25+ documents containing “Ethical Theory”.
Ethical Values and Behavior
In Chapter 9 of Moral leadership, Tyler asks the question, ?Do ethical values shape behavior in organizational settings?? (Rhode, 2006, p. 213).
Compare and contrast the positions of Tyler and Batson (Chapter 8). Are these thinkers more compatible with Utilitarianism or deontology, and why?
Tip: Self-interest is often included in the list of ethical values. Which other values are central?
Discuss. Murphy?s (2009) article can be useful.
Citations are mandatory. A list of references in APA is preferred practice.
The learning outcomes are critical components of this course; all of them are measurable and in alignment with the course objectives. Students should read and understand each unit?s objectives and how they relate to the assignments and assessment as well as the student?s performance in the course.
Upon successful completion of this week, students will be able to:
1. Examine issues of employee and worker rights including the rights to privacy and just treatment. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,4,6)
2. Evaluate claims on employer responsibilities to employees, communities, and social needs using ethical theories. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,6)
3. Analyze a case study on diversity (ethnic and cultural) and stakeholder rights. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6)
4. Evaluate the relationship between ethical values and ethical behavior in organizations. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,4,5,6)
5. Determine the difference (or not) between self-interest and selfish-interest. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1. Textbooks
Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2013). Business ethics: Decision-making for personal integrity & social responsibility (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Preface: Why a Decision Model?
Chapter 6: Ethical Decision making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights
Chapter 7: Ethical Decision Making: Technology and Privacy in the Workplace
Rhode, D. L. (Ed.). (2006). Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0787982822
Chapter 4: Morals for Public Officials
Chapter 8: Orchestrating Prosocial Motives
Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice and Self-Interest
Chapter 13: Perspectives on Global Moral Leadership
2. Articles
Driscoll, D., Field, S. & Pendry, L. (2007). Diversity training: putting theory into practice. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80(1), 27-50. (EBSCOHOST Document ID: 24639105).
Murphy, P. (2009). The relevance of responsibility to ethical business decisions. Journal of Business Ethics: Supplement, 90, 245-252. (Document ID: 2051417411).
Selden, S. & Selden, F. (2001). Rethinking diversity in public organizations for the 21st century: Moving toward a multicultural model. Administration & Society, 33(3), 303-329. (ID: 74764451).
Recommended Readings
1. Articles
Jussim, L., Nelson, T.E., Manis, M., & Soffin, S. (1995). Prejudice, stereotypes, and labeling effects: Sources of bias in person perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68(2), 228. (Document ID: 4465217).
Mallett, R.K., Huntsinger, J.R., Sinclair, S., & Swim, J.K. (2008). Seeing through their eyes: When majority group members take collective action on behalf of an outgroup. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 11(4), 451. (Document ID: 1593494351).
Seger, C.R., Smith, E.R., Kinias, Z., & Mackie, D.M. (2009). Knowing how they feel: Perceiving emotions felt by outgroups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(1), 80. Research Library database. (Document ID: 1609154341).
please NO NO NO outside information UNLESS cited. Thank you in advanced.
Which ethical theory is best or most correct? Argue which ethical system is most convincing. You may endorse one of the following systems: Kantianism, virtue ethics, or egoism. Give reasons that the system you selected provides the best criteria for right action.
Do not comment on how likely people are to adopt the theory that you're supporting. That's not the point. Your main concern is to evaluate the merit of the theory itself (its internal coherence and robustness), not the response that it would receive from people. If it helps, you may think of your task like this: "Assuming that everyone were to adopt your proposed system tomorrow, which one should it be?"
Please note, this essay is based on "argument and analysis."
Note especially the recommendation on offering counterarguments against the thesis and your responses to these counterarguments.
Length: 900 - 1020 words (~3 pgs.)
Discuss the concept as well as the strenghs and weakness of the three basic ethical theories ( utilitarian, deontological, and virtue-bases approach to ethics. ) How should we live our life ?
Using the ethical theories, take a well reasoned position on one of the hot button liberty limiting issues of our time (Euthanasia, Stem Cell Research, Genetic Engineering, Abortion, Recreational Drug Use, or Prostitution). Be sure to use several of our theories and be clear about the premises that support your position.
If possible, I would like for all four of my essays to be written by the same person to keep suspicion of plagiarism down.
Describe in detail the following ethical theories: teleological, deontological and virtue-based. Cite examples from personal life or work experience (preferable work experience). Highlight the pros and cons of each theory as a basis of decision-making.
And-- develop a generic list of questions that each theory would ask in analyzing any case, decision or action.
"Which ethical theory do you think is most useful, and why, in understanding what the role is (or should be) of a multinational company with respect to human rights issues in the global supply chain? Draw on ONE example to illustrate and support your arguments?"
The theories are: Utilitarian, Libertarian, Kantian, Democratic, Marx
Need to focus on one, but mention some others.
Assignment Instructions for creating an essay:
In preparing an essay, you must be careful to consider all aspects of your ethical dilemma and you must carefully and thoroughly explain which ethical theory (as studied in our first few chapters) you are relying on. In an Ethics course, every answer totally depends on how you define "ethical." For me or your classmates to know how well reasoned or thought out your answer to any given problem is, we need to know your ethical basis. That discussion should be right up front and will then lead naturally into your opinion and how it is supported by that ethical basis. By "ethical basis," I am thinking more of the theories of egoism, utilitarianism, libertarianism, Rawlsianism, etc. Be careful to distinguish an ethical theory from its application to real life, such as capitalism, communism, etc.
