Economic Crisis Essays Prompts

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Write an essay on Ireland's GDP and economic growth for the period of the past 10 years. To help you frame the essay, you may want to consider the following steps.

1. Collect ...information about the country such as

a. Brief history
b. Economic conditions and infrastructure
c. Data on GDP and economic growth rates for the past 10 years
d. Macroeconomic information such as regulatory environment, inflation, labor, capital accumulation, transportation, import and export
e. Government role
f. Major factors that have driven or hindered the economic growth

2. Readings could be journal, newspaper, or internet articles on the GDP and economic growth of the selected country. (For example, Robert Barro is one of the most influential economists on economic growth. You can search his interviews or articles online. You may also find interesting articles on the economic growth of selected country on many websites like the Economist, BusinessWeek, New York Times, Wikipedia etc.)

3. Write an essay aiming for a maximum of 5 pages (excluding the title page, abstract, and references). Make sure your essay provides the information that addresses the questions/issues stated below. Provide specific examples to support your arguments if necessary.

a. Country name
b. Basic demographic and economic infrastructure (this could be population, geography, climate, economic sectors, regulatory environment, financial and banking systems, currency, inflation etc.)
c. GDP over the selected period of time
d. How fast has GDP or real GDP per capita grown?
e. Define and calculate the economic growth rates
f. The patterns of growth in the country (use graphs if necessary)
g. What are the major sources of economic growth in that country? Elaborate each of the four wheels of growth for the country.
h. Explain the problems or challenges for sustained growth
i. Use one of the economic growth theories to explain the growth.

Content of Essay

a. Title Page
b. Abstract
c. Main Body
- Purpose of study (explain why you wanted to do the research that you had picked)
- Target of study (provide a brief account of the country of your study)
- Method of study (describe the method(s) you had used in your study)
- Findings (describe what you had found in your study)
- Conclusion (write a conclusion of your study based on your findings)
d. References and external links

Topic : The CDO market was largely attributed as being central to the sub-prime crisis. By
first describing what CDOs are and how they operate, identify and assess the failings in risk
management practices used to manage the risks posed by these products by the banks

Mandatory Requirements:
1. A synopsis of no more than 100 words is to preface the essay.
2. All essays must include a list of references in academic form using the author-date
(Harvard) citation style. All sourced material, including direct quotations, must be .
appropriately acknowledged.
3. The maximum length of the essay (not including the synopsis) is 1000 words. Essays
exceeding the word limit will be penalised

I need a position paper with a graph. The graph has to be a right angle graph and relevant to the paper. Label the verticle axis price level and the horizontal axis GDP. Indicate Aggregrate Demand, Short run aggregate supply and long run aggregate supply. In the paper address the following areas:
Identify the causes of both inflation and deflation
identify the ways inflation or deflation might damage economic stability
What policies could the Federal Reserve use in trying to prevent inflation or deflation in the macro economy?
What difficulties might the Federal Reserve encounter in implementing these policies?

Trade Blocs in the Global

Your assignment is to analyze the impact that two trade blocs have on globalization. You will analyze the NAFTA trade bloc as well as one additional trade bloc from the list below.

To complet...e the assignment, you will write a minimum 4-page paper.

When analyzing each trade bloc, discuss:

The history and formation of the trade bloc.
The role that the countries involved in the trade bloc play in the global economy.
The impact of belonging to the bloc on each countrys government.
The economic impact of the trade bloc on the countries involved.
What the alternatives to membership in the trade bloc are for its member countries.
What issues the trade bloc has with other trade blocs.
Whether or not the trade bloc or any countries in the trade bloc have had a conflict with the World Trade Organization (WTO) or brought any disputes to the WTO.
How the trade bloc impacts you as a consumer.

(See attached outline for how to organize paper)

Conclude your paper by discussing how globalization via trade blocs has impacted political and economic systems. Additionally, state why America plays such an important role within global, political, and economic structures in the 21st century.

Final Paper

Complete a 5-6 page final paper that completely answers the following:

Economists generally agree that high budget deficits today will reduce the growth rate of the in the future. Why? Do the reasons for the high budget deficit matter? In other words, does it matter whether the deficit is caused by lower taxes, increased defense spending, more job-training programs, and so on? In your analysis, what role do fiscal and monetary policies have to lead to higher or lower budget deficits? How do budget deficits affect overall long-term economic growth and the debt that the U.S. has to contend with?

