Education Curriculum Essays Prompts

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Be careful! This order content two different related issues. However, each one of them should be half page long. First one. -Two views of education-Traditional view of education and progressive view of education. Both traditional and progressive views take on consideration the student, the teacher, curriculum, and method to write the half page.
Second one. -Pragmatism notes and quotes- To understand about what you must write I will copy here the text for you. Your writing will be an explaination of the quotes.
Principal theme; the reality of change, man is a social and biological being, the relativity of values, the use of critical intelligences. Reality is the interaction of man with his environment-it si what we experience. man and his environment are "coordinates." They equally respond for what is real. Man gives meaning tothe universe. the child must study the world as it aaffects him. Human nature is plastic and changeable. A child only grows by assocating with other-he must learn to 'to live in a community of individuals,' cooperate with them and adapt to social needs and goals. Knowledge is produced by a transaction between man and his environmet. We grasp things best by locating and solving problems. Education is all one with growing-it has no end beyond itself. The value of schooling is the extent to which it encourages a desire for continued growth. a child is a natural learner, because he is -curious-The teacher's role is to stimulate the curiosity. Values are realtive, and the child should learn how to make different moral decisions, not by relying upon rigidlystated principles bu by decideing which actionis ikely to produce tthe most favorable consequences for the greatest number of human beings. "Education should be life itself, not preparation for living.' learning should be directly relaed to the interests of the child. Learning through problem-solving should take precedence over the inculcating of subject matter. the teacher's role is not to direct, but to advise. The school should encourrage cooperation rather than competition. Only democracy permits, indeed encourages, the free in terplay of ideas and personalities that is a necessary condition of true growth.

American Education

MLA format. Use minimum 6 outside sources. MUST USE this book: Mike Rose's LIVES ON THE BOUNDARY as a jumping-off point. write a thesis-driven, research-based essay that concerns education.
Possible topics may include (but are not limited to) educating veterans, immigration and education, transitioning to college, bilingual education, remediation, urban planning and education, educating the working class, the politics of education, the concept of "educational crisis," charter schools, education and privatization.
YOU CHOOSE ONE TOPIC that you found the most easy to express and clear for readers to read. Of course it has to be clear that the paper had a good use of the sorces.
The research paper must be clear, with a THESIS STATEMENT and provide argument by giving quotations and possible solutions. Please send me an outline for the research paper so the points and directions of the paper will be clear.
Customer is requesting that (billieplus3) completes this order.

Open to all writers!!

This is research paper on the Education for the Handicapped Children Act of 1975 known as PL 94-142. Write how and why the Act got started. All background information from the 1970s about the Act. Who passed the Act? How did life change in the 1970s when the Act took affect, did Americans support the Act? Where there any new associations or organizations to help the disabled in the 70s.

Gender and Education There Are

Format: APA, 12 pitch font, 1 inch margins all around, double spaced, there must be an introductory paragraph summarizin the theoretical perspective and the findings of the research.

Sources: Minimum 3, no earlier than 1994. One source must be a peer-reviewed journal (EX: American Sociological Review, Sociology of Education, American Demographics.) Websites must not be advocacy websites, but can be sponsored by federal and state governments (these are needed for the bibliography)

Support Documentation: Data/research information must be included in print format. (If a book is used a full citation is required.)

Body of paper: must have 3 points (no more, no less) showing a specific theoretical perspective (either social conflict, or structural functional perspective) supported/challenged by data/or current research

Education and Why? From the

The essay question that was given was "What is the purpose of education and why?" The essay is supposed to be argumentative.

This is a position paper to be discussed at an Education Ethics forum within a university philosophy department. Therefore, reference to key philosophical concepts will be essential as will reference to key authors in the field of curriculum development. The purpose of this paper is to scope some for, and against, arguments relating to the ethics of a prescribed curriculum. If this paper is delivered successfully, more requests will come ;-)

The paper must be 9 pages in length which does not include pages such as the title page, reference page, table of contents, etc Your reference page must include at least 10 sources which have been cited in the body of the paper. All sources must have been published no earlier than 2000 and must be from respected journals or other professional/scholarly publications. (Wikipedia, for example, is NOT a reliable source.) I expect that as graduate students you have basic knowledge of database searches and other information mining methodologies.

The paper must adhere to content/format guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 5th edition.

You will be graded on content, format, and writing quality. I will be looking for critical thinking, cohesiveness, facility of language, grammar & usage, exposition of ideas, and your adherence to the format criteria noted above.

