25+ documents containing “Disordered Eating”.
I need help writing my master's thesis proposal. I am looking for a 5-page introduction and a 10-page literature review. The title is Disordered Eating in College Students: The Roles of Attachment to Fathers, Depression and Self Esteem. I am interested in investigating the attachment process in eating disorders, particularly among college women. I also want to point out the number of college women with subclinical eating disorders in contrast to those with full-blown eating disorders. I will need background information on attachment theory and processes in general and in eating disorders. Since eating disorder literature has been focused on mother-daughter attachment processes, I am interested in focusing on father-daughter attachment processes. I am also interested in the roles of depression and self-esteem. I need this paper in APA format. Some articles to look at may be Eating Dysfunctions in College Women: The Roles of Depression and Attachment to Fathers by Gutzwiller, Oliver, & Katz and Attachment Processes in Eating Disorder and Depression by Cole-Detke & Kobak.
Literature Review on EATING DISORDER:
to cover at a minimum, the following:
? the definition of eating disorder
? the incidence and classifications of eating disorder
? current theoretical perspectives on the cause of this mental disorder (eating disorder)
? current controversial issues in relation to treatment of eating disorder
References not earlier that 5years from now.
I uploaded 5 articles/journals that IWANT TO USE. The writer can add 1 more source from his/her end, but not earlier than 5 years, and should be an academic material.
All should be referenced in perfect APA format.
Thank you.
use valid scentific resources, answer the questions below. your answers should be thorough and in complete sentences
please provide appropriate citation in the body of the paper and provide a reference section at the end of the paper.
1. what are some of the health problems associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating diorder?
2. explain, form a physiological standpoint, how eating disorders may lead to health problems. Give at least three examples to support your answer.
3. why do you think society has created such a relationship between body image (or what we think about our bodies) and food?
4.what effect does you family environment, both now and when you were younger, have on your eating habits today?
5.who do you think is more likely to talk about weight issues,someone with an eating isorder or someone with disordered eating? explain
6. describe the steps you would use in discussing an eating disorder with someone close to you. What areas would you talk about?
My assignment is to complete a 20-40 page research paper I choose the topic of Eating Disorders and Beauty. I have eight pages and a long bibliography I need 11 more pages of anything related to eating disorders how beauty is viewed by patients with eating disorders, role of family in eating disorders, eating disorder theories, etc. Personal narratives charts or interviews can be included. All sources must be cited and added to an alphebeticall bibliography. At the beginning of each new topic within the paper there needs to be a relevant literary quote from any source that further prooves that point we are trying to make. Examples of completed research papers with quotes etc... are able to be viewed at .. http://www.nyu.edu/classes/keefer/EvergreenEnergy/EvergreenEnergy.htm
Below is what I have so far if you can add literary quotes for the sections I have and i will add the sources after you send it back. I just need 11 more pages ... not including bibliography... More sections can be added to beginning middle or end and existing sections can be edited...
To complete a 20-40 page college research paper with a 3 page bibliography
To explore a personal methodology for creativity and research from brainstorming
To gather, organize and evaluate primary and secondary sources online, in the library, the community and through empirical research such as interviews and investigation
To engage in close and survey reading and to paraphrase, summarize, analyze, and integrate sources into personal research
To develop and refine a thesis
To structure the categories of an outline
To develop and refine critical and argumentative faculties
To establish credibility through research, audience analysis, (beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors), critical thinking, decision making and persuasive tactics
To learn the constructs of classical (Aristotle) and contemporary (Toulmin, Roger, Monroe, Boolean, Cyber) argumentation
To constructively question and defend a claim or syllogism, identifying logical fallacies
To analyze the course theme of Literature, Health Science, and the Environment in terms of your problem, employing the rhetoric of controversy, conflict and conversion
To improve writing skills through improvisational, poetic, and personal writing through formal and task-based exercises
To create a distinctive, original expository style, using MLA or APA parenthetical documentation
To increase knowledge and understanding of content theme
To introduce you to great literature
MLA/APA pocket manual. All weekly papers, the midterm, and the final must adhere closely to the style protocols for MLA or APA depending on your topic and discipline. You must use parenthetical documentation and put an alphabetized bibliography at the end of every weekly paper in correct style.
