Erp Systems Essays Prompts

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There are four tasks for my team,and my task is only to write the first part(1.BENEFITS OF ERP SYSTEMS FOR ACCOUNTING),I have provide all material below. but you only need to read the part which is useful for my task.please also use resources(reference)other than the textbook

ITM 442

Like any complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in many different kinds of ways. Since enterprise systems by definition are as broad as the enterprise its...elf, it follows that the number of ways it could be implemented is limited only by the imagination of the participants -- which, in an organization of any size, is almost unlimited. Obviously, not all of these ways of implementing ERP systems are equally good; some will produce effective results and corporate returns; others will result in extremely expensive doorstops and paperweights.

As the case for this module, you're asked to think about ERP implementation. For starters, please read two articles with practical advice regarding implementation:

Burns, M. (2010). How to select and implement an ERP. 180 Systems. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from

Donovan, R. M.(n.d.). Successful ERP implementation the first time. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from

The ?Open Directory Project? purports to be a reasonably comprehensive catalog of the information available on the Web. Unlike a search engine like Google, it doesn?t offer any assessment of the sites it links to; it simply takes them at their self-described word. If you're not familiar with the Open Directory Project, click here for a quick rundown.

For our purposes, we?re particularly interested in some nine companies (or collections of companies that are found in their ERP listing (The Open Directory (2011) ERP Systems. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from These are:

Baan (9)
Industrial and Financial Systems-IFS (10)
J D Edwards (15)
Kewill (8)
Lawson Software (26)
Manman (2)
Oracle (9)
Peoplesoft (36)
SAP (138)
The numbers in parentheses indicate how many sub-listings there are for various lines of business or other company aspects; obviously, you don?t have to consult more than a few of them in the course of your research here.

You should also be prepared to use material from the Background Information or other related materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on).

As your assignment here, you are to take a good look at two to four of these ERP vendors from the Open Directory. Examine some their web sites, look over the resources they make available, and read about how they see the process of implementing ERP.

When you have completed this examination and made your notes, please prepare a short (3-5 page) paper addressing the following questions:

"What do vendors seem to know and not know about implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization's ERP decision?"

Your paper should be between three and five pages. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Precision: Your draw on a range of sources, and to establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carried out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explained the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts (running out of time isn?t generally considered an adequate limitation).

Support for assertions: You use examples, citations (especially to the required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. You provide evidence that you have read the required background materials.

Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.

Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

Critical thinking: The paper incorporates YOUR reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the "required readings" posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your informed commentary and analysis is vital -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.

Managerial accounting is intended to provide managers with the information they need to make decisions and run the company successfully. The information must be reliable ,timely and complete. Its provision ,however is dictated by the accounting and management information system in place.In recent years, integrated systems known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) system have become more widespread, even among SMEs. Computer costs have dropped, while computer speed and capacity have increased.
Discuss the effects of these phenomena on managerial accounting capabilities. Integrated systems should enable the collection of information in greater amounts and faster .Recall that managers needs relevant and accurate information quickly in order to make good decisions .Have ERP systems also affected the organisation?s financial reporting process- i.e ,The process by which the periodic financial statement are produced.? Greater amounts of information may actually make financial reporting more difficult ,instead of the differing objectives of the two types of accounting .Are there limitations that continue to exist, affecting the production of managerial information.


Write five pages on what should be ERP implementation approach and methodology for implementing ERP in an Organisation i.e. Two and half pages each on Quntative and Qualitative approach based on follw...oing resources,

Below are the resource which must be used and referd in the write up + more resources are welcome.

Information Technology for Managers by George W. Reynolds
University of Cincinnati

Akkermans H and Helden KV (2002) Vicious and virtuous cycle in ERP

implementation: a case study of interrelations between critical

success factors. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 11,

pp. 35-36

Al-Mashari M, Al-Mudimigh A and Zairi M (2003) Enterprise resource

planning: A taxanomy of critical factors. European Journal of

Operational Research, Vol. 146, pp. 353-364

Aloini D, Dulmin R and Mininno V (2007) Risk management in ERP project

introduction: Review of the literature. Information & Management,

Vol. 44, pp. 457-567

Bhatti TR (2005) Critical Success Factor for the implementation of

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Empirical Validation. The Second

International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology


Dantes GR and Hasibuan ZA (2010) Measurements of Key Success Factors

on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation. IBIMA Business


Vol. 2010, Article ID 976753, 11 pages, DOI: 10.5171/2010.976753

Davenport TH (2000) Mission Critical ? Realizing the promise of

Enterprise Systems. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

Data ISBN 0-87584-906-7, Harvard Business School Press, Boston


Dixit A K and Prakash O (2011) A study of issues affecting ERP

implementation in SMEs. International Refereed Research Journal, Vol.

2, No. 2, pp. 77-85

Dong L (2008) Exploring the impact of top management support of

enterprise systems implementations outcome ? Two cases. Business

Process Management Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 204-218

Ehie IC and Madsen M (2005) Identifying critical issues in enterprise

resource planning (ERP) implementation. Computers in Industry, Vol.

56, pp. 545-557

Holland CP and Light B (1999) A Critical Success Factors Model for ERP

Implementation. IEEE Software, May/June, pp. 30-36

Hussain JI and Cornelius N (2009) The use of domination and

legitimation in information systems implementation. Information

Systems Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 197-224

Jacobs F R and ?Ted? Weston Jr. F C (2007) Enterprise resource

planning (ERP)-A brief history. Journal of Operations Management, Vol.

25, pp. 357-363

Klaus H, Rosemann M and Gable GG (2000) What is ERP? Information

Systems Frontiers, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 141-162

Reynolds GW (2010) Information Technology for Managers. Boston: Course

Technology - Cengage Learning

Scheer A and Habermann F (2000) Making ERP a success. Communications

of the ACM, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 57-61

Spathis C and Constantinides S (2003) The usefulness of ERP systems

for effective management.

Wu J and Wang Y (2006) Measuring ERP success: the ultimate users?

view. Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 26, No. 8,

pp. 882-903

Wylie L (1990) A vision of the next-generation MRP II. Scenario

S-300-339, Garner Group April 12, 1990, cited in Jacobs FR and Weston

Jr. FCT (2007) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) ? A brief history.

Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 25, pp. 357-363

Title: Evolution of ERP Timeline
1. Create a timeline that shows the evolution of ERP.
2. Label important milestones in the evolution of ERP systems.
3. Prepare a 6 page 1800 word explanation of your timeline.
A. Include a description of the origins and important events in the
evolution of ERP systems.
B. Explain various features associated with different ERP systems.
C. Explain how the development of earlier ERP systems led to the
transition to more sophisticated systems.

Note: 6 full pages total includes the timeline and references.
Please do not waste one page to cite references; fit the references within the written pages. Thank you.


o 5 pages in length (excluding title page, table of contents, bibliography, and exhibits).

o Title page should include at minimum the Title, the class, your name, my name. <>
o No greater than 12 pt font, no less than 10 pt font.

o Can be double spaced.

o Must be prepared in an MS Word document.

