25+ documents containing “Drug Court”.
There should be 10 references,
Drug courts are relatively new. The US Department of Justice seized on the concept early on and advanced drug courts as "exemplary projects." This... meant that there was a "join the bandwagon" effect and the number of drug courts exploded. Thus much of the writing around 1985-1995 was on teh development of drug courts. And that's why there is so much history in reported documents.
Second, these courts are "generic" it may be unfair to say that no two are alike. but there is much diversity in objectives, offender populations selected to be treated. treatment approaches, length of time in program and combinations of treatments (planning, abstinence, attendance of self- help porgrams., mandatory professional treatments, job development programs, drug-testing and so on. Just to prepare you for the diverse reports. The key objective is the cessation of drug abuse. If this were to work one would expect less recidivism. Recidivism studies are hard to conduct adequately. I'd spend no more than 3-4 pages on the historical development then explore the proliferation of p4rograms and treatment modalities. You will porbably find enough materials to conduct an assessment of effectiveness so you might want to make that the third major portion of your paper. Remember: effective at "what"? Drug cessation,reducing recidivism, job development, stablizing families, delivering actual treatment. You may want to take 3+ of these objectives ("measurements"), and reach your own conclusion about effectivness. you may need a closing section. YOu could try: "The state of art" (where drug courts are now and how they operate) and "Directions for the future" (things you think could be done to improve the drug court movement/effectiveness) more
The Green County court system has finally decided to implement a "Drug Court" and authorized the addition of a new judge.
Write a a brief essay that answers the following questions:
- Should the Drug Court judge be elected or appointed? Justify your decision.
- Should the Drug Court operate on the due process model or the crime control model? Justify you position.
- Should juveniles be adjudicated in Drug Court? Explain your answer
Below is the assignment and I choose the social problem of drug abuse, feel free to hone in on any aspect of it you see fit or just general drug abuse, may since i am in high school something along th...at line would work.
Social Problems A Research Experience
Our society has many significant social worth examining. in this study, you will choose some particular aspect of a problem. Given the enviromenta cisis, for example, you might explore the proble of waste disposal. Or, you might research and write about rain forest. Ideally, you will choose a topic that both interest you and concens you, one that you truly care about! In any case, keep an open, questioning mind. Challange you own attitudes and expectations. Be willing to learn about something so that you can know the truth. You will be, in essence, an investigative reporter and a social activist.
Sections (4) for research paper
1-BACKGROUND (background/history, causes, contributing factors); 2-IMPACT (of problem on environment, society, individuals, human impact, cost incurred for problem $$ or emotional; 3-SOLUTIONS (what has been done by gov or private programs, what worked/didn't, why/whynot, what you think solution should be; 4-FINAL ANALYSIS (is there hope, who is to be held responsible)
Body needs min 5 pages max 7 pages
Paper should consist of rough draft, cover sheet, final draft and works cited
The paper needs eight sources (2 books, 2 magazines, 2 internet, 2 newspaper)
Addleman, Katie. "Addicted to failure: the War On Drugs has funnelled billions into the pockets of criminals, and drug use is higher than ever. Time to kick our bad habit." This Magazine Nov.-Dec. 2009: 16+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2012.
"Drugs: A Definition." Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drugs. Sandra M. Alters. 2007 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2012. "Drugs: A Definition." Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drugs. Sandra M. Alters. 2007 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2012.
"Drug Use and Abuse." Current Issues: Macmillian Social Science Library. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2012.
Hora, Peggy Fulton. "Drug Courts Are a Promising Solution to the Drug Problem." Chemical Dependency. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Through a Glass Gavel: Predicting the Future of Drug Treatment Courts." Future Trends in State Courts. 2009. 134-139. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
"New Addiction Medicine Research from University of Waterloo Discussed." Mental Health Weekly Digest 5 Mar. 2012: 115. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
"Punishing users doesn't work: experts." Age [Melbourne, Australia] 4 Apr. 2012: 6. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
Smith, Phillip. "Drug Courts Are Not a Solution to the Drug Problem." Chemical Dependency. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Twenty Years of Drug Courts??"Results and Misgivings." Drug War Chronicle. 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
Vance, Laurence M. "The other unconstitutional war: in addition to our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya - none of which were authorized by Congress as required by the Constitution - America is fighting the drug war, and losing." The New American 7 Nov. 2011: 20+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2012.
