25+ documents containing “Diversity Issues”.
Need a 12 page Scholarly Article for publication on the topic of Diversity Issue's In Schools That Effect Employee Job Performance. It must be written on the doctoral level using APA. It also must have 12 sources from current research to support its findings.(No more than 5yrs old)
Must be typed, double-spaced, and use 12 point font size (word document). Create essay:
Project A: You work for a large state university. Recently, your job has expanded to cover diversity issues. Your boss wants you to draft a plan of action for developing a more racially/ethnically diverse student body---without violating the Hopwood decision. Draft a memo explaining 3-5 different ideas for making the student body more diverse. Explain how you would implement each idea and assess the impact you believe it would have on the student body.
Also I already made a payment of 25.99 on a credit card. I was then told that this was a custom order by Jason. I am going to resubmit payment for this one please refund 25.99 back to my card.
audrey pomikal
This small size organisation with 43 employees will be analysed.
The company managed by 3 individuals: director, general manager and national sales manager. The company consist of 43 males a...nd 3 females. Average age of employees is 30 years old.
The managers are in their middle 60?s and old friends, who?s managing approach is very outdated. Screams, abuse and not willing to listen. Not willing to adapt to technology, high spending of company profits and very law salaries. High expectations no appreciations. Also employees simply do not respect those managers.
Also gender issue exists in the company. Female?s more work, take responsibilities but paid less and not respected. High turnover of employees.
The Diversity issues such as Gender factor, and generational profiles should be analysed in this essay. As well as Spiritual orientation.
Analyse the impact of the factors you have chosen from the list (culture, age, gender, or individual factors such as emotions, relationships or personality, for example) on the communication that occurs within the group. You may also consider any organisational or management policies or practices that affect interpersonal communication in the workplace and the interpersonal communication amongst group members. Finally, suggest how individuals or the organisation, including yourself, might contribute to improving communication, paying special attention to the factors stated. You may use first (I) or third person where it is appropriate to do so. For example, use 'I' if you are describing your own actions or perceptions. You can also choose to observe a group in an organisation where you
are not a direct participant but where your interaction with the group is sufficient to observe and analyse the dynamics of the communication. more
You can use any non profit or government organization. If the organization you work for is non profit/government you can use that (I work for the New York State office of children and Family Services.... You can use your local food back, the local post office, your local school district (Local would be Albany , New York) - these are all examples of either non profit or public organizations.
Human Resources Management for Public and Non Profit Organizations
MPA 505
Final Assignment Description
Public personnel professionals are integral for organizational success. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to: hiring, training, strategic planning, and employee relations. As a result, the personnel document administered to new and existing employees: outlines the organizational objectives, establishes an expectation for employee behavior and interactions, describes protocol, explains procedures, and identifies resources for success. Ultimately, public personnel professionals help to align the most qualified and competent workers to ensure goals of the organization are fulfilled.
At the end of this class, you will use what you have learned to create a Diversity Profile and Plan that you may find within the HR manual of a public organization. This assignment is designed to help reinforce major ideas and provide students with an opportunity to apply the concepts learned in class within the context of a real organization.
Your first task is to identify an organization, public or nonprofit. If you currently work or volunteer for either type of organization, please feel free to use the resources that are immediately available to you. Although you may use a real organization, please remember that your work should be original. You are not required to use an organization for which you are affiliated. If you would rather not, you may identify an organization that you are interested in learning more about.
A description of what is expected is outlined below. Detailed are the key aspects that need to be addressed in order to be successful in this assignment. A grading rubric will be provided. Please review prior to final paper submissions.
This assignment is for a Diversity Profile Plan
Diversity Profile and Plan (5-8 pages)
Students will develop a diversity profile and plan for their identified organization. This document is designed to outline the demographic landscape and provide diversity goals and measures of the organization. When thinking about diversity, organizations must consider more than race, ethnicity, and gender. Please consider all areas of diversity as detailed by Riccucci and Pynes. The diversity profile of your organization should include the following:
o Description and Overview - This component includes an overview of the organization and any existing organizational challenges and goals as it relates to diversity. Within this section, you should explain the role of the HR department within the organization with respect to achieving goals and addressing challenges. (Up to 1 page)
o Description of the current work environment ? Within this portion of the paper, you should identify the current environment of the organization as it relates to diversity issues. You should include current information on the diversity of employees (descriptive data), whether it may appear that there is a concentration of individuals at a certain salary or administrative level, current efforts in place to recruit individuals of diverse backgrounds, if any, and any blatant or subtle issues that are present. (2-3 pages)
o Discuss the role of diversity in achieving organizational objectives ? This section should explore the question, will more diversity help the organization achieve its over all objectives and organizational mission? Explain why and how? (Up to 1 page)
o Identify the goals (e.g. number of women hired, number of veterans recruited, volunteers needed etc.) ? Describe the ideal representation of diversity from your organizations needs in this section. Why is this ideal? What has occurred within the organization that has historically prevented achieving these goals?
o What measures can be taken to ensure that the work environment is inclusive? ? Use this section to consider what the organization can do to encourage a work environment that is diverse, inclusive and provides equitable opportunities for advancement and professional development. What programs will be implemented to increase diversity within the organization? How will you measure the success of these programs? What measures/indicators will you use?
o Identify existing standards to reinforce ethical behaviors - What are the current organizational values? How do they encourage/discourage diversity? What, if any changes are needed to ensure that the organizational culture, leaders, and staff foster a diverse and inclusive environment?
Some helpful textbooks are :
1. Pynes,J. (2009) Human Resources Management for Public and Non-Profit Organizations: A strategic Approach (3rd ed.)
2. Riccuci, N.M. (2012) Public Personnel management: Current Concerns, Future Problems more
For this assignment you will need to first determine what is the cultural diversity of your district and community. Cultural diversity can exist in many forms such as eth...nicity, race, color, income, or something that shows a difference. This does not include special education as a type of diversity.
1. Research your local, state, and county federal documents to determine the cultural diversity in your schools and community. A good starting point is the diversity form you were to submit with your initial Practicum paperwork.
2. Discuss with various district employees how diversity issues are handled. Are there specific programs in place? Does the district print and distribute information in various languages? Does the district celebrate all types of holidays? (not just Easter and Christmas)
3. What types of services are available for non-English speaking families and students?
4. Does the food service department cater to the needs of all cultures? How?
5. Write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including the cover or bibliography) with the following:
a. What is the cultural makeup of your school, your district, and your community?
b. What services are in place to work with culturally diverse populations?
c. Based on your research what programs and services will you recommend be maintained, added or deleted?
d. Succinctly write a brief summary of what you consider to be an ?ideal? cultural diversity program for your school, district and community. more
Discuss diversity issues as you have experienced them in the workplace or in the classroom. Be sure to answer the following questions:
In your view, what can be done to promote greater acceptance of diversity in both settings?
If a protected group is underrepresented in any area within the organization, how would you develop goals and timetables to achieve parity with the external labor market?
What specific programs and/or activities would you implement to achieve your goals?
What type of internal auditing and reporting system would you develop for these programs and activities?
How would you develop support for affirmative action, both inside and outside the company?
1. Workplace diversity issues are addressed.
2. All assignment questions are covered.
3. The writing adheres to 6th edition APA style and format.
4. Writing exemplifies basic mechanics and is free from grammatical errors.
5. At least 2 scholarly sources are used and cited properly.
The title of the report is "Does managing diversity matter?"
You will be required to examine company/sector/industry annual reports to critically evaluate how diversity issues are repr...esented, how this representation has changed over time and whether or not diversity matters.