In sum, what standard are you judging the situation by? If you are an egoist, your "take" on a particular situation might be very different than if you were a utilitarian, and it probably would be light-years from that of a Rawlsian. Only when you and I understand the ethical basis you are using, can we understand why you feel a particular action is "right" or "wrong."
Hence, the need to discuss a formal ethical theory or two in justifying your answer. In your essay, you must specifically discuss your standard, your ethical yardstick by which action and your opinion will be judged. Remember that every time you use the words "moral," or "best" or "right," you must define what standard you are using to come to that decision. In sum, you should come up with a definite answer to the questions posed and then explain why it is the most "ethical" answer according to the theory you have chosen to adopt as supporting that opinion.
How would you react to a CEO's statement that, on moral grounds, she had decided to let the workers in her chemical plant decide for themselves (1)whether or not to work overtime in the more dangerous parts of the enterprise and (2) whether or not to wear protective equipment? Explain and defend your positions on these two questions.. Would your positions change if the worker was female and pregnant? Female and of child-bearing years? Discuss thoroughly.
Assignment: Week 6 Case Study
In the Case Study assignments students demonstrate multiple skills. The Case Study is composed of two parts: The ?Ethical Analysis? portion should be the first half of the assignment and the second half will be the ?decision.? This assignment asks students to inhabit the position of an ethics administrator or a representative of a hospital ethics committee who is coming to a decision regarding a specific case. The Case Study assignments are weighted heavily in the final grade.
Assessment Purpose
The purpose of the assignment in an abstract sense is to assess student?s capacity to analyze a situation ethically and ?objectively,? and secondly, to come to a decision using ethics. The assignment is forcing students into an overly formulaic and artificial situation. The assessment purpose of this assignment is multifold: Firstly, this assignment is used to assess if students have mastered the ethical theories and if they can utilize the ethical theories in a ?real life? context. Secondly, this assignment will make use of the ?ethical analysis? skill that was learned in week 3. Lastly, this assignment is a writing assessment; something of critical importance to Benedictine?s educational objectives for the MPH program. Issues of citation, grammar and general writing competence are the focus here. The three arenas in which the assignment will be graded is as follows:
1. Ethical analysis
2. Decision/ Justification
3. Grammatical + Stylistic Issues
In each of the three arenas each assignment will receive a percentage score. If a paper receives 100% in all three arenas, then the paper will receive a 100% grade, which is an averaging of all three percentages. If one receives 85% in two arenas and 50% in a third arena, then the final grade will be 73.3% for the assignment.
1. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a complete ?ethical analysis? section.
2. The ?ethical analysis? portion must be ?neutral? and must not include a decision or a ?locatable? bias. It should follow the model provided in the instructions for the ethical analysis assignment in week 5.
3. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a ?decision section composed of a discussion of ethics that uses multiple ethical theories in a way that demonstrates that the student has mastered these theories.
4. All sections must have subheadings that are bolded.
5. This paper should be written in the third person.
6. Papers must adhere to APA requirements and ought to be free of grammatical complications.
1. There is no required page minimum. Average paper lengths near 13-15 pages or so and are double-spaced (1.5). However, one might want to error on greater depth and specificity than less.
2. Please use the feedback provided regarding your ?ethical analysis? assignment in week 5 in order to write the ?ethical analysis? portion of your Case Study assignments. In the ethical analysis portion, try to stick to the model provided in the instructions provided in week 5.
3. While the ethical theories are required in the justification section, references to the supplementary articles are strongly suggested but not required.
4. This paper should have minimal use of external sources in the body of the paper because this assignment ought to reflect the student?s original work and thinking. Thus, this paper should not be composed of other authors? work regarding transplantation ethics. As a guide, one might stick to a 90% rule in which 90% of the assignments is made up solely of the student?s own words. Aside from actual wording, there should also be minimal use of external references since this assignment allows the instructor to evaluate the student?s work. One might wish to limit external references to 4-6 external sources.
5. This paper is not a philosophical paper. The purpose of this paper is not to reflect on ethics and ethical issues primarily. Rather the primary purpose here is application. These are two different aims. As an application-centered assignment, this paper should look much more like a professional communication that emerged from an ethicist or ethics committee that deliberated about the case during a single session and it should not look like an impassioned plea from an opinionated layperson. It should also not look like a researched term paper. Rather, it should look like a committee decision or an ethicist?s decision.
This link is useful. It is important that nothing be plagiarized from any parts of the following website:
--Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and Social Responsibility
--U.S. Rule Limits Emergency Care for Immigrants
--Title: Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics
Author: Ronald Munson
Publisher: Cengage
Ed/Year: 9th/2012
ISBN-13: 978-1133587149
1. Make sure to add a justification section at the end of this assignment that now justifies your decision in this scenario.
2. Make sure to use bolded headings in your paper. This is really helpful.
The Chosen theory is Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
Based on this unit's literature search for the course project, analyze the historical development of your chosen theory. Trace significant time periods, social and political forces, and influential figures who helped develop the theory. Post your analysis and cite your sources using APA 5th edition guidelines.
