Fertility Essays Prompts

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Biology related articles are frequently seen in magazines and newspapers. They may be about genetic engineering, cancer, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity, the ecological cost and economic consequences of pullution, AIDS and other human health issues, population growth rates, or evolution. Int he apper you write you must focus on a topic in one article an demonstrate that you can understand and evaluate the biological issues presented in the article you selected. You should relate the articles content to material found in a biology text book and to concepts relating to biology life science. You must also explain how the articles material is relevant to your life or to humankind in general.

Your paper must be based on information from a a current article in popular press publications such as magazines and newspapers. Do not use articles from scientific journals or ones less than 5 paragraphs long. Do not use articles from websites unless they are from publications that issued in both web and printed versions, as is the case with some newspapers and magazines. THe article you select must have a publication date later than August 25, 2008. It must CLEARLY be a biology related topic and must be more than just a few paragraphs long.
The paper must clearly summarize the biological issues in teh article to demonstrate how they relate to you or other organisms and that you understand the underlying SCIENCE. You should also relate the articles information to Biology life science in general (ie. cell theory, mitosis, darwin, ecosystems, cell cycle, trophic levels, life cycles, plant animal diversity, biotic factors etc. ) You MUST discuss all the important ecological, economic, medical, or ethical issues and implications of the topic to humans and other living things.
In addition to the article you select as the basis of your paper you must use at least 3 additional references that provide supporting material or addition information. These must be cited in your paper and included in your reference list. Websites can be used for reference but not for your article. THey must be credited in the reference section.

Write a 3 page paper discussing Breast Cancer. Include the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and nursing interventions, and implications for nursing practice.

The paper should be typed using APA format, double-spaced with one inch margins.

Please use Understanding Pathophysiology 4th Ed. as one of the references.

".... the law is never static,it is always changing, being reinterpreted or redefined, as regulators and judges strive with varying degrees of success to ensure that the law constantly reflects changes in society itself" Harris P (2007)An Introduction to Law (7th edn) Cambridge UK

Analyse this quotation using the English legal system to illustrate your answer
-show knowledge of
the nature of UK law and its main sources
the ways in which UK law can change
relationship between law and social change
use examples from changes in Marriage and family laws, corporate manslaughter and the law and reproductive technology

The point of the paper is to formulate opinions and evaluations regarding the topic, not simply to repeat what is said in the different articles.

Must consider at least 6 ORIGINAL RESEARCH REPORTS, not including 4 review articles or books.

Paper needs to include:
Cover page.
1. An introduction and overview of major questions to be addressed.
2. Body of the text structured to present information on techniques and different results.
3. Conclusion summarizing current state of knowledge of cloning and possible future directions.
4. A list of MLA references.
5. Illustrations (optional)
6. Numbered pages.

I would like a 6 page Thematic Analysis of the book: Discovering Eve Ancient Israelite Women in Context by Carol Meyers, Oxford University Press, 1988. Use the book to develop/draw the theme of the connection between women of Ancient Israel and the role of women in ministry in today's church.

Egyptian Art the Art of

In an essay format, discuss one art period (at least two good paragraphs), and six representative artists from that period (one paragraph each).

Be specific, and provide evidence from your reading of the course textbook and the Internet.

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2 extra pages for freelance writer

7 out of the 10 sources should be journal articles

You can use only the number of citations necessary as long as you use each once.

What is meant by "the medicalization of women's lives" List several examples. Choose one of the given examples and write in detail about the issue. Conclude by giving concrete examples of how an individual women might eliminate pr reduce problems she may encounter due to this phenomenon. Lastly, how might we as a society eliminate the medicalization of women's lives?

Population Dynamics

I don't have too many requirements. Just keep it science/biology related and don't focus too much on only one aspect.- more general topic coverage is better. This class studies from the Biology 12 textbook, McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Thanks for providing this service.

This is an expository essay. The thesis statement was previously developed and approved. Please maintain statement for paper. Must stay within parameters of statement. Can be edit but subject matter must be maintained.

