Economic Influences Essays Prompts

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In your paper, discuss how the following impact the airline industry.
o Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand
o Positive and negative externalities
o Wage inequality
o Monetary and fiscal policies
Conclude your paper with final thoughts on:
o How the economy affects the success of your chosen industry
o Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way

Ratios are used for many purposes, performance measurement is one such application. However, not all performance measures are expressed as a ratio. Do some research on the Internet to learn about operating leverage, ROI, EVA, and pick another performance measure of your choice. You will note that there are variations in the computations of a particular measurement. Consistency in application is the key.

Use information from the latest financial statement of your SLP company to compute the measuements you researched.

Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of these performance Flexible budgeting allows a firm to look at different potential scenarios, often this may be undertaken for an optimistic, pessimistic and most likely scenario. Firms will often undertake forecasting exercises; these may be based on complex approaches to assess likely demand, for example, considering past patterns of sales, the impact advertising they will have and other factors such as the influence of the economic climate, competition and social factors. However, forecasts are unlikely to be fully accurate, the development of a flexible budget allows the firm to look at different scenarios, and create a more flexible approach towards planning. This can be particularly important when the firm is planning for a longer period of time, such as a full financial year, this can be seen by preparing a flexible budget for a well known company. Yum! Brands is a large corporation which develops, operates and franchises a wide range of restaurants, including KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. The firm may be argued as particularly sensitive to economic influences as the products and services sold are subject to discretionary spending, and heavily influenced by the level of disposable income, and social fashions and trends and the actions of competitors.
Looking at Yum Brands to prepare a flexible budget one may first look at the sales patterns. With revenues (all figures are in millions) of $11,343 for 2010, $12,626 for 2011 and $13,633 there is a pattern of growth. The average growth for the last the years has been 7.95%, this was reflected in the 2012 figure, which saw growth of 7.98% year in year. However, not all years have been so consistent; 2010 saw only a 4.68% increase on the previous year and 2011 was an increase of 11.21% on 2010. For a flexible budget the average of the last three years may give a most likely scenario, assuming an increase in line wit that average. Yum Brands is a firm that is committed to growth, and investment is being made to trey and increase sales. An optimistic approach may be to take the 11.31% as a base line for the highest growth expected. For the pessimistic growth one may look at the most recent quarter, where the firm has recorded a 2.89% decrease in revenues. The firm may have a good history of growth, but in some difficult years there has been a decline, the latest quarter has not been the only period of declining revenues, in 2008 ( a year of the recession) there was a decline of 3.93% on the previous year. For the pessimistic budget the current decline will be assumed to last for the full year. It may be argued that as other firms, such as McDonalds (who also saw a decline in revenues in 2008) are not seeing the same decline (they showed a 2.39% increase in the same quarter), so this may not be an industry trend (McDonalds, 2014). Indeed, with the current US economy growth rate showing 4.1% (Trading Economics, 2014), the firm may be able to benefit from increased demand with increased levels of disposable income.
The cost of goods sold has remains fairy consistent in terms of the percentage costs; cost of goods sold were 72.3% in 2012, 72.4% in 2011 and 71.6% in 2010. As some costs have increased over the last few years, such as oil, the latest cost of goods of 72.3% of revenues will be used for all scenarios.
The cost of sales and admin increased at a rate faster than revenue growth in 2012, rising at 8.31% accounting for 12.05% of sales. The increased costs of employment may seen increasing, to allow for this all scenarios will allow cost of sales and admin to be 13% of sales. The interest payments will be assumed to remain ($149) the same in the optimistic and most likely scenario. However if the economy recovers sufficiently, there may be an increase in interest rates, to allow for this, $160 is allowed for interest in the pessimistic scenario. The last consideration is the allowance for taxes. Taxes may increase or decrease. The current rate seen in the accounts is 25% of the net revenues before taxes; this will be assumed to remain the same in the most likely scenario. When tax rates are changed, it is usually by 1% at a time, so the optimistic scenario will assume a 1% decrease in tax rates, whole the pessimistic scenario will assume a 1% increase. The flexible budget, prepared using these assumptions, is presented below.
Table 1; Flexible budget
2012 Optimistic (revenues increase by 11.31%) Most likely (revenue increase by 7.95%) Pessimistic (revenues decrease by 2.89%)
Revenue 13,633 15,175 14,717 13,239
Cost of goods sold 9,852 10,971 10,640 9,572
Gross profit 3,781 4,203 4,077 3,667
Sales and admin 1,643 1,973 1,913 1,721
Other costs (revenues) -156 0 0 0
Operating profit 2,294 2,231 2,163 1,946
Interest expenses 149 149 149 160
Income before taxes 2,145 2,082 2,014 1,786
Allowance for taxes 537 500 504 464
Net profit after taxes 1,608 1,582 1,511 1,322
This may be used by the firm to assess the conditions which are emerging and as a tool not only to assess but also control, comparing performance against the different types of budget and identifying where there are differences in any given scenario in order to investigate and improve performance. With an understanding of the potential outcomes of different scenarios the firm may also take proactive strategies to improve performance, for example looking for cost cutting measures before they are needed or deciding to increase marketing to stimulate demand in case of a decline in demand.
When using the flexible budgets it should be realized that they have been developed with the aim of allowing for different scenarios, so they will not be accurate, but will provide only a guideline, which may be updated as environmental factors emerge.

measures. Choose your preferred measure and explain your rationale.

Modular SLP Assignment Expectations

Always include the name of the organization(s), time period covered and source of information. It is important to answer the questions as posed. The document should be from 2 to 4 pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Don't forget to include tables as required. Support your discussion or tables with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved. You can turn in the spreadsheet instead of the Word document. The content should be equivalent to the page length suggested for a word processing document
Please use citation and reference.
Last SLP calculations are as follows:

Economic Profile of the Airline

Write a paper in APA format that provides an economic profile of the airline industry. In the paper, discuss how the following impact the industry:
-Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand
-Positive and negative externalities
-Wage inequality
-Monetary and fiscal policies
Conclude the paper with final thoughts on:
-How the economy affects the success of the airline industry
-Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way

I will be sending some additional resources via email.
There are faxes for this order.

Economic Profile of the Airline

Write a 1,800- to 2,450-word paper in APA format that provides an economic profile of the airline industry. Your final paper will include at least eight sources at a minimum and a reference page. In your paper, discuss how the following impact the industry.

o Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand
o Positive and negative externalities
o Wage inequality
o Monetary and fiscal policies

Conclude your paper with final thoughts on:

o How the economy affects the success of your chosen industry
o Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way

I have included 7 sources that can be used if it helps, please use at least 4 of them for the paper. You can use any other source you would like as long as they are reputable sources and their is at least 8 referances. Please make sure that the paper follows all APA standards to include the reference page and quotes.


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The last two are different stories from the same site


Why Is Airline Service So Bad? Posner
The Decline of Airline Service-Becker

Home Industry There Are a

Industry Research
Write a 1750-2450 word paper that provides an economic profile of the home building industry you have researched.
Utilize all the information you have gathered throughout the course to write your paper.(I will email documents momentarily this will help the paper).
Conclude the paper with these final thoughts:
o How the economy affects the success of your chosen industry.
o Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way.
There are faxes for this order.

