25+ documents containing “Financial Perspective”.
Develop a financial service company (like VESDIA Inc.) that provides a new product or service. Write a marketing plan for this company. Include the following:
Executive Summary
Your company
Your mission
What you sell
Keys to success
Macro Environment
SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, treat)
Marketing Objectives
Financial Objectives
Target Markets
Research Approach
Marketing Mix
Sales Forecast
Budget Analysis
This paper should be approximately 25 pages typed double spaces. My professor is company of VESDIA Inc.?s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), so you can use the ideal from that company but do not just copy from their writing. You can use the similar product or service but do not just copy it. Be careful about the plagiarism. Thank you~
There are some sources you can use to help you get the ideal below:
Collins, D. (2012). Business Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
8-10 page Paper
For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for weeks 1-7 and YOU MUST READ the NORTEL CASE... STUDY that is in the resources section of your classroom. If you choose, you may also research the library for additional background about Nortel (If you choose to do some additional research).
The breakdown of your paper should be as follows:
Introduction of Your Paper:
Provide an introduction of the topics that you will discuss below (Base your introduction on our reading material from weeks 1-7-It is basically all of the reading material from our class)
Body of your paper: (8-10 Pages total in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with key words from our text. You must answer all five questions below and include AT LEAST FIVE key words from our text when responding to EACH QUESTION. That means that you would use 25 of the key words in our text for this paper. BOLD each key term that you use from our text. This will show me that you are attempting to support your thoughts with key material from our text and that you are able to apply the material from our class. The five required questions are as follows:
1. From an ethical perspective, describe the factors that contributed to the rise and fall of Nortel.
2. What mechanisms should be put in place to better align managers with the interests of shareholders?
3. Would you describe the meltdown of Nortel more as a failure of ?people? or of ?capital market processes??
4. What happened to Nortel is similar to what happened to WorldCom and Enron inthe early 2000s, and to Lehman Brothers, Citigroup, and many other banks during the 2008 financial crisis. Why do businesspeople keep making the same mistake?
5. Discuss how to prioritize the following remedies to stop such recurrences: business education, regulation of accounting/financial markets, regulation of incentives, or regulation of punishment. Also, tell me your thought process about your decision about priorities.
Paper Format:
A. Title Page - Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your review, course number, course name, session, section, semester and date.
B. Introductory Paragraph - Include an introductory paragraph.
C. Font and Spacing - Use Arial or Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double spaced lines.
D. Length - Write a 8-10 page review not including the title page and citation page.
E. Reference Page - Include all sources on a Reference page
F. Utilize the APA Style for the review and to documenting sources.
G. Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade. more
this is a management accounting dissertation, I have not find a topic (gap) yet, but it will be related to non financial performance measure and customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction is a kind of non financial performance measurement. customer satisfaction can lead to long term better financial performance of companies. but you can decide a topic for me.
the dissertation will be a qualitative study, interview chinese manufactures, so please reference some chinese studies and make sure the literature review shows that it has never been done in China.
the articles I supplied do not have to be referenced, but might be helpful.
please send me the referenced articles as well, use reliable source articles only please
please make sure the topic is conductible, and the data can be obtained through interview
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Please follow the directions:
Take the role of a Key Player in the national decision making process (from the list below), and analyze the author's premise in ...the article from this perspective and provide Courses of Action (the what) the US should take to address issues identified in the article and in that region of the world.
Most importantly, show how each suggested Courses of Action will support specific US National Interests (listed below) [the reason why we are taking the actions]. Your COAs should cover all four US National Interests.
Your Courses of Action should show how the Instruments of National Power (IOP) will be employed (the how, limiting your discussion to the most important one or two IOPs per COA will be necessary to limit your paper to just seven pages).
Your Courses of Action should be something your Key Player can implement. (i.e. show how you (the key player) will enforce/enact/encourage/recommend your courses of action for implementation in the National Decision Making Process, the who)
Include an analysis/discussion of the issues for the entire region of the identified country(ies) and any neighboring relations in the context of the OpEds issues. (How would your
courses of action affect other countries in the region? What about neighboring countries? the where)
Key players
National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Director of National Intelligence, Congress, think tank, interest group, lobby, or the President.
Instruments of National Power (IOPs)
Diplomatic, Informational, Military, or Economic
National Interests (2010 NSS, Section III)
Security, Values, Prosperity, and International Order.
To summarize, your project (recommended COAs) must include the five major aspects underlined above. Project weighted in the following order.
1.US National Interests (most important)
2.Instruments of National Power
3.Courses of action
4.Key Players role in the national decision making process
5.Issues of the entire region
While essay assignments are typically written in third-person, in this case, your analysis should be delivered in first-person, and all elements below should be addressed from the perspective of your chosen key player.
Your essay should be a focused analysis using relevant concepts and specific examples from the course materials to support your thesis. Additionally, you will be graded on insightful thought, critical analysis, creative thinking and an overall mastery of the course material. Specific attention will be given to your unique contributions. (Grade breakout: 45% for content/support + 45% for critical analysis + 10% for grammar/structure = 100%).
The Article that will be used fot the ESSAY is this:
Reproduced from the Eurasia Review in the format of Intranet.
Behind Europes Debt Crisis Lurks Another Giant Bailout of Wall Street ??" OpEd
By Robert Reich
October 5, 2011
Ben Bernanke added his voice Tuesday to those who are worried about Europes debt crisis.
But why exactly should America be so concerned? Yes, we export to Europe ??" but those exports arent going to dry up. And in any event, theyre tiny compared to the size of the U.S. economy.
If you want the real reason, follow the money. A Greek (or Irish or Spanish or Italian or Portuguese) default would have roughly the same effect on our financial system as the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Financial chaos.
Investors are already getting the scent. Stocks slumped to 13-month low on Monday as investors dumped Wall Street bank shares.
The Street has lent only about $7 billion to Greece, as of the end of last year, according to the Bank for International Settlements. Thats no big deal.
But a default by Greece or any other of Europes debt-burdened nations could easily pummel German and French banks, which have lent Greece (and the other wobbly European countries) far more.
Thats where Wall Street comes in. Big Wall Street banks have lent German and French banks a bundle.
The Streets total exposure to the euro zone totals about $2.7 trillion. Its exposure to France and Germany accounts for nearly half the total.
And its not just Wall Streets loans to German and French banks that are worrisome. Wall Street has also insured or bet on all sorts of derivatives emanating from Europe ??" on energy, currency, interest rates, and foreign exchange swaps. If a German or French bank goes down, the ripple effects are incalculable.
Get it? Follow the money: If Greece goes down, investors start fleeing Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Portugal as well. All of this sends big French and German banks reeling. If one of these banks collapses, or show signs of major strain, Wall Street is in big trouble. Possibly even bigger trouble than it was in after Lehman Brothers went down.
Thats why shares of the biggest U.S. banks have been falling for the past month. Morgan Stanley closed Monday at its lowest since December 2008 ??" and the cost of insuring Morgans debt has jumped to levels not seen since November 2008.
