Experimental Research Essays Prompts

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Hourly Rounding of Nurses to

You have learned about the abundance of research literature available to nurses and how to access it. Now you will tap into those resources to find research that is of relevance and value to your own ...practice.

In preparation for this assignment, complete the following:

****Select a topic Hourly rounding to eliminate constant patient use of call bells, reduce patient falls aand increase patient satisfaction

******Formulate a research question that is relevant to your nursing practice and is also of great interest to you.

Gather the literature

Locate FIVE or more full-text research articles that are relevant to your research question. Include at least one systematic review and one integrative review if possible. Use the search tools and techniques mentioned in your readings this week to enhance the comprehensiveness and objectivity of your review. You may gather these articles from any appropriate source, but make sure at least three of these articles are available as full-text versions through Walden Universitys library resources.

Prepare to summarize and synthesize the literature

Read through the articles carefully. Eliminate studies that are not appropriate and add others to your list as needed. Although you may include more, you are expected to discuss a minimum o fFIVE articles. You may wish to create a literature review summary table, as suggested in Chapter 6 of the Burns & Grove textbook, to help you organize your thoughts.
Column headings MUST include: Author, Type of Study (Qualitative vs. Quantitative), Sample, Design, Theoretic Framework, Data Collection Approach, and Key Findings.

ADDRESS the following:

Synthesize what the studies reveal about the current state of knowledge on this topic. Point out consistencies and contradictions in the literature, and offer possible explanations for inconsistencies.

Provide preliminary conclusions on whether the research provides strong evidence to support a change in practice, or whether further research is needed to adequately address your inquiry.
Note: You are invited to critically evaluate any aspect of these studies??"for example, a studys design, appropriateness of the theoretic framework, or data sampling methods. But it is understood that certain technical aspects of a standard review of literature have not yet been covered in this course. Your conclusion in this review should be preliminary for two reasons. First, five studies are almost certainly not enough to reflect the full range of knowledge on this particular question. Second, you are probably not yet familiar enough with research methodology to be able to evaluate all aspects of the studies.

Applying Experimental Design

Think about how you might approach your research question employing an experimental design. Post your design, making sure to discuss your treatment group(s), control group, and independent and dependent variables. Discuss the potential strengths and weaknesses of approaching your research question from an experimental perspective.

Do Not Fax

The project must include an intervention appropriate to nursing practice and consistent with your MSN role option. An alternative to the above includes the selection of a specialty organization to foc...us research proposals based on the priorities of that organization. Examples of these organizations could include (but are not limited to): Sigma Theta Tau International, American Nurses' Foundation, Oncology Nursing Society, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, American Psychiatric Nursing Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, National League For Nursing, etc. This paper is to be developed in APA format/style using the outline below as level headings and not to exceed 15 pages (excluding title page/references/appendices).



Background and Significance of Problem
Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study
Literature Review

Summary of the Evidence for the Proposed Study
Research Question, Hypothesis and Variables with Operational Definitions
Theoretical Framework

Overview and Guiding Propositions(s) Described in Theory
Application of Theory to Your Studys/Projects Focus

Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
Sampling Strategy
Research design: Type (e.g., Quasi-Experimental), description and rationale for selection.
Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
Instruments: Description, validity and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
Description of the Intervention
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis Plans
Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).
Ethical Issues

Describe ethical considerations and your plan to protect human rights. When describing informed consent, provide reading level score (see Burns & Grove).
Limitation of Proposed Study
Implications for practice

Informed Consent Letter
Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks & benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).

Customer is requesting that (rbwpenn) completes this order.

The terms evidence-based instruction, research-based instruction, and scientifically-based instruction are often used interchangably. What is the basic meaning of such terms and the approach to instructional practices and interventions advocated in their name?

What has practice shown about specific evidence-based methods of instruction and intervention to be the most valuable to teaching?

What are the specific uses of evidence-based instruction and intervention?

What are some of the ways knowledge of and skill in using evidence-based methods of instruction have made a difference in instructional practices?

Critically discuss and evaluate the principle that methods of instruction and intervention should be evidence-based. What are the difficulties that may exist in the ability to tray safer what research points to as effective for teaching and learning and what will work best in the classroom with students.