Poetry and literary essays or novels must be used as literary quotes related to your claims of value in your chosen research topic. ND also has a nature poetry book edited by Jeffrey Yang, Birds, Beasts, and Seas. Since you need literary quotes at the top of each weekly paper, you can get them from any source you like.
You should use the texts as springboards for your own originality and argumentation. Think of a problem you want to solve in your own life, related to the analysis of the art/science fusion.
Paper: Introduction
I recently saw a Dove commercial that so brilliantly summarizes the way that women often view themselves. Entitled ?Real Beauty Sketches,? an experiment is made in which a sketch artist asks multiple women to describe themselves. Without seeing them, he draws the images that they describe. The second half of the commercial involves these women describing the other women in this experiment and the sketch artist drawing those new images. Finally, each woman sees a side-by-side drawing of herself, each time her own description depicting a woman who is much older and uglier than the one described by someone else. The message rings clear: ?You are more beautiful than you think.?
Many women have a tremendous amount of self-doubt and harsh self-criticism. Women often believe they are fatter than they are, uglier than they are, and older looking than they really are. From where does such self-doubt and such a fixation on physical appearance originate? Men and women, boys and girls, are taught from an early age that the value of women lies in their youth, beauty, and sexuality. This single idea has led to gender stereotypes in almost every arena of life. The one on which I would like to focus is in the world of business.
In a world where women learn that their worth is dependent on their beauty, it is no wonder that anorexia plagues such a large part of the population. Instead of focusing on their minds and inner qualities, the world often judges women on their outward beauty. Women, and even girls, quickly learn that their self-worth is often increased when they appear more beautiful.
What causes someone to become anorexic?
Many factors come into play when an individual becomes anorexic. In addition to poor body image, those that develop the disease are often more vulnerable to it because of childhood personality and temperament. There are many factors that are now believed to predispose one to anorexia, such as perfectionism, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsiveness. These traits, often hereditary, may be present in childhood, but exacerbated during adolescence and later become factors in starting anorexia.
"Adolescence is a time of transition, when individuals must learn to balance immediate and long-term needs and goals in order to achieve independence," said Kaye. "For such individuals, learning to cope with mixed societal messages and pressures may be overwhelming, exacerbating underlying traits of anxiety and a desire to perfectly achieve."
"Individuals with anorexia tend to report that dieting reduces anxiety, while eating increases it," said Kaye. "This is very different from most individuals, who experience hunger as unpleasant." In simply an effort to avoid anxiety, an individual begins to starve herself and begins the spiral that eventually results in severe the malnutrition and emaciation that defines anorexia.
Some scientists now believe that individuals that become anorexic have a different chemical makeup in their brains. "Brain-imaging studies also show that individuals with anorexia have alterations in those parts of the brain involved with bodily sensations, such as sensing the rewarding aspects of pleasurable foods," said co-author Martin Paulus, UC San Diego professor of psychiatry, who heads UC San Diego's Laboratory of Biological Dynamics and Theoretical Medicine. "Anorexics may literally not recognize when they are hungry." This is an interesting point because this proves that anorexia is truly a disease and the individuals who have it truly cannot help themselves without medical intervention.
Who is anorexic?
In America, it is estimated that roughly seven million women have an eating disorder and one million men. It is also calculated that one out of every two hundred women in America have anorexia and that one out of ten people with anorexia are male. These estimates are taken only from medical cases and do not include those that are unreported. Nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder.
Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents. Ninety-five percent of those afflicted with eating disorders are between the young ages of twelve and twenty-five. When polled, over fifty percent of girls between the ages of eleven and thirteen see themselves as overweight. Among thirteen-year-old girls polled, eighty percent of girls have dieted and tried to lose weight at some point in their life.
When looking at various cultures throughout the globe, the prevalence of eating disorders is widespread. Except for a tiny few, the rates of minorities with eating disorders are similar to those of white women. Seventy-four percent of American Indian girls reported dieting or purging and using diet pills. In 1994, Essence magazine reported that nearly fifty-four percent of African Americans were at risk of developing an eating disorder. Finally, Japan is severely plagued by eating disorders and they are one of the most common psychological problems facing young women today.
What does treatment look like?
"Currently, we don't have very effective means of treating people with anorexia," said Walter Kaye, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Eating Disorders Program at the University of California, San Diego. "Consequently, many patients with the disorder remain ill for years or eventually die from the disease, which has the highest death rate of any psychiatric disorder."