Topic I want the topic to be about the internal controls in ERP systems and business processes. Show both successes and falures of internal controls and give citation to back up successes and failures. i would like a couple of Quotes to add to the paper

- Re-read the grading criteria in the Syllabus.
Grading of Term Papers
Below are some guidelines for the grading format of the term papers.
o 20%, Visual appeal, format, uniformity & consistency
o 10%, Spelling, grammar, following instructions
o 20 %, Scope/organization/ & thoroughness
o 40%, current and creative

o 100%, Total

- Be creative, imaginative and use your own original thought process whether you are comparing, contrasting, describing, discussing, analyzing, or summarizing the sides of your topic. A paper which is just a regurgitation of research will likely have mediocre scoring at best.

- Do not write on a topic that is too broad since you only have 5 pages to make your points.

- Pick a topic that is fun and interesting to you...current information from outside sources are always welcomed.

Please summarize attached articles "Continuous Auditing in ERP System Environments: The Current State and Future Directions" in a 3 page double spaced APA compliant paper.

Thank you.
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (Oriented) completes this order.

ERP and Information Security


Review the current literature and write a research paper about the information security issues faced when rolling out an ERP system at a Fortune 500 company. The paper s...hould be in APA style, 25-30 pages, double spaced, with 12 point font. The reference page should include a minimum of 15-20 sources and the body of the paper should include 15-20 in-text citations (direct quotes or paraphased). Be sure to include real world companies / examples / cases in your paper. This assignment is due Friday 12-09-2011.

Text Book: Whitman, M. and Mattord, H. (2008) Management of Information Security, Second Edition, Thomson Course Technology. ISBN-13: 978-42390130-3, ISBN-10: 1-4239-0130-4.
More Details:

The company I chose to write about is (Harley Davidson). The format will be somewhat like that:

1- Harley Davidson company history.

2- Financials of the company.

3- Introduction to ERP (what is ERP, why a company [or Harley Davidson] needs it, why it is important to secure ERP)

4- Issues with the implementation. (How to secure the following: [Physical Hardware, Software, Networks, firewalls, anti virus]) in the company.

5- How to secure communication in the company (sending and recieving files for example via emails or other programs) inside the company.

6- Security plans for natural disaster. (how to be ready and secure before or in natural disasters)

7- implementing strategy (long term strategy)

8- Conclusion

(-)The paper is due Friday 12-09-2011 but I want it on Thursday afternoon.

(-) I wrote the Format up, But you have to check the security book that I listed above and see if I am missing some parts because they listed many security issues. please do what you think is right ifyou think we have to add more parts, because I haven't read the book.

(-) Please make sure you read the book and the details in it, because the professor said he will know if we haven't read it. The paper mainly should be based on the information in it.

(-) The paper is 25-30 pages. If 26 pages is not enough for you I'll update the pages by calling you guys and see how many pages is good for you to cover the paper, you have till 30 pages (max).

(-) Please read the requirments part (above) and follow it exactly regarding the how many sources (in-text and total)

(-) If you have any question, please email me (

(-) I already did the first part (the company part), copy and paste to the paper.

(-) This is an independent study class, the class is about this paper, please do your best as I am graduating this semester.

This is the company history and financials part that I did,copy and paste to the paper and make double space 12, then you will start with the real part (ERP Security of the company) # 3 in the (more details) part above

History and Background Information

The Harley-Davidson Company dates back to the first decade of the twentieth century. In 1903, William Harley, Walter Davidson, and Arthur Davidson built and sold their first motorcycle: a motorized bicycle with a three horsepower engine. Later, in 1907, Harley-Davidson Motor Company incorporated. By the 1920s, Harley-Davidson had become the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the United States and the industrys technological leader. During the Great Depression, the majority of Harley-Davidsons competitors exited the industry. Harley-Davidson however survived the Great Depression through military sales and exports. During World War II, Harley-Davidson again benefited from military procurement. In the five years that followed the end of the War, Harley-Davidson introduced three luxury models: The K-model, the Sportster Superbike, and the Duo-Glide. In 1953, Indian Motorcycle, the only other surviving American motorcycle manufacturer, exited the market and Harley-Davidson remained as the only American motorcycle manufacturer.
Notwithstanding Harley-Davidsons efforts to expand its customer base, the United States motorcycle market remained stagnant during the 1950s. In the next 15 years, by contrast, sales of small and light motorcycles increased. This increase in demand was primarily for small and light motorcycles. Therefore, Harley-Davidsons sales remained stagnant. Identifying a shift in demand, Japanese motorcycle manufacturers developed smaller, faster, and quieter motorcycles for the American market. Led by Honda, those manufacturers captured a large segment of the motorcycle market from Harley-Davidson. Later, by introducing heavier and more powerful motorcycles, they began to compete directly against Harley-Davidson. Ignoring the shift in demand towards lightweight motorcycles, Harley-Davidson expanded its output of heavyweight machines. To raise capital, Harley-Davidson went public in 1965, but the company quickly became the target of a hostile takeover. In 1969, to protect the company, the founding families sold Harley-Davidson to American Machinery and Foundry (AMF). The acquisition was part of an effort of AMF to diversify into leisure products (Rich Teerlink 5-6).
Subsequent to the change in ownership, labor relations and management style contributed to a decline in the quality of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. As a result, between 1973 and 1981, price and quality comparison between American and Japanese motorcycles further eroded the market share of Harley-Davidson. Hence, AMF sold Harley-Davidson to a group of investors, including a number of Harley-Davidson executives. The executives were determined to increase productivity and quality, primarily by adopting Japanese manufacturing methods. Later, Harley-Davidson emerged as a leaner, more flexible, and competitive business entity. Harley-Davidsons market share in the heavyweight segment of the motorcycle industry rose from 13% in 1983 to 19% in 1986 and to 50% in 1997.
In 1998, Harley-Davidson acquired Buell, a manufacturer of a single cylinder 490 cc. The result was a lighter, sleeker, and less expensive Harley-Davidson motorcycle that appeals to women. In the early 2000s, Harley-Davidson began to sell a special Sportster model designed specifically for women. In addition, seeking to reinforce customer loyalty, Harley-Davidsons brand marketers promoted the sales of motorcycle-related merchandise, such as clothing, house ware, shoes, wallets, and watches. Furthermore, Harley licensed its logo to more than 100 manufacturers, including the Ford Motor Company. Identifying the significance of the export market, Harley-Davidson acquired MV Agusta, an Italian motorcycle manufacturer in August 2008. In October 2009, Harley Davidson ceased production of Buell motorcycles. One year later, in August 2010, Harley-Davidson divested from MV Agusta as well.
Currently, Harley-Davidson operates in North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Pacific and Latin America. The company operates in two segments: motorcycles and related products and financial services, which provides financing and insurance services to Harley-Davidson dealers and their retail customers (Mergent Online).

Company Internal Analysis

An internal analysis of Harley-Davidson begins with a review of the corporations competitive advantage. A company gains a competitive advantage over its rivals if its profitability exceeds the average profitability of all companies in its industry. A sustained competitive advantage therefore is an important part of functional strategies; an advantage that will generate above-average profits and growth. To maintain a sustained competitive advantage, management must develop its organizations unique resources and capabilities, as well as differentiate its products from those of the rivals (Hills, 2010, p.74). Harley Davisons resources are the companys tangible and intangible assets: the companys tangible assets include advanced production equipment and facilities; the intangible assets include strong management, laborrelations, supplier relations, dealer relations, and strong customer loyalty. Harley-Davidson has used its assets to build strong brand loyalty, reduced the cost-structure of the production, and differentiated the Harley-Davidson products from the products of its main competitors.

