25+ documents containing “Employee Rights”.
25 January 2012
Hello Writer,
I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (3) page term paper shortly via email. "Please write the (3) page paper based strictly on what the questions/tasks are asking," and ONLY add the ?references? from the material that is provided to you.
Important! Please read all of the material that is scanned to you in the control panel. Do not deviate from what the questions with asterisks? are telling you to do.
Please provide a well written (3) page term paper TITLED: Employee Rights/Safety
Also, I need a strong introduction, body, headings/subheadings, strong conclusion and at least (3) references.
Lastly, I really need the (3) page paper NLT: 27 January 2012. Thanks!
Employer and employee rights and duties under employment law in the United Arab Emirates. The assignment should give a high level overview of the key practical issues including: permissions to work; contractual and implied terms of employment; minimum wages; restrictions on working time; leave, illness and injury; rights of parents and carers; data protection; discrimination and harassment; dismissals; redundancies; employer and parent company liability; employee representation and consultation; consequence of business transfers; pensions; intellectual property; restraint of trade agreements and proposals for reform.
Note: The assignment should cover both employer and employee rights and duties.
Summarize in three or four pages the relationship of employee rights and responsibilities to an employee?s ethical framework for decision-making and to a manager?s ethical framework for decision-making.
There are faxes for this order.
designing elements of an employee relations program from an organization of your choice. Identify policy implications, the goals of the program, how these goals support corporate goals, and the cost and benefits of implementing and maintaining the plan. Include these topics at minimum:
a.Employee rights and employee relations
b.Federal, state, and foreign regulatory compliance
c.Wellness programs, including employee assistance programs
d.Benefits (other than wellness programs)
e.Health and safety
f.Work/life balance issues
write a 5 page paper in which your own ideas on the ethical issue of fairness in hiring and promotions, employees' rights and duties in business. The paper should be developed relative to the ...theories discussed in class and the research that will be conducted.Choose one theory that is believe to be the best or about which you want to engage in creative intellectualizing, and present a zealous argument in its favor, responding to the principal arguments of its critics as well. Clearly summarizes in your own words the major concepts, terms, and figures important to your chosen subject. Compare and contrast in some detail this philosophical idea, argument, or view with some other idea, argument or view. In other words, you are to take into account some opposing views.Then apply a theory of economic justice to the topic you have chosen and indicate how you would resolve most (if not all) conflicts arising within that topic area. If possible choose 2 readings relevant to the topic from the textbook Business Ethics, Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality,4th ed related to the topic. Present the views of each author AND the principal OBJECTIONS to their views in the paper. Make sure to references the page number if you can. Please cite properly using APA. more
Due Week 6 and worth 250 points
Dr. DoRight has recently been hired as the President of the ?Universal Human Care Hospital?, where he oversees all departments with over 5,000 employees and o...ver 20,000 patients at the medical facility. He has been provided with a broad set of duties and oversight of numerous departments, including business development, customer services, human resources, legal, patient advocacy, to name a few. He has managers in each department that he supervises and who work with him to address the needs of the various internal and external stakeholders of the hospital. Dr. DoRight discovers that some patients within the hospital have been dying as a result of a variety of illegal procedures by doctors and nurses, and negligent supervision and oversight on their part. This was brought to his attention in a few meetings and he told his Regional Director Compliance Manager and Executive Committee in January 2009. He was told by them that the matter would be investigated and they would report any findings to him as soon as possible. After two (2) years, there have been no results from the investigation and some patients are still passing away due to the negligent activities. He also answers to a board of trustees and interfaces with numerous community organizations and corporations who have various reasons for doing business with the hospital. Dr. DoRight continues to win awards for his leadership of the hospital and meeting business goals. He was recently named ?Medical Business Executive of the Year? in 2011.
Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:
1.Determine at least three (3) different internal and external stakeholders that Dr. DoRight might have to deal with on a daily basis at the hospital.
2.Compare and contrast potential conflicts of interest that may exist between the internal and external stakeholders.
3.Discuss whether Dr. DoRight has fulfilled his ethical duty by reporting the illegal procedures.
4.Describe the deontology principle and apply it to the ethical dilemma that Dr. DoRight faces in this case.
5.Describe the utilitarianism principle and apply it to the ethical dilemma Dr. Do Right faces in this case.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ?Analyze employee rights to health and safety in the workplace.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in law, ethics, and corporate governance.
?Write clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment. more
14 January 2012
Hello Writer,
I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (5) page term paper shortly via fax. "Please write the (5) page paper based strictly on what the questions/tasks are asking" and ONLY add the ?references? from the material that is provided.
Important! Please read everything on the first, second, and third page of the documents that are faxed or scanned to you. Do not deviate from what the first 3 pages are telling you to do.
Please provide a well written (5) page term paper TITLED: Employee Rights/Safety
Also, I need a strong introduction, body, headings/subheadings, strong conclusion and at least (4) references.
Lastly, I really need the (5) page paper NLT: 18 January 2012. Thanks!
Requesting the writer to be: Christinapeter.
Paper designing elements of an employee relations program from any organization. Identify policy implications, the goals of the program, how these goals support corporate goals, and the cost and benefits of implementing and maintaining the plan. Include these topics:
a. Employee rights and employee relations
b. Federal, state and foreign regulatory compliance
c. wellness programs, including employee assistance programs
d. Benefits (other than wellness programs)
e. Health and safety
Part 1/Deliverable Length:3 pages
Read the case "The Reluctant Security Guard" I have faxed this text, pages 318-321.
As a manager at Blue Mountain Company, you have been asked to h...andle the situation with David Tuff. Describe what ways, other than dismissal, you would use to handle this situation.