A Guide to Problem, Purpose, and Critique of One Study

Concisely state the problem that prompts the need for your project or study in no more than page; this problem statement will evolve in...to the introduction for your proposal. Start with the scope of the problem; for example, in the first sentence, what is the incidence of the problem on your unit, in your country, or anywhere in the world? Identify or define the concepts or main aspects or variables of your project or study. For example, if the problem is that little is known about whether intensive care nurses are able to detect delirium in patients who are 65 years or older, the concepts include delirium (you would define), factors in intensive care that contribute to delirium (you would suggest major factors), and delirium in the elderly (it is difficult to distinguish between delirium and dementia). Document your statements with reference articles (evidence-based research; no Wikipedia or medical dictionaries) wherever appropriate.

The second paragraph is brief: indicate the purpose for your project or study in one sentence. The purpose should include the design, sample, and major variables. The design for a scholarly or capstone project might be selected from research or evaluation designs. For a thesis the research design is indicated in the purpose. Indicate at least two but no more than three specific aims or questions or hypotheses at this point in your proposal development, indicate these in the next sentence(s).

The third paragraph critiques one study that is related to one of your concepts, variables, or aims. Start the paragraph with the main point you want to make about the article as it relates to your study purpose. A critique should then include sentences in your own words to describe the study purpose, design, sample, and major findings as related to your study purpose. Do not present the authors conclusions as results. After you have described the study, indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the study as related to your proposed study. For example, does your study purpose include something or focus on an aspect that the critiqued study omitted? Does the critiqued study lack specific questions so the analysis is vague or does not provide information related to your proposed study, emphasizing the need to conduct your study? How is the sample different from what you might propose as a sample? What was strong or weak about the methods or results? Then finish the paragraph with some sentence about the significance of the study you critiqued, or a transition sentence that will lead the reader to the next paragraph that will be in your final draft, or a statement to emphasize why your project or study needs to be done to fill a gap in the literature or that builds on the study you just critiqued.

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This is a research paper to critic.I have attached the research article.To be written it is qualitative or quantitative .references must be included from the article. a detaled study is essential.
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This paper needs to be a research critique paper with instruction as follows. prepare a critical ananlysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection, data analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings. questions under each heading should be addressed as a narative, in the structure of a formal paper. this paper must be submitted to TII prior to turning in. in-text citation and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines. please provide at least three references. the author of theis particular article is marion good, jeffery m.albert. thank you alice jefferson.

make sure to use quotes, references, name authors and page numbers when it is appropriate
use APA if necessary,

- include references always in case you quote an author or refer to an ...author or model,

- provide an explanation or name for each question, and

- give at least 1 example for each question when necessary, see readings for this.

- these questions must be complete after you do the readings, and are entirely based on the readings based on the course and the authors we refer to in this class.

These questions come from Rick Housers book (Houser. R. (2009). Counseling and educational research: Evaluation and application. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage)

you can also use McLeod. J. (2003). Doing counselling research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

1. Why is it important to acquire necessary skills in research for a counselor?

2. What are the two purposes of Housers book and explain?

3. What does Houser truly believes in relation to research and counselors.? Explain

4. What are the 2 advances that science and scientific advances have led to? Explain.

5. Explain the love-hate relationship with science that is present in our society?

6. How does Best and Kahn define science? Explain

7. How does Moore define research? And explain.

8. What are the common elements of science according to Moore? And epxlain.

9. What is the ultimate goal of science? Explain.

10. What are the different approaches to obtain knowledge according to Moore? And explain.

11. What does Salkind suggest for quality research?

12. How do we make decisions in our daily lives?

13. What are the sources of knowledge? And explain each one.

14. What are the 4 types of knowledge according to Gall, Gall, and Borg? And explain each one.

15. Explain knowledge from a descriptive approach

16. Explain knowledge from a predictive approach

17. Explain knowledge from an improvement approach

18. Explain knowledge from an explanation approach

19. What are the 8 type of errors that Babbie describes?

20. What error do Gall, Gall, and Borg suggest? And explain each one.

21. What tendency do we have as researchers that may affect our outcomes according to Pottick, Kirk, & Hsieh, 2007; Strohmer, Pellrin, & Davidson, 1995)? And explain.