While approximately thirty to forty percent of affected individuals eventually do recover, a large number of them develop a chronic illness or die, making anorexia the number one cause of death among psychiatric diseases. A study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reported that between five and ten percent of anorexics die within ten years after contracting the disease, eighteen to twenty percent of anorexics will be dead after twenty years and only thirty to forty percent will ever fully recover
The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is twelve times higher than the death rate of all causes of death for females fifteen to twenty-four years old. Finally, twenty percent of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, such as suicide and heart problems
Is anorexia a worldwide epidemic?
Anorexia is often believed to be a worldwide problem, but a closer look at data suggests that it is not. According to statistics, the United States and Japan have a much higher mortality rate due to anorexia than any other country in the world. In data gathered, all other countries, besides Japan and the United States, had very few deaths related to eating disorders.
The fact that deaths from eating disorders are so high in Japan and the United States allows us to conclude that anorexia is very socially influenced. One book, Feeding Desire by Rebecca Popenoe, describes a culture in northern Niger, where the Azagwagh Arabs that live there actually undergo a process of ?fattening? the young girls. Because the Arabs only find it socially acceptable and sexually appealing to be obese, they make their girls overeat in order to be extraordinarily heavy. Beauty, to them, lies in being overweight and they greatly frown upon any Westerner who is slim.
Different images of attractiveness in various cultures prove that the idea of beauty, itself, is socially constructed. If one?s idea of what is appealing can change from one country to another, it gives us hope that we can redefine beauty in America. If America is the number one country suffering from eating disorders, then it has to be linked to our social media and the images and messages we are sending our youth.
Society needs to begin teach its youth that the value of women lies in their intelligence, power, and independence. At the age of eight, forty four percent of girls want to be leaders. Yet, by the age of twelve, only twenty-one percent believe they could be leaders. By age twelve, the average girl has seen 77,546 commercials?many of which are geared toward emphasizing the power of man and the beauty of women. Out of high school girls interviewed, three out of four said that they feel guilty or depressed and thirty-one percent have admitted to starving themselves in order to lose weight.
Society needs to emphasize achievement and not appearance. Over the last few years, America has seen a three hundred percent increase in cosmetic surgery in women. There has been a four hundred percent increase in liposuctions and an alarming six hundred percent increase in breast augmentations. So, in other words, as leadership positions dwindle, cosmetic procedures are on the rise. This is a poor reflection of the values that our society teaches.
?What we believe a leader should do is not consistent with what we think a woman can do.? This is what needs to change. Despite all the incentives and monetary compensations in the world, we need to create a population that believes in the future of our women as leaders and not just pretty faces. Perhaps, if we emphasize the brains of women instead of the body, we will see a group of people that truly believe anything is possible and who won?t need to be reminded through a Dove commercial that they truly are more beautiful than they think.
Baker, J., Maes, H., Lissner, L., Aggen, S., & Lichtenstein, P. (2009). Genetic risk factors for disordered eating in adolescent males and females. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 576-586.
?Barber, B. & Buehler, C. (1996). Family cohesion and enmeshment: Different constructs, different effects. Journal of Marriage and Family, 58, 433-441.?
Bergen, A., et. al (2003). Candidate genes for anorexia nervosa in the 1p33-36 linkage region: Serotonin 1D and delta opioid receptor loci exhibit significant association to anorexia nervosa. Molecular Psychiatry, 8, 397-406.?
Brown, K., & Geller, J. (2006). Supporting friends and family members with eating disorders: Discrepancies between intentions and reality. Eating Disorders, 14, 215-228.
Bulik, C., Landt, M., van Furth, E., & Sullivan, P. (2007). The genetics of anorexia nervosa. Annual Review of Nutrition, 27, 263-275.
?Eisler, I., & Le Grange, D. (2008). Family interventions in adolescent anorexia nervosa. Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 18, 159-173.?
Fitzpatrick, K., & Lock, J. (2007). Evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents with eating disorders: Family therapy and family-facilitated cognitive-behavioral therapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 37, 145-155.?
Gowers, S. & Shore, A. (2001). Development of weight and shape concerns in the etiology of eating disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 179, 236-242.?
Hoek, H., Treasure, J., & Katzman, M. (1998). Neurobiology in the treatment of eating disorders.