Healy, Michelle. "Sick from 'Spice'? Doctors may not recognize signs." USA Today 19 Mar. 2012: 04D. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. more
paper 2 mebwhb@sbcglobal.net or colliesmeb@yahoo.com
PLEASE NOTE both this one and A1019705 are research papers I left that off of first one A1019705 thankyou
Crime program paper DRUG C...OURT program
1. Paper concerns a program as opposed to policy. Introductory paragraph- then pertinent information-conclusion.
Describe the program in detail you are analyzing. What is the underlying policy that brings rise to this program?
Was there a problem or need? What was this problem or need?
Who were the stakeholders? Stakeholders: local and state
policymakers involved in justice activities: judges prosecutors,
public defenders, corrections officials, police, sheriff, jail
administrator, community corrections personnel, probation officers,
bail bond agents. (Welsh & Harris, 54) . Include subject population and
how selected like random with dependent and independent variables
and so on.
2. What are the goals and objectives of this program?
3. What are / were the resource issues with this program?
4. Considering the elements of stage #5 and #6 of Welsh.
Discuss the success of the program. How successful has it been? Do changes need to be made.?
If so, what changes?
5. Conclusion with thoughts
6. minimum 7 references
7. Reference page APA annotated bibliography
8. Consider Welsh 1-7 stages in paper.
Use all stages in paper?..
Welsh stages 1-7 ----- from Criminal Justice Policy & Planning by
Wayne N. Welsh and Philip W. Harris Anderson Publishing Co. Cincicinati Ohio 1999
______________WELSH STAGES____________________________
Stage 1 : Analyzing the problem. Document the need for change, Describe the history of the problem, Examine potential causes,
Examine previous interventions, Identify relevant stakeholders, Conduct a systems analysis, Identify barriers and supports.
Step 2 of Welsh: Setting goals and objectives -Write goal statements, Write specific outcome objectives for each goal, Seek participation in goal setting, Specify an impact model, Identify
compatible and incompatible goals in the larger system, and identify the needs for interagency collaboration
Stage 3 of Welsh: Designing the Program/policy- Choose from different intervention options.
Program Design: 1- Define the target population 2- Define target selection procedures 3- Define program components and activities (schedule)., Write job description of staff and specify skills required (how many people).
1- Policy design: 1- Define the Policy?s target population 2- Identify the responsible authority 3- Define the provisions and procedures of the policy.
Stage 4: Developing an Action plan-
Identify resources needed, Plan to acquire or reallocate resources, specify dates to complete implementation tasks, develop mechanisms of self-regulation (boost moral/ suggestion box), Specify a plan to build support (fundraisers/ charities)
Stage 5: Developing a plan for monitoring program/policy implementation ?
Design instruments to collect monitoring data (survey/questionnaires), Designate responsibility to collect, store and analyze data, Develop information system capabilities (store data), and Develop mechanisms to provide feedback to stakeholders.(annual report).
Step 6: Developing a Plan for Evaluating Outcomes- Develop outcome measures based on objectives, Specify research design to be used, Identify potential confounding factors, Identify users and uses of evaluation results, reassess the entire program/policy plan.
Step 7: Initiating the program or policy design:
Planning for failure: avoid exaggerated claims. Planning for success: ongoing reassessment learning and revision are crucial. Learning and adapting: successful interventions must adapt to change. Initiate the program or policy design from stage 3. Initiate the Action plan from stage 4. Initiate Monitoring of program/policy (stage 5). Collect and Analyze evaluation data; provide feedback to stakeholders stage 6.
Reassess the entire program/policy plan and make necessary modifications to increase fit with environment.
Stakeholders: local and state policymakers involved in justice activities: judges prosecutors, public defenders, corrections officials, police, sheriff, jail administrator, community corrections personnel, probation officers, bail bond agents. (Welsh & Harris, 54).
----- more
Policy: Drug Court Program
Your detailed outline will provide the skeletal framework for your completed project. The four major headings should be Introduction, Method, Findings, and D...iscussion. Provide specifics describing what will occur in each heading and subheading of your paper. For each major heading, you should include several descriptive sentences or a short descriptive paragraph. For minor subheadings, a sentence or two is sufficient. If you know which articles will be included in each section, indicate this in your detailed outline. Your detailed outline should be organized in the following manor:
Place your working title at the top.
