Global Business Essays Prompts

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Global Business

Global business

Length: 3000 Words

Discuss what has given rise to the globalization of the world economy, and in particular, to Italy. Explain how... Italy, has attempted over the last decade to become more internationally competitive. You should include practical examples from Italian companies.

? Provide a general discussion about globalization across the world (social, legal, economic, political, technical and environmental issues) and then focus on Italy.
? For the general discussion on globalization across the world, focus and lean towards being against globalization (including examples of why). For the focus on Italy, focus and lean towards it being a positive change for the country and its interests.
? Mention of at least 3 important companies (e.g. you can use Ferrero, san Pellegrino, Prada etc?) preferably in different industries (e.g. fashion, food, culture etc?)
? No quotations can be used in the introduction.
? Utilize at least 8 references, use authorities sources (e.g. government websites VS Wikipedia).
? Use APA referencing style.

Marking criteria
? Introduction and conclusion: 10 points
? Understanding of the concept of globalisation and international business: 25 points
? Discussion of country becoming more internationally competitive, including use of examples: 25
? Presentation of balanced and critical argument: 20 points
? Range of Research (8 items minimum): 5 points
? Formatting, spelling and grammar: 5 points
? Use of APA referencing style: 10

This is my part,
What types of exit strategies would be most appropriate for your global venture?
Some strategies to consider include divestiture of assets, handing over to a joint venture partner, diversification, shutting down operation, and contingencies for your global venture.

Global Business Project Management
Length: 1,800 - 2,000Words

1. What is a project?
What makes projects different? (1000 words)

2. Describe... how to prioritize projects to ensure top management involvement. Tell why gaining top management support is vital to project success. (min. 300 words)

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both a functional organisation and a matrix organization in relation to project management and justify your preference (min. 300 words)

Marking criteria
Essay content 80%
Essay structure (e.g. introduction, the main body, and conclusion) and contents, reference list etc. as well as the presentation of the submission (e.g. page numbering, font, spacing, paragraphing, etc.)
Emphasis should be placed on an effective analysis and discussion on the topic, which are informed by a range of theoretical materials including refereed academic journal articles, texts, etc.

Referencing 15%
The must contain references/quotes from a minimum of five (5) other sources of which your textbook can be considered as one. Your essay must contain references/quotes from a minimum of five (5). Your bibliography should not contain any references that have not been cited/quoted in your essay.

Presentation 5%
Introduction, body and conclusion. A suggested length for your introduction would be around 100 to 150 words and your conclusion around 200 to 300 words.

Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria

Global Business Cultural Analysis

The purpose of this research project is for you to write a scholarly, graduate-level research paper in APA format. Competency in the APA format required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the administration.

Each student will research and write a paper on analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. Students will select a nation to study, and have approximately 8 weeks to research and write the paper. Your professor will provide a list of approved nations by the second day of class. Simply select the nation then begin working on the project.

After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.
? What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region (see Unit 2, Chapter 7 for a list of the required dimensions)?
? How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?
? How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?
? What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?

Important Points to Consider

The paper is to be written in strict conformance to APA standards, and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 12 scholarly references. Use the following as the exact title of your paper: Global Business Cultural Analysis: (insert nation selected).
The paper is to be posted in the SafeAssign software area, at the end of Week 8. It is highly recommend each student download and read the instructions to avoid any stress created by issues that are the result of waiting until the last minute.
? A SafeAssign draft check area will be provided for you to use to improve your Originality Score, prior to your final submission.

Three levels of APA headings should be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.
Some students do not fully understand the difference between Plagiarism and Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone else's idea and say it in your own words. When you paraphrase you must still give the author's name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came from, and the exact website address or book.

However, when you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. If you directly quote anyone, you must set it in quotation marks or block quotation and give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.

For the purpose of this academic paper, please adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:
? Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
? If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
? Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
? Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.
? In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.

My Outline Submitted to Instructor

1. Nigerian History
1.1. Synopsis of Nigerian government
1.1.1. Nigerian monarchy to presidential system
1.2. the evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government
1.3. Nigerian major commodities
1.3.1. Oil
1.3.2. Food
2. The major elements and dimensions of culture in Nigeria
2.1. Cultural dimensions
2.1.1. Individualism
2.1.2. Power distance
2.1.3. Masculinity
2.1.4. Uncertainty
2.2. Model of culture
2.2.1. Universalism or Particularism
2.2.2. Individualist or Communitarian
2.2.3. Specific or Diffuse
2.2.4. Affective or Neutral
2.2.5. Achievement or Ascription
2.2.6. Sequential or Synchronic
2.2.7. Internal or External
3. How the elements and dimensions are integrated by Nigerians conducting business in the nation
3.1. The governments affects on its business prospects globally
3.2. Future global business prospects
3.3. Issues concerning corruptive practices
4. How do the elements and dimensions compare with US culture and business
4.1. The woman?s role in the workplace
5. The implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in Nigeria
5.1. Cross-cultural business transactions between the United States and Nigeria

References (not in alphabetical order)
Afolayan, T. E. (2011). Coming To America: The Social and Economic Mobility of African Immigrants in the United States. Inquiry (University of New Hampshire), 6-11. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Oguejiofor, G. C. (2010). Using Total Quality Management as a Tool for Re-engineering Coal Production in Nigerian Coal Corporation: An Energy Industry Case Study. Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning & Policy, 5(1), 29-40. doi:10.1080/15567240701621174

Yinka Fashagba, J. (2009). Legislative Oversight under the Nigerian Presidential System. Journal of Legislative Studies, 15(4), 439-459. doi:10.1080/13572330903302497

Oshodi, A. (2007). Return to civilian rule in Nigeria: Problems of electoral culture and transparency over the past three Nigerian elections (1999 - 2007). Round Table, 96(392), 617-630. doi:10.1080/00358530701625901

Alutu, O. E., & Udhawuve, M. L. (2009). Unethical Practices in Nigerian Engineering Industries: Complications for Project Management. Journal of Management in Engineering, 25(1), 40-43. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(2009)25:1(40)


Uche, C. (2008). OIL, BRITISH INTERESTS AND THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR. Journal of African History, 49(1), 111-135. doi:10.1017/S0021853708003393