In the assignment be sure to address the following:
Do you feel the security guard took the right action? Would you have taken the same action? Why or why not?
Do you feel it was unjust to fire the security guard? Why or why not?
What are other creative ways other than dismissal that you would have used to handle this situation?
Part 2/Deliverable Length: 1 page
"Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use." Defend or oppose this statement. How is your response to this assignment consistent with the moral philosophy Utilitarianism? Explain. If it is not consistent with that philosophy, explain which philosophy would.
Review the web link: http://sundoulos.com/drugtesting/
and resource on internet.
Norwood, J. M. (1994). Drug testing in the private sector and its impact on employees' right to privacy. Labor Law Journal, 40(12), 731-748.
Prince, M. (1996). Privacy lacking in the office. Business Insurance, 30(39), 3-4.
There are faxes for this order. more
Assignment #1
Chapter 3 of the text covers the legal environment of public sector labor relations, and provides a general overview of the major provisions of typical comprehensive ...labor-management relations legislation. These typical provisions described on pages 71 through 78 are the following and page 64- 69
1. Employee Rights
2. Employer Rights
3. Administrative Agency
4. Unit Determination
5. Recognition Procedures
6. Scope of Bargaining
7. Impasse Resolution Procedures
8. Union Security
9. Unfair Labor Practices
New York State is a state with comprehensive collective bargaining rights defined in the New York State Public Employees Fair Employment Act, commonly known as the Taylor Law. This statute was handed out in class, and is also attached to this e-mail.
After reading the text and the definitions of these provisions, identify which sections of the Taylor Law defines each of the provisions described in the text.
In your answers briefly describe what each provision does, and how the Taylor Law regulates each provision. Keep in mind some of the provisions are easier to identify than others, so you will need to examine the Taylor Law carefully, and in some cases, the Taylor Law may not address them at all which should be explained in your answer. If that is the case, dont forget to at least define the provision.
Conclude the assignment by answering the following question:
10. What is the difference between states that have no collective bargaining policies, states that have non-comprehensive collective bargaining policies, and states that have comprehensive collective bargaining policies? Draw your answer from the text, and use examples in your answer.
Each question is worth 10 points. Assignments are to be handed in with the proper heading and type written. The assignment is due at the beginning of class on June 28. Late papers will be deducted 10 points.
Please remember there is no class on June 23rd. Also remember to be on the lookout for news and journal articles relevant to public sector labor relations. These current event articles are due each Thursday class starting June 30th. Be prepared to be called upon to discuss your article and how it relates to the content we are studying. As I stated in class, you are allowed to research back and bring in articles dated as late as January of this year. Be creative in your research and find labor relations news that is going on anywhere in the United States. In other words it doesnt just have to be about New York current events.
There are faxes for this order. more
You will remember that the lecture mentioned that HR professionals are often criticized as being vacillators who often give the dreaded response of "It depends" when asked about the legality of a situ...ation. Balancing the rights of employees with protecting the organization is often complex and may deal with employee behavior both on and off the job. This exercise will shed some light on how off-the-job behaviors may impact the organization and what Winn-Dixie chose to do about perceived damage to their image. Reviewing this case study will reveal the complexity of employment law and the dilemma it poses for HR professionals who want to both support employees in the best way possible and protect the organization at the same time.
Here are several tips for successfully completing this case study:
The Internet also has a wealth of information on this topic and you are free to use these sources to supplement your assignment if you desire. In the Webliography section of the course (top, far-right tab) are a number of websites that you can use to help you complete this assignment. If you research your own Internet sources, be cautious about your source. Make sure that the site is from a reputable organization. Your answer for EACH question must be within the range of 250 to 350 words (use MS Words "Word Count" feature on the "Review" tab to ensure that your answer is not too brief or too verbose). Be sure to answer each question fully, because you are subject to point deductions for incomplete answers. Use 1.5 line spacing. Also, please remember that you MUST use proper APA citations (please review APA format requirements in the Syllabus for all assignments). Also, do not rely too heavily on borrowed material. It should NOT dominate your work. Point deductions will occur if more than 15% of the answer is borrowed. I want to read YOUR thoughts on these questions. However, I do expect at least some citations and references for all assignments.
Learning Questions
After reviewing the textbook case study on pages 107 and 108 of your textbook, answer the following learning questions:
1. Do you believe Oilers employee rights were violated? Explain your position.
2. What do you see as the consequences of organizations that punish employees for certain off-the-job behaviors? Explain.
3. Would you consider Winn-Dixie an organization that exhibits characteristics of progressive discipline or the hot stove approach? Defend your position.
I will be uploading the case study.
There are faxes for this order. more
Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review
Locate a Present-Day 2012 Court Case About Equal Employment Acts, and Write a 300 word paper addressing the following
List A:
Civil Rights Act of 1964, AND
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
List B:
There are faxes for this order.
Part A. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different... students:
"The employer may hire, fire, promote and demote any employee it chooses as long as there is no employment contract (such as a labor agreement) or federal, state or local law to the contrary. Research and discuss if there are any federal, state or local laws which will not allow an at will employee to be hired, fired, promoted or demoted for any reason.
1) First student - 200 words and must include 2 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 175 words.
Part B. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:
"Choose one of the types of employment discrimination:
a) sex discrimination
b) racial, religious, and national origin discrimination
c) age discrimination
d) disability discrimination
e) genetic discrimination.
Post a definition of the discrimination, how this discrimination may affect the employee and how to avoid performing this discrimination. Be sure to include any applicable laws that are pertinent."
1) First student - 200 words and must include 2 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
2) Second student - 175 words.
Part C. Reflect on those two questions (your opinion) including your thoughts on on Employee rights. (150 words). Include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.
2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.