Final Paper: These are the criteria for the paper.

Must be 5 to 6 double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
Must have a cover page that includes:
Title of paper
Student?s name
Course name and number
Instructor?s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use at least four scholarly resources.
Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.
Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.

Please utilize only these sources:
1.Case, K.E., Fair, R.C., and Oster, S.E. (2009). Principles of Macroeconomics. (9th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from
3. June 17th 2010 CNBC Stock Market Squawk Box - Jobless Claims & Consumer Price Index [video]. Retrieved from
4. Schuster, H. (Producer). (2009, June 7). The Chairman Part 1 [video]. Retrieved from;photovideo
5. Schuster, H., & Peterson, R. (Producers). (2009, June 7). The Chairman Part 2 [video]. Retrieved from;photovideo
6.Understanding the WTO: Settling Disputes. World Trade Organization. Retrieved from

Grading is based on:
Content Criteria-
The paper discusses the significance of the causes of the high budget deficit.
8 points
The paper identifies the role of fiscal and monetary polices in higher or lower budget deficits.
8 points
The paper discusses how budget deficits affect overall long-term economic growth and debt.

Writing Skills:
The paper includes a clearly identifiable thesis statement that indicates the topic of the essay. 1POINT
Ideas are expressed in complete sentences. 1POINT
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. 1POINT

Research Criteria
Must use at least four scholarly external resources to support your analysis and recommendations. 1POINT

Style Criteria:
Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as
outlined in the approved APA style guide. .5POINTS

Thank you!

Family Home Ownership

Theme: Many macroeconomic signs indicate that we are at a watershed period for the United States economy. The final quarter of the 20th century was a period of profound change for the world, and as we... closed out the 1990s, there was great confidence that a new economic era was dawning. But a combination of events ? including the end of a long bull market for stocks, a major shift in U.S. fiscal policy, and the startling events of 9/11 with their aftermath ? now make the economic future problematic, to put it mildly. What do economic fundamentals teach us about the issues and choices for the future? How can we analyze the statistics that will shape the economy for the coming five or more years? What will be consequences for the real estate industry?

In this class, we will ask each student to take one of the major elements that comprise the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, track the associated statistics to US economic trends and policy changes through the boom period of 1996-2000 and the downturn 2000-2004 (roughly 36 quarters of economic history), and relate these to the performance of the real estate industry. Students will then look to prepare an outlook for the economy and the property sector, using both the numbers and their judgments about the choices now before us.

Each student will select a component area of the GDP, which can simply be expressed by the formula: ?C + I + G + (X ? M)?, where C = consumption; I = investment; G = Government; and (X-M) represents World Trade, with ?X? standing for exports and ?M? for imports.

Some area's to cover:
Population Growth/Demographics

The Prime Rate: How changes in mortgage interest rates can change affordability of single-family homeownership

The rising gap between median incomes and median home prices.

Mortgage Lending: Technological advances

Future: effect of rising interest rates
New construction
Government actions

Make sure to CITE EVERYTHING, using footnotes throughout the entire paper. Please email me with any question that arise.

There are a variety of strong statistic sources on single-family housing (including the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Home Builders). This property sector is exhaustively represented in the academic literature as well.

Be sure to show the links between housing and GDP: how it affects trends and cycles; how it relates to variables like interest rates, mortgage origination volumes, etc.
Try to quantify the multiplier effect of housing: look in the journal literature for good studies on housing linkages

In each paper, reference to U.S. economic background, (including monetary and fiscal policy changes, and major external events domestically and aboard) is appropriate. In each topic, the ?contribution to GDP? should be indicated and both ?forward? and ?backward? economic linkages identified Professional, objective research is expected. Use of primary and secondary source material appropriate to the Masters Degree level is required, and correct academic citation will be demanded in written reports.

-Topic paper - In economic history there have been many great Economists who have developed theories, concepts and ideas which have improved our economy to a great degree. Use one of the below influential and important economists: Irving Fisher, Milton Friedman, Friedrich A Hayek, John M. Keynes, Adam Smith

-Discuss the different economic principals and theories of the person of your choice.
-Why is this person important?
-Why are their theories important?
-Have they helped or hurt our economy?
-If they were alive today, what do you think they would suggest as an economic plan for our economy?
-Would they agree or disagree with the current policies?

