25+ documents containing “Ethical Leaders”.
Describe the idea of ethical leadership and what this means to you. Provide and describe a person who is an example of ethical leadership as you have described it. (You may use one of the people you used as an example in Paper 1 if appropriate.) You should use sources to support your example.
This ethical leader should demonstrate the qualities from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.
Sources need to be cited in footnotes. No need for a bibliography page.
this is a paper for an ethics class.
you are to write about how julius caesar was an ethical leader. i will send a sample paper. follow the format.
Please describe your concept of ethical leadership in business. Discuss your view of the current state of ethical leadership in business.
- Ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct.
- All leadership is responsible for influencing followers to perform an action, complete a task, or behave in a specific manner.
- Ethical leadership requires ethical leaders.
1) Using the attached chapter 7 cooper(part 1-3), the interview paper, and the class composite write your own personal ethical leadership profile describing your own MORAL COMPASS, which guides your behavior and actions and decision-making. Describe the fundamental ethical theories and concepts that inform your MORAL COMPASS.
2) Describe the ethical leader you wish to be and how you will use your MORAL COMPASS to guide and influence those you work with and your respective organizations , now and throughout your career.
my company is United Healthcare position is a Manager
User Name: whitegrrl101
You did a great job on that last paper. What I need was a person who I could look up to. A good ethical leader..
Here is someone I found could you research him and see what you can do? If you cannot not find anything on him. I' sure you will found the right person for me.,
James Autry: A successful businessman, a manaagement philosopher, a poet. If, as the title of his book suggests, Jin Autry became a businessman by accident, he didn't walk away from the accident: He spent 32yeasr in business, 15 of them in senioer management with Meredith Corp. in Des Moines, Iowa, where he was senior VP and president of its magazine group. Meredith, a Fortune 500 company, is probably best-known as the publisher of Better Homes and Gardens.
I would like to assign this order to writer jpz777
Read the Arthur Anderson: Questionable Accounting Practices case found in Bisiness Ethics textbook.
1.Review the mandated requirements for legal compliance (from Chapter 4) and determine which requirements apply to the Arthur Anderson case. Explain your rationale.
2.Discuss how the issues with the Arthur Anderson case may have played out differently if the Sarbanes-Oxley Act had been enacted in 1999.
3.Determine and discuss which elements of the framework for ethical decision making in business (from Chapter 5) played the biggest role in the Anderson case. Explain your reasoning.
4.Discuss how the situations at Arthur Anderson may have played out differently if their senior management had displayed the habits of strong ethical leaders. Provide specific examples to support your response.
5.Include at least three (3) references, no more than three (3) years old, from material outside the course.
I would like to assign this order to writer jpz777.
Please answer each essay question with at least 200 words each, using APA format list references at the end of each question. Each question should be no more than one page. If possible use Business ...Ethics (Ethical Decision making and cases (seventh edition) by Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell as a reference for each question plus one other per question, okay if same reference is used for more than onequestion.
Thank you.
1. Describe why it is importance that business people study ethics? What are possible benefits to companies, individuals, society and the world of business?
2. List three business problems, situations, or opportunities that you believe are ethical issues. Please give possible solutions and explain your responses in some detail.
3. Describe the three criteria that must be met in order to define a hostile work environment. What is the key ethical issue within sexual harassment?
4. What is the significance of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act? List and describe at least three (3) duties of the oversight board.
5. Discuss at least 5 of the 7 habits of strong ethical leaders. Use examples to support your answer.
6. The ethical decision-making framework includes the concepts of ethical issue intensity, organizational factors, individual factors, and opportunity. Discuss how these concepts influence the ethical decision-making process.
7. Describe the three types of justice which provide a framework for evaluating the fairness of different situations. Give examples of each type of justice to support your response.
