legal Frame Work," and while I was taking this class I read great number of case studies and could get brief understand what the law is. In addition to this class, I also took a class titled "Roots of American Order," and during the time when I took that class, Professor had not only asked the class to read whole Federalists Papers but also ask to memorize the whole U.S. Constitution.
With 2 year academic experiences in Pepperdine University, I feel much more confident about myself than 4years ago, when I first applied for the law schools. more
Create a total rewards model, and apply this model to a chosen organization. Both monetary and non-monetary rewards should be considered as well as the specific outcomes, such as individual motivation, performance, and engagement.
Develop a project draft that summarizes key findings from the research to synthesize the Total Rewards in the Global Workplace. Include how your topic fits into the concept of total rewards and how it might affect rewards models discussed in current research.
Assess the utility of total rewards programs by creating a total rewards model and applying this model to a typical organization.
Must consider both monetary and non-monetary rewards as well as the specific outcomes of these rewards, such as individual motivation, performance, and engagement.
Using a extrinsic (non-monetary reward) to summarize in a three page report, key sub-findings from the research to include
Analysis of total reward programs
Organizational performance relating to total rewards
Determining the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity.
Examining the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth
Evaluating the strategic role of total rewards programs in global organizations
I would like to use
Case Study:
Your analysis should demonstrate an understanding of the central problem, identify relevant factors contributing to the problem, provide application... of HR theories relevant in the case, and suggest recommendations for problem resolution.
Areas should be concentrated on when writing an analysis of these studies are the following:
Case Studies
1. Defining the central problem: Provide a summary statement to demonstrate an understanding of the problem being presented. Summary statements are typically 4-6 sentences or at least the first paragraph.
2. Identify the relevant factor(s) and explain why they are important to the case: It is not unusual for a case to have several relevant factors that are crucial to identify a course of action. However, it is critical to the analysis that the relevant factors number no more than three and that they represent your choice. Further, it is important to state why you think the factor(s) chosen are important!
3. Conclusion: Identify a course of action you would take to resolve the case problem (problem resolution). Then, be sure to include what you think needs to happen once the action has been taken (steps/procedures necessary to implement the problem resolution). Feel free to support your course of action through personal, vicarious and/or experiences.
4. Graduate Level Writing/Presentation: Is the paper free of spelling, grammar, and word usage errors? Is the paper written with clarity and coherency? Is the paper written in the appropriate APA format and style?
Identifying relevant factors contributing to the problem,
Providing application of HR theories relevant in the case, and Suggesting recommendations for problem resolution.
Please this case study has to be full three pages, not 2 1/2 or 2 3/4 etc.
Key Terms that maybe discuss in Case study but not limited to it:
Human Resource Management, Human Capital, Core Competency, HR Management Roles, Operational and Employee advocate Role, Strategic Role for HR, Off-shoring, In-Shoring, Outsourcing, Workforce Demographics and Diversity, Human resource management system (HRMS), Organization Culture, HR Generalist, HR specialist.
Strategy, Strategic HR Management, Organizational Culture, Productivity, Unit Labor cost, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Multi-national enterprise, Global organization, Importing and Exporting, Culture, Human Resource Planning, forecasting, Succession Planning, HR Metrics, Return on investment, Economic value added, Benchmarking, HR audit.
Psychological contract, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment and Culture, Motivation, Turnover, Churn, Exit Interview, Attitude Survey,
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Protected class, Disparate treatment, Disparate Impact, Business necessity, Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), Burden of proof, Retaliation, Equal employment, Blind to differences, Affirmative action, Pay equity, sexual harassment, Disabled person, Essential job function, Reasonable accommodation, undue hardship, 4/5ths rule, Employment test, validity, reliability, criterion-related validity, content validity, mediation.
There are faxes for this order. more
Pretend that you are a leader in a global organization and have been asked to make a presentation to the Board of Directors about the importance of a diversity-conscious organization. (I will do the slides based on the paper).
Create a paper that discusses the following in detail.