Baird, J. (2010). Oil's Shame in Africa. Newsweek, 156(4), 27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Worlu, R. E. (2010). Perception of the Influence of Marketing in Politics: A Cross-Sectional Study of Political Parties and Electorates in Nigeria. Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Law & Social Sciences Series, 61(1), 87-106. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Nwabueze, R. N. (2009). Alienations Under the Land Use Act and Express Declarations of Trust in Nigeria. Journal of African Law, 53(1), 59-89. doi:10.1017/S0021855309000035

Nnona, C. (2010). The Prohibition of Large Partnerships in Nigerian Company Law: An Essay into Postcolonial Legal Atavism. San Diego International Law Journal, 11(2), 481-507. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Agbese, A. (2003). Maintaining Power in the Face of Political, Economic and Social Discrimination: The Tale of Nigerian Women. Women & Language, 26(1), 18. Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Shannon, P. (2007). The Challenge of Community Work in a Global Economy. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 34(2), 69-85. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Ampiah, K. (2005). Nigeria's Fledgling Friendship with Japan: The Beginning of a 'Special Partnership'?. African & Asian Studies, 4(4), 547-573. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Taiwo, K. A. (2006). Utilization Potentials of Cassava in Nigeria: The Domestic and Industrial Products. Food Reviews International, 22(1), 29-42. doi:10.1080/87559120500379787

Frynas, J. (2004). Social and environmental litigation against transnational firms in Africa. Journal of Modern African Studies, 42(3), 363-388. doi:10.1017/S0022278X04000230

Chaudhary, A. (2001). International News Selection: A Comparative Analysis of Negative News in the Washington Post and the Daily Times of Nigeria. Howard Journal of Communications, 12(4), 241-254. doi:10.1080/106461701753287741

Globalization Has Become a Part

Global Management Article
Summary and Review

Locate an article that is accessible from the internet on an element of global management about consumer electronics and is related to global business management. The article may be any aspect of global management.

In a 900 word paper summarize and analyze the article and explain its relevance to the subject matter and theories and issues of globalization management.

Please use resources from the internet that I can view and review....


Business Cycles and Economic Outlook

Focus on Economic Data: U.S. Real GDP Growth, March 26, 2009*


Each month, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA...), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, releases an estimate of the level and growth of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States. Understanding the level and rate of growth of the economy's output (GDP) helps to better understand employment trends, the health of businesses, and consumer well-being.

This "Focus on Economic Data" lesson focuses on the BEA final estimates released March 26, 2009, for the fourth quarter (October, November, and December) of 2008.

Goals of this SLP Assignment:

Determine the current and historical growth of U.S. real gross domestic product.
Identify the components of the measurement of the nation's gross domestic product.
Assess the real GDP data relative to the indexes of leading, coincident, and lagging indicators.
Speculate about the nature and impact of current economic conditions and implications for the future.

The March 26, 2008, BEA Announcement: Real Gross Domestic Product:

"Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- decreased at an annual rate of 6.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, (that is, from the third quarter to the fourth quarter), according to final estimates released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the third quarter, real GDP decreased 0.5 percent."

U.S. real gross domestic product (real GDP) decreased in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2008 at a slightly greater rate than the BEA's preliminary estimate made in February. GDP quarterly estimates are made in three consecutive months following each quarter. Each estimate is based on more recent and/or accurate data. The BEA explained, "The GDP estimates released today are based on more complete source data than were available for the preliminary estimates issued last month. In the preliminary estimates, the decrease in real GDP was 6.2 percent."

The BEA announcement attributed the decrease in real GDP in the fourth quarter to "negative contributions from exports, personal consumption expenditures, equipment and software, and residential fixed investment that were partly offset by a positive contribution from federal government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased."

"Most of the major components contributed to the much larger decrease in real GDP in the fourth quarter than in the third. The largest contributors were a downturn in exports and a much larger decrease in equipment and software. The most notable offset was a much larger decrease in imports."

Providing more detail, the BEA added, "Final sales of computers subtracted 0.02 percentage point from the fourth-quarter change in real GDP after subtracting 0.01 percentage point from the third-quarter change. Motor vehicle output subtracted 2.01 percentage points from the fourth-quarter change in real GDP after adding 0.16 percentage point to the third-quarter change."

The chart below shows the level of U.S. nominal (current dollar) and real GDP for the past two years. Note the increases in early 2007 and the first decrease in Q4 of 2007. GDP increased in the first half of 2008 and the current trend of declines began in the second half of 2008.

Nominal GDP
Real GDP









Business Cycles and Recessions

The BEA tracks changes in real GDP, the traditional measurement used to identify business cycles. Though it is a critical measure, real GDP is not the sole determinant in the identification of recessions. Recessions, a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months," are identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research "Business Cycle Dating Committee." In addition to real GDP, the key measurements in the determination of a recession are real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.

In its announcement of the beginning of the recession in December 2008, the NBER committee cited these trends in economic activity:

Payroll employment reached a peak in December 2007 and has declined every month since then.
Real GDP fell slightly in 2007Q4, rose slightly in 2008Q1, rose again in 2008Q2, and fell slightly in 2008Q3 the currently available estimates of quarterly aggregate real domestic production do not speak clearly about the date of a peak in activity.
Real personal income less transfer payments, real manufacturing and wholesale-retail trade sales, industrial production, and employment "all reached peaks between November 2007 and June 2008.
Business cycles are fluctuations in aggregate economic activity in cycles of expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. In a business cycle, several macroeconomics variables will move together (not lock-step in short periods) in a general trend. The cycles recur, but there is no consistent pattern of depth or length of time. The NBER will not identify a business cycle downturn as a recession unless it meets these general qualities and the declines are sufficient enough to meet the description as a "significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months."

Economic Indicators

Much attention is paid in the media to the "Index of Leading Indicators," a composite index used to estimate future economic activity. The Index is determined by The Conference Board, "a global independent membership organization working in the public interest. It publishes information and analysis, makes economics-based forecasts and assesses trends, and facilitates learning by creating dynamic communities of interest that bring together senior executives from around the world." For more information:

The Index consists of a variety of measures of economic activity that have historically turned downward before contractions and upward before expansions. The Conference Board created a single index value, a "composite index," composed of ten variables. Many economists believe that the Index of Leading Indicators can "provide an early warning system so that policymakers can shift toward macroeconomic stimulus when the index fails."