Thank you. more
This paper is to be given to the writer JSF. The writer's
email is JSFWRITER@aol.com. I have talked specifically with the writer and he wants to take this paper on because he is the only one in... your company that can finish it, since he has already written an abstract and proposal for me.
The writer wants to be notified via email, which number the paper gets so that he can pull it off the board and work on this paper.
The instructions are below with my abstract:
This paper is for a 2nd year Law school program in Canada.
I would like a 20 page research paper, that follows the abstract and proposal that I have written will give you some guidance
I just wanted to suggest some changes to the abstract that should be implemented into the 20 page paper.
Using the legal issues that have arisen surrounding organizing attempts at Wal-Mart stores. However, a full evaluative report of Canadian labour standards may be too broad a topic for this paper.
I suggest that you use Wal-Mart as a case study. Look at Labor Relations Board cases dealing with Wal-Mart organizing attempts in Canada and the outcomes of these cases. Basically, they show that employer misconduct can defeat the union and circumvent the purposes of labour legislation. From this you can move onto an evaluation of the shortcomings of certification, unfair labor practice and remedy provisions in Canadian labour legislation.
This would make for a shorter, tighter, paper than the abstract is contemplating. However, I think it will be just as interesting, and just as compelling.
The abstract I am providing contains these elements already, so some revision and a bit of reorganization is all that is in order.
Also the citation style should be in a footnote style. Also I need the citation to be done following the style and form set out by the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation. This book is prepared by the McGill law journal. It should be available in any legal library. This is imperative as in the previous two orders, it was not done. If this can not be done then I will accept normal footnoting which I will alter. Thank you.
This abstract can be altered to suit your abilities as long as the main points are kept. I am flexible as to how the paper can be written and I will provide all the assistance that I can. There is somewhat of a time restriction on it but that can be discussed later. I am hoping the work on this abstract and the references will make it a little easier on your qualified writers. Thank you.
Here is the abstract:
Union Labor Disputes Canada
Wal-Mart Canada
This abstract presents a foreshadow for what would be the foundation for a full evaluative report on the retail giant Wal-Mart and the effects recent labour disputes have had on the likes of Canadian labour legislation, local labour dispute resolutions and the intervention on the part of unions to recruit Wal-Mart employees. There is no better presentation than one that presents the varying opinions in philosophy between unions and employers. In the United States, the retail giant Wal-Mart has been trying to fend off multiple attacks by organized labour, as the retail conglomerate has had to consistently contend with what could be considered an increasingly turbulent work force. In June of 2004 for example, unions in the United States were making a concerted effort to plan and implement a multi-million dollar campaign to organize Wal-Mart?s existing and potential employees. ?Union leaders say their chances for organizing Wal-Mart workers shot up this week when a federal judge in San Francisco said 1.6 million current and former employees could sue the retailer for sex discrimination in a class-action lawsuit.? (Ramstack, 2004)
The Wal-Mart situation covers a full spectrum of legal concerns such as the acquisition and termination of collective representation of employees, unfair labour practices and the associated regulations, collective bargaining schemes, the scope of individual?s rights for collective bargaining and basic constitutional rights in a labour context. A detailed evaluation of the existing turbulence at Wal-Mart will present an excellent opportunity for identifying and assessing whether existing Canadian labor statutes will be sufficient in meeting the objectives of both Wal-Mart and labour factions or if those regulations will need to be reconsidered. In addition, this case holds legal intrigue, which includes acts of inclusive destruction, fabrication, and suppression of evidence. As both sides are spending small fortunes on legal representation and lobbying efforts, the labor disputes will affect legal precedence for years to come. These proceedings also offer an opportunity to review how the legal situation migrated to this point.
In 2003, Wal-Mart was credited with adding nearly ten billion Canadian dollars back into the economy either directly or indirectly. At a time when globalization and technological advances have helped Wal-Mart to expand and turn consistent profits, the retailer has been outwardly criticized for offering wages and working conditions that are far too low. The treatment of female employees, turnover policies and other Human Resource concerns such as low value job creation have all become nightmarish concerns for the retailer. Wal-Mart?s position has been quite the opposite. ?Wal-Mart Canada employs more than 65,000 Canadians and has been ranked Canada's best retail employer twice during the past three years by international human-resources firm Hewitt Associates and Report on Business Magazine. The company is committed to community involvement and has contributed more than $35 million to Canadian charities. Wal-Mart Canada was established in 1994, is headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, and operates 234 Wal-Mart discount stores and six SAM'S CLUBS in Canada.? (Wal-Mart Canada, 2004)
Even with this optimistic view, Wal-Mart Canada has been experiencing ongoing attempts by labor to organize the company?s employees. ?It has been several weeks since the Jonquiere store was automatically certified with the United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW), but no communication from the union has been received with regard to beginning talks with the company. The Jonquiere store is not meeting its business plan, and the company is concerned about the economic viability of the store. Wal-Mart Canada believes the unresolved labor situation at the Jonquiere store is proving detrimental to improving the performance of the store. (Wal-Mart Canada, 2004)
Canadian legal statutes have come under some fire as well because the process of measuring how well a legal system is protecting employee rights is a difficult task. ?The study of industrial relations systems permits at the same time, an examination of the role of the state in reproducing antagonistic production relations.? (Shorter, 1987) In some cases, quantitative measures are easily utilized like the number of months notice required before the collective redundancies process initiates. ?But other aspects are more difficult to measure precisely, such as the willingness of labour courts to entertain law suits filed by fired workers or judicial interpretation of the notion of 'just cause" for termination.? (Bertola, Boeri, & Cazes, 2000)
The process of hiring and firing an employee has always been a concern in a retail operation such as Wal-Mart. Unions have used the high turnover rates and retention polices as major factions of their recruitment process. ?In the United States and Canada, for example, labor turnover is about twice as high as in most European countries. Similarly, average job tenure is significantly longer in countries with more stringent Employment protection legislation (EPL), such as Italy and France. In other respects, however, the evidence does not readily conform to theoretical predictions. For example, if gross job turnover is taken as a rough proxy for labor market flexibility -- and since stringent EPL reduces both hiring and firing -- it is quite surprising to find that job turnover rates are very loosely related to EPL rankings. Most remarkably, not only are the estimates for Italy and France, at 21 and 24 per cent respectively, very high in absolute terms (one in every five jobs is either created or destroyed each year), but they are also extremely close to the estimates for the United States and Canada despite the much heavier regulation of dismissals in the European labor markets.? (Bertola, Boeri, & Cazes, 2000) The policies associated with hiring an employee is as crucial to the labor movement as the right to unionize for this reason.