? The characteristics of diversity-conscious leaders
? The differences between individualistic and collectivistic societies when communicating globally, including virtual communication
? How technological changes influence diversity in leadership
? How to improve diversity consciousness within the workplace
Include a list of reference materials used from the text or outside sources.
WRITER ID: obsidiankc
Summary of the analysis of the CEO.
I need the same writer again, now it is going to be a three pages word document base on the same material, but this time I want it to... be written with titles and subtitles with narration because it?s going to be rewritten on PowerPoint to be presented (I think 3 pages word document can give 21-25 PowerPoint slides).
There will be a fourth page to answer these three questions:
1) Hsieh and Zappos only look to hire people who will fit into the company culture. They use 10 core values to help make their decision. Which of the 10 do you feel is most important and what leadership focus, task or relationship, do you believe is reflected and implemented in the culture?
2) What climate is emphasized at Zappo's and how? Based on your experiences with shoe stores (whether online or not) what do you think is important to promote standards of excellence and why?
3) How do you think Hsieh approaches conflict? What is your approach to conflict and why?
Summary of the analysis of the CEO of the selected organization. Include an additional separate page with the reference list (you may use web content but must also find reputable sources such as business, news and research oriented periodicals); Analyzing, and using material from LEAD through the chapters.
Chapter 2
? Chapter 5
? Chapter 7
? Chapter 10
? Chapter 12
Additional advice:
You must also cover chapters 7 and 10 and I also recommend you cover chapter 2.
You now can update the document to show more clear linkages of the material to content from the LEAD textbook. He
re are just a few examples of how to apply more material.
Chapter 2 (traits): ties in with material on integrity and sociability.
Chapter 5 (tasks and relationships): ties in with material on providing structure and creating a positive climate.
Chapter 7 (vision): ties in with material on charisma, values, and change.
Chapter 10 (conflict): ties in with material on communication, cooperation.
Chapter 12 (overcoming obstacles): ties in with material on motivation and building competence, rewarding.
(1) Consistently use terms from the textbook and reference related theories to show clear application.
(2) If you indent the text you do not need an empty line between each paragraph.
(3) Reduce spacing before and after each heading.
(4) Also consult publications that have a basis in research and that review work before it is published e.g., journal of business ethics, academy of management perspectives (formerly the academy of management executive),
Find a few peer reviewed scholarly articles on the organization or the leadership model it employs. E.g.,
Bob Tobin, (2013) "Don't try to change anyone and eight other ways to lead global organizational development", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 27 Iss: 6, pp.10 - 13 - See more at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.fau.edu/journals.htm?issn=1477-7282&volume=27&issue=6&articleid=17099212&show=html#sthash.vDCeKm0P.dpuf
Satinder Dhiman, Joan Marques, (2011) "The role and need of offering workshops and courses on workplace spirituality", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 30 Iss: 9, pp.816 - 835 - See more at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.fau.edu/journals.htm?issn=0262-1711&volume=30&issue=9&articleid=1951120&show=html#sthash.xJ69cJ9K.dpuf
(5) It is important to note whether the company is privately or publicly held and the implications for leadership practice.
(6) Include citations consistently in the text to indicate the source of your statements
Obsidiankc did do a very good job, I hope you will do the same with this one as well.
Thank you. more
Chapter5 Information
Key concepts in the challenges of globalization:
Global economy
International management
Global manager
European Union (...EU)
Political and economic alliance European countries that agreed to support mutual economic growth
Expanding to at 22 member countries with 375 million consumers
The Americas
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Agreement for free flow of goods and services between the Canada, Mexico, and United States
Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) ? Alaska to Chile ? is a possibility
Asia and the Pacific Rim
Economic power of China and Japan
Growth in other Pacific Rim countries
Asian countries represent a third of the global marketplace
Increased attention to stable countries
Beckons international business
South African Development Community (SADC) links 14 countries in trade and economic development
Reasons for engaging in international business:
Market entry strategies involve the sale of goods or services to foreign markets but do not require expensive investments.
Types of market entry strategies:
Global sourcing
Licensing agreement
Direct investment strategies require major capital commitments but create rights of ownership and control over foreign operations.