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I've read through the paper more carefully. My main criticism would be that the paper does not have a clear thesis statement. You say that "each philosophical view is capable of supporting more than one answer, depending on the assumptions and definitions used in the analysis." This phrase "assumptions and definitions" recurs elsewhere in the paper. But you never really explain which assumptions make a difference or which assumptions you are making. Can you talk a bit more about what assumptions matter and which you think are appropriate to the decision about whether or not abortion is moral. In the conclusion, you focus mostly on deontological theories and the different presuppositions of value that would lead to different conclusions regarding abortion, but the consequentialist or utilitarian treatment is extremely brief. You say that consequences to the fetus suggest some aspect of utilitarian ethics, but it would seem to me that the larger effects on society would be the more appropriate effects to consider. For instance, is it the case that aborted fetuses tend to be those children who would have been in a disadvantaged environment and thus more likely to engage in criminal activity? Or is it possible that an aborted fetus could go on to be a great artist, musician, inventor, or scientist and thus potentially benefit society?
You talk about a case in which virtue ethics is lead to affirming the moral worth of two diametrically opposed actions. For this reason, you see virtue ethics as an unsuitable ethical theory for deciding between the pro-life and pro-choice positions. Can you develop an example to make this more clear? I suppose I can imagine a case in which two actions are diametrically opposed, but I am having a difficult time affirming the virtue of each of the actors, unless the cases are not "diametrically" opposed, but simply opposed because they involve very different circumstances. To emphasize, Aristotle speaks of virtue as being an action in accordance with a rational principle, as a person of practical wisdom would use to determine it. Now, in very different situations, a person of practical wisdom may choose opposing actions, but this does not mean that those actions are diametrically opposed. Instead, they are each the "right" course of action for the circumstances (as when Aristotle considers the sailors who through their cargo overboard during a storm).
In general, I find the information in the paper to be at a very high level. I am missing a real cohesion in the argument (a guiding theme or thesis) and I am also missing any significant contact with the readings from this course. You do not really refer to the readings explicitly. Can you draw on the material from the course in any way that can help fill out the details of the paper?
Choose a contemporary moral issue and examine the debate from th e perspective of the three moral theories we have discussed in class: Which arguments are deontological, which utilitarian, which are based on virtue?
You may attempt to provide a solution to the debate, defend one side or the other (you must take account of the opposing arguments), critique one side or the other (you must take account of the arguments in favor of that position).
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Please be aware that the essay will be run through turnitin.com
Much of the information is provided in the attached materials including the professor's description of the paper and all the required reading materials that the class has read and discussed throughout the semester. The class centers around discussion of different moral theories and the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Many of the students do not have a strong metaphysical background including myself so we use what we've learned in the class and our philosophical intuition to dissect the papers and see which points we can agree with and incorporate into the moral theory we find to work best. The professor mainly agrees with hierarchical organization of moral theories geared towards providing the user with the best decision making procedure however we also discuss minor nuances that define each ethical theory according to its characteristics of rightness. I would also ask that the writer contact me soon after he has received his contract just to touch base.
This essay is for the typed definitions of some of the ethical theories of nursing. You must elaborate on the definitions and cite the experts, critically reflect, and provide examples along with why the term/concept is important to the nursing profession. Each topic/definition has to be at least 2 pages long. The topics are 'Deontology vs Utilitarianism' (counts as 2 definitions, so 4 pages), 'Justice Ethics vs Care Ethics' (2 definitions for 4 pages) and 'Rights Ethics' (1 definition, so 2 pages). 10 pages total. Please use sources from ethics books or scholarly nursing journals. A minimum of 5 of the references must come from these types of sources.
GRADING of Essay
1. Definition ??" elaborate and cite experts ??" critical reflection 65% of grade
NOTE: Remember that this section is worth 65% of your grade ??" you must provide detailed information. A simple definition will negatively affect your grade. As a general rule each definition must be at least 2 typed pages long.
2. Provide examples along with why the term/concept is important 25%
to the nursing profession
3. APA Format 10%
Proper APA format (citations, grammar, typing, margins, spelling, etc.)
Title Page ??" be sure to have all required elements. Review APA Manual
Reference page with at least eight sources (books, journals) in addition to any Internet resources.
No more than three direct quotes for the ENTIRE essay; paraphrase and cite experts instead. You will lose up to 10 points for excessive use of direct quotes (Excessive are more than 3 for entire essay).
Be sure to cite appropriately! If citing a chapter in an edited book you need to review the APA manual to be sure you cite according to APA rules both within your paper and on the reference page.
This is a ethics class. The book I am using is ETHICS theory and contemporary issues. Sixth edition by Barbara MacKinnon. This book has to be used for this assignment. The paper is a comparision of ethical theories in the first unit of Mackinnon. Discuss the strenghts/weaknesses of each and decide which one is best. Read chapter 1-7 and determine the strenghts and weaknesses of each theory. Describe the strenghts and weaknesses of each theory. Once done pick the best of the theories (try to narrow it down to one or two) and explain why you felt that your choice was better than the others. Here's the list: Relativism, Utilitarianism, Egoism, Kant's theory, Natural law/ Rights and virtue ethics.