Start the introduction section by briefly describing the topic, problem, and questions regarding the policy you intend to explore in your project. Very briefly summarize the literature review. Suggest the gap in knowledge that you intend to address by your own research.
The method section should briefly describe how you intend to conduct your research, which in this course project are the three interviews. In your research section, you should:
State briefly how you will select, access, and conduct the interviews. Remember you may interview only professionals, experts, administrators, or staff connected with the policy you are studying. The information about the interviewee needs to remain confidential-no names, agency name, or city that could identify the individual should be included.
List the questions that you will be asking. Note: You are not conducting the interview at this time. Your outline should only describe who you would like to interview and the questions that you intend to ask. Your instructor will review and approve the questions prior to any implementation. Complying with IRB requirements, avoid any sensitive questions that might embarrass, offend, or implicate anyone in anything. Example questions include:
How did the policy or program come into effect? What role did research and scholarship play in the formulation of the policy?
What specific needs or issues was it designed to address? How were these needs identified? How did research influence the identification of the need?
What societal changes does the policy seek to institute?
What discriminatory practices related to gender, race, and sexual orientation might have affected the design, implementation, and assessment of the policy or program?
What roles and responsibilities do practitioner-scholars have in relation to this policy or program?
How has the policy been progressing, changing, and adapting to the real world?
How has it been evaluated and with what results? How has evaluation research affected the program as an ongoing entity?
How can the policy or program be improved?
The findings section should lay out how you intend to report what you discover through your research. You should offer three to five subheadings with short sentences clarifying what you intend to cover in each category. These should correlate and reflect the kind of questions you ask of the subjects that were specified in the methods section.
Finally, in the discussion section, state that you will summarize your key findings. State that you will suggest a theory or explanation that could account for your findings. (You could suggest which theory you might use.) Indicate that you will compare your findings to elements of the literature review. State that you will explore avenues for further research regarding this policy. And state that you will offer suggestions for improvement in this policy.
I would like the writer's username of jeffdoyle to complete this detailed outline and interview preparation example.
Thanks!! more
I need a term paper 5 to 7 pages, formal. The paper topic is special populations in regards to substance abuse, treatment and recovery. It has to be double spaced and 1 inch margins using Microsoft works or Microsoft word. There has to be 5 references using A.P.A. style. I want it to focus on how offering more drug courses or rehabilitation programs for drug offenders will benefit the offender as well as the tax payers. Also, how the number of prisoners that actually receive treatment while incarcerated are so low, which causes a huge re offender problem. Include how many people are in prison for drug related cases even including committing a crime while on drugs or alcohol, compared to inmates that are not. The programs they do have in prisons for drug treatment now, drug court, and other forms of rehabilitation and how it is helping the outcome of the offender. How much it cost the state or government to house these offenders compared to providing some kind of treatment instead of locking them up with no treatment? Which in the long run is causing more money because the reoffend.
Go into your community and select a program. Develop an evaluation proposal for the program you selected. This essay is for a Master's level Criminal Justice program evaluation class. I want the topic to be as follows:
Program Evaluation/ Evaluation Proposal of Drug Court (in my community).
This Project requires a minimum response of 2,000 words, a minimum of 12 citations, and references in APA style. You will be selecting a topic for your paper based on the list of topics presented below.
Students should support or criticize one of the following topics, which were selected to encourage a thought-provoking debate.
The Moral Panic Over Methamphetamine: Myth or Fact?
Racial Profiling in the War on Drugs: Common Sense or Institutional Racism?
Drug Dealing on College Campuses
The Rise of the Drug Detox Industry
Drug Paraphernalia: Legal but Logical?
Medical Marijuana
Ecstasy and Club Drugs
Domestic Marijuana Production
Compare and Contrast the Criminogenic Effects of Alcohol and Marijuana Based on Empirical Results
The Effect of Drug Courts on Drug Abuse and Criminal Offending
Theoretical Explanations of Drug Use: How Have Criminological Theories Been Used to Explain Drug Use?
Connecting Recreation and the Criminal Justice System: How Have Steroids Impacted Sports and Criminal Justice Policy Makers?