Types of direct investment strategies:
Joint ventures
Foreign subsidiaries
Criteria for choosing a joint venture partner:
Familiarity with your firm?s major business.
Strong local workforce.
Future expansion possibilities.
Strong local market for partner?s own products.
Good profit potential.
Sound financial standing.
Complications in the global business environment:
Environment is complex, dynamic, and highly competitive.
Global business executives must deal with differences in the environment of business in different countries.
World Trade Organization resolves trade and tariff disputes among countries.
Protectionism can complicate global trading relationships.
A multinational corporation (MNC) is a business with extensive international operations in more than one foreign country.
Mutual benefits for host country and MNC:
Shared growth opportunities
Shared income opportunities
Shared learning opportunities
Shared development opportunities
Host country complaints about MNCs:
Excessive profits
Domination of local economy
Interference with local government
Hiring the best local talent
Limited technology transfer
Disrespect for local customs
Profit limitations
Overpriced resources
Exploitative rules
Foreign exchange restrictions
Failure to uphold contracts
Ethical issues for MNCs:
Corruption ? illegal practices that further one?s business interests.
Sweatshops ? employing workers at low wages for long hours and in poor working conditions.
Child labor ? full-time employment of children for work otherwise done by adults.
Sustainable development ? meeting current needs without compromising future needs.
The shared set of beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people.
Culture shock
Confusion and discomfort a person experiences in an unfamiliar culture.
Tendency to consider one?s own culture as superior to others.
Stages in adjusting to a new culture:
Small victories
The honeymoon
Irritation and anger
Popular dimensions of culture:
Low-context cultures and high-context cultures
Interpersonal space
Time orientation
Monochronic cultures and polychronic cultures
Contracts and agreements
Values and national cultures (Hofstede):
Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance
Time orientation
Understanding cultural differences (Trompenaars):
Relationships with people:
Universalism versus particularism
Individualism versus collectivism
Neutral versus affective
Specific versus diffuse
Achievement versus prescription
Attitudes toward time ? sequential and synchronic views.
Attitudes toward environment ? inner-directed and outer-directed cultures.
Comparative management
How management systematically differs among countries and/or cultures.
Global managers
Need to successfully apply management functions across international boundaries.
Planning and controlling
Complexity of international environment makes global planning and controlling challenging.
Planning and controlling risks:
Currency risk
Political risk
Organizing and leading
Multinational organization structures
Global area structure
Global product structure
Staffing international operations
Competent locals
Are management theories universal?
North American management theories may be ethnocentric.
Participation and individual performance are not emphasized as much in other cultures.
Not all Japanese management practices can be applied successfully abroad.
Are management theories universal?
North American management theories may be ethnocentric.
Participation and individual performance are not emphasized as much in other cultures.
Not all Japanese management practices can be applied successfully abroad.
Global organizational learning:
Companies can and should learn from each other.
Readiness for global organizational learning varies based on managerial attitudes.
Ethnocentric attitudes
Polycentric attitudes
Geocentric attitudes
Be alert, open, inquiring, but always cautious.
Reference: http://bcs.wiley.com/he-bcs/Books action=resource&bcsId=4218&itemId=0470154578&resourceId=12670
Go to chapter 5 and click
This is very important chapter5 ..... All information inside chapter5
Mini Assignment 2 ? Bata (Case 5)
Please carefully review case 5 (W-24 in your textbook), ?Bata: One step at a time?, and answer the following questions:
1. Describe Bata?s international business strategy. Would you consider Bata a multinational corporation?
2. If you were Bata?s top management, how would you deal with successfully managing business units in four very different geographic regions? [Hint: Identify any two relevant dimensions of culture. In addition, be as specific as possible in describing how you would effectively undertake the four functions of management in this case]
3. What benefits and challenges do you foresee if Bata continues its global expansion strategy?
? The case can be found in your textbook in the ?Cases for Critical Thinking? section near the end the textbook (the pages of the section begin with a ?w?).