Company Financial Analysis

To indentify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Harley-Davidson, Harley-Davidsons current performance has been compared against its historic performance. Financial ratios are standard measurements for analyzing the performance of corporations. The following ratios are used to evaluate the performance of Harley-Davidson: (1) profitability, (2) liquidity, (3) and debt ratios.
Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios reflect a companys assets utilization and expense control and measure a companys financial performance (Finance Goropelli p 442). Profitability ratios measure specific aspects of profitability, such as return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), and profit margin. ROA measures how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROE, however, measures the net income that a firm generates as a percent of stockholders' equity, is the most important ratio applying to stockholders, and is the best measure of performance of management. Profit margin measures how well a company controls its costs. An increase in a companys profit margin corresponds to an increase in the companys cost control.
Table 2 shows Harley-Davidsons profitability ratios for a five-year period from 2006 to 2010. For year ending 2010, Harley-Davidson had a 1.58% ROA, an increase of more than three times since the previous year. During the same period, Harley-Davidsons ROE and profit margin have also increased.

Table 2
Profitability Ratios 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006
ROA % (Net) 1.58 (0.65) 9.68 16.69 19.34
ROE % (Net) 6.79 (2.61) 29.08 36.39 35.72
ROI % (Operating) 7.14 2.85 19.54 31.91 36.64
EBITDA Margin % 15.15 9.34 21.45 26.89 29.71

Therefore, for four consecutive years, from 2006 to 2009, Harley-Davidsons profits declined. In 2010, although Harley-Davidson was more profitable than it had been in 2009, it still could not reach the profit levels it had experienced in 2006 to 2008.
Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity ratios are used to determine a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations. A company's ability to turn short-term assets into cash to cover debts is of the utmost importance when creditors are seeking payment. As shown in Table 3, Harley-Davidsons liquidity ratios fluctuated during the last five years (Mergent Online). The current ratio or working capital ratio is the most commonly used liquidity ratio. It is an excellent way to gauge business liquidity because it measures the extent to which current assets exceed current liabilities. The higher the ratio, the more capable a company is of paying its obligations.

Table 3
Harley-Davidson Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity Ratios 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006
Quick Ratio 1.52 1.47 1.81 1.54 1.56
Current Ratio 2.02 1.91 2.07 1.82 2.23
Net Current Assets % Total Assets 21.77 22.65 35.44 27.62 35.34

On the other hand, the quick ratio, also called the acid-test ratio, measures the relationship between the more liquid current asset accounts such as cash, marketable securities, and accounts receivable to the current liability accounts. Although, Harley-Davidsons liquidity ratios had fluctuations within the last five years, the fluctuations were insignificant. In addition, companys liquidity ratios are above the industry average which shows companys ability to pay-off its debts.
Debt Utilization (leverage) Ratios
Debt ratios capture the relationship between a companys debts and assets, as well as the relationship between interest payments and earnings. A debt-to-equity ratio gives an indication of a companys total liabilities in relation to total assets. The higher the ratio, the more leverage a company uses and the more risk it assumes. By using a combination of assets, debt, equity, and interest payments, leverage ratios are used to measure a companys ability to meet long-term obligations. As shown in Table 4, the long-term-debt-to-equity ratio has a steady increase which shows a company is heavily relying on long-term debt to acquire assets.
The relationship between interest payments and earning, the interest-coverage ratio, measures a company ability to pay interest expenses. The ratio reflects the amount of interest due as a percentage of a companys earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)

Table 4
Harley-Davidson Debt Management Ratios
Debt Management Ratios 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006
LT Debt to Equity 2.6 1.95 1.03 0.41 0.32
Total Debt to Equity 2.61 2.67 1.85 0.88 0.62
Interest Coverage 6.2 9.04 226.56 186.24 209.36

. As shown in Figure 6, Harley-Davidson is using an increasing percentage of its earnings to pay for interest on its debt obligations. As its debt-to-equity ratios increases, Harley-Davidson is using an increasing percentage of its earnings to pay for interest.

please send me email, so that I'll be able to contact you for further updates. (

first I would like the writer nicolle to complete my order.

The Final Project Plan requires you to complete a weekly task. The weekly tasks are included below. The overall project starts with... requirements and selection and ends with an implemented ERP system, which will be modeled in a Microsoft Project plan. You will need to add to the project plan each week in order to address the project steps while you are learning more about each phase or component of the overall project. Each of the major phases or processes will be broken down into roughly 8-10 subprocesses, each of which may have 8-10 activities or steps. Each activity or step should be estimated to have a realistic duration, and predecessor and successor tasks should be established. Keep in mind most of these projects will span 12-18 months in duration, and many of the activities can be run in parallel. For the purposes of this assignment, we will assume we have unlimited human resources to help conduct the project. You will complete your work using MS Project. Your instructor will provide you with directions for downloading a copy of MS Project, which will include the correct version of MS Project to download.

Assignment schedule

Assignment schedule

Week 1 ? Project requirements and selection process
Week 2 ? Hardware sizing and architectural considerations
Week 3 ? Major functional area. At a minimum, Accounting, HR and Manufacturing or Services
Week 4 ? Subprocesses within Accounting
Week 5 ? Subprocesses within HR
Week 6 ? Subprocesses within Manufacturing or Services
Week 7 ? Implementation/go-live and turn in the MS Project file

The facilitator will provide instructions on the delivery method for the final project, as well as when to submit your project plan for grading.

Summary of Final Project Tasks

Project Task 1: Project Management and Selection Process.
Task Description: During Week 1, focus on the Project Requirement and Selection Process.

Project Task 2: Hardware sizing and architectural considerations.
Task Description: During Week 2, you will focus on the hardware sizing and architectural considerations for your Project Plan.

Project Task 3: Functional Areas: Accounting, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and Services.
Task Description: Continue to work on the Project Plan focusing on Functional Areas that include Accounting, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and Services in Week 3.

Project Task 4: Subprocesses within Accounting.
Task Description: Continue to work on the Project Plan focusing on subprocesses within Accounting in Week 4.

Project Task 5: Subprocesses within Human Resources (HR).
Task Description: Continue to work on the Project Plan focusing on subprocesses within Human Resources (HR) in Week 5.

Project Task 6: Subprocesses within Manufacturing or Services.
Task Description: Continue to work on the Project Plan focusing on subprocesses within Manufacturing or Services in Week 6. Add to your project plan the activities of implementation or deployment. In SAP, these are the ?Realization? steps. Provide a realistic estimate of duration.

Project Task 7: Implementation.
Task Description: Complete and turn in, per your facilitator?s instructions, the Microsoft Project plan including the selection, blueprinting, implementation, and realization phases of the project. This will typically include 300-500 tasks with duration estimates.
The Project Plan will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Does it cover in sufficient detail (60-100 activities/major process) each of the major processes of selection, sizing/configuration/installation, Accounting, Human Resources, Manufacturing or services?
Is the work break down structure well organized and logical?
Do all of the activities have estimated durations (other than 1 day defaults) and appropriate successor and predecessor dependencies?
Does the entire project forecast to be complete within 18 months?

Upgrading or replacing legacy systems has resulted in reducing time constraints, costs, and information risks.

Assess the various types of migration strategies (e.g., pilot projects) or systems (e.g., enterprise resource planning [ERP] systems) used to modernize legacy systems. Compare the legacy computer and information security architectures and other distributed systems at your organization with systems of a similar organization.