Be sure to submit your project in one WORD document in APA format.
I need a position paper/critical analysis after a debate, in which my group argued that, Funding should not be increased for addiction treatment in prisons; instead, we should invest money in community-based programs like Drug Courts. This is for a Sociology class.
I have the sources that my group members and I used as research for the debate. I will email the documents that will need to be used.
There are faxes for this order.
In 500 words or less, describe your most significant endeavor since attending college in which you applied your academic or intellectual skills from your community college education to benefit your school, community or society. The endeavor may be in community/service learning, in research, in the arts, or in advocacy/public affairs. Judges will consider orginiality, initiative, degree of difficulty, results and benefit to society. Please limit answer to one specific endeavor.
Topic--Internship with Court Designated Workers Office--works with court referred juveniles, KY juvenile justice system, and the KY Drug Court
Litigation in traditional courts is not the only answer to resolving disputes. Alternative dispute resolution is becoming a more popular alternative to litigation. In addition, specialized courts and diversion programs have been developed to address very specific kinds of disputes. These mechanisms are referred at as "problem solving courts." http://www.problem-solvingcourts.org/
Discuss one alternative mechanism for resolving disputes. You may examine drug courts, alternatives to family courts, juvenile courts or any other alternatives you discover in your research. Do you think these alternatives may be more or less effective than litigation? What are the pros and cons of these problem solving courts and/or alternative dispute resolution mechanism? Do you think justice is better served through these alternatives? Why or why not?
Analysis and Application
Evaluate a current criminal justice training program.
Evaluating new and innovative criminal justice programs, together with applying evaluation methods to o...ngoing activities, can help make programs and their agencies accountable. It can help distinguish what works from what does not, and in doing so steer limited resources to the most promising strategies for controlling crime and violence.
Evaluation is built into the problem-solving approaches that are increasingly used by police and other justice agencies in training personnel and providing resources for programs. Finally, evaluation can lend support to effective law enforcement, prevention, and other criminal justice programs. Showing that something works or does not work can overcome the natural tendency of officials to base decisions on arguments presented by simple advocacy.
For this Assignment you are to develop a 4?5 page evaluation model that fits a specific criminal justice program of your choice. For the model, identify the key variable and issues to be measured. The evaluation model should address and measure the success (or failure) of the specific criminal justice program (and the subsequent training); for example: drug courts, police patrols, youth programs, community policing, and neighborhood-watch programs, etc. Utilize examples to support your methodology.
NOTE: Below is a link to an example of evaluation models used in the criminal justice system. You may use this and/or other related sources to validate your paper.
An Evaluation of The Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Senior Leadership Program
Source: fsle.state.fl.us. Retrieved from http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/getdoc/195ef5e3-cb52-44ba-bd52-c8359aa1cfa0/Brick-michael-paper.aspx
Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material. Also discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.
You may consult the Kaplan Online Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.
Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 4 in the basket entitled Unit 4: Analysis and Application. more
Add your responses under each question on this worksheet and submit your final document as a Microsoft Word file.
Your finished product should be approximately 2 double spaced pages in 12-point font with 1-inch margins.
You are going to design a classical experiment by choosing from the list I have provided. Your lab report must include each of the elements I identified below. Your lab report must be in Word and submitted in the Assignment Dropbox.
Topics: (choose one)
A new fertilizer product for vegetables
Drug court for non-violent drug offenders
A new rotation schedule on the productivity of military personnel.
Television advertisements and product sales
A diversity video for teaching staff
Elements to include:
Identify the components
What is the research question?
What is your hypothesis?
How would you select your subjects and assign them to a group?
How would you conduct the experiment? Describe your procedures.
What are the limitations to your experiment?
What are the ethical concerns with your study?
Drug Testing
Should hospitals test pregnant women for drug use without their consent?
Answer this moral question in terms of the utilitarian considerations, who will be helped and who hurt over the long term, and the matters of rights for all involved (e.g., the right to privacy, warrantless search and seizure). USE the basics of utilitarian and deontological reasoning in order to make out your point.
Write five pages and upload it to coursenet by the end of this module. Make use of the article linked below.
Drug tests of non-consenting pregnant women quashed
American Medical News; Chicago; Apr 9, 2001; Vida Foubister;
The Supreme Court has ruled that physicians and other employees of public hospitals cannot perform drug tests on pregnant women without their consent and report the results to the police. The policy for testing pregnant women developed by the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston violates the Fourth Amendment.
