Food System Essays Prompts

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Please write a 4 page essay on one of the following prompts. You are strongly encouraged not do outside research for this essay; the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate ability to interpret the Hu...ngry Planet exhibit on the basis of our course material. Paper should be double-spaced and printed in 11 font with one-inch margins. When citing course readings, simply include authors? names and page numbers in parentheses at the end of the sentence.

Choose contrasting photographs from two different countries. One family should be from a developing country and the other from either an affluent or middle-income country. The point is to choose two families whose participation in the global food economy causes them to have very different diets. Note the differences: the disparities in cost, the kinds of foods being eaten, where they come from, whether the diet is traditional or modern, the kinds of technologies necessary to procure and prepare the food, etc. Do you believe that international organizations (e.g., the WTO, NAFTA, the World Bank, the IMF, etc.) are relevant to explaining the differences between the photographs? If so, which ones and how? Use course readings, lectures and videos to elucidate the key international political and economic actors and forces that most likely lie behind the differences in the photographs.

I uploaded 2 different countries' family pictures from the exhibition is called, "Hungry Planet: What The World Eats", and I choose Germany and Mali.

I add 8 sources ($1 per each extra source exceeding the number of pages on order). Please use this course readings. (Only from here)
1. Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food (Penguin, 2008).
2. Raj Patel, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World?s Food System (Melville House, 2009).
3. Jennifer Clapp, Food (Polity Press, 2012).

Global Food Global Justice and

Greetings, the following question is to be answered

- Is the global food system unjust? If so, how? Who is responsible for the current global food system and who are the potential agents of change? Would creating a just global food system require a radical reorganization of our global economy? Would it require a radically new way of thinking? Do you think such a change is possible? In answering these questions, explain and evaluate 'Raj Patel's' analysis of the global food system.

Thanks in advance.

The purpose of a position paper is to take a position on a controversial issue related to the global food system. The position paper is based on evidence that provide a solid foundation for you...r argument. In the position paper you should:

Use quantitative (e.g. statistics) and/or qualitative (e.g. personal experience, media) evidence to support your position.
Validate your position with authoritative references or primary source quotations (use the course readings and at least 4 peer-reviewed articles from outside of the course readings).
Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your position.
Evaluate possible solutions and suggest courses of action.

What is the process for writing a position paper?
Choose an issue in the global food system where there is a division of opinion and which is arguable with evidence and inductive reasoning. You may choose an issue on which you have already formed an opinion. However, in writing about this issue you must examine your opinion of the issue critically. Prior to writing your position paper, define and limit your issue carefully. Social issues are complex with multiple solutions. Narrow the topic of your position paper to something that is manageable. Research your issue sufficiently in the time provided. Consider feasibility, cost-effectiveness and political/social climate when evaluating possible solutions and courses of action. The following structure is typical of a position paper:

An introduction
Identification of the issue
Statement of the position

The body
Background information
Supporting evidence or facts
A discussion of both sides of the issue

A conclusion
Suggested courses of action
Possible solutions

The introduction should clearly identify the issue and state the authors position. It should be written in a way that catches the readers attention.

The body of the position paper may contain several paragraphs. Each paragraph should present an idea or main concept that clarifies a portion of the position statement and is supported by evidence or facts. Evidence can be primary source quotations, statistical data, and indisputable dates or events. Evidence should lead, through inductive reasoning, to the main concept or idea presented in the paragraph. The body may begin with some background information and should incorporate a discussion of both sides of the issue.

The conclusion should summarize the main concepts and ideas and reinforce, without repeating, the introduction or body of the paper. It could include suggested courses of action and possible solutions.

There are faxes for this order.

Read The three articles on food: Prices And the Life Exchanged: Costs Of the U.S. Food System; Potato, From The Botany Of Desire; And Waste Equals Food. From One of these readings, identify an issue with the food supply: pesticides, loss of arable land to beef production, genetically modified seeds, the artificially suppressed cost of food, lack of biodiversity, etc.
Using At least two other sources, discuss that issue in a paper with proper APA documentation.
What is the issue, and how did it come about? What, if anything, is being done to fix the problem? Make Sure you have a clear thesis, and that you support it with quotes and specific information properly cited.

There are faxes for this order.

This is for a university Aboriginal Geography of Canada class.

The paper needs to have a clear thesis and flow smoothly.

I have chosen to do my topic on Aboriginal food security and how the movement towards a more westernized diet will deplete their culture, traditions, etc.

Here are some sources:

Damman, Siri. Barth Edie, Wenche. Kuhnlein V Harriet. ?Indigenous Peoples? Nutrition Transition in a Right To Food Perspective.? Science Direct. Food Policy (2008): 33, 135-55. Online.

Foley, Wendy. ?Tradition and Change in Urban Indigenous Food Practices.? Postcolonial Studies. (2005) 8:1. Pp 25-44. Online.

Kuhnlein, Harriet V. Receveur, Oliver. ?Dietary Change and Traditional Food Systems of Indigenous Peoples.? Annual Reviews, Nutrition. 1996:16. Pp. 417-42. Re-circulated by the University of Manitoba 08/29/08. Online.

Power, Elaine M. ?Conceptualizing Food Security for Aboriginal People in Canada.? Canadian Journal of Public Health. Aboriginal Food Security. March-April (2008) 99:2. Pp 95-7. Online.

