Ethical Conduct Essays Prompts

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Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how they address problems. For this assignment, you must select the code of ethical conduct for one (1) of the following restaurants:
? Cheesecake Factory (
? Ruby Tuesday (
? Chipotle (
As a basis for your written assignment, you will assume that you are the CEO of your chosen restaurant.
Be sure to identify the restaurant you have chosen in your written paper.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1. Describe key areas of the selected companys code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why.
2. Explain the key steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct.
3. Suggest three (3) ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates.
4. Use at least two (2) quality resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as a quality resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibilities in business.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in business.
? Write clearly and concisely about business issues using proper writing mechanics.

Please describe your concept of ethical leadership in business. Discuss your view of the current state of ethical leadership in business.

- Ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct.
- All leadership is responsible for influencing followers to perform an action, complete a task, or behave in a specific manner.
- Ethical leadership requires ethical leaders.

Please read the following case, and answer the three (3) questions at the end.

The Healthcare Company: Learning from Mistakes?

In 1968 Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr., Jack C. Massey, and Dr. Thomas Frist, Jr., founded the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) to manage Park View Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. The firm grew rapidly over the next two decades by acquiring and building new hospitals and contracting to manage additional facilities for their owners. The firm merged with Columbia Hospital Corporation to become Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation in 1994, and Columbia founder Richard Scott became chairman and CEO of the combined companies. By 1997 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation had grown to become one of the largest health-care services companies in the United States, operating 343 hospitals, 136 outpatient surgery centers, and approximately 550 home-health locations. It also provided extensive outpatient and ancillary services in thirty-seven states, as well as in the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The firm's comprehensive network included more than 285,000 employees and used economies of scale to increase profits.
Columbia/HCA's stated mission was "to work with our employees, affiliated physicians and volunteers to provide a continuum of quality healthcare, cost-effectively for the people in the communities we serve." Its vision was "to work with employees and physicians, to build a company that is focused on the well- being of people, that is patient-oriented, that offers the most advanced technology and information systems. That is financially sound, and that is synonymous with quality, cost-effective healthcare." Columbia/HCA's goals included measuring and improving clinical outcome and patient satisfaction as well as reducing costs and providing services with compassion. With these goals, the company built the nation's largest chain of hospitals based on cost effectiveness and financial performance. It competed by capitalizing on its size and creating economies of scale in the internal control of its costs and sales activities The focus was bottom-line performance and new business acquisitions.

However, a number of critics charged that health -care services and staffing at Columbia/HCA often took a back seat to the focus on profits. For example, the company employed shorter training periods than competing hospitals provided. One fanner administrator reported that training that typically should take six months was sometimes accomplished in as little as two weeks at a Columbia/HCA hospital. In addition, the company was accused of "patient dumping"---discharging emergency-room patients or transferring them to other hospitals when they are not yet in stable condition. In 1997 officials at the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General's Office indicated that they were considering imposing fines on Columbia/HCA for an unspecified number of patient-dumping cases. Additionally, the corporate watchdog INFACT publicly challenged the company's practices, inducting Columbia/HCA into its "Hall of Shame" for corporations that manipulate public policy to the detriment of public health.


In late July 1997, Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte, Florida, a Columbia/HCA hospital, became the focal point of the biggest case of health-care fraud in the industry. A government investigation resulted in the indictment of three mid-level Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation executives for filing false cost reports for Fawcett, which resulted in losses of more than $4.4 million from government programs. The government alleged that Columbia/HCA had gained at least part of its profit by overcharging for Medicare and other federal health programs; that is, executives had billed the government for non reimbursable interest expenses. Other concerns were alleged illegal incentives to physicians and the possible overuse of home-health services. Federal investigators accused Columbia/HCA of engaging in a "systematic effort to defraud government health care programs." In a seventy-four-page document, federal investigators quoted confidential witnesses who stated that Columbia/HCA's former CEO, Richard Scott, and former president, David Vandewater, were briefed routinely on issues relating to Medicare reimbursement claims that the government charged were fraudulent. Samuel Greco, Columbia/HCA's former chief of operations, was also implicated in the scandal.
One of the issues was whether Columbia/HCA had fraudulently overstated homehealth care laboratory-test expenses and knowingly miscategorized other expenditures so as to int1ate the amounts for which it sought reimbursement. For example, Columbia/HCA's Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center in Fort Myers reportedly claimed $68,000 more in property taxes than it paid. Moreover, documents showed that the hospital had set aside money to return to the government in case auditors caught the int1ated figure. Technically, expenses claimed on cost reports must be related to patient care and fall within the realm of allowable Medicare reimbursements. However, medical billing can be confusing, chaotic, imprecise, and subject to interpretation. Hence, it is not unusual for hospitals to keep two sets of accounting books. One set is provided to Medicare, and the other set, which includes records for setaside money, is held in case auditors interpret the Medicare cost report dit1erently than the hospital does. Some believe it is appropriate for a hospital to set aside money to re-turn to the government if the hospital in good faith believes the Medicare cost claims are legitimate. However, if administrators believe strongly or know that certain claims are not allowable yet still file the claims and note them in the second set of books, charges of fraud may result.
Confidential witnesses said that Columbia/HCA had made an effort to hide from federal regulators internal documents that could have disclosed the alleged fraud. In addition, Columbia/HCA's top executive in charge of internal audits had instructed employees to soften the language used in internal financial audits that were critical of Columbia/HCA's practices. According to FBI agent Joseph Ford, "investigation by the [Federal Bureau of Investigation] and the [Defense Criminal Investigative Service] has uncovered a systematic corporate scheme perpetrated by corporate officers and managers of Columbia/HCA's hospitals, home health agencies, and other facilities in the states of Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and elsewhere to defraud Medicare, Medicaid, and the [Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services]." ,Indicted Columbia/HCA officials pleaded not guilty, and defense lawyers for Columbia/HCA tried to diminish the importance of the allegations contained in the government's affidavits.


Soon after the investigation was launched, Dr. Thomas Frist, Jr., was hired as chairman and CEO of Columbia/HCA. Frist, who had been president of HCA before it merged with Columbia, vowed to cooperate fully with the government and to develop a one hundred-day plan to change the troubled firm's corporate culture. Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), companies that have effective due diligence compliance programs can reduce their fines if they are convicted of fraud. For penalties to be reduced, however, an effective compliance program must be in place before misconduct occurs. Although the FSGO requires that a senior executive be in charge of the due diligence compliance program, Columbia/HCA's general counsel had been designated to take charge of the program.
After a hundred days as chairman and CEO of Columbia/HCA, Frist outlined changes that would reshape the company. His reforms included a new mission statement as well as plans to create a new senior executive position to oversee ethical compliance and quality issues. Columbia/ HCA's new mission statement emphasized a commitment to quality medical care and honesty in business prctices. It did not, however, mention financial performance. "We have to take the company in a new direction," Frist said. "The days when Columbia/HCA was seen as an adversarial or in your face, a behind-closed-doors kind of place, is a thing of the past." (It has been claimed that some managers viewed Columbia/HCA's corporate culture as so unethical that they resigned before the fraud investigation had even started.)
Columbia/HCA hired Alan Yuspeh as the senior executive to oversee ethical compliance and quality issues. Yuspeh, senior vice president of ethics, compliance, and corporate responsibility, was given a staff of twelve at the corporate headquarters and assigned to work with group, division, and facility presidents to create a "corporate culture where Columbia workers feel compelled to do what is right." Yuspeh's first initiatives were to refine monitoring techniques, boost workers' ethics and compliance training, develop a code of conduct for employees, and create an internal mechanism for workers to report any wrongdoing.
Because of the investigation, consumers, doctors, and the general public lost confidence in Columbia/HCA, and its stock price dropped more than 50 percent from its all-time high. The new management seemed more concerned about developing the corporation's ethical compliance program than about its growth and profits. For instance, at a conference in Phoenix, Arizona, twenty Columbia managers were asked to indicate by a show of hands how many of them had escaped taunts from friends that they were crooks. Not a single hand went up. The discussion that followed that question did not focus on surgery profit margins. It focused on resolving the investigation and on the importance of the corporation's intangible image and values


Columbia/HCA released a press statement indicating that it was taking a critical step in developing a company-wide ethics, compliance, and corporate responsibility program. To initiate the program, the company designated more than five hundred employees as facility ethics and compliance officers (ECOs). The new ECOs began their roles with a two-day training session in Nashville. The local leadership provided by these facility ECOs was thought to be the key link in ensuring that the company continued to develop a culture of ethical conduct and corporate responsibility.
As part of the program, Yuspeh made a thirteen-minute videotape that was sent to managers throughout the Columbia/HCA system. The tape announced the launching of the compliance-training program and the unveiling of a code of ethics that was designed to effectively communicate Columbia/HCA's new emphasis on compliance, integrity, and social responsibility. Frist stated that "we are making a substantial investment in our ethics and compliance program in order to ensure its success" and that "instituting a values-based culture throughout this company is something our employees have told us is critical to forming our future. The ethics and compliance initiative is a key part of that effort."
Training seminars for all employees, conducted by each facility's ECO, included introductions to the training program, the Columbia/HCA code of conduct, and the company's overall ethics and compliance program. The training seminars also included presentations by members of senior management and small-group discussions in which participants discussed how to apply the new Columbia/HCA code of conduct in ethics related scenarios.
Although the company wanted individuals to bring their highest sense of persona values to work each day, the purpose of the program was to help employees understand the company's strict definition of ethical behavior rather than to change their personal values. Columbia/HCA's ethical guidelines tackled basic issues such as whether nurses can accept $100 tips-they cannot-as well as complicated topics such as what constitutes Medicare fraud. In addition, the company developed certification tests for the employees who determine billing codes. In 1998 a forty-minute training video was shown to all the firm's employees; it featured three ethical scenarios for employees to examine. Columbia/HCA apparently recognized the importance of ethical conduct and quality service to all of its constituents.


In 1997-1998, Columbia/HCA Healthcare settled with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for $71 million over allegations that it had made excessive compensation and "golden parachute" payments to some one hundred executives. As a result of the settlement, the IRS, which had sought $276 million in taxes and interest, agreed to drop its charges that Columbia/HCA had awarded excessive compensation by allowing the executives to exercise stock options after a new public offering of Columbia/HCA stock. Frist had reportedly earned about $125 million by exercising stock options after that public offering, and seventeen other top executives each made millions on the deals.

In August 2000, Columbia/HCA became the first corporation ever to be removed from INFACT's Hall of Shame. The executive director of INFACT announced that Columbia/HCA had drastically reduced its political activity and influence. For example, the corporation has no active federal lobbyists and has a registered lobbying presence in only twelve states. According to INFACT's executive director, "This response to grassroots pressure constitutes a landmark development in business ethics overall and challenges prevailing practices among f(x-profit health care corporations."