(i) Consult Annual Reports from one/two public sector organisations OR one/two private sector companies (companies with 100 or over employees). To do so, go to the ASX listed company directory located at: http://www.asx.com.au/research/industry/index.htm.
[note: it is advisable that you choose the bigger companies/recognisable names].
Eg. Banking and Finance;
The retail sector;
An alternative could be to go to the EOWA site which has a list of the ?named and shamed? companies which have failed to provide reports. These can be found at: http://www.eowa.gov.au/
While examining why they have failed, look at Annual Reports prior to the ?naming? in Parliament.
[note: these documents are readily available to the public]
(ii) In your response, assess the representation of diversity management schemes; EEO; reporting processes. Your survey should ideally be
longitudinal with an investigation of at least the last decade of Annual Reports.
NB: Ensure you include clear citations of sections/page numbers of Annual Reports referenced in a detailed appendix.
(i) Your assessment of the data that you gather MUST include scholarly sources. Please refer to these sources throughout your response.
Remember you are not simply providing a stocktake of the figures you are presented with BUT a critical assessment of what the figures state; how these have changed and what this indicates about the shifts in laws/policies/initiatives guiding organisations in Australia today (and more specifically, your sector).
Stages in the assignment process - what you need to include in your write up:
Data gathering stage: gather information on the organization and examine how diversity issues are represented, addressed and how these change over time. While Annual Reports are your main source of information any additional publicly available information should be drawn on.
a. In the first instance consider what the literature/policy states regarding diversity management
b. Explain, what are the characteristics of the company/sector/industry you are examining ? consider the diversity management policy; what are they focusing on? How has the data changed over time? What does this suggest?
c. Are there gaps between (i) what the literature/policy espouses; (ii) what the company states it is going (iii) what you audit/evidence shows?
Consider why this is the case?
Analysis: What patterns emerge in your investigation of the Annual Reports? How are these patterns representative of/or pose a challenge to the broader workplace context (eg. demographic changes); the legal remedies; industrial relations landscape; policy schemes (eg. the business context and the rise of the business case).
Evaluation: Does the organisation/industry represent a best practice model? If so, why? If not why not?
Conclusion/Recommendations: For future DM development.
Style guide: While you may present in a report style rather than an essay style, using sub-headings, data, company documents, you must use scholarly literature to support your evidence. This is a scholarly piece of work so while you are encouraged to be innovative in your presentation style you must write clearly and in a formal manner. You must write in sentences, you must consult appropriate scholarly material, reference and
provide a relevant bibliography.
Referencing style and style guide
Full and complete referencing of all material taken or derived from any source is required and failure to do so may amount to plagiarism.
Students are requested to use the Harvard referencing method and provide a complete and correct reference list at the end of their assignments.
Please include sequential page numbers on every page of your assignment.
Word limit: 2500-3000 more
The President of Lehigh University has called for an
increase in diversity (multiculturalism) at Lehigh. Become familiar with the
particulars of recent diversity measures.... Then argue whether you think these
measures are working or not.
Introduction and Principles
It is essential for Lehigh??s future that we achieve greater diversity among
our student body, faculty, and staff and maintain a campus environment in which
all people may interact with each other openly, confidently and creatively.
The reasons are straightforward. First, diversity is consistent with the
core values of the university. The Lehigh Mission Statement clearly articulates
our commitment to diversity and pluralism. We should live it. Our students will
live in a diverse world; their Lehigh experience should help prepare them for
Diversity is essential to ensure that Lehigh is educationally and
intellectually vibrant. Creativity thrives in an atmosphere of diverse
perspectives and viewpoints and is inhibited in a restricted world of
predictable thinking and homogeneity.
Diversity is also a pragmatic issue. The national pool of new students,
faculty and staff is becoming more and more diverse. We must be attractive to
students, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds, or we will find it difficult to
attract the best and our academic quality will suffer.
This challenge is not new. The decision made over thirty years ago to
transform Lehigh into a fully coeducational university was an obvious step
toward diversity. Had it not been taken, it is doubtful that Lehigh would enjoy
the success it does today. Lehigh affirmed its commitment to diversity under the
leadership of President Peter Likins, and we must continue to make that
commitment a reality. Our success in doing so will directly affect Lehigh??s
level of academic distinction in the coming decades and even its survival.
It is important to emphasize that achieving a diverse Lehigh is a continuing
challenge rather than a fixed goal. We should indeed make steady progress, but
the effort is one that will be ongoing. Diversity may not be a matter simply of
numbers, but numbers do count because a community must have sufficient people
from different backgrounds to retain them and attract others.
Diversity is multifaceted. It relates to women and men; people of different
races, ethnicity, and religions; people from different intellectual perspectives
and socioeconomic backgrounds; those from the U.S. and those from other
countries; people of different sexual orientation; and persons with
disabilities. It is not a matter to be taken piecemeal by deciding that some are
welcome but others are not, but a commitment that must be embraced as a whole.
Of course, diversity is not just about people, it is also about thinking and
attitudes. Our goal is a community not a collection. Open doors are essential,
but if they lead to closed minds, they lead nowhere. An organization may be
highly diverse in statistical terms, but if it sums only to a collection of
isolated groups and not an interactive and supportive community in which diverse
individuals feel part of a greater whole, then it misses the point.
From an institutional standpoint, our commitment to diversity is not a
matter that can be left to one person or one office. It cannot be patched onto
this organization; rather, it must permeate all aspects of Lehigh. One person
alone cannot be responsible for achieving a diverse community; we all must be.
That said, without goals, accountability, and regular assessment, the
anticipation of progress will fade into an exercise of good intentions.
Therefore, accountability must be built into each of the initiatives we
It also is important to emphasize that many of the steps needed to increase
Lehigh??s diversity, particularly of its faculty and staff, must be taken by
colleagues at the departmental level. The president, provost, vice presidents
and deans can lead, but success or failure will be largely determined in local
interactions and individual departmental climates.
This document briefly reviews the state of diversity at Lehigh today,
summarizes major steps taken to achieve and support greater diversity during
recent years, and identifies specific initiatives that will be taken during AY03
and individuals responsible for leading or coordinating each initiative.
Specific Actions Planned or Underway for AY 02-03
In the past several years, minority student recruiting in the Office of
Admissions has been considerably less successful than it should have been. This
area of student recruitment is even more competitive than it is for the general
population. Bruce Gardiner, interim dean of admissions and financial aid, has
made or plans the following changes for AY03 to increase our effectiveness.
Bruce has overall responsibility and accountability for progress in this effort.
Minority Recruiting Esther Gonzalez has been hired as director of the minority
recruitment program and Roobhenn Smith ??02 as the assistant director.
Admissions Officers Training All of the admissions staff have been charged with
the responsibility of achieving greater diversity among the entering class of
students. Admissions officers have been informed that they will be evaluated on
their success in increasing the diversity of their applicants/matriculants.
Naturally, some are responsible for regions that have fewer potential candidates
than others, but the goal will be to increase the numbers within the context of
the area regardless of the volume. The entire admissions staff will have a
formal program of diversity training before they begin their fall travel.
Admissions Lobby The lobby area of admissions is being remodeled to include
pictures that will more accurately reflect Lehigh??s vibrancy and commitment to
Literature Admissions literature and Web site have been redesigned to provide
more comprehensive imagery and messages about diversity at Lehigh. The applicant
view book, in particular, has undergone a rather dramatic redesign. A specific
Web page dealing with multicultural admissions issues is currently being
Coordination Bruce Gardiner and Esther Gonzalez will work with the Office of
Multicultural Affairs to develop more effective strategies to recruit students
from diverse backgrounds.