Wadden, Joanne. ?De-linking From Dependency; Indigenous Food Sovereignty Brings Together Land, Food and Health.? Briar Patch; CBCA Reference 7 Current Events. Sept/Oct 2010:39, 5. Pp. 35-6. Online.

Wahlqvist, Mark L. ?Diversification in Indigenous and Ethnic Food Culture.? Diet Diversification and Health Promotion. Forum Nutr. (Ed.) I. Elmadfa. Basel, Karger, 2005:57. Pp 52-61. Online.

The purpose of this paper is to engage your own reflective capacity with respect to the readings, rather than to merely demonstrate that you have read the material. The emphasis should be on critique,... evaluation, and linking the material to other course themes. To this end, your paper may include a brief summary of the readings to the extent that this helps you to develop your reflective response.

Please do not write to much introduction for this paper. This is analysis paper. And please avoid long quotes. And this is most important thing. Please RAISE TWO QUESTIONS, and do some specific analysis would be great.

Papers should be 1.5-spaced, 2 pages, printed in 11-point font, with one-inch margins.

I uploaded several PDF readings.
1. Bomford, ?Getting Fossil Fuels Off the Plate? and 2. Erika Allen, ?Growing Community Food Systems? from Richard Heinberg and Daniel Lerch, The Post-Carbon Reader; Oxfam, ?Growing a Better Future;? 3. Wendell Berry, ?The Pleasures of Eating;? 4. Vicki Robin, ?Letter from the Future;? 5. Jalaja Bonheim, ?The Ultimate Miracle Worker
and please use this three reading materials to write the paper. Very Important! Please related with each other!

There is no time extension. It is just 2-page paper so please do until 05/30/2012 10:00am EST.

Thank you so much.

Canadian Food Safety: A Wider

. Food safety:
Please read the article Part 1: The quest to put some bite into foreign food inspections (Globe and Mail, December 8 2010), and then rigorously critique the following quo...te:
Food safety in Canada, believe it or not, is an accident. It really is, Rick Holley, a University of Manitoba food-safety expert and CFIA adviser, says.
Specifically, why do you think Mr. Holley views the Canadian food system so negatively? Do you generally agree or disagree with the tone of the article? Please discuss this quote within the context of the article, using what youve learned in class and from external materials.
The link to the article is:


Introduction:A discussion of the food market issue and why it is interesting and important. Identifying and explaining the objectives of the paper. (international food traceability can be very costly, oversea third party inspection agency can reduce the cost, it also can reduce information asymmetry)

Literature review/background: A brief review of the relevant literature, with an emphasis on the current situation.
(Balancing the costs and benefits of traceability, consumers and producers bear the costs after all.information asymmetry problems are Moral hazard and Adverse selection. Economic benefits of safer food)

Conceptual model: A discussion of the relevant economic theory and concepts that this paper addresses.(Balancing the costs and benefits,Economic benefits of safer food,Costs of improved food safety.costs and benefits of oversea third party food inspection agency.)

Analysis: A discussion of, and justification for, the arguments and positions used in the paper.(food safety)

Results & conclusion: A summary and discussion of the main ideas and results that this paper provides.(the benefits of building up third party food inspection agency exceed the costs )

two helpful news resources:
the link of news 1:
the link of news 2:

There are faxes for this order.

Isues to be considered:
what is GM food?
is genetic engineering useful for food security in developing countries?
what is at stake for TNCs?
In what ways do the polices of the WTO... and the USA support TNC domination of food market?
what ethic problems emerge for GM food

The essay's content must be:
- Relevant application to the question.
- Impressive grasp and application of theory and concepts.
- Wide-ranging and relevant research conducted.
- Evidence of critical thinking and evaluation.
- Analytically coherent overall.

The essay's structure must be:
- Clear, relevant introduction.
- Arguments structured coherently.
- Clear, effective conclusion.

The essay's style and presentation must be:
- Good use of language.
- Correct spelling and well presented.
- References and bibliography consistently presented.

Reading list:
-Lieberman, S., Gray, T. 2008. The World Trade Organizations Report on EUs Moratarium on Biotech Products: The Wisdom of the US Challenge to the EU in the WTO, Global Environmental Politics, 8

-Tansey, G. 2008. Food farming and Global Rules, in Tansey, G. And Rajotte, T. (eds), The Future Control of Food: A guide to Internationl Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiveraity and Food Security, London: Earthscan.

-Lipton, M. 2007. Plant Breeding and Poverty: Can Transgenic Sees Replicate the Green Revolution as a Source of Gains for the Poor?, Journal of Development Studies, 43(1): 31-62.

-Uphoff, N. 2007. Agroecological Alternatives: Capitalising on Existing Genetic Potentials, Journal of Development Studies, 43(1): 218-236.

-Branford, S. 2004, Argentinas Bitter Harvest, New Scientist, 17 April 04, pp:40-44.

-Burkhardt, G., 2000, Agricultural Biotechnology and the Fututre Benefits Argument, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14(2):135-145. (available electronically in the library).

-Lele, U. 2003, Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Dountries, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(5): 1119-1125.

-Devereux, S. And Maxwell, S. 2003, Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, London: ITDG Publication.

-Thomson, A. 2002, Genes for Africa: Genetically Modified Crops in the Developing World, Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press.