-Use APA and include the following in your paper: Cover page, Thesis Statement (included in the introduction and typically the last sentence of the introduction), Body of paper, Conclusion, Reference.

-6 pages in length (not including the cover page or reference page) and include at least three references?. Do not use Wikipedia as one.

i taking an econmic development class, and i want a term paper on human capital in latin american economic development. pls ciatation all source been used for the paper

Part One: Empirical
Describe Canada's essential economic and demographic features with emphasis on statistics such as GDP, GNP, Imports, and Exports.
Examine the patterns in trade of canadian lumber across time and with Canada's trading partners.
Part Two: Trade Policy and International Trade Institutions
Discuss the regulations pertaining to trade of the forestry goods (lumber) or services in Canada
Why are these regulations in place?
What are the effects of these regulations on trade?
What is Canadas involvement in International Trade Institutions such at the WTO, the EU, APEC, NAFTA, etc.?
How do the rules of these international institutions and associated agreements affect the trade in lumber?
Part Three: Theory and Analysis
determine whether trade is increasing, decreasing or remaining steady in the forestry industry: lumber trade

Type of Document: Analysis
Please analyze Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from 1996 to 2006 in each country (Brazil,Russia,India,China) separately.
I'm providing all the data in terms of FDI as % GDP by country and related variables (1996-2006) for each country (4 different tabs in excel file) that will help explain the trends in FDI by country.
For each country in each excel tab I'm also providing indicators of institutions. This dataset measures governance based on six indicators. I constructed an index consisting of all 6 governance indicators and called it GOV. This is a cross-section data averaging over the period 1996-2006. Please, analyze the data to see whether good governance promote FDI and therefore increase economic growth.
NO need to use any other sources except the data I'm sending in excel. If you feel it's necessary to use other sources, feel free to do so.
There are faxes for this order.

Region is North America. Prepare a paper in which you analyze the role of regional integration in promoting global business. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of regional integration (NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN, CAFTA, etc.). Compare and contrast the economic development stages of countries within your chosen region and the ramifications of your regions economic development for global business.

Coffee the Market for Coffee

This paper is in 2 seperate parts. Each part should be approximately 1 1/2 pages.

Part #1

It is estimated that while world coffee prices hover around 50 per pound, production costs ...are around 80 per pound. According to a report issued in September 2002 by the relief agency Oxfam, prices are at their lowest in 100 years, thereby leaving 25 million farmers in crisis. Banks dependent on the industry are collapsing.

It is ironic that in a world of designer coffees ??" mochas and lattes ??" a worldwide glut of coffee beans has farmers and pickers suffering. One of the hardest hit places is Nicaragua, where the coffee crop is wilting and the people are beginning to starve.

Oxfam accuses the roasting companies ??" Proctor & Gamble, Nestle SA, Kraft Foods Inc., Sara Lee Corp., and Tchibo Holding AG are the biggest ??" of profiting from the crisis and urges them to pay higher prices. The companies reply that they cannot be blamed for the oversupply, and that paying higher prices would encourage farmers to produce more coffee that nobody wants.

The company taking the most heat is Starbucks Corp., the designer-coffee maven, among the top ten coffee buyers in the world. This world-wide chain has a lot to lose if their customers, especially those of college age, see it as a Third World profiteer.

But the plight of the worlds financially struggling coffee farmer is a complicated one ??" and not all the fault of corporate coffee buyers. Farmers are caught up in the harsh world of commodity markets, where prices are based on supply and demand in a highly fragmented industry. A chronic coffee surplus has resulted in years of low prices.

Sources: For Coffee Growers, Not Even a Whiff of Profits, Business Week, September 9, 2002, p. 110; and World Coffee Prices at 100-Year Low, New York Times, September 18, 2002.


1. Is the market for coffee perfectly competitive?

2. Does the coffee market meet all six conditions of a perfectly competitive market?

3. Which factor is not represented?

4. Do you buy the Starbucks argument that paying higher coffee prices will increase demand and will ultimately increase the glut?

5. Are the coffee growers operating at zero economic profit?


Describes whether the market for coffee perfectly competitive?

Anwers whether the coffee market meets all six conditions of a perfectly competitive market?

Describes which factor is not represented?