Drugs firms 'waging war' on poor
Cheap copies of drugs to treat Aids are a lifeline
The international aid group, Oxfam, has accused the global pharmaceutical industry and western gov...ernments of waging what it calls an undeclared drugs war against the world's poorest countries.
The organisation says developing countries must be allowed to make cheap copies of drugs to treat diseases such as Aids, respiratory tract infections and childhood diarrhoea.
This is the shadowy side of globalisation
Oxfam policy director Justin Forsyth
Oxfam has also called on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to change patent rules which, it says, result in restricted access to life-saving drugs. Under normal WTO rules, companies can patent drugs for 20 years.
It is estimated that two billion people worldwide lack basic healthcare, and 11 million people die each year from preventable disease.
Oxfam wants one of the world's largest drug companies, GlaxoSmithKline, to drop legal action against countries that are producing cheaper drugs.
Legal disputes
One of those facing such action is Brazil, which manufactures and distributes drugs free of charge to HIV-infected people, a policy that has led to a 50% drop in the Aids death rate in the country.
The WTO has set up a dispute panel to examine a US complaint over Brazilian law, which allows local companies to produce patented drugs in certain cases.
Thailand has also come under US pressure to stop local manufacturers producing cheaper generic drugs for Aids patients. It now has patent laws that are even stricter than required by the WTO, according to Paul Cawthorne of the medical aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres.
Indian pharmaceutical companies make all the Aids drugs we make or any other company makes - people aren't being treated. Sir Richard Sykes, GlaxoSmithKline
In South Africa, groups campaigning for access to cheap anti-Aids drugs are stepping up their pressure ahead of a key court case next month. The case could establish the legal basis on which cheaper generic versions of well-known drugs can be imported.
South Africa is suffering an acute Aids crisis, with 10% of the population HIV-positive. An Aids activists ' group - the Treatment Action Campaign - is marching to parliament on Monday to press the case for cheaper drugs.
'Corporate wealth'
Oxfam policy director Justin Forsyth said: "This is the shadowy side of globalisation.
"We know that making life-saving drugs more affordable isn't the whole answer. However, the balance has skewed too far toward corporate wealth rather than public health."
Oxfam is also calling for a $5bn international fund to assist disease research and subsidise drug distribution in developing countries.
GlaxoSmithKline said Oxfam did not appreciate the complexities of the problem, which required a shared responsibility by governments, NGOs, the World Bank and the UN.
The company also said that the group had ignored its work in developing countries, including initiatives to reduce the prices of HIV-related drugs.
The company's non-executive chairman, Sir Richard Sykes, told the BBC that the producers of cheap generic drugs were engaging in "piracy".
He said there were plenty of generic copiers in India "who can make these drugs at will".
"So why are they not producing cheap drugs so that the people in India can start being treated? There is absolutely no evidence that that is happening," he said.
"They're exporting to countries where intellectual property is not protected, like Latin America, for example," he added.
He warned that if South Africa allowed generic compounds to be sold cheaply the UK pharmaceutical industry would "start to deteriorate very rapidly".
1. What exactly are patents trying to protect?
2. Why is it that certain industries seem to be particularly vulnerable to the violation of patent rights? ??" e.g. pharmaceuticals, music, software? (Consider their cost structure ??" Fixed Costs/Variable Costs/Average Costs/Marginal Costs)
3. What do you think the pharmaceutical companies should do in this situation?
4. In this case the market system doesnt seem to get the goods to the people that need them. Do you think the government has already intervened too much (through the patent system) or needs to intervene further (to make sure the people that need the medicines get them)? Explain. more
The sources need to be in ASA format and the sources are cited on a WORKS CITED page...thanks--the 3 sources needed to be from a journal or book, not just internet.--It says to ask for this page to be FREE..
I live in Arkansas and I don't think we have any, so I would like to see from other states if it would be beneficial to have this type of court in our criminal justice system.