-Millstone, E. And van Zwanenberp, P., 2003, Food and Agricultural Biotechnology Policy: How much Autonomy Can Developing Countries Exercise?, Development Policy Review, 21(5-6): 655-667.

-Plahe, J.K. and Nyland, C. 2003, The WTO and Patenting of Life Forms: Policy Options for Developing Countries, Third World Quarterly, 24(1): 29-45. (electronically availale in the library).

-Pingali,P. And Traxler, G. 2002, Changing Locus of Agricultural Research: Will the Poor Benefit from Biotechnology and Privatization Trends?, Food Policy, 27: 223-238. (available electronically in the library). (Pro GM food).

-Scoones, I. 2002, Can Agricultural Biotechnology be Pro-Poor?: A Sceptical Look at the Emerging Consensus, IDS Bulletin, 33(4).

-Nielsen, C.P., Robinson, S., Thierfielder, K. 2001, Genetic Engineeering and Trade: Panacea or Dilemma for Developing Countries, World Development, 29(8):1307-1324. (available electronically in the library)

-Oestergard, R. Tubin, L. And Altman, Jr. M. 2001, Stealing from the Past: Globalisation, Strategic Formation and the Use of Indigenous Intellectual Property in Biotechnology Industry, Third World Quarterly, 22(4): 643-656.

-Pinstrup-Anderson, P and Schoiler, E. 2001, Seeds of Contention: World Hunger and the Global Controversy over GM Crops, London: John Baltimore University Press. (for GM food).

-Brac de La Perriere, R and Seuret, F. 2000, Brave New Seeds: The Threat of GM Crops to Farmers, London : Zed Books. (against GM food).

-Magdoff, F. et al (eds) 2000, Hungry for Profit: The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food and the Environment, New York, London: Monthly Review.

-Peters, C.F. 2000, Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: Who Stands to Benefit?, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 13: 313-327.

-Reiss, M.J., 2000, Ethical Considerations at the Various Stages in the Development , Production, and Consumption of GM Crops, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14(2):179-190. (available electronically in the library) (against GM food)

-Wilkinson, J. 2002, The Final Foods Industry and the Changing Face of the Global Agro-Food System, Sociologia Ruralis, 42(4): 329-346. (electronically availale in the library).

-Shiva, V. 1998, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, Devon: Green Books.

-Shiva, V. 2001, Protect or Plunder: Understanding Intellectual Property Rights, London: Zed Books.

-Conway, G. 1997, The Doubly Green Revolution, London: Penguin.

-Maathai, W. 1998. The Link Between Patenting of Life Forms, Genetic Engineering and Food Insecurity, Review of African Political Economy, 25(77): 526-28

-Hobbelink.H, 1991, Biotechnology and the Future of World Agriculture, London, Zed Books LTD
Ecologist, 1998. The Monsanto Files: Can we Survive Genetic Engineering?, Ecologist, 28: 251-318.

-Kydd, J., Hoddock, J., Mansfield, J et al. 2000, Policy Arena: Genetically Modified Organisms: Major Issues and Policy Responses, Journal of International Development, 12(8).

-Pearce.F, 1996, Greedy Patenting Could Starve Poor of Biotechnology Promise, New Scientist, Volume 152 no.2056

-Shand, H. 1998. Terminator Seeds: Monsanto Moves to Tighten its Grip on Global Agriculture, Multinational Monitor, 20:13-16

-Shiva, V. and Moser, I. 1995, Bio-politics: a Feminist and Ecological Reader on Biotechnology, London: Zed Books.

-World Development Movement, 1999. Genetically Modifed Seeds: Corporarte Control over Farmers in the Third World. Briefing paper, London.

-World Development Movement 1996. Corporate Giants: their grip on the World Economy, WDM, London.

-Nuffield council on Bioethics, 1999, Genetically Modified Crops: The Ethical and Social Issues,

-Zerbe, N. 2001. Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Despair: Towards a Political Economy of the Seed Industry in Southern Africa, Third World Quarterly, 22(4): 657-73. (available electronically in the library).

You can read Pollan's /the Omnivore's Dilemma. Ritzer's "McJobs: McDonaldization and the workplace" and Schlosser's "the slaughtrhouse: the Most Dangerous job"

Is our industrial system of agriculture and food (product) production and distribution (the same system that designs fast food, forces slaughterhouse quotas up, and produces jobs that are industrial opposed to post-industrial) hindering society? In other words our current industrial food system move us (society and its members) backwards. Prove your point in your argument.

Due Tuesday, May 21st

This week, our readings focus on organic agriculture. Organic agriculture is often seen as a solution to many of the costs of industrial agriculture?but is it? In add...ition, we will read about the choices between eating local (and possibly supporting industrial agriculture) versus eating organic (and possibly supporting a farmer in Chile).

Please answer the following questions in full and complete sentences in 12pt type. The total length of this assignment should be between 1.5 and 3 double-spaced pages.

Klugger: What?s So Great about Organic Food?

1. At the time of this article, how much of the US market was organic?
2. Is there a debate surrounding organic agriculture? What does the science about this food say?
3. What is the problem with our current food system, according to this article? What sort of problems is it causing for the US population?
4. What is one health benefit of eating cattle raised on grass? What does the beef industry say about theses benefits?
5. How are MRSA and commercial agriculture related?
6. Does eating organic help you avoid pesticides? What are some of the concerns with organic foods and chemical use?
7. Why is eating organic no guarantee of getting healthier food? Please list and describe the factors mentioned in the paper that contribute to the healthfulness of foods.