You will not be conducting any research per se as you would in a thesis or dissertation (hypotheses, experiments, etc). You are only going to find whats out there on your topic (some call this a term paper).

make sure the topic is in some way related to curriculum development and evaluation. However, please do NOT write on any of the following topics:

o Block scheduling
o Year-round school
o Curriculum mapping

** Please use at least 2 sources from books and at least 2 sources from journals and at least 2 sources that are from research. Again, please make sure all the sources are from 2000 or current.

Please follow these specific guidelines.

The objective of this research paper is to analyze a current societal issue or trend that is impacting curriculum design and delivery for professional nursing education.

Provide a review of literature relevant to this issue (Visual Literacy in Higher Education). Questions that need to be answered in the paper include the following:
How does the issue relate to curriculum development?
How does the issue relate to academic preparation of nurses and the practice arena? Give concrete examples of how this issue could be addressed by the profession of nursing, including the practice and academic realms of nursing.
Identify creative possibilities for future study or research.
Be sure to link the issue to curriculum development in putting this paper together for this customer.

grading criteria:
20% clearly identifies the issue to be discussed & its significance to the profession of nursing.
30% comprehensive review & discussion of the literature related to the issue.
30% gives concrete examples of how the issue could be addressed by the profession of nursing and relates the issue to curriculum development.
10% identifies creative possibilities for future study of research.
10% Scholarship and format (Strict APA format)
Please include the Bib page and cite all sources and should have at least 12 sources that are current.

If for some reason you cannot find someone to write this paper request, please let me know within 36 hours.


Curriculum of Nursing Education

Writer?s Assco5522, rbwpenn, betty, philipj

Please research and comment on the following five.

1. A dynamic curriculum is one in which includes all of the concepts such as caring, self-care, diversity, growth and development, nursing process, adaptation, informatics and evidence-based practice and the identification of what is relevant for practice in the future. Requisite knowledge and competencies are centered around what nurses do with their knowledge through their education. Current health care trends that affect curriculum development and program outcomes include the increasing severity of patients' illnesses from acute care settings to community based settings and the increasing demand from the public for high quality health care at affordable prices. Other indices include increased emphasis on patient safety and quality assurance. (Billings & Halstead, 2012). One nursing educational institution acknowledged that most the changes have been promoted by the shifting of demographics, technology, informatics and the globalization of society. Nurses make up the largest number of providers of healthcare services continue to be essential. Their curriculum is subject to rigorous review and frequent adjustments. The nurse educator is challenged to stream line content and identify essential concepts to prepare the graduates for entry into practice. (Faison & Montaue, 2013). I think schools of nursing need to evaluate the clinical experience as well. Because hospital stays are shortened, other alternative practice sites need to be incorporated into the student's portfolio. Limited opportunities for skills such as IV insertion and complex dressing changes may not present themselves due to the hospital restrictions for the students. This particular school of nursing implemented webinars for the faculty to view, integrated new essential competencies into the nursing curriculum from the quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN). The results were positive in that the nurses continue to be delivery effective and safe care in their pre-licensure program. (Faison & Montague, 2013).

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2012). Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
Faison, K., & Montague, F. (2013). Paradigm Shift: Curriculum shift. ABNF Jurnal, 24(1), 21-22.

2. There are a number of important areas in a dynamic nursing curriculum. To me, the following are the areas that are most important. Patient-centered care is essential in every nursing care curriculum as the patient is why we have become nurses. According to Morris and Hancock (2013), students and faculty agree that patient-centered care should be integrated into the curriculum. Students and faculty also agree that learning to be a part of an interdisciplinary team is needed in curricula. However, interdisciplinary team interaction is an area that needs work to ensure that the students are an active part of the team. Evidence-based practice is also an area that is very important. However, in the clinical settings this seems to be lagging in implementation. Applying quality improvement ranked low in both student and faculty opinion. However, I see this as a very important part of nursing curricula, as once you are in the work force this is a very important part of nursing practice. Utilizing informatics is an area that students and faculty agree is important to include in curricula as healthcare is required to use a computer system. The computer is also needed for classes the nursing programs and online learning.

To me, a dynamic nursing curriculum is one that gives the students a love of nursing, knowledge, skills, and competencies to have the basics to start their career as a professional nurse.