In conclusion, this abstract presented a foreshadow of the foundation for a full evaluative report on the retail giant Wal-Mart and the effects of past and present labor disputes have on the likes of Canadian labor legislation, future local labor disputes resolution and intervention for the Canadian based Wal-Mart employees. There is no better presentation than one that presents the vast differences in philosophy between unions and employers. In the United States and Canada, Wal-Mart will continue to have to fend off attempts by the parties to usurp what could be considered an increasingly turbulent Wal-Mart labor force as can be demonstrated by the June 2004 multi-million dollar campaign to organize Wal-Mart?s existing and potential employees.
Bertola, Giuseppe, Boeri, Tito, & Cazes, Sandrine (2000). Employment Protection in Industrialized Countries: The Case for New Indicators. International Labour Review, Vol. 139, .
Ostry, Sylvia, & Woods, H. D. (1962). Labour Policy and Labour Economics in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada.
Ramstack, Tom (June 26, 2004). Unions see chance at Wal-Mart. The Washington Times. Retrieved November 12, 2004 from http://washingtontimes.com/business/20040625-095856-2852r.htm
Shorter, Tilly (1987). State Constructed Industrial Relations and the Social Reproduction of Production: the Case of the Canadian Idia . Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 24, .
Wal-Mart Canada. (2004, November 15). News Release. Retrieved November 16, 2004, from http://www.walmartcanada.ca/ more
( I would like 10 pages on the revised version of Section 1.)
(Section 1) Abstract
Halkias (2004) stated that Wal-Mart has been accused of preferential treatment of some and the lack of equal ...opportunity for others (females).
Wal-Mart is seen by its employees for not concentrating on its ethics violations (Duke vs. Wal-Mart). Wal-Mart has addressed the problem of keeping unions out with great zeal, drags out ligation employees can not afford in court.
Unions continue to fight for employees rights with little success. It has been noted that the Class Action Lawsuit (Duke vs. Wal-Mart) has advanced out of the House of Representatives and now goes to the Senate for final approval, this bill will address employee rights to choose or not choose unions.
Wal-Mart?s policies and directives have huge consequences when not followed, managers and board members carry out these policies with out ever asking questions.
Wal-Mart?s grievance procedures are of little help to employees, and when the file a grievance, usually the find retaliation and are eventually fired.
Employees that have no other alternative for grieving their case usually just accept what ever is handed down. Employees with no other avenues for jobs and have families will not file grievance or make trouble. Cox (2001) stated employees say that the grievance system, the policy of the ?open door policy? was actually used against them, to identify ?troublemakers? so that they could be targeted for termination.
Example: The current large class action suit is named for Betty Duke and the story reflects the inadequacy of Wal-Mart policies to address equity and other conflict: ?Betty Duke, a 52-year-old African-American woman who still works at Wal-Mart. First hired by the company in 1994 as a part-time cashier in Pittsburg, California, she was an eager employee with a sincere admiration for founder Sam Walton's "visionary spirit."
A year later, with excellent performance reviews, she was given a merit pay raise and a full-time job. Two years later, after being promoted to the position of customer service manager, she began encountering harsh discrimination from her superiors; she says she was denied the training she needed in order to advance further, while that same training was given to male employees.
When Dukes complained about the discrimination, managers got back at her by writing her up for minor offenses like returning late from breaks, offenses routinely committed by her white and male co-workers, who were never punished, she says. When she kept complaining, she was denied a promotion and finally demoted back to her cashier job. She went to the Wal-Mart district office to complain, but the company did nothing. Being demoted was not just humiliating: It deprived Dukes of other promotions, and her cashier job offered fewer hours and a lower hourly wage. When she was once again eligible for promotion, four new management positions, none of which had even been posted, were filled by men? (Featherstone, 2004). This indicates that it has been impossible to work out conflict management through established Wal-Mart channels.
Deborah Gunter was working at Riverside, California for thirty years always being faithful to Wal-Mart, but when she when against Wal-Mart?s policies and procedures she soon found out where she really stood. Deborah Gunter was transferred to the Tire Lube Express Department and did the work faithfully, even training a male employee in her department that eventually took over her responsibilities, when she complained her hours were reduced and eventually fired (Featherstone, 2004). Wal-Mart continues to violate ethics of its employees with little regard for government intervention, but that is about to change.
Section 1: Foundation of the Study
The Foundation of this study centers on Wal-Mart?s disregard for human dignity and continued violations of employee rights and morale. Wal-Mart has little regard for lawsuits and the organization and top management hire employees with no education or experience, and when employees complain its usually their last complaint at the retailing giant. On behalf of 1.6 million women who worked at Wal-Mart from 1998 to 2001 Betty Duke has filed a class action lawsuit that eventually made it all the way up to the Highest Court in the United States and is known as (Betty Dukes vs. Wal-Mart Stores, 2004)
Background of the Problem
If you were hired by Wal-Mart would you feel comfortable knowing that this giant retailer has a bounty on your head if you die in the form of Death Benefits that Wal-Mart only enjoys when you pass on?
