25+ documents containing “Emerging Technologies”.
Outline of Research Proposal: Vertical Farming-Opportunities and Challenges for Singapore
There has been much talk surrounding the environmental issues of food production, with many now suggesting the city is the ideal place for growing food to cater for our rapidly expanding urban populations. In Singapore small-scale examples of this are emerging, such as Changi General Hospital and the Tanjong Pagar apartment complex. This dissertation will examine the Vertical Farming movement, and look at the opportunities and challenges for implementing such strategies in Singapore.
The essay must include sustainable building designs related to architecture and not agriculture.
if possible case studies and interviews would be useful.
A formal paper is expected to be produced not an essay.
-Globalisation of Software Development-
While outsourcing in general is not a new concept having been... in existence in facilities management for several decades, global software outsourcing is a relatively more recent phenomenon becoming visible only in the early 1990s. The growth of interest in these arrangements is in part due to the pervasiveness, improved efficiency and reduction in cost of communications technologies. This is coupled with the pressure that North American and European companies are experiencing to look globally to meet software development manpower.
Crafting and executing an offshore IT sourcing strategy: GlobShops experience
C Ranganathan, Poornima Krishnan, Ron Glickman
Department of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA;
The Glickman Group LLC, California, USA
1=poor; 5=excellent
coherence, narrative development, logical sequencing of parts; distinct self-contained paragraphs; opening and closing sections; signposts; headings
2 3 4 5
Writing style and presentation:
clarity; precision; conciseness; grammar, spelling and punctuation; academic paper style
2 3 4 5
Reading, library research, referencing :
grasp of case material; research into press & academic sources; deployment of quotes; acknowledgement of quotes and sources; accurate referencing
2 3 4 5
Analysis/thesis/argument :
understanding of concepts introduced in the course; clarity of arguments; ideally a critical approach to concepts and theories
2 3 4 5
Relation of claims to evidence :
deployment, accuracy and relevance in the use of conceptual support and/or empirical evidence; avoidance of unsupported assertion and claims
2 3 4 5
Relevance :
addressing and interpreting the requirements of the question; keeping the question in focus
2 3 4 5
Depth of approach :
sufficiency of empirical detail and development of major points; avoidance of superficiality and repetition
2 3 4 5
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1. Paper Organization
The paper should have an abstract followed by the body of the paper (followed by an annotated bibliography). The body of the paper should be divided into appropriately number...ed sections, each with descriptive titles.
Abstract. An abstract should briefly describe the significance of your paper. It should serve as a brief review of the papers contents and contributions. Make it clear and concise. Use full sentences and avoid references and technicalities.
Introduction. The introductory section should pinpoint the location of the subject matter. You should describe the topic that you will address. By defending and establishing the objectives of your paper in the introductory section, you clarify the goal and set the direction for the rest of the paper. At the end of this section, it is essential to indicate the scope of your paper and describe the organization of your paper so that the readers know what to expect.
Main body.
Background/Review of the State of the Art. You should provide an enlarged but focused description of pertinent literature organized clearly around the important questions and/or topics you posed in the introduction. The background information should be provided in enough detail to orient the reader who may not be a specialist in the subject under discussion and should establish connection with other results and studies. Make the background clear and logically organized.
Research Question/Solution and Results. Present a precise statement of the problem or the question that you will address and discuss its significance. You do this by providing an analysis of the models and technologies you reviewed earlier, describing how your work (solution) will complement them. Your description of results and evaluations must be well documented. Make liberal use of tables, figures, and diagrams, and include literature references appropriately. Be concise and informative. If you write concisely about any topic, you describe it in the fewest possible words but without sacrificing clarity. Do not confuse brevity with conciseness. Make sure there is smooth transition between the sections.
Observations, Discussions, Validation. Present and discuss the major points of your work.
Conclusions. The conclusions section is placed at the end of the document, right before the bibliography. It concludes the paper by pointing out its major contributions and perhaps indicating interesting areas of research related to the papers topic that deserve future investigation.
References/Bibliography. The conclusions are followed by a list of references (or bibliography) items. It is very likely that your references include journal articles, conference proceedings articles, books (or chapters in a book or in a collection), and technical reports. Normally, author, title, year, and some information about the type of publication should be included. When there are more than two authors, all authors are listed in the first citation. When you have multiple bibliography items for the same author in the same year, use alphabetic letters a, b, etc. to properly cite them.
2. Evaluation Criteria
Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria: 1. Content completeness, accuracy, and originality [30%] 2. Paper results and arguments [40%] 3. Organization [20%]
4. Appropriately chosen and annotated bibliography items [10%]
3. Specific Formatting Requirements
- The paper should be 6 pages, NOT INCLUDING THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OR ANY TABLES. Note that it is the quality of the contents that counts, not the length.
- The paper should be double spaced with 12-point font.
- Number all tables, figures, and similar items and use these numbers to explicitly refer to such items. Include a descriptive caption for each table or figure (or similar items).
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If you need more information please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address.
Quotes need to be limited we have a restriction of only 25% matching allowance.
Performance a strategic... analysis on Best Buy in today's market. The following is a list of what must be included in the paper to achieve the highest grade. There is not a required number of pages or references.