West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons.?Kaye, W., Fudge, J., & Paulus, M. (2009). New insights into symptoms and neurocircuit function of anorexia nervosa. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 10, 573-584.
Kaye, W. & Jimmerson, D. (1997). Anorexia and bulimia nervosa, obsessional behavior, and serotonin. London, England: Balliere?s Tindell, Inc.
Latzer, Y., Hochdorf, Z., Bachar, E., & Canetti, L. (2002). Attachment style and family functioning as discriminating factors in eating disorders. Contemporary Family Therapy, 24, 581-598.
Lavee, Y., Latzer, Y., & Gal, S. (2009). Marital and parent-child relationships in families with daughters who have eating disorders. Journal of Family Issues, 30, 1202-1220.
Le Grange, D., Lock, J., Loeb, K., & Nicholls, D. (2010). The role of the family in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43, 1-5.
Lock, J., & Le Grange, D. (2005). Family-based treatment of eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 37, 64-67.
Loth, K., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2009). Informing family approaches to eating disorder prevention: Perspectives of those who have been there. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42, 146-152.
McElroy, S., Guerdjikova, A., Martens, B., Keck, P., Pope, H., & Hudson, J. (2007). Role of antiepileptic drugs in the management of eating disorders. CNS Drugs, 23, 139-156.
Michel, D., & Willard, S. (2003). Family treatment of eating disorders. Primary Psychiatry, 10, 59-61.
Minuchin, S., (1974). Families & family therapy. Cambridge : Harvard University Press.
Minuchin, S., Rosman, B., & Baker, L. (1978). Psychosomatic families: Anorexia nervosa in context. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.?
Mirsa, M. et al (2011). Physiologic estrogen replacement increases bone density in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 26, 2430-2438.
Ringer, F., & McKinsey, P. (2007). Eating disorders and attachment: The effects of hidden family processes on eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 15, 119-130.
Treasure, J., Sepulveda, A., MacDonald, P., Whitaker, W., Lopez, C., Zabala, M., et al. (2008). The assessment of the family of people with eating disorders. European EatingDisorders Review, 16, 247-255.?
Vidovic, V., Jures, V., Begovac, I., Mahnik, M., & Tocilj, G. (2005). Perceived family cohesion, adaptability, and communication in eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 13, 19-28.?
Wade, T., Tiggeman, M., Bulik, C., Fairburn, C., Wray, N., & Martin, N. (2008). Shared temperament risk factors for anorexia nervosa: A twin study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 70, 239-244.
Outline (rough outline can definitely be changed)
1. Background on Eating Disorders and A Road To Recovery
? Anorexia defined
? Eating Disorder Spectrum (from serious to disordered eating)
? The severity of anorexia
? Changes in American weight standards
? How the female body was defined through history
? Body image and body dissatisfaction
2. Is recovery attainable?
? What does recovery look like?
? What are the challenges with recovery?
3. Why is there a higher percentage of anorexia in women vs. men?
4. Socioeconomic Factors and Role (How does culture influence anorexia?)
? Explain and provide examples of the Sociocultural Theory related to Anorexia.
? How magazines and television contribute to eating disorders?
? How is thinness enforced in the media?
-Socialization Process (relying on body for admiration)
-Positive connotations with thinness (happier, better, prettier)
-Why Fat is ?bad?? (Karl Lagerfeld and Adele example) (How models look in clothes)
5. Social Comparison Theory
? What does the social comparison theory look like?
? What are the targets of this theory?
? Explain upward and downward comparisons.
? Suffers often internalize the need to be thin and beautiful.
? Real and ideal expectations of body image and weight
? Level of self-esteem and satisfaction with ones body
? Emphasis on weight as a number on the scale
6. Social Learning Theory
? Reinforcement (against others)
? To punish others
? Identifying with media figures (celebrities etc.)
? Rewards for loosing weight
7. Relationships and Eating Disorders
? Mothers influence on anorexia
? Fathers influence on anorexia
? Peers influence on anorexia
8. Psychology and Eating Disorders
? Perfectionism
? Need to be in control
? Need to develop sense of self or identity
? Competitiveness
9. Recovery
? Avoiding messages in the media
The project is the basis for a chapter in a larger book about sexual abuse in a religious community .The book is geared to a professional AND NON professional readership consisting of victims of childhood sexual abuse and their families friends,clergy,and therapists. My specific interests are the psychological/psychiatric sequeli of childhood sexual abuse.Included I would like discussions of PTSD and dissociation (include Judith Herman's concept of "complex PTSD"), depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse,and sexual/relationship/personality disorders.