Its rumored that Morgan could lose as much as $30 billion if some French and German banks fail. (Thats from Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, which tracks all cross-border exposure of major banks.)
$30 billion is roughly $2 billion more than the assets Morgan owns (in terms of current market capitalization.)
But Morgan says its exposure to French banks is zero. Why the discrepancy? Morgan has probably taken out insurance against its loans to European banks, as well as collateral from them. So Morgan feels as if its not exposed.
But does anyone remember something spelled AIG? That was the giant insurance firm that went bust when Wall Street began going under. Wall Street thought it had insured its bets with AIG. Turned out, AIG couldnt pay up.
Havent we been here before?
Republicans and Wall Street executives who continue to yell about Dodd-Frank overkill are dead wrong. The fact no one seems to know Morgans exposure to European banks or derivatives ??" or that of most other giant Wall Street banks ??" shows Dodd-Frank didnt go nearly far enough.
Regulators still dont know whats happening on the Street. They have no clear picture of the derivatives exposure of giant U.S. financial institutions.
Which is why Washington officials are terrified ??" and why Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner keeps begging European officials to bail out Greece and the other deeply-indebted European nations.
Several months ago, when the European debt crisis first became apparent, Wall Street banks said not to worry. They had little or no exposure to Europes problems. The Federal Reserve said the same. In July, Ben Bernanke reassured Congress the exposure of U.S. banks to European nations in trouble was quite small.
Now were hearing a different tune.
Make no mistake. The United States wants Europe to bail out its deeply indebted nations so they can repay what they owe big European banks. Otherwise, those banks could implode ??" taking Wall Street with them.
One of the many ironies here is some badly-indebted European nations (Ireland is the best example) went deeply into debt in the first place bailing out their banks from the crisis that began on Wall Street.
Full circle.
In other words, Greece isnt the real problem. Nor is Ireland, Italy, Portugal, or Spain. The real problem is the financial system ??" centered on Wall Street. And we still havent solved it.
Robert Reich is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He has written thirteen books, including The Work of Nations, Locked in the Cabinet, Supercapitalism, and his most recent book, Aftershock. His "Marketplace" commentaries can be found on publicradio.com and iTunes. He is also Common Cause's board chairman. His website is: http://robertreich.org
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Read the following article:
Folger, J. (2011). The Enron collapse: A look back. Investopedia, December 1. Retrieved May 16, 2014, at http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1211/the-enron-...collapse-a-look-back.aspx
Answer the following questions:
1. Identify one of the examples of financial reporting misconduct associated with the Enron scandal.
2. Identify the stakeholders likely to be affected by that misconduct (including those who may have benefitted) and explain the likely impact it had on them.
3. From a deontological as well as a utilitarian perspective, what would have been the more ethical course of action? (Frame your answer to this question in terms of these ethical principles.)
You?ll also find a lot of material devoted to the Enron and other financial scandals that have occurred during the last decade or so. Just Google ?financial reporting?
Write a 3 page paper, not including reference page. Be sure to set out both the utilitarian and deontological considerations.
Background reading:
Presentations: Ethical business: Reasoning from principles. Focus on the sections devoted to deontological ethics and stakeholder analysis.
Federwisch, A. (2006). Ethical issues in the financial services industry. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University (October). Retrieved March 31, 2014, from http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/focusareas/business/financial-services.html
Financial Reporting Manual. (2014). U.S. Securities Exchange Commission Division of Corporate Finance. Retrieved May 16, 2014, at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cffinancialreportingmanual.shtml
Sherman, F. (2014). Ethical issues among stakeholders in Google. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved May 29, 2014, at http://smallbusiness.chron.com/ethical-issues-among-stakeholders-google-30716.html more
Research Proposal should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words in total.
Must demonstrate ability to develop and execute a 3 year programme of independent research. Research Proposal may contain the f...ollowing elements. This structure is intended as a guide only,
1. Title
Your title should summarise the main idea of the proposal simply and, if possible, with style. You may want to use a title and a subtitle, separated by a colon.
2. Context
Explain the academic context from which your research emerges. This should involve a critical review of the existing literature(/s). The important thing to establish here is the extent to which your proposed thesis research makes a contribution; ie, adds something conceptual, methodological and/ or empirical which is not already offered in this literature(/s). This section should therefore introduce the issues that will be addressed by your research questions, and explain the importance of the research to others. It should proceed smoothly into section 3 below.
3. Research Questions
Provide a statement of your research question, ideally in the form of a central over-arching question and two or three sub-questions. Your research questions can appear in any form, and certainly do not need to be expressed in the form of testable hypotheses. Do ensure however that your questions are sufficiently narrow ??" one of the reasons why many PhD applications are not successful is because the terrain outlined in the relevant proposal is simply too broad for a doctoral project. Please also remember that the PhD thesis is first and foremost an academic endeavour.
4. Methods
This section should outline the empirical work you plan to undertake, if relevant. You should identify the method or methods you propose to use, and justify these choices (ie, explain why this method is being used in preference to others). You should also provide details of your proposed sample/s (numbers of respondents and type of sample) and/ or secondary data sets, and again offer justification for these choices. Further you should indicate how and why you will achieve empirical access, if this is
a pertinent issue. Finally we would usually expect to see some indication of the status of the data you will gather ??" eg, to what extent will these data capture or mirror the reality of the phenomena under examination? how objective can you as a researcher expect to be?, and so on. In this section you may want to refer to other exemplary empirical studies from which you have taken your inspiration. You will certainly need to refer to the literature on research methods. Please also be aware that another reason why many applicants are rejected at proposal stage is because they fail to offer sufficient detail of their proposed methodology, or indeed to defend the choices they have made, or to demonstrate any engagement with the relevant literature in this regard.
5. Reflections
Here you should include reflections on potential practical and empirical obstacles, conceptual/ theoretical problems and difficulties, ethics, your own perspective on the issues at hand - and how these issues may impact on your studies. One of the things we look for in a potential PhD student is an awareness of some of the challenges they will face in progressing their proposed thesis project and of the extent to which these represent unavoidable limitations.
6. Conclusion
This should be a very brief wrap-up of your proposed thesis project, which summarizes its key contributions and how you intend to realize them.
7. References
A list of all works referred to in the text. Quality is more important than quantity, demonstrating engagement with relevant literatures, both subject-specific and methodological.
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Provide a final full report to the CFO and CEO that encompasses the following:
?Financial pros and cons and final recommendations for Superior going public and the new production plant
?Discussion on what hurdle rates the production plant project would not pass
?Debt versus no debt option (associated risk and impact to financial statements)
?Key financial metrics for the senior management team
Make sure your metrics include the following:
?Payback period
?Net present value
?Internal rate of return
?Modified internal rate of return
Finally, be sure your recommendation is based on sound financial principles
Cover Page should contain
Double space please
*Analyze the firm?s payback period, NPV, IRR, and MIRR. Define, explain, and elaborate for each.