Cloud: Eating Better than Organic

1. Describe the debate surrounding organic vs. local.
2. How do abiotic conditions change farming practices? What example does Cloud provide to illustrate this fact?
3. Can science tell us which is better, organic or local? Why not?
4. Describe the different definitions of ?local? used in the paper. Does this definition matter?
5. What is Caf? 150? Is this model likely to work anywhere else? Why or why not?
6. Describe the CSA model. Why are most CSAs not organic certified?

Please proofread paper

There will be four journal. Each journal entry sould take at least two readings (article) and explore one idea, topic or issue that strikes yo as important. As a point of departure, you may want to sh...ow how your reaction to the readig fit with (or doesn't) previousy or currenly-held belifs, you may want to state how the issues raised are relevant to your own experiences. To be successful, you must g beyond point of departure: be both critical and analytical. What is the depper significance offideas or issue? you will ave to b critical both bout the reading andabout your point of view.

Do not summarize reding and/or merely express levels of argreement or disagreement with the authr/s. Do not lengthy accounts of your personal experiences or feelings.

First journal( please write 3 pages)
Kari Krogh: Redefining Home Care for Women with Disabilities: A Call for Citizenship pp 170- 193
Marian MacKinnon and Laura Lee Howard: Affirming Immigrant Women's Health: Building Inclusive Health Policy pp. 194-210
Carla Rice: Becoming "The Fat Girl": Acquisition of an Unfit Identity pp. 211-230

Second Journal (please wtrie 3 pages)
Roberta Hamilton: Global Restructuring, Canadian Connections, and Feminist Resistance pp 345-361
Sedef Arat-Koc: Whose Social Reproduction? Transnational Motherhood and Challenges to Feminist Political Economy pp 362-374
Roxanna Ng: Garment Production in Canada: Social and Political Implications pp 375-786
Deborah Barndt: Fruits of Injustice: Women in the Post-NAFTA Food System pp 387-396

Third Journal (please write 2 pages)
Anna C. Korteweg: The Sharia Debate in Ontario: Gender, Islam, and Muslim Women's Agency pp 312-325
Wangari Esther Tharao and Linda Cornwell: Feminist Leadership and Female Genital Mutilation in Canada: A Community Health Centre's Advocacy and FGM Eradication Efforts PP 326-344

Fourth Journal (please write 2 pages)

Ann Duffy and Nancy Mandell: The Growth of Poverty and Social Inequality: Losing Faith in Social Justice PP 251-265
Patricia A. Monture-Angus: Lessons in Decolonization: Aboriginal Overrepresentation in Canadian Criminal Justice PP 266-281
Jennifer J. Nelson: The Space of Africville: Creating, Regulating, and Remembering the Urban 'Slum' PP282-311

Let me know if you have any questions.

America's Diet

Food, Place and Identity: The Geography of Diet
Major Paper
Food habits of nations are defined by culture, circumstance, coincidence, heritage, readily available ingredients and nume...rous other factors. With these in mind, choose one country and describe:
1. principal foods that typify the national cuisine
2. differences that might exist within a country from one region to another
3. the connection between diet and the domestic capacity to provide the necessary ingredients.
Sources: The paper must include one or more maps, draw on articles from at least 6-8 peer reviewed journals or books and contain authoritative information from governmental and credible non-government organizations. Where available, existing maps can be adapted, but otherwise the information can be shown on widely available outline or base maps.
Technical Requirements: The paper may be written either in an essay or report style, but must exhibit the following elements:
? effective structure, including a lucid introduction and conclusion
? reliance on authoritative and diverse sources with a measured proportional dependence on web materials
? good writing that is devoid of technical errors and colloquialisms
? proper pagination
? appropriate illustrative materials, particularly maps which must demonstrate good cartographic elements including aesthetic design, titles, scale and orientation
? illustrations which follow their first in-text reference as closely as possible
? comprehensive documentation of sources in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, using consistent application of any standard style such as the APA
? attach receipt from Turnitin

System Thinking and Transformative Social Systems in Sustainability
Task Name: Phase 5 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 10?15 pages
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individ...ual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Key Assignment

This Key Assignment builds on the work that was completed in the 4 prior individual assignments (problem statement, literature review, systems map, and the development of a teaching tool). Each of these assignments took a different approach to analyzing and understanding the sustainability challenge that you selected from the choices you were given (global resource flows, energy, toxicity, habitat, water global human needs, or interorganizational supply chains). This final assignment asks you to integrate the lessons learned from these previous assignments to design a proposal for addressing the challenge that you selected within the context of the organization, community, government agency, country that you chose. You should address the following:

Summarize and synthesize what you learned from the 4 previous assignments. Remember that this project was designed at both a macro (the big issue) and micro (the specific application you have chosen), so summarize and synthesize on both levels.
Describe an approach to addressing the problem at the micro level. This approach should be supported by the work that you have done and should assume a systems-thinking approach. Thus, implications for the immediate systems (stakeholders and systems that are interdependent with the system you are studying) should be discussed.
Discuss implications for the macro-level issue. Draw direct parallels from the micro-level proposal and the macro-level issue.
Please submit your assignment.