? Carefully review each set of questions, and pay close attention to the words being used, and the key decision concepts being mentioned.
? This case requires you to apply key concepts that are covered in chapter 5; hence, make an effort to directly apply any relevant information or concepts on chapter 5 that pertain to the case.
? Be specific in your responses to the questions posed in relation to the case.
? Discuss the questions with fellow class mates, but write up your own responses.
Teacher gonna look turnitin.com so be careful more
I require a dissertation proposal drafting based around Global marketing strategies within the travel retail industry.
The proposal must center a research question on how Global Marketing st...rategies are challenged and overcome challenges in local markets, local cultures and different passenger demographics. A Global approach to local thinking.
The student is employed by Dufry AG. Dufry is one of the world?s leading global travel retailers, serving travelers in 45 countries with over 1200 shops. The duty free and duty paid shops are located within 157 airports, but also in travel retail channels such as seaports, on-board cruise liners. The Company has its global head office in Basel, Switzerland.
My aim is to explore how a global organization like Dufry AG leverages marketing competencies given the critical success factor of alignment and local execution.
I will be using business intelligence gathering techniques used with in the retail industry (POS purchase statistics, basket mix comparisons, brand trends, purchase behaviors of consumers) to identify key indicators and findings to aid the Marketing strategies.
I want to Analyse and compare the findings of consumer surveys conducted on behalf of Dufry to obtain an insight into the mindset, concerns and behavior of travelers. The surveys consist of 400 men and women aged between 18 and 59 in several airport environments. These surveys use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to describe their experience shopping when travelling specifically within Airports. Research the use of technology and how it now affects retailers & marketing ? Example: FlightView, the company behind mobile apps that track real-time flight information, polled 2,600 travelers on what they want on-the-go while shopping. Comparing sales and growth performance of the company against these findings my objective is to highlight the marketing strategies used and provide areas where opportunities can be identified.
While planning to enter global marketing, following factors are to be considered:
1. Capacity: every company which wants to enter into a global market should consider whether it has the market potentiality. They must recheck, whether they are established enough to enter global marketing.
2. Marketing mix: A detailed examination of the components of the marketing mix and selecting target markets is essential. It also means adjusting to cultural constraints imposed by uncontrollable elements of the environment Developing specific programme: An analysis has to be made with regard to company?s strengths and weakness and other constraints and specific action programme has to be developed which includes expected profit, sales target and budget.
3. Competition: competitive moves are particularly important as a variable in the international market planning because many companies are moving from strong competitive position in the domestic market to foreign market in which they have minor position.
4. Control: All marketing plans require coordination and control. Continuous monitoring and control can increase the success of company?s performance in the global market.
5. Domestic and global and marketing must differ
a. ? People on every country differ
b. ? Habits and purchasing power differ
c. ? Psychographic characteristics are influenced by culture
d. ? Demographic characteristics vary by nations
What is needed?
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Research question and methodology ? why selected, how it will answer the question as asked, what access to people/organisations is required
4. Foreseen limitations
5. Research schedule/Timeline Bibliography
Reading & Research topics:
What is needed?
Literature review
Research question and methodology ? why selected, how it will answer the question as asked, what access to people/organisations is required
Foreseen limitations
Research schedule/Timeline Bibliography
Suggested readings:
Lee, K., & Carter, S., (2006) ?Global marketing management?
Cateora, P.R., & Graham, J. L., (2005) ?International marketing?
Dufry International 2013 annual report
Johansson, J.K., (2003) ?Global marketing, Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management?. Fourth edition, published by McGraw Hill
C. Samuel Craig and Susan P. Douglas (1996) "Developing Strategy for Global Markets: An Evolutionary Perspective" Columbia Journal of World Business more
Assigh to WarCraft - Alan
Continental Airlines
Total Rewards in the Global Workplace Project Description and Scoring Guide
The purpose of this project is to analyze ...the components of a total rewards program in a company or organization and evaluate the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic compensation programs that directly affect the engagement of employees and the overall performance of an organization. Your project needs to examine the link between the total rewards strategy and the overall performance of the organization. Furthermore, the culture of the organization cannot be excluded in any total rewards analysis. Assessing all of these components together in defining total rewards becomes the framework of the final project. The final outcome is the development of a total rewards model that may fit a domestic or global organization.