The style should be one that therapists could benefit from but that lay people can understand and relate to.
Obviously the references should be current when appropriate.
Creative case study based on abnormal psychology:
Name:a cartoon character's or fictional TV character's name.
Identifying information: include age, male/female, ethnicity, race, living situation, marital status, significant other, children, and brief description of the person.(make it up if needed to do so).
Presenting problem: For what reason is the person seeking help at this time?
History of presenting problem: How long has this person been having the presenting problem?
Description of personality: Make sure to include challenges and strengths.
Theoretical Basis: This is the major portion of the paper, and should be 2pages. Present the personality according to DSM-IV-TR diagnosis.Use terms such as personality disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, mood disorders, somatoform and dissociative disorders, generalized anxiety disorder(GAD),panic disorder,social phobia,obsessive-compulsive disorder. Back up assumptions with evidence from the interview with the patient. ( concentrate on diagnosis of character and support diagnosis, giving evidence why this person has this disorder, treatment of the disorder, patient comes with presenting problem to psychologist and psychologist provides treatment.)
"EATING DISORDERS" Does not have to include every disorder just the most common.
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Orthorexia Nervosa
Binge eating disorder
include facts and statistics about eating disorders
Disorder: Progressive supranuclear palsy
I Lecture Term paper: Neurological Disorder: Effects of cognitive dysfunction on occupational performance & OT (Occupational Therapy) treatment effectiveness.
DUE April 9: Write this paper from an occupational therapy point of view....
Write a 6 page, double spaced paper with the following content separated by headings below.
I. Briefly discuss the neurological etiology of the disorder (Progressive supranuclear palsy) that underlies one of the following 4 cognitive domains: Visual perception, Attention, Memory/ learning, Executive functions
II. Relate impaired cognitive process to typically seen /documented occupational performance problems and treatment method/ strategies.
III. Use efficacy studies to support or critique treatment method.
At least 10 sources should be cited from within the last 10 years.
90% of references must be from primary research.
APA Statement for Written Assignments: References cited in the text and reference list of written assignments must follow the style and rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. No direct quotes are allowed. Please consult manual for correct format. Double space with 1 margins. 12 font.only etc**Grammar, spelling, typos, and organization will be used in grading.
Submission by due date: All papers are to be submitted by uploading to Safeassign: LECTURE PAPER FINAL VERSION by the due date. This submission platform to upload your paper can be found on the assignment folder of the course BB site. You are allowed to submit a draft copy (NOT to be graded) to the DRAFT VERSION of the Safeassign site to receive feedback on percent of content seen as pulled from electronic sources, and plagiarized if quoted or incorrectly cited. Always maintain a hard copy of the final paper in case requested.
There are faxes for this order.
Eating, Substance Abuse, Sex/Gender/Sexual, Impulse-Control, and Personality Disorders Matrix and Paper
1.)Create a matrix in which you address the following items:
2.) Define the major DSM IV-TR categories of eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual, and personality disorders.
3.) Examine the various classifications of eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual, and personality disorders.
4.)Based on your matrix, prepare a 600 to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components of eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual, and personality disorders. Include at least 3 professional references.
Eating organic foods may protect your health. Although there are a number studies that show higher levels of certain nutrients in organically grown foods, in general there is not enough evidence to definitively say that organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown foods. What the research does suggest is that people who consume organic foods have lower levels of pesticides in their bodies than individuals who do not eat organic foods. Common pesticides have been linked to reproductive problems, fetal defects, neurological damage, and cancer. Developing children are particularly vulnerable to pesticide exposures.
here are some of the references i will refer to in my argument:
the title of this thesis is somewhat flexible, but should focus on the argument that pesticides in food are dangerous/ pose long term risks to human health.
please cite 10 scholarly references ie:
world health organization, JAMA, American Dietetic Assoc, Journal of Clinical Nutrition, etc.
other suggestions:
This assignment is a library research paper in which you will examine a particular mental health problem, or vulnerable population. Examine intervention strategies for the mental health problem including referral issues, engagement, assessment and diagnosis, contracting, core/middle phase (including the use of relationship and expressions of resistance), termination, aftercare, and evaluation of practice, using one or more practice theories. Discuss your role as a social work clinician and how this role may differ from other service providers, including responsibility of leadership. Include issues of the working alliance, transference and countertransference as they may apply to treatment. Be sure to include material throughout the phases of treatment on diversity, ethics and values, and issues of social justice. Be sure to use APA citation style including, the use of subheadings, introductions, conclusions, etc. Case material may be inserted for illustrative purposes. See attachment at end for further detail. Do not use first person.