Coal Mining Industry Report the

Microsoft Word

in this industry discuss how the following impact the economy.
*Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand
*Positive and negative externalities
*Wage inequality
*Monetary and fiscal policies

Conclude paper with final thoughts on
* How the economy affects the success of this industry
* Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way

Select a country other than one in North America. This country is the basis for this assignment and subsequent Individual Assignments.

The Country would be Germany!!

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you compare and contrast marketing in your selected country and in the United States. In your comparison, analyze the marketing environments of each country including, but not limited to, cultural, political, legal, and economic influences.

A. General Conditions and Problems.
B. Cultural Affairs.
1. Religions in the area.
a. National.
b. Organized.
c. Unorganized (sects).
d. Relations among religions and religious leaders, indigenous and missionary.
2. Clergy.
a. Number, location, and education of clergymen.
b. Influence of religious leaders.
3. Religious beliefs.
a. Major tenets of each religion, including such concepts as?
(1) Faith.
(2) Impact of faith on life.

(3) Concept of the hereafter.
(4) Means of salvation.
(5) Rites of cleaning and purification.
(6) Impact of religions on value systems.
b. Degree of religious conviction in lives of indigenous populace.
4. Worship.
a. Forms and significance of worship of each religion.
b. Places of worship.
c. Frequency of worship.
5. Relationship between religion and motivation of indigenous people.
6. Relationship between religion and transcultural communication.
7. Socioeconomic influence of religion.
a. Influence of religions on society.
b. Economic influence of religions.
(1) Religious ownership of property and other possessions.
(2) Teachings of religions about private property.
8. Interrelation with government.
a. Relationship of religious leaders and government officials.
b. Role of religions and religious leaders in armed forces.
c. Political influence of religious leaders.
9. Religious schools.
a. Location, size, and attendance.
b. Influence.
c. Relationship to nonsecular schools.
C. Arts, Monuments, and Archives.
1. Description of conditions of the arts and monuments.
2. Advancements over the past 10 years.
3. Influence of outside countries.
4. Arts.
a. Location, type, use, and significance of the fine arts.
b. Population attitude toward art treasures.
c. Government policies and agencies dealing with the arts.
d. Agencies through which arts are performed.
(1) Private.
(2) Government.
5. Advancements in science.
6. Artists? organizations and government control.
7. Monuments.
a. Location of historic monuments and sites.
b. Present significance of historic monuments and sites.
8. Archives.
a. Location of archives.
b. Varieties of archives.
(1) Public archives.
(2) Semipublic archives.
(3) Ecclesiastical archives.
(4) Private or family archives.
c. Contents or category of archives.
(1) Historical.
(2) Current documents.

A. General Conditions, Problems, and Stage of Development.
1. Effect of geographic, social, economic, and political factors.
2. Reading, listening, viewing habits.
3. Rural-urban differences.
4. Anticommunist appeal.
5. International outlook.
6. Techniques to measure impact.
B. Newspapers, Periodicals, and Publishing Firms.
1. Name.
2. Location.
3. Ownership.
4. Circulation.
5. Publication.
6. Language.
7. Editorial policies (political persuasion).
8. Procedures.
9. Employees.
10. Equipment.
11. Sources of supply.
12. Revenue.
C. Miscellaneous Means of Communications.
1. Private printing facilities.
2. Advertising agencies.
3. Others.

PS some Questions have short answers ( few words) it is not an essay it is research, some will have to be one paragraph or two.

This is the outline and material to be used.

Race and Ethnicity of Juvenile Offenders

This paper will discuss race and ethnicity of juvenile offenders within the United States' criminal justice system. It will show how the family and community are the back bone of support of the youth.

I. The relationship race and ethnicity in the juvenile court system and the decisions made are at a
Disproportionate number.
A. The relationship between race, ethnicity, community dynamics and the juvenile court process
B. Youth of color are over represented
1. Explaining racial and ethnic differences
2. Community structures and cultures in relation to juvenile offenders
a. Delinquent behavior social disorganization
b. Effects of sociostructural factors
II. Racial and Ethnic disparities in court detention decisions
A. Outside court referrals
B. External contributors
1. Community influences
2. Economic influences
III. The media and juvenile crime
A. Television portrayal of juvenile crime in comparison to adult crime in the black race
B. Structural limitations of the news
1. Ethnic blame
2. Accuracy of media portrayal

The following references were used:

Dixon, T. L., & Azocar, C. L. (2006). The representation of Juvenile Offenders by Race on
Los Angeles Area Television News. The Howard Journal of Communication, 17,

Jordan, K. L., & Freiburger, T. L. (2011). Examining the Impact of Race and Ethnicity on
the Sentencing of Juveniles in the Adult Court. Criminal Justice Research Review,

Piquero, A. R. (2008). Disproportionate Minority Contact. , 18( 2),

Rodriguez, M. (2007). Juvenile Court Context and Detention Decisions: Reconsidering the
Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Community Characteristics in Juvenile Court Process. Justice
Quarterly, 24( 4),

Paper should be typed in font size 12 and Times New Roman, double-spaced. The limit is 4 pages. Outside Sources, Use "Internet Sources."

**You should take the perspective of either being the person who has to make the key decisions in the case, or of a consultant who has been hired by this person to provide expert recommendations. Either way, you should identify the key issues (problems), list relevant alternative actions that can be used to deal with these issues, analyze them, and finally select the best one as your recommendation.**

Start your report by writing the case title. Then, follow the pattern of the following example:

Key Issues:

1. Sales have declined by 10 percent over the last 12 months

List of alternatives:

1. Increase advertising by $5 million annually
2. Drop the brand
3. Redesign the brand by increasing R&D expenses by $3 million over the next 18 months

Analysis of the alternatives:

1. (here you will list the advantages and disadvantages of alternative #1, i.e. the increase in advertising)
2. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative #2, i.e. dropping the brand
3. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative #3


Recommend alternative #1, because (You need to explain why you think that based on your previous analysis alternative #1 is superior to the others due to its more favorable ratio of advantages to disadvantages.

Keep in mind that sometimes you may decide to combine more than one alternative in your recommendations, as long as they are not mutually incompatible. In the above example, one cannot combine alternatives #1 and #2, but one could combine alternatives #1 and #3. In case you decide to combine more than one alternative in your recommendation, you will still need to prioritize them, i.e. explain which alternative should be implemented first, and which one should be implemented second.

Keep in mind that when you list your alternatives, they should be specific actions. Avoid generalities such as improve quality, rethink strategy, etc. You need to explain exactly what to do to achieve the objective. Do not confuse the goal with the means to achieve it. The goal is dealing with the issue, and the means are the alternatives. Sometimes, youll find out that you may have more than one issue.