Please e mail me with any questions
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You will outline and explain ethical theories and then apply that knowledge to how organizations would function were they to adopt those ethical principles. In addition, you will also examine punishments for corporations and present your own ideas about the relationship between ethical demands on business entities vs. those on individuals in society.
In this assignment you will reflect on the topics of Week One and apply them to an analysis of ethical paradigms. You will be asked to respond to two prompts below. The first asks you to explain three of the ethical philosophies you encountered in Chapter 1 of Introduction to Business Ethics, and then determine how companies that abide by these policies would act. (moral objectivism/ relativism, religion and mortality, egoism) In the second prompt, you will be asked to explain various punishments that can be given to corporations and the behaviors that are ethically dangerous to corporations.
Select a Not-For Profit and a For Profit organization you would like to study. These will be the organizations that you will be focusing on throughout the course so be sure to choose organizations that you find interesting and that you think will be engaging as you learn about the ethical climates of these organizations.
Place the Name of the Not-For-Profit Organization here: Susan G. Komen
Place the name of the For-Profit Organization here: Merck
Reflection Prompts
Please think about and answer the following prompts. These reflections will not be graded on grammar and syntax, but on the depth of critical reflection and the analysis that composes your answers. Utilize this space to gather information and notes that you think will aid in your analysis of business ethics.
Reflection Prompt #1
Summarize three of the ethical theories that are explained in Chapter 1 of Introduction to Business Ethics. Explain how people running businesses would construct their companies if they utilized these ethical theories. For example, you might personally think that people should act to increase the overall happiness for the greatest number of people (utilitarianism). You would explain utilitarianism and then explain how a company based in utilitarian ethics would function. In other words:
? What products would they make?
? How would they treat their employees? How would they treat their customers?
? How would they manufacture their products?
? How would they utilize their resources and profits were they to become successful?
Reflection Prompt #2
Analyze three of the punishments that corporations undergo when they have acted unethically (i.e., name them, define them, explain what they are). In addition, explain three threats to running an ethical corporation. Finally, from your own perspective, explain whether or not a corporation should have to function by the same codes of morality that individual people in society have to abide by or if they should be allowed to get away with certain actions that people in society cannot get away with.
Running head: Ethical Issues in Family and Marital Therapy
Ethical Issues in Family and Marital Therapy
Laura R. Kaminsky
Walden University
Ethics Standards Professional Practice
PSYC 8705P
Dr. Martha Chiles
August, 2012
I. Introduction
A. Definition of ethics and standards in psychology?
B. History of ethics and standards.
II. Purpose of Ethical Standards and Codes in Psychology and Therapy
III. Ethical Standards regarding Informed Consent and Confidentiality
A. 10.01 Informed Consent to Therapy
B. 10.02 Therapy Involving Couples or Families
IV. Ethical issues in doing marital and family therapy:
A) Who is client:
B) What can be discussed?
V. Literature search strategies
A. The American Journal of Family Therapy
B. Psychotherapy Theory Research, Practice, Training
C. Professional Psychology Research and Practice
a. Description of the extent and nature of the literature
VI. Ethical Theories
VII. Frameworks
A. Societal impact
B. Community impact
a. Summary of Frameworks
VIII. Client Populations
A. Heterosexual Couples
C. Minors/Children
D. Women
E. Men
IX. Social Considerations
A. Religion
B. Multicultural Populations
C. Socioeconomic
D. Education
X. Summary
XII. Recommendations
A. Further research required as society changes.
American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from: http://apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx#
Bass, B. & Quimby, L.J. (2006). Addressing Secrets in Couples Counseling: An Alternative
Approach to Informed Consent. The Family Journal, 14, 77-80.
Butler, H. M., Rodriguez, A., M-K, Roper, O., S., & Feinaure, L. L. (2010). Infidelity Secrets in
Couple Therapy: Therapists? Views on the Collision of Competing Ethics Around
Relationship-Relevant Secrets. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 17, 82-105.
Callan, E. J. & Callan, E. M (2005). An Historical Overview of basic Approaches and Issues in
Ethical and Moral Philosophy and Principles: A Foundation for Understanding Ethics in
Psychology. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 11(1/2), 11-26.
Cole, E. (2008). Navigating the Dialectic: Following Ethical Rules Versus Culturally
Appropriate Practice. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 36, 425-436.
Grimes, E. M., & McElwain, D. A. (2008). Mazrriage and Family Therapy with Low-Income
Clients: Professional, Ethical , and Clinical Issues. Contemporary Family Therapy, 30, 220-
Hohmann-Marriott, B. E. (2001). Marriage and Family Therapy Research: Ethical Issues and
Guidelines. American Journal of Family Therapy, 9, 889-920.
Jordan, K. (2001). Monitoring Our Own: Suggested Additions to the IAMFC Code of Ethics.
American Journal of Family Therapy, 9, 43-47.
Lowman, L., R. (2005). Respect for People?s Rights and Dignity. Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment & Trauma, 11(1/2), 71-77.
Marterelly, M. K., & Brock. L. (2008). Religion and Spirituality as a Resource in Marital and
Family Therapy. Journal of Family Psychotherapy; 19(4), 330-334.