Addesses the Starbucks argument that paying higher coffee prices will increase demand and will ultimately increase the glut?

Answers whether the coffee growers operating at zero economic profit in the sense in which the chapter defines it?

Part #2

Governments have several means available to guide and influence competition in the marketplace. These means include government ownership of firms and industrial policy (with respect to laws and taxes).

Choose one of these three main areas of government intervention (i.e., regulation, government ownership and industrial policy).

Next, research and locate a newspaper or news magazine article that illustrates an example of government intervention in the area youve chosen.
Write a 500 word summary of the article. Submit it to your instructor. The article you use should be recent (less than three years old). Please cite your source and include the URL address/link if applicable.
Include in your paper:

What prompted the intervention?
Did the market fail to correct the problem?
What was, or likely will be, the result of government intervention?


Identified an appropriate article regarding one of the three main areas of government intervention

Described what prompted the intervention

Identifies whether or not the market failed to correct the problem

Describes or forecasts the results of the government intervention

Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Fiscal Policy Is a Very

Individual Assignment

Prepare a 700 ? 1050 word article analysis discussing the impact of fiscal policy on GDP from the standpoint of either a Classical or Keynesian view of economics. Include an assignment of how the information in the article will affect your selected organization. Post your assignment to the Assignment Folder and (Main Classroom Folder - optional) by Monday (Day 5, week 3).

My selected organization is JP Morgan Chase Bank.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 718-242-7421 or When sending in the completed paper please use this e-mail as well as the one provided on the order thank you.

Comparison essay(U.S Vs Japan)

I. Introduction-end with objective (1/2pg)
II. Objective analysis-your view & support evidences (4pg)
III. conculsion-what do you think or opinion(1/2 pg)

Topic: How environment influences on U.S and Japan's economic development?

Environment Factors:
-social background
-political system
-Regulation (eg. Import & export, foreign currency policy)
-Education level

I'd like ResearchPro if possible to respond to questions. When answering the listed questions do not use Wikipedias, investopedia or any encyclopedias as a source,

1 How many major wireles...s phone handset manufacturers are there? What is the market structure? What pricing strategies do wireless phone handset manufacturers use? How do wireless phone makers attempt to differentiate their handset offerings?

2 Complete the Economics for Managerial Decision Making: Market Structures simulation. In two of the four market structures, using price to compete is not an option. What can Quasar do to improve revenues in one of these structures? Select a company not selected by another student that has used this strategy. Describe the effects on the organization of using this strategy.

3 Identify an organization not previously selected and recommend methods to reduce costs. What effects do technologies have on costs? What are some lower-cost sources the organization can utilize to reduce costs? What considerations might cause a profit-maximizing firm to decide to forgo using lower-cost sources?

4 What market structure best characterizes the market in which University of Phoenix competes? How does this structure influence the university?s pricing strategy? How does University of Phoenix differentiate its product from that of its competitors? Has University of Phoenix erected nonprice barriers to entry in this market? Can University of Phoenix do more to create nonprice barriers to entry in this market?

5 What is the economy?s current stage in the business cycle? Support your answer with data on the real GDP growth rate, the unemployment rate, and the CPI inflation rate. You may obtain these data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis website ( and the Bureau of Labor Statistics website (

6 Economic growth, as measured by increases in real GDP per capita, is a goal for most countries. This is often interpreted as an increase in economic welfare for citizens. How would you evaluate this assertion? If there are reasons to dispute it, why is it a nearly universally recognized goal? Are there better methods for measuring economic welfare? How would you measure it?

7 What are some of the damaging effects deflation has on an economy? What would be a monetary policy prescription to reduce or eliminate deflation? How would deflation affect your business or a business you are familiar with?

8 Recessions seem to show up every so often and create economic hardship. One might think that macroeconomic policymakers could tame the business cycle and implement policies that would end recessions. Are recessions a necessary fact of macroeconomic life? If not, what would it take to eliminate them? If they are unavoidable, what types of business can benefit from them? How would a recession affect your firm?

9 What new measures and tools has the Federal Reserve employed in the past 2 years that have not been employed in the past 2 decades?

10 What does the Federal Reserve take into account when establishing general and specific rates of interest? Describe the recent tools the Federal Reserve has used to influence the U.S. economy, and explain their effects. In your opinion, have these measures been effective or ineffective in addressing the major concern or concerns of the business cycle?

