Early 20th Century Essays Prompts

25+ documents containing “Early 20th Century”.

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Status of Women in the Pre and

Analyze and describe the social, legal, economical, and political conditions of American women during the 17th and 19th Centuries. Compare the status of women, and the opportunities, or lack of, granted to the female gender during the pre and post Revoluntionary years. What factors contributed to the woman''s status socially, legally, economically and politically.

Needs a title and citations in the paper. Only one internet source.

Zionism Born in the Latter

This is for a Religious History Class:

Write a 10 page research paper on "The Support and Opposition of Zionism" in terms of the religious and secular aspect. This paper has to focus on the late 19th and 20th centaury development of Zionism. Discuss the religious and secular Jews that were in support of it and why they did, and discuss the opposition of Zionism from religious and secular Jews and why. The paper must have a solid thesis and be underlined. The paper must primarily rely on primary sources! That is the emphasis of the paper!

Now example of religious Jews in support of Zionism was Rabbi Kook and his religious Zionist movement and example of secular Jews supporting Zionism would be the labor Zionist movement. Example of opposition would be with the socialist Bund movement and Neturei Karta and the other religious Jewish leaders of the past.

Merger Activity Due in Large

there is my proposal and in the second part you will find what you need to do thanks

first part

Table of Content

1. Titlepg2

2. Introduction.pg2

...3. Research Aim, Questions and Objectives..pg2

4. Literature Review...pg3

4.1. The types of Merger and Acquisitionpg3
4.2. The reasons for the companies to merge.pg3
4.3. Overview of Merger and Acquisition activity in United Kingdom..pg4

5. Methodology pg4

5.1. Research Approach.pg5
5.2. Research Design..pg6
5.3. Method of data collection.pg6
5.3.1. Documentary data...pg6
6. Markov-Switching Model of Merger waves...pg7
7. Resources..pg7
8. Discussion of access and ethical consideration.pg7
8.1. Access..pg7
8.2. Ethical consideration.pg7

1. Title

A"The reasons behind waves of Mergers and Acquisitions in United Kingdom

2. Introduction

The main goal of companies nowadays is to maximize the shareholders value. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is through merger or acquisition. Merger is defined as the process where the shareholders of two or several companies decide to merge into a single company. Acquisition is defined as the process where the shareholders of one company buy the ownership of another company or its assets. The increase in merger and acquisition (M&A) activity has generated a new phenomenon, which is merger wave. This phenomenon has been first observed in United States, then in United Kingdom and recently in other European countries. This dissertation will focus on the merger wave in the United Kingdom.

3. Research aim, Questions and Objectives
The basic aim for this dissertation will be to identify the causes of waves of M&A in UK. This research is relevant as it will improve our understanding of merger waves as the factors which triggers the waves are not fully understood although different theories have been identified. In addition, this research will create greater awareness about the history of merger waves in UK.
Based on the research aim, we have framed the following research questions and objectives for this dissertation.

Research Questions Research Objectives
What are the different types of M&A? To identify the types of M&A
Why do companies do merge? To identify the reasons of merge
What are the different M&A waves in UK? To identify the M&A waves which happened in UK
Is there a relationship between these M&A waves? To compare these waves

4. Literature Review
The scope of the literature review is to examine the types of merger and acquisition. To study the motivations for companies to merge and acquire in the UK. Finally the literature review will look at the different wave of M&A in UK and evaluate them.

4.1. The types of Mergers and Acquisitions
There are various types of merger and acquisition. The classification has been done on the basis of functional relationship between two companies and the economic impact of the merger on their operations (Tanriverdi, H & Uysal, V: (2010).
There are three main types of merger. First, the horizontal merger is when two companies from the same industry which are currently in direct competition merge together. It has as advantages to generate substantial economics of scale and result in decrease in the number of competitors in the industry Pawaslar, Vardhana: (2001). The other type of merger is the vertical merger which take place when a company, and perhaps one of their suppliers, join together to be able to offer a contiguous, non-interrupted supply of merchandise to their companies (Craig W. Fontaine, 2007). Finally, the conglomerate merger is when two companies from different industry merge together.

4.2. The reasons for the companies to merge
Merger and acquisition have kept the interest of a lot of academia during this recent year. As they can be really beneficial for the companies involved in these processes. However it is important to note that the merger or take-over activities are not always benefits for the companies. There are different motives behind the mergers and acquisitions. According to Trautwein (1990) the motives can be categorised in different theories, to know efficiency theory, where merger is planned and executed to achieve the synergy, which can be financial, operational or managerial synergy. For example, if a particular company is very good at marketing strategies while some other company is good in operations. If the expertises of both are put together, it produces synergy. This produces a new firm with more powerful features than the individual firms had before. However although the operational and managerial synergies are really benefits for the firms, they have been the object of several critics. According to Kitching (1967) and Porter (1987) these synergies are evasive concepts that are often claimed for merger but seldom realized.
Another theory developed by Trautwein (1990) is monopoly theory, for which the reason to merge is to achieve market power. The monopoly position will allow the firm to reduce the competition, control the market price and cross-subsidize its products. Although providing some advantages to the company, it is important to note that this monopoly theory cannot be applied in horizontal acquisition. In addition, A"under the monopoly theory the competitors stock should rise under an announcement and drop if the merger is challenged (Trautwein, 1990, p5). For Jensen (1984) since the competitors stocks do not fall on the two latter events, the monopoly theory should be rejected. Therefore, the monopoly theory although being cited as one of motive for merger, it faced a lot of critics which weakened this theory.
According to Ravenscraft and Scherer (1987) the fact the managers have better information about the targets value firm than the stock market can be a motive of merger. This is considered as a valuation theory. A"Bidders' managers may have unique information about possible advantages to be derived from combining the target's businesses with their own (Trautwein, 1990, p5). However this theory can only holds in an imperfect market, as in the perfect market all the information are available to the market and no one can take advantage from the information as the price of a company reflects the truly value of the market. Therefore although this theory is relevant, it conflicts with the financial market perfection.

4.3. Overview of M&A activity in the United Kingdom
Mergers and Acquisitions are not a new thing in the United Kingdom. Five different waves have been identified since the late 19th century. The first real wave was in 1960 and coincided with the internationalization of the world economy, the British government decided that the large firms were needed in order to compete effectively in international stage (Owen, 2006). To achieve this, a lot of companies were encouraged to merge. In other hand, the post-war reconstruction had a bg role in this first wave. The second wave peaked in 1972 and was characterized by horizontal mergers (Sudarsanam, 2010) the reason of this wave was the soft legislation which encouraged the merger. The third wave was in 1980, Prior to this time the waves had been mostly about increasing the size of companies but in the 1980s the emphasis changed to the control of corporate assets as a commodity (Owen, 2006). The main trigger of this wave was the Big Bang deregulation of financial services sector in the City of London (Sudarsanam, 2010). In 1990s the UK experienced its fourth merger wave which was also trigger by the deregulation of British industries. The fifth UK wave in addition to the characteristic of fourth wave (deregulation) had the privatization of firms as important stimuli of the wave.

5. Methodology

The methodology will identify the intended research approach and outline the research strategy chosen. The first part of the methodology will develop an appropriate research approach, strategy and design for the dissertation. Providing an overall explanation of methods chosen, whilst giving justification for these choices. The second part, will demonstrate more explicitly the different data collection methods intended in order to achieve the research objectives.

