25+ documents containing “Employee Compensation”.
Compensation Practices
Case Study
Employee compensation is important to the employer and employee alike. Agreeing to a competitive and equitable salary for one employee may mean a... lower salary but outstanding health benefits, and a moderate salary with a liberal tuition reimbursement plan for anther. As the HR manager, you should be aware of the wide range of employee compensation and rewards in addition to the compensation practices in effect in your market area.
In addition to developing the optimum compensation strategy for a company, an HR manager must be knowledgeable about the laws (both federal and state) that govern how employers pay their employees.
CST Publications is a fledgling print-on-demand book publisher located in the Pacific Northwest, just inside the Oregon border. It currently employs 32 people, including editors, marketing staff, IT, and office support staff. The business has been growing and you have been hired as the HR manager. Susan Compton, the company's CEO, has asked you to review CST's current compensation practices to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. Research the following issues and summarize your findings in a report to Ms. Compton.
1. Some of CST's employees are classified as exempt and others as nonexempt. Find out what these terms mean and how the decision about how the employee is categorized is made. According to the guidelines, are your marketing associates, who are paid on a commission basis, considered exempt or nonexempt employees?
2. Many of CST's employees work part time. The graphic design staff especially is made up of friends of Ms. Compton who have worked with her on a part-time, informal basis. Many of the designers have other full-time jobs. Conduct research to determine the laws and regulations affecting part-time employees. more
Suggested Topics
Balancing Home/Workforce and Management
Why Some Major Employers Do Not Offer Benefits
New Trends In Employee Compensation and Benefits
Mental Health in the Benefits Less Workplace
Employee Salary, Wages and Benefits as a Cost to Employees
Leading Change Effectively
Diversity and Benefits
Any one of the above topics pertaining to Compensation and Benefits
Topic needs to include an explanation of topic and what are the negative and positive aspects
Good evening,
I have attached the document with little scenario and three (3) questions that needs to be answer. There is no chapter artlicles that relates to this. Below is scenario.
Scenario: Imagine your human resource project of revamping the employee compensation and benefits package is starting to develop issues. The project is 6 weeks off track and your team members are becoming discouraged. A key member of the team is consistently late with deadlines and you have discovered that your budget has been depleted quicker than expected.
Please citations pages reference resources paper. I need at least three (3) references materials.
I have no extra days on this paper its due Friday, 9 Dec 2011 @3:00pm, if for some reason the writer can't complete the paper before Thursday, 8 Dec 2011, I need to know ASAP.
Imagine that you have just been hired by a new company as the director of the HR department. You have been tasked to hire a new secretary for the department and to develop an employee compensation and benefits package that will be used for that position upon hire.
Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Website, located at www.bls.gov, for information regarding organizations and pay in your geographical area.
Section 1: Narrative
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1.Choose the type of organization for which you are designing the package.
2.Develop an employee compensation and benefits package for this new position. Support your ideas for the compensation/benefits package.
3.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
There are faxes for this order.
Case Assignment:
Employee Separation Policies and Procedures
The ability to manage employee departures is critical for several reasons. First, a poorly handled and emotionally charge...d employee departure can create a legal situation. Second, a poorly handled employee departure can create serious morale issues pertaining to the employees left behind. Third, there are a number of financial, workflow and ethical aspects that come with each employee departure that must be managed.
The three key points listed above as well as others make the ability to manage employee departures critically important not only for the organization but also for the HR manager and other managers involved in the decision. The management of employee separations impacts the reputation of an organization as well as the HR department and managers involved. It could lead to loss of revenue, weak recruitment and retention, as well as career opportunities for those involved in employee discharge decisions.
As the HR Manager, it is your task is to assess the critical aspects that must successfully be achieved to minimize negative impact.
For this case assignment, devise a separation policy along with specific procedures that address involuntary and voluntary termination. Also address how various employee compensation programs are affected. You should take under consideration the impact on the organization as well as upon employee morale as you develop your paper. You have the flexibility to build more components into this discussion if you wish.
Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen and support your discussion.
Assignment Expectations:
Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing upon all of the required background readings and relevant sources from your prior courses and your own library search. Use website information sparingly (reputable websites only).
Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a "List of References," and a strong introduction and conclusion).
Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors.
Address all aspects of the assignment as stated.
Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures as you address the above assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples in your case paper than those used in your SLP paper.
Limit your web search and focus instead on your library search. Bring in information from the background readings as well to help add depth and validity to your discussion.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your paper as footnotes, numbered end notes or APA style of referencing. more
Note: This paper is part two of order ID # 2135030
Topic: Compensation Project
Order ID: 2135030
Create a work breakdown structure in MS Project using the existing information from uploaded paper, order ID# 2135030.
Imagine your human resource project of revamping the employee compensation and benefits package is starting to develop issues. The project is 6 weeks off track and your team members are becoming discouraged. A key member of the team is consistently late with deadlines and you have discovered that your budget has been depleted quicker than expected.
Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:
2. Write a memo that communicates the budget situation to the rest of the team.
3. Suggest two (2) ways to improve an underperforming team member.
4. Organize a plan of action to get the project back on track.
Organizational ResearchWal-Marts employee compensation and benefits research paper. The research should include the types of compensation and benefits plans offered by Wal-Mart. It should discuss advantages and disadvantages of components of the plan offered by Wal-Mart. It also should include recommendations on how to improve them. The research should be labeled with an Introduction Body and Conclusion.
APA standards; be type written, double spaced, and in Word format.
This is a Health Research Article:
Research Topic:
"Second medical opinion- a patient?s right and a health system money saving resource"
The number one cause of medical malpra...ctice in the U.S. is medical misdiagnose. Asking another doctor can help catch misdiagnoses or prevent unnecessary treatments, but they can also be a waste of time and resources. At this time, not all health plans cover a medical second opinion, which becomes a self-pay service, making almost impossible for vulnerable people to receive one. Also the more fortunate patients might find themselves with too many options and too little guidance in choosing their second medical opinion. The US health care system is run like a business, increasingly focused on generating income for insurers and providers rather than providing care for patients.
Helpful bibliography that might help complement the article:
? ?WHO GETS SECOND OPINIONS?? By Drs. Wagner, Sept 99, Health affairs http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/18/5/137.full.pdf+html
? ?Firms seek medical second opinion? By Joanne Wojcik- http://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20111204/NEWS05/312049987?tags=%7C74%7C305%7C339%7C342
? ?MARKET BASED FAILURE- A SECOND OPINON ON US HEALTH CARE COST?- http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp0800265
? H.R. 2457 (111th): Right to a Second Medical Opinion Act of 2009 - http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr2457
? The Family Leave Act (FLA): http://www.dol.gov./whd/regs/compliance/1421.htm
? The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)- http://www.dol.gov/compliance/laws/comp-feca.htm
Include the answers to these questions in the article:
1. Explain and compare the 2 active legislation (State (FLA) & Federal (FECA)) and the H.R 2457 that was proposed in 2009. How can we mix those (3 legislations) and create a better second medical opinion regulation.
2. Why Second Medical Opinion should be a patient?s right?
3. How Second Medical Opinion will help save money to the Health Care Industry? (Health Insurance Companies, Physicians and Patients) more
Assignment 2: Creating Your Dream Job
Due Week 8 and worth 300 points
In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and appraisal perform...ance.
Write a six to eight (6-8) paper paper in which you:
1. Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
2. Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
3. Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
4. Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
5. Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
? Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
? Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues
? Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics more
Assignment 2: Creating Your Dream Job
In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and appraisal performance.
Write a six to eight (6...-8) paper paper in which you:
1. Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
2. Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
3. Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
4. Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
5. Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
? Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
? Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
? Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics. more
select three of the divisions below, and write an HRM policy for each of the ones you select.
(1) Job Analysis, (2) Recruiting and Selection, (3) Employee Evaluation, (4) Employee Development, (5) Employee Rewards, (6) Employee Compensation, (7) Labor Relations, (8) Employee Discipline, (9) Equal Employment Opportunities.
The quality of the writing is just as important as the content. Each policy will be a minimum of five pages, double spaced, and a font size 12. You will also need to provide footnotes and a bibliography.
How do you think that GMs employee compensation with regard to healthcare got so out of control? How is GM similar and different from other unionized organizations?
How might this be different for non-unionized organizations?
Use research to validate your points of view and cite your references.