The nonreligious practice of transcendental and mindfulness meditation will improve your health by reducing stress and enhancing the body's immune system.

Must include these two resources from the internet somewhere in the paper.

Meditation. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 24, 2008, from Reference.com website: http://www.reference.com/browse/columbia/meditatn

Meditation. Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique. Retrieved April 25, 2008, from Maharishi University of Management website: http://www.mum.edu/tm

Paper must have:
o A title page
o An introduction and a thesis statement
o A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
o A conclusion
o A reference list with at least two online sources (supplied above)

Credit sources directly quoted or paraphrased in the paper by providing in-text citations as well as a references page at the end of your paper.

Sources cited in the body of your paper must appear at the end of the paper on a separate page titled References, with the title centered on the top of the page.

Use 1-inch margins on all sides of each page.

Requirement for citations:
When you paraphrase another persons materials or information, you must always cite your source. Using more than two words from the original without quotation
marks is plagiarism, as is paraphrasing too closely to the original wording.

Some suggestions:

Biblical, Historical, her connection with Ahab, why Ahab enabled her and how she influenced him, her fight with Elijah, her death and the implications for the church today. ex as used in Revelation.etc

We will pay $150.00 for the completion of this order!!

Term Paper Instructions

Delivery Deadline: May 8, 2008 @ 10:00 am
Length: At least 10 Pages, 1 Margins, Size 12 Font (Times New Roman)
Email addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

Present and evaluate every side of every argument necessary to rationally determine a balanced normative position on the various issues that are associated with and relevant to genetically modified foods and related biotechnology. For this essay, normative position as used above means: a position or conclusion thats arrived at based upon the fair and equitable evaluation and consideration of the facts, specifically, those facts that relevant to:

1) Public health and safety concerns
2) Environmental concerns
3) Business concerns/interests
4) Economic concerns/interests
5) Political and governmental concerns, and
6) All other relevant concerns that exist about the issues surrounding biotechnology and genetically modified foods.

Before drawing your conclusion or making your determination, please take care to ensure that you present all arguments and facts from each of the following perspectives:

1) The public
2) The government/watchdog/regulatory agencys, and
3) The biotech / genetically-modified food industry / producers perspective.

Make sure that these specific issues are evaluated and addressed:

1) Ethical Issues surrounding the production, planting, and distribution of Genetically Modified Crops
2) Safety of bioengineered/genetically-modified foods to humans and the environment
3) Government regulation of the industry; the costs, deficiencies, inefficiencies, importance, etc.
4) Government corruption and cronyism, as it relates to #3 above and #5 (rights/laws)
5) Patent and intellectual property rights/laws w/ respect to biotechnology and their treatment in the courts
6) The responsibility of all parties (the public, business, the government) necessary for progress and improvement, both at present and looking ahead

Dont be shy when it comes to explaining the actual science behind this stuff, if necessary.

Term paper must reference at least ten (8) sources.


-Michael Specter; The Pharmageddon Riddle; The New Yorker; April 10, 2000

-Michael Pollan; Playing God in the Garden; The New York Times Magazine; October 25, 1998 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D03EFD8143DF936A15753C1A96E958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print

-Richard C. Lewontin; Genes in the Food!; The New York Review of Books; Vol. 48, No.10; June 21, 2001; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/14298

-Harvest of Fear; Dir. Jon Palfreman, Prod. WGBH Boston for Frontline/Nova, PBS & Palfreman Film Group, Inc w/ BBC; PBS Video, 2001; Online Transcript, PBS.org


-Britt Bailey, Marc Lapp; Engineering the Farm: Ethical and Social Aspects of Agricultural Biotechnology; (Washington, D.C: Island Press, 2002) --eBook through NetLibrary

-Nina V. Fedoroff, Nancy M. Brown; Mendel in the Kitchen: A Scientists View of Genetically Modified Foods; (Washington, D.C: National Academies Press, 2004); --eBook through NetLibrary


-Lila Feisee (BIO Lobbyist); Letter to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Concerning the Harmonization of International Patent Law [John W. Dudas] dated June, 22 2007; Obtained from http://bio.org/ip/domestic/20070622.pdf