The project consists of several important steps. The first step involves selecting a topic within total rewards management to research. The next step is to research and assess the concept of total reward programs, comparing them to rewards models discussed in current research. The final step is to apply this model to a current organization in which the application of the total rewards model can be evaluated for its potential effectiveness in achieving individual and organizational outcomes.
You will choose an organization at which you were once or are currently employed, or one with which you are familiar. In addition, alternative options for choosing an organization may be addressed with the instructor. Choosing an organization you have experience with, or a large corporation, Continental Airlines
would be beneficial.
This project has many benefits for any learner entering the career of human resource management or a management position within an organization. Total rewards has become an important form of communication from the organization to its employees. This communication explains how the employee is valued by the organization.
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Topic selection: The topic must have a total rewards structure that includes intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The total rewards topic needs to consider the important components of a rewards program. You need to evaluate the presence or lack of specific monetary and nonmonetary rewards programs such as ??" merit pay rises ??" {assume unequal or unfair for this assignment} (This section = 0 pages) = (Total pages of 0 pages). This was done already and submitted
Problem statement: Develop this from an analysis of the organization to be assessed against current total rewards best practices and innovative programs. Example: Does the topic selected accomplish the goals of a total rewards program? (This add-on section = 1 pages) = (Total pages of 1 pages)
Project draft: Develop a project draft that summarizes key findings from the research, applications developed, and potential applications. Your draft should summarize key findings from the research and include how your topic fits into the concept of total rewards programs and how it might affect rewards models discussed in current research. For this draft, the instructor will only evaluate whether you attempted to construct a draft version that addresses the grading criteria for the final project. (This add-on section = 3 pages) = (Total pages of 4 pages)
Final paper: The final step is to assess the utility of total rewards programs. Create a total rewards model, and apply this model to a chosen organization. Both monetary and nonmonetary rewards should be considered as well as the specific outcomes, such as individual motivation, performance, and engagement. Organizational performance should also be considered. (This add-on section = 2 pages) = (Total pages of 6 pages)
Annotated bibliography: In researching the topic, there are a number of articles explaining total rewards programs and practices. Best practices could also be considered in an analysis. Research should be done using current articles and publications. Any article or publication published before 2005 should be carefully reviewed for relevance in this topic. Include 9 references to current compensation publications, including journals and publications describing organizational culture, structures, and employee motivation, engagement, and satisfaction. (This add-on section = 2 pages) = (Total pages of 8 pages)
Number of resources: Minimum of 8 resources.
Length of paper: 8 typed double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Analyze total rewards programs.
2. Determine the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity.
3. Examine the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth.
4. Evaluate the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations.
Total Rewards in the Global Workplace Grading Criteria
Final Paper Grading Criteria Grading Rubric
(12 total points) 0
Non-performance 1
Basic 2
Proficient 3
Analyzes total rewards programs.
(3 points) Does not analyze total rewards programs.. Lists total rewards programs. Analyzes total rewards programs. Analyzes total rewards programs and evaluates their effectiveness.
Determines the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity.
(3 points) Does not determine the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity. Lists the influences of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity. Determines the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity. Determines and evaluates the influence of total rewards programs on maximizing member engagement and productivity.
Examines the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth.
(3 points) Does not examine the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth. Lists the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth. Examines the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth. Examines and evaluates the component parts of total rewards programs relative to enabling business and organizational growth.
Evaluates the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations.
(3 points) Does not evaluate the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations. Does not evaluate the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations. Lists the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations. Evaluates the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations. Evaluates the strategic role of total rewards in global organizations and proposes a potential model for implementation.
Course Materials
The materials listed below are required to complete the learning activities in this course. Unless noted otherwise, the materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Virtual Bookstore. To purchase these materials, visit the bookstore and select your school and course ID.