For example, you may have:

Key issues:

1. Sales have declined by 10 percent over the last year.
2. The sales force turnover is 25 percent above industry average

Whenever you have more than one issue, you need to ask yourselves if these issues are independent or interdependent. If they are independent, then you need to deal with each one separately. Thus, you report should look like that:

Key issues:

1. -----
2. -----

Note: At this point you need to explain to the reader of your report if the issues are related (interdependent) or not related (independent). If they are independent, you proceed as follows dealing with each issue separately:

Alternatives for issue #1

1. ------
2. ------
3. ------

Analysis of alternatives for issue #1

1. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #1
2. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #2
3. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #3

Recommendations for issue #1

Recommend alternative #2, because

Alternatives for issue #2

1. ------
2. ------
3. ------
4. ------

Analysis of alternatives for issue #2

1. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #1
2. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #2
3. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #3
4. Advantages/disadvantages of alternative #4

Recommendations for issue #2

Recommend alternative #3, because

If on the other hand the issues are related, then you need to explain why they are related. For example, in the above case we could come to the conclusion that both issues are related because poor sales force management has increased the sales force turnover, and that in term has deprived the company of experienced sales people, which in turn has resulted in lower sales. Thus, both issues can be traced back to poor sales force management. By dealing with this, we can take care of both issues. Our two issues can be collapsed into one, in this case poor sales force management. We can proceed then in listing alternatives, analyzing them, and coming up with a recommendation just for this one.

Case Study: Mongolia Adventure Inc.

A Tourism Professional
Oyun Ganbaatar, a 29-year-old tour guide is just finishing his lecture about the famous Mongol Amursanaa, who in 1757 led a great Mongol uprising against the Manchus. He is standing near the Amursanaa statute in Khovd city, about 850 miles west of Ulan Bator, the capital Mongolia. His audience is a group of European tourists who have come to explore one of the last frontiers of international terrorism: Mongolia. As he finished his presentation and answers all their questions, he starts thinking again about his career and the possibilities that are opening for him in the growing tourism industry of Mongolia.
An Undiscovered Destination
Mongolia is indeed one of the new countries in the world that is remote and unexplored enough to be considered from a tourist perspective as a terra incognita. Mongolia is a huge country about three times the size of France with a population of only 2.6 million people. During the time of Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan it was even larger, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to Central Europe. Back then it was the largest empire in human history. Even in its reduced size today, it remains vast, empty, and wild. Traveling through Mongolia, one has a feeling of being in a place before humans managed to dominate and domesticate nature. Huge deserts, snowcapped mountains with glaciers, expensive steppes with grassy hills, and dramatic climate changes make Mongolia an extreme and intriguing destination. Mongolia has one of the highest average elevations in the world at 1580 meters (5180 feet). The highest mountain is Tavanbogd Uul, rising to 4370 meters (14,350). Among the high peaks are high plateaus and deserts, so dry that it almost never rain. At the same time, there are plenty of both salt-water and fresh-water lakes. Among the ones that are a must see for the tourists is the Khovsgol Nuur, containing 2 percent of the worlds fresh water. Most of the high mountains are to the west. The southern part is mostly the Gobi desert. Although a desert, there is enough grass to support nomads with their sheep, camels and goats. The central and northern parts consist mostly of rolling hills with grassland. This is the home of the Mongolian takhi horses that were the foundation of Genghis Khans famous cavalry. In addition to all that, its location in the center of Asia far away from Europe and North America, the two main source markets for international tourists, make it is easy to see why Mongolia is one of the least discovered places on earth. Another challenge for the average tourist is the climate. Mongolia is also known as the Land of the Blue Sky given that there are about 260 sunny days per year. However, this is deceiving. The winters are extremely cold, practically sub-arctic from October to April. It is not unusual to encounter snow in the Gobi Desert in April, and some of the lakes in the mountains stay frozen until June. The temperatures in January and February in the capital city of Ulan Bator can drop to -30 Celsius (-22F). Springtime is short only last two months (May and June), and it is then that brutal dust storms often hit the country. The rainy season is during a brief summer/fall period from July to September, but the rains are of short duration and intensity. In the middle of the summer, up to 40C (104F) in the Gobi Desert.
Political and Socio-Economic Influences
During the Cold War, Mongolia was a Soviet satellite and almost completely isolated from the rest of the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mongolia started a long process of opening up to the rest of the world in trying to integrate itself into the global ecoomy. By all accounts, the results have been impressive. Unlike other Central Asian countries such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the other stans, Mongolia has been moving in the direction of South Korea, according to the opinion of several independent experts, such as John Poepsel, an American political adviser. In the 15 years since the collapse of communism, Mongolia's ruling party has moved the country from communist orthodoxy to the mainstream of the international Socialist movement. Foreign investments have been welcomed, and the pursuit of free market policies has transformed the economic landscape. Ulan Bator used to be a sleepy city in the middle of nowhere. Nowadays, it is a city that can be best described as a booming, sprawling capital. Construction is a nonstop activity, and population due to the heavy traffic jams is a new reality. A number of automobiles have been expanding at almost 20% a year, and whenever a driver's are stuck in a traffic jam, they can look at billboards promoting everything from international brands to the local political parties. Competitive and free elections are in fact, and a mostly very literate population makes a sophisticated electorate. At the same time, Mongolians are quite all wear and proud of their heritage, their nomadic tradition, and their Buddhist spirituality. The huge, rugged, and almost empty landscape and a fascinating culture in the process of transformation is a potent combination for making Mongolia an intriguing tourist destination. Mongolians are devoted Tibetan Buddhists and thus have deep links with Tibet. It is a requirement that during his/her lifetime a devout Mongolian Buddhist should visit Lhasa, the holy city of Tibetan Buddhism. Since freedom of religion was reinstated in 1990, thousands of monasteries have reopened, and many of them have become major tourist attractions. Dance, music, painting, and all arts have been influenced by Tibetan Buddhism in having this thinks thou not found anywhere else.
Traveling Around Mongolia
Getting around Mongolia is not easy, given in as size and sparse infrastructure. There are few roads, and as a result, air transportation is the preferred way. There are about 80 airports linking Ulan Bator to many provincial cities. Even so, many small airport runways are not paved. The national airline, MIAT, is not well organized. It is using a two-tier pricing system that charges tourists high prices that Mongolians. In addition, schedules change often, and without much warning. It is also almost impossible to the round-trip tickets. One buys a one-way ticket to a location, and once there one has to buy a return ticket as another one-way ticket. All these factors are further impediments to tourism. Most trains travel a north-south route that is part of the Tran-Siberian railway linking Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia. Buses are old and not well organized, and many people wishing to avoid traveling by air use minibuses or taxis. Most taxis that take tourists to remote locations are Jeeps and often come with a guide in addition to the driver.
A Tourism Entrepreneur
Oyun has been working for 4-years for a Mongolian travel agency as a tour guide. He is one of the top guides of the agency because he speaks English well, no Mongolias tourist sites and history very well, and has a friendly, extroverted personality that makes him popular with customers. In a country where the annual average salary is less than $500, he earns about $100 a month. Oyun expects tourism to grow and Mongolia, and he feels that there are opportunities they are for somebody like himself who will combine know-how with an entrepreneurial spirit. Like most travel agencies in Mongolia, the travel agency he works for is a small operation. It has a small office and offers services primarily to tourists. Who stop for a few days in Ulan Bator while traveling on the Tran-Siberian railway. Another type of tourists is those who come to Ulan Bator by plane. They usually travel in groups and expand their itineraries to visit some of the prime tourist locations in Mongolia beyond the capital. These are the groups that Oyun accompanies as a tour guide and his success in dealing with them and providing them with excellent service has given him the idea to work for himself, rather than for somebody else. Most of these foreign tourist groups come to Oyuns employer through contacts with overseas travel agency. During his conversations with the tourists, Oyun has found out roughly how much the overseas agencies charge them, and he has been developing some new ideas about revenues and costs that will be part of his business plan. Opening a business is always a risky proposition. Oyun has the technical know-how to provide tourist services of the highest quality, but he has never run a business. He needs to develop a business plan, determine the risk, and make a decision if he should go forward, or if he is better off staying at his current job. Oyuns combined earnings of his salary, bonuses, and tips average $1200 per year. He also has about $3,000 in a savings account that provides a 10% interest and adds another $300 to his annual income. (Note: the currency that Oyun uses in the calculations for his business plan in the $US since he will have to use his currency to quote his prices to foreign customers. Given that the annual inflation rate of the domestic currency is 44%, using the $US makes it easier to have a business plan that does not need updating every few months.)
The Cost of Doing Business
Oyun begins estimating some of the costs of opening a tourist business. He wants to target well-off foreign tourists as his primary target segment, so his office will need to reflect his image. Location, equipment, and decoration should be of the highest quality. After looking around town, he comes up with the following estimates:
office rent: $110/month
computer hardware: $900(expected economic life is 4-years)
computer software: $450(expected economic life is 5-years)
web site design: $300
Internet connection: $50/month
web site maintenance: $150/year
office furniture: $2800 (expected economic life is 10-years)
utilities: $80/month
other maintenance: $30/month
first year start-up expenses, including business licenses: $150
In terms of personnel, Oyun decides that he needs a secretary to deal with bookings and day-to-day activities. Although 90% of all tourists visit Mongolia during the five-month tourist season (May - September), he plans to keep his office open during the whole year. The Secretary will be a permanent employee. She/he will need to speak English well and be familiar with computers and terrorists/travel-related software. Oyun estimates that he will have to pay this person $70-$80/month. Oyun also needs to hire at least one more tour guide, possible more depending on how fast the business grows. The guide/s will be employed part-time, working during the 5-month tourist season. Oyun fills that he can handle the small numbers of tourists that might show up during the rest of the year on his own. The tour guides will have to be high caliber, Oyun himself, to guarantee a consistent level of service to the customers. The monthly salary of a part-time guide with those kinds of skills will cost close to $175/month.
Oyuns Tourism Products
Oyun has spoken with several US tourists and has gotten an idea of a different packaged tours offered to them, as well as the prices. Prices charged by the US to her company's usually included a 30-35% profit margin. As a rule, the prices cover the cost of domestic flights or other device to transportation, twin accommodation in a three-star hotel, three meals a day(alcoholic beverages not include), an English-speaking guide, and other miscellaneous expenses, such as sightseeing. The following is a synopsis of the most common tours:
1.Great Lakes of Mongolia Tour: This is a 10 day tour starting in Ulan Bator, then visiting the Khongo Khan Mountain, Karakorum, the ancient capital, the province of Khangai mountains, the Khuvsgul Lake, nd the burial grounds of Moron, and finally returning to Ulan Bator. Price per person is $1500 for groups of at least 8 persons.