Best Practices Bruce Gardiner and Esther Gonzalez are reviewing best practices
at other institutions regarding diversity in admissions and also review
Lehigh??s current financial aid policies as they relate to effectiveness in
achieving diversity.
West Coast Recruiting John Leiner ??01 has been hired as Lehigh??s first
full-time west coast student admissions representative. He is based in San
Francisco and will cover the western states. California, in particular, has a
large and growing population of prospective students of Latino and
Asian-American backgrounds.
International Recruiting Eric Weinhold was hired in AY01 as Lehigh??s first
full-time international student recruiter. He will continue his efforts this
year with principal focus on student recruiting in the Far East, Middle East,
and Europe, with growing attention to Latin and South America.
Faculty Recruiting
Lehigh??s record of hiring and promoting women faculty in the humanities,
social sciences, and education is comparable to that of other institutions. In
contrast, our effectiveness in attracting and retaining women faculty in
engineering, science, and business needs to be improved. Too often hiring pools
for faculty positions in these areas do not include women and minorities, and
too often talented and successful women and minority faculty are wooed away by
other institutions.
Fortunately, the coming 5-10 years present a great opportunity for
addressing these problems. A large fraction of current Lehigh science and
engineering faculty members are likely to retire during that time, so many new
faculty will be hired. In addition, the numbers of new women and minority Ph.D.
recipients should increase during this period. The combination of our clear
commitment, the available positions, and the growing pool of minority and female
candidates should make for real progress over the next 5-10 years.
There are already signs of progress, preliminary to be sure, but
encouraging. As mentioned earlier, among the 11 new faculty hired in RCEAS
during AY02, five are women. Certain areas of engineering are known to produce
greater numbers of women as graduates. Included are computer science and
engineering, systems engineering, and bioengineering. We have chosen to invest
in new faculty in all three areas, a move that involved creating Lehigh??s first
program in bioengineering in AY03.
However, attracting new women and minority faculty is only part of the
challenge. They must be effectively mentored and guided toward success, and
welcomed and integrated into the life of the institution. Alas, those who are
successful in launching academic careers will always attract offers from other
institutions, so we must work hard to make Lehigh so attractive that any faculty
member who is wooed by another institution will be reluctant to leave. To do so,
we must ensure that Lehigh is a vibrant intellectual community with the highest
standards, support new faculty effectively, and integrate new faculty into the
leadership of Lehigh at all levels, starting with departmental leadership.
To achieve our goal of increasing the hiring, success and retention of women
and minority faculty with particular focus on engineering, science, and
business, we will take the following steps. Overall responsibility and
accountability for progress in this area lies with Provost Yoshida with the
active commitment of the four college deans. Specific steps that are already
underway or will be taken in this academic year include the following.
Hiring Pools Faculty search committees will be required to demonstrate that they
have actively sought and considered appropriately diverse pools of candidates.
Searches that fail to do so will be closed. Responsibility for certifying that
searches are comprehensive lies with Provost Yoshida.
University-wide Faculty Mentoring An important perspective on the status of
women faculty at Lehigh, particularly those who have left for other positions,
has been provided by a group of Lehigh faculty who are preparing a proposal to
the NSF regarding the status of women faculty in science and engineering
("ADVANCE" project). The group includes Gail Cooper, associate professor of
history; Diane Hyland, professor of psychology; Patricia Ingham, associate
professor of English and director, women??s studies; and Hannah Stewart-Gambino,
professor of political science and associate dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences. Drawing on the insight gained from the ADVANCE proposal, Provost
Yoshida will work with faculty and others to design a university-wide program
for the mentoring of faculty in their early years at Lehigh.
Nonexempt Staff Hiring
The human resources (HR) office has responsibility for the hiring of
nonexempt staff with the close participation of the hiring department. In order
to maintain a continuous pool of qualified candidates for a variety of positions
on campus, the university participates in two annual job fairs in the region,
one is sponsored by the Council on Spanish Speaking Organizations of the Lehigh
Valley in Bethlehem and the other is the PA Career Link Job Fair held in
Allentown. In addition to the job fairs, other initiatives undertaken in AY02 to
encourage minority job applicants include sending open job notices to the
Council on Spanish Speaking Organizations of the Lehigh Valley, the Hispanic
American Organization of Allentown, the NAACP, the Governor??s Veteran Outreach
and Assistance Center and the Good Shepherd Vocational Services; using the
Pacareerlinks, Jobquest, and Pennsylvaniajobs.com websites; and pursuing
personal contacts with council candidates, NAACP officers, and C!
hamber of Commerce representatives. HR will continue to pursue these strategies
to recruit a diverse pool of applicants to support the needs of the hiring
Exempt Staff Hiring
The hiring of exempt staff is more decentralized and more directly
controlled by individual departments. Specific steps taken in AY02 to encourage
applicants from under-represented groups included sending all job postings to
the Hispanic American Organization and the Council on Spanish Speaking
Organizations of the Lehigh Valley; and providing an advertising directory to
hiring supervisors which includes listings for "Black Issues in Higher Ed,"
"Outlook," Indobase.com and the Hispanic website, Saludos.
Actions Planned: In the coming year, the HR office will strengthen its efforts
to encourage the hiring of under-represented groups, in particular by beginning
each search with a discussion with the hiring supervisor about the diversity and
composition of his/her department, prior recruiting efforts, results, the
university??s commitment to emphasizing diversity in all job searches,
appropriate advertising strategies for each position, and, when appropriate, an
orientation program for search committees that includes important elements of
the hiring process that support diversity efforts.
In addition, the office will be preparing proposals regarding additional
advertising strategies. Efforts to recruit diverse pools of applicants are most
effective when they occur early in the hiring process. This is where HR can
continue to be of assistance to the hiring supervisor.
Campus Climate
Following, in brief, is a summary of initiatives that will be undertaken
this year by the Office of Student Affairs to continue to improve the campus
climate for diversity. The individuals responsible for each initiative are
listed as well.
Hiring Pools Continue to actively recruit, hire and retain diverse professional
staff (John Smeaton).
Student Engagement Increase engagement of diverse students in campus life
(Sharon Basso, Kristin Handler, Karen Huang).
Student Programs Increase number and awareness of culturally diverse programs
offered ?C social, educational, service learning, etc. (Tom Dubreuil, Maureen
Sheridan, Kristin Handler); create cross-cultural programming partnerships among
student clubs and organizations (Maureen Sheridan).
Environment Create more culturally sensitive and welcoming physical environments
in student facilities ?C University Center, Ulrich Student Center, Lamberton
(Maureen Sheridan, Michelle Samuels).
Excel Program Evaluate and enhance Excel Program (Cecilia Stanton).
Safe Space Revitalize Safe Space Program (Cecilia Stanton).
Student Support Increase level of demonstrable support for students of color,
women, GLBT students and other culturally diverse students (Sharon Basso,
Kristin Handler, Karen Huang, Michelle Samuels, Tom Dubreuil).
Diversity Training Expand diversity training for student leaders and
professional staff in student affairs (John Smeaton, Sharon Basso, Tom Dubreuil,
Michelle Samuels).
Special Interest Housing Enhance residential options in support of culturally
diverse themes (Tom Dubreuil).
Mentoring Develop and implement mentoring program for incoming first-year
students of color (Cecilia Stanton).
Academic Support Enhance and expand academic support services for students from
diverse backgrounds (Susan Lantz).
Diversity Awareness Incorporate diversity-related programs in Orientation and
the First Year Student Program (Lori Bolden).
Admissions Working with admissions office, improve effectiveness of
multicultural recruitment (Michelle Samuels, Cecilia Stanton).