5.1. Research Approach
There are two research approaches that can be taken, the deductive and the inductive approach. To begin with deductive approach, which is the development of theory that will be tested, this approach is applied the most of the time for scientific research. It is considered as the top to down approach:





Then, the induction approach which is focused on building theory. It is considered as the down to top approach:





As the research objective of this study is concerned with the cause of merger wave in the UK. This dissertation will require an inductive approach, because it will allows us to observe the factors preceding the waves, identify the types of M&A during these waves. However this approach can lack of objectivity and validity. Therefore in order to meet these issues related to validity and objectivity. This dissertation will use also the Markov- switching model of merger waves considered by Town (1992) which provide a better portrayal of M&A than simpler formulation.

5.2. Research Design
The way, we are going to answer research questions should be related to the purpose of research. A study can have different purposes such as exploratory, descriptive or explanatory.
The research purpose of this dissertation will be exploratory. Which is a valuable means of finding out what is happening, to seek new insights, to ask question and to assess phenomena in a new light (saunders, p139). This type of research design was chosen as it will allow us to review the work of academic in order to identify the relevant factors that influence the merger wave. And also enable to make a comparative analysis of different waves.

5.3. Method of data collection
There are two types of data: secondary data and primary data. For this study, we are only going to used secondary data. The secondary data is data which has already been collected for some other purpose other than the one under consideration (Webb, 2002). It can be used to provide a backdrop to primary research. Secondary data sources can help avoid unnecessary primary research and can be used to guide researchers throughout primary data collection (Webb, 2002). The secondary data which will be relevant for this study are documentary data.
Documentary data
Journals articles, organisations websites and other published materials which adequately covered the research, will be call frequently to form the literature review for this dissertation. The different journals: the journal of Applied Behavioural Science, journal of Financial Economics, International journal of Industrial Organization, journal of Applied Financial Economics, Quaterly journal of Economics journal of Economic Perspectives will play an important role in the development of review and understanding of the subject on which the research objectives are based.
The websites of Office for National Statistics and Thomson Financial will relevant in the collection of data in order to achieve Markov-Switching model analysis. The work of academia such as Sue Cartwright and Cary Cooper (1996) will be relevant in the identification of reasons of mergers. Gerald Adolph et al (2009) work on the explanation and examination of wave will be useful for this study.

Advantages and disadvantages of secondary data
In the case of this study the main advantages of using secondary data are:
?' The saving in resources, time and money
?' A large amount of data can be overviewed quickly and compared.
As disadvantages:
?' Data should be evaluated carefully due to the fact there are not always of high quality and relevant for research question

6. Markov-Switching Model of Merger Waves
The literature has advanced the idea that mergers follow a wave pattern. We take this casual impression to suggest the presence of two distinct states of merger activity, high and low (Halbheer et al, 2009). We will develop different assumption such as
Assumption: Each period t is accompanied by an unobserved latent state variable. This will be tested by Markov-switching model.

7. Resources
Different resources will be needed in order to achieve this dissertation. The main ones are teesside main library and Business School library, which offer a vast range of books and journals articles related to our research objective. As other important resource is personal computer associated to the internet and Microsoft word program, as it will allow us to get access to some relevant websites and also allow us to type our research. Finally, the time can be considered as crucial factor for this research as we have a time limited to achieve this research.

8. Discussion of access and ethical consideration
For the success of research project, we are going to look at access and ethical consideration.
8.1. Access
As our research will mostly be based on secondary data, gaining access to these data will not be a problem due to our free access to the library and some websites with which the Durham University is registered. However it is important to note that some organizations websites are not free, which can be a barrier to access some data.

8.2. Ethical consideration
Research ethics refer to the appropriateness of our behaviour in relation to the rights of those who become subject of our work (Saunders et al, 2009, p187). As we develop our data collection techniques, we need to consider whether our research method is likely to cause any physical or emotional harm. As example of harm: no respect of cultural values, the no respect of work of academia. In order to deal with ethical issues, as our dissertation is mainly based on secondary data, we will require the consent of the other party before to use the secondary data

second part

Overview of the Project? (8000 words excluding references, bibliography and appendices)
The Project is a piece of work in which you demonstrate your ability to investigate a topical business/management issue or problem which is closely related to your programme of study. Within the project you collect, analyse and evaluate relevant information, draw supportable conclusions based on your findings and make appropriate recommendations.
As such your project could be:
A workplace or organisation-based project
If you can negotiate sufficient relevant access to an organisation, this is possibly an ideal basis for your project as it is a ready and valuable source of primary, live evidence.
Other primary research project
Rather than focussing on a workplace for your project, you may still wish to undertake a project which generates significant and valuable primary research. If you can identify access to the relevant area ofyour research and data sources, this could be a good option for you.

Regardless of which style of project you undertake, your final work needs to demonstrate that you can:
Plan and manage the implementation of your research
Understand the principles/theory underpinning the issue or problem that is being investigated
Identify how to investigate an issue in order to reach a reliable view
Present data and other information in a clear and logical manner using quantitative and/or qualitative methods as appropriate
Critically analyse, interpret and evaluate data and other information
Develop concise and logical arguments
Draw relevant and valid conclusions and make recommendations which are appropriate to the issue or problem


In pursuit of these objectives, your project must contain the following sections and content
An abstract or brief summary
An introductory section outlining the nature and context of the chosen issue or problem
A literature review
A research design (explaining how you have approached the task)
A number of development sections (analysis of findings)
A conclusion and recommendations
A reflection on the research project process

In producing and presenting your Project you must meet the following requirements:
Presentation of the Final Project
It should be typed or word-processed, on A4 unlined paper, on one side only, using Arial font size 12
There should be good margins all round. Remember to allow sufficient space on the left hand side to allow for binding
There should be double line spacing throughout, except where there are long quotations indented in the main text when single spacing is acceptable
Pages should be numbered consecutively through the main text, including tables/charts/ diagrams which are not embodied in the text. Page numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page
Any large charts or diagrams should be reduced to A4 size if possible, otherwise folded to A4 size with an allowance for binding
Project Contents
The Project should be 8000 words in length, excluding appendices. The final document should comprise the following headings and content:

Suggested approximate word count of 300 words. A summary of the project aim, research design and methods, findings, conclusions and recommendations. The summary can only sensibly be written after you have drafted all the main chapters.

An optional (unmarked) section in which you can give thanks those who have advised, supported or inspired you.
List in numerical order the headings of the chapters and sub-headings of the main body of the Project with the numbers of the pages on which these chapters and sections begin. You must list all appendices providing details of reference number/letter, title and page number.
List separately, after the Table of Contents, any tables, figures, diagrams or other items used in the main body of the text. List in numerical order and give the title and page number upon which it appears.
The Table of Contents is easy to add at the end, but if you are having difficulty getting started you might want to do the contents page first using the standard chapter headings and add the page numbers later.

Suggested approximate word count of 400 words. A summarised description of what is being studied (e.g. company, industry and/or theory " but do not simply cut and paste from a company website!). Identify the audience, i.e. who the project will be useful to and why it will be useful to them. You should put your project into context, explaining why the project area is important. It will be helpful to identify in this chapter main themes or problems your project is investigating and state why this is an appropriate project for you to carry out. Avoid too much general background information, which may distract your reader from the main issues in the project but ensure that a full context has been given.