In December 2000, Columbia/HCA announced that it would pay the federal government more than $840 million in criminal fines and civil penalties. The company agreed in June 2003 to pay $631 million to settle the last of the government's charges that it had filed false Medicare claims, paid kickbacks to doctors, and overcharged at wound-care centers. No senior executives of the company have ever been charged with a crime. However, the company has paid out a total of$1.7 billion in fines, refunds, and lawsuit settlements after admitting that it had, through two subsidiaries, offered financial incentives to doctors in violation of antikickback laws, falsified records to generate higher payments for minor treatments or treatments that never occurred, charged for laboratory tests that were never ordered, charged f()l" home-health care for patients who did not quality)r for it, and falsely labeled ads as "community education." KPMG, the firm's auditor, denied any wrongdoing on its part but agreed to pay $9 million to settle a whistle-blower lawsuit related to the charges. Columbia/HCA also signed a "Corporate Integrity Agreement" in 2000 that subjected the firm to intense scrutiny until 2009. In the same year, the company was officially renamed HCA The Healthcare Company.
In January 2001, Frist relinquished the title of CEO to focus on other interests but remained involved in corporate strategy as chairman of HCA's board of directors. Jack Bovender, Jr. (formerly CFO) replaced him. Of the fraud investigation, Bovender


Today, HCA spends $4 million a year on its ethics program, which includes an ethics and compliance committee of independent board directors, two separate corporate committees that draft: ethics policy and monitor its use, and a twenty-member department that implements the program. In all, twenty-six executives oversee ethics and compliance for a variety of issues, ranging from taxes to pollution to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The ethics compliance program set up by Yuspeh includes seven components: (1) articulating ethics through a code of conduct and a series of company policies and procedures; (2) creating awareness of these standards of compliance and promoting ethical conduct among everyone in the company through ethics training, compliance training, and other ongoing communication efforts; (3) providing a twenty-four-hour, toll-free telephoe hot line to report possible misconduct; (4) monitoring and auditing employees' performance in areas of compliance risk to ensure that established policies and procedures are being followed and arc effective; (5) establishing organizational supports for the ethics compliance effort; (6) overseeing the company's implementation of and adherence to the Corporate Integrity Agreement; and (7) undertaking other efforts such as clinical ethics and pastoral services.
Training continues to playa major role in helping employees understand HCA's new focus on ethics and legal compliance. Every new employee is required to undergo two hours of "orientation" on the firm's code of conduct within thirty days of employment. At that time, new employees receive a copy of the code of conduct, participate in training using videotapes and games, and sign an acknowledgment card. All employees complete one hour of refresher training on the firm's code of conduct every year.
HCA's new ethics hot line helps the firm identity misconduct and take corrective action where necessary. For example, in the spring of2002, an anonymous caller to the toll-free line accused a hospital supply clerk of stealing medical gear and reselling it online through eBay. After investigators verified the complaint, the clerk was fired. Since its inception, the ethics program has fielded hundreds of such ethics-related complaints.
The effort to change HCA's corporate culture quickly and become the model corporate citizen in the health-care industry was a real challenge. This health-care provider learned the hard way that maintaining an organizational ethical climate is the responsibility of top management. As Bovender says, "Internal controls can always be corrupted. We've tried to come up with a system that would require a lot of people to conspire. It would be very hard for Tyco-type things to happen here." HCA seems to have recovered well from all of its problems, and at the time of writing, this case a number of companies were trying to acquire it, an indication that they view it as a great business opportunity.


1.What were the organizational ethical leadership problems that resulted in Columbia/HCA's misconduct?

2.Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of HCA's current ethics program. Does this program appear to satisfy the provisions of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

3. What other suggestions could Columbia/ HCA have implemented to sensitize its employees to ethical issues?

Chipotle: Method of Conduct

Assignment 2: Ethical and Socially Responsive Business

Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how they address problems.

For this assignment, you must select the code of ethical conduct for one (1) of the following restaurants

?Cheesecake Factory (

?Ruby Tuesday (

?Chipotle (

*** The choice of resturant is up to the writer I do not have a preference***
As a basis for your written assignment, you will assume that you are the CEO of your chosen restaurant. Be sure to identify the restaurant you have chosen in your written paper.Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

1.Describe key areas of the selected company's code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why.

2.Explain the key steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct.

3.Suggest three (3) ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates.

4.Use at least two (2) quality resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as a quality resource

ATT Code of Conduct

Ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Research the code of ethical conduct of AT&T.

1. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the AT&T. Examine the information within the companys code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
2. Using the three (3) key issues selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as AT&T.
3. Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies has addressed the key issues selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
4. Propose two (2) techniques that AT&T could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that AT&T currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
5. Examine two (2) approaches that AT&T has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges AT&T could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
6. Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that AT&T has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
7. Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of AT&T, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the companys goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to AT&T's sustainable development goals.

Customer is requesting that (bolavens) completes this order.

Assignment 5: Ethics Exercise-See syllabus for due date .
Your assignment will be to answer the ethics questions provided below and then upload your responses using the information provided at the bottom of the page. SEE SYLLABUS FOR DUE DATE.
1. Imagine that it's your responsibility to select an ethics officer for your organization. What qualities, background, and experience would you look for? Why? Would you ever be interested in such a position? Why or why not?

"What sorts of ethical issues will an ethics officer in your organization have to decide or resolve?"

"Is there technical knowledge required? How could a non-technical person acquire the knowledge necessary to resolve issues?"

"Is a background in the law essential?"

"Could a young person -- under age 35 -- do the job, or would employees be more comfortable with an older person?"

"What kind of experience within your company would make the most well-rounded ethics officer?"

"How could an outsider gain credibility within your organization?"

"Is there anything which could bar an insider from the job of ethics officer?"

2. Should the Ethics Officer report to the company's chief executive officer, the legal department, human resources office or the audit department? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

"Think about the mission of all of the departments listed -- legal, audit, human resources, the CEO -- what are the risks associated with raising an issue with each of the departments?"

"What advice could each provide?"

"What protection could each provide?"


If you haven't yet held a job, interview your parents, family, or friends who do work. Ask them about questions 3 - 11.

3. Think about an organization where you've worked. What kinds of ethical dilemmas are unique to that organization? To that industry? What might be the best way to prepare employees to deal with those issues?

Some things to consider in answering the question:

"Is your/their industry regulated? By whom?"

"What do the regulators think are the biggest problems in your/their industry?"

"Is there something in your/their corporate culture that could put your/their company at increased risk for an ethical problem?"

"Is there any aspect of your/their company or industry that has been criticized by the media or the public?"

4. Which of the following exist in the organization? Mission or values statement, policy manual, code of conduct, ethics training (who conducts it), hotline? Are they consistent and credible? Discuss.

"Do all employees receive copies of the policy manual, values or mission statement, conduct code?"

"Does everyone receive ethics training?"

"Have you/they ever read the policy manual or conduct code or other materials relating to ethics?"

"Is your/their company saying one thing in its printed materials and doing another?"

"Who conducts ethics training in your/their organization? Are they -- to the best of your/their knowledge -- ethical?"

"Who answers the company hotline? Who resolves the issues raised on the hotline? Is the hotline confidential?"

5. Does senior management appear committed to ethics? How do you/they know? What could they do differently or better?

Some things to consider in answering the question:

"Do senior managers ever write articles on ethics for company communications (newsletters or magazines)?"

"Do they ever reference ethical behavior in speeches or orientations?"

"Is any senior executive "known" for his or her integrity?"

"Is there a senior executive who is especially trusted by employees?"

6. Are leaders at all levels of the organization held accountable for their ethical conduct? If so, how? If not, why not? What would you recommend?

"Can you think of any employees within your organization who have been fired or disciplined for their behavior or for unethical conduct? How did you find out about it?"

"How long after the problem occurred did it take for them to be disciplined? Who actually did the firing?

"How did other employees interpret the discipline -- what messages did it send?"

"Has anyone been commended for his or her high ethical conduct? What form did the praise or commendation take? How did other employees interpret it -- what messages did it send?"

7. What recommendations would you make for handling frivolous calls that come in to a hotline?

"How would you define a frivolous call?"

"Are problems relating to human resources issues -- arguments with supervisors, for example -- frivolous?"

"Could employees calling with frivolous complaints be penalized? Should they be? Should their managers be notified?"

8. Does the organization evaluate its ethics initiatives? How? If not, why not?

"Have you ever received an employee survey that has tried to assess your attitudes toward ethical issues?"

"Have you ever participated in employee focus groups that have involved ethics?"

"Have you ever read about any ethics evaluations efforts in your company newsletter or magazine?"

"Have your company's senior executives ever distributed reports on how the organization's ethics program is doing?"

9. How would you raise an ethical concern in this organization? List all of the resources available. Which ones would you/they likely use? Why or why not?

"How would the following people/departments react if you were to raise an ethics issue: your manager, your manager's manager, the legal department, the human resources department, the audit department, the ethics officer/department, the chief financial officer, the head of public relations/communications, the head of your division/department, the president of your organization, the CEO, the board of directors?"

"If you had to go outside of your chain of command, who would you approach and why?"

"Under what circumstances would you approach any of the above?"

10. Imagine that you're the CEO of a small manufacturing company. An employee has dumped toxic waste in a nearby stream. What would you do? Who would you call into your office and what would you want to know? Develop a short-term and long-term action plan for dealing with the crisis. Who would you communicate with and why?

"Who are the stakeholders in this situation?"

"Who on your staff (which kind of job) could you count on to handle each stakeholder group?

"Does your strategy for coping with the disaster address the needs of all stakeholders?

"Does your plan include being forthright, accepting responsibility, and making some sort of restitution to effected stakeholders?"

11. Evaluate the ethics program at your/their organization from the perspective of fit. Has the ethics program been designed to fit the organizations overall culture? If so, how? If not, what could be done to make the program a better fit?

What are the three most key values in your/their organization?

Are workers rewarded for exhibiting those values?

Is your/their organizations ethics program consistent with what your/their company rewards?

Questions are from:


Straight Talk About How To Do It Right

Linda K. Trevino

Katherine A. Nelson

Fourth Edition

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Copyright 2007

ISBS 0-471-75525-7

P. 351

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations:
? AT&T
? Hershey Company
? Coca-Cola
? Chevron
Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
2. Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.
3. Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
4. Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
5. Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
6. Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
7. Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals.
8. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Due Week 8 and worth 280 points

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations:( I choose AT&T)

?Hershey Company
Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
2.Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.
3.Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
4.Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
5.Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
6.Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
7.Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals.
8.Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

?Evaluate the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological

(1) Respond to the four discussions below
4 topics each topic needs 10 sentence responses. A total of 40 sentences with 2 internet references for each 8 sources total on each response

40+ Points: grading criteria
? Must provide information clearly related to the topic and add new concepts or ideas.
? Will include many supporting details which might be quotes from professionals in the field or web addresses of sites related to the topic.
? Web sites cited will contain an active link and your summary of the information.
? Post discussions will be presented clearly and demonstrate both professional vocabulary and writing style. They will stimulate discussion and enhance the critical thinking process for the group.
? MINIMUM LENGTH = 10 SENTENCES and all ten sentences must be substantive, not asking a question, or you expressing your opinion about the topic. All ten sentences must be factual.
? Summary: You must respond to a minimum of four (4) learners to potentially earn the maximum number of points (50). All posts must consist of ideas and value added through research, be properly cited, and meet the grading criteria.