Margolin, G., Chien, D., Oliver H.P., Ramos, C., M., & Vickerman, A. K.(2005). Ethical Issues
in Couple and Family Research. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(1),157-167.
McCurdy, G. K., & Murray C. K. (2003). Confidentiality Issues when Minor Children Disclose
Family Secrets in Family Counseling. The Family Journal, 11, 393-398.
McLaurin, L., S., & Ricci, J., R. (2003). Ethical Issues and At-Risk Behaviors in Marriage and
Family Therapy: A Qualitative Study of Awareness. Contemporary Family Therapy, 25(4),
McLaurin, L. S., Ricci, J., R., McWey, M. L. (2004). A Developmental Perspective of Marriage
and Family Therapist?s Ethical Principles: Support for the Practitioner-Ethics Relationship
Model. Contemporary Family Therapy, 26(3), 293-306.
Peluso, R. P. (2003). The Ethical Genogram: A Tool for Helping Therapists Understand their
Ethical Decision-Making Styles. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples
and Families, 11(3), 286-291.
Pipes. R. B., Holstein, E. J., & Aguirre, G. M. (2005). Examining the Personal-Professional
Distinction: Ethics Codes and The Difficulty of Drawing a Boundary. American Psychologist
60(4), 325-334.
Richards, M., M. (2009). Electronic Medical Records: Confidentiality Issues in the Time
of HIPPA. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(6), 550-556.
Rappleyea, L., D., Harris, M., S., White, M., & Simon K. (2009). Termination: Legal and Ethical
Considerations for Marriage and Family Therapists. The American Journal of Family
Therapy,37, 12-27.
Scher, S., & Kozlowska, K. (2012). Thinking, Doing, and the Ethics of Family Therapy. The
American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 97-114.
Southern. S., Smith, L., R. & Oliver, M. (2005). Marriage and Family Counseling: Ethics in
Context. The Family Journal, 12, 459-467.
Answer the following 2 question APA format No Direct Quotes PARAPHASE ONLY as related to the profession of nursing
Question 1: Given what youve learned about ethical theory, give some thought to how you might create your own ethical theory. What would be the central principle by which you would measure right and wrong action? What kinds of limitations do you think your theory might have?
Question 2: Of the ethical theories discussed (Kantian, Utilitarian, Casuistry, Virtue, and Care) which do you find most palatable and why?
Objectives for this unit are:
1. Students will discuss the basic foundations and nature of ethical theories.
2. Students will synthesize and apply the ethical theories (Kantial Ethics (deontology), Utilitarianism (consequentialism), Casuistry, Virtue) to advanced nursing practice.
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Suggested Length: 1,000-1500 Words
5-10 Sources Required
Topic is Western Ethical Theories: Teleological, Deontological, Natural Law, Interest View, Virtue Ethics. Include as many philosophical perspectives as possible.
This is a two part assignment
Part 1: Watch the following videos and read the page at http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/decision/framework.html
1. Kant (3 minute youtube video)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwOCmJevigwUtilitarian (youtube)
2. Utilitarian (youtube)2. Virtues/Aristotle (youtube)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdtWu4Cqx1YVirtues/Aristotle (youtube)
3.Confucian (youtube)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O--AFCI4HCUGolden Rule (youtube)
4. Golden Rule (youtube)
Part 2: After reading and viewing, you are required to write a 2-3 page reflective paper on the following topics.
1.Summarize your assigned ethical position.
2.What did you learn from the discussion?
3.What position do you personally hold on this topic?
4.What ethical theory is it most similar to?
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Requesting Writers
Please provide a 6 page paper as follows: and answer:
Are the ethical theories of Mill, Kant, & Aristotle compatible, or do they conflict in some way? Explain your answer by applying the three ethicao theories to examples of your own choice (use these exapmples 90617, 90619, 90175) from Middlemarch and The Surrounded. Use atleast one example from each of the two novels.
Sources to be used:
Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. David Ross. Rev. by J.L. Ackrill and J.O. Urmson: Oxford University Press, 1998.
(Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. Ed. George Sher., 2nd edition, Indianapolis:Hackett, 2001.)
Kant, Immanuel. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Translated by James W. Ellington. Indianapolis: Hacket, 1993
Eliot, George. Middlemarch. New York: Penguin, 1984.
McNickle, DArcy. The Surrounded. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1965.
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In this course, we look at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism.
For this paper, you will pick an ethical issue to discuss, but one that is not a specific topic addressed in our text (thus, gun control or product liability would not be possible choices). Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. (One way of thinking about this is to think of an ethical issue that either worries you or enrages you.)
Identify, specifically, the ethical issue and the ethical problems it presents. Drawing on various sources, explain how one of the classical theories (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics) would resolve the problem. Then, contrast this response with the perspective brought to the issue by relativism, emotivism, or ethical egoism. Finally, state which of these views is closer to your own, supporting your response with a clearly-presented and well-supported argument. The more specific you can be the better, and feel free to include examples that will strengthen your account.
The Final Paper must be between eight to ten pages long, using at least five (5) resources Format your rough draft according to APA (6th edition) style and properly cite all your resources.If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, log into the Ashford Writing Center (USER NAME: ashford;
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA (6th edition) style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must use at least five academic resources in addition to the required text, at least two of which are found in Ashford Online Library. Wikipedia is an example of a source that is NOT acceptable.
Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
Must include a cover page that includes:
Title of Paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must include a Reference Page that is completed according to APA (6th edition) style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
The issue of ethical treatment of animals is an important one and also one that many people are passionate about because it gives a voice to animals who are not capable of speaking for themselves. It is noble and right to be for the ethical treatment of animals. It is not enough, however, to merely be emotional; one must also understand why it is not just a passionate issue but why it is one that needs attention because it is not right to treat animals badly. Merely questioning the problem and asking ones self why they believe in the ethical treatment of animals makes the issue one that is subject to reasoning as opposed to emotion. In his book Animal Ethics, author Robert Garner (2005) says that, Animal ethics seeks to examine beliefs that are held about the moral status of non-human animals. Animal ethics can also be defined more generally by acknowledging that animal ethics is about acting for the moral good of animals by understanding animal-human moral issues through knowledge and cognitive reasoning. Using virtue ethics as a moral framework, this paper will examine how virtue ethics can help prevent the unethical treatment of animals.
Virtue ethics hold that one must act how a virtuous person would act and that one cannot isolate the making of ethical decisions from your personality (Panaman 2008.) a person who has good character will act accordingly. Good character can be defined (though is not limited to) qualities such as compassion, kindness, respect, toleration, courage, and honesty (2008). When one possesses these types of qualities, one is thus thought to be a virtuous person.
Aristotle is the ancient philosopher believed to be the main theorist behind virtue ethics. He believed that virtue is the middle road between two vices, the middle of two spectrums ??" for example, courage is superior to fearlessness or cowardice (Animal ethics 2011). While later ethical theories (mainly ones with God at the forefront) took over the popularity of virtue ethics, virtue ethics theories came back in the 20th century and made it more modern (2008). The modern tradition of virtue ethics says that people should be virtuous in all aspects of their lives and this means that they must be a good person always.
When it comes to the issues of the ethical treatment of animals, virtue ethics can support ethical treatment because it forces people to ask: How will my actions support being a virtuous person? The morally right action comes from doing what one believes a virtuous person would do as opposed to other ethical theories that might make one do something out of obligation or duty, or what will get the best results (Panaman 2008). The main concern in virtue ethics becomes about a persons moral character. When people choose to develop their moral character, better virtues will be created, and thus there will be more people acting in virtuous ways in all aspects of their lives ??" and this includes how they treat animals.
One example to be considered when thinking about how a person with a strong sense of virtue might behave is to counter it with how a person with a strong sense of duty might behave. From a duty sense, if one were a livestock farmer, he or she might believe that his or her duty lies in what is best for the people because, after all, the job is about raising livestock for slaughter, which will then become food for people. Therefore, the first duty would be to humans and the second duty to animals (Panaman 2008) (which may entail being as good to the animals as possible while they are in his or her care on the farm ??" i.e., not allowing torture, giving them adequate living space, feeding them food that is good for them, etc.). with virtue ethics, however, one will apply reason, experience and logic as well as emotional abilities like beliefs, faith, etc. in order to act how a virtuous person should act (Panaman 2008). A person who believes in virtue ethics would think that as a person one should be kind and compassionate to all living things. Therefore, one should not cause the suffering of animals. As a livestock farmer, the person would probably find that he or she is in the wrong profession as it goes against what he or she believes is virtuous and right.
Virtue ethics could encourage the more ethical treatment of animals because it forces one to think in terms of kindness, compassion, and fairness. It doesnt bring up issues such as duty or what is better for the most people. Surely if one were to look at the issue of the ethical treatment of animals from a virtue ethics perspective, any sort of unfair or unethical treatment would be considered morally and ethically wrong.
Ethical relativism holds that there are not any moral truths; this is, all ethical viewpoints are equally valid and the individual is the only one who can determine what is true and relative for him or her. Moral relativism is not uncommon. People often say just because thats right for them doesnt make it right for me, but they may still hold that the viewpoint is valid. Ethical egoism holds that people are generally selfish; that it, each person has one ultimate aim: his or her own welfare. Ethical emotivism, on the other hand, more of a meta-ethical theory, argues that a moral claim (This is not moral or That is moral) isnt a statement about the action itself or about the person saying it. Its merely a raw expression of emotion ??" just like an emotional reaction to pain (e.g., a scream, a cry, etc.).
When it comes to the ethical treatment of animals, ethical emotivism is the theory that is often use to prevent the unethical treatment of animals. C.L. Stevenson (1944) who wrote the book Ethics and Language argues that these moral statements arent just expressions of emotions but they are attempts to get other people to share the same emotional reaction that a person is having. When animal activists use images of animals being tested on, slaughtered animals, or images of the consequences of dog fighting, they are tying to get others to react in horror at the images that elicited that horrific response in them.
In dealing with the issue of the ethical treatment of animals, there are some who take an ethical relativism approach; that is, there are some who choose to eat meat, wear leather shoes, and buy products that have knowingly been tested on animals. They may believe that these things are common in our society and if others dont like it, well, they dont have to do it. That is, I may not want to eat meat, but that doesnt mean that I think it is wrong for you to eat meat. I choose to wear leather shoes and carry a leather purse or wear furs, but that doesnt mean that I think if others dont want to it is silly. It is all relative. Some may take ethical egoism approach and decide that their enjoyment of life is more important than the ethical treatment of animals.