22. Explain the misleading notion of good scientist in relation to a humanistic perspective opposite to psychology from a scientific approach?

23. Explain the scientist-practitioner method?

24. Explain the practitioner-scientist method?

25. What are the scientist and fractioned according Manicas and Secord?

a)The former practices science by creating at least partially close systems

b) The latter uses the discoveries of science but also employs a great deal of knowledge that extends beyond science p. 7

26. What are the assumptions about science according to Heiman?

a) Lawful to predict and control

b) Understandable

27. Name and explain the 3 theoretical orientations in research explanation according to Gall et all.?


b)post-positivistic, and

c)scientific realism

28. What is evidence-based practice?

29. What are the steps for the scientific process?

30. What are the traditional 3 sections of an article?

31. What are the traditional 8 subdivisions of an article?

32. What are the 4 purposes and goals of Housers book (p. 11-12)

33. What are the 2 types of program evaluation?

Formative and summative (p. 12)

34. What are the 3 divisions of Housers book?

35. What are the summaries of each Housers book chapter?

Hi, this will be a research paper. I need you to write counter argument towards the end to prove that there are other points of views. Please don't forget to write the counter argument it's really cru...cial for this assignment.

The Milgram Obedience Experiment

If a person in a position of authority ordered you to put a mother in a small box-like cabin with her child and burn it , would you do it? Would you kill small children and make doormats from their hairs?

Most people would answer this question by saying no but during 1960s psychologist Stanley Milgram started experiments that research the power of authority and obedience and came up with disturbing results. Especially, during the Nazi era, people were forced to "conduct experiments" on other human beings. Every time, I hear those awful stories about the way of killing and torturing people I question the heart and conscious of those people. So, I would like to research the Milgram experiment and discover how the power of authority and obedience can cause people to harm other human beings. For this topic I will research; How the Milgiram Experiment is conducted? How it works and the relation to the "experiments" in Nazi.

For the bibliography you have to use the library that my school provides us.


Use the link above. The username is cayguler and the password is 8989baran

If this link does not work then go to this link http://www.lib.sfu.ca/ then you'll see journals and databases on the right end of the site. Click on that. It'll take you to SFU library databases. From the categories select Psychology. You'll see PsycINFO (don't click on it), click on CONNECT under PsycINFO. and then log in.

After you're logged in, you can research any article you want from the top search bar on the page. Thank you!

This is an argument paper for why higher education should be free.

Elements of the paper are:

1. Facts, which represent about 75% of the argument

2. Persuasive appeals, whic...h represent no more than 25% of the argument

Primary Modes of Paragraph Development (ways to illustrate, explain, prove, or argue):

a. Definition

b. Examples

c. Narration [stories]

d. Description

e. Comparison and Contrast

f. Facts, Statistics, Authority [experts] testimony

g. Persuasive appeals--emotional-appealing language

1. *****After the Argument subject you select write the word BECAUSE...
2. *****Then list 10 reasons why.
3. This is a 7 page paper (the Works Cited page isn't part of the count)
4. 7 X 2 = 14 - 2 = 12
5. 7 pages X 2 paragraphs per page = 14 - 2 (Introduction & Conclusion paragraphs) = 10-12 paragraphs that will need a reason/topic to prove the argument subject.



Include a MLA Works Cited page (separate page). Make sure you indicate Print and Web for your citations.

9 pages in length, which "does not" include the Works Cited page.

Note: There is NO SEPARATE TITLE PAGE: Title page information is placed on the first page of the paper.

A Title must be used

In-text citations must be used

At least five (9) credible sources must be used:

**Dictionaries and encyclopedias and Wikipedia do not count as sources

Type of Research Paper: RESEARCHED ARGUMENT (Subject + or or against position on the subject selected. Do not write a report!! An argument is supported by reason??"facts, details, expert viewpoints + your comments about these modes of development.

Research Paper Topics are listed under Research Paper Topics.