11 As seen during the financial crisis of the 1930s and in recent history, markets are globally interconnected. Aside from financial markets, different countries have different resources. Choose a country other than the country in which you currently reside which has not already been selected by another student, and research the EIU country data. Based on absolute advantage and comparative advantage, explain the effect of global economic conditions on the choices available to that country. Include the current exchange rate of the country?s monetary unit.

12 Review the U.S. Trade Representatives website at Select a country or trading bloc with which the United States has a current or pending free trade agreement. What are areas of comparative advantage of the United States and its trading partner? What are the benefits and disadvantages specific to this free trade agreement?

Price Stability

Written Project of eight full pages of text. Number each page at the bottom. Cover page, graphs, and reference page do NOT count as pages of text.

Typed, double-spaced, consistent with MLA style. Minimum font of 12 (do not exceed 14).

Minimum of five legitimate references (preferably eight), should be cited for the position paper. May NOT reference an encylopedia or the following text: Foundations of Macroeconomics 2nd Ed./Bade & Parkin.

Inflation and Deflation: The Issue of Price Stability

"A major concern of the Federal Reserve is to maintain stable prices. It attempts to do so through influencing the money supply and interest rates. In the paper for this semester, you are to examine the impact and consequences of both inflation and deflation. Address the following areas in your research:

Identify the causes of both inflation and deflation.

Identify the ways inflation or deflation might damage economic stability.

What policies could the Federal Reserve use in trying to prevent inflation or deflation in the macro economy?

What difficulties might the Federal Reserve encounter in implementing these policies?"

Ethics & Morals - Business

You should choose and write on one of the three topics listed below:

1. Explain what business ethics is by way of various examples from contemporary daily news. (Remember this assignment is a...bout business ethics, not business law!) Make use of some cases that you are familiar with and reference these.

2. Business ethicsas a branch of professional ethicshas certain assumptions about us as well as about the communities in which we live. What are these? What are some of the pros and cons associated with these assumptions? Discuss these assumptions and then indicate where you stand regarding them and why. All along treat the subject in a scholarly way.

3. Economics and ethics appear to have different ways of understanding human action. Explain these different ways based on citations from works in both fields. Suggest how the two ways of understanding may conflict, what consequences this may have, and how might the two ways be reconciled.

The paper should include serious scholarship (which means, you need to find authoritative sources of ideas bearing on your topic and include relevant quotes from these in your discussion. Only academic sources should be used.

It is very important to break up the paper into sections, with subtitles, and not to write one long stream of consciousness.

Use 12 point font, 1 inch margins on both sides.

Please be detailed, specific, and thorough.

and include serious scholarship (which means, you need to find authoritative sources of ideas bearing on your topic and include relevant quotes from these in your discussion [e. g., from our texts and from one or two outside sources but not from my lectures or the posts summarizing them] and place footnotes, endnotes or parenthetical in-text references where you put these quotes; if the last option is selected, you need to add a reference list at the end of the paper).

Poland: Case Study What Are

This paper is for the class Managment across Cultures.

Read the profile of Poland provided at the end of Chapter 8 of your text (I will be uploading this profile) (Luthans and Doh), in the se...ction entitled In the International Spotlight. Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Question #1 asks: What are some current issues facing Poland? What is the climate for doing business in Poland today?

Question #2 asks: Is the Canadian manufacturing firm using an economic, political or quality imperative approach to strategy?

Question #3 asks: How should the firm carry out the environmental scanning process? Would the process be of any practical value?

Question #4 asks: What are two key factors for success that will be important if this project is to be successful?

In answering these questions, research and cite one source outside the textbook. The topic of the article needs to pertain to Poland; it needs to be very current (2010 or 2011), and following your answers to the questions above, the citatitions need to be in APA format.

In addition, include in your answer above the Hofstede dimension for the country of Poland and the implications that this demension would have for someone based in the United States conducting business in Poland.

In addition to the profile I willl also be uploading a summary of the chapter as well as key terms.


1. The student thoughtfully and accurately answers the questions presented in the learning activity.
2. The student successfully locates and cites a source of supplementary information outside of the textbook.
3. The students answers are clear and concise and organized in a logical, coherent manner.
4. The essay is clearly written and contains correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
5. The student correctly identifies the Hofstede dimension for this country and the implications this dimension would have for someone doing business in this country.