8. What are the three levels of ethical concern found in Kohlbergs model for moral development? Please explain. What impact has Kohlbergs model of cognitive moral development had on ethical decision making? more
Completing a research paper (5 pages) on a CEO, past or present. The research paper should include: a brief autobiography including a timeline of his/her career. The paper should also address: whether the CEO is a charismatic or transformational leader, whether the CEO reflect the mission of the company, whether the CEO an ethical leader, what his/her views on diversity are. All citations and references should be in APA format.
Answer the following topic in a well-organized and original paper. Be sure to include an OUTLINE.
Ethical Leadership
During one's lifetime we are exposed to many types of leaders, we... find them at work, in school, in our families, in the community and elsewhere. Carefully review the leaders you have known and experienced in your lifetime. Select two individuals, the most ethical and honest leader and the least honest and unethical leader in your life. Compare and contrast the actions and circumstances where ethics were involved in these leaders decision making. What caused the ethical or unethical behavior? Did the leader follow a pattern in their ethical behavior or did it vary dependent on the situation or individual? Analyze the motivations, personal characteristics and leadership style of these leaders influencing their ethical behavior. On a continuum from the least ethical to the most ethical leader where do your personal ethics fall at this time? What actions or changes, if necessary, must you make to move toward the most honest and ethical leader in your life? In your estimation how can personal and corporate ethical decision making be improved? Why are core values being overlooked by leaders?
Don't forget the outline. Thank You! more
Research existing codes of ethics. You will use precepts and principles from ethical philosophers (and any other person you feel is an ethical leader) to justify each of your code statements.
Do code statements for each topic. Each code statement needs to be presented with supporting rationale which includes citations from sources who you consider to be ethical leaders. You can incorporate Plato, Aristotle, and even the Bible, as rationale to justify your code statements. You need to cite at least one ethical leader for every topic with a concept or quote that you relate to your code statement.
Develop code statements for each of the following topics:
Software Development:
Employer/Employee Issues:
IT and Quality of Life:
After developing each code you need to justify the reason for each code statement.
Please follow these guidelines specifically. Anything that does not correlate with these guidelines is useless to me.
...TOPIC: "Characteristics of a 21st Century Ethical Leader"
To give you a general feel for the paper, I want to briefly explain what I need. This paper is to focus on the leadership style and guidance of Lee Iacocca. The paper is to be on him and his leadership and how he managed to turn around Chrysler. At the end or somewhere in the paper I need information about Chryler today. The specifics of this are listed below. This section doesn't have to be very long just make sure you cover what is required. Again I want to make clear that this paper/research is to be on Lee Iacocca.
PLEASE INCLUDE : The company?s (Chrysler Corp)
? history and current information
? mission, vision, values statement
? current leader and his/her leadership style
? leadership and culture
? stance on ethics and corporate social responsibility
This is to be a five-page academic research paper (approximately 350 words of content per page).
Include an Abstract (making sure to state the purpose of the paper - see APA); body with appropriate headings; conclusions; in-text citations, and list of references. Your paper must be fully cited in APA style, with at least four outside sources including the company's Website. It should be carefully edited, as grammar, punctuation, spelling, format, and APA style do count. Organize your paper for logical flow more
Instructions to Writer: [Please see attached Source material(s)]
Answer Topics 1 and 2 for each Unit in the form of a paper. Use at least 300 word...s or more to answer each topic and corresponding sub-topics. Must also include a minimum of three peer-reviewed citations per topic. Citations must include outside sources and no more than one citation from assigned course readings may be used.
Unit 6 Topic 1: Moral Distress and Moral Integrity
Analyze the difference between moral distress and moral integrity providing one example of each that relates to the role of the advanced practice nurse.
Topic 2: Ethical Models to Resolve Moral Distress
Evaluate one ethical decision -making model that you can use as a nursing leader to resolve moral distress and post the information and website to the class. Tell the class why you chose the model with an example of how the model would solve the distress.
Unit 7 Topic 1: Incivility and Resolution Using an Ethical-Reasoning Tool
Explain three examples of incivility and choose an ethical reasoning tool that would help you resolve the behavior. Include the steps in the tool that lead to a solution to the behavior.