In a taxonomy, present various reliable information control systems or architectures used to replace legacy systems, such as the systems in your organization or a similar organization. Identify the strategies used to modernize the systems enhancing functionality and information security.

Assignment Outcomes
Analyze information security risks associated with legacy systems.
Assess the various types of migration strategies or systems used to modernize legacy systems

System Implementations

For this assignment, select a company that recently implemented an ERP system that was considered to be a failure.

Please ensure that APA style is correctly used. Please no unnecessary spaces between paragraphs adhered to the correct double spacing. Paragraphs should be doubled spaced, Times Roman font size(12) with one-inch margins on all sizes

Please list the questions before and then answer the question.

1. Describe the company, the business problem the company was addressing with the system implementation, the system chosen to implement, and the company?s rationale for selecting the system to solve the problem.

2. Evaluate the circumstance that lead to the failure indicating the factors that management failed to consider and how each impacted the failed implementation.

3. As an IT Auditor, propose recommendations to the company?s management team prior to the implementation indicating how each may have increased the chance for a successful systems implementation.

4. Assess whether or not the risk was worth it to the company, the ultimate outcome of the system implementation, and the resulting impact to the business.

Ensure the four (4) references are quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

chapter heading

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Concept
1.3 The Hypothesis
1.4 Objective of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 The expected results

2. Literature review
2.1 Definition of SMEs
2.2 Historical of ERP
2.3 Definition of ERP
2.4 The Scope of ERP
2.5 The characteristics of ERP
2.6 The limitation of ERP
2.7 The benefit of ERP
2.8 Critical success factor

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Tool

4. Result from the interview
4.1 result
4.2 Analysis of the interview
4.3 ERP implementation life cycle
4.4 ERP implementation procedure
4.5 Questionnaire
4.6 Expected results from questionnaire

5. Case study analysis
5.1 Analysis of the interview
5.2 ERP implementation life cycle
5.3 ERP implementation procedure

6. Discussions
6.1 Discussions from survey
6.2 Effective ERP implementation framework
6.3 Analysis barrier to successful implementations ERP in SMEs

7. Conclusion and recommendations

8. Reference

9. Appendix

10. Biography
- i need your help to finish research in chapter 5 by use 6 critical decitions (Team structure, implementation strategy ,transitions technique ,database conversion,risk management and change management)
- can u analysis in real south east asia SMEs companies that already implementation ERP system (4 case study analysis)
- plase use Harvard staly (British university)
- i will send all nessessary document via customer control panal after im finish this order process so, do not start untill you got my information please.

Smorgon Steel Case Study Analysis

Order only for Writer?s

Subject: Strategic Use of ERP Systems.

Academic level: Master Degree

Language/spelling s...tyle: British ? Harvard format

Specific Topic: "Smorgon Steel Case Study Analysis"

Type of document: Case Study (analysis report)

Sources: must be derived from the subject materials (articles) and the company answers and documentations (will send all of these to your email again)

Very important Note: Please make sure there is nothing copied from the net or books, unless it places between quotation marks. In case the paper matches more than 6% in the, and EVE2 paper will be returned for rewrite.


*** Smorgon Steel Case Study Analysis***

Smorgon?s Case Study (analysis report) must cover the following:

? How is the ERP product used to support either the ICT Strategy and/or the Business Strategy of the organisation?

? How is the success of the ERP product to meet these strategies determined? Are there metrics in place to measure the success or failure of the Business Objectives?

? What is the future direction of the ERP system does a business case exist for this direction?

? What are the expected benefits? What timelines are in place? What issues need to be dealt with to achieve these benefits?

? Is there a formalised business case? Does it include metrics? Can you have a copy of the table of contents? (Note that some of these questions may relate to sensitive information and the organisation may only be willing to share general ideas, not company specific information.)

**Must use the questions/proposal you wrote for Smorgon?s Analytics as Interview with the company (Answered sent to your email).

***Smorgon?s Business Case is quite important to cover**

**Discussion in the report must relate to and be contrasted with current texts and journal articles relating to Strategic Use of ERP Systems. The case study is NOT to be just a descriptive report; you must show evidence of analysis and synthesis of the case study information. Chunks of information directly imported from the web or other sources will not be accepted ? penalties will be imposed for plagiarism.

**You are expected to use material from the class readings and the lectures to support your discussion (will be sent to you). You may locate, read and cite book and journal references outside of those used in the subject but failure to use material presented in class to support your discussion will lead to a poor result.

Information collected must be presented in a separate appendix, for example details of interviews or surveys.

**You must include suitable diagrams and tables (you can use some of the diagrams in the paper and case study I will send to you)

Recommended format for the Case Study as follows:

1- Executive Summary (One page) ? must be comprehensive and cover what in the report.

2- Introduction.

3- Brief description of organization, e.g. mission statement, industry sector, size (no more than half page).

4- A description and critical analysis of the ERPs used in this organization.

5- Body (With a logical structure).

6- Conclusion ? must be effective.

7- Recommendations ? very important.

8- List of references -- in Harvard format.


The theoretical material for this Case Study will be sent to you (must be from the subject materials ? and should be referenced properly throughout the paper) . References must be cited throughout the paper and only those cited can be included in the List of References. Any information you use or based your points on from questions/proposal and answers (you initially wrote) from the company refer to it as (Smorgon Interview, 2006).

The paper should be properly referenced using (Harvard) and should demonstrate both depth and breadth of reading and an analysis and understanding of the topic.

Paper will be submitted to and to check for plagiarism.

Requirements: (Please Read Carefully)

***Abstract/ or Executive Summary must be included (Only one page)*** Very Important*** - must be effective, coherent and cover what in the paper (Case study).

*** Effective and Suitable Introduction and ConclusionRecommendations must be included***

***Minimum Quotes are required (No more than five '5' (short) quotes throughout the Paper) direct copy from source MUST be placed in quotes, and cited using Harvard System, Students are advised to use their OWN words and minimize using of quotations***

***The Case Study must be written in YOUR OWN WORDS not repeating sections from the Work Reviewed (Be specific and don?t talk in general terms nor IT jargon), but the REFERENCES must be included and appeared to support your work and idea.*** (i.e. ? your point in your own words? (John, 2005; Jeff, 2003; Mark, 2004; Anna, 2006)?)

***You must include appropriate appendices to cover any necessary collected information from the company*** Important

***You must explain the component without using IT jargon and journalistic terms***

***The Paper must be highly presented in good Research and Case study format***

***Heading is required to highlight the important part of the Paper***

***Diagrams/Charts/Tables must be used throughout the Case study *** (Very Important).

***Any direct copy from source must be placed in quote.***

*** The paper will be submitted to "" and ? to check for plagiarism. Students are required to use their own words and minimize the use of quotations (Max 5), but you have to add the supporting references for each ideas*** -- Please check there is nothing copied from book, or the web unless you quoted it. (Use your own words and ideas and support/reference them)

***List of sources/ references page in Harvard System is required***

***Please Make sure you cover the topic, the Case Study is short so please adhere to the topic and analyze it in depth.***


Originality is crucial.

Please make sure there is nothing copied from the net or books, unless it places between quotation marks. In case the paper matches more than 6% in the and and EVE2 paper will be returned for rewrite.