I. Current Situation
A. Current Performance
B. Strategic Posture
II. Corporate Governance
A.Board of directors
B. Top management
III. External Environment: Opportunities and threats
A. Natural Physical Environment
B. Societal Environment
C. Task Environment
d. Summary of external factors
IV. Internal Environment: Strengths and Weakness
A. Corporate Structure
B. Corporate Culture
C. Corporate Resources
1. Marketing
a.What are the corporation?s current marketing objectives, strategies, policies, andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.Howwellisthecorporationperformingintermsofanalysisofmarketpositionandmarketingmix(thatis,product,price,place,andpromotion)inbothdomesticandin-ternationalmarkets?Howdependentisthecorporationonafewcustomers?Howbigisitsmarket?Whereisitgainingorlosingmarketshare?Whatpercentageofsalescomesfromdevelopedversusdevelopingregions?Wherearecurrentproductsintheproductlifecycle?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does marketing provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.Howwelldoesthecorporation?smarketingperformancecomparewiththatofsim-ilarcorporations?d.Are marketing managers using accepted marketing concepts and techniques to eval-uate and improve product performance? (Consider product life cycle, market seg-mentation, market research, and product portfolios.)e.Does marketing adjust to the conditions in each country in which it operates?f.Does marketing consider environmental sustainability when making decisions?g.What is the role of the marketing manager in the strategic management process?2.
a.What are the corporation?s current financial objectives, strategies, and policies andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation performing in terms of financial analysis? (Consider ra-tio analysis, common size statements, and capitalization structure.) How balanced,in terms of cash flow, is the company?s portfolio of products and businesses? Whatare investor expectations in terms of share price?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Arethereanysignificantdifferenceswhenstatementsarecalculatedincon-stantversusreporteddollars?iii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iv.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?v.Does finance provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How well does the corporation?s financial performance compare with that of simi-lar corporations?d.Are financial managers using accepted financial concepts and techniques to evalu-ate and improve current corporate and divisional performance? (Consider financialleverage, capital budgeting, ratio analysis, and managing foreign currencies.)e.Doesfinanceadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoperates?f.Does finance cope with global financial issues?g.What is the role of the financial manager in the strategic management process?
3.0Research and Development (R&D)
a.Whatarethecorporation?scurrentR&Dobjectives,strategies,policies,andprograms?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Aretheyconsistentwiththecorporation?smission,objectives,strategiesandpoli-ciesandwithinternalandexternalenvironments?iii.Whatistheroleoftechnologyincorporateperformance?iv.Is the mix of basic, applied, and engineering research appropriate given the cor-porate mission and strategies?v.Does R&D provide the company with a competitive advantage?b.What return is the corporation receiving from its investment in R&D?c.Is the corporation competent in technology transfer? Does it use concurrent engi-neering and cross-functional work teams in product and process design?d.What role does technological discontinuity play in the company?s products?e.How well does the corporation?s investment in R&D compare with the investmentsof similar corporations? How much R&D is being outsourced? Is the corporation us-ing value-chain alliances appropriately for innovation and competitive advantage?f.Does R&D adjust to the conditions in each country in which the company operates?g.DoesR&Dconsiderenvironmentalsustainabilityinproductdevelopmentandpackaging?h.What is the role of the R&D manager in the strategic management process?4.
4. Operations and Logistics
a.What are the corporation?s current manufacturing/service objectives, strategies,policies, and programs?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.What are the type and extent of operations capabilities of the corporation? Howmuch is done domestically versus internationally? Is the amount of outsourcing ap-propriate to be competitive? Is purchasing being handled appropriately? Are sup-pliers and distributors operating in an environmentally sustainable manner? Whichproducts have the highest and lowest profit margins?i.If the corporation is product oriented, consider plant facilities, type of manu-facturing system (continuous mass production, intermittent job shop, or flexi-ble manufacturing), age and type of equipment, degree and role of automationand/or robots, plant capacities and utilization, productivity ratings, and avail-ability and type of transportation.ii.Ifthecorporationisserviceoriented,considerservicefacilities(hospital,theater,orschoolbuildings),typeofoperationssystems(continuousserviceovertimetosameclienteleorintermittentserviceovertimetovariedclientele),ageandtypeofsupportingequipment,degreeandroleofautomationanduseofmasscommu-nicationdevices(diagnosticmachinery,video machines),facilitycapacitiesandutilizationrates,efficiencyratingsofprofessionalandservicepersonnel,andavailabilityandtypeoftransportationtobringservicestaffandclienteletogether.c.Aremanufacturingorservicefacilitiesvulnerabletonaturaldisasters,localornationalstrikes,reductionorlimitationofresourcesfromsuppliers,substantialcostincreasesofmaterials,ornationalizationbygovernments?d.Is there an appropriate mix of people and machines (in manufacturing firms) or of support staff to professionals (in service firms)?e.Howwelldoesthecorporationperformrelativetothecompetition?Isitbalancingin-ventorycosts(warehousing)withlogisticalcosts(just-in-time)?Considercostsperunitoflabor,material,andoverhead;downtime;inventorycontrolmanagementandschedulingofservicestaff;productionratings;facilityutilizationpercentages;andnumberofclientssuccessfullytreatedbycategory(ifservicefirm)orpercentageof ordersshippedontime(ifproductfirm).