2.Khentii Wilderness Ride: This is a 10-day trek on horseback through the Khentii National Forest in the most remote areas of the Khentii mountain range. The Khentii National Forest is a 3-hour drive from Ulan Bator, and most of the 10-day trek is on horseback. The price is $1600 per person for groups at least 8 persons.

3.Gobi Desert Expedition: This is a 15-day trek that explores various parts of the Gobi Desert, including the famous dinosaur excavation sites, sand dunes, ancient monasteries, caves with Bronze Age walls paintings, and petrified forests. Part of the trip includes camel rides. The price is $2,200 per person for groups of at least 8 persons.
Oyun knows that for a foreign tourist traveling alone, the combined daily expenses of hotel, 3- meals, tour guide, and private Jeep rental are about $80. Obviously, sharing a Jeep lowers the cost even more. Accommodation and food per day in a place like Ulan Bator range around $15/$20 day, and in smaller towns the prices are even lower. Oyuns idea is to have his tour company contact foreign travel agencies and offer them packages similar to the previously-mentioned ones. His tours would be offered at attractive prices and with excellent service. He is also thinking of adding a new tour to a place that has been neglected by other tour companies. He is considering a trip to experience the Kazakhs eagle hunting in western Mongolia. The Kazakhs continues only 2% of Mongolias population. They are related to the Turks and are Sunni Muslims. They lived mostly in the Altay Mountains in the Bayan-Olgiy region, Mongolia's westernmost province. They hunt with golden eagles, a tradition that is more than one-thousand years old. They used female eagles because they are better hunters than the males. The eagles weigh about 15 pounds and have a wingspan of 7 feet. As they drive on their prey, they can reach speeds up to 100 miles/hour, and when they strike, the tips of their talons exert thousands of pounds of pressure. The favorite prey for Kazakh hunters using golden eagles is the fox due to its valuable fur. Given the remote location of the Kazakhs and their hunting grounds, Oyun estimates that the tour would take about a week, and the cost to his agency for organizing it would be $120 per customer, per day, for groups of at least 8 people. Oyun needs to consider if he should start his business and how to proceed. He would like to concentrate on the upper-income adventure travelers of North America and Europe.

Nursing Practice Changes

Assignment Overview: The student will prepare one paper examining the history of nursing to identify the values and attitudes of the profession that have been maintained from the early inception of nursing, reflect on the past and compare and contrast key points in history and events that transformed nursing over time, formulated the values and attitudes held within nursing and the impact on current nursing practice, and discuss your opinion of the future of nursing.

There is no length requirement but I recommend staying around 2 pages.

Read through A History of Health Care and Nursing in your Role Development book. As you read, reflect on the image of nursing, education of nurses, advances in practice, war and its effects, workforce issues, licensure and regulation and nursing research.
After you complete your readings, find an area that interests you, then find a current events (within the last 5 years) article that provides a clear understanding of the change in the area you selected. Then write a paper following the grading rubric below and addressing the objectives for this assignment. Uses your textbook as a resource and at least one journal article. May use more resources.
? Identify historical social, political, and economic influences on the development of professional nursing practice.
? Identify important leaders and events that have significantly affected the development of professional nursing practice.
? Identify current social, political, and economic influences on professional nursing practice.

Suicide in the Elderly Leading

well-documented typed written research paper using the following elements to frame your descussion

1. choose a social condtion or problem affecting older adults(suicide in the elderly)

2.Provide background information regrding ths condition/problem.
Statistical data regarding incidence, and prevalences?
when was it identified or 'discovered'?
Societal forces affecting the condition/problem?
societal values impacting(positively or negatively)on the condition/problem?
philosophical,technological,medical and economic influences?
has the response to this condition/problem changed over time?