The Conference Board's most recent report on Global Business Cycle Indicators was announced March 19, 2009. Link: Retrieved November 15, 2009.

"The Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) for the U.S. decreased 0.4 percent, The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index (CEI) decreased 0.4 percent and The Conference Board Lagging Economic Index (LAG) decreased 0.4 percent in February.

"The Conference Board LEI for the U.S. declined in February, following a slight increase in January. The monthly increase for December was revised to a small decline, while January's monthly increase was revised lower, due mainly to data revisions in manufacturers' new orders and real money supply. Between August 2008 and February 2009, the index fell 2.1 percent (a -4.1 percent annual rate), faster than the decline of 1.6 percent (a -3.1 percent annual rate) for the previous six months. In addition, the weaknesses among the leading indicators have remained widespread in recent months.

The Conference Board CEI for the U.S. fell again in February, driven by continued declines in employment and industrial production. Between August 2008 and February 2009, this index of current economic activity dropped 3.1 percent (a -6.1 percent annual rate), a much larger fall than the decrease of 0.9 percent (a -1.9 percent annualrate) for the previous six months, and the weaknesses among its components have remained widespread in recent months."

"The Conference Board LAG for the U.S. declined by the same amount as the coincident economic index this month, and as a result, the coincident to lagging ratio was unchanged. Meanwhile, real GDP fell at a 6.2 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2008 (following a decline of 0.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter), the largest quarterly contraction since 1982."

"Amid widespread deterioration among its components, The Conference Board LEI for the U.S. continued the general downward trend that began in July 2007. But, its rate of decline has moderated slightly in recent months. Meanwhile, The Conference Board CEI for the U.S. remains on a downtrend that began in November 2007, with the decline in the index having accelerated in recent months. The six-month decline in the CEI is the largest since 1975. Taken together, the behavior of the composite economic indexes suggests that the economic recession that began in December 2007 will continue in the near term."

For more information on economic indicators, go to the "Business Cycle Indicators Handbook," produced by the The Conference Board. The leading, coincident, and lagging indicators are explained on page 13. Link: Retrieved November 15, 2009.

The various cyclical indicators used by the Conference Board are classified into three categories??"leading, coincident, and lagging, based on their timing in relation to the business cycle.

Coincident indicators, such as employment, production, personal income, and manufacturing and trade sales, measure current aggregate economic activity
Leading indicators, such as average weekly hours, new orders, consumer expectations, housing permits, stock prices, and the interest rate spread, tend to change direction ahead of the business cycle
The lagging indicators tend to change direction after the coincident indicators. Lagging indicators represent costs of doing business, such as inventory-sales ratios, change in unit labor costs, average prime rate charged by banks, and commercial and industrial loans outstanding. Lagging indicators, such as the ratio of installment credit outstanding to personal income, the change in consumer prices for services, and average duration of unemployment reflect consumer behavior. The lagging indicators may confirm the trends identified with the leading and coincident indicators.
Leading Indicators:

Average weekly hours, manufacturing
Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance
Manufacturers new orders, consumer goods and materials
Vendor performance, slower deliveries diffusion index
Manufacturers new orders, nondefense capital goods
Building permits, new private housing units
Stock prices, 500 common stocks
Money supply, M2
Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds less Federal funds (%)
Index of consumer expectations
Coincident Indicators:

Employees on nonagricultural payrolls
Personal income less transfer payments
Index of industrial production
Manufacturing and trade sales
Lagging Indicators:

Average duration of unemployment
Inventories to sales ratio, manufacturing and trade
Change in labor cost per unit of output, manufacturing (%)
Average prime rate charged by banks (%)
Commercial and industrial loans outstanding
Consumer installment credit outstanding to personal income ratio
Change in consumer price index for services (%)
More details from the February 2008 real GDP, from the BEA announcement

Real GDP is summarized as the total of four components: personal consumption expenditures, net private investment, government expenditures and net exports. In Q4, the results for the four components were:

"Real personal consumption expenditures decreased 4.3 percent in the fourth quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.8 percent in the third."
"Real nonresidential fixed investment decreased 21.7 percent, compared with a decrease of 1.7 percent. Nonresidential structures decreased 9.4 percent, in contrast to an increase of 9.7 percent. Equipment and software decreased 28.1 percent, compared with a decrease of 7.5 percent. Real residential fixed investment decreased 22.8 percent, compared with a decrease of 16.0 percent."
"Real exports of goods and services decreased 23.6 percent in the fourth quarter, in contrast to an increase of 3.0 percent in the third. Real imports of goods and services decreased 17.5 percent, compared with a decrease of 3.5 percent."
"Real federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 7.0 percent in the fourth quarter, compared with an increase of 13.8 percent in the third. National defense increased 3.4 percent, compared with an increase of 18.0 percent. Non-defense increased 15.3 percent, compared with an increase of 5.1 percent. Real state and local government consumption expenditures and gross investment decreased 2.0 percent, in contrast to an increase of 1.3 percent."
"The real change in private inventories subtracted 0.11 percentage point from the fourth-quarter change in real GDP, after adding 0.84 percentage point to the third-quarter change. Private businesses decreased inventories $25.8 billion in the fourth quarter, following a decrease of $29.6 billion in the third quarter and a decrease of $50.6 billion in the second."
Go to the full BEA announcement for a more detailed breakdown of the data by category (Table 1.) Link: Retrieved November 15, 2009.

Recent government policy decisions to stimulate the economy are aimed at stimulating one or more of the components - consumer spending, investment, government spending or net exports. The overall goal is to stimulate aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is the total amount of goods and services demanded in the economy at a given overall price level and in a given time period. It is represented by the aggregate demand curve, which illustrates the relationship between price levels and the quantities of output that are demanded. Aggregate demand can also be called total spending.

Aggregate demand can also be illustrated by the formula AD = C + I + G + (X-M)

C = Consumers' expenditures on goods and services

I = Investment spending by companies on capital goods

G = Government expenditures on publicly provided goods and services

X = Exports of goods and services

M = Imports of goods and services


The decline in GDP during the fourth quarter of 2008 was broad-based. Only the government expenditures category contributed positively, as government spending replace a small portion of the slowdown in private spending and investment. "Real federal government consumption expenditures and gross investment increased 7.0 percent in the fourth quarter."