5. Human Resources Management (HRM)
a.What are the corporation?s current HRM objectives, strategies, policies, and pro-grams?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s HRM performing in terms of improving the fit be-tween the individual employee and the job? Consider turnover, grievances, strikes,layoffs, employee training, and quality of work life.i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does HRM provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How does this corporation?s HRM performance compare with that of similar cor-porations?d.AreHRMmanagersusingappropriateconceptsandtechniquestoevaluateandim-provecorporateperformance?Considerthejobanalysisprogram,performanceap-praisalsystem,up-to-datejobdescriptions,traininganddevelopmentprograms,attitudesurveys,jobdesignprograms,qualityofrelationshipswithunions,anduseof autonomousworkteams.e.Howwellisthecompanymanagingthediversityofitsworkforce?Whatisthecompany?srecordonhumanrights?Doesthecompanymonitorthehumanrightsrecordofkeysuppliersanddistributors?f.DoesHRMadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoper-ates?DoesthecompanyhaveacodeofconductforHRMforitselfandkeysup-pliersindevelopingnations?Areemployeesreceivinginternationalassignmentstopreparethemformanagerialpositions?g.What is the role of outsourcing in HRM planning?h.WhatistheroleoftheHRMmanagerinthestrategicmanagementprocess?6.
6. Information Technology (IT)
a.What are the corporation?s current IT objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s IT performing in terms of providing a useful database,automating routine clerical operations, assisting managers in making routine deci-sions, and providing information necessary for strategic decisions?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?
d. Summary of Internal Factors
V. Analysis of Strategic Factors (SWOT)
A. Situational Analysis
Review of Mission and Objectives
VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy
A. Strategic Alternatives
B. Recommended Strategy
VII. implementation
A. what kinds of programs should be developed (example restructuring the corporation or instituting TQM) to implementthe recommended strategy
B. Are the programs financially feasible? can pro forma budgets be developed and agreed on? are priorities and timetables appropriate to individual programs?
VIII. Evaluations and control
A. Is the current information system capable of providing sufficent feedback on implementing activities and performance? CAn it measure strategic factors?
b. Are adequate control measures in place to ensure conformance with the recommended strategic plan?
All parts of the grading rubrix must be met for full credit:
Grading Rubric for Individual Case Paper:
Current Performance
Provides a succinct overview of the company?s current and recent performance in its competitive markets.
Key Issue Identification
Accurately identifies the key strategic issue(s) facing the organization.
Analysis of Mission and Objectives
Describes the company?s mission and objectives and analyzes their appropriateness and fit.
Corporate-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies specific growth, stability, or retrenchment strategies being used by the firm; analyzes the fit of strategies with mission/objectives.
Business-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategies and analyzes fit4
Accurately identifies key policies of the firm and analyzes fit with strategies.
Board of Directors
Strategic Orientation
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s Board of Directors.
Top Management
? Strategic Orientation
? Composition
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s top management team.
Societal Environment Analysis
? Economic
? Political
? Technological
? Sociocultural
Accurately identifies key strategic factors from the firm?s external environment.
Industry Analysis
? Entrants
? Suppliers
? Buyers
? Substitutes
? Rivalry
? Overall
Accurately analyzes competitive factors in the firm?s industry or industries and assesses the overall attractiveness of the industry or industries.
Accurately identifies the firm?s structural type and characteristics and analyzes the fit of the structure with the firm?s strategy.
Accurately assesses the firm?s culture and the fit of the culture with the firm?s strategy.
Marketing Analysis
Accurately assesses the ?4 P?s? and the key marketing strategies of the firm in relation to the firm?s strategy.
Financial Analysis
Accurately analyzes the firm?s finances using a ratio analysis and assesses the firm?s growth potential in relation to its financial structure.
Accurately analyzes the firm?s R&D capabilities in light of the firm?s strategy.
Accurately analyzes the firm?s key operational characteristics in relation to its strategy.
Human Resources
Accurately assesses the human resources competencies of the firm in relation to its strategy.
Information Systems
Accurately assesses the firm?s IS capabilities in relation to its strategy.
Performs an accurate assessment of the firm?s competitive advantages using VRIO analysis.
Develops an appropriate summary of the key strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) affecting the firm.
Analysis of Strategic Alternatives
Presents and analyzes several realistic strategic options for the firm.
Recommends appropriate strategies.
Provides a logical justification for the recommended strategy or strategies.
? Programs
? People
? Finances
Provides a detailed implementation for each strategy recommended.
Provides the standards that will be used to determine if the strategy is successful and designates who will monitor the implementation of the strategy. more
Analyze current and emerging nursing informatics metastructures, concepts and tools.
Write a paper describing the importance of nurse informatists that identifies at least three different areas of importance such as EHR, Meaningful use and standardized terminology.
Summarize the results in a meaningful statement describing the importance of nursing informatics.
A rubric is available for this assignment. There must be at least three published articles.
Use at least three published articles and no more than one website
Follow APA style in writing, citations and references. Use the APA manual for in-text citations and references.
The paper should be clear and concise and should not exceed 10 pages in length.
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Request for A. West.
Alan, I need 15 pages analysing the use of ICTs in one of the following tourism sectors: Destinations, Hospitality, Tour operators, Tour agencies, or Airlines.
Y...ou can discuss one entire sector or choose any specific company in one sector that you want. Please follow the specs below and select one of these frameworks: SWORT, PEST analysis, Porter's five forces, Porter's three generic strategies for achieving competitive advantages or ABC costing.