Best regards,

There are faxes for this order.

Word Limit: 2000 words (excluding annotated bibliography)


Despite it?s modular structure and the move towards Service Oriented

Architectures, in the past 20 years..., ERP software and the associated benefits it brings has remained the preserve of those multinational organisations that could afford the heavy costs associated with the initial purchase of the software and its subsequent configuration. The growth in Open Source Software (OSS), Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings from companies such as
Deltion, Compiere, ERP5 et al, are proving a lifeline to smaller companies particularly in the business to business Supply Chains and Logistics arena that rival those of the traditional ERP market.

1 Examine the concepts discussed in the above statement and discuss the
suitability and what opportunities OSS & SaaS technologies have provided
for SMEs who traditionally have been excluded from entering the ERP

2 What are the limitations, advantages and disadvantages that exist for SMEs trying to ?reap the benefits? associated with ERP systems?

3 Suggest a strategy for implementing one of these alternate ERP systems
within an SME, based on appropriate theory and practical experience
mentioned in academic literature.

Use suitable case studies/examples to justify your answers.

The report should be accompanied by an annotated bibliography detailing your reference sources, along with a few accompanying sentences to explain in what way you used each referenced item within your assignment and to what extent you found it beneficial.

? PLEASE ensure that the report is written as ORIGINAL as possible because it will be uploaded for PLAGIARISM CHECK!!!

A Report on Enterprise Resource Planning, Open Source Software(OSS), Software as a Service(SaaS) and Cloud Computing.

Specific Requirements:
The Report should be 2000 words in total (Excluding the References and Bibliography)......The Report should be written to be as original as possible because it will be uploaded for plagiarism check....the Report should be written to reflect the following factors:
1) Quality of argument / Use
of theory with examples

2) Evidence of synthesis

3) Quality and justification
of conclusions

4) Structure and approach

5) Presentation, quantity and
quality of References

6) Annotations : quality and
relationship with report

7)The citation of the reference should be within each paragraph or sentence in the report.Before the overall listed reference.

....The Questions and other detailed requirements are in the attached document.


Required Readings
McNamara C, (n.d.), Operations Management. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from (2011) ERP System - ERP Basic and ERP Evolution. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from

Wailgum T, (n.d.), ERP Definition and Solutions. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from

iStart (2008) ERP case study: Hansen's pipeline to the world. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from:

Instructional Strategies Online (n.d.) What is simulation? November 4, 2011, from

Optional Readings
Florence, K.Z. (2008) Maximizing Throughput: Six Steps to Increase Top Line Sales. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from,0,w.

Oracle is big on Production Scheduling and control with the acquisition of JD Edwards. Look at their product and data sheet at

Supplemental Resources
Additional supplemental and background information may be found here, as well as some generic resources that may be of value to you all through the course.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. Their purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders. [reference] They have become the workhorses of production scheduling in most companies in recent years, due to their ability to integrate a wide range of information across functional, source, and time lines. Youll hear a great deal more about ERP before you finish your program with us; for now, its enough to realize that (a) there are a lot of competing systems out there, most of which do not play nicely with each other or, often, with legacy systems, and (b) choosing such systems and evaluating their performance is far from straightforward.

Lets begin with some general background on ERP systems: (2011) ERP System - ERP Basic and ERP Evolution. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from

Wailgum T, (n.d.), ERP Definition and Solutions. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from

Now lets look at an actual case study of ERP at work in a production context. Hansen Products is a prominent pipe fitting and valve manufacturing company in New Zealand that serves the agricultural, horticultural, marine, engineering, commercial and domestic markets. They hold a very impressive share of the New Zealand market (you might find it interesting to look at their web site)! Back in 2008, Hansens goal was to grow their international business and double their exporting over the next few years, but they realized that their legacy information technologies were stifling such growth. Their challenge was to find and implement an ERP that integrated key business functions and allowed for the growth they wanted.

They chose Axapta, a system marketed by Microsoft. Originally developed by the Danes, the company was acquired by Microsoft in 2002., and its name was changed in 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can click here to read more about the current capacities of the system, but its not really critical to assessing Hansens earlier experiences with it.

The following source article describes Hansen's ERP decision and experiences:

iStart (2008) ERP case study: Hansen's pipeline to the world.

When you've had a chance to read this article, review information from the background readings and research other sources on your own, please prepare a 3-4 page paper on the topic:

"The effects of Hansens ERP technology changes on both production and non-production functions of the business, and how the production and non-production effects are related to each other"

Your paper should be between three and five pages. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

You will be particularly assessed on:
Precision: Your draw on a range of sources, and to establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carried out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explained the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts (running out of time isnt generally considered an adequate limitation).
Support for assertions: You use examples, citations (especially to the required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. You provide evidence that you have read the required background materials.
Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.
Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.
Critical thinking: The paper incorporates YOUR reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the "required readings" posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your informed commentary and analysis is vital -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Overall quality: Your paper is well written and the references, where needed, are properly cited and listed (refer to the TUI guidelines ( if you are uncertain about formats or other issues.

As follows:
To be fomatted as ACI, which is described below:

I. Analytical Exposition
Describes the subject. It should begin with a statement; i.e. The paper
presents a discussion of the Evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Systems.

II. Critical Context
Assess its worth. It should begin with a statement; i.e. The external
frame of reference applied to evaluate the evolution of ERP Systems is the
extensive manhours spent in the development and support of home grown,
business specific applications.

III. Integrative Conclusion
Should begin with ;i.e. My understanding of the evolution of ERP Systems
enhances my personal and professional effectiveness ... I will complete
this section.

IV. References
At least three scholarly references.

The context of the paper should describe how business systems have evolved
over the last 10 to 15 years. It was common practice for businesses armed
with their large IT department to develop in-house systems to suit "their"
specific needs.

As business rationalize their core competencies, they no longer are able to
develop or maintain these home grown solutions.

At least 3 scholarly sources.

The case about Industrial company implemented ERP system and applying business rules to automate their decision making, you should focus on enterprise asset management module of ERP, you know f...or sure this module will cover company asset management to deal with company's equipment and work orders management to deal maintenance work orders and preventive maintenance planning you should take the product (Infor EAM or Oracle EAM as example), EAM is module for enterprise asset management and it's part of ERP suite. you should suggest business rules system to be use with EAM system and benefit from all available data in it to automate business process of this Industrial company. so we will have in this company EAM module which part of ERP and will have Business rule system will work with it to automate all asset management, work orders and maintenance management and material and purchasing management business processes. when we talking about business processes we should focus on the users and management perspective. I have attached Infor EAM user guide for you to have clear picture about EAM system in general. the proposed Business rules system should also cover other system like distributed control system (DCS) which usually installed in plant, so through this business rules system will be kind of integration between DCS system and ERP system.
In this paper I prefer to use some figures especially when you trying to explain business rules and how it works. also in building the suggested business rules for EAM to automate their business processes and decision making in this field.

Discuss and critically evaluate various articles on Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) , its functionality and evolution to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Below are the topics which should cover the thesis report

- Necessity of a WMS (Do we need one)
- Functionality of WMS
- Choosing a WMS
- Future trends on WMS

Recomended data available via Emerald & Business source premier database

Referencing system , author-date system such as Harvard or APA system.

Note : I have downloaded few articles from above databases ,appreciate if you could let me know the max file size for uploading this via email.