Code of Conduct- (1)

Students play part in ethics in the classrooms as well as the educators. It is important for students to be in accordance with a code of ethics to provide a safe and respectful environment. Disruptive behavior can interfere with educators being able to teach and can interfere with other students to learn. There are several things to follow in the code of conduct for students.
First and most important is to be an honest student. Honesty requires that a student to be responsible for their own work and to not cheat or claim another students work for themselves. Students are also expected to respect other students by not bullying and using vulgar language. Students that can identify this behavior should contact a councilor or an educator to report this disrespect to keep the learning environment a safe and healthy one. This includes criminal activity such as bringing guns or drugs to school.
According to Weinstein, a weekly columnist for, there is five basic principles of ethics that are common to all faiths and work well in ethics for the classroom. These five principles are, to do no harm, make things better, respect others, be fair, and to be loving. These are ethics that you can live by in and out of the classroom.
Our own school, Daytona State College, has a Student Code of Conduct that students are required to follow. Some of the violations that are not acceptable are:
1) Physical violence, threat of violence, verbal or written intimidation or aggression of any kind.
2) Unauthorized use, theft, vandalism or destruction of personal or College property of any kind.
3) Violation of all laws and rules of city, county, state, and federal governments.
4) Sexual Misconduct, sexual harassment or sexual assault and accessing pornographic material using College computers or resources.
5) Disruptive, disorderly, belligerent and/or inappropriate behavior of any kind.
These are just a few examples of what participating students that go to Daytona State College should understand as unethical behavior and can be punishable. Student need to play their part in making sure their learning environment is a safe and healthy one for themselves, other students, and their educators.
For more information:


Ethics in Education.
I chose The Florida Department of Education to reference. As an educator, teachers are obligated to uphold a code of conduct and ethics. An example of the code of conduct and ethics is provided for you at .
As mentioned in this Florida Department of Education website, this is not only a code of conduct, professionalism, and ethics, but it is also Florida state law. This is in place to protect the educator and the student.
As we all have heard in the past, there are educators out there who conduct themselves in a highly unprofessional and unethical behavior. This is obviously frowned upon and results in suspension, or even termination of the educator?s position. In some cases an educator who has been involved with unethical behavior has been held on felony or misdemeanor charges and has been arrested. An example of this kind of behavior can be read about in the article found at,0,7873356.story . This article talks about a principal at a well known and respected Coral Springs, Florida school. She and her son were arrested on drug charges for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
This code of professionalism, conduct, and ethics for The Florida Department of Education is also in place partly to protect the image of Florida schools. I, personally, grew up in Coral Springs, Florida and I am well aware of the school that is referenced. I know that it is a great school, and that parents in the area used to feel safe to leave their children in the hands of the respectable principal and educators that work there. Now, unfortunately, those same parents are going to feel as if they are unable to trust their children with that school, and the image of the school (Coral Park Elementary School) will now be depleted. The image of The Florida Department of Education and the School Board of Broward County can also be blemished if the principal?s conduct is not handled properly by the school board or department of education. In my opinion as a parent, I could not imagine that anyone on the school board should allow this person to work anywhere within the school district or even anywhere near children. The reason for that is because she does not set a good example. We need to show today?s youth how to be respectable and successful adults, and we need to show them the difference between right and wrong (ethically or otherwise) and this principal is not a good example of ethical behavior and should be stripped of her right to be exposed to unsuspecting children.

(Respond with 10 sentences and 2 internet sources)

(respond w 10 sentences and 2 internet sources)

Safe Schools ActT

As others have mentioned, students play just as big of a role when practicing ethical behavior when at school as their teachers do. It is crucial for both parties to be knowledgeable on what their schools code of ethics and requirements are in order to provide a safe learning environment.
Unfortunately being bullied is not a new form of interaction between peers, but nonetheless it has continues to be a major issue that school administration and teachers are facing. They have put different programs into place, one I recall reading about last year was in Ontario, Canada. They have a Safe Schools Act that provides a definitive set of regulations for punishments that must be issued for students. It explains what must happen when serious student incidents or inappropriate student behavior takes place at school. A breakdown and requirements of the law is as follows:
requires all school staff to report serious student incidents that could lead to suspension or expulsion
means principals will learn about events that happen in school that negatively affect the school climate
ensures parents know that schools will respond appropriately to serious student incidents
ensures parents know when their child is a victim of such behavior.
school staff who work directly with students will respond to all cases of disrespectful and inappropriate student behavior, as long as it is safe to do so. Examples of this include racist, sexual, sexist or homophobic comments, slurs and jokes and graffiti as well as activities that could lead to suspension and expulsion
a school board employee who learns of a serious incident must tell their principal. School staff will make sure that the victim receives the support they need, such as counseling or referral to child and youth services.
They have a ?Safe School Climate Act? in South Carolina as well. They hope to deter students from acting in disruptive behavior. One article I referenced sited that in order to successfully deal with bullying it ?involves building a genuine community within the school. Everyone accepts they have the right to be free from harassment and that they have the responsibility to support their weaker and more vulnerable peers." But also under the National Administration Guideline number 5 states that "Schools not only have a moral obligation to reduce bullying, their charter agreement between the school?s trustees and the Minister of Education specifically directs the school to "provide a safe physical and emotional environment".


Student Teacher Relationship

Sexual misconduct is defined as : "conduct towards any person that would consitute a criminal offernceof a sexual nature; or conduct that is sexual harrassment as described in section 119 of the anti discrimination act ". Sexual activites or relatios would included innappropraite touching, remarks, exhibitionism, or any other kind of jokes or gestures that have sexual context.
The Association of American educators has a code of ethics with a specail part just about romantic relationships. This code deals with four basic priciples. The principles consist of ethical conduct towards students, ethical conduct towards practices and preformance, ethical conduct towards colleagues, and also ethical conduct towards parents,and also the community. Most schools and colleges ban this type of interaction between teachers and students.
As we have seen in the past, student teacher relationships are not good. Not only does the relationship affect the teacher, but the student, the school, parents, but really the whole community. Although the teacher would be the only one punished. In many instances, the teacher wil recieve crimianl charges, while the student gets nothing. Having a student teacher relationship is not moraly ethical and it is very much illegal. "Taking the relationship to a more personal level is moraly acceptable only when it enhances the educational experience of the student". However at no time, should a teacher have a friend like relationship.
When these type of situations arise, we have noticed that the maturity level between the two people often differs very much. The teacher may also give unfair advantages to the student "partner"
As we have noticed in the past, and as iI have stated above, their is too many reasons why student teacher relations are forbidden. These relationships are begining to be a growing problem, that is still very inappropriate. Please see my links below!


Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.

Paper should include the following:
- Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation.
- Analyze organizational structure and culture of Apple to determine its approach to team development, and comment on whether that approach helps/hinders relationship skills in the workplace.
- Evaluate the performance of Apple's leader based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication.Comment on the impact of successfully motivating and empowering employees to improve on work performance.
- Determine three (3) best practices organizational leaders can use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits.
- Discuss some of the challenges leaders encounter when managing diversity and how diversity helps business organizations better compete in global markets.
- Develop an effective business strategy to address the challenges and issues you have identified above.
- Analyze the importance of ethical behavior to an organizations culture and the new ethical dilemmas created by globalization.

Section A
Using the following Excel template, compute the ratios for the four most recent quarters of Apple, Inc. (Sources of free data include Yahoo Finance and MSN Money.) Research at least three Web sites to obtain the most accurate and reliable information. By using at least three sources, you will be able to select the financial information from two of the sources with the most closely corresponding information.

Section B
Financial Trend Comparison
For each of the five ratio categories: Liquidity, Asset Utilization, Profitability, Debt Utilization, and Market Values, write a paragraph regarding the trend and implications about the future financial health of Apple, Inc.

Section C
Comparative Financial Analysis of the company compared to the industry performance.
Write a paragraph regarding Apple, Inc.'scomparative performance to the industry average for the most recent year.

Section D
Complete a Comparative SWOT ANALYSIS Apple, Inc:
? Strengths
? Weaknesses
? Opportunities
? Threats

Section E
Business ethics is defined as "a company?s attitude and conduct toward its employees, customers, community, and stockholders? In this section, provide an analysis of the ethics of Apple, Inc, that answers the following questions:
? Is there a well defined code of ethics or code of conduct?
? Is there evidence of continued and repeated emphasis by the Board of Directors or the CEO, of the importance of ethical conduct to the corporation and its business ventures?
? What processes are in place (if any) that make it safe and easy for employees or other interested parties to report ethical lapse?
Include documentation from your research that supports your analysis of the ethics of Apple, Inc,

Section F
Conclusion and Decisions
Based on the analyses above, arrive at a conclusion by writing a paragraph for each of the following three decisions. You must support your conclusions with reasoned statements as to why or why not.
1. Would you place a personal deposit of one million dollars or more in the publicly traded stock of Apple, Inc.?
2. Would you invest $500,000 in the debt (bonds) of Apple, Inc.?
3. If you were a member of the Board of Directors of a bank and you sat on that Bank?s Credit Committee, would you grant a one million dollar line of credit for Overnight or Term Federal Funds to Apple, Inc.?

All sources are to be shown in accordance with APA manual of style, including Web pages.
Employ a minimum of three sources with proper citations and incorporate your research into your essay. Include footnotes or endnotes, as well as works cited, at the conclusion of the paper. If information is downloaded from the Internet, make sure you put the date it was accessed.
If quoting anything either directly or indirectly, give credit where credit is due with quotation marks as well as footnotes, endnotes or intext citations.

Please answer the following 9 questions. Mostly in your own words. Please be sure to separate each question with the corresponding answer.

1.Review the 13 strategic staffing decisions that organizations must make when developing a staffing strategy. Provide an example of an organizational business strategy, and explain how each decision might be impacted by the given business goals.

2.You are the staffing manager for your organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the importance of each issue.

3.If you were the HR staffing manager for an organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and written communication with the job applicants by members of the organization?

4.As an HR leader, how would you try to get individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal staffing actions?

5.Assume you gave a general ability test, measuring both verbal and computational skills, to a group of applicants for a specific job. Also assume that because of severe hiring pressures, you hired all of the applicants, regardless of their test scores. How would you investigate the criterion-related validity of the test?

6.There are numerous negative organizational consequences to firing employees, including the discomfort of the supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response, many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced working hours, or otherwise negatively modify their jobs in hopes that the problem employees will simply quit. What are the ethical issues raised by this strategy?

7.Imagine an organization that has a staffing process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these scenarios

8.It has been suggested that "ethical conduct" be formally incorporated as a general competency requirement for any job within the organization. Debate the pros and cons of this suggestion.

9.Consider a circumstance where your organization is doing exit interviews and has promised confidentiality to all who respond. Your supervisor has asked you to give the name of each respondent so she can assess the information in conjunction with the person's supervisor. What obligation do corporate HR employees have to keep information confidential in such circumstances?

Customer is requesting that (nicolle) completes this order.

Assignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2 Due Week 10 and worth 100 points In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting. Create a nine (9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you: 1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. 2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2 ? one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of seven (7) slides. 3. Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ? Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. ? Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ? Evaluate the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. ? Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society. ? Write clearly and concisely about business and society using proper writing mechanics. Note: use writing from assignment 2 to create AT&T presentation Power Point slidesAssignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment Due Week 8 and worth 280 points According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of one (1) of the following organizations: ( I choose AT&T).? AT&T ?Hershey Company ?Coca-Cola ? Chevron Next, use the Internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company?s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response. 2. Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company. 3. Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues. 4. Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues. 5. Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges. 6. Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response. 7. Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company?s goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company?s sustainable development goals. 8. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Business Code of Ethics Wells

The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications. This paper uses a structured, objective format sometimes called a system of inquiry. This assignment is a systematic formalized inquiry into or examination of the code of ethics of an organization and its effects to achieve a specific level of ethical behavior in employees, management, and executives.

Each business should have a framework for ensuring ethical behavior. The structure, format, and scope of codes vary depending on the companys business. An oil company's code, for example, would probably have different criteria and emphases than a healthcare provider's code of ethics. Sometimes, codes of ethics are called by other names, such as an employee code of conduct. A code of ethics, though, should be differentiated from standard good operating practices.

Evaluation and analysis includes problem solving and behavior in assessing organizational ethics along with decision-making processes. In this case, you are evaluating your own companys code of ethics, or that of another company if your employer does not have a code of ethics.

Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper, one not using question-and-answer format, discussing your organizations code of ethics in detail. Perform the following steps:

o Obtain a copy of your employer's code of ethics or find an example on the Internet from a major corporation, such as Shell Oil Companys Statement of Ethics. This is the document upon which to base your inquiry.

o Write a general information paragraph on the company, including its mission statement.

o Determine the type of ethical system used by the firm and reasons or examples upon which you based your decisions. Ethical systems include ends-driven, relativistic, entitlement, and duty-driven (legal or religious) ethics.

o Identify and discuss how the code of ethics is used. Include several paragraphs on each use: one for employees, one for management, one for the board of directors, and so forth. Some of this information comes from the companys code of ethics. Others may be available through an Internet search. Consider the following:

Why it is used??"the general or special circumstances

How it is used

When it is used

Note. You may not be able to find all the information. In that case, state this fact and indicate which sources were examined with no results.

o Why might the organization need to modify their existing code of ethics? Consider how you might modify the code if you were the new CEO and how you would implement the changes.

o What possible reactions to the code are to be expected from employees and managers? What effects does the organizational culture have on the acceptance of the code?

o What is the effect of the code on the organization?

o Summarize the results of your systematic analysis or inquiry into the code of ethics of this organization.

Do not include paragraphs directly from your companys code. Summarize what is contained in the document. Your paper may contain no more than 15% unoriginal or quoted material.

Format your paper according to APA standards. Specifically, prepare an introduction and use section headings identifying each of the steps with information and discussion following. Summarize your findings in the conclusion.

Codes of Ethics
Wells Fargo expects its team members to adhere to the highest possible standards of ethics and business conduct with customers, team members, stockholders and the communities it serves, and to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations that govern our businesses. The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct sets forth Wells Fargo's policy and standards concerning ethical conduct for all team members. Our aim is to promote an atmosphere in which ethical behavior is well recognized as a priority and practiced.

Challenger Launch Decision

This report must focus on Joe Kilminster and the ethics of the launch. I will be emailing you more directions.

The book is called "The Challenger Launch Decision" Author is Diane Vaughan. The report is focused on a character that I chose from the book, his name is Joe Kilminster. The report must focus on him. I have more detailed instructions to email whoever is doing this. Below is a brief description of the assignment.

Students are expected to read, understand and report a critical review of a real world event. They are to: (1) Look for examples of professional ethics (compliance or violation), (2) Cite their professional perspective using a selected standard or code of conduct, and (3) publish a report which will include but is not limited to:

?V Introduction
?V Problem Statement
?V Purpose Statement
?V Objective of the Report
?V Review of Literature
?V Findings and Conclusions
?V Recommendations

Here is the source for this order:


A Case Study and Character Review of (Joe Kilminster)


Chapter Page


Problem Statement ?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K4
Purpose of the Study ?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K.?K?K?K?K?K.?K5
Objectives of the Study?K ?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K.?K6


Supporting Chapters ?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K?K..7

Additional Pertinent Material ?K?K?K9

Summary of the Literature 10


Findings & Conclusion from the Search of the Literature 11
Recommendations 12




This pamphlet has been developed as a primer to assist in the development of your case study written report. After you have selected and been approved for your case study character you may ask yourself ??How problem identification begins and what process or procedures apply as I work to define and ultimately derive a recommendation to the specific example in the case study??? You may also wonder (or wander a bit as well) how to begin collecting factual evidence and then how to best interpret those facts. This pamphlet will help you with that effort and precludes but does not exclude the necessity to seek help from other texts to accomplish your creative writing assignment.

The approach will be one of emphasizing the basic application of procedures in a methodical manner ?V we will rely on a bit of common sense as well. One might say that the only thing common about common sense is that it is uncommon ?V nonetheless your experiences to date will almost certainly affect your findings and the report you write ?V the review of your written product will measure you on how well you develop your position and explain it. Your worldview is part of who you are and as we work to expand your experience base you will be challenged to qualify and/or quantify your conclusions.

You should use factual evidence gathered from reviews of literature, however the basic fact gathering phase of this ??investigation?? could work as a critical review of a real-time, and real-world event. You will effectively become a ??Blue Ribbon Panel?? of one, reviewing the facts against the law (as you know and understand it) -- tasked to look beyond mere compliance ?V asking ??Is this ethical??? Hopefully and soon you will begin to see a professional level of integrity or standard beyond mere regulatory compliance ?V a goal of this course.

Your objective is to provide a complete and objective report, concisely written with a focus on the professional integrity of the individual character study and even the organization within which they functioned. Your objective is to write your findings and conclusions in a compelling manner so as to hopefully reduce future risk in the management of complex technologies. Strive to look beyond the individual meeting (or failing to meet) the ??letter of the law?? and use your understanding of canons of ethics, such as that provided by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and other professional societies, as a guideline for your determinations.

Feel free to use any and all material available to you. In addition to your directed readings you will find a virtual gold mine of information relating to the actions which led from the selection of Morton-Thiokol as the supplier of Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) for the Space Transportation System to the actual launch of the STS-51L mission. You only need to reference enough material to support your hypothesis, findings, conclusions and recommendations. Along your journey you should look and hopefully recognize not only the emotions but the facts surrounding the critical decisions leading to the actual catastrophic event. Asking questions along the way will help you focus your case study, ??Are the assumptions leading to the launch of STS-51L based on science, fact or a wish and are the decisions made in a consistent manner with laws, regulations and professional codes of ethics???

Your review during this case study should use a systematic approach to collect and analyze information so as to accomplish a critical investigation guided by theory and hypothesis about a presumed relationship between an individual, the technology they were involved with, the environment it was operated in, the mission they were tasked to perform and the overall management of that activity. The following five steps are considered as an appropriate scientific method to accomplish your systematic approach to this review:

1. Identify the problem
2. Review information
3. Collect data
4. Analyze data
5. Draw conclusions
6. Make Recommendations

As you begin your case study the nature of the problem must be defined. We will accomplish this by selecting one individual involved in the decisions which led to the launch of STS-51L. This could be at the early stages of SRB development or as late as the fateful night before the actual launch during the highly publicized telephone conference. Using this framework we will begin to focus from the general to the specific, first considering the ??big rocks?? then following them into the smaller issues as the data leads us. Ultimately you will need to look at the finer ??grains of sand?? in the very foundation of this event. Here you will be challenged to systematically collect and organize your material so that you can make accurate and objective observations. Although the temptation will be great, you should not begin your search looking for a ??nugget?? of knowledge, that ??AH HA!?? moment where an epiphany hits you across the forehead. This is where your problem statement will help you stay on a straight course through the vast expanse of information.

As you analyze your collection of factual data your mission is to compare it to a standard of ethical conduct in the field of engineering or the practice of managing technologies. You are not required to use the NSPE code however, since you are somewhat familiar with it by now you might consider it as a primary source and use any other examples you find necessary. (Should you find fault or deficiency with the application of a specific code.) The conclusions you make after the analysis should be based on the data you outline in your review of literature and stated as a finding of factual evidence.

Although this is not a research project, per se, you may find it helpful to use some of the tools used in conducting ethnographic research. Ethnography is a written account of anthropology dealing with scientific descriptions of individual cultures. Anthropology is a science that deals with the origins, development, and characteristics of humankind, including such factors as customs, beliefs, and cultural development. To project this into our review we can describe our ethnographic review as:

The process of providing a holistic and scientific description of
systems, processes and phenomena within their specific contexts.

Since ethics have evolved from customs, practices and beliefs during the development of our modern day culture I hope that you can begin to see, more clearly, the way ahead. Our study will focus on individuals and organizations which consist of defined groups of people interacting in a structured manner. Are they behaving ethically? This is a question you may pose in your report. Keep in mind that organizations are composed of cultures made up of perspectives. You most certainly have heard the statement, ??perception is reality?? -- If an individual, or organizational, perspective is that due process has been accomplished during deliberations, are they in fact ethical from a professional management of technologies point of view? Have they violated, law, regulation, codes of ethics or even more ill-defined standards of practice and techniques (best practices) used over time?

In the early, (conjecture) phase of your investigation, you will find it useful to develop a hypothesis or hypotheses. Keep in mind; you are working towards a conclusion which should include recommendations. A hypothesis is a ??guess?? at the solution to a problem or situation. As you collect data during your study, hypotheses will be formed and even modified. You may only have one as you begin, however the data may lead you to others which compel you to modify, discard and introduce new hypotheses. There are no limits to the numbers. Don??t be surprised if your ??guess?? changes as you review the literature (factual evidence).

Now, it is time to get started ?V follow these steps to begin your effort:

?? Complete your directed readings
?? Review any supporting references you find necessary
?? Make a few notes along the way relating to individual or organizational professional ethics ?V collect reference material for quotes, and hypothesis supporting citations
?? Select a character to review as part of your case study
?? Identify a professional ethics related problem with that characters actions and make a statement about it (you may also comment about the institutional or overall organizational issues while discussing this character)
?? Write an introduction section to your identified problem
?? Identify the specific purpose and objectives or your report

You are now ready to begin writing section one of your reports.