Food Safety for America

Think back on the recent food recalls (Peanut butter, Tomatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Beef, etc.); where do these foods come from, what safeguards are in place, are they stringent enough? Do you feel safe, who pays for the recalls, treatment, and safeguards?

The purpose of this paper is to engage your own reflective capacity with respect to the readings, rather than to merely demonstrate that you have read the material. The emphasis should be on critique,... evaluation, and linking the material to other course themes. To this end, your paper may include a brief summary of the readings to the extent that this helps you to develop your reflective response.

Please do not write to much introduction for this paper. This is analysis paper. And please avoid long quotes. And this is most important thing. Please RAISE TWO QUESTIONS, and do some specific analysis would be great.

Papers should be 1.5-spaced, 2 pages, printed in 11-point font, with one-inch margins.

I will upload two PDF readings tomorrow.
1. Patel, Chapters 9-10; Wittman, ?Reconnecting Agriculture and the Environment,?
2. Chapter 7 in "Food Sovereignty"

and I typed two website readings here so please use this three reading materials to write the paper. Very Important! Please related with each other!

Website readings:
1. Timothy Wise, ?The True Cost of Cheap Food,?
2. Donald Carr, ?Corn Subsidies Make Unhealthy Food Choices Rational?

There is no time extension. It is just 2-page paper so please do until 05/09/2012 10:00am EST.

Thank you so much.

Essay question:
Critically discuss why the concept of food has become increasingly popular as a leisure activity.

Background Information:
Food for many people is not solely about just... the 'food as fuel'. Food, for some, has taken on aspects of a leisure activity: shopping [for example farmer?s markets], eating, cooking, reading, TV viewing, blogging etc.

?The purpose of the essay is to investigate the concept of food as a leisure experience, and build your understanding of what consumers are looking for and why. This understanding is important in recognising how and why many food experiences are structured the way they are (eg, cooking TV show: Masterchef) , and how they are interlinked with other cultural experiences. For the hospitality practitioner, this understand is central to the management of any food and beverage operation.

In essay body, I would like to include these major factors which have changed the concept of food as a leisure activity.

? The globalisation
- It has led a stable and abundant food supply at national and international levels which therefore creates a greater variety of food choices for people.

? Media impact
- Mass medias such as culinary TV programmes and recipe books etc designed to entertain viewers by helping them acquire new knowledge and skills of cooking, have changed the notion of cooking as a fun activity by unique ways (igniting in the general public a passion for food and innovative cookery).

- Recipe books edited by famous celebrity chefs / restaurant review websites engage the viewer?s interests and curiosity making them want to have more new and dining experience. (increasing portions of society that are excited to dine out at restaurants as this gives them the opportunity to learn more and understand the artistry and different techniques that can be used in cooking, as well as exposing them to new foods and different tastes.)

? Contemporary philosophy of food (Today, besides physiological needs, higher-level needs are the consumer?s major motivations of food consumptions.)

- People?s eating behaviour has changed/transformed by modernity?consider eating as an experience of food as a part of their status, psychological fulfilment, and considering restaurants as a public space for socialisation.

- Maintaining high quality of food (the process of cooking, ingredients, tastes, visual presentation, inherent theme etc) is important for food service operator.

- Consumers are becoming more like sensational seekers.
- The strategy reflects the innovative concept or novelty is the key to successful food industry.

p.s. In these points, I would like to focus on describing the details of ?Impacts of Mass Media? and ?Contemporary philosophy of food? to clarify and expand the arguments towards the essay topic.
Overall, I would like to emphasise the idea of ?experience engagement by stimulating people?s sense and participation? in the essay.

Food Safety

The table of contents below should be the next page in your manual, after the title page. All the elements listed must be included, but you may add in sections as you deem necessary. Remember to keep ...your target audience in mind. The Table of Contents is in bold, and the explanation of what should be included in that section is in italics. Only the bold text needs to be in the table of contents (not the explanation). The explanation is there for clarification of what is expected to be included in that section. This is what you will add in that section of the manual.

Include page numbers in the Table of Contents and format your manual professionally, keeping in mind your target audience. Develop the manual thoroughly. This will be used as a tool in your establishment to ensure food safety. You may use pictures or industry aids, just be sure they are properly cited.

The final page of your project should be your Reference page. Use APA format for your references. Have Fun!

Table of Contents
Purpose and Scope of Manual
Who is responsible for ensuring safe food?
How will this manual help prevent foodborne illnesses?
Foundations for Use
What are the food safety hazards?
What are the 5 main risks leading to foodborne illness, as defined by the CDC?
Who are at greater risk for foodborne illness and why?
How does the CDC define an outbreak of foodborne illness?
Safe Food Handling
Define how foodhandlers can contaminate food
Define guidelines for a good personal hygiene program and describe the steps for proper handwashing
Define requirements for employee work attire, proper use of gloves, and develop policies regarding eating, drinking or smoking while preparing food. What should an employee do when the first arrive at work?
The Flow of Food
Purchasing and Receiving - Define general guidelines/procedures for purchasing and receiving
Storage - Describe general storage guidelines. Address only dry storage and refrigerated items
Preparation - Provide guidelines for thawing, cooking, cooling and reheating food. Provide minimum cooking temperatures for at least 4 different items.
Service ? Establish guidelines for servers and procedures for safe food service. (You do not need to include details on holding food for service or serving off-site unless it is applicable to your establishment)
Hazard analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
Describe the steps involved in a HACCP system. Do not just list the steps, define them in your own words, as they relate to your facility.
Employee Food Safety Training
Develop a food safety training program for your employees. You do not need to include all the details, but be sure to explain the importance for having such a training program and identify the frequency with which this training should take place. In addition to the use of this manual, explain the type of training you will use and how you will determine when training will happen.