***************I REQUEST THE WRITTER ORIENTED************************************
Assignment 2: MS Project and Team Leadership
Due Week 10 and worth 280 points
Go to iC...ampus to download a free version of Microsoft Project needed to complete this assignment. Details on how to download the software are available in the online course shell in the Instructional Resources section of the Student Center.
Make the needed corrections to Assignment 1 using instructor feedback and initialize a new project in Microsoft Project to complete the following:
1.Create a work breakdown structure in MS Project using the existing information from Assignment 1. Note: This assignment will require you to submit a zipped file. Please see below for details on how to zip a file.
Imagine your human resource project of revamping the employee compensation and benefits package is starting to develop issues. The project is 6 weeks off track and your team members are becoming discouraged. A key member of the team is consistently late with deadlines and you have discovered that your budget has been depleted quicker than expected.
Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:
1.Write a memo that communicates the budget situation to the rest of the team.
2.Suggest two (2) ways to improve an underperforming team member.
3.Organize a plan of action to get the project back on track.
Your assignment must:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
To zip a file please follow these directions below. Note: Directions may vary depending on the operating system.
PC Directions:
1.Select the files to zip.
2.Right-click on the highlighted files and choose ?Send to: Compressed folder?.
Mac Directions:
1.Select the files to zip.
2.Right-click on the highlighted files and choose ?Compress?. more
Assignment 2: Creating Your Dream Job
IT Job PC/Networking Manager or higher.
In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and ...appraisal performance.
Write a six to eight (6-8) paper paper in which you:
Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics. more
3 page APA format paper (utilize headers to separate sections in the paper) that addresses the following areas relevant to the assessment of enterprise-level business systems (APA citation should be i...n every paragraph, please include a company example if applicable)Also, please use concise writtening, no extra fluff (to the point):
Title Enterprise-level Business Systems: Assessment
I. Intro
Introduction Example Template
In most organizations, periodic performance appraisals are an established method of evaluating work results and determining employee merit increases. Dessler (2000) suggests that there are three key aspects of the performance appraisal process: (1) establishing mutual goals and objectives, (2) using a valid and objective measurement method, and (3) linking employee performance to compensation. This case study will define these three aspects of performance appraisals, discuss their importance, and illustrate their general impact upon the organization. Finally, specific company examples will be offered to demonstrate how these appraisal steps are practiced at Hewlett-Packard, the New York Life Insurance Company, and IBM.
II. Information-Gathering Methods
A. Discuss which information-gathering methods can be used in analyzing requirements
III. Business Process Mapping Methods
A. Identify which business process mapping methods should be used in analysis activities.
IV. Business Process Mapping Tools
A. Discuss process mapping should be used in analysis activities
V. Assessment
A. Indicated how the analyst whould know if thes methods and tools were effective in understanding requirements.
B. Explain how prototyping tools could be used to confirm these requirements.
VI. Summary and Conclusion
Summary and Conclusion Example Template
As this case study has shown, three key elements of performance appraisal were described by Dessler (2000): (1) establishing mutual goals and objectives, (2) using a valid objective measurement method, and (3) linking performance to employee compensation. In the examples discussed, Hewlett-Packard illustrated the various steps by which performance targets can be established. This company particularly stressed the importance of mutuality in the goal setting process. Next, the New York Life Insurance Company offered a very clear instance of how objective measurement methods can be standardized?in this case, as an integral part of routine business. The IBM Corporation served as an example of a pay-for-performance program that focused on rewarding right results (customer satisfaction). Activity, effort and risk taking were indeed recognized, but employee performance that achieved the desired outcomes was consistently and substantially compensated.
In conclusion, it is this author?s view that many organizations could begin improving the performance appraisal process by first establishing clearly communicated goals that employees perceive as worthwhile and achievable. Both the employee and the supervisor should mutually agree upon these objectives. In addition, these targets should provide sufficient ?stretch? in the required job performance so as to afford a genuine challenge for employees. Finally, the performance appraisal and compensation policy must offer substantial incentives for employees who indeed achieve the desired results. These rewards should be in direct proportion to the value of the employee?s contribution to the organization.
Referances (Use aleast 2-4 of the following references or other online USA references)(Paraphrase or quotes cite in APA format)
Linthicum, David. Enterprise Integration Appication.