Writing the Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose and Objectives of your Case Study

This section will be the most challenging. Starting a journey without a clear idea of where you are headed will certainly cause you to trace a circuitous course to your final destination. If you use this pamphlet as your guide you will be able to assemble the key components of your written report in a systematic manner ?V building upon the sections until you have a final product, deliberately working toward the final objective. You will find it impossible to do this without reading the material ?V some have tried and failed ?V one more ??hulk?? in the ??bone yard?? won??t make either of us happy.
As you absorb the directed reading assignment you will begin to see areas of interest, eventually selecting a problem area for your case study. This will be an aspect of the overall case study which you wish to focus on. A ??brainstorming?? approach will help you in the beginning ?V make notes along the way as you read your reference materials ?V this will help you as you begin writing. Using 3x5 cards may help you in this endeavor. Any method that helps you collect facts, catalog the material and begin the assembly of your written report will do ?V this effort is about product not style, although the amount of effort you make reflects in your written product and minimizes the effort I need to put forth to keep you on the course you charted in this section.
You may find yourself selecting a character before you have finished the directed reading or other reference materials of your choosing. Keep in mind you will be evaluating your selected objectives against the reference material in section III of this report ?V keeping yourself on course throughout this process is a discipline you may find challenging.
In the brainstorming phase you should try to search out possibilities, looking broadly and attempting to suppress biases or preconceived notions as much as possible. After searching as broad a background as possible in the general problem area, you should then start evaluating the information you have gathered, sorting and organizing it. As you begin narrowing your problem area, there are several pertinent questions you should ask. These questions are addressed in the problem and data question paragraphs below.
To help you self-assess whether you are ready to begin accomplishing your written assignment, use the checklist below to begin to assimilate the components of the introductory section of your report.
Produce a draft copy of the:
1. Title page
2. Introduction ?V a background ??executive summary?? of the subject to be discussed
3. Problem statement
4. Purpose of your case study (This is a concise statement relating to the coursework as outlined in the syllabus. It should include your selected character of ethical study and how you intend to relate the subject??s behavior to a professional code of conduct
5. Objectives (Questions to be answered or hypotheses should be listed here)

Developing the Title
After you have decided on an ethical area of interest for your case study, your next step is to clearly and concisely develop the title. Titles are usually stated as a declarative sentence or phrase. Usually "A Study of" is omitted from the title to aid in conciseness. The journalism questions Who? What?, When? And Where? are helpful in determining when enough information has been included. (See attachment 1)
Introducing the Problem
In establishing the background of the problem for your study, using a ??funnel approach?? will be helpful, this means moving from a broad to narrow focus. In the beginning a brief, broad overview is helpful to establish the setting of the problem. This leads to the need for the study as indicated by the factors in the setting you establish in your introduction. The need can then be narrowed as you ??zero in?? on your specific points to be reviewed in the study. If the above steps have been followed, they should establish the format of deductive reasoning which will help establish the rationale of your case study. Once the rationale is established, the finest point of our funneled approach is drawn out by adding the usefulness. The case is then made for the study which leads us to a concise statement of the problem. Literature sources should be cited to verify statements and information. This helps establish the theoretical construct or foundation of the study. (See attachment 2)
A broad overview of the background and setting of the problem lays the
foundation for the need of the study which is established by relating
factors creating the problem. The importance of the study
is signified by indicating theoretical value, groups, and
people affected which leads to the overall reasons
for the study called rationale. This is the basis
for usefulness in our study of ethics, and
how it affects management of
complex technologies

Developing a Problem Statement
The problem statement should summarize in a few words why the study is being done. Care should be exercised at this point to ensure that the problem is within your capability and can be accomplished with the resources available. In other words, is the scope of the study realistic? Careful attention should be directed at this point to ensure that the title and the problem statement agree. One problem plaguing many studies is the lack of consistency between the title, problem, and purpose, review of literature, findings, and conclusions. All components must agree as to direction and guide the reader from the problem through its solution.
You may have noticed in the lectures a few questions posed to stimulate thought about ethical behavior. By asking yourself questions such as these you can begin to zero in on identifying a case study problem statement. Questions that are relevant to the subject under review will help you identify a problem to make a statement about. The most important characteristic of your problem statement is that it must provide adequate focus and direction for your case study. The selection of a ??problem?? involves reading, discussing and conceptualizing facts, specific interactions, and results of decisions either supported or unsupported by professional standards of conduct. By selecting one person in the study of the Challenger launch decision you will have narrowed your focus to a specific sequence of events that were affected by this case study character and reviewed with a specific perspective searching for examples of professional ethics and how they affected the eventual outcome. (See attachment 3)
Establishing the Purpose
Up to this point, we have been establishing the problem or the reasons why the study needed to be done. With the statement of the purpose we clearly indicate what we intend to do in our study. It should be a clear, concise, goal statement giving direction to your future actions. This can be broken down into specific indicators of direction using statements of objectives, questions, or hypotheses. (See attachment 4)
Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses
Specific direction is given to the study through the objectives, questions, or hypotheses. Objectives should be written in measurable terms which can be used to determine the achievement of those objectives. Questions should be asked in such a way that the answers will adequately achieve the purpose in mind. Hypotheses are your ??guess?? and if stated should ultimately use factual evidence to support why you think your opinion is valid.
If the objectives, questions, or hypotheses achieve the purpose, then they will also address the problem provided that the problem and purpose are in agreement. The review of literature and the writer??s experience, along with my counsel, should provide the background for the development of the objectives, questions, or hypotheses, should you chose to use them.
By posing questions you can compel the reader to ponder the outcome of influences at the 1. Organizational Level; 2. Supervisory Level; 3. Preconditional Level; or in the immediate area under study, the 4. Individual Act. These four main tiers are used to help mishap investigators, researchers and those accomplishing a case study to look beyond the immediate act in search of the source of the event. This may only be a superficial piece of information -- ??mining?? deeper toward the root with a investigative perspective to contributing factors best describes the influences which led to the final outcome. In this manner we will hopefully better understand the erosive effect of subtle variations, deviance or abandonment of the canons of professional conduct in the operation of high-risk technologies.
Problem Questions
Problem areas in technical fields of endeavor often manifest themselves as hazards, or threats to safe and reliable operations. You will sometimes notice these ??problems?? surrounded by high profile mishaps such as the catastrophic loss of the STS Orbiter ??Challenger??. As you search to develop your problem statement ask yourself; is the problem I am studying significant enough to define? Has the problem been studied before and do you intend to agree or disagree with previous assessments or ??conventional wisdom??? What were the results in previous reviews? Is the problem broad enough for study, yet narrow enough to be able to reach a conclusion and solution? Is the terminology used in the problem formulation specific, understandable and clearly stated? Is the problem clearly related to prior studies? Can I relate this problem to an area of ethical study within our coursework?
Data Questions
As you digest the directed reading ask yourself are the needed data readily available and accessible to address my chosen character of study and to develop a problem statement? If not, what additional sources of data are needed? Does the data already exist for the basis of a solution to the problem or will new information be needed? (FYI ?KThe directed reading does contain enough information for you to develop your case.) You may choose to seek additional sources to support your hypotheses ?V this is your prerogative. You may choose ANY source as a professional code of conduct. You may even use multiple sources to develop an integrated code that you hypothesize would have better served the individuals/organization as they struggled with questions posed by unexpected outcomes in the management of the Space Transportation System. (See attachment 5)
Assumptions, Limitations, and Scope
Caveats may be necessary to help you better define the case study. They may be listed as assumptions, limitations, and scope of your study.
Assumptions may be needed to indicate ideas, theories, or facts which must be considered valid in order to conduct the study. They should be well recognized as valid or have other empirical bases to establish their acceptance. The use of reference citations should accompany any assumption other than yours or which you have chosen to support a hypothesis or position.
Limitations are factors which are recognized to exist and may affect your ability to be 100% sure of the accuracy of the case study. An example would be; in the conduct of your forensic review of the Challenger mishap you have no control over discovering new facts. These should not be confused with the scope or size of the case study, number of participants, etc. This should also not be used as an excuse for failing to use multiple sources which may offer contrary statements of fact, reviewing factual evidence in an objective manner or calling into question a premise made by others who have studied this case and drawn questionable conclusions from the selected evidence. (See attachment 6)
Final Words on Section I:
With this first section complete you are now ready to report your review of literature. That review should be constructed to support the purpose and objectives outlined in this section.

The Review of Literature
Under Construction

Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
Under Construction

Index, References Charts and Tabs
Under Construction
Attachment 1 - Titles

Examples of Titles are listed below to help you select and define your work:
A Comparison of Selected Characteristics of Engineers involved in NASA Management of Space Transportation System Orbiters (1978 to 1986) and how these observations relate to Professional Standards Conduct.
Program Management Patterns of Behavior within NASA; Ethical or Not?
The Influence of NASA??s Organizational Culture on Individual Integrity in the Management of High Risk Technologies.

Attachment 2 - Introduction:

On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger was launched from the Kennedy Space Center for another routine mission ?V it lasted 73 seconds before a spectacular explosion doomed the ill fated flight -- all seven perished and a nation was stunned.
In the wake of the tragedy, a Presidential Commission searched for answers. The technical reason for the Challenger??s disintegration was pinpointed to a failed seal in the aft field joint of the right Solid Rocket Booster (SRB). The investigation also delved into the events leading up to the launch of Challenger in an effort to uncover the logic, methodology, and actions of the individuals involved and their organizations.

The Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) is manufactured for NASA by a contractor, Morton Thiokol Inc of Utah. MTI has held the SRB contract since the shuttle program inception and was heavily invested in that technology with production facilities, specialized personnel and management expertise of complex technologies. The commitment to space exploration and meeting schedule demands induced MTI and NASA personnel to mismanage early warning signs of potential SRB problems. In the summer of 1985, new information acquired from a post flight inspections, prompted MTI, at NASA insistence, to establish a special task force (O-Ring Investigation Task Force) of which Mr. John Smith was a member, in an attempt to fast track solutions to growing concerns over seal reliability. Thiokol??s internal processes, directives and commitment to the seal technology, thwarted the Task Force??s charter and actions. Thiokol management was attempting to be preemptive by establishing the Task Force, yet the existing policies and business climate supported by management, were in direct conflict with the stated goals of the task force. This conflict places Mr. Smith and the O-ring team in an ethical dilemma of meeting their charter while supporting the unwritten goals and policies of the organization.

This type of conflict sometimes occurs in organizations and is not unique to an individual market segments like space exploration. Established ethical precepts like those of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) provide a standard for engineers to subscribe to. Yet in actual practice, the daily events that an engineer encounters are not always as black or white as the Code of Ethics from the NSPE portrays. The case of Mr. Smith and the O-Ring Investigation Task Force provides an opportunity to investigate the ethical dilemma that engineers can be unwittingly placed in when organizational conflict is present.

How does an engineer maintain his/her ethical standards when their organization has conflicting policies or goals and how does an Engineer conduct themselves when their ethical standards are assaulted by conflict stemming from corporate polices and a dynamic marketplace? This paper will attempt to answer these questions by utilizing the activities associated with the O-Ring Investigation Task Force. The evaluation can serve as a potential guide for the practicing engineer.

Attachment 3 ?V Problem Statement

Example of Problem Statement:
Because of the complexity of integrating NASA personnel with contractors, including engineers, scientists and managers in heavily matrixed organizational structures, an ethics focused study of professional behavior is deemed necessary. The need for continued study in correlating organizational culture, individual personalities and professional codes of conduct is viewed as a valuable lesson learned for all current and future managers of technologies to prevent future recurrence of undesirable and catastrophic events. This study will be of value in assisting students in their attempt to better understand the differences between academic situations with textbook ??perfect solutions?? and the pressures often felt in high-pressure and resource limited real-world scenarios. This information will be valuable as a reference for administrators, directors, supervisors, managers, and individuals working with high risk and complex technologies.