The Conference Board's Index of Coincident Indicators for February 2009 (-0.4 percent) was consistent with the downturn identified by the BEA in Q4. "Driven by continued declines in employment and industrial production."


In a 2-3 page paper, please address the following issues:

1. Take another look at the list of "Leading Economic Indicators" from the lesson. Which indicators do you think are the best indicators of the future health of the economy? Explain.

Average weekly hours, manufacturing
Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance
Manufacturers new orders, consumer goods and materials
Vendor performance, slower deliveries diffusion index
Manufacturers new orders, nondefense capital goods
Building permits, new private housing units
Stock prices, 500 common stocks
Money supply, M2
Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds less Federal funds (%)
Index of consumer expectations
2. Research ONE of these leading indicators. Summarize what it tells us about the future.

3. This exercise demonstrated that the change in the real GDP growth rate in Q4 2008 was -6.3. Using what you have learned in the previous modules, if you were an advisor to President Obama, what types of policies would you advocate to stimulate the economy?

4. Do you consider your views to be more aligned with a classical or Keynesian approach to economic thinking? Explain. (There is no right or wrong answer). See module 1 for resources if needed.

* This lesson is a courtesy of the Council of Economic Education

SLP Assignment Expectations:

Use concepts from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resources you can find from the cyberlibrary or other internet search engines. Please be sure to cite all sources within the text and a reference list at the end of the paper.

I need assistance on a team project in which we are developing a global business venture. Our product will be a hybrid plane in which we will be expanding globally in producing and selling the planes in Japan.

In 900 words, please:

Prepare a financial overview for your global venture. Include a chart that represents the general budget for your global venture. Explain how your company deals with foreign exchange risk for your global operation.

Identify potential domestic and international sources of financing for your global venture. Include at least two possible financial institutions within your chosen region.

I will not need an intro or conclusion as this is just a portion of the project.

I will send additional information as an attachment about this business venture that will help with the order.

Please use sources that are available for me to view and review from the internet.

There are faxes for this order.

Research and write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in Brazil.
After reading this paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research qu...estions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.

1.What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? Comprehensively addresses communication, religion, ethics, values and attitudes, manners, customs, social structures and organizations in Brazil.

2.How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?Comprehensively addresses how are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in Brazil.

3.How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business? Comprehensively addresses how both of the above items compare with US culture and business, including Hofstede?s analysis.

4.What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region? Comprehensively addresses the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in Brazil, including a graduate-level SWOT, and FDI analysis

Use the following as the exact title of your paper:
1. Global Business Cultural Analysis: (Brazil)
2. Three levels of APA headings must be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

Please adhere to the following rules when quoting or using a source:
?Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
?If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
?Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
?Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.
?In all instances, be sure to use current APA guidelines for citations and references.

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Due Week 8 and worth 280 points

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environ...ment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations:( I choose AT&T)

?Hershey Company
Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
2.Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.
3.Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
4.Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
5.Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
6.Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
7.Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals.
8.Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

?Evaluate the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological

Global Business Strategy for a


As a firm expands globally, many factors affect that expansion. Develop a global business strategy for a fictional United States based firm desiring to expand into Europe and A...sia. Choose a country from each of the two continents and research each country. The project shall include a research problem and the purpose of the project. In other words, the student must identify a problem or concern in a country and the purpose of her/his work is to analyze and evaluate the causes of such problem and make proposals for its (problem) solution.


Include and develop all of the following objectives in the

Analyze the business structure necessary in each country
to encourage success and benefit the firm as a whole.
Analyze the external environment and/or that of the host
country that include(s) the following elements: Society,
economy, law, education, religion, language, currency, and
Evaluate entry strategies in light of the political,
legal, cultural and economic make-up of each country.
Evaluate the role that Information Technology and the
Internet will play within this emerging global firm.
Evaluate the advantages or disadvantages of manufacturing
and material location in each country.
Analyze your approach to marketing and advertising in each
country, as well as your approach to human resource


The body of the paper must be a minimum of 12 pages in
length, double-spaced and 12 point New Times Roman font.
The mechanics of the paper will follow APA 5th edition
format, including cover sheet and bibliography.
All margins must be 1 inch.
Student must have a minimum of 10 references.

The company I chose is Insignia Systems, Inc and the target country is Canada.

Everything shown below is an email I got from my instructor:

Course Objectives: To identify and assess ...the competitive drivers (political, technological, market, cost) that are pushing domestic firms to become more internationally aware and engaged in their operations. Topics to be covered will include, but not be limited to:
Theoretical principles and day-to-day practices of firms doing business internationally, with particular reference to major world market/sourcing/investment regions:
A. The European Union
B. Latin America
C. East, South East and South Asia
D. Others as needed (student choice)
International business management practices; effective trade and investment strategies.
Practical research skills needed to critically analyze and use international data to help make better management decisions in an increasingly global business environment.

Your Plan should clearly show an appreciation for and understanding of the scope and limitations of business theories and practices, including legal and ethical aspects, as applied to trade and investment decision-making when doing business across borders ??" in other words, your Plan should incorporate theory as appropriate to the practical problem-solving of issues faced by your chosen company operating in your target country.

Contributing to the structure and content of your Plan are the topic areas identified for the next six weeks on your syllabus:

The Realities of Doing Business Internationally

I Industry/Company Current & Forecast Domestic Conditions [Your own company/industry U.S.-specific research]
II Industry/Company Current & Forecast International Conditions [Your own company/industry target country-specific research]
III The Strategic Plan: Aims and Objectives [Your own company-specific research]
IV Getting There ??" Tactics [whatever is appropriate to your company/country ??" the PPT slides I posted on the course D2L site should help ??" Ill add more as I see fit]
1. Basic Market Entry Methods: Exporting, Licensing, JVs, Alliances, etc. ??" Costs & Benefits
2. Advanced Market Entry Methods: Mergers / Acquisitions / Investment ??" Costs & Benefits
3. Offshore Outsourcing/Production

- Also, I have to refer to this book "Global Business Positioning Ventures Ahead" by Michael R. Czinkota and IIkka A. Ronkainen for information and pointers.