The paper needs to be a research essay that takes a side. The side of this paper will be on having drug addicts go into rehab programs instead of facing jail time. I would like the paper to have reseach that supports this idea. For example if any states have practiced this concept and what the results have been. The research needs to support the fact that the paper pro rehab program vs. jail time. I need the research to be from reliable sources. The majority of the information should come from newspapers, published artices and books not from random internet sites. Please do not use legal jargon make the paper clear to someone who is not familiar with drug addiction/ jail/ courts/ etc... Please use active verbs and limit passive verbs. The paper should follow APA style and use 4-6 sources. The paper should be around 5 pages. Please have a strong thesis statement that is concluded in the conclusion. Every statement needs to be backed up with reliable information. Please cover all aspects of the issue. But please remember I want the paper to support the idea of rehab for drug addicts instead of going to jail.
Reflect on and research the current literature on drugs and alcohol on college campuses in combined with how many raps are accused of happening because of drugs and alcohol on college campuses. Please include actual laws that are in the states of the university's and the laws on campuses itself. You want to use The Law of Higher Education 4th edition by Kaplin and Lee, also any Legal briefs and any journals. Please use critical thinking. Try to use a most current case. Identify the legal implications for practitioners, and suggest ways institutional leaders can reduce the legal liability surrounding the topic for students and employees. I need this paper by Tuesday the 12th by at least 11 in the morning.
This is going to be argumentative essay to legalize ALL drugs in the US. I have to argue and present claims on why the US should end the war on drugs and legalize all drugs. Sources have to be cite MLA format with in text citations as well. you should have quotes and statistics in the paper as well. I didn't work on the paper much but a few reasons you might want to include violence cause by illegal drugs, black market dangers, tax revenue gained and costs cut and i found something about The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties. you can use these or some other ones i really don't care but i need an A paper please or else I'm going to fail thank you very much
I need a history of drugs in the US, to include how it effects our economy both positively and negatively. Subsequently, how the decriminalization of certain drugs like marijuana could lessen the burden on taxpayers.
I need the paper written in APA format.
Scenario Summary
John Black, now a 14-year-old boy from a single parent home, has been ordered to complete five years of probation and a community-based anger management program for the... offense of possession of a firearm while on school property. After spending six months on probation and completing a three-month course on anger management, you notice for his bi-weekly check-in that John has what appears to be a tattoo on his hand between his thumb and his first finger. After examining it, you realize that he has the symbol for the local gang, The K Street Boys. You try to talk to John about this, but he basically avoids your question. You also have to do a random drug screen on John because he has not had one in a few months. The results of the drug screen come back positive for crystal meth and marijuana.
Your Role/Assignment
You are the probation officer.
Identify and discuss the risk factors that are associated with drug abuse and gang membership by juvenile offenders. Be sure to discuss how race/ethnicity, gender, and social class play a role in both the use of drugs and the participation in gang activities. Please make sure that you discuss John?s situation in your answer. more
The social issue is alchool and drugs
Consider a social issue in which you are interested. It could be human freedom, sexuality,
crime, social mobility, poverty, education..., aging, and similar issues. Select a specific social issue to
investigate in this assignment.
Write a 700-1000 word (2.5 to 3.5 page) report in which you:
1. Describe the social issue in which you are interested. Be specific.
2. Describe how your issue fits into the field of sociology. Which sociological theories and
terminology from the text apply to your social issue?
3. Discuss what is known and unknown about your particular issue.
4. Discuss the value of sociological research into your issue. Are there (or would there be) practical
implications of sociological inquiry?
5. Use three credible sources and APA citations where appropriate. Use the checklist below to verify
you meet all of the specifications of this criterion.
? Identifies at least 3 credible sources: For our purposes, credible sources are your
Sociology manual and those credible sources that have been fact-checked and may be
found in sociological sources of more popular materials like the New York Times, Times,
Newsweek, Society, Psychology Today and the like. If you are unsure, check with your
professor if the source you are considering may be used. Note: Do not use the online
encyclopedia ?WIKIPEDIA? as a source for any work you do in this class.
? Sources are given in the Reference section in correct APA format. Use correct APA
reference format. Partial credit will be given if references are close.
? All sources in the Reference section are cited somewhere in the body of the paper using
correct APA format.Use correct APA citations for all references. Partial credit will be
given if citations are close within one or two errors. No credit will be given if the citation
has more than three errors and is not cited within the body of the paper.