Topic 2: Ethical-Decision-Making models Used to Solve Incivility
Explain one ethical decision -making model that you can use to resolve the moral distress caused by incivility. Include why you chose the model and provide an example of how the model would solve the moral distress. Plan to use the information in your Unit 7 presentation.
Unit 8 Topic 1: Three Recommendations to Resolve Moral Distress
Explain three recommendations you plan to list in your Unit 9 Case Study Part 3 assignment that will resolve the advanced practice nurses? moral distress for peer review and instructor comment.
Unit 9 Topic 1: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Influencing the Decisions of an Ethics Committee
Explain how the advanced practice nurse can influence decisions made by ethics committees in health care and in politics.
Unit 10 Topic 1: Ethical-legal issues as an Advanced Practice Nurse
Throughout the course, you have had many opportunities to discuss ethical-legal issues as an advanced practice nurse, and health care. After ten weeks of class, explain how you see your role as an advanced practice nurses form an ethical-legal perspective. Has your thinking changed since Unit 1 and if so, how?
Topic 2: Time to Re-assess
Re-assess the content in all class links and course expectations including assignments and grading rubrics and formulate a list of what course elements facilitated your learning and provide at least one recommendation about how the course can be improved. more
Ethical and Legal Issues
Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley, and Sherron Watkins risked their jobs, health, privacy, and sanity to blow the whistle on ethical and legal violations occurring within... WorldCom, Enron, and the FBI. Each of these women was extraordinary in her efforts to do the right thing in the face of adversity. Though it may appear easy, many public and nonprofit leaders and managers have difficulty recognizing and adequately addressing ethical and legal issues within their organizations.
In this Discussion, you will analyze ethical and legal issues related to a public or nonprofit organization with which you are familiar. Then, you will consider how you might address these issues as a leader or manager within the organization.
To prepare for this:
Review the "Persons of the Year" article on whistleblowers. Think about the ethical and legal issues that Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley, and Sherron Watkins encountered and how they responded. (attached)
Review the assigned pages in the course text, Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership. (faxed)
Review the assigned pages in the course text, The Effective Public Manager: Achieving Success in a Changing Government. Consider guidelines for assessing the ethical nature of assignments and relationships, and guidelines for ethical behavior in public organizations. (faxed)
Review the article, "The Ethical Commitment to Compliance: Building Value-Based Cultures." Consider various factors and approaches related to creating ethical compliance among employees. (attached)
Think about a public or nonprofit organization with which you are familiar and reflect on ethical and/or legal issues that might occur within the organization.
Consider how you might address such issues as a leader or manager within the organization.
With these thoughts in mind:
Describe the public or nonprofit organization you selected, in this case CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). Then, describe two ethical and/or legal issues that might occur in the organization. Finally, explain what approaches you might take to address these issues as a leader or manager within the organization. Be specific.
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Ethical Issues in Business and Society
Watch the movie Enron:The smartest guys in the room and anwer the following questions
Instructions: Write a short paragraph or more on each of the f...ollowing questions.
1. Capitalism is vital to our way of life, and yet the Enron case clearly shows ways in which this economic system may be abused. What kinds of abuses did you witness in the film? What kinds of vices were evident?
2. All economic systems (as is true of all "systems") have their weaknesses. What weaknesses in the capitalistic system were evident in the film, "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room?"
3. How do you think an egoist, Socrates and Aristotle would have advised Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling if they were their Ethics Officers?
4. How would you characterize Andy Fastow?s role in this company and the repercussions of his role?
5. Who do you think is responsible for Enron's downfall? Why? Think carefully about this one!
6. Enron's slogan was "Ask Why?" Does that strike you as ironic? Socrates loved to ask "why?" What do you think are some questions that he would ask Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, and Andy Fastow?
7. Do you think that we now live in a "Culture of Greed?" Are all of us guilty in our own ways of perpetuating a "Culture of Greed?"