3. Identify and explain intervention stategies for addressing this condition/problem at the Primary,Secondary, and Tertiary levels. If services gaps exist at any of these levels, make recommendations for eliminating this gaps

Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages
Details: Write a paper about an influential fashion designer of today. Trace the path of his or her career, schooling, and entry into the industry. What companies did he or she work for? How did he or she get where he or she is?

Cite sources using MLA format and include images on a separate page.

Click here if you need to watch a tutorial on submitting individual project files.

Points Possible: 250
Date Due: Saturday, Dec 18, 2010
Objective: Identify influential people in the world of fashion.
Identify major styles in costume history.
Understand how fashion is an expression of political, social, and economic influences.
Understand the origins of trends as they relate to time and locations.
Identify prominent 20th century designers.

Inception of Licensing

Assignment Name: Unit 5 Discussion Board
Deliverable Length: 3-4 paragraphs
Details: What effects does the inception of licensing have on the industry? Can a fashion company survive without it? Does it have negative effects? What kind of items do you see that are licensed?

In order to facilitate a true academic discussion, students are required to make a minimum of three posts to be eligible for full credit in each Discussion Board assignment.Your first post will directly address the Unit topic and should be posted by the 3rd day of that Unit.The other two posts should be in response to your peers or professor and should be posted by the 5th and 7th day of the Unit.

Be aware that the number of posts and the 3-5-7 deadlines represent only a portion of the points awarded for Discussion Board activity. A large portion of this assignments grade is based on the quality of the posts.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

Click here if you need to watch a tutorial on submitting discussion boards.

Points Possible: 135
Date Due: Saturday, Dec 18, 2010
Objective: Identify influential people in the world of fashion.
Identify major styles in costume history.
Understand how fashion is an expression of political, social, and economic influences.
Understand basic fashion terms and vocabulary.
Describe the changing trends in fashion during the 20th century.
Identify prominent 20th century designers.
Please make sure you write your cite information.

Competitive Strategy of Kraft

The Case in this course is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will be taking an intensive look at one company over the course of our five modules. This session, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of the Kraft Foods Group. The best preparation for doing well on the Case Assignments is to complete the Background information reading and the SLP before writing the Case.

For this case, you will be identifying the primary business strategy employed by the Kraft Foods Group. You will also be providing a critical analysis evaluating that strategy in the context of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Modules 2 and 3.

Required Reading

Refer to the required and optional reading on strategic choices, the theme of Module 4.

Case Assignment

In a 5- to 7-page paper, respond to the following:
1.Which of the four generic (Porter) strategies does the Kraft Foods Group follow, and how do you know?
2.Integrate the strategy you've identified above with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Modules 2 and 3. Doing so should give you some specific actions the company is taking relative to its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These actions are referred to as "strategic choices." Do the Kraft Foods Group's strategic choices align with the firm's generic strategy? If not, what are the points of disconnect? Think critically about this step, as no company achieves perfect alignment of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with its chosen strategy. It is your job to uncover the discrepancies and problems.
3.How can the Kraft Foods Group leverage its strengths and shore up its weaknesses by altering its strategic choices? How can the company take advantage of environmental opportunities and minimize environmental threats by altering its strategic choices? Be specific.
4.Complete the paper by commenting on how your view of the Kraft Foods Group's vision and mission has changed or has been reconfirmed by this process of strategic analysis. Would you make any suggestions to revise the company's mission or vision statements, or any of its goals/objectives?
5.Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as the Kraft Foods Group's consultant. This is a professionaldocument. Follow the format below: ?Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations made in the longer report. If you would like a refresher on writing an executive summary, check this website:
?Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.
?Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.
?Conclusion: Summarize your paper in light of your thesis statement.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the following five (5) criteria:
?Assignment-Driven Criteria (Precision and Breadth): Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?
?Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking and Depth): Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?
?Business Writing (Clarity and Organization): Is the paper well written (clear, developed logically, and well organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?
?Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy and References): Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood and can apply the background materials for the module? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by student?s use of relevant and quality (library?) sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?
?Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations?


In Module 4, we will concentrate our efforts on strategic alternatives at the corporate, business, and functional levels. Companies follow strategies at each of these levels, as well as at the global level.
?At the functional level, strategies are short term in nature, and refer to company functions such as marketing, manufacturing, materials management, customer service, and R&D.
?At the business level, strategies are of medium range. They include the company's market positioning, geographic locations, and distribution channels.
?At the corporate level, strategies are long term, and include options such as horizontal and vertical integration, diversification, strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Click on the link for a presentation on Strategic Choices by Professor Anastasia Luca.

Competitive Advantage

In this module, we will focus on the strategic options available to companies at the business level. Companies select business strategies to obtain Sustained Competitive Advantage (SCA) against competitors. SCAs are advantages that cannot be easily copied or imitated by competitors. A few years ago, strategists talked in terms of Porter's generic strategies (basically cost and differentiation). Today, we have four distinct strategies we use to analyze strategic options, although there are various approaches to achieving these strategies. They are:
?Cost Leadership
?Preemptive Move (or first-mover advantage)

Cost leadership

Most people think of economies of scale when they think of low-cost strategies. McDonald?s and Wal-Mart notwithstanding, high volume is not the only way to achieve low prices. Here are some other approaches to implementing a low-cost strategy:

No frills: Southwest Airlines eschewed big airports and cut costs by flying to smaller airports. Competitors such as Delta and American were too heavily invested in the hub business model to change.

Product design: Masonite developed an alternative to expensive wood products by using sawdust and woodchips. Some telecommunications companies "bundle" products, offering cable/satellite TV, high-speed Internet and telephone service for one low price. Hershey's shrank the chocolate bar to keep from raising its low price.

Operational economies: Firms can save money by eliminating high costs in the value chain. Amazon was able to significantly cut costs by eliminating physical stores, inventories, and cutting the 30% return rate of bookstores to just 3%.

Economies of Scale: With higher sales, fixed costs such as R&D, overhead, advertising, and even legal support can be spread over a larger revenue base.

Experience: Costs decline at a predictable rate with a firm?s accumulated experience. Such declines are attributed to the learning curve, technological improvements, and product redesign resulting in product and process efficiencies.

Here is another way of looking at low-cost strategies:

Algasae (n.d.) Promoting thought leadership ... Customer focused low-cost strategy. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Differentiation Strategies

If a company positions itself as offering a product or service that is different from its competitors in a way that customers value, it is following a differentiation strategy.

A successful differentiation strategy will create customer value that is perceived as such by the customer. Many so-called "new-and-improved" products have fallen flat because the customer simply didn't care. In addition, a successful differentiation strategy will only build Sustained Competitive Advantage to the degree that it is difficult to copy.