Suggested approximate word count of 100 words. Clearly stated and logically derived aim and objectives. It must be clear from your aim and objectives that the project is appropriate to your programme of study and that achievement of the objectives will satisfy the project aim.
Suggested approximate word count of 2,000 words. A discussion of definitions, themes, concepts and debate relevant to your study.

- Select and critically analyse published theory and research which is relevant to your topic. You must cite academic sources to support your discussion.
- Use headings and subheadings to structure your discussion.

This section explains how the literature shaped and influenced your study. You should discuss how you propose to deal with any conflicting issues raised by the literature.
Suggested approximate word count of 1,500 words. Explanation of and rationale for the research design, methods of data collection and analysis, and the range of information sources used. Cite academic references (e.g. textbooks and sources included on the reading list) to justify and enhance the validity of your choices.
- Research design
- Primary and/or Secondary data collection sources, populations, samples.
- Methods you used to collect the data
- Methods you used to analyse this data
- Project management and control:
Resources and associated costs (if any)
Possible limitations (e.g. access, ethical issues, time constraints)
Measures taken to ensure that your project is completed to time and quality
You will have proposed an approach and identified data collection techniques as part of your research proposal so you should be able to draft this chapter at an early stage as this serves to outline your research plan. You should critically reflect on the methodology you have used and include a discussion of why you have chosen the particular approach and techniques. You must include a discussion here of how you will deal with issues of a confidential or ethical nature.
This chapter is a key chapter for the assessors because it explains the methods you have chosen and, in particular, why you have chosen them. Your reasoning should be justified and supported by relevant reading from research texts.

Suggested approximate word count of 2,000 words. This section should analyse the findings of your research. The exact structure is not prescribed and should be
appropriate to context/fit for purpose. The issue to keep in mind is that there should be a logical flow that makes your project easy to read and understand.
Results should be presented with a full discussion and interpretation. It is insufficient just to say what your findings are - you need to analyse what they mean within your work context and fully interpret them. Where you are presenting a lot of numerical data it is important to include a visual representation (e.g. graph) of major results.
Even if your findings are of a qualitative nature you should consider breaking up the text and perhaps emphasising a major point by use of a diagram (e.g. a flow-diagram to illustrate a change or implementation process). You may not refer much to the research literature at this point, but may draw on some subject based reading to support or interpret your findings.
Suggested approximate word count of 600 words. A summary of key findings providing an explanation of their significance
- Logically derived from the foregoing analysis
- Understanding of the significance of the foregoing analysis
Remember that your conclusions must be clearly drawn from your findings. Address the aim and objectives you set earlier in the Project. A common mistake is to include entirely new material in the conclusion. This is not appropriate.
The conclusions should arise logically from what has gone before. This may not be the longest chapter but it should be clear, succinct and encapsulate theimportant issues and findings.
Suggested approximate word count of 600 words. Recommendations for action must be included. These should be expressed in a clear and practical manner. These should be directed to your audience/stakeholders (organisations, managers, researchers) and address issues such as strategy, management decisions, and further research.

Suggested approximate word count of 500 words. A personal reflection on the research project process and on the limitations of the foregoing analysis (how might these limitations affect your results?)
- Did the process of undertaking the project deviate in any way from the proposal? If so, why?
- What did you learn from the process of this research project?
- What are the limitations of the research and how might these limitations have affected the results?
- What might you do differently if conducting future research and/or if you were to do the research again?

In order to write this section effectively it is recommended that you maintain a Project Log Book throughout the duration of your project.
The Appendices should contain supporting documentation, such as detailed results or tables of statistics that support the analysis, but which are too detailed to be contained in the main text. It is important that they complement the main text.
Note that the word count applies to your project chapters not the appendices. You can therefore use the Appendix Section to support and evidence the depth, as well as the breadth of your learning and activity throughout the course of your project. However, you should not include large amounts of additional information in the appendices as they are used to illustrate the discussion, not to compensate for a limited word allowance.
Clearly sectioning and labelling the contents of your Appendix enables you to illustrate and support the material that you refer to in the text of your project in the previous chapters. Contents of the Appendix Section might include, for example a copy of the questionnaire used in a survey or supporting data for quoted results.
Each Appendix should be on a separate page, designated in sequence as Appendix A, Appendix B etc., listed in the Table of Contents and referenced within the main text. Remember to provide references for sources of material used in the appendices where appropriate.
When choosing what to include in the appendices consider the following criteria:
Timely: recent and current
Appropriate: illustrates the points you are making
Relevant: clearly linked to the project
Ethical: you have permission to use it and no- one is compromised by its inclusion
Authentic: real, rather than invented to illustrate the purpose
Annotated: the reason for inclusion is explained
Confidentially protected: protect names of your organisation or individuals and gain their permission to use the example

It is often useful to include entries from your Project Log in the Appendices.

The purpose of the Appendices are to illustrate your project process and are not there to compensate for a limited word number.
Here you must list all the sources you have referred to or quoted in the text. Use the Harvard format. Failure to include a source referred to risks being classed as plagiarism, which is a serious disciplinary issue. The reference list must be one list in alphabetical order by the authors surname (Harvard format).

Please note:
In addition to marks for the quality of content your Project will also be marked on the basis of referencing, bibliography, structure and quality of presentation:

- Adherence to specified criteria for presentation
- Evidence of an appropriate structure
- Correct spelling and grammar and appropriate narrative style
- Evidence of proof-reading to eliminate typographical and other errors
- Correct referencing (Harvard style)

1. Early sound in films,early experiments
2. Crucial innovations and Commercialization of sound cinema in the U.S , Europe and Japan
3. Sound design,the introduction of sound designers in Cinematography
4. Modern sound recording technologies in films and Digital Technology

Theme Park a Staple of

Final Research Paper:

Please write a 5-7-page research paper that takes an interdisciplinary approach to

analyzing 'Disneyland Park: Fantasyland', and critically the subjects and ideas raised throughout

the semester.

Analyse the Disneyland park (it's a small world, etc.) concerning Main Street USA: Designing American Idealism. How it evolved, why are they connected, how did he come up with designing a wonderland-amusmant park. Creating a small town for all ages ...
Talk about:
1) Disneyland Railroad - Main Street, U.S.A. 1955
2) Main Street Cinema : (Walt Disney opened Main Street Cinema on July 17, 1955 to both introduce a new generation to the bygone era of early moviemaking and rekindle a nostalgic spark in those who had witnessed it firsthand. Today, the theater??"and films that play there??"provide an eye-opening glimpse into what movie-going was once like).
3) Main Street Vehicles : (Travel back in time during a breezy, one-way drive down Main Street, U.S.A. in a charming turn-of-the-century vehicle).

Using the readings of "A Desired Past: A Short History of Same-Sex Love in America" by Leila J. Rupp pages.1-100, "Improper Bostonians" by The History Project pages.1-38, "Come Out Fighting: A Century of Essential Writing on Gay and Lesbian Liberation" by Chris Bull pgs.1-18 and documents you have read so far, construct an argument explaining how and why same-sex sexual orientation took on new meanings at the turn of the century.