Attachment 4 ?V Purpose Statement

Examples of Purpose Statements:
The purpose of this case study is to review patterns of behavior of Morton-Thiokol contractors as demonstrated in their interaction with managers at NASA and compare those observations to the canons of ethics, as addressed by the IEEE, and applicable to licensed professional engineers.
- or -
The purpose of this study is to determine the applicability of the basic core values as stated in the NSPE Code of Ethics, and how they were applied to management of Space Transportation Systems at NASA by program managers.

Attachment 5 ?V Objective/Question/Hypothesis

Example of Objectives:
The objectives of this study are to: (1) Identify and study _______ (key person in the launch decision of the Challenger) (2) List, according to importance, selected examples of professional ethics supported by a professional society such as the NSPE. (3) List, according to importance, selected examples of professional ethics or logic which fail to meet the canons of the NSPE. (4) To compare the findings of others reviews and identify significant differences which may exist between perceptions held by these different reviews. (5) Determine, what kind of leadership training program should be provided to ensure cultural bias is removed from the integration of two cultures managing a common complex technology.

Example of a Question:
Would an ??ethical?? engineer allow the use of a flouroelastomer O-ring seal as a primary and/or secondary sealant against hazardous conditions in a man-rated vehicle when they knew it would be used in temperatures outside of its functional operating envelope?

Example of a Hypothesis:
There is no significant relationship between membership in a professional society, such as the IEEE, and personal integrity when faced with job related scheduling pressures which may affect whether that individual retains or loses their primary source of income.

Attachment 6 ?V Assumptions/Scope

Example of a Personal Assumption:
For the purposes of this case study, the following assumption was made by the investigator: That engineers could provide accurate performance data of the basic operational characteristics of Viton (V747) fluoroelastomers in varying temperatures.

Examples of Scope Statements:
This case study addresses the following violations of the codes of professional conduct as viewed by the NSPE.
The only subjects discussed were those reviewed in the directed reading.
The case study was limited to a comparison which could be administered in a limited context of material available in the OSU library.
The questions of ethics were only asked of those licensed professionals involved with the launch decision of the Challenger.

Please answer each essay question with at least 200 words each, using APA format list references at the end of each question. Each question should be no more than one page. If possible use Business Ethics (Ethical Decision making and cases (seventh edition) by Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell as a reference for each question plus one other per question, okay if same reference is used for more than onequestion.
Thank you.
1. How can whistle blowing be both a positive and/ or a negative situation for many individuals? What are your personal feelings about whistle blowers? Explain your answer.

2. Explain how corporate culture influences the ethical behavior of an organization. Why is it difficult to change the corporate culture? What are possible methods used to change the culture?
3. What usefulness does ethics training have on workers ethical behavior? What should be included in an ethics training program? Please be specific.
4. Explain the responsibility of the corporation as a moral agent. Give examples of how a corporation can be considered a societal moral agent.
5. Why would a company choose to understand, report on, and improve their ethical conduct? Use specific examples to support your answer.
6. Although much of the regulatory focus of corporate ethics and compliance is driven by financial measures, the integrity of an organization also has to focus on nonfinancial areas of performance. List and describe three models that have been developed to capture structural and behavioral organizational ethical performance.
7. A major ethical issue in international business is how products sold in other countries are priced. Describe price discrimination and give three examples of when price discrimination may become an ethical or even a legal issue.
8. Facilitating payments or bribery is an acceptable business practice in many cultures. What can multinational companies and the global community do to reduce bribery? What effect do US laws have on US companies conducting business overseas in relation to bribery? What are possible measures that can be taken to level the playing field for US based companies?

analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice. Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship of ethics and professional behavior. Include in your paper a proposal for a seminar in ethics training for law enforcement officers. In your proposal choose five areas of ethical conduct that will be stressed in the seminar. Explain why you chose those areas and what the expected benefits of the training will be for both officers and the community.

Further detailed instruction with assignment rubric will be uploaded to control panel.

Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company's code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.

Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.

Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse affects if each company fails to address these issues.

Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.

Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.

Specify at least one (1) lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.

Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company's goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company's sustainable development goals.

Use at least four (4) quality references. NOTE: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
There are faxes for this order.

Please write on the chapter about free and informed consent.

Instructions for the term paper:

Take one chapter from the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for
Research Involving Humans and compare it to the related chapter from the draft second
edition of the same document. Explain how the new chapter amends the ethical standards
that are in the original document. Indicate to what extent you agree with those changes.
Support your position with reasons. You can find both documents at

Critique 2 or more sections of company's code of ethics. Are those sections of the code working well or should be revised? Be specific in your recommendations. Also discuss ways you could "incentivize" the code.
here's code of ethics for hospital:

???? Compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations governing Lenox Hill Hospital and
its Affiliates.
???? Adherence to high ethical standards and use of good judgment.
???? Provision of patient care that is medically necessary and appropriate in a respectful and
dignified manner, without regard to race, color, creed, sex, ethnic origin, age, disability,
sexual orientation, source of payment, or other classification prohibited by law.
???? Recognition of the patients right to make informed decisions about medical treatment and
advanced directives and respect for patient choice.
???? Responsibility to protect patient privacy and confidentiality.
???? Compliance with laws and regulations relating to the provision of emergency care to patients.
???? Acceptance of patient referrals and referrals of patients without regard to the direct or
indirect payment or receipt of remuneration, based on each patients medical need and the
providers ability to render the service.
???? Adherence to legal requirements of contractual arrangements or joint ventures with
physicians .
???? Proper supervision of allied health care professionals and residents and other house staff.
???? Avoidance of improper financial incentives under managed care contracts that would result
in underutilization of medically necessary services.
???? Truthful, accurate, and legible completion of medical records, billing records, business
records and regulatory and financial reports.
???? Retention, storage and disposal of patient and business records and information in
accordance with legal and business requirements.
???? Protection and safeguarding of information created in the conduct of Lenox Hill Hospital and
its affiliates business including patient information, staff data, financial data, research data,
strategic plans, statistical information, purchasing agreements and contracts.
???? Protecting and enhancing the rights of patients by providing them access to their information
and controlling the inappropriate use of that information pursuant to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
???? Accurate coding and billing for medical services rendered in accordance with legal
requirements and agreements with third party payors.
???? Compliance with applicable legal, regulatory and program requirements in the preparation
and submission of claims for reimbursement and reports concerning the costs of the hospital
and its affiliates operations.
???? Avoidance of improper waivers and write-offs of patient costs.
???? Selection of supplies, vendors, contractors and consultants based upon fair, competitive
practices and objective factors including quality, price, service and delivery.
???? Avoidance of transactions that excessively benefit private individuals in contravention of
laws and regulations applicable to tax-exempt organizations.
???? Adherence to Lenox Hill Hospital policies on solicitation and acceptance of charitable
???? Compliance with laws respecting the use of intellectual property.
???? Safeguarding of proper internal financial controls in compliance with established accounting
control standards and procedures.
???? Maintain the integrity of the Hospitals financial statements and its financial reporting
???? Avoidance of situations or conduct that may involve a conflict between personal interests and
the interests of Lenox Hill Hospital and its Affiliates.
???? Observance of laws and regulations relating to reporting, use of grant and private research
funds, audits, informed consent and reimbursement in clinical research.
???? Compliance with IRB policies, procedures and directives.
???? Integrity in the research process, avoidance of conflicts of interest, improper inducements,
and other forms of scientific misconduct.
???? Protection of the privacy of health information of research subjects.
???? Conduct of research in compliance with approved protocols.
???? Fair and respectful treatment of employees, staff and co-workers.
???? Prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age,
citizenship status, disability or sexual orientation and prohibiting sexual harassment.
???? Compliance with environmental laws and regulations including the proper storage, handling
and disposal of hazardous material and infectious waste.
???? Proper handling and dispensation of controlled substances in accordance with applicable law.
???? Avoidance of the use of Lenox Hill Hospital and its Affiliates resources to influence the
political process.
???? Truthful and accurate marketing and advertising of medical services for educating the public,
reporting to the community and increasing awareness of the Hospitals mission of the
Hospital and its Affiliates.
???? Compliance with rules applicable to marketing to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.
All employees and staff have a part to play in ensuring that the business of the Hospital and its
affiliates is conducted legally and ethically. All employees and staff are responsible for
performing their assigned duties in accordance with the principles of ethical and legal conduct
and are obligated to report suspected violations of laws, regulations or the Code of Ethics to their
immediate supervisors or the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer is responsible for
coordinating the dissemination of information on new laws or regulations that govern the
activities of the Hospital and its affiliates or information related to changes in existing laws or
regulations. All communications will reinforce the employees responsibility to comply with
applicable laws and policies and to report a suspected violation to the Compliance Office.
The Compliance Office may be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling: (212)
434 - 2126. The Hospital and its Affiliates prohibit any retaliation against an employee who, in
good faith, reports a question or concern about a compliance matter.

The following are explicit instructions on the paper:

Each student will prepare a paper based on an issue that presents a legal and ethics issue based one or more of the GM520 Terminal Course Objectives. I recommend that the issue relate to your work environment or personal interests so that practical applications can derive from the paper in accordance with Keller?s practitioner orientation. The paper requires each student to explore a specific issue that presents both legal and ethical issues for business professionals, develop a webliography to support research of the topic, and prepare an 8-10 (at least 8 but no more than 10) [Do 8!!]page paper that analyzes in depth the issue selected. The final paper is expected to cite at least 15 sources (cases, articles, web sites) in accordance with the guidelines outlined in The Business Student Writer?s Manual and Guide to the Internet (1998) by Bergman, Garrison, and Scott, or according to the MLA method of citation.

Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business


Your assignment:

Write a paper based on a "law and ethics" issue. The issue should relate to at least one GM520 Terminal Course Objective. Further, pick something which pertains to your work environment or personal interests so that you glean practical applications from your research.

Your paper will be at least 8-10 [8 for this paper] pages of in-depth analysis of your legal and ethical business issue. Its webliography will contain at least 15 sources which support research of the topic (cases, articles, web sites) in accordance with the guidelines outlined in The Business Student Writer?s Manual and Guide to the Internet (1998) by Bergman, Garrison, and Scott.

Format of Report: (along with grading weight):

1. Facts (5%). This section acquaints the reader with the context in which the problem is framed; i.e., a given legal and ethics issue of interest. Present key facts that are important in understanding the problem. Note: The paper must tie to one of our law TCOs (B-I) AND the ethics TCO (A).

2. Problem Statement (5%). This section includes a concise statement of the major issue you are investigating. Your proposal, submitted in Week Two, can form the basis for this section.

3. "Causes" analysis (20%). This section provides a detailed analysis of the causes of the legal and ethics issues in your paper. A major objective of this course is to identify corrective and preventive courses of action involving law and ethics from a management perspective and orientation. You should demonstrate that you are applying course material.

4. Literature Review (15%). This section summarizes what is discovered in a search of the literature. This means reviewing, theories, concepts, references, and statutes discussed in class, but more importantly, reviewing what other writers report or how other cases are relevant to the issue you are studying. All sources cited should be included in the Reference/Bibliography section of the research report. This section only uses those items which actually "relate" to your situation. Think "stare decisis." You MUST use outside sources in your paper, and refer to them to support your position.