*Provide an analysis on what hurdles rates the production plant project would not pass. 25/25
*Provide an analysis of the debt versus no debt option (associated risk and impact to financial statements). 25/25
*Provide final recommendations for Superior going public and the new production plant. 25/25
Much of the discussion in this course relates to regulation of financial accounting and reporting. You are required to form an opinion on regulation ? are you pro-regulation or anti-regulat...ion? Once you have decided which side of this debate you favour, prepare a paper arguing the logic of your position. In other words, your task is to convince the reader of your paper as to the merits of your position in relation to the regulation of financial accounting and reporting.
You are not required to provide a balanced discussion of the arguments for and against regulation ? you must form an opinion either way and support it.
What is not required here is a list of advantages and disadvantages of regulation. You need to construct an argument which supports your position. You need to look for evidence in the research which will support your position.
In approaching this assignment consider:
Of what does regulation of accounting consist ? you need to provide some background, but don?t use up too much of the word count on this. Keep it brief.
The work of the researchers ? look for instance at the arguments proposed by supporters and opponents of different theories ? see how they have supported their positions, sometimes by criticising the opposite perspective.
Remember that your argument must be logical. You must present any assumptions you are making and you must be able to defend your conclusion.
Don?t try to cover too much ? the word count is limited, so you need to provide a succinct argument.
I want to support pro-regulation in my paper and support my arguments with any case studies applicable to the topic of the assignment.
This assignment is related to an accounting unit. more
Below are several situations that present ethical questions in a business.
Discuss each situation:
(a) from the strictly legal viewpoint
(b) from a moral a...nd ethical viewpoint, and
(c) from the point of view of what is best in the long run for the company.
Be sure to consider both short and long range consequences. Also look at each situation from the perspective of all stakeholders (groups concerned: customers, stockholders, employees, government, and community).
1. You are the vice president of a beer company in a state which sets the legal drinking age at twenty one. Your boss asks you to organize a lobbying effort to have the drinking age reduced to eighteen.
2. You are an accountant in a large firm. Your boss tells you to use a controversial accounting practice which will make the company?s profits seem higher. She tells you it is only to impress stock holders and will not be used in statements submitted to the IRS.
Category Points
Name, Class, Title 5
Identification of Ethical Issue(s) 12
Discussion from:
a. a strictly legal standpoint
b. a moral and ethical viewpoint
c. what is best for the company in the long run 36
Summarize your decision on how to respond to each
situation 16
Spelling, Grammar, Readability 6
Total: 75
Assignments must include a cover sheet with your name, class, and title of the assignment. more
1. Evaluate the strategic direction of the company, particularly costco's Markets strategic vision, mission, and its motto and business model. In your judgement, how well is the company living up to... its vision, mission and motto?
2. Identify and discuss the chief elements of costco Markets strategy. Given the recent developments and conditions in the ethical, business values , compensation and work force values segment of the warehouse industry at the time of the case, critically evaluate the strategy which the firm is pursuing.
3.a. What are the Key Strategic Issues (KSIs) and Key Drivers for Change in the industry?
b Critcally evaluate the strategy being carried out by the industry in the case study.
70+ Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the concepts of vision, mission and leadership and the answer also shows the ability to apply the concepts in relation to the case - integrating theory and practice. Answers at this level should also identify where and how the firms vision and customer-focused style has underpinned the strategy adopted, and how this has enabled the dramatic growth seen by the business.
60+ Demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts and uses appropriate examples to support the answer. Answer includes some critical assessment of the relationship between vision, mission, leadership and customer focus, but not to the level of intellectual understanding demonstrated in the previous category.
50+ Shows understanding of the concepts and uses appropriate examples to support the answer. Some attempt at the extent to which part of the answer.
40+ Can describe the concept and apply in a rudimentary way to the second part, but likely to be very basic.
STEP Porters Five Forces Porters Generic Strategies Porters Value Chain
SWOT/TOWS Ansoff Matrix BCG Matrix Balanced Scorecard. Financial Analysis
Industry Life Cycle FIMO McKinsey 7S , Keys success factors
book to be used: Expolring Strategy (Johnson, Whitting and Scholes) 9th edition
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For Infoceo Only!
Module 5 ? SLP (Wal-Mart) Integration - Causal Chains and Strategy
You've put a lot of work into your analyses of the four perspectives considered in the Balanced Score Car...d process for Wal-Mart. Now it?s time to put it all together! In this module, you?ll be preparing a report drawing on the SLPs from modules 1-4. The task is not to simply combine these documents, but to show how the business functions relate to each other and lead to strategic action.
The special trick, which you?ve seen in action in the case, is to construct one or more causal chains that relate the objectives, starting with the most basic level (learning and growth) and leading to the most visible (financial/effect performance).
Assignment Expectations:
The first step is the construction of a consolidated table summarizing all your objectives, measures, targets, and action initiatives. This will then enable you to draw the arrows that make up the causal chains implicit in your objectives. You can find a dandy example to follow here:
BSI (2007) Balance Scorecard Example for the Regional Airline. Balanced Scorecard Institute. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www.balancedscorecard.org/Portals/0/PDF/Regional_Airline.pdf
Here?s a form that you may wish to copy and paste into your report and fill in:
Objective Measure Target Action
Now you need to examine your causal chain(s) and consider them as statement(s) of organizational goals and the strategy necessary to reach those goals.
As the remainder of this assignment, supplement the table you just prepared with a 2 or 3 page report that addresses the following:
Considering causal chains, organizational goals, and strategies, choose either the "is" or "is not" position in the following statement as a thesis statement for constructing a well-reasoned 2 or 3 page argumentative essay:
The balanced score card approach is (or is not) a useful tool, applicable to most organizations for identifying strategic action plans. Use the organization you chose for your SLP as an example to support your position.
In this paper you will need to clearly present your thesis statement. That is, what is your position statement that you plan to support with your upcoming argument (Hint... provided above in blue)? The body of your essay should include well reasoned and well supported arguments. You should finish up with a concluding paragraph which ties your arguments into a convincing and cohesive whole.
Mod 1 objectives applied to chart (Wal-Mart)
Objective Measure Target Action
Increase inventory turns 25% in all Supercenter locations Expected level of performance: eight times a year Improve internal reporting and analysis and reduce slow-selling products from the mix of all items carried.
Increase store profitability 10% through more effective pricing Expected level of performance: 10% Gross Contribution Margin More effective price management with specials and coupons to drive up sales and increase customer purchases.
Reduce employee turnover 10% in Supercenters Expected level of performance: 10% less personnel turnover Increase the use of personnel management policies and programs to motivate employees to stay instead of leave; increase the use of compensation and performance raises, in addition to more recognition programs to drive up employee retention.