-Bill Freese on behalf of CFS and CTA; An Assessment of Monsantos Proposed Acquisition of Delta and Pine Land; February 2007; Obtained from http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/pubs/CFS-CTA%20Monsanto-DPL%20Merger%20Report%20Public%20Release%20-%20Final%20_2_.pdf

This paper is for a psychology of women course. it needs to include a reference page and I need to have sources that can be checked. It needs to include thse principles- 1. domain specificity 2. environmental factors regarding genetic heterozygous potential, and 3. adaptation. The paper also needs to include the theory of natural selection, and parental investment, may want to include sexual strategies theory and social learning theory. The topic of this paper is about modern reproductive choices and the current status of women in our culture, from an evolutionary psychology perspective.

First, choose a topic upon which to base your research project from the following: antibiotic resistance, bioremediation, biotechnology, cancer, cloning, emerging infectious diseases, gene therapy, genetic engineering, human genetic disorders, human genome project, stem cells, tissue engineering. Second, research this topic using a minimum of four references, all of which must have been published within the last year. Third, write a five- or six-page, double-spaced paper that does all to the following:

Describes the general topic you have selected.
Explains why this is an interesting and important area of biology and its potential impact on medicine, agriculture, economics, criminal justice, or society.

I want the research to be on tissue engineering.

Gender Identity Disorder the Site

hi i have seven different assignment and in each one of them it says everthing about the assignment and each of those has to be 2 pages and it is about human sexuality a psycology section. thanks a lot for your help...
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Cloning What Is Cloning? The

I don't have a specific topic, it can be a research on something argumentative The sources don't have to be three,it can be more or less.Tks.

Aztecs Civilizations of the Past

I need at least 5 published paper books and/or scholorly articles and 2 reliable internet sources. I need endnotes rather than footnotes.

I need an introduction explaining why i chose this topic and the questions i will ask and briefly explain how you propose to approach this question.

In the main body I need to set out relevant facts as you understand them and draw from your conclusions.

The conclusion will then sum up the important arguments.

I chose to do the Aztec civilization, this includes the Aztec basic life, family, religion, warfare, and economy.



These are the needs of the paper.

read "Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women" by Susan Faludi. Read chapters 4, 9 & 10. write a review about the cahpters and what interested you. I basically just need an overview of the chapters with some commentary of what you found interesting.

Ethics of Human Growth Hormone

The abstract page has to be 1 page. The conclusion has be 3/4 of a page. Three of the six sources has to come from text. The other three can come from the web. Also need a bibliography page as well.

An academic essay which consists of an introduction tightly focused discussion sectins and a conclusion. it has to be typed in times new roman 12 pt. or calibri(body) 11 pt. and it must be double spaced. Select a primitive rite of passage to research. This could be a modern day primitive tribe, but it must be an ancient, traditional act, or it could be a rite of an ancient culture no longer in existence. Link your primitive rite of passage with a modern-day, american rite of passage. Work with few rather than many points which will allow you to discuss and support your points in more depth. Its an academic essay so there fore your reader is and unfamiliar academic reader. you need to demonstrate that you can maintain focus without rambling.


QUESTION: As a follow-up to the assignment requiring students to discuss a medical ethical dilemma; in your opinion what is the greatest ethical challenge facing Americans today? Please provide rationale for your answer.

1) I think Embryonic Stem Cell research is one of the bigger medical ethical dilemmas our medical and science professionals are currently facing.
For some embryonic stem cell research is a medical smorgasbord of possibilities to treat, cure and prevent many diseases that are currently untreatable and degenerative. Human stem cells (like those from embryos) are able to produce suitable replacement cells for those damaged and destroyed my illness and disease.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells seem to offer the most likely source of the widest range of cell types and therefore treatments.
However this raises many major ethical problems over the ethical status of the embryo itself. For some the embryo is just a ball of cells with no formed human characteristics and therefore no human rights. Therefore this group feels perfectly justified in further research using ES cells for medical benefits.
For others however,all research involving ES cells is unacceptable and deplorable based on their belief that the embryo is as fully human as a baby outside of the mothers womb.
EScell research is a hot button topic over which many medical ethics debates have been and will be launched in the future.