The (Betty Duke vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, 2004) class action lawsuit brings out more dark secret company policy issues that Wal-Mart has been hiding from their consumers and the public. This issues will take center stage when the United States Senate takes up the issue of unionization of employees rights to choose their union or not. At center is the ethics violations that employees have endured throughout their employment with the retailing giant, loss of dignity and morale by female employees who have chosen to stay because there are no other job opportunities. Wal-Mart is clever at effectively shutting down competition in surrounding communities and then hiring their employees at a lesser wage. Selling products cheap and hiring workers for less is a Wal-Mart policy norm that is violating employees working ethics.
Bhatnagar (2004) wrote of ethics violations by the retaining giant that "In 1999, women constituted 72% of Wal-Mart's hourly employees, but only 33% of its managerial employees."
According to the Berkeley Women's Law Journal in (2004), Wal-Mart paid its employees about one-third less than what similarly unionized employees earn. A hourly pay violation by The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act accuses Wal-Mart of working its employees overtime, then bringing in management to adjust the time sheets. Working ethics violations still continue and employees are still suffering from the retailing giant who will stop at nothing just to make a dollar.
Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the United States. Brownstein (2005) wrote of still more violations of Wal-Mart?s quest of reducing the costs payroll. Paying 20% percent of their weekly salary for health insurance that has no teeth is still another violation of Wal-Mart?s ethics. Brownstein stated that on average a Wal-Mart employee earns $8.00 per hour, with an average take home paycheck of about $256.00, which equates to a yearly salary of $13,312.00, when the poverty level in America is $14,630.00. Brownstein (2005) brought out more violations in the healthcare of Wal-Mart employees, stating that in the last 12 years, Wal-Mart has been raising the costs of premiums for the its Wal-Mart employees by 200%.
Featherstone (2004) wrote about Wal-Mart?s management receives handbooks upon joining the company and part of the handbook guides managers in ways to pick and choose employees along with ways to inspire them in helping keep the company union-free. The company that was founded on Sam Walton's old fashion values of putting people first seems to be at a crossroads. Do they continue down the road that has put them in this position, or does management take a good hard look at where the company is headed?
Problem Statement
One strategy that Wal-Mart practices is work hours of employees, Biddle (2004) pointed out that the retailing giant?s favorite system of keeping employees from joining unions was limiting full time employees from 40 to 32 hours per week, this prevents them from joining unions.
In addition to part-time employees not having any rights in joining unions, full-time employees are not paid over-time pay when the work extra hours. Bhatnagar (2005) inserted that Wal-Mart employees are forced to work off the clock to avoid over-time pay. These types of ethics violation has been going on for years. Sellers (2005) found that Fair Labor Standard Lawsuits have been filed in many states, some of been settled to avoid other employees from doing the same thing. Wal-Mart continues to buy clothes and other items cheap, regardless of the ethics violations, recently a story appeared on television that showed Wal-Mart buying clothes made by children who are paid next to nothing (Sellers, 2005).
Wal-Mart first came out with the slogan of satisfying the customers and employee dedication. Employee dedication was keeping the employees happy by paying them a fair wage and offering good benefits to them, this all changed when Sam Walton died, and along with him consumer and employee satisfaction.
Wal-Mart continues to violate employee rights by reducing their hours, making them part-time employees and preventing them from joining unions (Biddle, 2004).
General business problem
Wal-Mart?s general business problem is the laws passed to protect people?s rights, and that includes Wal-Mart employees, who are still suffering under Wal-Mart?s methodology of selling cheap and paying low wages. If the United States Senate passes the Employees Right to Choose Unionization or not, regardless this will give the employees the freedom to choose without fear of being fired. The Human Rights Watch said Wal-Mart has strategies that the Watch Group said is illegal and violates employee?s rights.
According to the Huston Chronicle (2002), Jane Sims never knew her husband was insured by Wal-Mart, until she discovered that Wal-Mart took out a Death Insurance Policy on him. Jane Sims never got a dime of that money, and had to pay for the funeral expenses of her beloved husband Douglas Sims who died in 1998. Wal-Mart received $64,000 from Douglas Sims death, and gave nothing to his widow.
Your specific issue/problem
Wal-Mart violations of employee working ethics and violations of their basic human rights has become an issue in every community Wal-Mart locates in. Wal-Mart is considered a business killer when it locates to these communities. Systematically closing small Mom and Pop Stores then hiring their employees for less, and in most cases part-time to prevent them from unionizing. The (Betty Duke vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, 2004) sets out to change some of these violations of employee?s basic ethical rights.
Section 2: The Project ( I would like 5 pages on this project) (This project is on Wal-Mart)
Section 2 of your Prospectus is due this week. You will incorporate any feedback you have received up to this point that affects Section 2, and you will submit a revised version of Section 1.
Section 2 of the Prospectus centers on describing the project. Be sure to include the following aspects:
? Restatement of the project purpose and research question(s)
? Description of the analytical methodology
o Provide the theoretical and research foundations of the project design (methodology and context).
o Identify data that you might need to collect and a preliminary plan for collecting those data.
o Discuss statistical tools or processes you could use to analyze data.
o Identify the appropriate variables in the context of the study.
Section 1 (revised) should be approximately 8?10 pages in APA format. Section 2 should comprise 3?5 pages in APA format.
(This project is on Wal-Mart)
Section 2: The Project
Text begins here. Provide a one or two paragraph introduction to Section 2. This introduction should provide a clear outline of the Section.