Martocchio, J. J. (2008). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073381299.
Reserved PDF Readings
The following reserved readings are provided for your use in this course.
Avalos, A. (2007). Recognition: A critical component of the total rewards mix. Workspan, July, 33??"35.
Brown, D., & Perkins, S. (2007). Reward strategy: The reality of making it happen. WorkatWork Journal, second quarter, 82??"93.
Burton, J., & Pollak, S. (2006). The ROI of human capital: The United States and Europe. Workspan, November, 25??"27.
Christofferson,J. (2007). Total rewards: Breaking down barriers, part 1.Workspan, September, 21??"26.
Christofferson, J. (2007). Total rewards: Breaking down the barriers, part 2. Workspan, October, 47??"49.
Christofferson, J., & King, B. (2006). The it factor: A new total rewards model leads the way. Workspan, February, 19, 22, 24, 26??"27.
Giancola, F. (2008). Linking rewards with organizational culture. WorldatWork Journal, first quarter, 55??"65.
Gonzalez, J. (2008). Maximizing return on investment in total rewards. Workspan, February, 65??"69.
Graham, M., & Meyer, P. (2005). The rewards of total rewards. Workspan, November, 32, 34??"35.
Gross, S., & OMalley, P. (2007). High priority: European firms focus on talent development. Workspan, May, 61??"64.
Hill, B., & Tande, C. (2006). Total rewards: The employment value proposition. Workspan, October, 19??"22.
McMullen, T., & Stark, M. (2008). The role of line managers and HR in reward program effectiveness. WorldatWork Journal, second quarter, 30??"43.
Mercer. (2004). Striking the right balance: Total rewards that work. New York: Author.
ONeal, S., & Gebauer, J. (2006). Talent management in the 21st century: Attracting, retaining, and engaging employees of choice. WorkatWork Journal, first quarter, 6??"17.
Richman, A. (2006). Everyone wants an engaged workplace: How can you create it? Workspan, January, 36, 38??"39.
Scott, D., & McMullen, T. (2007). Reward programs: What works and what needs to be improved. WorldatWork Journal, third quarter, 6??"21.
Stotz, R. (2006). Targeting employee incentives for maximum performance. Workspan, June, 47??"48.
Williams, G. (2007). Total rewards and the global business perspective. Workspan, August, 59??"60, 62??"63.
Watson Wyatt Worldwide. (2006). Aligning rewards with the changing employment deal: 2006/2007 strategic rewards report
Human Resource Management
U02a1 Project Topic Selection
Edward E. Smith
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for
Certificate Program
HRM 5218 Total Rewards in the Global Workplace
April 26, 2010
The paper is to be organized and presented as an analytical document to select a transnational organization and develop a specific IHRM element. This select organization, herein chosen, will be Continental Airlines (CAL).This learner has chosen selection and recruitment, and will assess relative importance for the final project to be submitted.
The learner will provide a brief review of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) perspectives and will develop insights in highlighting the strengths and weakness within the organizations culture, productivity and profitability, market focus and organizational design and structure. The learner will conclude with some practical recommendations and suggestions for decision-making.
Continental Airlines is the world's fifth largest airline. Continental, together with Continental Express and Continental Connection, all partner airlines, have more than 3,200 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 154 domestic and 138 international destinations. More than 400 additional points are served via SkyTeam alliance airlines. With more than 43,000 employees around the globe, Continental has hubs serving New York, Houston, Cleveland and Guam, and together with Continental Express, carries approximately 61 million passengers per year. Continental consistently earns awards and critical acclaim for both its operation and its corporate culture.
Rational for Selection
Non-market factors make the extinction of legacy airlines unlikely, but Continental is concerned primarily with maintaining its ability to outrun the slowest of its competitors through strategic selection of its leaders. The learner has chosen IHRM element to use it as learning tool, since this is the first HRM theory course undertaken on route to a career change decision.