Correct First Page Information (Name etc.)

Spacing: Double throughout??"pay close attention to this guideline! REMOVE extra space(s) between paragraphs, after the title, date, and between Title page Info. Also, make sure your Works Cited page is double spaced.

Margins = one inch. Running Head (Header), which is your last name + the page number, appears on every page at the top right hand of the page.

Indents = 5 (one tab) spaces for paragraphs

Quotations of 4 + lines must be set off from the rest of your paper with no quote marks??"indent an additional .5 space and double space the quote??"see your MLA example!

Using Quotations: AVOID putting a quote in a sentence by itself!! Introduce your quotes with a phrase or word or sentence followed by a colon. Also, if you use something longer than a one to four word quote, explain or discuss it. Make sure the reader understands the importance of the quote.

All information (quotes and paraphrases) require page numbers!!

Works Cited references must be MLA formatted. The references listed under the different argument topics are not MLA formatted.

**Introductory Paragraph should include your Argument thesis (subject + claim), any appropriate definitions, an overview of your paper, and Paragraph Topic ideas that prove or explain your thesis. These ideas should be listed in your introductory paragraph in the order they will be presented in your paper, creating unity or coherence. THE THESIS AND PARAGRAPH TOPIC IDEAS ARE LINKED BY USING KEY WORDS OR PHRASES!

In this assignment, you will be asked to review a quantitative research study.
1. Read the Quantitative Research Article: Oral Intensity: Reducing non-ventilator-associated hospital acquired pneumonia in care-dependent, neurologically impaired patients.
2. Re-read the article and examine it more closely to answer the Appraisal questions. Answer each item in the appraisal using a narrative style and APA format (approx. 4-5 pp). Use the Sample Template Paper (attached) as a guide and refer to the RNBS guidelines for writing (Under Syllabus/Documents).
For this assignment, you will critique a quantitative research article.
1. Select one of the articles that you included in your Literature Review.
2. Make sure that is a research article about a quantitative study.
3. For the critique, you must include mention of all 23 items in the outline of Nieswiedomy, page 297, for Critiquing Quantitative Research Reports. (see attached document)
4. Each of these items is discussed in the chapter and also on the PowerPoint for Chapter 20.
5. The report must be in APA format and should be 3-5 pages.
6. A copy of the article which you selected must also be submitted.

Topic: The nature of the religious experience and the religious dimension of the human person.

Goal: Meet the Doctrinal Outcome- Critically explore the nature of religious expereince and the ...religious dimension of the human person

Content: This paper should argue for or against the idea that human beings were created with a religious dimension and have religious experiences. Research must be incorporated throughout the paper to support your thesis statement, ideas, and opinions. A section/material on your own personal experience and reflection must be included. A conclusion must be drawn from your research as to whether human beings have a religious expereince.

Include: What is a religious expereince? how it has played out throughout history? do humans have religious dimensions? what is the religious dimension of a person? does every human have a religious dimension? why do some not believe? how is it that religious dimensions expressed individually, culturally, historically? How is the religious dimension different from other dimensions of an individual?


Did you win your argument by supporting your ideas with opinion and sound research? Did you research the topic thoroughly?

clear concise? transition between ideas/parargraphs? free of spelling/grammar errors? intro? conslucion? thesis ?

use MLA?

References: Must use 4 (only 1 internet). * MUST USE "In the presense of mystery" by Michael Horrace Barnes. An intro to the story of human religiousness

Must have works cited page!

Please have done by 8am 11/24 est

Use the two attached resources :

A) Concept Paper

B) Literature Review

to complete the IRB research proposal form.
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Gender and Smell Recognition

In this experiment i performed i was trying to determine whether males or females had a better ability to smell.
I gathered 40 participants in total, 20 males and 20 females.
Each of the 20 m...ales were asked to smell 3 dilution levels of perfume. Each of the 20 females were asked to smell 3 dilutions of cologne.

The dilutions were labeled as Number 1,2 or 3
Number one was the least diluted with 10drops of water.
Number two was the middle with 15 drops of water.
Number three was the most diluted with 20 drops of water.