8. Did you find mark to market accounting ethical? Explain.
9. What was your knowledge about Enron before this documentary?
10. What did you learn and how are you able to apply it in your life more
Ethical Values and Behavior
In Chapter 9 of Moral leadership, Tyler asks the question, ?Do ethical values shape behavior in organizational settings?? (Rhode, 2006, p. 213).
Compare and contra...st the positions of Tyler and Batson (Chapter 8). Are these thinkers more compatible with Utilitarianism or deontology, and why?
Tip: Self-interest is often included in the list of ethical values. Which other values are central?
Discuss. Murphy?s (2009) article can be useful.
Citations are mandatory. A list of references in APA is preferred practice.
The learning outcomes are critical components of this course; all of them are measurable and in alignment with the course objectives. Students should read and understand each unit?s objectives and how they relate to the assignments and assessment as well as the student?s performance in the course.
Upon successful completion of this week, students will be able to:
1. Examine issues of employee and worker rights including the rights to privacy and just treatment. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,4,6)
2. Evaluate claims on employer responsibilities to employees, communities, and social needs using ethical theories. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,6)
3. Analyze a case study on diversity (ethnic and cultural) and stakeholder rights. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6)
4. Evaluate the relationship between ethical values and ethical behavior in organizations. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,4,5,6)
5. Determine the difference (or not) between self-interest and selfish-interest. (Aligns with Course Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1. Textbooks
Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2013). Business ethics: Decision-making for personal integrity & social responsibility (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Preface: Why a Decision Model?
Chapter 6: Ethical Decision making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights
Chapter 7: Ethical Decision Making: Technology and Privacy in the Workplace
Rhode, D. L. (Ed.). (2006). Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0787982822
Chapter 4: Morals for Public Officials
Chapter 8: Orchestrating Prosocial Motives
Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice and Self-Interest
Chapter 13: Perspectives on Global Moral Leadership
2. Articles
Driscoll, D., Field, S. & Pendry, L. (2007). Diversity training: putting theory into practice. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80(1), 27-50. (EBSCOHOST Document ID: 24639105).
Murphy, P. (2009). The relevance of responsibility to ethical business decisions. Journal of Business Ethics: Supplement, 90, 245-252. (Document ID: 2051417411).
Selden, S. & Selden, F. (2001). Rethinking diversity in public organizations for the 21st century: Moving toward a multicultural model. Administration & Society, 33(3), 303-329. (ID: 74764451).
Recommended Readings
1. Articles
Jussim, L., Nelson, T.E., Manis, M., & Soffin, S. (1995). Prejudice, stereotypes, and labeling effects: Sources of bias in person perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68(2), 228. (Document ID: 4465217).
Mallett, R.K., Huntsinger, J.R., Sinclair, S., & Swim, J.K. (2008). Seeing through their eyes: When majority group members take collective action on behalf of an outgroup. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 11(4), 451. (Document ID: 1593494351).
Seger, C.R., Smith, E.R., Kinias, Z., & Mackie, D.M. (2009). Knowing how they feel: Perceiving emotions felt by outgroups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(1), 80. Research Library database. (Document ID: 1609154341). more
Leader: Jack Welch (the former CEO of GE)
Project Objectives
Conduct an analysis of the leadership characteristics, styles, accomplishments, and/or lack of
accomplishments of a s...trategic-level leader that interests you, and write a brief paper
summarizing your analysis. The paper should examine this leader and his or her work in a
manner that draws upon the course material.
The leader you select may be the CEO or another C-level leader from an organization that
youve worked for or one that you are interested in or familiar with. You are not limited to
traditional business organizations. You may profile the leader of a country, state /
commonwealth, or even a sports organization.
Project Deliverables
? The paper should include three major sections:
o Leader Summary,
o Leadership Critique, and
o Leadership Insights.
? The Leader Summary section should summarizes the:
o Leaders background and attributes,
o Entity they lead (Business, Country, etc.), and
o The operating context/environment.