5. Possible solutions (15%). This section should indicate several possible solutions of the issue and the pros and cons associated with each solution
6. Recommended solution and its implementation (15%). This section recommend a solution to the problem or issue. It should be specific, stating who, with whom, and in what sequence, should do what, how.

7. Justification for solution (15%). This section summarizes why the proposed solution will work. It should demonstrate that you have applied course concepts and research findings to arrive at a workable solution and implementation to the legal and ethics issue.

8. References/Bibliography (10%). You should document your references in this section and properly cite them throughout your report. (Not included in the paper length.)

You must use this format for writing your paper. Your sections 1-7 will be included in the page length. Any paper which goes over or under this page requirement will lose points. Your papers should be single spaced with double spacing between paragraphs and headings. Use an 11-12 font, and margins of no more than 1 inch, no less than .5 inch around. Read the ?paper tips? on the announcement page for more help on your paper. For a ?template? you can use to write your paper, which uses the correct margins, fonts, etc., go to the ?Legal paper format? connected to these guidelines. You don?t HAVE to use that template, but for your own ease in starting on your paper, it is there. Be sure to delete out any of the text I have included for your information.

The paper should develop on the following timetable:

IDEAS FOR PAPERS: The following should help get you thinking about a topic for your Legal and Ethical Issue paper. These are just suggestions and undoubtedly you will come up with better ideas based on your own work and personal experiences:

o How federal regulations and the rule-making are impacting your organization and what your organization to make the impacts more positive.

o How product liability and warranty laws impact your organization?s ability to take products to market and what your organization can do to manage its product liability exposure.

o How the law of contracts impacts the ability of your company to manage both customer and supplier relationships.

o How the law of agency impacts the organization chart and your organization?s ability to manage its employees.

o What kind of exposure your company potentially faces for discrimination and sexual harassment and what steps your company can take to lessen its exposure to discrimination liabilities.

o How intellectual property rights will be impacted by the open access of the Internet and how your company can protect its intellectual property in the age of information.

o How environmental liability impacts your organization and what are the appropriate legal and ethical steps a company must take to manage environmental liability.

o How will the Microsoft antitrust decision impact the disbursement of software in our economy and the opportunities or threats the Microsoft decision presents to your company.

o What kinds of consumer protection laws are important to your organization and how will your organization achieve compliance with all legal and ethical obligations arising out of relationships with its customers.

o How insider trading laws impact the securities industry.

o What kinds of liabilities are faced by directors and officers of a corporation and how can your organization assure legal and ethical conduct by its employees at all times.

o How your organization manages the legal and ethical dimensions of it global business, including the question as to whether an organization can maintain multiple sets of ethical rules.


Your Name

GM 520LU#
Faculty: Michelle Preiksaitis
Research Paper
Due: October 19, 2003

Facts statement:

(This section acquaints the reader with the context in which the problem is framed; i.e., a given legal and ethics issue of interest. Present key facts that are important in understanding the problem. Note: The paper must tie to one of our law TCOs (B-I) AND the ethics TCO (A). State your TCO(s) which you are tying into here. This section is worth 5% and should be 2-4 paragraphs. (Delete out these instructions before typing in your information under each heading.)

Problem Statement:

This section includes a concise statement of the major issue you are investigating. Your proposal, submitted in Week Two, can form the basis for this section. This section is worth 5% of your paper grade, and should be 2-4 paragraphs.

"Causes" analysis:

This section provides a detailed analysis of the causes of the legal and ethics issues in your paper. A major objective of this course is to identify corrective and preventive courses of action involving law and ethics from a management perspective and orientation. You should demonstrate that you are applying course material. 20% of paper grade- 1-2 pages.

Literature Review (15%). This section summarizes what is discovered in a search of the literature. This means reviewing, theories, concepts, references, and statutes discussed in class, but more importantly, reviewing what other writers report or how other cases are relevant to the issue you are studying. All sources cited should be included in the Reference/Bibliography section of the research report. This section only uses those items which actually "relate" to your situation. Think "stare decisis." You MUST use outside sources in your paper, and refer to them to support your position. This part of your paper can be ?its own? section, or can be located throughout your paper. However, it must exist. You must cite and use at least 15 RELEVANT sources in your paper, quoting from them or using them in your analyses.

Possible solutions:

This section should indicate several possible solutions of the issue and the pros and cons associated with each solution. Worth 15% of your paper grade, this is a very important section. It shows you have worked through the causes of the ethical dilemma, and have thought of ways your company/business can fix the dilemma. These solutions are detailed, organized, and ethical.

Recommended solution and its implementation:

This section recommends a solution to the problem or issue. It should be specific, stating who, with whom, and in what sequence, should do what, how. Worth 15% of your paper grade, this carries the prior section one step further. You pick out one solution and do into more detail, including the hows and wherefores of carrying out this solution. Go into the legalities of doing so as well as cost, ROI, etc.

Justification for solution:

This section summarizes why the proposed solution will work. It should demonstrate that you have applied course concepts and research findings to arrive at a workable solution and implementation to the legal and ethics issue. Also 15% of your grade, you should state the reason for why you picked this solution over the others stated in the ?possible solutions? statement, and further, you must pick one ethical model and justify your solution using the steps of the model. Are you letting half the workforce go to cut costs? Will that work? Will your company be able to make the remaining workers do 2 jobs for 1 cost, and still function? And what about the cost of letting the others go? Is that ethical? Moral? Will it hurt morale for the remaining workers, and public image for the company? Is that relevant? These are mere examples of some thoughts you will want to go through in making your decision.

References/Bibliography (10%).

You should document your references in this section and properly cite them throughout your report. (Not included in the paper length.) The final section, to get full credit, will use a consistent citation style, and if there are hyperlinks for citations, make certain that they work.

TCOs Selected:

A. Given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best ethical practices, apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision.

B. Given instances of federal regulation of business and commercial practices, determine the constitutional and regulatory bases for such regulation, and formulate a strategy by which an impacted business can influence or contest regulating outcomes.

I. Given specified circumstances of a business decision to expand to international markets, determine what international legal requirements or regulatory controls apply.
My Proposal for this paper:

Naomi Pettaway
September 14, 2003
GM520: Paper Proposal

HBA and the Building Trade: The Liabilities of a Professional Association

As the business ethics seems tossed about by thunderous blows upon the rungs of society, it seems that corporate business must consistently be regulated in order to ?act right? or suffer the consequence of failure. However, what do non-profit organizations and associations face as it comes to ethics? Are the challenges of private business and private associations the same? Webster?s Dictionary defines business as:
a usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood : trade, line b : a commercial or sometimes an industrial enterprise; also : such enterprises district> c : usually economic dealings : patronage .
One can then compare business to association, which lists as ?an organization of persons having a common interest: society.? As the heart of the two (business and association) prove to be most different, one assembles for profit, the other to assist, it seems most interesting to discover what similarities the two might share in dealing with torts and product/service liability.

Marianne Jennings defines tort as a ?[p]rivate intentional or negligent wrong against an individual.? Webster classifies liability as ?obligated according to law or equity: responsible b: subject to appropriation or attachment.? Using the definitions of tort and liability, and applying the interpretation of Marianne Jennings and her writings in Business: Its Legal, Ethical and Global Environment and other external resources, a comparison of ethics in business and association shall be conducted. The two entities shall be categorically compared in appropriation, negligence, warranty and regulation of warranty, and product/service liability, tentatively. By comparing these two bodies, one may be able to surmise which proves the best and most positive contributory force to the American society and its economy, with little regulation and most ethical decisiveness.
My references were as follows:


An impoverished, yet wealthy society (May 2, 2003). Korea Herald Seoul Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:331965911).

Anonymous . (Nov 1999). Nonprofits' Insurance Alliance of California gets $5 million boost from Bill and Melinda Gates Fund Raising Management 30 (9), p. 12-13 (2 pp.). Garden City Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:48090856).

Anonymous . (Nov 2002). Philadelphia Insurance Cos. announces new coverage for workplace violence American Agent & Broker 74 (11), p. 92 (1 pp.). St. Louis Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:247920801).

Business Editors . (Dec 17, 2002). CT Homeowners Can Protect Assets Against Domestic Worker Lawsuits Business Wire New York Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:268186141).

CHARITIES COULD USE YOUR REFUND :[FINAL Edition] (Jul 21, 2001). Seattle Post - Intelligencer p. B3 Seattle, Wash. Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:75837775).

CHARLES D. SNELLING Of The Morning Call . (Jan 26, 2002). Speak up to get Pa. tort reform :[FIRST Edition] Morning Call p. A33 Allentown, Pa. Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:103204203).

Ellis & Rapacki LLP Distributes $19 Million In State's Largest Class- Action Settlement to 350 Massachusetts Hunger and Nutrition Organizations (Nov 20, 2002). Pr Newswire New York Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:241777521).

GatesMcDonald (Sep 15, 2003). Hoover's Company Capsules (Ga-Gl), p. 104885 Austin Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:168261841).

Jeff Wolf . (Mar 23, 2000). Internet pioneers to purchase PBA :[Final Edition] Las Vegas Review - Journal p. 7C Las Vegas, Nev. Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:51944366).

John R. Owen III . (Apr 8, 2003). OPINION: Non-Profit Organizations Also in Need of Audit Committees Knight Ridder Tribune Business News Washington Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:322452941).

Joseph J Perschy . (Jun 16, 2003). Packages make sense for non-profits National Underwriter (Property & Casualty/risk & Benefits Management Ed. ), 107 (24), p. 17 Erlanger Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:355222151).

Joseph Taylor: Area entrepreneur buys software for non-profit organizations; New grant program allows charities to automate routine tasks, boost online fundraising and improve service to donors (Aug 9, 2002). M2 Presswire Coventry Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:147637401).

Joseph Taylor: Non-profit organizations boost online fundraising - by phone (Aug 9, 2002). M2 Presswire Coventry Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:147637411).

KAMAL JABBOUR CONTRIBUTING WRITER . (Feb 5, 2001). STAGGER THROUGH LEGALESE :[Final Edition] The Post - Standard p. D2 Syracuse, N.Y. Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:68243316).

KATHLEEN DOOLEY Staff writer . (Sep 15, 1999). Capital Risk enters into merger :[THREE STAR Edition] Times Union p. F3 Albany Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:44990212).

Kiely, Eugene . (Aug 4, 1999). MALLS CAN REQUIRE LEAFLETING GROUPS TO CARRY INSURANCE Record Bergen County, N.J. Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.: 00-66251 ).

LINDA A. JOHNSON . (Aug 30, 1999). Birth control changes still on the horizon High liability costs, limited federal funding have slowed research :[All Edition] Milwaukee Journal Sentinel p. 3 Milwaukee Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:44351957).

Larry France . (Jun 2000). Employment practices liability insurance Rough Notes 143 (6), p. 50-63 (10 pp.). Indianapolis Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:54930290).

Linda Espenshade . (Mar 4, 2003). Bear market has retirement homes squeezing budgets, seeking revenue Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, Pa. Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:299652281).