Interest and workplace connection
In this section the learner will explains interest and workplace connections to an IHRM element of recruiting and selection selected, and to assess and improve the IHRM function. CAL was very innovative in the way it makes their selection of leadership and management. Even though it was common knowledge during the 90s, there were no people of color in the upper ranks of CAL; somehow, CAL was able to rein the unions and status quo without any fanfare. To be able to do this without attracting the wrath of the rights advocates was an insurmountable fete within itself and brings very much intense interest in the IHRM elements.
That behavior warrants attention, and is indeed presents an opportunity for this learner to excel in IHRM with the intention of associating ideals, research to access and application to make appropriate improvement recommendation to ensure that this dark-side IHRM element is appropriately and sufficiently addressed.
Like anything else, permission from CAL to develop this element will like be difficult to obtain, but the learner will synthesis and apply theoretical and classroom ideas, if not sanctioned by course-room coordinator.
There are faxes for this order. more
This is a paper for Ethics 316 Ethics and Social Responsibility. This paper is to be written after reading chapters 2, 3, & 11 of :
Boylan, M. (2009). Basic ethics: Basic ethics in action (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Trevino, L.K. & Nelson, K.A. (2006). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Research a global organization and a cultural issue that affects this organization?s interactions outside the United States.
Define the cultural issue within the global organization.
Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues that your selected organization deals with as result of being a global organization.
Write a 1,000-word paper summarizing the results of the analysis. Include the following:
? Identify ethical perspectives in the global organization.
? Compare these ethical perspectives across cultures involved in the global organization.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines..
In this paper, provide a descriptive title or heading for your paper by focusing on topics or countries that interest you, and then discuss the following concepts: 1) globalization and the drivers of ...globalization; 2) the changing nature of the global economy; 3) compare and contrast the political and economic differences of at least two countries (e.g., India and the United States); and 4) discuss what managers can do to successful work with the opportunities and challenges present in this global economy.
Write your paper in 4?5 double-spaced pages in APA style. For this assignment, thoroughly discuss the topics mentioned and, when possible, provide specific examples or recommendations, and cite all of your sources. As a result of reading these concepts in the chapter, mention your recommendations for employees who want to be effective expatriate managers or professional in the twenty-first century workplace. You can paraphrase and quote relevant material from the chapter and cite the book?s authors and page numbers as you see appropriate. Make sure to use the textbook as a reference (along with any other articles/sources, if used).
This is your first assignment in an APA format for this course; so be sure to include headings (such as ?Global Management in Action at Toyota?), subheadings (such as ?Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Automotive Industry? and ?Levels of Management for Car Dealership?), page numbers, references, etc. in the required APA format. For example, if the title of your paper is ?Management Problems in Modern Global Organizations? and you say there are six major management problems for modern managers?namely, 1) Failure to develop intrapreneurs/staff members, 2) Lack of openness to experience/not embracing diversity, 3) Not truly valuing the experience and expertise of an employee, 4) Job dissatisfaction/ When the manager is not happy, usually the employees are not happy, 5) Poor communication skills/ Not communicating expectations clearly, and 6) Unknowingly practicing Theory X/ Micro-managing?then each of these elements would be a subheading (under which you would discuss what each problem or opportunity really means and how managers or organizations can avoid them), and another final subheading for every paper would be ?Summary? (where you discuss what the paper included, the results and any other final recommendations for future research or readings, etc.). Overall, instead of having one long paper under one title or heading, try to use several heading levels (perhaps Levels One and Levels Three of APA which are common for short papers). For example, if the title of your paper is ?Functions of Management in the Global World,? then four subheadings could be ?Planning the Chores,? ?Organizing Departmental and Global Operations,? ?Leading Personnel Across Borders,? and ?Controlling Costs in Host-Country Operations,? and ?Summary.? The main title would be a Level One heading (or title), which goes in the center of the page, and the four functions would be Level Three Heading, which would go on the left margin of the page and they would be italicized.
Please use International Business, competing in the global marketplace 9 edition by Charles W. L. Hill as one of your sources more
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Read Full Paper ❯In this paper, provide a descriptive title or heading for your paper by focusing on topics or countries that interest you, and then discuss the following concepts: 1) globalization…
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