? For all citations, there is a clear link between text, citation and reference. Sources provide
relevancy to your topic. Relevancy means there is a clear and direct link of the article or
source to the report text, citations and references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Evaluate the various methodologies for sociological research.
? Apply the sociological perspective to a variety of socioeconomic and political problems.
? Critically examine how society shapes individuals and how individuals shape society.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology.
? Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics. more
I wish to examine the governments policy on marijuana prohibition and provide arguments for its repeal. I wish to give a small history of hemp usage in America and the real reasons it was banned (mayb...e a page and half). I then would like to look at how it compares medically to tobacco and alcohol. Showing here, that it is no worse nor addictive, providing facts from treatment clinics and death results (page and half to two).
I would like to then move into the "War on Drugs" and how it is really an ineffectual war on Marijuana. Showing here the expense of something that has not worked and will not work. Providing arguments that this has been a failure and waste of time. Also encompassing here the fact the racial component to who is the victim of the prohibition and also the facts about arrests and convictions as they relate to possession rather than selling. Including how much we spend on the court system to try and prosecute, how much we spend on detaining/incarcerating those found guilty, and also how much could be saved from repealing prohibition and focusing the resources on real crime and drugs (three to four pages).
Then I would like to look at the tax structure of tobacco and alcohol, showing if marijuana was legal and applied to the same standards, how much revenue could be produced from its taxation. Hemp is a commercial commodity with numerous uses. By repealing the ban it could again be grown freely and used in many products. Here possibly comparing the numbers of jobs that could be created versus how many there are in tobacco and farming industries and how much this could effect our economy (two to three pages).
Finally, wrapping up the paper by delivering a good closing argument for why this prohibition is no longer necessary or fiscally viable for America to sustain. I trust the author to be well versed on providing argumentative writing and making good statements through evidence and research. If they may need to lengthen the paper to expand on some ares of it, have them contact me and we will discuss doing so. I am willing to do that to create a better and more well written paper.
There are faxes for this order. more
Explain why the drug testing in high schools (not just dealing with athletes...more schools have institued policies (e.g. random) for all students) is an important, judicial, legislative, or public po...licy issue of regional or national significance and has a direct impact on education.
2. Length: 7 pages (including endnotes). Title Page needed.
3. Substance: Accuracy and thoroughness are important. Topical analyses should cover the most significant holdings on the topic, trends in litigation, relevant law and contrary opinions.
4. Review of the Literature: The paper should identify and integrate relevant secondary sources.
5. Style: The paper should communicate in a way that will be of interest to and understood by educators. Writing style should be clear, scholarly, and balanced. Paper should be well-organized, including sections with appropriate headings.
6. Orientation: In general, the writing should be future-oriented, calling attention to anticipated appeals and future litigation, recommend changes in public policy, the need for additional research, and practical implications.
7. Citations: court opinions (try to include court opinions from Indiana) and other references should be numbered in the text and listed separately as endnotes, starting on a new page at the end of the paper.
Format should be as follows:
Intro (personal/annecdotal...For the past two years, we have debated whether to implement random drug testing at our high school)
Definition: What is drug testing? What can it entail (e.g. urine, hair, saliva)
Significance of drug testing research findings (mention specific cases in particular Indiana cases)
What future effect will this have for education?