Leffingwell D., Widrig D. Managing Software Requirements. more
Hi you recently wrote a paper for me on Starbucks, there is a part 2. The focus here is on its domestic (American) operations, with global issues left for Unit 6. Begin by reading through the material... on economic indicators in the Webliography. Select 6-10 indicators that are of particular relevance to your firm and explain why. Next, outline a strategy for how the firm should respond to the information provided by the economic indicators with the goal of maximizing revenues in the years ahead.Selected and defined 6-10 Indicators of particular relevance to the firm chosen. Discussion for each indicator includes: ?Explanation of the relevance to the firm?A strategy of how the firm will respond ?A goal to maximize revenues for the years ahead LATEST RELEASES?Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey 01/17/2014 ?Consumer Price Index 01/16/2014 ?Real Earnings 01/16/2014 ?Producer Price Index 01/15/2014 MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORSConsumer Price IndexJanuary 16, 2014On a seasonally adjusted basis, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers increased 0.3 percent in December after being unchanged in November. The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.1 percent in December after increasing 0.2 percent in November. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Employment Cost IndexNovember 19, 2013Compensation costs up 0.4 percent for civilian workers, seasonally adjusted, from June- September 2013. Over the year, compensation rose 1.9 percent, wages and salaries 1.6 percent, and benefits 2.2 percent. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Employment SituationJanuary 10, 2014The unemployment rate declined from 7.0 percent to 6.7 percent in December, while total nonfarm payroll employment edged up (+74,000). Employment rose in retail trade and wholesale trade but was down in information. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Producer Price IndexJanuary 15, 2014The Producer Price Index for finished goods advanced 0.4 percent in December. Prices for finished goods declined 0.1 percent in November and 0.2 percent in October. The index for finished goods less foods and energy moved up 0.3 percent in December. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Productivity and CostsDecember 16, 2013Productivity increased 3.0 percent in the nonfarm business sector in the third quarter of 2013; unit labor costs decreased 1.4 percent (seasonally adjusted annual rates). In manufacturing, productivity decreased 0.1 percent and unit labor costs increased 1.3 percent. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Real EarningsJanuary 16, 2014Real average hourly earnings fell 0.3 percent in December, seasonally adjusted. Average hourly earnings rose 0.1 percent and the CPI-U rose 0.3 percent. Real average weekly earnings fell 0.5 percent over the month. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)U.S. Import and Export Price IndexesJanuary 14, 2014U.S. import prices recorded no change in December, following declines of 0.9 percent in November and 0.6 percent in October. In December, higher fuel prices offset declining nonfuel prices. U.S. export prices advanced 0.4 percent in December, after edging up 0.1 percent the previous month. Full text: (HTML) (PDF)Subscribe to the BLS News Service to receive the above news releases by e-mail. SCHEDULES OF NEWS RELEASES?By Month ?2013 Schedule of Dates for Selected Releases ?Schedules for Prior Years ALL ECONOMIC NEWS RELEASESARCHIVESCautionData in archived news releases may have been revised in subsequent releases. The latest data, including any revisions, may be obtained from the databases accessible on the program homepages. ?Archived News Releases EMPLOYMENT & UNEMPLOYMENTMonthly?Employment Situation (HTML) (PDF) ?Commissioner's Statement on the Employment Situation (HTML) (PDF) ?Job Openings and Labor Turnover (HTML) (PDF) ?Mass Layoffs (HTML) (PDF) ?Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment (HTML) (PDF) ?Real Earnings (HTML) (PDF) ?Regional and State Employment and Unemployment (HTML) (PDF) Quarterly, annual, and other?American Time Use Survey (HTML) (PDF) ?Business Employment Dynamics (HTML) (PDF) ?College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School Graduates (HTML) (PDF) ?Computer and Internet Use at Work (HTML) (PDF) ?Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements (HTML) (PDF) ?County Employment and Wages (HTML) (PDF) ?Employee Tenure (HTML) (PDF) ?Employment Characteristics of Families (HTML) (PDF) ?Employment Experience of Youths: Results from a Longitudinal Survey (HTML) (PDF) ?Employment Situation of Veterans (HTML) (PDF) ?Extended Mass Layoffs (HTML) (PDF) ?Extended Mass Layoffs Associated with Domestic and Overseas Relocations (HTML) (PDF) ?Firm Size Class Quarterly Data (HTML) (PDF) ?Foreign-born Workers: Labor Force Characteristics (HTML) (PDF) ?Married Parents' Use of Time, 2003-06 (HTML) (PDF) ?Number of Jobs, Labor Market Experience, and Earnings Growth: Results From A Longitudinal Survey (HTML) (PDF) ?Occupational Employment and Wages (HTML) (PDF) ?Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics (HTML) (PDF) ?Regional and State Unemployment (Annual) (HTML) (PDF) ?Summer Employment and Unemployment Among Youth (HTML) (PDF) ?Union Members (HTML) (PDF) ?Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage And Salary Workers (HTML) (PDF) ?Volunteering in the United States (HTML) (PDF) ??Women in the Labor Force: A Databook? Updated (PDF) ?Work At Home (HTML) (PDF) ?Work Experience of the Population (HTML) (PDF) ?Worker Displacement (HTML) (PDF) ?Workers on Flexible and Shift Schedules (HTML) (PDF) INFLATION & PRICES?Consumer Price Index (HTML) (PDF) ?Producer Price Index (HTML) (PDF) ?U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes (HTML) (PDF) ?Consumer Expenditures Survey (Annual) (HTML) (PDF) PAY & BENEFITS & WORKPLACE INJURIES?Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (HTML) (PDF) ?Employee Benefits in the United States (HTML) (PDF) ?Employee Benefits in State and Local Government (HTML) (PDF) ?Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (HTML) (PDF) ?Employment Cost Index (HTML) (PDF) ?Major Work Stoppages (HTML ) (PDF) ?Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Days Away From Work (HTML) (PDF) ?Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (HTML) (PDF) ?Occupational Pay Relatives (HTML) (PDF) PRODUCTIVITY & TECHNOLOGY?Multifactor Productivity Trends (HTML) (PDF) ?Multifactor Productivity Trends for Detailed Industries (HTML) (PDF) ?Multifactor Productivity Trends in Manufacturing (HTML) (PDF) ?Productivity and Costs (HTML) (PDF) ?Productivity and Costs by Industry: Manufacturing Industries (HTML) (PDF) ?Productivity and Costs by Industry: Selected Service-Providing and Mining Industries (HTML) (PDF) ?Productivity and Costs by Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade, Food Services and Drinking Places (HTML) (PDF) EMPLOYMENT PROJECTIONS?2014-15 Edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook Published (HTML) (PDF) ?Economic and Employment Projections (HTML) (PDF) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS?International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing (HTML) (PDF) ?International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends (HTML) (PDF) more
Select a company or organization about which you will be able to find all of the information for this
assignment (either via corporate Websites or interviewing an HR professional from that organiz...ation),
1. Describe the business or organization.
2. Determine and describe the types of information this organization would need to make informed
human resource decisions.
3. Analyze the organization?s recruitment and selection process and make one (1) recommendation
for improvement.
4. Review the organization?s stance on diversity and make recommendations for improvement, or
defend the organization?s diversity policy as it stands.
5. Analyze the organization?s compensation and benefits policy and determine if it is competitive
with other organizations of the same size and in the same line of business.
6. Evaluate the organization?s training program and determine if the organization establishes a
career development program or could benefit from one, determine if the organization?s training
program is competitive, and make recommendations for improvement if it is not.
Your assignment must:
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
??Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
??Analyze effective recruiting and selection strategies that can be used to meet organizational
??Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
??Explain effective approaches to the broad spectrum of employee relations, including career
development, fostering ethical behavior, discipline, labor relations, and dismissals. more
I hope everyone enjoyed the time off for the holidays. Now it is back to work for us. In regards to the team task this week, a possible topic from our weekly focus we can debate on in our paper is the... use of labor unions in the change process. There is most likely sufficient information to argue for both sides. Let me know what you all think. See below:
The use of labor union in change process
Change process is difficult both on the employees and management; I believe that labor union can make the process a little bit easier for both parties. Change will bring some changes that the labor union can negotiate on behalf of the employers and no one will be afraid of being singled out by the management. The fact is that, when an organization have a labor union to work with, they can partner together to facilitate change easier. When the organization knows that change is required, it can disseminate this information to the leadership of the union and the union can then pass the information along to the employees. When everyone is on the same page, it improves the chances of the organization getting through the change. It will be a win-win situation.