Alumni of Color Launch revitalized Alumni of Color outreach initiative (Cecilia
Compensation Link merit increases to staff contribution to diversity goals (John
Board/Volunteer Leadership
The principles of diversity outlined in this document also extend beyond
students, faculty and staff to one of the university??s most important
resources, its volunteer leadership. Lehigh has been fortunate to attract
outstanding leaders willing to give generously of their time, talents and
resources as trustees of the university. Membership on the Board of Trustees is
considered for those individuals who demonstrate a deep commitment to Lehigh.
Accordingly, the Nominating Committee, the standing trustee committee
responsible for the identification of potential members, has developed a process
to identify, evaluate and encourage participation by a broad pool of candidates
whose experience and expertise bring diverse perspectives and viewpoints to
board leadership roles; and continually monitors its progress towards such
goals. Likewise, the Lehigh University Alumni Association, college advisory
boards, and other volunteer leadership groups on campus will continue to striv!
e to live up to Lehigh??s commitment to diversity and pluralism.
Structural/Organizational Changes in the University
Ombudsperson We will appoint Lehigh??s first ombudsperson in the 2002-03
academic year. An ombudsperson works independently, objectively, and
confidentially to assist in mediating and resolving misunderstandings and
disagreements relating to the official activities of the university.
Equal Opportunity/Harassment Policy Officer In accordance with the new
harassment policy drafted by the EOHP Task Force, which has been endorsed by the
faculty as well as by student and staff representatives, we will appoint a
formal equal opportunity/harassment policy officer who will be responsible for
investigating any formal harassment complaint against any faculty member,
working in concert with a faculty member selected from a three-member committee
appointed for this purpose. The investigator will also work with the manager of
employee relations in investigating any formal complaints against a staff
member, and will serve as one of many "input points" for informal complaints.
Harassment Policy Implementation A multi-tiered communication and training
program is underway to implement the new harassment policy campus wide. The
planning will include: e-mail communication to all students, faculty and staff
providing a brief description of the new policy and a link to the web posting;
inclusion of the harassment policy in the new student (first year and transfer)
orientation for all undergraduates at the start of the fall semester; inclusion
of the harassment policy in the RA/TA/GA training provided at the start of the
fall semester to all graduate students who will be serving in any of those
roles; a presentation during the fall semester by an outside legal expert (and
open to all faculty) on the policy and its underlying legal requirements;
training for the individuals identified as informal entry points in the policy
(roughly 80-90 faculty and staff on campus); training for informal problem
solvers, a much smaller set taken from the 80-90 entry poin!
ts, in mediation skills, communication skills, etc; and training for formal
investigators (11 faculty and staff) on the specifics of performing and
documenting an appropriate formal investigation.
Overall Coordination Responsibility for overall assessment of progress in
matters related to diversity will be assumed by the Office of the President and
Office of the Provost under the staff leadership of Vice President Mark Erickson
and Assistant to the Provost Stacy Stainbrook.
Campus Report We will present a full summary of progress on the various
initiatives outlined in this report to the campus at the end of this academic
Accountability to Board of Trustees Diversity at Lehigh will become a regular
agenda item for the report of the provost to the Academic Affairs Committee, the
report of the vice provost for student affairs to the Student Affairs Committee,
and the report of the president and provost to the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees. This report was presented to the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees at their meeting on September 17th, 2002, and will be
presented to the full Board on October 11th, 2002.
Sample essay
You just graduated from high school. After taking a 20-hour flight across the
Ocean, you arrive at your college. You now have a new identity there. Everyone
calls you
?international student,? something different from ?local.? A sea of eyes focuses
on you the
moment you step in the classroom. You take a seat and remain silent throughout
the lecture. As
your eyes wander around, a pattern unfolds in front of you. Patches of white
skin paint the entire
classroom. Welcome to Lehigh University.
With a student body of 81 percent white students (Gostomski), Lehigh University
is far
from a diverse community. In efforts to bring in more students with different
perspectives and socio-economic backgrounds and reduce the homogeneity of the
population, a proposal aiming for more diversity was drafted by President
Gregory Farrington,
implementing changes on school policies in this regard. In particular, the
student admissions
scheme is one of the most elaborate policy changes. Nevertheless, such a
proposal is bound to be
superficial as it overlooks the intricacy of diversity and fails to pinpoint the
cause of diversity
inadequacy. The admissions policy of Lehigh University?s plan will therefore be
ineffective in
increasing diversity on campus.
In Lehigh University?s proposal, Farrington writes, ??the admissions director
associate director have been charged with developing strategies to recruit more
students from
diverse backgrounds?? (Gostomski). The diversity blueprint also assigns two
recruiters to admit students from different regions (Gostomski). Largely
focusing on accepting
more students from different parts of the world, the proposal affirms that
boosting the number of
non-white students will automatically elevate the level of diversity on campus.
attention is put on attracting students based only on their demographic
backgrounds. By this,
Lehigh?s proposal has mistakenly emphasized the wrong aspect of diversity.
Diversity is not purely reflected by the representation of different races and
but also the hybridization of those diversified ideas, values and beliefs. The
fusion between
different perspectives is the most crucial part of diversity. For instance, a
student body can have
members from 80 different countries, but diversity still does not exist because
students do not
socialize. Speaking from experience, I was once a student in an international
boarding school,
which comprised members from more than 60 different countries and less than 40
percent of
the community was composed of local students. However, segregation persisted
severely and
diversity remained a distant goal. The cafeteria was divided into ?continents.?
There were
African tables, European tables, American tables and even Hong Kong tables.
Arthur Levine,
president of Columbia University Teacher?s College, also notices voluntary
segregation on
campus from his research: ?Either students do not socialize when in close
proximity or they are
so used to segregation they do not perceive cross-socialization when it occurs.?
Similar scenarios are commonplace at Lehigh. In fall 2003, I attended the
Dinner, an event that brought together all the students to cook and feast upon
ethnic cuisines of
the respective cultures at Lehigh. Unfortunately, the majority of participants
are international
students with a few white locals. Cross-socialization is rare even though an
event like this is
designed specially for such purpose. The key to diversity is to have students
stepping outside of
their cultural circles of comfort and interact with each other.
In addition to diverse background, students who show eagerness in interacting
with other
cultures should be admitted and this
judgment should be based on the evaluation of the candidates? characters. This
is in agreement
with the former executive director of the U.S. Commission of Civil Rights Linda
comment that ?all person should be judged by the content of their character, not
the color of their
skin? (8). Nonetheless, the admissions policy lacks detailed methodologies on
assessing the
characters of the candidates. I agree that increasing the number of students
with diverse
backgrounds contributes to the diversity. However, this only means half the
battle is won since
the key to victory lies in the students? initiative to interact.
Another weakness in President Farrington?s proposed admissions policy is its
to address the problem of raising diversity without lowering admission
standards. The
admissions board at Lehigh essentially faces a dilemma between academic quality
and diversity
when it comes to recruiting students. Students look for schools that maintain
good academic
reputation in order to receive good education, like what a recent letter written
by a sophomore in
response to President Farrington?s proposal expresses, ?I came to Lehigh to get
the best
education I can? (qtd. in Gostomski). The academic standard of Lehigh is thus an
quality to students with both diverse backgrounds and academic ability. On the
other hand,
admitting more minority students has the potential to lower the academic
ranking. I am not
saying that minorities are incompetent of achieving at Lehigh, but statistics
prove that black
students still score below whites, Hispanics and Asians in NAEP, SAT and high
graduation rate, according to Harvard professor Nathan Glazer (16). If admission
is based
entirely on scholastic aptitude without lowering the bar for certain minorities,
the black students
may become underrepresented in the community, which defeats the purpose of the
proposal. To recruit comparable numbers of different minorities, distinct
standards of admission
seem to be inevitable. An immediate consequence of the descent of admission
standards is the
decline of overall performance of the students at Lehigh, which, paradoxically,
does not favor
the policy of attracting qualified non-whites.