Morris, T. L., & Hancock, D. R. (2013). Institute of Medicine Core Competencies as a Foundation for NURSING PROGRAM EVALUATION. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(1), 29-33. Retrieved from

3. How could students motivate other faculty to continuously strive to improve curriculum?

4. "Competency statements identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students need to develop if they are to achieve program outcomes" (Billings & Halstead, 2012, p. 150). The advantage to utilizing a mid curriculum competency test or exam is to validate and assess, from the educator's perspective, that students are at the expected level of progress during a course timeframe. Students are expected to apply knowledge acquired toward patient case examples. The competency statements are valuable in determining the student's learning since it will provide the assessment for the student evaluation (Billings & Halstead, 2012).
Another advantage for the student with the mid curriculum tests is to confirm by test scores how they are acquiring and applying the course material into cognitive understanding. It can also become a tool for the student to assess their strengths and weaknesses in a given topic area where remedial assistance can provide improvement or to validate the effectiveness of their study skills and habits in a fast-paced, information dense curriculum.
A disadvantage to a comprehensive competency test is that faculty would need to spend additional classroom minutes to review previously learned material. Students can also feel that re-testing previously tested material can be very redundant, and not an area of priority for review.
Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

5. One of the key components of a nursing program is to promote highly competent nurses that will have the ability, knowledge, and skills necessary to administer care to various individuals. Developing high levels of competency program accommodates nurses the knowledge necessary to provide the safe and efficient care possible. In such a complex health care as we have today the safety and the best outcomes of our patients is our priority. In order to measure the skills and competency of a nurse a test must be given such as a mid-curriculum which would be a great advantage for evaluation of success. According to our textbook, ?Learning occurs at various levels, and the level of learning needs to be explicit stated in the competencies faculty generated for each level within the curriculum.? (Billings & Halstead, 2009, pg. 151). A level of competency is something that achieve gradually as the student proceed to the curriculum, and one way to evaluate that competency is by testing. As mentioned by the author of our textbook, on disadvantage is that ?Students are often resistant to changes in the way in which they receive instruction because understanding new way of learning is stressful.? (Billings & Halstead, 2009, pg. 157). Any changes in life always bring stresses especially in the area of education where test involve, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantage in the long run. Not only passing a course is stressful but to some students financial burdens might be their greatest issues.

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2009). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (3th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

Australian Curriculum

This assessment task requires you to analyse what you have learnt about the Australian Curriculum in Weeks 3 and 4 and write an essay to evaluate the effectiveness of the Curriculum as a national document.

ACARA has stated that ?an Australian Curriculum will contribute to the provision of a world-class education in Australia by setting out the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for life and work in the 21st century and by setting common high standards of achievement across the country.? (ACARA, 2013, p.5)

To what extent do you agree that the Australian Curriculum achieves what it sets out to do?

Example of Essay Map

Para 1 Structure outlining the aim and rationale, and briefly the learning area, content description, cross curricular, general capabilities and the constructivism theory as the curriculum notes it bases itself on this

Para 2 PRO - consistency and equity. The pros and cons should be backed up with supporting literature

Para 3 PRO - improves Global competitiveness and international status

Para 4 PRO - provides scope for differential learning

Para 5 CON - overcrowded curriculum,

Para 6 CON - argue does this curriculum create a world class high standard curriculum when the international testing reveals otherwise

Para 7 ? Your position on the effectiveness based on my research. This could either be one focus or discussed throughout. I would highlight it within your conclusion to close your discussion and link back to the statement.

Para 8 - Implications of implementing - Integrated learning with the ability to apply knowledge across contexts backed up with theory and literature

Para 9 ? Implications/development of 21st century skills including the use of technology backed up with theory and literature

Conclusion - Linking it all together to suggest the statement is not entirely correct but well worth persisting with a national curriculum.

The key documents refer to the Australian Curriculum and Melbourne Documentation in particular.

The aims of the Australian Curriculum- the relevant documents are any documents and research outlining what the AC aims to achieve. This is referring to supporting literature identifying the aims rather than making them up yourself.

In regards to Criteria 3 - you are looking at implications associated with the implementation of the AC and any examples you have of this from experience in schools, as a parent, volunteer or through practicum.

the research general topic is standards based curriculum and i ned to link it to my specialization which is teaching english as a second language. the paper should include an intoduction , questions and significant of the study , literature review and conclusion that suggest for further research and includes what the writer learned from the research.