English 2nd Lang) I Was

Part I: Content of the Course (2 pages)
There are two primary questions for this part:
A.) Of the course content, what impacted you the most? You must include at least one of the historical... events that was in the readings. Youll recall that we covered the native civilizations of the Americas, Spanish and British colonization, the construction of whiteness, slavery, reconstruction, the civil rights movement, among others. You may want to review the syllabus to remember all the topics we read about or review your gut reactions. You should give a clear explanation of the historical event(s) you are referring to, with the basic information about what happened, not just a short-hand reference. Other than the readings, you can include anything else that was part of the course: the documentaries, your family history research, the group presentations or the events you attended. Again you should include a clear explanation of the information or event you are referring to.

B.) The bulk of the answer to Part I should be your response to the following question: How did this information impact you? What new ideas about U.S. or Latin American history did it elicit? Did it change your own sense of identity, or that of the community you identify with? How did this information make you feel?

Part II: Reflecting on Contemporary Social Issues (1 page) We have learned about disturbing and heartbreaking injustices in history such as the colonization of native people in Latin America and the U.S. and the twisting of science through the eugenics movement to prove that Europeans are superior to all other groups according to the size of their skulls. But we have also seen examples of movements overcoming oppression such as the abolition movement that exerted a great deal of pressure that led to the overturning of slavery after over 230 years. We also studied the end of segregation and political exclusion led by Martin Luther King Jrs non-violent civil rights movement, as well as the student movement at CSUN in 1968.

As a nation we have overcome a lot of the injustice established upon its founding, yet face new, modern forms of inequality. Last semester Arizona passed an immigration law that mandated racial profiling and the violation of civil rights (the worst parts of this law were overturned in court). Arizona and Texas have both outlawed ethnic studies and access to public education is being blocked through consistent increases in tuition and decreases in classes. A little known fact is that there are more black people incarcerated than there were slaves in the 19th century. In response we have seen the consistent activism of students in defense of the Dream Act, legislation to gain a path to citizenship for undocumented students who have attended college or been in the military. Students are rising up globally, as well as locally, to defend the right to their education, as well as a national uprising against the law in Arizona.

As you reflect on the forms of oppression and the movements for liberation that we have covered in this class, what is your opinion about the role that regular people can have in ending the social injustices of our times and having a voice in the political process in the U.S.? How has your participation in any advocacy, such as the March 4th protests for public education last semester, given you a new perspective on having your voice heard on important social issues? What do you think are the biggest obstacles that we face in order to achieve the equal society we aspire to? How do you think these can be overcome? Do you find hope in the examples from the past? Which ones in particular? Do you think there are strategies from the past that can be useful to us today? Which ones and how do you think they can be applied? Respond according to your personal experience, picking one or two particular issues of concern for you and/or the community or communities with which you identify.

*******feel free to contact me if you have any question***********

WWII to the 60s the

Request if possible my previous writer, ResearchPro or one of the previous writers that have completed my recent weekly course work, hope is available. This is the next of the weekly course homework... assignments for the readings. The weekly required readings are to be used to answer the assigned Weekly Question-Set. The course weekly readings will include readings from the 4 required course texts and additional articles in which I can provide a pdf. file to the Writer. If the Writer can not access these course text and articles online please advise.

The course has 4 course books assigned (listed below for reference and applicability if needed to respond to Question ??"Set. The weekly coursework assigned are "question-sets" that have to be answered in the way, as per syllabus (typed below), based upon the current weekly readings and inclusive of and in relation to all course readings from previous weeks

1) This weeks readings and theme are: From the End of WWII to the Sixties: The Expansion of the Administrative State in two Directions: Administrative Law and Intergovernmental Relations: (Class #9)

1. Fesler, James. Public Administration and the Social Sciences: 1946-1969. In American Public Administration: Past, Present, Future. Frederick C. Mosher, ed. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration: Washington, D.C. 1975. 97- 142. (On Scholar)

2. Wright, Diel S. A Century of the Intergovernmental Administrative State: Wilsons Federalism, New Deal Intergovernmental Administration, and Contemporary Intergovernmental Management. In Ralph Chandler, Ed, A Centennial History of the American Administrative State, The Free Press: New York. 1987. Pp. 219-260. (On Scholar)

3. Cooper, Phillip. A History of Administrative Law and Administration. in Public Law and Administration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1988. Chapter 4.

4. Eisner, Mark. Economic Regulatory Policies Regulation and Deregulation in Historical Context. In Handbook of Regulation and Administrative Law. Rosenbloom, David and Richard Schwartz (eds.). Marcel Decker: New York. Chapter 4.

2) Assignment PART II - Submit written answers that respond to the Weekly Question-Sets

The question sets are intended to stimulate reflection upon, and meaningful discussion of, course readings and themes. The answer to EACH question (one page in length, double-spaced) should respond DIRECTLY to the question posed. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage reflective reading and informed a synthesis of the material rather than a summarization the contents of the readings. Instead, make sure to engage with the questions raised, FOCUSING on interesting ideas, points of curiosity or complexity, or perhaps puzzles or paradoxes revealed. The Class 9 Question Set is as follows:

Reading Questions : for Class 9
1. After reading the Cooper chapter, how do you see the APA and other aspects of administrative law fitting into the practice of public administration?
2. Where do you come out on the idea of regulation as a challenge to the public interest after reading the entire Cooper chapter and then going back to the section on that issue (pp. 99-103)?
3. What logic and force of events do you see as underlying Wrights organization of his essay into Federalism, Intergovernmental Relations and Intergovernmental Management
4. How does Fesler distinguish the early post-war public administration literature from that of the behavioralism and puralism focus of many social science and PA scholars as the late 1940s moved into the 1950s and early 1960s?

3) Course Texts Required:
a. Cook, Brian J. Bureaucracy and Self Government. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
b. Nelson, William E. The Roots of American Bureaucracy, 1830-1900. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.
c. Bertelli, Anthony and Laurence Lynn. Madisons Managers: Public Administration and the Constitution. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2006.
d. Skowronek, Stephen. Building a New American State: The Expansion of National Administrative Capacities, 1877-1920. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

There are faxes for this order.

Sociology - Sex & AIDS



Sex Workers Rights: The Legalization Debate
The United States has kept the majority of prostitution i...llegal, allowing it only in the states of Nevada and Rhode Island. Other countries (for example, The Netherlands) have systems where prostitution is legalized, regulated, and even taxed. Some Americans have suggested that legalizing prostitution in all states would protect prostitutes rights. Others suggest that legalizing prostitution would represent the moral downfall of America. Put simply, the debate is one of legalization of prostitution and the costs/benefits of such a process. For your paper, choose one side of the argument and support it using sociological concepts from class.

6 pages (not including the title page)
Double spaced size 12 point Times New Roman Font
Include page numbers
Include a title page with the following: (1) Title of paper, (2) Name, and (3) Date
Your final paper will be organized according to the Example Outline.
You also MUST cite 3 scholarly references other than the textbook in the body of the paper.