1. Select a disorder or special population. [ ] A mental disorder present in a case you are holding is preferred so you can use examples of interventions throughout.
2. Select an intervention strategy covered in class. Taking the practice method selected discover how that method is employed throughout all phases of intervention. If there is no literature on the phase of treatment (such as referral), please use other sources of information. Cover all phases including:
Issues in referral for this particular type of population. How does the client come into the system? Is there typically a history with other systems of care? In what segment (s) of the continuum of care are you most likely to be working and why? What might influence client use of mental health care?[ ]
Methods of engagement given the problem area. (e.g. What issues are involved in engaging a client who has anorexia and what must you do to establish rapport and empathy? HOW will you engage given these issues? Why are these practice aspects important given the case and problem area?
Discuss engaging diverse groups of clients-what must you do differently with those from different cultural groups.) [ ]
Discuss what is included in the assessment framework using the practice model chosen? Issues in culture and diversity must be a part of this section. Remember that your assessment should be based on the practice intervention selected, not just DSM diagnosis. If you are using CBT, HOW would CBT or IPT assess this case? Please use some analysis of case material rather than simply reporting. Why might someone have certain dynamics going on, certain symptomatology, etc.
Include a short biopsychosocial assessment and analysis of what factors influenced symptoms
What neurobiological issues come out in the assessment and how do you know they are present?
Present DSM diagnosis(es) [ ]
What is the treatment plan and what are the treatment goals? [ ]
Discuss issues in the worker client relationship: your own feelings, transference &
countertransference, values & experiences that may affect motivation or resistance in you and the client system in treatment. Why are these issues present? What will you do differently given these
issues? How will you do it?[ ] (obj. 3)
What contracting issues must be set up given this problem and in this practice model? Why is the contract necessary? [ ]
Discuss methods of intervention in the middle phase of treatment. How is culturally competent
treatment used in this phase? Your intervention in the middle phase should derive from your
assessment issues. Tell me why you doing what you are doing. Go beyond telling what interventions you will use. How will you institute these interventions? The middle phase should represent the bulk of your paper and should be detailed, i.e. several kinds of interventions. [ ]
How will you engage and attend to issues in body, mind, and brain? [ ]
How is termination performed with this model and how do you know it is time for termination? What are the issues & plan? [ ]
Discuss evaluation strategies in the practice model. Evaluation should follow the same practice
intervention as in the assessment. [ ]
Discuss methods of follow-up in the practice model. Why might follow-up be important? [ ].
You may use one or more than one practice models and please include a rationale [ ].
Please comment on social justice issues as they impact problem presentation and treatment [ ] (obj. 1)
Discuss your role and identity as a clinical social worker; what makes your domain different from other
professionals? What leadership and/or advocacy responsibilities do you have? [ ] (obj.6)
What ethical issues are involved in working with this population? What social work values intersect with these ethical issues? [ ] (obj. 7)
i need to compare and contrast obesity versus eating disorder. I has to be done in block method: first the into with thesis-carefully identify the subjects of your comparison and contrast issue and establish a basis for it, BLOCK A: describing obesity using contrast and compare, BLOCK B:describing eating disorders using compare and contrast (when writing BLOCK A & B there must be 3 related issues between obesity and eating disorders, particularly 3 specific similarities and 3 specific differences), conclusion-wrapping up all that was written and the thesis as well as offer view of the two subjects.
use transitional devices, each time u shift from one subject to another, use transition such as, like, unlike, on the one hand, on the other hand, in contrast, similarly
please make sure there is a balance in the essay!!
5 page research paper on eating diorders. 3 Bibliographys. Paper needs to be typed double spaced on 8.5 by 11 inch paper, using size 12 font. Please include anorexia nervousa and bulmia.