There are faxes for this order.

Subject "Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs)"

Academic level: Master Degree

Language/spelling style: British

General subject: Information Systems (ERP)

Spec...ific Topic: ERP Solutions for Small to Medium Enterprise (SME?s)

Sources: 20 Twenty (some of them must be Journals if possible)


Produce an academic paper of no more than 3,000 words, which addresses the following topic. The paper should be properly referenced and should demonstrate both depth and breadth of reading and an analysis and understanding of the topic.

Many ERP vendors have frantically developed strategies to make their software available to small to medium enterprises (SME?s). These strategies focus around pre-configured solutions, implementation methodologies and hosting options. Discuss the various strategies ERP vendors have developed providing examples of findings from SME?s who utilised these new options. (Vendors can be SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft or any others)

What are the barriers to implementation of ERP systems in SME?s?

Discuss these statements using case study examples (from literature searches) to demonstrate different company?s experiences.

The paper should demonstrate a depth and breadth of reading and should be appropriately referenced.

Assignments need to be submitted as softcopy to WebCT and then will submitted to to check for plagiarism.


Important: (Please Read Carefully)

***EXECUTIVE SUMMARY must be included (Only one page)*** Very Important***

***This Academic Paper has Two Major areas to focus on:(These must be explained in depth) - Very Important

1- The strategies to make the ERP software solution available to SME?s. Strategies such as pre-configured solutions, implementation methodologies and hosting options etc? (This can be found from Vendors? sties and/or from others, such as companies? sites or others).

2- The barriers to implementation of ERP system in SME?s (This must be from companies? who implemented ERP SME?s software sites, not from Vendors? sites) ? Must be from 10 ? 15 different Case Studies (Different Companies who implemented ERP SME?s software)


?You can write one paragraph explaining what ERP is and the benefits it provides to Small to Medium Enterprise (SME?s), and the rest of the Academic Paper should focus on the Case Studies of these SME?s that have implemented ERP SME?s software solution, what strategies the Vendors of ERP software solutions have developed to make the software available to SME, and what barriers of implementation have those Small to Medium Enterprise (SME?s) face?? (In depth)

***The Academic Paper should focus on Small to Medium Companies that use SME?s ERP solution. (Can use any ERP SME?s products from any Vendors that provide software for Small to Medium Enterprise solutions)***

***All the information and Case Studies (from 10-15 case studies) that will be used must be from companies? sites that have implemented SME?s solution or from other sites talk about those companies which have implemented ERP SME?s solution, NOT from Vendors? sites*** (Avoid Vendors? sites) ?this only for the second part of the Research Paper (The barriers)***

***You must discuss the issue and compare the Case Studies***

***Comments/reflections from the literature which demonstrate adequate source reading.***

***Sources must be up-to-date (preferred 2000 - 2005 articles)***

***Each body paragraph must have more than two sources supporting, it's required to focus on points that more than Three Articles (Authors) agreed on, such as...... Your Point in Your Own Words..... (John, 2005; Jeff, 2003; Mark, 2004; Anna, 2005). Note, all the 20 sources used must support your point or be quoted from and appear throughout the Research Paper at least once (it can be more). ? Each Paragraph must have more than two sources supporting the ideas --

***Minimum Quotes are required (No more than Eight ?8? quotes throughout the Research Paper) direct copy from source MUST be placed in quotes, and cited using Harvard System, Students are advised to use their OWN words and minimize using of quotations***

***Research must be written in YOUR OWN WORDS not repeating sections from the Work Reviewed (Be specific and don?t talk in general terms nor IT jargon), but the REFERENCES must be included and appear to support your work and idea.*** (i.e. ? your point in your own words? (John, 2005; Jeff, 2003; Mark, 2004; Anna, 2005)?)

***You must ensure that you focus on the Vendors Strategies, business issues, the business cases, different company?s experiences and barriers to implementation of ERP systems in SME?s solutions ***

***You can include appropriate appendices to cover any necessary technical aspects***

*** You must explain the component without using IT jargon and journalistic terms***

***After discussing Vendors Strategies, company?s experiences, benefits and disadvantages, Details about SME?s solutions and providing examples of companies that have implemented the solution. An appropriate conclusion must be written and (your recommendation) to other company***

***Appropriate/Clear and suitable length Introduction and Conclusion is required***

***The Academic Paper must be carefully written and edited; brief, as for a business audience, and correctly aligned with research style***

***EXECUTIVE SUMMARY is required (One page only)***

***The Paper must be highly presented in good research format***

***Heading is required to highlight the important part of the Paper***

***You may use some diagrams or charts to support your Paper (no more than 3)***


Important (Please Read Carefully)

***Any direct copy from source must be placed in quote.*** Use your own words and use your ideas and criticise the business***

*** The paper will be submitted to "" to check for plagiarism. Students are required to use their own words and minimise the use of quotations (Max 8), but you have to add the supporting references for each ideas*** -- Please check there is nothing is copied from book, or the web unless you quoted it. (Use your own words and ideas and support/reference them).

***List of sources, references, (minimum 20 sources) in Harvard System is required***

Best regards,

ERP and Processes

1). Define departmental processes, enterprise processes, and inter-enterprise processes. Describe their characteristics.

Only need 200 words per questions!

2). Define ERP. What is the primary purpose of an ERP system? Describe the process of an ERP information system


Required Readings
Tapscott, D. (N.D.) Service Enablement and Competitive Advantage. SAP International, Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

Turbit, N. (N.D.) ERP Implementation - The Traps. Project Perfect. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

Neal, H. (2011) ERP Implementation Strategies - A Guide to ERP Implementation Methodology. Software Advice. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

All, A. (2011). Secrets of an (Almost) Pain-Free ERP Implementation. IT Business Edge. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

Optional Readings
Saslow S., (n.d.), In search of executive development, retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

Anonymous (N.D.) The evolution of ERP. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from

Supplemental Resources
Additional supplemental and background information may be found here, as well as some generic resources that may be of value to you all through the course.


There is a great deal of interest in the process of implementing information technology to achieve coordinated management of operations and other aspects of the firm. ERP systems are supposedly effective agents for such coordination, but they are notoriously hard to implement and maintain. Less ambitious information technology initiatives may be easier to put into place, but often fail to achieve sufficient coordination. Clearly, being able to do do "large-scale" right can be a major advantage -- the question is to what degree is it really a competitive advantage, rather than simply a matter of management efficiency. Coordination is nice, but it may or may not be worth the price.

Here are two takes on this issue:

Don Tapscott, Service Enablement and Competitive Advantage. SAP International

Neville Turbit . ERP Implementation - The Traps. Project Perfect.

And some recent dealings:

Houston Neal. (2011). ERP Implementation Strategies - A Guide to ERP Implementation Methodology. Software Advice. Retrieved from

Ann All. (2011). Secrets of an (Almost) Pain-Free ERP Implementation. IT Business Edge. Retrieved from

When you've had a chance to read these articles and to review other information from the background and other sources you may come across, please prepare a 3-5 page paper on the topic:

"Is skill in implementing coordinated information technology really a competitive advantage for a firm? Why or why not?"

Your paper should be between three and five pages. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

You will be particularly assessed on:
Precision: Your draw on a range of sources, and to establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carried out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explained the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts (running out of time isnt generally considered an adequate limitation).