The Following ARE Acceptable Scholarly References:
Scholarly Journals and Books
Internet Journals by Reputable Organizations (use Googlescholar.com)

The Following ARE NOT Acceptable Scholarly References:
Class Lecture Notes
Fiction Books

ASA Style
o You MUST include an ASA Style references page separate from the paper
o You MUST use ASA Style when citing references in the body of the paper
o The ASA Style Guide can be found at:

References in the body of the paper:
Include the last name of the author and the year of publication. In order to avoid plagiarism (inappropriately using another person's words without proper citation), you must directly quote verbatim, using quotation marks and the name, date, and page number in parentheses, or you must paraphrase and mention the source of the idea (name and date only).
Use page numbers only when you directly quote an author's words:
Sociological analysis of cities is critical to achieving far-reaching social change in this century (Duncan 1959:71).
If you include the author's name in the text of your paper, follow the name with the year in parentheses:
According to Duncan (1959), sociological analysis of cities is critical to creating positive social change in America.
If you DO NOT include the author's name in the text of your paper, enclose both the last name and year in parentheses:
Sociological analysis of cities is critical to creating social change (Duncan 1959).
For two or more authors: (Martin and Bailey 1988) or (Smith, Brown, and Williams 2000)

Reference List:
The reference list is the last page of the paper. It is a separate page from the body of the paper. It should be titled References. It includes all the works you reference in the paper. List references in alphabetical order by authors' last names. Sample formats are listed below.

Berlin, Gorden and Andrew Sum. 1988. Toward a More Perfect Union: Basic Skills, Poor Families, and Our Economic Future. New York: Ford Foundation.
Journal Articles:
Goodman, Leo A. 1947. Exploratory Latent Structure Analysis Using Both Identifiable and Unidentifiable Models. Biometrika 61:215-31.

Example Outline
I. Introduction
A. Introduce your topic, what will you be discussing?
B. State your thesis, what is the argument you will be laying out in this paper?

II. Body
A. What are the two sides of the debate?
i. Provide supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons) from one side of the debate
ii. Provide support for the other side of the debate
B. What is your position?
i. Supporting Evidence
ii. Supporting Evidence
C. What sociological concepts can be applied to support your position?
i. Sociological Concept 1
ii. Sociological Concept 2
III. Conclusion
A. Reemphasize your thesis in a fresh way, showing how you have achieved your purpose.
B. Reiterate the importance of the two sociological concepts you illustrated.
C. Make a memorable final statement.



Point Value Points Earned
Introduction adheres to outline requirements
Body adheres to outline requirements
Conclusion adheres to outline requirements


25 points



Point Value Points Earned
Introduction adheres to outline requirements
Body adheres to outline requirements
Conclusion adheres to outline requirements
Proper ASA citations in text
References page is in ASA style


75 points

Examples of Sociological Concepts to use in the Final Paper

o Alienation
o Anomie
o Deviance (Positive and Negative)
o Deviance (Social and Criminal)
o Differential Association Theory
o Functionalism
o Gender
o Labeling Theory
o Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
o Sexual Revolution
o Social Conflict Perspective
o Social Control Theory
o Social Institution
o Sociobiology
o Sociological Imagination
o Sociological Perspective
o Strain Theory
o Symbolic Interactionism

the books being used are as follows:
1. Delinquent Daughters by Mary E. Odem
2. Young, white and miserable by wini breines
3. Some wore bobby sox by kelly schrum

Essay Directions:
Since the mid-ninteenth century, the concept of home has evolved into a complex social ideology connecting gender and consumerism to a structured and often restrictive domestic space. what historical factors fed the development of this notion of home in the late 19th century and how did suburban culture of the 1950's revisit victorian ideology? what were the social, political and cultural implications of defining gender roles in relation to domestic space? what are the class and racial implications of tying gender norms to consumer culture? Use course readings to help determine your answer.

Typing directions:
use times new roman 12 pt. font and chicago manual of style footnotes and bibliography. 6 pages. Thanx....

Women Are Portrayed in Late

We will pay a lot more for this order.

Must be written in the style of times new roman, font size 12 and double spaced.
every source must be properly documented using the MLA style for bi...bliography and parenthetical documentation and footnoted if needed
there should also be a nice amount of quotes
the paper should be focused on the thesis and conclusions based on analysis of paintings and research.
All paintings that are cited in the paper must be properly annotated and the actual paintings must all be shown on a separate page(s) after the bibliography
the topic of the paper is How Women are portrayed in Late 19th century Art- specifically focusing on the paintings of Women of John Singer Sargent and James Abbott McNeal Whistler.
Topics that should be included in the paper but its not limited to are:
two paragraphs citing the thesis
How women are portrayed in paintings in general b4 the nineteenth century
History of Portrait paintings (specifically women) of this time period
A brief biography of both John Singer Sargent and James Abbott McNeal Whistler
Critically analyze a few of sargents paintings of women (be sure to include Madame x)
Critically analyze a few paintings of whistler
compare and contrast them in terms of style
conclusions based on research and analyzed material
books that might be Helpful:
angels of art (is specifically on the topic of women in late nineteenth century art)
Portraiture by Shearer West
John S. Sargent by The Hon. Evan Charteris, K.C.
James McNeil Whistler by Hilary Taylor
James Abbott McNeil Whistler by John Walker
John Singer Sargent by Elaine Kilmurray and Richard Ormond
John Singer Sargent by Patricia Hills
Whistler, Women and Fashion by Margaret MacDonald, Susan Grace Galassi, and Aileen Ribeiro
Whistler by Pierre Cabanne

Your final term project is to write a critical analysis of a historical work. In preparation for that, you will develop an annotated bibliography of at least five books on the topic of your interest (...The women's rights movement in American history), from which you will choose the book you will analyze.

Requirements for selected books. Choose books that deal with the same general topic (The women's rights movement in America) so that you can compare how the authors address the area. The books should be written by trained historians, although their disciplines may vary to include such areas as American studies, other area studies, women's studies, etc. If you wish to include books by authors written before history was a professional or academic field, such as George Bancroft's History of the United States, that is acceptable. If you're leaning in that direction, or if you have questions about the books you are selecting, It would be a good idea to send me a list of titles and authors you are considering early in the process of doing this assignment

Requirements for the Annotated Bibliography:
Book citations should be entered in accordance with Chicago/Turabian or MLA (Modern Language Association) style.

Each annotation should be 100 to 150 words.
The annotations should address the following matters: (From University of California, Santa Cruz; University Library)
Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
Brief description of the work's format and content
Theoretical basis and currency of the author's argument
Authors or schools within, or to which, author connects him or herself and/or from which author separates self.
Author's intellectual/academic credentials
Work's intended audience
Value and significance of the work as a contribution to the subject under consideration
Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
Any significant special features of the work (e.g., glossary, appendices, particularly good index)
Your own brief impression of the work

this is what is will be about:
What does it mean to say that the ordained minister acts "in persona Christi'? How is this related to the statement that the ordained minister acts "in nomine eccles...iae"?
1 Development of the bibliography and evidence of sufficient 20
2 Understanding of the key concepts relating to the topic 20
3 Identification, understanding and presentation of the central 30
issues pertaining to the focus of the essay.
4 Intelligent and considered engagement with the theological
material reflecting awareness of complexities, the need for 20
clarity and precision, capacity for evaluation.
5 Clarity and logic of expression; conformity to the College Style 10

And this the references( sources):