Simpler Negotiations
As an employer, one of the advantages of dealing with a labor union is that it simplifies the negotiations process. When you deal with a labor union, you do not have to negotiate with multiple employees. You simply talk to the head of the labor union and the head of the union speaks for all of the workforce. By doing this, you can negotiate faster and more efficiently without having to worry about meeting with many different employees.
Employee Satisfaction
Another advantage of dealing with labor unions is that it can improve employee satisfaction. When employees deal with unions, they may be more satisfied because they have a voice to speak to the employer. They get higher wages on average and better benefits packages. When you meet the needs of the employees better, they will be more satisfied in their jobs and will be willing to work harder for you. This could lead to higher productivity and better quality production.
Less Turnover
Another advantage of labor unions for organizations is that they lead to less turnover. When you have a workforce that is comprised of labor union members, they will not leave their jobs as frequently. They have to pay dues to be a part of the union, and they typically do not want to lose their position in the organization. When you have lower levels of turnover, it saves your business money in the long run by not having to train as many new employees.
Easier to Make Changes
Businesses regularly have to undergo change if they want to stay at the forefront of their industry. When a business has a labor union to work with, they can partner together to facilitate change easier. When the employer knows that change is required, it can disseminate this information to the leadership of the union and the union can then pass the information along to the employees. When everyone is on the same page, it improves the chances of the company getting through the change.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; The Effect of Unions on Employee Benefits -- Recent Results From the Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Data; John W. Budd; June 2005
Economic Policy Institute; How Unions Help All Workers; Lawrence Mishel, et al.; August 2003
Points well taken. Thanks for sharing. You have added to our discussion and learning. Are there some potential data analysis problems when using compound or complex questions? Are such questions harder to answer in a meaningful way? Would you want the consultant to be certified by a respected professional organization?
Complex questions are subjected to ambiguity and different interpretations by different people. Different employees can read different meanings to a single complex question. There are a number of ways that complex questions can be misinterpreted in the real world. A major error can be performing multiple comparisons. It may be helpful to consider some aspects of statistical thought which might lead many people to be distrustful of it. Complex questions live room for probabilistic perspective. This is in contrast to the way non-mathematicians often cast problems: logical, concrete, often dichotomous conceptualizations are the norm: right or wrong, large or small, this or that and this is a big problem when analyzing the data.
There are a lot of reasons I would want to engage a certified consultant in my organization project. First, these people will have the evidence of successful track records which will be found in client testimonials, references, and repeat business associations. They will adhere to the highest ethical standards, they have more experience in their field of expertise, they have life-long professional education and they also have a reference network for challenging client problems, so my organization can worry less about failure. USED
Additionally, many non-mathematicians hold quantitative data in a sort of awe. They have been lead to believe that numbers are, or at least should be, unquestionably correct. Consider the sort of math problems people are exposed to in secondary school, and even in introductory college math courses: there is a clearly defined method for finding the answer, and that answer is the only acceptable one. It comes, then, as a shock that different research studies can produce very different, often contradictory results. If the statistical methods used are really supposed to represent reality, how can it be that different studies produce different results? In order to resolve this paradox, many naive observers conclude that statistics must not really provide reliable (in the nontechnical sense) indicators of reality after all. And, the logic goes, if statistics aren't "right", they must be "wrong". It is easy to see how even intelligent, well-educated people can become cynical if they don't understand the subtleties of statistical reasoning and analysis.
? A history of results and excellent performance. Evidence of a successful track record is found in client testimonials, references, and repeat business, all of which are required to maintain their CMC? certification.
? Adherence to the highest ethical standards of the profession. Your CMC? has successfully completing both written and oral ethics examinations covering commitments to the client, to fiscal responsibility, to the public, and to the profession.
? Experience in the field. A minimum of three years of continuous consulting and successful results are required for certification.
? Life-long professional education. Your CMC? takes advantage of IMC USA's national conferences, local workshops, topical research, the Academy for Professional Development, newsletters, and other chapter-level offerings.
? A reference network for challenging client problems. They can utilize IMC USA's national database, local chapter reference sources, and the combined wisdom of the knowledge management created and maintained within IMC USA membership. USED
Thanks for sharing your response. I think that you made some valid points. Might employees be afraid of managers because of management's behavior? Might employees move into being silent because they have been punished for speaking up? Might employees be silent because it is not safe to speak-up? What do these dynamic have to do with organizational structure?