This is the assignment. It states clearly what is needed. I need the paper by midnight central time if possible.
It also needs to be single spaced. I need a title page, memorandum, contents pag...e, list of illustration, the body, and works cited page. All subjects are to be covered by headings. Thank you.

A lot has been said lately about the importance of operating and communicating efficiently in a global marketplace. For your formal report you will investigate what it takes to communicate efficiently with other cultures. To do this, I want you to think in terms the construction industry.

After you have given some thought to the broad area of global communications within construction, here is what we will do for this assignment: Consider me as the CEO of your "dream" company, that company for which you would really like to work. As your "boss", I recognize talent when I see it, and I have it in mind that you could rise very quickly in the company, perhaps to the absolute top of management. What's more important is that I trust you to be an honest and ethical person, just the kind of person to put together a report on global communications in our industry. I've decided that I want to remake the image of our company and I've come to the conclusion that if we can bill ourselves to the world as being able to communicate with cultural sensitivity in ALL of our dealings, we will be able to convince a wealthy segment of the investing public to get on board the "global train" with us. I've approached a number of members of the board of directors and they have all agreed that a truly global company, in the times in which we live, will go far. What I need now is a report on the communications situation within our industry and how that situation relates to our company. I want five specific areas covered within your report:

1. Statistics on the global nature of business in general.

2. Testimony from experts in the field of global business communication. (There are hundreds of articles on effective cross-cultural communication practices in every industry imaginable, most written by very learned people who have studied cross-cultural communication carefully. What do they have to say about effective global business communication?)

3. Recommendations from experts as to how to conduct appropriate global business communication. Certainly, there are practices that we can make sure we follow, but what about some of the more esoteric but no less important aspects of business communication? How can we go about creating an efficient global communication climate in our company? If we can do it, we can find an advertising agency to portray it to the public.

4. Your personal recommendations on what we should do to make our company outstanding in terms of communicating globally. Where do we start? Who do we need to get the job done? Don't worry about cost; we already have a commitment from several board members to spend what is necessary.

Your report is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 pages of text. This does not count the peripheral pieces of the formal report, such as the table of contents, list of illustrations, memo of transmittal, executive summary or works cited pages. Add all of those in and you will probably come up with something like 12 to 15 pages. Make sure that the information in your report is accessible as possible to the reader. You and I will BOTH be presenting this report at the next meeting of the board of directors, so if there is a problem in reader accessibility, you'll know it immediately, and you'll feel the sweat break out even sooner.

Before you even think it, let me say that this is not a long assignment by any means. Most formal business reports go much beyond this length. In fact, if you need more room to handle the topic well, feel free, but let me know in advance how long you expect the report to be.

Use the example of a formal report found on pages 447-464 in the textbook as your "bible" for the formatting part of this assignment.

5. Illustrations, charts, graphs, etc.: I will expect statistics to appear in your report, and I want you to include at least 3 visuals. You can use charts, graphs, photos, tables, schematic drawings, illustrations, or whatever you think will work best. Just remember that I will expect to find at least three such visuals.

I might as well say it here, because it happens every semester: If you really cannot get your computer or your word processing program to print page numbers properly, then just include them in any way you can. I don't understand the myriad problems that seem to crop up in this area and I don't want to deal with them anymore. Figure out a system and use it.

explain your views of the current global business environment and its impact on organizations and IT departments and CIOs.

Business Proposal in Ghana Giam's

Country Report Project
Student(s) will be asked to do the following:

Select a country, other than your place of origin, with prior approval of the instructor, and, unless otherwise ind...icated, write a minimum twenty-plus page country report with recommendations to the President of XYZ Corporation, which is planning to expand its global business operations into the country of your choice. XYZ must be a fictitious company. Your report should comply with the evaluation standards below including the integration and use of information literacy and technology fluency in your research. The first part of your report should briefly discuss, in no more than two pages, your company including the nature of its business, its mission statement, history, demographics, strategy and structure of the firm, and any other pertinent information about your company up front. The second and major part of your report, a minimum of fifteen or more pages, should critically examine, analyze, and evaluate all salient factors in the business environment impacting your company which may include but are not limited to:

physical and demographic profile (geography, resources, population, workforce characteristics, etc.)
cultural/social, political (political system, political risks etc.), legal and economic(level of development, inflation, etc.) profile
trade, investment and foreign policy profile

You report should explore the positive and negative aspects of the specific environmental variables which will impact business operations in the selected country. The other three-five or more pages should include specific recommendations, implementation and evaluation strategies that XYZ should undertake based upon your findings.

Project Evaluation Standards

The Country Report Project will be evaluated according to the following standards:

I: Definition and Scope

A well-defined project including the purpose, assumption or hypothesis of your country research.
Description of your company, which must be fictitious, including the nature of its business, demographics, history, operational strategy and structure of the firm, and any other relevant information about your company.
Mission statement of your company
II: Identification and Analysis of Country Variables

Inclusiveness of variables
Relevancy and saliency of variables
Organizational categories and substantive analysis of variables:
Physical and demographic profile (geography, resources, population, workforce characteristics, etc.)
Cultural/social, political (political system, political risks etc.), legal and economic(level of development, inflation, etc.) profile
Trade, investment and foreign policy profile
III. Strategic Recommendation and Implementation

Alternative propositions

List, discuss and analyze four specific strategies your company could pursue including, but not limited to, direct investment, joint ventures, licensing, franchising, exporting, turnkey project, and management contract. Provide the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three strategies selected extrapolating salient observations from the variables discussed and their impact on your strategic choice. Are the critical analytic perspectives interwoven with the preceding variables from which a reasonable conclusion could be deduced? Are they logically synchronized?
Identify, select and analyze the best strategy of the four discussed and explain why this is the best strategy for your company. You will need to engage in a comparative analysis using, for example, a pro and con approach to demonstrate why your recommended strategy is best for the company.
Strategic Implementation

Analyzes specifically how you would implement the best strategy you have recommended for the company to pursue. What substantive specific steps should be taken to implement the recommended strategy? If, for example, you recommended an export strategy, then you will need to analyze and elaborate on your strategic initiatives to include an examination of such variables as various forms of exporting, logistical considerations, government policies, marketing and distribution concerns, the export process and export intermediaries. Your analysis, should be juxtaposed in context of the core competencies of your company; you may also wish to discuss the corporate culture and its leadership view (ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric) that may impact your strategy.