Study the impact, which IT will have on the structure of your chosen sector of the industry an try to visually represent it;
Appraise the application of ICT in your chosen sector of the industry;
Explore ways in which travel organisations are using IT to add value to their business proposition by measuring the added value originating from IT;
Analyse how both existing and emerging IT can be used as a source of competitive advantage
Discuss and analyse the marketing advantages of using IT.
Also, I am paying for 15 pages (4500 words) but if you could possibly use 1.15 line spacing, that would be great and I realize that lowers the page count. Please use an appropriate # of high-quality sources like journals, textbooks, and respectable websites. If you cannot take this assignment, please let Mark know that I'd like to ask for InfoCEO.
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This literature review will focus primarily on the results of recent research, that is, studies conducted and reported within the past 10 years.
Identify and assess the reported research in ...a particular topic area within IT and synthesize the results of that research into a set of coherent themes.
Assess the dominant research perspectives adopted by researchers in the field and the situations in which they are adopted.
Critically assess articles that report IT management research in scholarly publications.
Clearly identifies and enumerates the common approaches that researchers have taken to conduct research in the areas of information systems and technology.
Assess with explicit criteria various examples of survey methods used in IS research.
Develops a superior ability to communicate work-related information concisely and effectively.
Flawlessly aggregates relevant citations for a report and presents them in a scholarly and standardized form.
Please use peer-reviewed scholar articles for last 10 years. I am providing access to the databases, where you can find all related articles.
Click on Library link on the top menu, it will give you options to search for realated material.
I am also attaching project proposal.
Let me know if any questions exists.
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Module name : Valuation of Mergers & Acquisition - MSc Finance
Your task:
You work for a leading UK based mid-market M&A advisory firm and you have just signed an engagement lette...r with a client to represent them in finding a suitable buyer for their business. You need to identify an UK/USA based company listed on London stock exchange/NASDAQ/NYSE as your client and prepare a Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM), similar to the provided indicative format.
The Investment memo should not be longer than 3,500 words excluding appendices. You are welcome to put excel based financial numbers to support your analysis as a part of appendix.
Comprehensive M&A Valuation of the firm and report (CIM):
You need to value your company first by using companies annual reports with the help of excel financial models by the following two methods:
? Value the firm by comparing with its peer group (Comparable comps)
? Value the firm by using Discounted Cash flow (DCF) along with both terminal value methods
(Perpetuity growth method and exit multiples method)
?The report may contain the following sections:
?? Executive summary ? It should be about half a page providing enough information to make the decision by senior management level.
? Business and Industry Analysis ??Critically analyze the nature of the industry with reference to strategic valuation multiples.?Analyze and determine industry profitability with reference to attractiveness of the industry using Porter?s 5 forces analysis.
Determine the company strength and weakness with reference to its competitive strategy based on the theory that a firm?s value is a factor of:
? the industry in which they operate,
? the life-cycle of the industry
? and the companies competitive advantage with regards ?to sustainability of their earnings
? Technology and Marketing ? Depending on the company you pick, you may have to go in detail if the technology is critical in the operations and revenue generation.
? Per/Post merger Capital and management structure of the company ? You should detail out the capital structure and various strength of the senior management.
? Regulatory/Legal/Tax disclosure - You need to do a wider research to foresee any of these obstacles in closing this transaction.
? Investment rationale ? You should use all your strategic and sales knowledge to make a case for the business.
? Accretion-Dilution Analysis - you need to provide Accretion-Dilution analysis with three potential acquirers.
? Proposal to potential investor ? it should provide some rough idea to the buyer on what percentage of equity you are willing to go for.
? Premium Range ? Once you have identified the potential acquirer, you need to provide a range of expected premium on the top of the valuation by using ?Transaction comp? method.
? The projections and working files (excel and word or PDF format) should be attached as an appendix
? Students should endeavor to reference the pages of the annual report where data has been obtained from.
? The report should be adhered to professional reference and structure.
Useful material :
Investment Banking, Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, Nd Mergers & Acquisitions, Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl. more
This is the problem:
You work in a private counseling practice; you and four other therapists share office space, a reception area, and facilities costs. You recently attended the state... counseling association conference and two sessions on the use of technology in providing counseling services via the internet. You have been thinking of how this service might benefit your counseling practice group, and are excited about incorporating online models into your practice. You mention this to your practice group. Two therapists are somewhat opposed for reasons of opening the practice to unexplored liability issues; two are open about the idea but uncertain as to the viability of online therapy services. Before your practice reaches a decision about whether to adopt this service as part of the practice, they've come up with some questions and asked you to do some research to be able to answer those questions.
- What kinds of clients will be best served using an online format? Is there a specific presenting problem or client demographic that is particularly amenable to online services?
- What unique ethical and legal practice issues and liability issues arise from using online counseling models? How might those issues be controlled? Are there regulations in place governing the business of providing online counseling? What guidelines does Utah State counseling board offer in managing online counseling?
The practice needs some evidence of the efficacy of online counseling. How can you evaluate the comparative efficacy of online counseling vs. face to face counseling in your practice? What research question(s) will you investigate? Be sure to identify your research design, methodology, measures and attend to ethical research practices.
- Your design should be responsive to salient social, cultural and ethical dimensions. The study could be Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed Methods. ***At the beginning of your response, please identify your chose methodology.***
- Please be sure to develop one or more testable research questions appropriate to your research design. Make sure you fully describe your study design, procedures, target population sample, data collection and analysis, and possible limitations to your study. Lastly, make sure to include discussions on relevant ethical and multicultural issues.