Mod 2 objectives applied to chart (Wal-Mart)
Objective Measure Target Action
To increase same store sales within the Value Shopper segment 25% over the next 90 days and sustain this performance level yearly Expected level of performance: four times a year Using analytics, determine the best possible mix of products to attract Price Value Shoppers back into stores so they will purchase more often
To increase more shoppers in the Price Value Shopper segment nationally Increase 2% more shoppers to the Price Value Shopper segment Expected level of financial [performance gain: 18% of total sales in most profitable, loyal customer segment Recruitment through referrals and participation coupons for existing Price Value Shoppers to recruit their friends and family
To reduce churn in all customer segments 10% by increasing bundling on electronics and apparel Expected level of performance 10% reduction in churn will lead to a 1% increase in Return on Sales Reduce churn by offering more discounts and bundles on the most popular product for the Price Value Shopper. Provide coupons for food and clothing for this segment to drive cross shopping in other stores who also offer food (traditional grocery). more
This is a 3000 word report use headings in this assignment that give a clear and meaningful indication of what you will be discussing in each section. For example, the first task is to ?define and dis...cuss the concept of voluntary disclosure? so the heading might be ?voluntary disclosure?. Do NOT retype the assignment questions or use question numbers as headings.
Material in this report MUST be appropriately referenced.
Citing/ referencing
Primary Sources: Case Law
?The formula is
?Case name (year) volume ABBREVIATION page number, pinpoint reference
?Brodiev Singleton Shire Council (2001) 206 CLR 512
?Which represents:
?Brodiev Singleton Shire Council: Case name.
?(2001): Year
?206: Volume
?CLR: Report series abbreviation (Commonwealth Law Reports)
?512: page case starts on.
Primary Sources: Statutes
?The formula for citing statutes is, pay attention to what is italicised:
?Statute name Year (Jurisdiction) pinpoint
?Dividing Fences Act 1991 (NSW)
?The pinpoint reference to a statute will usually be to a section
?Dividing Fences Act 1991 (NSW) s 15(1)(a).
Secondary Sources
?Even though you may access a journal article through an online database via the library, or a book as an online book via the library, if possible use the citation methods below and do not include the URL or web address.
?The formula for books is as follows:
?Author Name, Title (Publisher, edition, date of publication) pinpoint reference ?usually a page number.
?D Johnston, Roman Law in Context (Cambridge University Press, 1999) 35.
?R Krever, Mastering Law Studies & Exam Techniques (LexisNexis, 7th ed, 2011) 45.
Journal Articles
?Journal articles use the following formula:
?Author Name, ?Article Title? (year) journal volume, Journal Title, starting page number of article, pinpoint.
?P Stein, ?The Two Schools of Jurists in the Early Roman Principate? (1972) 31 Cambridge Law Journal 8, 22.
?This would be a pinpoint reference
? Essay ? divided into subsections with appropriate subheadings,
? a margin of at least 4cm on the left hand side
? Double spaced in 12 point type
? References ? alphabetical listing of works to which you have referred.
Why this report has been set
To successfully complete this report, you will need to demonstrate a solid understanding of the content included in Topics include#The Role of Theory in Financial Accounting, Conceptual Framework, Regulation and Standard Setting, Positive Accounting Theories, Products of the Financial Reporting Process and Sustainability and Environmental Accounting . You will be applying concepts in the unit materials to the real world disclosures and events of the Australian company Gunns Ltd (GNS). You will also be conducting your own research to identify events that have occurred. You will then compare these events to the disclosures made by Gunns Ltd in order to assess the quality of the disclosures made by the company.
Assignment questions
1. Define and discuss the concept of voluntary disclosure.
2. Explain the accountability, legitimacy and stakeholder theories as they apply to voluntary disclosure in corporate reporting.
3. The Gunns Ltd 2011 Annual Report is available from the ASX website (www.asx.com.au). Go to the ?prices and research? section, then to ?company research?. The listing code for Gunns is GNS. Type this into the ?announcements? section and select 2011 to find the annual report.
Using the 2011 Annual Report for Gunns, identify the voluntary disclosures relating to financial performance in the document. The voluntary disclosures might be narratives or numbers - the key aspect is that they might be included to explain the financial performance of Gunns. Use the following pro-forma table to present your results.
Voluntary disclosure Page number Identified theory/theories Positive or negative
The table should be included in the text of this report (not at the end of your assignment). Put any title of the disclosure (CEO?s Message, for example) and a few words that describe the subject of the disclosure in the first column. The page number where the disclosure is presented in the report should be included in the ?page number? column. Associate the disclosure with the most relevant theory in the next column. Indicate if you consider the disclosure to be positive or negative with respect to the financial performance of Gunns Ltd.
1. Provide a justified argument as to why a particular theory best explains each financial performance disclosure. You may like to group your disclosures to avoid repetition in your discussion. Your justifications should be written under your table, not in it. You may argue for more than one theory for some disclosures. Clearly show if there is more than one relevant theory in the third column of your table before discussing these.
2. Based on your identified voluntary financial performance disclosures, does the Annual Report give the impression will have poor financial performance in the future?
3. Conduct a search of media sources to determine what the stakeholders of Gunns might assess the financial performance during 2011 and 2012 . For each of the financial performance issues you have identified from the media (giving full references to your sources), indicate if Gunns is portrayed in a positive or negative light.
4. Compare your analyses of the corporate disclosures and the media reports about the company's financial performance. Draw a conclusion about the reliability of voluntary disclosures about financial performance in the 2011 Annual Report.
5. Outline the events (from balance date 2011) that led to the appointment of an administrator on 25 September 2012. The company announcements section on the ASX website is the recommended source of information for this activity. Based on the information in the Annual Report (voluntary disclosure and the financial reports), do you think that most users of this information would have predicted that the company would go into administration? Justify your answer.
Marking criteria
Voluntary disclosure 1
Three theories 3
Voluntary financial performance disclosures 5
Tables of disclosures by theory 3
Justifications for classification of disclosures 4
Positive of negative impression? 2
Media coverage and positive or negative 3
Conclusion about voluntary disclosure reliability 2
Events and predicting administration 5
Presentation ? including spelling and grammar and section headings 2
Total mark 30
Thanx more
The research paper is to be on a current topic in construction related to "green building" from an accounting perspective. Paper should relate to construction accounting and financial management. Please include works cited page. Thank You.
Please use Bolavens
The Sparklin Automotive Company (SAC) has been in business since 1930. It began business in the United States supplying spark plugs to automotive m...anufacturers (OEM, the original equipment market) and the automotive aftermarket.
SAC has introduced a new spark plug manufacturing process in the United States that produces a higher quality spark plug guaranteed to last 100,000 miles. The introduction of this spark plug has been very successful in the United States.
In addition to these types of projects, your responsibilities include creating and analyzing the monthly performance of each plant and consolidating the results into a set of financial statements footnoted with explanations.
Your boss recently attended an accounting seminar at which the Balanced Scorecard was discussed. He has asked you to prepare a presentation for the next manager?s meeting about the Balance Scorecard and how SAC might adopt it. In your presentation,
define Balanced Scorecard,
explain how it is used, and
make a recommendation if SAC should adopt the Balanced Scorecard, (we should)
if adopted, how it might improve the company.