There are faxes for this order.

Write an essay using tools of economic analysis to describe and illustrate changes in the international cocoa/chocolate market over the last 20 years. Within essay refer to: the various forces that have directed change within the cocoa/chocolate market; the form/s of market structure evident within the industry; strategies used by companies within the market and why such strategies are used; the macroeconomic implications within the industry. Read 3 articles provided and may supplement with other 2 articles.

Truck, Barter and Exchange paper.

Mr. Smith stated that there is a human propensity to "truck,barter,and exchange."

Please prepare a 800-1050 word paper discussing the impediments, cultural, economic, or otherwise, that may limit the realization of this propensity to take place across borders.

It's a accounting presentaion on Walmart.

Widen consumer range--1 page

In Recession how to benefit Wal-Mart which provide great value(even in bad economic situations, wal-mart still does good)--1 page

information using must be most updated!!

GDP Growth in the Developed

Term Paper topic - mortgage crisis

Your term paper will be evaluated according to the following standards:

A well-defined thesis including the purpose, assumption, or hypothesi...s of your research.
Differentiation of your paper from any current research.
Logical integration of information to support or disprove your thesis.
Organizational consistency, orderly flow, relevancy, and effectiveness of sequential ideas and paragraphs to your central theme. Grammatically correct construction and correct spelling and punctuation.
Timeliness and scope of research. Submit, on the due date, a thoroughly researched term paper with a minimum of 10 pages, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. Your topic must deal with a current aspect of the course, and you must submit an initial outline of your research to your instructor for prior approval. Your outline should include the following:
topic of your choice
thesis statement
sample outline and bibliography of references, including articles from professional journals, preferably in the discipline.
The caliber, quality, and depth of research appropriate for the nature of the subject matter and the bibliographic documentation, including particularly the use of articles from professional journals, preferably in the discipline.
Formatting and documentation, including proper citations and references, that conform to the standards in the Manual for Writers by Kate L. Turabian or other equivalent manuals of style. The final paper must:
be typed, double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial fonts, with margins no wider than one inch
have footnotes or endnotes with correct citations
have a bibliography of sources used
include, for each reference entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publishers name, year, and page numbers

Make an argument supporting and analysis using appropriate economic terminology regarding this articile.

Unemployment rate decrease may be misleading
More people have stopped seeking By Margaret Fisher, Kinston Free Press
Published: Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 18:03 PM.
Sun Journal, New Bern North Carolina

All key elements of the arugment that supports the article are covered in a substantive way.

?The paper should have proper use of economic terms
?Transitions between paragraphs
?Proper thesis

The content is comprehensive, accurate, and /or persuasive.

The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.

The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.

Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.

The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow appropriate guidelines for format.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow appropriate APA guidelines.

The document should be double spaced in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font. The footer should contain your name, the paper title and the page number. The page limit for the b...ody of the paper is 12 pages (plus a single title page [see format below] and references. There is no minimum length.
The sections of the paper need to be clearly labeled. All of the following sections must be included.
1. Title Page: A single page with your first and last name and student email address in upper right corner, title of paper.
2. Abstract: Should be a short (50 word maximum) summary of the paper (this section of the paper should be single spaced).
3. Introduction: Basic description of the phenomena being investigated and justification why it needs to be researched.
4. Literature/Theory review: You need to review a minimum of 5 relevant and related scholarly research and theories on the phenomena using proper citation format (refer to journals in your area for guidance, typically APA). Scholarly sources are journals ??" not trade publications or newspapers. The balance of your required sources can come from trade publications, newspapers, etc.
5. Theoretical model with hypotheses: In this section you will provide a theoretical framework (conceptual model) and the specific hypotheses you want to test. This section demonstrates how you can conceptualize your ideas obtained from the literature/theory review in a concise and visual way.
6. References: APA style listing of all of the references you used in your RIO. Minimum of 10 references (at least 5 from scholarly journals).