? The Leadership Critique section should examine the leaders approach to providing
leadership, and his/her successes and/or failures using a minimum of three perspectives
from course readings and discussions.
o Readings from the course should be cited and listed in a reference section. You
may also use additional sources that you deem appropriate.
? In the Leadership Insights section you should draw upon course material and offer
your insights on the leadership of this individual. Suggested topics may examine:
o What leadership factors contributed to the rise and/or fall of this individual?
o How would you handle the role differently to increase the likelihood of
o What are the critical take-away lessons?
Project Requirements
? The paper should be approximately 5 double-spaced pages in length not including the
title page and references.
o Please use a 12-point font with 1-inch margins around the edges.
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Topic: Ethical Leadership
During one's lifetime we are exposed to many types of leaders, we find them at work, in school, in our families, in the community and elsewhere. Carefully review the leaders you have known and experienced in your lifetime. Select two individuals, the most ethical and honest leader and the least honest and unethical leader in your life. Compare and contrast the actions and circumstances where ethics were involved in these leaders decision making. What caused the ethical and unethical behavior?
The essay is due on Friday 23 Nov 2012, No extensions are allowed.
Please follow the guidelines bellow carefully and I will be sending an old essay that I previously ordered from EssayTown ab...ut Bill Gates level 5 leader. Please take out only the useful parts from it to use in the new essay that you will be composing if needed.
An introductory paragraph (or two) that grabs the readers attention, makes the reader want to continue reading, and gives the reader some idea of what the paper is about. The main idea of the paper does not have to be stated in the opening sentence or even in the opening paragraph, but it should be clear before the end of the essay. What is important is that the reader has a sense of the writers direction throughout the essay and that each paragraph should flow logically into the next.
Literature Review
Here, you will give a brief biography of the leader, including only qualities that would contribute to a portrait of the individual as a business leader. This section of the essay will introduce the business leader and his or her qualities and demonstrate your ability to integrate the sources that you have consulted. This section should be one page.
Ethical Analysis
In this section, you will pick up the qualities introduced in the first section and evaluate the ethical/non-ethical practices of this individual as a leader. This section should focus on one or more specific ethics theories that you have studied in this course. One way to accomplish this is to briefly describe a given theory (2-3 sentences) and then explain how the leader reflects the theory or not, using specific details from his or her business biography and character traits as reflected by his or her business practices. This section should be approximately two pages per the assignment sheet.
Situation Test
The last section, you will take on the role of consultant. Using the information already given in the analysis section you will determine how the business leader would perform in the following situation:
The economic crisis has severely affected your companys performance and it seems that you will have to lay off about one-fifth of your workforce if everything stays as is. There is one option, though. A well-known billionaire has signaled that he wants to invest in your company and ensure process renewals, guaranteed new markets for your products, as well as job security for your entire workforce for the coming five years. The problem is that this billionaire has a reputation. He has been involved in insider trading and creative accounting issues. His involvement was never proven and someone else in his company took the fall for all the questionable actions. This billionaire has also been labeled as homophobic. Yet, the rumors are now about 10 years old, and he may (or may not) have changed. How will you handle this situation?
In order to provide a thorough consultation, you must provide ample/specific support/explaining for your advice and recommendation for the leader. There is no need to summarize the situation in your essay. Assume that the reader already knows what it is. This section should be one and a half pages.
Although not required for this assignment, it is always a great idea to conclude your document by drawing all of your main ideas together. Your conclusion does not have to be lengthy, but it should include a summative account of the main points covered in your essay.
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The Concept of Ethical Obligations
Stillman, R.J. (2010). Public administration: Concepts and cases: 2010 custom edition.
(9th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin ? Cengage Learning.
Based on the case study, George Tenet and the Last Great Days of the CIA, in Stillman, Chapter 16, write a 5 page paper in which you:
1. Identify four (4) cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former CIA Director George Tenet and assess their impact on his leadership abilities. Weight 25%
Grading Element #1: ?A? work: Thoroughly identified 4 cross-coded ethical dilemmas facing former Tenet. Thoroughly assessed their impact on his leadership abilities.