There are many ways to add value to any aspect of a business through differentiation:
?Ingredients/components: Healthier, "greener," longer-lasting ingredients/materials (e.g., Maytag appliances, Healthy Choice frozen dinners).
?Product offering: Better-designed products (e.g., BlackBerry touch screen, Dell ?Ultrabook" computers).
?Combining products: Two is better than one (e.g., Colgate 2 in 1 toothpaste and mouthwash).
?Added services: Extra services beyond the basic purpose of the product or service (e.g., concierge service with American Express cards).
?Breadth of Product Line: Extra convenience in dealing with fewer vendors (e.g., Wal-Mart offers one-stop shopping, eliminating the need to go to multiple stores).
?Channel: Offering items or services through a medium or channel unavailable in that form anywhere else (e.g., eBay offers instant access to hundreds of individuals worldwide, simultaneously or asynchronously).
?Design: Product or service is unique (e.g., bed-and-breakfasts offer a more ''homey" alternative to standardized hotel rooms).

In general, there are two ways to build SCA through differentiation strategies. Most of the methods of adding value mentioned above can be related to either quality or brand recognition.

Quality Strategy: In this type of differentiation, a company tries to set its product/service apart on the basis of superior quality. It is probably the most widely used method of attaining Sustained Competitive Advantage. Usually, quality means superior performance, and a premium brand as opposed to discount or economy brands. Such top-of-the-line offerings command a high price tag. However, quality does not always mean expensive. Both Mercedes (expensive) and VW (less expensive) connote high-quality German engineering.

Branding: Brands build SCA through customer familiarity, loyalty, and trust. Aspirin is aspirin, but Bayer continues to thrive against low-priced generics due to the power of the brand.

Blue Ocean: An Alternative Approach

A combination of low-cost and differentiation strategies has created a buzz in the recent business press. Known as "Blue Ocean" strategy, it is a new idea that challenges the standard classifications of strategy.

The following is the official Blue Ocean website. Check out some of the links to view the tools and frameworks for Blue Ocean strategic planning:

Kim, W. C. and Mauborgne, R. (2009), What is BOS? Nine key points of Blue Ocean Strategy. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Niche/Focus Strategies

Niche or Focus strategies are really variations of a cost or differentiation (or both) strategy, only concentrating the company's efforts on a single or limited product or market. By focusing its efforts, the firm is able to realize the following advantages:
?Avoid distraction or dilution: All of the firm?s efforts are directed toward a single end, and competitive pressures are diminished. All company resources and capabilities are matched to the market needs, creating SCA (remember RBV?).
?Maximize limited resources: When resources are tight, they will go farther and create a greater impact when the target is limited.
?Circumvent competitors? resources and capabilities: By operating in a niche market, say, private-label manufacturing, a firm does not have to contend with the big advertising and distribution capacities of the brand names. Competitive pressures are diminished overall as there are likely to be fewer competitors.
?Establish a unique identity: Offering a narrow product line, or operating in a limited geographic area can confer a certain cachet. In-N-Out Burger, for example, competes successfully with the huge fast food franchises by refusing to offer anything but hamburgers, made with the freshest site-prepared ingredients, in California, Nevada and Arizona only.

There are basically three ways a firm can establish a focus strategy. It can concentrate on one of these approaches, or a combination.

Focusing the product line: Firms that focus their product line often do so because they possess some expertise and special interest that often translates into technical superiority. These products excite and electrify. Take Bose Corporation, for example. It manufactures a small line of exceedingly high-quality audio products that are based on astonishing technology. If Bose broadened its offerings to all kinds of consumer electronics, it would run the risk of sliding into mediocrity with ho-hum products.

Targeting market segments: This is essentially "snob appeal" broadly defined. Gucci handbags target high-end fashionistas, Harley-Davidson targets rebellious non-conformists (at least in their own minds), and Castrol motor oil, which is not even sold in service stations, targets independent male do-it-yourselfers.

Limited geographic area: We have already considered In-N-Out Burger, but many other products are conferred a kind of cachet because you cannot get them just anywhere. Other examples include small breweries (e.g., Shiner Beers in Texas), coffee shops (independent and locally owned), or bakeries (Tim Hortons donuts in Canada and the northeast United States).

For another take on niche strategies, including some important caveats about potential pitfalls, read:

Iansiti, M. and Levien, R. (2004). Strategy for small fish. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Preemptive Strategy

By being the first entrant into a new market or business area, a firm can establish competencies or assets that competitors are not able to copy or develop on their own. The first-mover advantage can create high switching costs for customers, erect high barriers to entrance for competitors, and tie up contracts with suppliers. Thus, a preemptive strategy can confer SCAs both from internal and external sources.

Preemptive strategies are usually implemented in one of three ways:

Product opportunities: The first product offered in a new market can generate advantages in terms of dominant position that can be hard for competitors to later dislodge or overcome. A company can establish the "standard" for an industry, such as Intel did with microprocessors and Microsoft with operating systems. Of course, firms must continue investment in improvements lest an upstart come up with a "better mousetrap."

Production systems: When a firm invents a better or more efficient production system that expands capacity, reduces cost and/or improves quality, they have created SCA.

Customer advantages: First movers have an advantage with customers?creating brand loyalty and increasing switching costs. Customers become used to a familiar product or brand and see no reason to switch. Some companies get customers to make long-term commitments?as in long contracts for the latest in iPhone or BlackBerry technology. Banks may vie to get first-mover advantage in online banking because such systems involve substantial switching costs for customers who pay all their bills online. Here is a brief article discussing the first-mover advantage in practice:

Liang, T., Czaplewski, A., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. (2009). Leveraging First-Mover Advantages in Internet-based Consumer Services. Communications of the ACMe, 52(6), 146-148. Retrieved from EBSCO.

Required Reading

Algasae (n.d.) Promoting thought leadership...Customer focused low-cost strategy. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Kim, W. C. and Mauborgne, R. (2009), What is BOS? Nine key points of Blue Ocean Strategy. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Liang, T., Czaplewski, A., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. (2009). Leveraging First-Mover Advantages in Internet-based Consumer Services. Communications of the ACM, 52(6), 146-148. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from EBSCO.

Iansiti, M. and Levien, R. (2004). Strategy for small fish. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. Retrieved on November 6, 2012, from:

Previous SLP:

Strategies for Kraft Foods
1. Introduction
The use of the different analytical models on Kraft Foods may be brought together on a table, using a SWOT analysis as the basis, and identifying a major factor from one of the models that may be assessed within the context of the different competitive strategies that may be adopted.
2. The SWOT Analysis
Looking first at the strengths; the firs has many One which may be particularly valuable in terms of the development of competitive advantageous the research and development expertise that exists within the firm. This has been drawn from the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm, as one of the human resources that are available.
The weakness chosen for the analysis is the high level of substitutability, taken from the Porters five forces analysis. The goods that are sold by Kraft can be easily substituted with other goods, for example, the packet of Kraft macaroni cheese, which is an easy meal to cook could be substituted with a non Kraft frozen TV diner, the Kraft Miracle Whip may be substituted with mayonnaise, thousand island dressing other dressings/sauces. For each product there are other products that will serve the same purpose, which are sold in the same shops, and easily accessible due to low switching barriers.
The opportunity selected is the economic influences from the PEST analysis. The current economic conditions show there is a recovery, which is increasing the potential level of disposable income in consumers. The interest rates are also remaining low, so this may also provide Kraft with opportunities for increased investment due to the low cost of capital in a marketplace that is showing an upturn.
The threat used is the high level of rivalry from Porters five forces model. The market is one that is highly competitive, with firms competing aggressively, and other major large firms also in the market, which also have significant financial resources to compete and may seek to gain better spaces on shop shelves.
Table 1; SWOT Analysis and competitive strategies
Lost cost Differentiation Focus Pre-emptive
Strength; Human Resources, specifically R&D personnel (RBV) Research into manufacturing process to reduce costs Improve product ranges and create new marketing to emphasize the differences Create brand extensions to specialist products Develop new product categories to gain first mover advantage
Weakness; High substitutability (Porters 5 forces) Decrease price on selected elastic goods to increase sales and revenue and gain, increase economies of scale Implement a loyalty program to increase repeat purchases Develop product for categories which are underserved Pursue blue ocean strategy
Opportunity; Economic influences (PEST) Investment in new process to reduce overhead costs Investment in marketing and promotions Expand into luxury market Expansion into new markets
Threat; High level of rivalry (Porters 5 forces) Aggressive with price penetration strategy to increase economies of scale Develop product improvements and increase marketing emphasis on the uniqueness Market expansion into underserved niche segments Blue ocean strategy

3. The Potential Strategies
Reading across the table, the different strategies which maybe used to address each SWOT factor for the different strategies may be briefly explained.
3.1 Strategies for Strengths
The different business strategies for each of the competitive strategies are all built on the strength of human resources, in the form of the research and development knowledge and expertise that is in the firm. For the low cost strategy the research and development resources will be used to develop new manufacturing processes which will help to reduce overhead costs (Mintzberg et al., 2011). A low cost strategy for the pursuance of cost advantage requires an organization to enhance operating efficiency, which will help to improve the underlying profits (Mintzberg et al., 2011). Increasing operating efficiency can new developments will not only improve cost efficiency, internally developed strategies will also be difficult for other firms to emulate in order to gain the same advantages. With low costs the improve profit may be used to support sales in other ways, for example increasing marketing.
The differentiation strategy may be supported through the core activities of the research and development department, increasing the level of differentiation by improving the existing product ranges, and developing new characteristics or features which appeal to the target market, which may be supported through additional marketing messages. Research and development capabilities may also support the focus strategy, with the creation of brand extensions creating specialist products that will appeal to small or niche markets, for example flavored lactose free macaroni cheese. The pre-emptive strategy may be facilitated through research and development to identify and create new product categories that will enable the organization to gain a first mover advantage (Kotler & Keller, 2011).
3.2 Strategies to Minimize Weakness
The main weakness identified with Kraft Foods was the high level of substitutability for the products. For the low cost strategy it was suggested that selected goods which have a high level of price elasticity are reduced in price, this may benefit the organization as a decrease in price for elastic products is likely to disproportionately increase sales (Kotler & Keller, 2011) Increasing market share in the short term may also lead to long-term gains. Differentiation could be supported through the introduction of a loyalty program, such as collecting tokens of packaging to send off for complimentary products. This would encourage repeat purchases, and therefore reduce the potential for substitution. The recommendation for a focus strategy is the development of products which are targeting markets, or product categories, where there is currently only a low level of competition. These tend to be small or niche markets, and therefore there would be fewer potential acceptable substitutes, and it would be possible for this to be developed still based on the strength of the research and development department. A pre-emptive strategy with the entrance to a new market, where there is currently no existing competition for the products that are launched into that market (Mintzberg et al., 2011). This may have some risk, but could be an effective strategy is dealing with substitutability.
3.3 Strategies to Use Opportunities
The opportunity is stated as the economic condition. The growth in the economy, which may see increased demand, as well as low interest rates which makes raising capital relatively low cost may provide opportunities. For the local strategy taking advantage of low interest rates in order to make investments before new production facilities, or to support research into new processes, could be very productive in the long-term, to produce the organization's overheads. Increased differentiation could be facilitated by higher level of spending on marketing and promotions, which may also benefit from the higher level of disposable income due to the economic upturn. Increased disposable income may also facilitate expansion with the development of new brands into the niche luxury markets, supporting a focus strategy. The economic upturn is not seem just in the United States, but may be seen elsewhere, so expansion into new markets may also provide opportunities to increase sales.
3.4 Strategies for Threats
Kraft Foods operates in a highly competitive marketplace, so the threat for the SWOT analysis was the high level of rivalry, which is part of porters five forces analysis. Within the low cost strategy, the adoption of a price penetration strategy for some of the products would help the organization to increase sales, and can also facilitate the gaining or increase of economies of scale (Kotler & Keller, 2011). The differentiation strategy may be pursued with the research and development department undertaken further product improvements, and investments within marketing to emphasize the uniqueness of the products, using both tangible and intangible characteristics. The focus strategy may be supported through market expansion into underserved niche segments, where a high level of competition has not been established. The pre-emptive strategy may include the blue ocean strategy, the continued pursuance of innovation and first mover strategy may also be incorporated here.
4. Conclusion
Kraft Foods have a number of potential options which could be utilized to pursue the different types of strategies, building on strengths, helping to minimize weaknesses, taking advantage of opportunities, and reduce the potential impact of threats. The use of the research and development department to help develop new products, improve existing products, as well as investigate better ways of producing the existing goods may satisfy multiple goals. Blue ocean strategy may overcome issues such as higher levels of competition, but there is also risk and blue ocean strategy, as an underdeveloped market may be underdeveloped for a reason; for example there is insufficient demand for a desirable level of profit to be realized. The different elements are all interconnected, and this analysis demonstrates the way in which analysis should be considered and interpreted in interconnected manner.


Kraft Foods, (2014), Form 10k, accessed at on 29th September 21014

Kraft Foods, (2014), accessed at on 29th September 2014

Kotler, P, Armstrong, G, (2013), Principles of Marketing, Pearson

Mintzberg Henry, Ahlstrand Bruce, Lampel Joseph B. (2011), Strategy Safari: The Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall

This term paper will discuss the changing ideals of the American Dream during the 20th century. You must use the following 3 movies/plays as sources: The Searchers (starring John Wayne), The Grapes of Wrath, and Death of a Salesman. Please use the setting in each of these sources to depict the ideals of the "American Dream" for that time period. Use the The Searchers (set around 1868) as a basis of what the "American Dream" was before the 20th century and describe how it changed in The Grapes of Wrath (set in the 1930s) and Death of a Salesman (set in the 1950s). Please be sure to include any social or economic influences during these time periods. Please also mention any similarities between the time periods of when these works were set as opposed to when they were written. In addition to the 3 works previously mentioned, please also include at least 3 other sources to support any claims made in the paper. Please use strict MLA format and include a works cited page.

Critique the two articles below "SEPARATELY" USING THE 5 GUIDES LINES BELOW

1)Frame, M. W. (2002). The Spiritual Genogram in Training and supervision. The Family Journal, 9(109). This journal gives a qualitative research. This journal gives a quantitative research, which reports on religion and marriage.