Diversity is certainly beneficial to students at Lehigh and it is encouraging
to see a
proposal endeavoring to build up a diverse environment. But without effective
means and detailed strategic planning regarding admissions, achieving diversity
will be like
catching a fish with hands: It takes a long time. Better alternatives are not
impossible if the
diversity issue is reviewed more deeply. We, the Lehigh community, will be
towards diversity if forceful complementing admission policies are carried out.
Why use hands
when we have nets?
Works Cited
Chavez, Linda. ?Demystifying Multiculturalism.? Mercury Reader. Eds. Janice
Neuleib et. al.
Boston: Pearson, 2002. 6-14.
Glazer, Nathan. ?In Defense of Multiculturalism.? Mercury Reader. Eds. Janice
Neuleib et. al.
Boston: Pearson, 2002. 15-23.
Gostomski, Christina. ?Lehigh Plan Aims For More Diversity.? Morning Call
[Bethlehem]. 17
October 2002: A1. Blackboard. Lehigh U. Lib. 10 Feb. 2004.
Levine, Arthur. ?The Campus Divided, and Divided Again.? New York Time. 11 June
sec.4 : 17 Blackboard. Lehigh U. Lib. 10 Feb. 2004.
Sources are better to be cited from the actual policy and the www.bw.lehigh.edu/
examine the impact of diversity on our current society. Find a current, published article that looks at the many facets of this history. Definitions of racism, prejudice, institutional discrimination, social construction and white identity are some topics that are included in what has been called the Civil Rights Movement.
First, write a brief summary of the article including an overview of the content and a discussion of the findings or conclusions. Then, write a detailed account of your reactions to the article including how it addresses and supports current diversity issues.
Use this article
I need some help with my winter session course managing diversity in organizations. My final assignment is to watch the movie Million Dollar Baby and write a 2 to 3 page essay summarizing the movie a...nd answering the 4 questions bullet pointed below. The summary must obviously be focused on diversity issues.
I realize this a non-traditional type writing request because the writer would have had watched the movie. This was a very popular film so hopefully the writer who picks this up has viewed it. Thank you, Chris (Male)
Seeing and Valuing Diversity Issues Through Film
Film is a potentially rich resource for seeing and valuing the diversity issues discussed in a college class and in this text. This article details film scenes or entire films that instructors can show during class time or students can view outside of class. These scenes and films review and emphasize various aspects of diversity addressed in this course.
Million Dollar Baby fell under Section III.
Section III. A Framework for understanding organizational diversity and inclusion
Watch the full-length films described in this section to visually anchor diversity knowledge. The text for each film includes a film description and question-based guides for what the film shows. Each film gives an engaging cinematic experience and has rich visual anchors of diversity issues.
Million Dollar Baby: Accepting Differences/Valuing Diversity-
Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) walks into Frankie Dunns (Clint Eastwood) gym intending to become a boxer. Frankie does not easily accept the idea of training a female fighter. Combined with a long-time estrangement from his daughter, Frankie adjusts slowly to Maggies aspirations. Scrap (Morgan Freeman), an ex-boxer, works in the gym and knows that Frankies gruff exterior hides a caring person.
Reflect on the following questions while watching Million Dollar Baby:
Early in the film, Frankie says to Maggie, I dont train girls. He completely rejects her as a possible boxing trainee. At what point does Frankie begin to accept Maggie? Note examples of acceptance.
Does Frankie change his training methods because Maggie is female or, does he use the same methods he uses with male boxers?
Maggie suffers serious spinal injuries during her welterweight title match in Las Vegas, Nevada. Does this result suggest that women should not be allowed to fight? Why or why not?
Throughout this film, contrast Scraps behavior with Frankies behavior toward Maggie. Does Scrap accept female boxers more than Frankie? Why or why not? more
Individual Assignment: Work??"Life and Diversity Challenges Executive Summaries
Management has approached you on a number of work??"life and diversity challenges. You have been asked to evalu...ate the situation and provide a recommendation that is legally compliant.
Select two of the following work??"life and diversity issues.
o The employee began working on January 1. It is July 15, and the employee requires time off for a family emergency.
o The employee has worked 10 years for the company. Six months ago, the employee returned from a family medical leave of 10 weeks and is now requesting another 3 weeks. The company does not have an extended leave policy.
o The company provides a variety of work situations to include flexible schedules and telecommuting. The company has customer service positions available in all work situations: in-house 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., flexible schedule, and telecommuting. An employee who has a customer service position is required to be in-house from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is now asking to be switched to a telecommuting position because the employee lacks sufficient childcare.
o You are hiring for a position that requires a person to work irregular hours, be on call, and travel, but you have not had much success with employees that do not have familial commitments. The supervisor has narrowed it to four candidates and asks for your guidance. Applicant one is a male candidate who meets the minimum qualifications and has received positive references. Applicant two is a male candidate who exceeds the qualifications and has exemplary references. In checking one of the references for the second candidate, the reference stated, Despite being a single father with three school-aged children, he was an outstanding performer. Applicant three is female who exceeds the qualifications (but not to the degree applicant two does) and has received positive references. Applicant four is a female, self-identified single parent of young teenagers who matches the qualifications of applicant two and has positive references.
o An employee has worked a steady schedule of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for over 2 years. The employee decided to go to school in the evening, checking with his supervisor who said it would be no problem because the employee worked during the day. The plant manager is changing the production plan, which will result in changing shifts. The supervisor who told this employee to attend school now has to place this employee on the evening shift.
o The company is approaching the holiday season. The company has employees of Jewish, Islamic, and Christian faiths and the owners of the company are of the Christian faith. Because of the diverse faiths within the organization, and out of respect for each belief, the company refers to the days in December as the holiday season. During the scheduled holiday break, which begins on December 24th and ends on January 1st, the company must maintain a skeleton crew. The supervisor must decide which two of the six employees to schedule:
Employee 1: Programmer??"a single female of the Jewish faith
Employee 2: Programmer??"a single female of the Islamic faith
Employee 3: Programmer??"a married woman, no children, of the Christian faith
Employee 4: Senior Programmer??"married man, three children, of the Jewish faith
Employee 5: Programmer Intern??"a single man, two children, of the Christian faith
Employee 6: Lead Programmer??"a married man, two children, of the Islamic faith
o An employee is injured. The employee contacts his supervisor stating that he is unsure how long he will be out, but would let you know his status after his doctors appointment in a week. Three weeks pass and the employee has not contacted the supervisor nor returned the supervisors two calls. You contact the employee via a certified letter. After 10 days, the employee is terminated. The employee challenges his termination under FMLA.
o Dan began working for your organization part-time over a year and a half ago, averaging 30 hours a week. Emma, his wife who also works for the organization, shares with you that they are in the process of adopting a child and will need to take some time off, at first sporadically, then, when the adoption is final, at least 2 weeks. Dan and Emma would like to take their leave at the same time.
o Diane has worked full time for your organization for 1 year. She shares with you that she was recently diagnosed with an illness, and to stabilize her health medically, she needs to take off 1 1/2 days a week for 12 weeks for treatment. She does not anticipate needing more time, but there may be a chance. In the third week, she was absent the entire week.
o The Desert Sun is a company that serves communities on the Mexican-American border. To serve their clientele effectively, they require their frontline personnel to be bilingual. The primary language of some of the individuals that Desert Sun hired is Spanish; English is their second language. The company realizes that not all employees are bilingual and are considering an English-only policy in all areas except the frontline service.