2. Analyze four (4) ways in which Tenet addressed the prioritization of ethical concerns. Weight 20%
Grading Element #2: ?A? work: Thoroughly analyzed 4 ways in which Tenet addressed the prioritization of ethical concerns.
3. Identify and explain four (4) strategies used in competing ethical obligations in relation to the many intergovernmental organizations that overlapped his office. Weight 20%
Grading Element #3: ?A? work: Thoroughly identified and explained 4 strategies used in competing ethical obligations in relation to the many intergovernmental organizations that overlapped his office.
4. Elaborate on four (4) relevant notions for designing ethical maps for defining and prioritizing ethical obligations. Weight 20%
Grading Element #4: ?A? work: Thoroughly elaborated on 4 relevant notions for designing ethical maps for defining and prioritizing ethical obligations.
5. Research and cite at least four (4) peer-reviewed academic sources. Weight 5%.
Grading Element #5: ?A? work: Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. ?C? work: Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. All newspapers and political sites are biased and are not ?high quality choices.? It is hard to avoid them, but keep them below 50% of your references.
Your assignment must:
> Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Just use APA, I have no additional requirements.
Grading Element #6: Clarity and writing mechanics (Weight 10%). I will grade your APA errors in this area. English and grammar still count.
> Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The assignment one revisions are not included in the page length requirements. more
*Notes to Writer - Dear Writer, this research paper is needed for a "Ethical Leadership" course.
The Learning Outcomes for this course include the following:
1. Analyze and explain the c...oncepts and tenets of ethical leadership.
2. Appraise and analyze ethical issues within organizations.
3. Develop critical thinking and communication skills involving ethics.
4. Evaluate and predict the possible outcomes of ethical dilemmas.
5. Appraise and compile a personal ethical profile.
6. Extend ethical principles to real professional settings.
The Course Concepts include the following:
1. Core Values
2. Ethical responsibility and standards
3. Ethical influences
4. Trust and responsibility
5. Ethical consequences
6. Organizational safeguards and transparency
7. Transformational leadership
8. Ethical communication
9. Individual impact on organizational culture
For this paper (excluding the table of contents and references), select from one of the above outcomes and/or concepts (your choice) and prepare a 15 page research paper, not including a table of contents (if applicable) and references. Please use at lease 7 different sources. Use APA bibliography style. Please be sure direct quotes list the page number(s) and sources are correctly cited throughout the entire length of the paper. I am providing the following list of books used in this course just in case it may be helpful to you for your research:
"Ethics, the Heart of Leadership" 2nd ed. by Ciulla, J. (2004); "Ethics in Human Communication" 6th ed. by Joahnnesen, R., Valde, K., & Whedbee, K. (2008); and "The Ethical Challenge: How to Lead with Unyielding Integrity" by Tichy, N., & McGill, A. (2003).
Please call me or email me at west.msw@gmail.com if you have any questions or need additional information.
Thank you for your assistance with this research paper. more
This is my final term paper for the semester. In this paper I have to discuss how South Africa's Black Economic Empowerment program is unethical in light of the nation's Apartheid sufferings especially from a business/economic perspective.
The professor asked us to base the paper on arguing that this program is unethical using 2-3 ethical theories (all the ethical theories are in the PowerPoint that I will provide you with). Further he requires 5-7 sources, being academic publications or articles from a trusted source (of your choice). He also requires a bibliography.
Some of the arguments can be:
-you cannot fight fire with fire (you cannot discriminate white and colored people in SA today because black people were discriminated during the apartheid);
-this new sort of discrimination could lead to another sort of apartheid.
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From the instructor:
Please read ?BP Struggles to Resolve Sustainability Disaster." You are then to adopt the role of an ethics consultant to this major corporation. Its top managers have a...sked you to investigate serious ethical problems alleged to have occurred. Your tasks are these:
1) determine whether BP, given the facts as presented in this case, generally has acted ethically or not;
2) decide what?if anything?it ought to do differently going forward; and
3) state how the company should best focus on its energy sustainability plans in the future.