2) I think that abortion is a huge ethical dilemma facing Americans today. I firmly believe that it is a woman's choice what she does with her body, but with that comes the father's decision. If he wants to be in the baby's life and is an active part of the mother's life, than what should stop him from being a part of the decision that is made. This is an issue that I have though about more than any other. I was in a situation and had to make a choice pertaining to this issue. I think that people pass judgement way too quickly when it comes to abortion. The present moment is something that is looked at, but not the future of the mother, father, or the unborn child. I don't think that anyone has a right to tell another what to do, but rather voice their opinion.

This is another subject that I think if a young woman is going to the doctor to get birth control, a counseling session should come along with that trip as to the "what ifs".

In one of the previous postings, I read something about playing God. I think that there is NEVER a simple answer. On one side you have people thinking that abortion is murder, and that every baby deserves a chance. On the flip side, I think that people should think about what if that child were the result of incest? or rape? What if that child was going to be so challenged in life, that there wouldn't be a chance to grow up and thrive?

I guess that I would conclude in saying that I do not believe in abortion as a form of birth control, but if there is a terrible unforeseen circumstance, than it should undoubtedly be a woman's choice what she does.

View the film Chocolat (a LASSE HALLSSTROM film), with Johnny Depp, and answer the following eight questions:

1. Why does Vianne encounter such resistance to the opening of her chocolate shop?
2. What is the significance of Lent in this small French village?
3. What special properties or power does Viannes chocolate have?
4. How does Viannes chocolate reflect her heritage?
5. What role does food (chocolate) play in bringing people together in this film?
6. How does Viannes chocolate shop affect the lives of various residents of the village?
7. Describe three dramatic events that take place in the movie involving chocolate.
8. What elements of symbolism are present in the movie?


Stem Cell Research Imagine That

Using any two medical research articles on stem cell research that will show why stem cell research is important to our society and the future of science. :

Findings of stem cells in adults can refute arguments that stem cell research is unethical. The reason being that cells are being taken from adults rather than embryo's, thus the need to use human embryo's for stem cell research is not necessary any longer.
THree sections:

I Introduction:
-Introduce topic of stem cells.
- a sentence or quote that will catch the reader's attention.
- thesis

II Background:
-Discuss ethical debate surrounding stem cell research.
-What are stem cells and what are the different types?
-How might stem cells benefit humans. (i.e. cure diabetes, reduce chance of amputation, prevent alzheimer's disease etc...)

III Body:

2 articles about the use of stem cells that will show why stem cell research is important to our society and the future of science.


Essayquestion: Should environmental concerns be part of the European security agenda? Can securitization be the best way of handling environmental risks in Europe?

Hints: Environmental risks in Europe can be seen as an economic issue rather tna a security issue.

Ressources (articles will be sent to you):

Barnett, J., The Meaning of Environmental Security (Zed Books, 2001).
Terriff, T., et al., Security Studies Today (Polity Press, 1999), ch. 6, 7.
Page, E. and Redclift, M. (ed.) Human Security and the Environment: International Comparisons
(Edward Elgar, 2002) Esp. Ch.1, 8, 9