Write a 400-word executive summary for each issue you choose, in which you do the following:
o Analyze the issue presented in the scenario, citing any relevant laws or regulations.
o Provide a recommendation and solution that is legally compliant.
o Explain how you would advise the employee of managements decisions.
o Discuss the employees legal rights and responsibilities.
o Include any other information you deem appropriate in communicating to the employee.
Due Monday, Day 7. Post under the Assignments link. more
These are my exact paper specifications.
The term "organizational diversity" is an emerging term related to individual behavior in organizations. Review the challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior (OB). What does it mean to you? Can you provide examples of diversity issues that you see every day in your work place or organization? I WORK AT AN UPSCALE STEAKHOUSE WITH PEOPLE FROM AGES 18-50 AND OF ALL RACES. What do the dominant values in todays diverse workforce have to do with organizational behavior? How important do you believe this concept is in managing organizational effectiveness? What can managers do to manage diversity? Please include a title page and reference page, which do not count towards the 7 page paper. Please use 5 scholarly sources such as journals and articles.
In respect to diversity in health care, briefly answer the following questions.
1. What is diversity?
2. Discuss and give examples of how people are diverse.
3. How does diversity issues affect patient care in radiography? Give examples.
4. What is the difference between tolerance and acceptance of diversity? Give an example.
5. As a radiographer, how can you ensure your patients' diversity is respected and that you demonstrate this respect and acceptance?
Please email me with any questions.
Assessment 2Essay (2500 words)
This assignment requires you to use material you have covered in the course and wider
research to answer ONE of the following essay questions:
1. In lin...e with Topic 8 of the course, what advice would you give a MNE from a non-Asian country about culture and diversity issues that they should be aware of if they intended setting up a base in Singapore?
2. Analyse the employment relations of the US and explain how they might affect the HRM approach of MNEs operating in that country.
Format Criteria
As for assignment 1.
Please ensure that all sources cited are correctly referenced using the Harvard
referencing system.
All assignments are to be supported with a minimum of 12 references with at least 9 of
these references coming from research written this century.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference source
Marking Criteria
Assessment of your assignments will take into account:
relevance of your answer to the question or task set
clarity of expression
supporting documentation for arguments
proper acknowledgment of documentation and use of a bibliographic convention
logical planning and sequence
use of inclusive language
overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
comprehensive coverage reflecting engagement with the text and other relevant
materials. more
the task here is to design a very small social science research project. the first task, is to select a question you want to answer about diversity issues in your workplace or one that you are ...familiar with. some ideas:
1. identification and analysis of how differences might affect workplace interaction.
2. gender issues that exist in the workplace management or work place interaction.
3. differences that may exist that appear to threaten workplace productivity, confuse workplace communications, and/or enhance workplace productivity and/or communications.
4. leadership styles and how one or another might be more useful in a diverse workplace.
you can select one of the above, all of the above, or any combination of the above in creating your survey and data collection activites. these activites can include any or all of the following research methods: interviews,surveys,participant observation activites. once you have gathered your data, write a 8 page paper that:
1. introduces the issue, the organization youre looking at and the method you chose to collect your data(include reasons for selecting this method)
2. specifically details how you conducted your research(e.g rationale behind survey questions, how you picked your sample, what your starting hypotheses were, reaction to your project by co-workers, etc.)
3. provides an analysis of your data.
4. provides a conclusion section in which you discuss the implications of your findings and how they might be useful to improve your workplace or for some other purpose.
Source: Diversity in Organizations: New Perspectives for a Changing Workplace by Martin M.Chemers more
I need a 2 page Personal Reaction Paper on Ethical Issues in Group Counseling (including Diversity Competence.
NOTE: I have provided the references at the end of these directions.
Th...is paper should be written in FIRST PERSON "I" using the following guidelines.
Use the following questions as guidelines for determining what to write in the reactions paper. You do not have to write about everything that has been covered. I have also included some references to go by below.
Provide your personal thoughts and reactions to the readings. For example, are the concepts presented in the readings congruous with your personal philosophy of therapy and/or theoretical orientation? How do they fit or not fit?
Are the clinical interventions and techniques presented in the readings or experienced in your out-of-class experience interventions that you would want to use/ or be able to use in your clinical practice, if yes, how? If not, what was bothersome? Can you explain what it is that leads you to disagree or agree with leader interventions? Were there any ethical concerns? If yes, what and how would you address the issue? What were the cultural considerations for the group?
If there is other information you wish to include in your reaction papers feel free to do so, as long as it is relevant to group work/group psychotherapy.
The Association for Specialists in Group Work Best Practice Guidelines provide a clear overivew of what is expected in group work. These are listed in Groups: Process and Practice. You can also view these at:
http://www.asgw.org under "Best Practices".
Asgw is also a good source for exploring diversity issues in group work. They list the diversity competencies at:
You might also consider the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA's) ethical guidelines at:
Consider looking at these in relation to APA's Code of Ethics. Other professional organizations also have codes of ethics.
If your interest is in Industrial-Organizational Psychology check out:
http://www.siop.org more
I am working on a "team paper" my sections are
1)Explain Companies Working Environment
How does diversity improve a companies working environment?
*****1 page******
2)Explain Diversity Measured
How can diversity be measured? ****1 page******
************************************************************Here is what my team has put together so far.
Most workplaces today are becoming increasingly diverse as people of different gender, races, cultures, ethnic origin, and lifestyles find themselves working together. As a result, the workplace is becoming increasingly multicultural. Some organizations are just now encountering the effects of a diverse workforce, while others are trying to overcome the challenges created by diversity. However, no matter where an organization is in this development, the challenge is to ensure that its workforce?s diversity is a source of strength, not one of conflict. Effectively managing this diversity, then, is a critical component of success for today?s employer. (Maxwell 2005)
Diversity in our Workforce
Workforce diversity is an immense and complex topic - from what drives companies to be more inclusive - to the programs, policies and practices that companies use to increase diversity. Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate within the economic communities. Workplaces are enriched by the diversity of their employees.
People should be valued for their differences - not in spite of them.
Diversity awareness is about greater understanding between people. We labor in an increasingly diverse work place. If we want to succeed and make maximum use of our resources, we must be aware of diversity issues and learn to deal with differences. Diversity in the workforce has become a major concern for today?s society.
Workforce diversity is essential to a company?s growth and longevity. By valuing and managing diversity, a company can leverage the skills, knowledge, and abilities of all employees to increase employee, client, and customer satisfaction. Managing diversity at work is a means of achieving superior individual and group performance. Recognizing and celebrating each employee?s contribution to the company, while helping employees to achieve their goals, can foster both superior performance and diversity.
Expanding the diversity in the workforce is imperative for business. It is also an ethical and social responsibility, grounded in values of teamwork, service, and progress. To maintain inclusion in an organization and to better serve their clients, companies should make an active effort to embrace diversity. This can be accomplished through participatory committees, studies, or action groups, where the diversity is examined and addressed.
The Research Process (expound more on-vague)
The research methods that will be used to complete this assignment will be a combination of primary and secondary research. The primary research method will be used because the members of Team A are all seasoned adults with many years of experience in the workforce. The combined experience of Team A is important because the team members come from diverse backgrounds and can draw on personal observations relevant to the topic at hand.
Within the primary research method the team member gathering and recording the information, from their current workplace, becomes, in essence the researcher herself. To do this one must remain objective, which will be a great leadership building exercise for the team members. Using secondary research the team will be able to draw even more data from unbiased sources that will hopefully cause the team members to question their own perceptions to learn and grow from the process.