I want you to take a look at the feedback loops in Whole Foods Market.


Refer to the background readings on System Feedback Loops.

...r> Identify one Balancing Loop and one Reinforcing Loop. These feedback loops should be critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success. So you should have a good idea of what these are from your previous analysis.

Explain each one of these loops - what are the causal factors and how do they affect each other. for the Reinforcing loop, you should look for an area where there is growth and for the Balancing loop, you need to look for goal behavior. Once you have identified and explained these critical feedback loops, you need to identify how Whole Foods Market has generated organizational learning, AND how they can go further and generate additional organizational learning. What do they need to do to improve their performance further?

Be sure to include references. Turn in the 5-6 page paper by the end of the module.


This is what you need to do:

Determine the two critical feedback loops. Describe each Feedback Loop that you identify in your organization and explain why you selected them. Make sure you explain the Loop, the cause and effect process within the Loop. You could also include a Causal Loop Diagram. If you do, show the arrows and direction of effect (+ or -). Also, determine what the warrant is for your case.
Briefly discuss the theory of organizational learning so that you provide a summary of this information to the executives - establish this as common ground.
Identify the learning activities in each feedback loop that Whole Foods Market has already undertaken.
Then identify the opportunities for organizational learning in each Feedback Loop. Make a Case that these are learning opportunities. Logically show how the feedback process provides an opportunity for the organization to learn and improve its performance. Be precise. Depth and breadth in your discussion is always a good thing.

***Potential Reference Links/Required Reading***

In all of the readings, pay partiular attention to the two types of Feedback Loops: Reinforcing Feedback that causes growth, and Balancing Feedback that provides stabilizing effects.

This first reading is a good overview.

Bellinger, G. (2004) Introduction to systems thinking. Retrieved from on November 7, 2012.

This second reading is quite long and reviews much of the work in the area of learning organizations. Read it all if you like (see menu on left side of the page), but the most relevant part of the paper for this course is part VI, which covers systems thinking:

Larsen, K., McInerney, C., Nyquist, C., Santos, A., & Silsbee, D. (1996) Learning Organizations (Part VI: Systems Thinking) Retrieved from on November 7, 2012

IF YOU ARE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT FEEDBACK LOOPS, [retrieved on November 7, 2012]. Here is another tutorial on this complex concept.

Food Safety Critical Analysis


Writing Guide:

Going on to writing an essay:



What is your reaction to the story of Stephanie Smith and to the US government's decision to serve an amalgam, ammonia-washed meat product to children? You may write out these reactions separately or you may see these issues as being related. Do you have any objection to how we provide food safety? Do you see the US FDA, and USDA as agencies that, in spite of some unfortunate mishaps, are overall providing good and responsible service to US consumers? What things might you wish to improve or what changes would you institute? Do you take the position that government regulation should be increased or do you think that the government has little influence and effect on the current industry of the super-corporate, oligarchic food industry? OR--Do believe government intervention is wrong in a free market society?

Extended Writing: Combine your previous Blackboard Discussion Post on Tainted Meat and your reaction to USDA Government Inspected. Expand your ideas with 1or 2 of the critical thinking questions:

here is my post in discussion board. : In doing my reading and research, I came upon a few meat production companies and slaughterhouses which were producing these contaminated meats. One of these big production companies called Cargill labeled themselves as ?American Chef?s Selection Angus Beef Patties?, but in reality they were far from what their labeled name had said. According to the articles, Cargill hamburgers happened to be made from a mix of slaughterhouse trimmings and scraps that were grounded together. These slaughterhouses were located in all different parts of the United States as well Uruguay. One of them actually used ammonia to kill of bacteria off fatty trimmings. Cargill was making sure they were getting their bang for the buck, which meant they spent less amounts of money but got back high amounts of low quality meats that were processed and not checked majority of the times for any sorts of diseases or bacteria.

I need this to be written as a critical essay, which is an essay with an idea that you have developed, that is your own. As well as thesis. 1 quote per paragraph maximum. I will upload pages from chapter 10. Please keep this in freshman writing level. THIS IS NOT TO BE WRITTEN AS A RESEARCH PAPER.

Food, Inc. As Its Title

The movie review is about Food, inc. It is available on netflix or youtube I think.
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I want you to write a proposal research based on the topics of food and sustainability, also it should relate to my major which is marketing. However, more specification will be sent to you as a file. This proposal will be my topic for the long research paper. And I want you to use very easy English because I'm an international student. I will send to you the long research requirements so you can base the proposal on. I will place an order for the long paper later after you write the proposal. Also, I will send 4 articles related to the topics of food and sustainability, you choose whatever works for the proposal. the minimum number of sources to use is 8. and please use very credible sources.
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Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

Food in Ancient Egypt Food

1. Plagiarism has top priority! Everything should be cited correctly to avoid plagiarism,since my instructor is using Turnitin!
2. The essay should focus on the slaves and the rich in ancient Egypt and more importantly, what type of food was served to the slaves, this includes the way slaves were treated, the number of meals they were given a day, and also what they were given. This should be compared to the rich and what culinary specialties they ate. The paper should also show how food was used to indicate different classes of wealth and how it differentiated the poor from the rich. To what extent did food play an importance in ancient Egypt?
3. Use credible and scholarly sources, and also all of the sources should be accessible to me as well and therefore they should ONLY be online sources (no books, or magazines)!