Bernardin, Joseph. "Priests: Religious Leaders, Doctors of the Soul," in Origins 25 (1995): 24-28.
Bernier, Paul, Ministry in the Church - A Historical and Pastoral Approach. Mystic, Connecticut: Twenty-Third Publications, 1992.
Borders, W. "You are a Royal Priesthood - Pastoral Letter on Collaborative Ministry." Origins 18 (1988): 165-180.
Brown, Raymond E. Priest and Bishop: Biblical Reflections. New York: Paulist Press, 1970.
Cochini, Christian, The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990.
Coffey, David. "Common and Ordained Priesthood" Theological Studies 58 (1997)
Congar, Yves, "My Pathfindings in the Theology of Laity and Ministries", The Jurist 32 (1972): 169-188.
Congregation for the Clergy, Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests. Homebush: Saint Pauls, 1994.
Congregation for the Clergy et al. Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests. Strathfield: Saint Pauls Publications, 1997.
Congregation for the Clergy, Instruction: The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community. Strathfield: Saint Pauls~Publications, 2003.
Cooke, BernardLMinistry to Word and Sacraments: History and Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.
Costelloe, Timothy J. A Critical Evaluation of the Theology of Ordained Ministry of Pope John Paul 11. Melbourne College of Divinity, 1998.
Cozzens, Donald B. The Changing Face of the Priesthood. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2000.
Cummings, Owen F. Deacons and the Church. New York: Paulist Press, 2004.
Ditewig, William T. 101 Questions and Answers on Deacons, New York: Paulist Press, 2004
Ditewig, William T. The Emerging Diaconate. Servant Leaders in a Servant Church, New York: Paulist Press, 2007
Donovan, Daniel, What Are They Saying About the Ministerial Priesthood? New York: Paulist Press, 1992.
Drilling, Peter J. "Common and Ministerial Priesthood: Lumen Gentium, Article Ten", Irish Theological Quarterly 51 (1987): 81-99.
Dulles, Avery, "Models for Ministerial Priesthood", Origins 20 (1990): 284-289.
Dulles, Avery, The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection. New York: Paulist Press, 1997.
Dunn, Patrick J. Priesthood: A Re-examination of the Roman Catholic Theology of the Presbyterate. New York: Alba House, 1990.
Evans, Michael, "In Persona Christi - The Key to Priestly Identity", The Clergy Review 71 (1986) 117-125.
Ferme, Brian E. "The Response (28 October 1995) of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to the Dubium concerning the Apostolic Letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (22 May 1994): Authority and Significance." Periodica Re De Canonica 85 (1996) 689-727.
Ferrara, Dennis Michael. "In Persona Christ!: A Reply to Sara Butler." Theological Studies 56 (1995): 81-91.
Ferrara, Dennis Michael. "In Persona Christ': Towards a Second Naivete." Theological Studies 57 (1996): 65-99.
Ferrara, Dennis Michael. "Representation or Self-Effacement: The Axiom In Persona Christi in St. Thomas and the Magisterium." Theological Studies 55 (1994): 195-224.
Ferrara, Dennis Michael. "The Ordination of Women: Tradition and Meaning." Theological Studies 55 (1994): 706-719.
Ferrara, Dennis Michael, "Representation or Self-Effacement: The Axiom in Persona Christi in St. Thomas and the Magisterium", Theological Studies 55 (1994): 195-224.
Forestell, J. Terence. As Ministers of Christ: The Christological Dimension of Ministry in the New Testament : An Exegetical and Theological Study. New York: Paulist Press, 1991.
Galot, Jean, Theology of the Priesthood. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1985.
Garrido, Ann and Donald Goergen (eds). The Theology of Priesthood Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2000.
Gleeson, Gerald P. (ed). Priesthood ? The Hard Questions. Sydney: E.J. Dwyer, 1993. Goergen, Donald J. (ed), Being a Priest Today. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1992.
Greshake, Gisbert, The Meaning of Christian Priesthood. Translated by Peader MacSeumais. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1988.
Hennessy, Paul (ed). A Concert of Charisms: Priesthood in the Context of Religious Life New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1997.
John Paul 11, Pastores dabo vobis: / will give you shepherds. Boston: St. Paul Books and Media, 1992.
Keating, James (ed.). The Deacon Reader. New York: Paulist Press, 2006.
Kelly, Gerard. "Ordination in the Presbyteral Order: History and Theology." Australasian Catholic Record 73 (1996): 259-272.
Kilmartin, Edward J. "Apostolic Office: Sacrament of Christ." Theological Studies 36 (1975): 243-264.
Lawler, Michael G. A Theology of Ministry. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1990. Lehmann, Karl. "The Root of Priestly Office", Theological Digest 18 (1970): 228-236. McGovern, Thomas. Priestly Celibacy Today. Princeton: Scepter Publishers, 1998.
Mitchell, Nathan, Mission and Ministry: History and Theology in the Sacrament of Order. Message of the Sacraments 6. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1982.
Muller, Gerhard. Priesthood and Diaconate. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2002.
Nichols, Aidan, Holy Order. Apostolic Priesthood from the New Testament to the Second Vatican Council. Oscott Series 5. Dublin: Veritas, 1990.
O'Collins, Gerald SJ and Michael Keenan Jones, Jesus Our Priest: a Christian Approach to the Priesthood of Christ. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010
O'Malley, John W. "Priesthood, Ministry and Religious Life: Some Historical and Historiographical Considerations", Theological Studies 49 (1988): 223-257
O'Meara, Thomas Franklin, Theology of Ministry. New York: Paulist Press, 1983.
Osborne, Kenan B. Priesthood: A History of the Ordained Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. New York: Paulist Press, 1988.
Osborne, Kenan B. Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church ? Its History and Theology. New York: Paulist Press, 1993.
Osborne, Kenan B. Orders and Ministry. Leadership in the World Church. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2006.
Osborne, Kenan B. The Permanent Diaconate: Its History and Place in the Sacrament of Orders, New York: Paulist Press, 2007
Power, David. Ministers of Christ and His Church: The Theology of the Priesthood. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1969.
Power, David N. The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalising the Tradition. New York: Crossroad, 1992.
Power, David N. "Words That Crack: The Uses of `Sacrifice' in Eucharistic Discourse", Worship 53 (1979): 386-404.
Power, David N. Mission, Ministry, Order. Reading the Tradition in the Present Context. New York: Continuum, 2008
Power, David N. "Order." In Systematic Theology. Roman Catholic Perspectives, edited by Francis Schussler Fiorenza and John P. Galvin, 567-582. Second edition, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011
Power, Dermot. A Spiritual Theology of the Priesthood ? The Mystery of Christ and the Mission of the Priest. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1998.
Rahner, Karl. Servants of the Lord. New York: Herder and Herder, 1968.
Ratzinger, Joseph. "The Formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day," Communio 16, 1990, pp.626ff.
Ratzinger, Joseph. "On the Nature of the Priesthood", Origins 20 (1990): 310-314. Rausch, Thomas P. Priesthood Today: An Appraisal. New York: Pau list Press, 1992.
Rausch, Thomas P. "Priesthood Today: From Sacral to Ministerial Model", Irish Theological I Quarterly 55 (1989): 206-214.
Richards, Michael. "Hierarchy and Priesthood," in Priests and People 7 (1993): 228-232.
Rosato, Philip J. "Priesthood of the Baptized and Priesthood of the Ordained: Complementary Approaches to their Interrelation", Gregorianum 68 (1987): 215-266.
Schwartz, Robert. "The Priest Today." Origins 18 (1989): 529, 531-540.
Stafford, J. Francis. "Eucharistic Foundation of Sacerdotal Celibacy." Origins 23 (1993): 211216.
Stickler, Alfons. The Case for Clerical Celibacy. Its Historical Development and Theological Foundations. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995.
Sullivan, Francis A. From Apostles to Bishops: The Development of the Episcopacy in the Early Church. Mahwah, NJ: Newman Press, 2001
Tavard, George H. "The Ordained Ministry in Historical Ambiguity", Doctrine and Life 38 (1988): 466-477.
Tavard, George H. "The Ordained Ministry: Where Does it Fit?". Doctrine and Life 38 (1988): 518-529.
Tavard, George. "A Theological Approach to Ministerial Authority", The Jurist 32 (1972): 311-329.
Thornhill, John, "The Role of the Ordained Minister within the Christian Community", Australasian Catholic Record 67 (1990): 187-206.
Tillard, Jean Marie R. "The Apostolic Foundations of Christian Ministry", Worship 63 (1989): 290-300.
Tillard, Jean Marie R. "The Ordained 'Ministry' and the 'Priesthood' of Christ", One in Christ 14 (1978): 231-246.
Vanhoye, Albert. Old Testament Priest and the New Priest according to the New Testament. Massachussets: St. Bede's Publications, 1986.
Welch, Lawrence J. "Priestly Identity Reconsidered." Worship 70 (1996): 307-318.