2)Hess, D. W. (2012). The impact of religiosity of personal financial decisions. Journal of Religion & society, 14. This journal has a qualitative study on the way religious practitioners operate their finances. The study reveals the financial positions of religious leaders detailing on their views towards their economic influences

1)Provided reference entries for the two selected sources.

2)Identified each article as a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study, and summarized the author's research purpose, methods, and key findings.

3)Evaluated the quality, credibility, and reliability of the sources.

4)Reflect on each annotation?s
5)Displayed accurate APA Style and format (including the Title page) by presenting information in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrating ethical scholarship with accurate in-text citations and references; displaying accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

GCC Economic Outlook: 2014

Economics of the middle east
Research paper
Topic:Economic Integration of GCC countries with focus on latest developments since 2010.

In this paper you will discuss at least three key economic indicators and main economic policies. Some key economic issues are: Inflation, unemployment, balance of foreign trade, government debt, fiscal deficits, and the annual rate of economic growth.
The emphasis will be on the most recent developments (past 18 months).

Economics of Monopoly Power. Please respond to the following:
1)Take a position regarding whether the current initiatives of the FCC actually encourage competition in all communication markets and protect the public. Provide specific examples to support your response.
2)Imagine a single organization with a complete monopoly on all post-secondary education and discuss the likely economic impact.

The Economics of Professional Sports. Please respond to the following:
3)Explain the economic consequences that would unfold if one of the major four sports leagues in the United States reorganized into a single-entity league. Discuss the consequences for players and fans.
4)Discuss the likely economic impact to owners, players, and fans if sports leagues were not allowed to function as a cartel.

Economics is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of desired goods and services. Compare and contrast the phenomena of production and cost in the short-term and production and cost in the long-term.

Economics- MBA

Five Major Trends Determining the U.S. Business Environment in the Next Decade and
Implications for Business and Households.

could you pleas use the file attached as resoures and you can use outside resours to.

Burger King






Economics And The Business World
Course Work Assessment

Spotify achieved a major milestone in March 2011 having reached their 1 millionth paying customer and 6 million signed up for their free services firmly establishing them as one of the largest online music services in the world. The latest news has revealed a new partnership with virgin media whereby the Spotify services will be bundled with Virgin?s 30Mbps broadband package and a separately a proposed partnership with facebook. (see news articles attached).

Sean Parker, the co-founder of Napster and facebook former president, is a venture capitalist and an investor in Spotify who has already invested $30 million into the company. Sean is considering further investment and relies on a team of analysts to support him in keeping pace with developments that could affect his investments. As part of the team you have been given several specific tasks:

1. Conduct a PESTLE analysis that will identify the main environmental forces that are affecting Spotify. Within your analysis you should emphasize the forces that will be particular drivers for change in the future of the company and provide justification for your choice.

2. Analyse the nature of competition in the industry that Spotify faces using Porter?s Five Forces framework. (This requires you to do more than just list the forces. Determine the structure of the industry, whether Spotify have any influence on the forces and if all competitors are equally affected).

3. "Telecoms companies moving into the music space increases revenue streams to the music industry and provides benefits for fans and artists alike," said Andreas Liffgarden, Spotify's global head of telecom business development.
? What is the strategic rationale for the partnership between Spotify and Virgin Media? And
? Do you agree or disagree with Liffgarden?s statement? Give your reasons why, reflecting on the perspectives of both music fans and artists.

Economics Money & Banking paper on monetary policy. Must include footnotes. Make certain to discuss the difference between expansionary and contractionary policies.

Economic and political stability are important factors to be considered when finalizing an international investment. What are some specific risks of investing in politically and economically unstable countries? Cite real life examples.

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Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CULTURAL RELATIONS. A. General Conditions and Problems. B. Cultural Affairs. 1. Religions in the area. a. National. b. Organized. c. Unorganized (sects). d. Relations among religions and religious leaders, indigenous and missionary. 2. Clergy. a. Number, location, and…

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4 Pages

Race Juvenile Family, Community, and Racial Trends

Words: 1134
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This is the outline and material to be used. Race and Ethnicity of Juvenile Offenders This paper will discuss race and ethnicity of juvenile offenders within the United States' criminal justice…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Mongolian Tourism Mongolia Adventure Inc.

Words: 1324
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Paper should be typed in font size 12 and Times New Roman, double-spaced. The limit is 4 pages. Outside Sources, Use "Internet Sources." **You should take the perspective of either…

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2 Pages

Nursing Practice Changes

Words: 727
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment Overview: The student will prepare one paper examining the history of nursing to identify the values and attitudes of the profession that have been maintained from the early…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Suicide in the Elderly Leading

Words: 1453
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

well-documented typed written research paper using the following elements to frame your descussion 1. choose a social condtion or problem affecting older adults(suicide in the elderly) 2.Provide background information regrding ths…

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2 Pages

Influential Fashion Designer of Today

Words: 771
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages Details: Write a paper about an influential fashion designer of today. Trace the path of his or her career,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Inception of Licensing

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment Name: Unit 5 Discussion Board Deliverable Length: 3-4 paragraphs Details: What effects does the inception of licensing have on the industry? Can a fashion company survive without it?…

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5 Pages

Competitive Strategy of Kraft

Words: 1777
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Case in this course is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will be taking an intensive look at one company over the course of our five modules. This…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

American Dream Metaphor Stands as

Words: 2657
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This term paper will discuss the changing ideals of the American Dream during the 20th century. You must use the following 3 movies/plays as sources: The Searchers…

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2 Pages

Frame, M.W., (2001). The Spiritual Genogram in

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Critique the two articles below "SEPARATELY" USING THE 5 GUIDES LINES BELOW 1)Frame, M. W. (2002). The Spiritual Genogram in Training and supervision. The Family Journal, 9(109). This journal gives…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

GCC Economic Outlook: 2014

Words: 3797
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Economics of the middle east Research paper Topic:Economic Integration of GCC countries with focus on latest developments since 2010. In this paper you will discuss at least three key economic indicators…

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3 Pages

Economics of Monopoly Power Take a Position

Words: 888
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics of Monopoly Power. Please respond to the following: 1)Take a position regarding whether the current initiatives of the FCC actually encourage competition in all communication markets and protect the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Economics of Cost and Production

Words: 1060
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Economics is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of desired goods and services. Compare and contrast the phenomena of production and cost in the short-term and production and…

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6 Pages

U.S. Business Environment in the Next Decade

Words: 1767
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics- MBA Five Major Trends Determining the U.S. Business Environment in the Next Decade and Implications for Business and Households. could you pleas use the file attached as resoures and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Burger King

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper


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6 Pages

Economics and the Business World Course Work

Words: 1937
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics And The Business World Course Work Assessment Spotify achieved a major milestone in March 2011 having reached their 1 millionth paying customer and 6 million signed up for…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Monetary Policy Any Change in the Central

Words: 3197
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Economics Money & Banking paper on monetary policy. Must include footnotes. Make certain to discuss the difference between expansionary and contractionary policies.

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2 Pages

Globalism the Hawthorne Studies International

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economic and political stability are important factors to be considered when finalizing an international investment. What are some specific risks of investing in politically and economically unstable countries? Cite…

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