Accounting Area Publication Tiers List
(The top few journals, usually no more than 4-5, widely considered as the premier journals (A+ level) in discipline.)
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Accounting Research
The Accounting Review
Contemporary Accounting Research
Review of Accounting Studies
Accounting Organizations & Society
High Quality
(8-15 journals--substantial visibility in the discipline recognized by academic peers as A or A- level)
Accounting Horizons
Advances in Accounting
Behavioral Research in Accounting
CPA Journal
Issues in Accounting Education
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Accounting & Public Policy
Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance
Journal of Accounting Literature
Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Journal of the American Taxation Association
National Tax Journal
Research in Accounting Regulation
Tier 2
(Quality outlets--not as high quality or visibility as Tier 1 journals. recognized by academic peers as quality--most schools see as B level)
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and the Public Interest
Accounting Education: a journal of theory, practice&research
Accounting Educators' Journal
Accounting Historians Journal
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching&Curric. Innovations 1
Advances in International Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Public Interest Accounting
Advances in Taxation
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research
British Accounting Review
Business Horizons
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
European Accounting Review
Global Perspectives on Accounting Education
International Journal of Accounting
International Journal of Managerial Finance
Journal of Accounting and Business Research
Journal of Accounting Education
Journal of Accounting Ethics?? (Iowa)
Journal of Cost Management
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
Journal of International Accounting Research
Journal of International Accting Auditing & Tax
Journal of Taxation
Management Accounting Research
Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
Research On Professional Responsibility And Ethics In Accounting
Tax Notes

I will submit our preliminary outline for the paper. The focus of the paper needs to be on the opinion of what we think is important.

There are faxes for this order.

A paper/analysis on subjects relating to the Emerging Markets or the International Monetary System is a requirement for this paper. The paper will be 16 pages with FIRST TWO WILL BE AN OUTLINE OF THE ...PAPER, double spaced with sources credited at the back of the paper.

The topics will be those issues/companies/countries comprising what is considered to be either large emerging markets (issues/investments confronting Globalization and the International Monetary System), (Capital Adequacy, Free versus fixed currency systems, nationalization of natural resources, Foreign Direct Investments etc.)

The paper will include the threats/risks/opportunities that these countries or issues present to the industrialized world from a financial perspective and in particular the United States.

Country analysis will include but not be limited to:

Brief introduction (One Page only)

Geopolitical relevance

Internal budget issues


Monetary Policy

Exchange mechanisms (floating/pegged/rolling pegs etc)

Debt structure

Foreign Direct Investment Flows

Government Support Programs

External trade flows

Hard/soft currency trading partners

Infrastructure support

Investment in infrastructure and debt repayment load

Government interference

Legal structure

Formal/informal trade barriers

Some of the Sources to Reference from:

Pakistan Ministry of Finance:


State Bank of Pakistan Annual Report:

if you go to State Bank of Pakistan main page you will top left corner "Economic Data" it may have info to.

Pakistan has been working with IMF to help meet its monetary obligations. There should be loads of reference on that to.

5 Pages

Ireland's Economy Ireland's Banking System

Words: 2337
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Write an essay on Ireland's GDP and economic growth for the period of the past 10 years. To help you frame the essay, you may want to consider the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Cdos Collateralized Debt Obligations Were

Words: 1090
Length: 3 Pages
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Inflation & Deflation: The Issue

Words: 1686
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Trade Blocs in the Global

Words: 1489
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

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Deficit and Economy Today, Economists Generally Agree

Words: 2007
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Family Home Ownership

Words: 6651
Length: 22 Pages
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Length: 6 Pages
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Human Capital in Latin American Economic Development

Words: 3626
Length: 13 Pages
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International Trade of Canadian Lumber

Words: 2379
Length: 8 Pages
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15 Pages
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Foreign Direct Investment in Brics

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Economic Analysis Describe Illustrate International Cocoa/Chocolate Market

Words: 1707
Length: 6 Pages
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Write an essay using tools of economic analysis to describe and illustrate changes in the international cocoa/chocolate market over the last 20 years. Within essay refer to: the various…

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4 Pages
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Adam Smith's Free Trade in Wealth of

Words: 1117
Length: 4 Pages
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Accounting Presentation Speech Wal-Mart: Expanding

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GDP Growth in the Developed

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Unemployment Rate the Disparity in the Unemployment

Words: 814
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Words: 2779
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16 Pages

Pakistan Economy Currently There Is

Words: 4110
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

A paper/analysis on subjects relating to the Emerging Markets or the International Monetary System is a requirement for this paper. The paper will be 16 pages with FIRST TWO…

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