Lightfoot, S and J. Burchell, The European Union and the World Summit on Sustainable Development: Normative Power Europe in Action?, Journal of Common Market Studies, 43:1
(2005), 75-95.
Shue, H. Global Environment and International Inequality International Affairs 75:3 (1999), pp. 531-45.
Special Issue of International Affairs on The Climate Change Debate: 6 essays, 77:2 (2001), pp.251-345.
Kaplan, R., The Coming Anarchy, The Atlantic Monthly, February 1994. http://dieoff.org/page67.htm
Greene, O., Environmental Issues in Baylis, J. & Smith, S. (eds), The Globalization of World Politics (OUP, 2nd edn, 2001), pp.387-414.
Sawhill, S., Cleaning-up the Arctics Cold War Legacy: Nuclear Waste and Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation, Cooperation and Conflict 35:1 (2000) pp. 5-36
Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J., The European Union as a Global Actor (Routledge, 1999), ch. 3.
Deudney, D., The case against linking environmental degradation and national security, Millennium, 19:3 (1990), pp.461-76.
Hurrell, A., International Political Theory and the Global Environment in Booth, K. & Smith, S. (eds), International Relations Theory Today (Polity, 1995), pp.129-53.
Patterson, M., Green Politics in Burchill, S. et al., Theories of International Relations (Macmillan, 1996), pp.252-74.
Dalby, S., Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse, Alternatives, 17:1 (1992), pp.95-134.
Patterson, M., Interpreting trends in global environmental governance, International Affairs, 75:4 (1999), pp.793-802.
Dyer, H., Environmental security and international relations: the case for enclosure, Review of International Studies, 27:3 (2001), pp.441-450.
Sheehan, Michael, International Security: An Analytical Survey (Lynne Rienner, 2005) Ch. 7
Page, E., Environmental Security, in E. A. Page and J. Proops (eds.) Environmental Thought (Edward Elgar, 2003) Ch. 9.
Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) European Union Foreign and Security Policy (Routledge, 2004) Ch.11
Hough, P., Understanding Global Security (Routledge, 2004) Ch.6
Hedenskog, J., Konnander, V., Nygren, B., Oldberg, I. and Pursiainen, C., Russia as a Great Power: Dimensions of Security Under Putin (Routledge, 2005). Ch.12
Homer-Dixon, T., On the Threshold: Environmental Changes as Causes of Acute Conflict. International Security, 16:2 (1991), 76-116.
Levy, M., Is the Environment a National Security Issue? International Security 20:2 (1995): 35-62.

Some useful information can also be found on the following web-sites:
www.iisd.ca The International Institute for Sustainable Development
www.unep.org The UN Environment Programme
www.eea.eu.int The European Environment Agency
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Geography of Ireland Is an

This is the outline for Research Paper...

Location-Absolute and relative, to neighbors

Physical Features-Landforms(plains, plateaus, hills, mountains)bodies of water(oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc)

Climate-Precipitation, temperatures (ranges), Patterns(if any) based upon seasons

Land Usage- Industrial, farming, grazing, forest, wasteland

Environmental Elements- vegetation, living creatures air, water, soil, sunlight, minerals

Demographics- populations, distribution, age groupings, ethnic groupings, occupational groupings

Economic Development and Trade- internally, externally(world trade, globalization)

Major social and economic problems

Teacher had asked to put some maps to illustrate certain points throughout the paper

4 Pages

Stem Cell Research Embryonic Stem

Words: 1173
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Biology related articles are frequently seen in magazines and newspapers. They may be about genetic engineering, cancer, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity, the ecological cost and economic consequences…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology Breast Cancer

Words: 1186
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a 3 page paper discussing Breast Cancer. Include the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and nursing interventions, and implications for nursing practice. The paper should be typed using APA format,…

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6 Pages

English Legal System:."... the Law

Words: 2141
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

".... the law is never static,it is always changing, being reinterpreted or redefined, as regulators and judges strive with varying degrees of success to ensure that the law constantly…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Human Cloning Is a Controversial

Words: 2456
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The point of the paper is to formulate opinions and evaluations regarding the topic, not simply to repeat what is said in the different articles. Must consider at least 6…

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6 Pages

Ancient Israel the Connection Between

Words: 1982
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

I would like a 6 page Thematic Analysis of the book: Discovering Eve Ancient Israelite Women in Context by Carol Meyers, Oxford University Press, 1988. Use the book…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Egyptian Art the Art of

Words: 1169
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In an essay format, discuss one art period (at least two good paragraphs), and six representative artists from that period (one paragraph each). Be specific, and provide evidence from your…