Purpose Statement
Text begins here. Begin Section 2 by reminding readers of the purpose of the study. Do your best not to copy and paste word for word from Section 1; instead, vary your language slightly to keep your reader engaged but ensure facts are accurate.
Role of the Researcher
Describe the role of the researcher in the data collection process in this subsection.
Text begins here. Discuss procedures for gaining access to participants, establishing a working relationship with participants, and measures to be taken to assure that the ethical protection of participants is adequate. Note: if participants are not used in the study, just note N/A and why.
Identify sample type: random, purposive, stratified, or other and fully describe the participant selection and geographical location.
Research Method and Design
Text begins here. The research method and design includes (a) a description of the research method and design, (b) provides justification for using the method and design, and (c) derives logically from the applied business problem statement. The method and design should be appropriate to researching the problem statement. Note: this subsection should be a significant expansion of the discussion on the Nature of the Study in Section 1.
Text begins here. Identify and justify the use of a specific research method, indicate whether the research project uses quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods (hybrid), why it was selected, and why other methods were not selected. Expand on the discussion in Section 1.
Research Design
Text begins here. Identify and justify the use of a specific research design within a research method. Discuss why it was selected, and why other methods were not selected. Finally discuss why this design is appropriate to the problem being studied. Expand on the discussion in Section 1.
Population and Sampling
Text begins here. This section (a) describes the population from which the sample will be drawn; (b) describes and defends the sampling method including the sampling frame used, using appropriate methodology references and concepts; (c) describes and defends the sample size using appropriate methodology references and concepts; (d) describes the eligibility criteria for study participants; and (e) describes and explains the relevance of characteristics of the selected sample.
Criteria for selecting participants are specified and are appropriate to the study. There is a justification for the number of participants (in accordance with the qualitative design/approach chosen) which is balanced with depth of inquiry. The fewer the participants used in the study, the deeper the inquiry per individual. If appropriate, the rationale for specific types of subjects/representation in sampling is provided. Criteria for selecting participants are specified and are appropriate to the study.
Note: Discuss sampling techniques such as purposive, convenience, random, or stratified sample (subsets might include age, race, gender, or experience).
Data Collection
Text begins here. This section presents: (a) Descriptions of instrumentation or data collection tools to include the name of the instrument, the type of instrument, concepts measured by the instrument, how scores are calculated and their meaning, processes for assessment of reliability and validity of the instrument(s), processes needed to complete instruments by participants, and where raw data are or will be available (appendices, tables, or by request from the researcher). (b) Includes a detailed description of data that comprise each variable in the study. (c) Addresses appropriate psychometric properties of the scale used. (d) Discusses strategies used to address threats to validity, test-retest reliability, internal consistency, among others. (e) Finally discuss any adjustments or revisions to the use of standardized research instruments that were made.
Note: If you develop your own instrument, it must be piloted and validated. Some surveys may be purchased from http://buros.unl.edu/buros/jsp/search.jsp. Survey Monkey can be used to develop surveys or interview questionnaires ? see http://www.surveymonkey.com.
Data Collection Technique
Text begins here. Describe the technique used to collect data such as a survey, interview, observation, site visit, video recording, a sample of existing data or records and so on. In addition, describe the process of how data will be collected. For example, will a pilot study be used prior to the study? Finally, provide a list of any interview or survey questions used, which may be referenced here and placed in the Appendix.
Data Organization Techniques
Text begins here. Describe the systems use for keeping track of data and emerging understandings such as research logs, reflective journals, and cataloging systems. Describe how data will be secured, how long data will be stored, and how its subsequent disposition.
Data Analysis Technique
Text begins here. Data analysis logically and sequentially address all research questions or hypotheses, where appropriate, outcomes of hypothesis-testing procedures are clearly reported (e.g., findings support or fail to support, and do not contain any evident statistical errors. Describe how data will be analyzed such as using software tools such as NVivo, SPSS, Excel, and so on. Describe in detail any data coding used. Finally, overall, data analysis (presentation, interpretation, explanation) is consistent with the research questions or hypotheses and underlying theoretical/conceptual framework of the study.
Reliability and Validity
Text begins here. Discuss both the reliability of the study and the reliability of the instruments or interview / survey questions used.
Text begins here. Discuss both the internal and external validity of the study.
Transition and Summary
Text begins here. This section summarizes Section 2 and the gives an overview of the next section. more
Assignment 3: Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Research Paper
Due Week 6 and worth 250 points
Dr. DoRight has recently been hired as the President of the ?Universal Human Care H...ospital?, where he oversees all departments with over 5,000 employees and over 20,000 patients at the medical facility. He has been provided with a broad set of duties and oversight of numerous departments, including business development, customer services, human resources, legal, patient advocacy, to name a few. He has managers in each department that he supervises and who work with him to address the needs of the various internal and external stakeholders of the hospital. Dr. DoRight discovers that some patients within the hospital have been dying as a result of a variety of illegal procedures by doctors and nurses, and negligent supervision and oversight on their part. This was brought to his attention in a few meetings and he told his Regional Director Compliance Manager and Executive Committee in January 2009. He was told by them that the matter would be investigated and they would report any findings to him as soon as possible. After two (2) years, there have been no results from the investigation and some patients are still passing away due to the negligent activities. He also answers to a board of trustees and interfaces with numerous community organizations and corporations who have various reasons for doing business with the hospital. Dr. DoRight continues to win awards for his leadership of the hospital and meeting business goals. He was recently named ?Medical Business Executive of the Year? in 2011.
Write a five to six (5-5) page paper in which you:
Determine at least three (3) different internal and external stakeholders that Dr. DoRight might have to deal with on a daily basis at the hospital. Discuss the duty of loyalty owed to each internal and external stakeholder.