- Depending on your selected model, identify instruments and measures and how those would be used to collect data, how the data analysis would be performed, and the data evaluated. more
Approach of combining both the fundamentals of information systems and technology with the essentials of business operation and management.
Business background provide readers with a solid foundation to then understand the need for and structure of information systems.
A broad view of information systems takes a look at individual, interorganizational, and international perspectives.
Discusses the need for improving personal productivity in the workplace, and explains how users use common end-user software to improve productivity and solve business problems.
Electronic commerce integrated throughout?Includes case studies and end-of-chapter projects.
Familiarizes students with its basic concept, information
the use of information; management decision making; and strategic impact and competitive advantage.
Provides students with a foundation for understanding information systems in business.
Encourages the use of such information technology as spreadsheets and databases to solve real-world problems.
Integrates both the fundamentals of information systems and technology with the essentials of business operation and management.
Write 500 words for EACH question.
Must develop a clear argument, which is based on evidence and well structured.
Must be fully referenced (APA style) in the text citations should be properly embedded and there should be a reference list of no less than Four (4) references, with a MAXIMUM of one (1)website for EACH question (total of 8).
Subheadings are ok, but must not rely on them to keep the flow of the essay.
Important that the first paragraph clearly states what the essay is going to talk about and the last paragraph has a conclusion based on the essay content.
12 point type, clear font, 1.5 spacing, and proofread carefully before submitting.
Question 1
Would you agree that becoming an adult is best explained using the
emerging adulthood approach? What makes you agree or disagree with this statement?
Question 2
Becoming an adult entirely depends upon the cultural or ethnic context of the young person. Discuss this statement.
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2.Define the emerging accounting practice. (1-2)
Walmart and jit ( Just in time), toc ( theory of constraints) , and EDI as they relate to Walmart?s emerging accounting practices
3. Analyze qualitative impact. ( 1-2 pages)
Analyze the qualitative impact of JIT, TOC and EDI as they relate to Walmart.
You may change the page numbers between the two categories but not to exceed 4 pages in total.
Product-Launch Strategy Report,for the Zentral home Command? which basically answers the following questions:
* How will you ensure that product messaging is effectively targeted?
* How can you ascertain product adoption, diffusion, and acceptance in the marketplace?
Structure your report to include the following components over 5 ? 6 pages:
1. Detailed Product Description
* Logo, symbol, meaning, appeal, colors
* Flavor, size, form, package, etc.
2. Launch Brief
* Target
* Purpose
* Current Response
* Desired Response
* Benefits
* Support
* Personality
* Market Trends
* Competitive Framework
* Execution Considerations
3. Brand and Product Strategy
* Product message
* Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations Communication Tools (Traditional versus Emerging Media)
* Distribution
escribe, analyze, and evaluate the specific features of the product in detail to gauge the unique selling proposition that can be promoted while advertising it. Also create a launch brief including the components mentioned above and refer to the ?Launch Start-up Checklist? that you created in Module 5 to ensure that all the relevant aspects have been included. In the launch brief, also include the criteria on the basis of which the brief has been created.
, create a brand and product strategy including the components mentioned above. In your strategy document, include the criteria on the basis of which the strategy has been selected.
Instructional Leadership
Using resources of scholarly publications, submit a well-researched paper on instructional leadership. In your paper, compare and contrast traditional roles of instructional leadership with emerging roles. What knowledge or skills will designers of curriculum, instruction, and assessment need to possess in the next five years? What leadership challenges will be present in the future?
class book: Brown, C. V., DeHayes, D. W., Hoffer, J. A., Martin, W. E., & Perkins, W. C.(2009). Managing information technology (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.
Provide a consu...ltant's report which summarizes the problem(s) presented in the case, your professional opinion of the underlying causes of the problems, and offer a realistic course of action how to rectify the problem. A PowerPoint presentation is also required. This website provides a sample consultant report for reference: http://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/tsw/rep-cons.html
Written Project
The written consultant's project should be a maximum of 8 double-spaced pages. You should include tables, diagrams, and graphs in your written project (these are not counted as part of the page count).
Include a title page and reference page and adhere to APA formatting.
Remember: Your project should be written from a consultant's perspective. This company has hired you to advise them on how to fix their problem. Use facts from the text book, the CSU library and the Internet to support your recommendations. Ensure your report provides an accurate assessment of the current situation, a complete formulation of issues or problems, and technologically and organizationally sound recommendations for action.
PowerPoint Presentation
The presentation should be your professional best. The PowerPoint should highlight the main points in your written presentation. You are encouraged (but not required) to include voice over in your slides. Develop the slides as if they were accompanying an oral presentation to the company. You will submit both the written and the PowerPoint reports in week 8 of the course.
Once you have completed your project, open the Course Project folder in Unit VIII and submit the Written Report by uploading through the SafeAssign link and submit the PowerPoint Presentation using the Blackboard Assignment link. Do not e-mail your paper directly to your professor. By using these links, your university record will automatically be updated to indicate you have submitted your Course Project and the project will be provided to your professor for grading.
Case study will be submitted after ordering process and the link
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Section 4:
Read Chapter 10-11 of Culturally Alert Counseling. Read Chapters 7-8 of Social Justice Counseling. Read Chapters 4 & 5 in Case Studies in Multicultural Counsel...ing and Therapy.