Strategic Evaluation

Seeks to analyze any unforeseen anticipatory or contending futuristic events and recommends a fall back strategies with imaginative out of the box thinking and solutions. Challenges students originality and visionary leadership. What, for example, if as a result of your recommendation, your company chose to export all of its products to Chile, becoming very dependent on the economy of that country, then after years of successful export business relationship, a revolution were to occur, with anti American sentiments interrupting the prosperous trade relations between the two countries, what would you do? An effective strategic evaluation would include, for example, an export diversity strategy. Think creatively of different scenarios and provide viable fall back solutions.

Starbucks in India

Add to the draft attached-Please write the Business plan, answers each objective with inline citations and list references

Draft attached with outline.

Module 1: Identifying Globa...l Business Opportunities
Evaluate potential markets for feasibility as well as a look at both comparative advantage and/or absolute advantage. Further analysis as a SWOT.

Module 2: Analyzing International Competitors
Using the 3 steps in the module, evaluate the competitive environment. This would include competitive advantage, core competence, standardization vs. customization, and is the competitive environment fragmented, consolidating? What stage of the life cycle does the INDUSTRY fit into? What types of businesses are the oldest, the newest upstarts. What foreign investments are there already? What is the attitude toward the American companie?

Module 3: Assessing the Economic/Geographic Environment
Evaluate the economy and natural resources, do so for the company. Do you need waterways and shipping docks? Do you need telecommunications? How stable is the economy? Is your product/service purchased with discretionary income or disposable income? What is the GDP/capita in US dollars? Compare it to the US GDP/per capita.

Module 4: Assessing the Souci-Cultural Environment
Using the 4 categories in this module, paint the cultural picture. You may want to look at future trends and predictions. In the US for example, we have the aging babyboomers. The largest segment of the US population was born between 1946-1964. Beginning on Jan. 1, 1996, the first of the baby boomers started turning 50. This segment will have 2500 people turn 50 every day (365 days) every year for the next 10 years. Starting in 2006, those same people will start turning 60. By 2014, the largest segment of the US population will be 50 ? 70 years of age. What are the implications of that kind of cultural influence? Look at those kinds of statistics as well.

Module 5: Assessing the Political Legal Environment
There are 4 areas here to consider which will either inhibit or facilitate your expansion. Identify the obstacles and opportunities within your company and how you might be successful.

Module 6: Selecting a Global Company Structure
Use the 4 key steps to determine the Action Plan at the bottom. Primarily, this will be your Operational Recommendation for how to gain entry and what structure will be the best. Support your decision. On the other hand, you can list pros and cons to each alternative. Based on that analysis to capitalize on the strengths and opportunities as well as the benefits, minimizing risks, what is the best course of action?

Module 7: Financing Sources for Global Business Operations
Ok? this is the section for ?Show me the money!?

Module 8: Creating a Global MIS (Management Information System)
On Step #4: The Action Plan is your best summary in this section as what you will need.

Module 9: Identifying Human Resources for Global Business Activities
The primary focus here is Step #1. Determine the method and make a case as to why it is the best method. From there, discuss items such as average wages in the country, compare that to US wages for the same job and determine what additional compensation will be necessary for your expatriates.  more

Assignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2 Due Week 10 and worth 100 points In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty Note: If th...ere is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting. Create a nine (9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you: 1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. 2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2 ? one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of seven (7) slides. 3. Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ? Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. ? Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ? Evaluate the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. ? Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society. ? Write clearly and concisely about business and society using proper writing mechanics. Note: use writing from assignment 2 to create AT&T presentation Power Point slidesAssignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment Due Week 8 and worth 280 points According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations: ( I choose AT&T).? AT&T ?Hershey Company ?Coca-Cola ? Chevron Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response. 2. Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company. 3. Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues. 4. Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues. 5. Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges. 6. Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response. 7. Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals. 8. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.  more

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical b...usiness practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations:
? AT&T
? Hershey Company
? Coca-Cola
? Chevron
Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
2. Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.
3. Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
4. Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
5. Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
6. Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
7. Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals.
8. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

This paper requirement is just to answer this question below:

As a Consultant to a company which has had no direct exposure to any aspect of international business throughout its existence, how would you design a half-day briefing for its executives that would (a) awaken them to the realities of the world out there, and (b) help them begin the process of coming to terms with its demands regarding the companys future development?

Also, I have to refer to this book "Global Business Positioning Ventures Ahead" by Michael R. Czinkota and IIkka A. Ronkainen for information and pointers.

Global Business

Please answer with 300 words for each question and list references and inline citation

1.Identifying Global Business Opportunities
Although the lowering of trade barriers made the globalization of markets and production a theoretical possibility, technological change made it a tangible reality. How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of markets and of production?
a.Would the globalization of production and markets have been possible without these technological changes?
b.How does technology create global opportunity?

2. Differences in Political Economy and Culture
A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress.
a.What are your thoughts?
b.Do you agree? Why or why not?

Prepare a paper that supports your case study research (i.e., refer/apply to team company and web-group country) of not more than 10 pages in which you discuss and apply the following observation from... Kelly:

Team Company: Scottish Energy
Web-Group Country: Spain

In the coming decade, an increasingly global economy will generate different and seemingly contradictory economic conditions around the world. The spread of the market economy ??" and its substantial reinvention by new entrants ??" will create new prosperity and opportunity for millions of people this economic dynamic will also generate friction and decline for many (Kelly 2006, p. 131).

Support your analysis with reference to Hill and Kelly:

1. Economic Prosperity and Opportunity: Draw on research, current international press and your own experience with the foreign exchange market and/or the global monetary system. Identify factors that in your opinion contribute to economic prosperity.

2. Economic Friction and Decline: inform your paper with reference to scholarly and professional publication on the topic, including your learning from previous MBA courses. Identify sectors, countries, regions and causes of economic decline.

3. Your Recommendations: Based on your research, you should conclude with your best "Recommendations for Managing Global Prosperity", and include an Executive Summary for your case study client (use Executive Summary Tool).