Wister, Robert J. Priests: Identity and Ministry. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1990.
Wood, Susan K. "Priestly Identity: Sacrament of the Ecclesial Community." Worship 69 (1995): 109-127.
Wood, Susan K. Sacramental Orders. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2000
Wood, Susan K. et al. (eds) Ordering the Baptismal Priesthood: Theologies of Lay and Ordained Ministry. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2003

(( My Email Address: zbaroukh@yahoo.com))

Select a famous individual from the 20th or 21st century. (Angelina Jolie)

Obtain faculty approval for your selection prior to beginning this assignment.

Conduct research concerning the background of your selected individual to determine what forces impacted his or her life from the viewpoint of developmental psychology.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following items:

? Distinguish between the influences of heredity and environment on the person?s psychological development. Be sure to specify which area of psychological development: moral, emotional, or other.

? What family issues or social support systems may have influenced the person?s developmental growth and adjustment?

? Select two different theories of personality and apply them to your selected figure, and answer the following question: How does each theory differ in terms of how it explains the individual's unique patterns or traits?

? Explain which theoretical approach you believe best explains the individual's behaviors and achievements. Make sure to explain why you made this choice.


drawing upon your understanding (i will attach lecture notes and readings that should need to be used - please use as much as possible from wk 1-6) of the development of early cinema, its technology, ...industry and cultural context, outline the concept of the "cinema of attractions" in relation to a percieved need to address the early cinema audience.

For sources please cite the list of selected readings (however many you can find in the list i have provided) and any other books and journals articals relvent of your choice to enhance and expand your arguement through other independent research.

list of relevent readings
Week 1 - Introduction : Three Views of Hollywood
Industry 1 : to 1948

Maltby, R 2003, 'Industry 1 : to 1948', in Hollywood cinema, 2nd. ed., Blackwell Pub., Malden MA; Oxford, pp. 113-158.

The struggle for the expanding american film industry

Thompson, K 2003, 'The struggle for the expanding american film industry', in Film history : an introduction, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 37-54.

The classic hollywood cinema
Thompson, K 2003, 'The classic hollywood cinema', in Film history : an introduction, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 68-80.

Week 2 - 'Cinema of Attractions' : Early Film/ Early Cinema, 1985-1909

Brownlow, K 1994, 'Preface', in Paola, C, Burning passions : an introduction to the study of silent cinema, British Film Institute, London, pp. 1-4.

"Now you see it, now you don't " : the temporality of the cinema of attraction"

Gunning, T 1993, '"Now you see it, now you don't " : the temporality of the cinema of attractions', The velvet light trap, vol. 32, Fall, pp. 3-12.

Showing and Telling : image and word in early cinema

Gaudreault, A 1990, 'Showing and Telling : image and word in early cinema', in Elsaesser, T & Barker, A, Early cinema : space, frame, narrative, BFI Publishing, London, pp. 274-281.

Week 3 - Hollywood in the '10s and '20s : Origins of film narrative and the Hollywood studio system
Trauma thrills : notes on early action cinema

Bean, J 2004, 'Trauma thrills : notes on early action cinema', in Tasker, Y, Action and adventure cinema, Routledge, London; New York, pp. 17-30.

Week 4 - The Hollywood studio system stabilises, 1920s - 1940s
The breening of America

Leff, L 1991, 'The breening of America', PMLA, vol. 106 no. 3, pp. 432-445.


Lewis, J 2002, 'Appendix', in Hollywood v. hard core : how the struggle over censorship created the modern film industry, New York University Press, United States, pp. 301-307.

Dream world and dream stages

Feuer, J 1982, 'Dream world and dream stages', in The Hollywood musical, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 67-85.
A star is born: american culture and the dynamics of Charlie Chaplin's star image, 1913-1916

Maland, C 2004, 'A star is born: american culture and the dynamics of Charlie Chaplin's star image, 1913-1916', in Grieveson, L & Kr?mer, P, The silent cinema reader, Routledge, London ; New York, pp. 197-209.

Week 5 - Hollywood's 'Greatest Year', 1939

"Compulsory" viewing for every citizen : Mr..Smith and the rhetoric of reception

Smoodin, E 1996, '"Compulsory" viewing for every citizen : Mr..Smith and the rhetoric of reception', Cinema Journal, vol. 35 no. 2, pp. 3-23.

Mr Capra goes to Washington

Rogin, M & Moran, K 2003, 'Mr Capra goes to Washington', Representations, vol. 84, pp. 213-248.

Week 6 - The 1940s : Hollywood goes to war
Wartime stars, genres, and production trends

Schartz, T 1999, 'Wartime stars, genres, and production trends', in Boom and bust : American cinema in the 1940s, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif., pp. 203-206; 217-221; 232-252.

i have also attached the lecture notes booket only please use up to 1-6 wks

Final Paper

The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by illustrating your understanding and application of knowledge in American History, by ...providing you a vehicle to show your leaning and application of historical concepts covered throughout the course.

You will do this by creating a final paper that shows some of the social/cultural, economic, literary, political, and religious changes that have occurred in American History over the time periods covered in the course. As the course guide states, the course is divided into five Units. Unit I 1865-1876, Unit II 1877-1920, Unit III, 1921-1945, Unit IV 1946-1976 and Unit V 1976-Present.

Focus of the Final Paper

Choose any one group or major historical event to illustrate how people, places and/or events have been interrelated and impacted over the course of your learning in this class. You will do this by writing a paper that clearly and directly identifies which unit, group or issue, and topic you are referring to and how specifically the historical concepts and issues are interrelated and bridged through time. Your paper must include specifics of the topic or issue (background: such as who, when, where, and what was involved, etc.) and significance of the topic or issue (outcome: such as why it was important, what did it lead to, who was affected, etc.).

Example 1:

If you chose to discuss the historical progression of African Americans you could start with the following:

In Unit One, life for African Americans was?
One Social/cultural issue they faced was?
In response to that issue they chose to?
The outcome of that was?
In Unit Two, life for African Americans was?
One political issue they faced was?
In response to those issues they chose to ?
The outcome of that was?
And so on through each unit

Example 2:

If you chose to discuss the historical progression of business you could start with the following:

In Unit One, business in America consisted of?
One political issue they faced was ?
In response to those issues they chose to ?
The outcome of that was?
In Unit Two, business was?
One economic issue they faced was ?
In response to those issues they chose to ?
The outcome of that was?
And so on through each unit
These are examples only. You are not required to write on these topics.