This is for writer Isak. Here are my assignments for the upcoming week.

(01)In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food, and much of this is due to our agricult...ural technology. However, there are many concerns about our food source, including genetically modified crops, the use of more chemicals, and climate change just name a few. Give examples of how humans have increased their food supply and what effects these methods have on the environment overall. Discuss concerns you have about the overall safety of the food you eat? (01, page).

(02)Examine the obvious environmental impacts as well as significant social and physical ramifications of urban sprawl. What is the relationship between landscape and psychological well being? After defining this relationship, discuss how the presence or absence of natural beauty in your environment affects your psychological well being on an everyday basis. Give at least one specific example.

(03)Environmental Footprint

Complete the first part of this lab at Footprint Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will use the ecological footprint calculator to evaluate your environmental footprint. Then, complete the second part at Household Emissions Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will use the EPA?s household emissions calculator to quantitatively identify three to five everyday products or practices that contribute most to your footprint and identify measurable solutions to each. That is, you will estimate savings of both carbon emissions and money that can be achieved via the solutions. In the study questions, reflect upon your results and relate them to themes covered in Contemporary Environmental Issues. (01 page)

In order to complete this lab, download the Environmental Footprint Instructions. Answer the Lab Questions at the end of the document. Save it as a Word document and submit it.

(04)Land Use in Pinchot

Visit Land Use in Pinchot Lab (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues) and complete the virtual lab. In this lab you will apply the scientific method to examine how thresholds of land use changes such as deforestation and urban sprawl can impact communities, predator/prey relationships, species diversity, and quality of life in human communities.

In order to complete this lab, download the Land Use in Pinchot Lab Instructions and Land Use in Pinchot Lab Data Table. Answer the Lab Questions at the end of the Land Lab Instructions. Save it as a Word document and submit it. (01 page)

System Feedback Loops Over the

Whole Foods:

Identify one Balancing Loop and one Reinforcing Loop. These feedback loops should be critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success.

Explain each one of these loops - what are the causal factors and how do they affect each other. For the Reinforcing Loop, look for an area where there is growth. For the Balancing Loop, look for goal behavior. Once you have identified and explained these critical feedback loops, identify how Whole Foods Market has generated organizational learning, and how they can go further and generate additional organizational learning. What do they need to do to improve their performance further?

Customer is requesting that (Assco5522) completes this order.



As youre reading or preparing to write the review, ask yourself these questions:...

What are the authors viewpoint and purpose?

The viewpoint or purpose may be implied rather than stated, but often a good place to look for what the author says about his or her purpose and viewpoint is the introduction or preface.

What are the authors main points?

Again, these will often be stated in the introduction.

What kind of evidence does the author use to prove his or her points? Is the evidence convincing?

Why or why not? Does the author support his or her points adequately?

How does this book relate to other books on the same topic?

Is the book unique? Does it add new information? What group of readers, if any, would find this book most useful?

Does the author have the necessary expertise to write the book?

What are the most appropriate criteria by which to judge the book? How successful do you think the author was in carrying out the overall purposes of the book?

Depending on your books purpose, you should select appropriate criteria by which to judge its success. Use any criteria your instructor has given you in lecture or on your assignment sheet. Otherwise, here are some criteria to consider. For example, if an author says his or her purpose is to argue for a particular solution to a public problem, such as school reform or international relations, then the review should judge whether the author has defined the problem, identified causes, planned points of attack, provided necessary background information and offered specific solutions. A review should also indicate the authors professional expertise.

In other books, however, authors may argue for their theory about a particular phenomenon. Reviews of these books should evaluate what kind of theory the book is arguing for, how much and what kind of evidence the author uses to support his/her scholarly claims, how valid the evidence seems, how expert the author is, and how much the book contributes to the knowledge of the field.


Although you should include what you feel is appropriate for explaining your assessment of a book, reviews generally include the following kinds of information.

Most reviews start off with a heading that includes all the bibliographic information about the book. If your assignment sheet does not indicate which form you should use, you can use the following:

Title. Author. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. Number of pages.

Like most pieces of writing, the review itself usually begins with an introduction that lets your readers know what the review will say. The first paragraph usually includes the author and title again, so your readers dont have to look up to find the title. You should also include a very brief overview of the contents of the book, the purpose or audience for the book, and your reaction and evaluation.

Reviews then generally move into a section of background information that helps place the book in context and discusses criteria for judging the book.

Next, the review gives a summary of the main points of the book, quoting and paraphrasing key phrases from the author.

Finally, reviewers get to the heart of their writing??"their evaluation of the book. In this section, reviewers discuss a variety of issues:

how well the book has achieved its goal,
what possibilities are suggested by the book,
what the book has left out,
how the book compares to others on the subject,
what specific points are not convincing, and
what personal experiences youve had related to the subject.
It is important to carefully distinguish your views from the authors, so that you dont confuse your reader.

Like other essays, book reviews usually end with a conclusion which ties together issues raised in the review and provides a concise comment on the book.

a general rule of thumb is that the first one-half to two-thirds of the review should summarize the authors main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the book.