School Improvement Idea

Impact of Societal Forces on Education
Choose and research a school improvement idea. Identify the educational foundations that the idea has had. Explain the role and impact the idea has had on student learning. Analyze the costs of the idea in terms of legal, financial, personal, or institutional implementation. Prepare a 5-8-page research paper with appropriate reference sources.

Discussion: Interview on Curriculum Frame Factors
Last week you assessed external contextual factors impacting curriculum development. This week you turn your attention to internal contextual factors as well as to the role that certain external factors, such as standards, regulations, and accreditation requirements, play in curriculum and program development.

To better understand how these factors affect the development process, you are asked to interview an educator with some experience in curriculum development. This should be someone working in a educational program of interest to you. (Ideally, this will be the same program that you analyzed in the previous week and will analyze in the Application Assignment you begin this week. If this is not possible, however, you may interview someone from a comparable kind of program.)

Prepare yourself for this interview by gathering information about the internal contextual factors that impact this program and curriculum. These factors are listed in Table 6.3 (on pages 122??"124 in Curriculum Development in Nursing Education), and include the program's mission, philosophy, and program outcomes. Then conduct an interview with the educator, making sure to address the following questions:

What is your experience with curriculum planning? Program planning?

In what ways have you made use of the organization's mission, philosophy, and/or organizing framework in developing a program or curriculum?

In what ways have you made use of standards, regulations, and accreditation requirements in developing a program or curriculum? Which specific ones have you used and why?

What advice would you give a new educator on how to design, implement, and evaluate an assigned course so that it is supports the objectives of the program and curriculum?

With these contextual factors and interview answers in mind:

Post your summary of what you have learned, addressing the following:

Briefly describe the program you have investigated and identify the person you interviewed.

Summarize what you learned from this interview, focusing in particular on the insights you gained about the program and curriculum development process.

Assess one of the internal contextual factors (other than "mission and purpose, philosophy, and goals of the parent institution") listed in Table 6.3, and answer the related questions in the table. (Use Table 13.4 for staff development and patient education.) How is the factor is likely to impact this curriculum in the next 5 to 10 years? Provide support for your observations.

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Customer is requesting that (WhiteLaw) completes this order.

Assignment: Prepare a 1400-1750-word APA format research paper on factors of hidden curriculum that affect instruction or have an impact on instruction.

a. Provide background information on hidden curriculum.

b. Analyze three factors that influence hidden curriculum. Provide examples of those factors. Factors may include:

Teacher philosophy
My educational philosophy is to promote academic excellence, emphasize social development, to support emotional well being, and to instill a passion for lifelong learning among all students. Learning through active intellectual inquiry is much more effective than learning through traditional, passive, lecture-and-textbook teaching methodologies. Academic curricula and specific academic information must reflect objective principles of knowledge based on empirical evidence and factually verifiable information and not subjective belief or points of view of educators or legislators. Effective learning requires a structured environment rather than through less structured environments. Effective formal education must include sufficient attention to the general development of a healthy self-image and high self-esteem of learners if they are expected to thrive from their educational experiences and to translate them into practical success in life.
Motivational techniques
o Kagan Structure
o Technology lessons
o Smartboard Activities
o Wiki Page
o Engaged Lessons

Teacher questioning techniques
Blooms high critical thinking techniques

Student learning styles
Meeting the needs of learners and creating lessons to ensure that student learning is taking place and students are able to transfer learning to everyday life.

c. Reflect on your own practices and experiences with hidden curriculum.

d. Consider what you would do differently based on your research and personal experience with hidden curriculum.

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Music Education by Any Objective

OVERALL THEME: K-12 public school music programs are in trouble. Due to No Child Left Behind, music programs are being cut due to an increased emphasis on core subjects. Also, music programs are -perhaps- less relevant today than they were in previous years and student opinions of music programs are dwindling. The picture is grim and result in a dichotomy in the dwindling support/interest in k-12 music programs and the overall positive attitudes people have towards music.

Topics to address:
1. Trends in student enrollment in public school music programs (student enrollment is down as are programs).

2. No Child Left Behind and the impact on public school music programs (the angle here is that music programs are hurting b/c of the emphasis on "core curriculum" such as English, Math, Sciences.)

3. Student opinion on public school music programs (emphasis on negative opinions) vs. students/general population's overall attitudes towards music (emphasis on positive)

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Word paper APA research paper on factors that affect instruction or have an impact on instruction- what is known as the "Hidden Curriculum." Use at least four sources. Factors may include teacher exceptions. Motivational techniques, teacher questioning techniques, teacher and students' self concept, student learning styles, learning groups, bias, and special needs.