Compare and contrast potential conflicts of interest that may exist between duties of loyalty owed to an internal stakeholder vs. an external stakeholder.
Determine whether Dr. DoRight has fulfilled his ethical duty by reporting the illegal procedures. Recommend additional steps Dr. DoRight should have taken to prevent further harm to current and future patients and reduce liability for his employer, the Universal Human Care Hospital.
Describe the deontology principle and apply it to the ethical dilemma that Dr. DoRight faces in this case.
Describe the utilitarianism principle and apply it to the ethical dilemma Dr. Do Right faces in this case.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze employee rights to health and safety in the workplace.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in law, ethics, and corporate governance.
Write clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.
* I would prefer that it be written by Writer?s Username: Bestwrighter more
Mini- Essay questions
1. How has the role of the HR manager changed in the past few years?
2. What are the differences between labour market and product market?
3. In the future, some say, the labour force will shrink. In what ways do you think this will modify HRM?
4. Why are companies devoting so much attention to ?performance assessment??
5. How would you define ?discriminatory employment behaviour?, and how would you recognise it?
6: Identify and explain the primary forms of compensation commonly included in a compensation package.
7: Discuss in details the types of training skills provided to employees.
8. Discuss the steps firms follow to demonstrate fairness to employees and to satisfy legal guidelines in recognizing employees? rights.
9. Should strikes be permitted in public-utility industries? Discuss.
10. In the future, some say, the labour force will shrink. In what ways do you think this will modify HRM?
Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review
?Provide a general summary and conclusion describing your chosen laws or issues.
Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.
Drug-Free Workplace Act.
In the unit studies, you explored many facets of government regulation of human capital management, including equal employment opportunities, health, and safety. For this assignment, examine the relat...ionship between this regulation and human capital management. In a 3??"5-page paper, complete the following:
Using your unit readings, research two key relationships among labor law and human capital management for your industry.
Describe and explain the importance of the relationships you identify.
Assess the influence of labor law on human capital management (HCM) practices for your industry.
Using your research and analysis, assess the relationship of labor law and HCM in your organization.
Identify and compare gaps between the relationships among HCM and labor law illustrated in the readings and in practice at your own organization.
In this unit, you will examine the legal environment that regulates HRM practices. Legal issues permeate almost all aspects of HRM, from initial recruitment and selection to termination or retirement. These legal regulations assist in determining appropriate hiring, management, and termination practices and help organizations become fair and effective workplaces. You will also examine employee rights and disciplinary policies and procedures, research key relationships between labor law and human capital management, and evaluate equal employment opportunity practices in your organization. You will analyze the implications of labor law on HRM practices and assess the influence of labor law on human capital management practices.
Please include abstract page consisting of no more than 100 works.
There are faxes for this order. more
Trace the major eras or periods of personnel administration since the American Revolution. Include the strengths and weakness of each era and be sure to describe the selection practices predominant in each era. Describe the effect each era has had on the development of personnel issues such as employee rights, recruitment, classification, compensation, benefits, training and labor relations. Also, be sure to discuss the values important in each era, and give examples demonstrating how values, such as responsiveness, administrative efficiency and individual rights, might some times conflict with certain functions of personnel administration.
Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review
Provide a general summary and conclusion describing your chosen laws or issues.
A simple Intro and Conclusion on the following paper.
Request for Phyleeks.
I would like to request as the writer if possible.
In this assignment, you are asked to respond to the following questions:
1. Is the grievance process ...an effective method for resolving workplace disputes?
2. How would you suggest that unions and employers improve their ability to correctly interpret the collective agreement?
Refer to the issues discussed in case studies 10.2 (Must a Union Process a Grievance of a Non-union Employee), and 11.1 (The Right to Contract Out). Refer to the questions found at the end of the case studies to help you think about your answers to the questions above.
Case study 10.2 "Must a Union Process a Grievance of a Non-union Employee"
1.What are nonunion employee rights under the LMRA?
2.What is meant bu the union's duty of fair representation?
3.When has the Union met its obligation of fair representation?
4.Has the Union in this case met its fair representation obligation? Explain.
Case study 11.1 "The Right to Contract Out"
1.Which party has the burden of proof? Which level of proof should be used? Why?
2.Is this case a matter of "good faith" on the part of the Company or a contract interpretation issue? Why? Why not?
3.Develop some general guidelines for companies to retain the right to contract out bargaining union work.
4.When a company contracts out work formerly performed by bargaining unit employees, is the company violating the recognition clause of the Labor Agreement?
5.Be the arbitrator. How do you rule? Why?
There are faxes for this order. more
you are required to research material for your essay paper on one of the following topics:
Security Issues In The Workplace
OSHA Standards
Health And Safety Management In The Workplace
Legal Issues In HR Management
You have to choose only one topic above.
And please do not forget reference page please with 2 sources APA style.
Here just a perspective:
"The right to be left alone-the most comprehensive of rights and the most valued by civilized men." - Louis Brandeis (Supreme Court Justice, 1916- 1939)
When an employee files a complaint regarding an alleged workplace violation, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) affords them specific rights. These rights may include the right to have an authorized employee representative present during an inspection, the right to refuse an inspection, the right to apply to OSHA for a temporary variance from a standard, and/or the right to apply to OSHA for a permanent variance from a standard.
Consider the following: What are employee rights in the workplace? Specific sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act cover these employee rights in addition to a "General Duty Clause." However, along with rights there are also employee and employer responsibilities.