Required Reading:

Dow Jones Sustainability Index. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10,2010 from

Hill, C. (2009). Global business today. New York: McGraw Hill. Part Four. Global Monetary System. Chapters 9, 10.

Kelly, E. (2006). Powerful times: Rising to the challenge of our uncertain world. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing. Chapter 7. Prosperity and Decline.

There are faxes for this order.

Introduction to Global Business

Book- Introduction to global business- 2nd edition
author- Julian Gaspar, James Kolari, Richard Hise, Leonard Bierman, L Murphy Smith, Antonio Arreola-Risa

Please write separate summary/analysis of chapters (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13). so basically 1-13.
The summary need to be not more than 1 page each, could be less than a page too.
I need individual summaries.
please you the book as the only source.

This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500 10% word Report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills in unders...tanding key strategic issues relating to structural transformation through e-business in a real life organisation. You will be required to apply the strategic concepts and analytical techniques studied in this module. All the learning outcomes below will be assessed:
1. Demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant theories associated with global corporate policies and strategies.
2. Understand the holistic nature of strategy and apply analytical techniques to solve complex problems in real life organizations
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the strategic decision making process through critical analysis of how strategic decision making enables an organisation to relate to its global business environment.
4. Critically evaluate and monitor the business mission, objectives and policies of international organisations.
5. Use critical reflective skills to reflect on the impact of their understanding on the problem solving process

The assignment will be internally moderated by: John Dixon-Dawson

Please note:
1. All work must adhere to the University regulations on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism which are provided as an Appendix in your Programme handbook. See Module Tutor for useful guide on Harvard Referencing Style and on how to avoid Plagiarism.
2. A hard copy and an electronic copy on floppy disk or CD of the assignment must be handed to your Study Centre on or before the appointed date under cover of the Sunderland Business School Feedback Sheet.
3. Issue Date: 19 November 2009
4. Submission Date: Friday 22nd January 2010

Your task is to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation of the strategies adopted by global logistics and supply-chain management company, such as FedEx Corporation, using the information in the case study provided and other materials researched. You will be expected to select and apply appropriate theories, techniques and models studied during the module whilst having regard to the practical aspects of strategy development.
Your assignment should be presented in a Business Report Format and should be within the range 3,500 10% words (excluding executive summary, references and relevant appendices). The report should include a title page and executive summary and be fully and consistently referenced, using Harvard Referencing style. You must also submit a floppy disk or CD containing an electronic version of the report. This should be clearly labelled with your name, your course and the name of the case study.
It is recommended that you research information additional to the case study to support your arguments. This may be obtained from a diverse range of sources and you are encouraged to research the issues in whichever way you deem appropriate.

Assessment Criteria
In the event of failing this individual assignment, normal referral / deferral procedures will apply. This assignment carries a weighting of 100%. The assessment will focus on the level of ANALYSIS carried out. That is, the application of THEORETICAL CONCEPTS studied in the module to the practical case study presented. In other words, you should proceed beyond a DESCRIPTION of the company and its actions. You should be analysing why rather than describing what. The assignment will be assessed and moderated by two members of staff in accordance with the marks allocated to each of the questions detailed below. 10% of the marks are set aside for the presentation criteria.
Academic Rigour
your ability to isolate the key strategic issues
the coherence and depth of the analysis of those issues
the ability to analyse the strategy context within which companies operate
the ability to critically review and evaluate strategic decisions made by companies
the use of relevant evidence, from material provided and personal research to support any statements made
the appropriateness of the methods used and theoretical models and frameworks applied
the breadth and depth of research undertaken
Evaluation of data
the ability to make sound recommendations or conclusions arising from the analysis
the soundness of arguments put forward
the summary of arguments
report layout and format
use of illustrative material and evidence to support arguments
the appropriateness of length
the quantity and accuracy of referencing

FedEx Corporation Structural transformation through e-business
FedEx Corporation has built superior physical, virtual and people networks not just to prepare for change, but to shape change on a global scale: to change the way we all connect with each other in the new Network Economy (FedEx Corporation Annual Report, 1999). According to Jonah and Wilder (1997) cited in De Wit and Meyer (2004, p.647), FedEx is not only recognizing its internal operations around a more flexible network computing architecture, but its also pulling-in and in many cases locking-in customers with an unprecedented level of technological integration.

Question One: - The express transportation and logistics industry
Using examples from FedEx Corporation and your own research on the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, critically evaluate the:
(a) Strategic Vision and visionary Leadership behind FedEx Corporation,
(b) Transportation and logistics infrastructure within FedEx Corporation, and the
(c) Virtual information infrastructure at FedEx Corporation.
Your answer should be based on a critical Value-Chain and Supply-Chain analyses of the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
[35 % marks]

Question Two: - Branding and business structure up until 19 January 2000
Using information from the case study and your own research, critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) strategies in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
Discuss how FedEx Corporation managed the acquisition of Caliber Systems in 1998, and determine whether or not the acquisition of Caliber Systems was a success or failure?
[35% marks]

Question Three: - Events leading up to the January 2000 reorganisation
Using appropriate examples from FedEx Corporation, critically evaluate FedExs financial and non-financial performance in the context of developments in the Internet market and e-tailing up to the January 2000 reorganisation.
[20 % marks]

Note: 10% marks is allocated for presentation

Suggested Reading:
De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2004) - Strategy Process, Content, and Context International Perspective, 3rd Edition, Thomson Learning
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Lynch, R. (2006) Corporate Strategy, Fourth Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J. (1998) Strategy Safari, Financial Times Prentice Hall

Websites & PDF documents: FedEx Corporation The Economist The Financial Times

There are faxes for this order.

Topic: Global Business
Objective: To make the student aware of how interdependent is the monetary world of global business.

The world has changed radically in the last fifteen years. Your paper should take those changes into account as every country adjusts to the new global entity.

Write a paper on one kind of global business. Please avoid the over used one such as CocaCola, Kentucky Fried Chicken, MacDonalds, etc. The business need not involve a large corporation.

The paper should cover any aspects of purchasing, as money flows in both direction. Even small businesses must purchase paper goods etc. Labor is another major area. As we have seen from our classroom discussion, we in America, have been outsourcing all kinds of labor, from simple to high-tech.