How do we tie compensation to performance measures in the scorecard.
What unethical behavior can result if the wrong performance measures are used to tie performance measures to compensation.
How can SAC avoid these behaviors?
How should SAC tie performance measures to compensation?
These clips may help
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cr5CLCWzDo more
INVESTMENT - Guidelines for Current Event Paper on Ralcorp Holding Acquire Sara Lee Unit --
Overall: You will demonstrate your investment analysis strengths in the current event paper by selectin...g a news article from the financial or business literature concerning a publicly traded company that is of interest to you. The article should concern any of the following topics: recent financial results and/or sales & profit outlook; new business development such as launching a new product or service; booking new orders; entering a new market; merger, acquisition or restructuring; public offering of debt or equity securities; and other such events that you deem significant from a stock price perspective.
Your task in this paper is to summarize the content of the article, analyze its investment implications for the value of the stock, and based on your investment appraisal, make a buy, sell, or hold recommendation on the stock of the publicly traded company you choose. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your competence your proficiency in applying the concepts covered in this course.
1) The executive summary should begin with the buy, hold or sell recommendation in relation to the content of the news article you are writing about. The rest of the paper should explain the reason for your recommendation. A table of contents may also be included if the report has multiple sections and subheadings.
2) Calculations and support documentation should be included in the appendix, but relevant statistical support (i.e., bottom line figures such as rates of return, valuation, and so forth) should also be included in the body of the text.
3) Your goal should be to determine what the content of the news article means for the investment merits of the stock. Does the event covered in the article have a positive, negative or neutral effect on the stock price? Explain why. How does this affect your investment recommendation? For example, a company may announce increased order rates for its core business, thereby increasing its backlog of unfilled orders. One may infer that such a development improves the sales & profit outlook, and thus make the stock a likely candidate for further price appreciation. Conversely, a delayed shipment or lower demand would have the opposite effect.
The text portion of the paper needs to be between 4-5 pages in length; it must be typed and double-spaced. If you are including statistical tables, graphs and charts in your paper, they can either be incorporated into the body of the text or referenced in your text and placed in an Appendix.
I will provide some current documentation that I have researched. Please send contact information so that I may forward info. - Thanks more
Assessment brief:
You have been asked (by your boss) to give a talk to new business start-up owners entitled ?How you can use management accounting to ensure your financials are always under contr...ol?.
Please write an essay for your boss telling him exactly what your will be saying.
Essential reading prior to commencing this assignment
Black, G. (2009) Introduction to accounting and finance (2nd edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
Dyson John. R. 2007 Accounting for Non-Accounting Students (7th Ed.) FT Prentice Hall.
Warren, M. F. (1998) Financial Management for Farmers & Rural Managers (4th edition). Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Additional texts can be found in the college library or in the module handbook.
Learning outcomes tested:
Students will be able to:
Understand and apply basic accounting conventions.
Prepare and interpret financial statements of sole traders companies.
Use cash flow statements to distinguish between the cash and profit of business organisations.
Understand the differences between the various cost classifications of a business and how they can be used to aid decision-making.
Marking criteria:
Assessments are marked according to College Policy using the current marking criteria for assignments.
Referencing / academic misconduct:
All work must be referenced properly to avoid charges of plagiarism or cheating using the referencing system described in the Harvard Referencing Guide (mini Harvard Guide attached) and in accordance with the current RAC Academic Regulations.
Support Documentation:
All guidance, marking criteria and regulation documents are available from the College intranet.
The College uses the Harvard System for referencing (sometimes referred to as the Author-Year or Name-Date system). When referencing it is important to remember that:
? acknowledgement must be given when quoting, citing or summarising other people?s work.
? enough information must be provided in the list of references to enable a reader to trace the original source.
? referencing should be consistent.
All your written documents, essays, reports and dissertations must include references to the sources of information you have used. These references will be cited both within the text and in a list at the end of the work. Correct referencing will help you to avoid plagiarism, i.e. passing off other people?s words and ideas as your own.
Referencing within the text
You must always acknowledge the source of any direct quotation or illustration, as well as the source of any more general references you may make. This will usually be done immediately following the quotation or relevant passage of reference, within the text.
Use only the surname of the author (only use initials if there is more than one author of the same name) followed by the year of publication. If a quotation is cited, also indicate the page number(s) on which it may be found, e.g.:
Smith (1983) has used this particular technique
Application of this particular technique (Smith 1983) indicates?
It is claimed that, ?Severe degradation of the water system could be a significant constraint to growth in the Nile region? (Singleton 1992: 251).
Nothing else is needed for referencing within the text ? only author surname(s), publication date and (sometimes) page numbers. There are a very few exceptions and these are covered in the more comprehensive Harvard Guide available from the library.
List of references cited
This is a list of works that you will have used as sources of information or inspiration. It consists of a single list in alphabetical order by author's surname, or institutional name (or title where no name is given).
For books and pamphlets the basic pattern is:
Surname(s), Initials(s). (Year) Title (in italics or underlined). Edition (if given). Publisher.
e.g. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing management. 12th ed. Pearson Education.
[NB you do not need to give an edition statement if it is a first edition]
For journal articles the basic pattern is:
Surname(s), Initials(s). (Year) Title of article. Name of journal. Volume(part number): pages.
e.g. Partington, M. (2006) Housing: proportionate dispute resolution. Landlord and Tenant Review. 10(3): 81-84.
For Internet sources such as an e-book the basic pattern is:
Author (Year) Title. [online]. Publisher. Available from: URL [date accessed].
e.g. Anglia Ruskin University. (2006) Harvard system of referencing. [online]. Anglia Ruskin University. Available from:
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/guides/new_harvard.php [Accessed: 27/07/06].
For Internet sources such as an e-journal the basic pattern is:
Author (Year) Title of article. Journal title. [online] volume (issue), pagination. Available from: URL. [Date accessed].
e.g. Horesh, R. (2002 Sept) Better than Kyoto: climate stability bonds. Economic affairs. [online]. 22(3):48-52 Available from: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/118915510/PDFSTART
[Date accessed 30.9.08].
For Internet sources such as a web page the basic pattern is:
Author (Year) Title of web document or web page. [online] Available from: URL. [Date accessed].
e.g. DEFRA (2008) Climate change and energy. [online] Available from: http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climatechange/index.htm [Date accessed 30/09/08].
The publication date of a website could be, for example, the date it was last updated. This is often shown at the foot of a web page. If no date is given put (no date).
If a web page has no identifiable person or organisation that you can cite as the author, then you ought to be asking yourself whether it is a resource you should be using anyway. If you decide to go ahead, then use the web page?s title in place of the author name.
For other types of material follow the examples given in the main Harvard Guide available from the Library, or borrow Cite Them Right, copies of which are in the library at B 808.02 PEA.