Number 1's have the most cologne/perfume (more pure state) of the three.
Number 3's have the least cologne/perfume of the three (more diluted).

Therefore those with number 3's were better able to recognize the scent because it had the most dilution making it more difficult.

Those with number 1's need more of the cologne/perfume to recognize it therefore do not have the same recognition ability as those who have scores of 3.

The paper must be a total of 7 full pages not including the reference page.


In conclusion section discuss what could have been done better to improve my experiment. Also what other researchers did that i could have done to make it better. what future research might be worth doing and if there are any weaknesses to what was done.

in results section include all descriptive statistics and individual t-test results(will be faxed). t(38)=1.47, p >.05
My results found that there is not a significant difference. but state what other research has found.

3 test tubes
Body by Victoria Secret Perfume
Calvin Klein Cologne



1 table with descriptive statistics.

The subject is Psychology and it is a research paper in APA format on postpartum depression.

? Identify the article, the author(s) and the date of publication, both in the body of the pa...per and in an attached Reference list, and the focus of the research

? Describe the hypothesis of the study

? Describe how the study was conducted including

The population that was studied

The methodology used (i.e. naturalistic observation, experiment, case study, survey, etc).

How the data was collected and analyzed

? Describe the results of the study

? Discuss concepts, theories, and principles included in the course textbook to show synthesis of what has been learned in the course related to the information in the article reviewed.

? End with a 2-page conclusion which:

Reviews the way the research was conducted and potential impact on results (e.g. problems with the study methodology that might have affected its validity and/or generalizability).

Describes three future research ideas inspired by the article

Describes the use and potential impact the research findings might have in the ?real world? lives of everyday people.

- Popular media such as Psychology Today, news or commercial websites, blogs or Wikipedia are not permitted even if one of those sources includes mention of research.

This is the link to the online library for more resources. Thank you for your help!

Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized peer-reviewed professional journal or government publication.
? Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions.
? Describe the design of the study.
? Identify an operational definition used by the researchers.
? Provide one example of inductive logic and one example of deductive logic presented in the results.
? Identify whether the research study is a quantitative or qualitative design. Explain your answer.
? Identify the methodology, population, sampling methods, and return rate, if applicable.
? What were the findings of the study?
? Describe the author?s conclusions and recommendations.
? In your opinion, could the study have been done differently or improved? Detail your response.

GUIDELINES FOR THE ESSAY: Realistic and Empirical Research Approaches

I. Introduction (Research approaches): at least three articles (on economic or finance) related to empirical or realistic... research (provided) should be included to contrast the article: EMPIRICAL AND REALISTIC APPROACHES OF RESEARCH by Ahmad Juma'h (provided).

Positive research approach: The aims and objectives of positive research approach.
Realistic research approach:The aims and objectives of realistic research approach.

II. The debate between the realists and the empiricists research points of views.
The connection, if any, between the positivist, logical positivist, and empirical research philosophy in
relation to the selected research topic (Investors Perception on Financial Derivatives).
Identify at least 5 articles from your reference list of your research topics (provided)
Identify the type of research of each article (e.g. realistic or empirical)
Identify the type of models used in the selected 5 articles as deduction or induction
III. Generalization
Discuss how generalization affects the interpretation of results in finance
From the selected 5 articles related to your research topic, give examples of generalization (problems)
Ex. select a specific statement or sentences relevant to the paper considered to be a
"generalization " statement by the author.

*References should be included; at least five articles with respect to methodology (needed) and five with respect to your research topic (articles provided).
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Middle Range Theory

Assignment 2 critiquing a middle range theory: group paper :

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the empirical support and applicability of selected nursing theories to the nursing p...ractice, education, administration and/or research. A clinical scenario will be provided to the students. Each group of students will select and describe ONE middle range theory and its theorist(s) appropriate to the scenario. The scenario for assignment 3 is as follows
Jill Watson has worked in a telecommunication manufacturing company for 7 years. She has organized numerous health fairs, led countless health help sessions, regularly posted health information on central bulletin boards, and provided screening programs for many illnesses. However, many still smoke, are overweight, do not exercise, and have other negative lifestyle habits.
Studies have shown that providing health information is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to promote positive behavioral or lifestyle changes. You will select a middle range theory to help Jill understand how to facilitate positive lifestyles among her clients.
Each group will prepare a paper (maximum of 15 pages long) that includes, but is not limited to the following areas:

1. Briefly introduce the theorist(s), the theory, the clinical scenario, and explain why this theory is appropriate for or relevant to this clinical scenario (10%).
2. Describe the chosen evaluation model (criteria) which you will use to critique your theory, and rationale for choosing this evaluation model (15%).
3. Present your evaluation results
a. Describe the theory, including origin/history, key milestones and the development of the theory, the key concepts and their relationships in the theory(15%)
b. Create an innovative diagram, picture or other art format to illustrate the theory (5%).
c. Summarize or synthesize empirical evidence (2 research articles per student) that used or tested this theory (including instruments used to measure the key concepts in the theory). The empirical evidence will enhance your rational for choosing this theory for the scenario (15%)
d. Follow the evaluation model (criteria) to identify the strengths and limitations of the theory (15%).
e. Discuss the applicability and usefulness of the theory to the scenario and advanced nursing practice and provide a summary of key elements of the paper (15%)
f. Clear, concise, logic and scholarly writing, grammar, spelling and appropriate APA style, citations and references (10%)

Second Language Oral Production in
PAGES 30 WORDS 10651

Times New Roman, 12

The layout should be the following:

1. Introduction
-Benefits of Second Language Acquisition
-Benefits of Multilinguism
-Benefits of CLIL(...Content and Language Integrated Learning).
-State of the art until now related to CLIL.
-The role of Oral Practice
-Importance of ICT related to Oral Production.

2. Hypotheses

3. Research Instruments/Methodology
(How this study will be conducted. Qualitative Approach combined with Quantitative).

4. Expected Results

5. Study Limitations and Future Research

6 Problems within the study

7. Bibliography
-Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching (Jack C. Richards, Theodore S. Rodgers). Cambridge
-Second Language Acquisition (Rod Ellis). Oxford University Press
-Towards Multilingual Education (Jasone Cenoz). Colin Baker and Nancy H. Hornberger
-The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Ronald Garner & David Nunan). Cambridge University Press
-The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (Catherine J. Doughty and Michael H. Long). Blackwell Publishing
-CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) (Do Coyle, Philip Hood, David Marsh). Cambridge University Press

(*I would like you to use this bibliography. There are six here. I will send you 24 articles about CLIL, some of which are in Spanish. The 10 remaining ones should be mainly about CLIL(in order to have a complete state of the art scenario) and some about ICT enhancing language learning specially focusing on oral production).
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Below are the instructions for the research paper. The topic (methodology) i have selected is "Conjoint Analysis:"

This assignment is designed to increase your knowledge of the wide variety of research methodologies that can be applied within a business or management context. You may choose to research a methodology (AS MENTIONED I HAVE CHOSEN CONJOINT ANALYSIS) that has been applied within your organization, or you may choose to research one that you deem could or should be applied within your organization.

Your paper should include the following:
1. a description of the research methodology, including examples of how it can be/has been applied in business (links to websites would be ideal)
2. the types of management problems addressed by the methodology
3. the relationship between the management problem and the research purpose/objectives addressed by the methodology
4. some examples of the research objectives/hypotheses addressed by the methodology
5. a detailed description of the methodology (i.e., outline the protocol)
6. a critique of an actual application of the methodology in business/management

The approximate length of the paper should be 1,000-1,500 words.

Based on Creswell, Threats to Validity, (pages 162-165), and Trochim, chapter 3 and chapter 6 write a paper in which you compare and contrast the characteristics of external, internal, and construct validity. Also, please identify the threats to external and construct validity. Please discuss how validity issues could impact a doctoral research.

Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412965576
Trochim, W., & Donnelly, J. (2008). The research methods knowledge base (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage. ISBN: 9781592602919

This paper needs to be done in 6th Edition APA.The body of the APA Paper is not organized topically. Reorganize the information into a logical topical outline. Do not rewrite the whole paper. reconc...eptualize the content in outline format with detailed bullets of the articles that are cited.

adhere to 6th edition APA guideslines when citing articles in your outline. Every heading must have at least two entries. Supply missing information, using the sources that you obtained for the reference list.