Make a judgment as to how the current situation in business will affect the future business world as to intermix of peoples, laws, or anything else you may feel is changing.

I only list 2 sources. However, you can add more if needed

Global Business Analysis - India

Each student will research and write a paper on analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. Students will select a nation to study, then research and write the paper. ...>
After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.
What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region (see Unit 2, Chapter 7 for a list of the required dimensions)?
How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?
How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?
What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?

Important Points to Consider

The paper is to be written in strict conformance to APA standards, and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 12 scholarly references.

Use the following as the exact title of your paper: Global Business Cultural Analysis: India.

This project will be checked with SafeAssign, which will determine how much content was quoted and how was orginial. It must be at least 90% orginial content (non-quoted).

There must be at least three levels of APA headings should be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

When you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. If you directly quote anyone, you must set it in quotation marks or block quotation and give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.

For the purpose of this academic paper, please adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:
Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.
In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.

There are faxes for this order.

Research Paper ??" Global Future

This paper consists of looking into the future (put your futurists hat on) and describe what you think the global marketplace will look like in 5 years. Some... things that the paper should address include: what business will be done, how will it be done, where will it be done, what changes will take place in the labour market, what skills will a global manager need to be successful, etc.

Teaching Goals: to create a business related analysis that stimulates a forward thinking process regarding what the global business environment could be like.

Assessment: To achieve an "A" grade on the paper, the document needs to be well organized and professionally communicated (the paper needs to be logical and organized with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation). The paper needs to demonstrate that the student can apply the knowledge and skills learned throughout the course to an international business situation. There needs to be a strong connection between the evidence presented, the recommendations, and the implications of the paper.

Paper format: The paper should be double-spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins using APA 6th ed. formatting.

Paper Length: This analysis should be in the form of a 2 page double-spaced paper with references both from the text and 3-3 outside sources. It should be long enough to present the analysis clearly and show support for the content without being repetitive. Strive for a research paper that is thorough, while being concise.

10 Pages

Global Business

Words: 3054
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Global business Assignment Length: 3000 Words Task Discuss what has given rise to the globalization of the world economy, and in particular, to Italy. Explain how Italy, has attempted over the last decade…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Strategies Exit Strategy When a

Words: 1706
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

GLOBAL BUSINESS STRATEGIES This is my part, What types of exit strategies would be most appropriate for your global venture? Some strategies to consider include divestiture of assets, handing over to…

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6 Pages

Global Business Project Management

Words: 2052
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Business Project Management Essay Length: 1,800 - 2,000Words Task: 1. What is a project? What makes projects different? (1000 words) 2. Describe how to prioritize projects…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria

Words: 5263
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Global Business Cultural Analysis The purpose of this research project is for you to write a scholarly, graduate-level research paper in APA format. Competency in the APA format is…

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3 Pages

Globalization Has Become a Part

Words: 1155
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Management Article Summary and Review Locate an article that is accessible from the internet on an element of global management about consumer electronics and is related to global…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Economic Outlook Take Another Look

Words: 830
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Business Cycles and Economic Outlook Focus on Economic Data: U.S. Real GDP Growth, March 26, 2009* Introduction: Each month, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA),…

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3 Pages

Global Business Plan Hybrid Plane

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I need assistance on a team project in which we are developing a global business venture. Our product will be a hybrid plane in which we will be expanding…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Analysis on Brazil

Words: 5554
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Research and write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in Brazil. After reading this paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research…

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6 Pages

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Words: 1952
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment Due Week 8 and worth 280 points According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Strategy for a

Words: 3537
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

SCOPE: As a firm expands globally, many factors affect that expansion. Develop a global business strategy for a fictional United States based firm desiring to expand into Europe and…

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17 Pages

Business Plan Insignia Systems Insignia Systems, Inc.

Words: 4680
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Essay

The company I chose is Insignia Systems, Inc and the target country is Canada. Everything shown below is an email I got from my instructor: Course Objectives: To identify and assess…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Communication Global Communications

Words: 1787
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is the assignment. It states clearly what is needed. I need the paper by midnight central time if possible. It also needs to be single spaced.…

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2 Pages

Business and Information Technology (IT)

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

explain your views of the current global business environment and its impact on organizations and IT departments and CIOs.

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20 Pages
Research Paper

Business Proposal in Ghana Giam's

Words: 5365
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Country Report Project Student(s) will be asked to do the following: Select a country, other than your place of origin, with prior approval of the instructor, and, unless…

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9 Pages

Starbucks in India

Words: 2712
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Add to the draft attached-Please write the Business plan, answers each objective with inline citations and list references Draft attached with outline. Module 1: Identifying Global Business Opportunities Evaluate potential markets for…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

AT&T Standards and Business Global Business Environment

Words: 2552
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2 Due Week 10 and worth 100 points In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty…

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7 Pages

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Words: 2228
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

International Business Is a Term

Words: 904
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper requirement is just to answer this question below: As a Consultant to a company which has had no direct exposure to any aspect of international business throughout…

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2 Pages

Global Business

Words: 842
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Please answer with 300 words for each question and list references and inline citation 1.Identifying Global Business Opportunities Although the lowering of trade barriers made the globalization of markets and…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Planning for Spain

Words: 3203
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare a paper that supports your case study research (i.e., refer/apply to team company and web-group country) of not more than 10 pages in which you discuss and apply…

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8 Pages

Introduction to Global Business

Words: 3454
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Book- Introduction to global business- 2nd edition author- Julian Gaspar, James Kolari, Richard Hise, Leonard Bierman, L Murphy Smith, Antonio Arreola-Risa Please write separate summary/analysis of chapters (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13). so basically 1-13. The…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Global Corporate Strategy of Fedex

Words: 3117
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction: This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500 10% word Report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge…

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6 Pages

Global Business International Trade Has

Words: 1719
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic: Global Business Objective: To make the student aware of how interdependent is the monetary world of global business. The world has changed radically in the last fifteen years. Your paper…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Global Business Analysis - India

Words: 4108
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Each student will research and write a paper on analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. Students will select a nation to study, then research…

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2 Pages

Global Marketplace the Future of

Words: 759
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Research Paper ??" Global Future This paper consists of looking into the future (put your futurists hat on) and describe what you think the global marketplace will look like in…

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