Here are points to consider in addressing these questions. You need not any take any of them on in your paper; they are simply intended to inspire your thoughts:
1) What ethical obligations, if any, does a company have to stakeholders other than shareholders? That is, can ?employees, local communities, suppliers? (p. 352) and a host of other stakeholders reasonably expect a for-profit corporation to value their concerns? Why or why not? What value, if any, should a corporation assign to the interests of non-owning stakeholders?
2) The Deepwater Horizon oil rig was built by Halliburton, owned by Transocean, and leased and operated by BP. Does this convergence of three different companies distribute blame and responsibility for the disastrous oil spill that occurred?
3) The Deepwater Horizon disaster has produced cleanup costs that may exceed $40 b. In addition, billions more ultimately will be spent as a consequence of criminal and civil penalties and lawsuits. It also has produced an inestimable loss of reputation and good will for BP, a huge company that is more than a century old. Can this corporation truly expect eventually to recover fully from these sorts of damages, both monetary and abstract? Why or why not?
Note to the writer:
Basically, from the reading, I have to pick out ethical actions that BP has been involved in (3 or 4 points) and evaluate whether it's ethical or unethical. Although all the factual information are accurately portrayed in the article, the authors of the reading are biased and believe that BP has acted unethical.
I want to write a paper that defends BP and proclaims that it has generally acted ethically. Let me know what you think.
For this assignment, my instructor said NOT TO incorporate outside research findings regarding BP or business ethics. The only outside reading that can be used are three ethical theories that I will be attaching as resource material. These can be incorporated in the following way: "By utilitarian standards, BP's actions..."
Single-spaced and blocked-paragraph (single spaced within the paragraph and double space in between the paragraphs).
Do not indent
Can use first person language, but use it sparingly more
Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis
? Interpret the results and apply them to your personal and professional development.
? Include a statement explaining how your educational experience has affected your ethical thinking. The analysis must address your use of ethics in thinking and decision-making, and the potential for conflict in situations with people who have different interpretations of ethical behavior.
Address the ethical issues unique to group therapy and how these issues compare to those from individual counseling. Discuss why a therapist would choose group therapy over individual counseling, or ...vice versa. Use a minimum of 10 empirical articles to support the readings. For the final part of the paper--the only part where first person is acceptable--discuss leadership qualities and assess approach to group therapy. In addition, discuss what ethical challenges you face. This paper is to be 12-15 double-spaced.
References to be used!
Gumpert, J. and Black, P. (2006). Ethical Issues in Group Work: What Are They? How Are They Managed?, Social Work with Groups, 29 (4), 61-74.
Hodgson, J. and Weil, J. (2012). Talking about disability in prenatal genetic counseling:A report of two interactive workshops. Journal of Genetic Counseling,21: 17-23.
Holland, L. and Ousey, K. (2011). Inclusion and exclusion-recruiting black and minority ethnic community individuals as simulated patients. Ethnicity and Inequalities in the Health and Social Care, 4 (2), 81-90.
Klontz, B. (2004). Ethical practice of group experiential psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 41 (2), 172-179.
Macnair-Semands, R. (2007). Attending to the spirit of social justice as an ethical approach to group therapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 57 (1) 61-66.
Mangione, L., Forti, R., and Iacuzzi, C. (2007). Ethics and endings in group psychotherapy: Saying good-bye and saying it well. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 57 (1), 25-40.
Morawska, A. and Sanders, M. (2011). Parental use of time out revisited: A useful or harmful parenting strategy? Journal of Child Family Study, 20:1-8.
Mosalanejad, L. and Koolee, A. (2012). Looking at infertility treatment through the lens of the meaning of life: The effect of group logotherapy on psychological distress in infertile women. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility, 6 (4), 224-231.
Scott, C. (2000). Ethical issues in addiction counseling. Hammill Institute on Disabilities and Sage: Rehabilitation Counseling and Bulletin, 43: 209-214.