The body of the Paper is poorly organized and lacks sufficient comparison and synthesis of research. Rewrite part of the body of the paper by focusing on the Motivation. Read through the Paper and gather the information--paragraphs, parts of paragraphs, or sentences--that relates to Motivation. Then, reorganize the information in to a clearly organized section of the paper. You may need to rewrite portions of the information you gathered for clarity. Additionally, do some original writing to fill in areas you think lack proper synthesis/comparison. Use only these resources from the reference page to gather the additional information that you need.
the rewritten section should be 1 - 2 pages and should include the following:

1. A properly formatted title page
2. An introduction
3. A single heading (as if the section was somewhere in the middle of the paper)
4. A properly formatted reference page (with only the references used in your section on it)

Rewrite the Method section of the paper based on the following research question: "What are the factors associated with online purchases?" For this assignment, you can use the information included in the original paper, but you will also need to do original writing to fully develop the Method section.

The Method section should be divided into two categories with different emphases: 1) describing participants, and 2) describing the procedure. Within those two broad categories, you should include subsections that address the following elements: 1) experimental manipulations or interventions, 2) sampling procedures/size, 3) measurement approaches, and 4) research design/procedure. Be sure to state the methodology clearly so that the study is understandable and repeatable.

create a survey that attempts to answer the research question. You can use survey items from other research to construct your instrument. You dont have to conduct the research; simply create the survey.

Correct the Reference List

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Write a five to seven research summary of the article dealing with forced compliance. This summary will include a summary of each section of the research paper. I will want you to include references made by the authors, a summary of the methodology, of the analysis, and the conclusions. Please strictly adhere to APA Format this would really help me out!

Submit the first draft of the Research Question, Hypotheses, and Methodology component of your course project for your instructor to review. In addition to formulating your research question and hypotheses, include the following in your Methodology section:

Research Design: Indicate the quantitative method you are proposing??"correlational survey design, experimental, quasi-experimental, or another. Then provide a two- to three-sentence rationale for why such a design and method is warranted given the topic.

Sampling: What sampling design and strategy will be used? What is the rationale? What is the sampling frame? What are the eligibility criteria? What is the proposed sample side?

Instruments: Describe the instruments proposed to measure the variables of the study. Indicate which variable each instrument measures. Describe the instrument in terms of the number of question items and response format. Include information about the psychometric properties of the instrument.

Data Collection Procedures: This section is a step-by-step description of how you will recruit the study participants, what you will do when they arrive, any type of follow-up, and so on.

This order is second part of my Research proposal. I want Kelvin usename: Researchpro write this paper.
There are 2 attachment under this order: 1. section 1-2 of this paper (already been written by another write) reference included. 2. Instructions and guide about how to write section 3 of this paper (mythology). please use references that are already in part one of this paper. feel free to create/add stastistic, tool, measurement and additional references (not older than 5 years) to strength this paper. use future verb to write this paper.

6 Pages

Hourly Rounding of Nurses to

Words: 1879
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

You have learned about the abundance of research literature available to nurses and how to access it. Now you will tap into those resources to find research that is…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Applying Experimental Design

Words: 612
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Think about how you might approach your research question employing an experimental design. Post your design, making sure to discuss your treatment group(s), control group, and independent and dependent…

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15 Pages

Reducing Risky Behavior for African-American Teens an

Words: 4795
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

The project must include an intervention appropriate to nursing practice and consistent with your MSN role option. An alternative to the above includes the selection of a specialty organization…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Methods of Instruction and Intervention

Words: 1655
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The terms evidence-based instruction, research-based instruction, and scientifically-based instruction are often used interchangably. What is the basic meaning of such terms and the approach to instructional practices and interventions…

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2 Pages

Guide to Problem Purpose and Critique of One Study

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

A Guide to Problem, Purpose, and Critique of One Study Concisely state the problem that prompts the need for your project or study in no more than page; this…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Prevention of Obesity in School Children