A word of caution before citing Internet resources
More and more work is being published online and electronically and again you should follow the Harvard system as closely as possible as shown above. However, before you cite an Internet source make sure that you have asked the same questions of it as you would of a textbook or journal article, such as:
? Is it a reliable source of information? How do you know?
? Who is the author and what ?authority? does he/she have?
? Who is the intended readership?
? Does the information show a particular bias?
? Is the information up-to-date?
? Will it pass academic scrutiny? more
The prompt: The purpose of this paper is to give you experience in writing a public policy analysis for a public policy that impacts a business corporation. Draw from your knowledge of Institutions an...d Porters Diamond. As the Senior Vice President of Administration Corporation you might be asked to provide input concerning an existing policy or a new public policy to the CEO and Board of Directors. You would research the issue, making sure to get inputs from various key organizational actors who deal closely with the policy. For example, you might analyze The Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002, or the Family and Medical Leave Act, 1993, HIPPA, 1996, or some other law, from both conceptual and implementation perspectives. The page limit is 8-10 pages, excluding the Title Page and Bibliography. Your paper would include the following elements:
Title Page
1. Executive Summary
a. Summary of the policy
b. Key Opportunities, Issues, and/or Obstacles
c. Key Findings& Recommendations
2. Introduction
3.Describe your Data Collection Methodology
4.Data Analysis Methodology you used for analyzing the data ??" content analysis of
library sources, or interviews, or survey research, etc.
5. Findings & Impacts on the Organization
6. Recommendations
7. Bibliography & Appendices
My proposal/subject to write on:The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed in 2009 and has been rolling out over the past few years, with the final reforms to be enacted in 2014. THis legislation has many implications for businesses. Most notably, beginning in 2014, businesses with 50 or more full time employees will be required to offer health insurance to their employees or else they will be penalized by the government. WIth the rising health care costs in a still recovering economy, businesses will have to reevaluate their current status, policies, and employees.
This paper will explore the different implications and effects the ACA may have on a mid-sized corporation with about 50-1000 employees. Some questions to be answered may include: What options would the corporation have when the Act is fully implemented and what position should it take? How should the policies of the ACA be implemented within the corporation? How would the ACA affect the corporation and its stakeholders?
Quantitative and qualitative will be collected from publications by businesses, the government, and independent research studies.
Some ideas I think should be addressed: A business/corporation could split up into smaller corporations so that they would be exempt from paying for the employee healthcare. Or the business can fire enough employees so that they are under the 50 employee limit. But what are the Corporate Social Responsibility implications if they adopt either of these options?
links that may help:
http://www.heritage.org/research/projects/impact-of-obamacare (tabs on the left)
http://www.healthcare.gov/law/timeline/full.html more
Please assign to Alan: The subject of this paper is Mergers & Acquisitions. : As always, please read the reference text / papers suggested below and make generous use of graphs, tables, diagrams e...tc. :
Question: In 2008 UK luxury vehicle manufacturer, Jaguar Land Rover, was sold by Ford to the Indian conglomerate, Tata Group, for approx. $2.3 billion (?1.5 billion). Using a multi-disciplinary
approach, identify and use appropriate perspectives to analyse this significant cross-border
transaction. Your business-style report should include, but not be limited to, an analysis of the
motivations of both Ford and Tata, the identification of key post-acquisition challenges faced by
Tata and discussion of the actions taken to overcome them. What is your overall assessment of
the transaction?
The assignment is based upon the well-documented acquisition in 2008 of UK luxury vehicle
manufacturer, Jaguar Land Rover, by the Indian conglomerate, Tata Group. The cross-border
transaction saw Tata become a major global luxury vehicle manufacturer and Ford, who sold
JLR, continue its programme of Premier Automotive Group divestments leading to its withdrawal from luxury vehicle manufacturing in Europe.
You are expected to undertake online research into the acquisition and the companies involved
to complete the assignment.
This paper should knowledge the inherent complexity of M&A and emphasise the importance of adopting a multi-disciplinary approach in order to effectively analyse and understand the topic.
Awareness of the many perspectives which both inform and interpret M&A is essential for a
sound appreciation of the variety and interaction between many forces at work. This individual
assignment is designed to assess your awareness of the many different perspectives on M&A, of the issues involved in M&A and of their interrelatedness. The module notes and the
accompanying textbook (Angwin, 2007) also suggest different lenses that may be of use in
deciding which perspectives to adopt although there are other authors who also suggest multi-
perspective views of M&A including Cummings and Wilson?s book
Images of Strategy
. more
Proposal Worksheet
Evaluating and Explaining Organizational Accountability in Emergency Management of Typhoon Morakot: A Citizens Perspective
The intent of this pap...er is to evaluate and explain organizational accountability in emergency management of Typhoon Morakot and how citizen participation can be an added value in the process.
The lack of accountability at the Typhoon Morakot disaster is one of the reasons public support for the current Taiwanese Government is dropping.
The purpose of this paper is to increase organizational accountability in Taiwanese central and local governments. Secondly, this paper is to enhance victims satisfaction in emergency management. Thirdly, it is to increase governments responsiveness in emergency management. Fourthly, the paper seeks to reveal the importance of citizen participation in emergency management. Lastly, this research tries to bridge the gap between top-down and bottom-ups decision making process.
Significance of the Study
Findings will not only enhance governments responsiveness but also increase organizational accountability in Taiwanese central and local governments.
Literature Review and Review of Dissertations
Several journal articles, books, and dissertations will be reviewed to successfully complete this dissertation concerned with accountability, citizen participation, and emergency management.
Theoretical Considerations
This paper relies on citizen participation (Arnstein, 1969) and benchmarking (Keehley and Abercrombie, 2008).
Research Questions
1. What degree of organizational accountability in Taiwanese central and local government on operating emergency management of Typhoon Morakot from a disaster victims perspective is?
2. What does citizen participation affect organizational accountability?
3. What is the difference that victims evaluate organizational accountability in two kinds of government in emergency management?
4. What degree that victims participate in the emergency management is?
5. Who should be the most accountable for Typhoon Morakot disaster?
6. What is the degree that victims characteristics and citizen participation can explain organizational accountability of two types of governments in emergency management?
Methodological Considerations
This paper uses quantitative survey to enable a detailed and intense analysis of the organizational accountability in Taiwanese central and local government on operating emergency management of Typhoon Morakot from a disaster victims perspective. This paper adopts a survey questionnaire research design for data collection. The data will be analyzed using SPSS 17.0.
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Discuss the balanced scorecard as it appplies to incentive pay for managers, including its purpose, its four common perspectives, and sample performance measures for each perspective.
I have uploaded the file. It is about 5500 words. I need report about People Express's (PE) System, Style and Skills from Strategy Implementation perspectives. It should be report type and no less then 500 words. You should not use I, we or something like this.
You do not need any other information. All you need is in this file. I need report according to this information.
I do not need any references. I just need good report about system, style and skills of PE strategy implementation.