Assignment 10
The Final Integrative Research Paper provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts covered throughout the course. This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be at graduate level English. Using the University Virtual Library, find articles from professional journals dated within the past 2 years. A minimum of five (5) research articles are required to complete this assignment. In addition, to the 5 research articles from the University Virtual Library, you may use the internet for additional research on counseling cultural and diverse populations.
The course texts are not to be used for this assignment.
Prepare a 10 page comprehensive research paper in which you choose an area of research that is relevant and pertinent to culturally sensitive counseling*. Integrate a discussion of how you see your research findings as significant to your clinical work or the field of psychology in general. Illustrate an understanding by giving examples from your own life or clinical practice that supports your research.
* Please let your mentor know what your research focus is prior to writing your paper
Assignment Outcomes
Compare and contrast issues and practices relevant to helping people from culturally diverse backgrounds
Assess processes and issues related to clients of various ethnic & cultural origins
Identify patterns of racial and ethnic adaptation
Analyze the global expansion of racism
Demonstrate ethical behavior in regard to emerging relevant technologies applicable to psychology more
drawing upon your understanding (i will attach lecture notes and readings that should need to be used - please use as much as possible from wk 1-6) of the development of early cinema, its technology, ...industry and cultural context, outline the concept of the "cinema of attractions" in relation to a percieved need to address the early cinema audience.
For sources please cite the list of selected readings (however many you can find in the list i have provided) and any other books and journals articals relvent of your choice to enhance and expand your arguement through other independent research.
list of relevent readings
Week 1 - Introduction : Three Views of Hollywood
Industry 1 : to 1948
Maltby, R 2003, 'Industry 1 : to 1948', in Hollywood cinema, 2nd. ed., Blackwell Pub., Malden MA; Oxford, pp. 113-158.
The struggle for the expanding american film industry
Thompson, K 2003, 'The struggle for the expanding american film industry', in Film history : an introduction, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 37-54.
The classic hollywood cinema
Thompson, K 2003, 'The classic hollywood cinema', in Film history : an introduction, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 68-80.
Week 2 - 'Cinema of Attractions' : Early Film/ Early Cinema, 1985-1909
Brownlow, K 1994, 'Preface', in Paola, C, Burning passions : an introduction to the study of silent cinema, British Film Institute, London, pp. 1-4.
"Now you see it, now you don't " : the temporality of the cinema of attraction"
Gunning, T 1993, '"Now you see it, now you don't " : the temporality of the cinema of attractions', The velvet light trap, vol. 32, Fall, pp. 3-12.
Showing and Telling : image and word in early cinema
Gaudreault, A 1990, 'Showing and Telling : image and word in early cinema', in Elsaesser, T & Barker, A, Early cinema : space, frame, narrative, BFI Publishing, London, pp. 274-281.
Week 3 - Hollywood in the '10s and '20s : Origins of film narrative and the Hollywood studio system
Trauma thrills : notes on early action cinema
Bean, J 2004, 'Trauma thrills : notes on early action cinema', in Tasker, Y, Action and adventure cinema, Routledge, London; New York, pp. 17-30.
Week 4 - The Hollywood studio system stabilises, 1920s - 1940s
The breening of America
Leff, L 1991, 'The breening of America', PMLA, vol. 106 no. 3, pp. 432-445.
Lewis, J 2002, 'Appendix', in Hollywood v. hard core : how the struggle over censorship created the modern film industry, New York University Press, United States, pp. 301-307.
Dream world and dream stages
Feuer, J 1982, 'Dream world and dream stages', in The Hollywood musical, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 67-85.
A star is born: american culture and the dynamics of Charlie Chaplin's star image, 1913-1916
Maland, C 2004, 'A star is born: american culture and the dynamics of Charlie Chaplin's star image, 1913-1916', in Grieveson, L & Kr?mer, P, The silent cinema reader, Routledge, London ; New York, pp. 197-209.
Week 5 - Hollywood's 'Greatest Year', 1939
"Compulsory" viewing for every citizen : Mr..Smith and the rhetoric of reception
Smoodin, E 1996, '"Compulsory" viewing for every citizen : Mr..Smith and the rhetoric of reception', Cinema Journal, vol. 35 no. 2, pp. 3-23.
Mr Capra goes to Washington
Rogin, M & Moran, K 2003, 'Mr Capra goes to Washington', Representations, vol. 84, pp. 213-248.
Week 6 - The 1940s : Hollywood goes to war
Wartime stars, genres, and production trends
Schartz, T 1999, 'Wartime stars, genres, and production trends', in Boom and bust : American cinema in the 1940s, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif., pp. 203-206; 217-221; 232-252.
i have also attached the lecture notes booket only please use up to 1-6 wks more
Assignment 3: Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication
Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of
power. Create a profile of the ideal leader for the company you researched in which you describe
the most appropriate leadership characteristics in terms of leadership style and interpersonal
forms of power; and how these characteristics impact organizational performance.
2. Based on your research, analyze the organizational stressors (e.g., task demands, role demands,
physical demands, and interpersonal demands) to determine their likely impact on organizational
performance as well as how those stressors could be addressed.
3. Analyze critical elements for effective group and work team performance to determine the steps
you would take to develop an effective team or work group within the company you researched.
4. Identify potential sources of conflict within the group or work team. Evaluate the five (5) conflict
management styles (e.g., competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating)
and explain which style of conflict management is most appropriate for the potential sources of
conflict described above.