In an essay, address the following
1. Examine various instructional practices designed to achieve high-level learning for all students in a standards-based curriculum.
2. Explain how a standards-based curriculum can be maintained but, at the same time, the needs of individual students can be met by the use of those instructional practices.

I will be sending you 2 resources I need in paper, you can choose any others that may help you.

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Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.

Dear Writer

Please look through all the resources I have sent you on thurs 17th June 2010 AEST

It must be scholarly

Due Date: 30th July 2010

Topic: Retninking Curriculum for International Education in Australia

Task: Extended Research Proposal

Please look into order no: A2009955 (Preliminary Statement)

This order is a continuation of Order No: A2009955 due on 7th July 2010

Thank you

Melville Miranda

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Moral Education and Its Impact

The Statement of the Problem

Does a moral centered educational curriculum have a positive affect on peer bullying, among elementary school students in the 4-6 grades at KIPP Valley Charter School in Albany, NY?
The Sub problems
1. The first sub problem. Is to determine the impact of a moral centered curriculum among 4th through 6th graders with a history of peer bullying.
2. The second sub problem. The second sub problem is to find out what virtues of morality will be introduced to the curriculum such as kindness, sharing, responsibility for actions, etc..


You are expected to write a 15-20 pages proposal. In the proposal, you will need to include the following elements.

1. Introduction (2-3 paragraphs)

2. Objectives of the study

3. Literature review (20-30 references)

4. Research Problem

5. Hypotheses to be tested

6. Methodology

a. Your research design and the research problems (both main and sub problems)

b. Research method (qualitative, quantitative, or both) and how you will analyze it

c. Introduction of the setting where you collected your data

d. Complied demographic data of the samples that you collected from (e.g.: age, teaching experiences, number of years in receiving treatments, etc. )

7. Analysis of Data

8. Limitations of this research proposal

9. Summary/Conclusion/Recommendation

This is a Reaction Paper
Read the "Mathematics: Core Curriculum." You can access the Core Curriculum at:

Read pages 1-6 and 17-59.

Describe and react to the core curriculum for grades 1-5. Guiding questions:
-Is it usuable as a new teacher?

-How is the curriculum different from your elementary math curriculum versus todays forward thinking curriculum?

-Are the standards a step in the right direction?

I need an Intro at least three (3) pages of descriptions and two (2) pages of reactions. Specific grade level is 1-5

Thank you very much!!

Discussion: Envisioning Future Needs

Nursing curricula cannot remain static for the simple reason that the needs of nurse-learners, patients, communities, and society do not remain the same. Rather, these needs change as a result of a wide range of forces. As Dr. Sarah Keating explained in the video program, curriculum developers must be visionaries??"seeing into the future to anticipate what the needs of individuals and the larger community will be.

Select the type of educational program and community of greatest interest to you, whether an academic, staff development, or patient education program. This should be a setting in which you would like to teach one day or are already teaching. Gather the kinds of information on this program that curriculum developers would need for an assessment about future needs of that community and those learners. Pay particular attention to external contextual factors, as discussed in Chapter 5 in Keating's textbook, Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing. Based on this information, how should the curriculum evolve to meet the needs of learners and other stakeholders in the near future?

Note: Your Discussion assignments for this week and next, as well as your Applications, will ideally be based on the same program and curriculum, and require you to gather a variety of information on them. By focusing on the same program for all for all of these assignments, you will gain a more integrated picture of curriculum components and processes. To help you be more efficient in your information gathering, you are strongly encouraged to read the instructions now for Week 2's Discussion and the first Application, also in Week 2.

With this information in mind:

Post your assessment of future learning needs, addressing the following:

What is the kind of program and community setting you have investigated?

In general, what global or social trends are likely to affect the development of nursing curricula in this kind of setting in the next 5 to 10 years? Explain why you think so.

Assess three of the external frame factors listed in Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing that are relevant to this particular program and community, answering the questions listed in the table.

On the basis of these external factors and future trends, propose two ways that nursing curriculum in this setting should evolve to meet the needs of nurses, patients, and communities over the next 5 to 10 years.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and any additional sources. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to ensure your citations in the text and reference list are correct.

Citations of video programs must also follow APA Guidelines. The following examples show how to cite a video in the text and bibliography.