Secondary research includes using sources from the Internet and libraries. The Internet is such a convenient source of information that much information can be gathered in a short period of time. Libraries do not have to be the traditional old musty buildings that reside on the main streets of towns; many libraries are now sharing their information online.
Explain Companies Working Environment
How does diversity improve a companies working environment?
Explain Diversity Measured
How can diversity be measured?
Explain Diversity and InclusionHow does a goal of diversity and inclusion impact company?s decisions
about hiring, retention etc?
Explain Lack of Diversity Impact on a Company
How does the lack of diversity impact a company? more
Coca-Cola Company (organization to be researched)
Task: You are to examine an organization that has had a problem or an issue with managing diversity. Problem-or issue can be defined as cha...rges or perception of discrimination in one of the eight protected classes. You must include at least five outside sources, and they, ideally, should represent a variety of types of sources. You may choose any one of a number of companies that have had or presently have diversity management problems or issues. The issue must be restricted to any one or a combination of any of the eight protected classes.
Format of the Paper: After the cover page and table of contents, the first section of your paper is a description of the problem-issue(s) and how the problem-issue(s) developed in your selected organization. Was it over a long period of time, or did the issue emerge through one specific incident? Be sure to use details in your discussion. In this section, describe all of the different methods the company used to manage its issue. Describe, in detail, how the company dealt with the complexities of the situation. In addition, describe the companys current status.
In part two of your paper, use your own expertise to analyze the situation and provide your recommended solution(s) from the following perspectives. These solutions must be practical and must be able to be implemented by the organizations management. (You do not need to address all of these questions in your essay; use them to guide your thought process).
? What could the company have done differently?
? How could they have avoided this issue?
? What did they do effectively/ineffectively?
? What strategies should the company have implemented to manage the diversity crisis?
? Has the company really recovered? If so, how and if not, why not?
? Does the crisis represent a leadership problem, and/or a management problem?
While examining the specific diversity issue, utilize the textbook material as a FRAMEWORK for your analysis. Specifically, use the diversity management paradigms as found in The Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity (i.e. resistance, discrimination-and-fairness, access-and-legitimacy, and integration-and-learning). more
This paper on Strategic Diversity Management needs to focus how the private sector vs. public sector implements Diversity programs. Please include a historical avccount on how we evolved from civil rights to Diversity issues in our country. The paper needs to be 10 pages single spaced (which is why asked for 20 pages since you only send in double space). This paper needs to include new issues of diversity like, gay rights, transgender, age discrimation, along with the changing demographics in this country. Specfically, how the minority is soon becoming the majority and how that might affect diversity policies in the workplace.
hi Alan, the module that this essay is being written for is Human Resource Management. This is at an MBA Level.
The Assignment is a critical analy...sis of the question: " Critically evaluate the benefits and challenges of having a diverse workforce."
It is crucial that you use a large number of graphs, pictorial models, diagrams to explain theories / assumptions /suggestions/conclusion.
Essay should answer the following points/questions:
? How can diversity in age, gender, ethnicity, skills, background etc. influence social cohesion and group and organizational outcomes?
? Why are diversity issues gaining more importance? Should organisations focus on diversity management?
? What benefits does effective diversity management have for employees and for employers? Why is diversity management important for recruitment, retention, creativity etc?
? How can negative attitudes towards diversity such as prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination harm working relationships?
? What steps can managers take to effectively manage diversity in the workplace?
? Expert application of theory and evidence in order to build an argument or discussion that answers the question
? Demonstrates understanding of key concepts
? Analytical ability in developing convincing arguments
? Originality of thought
? Clear structure, lucid writing style and focus on key themes
? Well referenced
? No unnecessary words or sentences?everything should fit and not deviate from main theme or idea more
Exploring the Relationship of "Identity" to Diversity Beliefs and Values (15%)
Purpose of Assignment: The purpose ofthis assignment is to (a) assist you in identifying
your own diversity be...liefs and where they originated, and (b) explore the meaning of
your identity in your perception of diversity issues.
Relationship of Assignment to Awareness, Understanding, and Application: Personal
history and culture affects your beliefs, assumptions, ideas, and ways you process information. This assignment will help you to identify important aspects your "identity" (awareness) and think about how your identity is a "lens" that affects your interpretation of diversity-related issues (understanding). It will also help you to develop personal strategies for
Miami Plan Principles Emphasized: Understanding Contexts, Critical Thinking, Reflecting and Acting, Engaging with Other Learners (engaging achieved through inclass activity)
I. In order to think about how your family contributed to shaping your beliefs and values, complete one of the following activities (A or B).
J. If you have access to family members such as parents or grandparents, conduct an "oral history" with one or more family members. You can construct the conversation in a variety of ways-this will be discussed in class. In your written work, include a summary of what was discussed. Also include reflections on how your family shaped your views, and how that affects your feelings about diversity-related issues.
K. Self-reflect on how your family affected your beliefs and values. Describe at least two specific examples from your memory. Also include reflections on how your family shaped your views, and how that affects your feelings about diversity-related issues.
II. Describe your current personal sources of cultural programming other than your family (e.g., the most important influences in your identity at present). Include a brief desription for each, and describe why each is important to you.
III. Based on your learning from parts I and II, answer the following.
A. What are the benefits of your cultural programming (past and present) in enhancing your diversity learning.
B. What are the limitations of your cultural programming (past and present) in enhancing your diversity learning. What strategies can you use in the future to counter those limitations?
Format of Paper
? The paper should have a cover page (including name of assignment(Identity), your name(Tyler Cook),
Semester(first) and class number and name(IDS 159-O).
? All parts of the paper should be word-processed, double-spaced, l2-point font.
? The paper should be stapled and include page numbers and a running head.
? The paper will be between 7-9 pages in length.
Here is a little about me, my identity, and cultural beliefs below(you do not have to necessarily include all this in the paper, just use it to get a better understanding of me and my culture so you can branch off with it):
I would consider myself a good athlete. In high school I was active in two varsity sports, those being basketball and baseball. My parents both wanted me to continue playing baseball in college but I was finished with it and my mind wasn?t going to be easily changed by them or anyone else. The main reasons that I am at college are that I knew I had some more growing and experiencing to do, but the job that I am pursuing is beyond me at this point. Also, a degree might come in handy if I want one down the road, but I also don?t rule out the fact that there may be something that I won?t use it for in the future. I come from a very small town with a lot of families with lower than the average income, with mine not being one of those families I feel that I have experienced life on both ends of the money social classes by knowing what it?s like to live like a poor man and also live like a wealthier one. My family and I have lived on 2 farms before coming to my home residing in a small village called Magnolia, which is in Ohio. This area consists of predominately white people, many of German or Italian decent. German would be included in part of my ethnicity along with English. There is also a little Irish and a bit of French but the English and German takes the load if it. For as long as I can remember I attended Sunday school and church at a tiny Christian assembly not far from home, but I no longer attend there regularly like when I was younger.