Support for assertions: You use examples, citations (especially to the required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. You provide evidence that you have read the required background materials.

Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.

Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

Critical thinking: The paper incorporates YOUR reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the "required readings" posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your informed commentary and analysis is vital -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.

Overall quality: Your paper is well written and the references, where needed, are properly cited and listed (refer to the TUI guidelines ( if you are uncertain about formats or other issues.

There is a great deal of interest in the process of implementing information technology to achieve coordinated management of operations and other aspects of the firm. ERP systems are supposedly... effective agents for such coordination, but they are notoriously hard to implement and maintain. Less ambitious information technology initiatives may be easier to put into place, but often fail to achieve sufficient coordination. Clearly, being able to do do "large-scale" right can be a major advantage -- the question is to what degree is it really a competitive advantage, rather than simply a matter of management efficiency. Coordination is nice, but it may or may not be worth the price.

Here are two takes on this issue:

Don Tapscott, Service Enablement and Competitive Advantage. SAP International

Neville Turbit . ERP Implementation - The Traps. Project Perfect.

And some recent dealings:

Houston Neal. (2011). ERP Implementation Strategies - A Guide to ERP Implementation Methodology. Software Advice. Retrieved from

Ann All. (2011). Secrets of an (Almost) Pain-Free ERP Implementation. IT Business Edge. Retrieved from

When you've had a chance to read these articles and to review other information from the background and other sources you may come across, please prepare a 3-5 page paper on the topic:

"Is skill in implementing coordinated information technology really a competitive advantage for a firm? Why or why not?"

How to Negotiate

Q: write a description of a (or part of) a multi-issue negotiation in which you have taken part. The description should be narrative in form ? i.e. a story of what happened, who and what was involved, how the negotiation unfolded and a description of the outcome. There is no need (now) to put in any academic citations. Please try to be as honest as you can be about what happened ? the more accurate the description, the more you will learn from the exercise. No one but members of your own group and me will read these papers. Please take whatever confidentiality measures you think or necessary (e.g. change the names of the players). This written work should be individually produced and be between 1,000 and 1,500 words (Essays must have the word count on the title page).


Recommendation from my side :

My Subject ( similar ) :

- upgrade software contract ( ERP system ) to new version.
- negotiate the vendor on several points ( Budget , deliver period , Training, Security implementation ).


Cincom Systems Has Chosen to

You'll remember that we're pursuing a common task throughout the Project assignments in all Modules -- that is, the development of a CRM audit/plan for a company or organization you've chosen. Specif...ically, for the Session Long Project for this Module, you are to continue researching the CRM practices of your target firm or organization, with particular emphasis on need stimulation and prospective market development.

SLP Expectations:

Then in a 2-3 page paper please cover the following points:

What you've been able to learn about the firm's efforts in need stimulation, if any; this might include, among other things, customer loyalty programs (including the use of credit as a type of customer loyalty program)
If such efforts are few or non-existent, why this might be so, and what the consequences are
Any plans or developing efforts along these lines; if there aren't any, what sorts of ideas might you suggest to them, on the basis of what you have learned about technology and CRM to date?
What kinds of information technologies are involved in the efforts to stimulate needs? If there aren't any currently, could information technology be used to stimulate needs? What would have to change to encourage the effective application of technological elements to this process?
Any change in your overall assessment of the current state of CRM in this organization since the last assignment?

Here is the other paper

Customer Relationship Management at Cincom Systems
Cincom Systems has been in business over 40 years and is considered a global leader in the areas of product configuration, manufacturing-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and quote-to-order platforms for streamlining the capturing of orders into ERP systems. Cincom Systems is a privately held company that has according to a recent Hoovers inquiry, 900 employees and $200M in Sales and a broad cross-section of selling and services channels they operate in (Cincom, 2010). Located in Cincinnati, Ohio and still managed daily by founder Tom Nies, the company has five divisions of enterprise software it sells through both indirect and direct sales forces (Kayser, 2005). The applications sold by these five divisions include call center management, medical records management, manufacturing business systems (Little, Kenworthy, Jarvis,Porter,1995) software development tools including the SmallTalk programming language (Kayser, 2005), and services management applications. Taken together these five divisions have generated over 10,000 clients globally in the last four decades, with the Manufacturing Solutions Business Unit generating the majority of new customers and revenue (Kayser, 2005) (Cincom, 2010). Customers include ATK Ordinance, Cubic Corporation, Harris Corporation, Cincinnati Fan, Siemens, Rolls Royce Marine and others. Cincoms core strength is in creating customized solutions for highly complex manufacturing workflows that require system and process integration. The company has cultivated partnerships with IBM, Oracle, SAP and other enterprise software companies that are also in use at shared customer locations. Cincoms expertise in enterprise software has also led to the development of an internal CRM system that was designed when sales cycles in this industry were more predictable and based on capital expense approval cycles. The sales cycles of the enterprise software industry however are changing drastically due to Software-as-a-Service and Cincoms CRM systems are in the middle of a transition as the company seeks to stay competitive in 2010.
Assessment of CRM at Cincom Systems
The internal CRM system was initially called Quota, which was meant to connote the urgency of attaining sales quotes by the Cincom sales teams. Quota had the ability to track customer requirements at the purely technical level and capture the names and addresses of key contacts within companies. It did not however have the ability to manage more complex strategies and campaigns, and lacked the ability to create ongoing tracking of complex opportunities. As a result, Cincom has started adopting Microsoft CRM, based on the strategic partnership both companies have (Cincom, 2010). Microsoft CRM has also made it possible to track more complex selling cycles and engage in team selling, which Cincom increasingly relies on to cross-sell and up-sell their software and services. Cincom also has created a mobile client for Microsoft CRM, which gives them the opportunity to serve sales forces that are on calls all day out of the office. This is a common requirement in the larger cities of the world where sales teams are often traveling between appointments. Cincom has found that the Microsoft CRM platform has given them greater selling flexibility.


Cincom Systems, Inc. (1 August). Hoover's Company Records,43154.

Steve Kayser. (2005). GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME . . . AN IPO? THE CASE FOR REMAINING A PRIVATE COMPANY. Corporate Finance Review, 10(3), 5-11.

Little, David, Kenworthy, John, Jarvis, Peter, & Porter, Keith. (1995). Scheduling across the supply chain. Logistics Information Management, 8(1), 42.

Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.

Like any complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in many different kinds of ways. Since enterprise systems by definition are as broad as the enterprise itself, it follows the number of ways it could be implemented is limited only by the imagination of the participants -- which, in an organization of any size, is almost unlimited. Obviously, not all of these ways of implementing ERP systems are equally good; some will produce effective results and corporate returns; others will result in extremely expensive doorstops and paperweights.

As the case for this module, you're asked to think about ERP implementation. For starters, please read two articles with practical advice regarding implementation:

Burns, M. How to Select and Implement an ERP. 180 Systems. Retrieved on May 10, 2011 from

Krigsman, M. Enterprise software development from an IT failure perspective Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Wailgum, T. (2010) 5 Easy Steps to ERP Software Success!. CIO Magazine, Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Donovan, R.M. Successful ERP Implementation the First Time.
Retrieved on May 10, 2011 from

You should also be prepared to use material from the Background Information or other related materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on).