Street, L., and Luoma, J. (2002). Control groups in psychosocial intervention research: Ethical and methodological issues. Ethics & Behavior, 12 (1), 1-30.
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Assignment: Week 6 Case Study
In the Case Study assignments students demonstrate multiple skills. The Case Study is composed of two parts: The ?Ethical Analysis? portion should be the first h...alf of the assignment and the second half will be the ?decision.? This assignment asks students to inhabit the position of an ethics administrator or a representative of a hospital ethics committee who is coming to a decision regarding a specific case. The Case Study assignments are weighted heavily in the final grade.
Assessment Purpose
The purpose of the assignment in an abstract sense is to assess student?s capacity to analyze a situation ethically and ?objectively,? and secondly, to come to a decision using ethics. The assignment is forcing students into an overly formulaic and artificial situation. The assessment purpose of this assignment is multifold: Firstly, this assignment is used to assess if students have mastered the ethical theories and if they can utilize the ethical theories in a ?real life? context. Secondly, this assignment will make use of the ?ethical analysis? skill that was learned in week 3. Lastly, this assignment is a writing assessment; something of critical importance to Benedictine?s educational objectives for the MPH program. Issues of citation, grammar and general writing competence are the focus here. The three arenas in which the assignment will be graded is as follows:
1. Ethical analysis
2. Decision/ Justification
3. Grammatical + Stylistic Issues
In each of the three arenas each assignment will receive a percentage score. If a paper receives 100% in all three arenas, then the paper will receive a 100% grade, which is an averaging of all three percentages. If one receives 85% in two arenas and 50% in a third arena, then the final grade will be 73.3% for the assignment.
1. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a complete ?ethical analysis? section.
2. The ?ethical analysis? portion must be ?neutral? and must not include a decision or a ?locatable? bias. It should follow the model provided in the instructions for the ethical analysis assignment in week 5.
3. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a ?decision section composed of a discussion of ethics that uses multiple ethical theories in a way that demonstrates that the student has mastered these theories.
4. All sections must have subheadings that are bolded.
5. This paper should be written in the third person.
6. Papers must adhere to APA requirements and ought to be free of grammatical complications.
1. There is no required page minimum. Average paper lengths near 13-15 pages or so and are double-spaced (1.5). However, one might want to error on greater depth and specificity than less.
2. Please use the feedback provided regarding your ?ethical analysis? assignment in week 5 in order to write the ?ethical analysis? portion of your Case Study assignments. In the ethical analysis portion, try to stick to the model provided in the instructions provided in week 5.
3. While the ethical theories are required in the justification section, references to the supplementary articles are strongly suggested but not required.
4. This paper should have minimal use of external sources in the body of the paper because this assignment ought to reflect the student?s original work and thinking. Thus, this paper should not be composed of other authors? work regarding transplantation ethics. As a guide, one might stick to a 90% rule in which 90% of the assignments is made up solely of the student?s own words. Aside from actual wording, there should also be minimal use of external references since this assignment allows the instructor to evaluate the student?s work. One might wish to limit external references to 4-6 external sources.
5. This paper is not a philosophical paper. The purpose of this paper is not to reflect on ethics and ethical issues primarily. Rather the primary purpose here is application. These are two different aims. As an application-centered assignment, this paper should look much more like a professional communication that emerged from an ethicist or ethics committee that deliberated about the case during a single session and it should not look like an impassioned plea from an opinionated layperson. It should also not look like a researched term paper. Rather, it should look like a committee decision or an ethicist?s decision.
This link is useful. It is important that nothing be plagiarized from any parts of the following website:
--Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and Social Responsibility
--U.S. Rule Limits Emergency Care for Immigrants
--Title: Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics
Author: Ronald Munson
Publisher: Cengage
Ed/Year: 9th/2012
ISBN-13: 978-1133587149
1. Make sure to add a justification section at the end of this assignment that now justifies your decision in this scenario.
2. Make sure to use bolded headings in your paper. This is really helpful. more
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