The document should be double spaced in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font. The footer should contain your name, the paper title and the page number. The page limit for the b...ody of the paper is 12 pages (plus a single title page [see format below] and references. There is no minimum length.
The sections of the paper need to be clearly labeled. All of the following sections must be included.
1. Title Page: A single page with your first and last name and student email address in upper right corner, title of paper.
2. Abstract: Should be a short (50 word maximum) summary of the paper (this section of the paper should be single spaced).
3. Introduction: Basic description of the phenomena being investigated and justification why it needs to be researched.
4. Literature/Theory review: You need to review a minimum of 5 relevant and related scholarly research and theories on the phenomena using proper citation format (refer to journals in your area for guidance, typically APA). Scholarly sources are journals ??" not trade publications or newspapers. The balance of your required sources can come from trade publications, newspapers, etc.
5. Theoretical model with hypotheses: In this section you will provide a theoretical framework (conceptual model) and the specific hypotheses you want to test. This section demonstrates how you can conceptualize your ideas obtained from the literature/theory review in a concise and visual way.
6. References: APA style listing of all of the references you used in your RIO. Minimum of 10 references (at least 5 from scholarly journals).
Accounting Area Publication Tiers List
(The top few journals, usually no more than 4-5, widely considered as the premier journals (A+ level) in discipline.)
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Accounting Research
The Accounting Review
Contemporary Accounting Research
Review of Accounting Studies
Accounting Organizations & Society
High Quality
(8-15 journals--substantial visibility in the discipline recognized by academic peers as A or A- level)
Accounting Horizons
Advances in Accounting
Behavioral Research in Accounting
CPA Journal
Issues in Accounting Education
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Accounting & Public Policy
Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance
Journal of Accounting Literature
Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Journal of the American Taxation Association
National Tax Journal
Research in Accounting Regulation
Tier 2
(Quality outlets--not as high quality or visibility as Tier 1 journals. recognized by academic peers as quality--most schools see as B level)
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and the Public Interest
Accounting Education: a journal of theory, practice&research
Accounting Educators' Journal
Accounting Historians Journal
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching&Curric. Innovations 1
Advances in International Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Public Interest Accounting
Advances in Taxation
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research
British Accounting Review
Business Horizons
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
European Accounting Review
Global Perspectives on Accounting Education
International Journal of Accounting
International Journal of Managerial Finance
Journal of Accounting and Business Research
Journal of Accounting Education
Journal of Accounting Ethics?? (Iowa)
Journal of Cost Management
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
Journal of International Accounting Research
Journal of International Accting Auditing & Tax
Journal of Taxation
Management Accounting Research
Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
Research On Professional Responsibility And Ethics In Accounting
Tax Notes
I will submit our preliminary outline for the paper. The focus of the paper needs to be on the opinion of what we think is important.
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Policy Analysis Memo Draft Format guidelines:
Using the following outline and problem Idea write a 11 pages policy memo please use 4 reference from the list provide.
Problem idea and outl...ine
Money should not be a factor in the student's decision-making process when choosing what school to attend, but unfortunately many people are unable to attend the University of their Choice due to the high costs. Working through college is not always the best answer because this can have a negative effect on academic performance with the added stress. It is true that financial aid and loans are available, but it is sometimes much harder to take advantage of these than people realize. Although universities offer many forms of aid in paying for college, the continually increasing prices still make it impossible for many people to afford higher education, and lowering prices would be effective in increasing the amount of people able to obtain a college degree.
A. Creating an economic environment which promotes cost effective tools for higher education
a. High unemployment facilitates a larger percentage of individuals entering higher education as they seemingly have no other recourse
B. Lower interest rates through Federal Reserve policy maker?s higher education seem more affordable. As such students take on large amounts of debt
a. Students are now using cheaper debt financing as a means of obtaining money that is often, not spent on education, but rather, on other luxury items
C. Underemployment is causing those with degrees to seek further education as individuals are not being properly compensated.
a. Roughly 24% of individuals with college degrees are either unemployed or underemployed
Start with the standard memo format (To: From: Re: Date)
1) Page 1: Title & Executive summary page. An executive summary is a great tool for distilling the issue down to its bare essentials. Take out anything that isn't vital in it and try to keep it to 1 double spaced page.
2) Page 2: Provide your reader with some background on the issue and place it in the proper historical context. By this I do not mean that you need to provide the entire history of the issue, but this page gives the reader some sense of why your issue is particularly relevant right now or why it will be relevant in the near future. Remember, your client is likely to have some familiarity with the general issue. On this page you need to tell them why it matters now.
3) Page 3: What is the specific policy problem you are going to tackle? Ideally, the research you have already done. This page begins with a brief overview of how others may have defined the problem, but should very clearly state how and why you have chosen to define the problem this way.
4) Pages 4 & 5: What are the "claims of harm"? You need to do this from both the client's perspective and if you disagree with you client's perspective your explanation of why. What is the magnitude of the "harm"? Identify, if possible, the causal theories about the factors contributing to the harm. What evidence do you have to help you assess these theories? What is the political context as it related to claims of harm? You may feel like you are repeating what you said on page 2, but on these pages you will get into more detail about the specific claims of harm.
5) Page 6 &7: What are the various policy alternatives that you are going to consider? Part of this will be a rephrasing of the background information, but on these pages you need to give specific policy options that you will consider and perhaps also include some that you have rejected.
6) Page 8: What are the key policy variables that you will be looking at and using to make your judgments? Is cost a factor, effectiveness, equity? What criteria are you going to use to make your choices?
7) Page 9&10: Compare the policy variables to the alternatives. I think the easiest way to do this is to use the alternative criterion matrix, but you can also do it in a narrative form.
8) Page 11: Make a decision and provide a specific recommendation to your client as to their next steps or course of action. Try to refrain from an extensive reiteration or justification of why this is the best decision. The key goal is to provide your client with a specific action plan to follow your advice.
9) Please identify and properly attribute all information used for your analysis. I don't care if it was not your idea as long as you tell me whose idea it was. It is better to over cite in the draft, you can always take them out later. The primary point of citing sources is so that it is easy for someone to check your work. So for example, citing the name of a journal (Journal of Urban Policy) is useless unless you tell me which volume (v 21. iss. 3 pg 120-143) it appeared in. Or citing a
web page (e.g. www.shu.edu) doesn't help me if the information you used is actually in another part of the web site (e.g. www.shu.edu/centerforoublicservice)
1) Button, H. Warren and Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr. History of Education and Culture in America. Prentice-Hall, 1983. pp34- 68
2) DesJardins, Stephen L. ?Assessing the Effects of Changing Institutional Aid Policy.? Research in Higher Education Volume 42, Number 6 (2001): pp. 612-48. JSTOR. Web. 13 Mar. 2012
3) Ewell, P.T. (1999). Assessment of higher education and quality: Promise and politics. In S.J. Messick (Ed.), Assessment in higher education: Issues of access, quality, student development, and public policy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum
4) Finn, C. E. (1988, Jul.-Aug.). Judgment time for higher education: In the court of public opinion. Change, 20(4), 34-3
5) Herbst, Juergen. The once and future school: Three hundred and fifty years of American secondary education. (1996).