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Purpose: To develop a heightened awareness of the dynamics at work in learning communities and the ways that educational structures, teaching relationships, and processes of learning give shape to personal and communal experiences.

Using an event in an ecclesial context that can be construed as educational. This could be a small group study event, a liturgy or worship service, a Sunday school class, a youth group meeting, a fellowship gathering, an administrative or planning meeting, etc.

Prepare a concise, one-paragraph description that orients your reader to the overall nature of the event (i.e. who is involved, what is the stated purpose, whether it is a regularly occurring event or a special event, etc.).

Describe and discuss two or three important educational elements of the event using categories and concepts from Boys, Eisner, Anderson, Brueggemann, and/or hooks. For example, you may want to develop a critique based on Eisner?s scheme of explicit, implicit, and null curricula. Or, you may use Anderson?s concepts of the shaping of communal memory through ritual re-enactment, of incorporating and inscribing practices that locate Christian identity in the body, and of the relationships between ritual action and knowledge. You will not be able to use all five authors in such a short paper, it is better to work with the ideas of one or two of them that seem most salient to what you have witnessed. It may be useful to concentrate on those elements in the educational event in which there is either exceptional congruence or exceptional conflict between the espoused goals of the event and the realized character of the event.
Walter Brueggemann, The Creative Word: Canon as a Model for Biblical Education,
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1982.
bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as a Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge,
Boys, ?Religious Education: A Map of the Field?*
Eisner, ?The Three Curricula All Schools Teach and Anderson, ?Liturgical Catechesis: Congregational Practice as Formation?*

1. Describe why the study of curriculum history is important to educators.
2. Research and describe the curriculum history of a nation other than the United States. (Iraq)
3. Apply what you have learned about the relationship between culture and curriculum and explain what you believe are the ideological components of this nation's curriculum development and changes. Include a justification for why you believe this to be the case.
4. Using what you have learned about the history and nature of curriculum, explain what you believe the future may hold for continued curriculum expansion for the United States and the nation your researched (Iraq) Include a justification for you why you believe this to be true in both cases.

Essay - What activities in the curriculum, will extend children's social development? In answering this question discuss large group activities as compared to small group activities. Consult at least three(3) references on play.

Pls include introduction, rationale, conclusion and a reference page

Texts needed for this essay(for citations)

Berk,Laura E (2005)Infants, Children and Adolescents 5th edition(International Edition), Boston:Allyn & Bacon
Hughes, Fergus P.(1999) Children, Play and Development 3rd edition,Boston:Allyn & Bacon
Allen,K.E.%Marotz,L.R.(1999) Developmental Profiles 3rd edition, Canana:Delmar Publishers

This week's assignment is due Friday Nov. 10 by 6:00 PM. As indicated in the rubric, I'd like you to identify a problem area in the curriculum that you are studying. Use what you've been reading in the Joseph book to help you examine the curriculum in terms of the culture that it represents. Come up with a research question that you will be examining for the next few weeks. Then, describe in detail how you going to go about researching this question and what methods you will be using to develop curricular improvements.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify areas of concern. Apply the understandings and insights you have gained from course readings by specifically targeting those issues in your current situation that raise concerns in your mind and merit further study. Formulate a research question and design research methods of investigation to seek possible solutions. Write a well-defined research question, a one-page justification for the study, and a one to two page detailed outline of the research methods you intend to employ to develop curriculum improvements. The justification should identify the problem and the need and value of designing changes.

DUE: End of the third week of the course.

Quality of research question
Justification for research question
Appropriateness of selected research methods
Coherence of outline details

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1 Pages

Two Views of Education Pragmatism Notes and Quotes

Words: 338
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Be careful! This order content two different related issues. However, each one of them should be half page long. First one. -Two views of education-Traditional view of education…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

American Education

Words: 1707
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

MLA format. Use minimum 6 outside sources. MUST USE this book: Mike Rose's LIVES ON THE BOUNDARY as a jumping-off point. write a thesis-driven, research-based essay that concerns education.…

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7 Pages

Special Education Until 1975, Disabled

Words: 2069
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Open to all writers!! This is research paper on the Education for the Handicapped Children Act of 1975 known as PL 94-142. Write how and why the Act got started.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Gender and Education There Are

Words: 889
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Format: APA, 12 pitch font, 1 inch margins all around, double spaced, there must be an introductory paragraph summarizin the theoretical perspective and the findings of the research. Sources: Minimum…

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3 Pages

Education and Why? From the

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The essay question that was given was "What is the purpose of education and why?" The essay is supposed to be argumentative.