There is every probability that employees that had been intimidated by the management will be afraid to speak up and may imbibe the culture of silence. Line and staff organizational structure may the perfect structure where this can happen. This is because managers of line and staff have authority over their subordinates and can punish them as they so wish if they determine so. Besides, the decision-making process is slower in this type of organizational structure because of the layers and guidelines that are typical to it, so upper management hardly learn of lower level employees complaints.
I want to thank you for reading and responding to my post. As a potential change manager, what would you do if the allocation of resources were too few to make the plan successful? Might the rationale for the allocation be a starting point? Can management sometime plan a change hat it wants to fail?
Define goals and criterias: I will look at the profitability, risks and value to customers.
I will compare the criterias and choose the most important ones.
I will take a second look at the alternatives.
I will priortize projects against the organization objectives.
I will calculate priorities.
I will order projects by benefits and cost ratio.
I will cut project from the bottom until I meet the budget.
There is always a second best decision in any situation, instead of failing, I will switch to the second best project to save allocations and resources.
Develop Part I of a comprehensive plan to implement an organization change.
Choose an issue from your workplace and create a plan for a proposed change to resolve the issue. (I work in home health care setting).
Your change proposal must be something you might actually implement in your workplace. Iwant issue related to Long-term care.
Part I of your plan focuses on assessment of the change issue and planning for the proposed change.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word plan with the following:
? Examine the need in the organization for your proposed change.
? Examine organizational and individual barriers to your proposed change.
? Identify factors that might influence your proposed change.
? Summarize factors influencing organizational readiness for your proposed change.
? Identify the theoretical model that relates to your proposed change.
? Identify internal and external resources available to support your change initiative.
Use the University Library to conduct a search for current peer-reviewed literature that provides data to support your change application.
Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines. more
State: Virginia
Prepare an overview of the state. THe overview should present information of the size of the population, economic status of the area, per capita income, size ...of the budget, proportion of the budget devoted to public employee compensation, proportion of the budget devoted to health insurance for active and retired workers, total number of governmental employees, and other useful information to help understand the economics of the state government.
Please include:
Overview of state
economic status
-unemployeement rate
-state GDP
-reports of economic outlook
-budget deficits
-top state industries
per capita income
size of the budget
proportion of budget devoted to public employee compensation
proportion of budget to health insurance
-over time growth rate
total number of government employees
Address some of the issues:
growing cost of health insurance in virginia
legacy costs - public employees still get full benefits after retire, but dont pay into it
Thank you in advance for writing this paper for me. Please have it completed by the date assigned.
Please MLA format and cite everything in the manner, try to get as many words on one page as possible. 1' margins and regular spacing please.
Some resources:
census beauru
virginia state website
anything that has valid information relating to the topic.
This is one of 4 papers related to the same topic and research, please feel free to contact me anytime. 919 271 9849
if you would like to write the other 3 regarding the same topic but more in depth with the health insurance please let me know and I will request you as the writer.
Thank you so much. more
Since Banking is an area that I am familiar with, lets go for a venture in starting a local community development bank.
The course paper will consist of:
a. Strategic plan and a...nalysis of a new commercial endeavor that provides a product or service you are familiar with
b. Strategic plan and analysis of a current business or department in a large organization you are familiar with
The course paper consists of an 8 to 10-page paper, typed and double-spaced. Please address all of the following items in the paper. Most students find each item can be discussed in a paragraph, except for the SWOT analysis which requires a longer explanation.
I. Planning
? Mission statement
? Why you have selected the business or department
? What makes your business unique and different from your competitors
? SWOT analysis ? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
? Strategic Plan: First year goals and objectives
Three year goals and objectives
? Social and ethical responsibilities
II. Market
? Intended market ? retail or wholesale
? Demographics of potential customers
? geographic location
? income level
? lifestyle ? families, retired, singles, students, age groups
? Competing businesses currently serving your customers
III. Organizing and Staffing
? Organizational structure
? Management theories applied to achieve quality and productivity
? Recruiting, hiring and training employees
? Compensation philosophy ? wage/salary, commissions, bonuses, benefits
IV. Leading
? Management philosophy towards employees, and decision-making style
? Communicating and motivating individuals and groups
? Providing for job satisfaction
V. Internet Research
? Include three Internet sources you used to write your paper. Be sure to refer to
these sources in the content of your paper.