Jones, K. (2005) The ABCs of Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) An Executive Primer. Aberdeen Group. Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Moellgaard, D. (February, 2009) Lifecycle of an SAP Enhancement Package for SAP ERP Retrieved on July 26, 2010

If you're not familiar with the OpenDirectoryProject, click here for a quick rundown.

Case assignment expectations:

Use information from the review of the vendors and the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list (use APA format) at the end of your paper.

Take a good look at two to four of these ERP vendors from internet (Microsoft, SAP links are in the background oprional reading). Examine their web sites, look over the resources they make available, and read about how they see the process of implementing ERP. When you have completed this examination and made your notes appropriately in a 3-5 pages paper answering the following questions:

Your answer to the following question will be assessed:

"What do vendors seem to know and not know about implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization's ERP decision?"

The following items will be assessed in particular:

1. Evidence that you have reviewed two to four of these vendors, examined their web sites, looked over the resources they make available, and read about how they see the process of implementing ERP.

2. Definition of the basic concepts in enterprise systems enterprise resource planning

3. Description of some of the dynamics of implementation of ERP systems

3. Your ability to apply your understanding of complex issues involved in the case question.

4. Your support for assertions using examples, citations (use required readings), and elaboration to support assertions

5. Evidence that you have read the required background materials

6. Evidence of your thinking about the issues, and going beyond the obvious to develop an analysis reflecting your own critical thinking. (Note: This is discussed in Welcome Message and Module Home pages).
Case Expectations, and Grading Criteria:

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria (meeting minimum requirements is B performance):

_ Complete the case assignment.

_ Length of 3-5 pages (since a page is about 300 words, this is approximately 900-1500 words)

_ Conducted evaluation and analysis as required

_ Support for assertions using examples, citations (use required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. Evidence that you have read the required background materials

_ Precision: the questions asked are answered.

_ Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

_ Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

_ Critical thinking: It is important to read the "required readings" posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate YOUR reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

_Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited

6 Pages

ERP Systems for Accounting ERP Refers to

Words: 1855
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

There are four tasks for my team,and my task is only to write the first part(1.BENEFITS OF ERP SYSTEMS FOR ACCOUNTING),I have provide all material below. but you only…

Read Full Paper  ❯
5 Pages
Research Paper

ERP Implementation What Do Vendors Seem to

Words: 1829
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ITM 442 Like any complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in many different kinds of ways. Since enterprise systems by definition are as broad as the enterprise…

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3 Pages

ERP'S in Managerial Accounting Capabilities Managerial Accounting

Words: 1002
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Managerial accounting is intended to provide managers with the information they need to make decisions and run the company successfully. The information must be reliable ,timely and complete.…

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13 Pages
Research Paper

ERP Implementation Approach the Study Collects Data

Words: 3586
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write five pages on what should be ERP implementation approach and methodology for implementing ERP in an Organisation i.e. Two and half pages each on Quntative and Qualitative approach…

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6 Pages

Evolution ERP Timeline Steps Enterprise Resource Planning

Words: 1892
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Title: Evolution of ERP Timeline STEPS: 1. Create a timeline that shows the evolution of ERP. 2. Label important milestones in the evolution of ERP systems. 3. Prepare a 6 page 1800…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Internal Controls and ERP Systems

Words: 1427
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Format o 5 pages in length (excluding title page, table of contents, bibliography, and exhibits). o Title page should include at minimum the Title, the class, your name, my…

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3 Pages

Continuous Auditing in ERP System Environments

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Please summarize attached articles "Continuous Auditing in ERP System Environments: The Current State and Future Directions" in a 3 page double spaced APA compliant paper. Thank you. There are faxes for…

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26 Pages
Research Paper

ERP and Information Security

Words: 8373
Length: 26 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Requirements: Review the current literature and write a research paper about the information security issues faced when rolling out an ERP system at a Fortune 500 company. The paper…

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2 Pages

ERP Project Plan Objective of This Project

Words: 489
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

first I would like the writer nicolle to complete my order. The Final Project Plan requires you to complete a weekly task. The weekly tasks are included below. The overall…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

ERP Nation Cyber-Security in the U.S. Since

Words: 1458
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Upgrading or replacing legacy systems has resulted in reducing time constraints, costs, and information risks. Assess the various types of migration strategies (e.g., pilot projects) or systems (e.g., enterprise resource…

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4 Pages

System Implementations

Words: 1376
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

For this assignment, select a company that recently implemented an ERP system that was considered to be a failure. Please ensure that APA style is correctly used. Please no…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

ERP Implementation Thailand Has Hundreds

Words: 5312
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

chapter heading 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Concept 1.3 The Hypothesis 1.4 Objective of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 The expected results 2. Literature review 2.1 Definition of SMEs 2.2 Historical of ERP 2.3 Definition of ERP 2.4 The Scope of ERP 2.5 The characteristics of ERP 2.6 The limitation of…

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11 Pages

Smorgon Steel Case Study Analysis

Words: 4300
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Order only for Writer?s…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) Can Gain

Words: 2622
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Word Limit: 2000 words (excluding annotated bibliography) QUESTIONS: Despite it?s modular structure and the move towards Service Oriented Architectures, in the past 20 years, ERP software and the associated benefits it brings…

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3 Pages

Production Scheduling and Control

Words: 1308
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Required Readings McNamara C, (n.d.), Operations Management. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from (2011) ERP System - ERP Basic and ERP Evolution. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from Wailgum T,…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Evolution of Enterprise Planning Systems With Emphasis on SAP

Words: 2047
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As follows: To be fomatted as ACI, which is described below: I. Analytical Exposition Describes the subject. It should begin with a statement; i.e. The paper presents a discussion of the Evolution…

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5 Pages

Application of Business Rules in Asset Management System

Words: 1543
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The case about Industrial company implemented ERP system and applying business rules to automate their decision making, you should focus on enterprise asset management module of ERP, you know…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) the

Words: 3044
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Discuss and critically evaluate various articles on Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) , its functionality and evolution to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Below are the topics which should cover…

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11 Pages

Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions for

Words: 3902
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Subject "Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs)" Academic level: Master Degree Language/spelling style: British General subject: Information Systems (ERP) Specific Topic: ERP Solutions for Small to Medium Enterprise (SME?s) Sources: 20 Twenty (some…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

ERP and Processes

Words: 424
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1). Define departmental processes, enterprise processes, and inter-enterprise processes. Describe their characteristics. Only need 200 words per questions! 2). Define ERP. What is the primary purpose of an…

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3 Pages

Coordination Across Functions Skills at

Words: 829
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Required Readings Tapscott, D. (N.D.) Service Enablement and Competitive Advantage. SAP International, Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010, from Turbit, N. (N.D.) ERP Implementation - The Traps. Project Perfect. Retrieved Nov.…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Coordinated Information Technology: There Is a Great

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is a great deal of interest in the process of implementing information technology to achieve coordinated management of operations and other aspects of the firm. ERP systems are…

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4 Pages

How to Negotiate

Words: 1292
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Q: write a description of a (or part of) a multi-issue negotiation in which you have taken part. The description should be narrative in form ? i.e.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Cincom Systems Has Chosen to

Words: 538
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

You'll remember that we're pursuing a common task throughout the Project assignments in all Modules -- that is, the development of a CRM audit/plan for a company or organization…

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3 Pages

Enterprise Resource Planning When it

Words: 1135
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Like any complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in many different kinds of ways. Since enterprise systems by definition are as broad as the enterprise itself, it…

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