Nation's Largest Taxpayer Group Cautions Congress Against Government- Backed Terrorism Insurance Schemes (Oct 24, 2001). U.s. Newswire Washington Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:85710412).

New Products: Liability Insurance Available for Non-Profits (Jun 2001). Small Business Banker 2 (6), p. 24 New York Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:73510312).

STEVEN WALTERS . (Aug 9, 2001). Tax-exempt groups ask McCallum to veto provision:[Final Edition] Milwaukee Journal Sentinel p. 02B Milwaukee, Wis. Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:77244472).

Ted Pincus . (Dec 3, 2002). Many companies seeking a new kind of director Chicago Sun - Times p. 49 Chicago, Ill. Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:269040871).

The Bagley Group: CEO puts 'Million-Dollar Idea' up for sale; Proceeds to benefit all 50 states (Sep 4, 2002). M2 Presswire Coventry Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:159250691).

Tina Carlson, Reporter . (Apr 2, 2001). More Third Parties Means More Liabilities, Cautions Attorney Credit Union Journal 5 (14), p. 11 New York Retrieved September 29, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:70437218).

WHEN MANAGED CARE FAILS TO CARE :[METRO Edition] (Jan 8, 2000). Roanoke Times & World News p. A9 Roanoke Retrieved October 6, 2003, from ProQuest database. (Accession no.:47787202).

Jennings, Marianne. Business: Its Legal, Ethical, & Global Environment. Mason: West Legal Studies, 2003.

Jennings and Smeltzer: "Why an International Code of Ethics Would be Good for Business."

If I come across any information that would be helpful, I will fax it. Thank you.

There are faxes for this order.

Section 1
list and explain any documentation (such as curricula, notices to parents, interview guidelines) that would reflect your unique abilities/or intentions to work with different families in a classroom/instructional setting in early childhood education.

*You can also list and explain any documentation (that you could include in your professional portfolio) that would reflect your ability to work effectively with children reflecting culturally and linguistically diverse family systems.

To meet the requirements of these sections you are only required to list the documentation- you are not required to submit any hard copies of documents.

Section 2
List and explain any documentation that would reflect your unique abilities/or intentions to work effectively over time with children of diverse ages and with children with diverse abilities that you would include in your portfolio.

Section 3
In this section you need to identify any documentation (such as letters of recommendation, memberships of professional organizations *) that would indicate your personal commitment to the profession's code of ethical conduct.

any documentation that indicate your ability to establish and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with colleagues, other professionals and families, and work effectively as a member of a professional team.

You can also identify any activities that would indicate that you actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally by locating and using appropriate professional literature, organizations and other resources to inform and improve your practice

This was the original assignment.
The APA Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals, Section VI.A state: " Psychologist undertake research with animals... with a clear scientific purpose.... There should be a reasonable expectation that the research will a) increase knowledge of the processes underlying the evolution, development, maintenance, alteration, control or biological significance of behavior, b) increase understanding of the species under study, or c) provide results that benefit the health or welfare of humans or other animals."
What are some of its drawbacks? Do you anticipate a time when we will no longer use animals in scientific research? Include enough information to support your position.

Now I am supposed to elaborate more in-depth research and discussion.

Part one
Kodak and Fujifilm

Write a seven (7) page paper in which you describe
1) Describe the history and core business of each company.
2) Compare and contrast the approach to management that each company has pursued in order to embrace innovation.
3) Determine what other management differences have impacted the relative success of Kodak and Fujifilm. Provide specific examples to support your response.
4) Evaluate each company's approach to ethics and social responsibilty and the impact those approaches have had on each company's profitability.
5) Discuss the extent to which management of both companies adapted to changing market conditions.
6) Reccommed three (3) ways any company should build in flexibility to back up its decision making process in order to adapt to changing market conditions
Either .gov, .net, .edu or books with page numbers. At least 5 references

Write a seven(7) page paper in which:
1) Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you.
2) Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped to enhance your relationship skills in the workplace.
3)Evaluate the performance of your selected leader based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication to determine if this leader was succesful in motivating and empowering you to improve on your work performance. Explain your answer.
4) Determine three (3) best practices organizational leaders can use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits.
5)Discuss some of the challenges leaders encounter when managing diversity and how diversity helps business organizations better compete in global markets.
6) Develop an effective business startegy to address the challenges and issues you have identified above.
Either .net, .gov .edu or books with page numbers At least 5 references

Presentation of part two LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT

Write a nine (9) slide presentation in which:
1) Provide a tilte slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.
2) Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2-one (1) slide per criteron, for a total of six (6) slides.
3)Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.

Format the PowerPoint presenattion with headings on each slde and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc). ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable.
Include a title slide conatining the title of the assignment.
Either .gov, or books with page numbers

Research one of the following
option 1) De Beers Diamond Company
option 2) National Football League (NFL)
option 3) British Petroleum
After choosing the topic write 8 page paper

1) Specify the nature, structure, types of products or service of your chosen organization, and two (2) key factors in the organization's external environment that can affect its success. Provide explanation to support the rationale.

2) Examine three (3) salient stakeholders of the chosen organization based on their key roles and relationship with the company.

3) Suggest five (5) ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization's financial performance. Provide support for the response.

4) Specify one (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with your selected organization.

5) Assuming you are the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, outline a plan to form a stakeholder coalition to force the organization to address your chosen controversial issue. The plan should include the key steps that you would take to identify membersfor your coalition group, the major reasons why you believe that the particular target group can help you to accomplish your goal, and the method you would utilize to foster collaboration among the various groups you target.

6) Assume the role as the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, and indicate three (3) potential challenges that you may face in encouraging stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve your goals. Suggest the significant steps that you would take in order to overcome these challenges that you have identified. Justify the response.

7) No wikipedia No .com allowed
either books with page numbers, .edu, .gov, .net at least five quality references(5)

Research one of the following
option 1) AT&T
option 2) Hershey Company
option 3) Coca-Cola
option 4) Chevron
Next use the internet to research the code of ethical conduct of two (2) similar companies in the same industry as the company you have chosen.
After choosing one write eight (8) page paper

1) Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company's code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you belive are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.

2) Using the three (3) key issues you selcted as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codesof conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.

3) Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomesfor each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company hfails to address these isuues.

4) Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the comapny currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.

5) Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.

6)Specify at least one (1) lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.

7) Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original comapny yopu selected, and asses the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company's goals. Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts contribute significantly to the company's sustainable development goals.

8) Use at least five (5) quality references, either.
gov , .edu, .net or books with page numbers

PART THREE Five pages (5)
Condense information from PART TWO to create a PowerPoint presentation.

Create a nine (9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you:

1) Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to you presentation.

2) Summarize your response to each of the criteria in PART TWO - one (1) slide per criteron, for a total of seven (7) slides.

3) Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.

4) Narrate each slide, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

APA format NO WIKIPEDIA NO.COM allowed
Format the PowerPOint presentation with headings on each slide and thre to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.

There is five days the most option only, but all of this can wait till monday the july 14th on monday if needed.

3 Pages

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business

Words: 1088
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how they address problems. For this assignment,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Ethical Leadership in Business the

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please describe your concept of ethical leadership in business. Discuss your view of the current state of ethical leadership in business. - Ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct. - All…

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1 Pages

Ethical Leadership Problems That Resulted

Words: 345
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Please read the following case, and answer the three (3) questions at the end. The Healthcare Company: Learning from Mistakes? In 1968 Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr., Jack C.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Chipotle: Method of Conduct

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment 2: Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Because of the human aspect of ethics and its links to business success, corporate leaders must be careful about their behaviors, and how…

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6 Pages

ATT Code of Conduct

Words: 1932
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Research the code of ethical…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics Imagine That IT's Your Responsibility to

Words: 2820
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment 5: Ethics Exercise-See syllabus for due date . Your assignment will be to answer the ethics questions provided below and then upload your responses using the information provided at…

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7 Pages

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Words: 2228
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Words: 1952
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Global Business Environment Due Week 8 and worth 280 points According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical…

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2 Pages

Code of Conduct -- the School Environment

Words: 746
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

(1) Respond to the four discussions below 4 topics each topic needs 10 sentence responses. A total of 40 sentences with 2 internet references…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Leadership Principal Theories of Leadership and Motivation

Words: 1900
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. Paper should include the following: - Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation. - Analyze organizational structure and culture of Apple to determine…

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4 Pages

Ratio Analysis Etc. On Apple, Inc.

Words: 1666
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Section A Computations Using the following Excel template, compute the ratios for the four most recent quarters of Apple, Inc. (Sources of free data include Yahoo Finance and MSN Money.) Research…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Organization Business Strategy the Organization

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please answer the following 9 questions. Mostly in your own words. Please be sure to separate each question with the corresponding answer. 1.Review the 13 strategic staffing decisions that…

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6 Pages

AT&T Standards and Business Global Business Environment

Words: 2552
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2 Due Week 10 and worth 100 points In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business Code of Ethics Wells

Words: 1126
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications. This paper uses a structured, objective…

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10 Pages

Challenger Launch Decision

Words: 2891
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This report must focus on Joe Kilminster and the ethics of the launch. I will be emailing you more directions. The book is called "The Challenger Launch Decision" Author is…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Whistle Blowing Refers to Denunciation

Words: 1972
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please answer each essay question with at least 200 words each, using APA format list references at the end of each question. Each question should be no more…

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6 Pages

Ethics and Professional Behavior the American Court

Words: 1614
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice. Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship of ethics and professional…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Hershey Company Hershey's Is a Listed Company.

Words: 1685
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Further detailed instruction with assignment rubric will be uploaded to control panel. Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the…

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5 Pages

Policy Statement Analysis the Tri-Council

Words: 1336
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Please write on the chapter about free and informed consent. Instructions for the term paper: Take one chapter from the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Hospital Code of Ethics Critique

Words: 883
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Critique 2 or more sections of company's code of ethics. Are those sections of the code working well or should be revised? Be specific in your recommendations. Also discuss…

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8 Pages

Hba and the Building Trade the Liabilities of a Professional Association

Words: 2949
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The following are explicit instructions on the paper: Each student will prepare a paper based on an issue that presents a legal and ethics issue based one or more of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Curricula, Notices to Parents, Interview

Words: 1825
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Section 1 list and explain any documentation (such as curricula, notices to parents, interview guidelines) that would reflect your unique abilities/or intentions to work with different families in a classroom/instructional…

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6 Pages

Scientific Research With Animals, and

Words: 2057
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

This was the original assignment. The APA Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals, Section VI.A state: " Psychologist undertake research with animals... with a…

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18 Pages
Research Paper

Leadership Assessment, and Kodak and Fujifilm

Words: 4930
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Part one Kodak and Fujifilm Write a seven (7) page paper in which you describe 1) Describe the history and core business of each company. 2) Compare and contrast the approach to…

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19 Pages

De Beers and Coca Cola: Critical Analysis

Words: 5181
Length: 19 Pages
Type: Essay

PART 1 Research one of the following option 1) De Beers Diamond Company option 2) National Football League (NFL) option 3) British Petroleum After choosing the topic write 8 page paper 1) Specify…

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