Other Research Sources
Business publications such as magazines, articles and reviews
Personal interviews more
Employee privacy and torts
Focuses on how employee privacy started and how it is changing and evolving based on our every changing community/society and technology
...I. Historical background intro to employee privacy
Roberson v. Rochester folding Box. Co
Common law right of privacy
II. Public Employee?s Privacy right
Privacy Act f 1974
Freedom of information act
III. Property searches in the public sector
O?Connor V. Ortega
IV. Private sector Employees property searches
V. Invasion of property
Confidentiality of medical records
Motor Vehicle information
Unreasonable disclosure of private facts
Intrusion on seclusion
Video surveillance
Cramer v. Consolidated freightways, inc
VI. Monitoring employee telephone conversations and email
Email monitoring
Electronic communication privacy act
Text messaging
Remote computing services
Electronic communication services
Deal V. Spears (1992)
VII. Drug Testing
Governmental testing
Patchogue Medford congress of teachers v. Board of education
Testing in the private sector
Jakubowicz v. Dittemore
Testing procedures and methods
VIII. Polygraph Examinations
EPPA of 1988
Anderson V. Philadelphia
Throne v. City of El Segundo
VIIII. Employee defamation claims
McCallum v. Lambie (1887)
Absolute and Conditional privileges
Miron v. University of New Haven Police department (2007)
Employee evaluations
Investigation of misconduct in the workforce
X. Where we are today with social media?how doe you see employee privacy changing (reference recent cases)
This is a general outline, but may and should include other relevant topics more
Employee Training and Career Development Paper
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following:
Explain the role of training in an organizations development.
Describe different employee development methods and their benefits.
Analyze the relationship between employee development and organizational development.
Describe the role of human resource management in career development.
Reflect on your personal career development. Where do you see your career in 5 years? How can your company or your future company assist you with your career development? Will your companys career development opportunities be sufficient for your needs?
Employee Training and Career Development
? Explain the role of training in an organization?s development.
? Describe different employee development methods and their benefits.
? Analyze the relationship between employee development and organizational development.
? Describe the role of human resource management in career development.
? Reflect on your personal career development. Where do you see your career in 5 years? How can your company or your future company assist you with your career development? Will your company?s career development opportunities be sufficient for your needs?
My Career is Human Resource Assistant
Employee turnover rates are high for many organizations, and you have noticed that the company you work for is no different. Research what other organizations are doing to hire and retain good employees in order to combat the high employee turnover rate.Use this research to make recommendations to the management of your organization.
Employee Retention as a whole/past,present and future.
Different incentives per different industry/how do they compare?
what works best? (American vs European Companies)
Internet Sources/Citations only please. Thank you
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Read Full Paper ❯I hope everyone enjoyed the time off for the holidays. Now it is back to work for us. In regards to the team task this week, a possible topic…
Read Full Paper ❯State: Virginia Description: Prepare an overview of the state. THe overview should present information of the size of the population, economic status of the area, per capita income, size of the…
Read Full Paper ❯Since Banking is an area that I am familiar with, lets go for a venture in starting a local community development bank. The course paper will consist of: a. Strategic plan…
Read Full Paper ❯Employee privacy and torts Intro: Focuses on how employee privacy started and how it is changing and evolving based on our every changing community/society and technology I. Historical background intro…
Read Full Paper ❯Employee Training and Career Development Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following: Explain the role of training in an organizations development. Describe different employee development methods and their benefits. Analyze…
Read Full Paper ❯Employee Training and Career Development ? Explain the role of training in an organization?s development. ? Describe different employee development methods and their benefits. ? Analyze the relationship between employee development and organizational development. ? Describe…
Read Full Paper ❯Employee turnover rates are high for many organizations, and you have noticed that the company you work for is no different. Research what other organizations are doing to hire…
Read Full Paper ❯Employee Retention as a whole/past,present and future. Different incentives per different industry/how do they compare? what works best? (American vs European Companies) Internet Sources/Citations only please. Thank you
Read Full Paper ❯