5. Determine potential barriers to communication, how these barriers may impact group and work
team performance, and two (2) recommendations for addressing them.
6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as
academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Address Each Question "Not in Essay Format" Use Questions in Paper.
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not include
the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Analyze the issues related to workplace stress, including responses, consequences, and
preventative management of stress.
? Analyze the communication process within organizations through traditional communication
methods and technology.
? Evaluate the critical elements of groups and works teams, including group behavior,
development, and decision making.
? Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and their related impact on
organizational performance.
? Analyze the causes of conflict, consequences, and resolutions to group conflict within
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior and
? Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics. more
A case study analysis on CQUAY Technologies Corp. is needed. The analysis should include the following items: strategic profile of the company, analysis of general environment, industry analysis, competitor analysis, critical success factors, internal analysis, SWOT analysis, problem statement, issues, and recommendations.
I will email the file with the case attached. It is a pdf titled "Cquay_casestudy"
There are faxes for this order.
What needs to be examined is, Has the increase in technology(only that which is applicable to the modern day patrolman)effected officer safety?
Has to have 25 references, overwhelming majority must come from a scholarly source, and at least one of each references must be cited(used)in the research paper
Include Bibolography Page APA STYLE
This assignment involves selecting a company of your choice (not walmart) and finding information on how this particular company addresses challenges competing in the new millenium (you do not need to... include a company background). You may choose either a service or manufacturing company.
You should focus on the most recent policies/strategies and changes that company implemented in the area of Operations Mmanagement. You should analyze how these changes reflected the company's overall competitive strategy, what caused the company to design and implement such changes, how sucessful/unsuccessful the company was, what where the reasons behind their sucess/failure, etc. Please aviod a paper entirely on a company's strategy.
You may want to focus on one specific Operations Management area and then proceed to examine how your company addressed the issues in that area in the past, how tohe competitie environment changed to motivate the compan to implement the changes( you can bring in the financial performance of the company.
Examples of some OM areas listed below
new product/service development and introduction
design of a new process (new facility layout)
use of new technology
flexible manufacturing practices
new inventory management/control practices
distribution/supply chain management
changes in procurement practices (relationship with suppliers)
total quality management practices
automation in servies
innovative job design
you will be judged upon:
1. the value and relevence of the information you were able to obtain as part of your research effort
2. the analysis of the company's strategy and changes (as related to OM) more
We will pay $300.00 for this order!!
The structure for the paper must be as follows
- Introduction (including the thesis or proposition that you intend to support)
- Description of th...e technology
- Its potential applications
- Which technologies will compete with this particular one and why
- How this competition affects businesses
- The possible improvements in the scope of IT if the use of such technology succeeds
- Conclusions supporting your thesis (your perspective in the future of such techonology be it good or bad)
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and its use by and for the military
** Please have the writer re-write the abstract so that it is worded better and is more in tune with the paper**
Premise: Focus the operational needs of the military that can be satisfied by RFID, which will in turn determine future use, selection (what will that be) and justification for purchase of future RFID technology for use by the US. Army.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has numerous applications in both military and civilian organizations. Various configurations are possible, and multiple new applications are envisioned in the near future. Currently, RFID technology is evolving quickly, leaving room for speculation regarding the benefits that RFID investments may or may not provide in the future. Meanwhile, Military commanders/Leaders at all military and Department of Defense levels continue to struggle with the decision to adopt this technology, trying to select the configuration that is most appropriate for their operational needs and that enhances their organization's operational performance. In planning for the introduction of RFID, a Leader must deal with four major technology management issues: selection, justification, implementation and coordination. In this paper, I will primarily deal with the first two issues in technology management -- selection and justification -- and will attempt to show how the military will use these two issues to decide what future uses RFID will have in the military. To better understand the RFID configurations that have been used in practice in a wide range of situations, I will discuss and analyze several current applications of RFID technology that are currently undergoing review in the military and that will set the standards for future use. In this research paper, I will focus on the operational needs satisfied by RFID technology and on the benefits realized in terms of four major process capabilities of an operation: quality, speed, flexibility, and cost. more
Please fully follow the outline of this paper:) The title of this paper should be a question, and the whole paper is trying to provide analytical answers to that problem. Remember to have a brief con...clusion which includes the brief answers as well.
First of all, the established market economy is far from being perfect. At the end of 1978s, China is trying to transform from planned economy to market economy. This transition enables China to develop so fast, as seen from the miraculous growth in GDP. However, it worth to note that China?s economy is hybrid of the market economy and planned economy. We can see from two aspects. 1. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) continue to monopolize the important industries such as railroad, banking and petroleum. During the first reform period, although under the policy of Zhu Rongji, In my opinion, SOEs are similar as ?danwei?. According to the definition on class, danwei is the basic unit for organizing production, living arrangements, and social insurance. because I will parallel SOEs with ?danwei? because I think there are a lot of similarities. And then analyze the bad effects of too much SOEs for China?s private industrial enterprises. 2. Government has a direct influence in the microeconomic activities by approving investment projects, requiring administrative licensing for market access, and controlling prices. In my opinion, the bad effect is ?guanxi?. Corruption exists because government officials can offer private industries a bigger market. (eg: Liu Zhijun who was the minister of railways in china from 2003 to 2011)
Secondly, there is a technology gap between China and developed countries. Government merely has support policies for private industries? technology development. What's more, a lot of Chinese industries are buying the most advanced equipment abroad with a high tariff.