Virtue ethics is more along the lines of how I see the world and issues related to the ethical treatment of animals. I tend to be guided by ethical emotivism as the topic inspires me to do things in order to give these animals a voice. I am horrified by people who hurt animals and who dont think that it is wrong. I dont have an ethical relativism viewpoint about animal issues. I dont think that anyone should hurt animals for any reason. I think that a lot of theories are created in order for people to feel better about what they do. Emotivism is the real thing because it inspires a true and real feeling that has to do with innately or inherently what we know to be right or wrong. While there is the theory that people are only out for their own welfare (ethical egoism), I think that this is merely because some people are not inspired or cognitive enough to contemplate the ethical ponderings of issues such as animal cruelty. I believe that people are inherently good and if they were to follow their core beliefs, the emotional beliefs that come from within, there would be a lot more goodness in the world and there wouldnt be unethical treatment of animals.
Garner, R. (2005). Animal ethics. Polity.
Panaman, R (2008). How to do animal rights ??" and win the war on animals. Animal
Ethics.org. Chapter 2: Know your animal ethics & animal rights. Accessed on March 20, 2011 : http://www.animalethics.org.uk/i-ch2-1-animalethics.html
Stevenson, C.L. (1944). Ethics and language. Yale University Press.
Customer is requesting that (roliva) completes this order.
Create a Mind Map of ethical theories please include the following:
Nature of Morality
Consequentialist (Teleological) Theory of Morality
Non-Consequentialist (Deontological) Theories of Morality
Virtue Ethics Theory
Absolutism Relatism
Theories of Determinism
In about 5 pages analyze the three to four specific theory bases that you believe will help you the most in finding a solution to your ethical dilemma.
Illustrate the meaning of professional integrity.
Think critically and communicate effectively to explain personal and professional leadership in the public sector.
Describe and evaluate the ethical approach you will take to resolve your dilemma.
Reflect on the ways in which the ethical dilemmas described in this class have caused you to think differently about the field of public administration and role within it.
Total of 7 pages
Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.
This paper is not about your personal opinion concerning the moral rightness or wrongness of Nestls marketing tactics. There is a correct and incorrect way to use the ethical theories to determine if an act is morally right or wrong.
Also, this is a paper, so treat it as such. It should have an introduction, and body, and a conclusion.
An important part of this class is learning to apply the ethical theories we discuss. As you can see this class is about more than merely expressing the moral points of view we already have. It is about learning how to do ethical reasoning. It is an introduction to some of the most highly regarded ethical theories, and how to use these theories to come to moral judgments in business. These theories can help us decide what is morally right and wrong!
Each of the following theories must be discussed and applied.
According to Kant's formulations of the categorical imperative, the rule and the act utilitarian, and the Rawlsian Original Position, is there anything morally objectionable (wrong) in the marketing techniques used by Nestle in the year 1970 and after (as these techniques are described on page 232-Case 5.2)?
How would each of the above theories apply to the way in which Nestle marketed its product? If it follows from these theories that Nestle's business practices are immoral, explain why they are wrong according to the theory you are discussing. If, when you apply the theories, you find that Nestle's marketing tactics do not involve any moral wrongs, explain why not.
More specifically:
- Kant tells us that an act is morally right if and only if we can will it
to become a universal law of conduct. That is, if the act can be a rule of conduct for everyone to follow. This is the 'categorical imperative'. But when can say that an act has met the categorical imperative? In other words, how do we know if an act can be a rule of conduct for everyone to follow? Kant tells us that the categorical imperative is met if and only if the act meets the following conditions:
1. The act can logically be universally acted on (see p.62),that is, it must be logically possible for everyone to perform the act
2. The act is universally acceptable or reversible; that is, all people acting rationally must be able to accept being on the receiving end of their own act
3. The act never treats people as mere means. (P.63.) Explain fully what these conditions mean and apply them in detail to the Nestle marketing tactics. Your objective is to show that you understand what these theories say and know how to use them.
- If you were in Rawls' original position under the veil of ignorance, would Nestle's marketing practices be acceptable? That is, would you want such tactics to be used by businesses in the society to which you will return?
Use the Original Position as a tool to determine if Nestle's marketing
practices (after the first hundred years) are morally acceptable. Explain
the original position and the veil of ignorance and how they impact your decision. Specifically describe the thought process of someone in the Original Position.
-Based the Act Utilitarian ethical theory view of what it is for an act to be morally right, are Nestls tactics morally right?
-Using rule utilitarianism, are the tactics Nestle used to market the formula morally right or wrong?
1.Be sure to give a clear statement of what you take each theory to be.
Distinguish act utilitarianism from rule utilitarianism. Use the terminology each of the four theories would use to describe the morality of Nestle's actions. Explain the terminology you use. The theories should be applied in detail and include all of the essential elements of each theory.