->Key terms that i would like to be used if it applies - hegemony and hegemonic structures

->If you can draw parallels from whichever of these articles that apply and cite them also it would be great
2-Jack Donnely, Human rights, Globalizing Flows, and State Power,
3-Stephen Castles, Nation and Empire: Hierarchies of Citizenship in the New Global Order,
4-David McNally, Slump, Austerity and Resistance, Socialist Register, 2012

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4 Pages

Political Ecology the World Food System

Words: 1359
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Please write a 4 page essay on one of the following prompts. You are strongly encouraged not do outside research for this essay; the purpose of this paper is…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Global Food Global Justice and

Words: 1567
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Greetings, the following question is to be answered - Is the global food system unjust? If so, how? Who is responsible for the current global food system and who…

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Food Systems Build More Corporate Wealth Than Fill Larders

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Length: 6 Pages
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The purpose of a position paper is to take a position on a controversial issue related to the global food system. The position paper is based on evidence that…

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Food Supply Technology, Industrialization, and

Words: 1142
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Read The three articles on food: Prices And the Life Exchanged: Costs Of the U.S. Food System; Potato, From The Botany Of Desire; And Waste Equals Food. From One…

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Aboriginal Food "The Colonial Impact on Indigenous

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This is for a university Aboriginal Geography of Canada class. The paper needs to have a clear thesis and flow smoothly. I have chosen to do my topic on Aboriginal food…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Political Ecology of the World Food System

Words: 672
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The purpose of this paper is to engage your own reflective capacity with respect to the readings, rather than to merely demonstrate that you have read the material. The…

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Canadian Food Safety: A Wider

Words: 3763
Length: 10 Pages
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Topic: . Food safety: Please read the article Part 1: The quest to put some bite into foreign food inspections (Globe and Mail, December 8 2010), and then rigorously critique the…

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14 Pages
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Genetic Engineering of Food "Protagonists

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Isues to be considered: what is GM food? is genetic engineering useful for food security in developing countries? what is at stake for TNCs? In what ways do the polices of the…

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Hindering Society Is Our Industrial

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You can read Pollan's /the Omnivore's Dilemma. Ritzer's "McJobs: McDonaldization and the workplace" and Schlosser's "the slaughtrhouse: the Most Dangerous job" Is our industrial system of agriculture and…

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21st This Week, Readings Focus Organic Agriculture.

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Due Tuesday, May 21st This week, our readings focus on organic agriculture. Organic agriculture is often seen as a solution to many of the costs of industrial agriculture?but is…

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Inequality in Canada, One of the Most

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There will be four journal. Each journal entry sould take at least two readings (article) and explore one idea, topic or issue that strikes yo as important. As a…

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13 Pages
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America's Diet

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Food, Place and Identity: The Geography of Diet Major Paper 2011 Food habits of nations are defined by culture, circumstance, coincidence, heritage, readily available ingredients and numerous other factors. With these…

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Water Global Human Needs System Thinking and

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System Thinking and Transformative Social Systems in Sustainability Task Name: Phase 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 10?15 pages Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Food Safety for America

Words: 1429
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Think back on the recent food recalls (Peanut butter, Tomatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Beef, etc.); where do these foods come from, what safeguards are in place, are they stringent enough?…

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2 Pages

Political Ecology of the World Food System

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The purpose of this paper is to engage your own reflective capacity with respect to the readings, rather than to merely demonstrate that you have read the material. The…

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Food Increasingly Popular a Leisure Activity. Background

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Essay question: Critically discuss why the concept of food has become increasingly popular as a leisure activity. Background Information: Food for many people is not solely about just the 'food as fuel'.…

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Food Safety

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Length: 6 Pages
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The table of contents below should be the next page in your manual, after the title page. All the elements listed must be included, but you may add in…

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5 Pages
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System Feedback Loops of Whole Foods

Words: 1463
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I want you to take a look at the feedback loops in Whole Foods Market. REQUIRED READING: Refer to the background readings on System Feedback Loops. CASE 5 ASSIGNMENT: Identify one Balancing Loop…

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Food Safety Critical Analysis

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Food, Inc. As Its Title

Words: 941
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The movie review is about Food, inc. It is available on netflix or youtube I think. There are faxes for this order.

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2 Pages

Food Sustainability the Topic for This Project

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I want you to write a proposal research based on the topics of food and sustainability, also it should relate to my major which is marketing. However, more…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Food in Ancient Egypt Food

Words: 2294
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Plagiarism has top priority! Everything should be cited correctly to avoid plagiarism,since my instructor is using Turnitin! 2. The essay should focus on the slaves and the rich in…

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4 Pages

Food Safety, Urban Sprawl, & Land Use

Words: 1198
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This is for writer Isak. Here are my assignments for the upcoming week. (01)In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food, and much…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

System Feedback Loops Over the

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Whole Foods: Identify one Balancing Loop and one Reinforcing Loop. These feedback loops should be critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success. Explain each one of these loops -…

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5 Pages

Food Wars Place of Publication: London and

Words: 1756
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

BELOW IS WHAT I NEED EXPRESSED WITHIN THE BOOK REVIEW BOOK TITLE "THE FOOD WARS" READING THE BOOK As youre reading or preparing to write the review, ask yourself these questions: What are…

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