The Final Paper for the course must be submitted to the instructor by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the class.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must use at least 8 scholarly sources.
Must include a cover page that includes:
Student?s name
Course name and number
Title of paper
Instructor?s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must include specifics of the topic or issue (background: such as who, when, where, and what was involved, etc.) and significance of the topic or issue (outcome: such as why it was important, what it led to, who was affected, etc.).
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

Above is the baseline for the document. I am interested in the events leading to and the aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This is what I want the focus of the paper to consist of.

I also request that "Hisdudeness" handles my request becuase of his early services were excellent. If not available please contact me ASAP at 972-793-4340.

Title : The Constitution, the Corut, and Race Relations Paper

Questions to be answered in essay:
1. How did the Constitution initially recognize the relations between Whites and Blacks in the late 18th century?
2. What were the changes, through Supreme Court interpretations, in the first half of the 19th century?
3. What changes were written into the Constitution and how were they interpreted in the last half of the 19th century?
4. What was the state of race relations at the turn of the century? As a conclusion, antipate what would remain to be done in the 21st century.
There are faxes for this order.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I need the sources to be from Gale Research Company a few resources I have already I are as follows:
-George Grella and Philip B. Demattaeis. Dictionary of Literary Biography "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Vol. 18, Detroit Michigan 48226. Gale research company C. 1983.
-Ann Commire. Something about the author "Arthur Conan Doyle" Vol. 24, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Gale Research Company C. 1981
-Sharon K. Hall. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Vol 7 Detroit Michigan 48226. Gale Research Company C. 1982

My teachers specifications where
1-appx. a page on the personal life of the author
2-appx three pages on the authors literary career, with a discussion of the author's most famous works )with an emphasis on one work~~the work you've read),
a discussion of the author's style of writing,
a discussion of the author's major thems, and
a discussion of the authors influence on the time and other authors
3-appx. a page of criticism (critical reviews) of the authors most famous work or works

Must be atleast 1250-1500 words-preferable wtih a introduction with a thesis statemnt and a conclusion

Also use transitions to move from one sentence to another, from one paragraph to another, and from one section of your paper to another

The name of the class that this reseach paper is for is: Same Sex Desires in the Modernist Period (Late 1800''s-Early 1900''s). My topic is to identify the the Sexologists of that time that influenced the gay movement (exp. Freud, Karl Heinrich, Ulrichs, Kraft-Ebbing, Havelock Ellis). Speak about their theories about same sex desire and their affect on society. How did they affect society and how did society affect their theories. What was going on around them that influenced their theories (laws). Write mainly in the modernist time period. In the conclusion it would be okay to refer to current times. Maybe, the intro could talk about modernist times a little too. Talk about the changes in laws concerning homosexuality and the changes of discourse. Refer to literature of that time period. A good website is www.gayhistory.com. on this site is also a list of sources that would probably be helpful. If I do not do well on this paper I can not graduate, so please help me!

Modern Movement

The extent to which architecture of the modern movement was built upon nineteenth century theoretical and technological foundations is both grand and far-reaching. Changing at warp speed pace, the world was embarking upon an entirely new and different approach to everything social, political and technological; in order to keep up with these monumental metamorphoses, the very nature of architecture ? its textures, tools and overall impression ? was also significantly modified. This move into modernity was responsible for an entirely novel approach to what had come to be very predictable architectural design; not only had there come a need for such structures as high-rise buildings, but architects were dealing with other issues not heretofore considered in relation to theoretical and technological foundations.
5 full pages in length - not including cover page,bibliography or works cited.

"Modern and postmodern design is often devoid of ornament, unless it can be deployed with some degree of irony...[whereas] Victorian culture is an awkward case of ornamentation gone much too far" (Freedgood 2002:261)

Industrialization played a part in the excesses of Victorian ornamentation, but it was also the catalyst for early modernist preferences for "edginess" and clarity of form.

Discuss in relation two movements from between 1850 and 1929.

Your discussion must include two images - One for each movement

You must refer to at least two prescribed readings and one reading of your own choice.

Your essay must be elegantly structured and comply with Harvard referencing techniques.

Essay length: at least 1500 words (4 pages)

Remember that in-text referencing is of utmost importance.
Also I will be supplying 4 prescribed readings for the writer to choose from, she may choose any two and include one external academic source. This is all that is required.

Please also include the images that the writer uses, Since they are a requirement for the essay.

There are faxes for this order.

Describe the process of collective improvisation. Is everyone in the ensemble improvising? When it comes to collective improvisation, is there a difference between early (New Orleans) and later (Chicago) dixieland? Can you think of any musical styles today that employ this technique of collective improvisation?

Request Writergrrl01 if available.

After completing the Module 5 Readings from the Fire From Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Century, report what you learned in a 1,000-1,250-word essay.

(Read chapters 1-3 and 13-15. in Fire from Heaven by Harvey Cox ) (Read chapter 6.The Next Christendom 3rd Edition by Philip Jenkins )

Be certain to address each of the following areas with appropriate research.

1) Write a summary of the history of the Pentecostal Movement.

2) Choose one of the regions represented in chapters 9-12. Describe the impact of Christianity and how Pentecostalism has affected the region that you selected (i.e., Chapter 9: Latin America; Chapter 10: Europe; Chapter 11: Asian Rim; or Chapter 12: "Black" Africa).

My Choice Chapter 12 " Black" Africa

In addition to the Module 5 Readings, use a minimum of three academic resources from the GCU eLibrary.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Devil in the White City

Paper Topic : Eric Larson, The Devil in the White City
Please write a essay responding to the questions below. Please base your answers on class readings, lectures, AND the book in question.
What is the total picture of late nineteenth-century America that emerges from The Devil in the White City? How is that time both like and unlike contemporary America? What are the most significant differences? In what ways does that time mirror the present? Does this work reveal anything about gender roles in the nineteenth century?

Important Guidelines for Content and Format:
(1) Title your essay appropriately. Type your essay title, name, and class identification information on a separate title page. Do not repeat this information.
(2) Your ideas and critical interpretation are important to include for the success of your essay. Do not write a summary or review of information for this assignment.
(3) Within the first two sentences, state the subject of your paper. Avoid general and nonspecific introductions.
(4) Spelling and grammar count. This means that incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes will be reflected in your grade.
(5) Underline book titles. Place essay titles within quotation marks.
(6) Provide the name of the author of an essay or book in the same sentence as the first mention of the text.
(7) Do not use Wikipedia. Wikipedia is full of incorrect information and is not an acceptable source of information for this course.
(8) You need to use either footnotes or endnotes consistently throughout your essay to document your references. (In Microsoft Word: Insert, Footnote, select footnote and AutoNumber and hit OK).

Hello Friends:

2 essay question below, one page for each question please.

1) Define democratic and authoritarian socialism as they existed in 19th century Europe. Explain the basic beliefs of Utopian Socialists including Fourier, Blanc, Saint-Simon, and Owen. Explain the origins and assumptions of Marx's theory of Dialectical Materialism. What were some of the basic critisms of the theory? Were they justified? Why?

2) Define the term "Modern Nationalism". Explain its philosophical and historical origins in 19th century Europe. Using either Italy or Germany as a case study, examine the proces of national unification. Identify the specific causes, major steps in the process, key individuals, successful methods employed.

A page for each question please
Thank You

5 Pages

Status of Women in the Pre and

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Devil in the White City

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