In the employer-employee relationship concerning workplace safety, every employee right is qualified with a responsibility. Many federal and state employment laws require employers to post notices informing employees of their rights under various employment laws. The statutes require that these workplace laws be posted in areas of the workplace that are conspicuous and accessible to all employees. more
Assignment # 1
After reading pages 80-81 in your textbook, consider the following problem: should someone leave a job after one week when that person has been offered a better job? Draft your response into a document supported with specific reasons and, if applicable, examples.
Assignment # 2
After reading 132-3,in your text, consider the ethics of the use of a work coumputer for personal business. Write a memo to me, as if I were your boss, in which you explain (with reasonable explanations and support) your views on this issue.
Assignment # 3
Read pages 163-4 in your text. (a). Investigate the conduct codes of serveral companies. Then, construct your own code of conduct for a chain of apparel, hardware, or grocery stores.(b). Also, assume the role of an administrative assistant and sent me a memo in which you outline your views on codes of conducts. Do you believe they are necessary? Unecessary? Do they violate employee rights? Do they safeguard employees and customers?
Will 1 page on each be enough?
I will FAX the text pages to (253) 390-0574
Enrique Villarreal
There are faxes for this order.
pleease answer each question in separate essay
Please use easy language.
1. Discuss the growth and development of the merit system and the implications of the battle between patronage and merit system reform for contemporary public personnel managment.
2.Review some of the current challenges and changes that characterize public personnel as we move into the twenty -first century.
3.Discuss some of the issues of public employee rights including the right to pravacy, free speech and political activity for public administrators.
4.Discuss the problems of ensuring diversity and social representation in public bureaucracies including some of the main challenges and public policies responses with respect to diverse workforce.
5 Explain some of the variables in achieving productivity in the workplace. Include in your analysis a review of the research and main theories that relate to achieving a fully productive workforce.
6.Discuss the process of succession planning in public organizations and steps that characterize this type of planning. What are some of the other types of planning in organizations?
7 .
Discuss the issues of the organization of the personnel managment function in government and non profit organizations.
Please write it in easy language
25 January 2012 Order# Hello Writer, I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (3) page term paper shortly via email. "Please…
Read Full Paper ❯Employer and employee rights and duties under employment law in the United Arab Emirates. The assignment should give a high level overview of the key practical issues including: permissions…
Read Full Paper ❯Summarize in three or four pages the relationship of employee rights and responsibilities to an employee?s ethical framework for decision-making and to a manager?s ethical framework for decision-making. There are…
Read Full Paper ❯designing elements of an employee relations program from an organization of your choice. Identify policy implications, the goals of the program, how these goals support corporate goals, and…
Read Full Paper ❯write a 5 page paper in which your own ideas on the ethical issue of fairness in hiring and promotions, employees' rights and duties in business. The paper…
Read Full Paper ❯Due Week 6 and worth 250 points Dr. DoRight has recently been hired as the President of the ?Universal Human Care Hospital?, where he oversees all departments with over…
Read Full Paper ❯14 January 2012 ORDER# Hello Writer, I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (5) page term paper shortly via fax.…
Read Full Paper ❯Requesting the writer to be: Christinapeter. Paper designing elements of an employee relations program from any organization. Identify policy implications, the goals of the program, how these goals support corporate…
Read Full Paper ❯Part 1/Deliverable Length:3 pages Read the case "The Reluctant Security Guard" I have faxed this text, pages 318-321. As a manager at Blue Mountain Company, you have been asked to…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment #1 Chapter 3 of the text covers the legal environment of public sector labor relations, and provides a general overview of the major provisions of typical comprehensive labor-management…
Read Full Paper ❯You will remember that the lecture mentioned that HR professionals are often criticized as being vacillators who often give the dreaded response of "It depends" when asked about the…
Read Full Paper ❯Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review Locate a Present-Day 2012 Court Case About Equal Employment Acts, and Write a 300 word paper addressing the following List A: Civil Rights…
Read Full Paper ❯************************************************************************************************************************************** Part A. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students: "The employer may hire, fire, promote and demote any employee it chooses as long as there is no employment…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper is to be given to the writer JSF. The writer's email is JSFWRITER@aol.com. I have talked specifically with the writer and he wants to take…
Read Full Paper ❯( I would like 10 pages on the revised version of Section 1.) (Section 1) Abstract Halkias (2004) stated that Wal-Mart has been accused of preferential treatment of some and the…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 3: Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Research Paper Due Week 6 and worth 250 points Dr. DoRight has recently been hired as the President of the ?Universal Human Care Hospital?,…
Read Full Paper ❯Mini- Essay questions 1. How has the role of the HR manager changed in the past few years? 2. What are the differences between labour market and product market? 3.…
Read Full Paper ❯HRM/300 FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review ?Provide a general summary and conclusion describing your chosen laws or issues. Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review. Pregnancy…
Read Full Paper ❯In the unit studies, you explored many facets of government regulation of human capital management, including equal employment opportunities, health, and safety. For this assignment, examine the relationship between…
Read Full Paper ❯Trace the major eras or periods of personnel administration since the American Revolution. Include the strengths and weakness of each era and be sure to describe the selection practices…
Read Full Paper ❯HRM/300 FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Rights Review Provide a general summary and conclusion describing your chosen laws or issues. A simple Intro and Conclusion on the…
Read Full Paper ❯Request for Phyleeks. I would like to request as the writer if possible. In this assignment, you are asked to respond to the following questions: 1. Is the…
Read Full Paper ❯you are required to research material for your essay paper on one of the following topics: Security Issues In…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment # 1 After reading pages 80-81 in your textbook, consider the following problem: should someone leave a job after one week when that person has been offered a better…
Read Full Paper ❯pleease answer each question in separate essay Please use easy language. 1. Discuss the growth and development of the merit system and the implications of the battle between patronage and…
Read Full Paper ❯