2.In your discussion of Kant be sure to talk only about his requirement that a morally right act must meet the demands of the categorical imperative. See week 2, module 3 Also see text pp.62-64. In other words, are the tactics, logically universalizable, universally acceptable or reversible, and do they not treat people as mere means? When applying Kants theory, apply only the various formulations of the categorical imperative (the three just noted.)
Explain why Kant requires that these conditions be met in order for an act
to be moral.
-Do NOT confuse Kants concept of 'moral worth' with his view of what
conditions an act must meet in order to be morally right. Do NOT discuss
Kants concept of 'moral worth' or 'good will'.
3.Discuss only the Original Position and what you would think about having
Nestls tactics used in the society to which you will return. Describe
what you, as a person in this position, would think of Nestle's marketing
tactics. Pretend you are one of those people asking if you would want these tactics used in your society - would you want them? Why or why not?
Why does your decision in the Original Position tell us anything about the morality of the tactics?
-Do NOT discuss the two principles Rawls thinks the people in the original
position would agree upon (principles of liberty and justice)
-Do NOT discuss the WHO regulations.
-Do NOT discuss the morality of distributing the formula. The distribution
of the formula is not the moral problem. The moral problems arise from the
TACTICS Nestle used to distribute the formula.
- Do NOT use any sources other than the course material. Anything that can
help you has been discussed on the message board is in the modules, study
guide, and in the text. This is NOT a research paper!
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This is a question for a doctoral final comprehensive exam. The question needs to be answered FIRST and then the remaining pages need to support that answer. There is not really any right or wrong answer as long as whatever answer you give is supported by research. The resources need to be good resources, not wikipedia, newsweek, or daily newspapers. You can use however many will do a good job with answering the question. Just please be thorough and use the best quality resources you can-preferable journals but not all must be that. The exam readers will check out all resources and they arequire me to submit the final exam to turnitin.com, so please be as original in your writing as you can.
PLEASE if you have ANY questions or concerns just email me - I MUST have this done or I will fail my exam. I am happy to talk about any questions or clarification you may need - please don't not do it - please just ask.
The question is:
Question 4:
During your normal duties in a medium sized American firm, you realized that substantial costs in a given category are not appearing in the firms audited financial statements. You realized that the firm is treating these costs as off balance sheet items. As a financial analyst you feel you are amply conversant with what the law permits in terms of off balance sheet items, and you feel certain that these costs should be on the balance sheet. These costs are substantial enough that, when put onto the firms financial statements, they would result in a reported negative net income for many reporting periods. You brought this to your boss attention, but he told you that these costs have been examined by both internal auditors and the firms independent auditor, and that they found the treatment of these costs both appropriate and legal.
Should you report what you believe are these legal violations to people above your boss in the hierarchy? If that does not remedy the situation to your satisfaction, should you become a whistle blower? Should you consider the possible job losses of fellow employees that your actions might have? Should you consider the possible losses to the community that your actions might have? In answering each of these questions, be clear about what ethical theory (or theories) you are applying to each question, and explain why you believe it is correct to apply them as opposed to other theories.
Textbook: Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0078137136/ref=wms_ohs_product_img
In chapter 2 of the text, the authors describe a decision-making process for ethics as follows:
1. Identify the ethical issues involved
2. Identify stakeholders and consider the situation from their point of view
3. Consider the available alternatives ? also called ?moral imagination?
4. Consider how a decision affects stakeholders, comparing and weighting the alternatives, based on:
a. Consequences
b. Duties, rights, principles
c. Implications for personal integrity and character
5. Make a decision
6. Monitor and learn from the outcomes
I would like you to apply this process to two short cases. Each is worth 50%. Please limit yourself to a total of 6 double-spaced pages (12 pt. font, 1? margins).
1. New Year?s Eve Crisis. Focus on the decision(s) facing Michael who has recently purchased the southern Pasta Company. Help him arrive at an ethical decision. Explain very clearly why the decision that you think he should adopt is the most ethical. Use the ethical theories and perspectives in chapter 3 in this effort.
2. Foreign Assignment. Please put yourself in the position, first, of Sara, apply the decision-making process described above, and indicate what she should do . Then, put yourself in the position of her manager, Vitam, and indicate what he should do.
Edward proposes the following : " suppose a nurse intentionally disregards an (Elderly) Patient's expressed wishes to receive pressure area care ; perhaps the patient finds the procedure causes discomfort, finds it embarrassing and a little painful. The nurse continues to turn the patient over , however, and gives the pressure area care in spite of what the patient has said " (2009, p. 110)
Is the nurse justified in turning the patient? If so : on what ethical grounds? If not : why not ? Discuss this case study in light of what you have learned about (a) The principles of Bioethics and (b) at least one or two ethical theories.
(1500 words)
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Read Full Paper ❯This is a question for a doctoral final comprehensive exam. The question needs to be answered FIRST and then the remaining pages need to support that answer.…
Read Full Paper ❯PLEASE NEED VERY PROFESSIONAL HIGH QUALITY ENGLISH and critical thinking ? Ph. D LEVEL Textbook: Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0078137136/ref=wms_ohs_product_img In chapter 2 of the…
Read Full Paper ❯Edward proposes the following : " suppose a nurse intentionally disregards an (Elderly) Patient's expressed wishes to receive pressure area care ; perhaps the patient finds the procedure causes…
Read Full Paper ❯