When the question, ?What do people think of me?? goes through my head I think to myself it really depends a lot on if they know me or not. I hate to think that first or second impressions of other people from the beginning is usually right because I will admit I am usually guilty of that but I am also usually pretty accurate too. Many people might think from the start that I keep to myself or that I don?t really like to do things and at times I am like that. It all depends on my mood too. I?ve heard people tell me I don?t smile enough and some others say the exact opposite and it?s somewhat amusing at times. There are times when one might think there is something wrong or I don?t like them when I?m just bored or don?t feel up to anything at the time. Some people may think I am a nice kid, some may think I?m a bad kid, and some might think I never do anything wrong. The main thing of late that run through people?s minds about me would have to be that I don?t care. I have mixed feelings on this thought because part of me is that way on my views about many things but only a very small part. Really I am just the type of guy who doesn?t let things bother me or get under my skin and obviously it always comes off as I don?t care or I don?t have any heart in things. I care about the things that are important to me and that I value and anything less than that I won?t sweat it or dwell on it when it doesn?t go how I?d hoped it went. Sometimes I enjoy all the misinterpretations just like anybody and I love to keep people guessing and actually I am a lot of these things and many more. It seems I hate to be categorized into just one description at all no matter what it is. Once I feel that I have achieved a title I go elsewhere to become something else and learn something new.
I think I want people to think many different views about me and I hope that they aren?t narrow minded and just stop once they have discovered only one. People should think of me as someone they shouldn?t over look because I have many different interests and probably many things in common. I want to be thought of as an individual, someone who goes his own way but is not a loner if that makes any sense. I want to be a person that is easy to talk to and understanding, one that strives for what I want and doesn?t let things get me down. Being open minded and most importantly of all a very well rounded person. more
Multicultural Resources Report of Internet Sites
Prepare a multicultural resources report using Internet sites . This should contain at least
15 site entries from the Internet that focus on some aspect of multicultural and diversity issues.
Entries should be tools that individuals could use in their personal growth or with the clients they serve. Each site should be preceded by an evaluation of the site. Vary the types of sites you include in your notebook, i.e. in other words not all sites about one area and its offerings.
To evaluate the site, you should evaluate the following: appearance, navigation, information, applicability, and strengths/weaknesses. This ?notebook? will be evaluated on content, presentation, written evaluations of sites, and variety in sites. The notebook should include your evaluation of each website and an address for this site to include a summary of and reaction to the site; and conclusion page identifying the top five most useful sites are.
Each website can be a new listing in form the form of a few sentences.
I am a white male and live in coos bay Oregon . A predominantly white city.
Final Project: Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity Issues in Your Community
...Resources: Appendix A.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word autobiographical research paper that analyzes the influences of race, ethnicity and cultural diversity issues as it relates to your community. In your paper, write your first-person account of how human interactions in your community have been racialized, addressed, and handled. For the community, you may consider relations within your neighborhood, local government, service groups, clubs, schools, workplace, or any environment of which you are a part.
Answer the following questions and provide examples:
o Do members of your community look like you? In what ways do they look the same or different?
o How do leaders within your community treat people who are like you? How do they treat people who are different?
o How do other members of your community treat people who are like you? How do they treat people who are different?
o Do your textbooks or work manuals contain information by or about people like you?
o Do the local media represent people like you? If so,in what ways?
o What are some similarities and differences between you and the people who are in leadership positions in your community? How do you think minority group interests are represented within your community?
o If you could resolve any inequities within your community, what would you change? How and why?
o Which main concepts from the text relate to race, ethnicity and cultural diversity in your community? Apply some of these concepts to your project and integrate them into your written assignment.
Include the following elements in your paper:
o The thesis addresses racial, ethnic and cultural diversity issues in your local community. The thesis statement should appear within the first two paragraphs of your paper, clearly outlining the core premise and main focus that your paper will be about. All other material then flows from your main thesis statement, supported by ideas, relevant facts, personal interviews and additional researched information. Cite reference sources (at least three credible sources) using APA format.
o The content is comprehensive and accurate.
o The paper itself draws on your personal experiences with and opinions about cultural diversity in your community.
o Three sources are used, and at least two sources are community members, leaders, or representatives from a local community organization.
o Students must personally interview at least two community sources for data for this final project. (Suggestions include but are not limited to-local newspaper editor or reporters, local community leaders of any type, e.g. Rotary Club, Elks, Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce members, any local group such as Historical Society, Garden Club, Business Roundtables, Business Groups, Womens Groups, NAACP Groups, any local ethnic or LGBT (lesbian-gay community groups), PTA Groups, other relevant groups with local leaders who you can personally interview to garner their views and ideas on local cultural diversity issues).
o The paper is written in first-person (the I vantage) point of view, with an autobiographical approach.
o Text concepts are applied to your observations.
o Assignment questions are answered.
o The paper includes perspectives from supporting sources, and includes proper reference source citations, including at least three references in a list at end of final paper using APA style format.
o The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
o Paragraph transitions are present.
o The tone is appropriate.
o Sentences are well-constructed.
o The paper, title page, and references follow APA standards.
o Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
o Spelling is correct.
o Use creativity as feasible in your writing. more
This is a 2 page double spaced movie review about the movie GI Jane. The reflections must address:
Discussion of diversity issue/s related to present day society found within the movie
Discussion of the potential impact the diversity issue/s (not the movies) could have on society
Select an actual event from your prior professional experience in which you or the organization(s) with which you work developed enacted, implemented, and/or impacted public policy. If you do not have... an example of a professional experience or organization, select one from the literature (i.e., reputable newspapers, periodicals, websites, etc.) with which you are familiar enough to carry out this assignment. Think in broad terms about the definition of public policy. Social change and/or an organization's strategic agenda are acceptable.
Write a case scenario that illustrates how you or your organization developed, enacted, implemented, and/or impacted public policy.
Organize the case scenario according to the following format:
Background ? Provide the background for the case scenario. The background section of the paper must include but is not limited to the following:
?A brief description of the organization(s) involved
?A description of the policy issue and how it was addressed
?An explanation of the desired outcome or goal
?An explanation of the action undertaken to achieve the outcome (i.e., was the organization attempting to develop, enact, implement, and/or impact public policy or was it a combination of these activities and what was done)
?A detailed description of the actual policy outcome and an explanation of why you think it turned out that way.
Variables ? Provide a description of the variables that came into play during the process. Use the following questions to help structure this section. Please note, not all questions may apply to the event you select.
?Explain what, if any, basic democratic concepts, principles, and processes were involved.
?Analyze the network interactions involved, if any, and explain what they were
?Explain what tools of democracy or strategies your organization used
?Describe the leaders and analyze their influence on the process?
?Explain what ethical concerns and implications surrounded the action.
?Analyze diversity issues involved, if any, and explain how they were addressed.
?Explain whether the action presented a challenge to democratic governance and explain how those challenges were addressed.
?Explain the role of technology in the process.
Relationships ? Describe the relationships among the variables you explained in the previous section. For example, did the actors in the policy network related to the event influence the type of tools used to implement a policy? Or, did social networking technology used to connect actors lead to ethical issues surrounding privacy? Be creative and think about all the possible relationships among the variables.
Insights ? Share conclusions, insights, and recommendations that are a result of your experiences and the development of the case scenario.
Bibliography ? Provide a bibliography of all works you used in the development of this Final Project. more
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Read Full Paper ❯I need some help with my winter session course managing diversity in organizations. My final assignment is to watch the movie Million Dollar Baby and write a 2…
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Read Full Paper ❯the task here is to design a very small social science research project. the first task, is to select a question you want to answer about diversity issues in…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a 2 page Personal Reaction Paper on Ethical Issues in Group Counseling (including Diversity Competence. NOTE: I have provided the references at the end of these directions. This paper…
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Read Full Paper ❯I am a white male and live in coos bay Oregon . A predominantly white city. Final Project: Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity Issues in Your Community …
Read Full Paper ❯This is a 2 page double spaced movie review about the movie GI Jane. The reflections must address: Discussion of diversity issue/s related to present day society found within…
Read Full Paper ❯Select an actual event from your prior professional experience in which you or the organization(s) with which you work developed enacted, implemented, and/or impacted public policy. If you do…
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