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a research paper to critic.I have attached the research article.To be written it is qualitative or quantitative .references must be included from the article. a detaled study…

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3 Pages

Supplementing Relaxation and Music for Pain After Surgery

Words: 1135
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper needs to be a research critique paper with instruction as follows. prepare a critical ananlysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection,…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Rick Houser's Book Counseling and Educational Research

Words: 6074
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

make sure to use quotes, references, name authors and page numbers when it is appropriate use APA if necessary, - include references always in case you quote…

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6 Pages

Obedience in Milgram's Experiments

Words: 1734
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hi, this will be a research paper. I need you to write counter argument towards the end to prove that there are other points of views. Please don't forget…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Education: Good, Not a Commodity

Words: 3129
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is an argument paper for why higher education should be free. Elements of the paper are: 1. Facts, which represent about 75% of the argument 2. Persuasive appeals, which represent no…

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3 Pages

Reducing Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Words: 805
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In this assignment, you will be asked to review a quantitative research study. 1. Read the Quantitative Research Article: Oral Intensity: Reducing non-ventilator-associated hospital acquired pneumonia in care-dependent, neurologically impaired patients. 2. Re-read…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Nature of Human Religious Experience

Words: 1256
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Topic: The nature of the religious experience and the religious dimension of the human person. Goal: Meet the Doctrinal Outcome- Critically explore the nature of religious expereince and the religious…

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7 Pages

Institutional Review Board Proposal Form

Words: 3339
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Use the two attached resources : A) Concept Paper B) Literature Review to complete the IRB research proposal form. There are faxes for this order.

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Gender and Smell Recognition

Words: 1851
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In this experiment i performed i was trying to determine whether males or females had a better ability to smell. I gathered 40 participants in total, 20 males and…

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6 Pages

Postpartum Depression or Postnatal Depression Is a

Words: 2319
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The subject is Psychology and it is a research paper in APA format on postpartum depression. ? Identify the article, the author(s) and the date of publication, both in the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Juvenile Justice Interventions to Parental Intervention and

Words: 900
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized peer-reviewed professional journal or government publication. ? Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions. ? Describe the design…

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6 Pages

Research Grounding in Financial and External Reporting

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

GUIDELINES FOR THE ESSAY: Realistic and Empirical Research Approaches I. Introduction (Research approaches): at least three articles (on economic or finance) related to empirical or realistic research (provided) should be…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Middle Range Theory

Words: 2959
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment 2 critiquing a middle range theory: group paper : The purpose of this assignment is to explore the empirical support and applicability of selected nursing theories to the nursing…

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30 Pages

Second Language Oral Production in

Words: 10651
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Essay

Times New Roman, 12 The layout should be the following: 1. Introduction -Benefits of Second Language Acquisition -Benefits of Multilinguism -Benefits of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Conjoint Analysis Like Qualitative Researchers, Quantitative Researchers

Words: 1277
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Below are the instructions for the research paper. The topic (methodology) i have selected is "Conjoint Analysis:" This assignment is designed to increase your knowledge of the wide variety of…

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3 Pages

External, Internal and Construct Validity

Words: 789
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Based on Creswell, Threats to Validity, (pages 162-165), and Trochim, chapter 3 and chapter 6 write a paper in which you compare and contrast the characteristics of external,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Online Consumerism Internet Usage Has Been on

Words: 2588
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper needs to be done in 6th Edition APA.The body of the APA Paper is not organized topically. Reorganize the information into a logical topical outline. Do…

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5 Pages

Forced Compliance Cognitive Consequences of

Words: 1359
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a five to seven research summary of the article dealing with forced compliance. This summary will include a summary of each section of the research paper. I will…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

African-American Suicide (Extra Pages) African-American

Words: 910
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Submit the first draft of the Research Question, Hypotheses, and Methodology component of your course project for your instructor to review. In addition to formulating your research question and…

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5 Pages

Oral Hygiene Methodology There Is a Significant

Words: 1736
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

This order is second part of my Research proposal. I want Kelvin usename: Researchpro write this paper. There are 2 attachment under this order: 1. section 1-2 of…

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