Summary Page
Should have transition headings
Important Cases, Studies, Information that should be incl: Venonia Sch Dist. 47J V Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995)
Schaill by Kross v Tippecanoe County School Corp
Willis v. Anderson Community School, 158 F.3d 415, 130 Ed. Law Rep. 89 (1998)
April 2003 issue of the Journal of School Health (Vol. 73, No. 4, pages 159-165) University of Michigan Study on Student Drug Testing
Board of Education v Earls more
In your paper you should present the pros and cons associated with such a change, the different proposals that have been presented, and the potential short and long term effects should such a dramatic... change to our current legal system be implemented and the potential economic impact. Whereas you can look at specific drugs as examples, the paper should have a general focus on legalizing drugs (I do not want a paper on legalizing marijuana or other specific drug). Keep in mind this is not a position paper but rather a research paper. You should be presenting research on both sides of this issue. The paper should be between 9-10 pages doubled spaced (12-point font) and all references to journals or other sources appropriately referenced in the body of the text as well as a bibliography at the conclusion of the paper. The bibliography can be counted in the 9-10 page requirement. It is important that appropriate academic sources be used in your research. In addition to academic journals, you can reference current event magazines (i.e. Time, Newsweek, etc) or appropriate Internet web sites. However, be sure that ALL sources are appropriately referenced as would be appropriate to a college research paper in APA format. APA format information can be accessed under the Resources section of this course or by a simple Google search. more
There should be 10 references, Drug courts are relatively new. The US Department of Justice seized on the concept early on and advanced drug courts as "exemplary projects." This meant…
Read Full Paper ❯The Green County court system has finally decided to implement a "Drug Court" and authorized the addition of a new judge. Write a a brief essay that answers the following…
Read Full Paper ❯Below is the assignment and I choose the social problem of drug abuse, feel free to hone in on any aspect of it you see fit or just general…
Read Full Paper ❯paper 2 mebwhb@sbcglobal.net or colliesmeb@yahoo.com PLEASE NOTE both this one and A1019705 are research papers I left that off of first one A1019705 thankyou Crime program paper…
Read Full Paper ❯Policy: Drug Court Program Your detailed outline will provide the skeletal framework for your completed project. The four major headings should be Introduction, Method, Findings, and Discussion. Provide specifics describing…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a term paper 5 to 7 pages, formal. The paper topic is special populations in regards to substance abuse, treatment and recovery. It has to be…
Read Full Paper ❯1200 WORD OR MORE Go into your community and select a program. Develop an evaluation proposal for the program you selected. This essay is for a Master's level Criminal…
Read Full Paper ❯This Project requires a minimum response of 2,000 words, a minimum of 12 citations, and references in APA style. You will be selecting a topic for your paper…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a position paper/critical analysis after a debate, in which my group argued that, Funding should not be increased for addiction treatment in prisons; instead, we should invest…
Read Full Paper ❯In 500 words or less, describe your most significant endeavor since attending college in which you applied your academic or intellectual skills from your community college education to benefit…
Read Full Paper ❯Litigation in traditional courts is not the only answer to resolving disputes. Alternative dispute resolution is becoming a more popular alternative to litigation. In addition, specialized courts and diversion…
Read Full Paper ❯Analysis and Application Evaluate a current criminal justice training program. Evaluating new and innovative criminal justice programs, together with applying evaluation methods to ongoing activities, can help make programs and their…
Read Full Paper ❯Add your responses under each question on this worksheet and submit your final document as a Microsoft Word file. Your finished product should be approximately 2 double…
Read Full Paper ❯Drug Testing Should hospitals test pregnant women for drug use without their consent? Answer this moral question in terms of the utilitarian considerations, who will be helped…
Read Full Paper ❯Drugs firms 'waging war' on poor Cheap copies of drugs to treat Aids are a lifeline The international aid group, Oxfam, has accused the global pharmaceutical industry and western governments of…
Read Full Paper ❯The sources need to be in ASA format and the sources are cited on a WORKS CITED page...thanks--the 3 sources needed to be from a journal or book, not…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper needs to be a research essay that takes a side. The side of this paper will be on having drug addicts go into rehab programs instead of…
Read Full Paper ❯Reflect on and research the current literature on drugs and alcohol on college campuses in combined with how many raps are accused of happening because of drugs and alcohol…
Read Full Paper ❯This is going to be argumentative essay to legalize ALL drugs in the US. I have to argue and present claims on why the US should end the war…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a history of drugs in the US, to include how it effects our economy both positively and negatively. Subsequently, how the decriminalization of certain drugs like…
Read Full Paper ❯Scenario Summary John Black, now a 14-year-old boy from a single parent home, has been ordered to complete five years of probation and a community-based anger management program for…
Read Full Paper ❯The social issue is alchool and drugs Consider a social issue in which you are interested. It could be human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, and…
Read Full Paper ❯I wish to examine the governments policy on marijuana prohibition and provide arguments for its repeal. I wish to give a small history of hemp usage in America and…
Read Full Paper ❯Explain why the drug testing in high schools (not just dealing with athletes...more schools have institued policies (e.g. random) for all students) is an important, judicial, legislative, or public…
Read Full Paper ❯In your paper you should present the pros and cons associated with such a change, the different proposals that have been presented, and the potential short and long term…
Read Full Paper ❯