Thirdly, less Chinese tend to work for private industrial enterprises. We can see this problem from two aspects. 1. According to a survey by an economic professor in Tsinghua University, ?about half of the jobseekers chose SOEs as their ideal workplace?. One of the jobseekers says she was shocked by the heavy workload when she worked as an intern at a private company. Actually, her situation is a common phenomenon in China. 2. Among private industries, private business enterprises are more attractive than industrial ones partly because of the workload. (I am having a hard time finding the English version evidence to support this viewpoint) more
Proposal must include all parts of the parts of proposal attached with each heading labeled. proposal should be typed in a word document and double-spaced with 12-point font. paper should be 7-12 page...s long not including the title page and reference. APA format, using paraphrasing and citatitions appropriately.
Topic for proposal: The purpose of the action research study will be to determine how, if at all, the use of Audio/Visual technology in an educational setting impacts student achievement. Today's students have grown up in an ever changing visual world. With the evolution of television, video cameras, cell phones, GPS navigational systems, and gaming systems there is video everywhere you look. Our students in the twenty-first century have been exposed to some form of video technology in almost every aspect of their lives . So why would it not follow that the use of Audio/Visual technology in the classroom would help improve student achievement?
Questions for study: 1. Does integrating technology into the classroom, especially video, have a positive impact on students' achievement?
2. Does the use of audio/visual technology in classroom lessons have an impact on achievement along gender lines?
Do the students perceive that the use of video technology as a positive impact on their academic achievement? more
Term Paper: Mobile Computing and Social Networks
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
There are thousands of iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, and Android Apps that have been developed to perform a myr...iad of tasks and processes. Initially, most of these applications were games intended to be played on mobile devices. The popularity of these applications led businesses to ponder whether some of their business process applications that run on desktop platforms and the Web could be redesigned to run on mobile devices. The answer was a resounding yes!
For example, Nationwide developed the Nationwide? Mobile, a free iPhone App that allows its insurance policyholders to file a claim on the spot when an accident occurs. The application can snap pictures of the accident and attach them to the claim data and upload the claim information to a server. This reduces the length of time to process a claim filed this way. Nationwide competitors have followed suit and developed iPhone, iPad, and Android applications of their own. Policyholders can receive messages via Facebook or Twitter.
Other business processes that have been reengineered as a result of mobile computing include Quick Response (QR) codes which have replaced one-dimensional bar codes. They are read using mobile devices, accepting credit card payments from an iPhone, iPad or Android device, depositing checks using an iPhone without visiting a bank, and many more.
Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page term paper in which you:
Assess the effectiveness and efficiency mobile-based applications provide to capture geolocation data and customer data, and quickly upload to a processing server without users having to use a desktop system.
Evaluate benefits realized by consumers because of the ability to gain access to their own data via mobile applications.
Examine the challenges of developing applications that run on mobile devices because of the small screen size.
Describe the methods that can be used to decide which platform to support, i.e., iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, or Android.
Mobile applications require high availability because end users need to have continuous access to IT and IS systems.
Discuss ways of providing high availability.
Mobile devices are subjected to hacking at a higher rate than non-mobile devices. Discuss methods of making mobile devices more secure.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Explain how the components of an information technology system interrelate in an organizational context.
Describe the use of network management, Web, wireless, and mobility technologies.
Describe and identify the uses of business process management and systems development.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems and technology.
Write clearly and concisely about topics related to information systems for decision making using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to view the grading rubric for this term paper. more
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Read Full Paper ❯class book: Brown, C. V., DeHayes, D. W., Hoffer, J. A., Martin, W. E., & Perkins, W. C.(2009). Managing information technology (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall. Provide a…
Read Full Paper ❯Section 4: Read Chapter 10-11 of Culturally Alert Counseling. Read Chapters 7-8 of Social Justice Counseling. Read Chapters 4 & 5 in Case…
Read Full Paper ❯drawing upon your understanding (i will attach lecture notes and readings that should need to be used - please use as much as possible from wk 1-6) of the…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 3: Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which…
Read Full Paper ❯A case study analysis on CQUAY Technologies Corp. is needed. The analysis should include the following items: strategic profile of the company, analysis of general environment, industry analysis, competitor…
Read Full Paper ❯What needs to be examined is, Has the increase in technology(only that which is applicable to the modern day patrolman)effected officer safety? Has to have 25 references, overwhelming majority must…
Read Full Paper ❯This assignment involves selecting a company of your choice (not walmart) and finding information on how this particular company addresses challenges competing in the new millenium (you do not…
Read Full Paper ❯We will pay $300.00 for this order!! The structure for the paper must be as follows - Introduction (including the thesis or proposition that you intend to support) - Description of the technology - Its potential…
Read Full Paper ❯Please fully follow the outline of this paper:) The title of this paper should be a question, and the whole paper is trying to provide analytical answers to…
Read Full Paper ❯Proposal must include all parts of the parts of proposal attached with each heading labeled. proposal should be typed in a word document and double-spaced with 12-point font. paper…
Read Full Paper ❯Term Paper: Mobile Computing and Social Networks Due Week 10 and worth 200 points There are thousands of iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, and Android Apps that have been developed to perform…
Read Full Paper ❯