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2 Pages

Biology - Evolution the Evolutionary

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

2 extra pages for freelance writer 7 out of the 10 sources should be journal articles You can use only the number of citations necessary as long as you use each…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Womens Health the Medicalization of

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What is meant by "the medicalization of women's lives" List several examples. Choose one of the given examples and write in detail about the issue. Conclude by giving concrete…

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5 Pages

Population Dynamics

Words: 1465
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

I don't have too many requirements. Just keep it science/biology related and don't focus too much on only one aspect.- more general topic coverage is better. This class studies…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Meditation in Healthcare the Nonreligious

Words: 1813
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is an expository essay. The thesis statement was previously developed and approved. Please maintain statement for paper. Must stay within parameters of statement. Can be edit but subject…

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10 Pages

Jezebel the Historical and Biblical

Words: 3278
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Some suggestions: Biblical, Historical, her connection with Ahab, why Ahab enabled her and how she influenced him, her fight with Elijah, her death and the implications for the church today.…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Gmfood Biotechnology Is Still Developing

Words: 2766
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

We will pay $150.00 for the completion of this order!! Term Paper Instructions Delivery Deadline: May 8, 2008 @ 10:00 am Length: At least 10 Pages, 1 Margins, Size 12…

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4 Pages

Psychology - Reproductive Choice Human

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper is for a psychology of women course. it needs to include a reference page and I need to have sources that can be checked. It…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Tissue Engineering Is an Interdisciplinary

Words: 1965
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

First, choose a topic upon which to base your research project from the following: antibiotic resistance, bioremediation, biotechnology, cancer, cloning, emerging infectious diseases, gene therapy, genetic engineering, human genetic…

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14 Pages

Gender Identity Disorder the Site

Words: 4708
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

hi i have seven different assignment and in each one of them it says everthing about the assignment and each of those has to be 2 pages and it…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Cloning What Is Cloning? The

Words: 389
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I don't have a specific topic, it can be a research on something argumentative The sources don't have to be three,it can be more or less.Tks.

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12 Pages

Aztecs Civilizations of the Past

Words: 3577
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

I need at least 5 published paper books and/or scholorly articles and 2 reliable internet sources. I need endnotes rather than footnotes. I need an…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Backlash: The Undeclared War Against

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

read "Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women" by Susan Faludi. Read chapters 4, 9 & 10. write a review about the cahpters and what interested you. I basically just…

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6 Pages

Ethics of Human Growth Hormone

Words: 2126
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The abstract page has to be 1 page. The conclusion has be 3/4 of a page. Three of the six sources has to come from text. The other…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Rites of Passage: Traditional and

Words: 1206
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

An academic essay which consists of an introduction tightly focused discussion sectins and a conclusion. it has to be typed in times new roman 12 pt. or calibri(body) 11…

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1 Pages

Healthcare Discussion Response: Embryonic Stem

Words: 398
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

I NEED 150 EACH RESPONSE OR COMMENTS TO THESE DISCUSSION: QUESTION: As a follow-up to the assignment requiring students to discuss a medical ethical dilemma; in your opinion what…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Chocolat Directed by Lasse Hallsstrom.

Words: 488
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

View the film Chocolat (a LASSE HALLSSTROM film), with Johnny Depp, and answer the following eight questions: 1. Why does Vianne encounter such resistance to the opening of her chocolate…

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4 Pages

Stem Cell Research Imagine That

Words: 1538
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Using any two medical research articles on stem cell research that will show why stem cell research is important to our society and the future of science. : Findings of…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Environmental Security the Environment and

Words: 3409
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ALL SOURCES NEEDED HAVE BEEN UPLOADED. Essayquestion: Should environmental concerns be part of the European security agenda? Can securitization be the best way of handling environmental risks in Europe? Hints: Environmental…

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7 Pages

Geography of Ireland Is an

Words: 2067
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

This is the outline for Research Paper... Location-Absolute and relative, to neighbors Physical Features-Landforms(plains, plateaus, hills, mountains)bodies of water(oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc) Climate-Precipitation, temperatures (ranges), Patterns(if any) based upon seasons Land Usage-…

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