6) Lucas, C. J. American higher education: A history. (1994). pp.; reprinted essays from History of Education Quarterly
7) Marcucci, Pamela N. & D. Bruce Johnstone. ?Tuition Fee Policies in a Comparative Perspective: Theoretical and Political Rationales.? Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management Volume 29, Number 1 (2007): pp. 15-27
8) Martin, Robert E. ?Why Tuition Costs Are Rising So Quickly.? Challenge Volume 45, Number 4 (2002): pp. 16-42. JSTOR. Web. 13 Mar. 2012
9) Roszak, Theodore, ed. (1968). The Dissenting Academy. New York: Pantheon Books. Pp. 34- 67
10) Spellings, Margaret, "A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education", A Report of the Commission Appointed by Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, September 2006
11) Veblen, Thorstein (1918). The Higher Learning in America: A Memorandum on the Conduct of Universities by Businessmen. New York: Huebsch
12) Woodring, Paul. A Fourth of a Nation. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1957.pp 255. N.B.: Philosophical and practical reflections on education, teaching, educational psychology, and the training of teachers
13) Wolf, Martin (2004). Why Globalization Works. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-10252-9.
14) Zaw, HayMann. "Young people 'worried about unemployment'". BBC. Retrieved 21 March 2014
15) Zaw, HayMann. "Globalization and Unemployment". The Council On Foreign Affairs. Retrieved March 26, 2014
********I also attached this in word********** more
Length and Format: The paper should be 10-15 pages in length, double-spaced, and follow generally accepted APA guidelines for college papers. It should contain an abstract, bibliography, and referenc...es should be properly noted. Please deliver file as a Word document
Evaluation: The paper is evaluated on whether your economic analysis and/or conclusions have been thought out, logically developed, clearly presented, and supported with your own analysis and/or that of others. In other words, apply textbook theory to a true managerial situation, real or theoretical.
Topics to be discussed should include, but are not limited to: supply/demand, pricing and competition, market structure (market concentration, vertical/horizontal integration, monopoly/oligopoly/monopolistic competition, etc.) and government regulation. Charts and or graphs are to be used in explaining concepts and wherever appropriate.
The paper topic and general outline are as follows (outline is flexible as long as it uses concepts from micro/managerial economics to discuss the topic).:
The Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most volatile global industries. The industry is steeped in research, generating new products and formulations to improve the lives of people around the world. As these companies seek to increase their profit margins, they also struggle with controlling costs associated with bringing new drugs to market. Pharmaceutical companies often engage in a variety of financial endeavors in an effort to maximize their profit margins and improve their economic stance, including mergers and acquisitions. These restructures can result in market monopolies of different therapeutic areas. They also contend with pricing issues and the competitiveness of lower priced generic substitutes. However, pharmaceutical companies are not the only players; government regulation, insurance reimbursement, and health care providers have a significant role in the economic success or failure of this industry.
Research Paper Outline
I. Overview of the Pharmaceutical Industry
II. Industry Structure
a. Market Concentration
b. Vertical Integration
III. Impact of Government Regulation
IV. Role of Patents
V. Pricing
a. Branded Drugs
b. Generic Intrusion
c. Health Insurance Plans
VI. Conclusion
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Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper, formatted according to APA guidelines, that includes performance ratios based on DELL'S last two annual reports and data available on the DELL's Web site.
Com...pute the eight ratios listed below for two consecutive years. Discuss their significance for management and compare them to industry averages.
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Inventory Turnover Ratio (Note: on the Dunn and Bradstreet Web site this ratio is
labeled Sales to Inventory)
Debt Ratio (Note: on the Dunn and Bradstreet Web site this ratio is labeled Total
Liabilities to Net Worth)
Net Profit Margin Ratio (Note: on the Dunn and Bradstreet Web site this ratio is
labeled Return on Sales)
ROI (Note: on the Dunn and Bradstreet Web site this ratio is labeled Return on
ROE (Note: on the Dunn and Bradstreet Web site this ratio is labeled Return on
Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) Ratio
o Analyze the company's working capital management. Explain why the companys
operating and cash cycles are currently optimized. If you think they are not optimized,
explain why.
o Based on the companys financial statements, list the long-term debt held by the
corporation, maturity dates and yield to maturity. List the types of stock issued by the
company, the stocks current selling price, and the 52-week average selling price.
o Compute the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for both years and discuss
your findings.
o Write a brief analysis that summarizes the data youve gathered throughout the
weeks and evaluates how your company compares to industry averages.
o Write your recommendations on whether as an investor you should buy this
company's stock and why. more
Develop a financial service company (like VESDIA Inc.) that provides a new product or service. Write a marketing plan for this company. Include the following: Executive Summary Your company…
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Read Full Paper ❯Read the following article: Folger, J. (2011). The Enron collapse: A look back. Investopedia, December 1. Retrieved May 16, 2014, at http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1211/the-enron-collapse-a-look-back.aspx Answer the following questions: 1. Identify one of the examples of…
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Read Full Paper ❯INVESTMENT - Guidelines for Current Event Paper on Ralcorp Holding Acquire Sara Lee Unit -- Overall: You will demonstrate your investment analysis strengths in the current event paper by…
Read Full Paper ❯Assessment brief: You have been asked (by your boss) to give a talk to new business start-up owners entitled ?How you can use management accounting to ensure your financials are…
Read Full Paper ❯The prompt: The purpose of this paper is to give you experience in writing a public policy analysis for a public policy that impacts a business corporation. Draw from…
Read Full Paper ❯Please assign to Alan: The subject of this paper is Mergers & Acquisitions. : As always, please read the reference text / papers suggested below and make generous use…
Read Full Paper ❯Proposal Worksheet Topic Evaluating and Explaining Organizational Accountability in Emergency Management of Typhoon Morakot: A Citizens Perspective Abstract The intent of this paper is to evaluate and explain organizational accountability in emergency management…
Read Full Paper ❯Discuss the balanced scorecard as it appplies to incentive pay for managers, including its purpose, its four common perspectives, and sample performance measures for each perspective.
Read Full Paper ❯I have uploaded the file. It is about 5500 words. I need report about People Express's (PE) System, Style and Skills from Strategy Implementation perspectives. It should be report…
Read Full Paper ❯Format Basics: The document should be double spaced in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font. The footer should contain your name, the paper title and the page number.…
Read Full Paper ❯Policy Analysis Memo Draft Format guidelines: Using the following outline and problem Idea write a 11 pages policy memo please use 4 reference from the list provide. Problem idea and outline Money…
Read Full Paper ❯Length and Format: The paper should be 10-15 pages in length, double-spaced, and follow generally accepted APA guidelines for college papers. It should contain an abstract, bibliography, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper, formatted according to APA guidelines, that includes performance ratios based on DELL'S last two annual reports and data available on the DELL's Web…
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