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics of a Prescribed Curriculum

Words: 2316
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a position paper to be discussed at an Education Ethics forum within a university philosophy department. Therefore, reference to key philosophical concepts will be essential as will…

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8 Pages

Integrated Curriculum Planning: Concept-Based Curriculum

Words: 2142
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The paper must be 9 pages in length which does not include pages such as the title page, reference page, table of contents, etc Your reference page must include…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Visual Literacy in Higher Education

Words: 3931
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please follow these specific guidelines. The objective of this research paper is to analyze a current societal issue or trend that is impacting curriculum design and delivery for professional nursing…

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4 Pages

Curriculum of Nursing Education

Words: 1355
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Writer?s Assco5522, rbwpenn, betty, philipj Please research and comment on the following five. 1.…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Australian Curriculum

Words: 2233
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This assessment task requires you to analyse what you have learnt about the Australian Curriculum in Weeks 3 and 4 and write an essay to evaluate the effectiveness of…

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5 Pages

Standards-Based Curriculum for English Language

Words: 1551
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

the research general topic is standards based curriculum and i ned to link it to my specialization which is teaching english as a second language. the paper should include…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

School Improvement Idea

Words: 2805
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Impact of Societal Forces on Education Choose and research a school improvement idea. Identify the educational foundations that the idea has had. Explain the role and impact the idea has…

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3 Pages

Internal Curriculum Factors for This

Words: 838
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Discussion: Interview on Curriculum Frame Factors Last week you assessed external contextual factors impacting curriculum development. This week you turn your attention to internal contextual factors as well as…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Hidden Curriculum the Other Side

Words: 1355
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment: Prepare a 1400-1750-word APA format research paper on factors of hidden curriculum that affect instruction or have an impact on instruction. a. Provide background information on hidden…

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20 Pages

Music Education by Any Objective

Words: 6529
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

OVERALL THEME: K-12 public school music programs are in trouble. Due to No Child Left Behind, music programs are being cut due to an increased emphasis on core subjects.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Hidden Curriculum All Teachers Know

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Word paper APA research paper on factors that affect instruction or have an impact on instruction- what is known as the "Hidden Curriculum." Use at least four sources. Factors…

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4 Pages

Instructional Practices for High Level Learners and Standard-Based Curriculum

Words: 1426
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In an essay, address the following 1. Examine various instructional practices designed to achieve high-level learning for all students in a standards-based curriculum. 2. Explain how a standards-based curriculum can be maintained but,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Rethinking Curriculum for International Education

Words: 937
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dear Writer Please look through all the resources I have sent you on thurs 17th June 2010 AEST It must be scholarly Due Date: 30th July 2010 Topic: Retninking Curriculum for International…

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15 Pages

Moral Education and Its Impact

Words: 4187
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

The Statement of the Problem Does a moral centered educational curriculum have a positive affect on peer bullying, among elementary school students in the 4-6 grades at KIPP Valley Charter…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

New York State Education Department

Words: 2095
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a Reaction Paper Read the "Mathematics: Core Curriculum." You can access the Core Curriculum at: Read pages 1-6 and 17-59. Describe and react to the core curriculum for grades 1-5.…

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2 Pages

Curriculum Foundations in Recent Years

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Discussion: Envisioning Future Needs Nursing curricula cannot remain static for the simple reason that the needs of nurse-learners, patients, communities, and society do not remain the same. Rather, these…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Description of an Educational Event in an Ecclesial Context

Words: 1177
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Purpose: To develop a heightened awareness of the dynamics at work in learning communities and the ways that educational structures, teaching relationships, and processes of learning give shape…

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5 Pages

Curriculum History Importance of Curriculum

Words: 1995
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Describe why the study of curriculum history is important to educators. 2. Research and describe the curriculum history of a nation other than the United States.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Early Childhood Education the Onset

Words: 1855
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Essay - What activities in the curriculum, will extend children's social development? In answering this question discuss large group activities as compared to small group activities. Consult at least…

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4 Pages

Parental Involvement in Education the

Words: 1117
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This week's assignment is due Friday Nov. 10 by 6:00 PM. As indicated in the rubric, I'd like you to identify a problem area in the curriculum that you…

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