Is there a link/relationship between pathological dieting and eating disorders in young adolescents? (no american quotes or stats as i'm in Australia)
Student will conduct internet research using a variety of websites to access information in support of/ arguing against the student's topic area. Submit a 5 page paper, providing appropriate citations, and reference. Please provide personal comments, opinions on the information presented by the websites, as well as ease of use of websites. 5pg summary of internet websearch for professional websites discussing body image, disorders, media, etc. Topic is any kind of disorder.
This research paper is for a Health Psychology class. It must be one of the Health Psychology topics. The topic is "Eating Disorders Among Asian American", however, if this does not fit then please create a Title that is not too broad for a 10-15 page paper.
It should be written in APA style.
In this paper, I need title page, abstract, introduction, discussion/conclusion, and references section in APA format. I need 12 text pages, not including title page, abstract, and references.
Papers must be typed double spaced throughout and must include a 1 inch margin on all sides. Do not use bold print, italics anythere. Underline the title of the references and the statistics symbols. Type a short running head and page number in the top right corner of each page including title page. The words, "abstract, introduction, conclusion, references" should be centered at the top of the page when that section begin.
Need to provide at least 15 sources
This is a Humanity class research paper
Please research and write a 15 page paper on the following topic, using a minimum of 10 printed (book or journal article) sources. MLA style is required; plagiarism will result in an automatic F for the project.
Topic: Are eating disorders really a "White thing?" Examine the research on body image and eating disorders to explore how they are mediated by race, class and age. Is it fair to say that what started as a "middle-class white girl problem" has now become an universal issue, or are there still important cultural differences in how body anxiety gets expressed? Personal experience can be woven into this paper, but it still needs to be grounded in research.
P.S: Please provided 10-15 Printed sources (have to be published in written form)
(book or journal article)
: If possible, Please include the ideas in the attached material to the research paper
: Please provide the work cited page in MLA format that cited all the sources you use in the
research paper
: Please use simple sentence and wording in the research paper
My research topic will be Eating disordered mothers influence to the cause of unhealthy eating behavior on daughters
The Question : Do mothers with eating disorders project unhealthy eating habits on their daughter?
:Do mother's with eating disorders have daughters with eating disorders?
Guidelines/ General Instruction
Review of the Literature (ROL)
1. Empirical Literature
a. Introduction to the ROL
b. Review of the relevant articles
c. Summary paragraph that summarizes the major points you made, Identifies gaps in the literature, and rationale for exploring the problem through research
d. Possible research question
2. Theoretical Literature identification and brief explanation of a nursing or other framework that could be used to explore the problem
There are faxes for this order.
Basically for the source you will be using Kalat's Introduction to Psychology. For the behavioral topic that I selected: Eating Disorders, the assignment is to write a 3 page paper in which you identify relevant research questions that might be asked by a researcher using each of the following three approaches: 1) Biological psychology approach 2) Social psychology approach & 3) Developmental psychology approach. For each approach be sure to clearly state what kind of questions could be asked and identify the basic methods that would be used. Please also include comments about the difficulties of these methods and identifuy a few questions that could not be answered using this approach.
This should be a review of 3-5 articles aboout different eating disorders ( ex: anorexia, bulimia, obesity)
Includes participants used, methods used, correctly identifies type of study (case study, survey, naturalistic observation, experiment, correlational, longitudinal, cross-sectional, prospective, retrospective, follow-up), historical perspective, type of sample (random, convenience, self-selected), the researcher's questions, measures (tests) used, results, statistics used, statistical significance.
Completely typed using black ink, title of paper on title page and title of paper in body of paper are the same, abstract on separate page, pages numbered correctly, double space entire paper, same font for entire paper and font size 12 for entire paper, section headings and subheadings, indentations & margins, properly cited references in body of paper, alphabetized references in APA format.
Critique the studies (analyze, criticize, give your opinion), compare the findings (how are they similar?), contrast the findings (how are they dissimilar?), do two studies use the same tests or not?, describe competing views, describe the strengths of the studies (what was good about the studies?), describe the weaknesses of the studies (describe the limitations, methodological flaws, small sample size, no control group), are there alternative explanations for the results?, make suggestions for future studies, make a conclusion.
You are a counselor for individuals who are experiencing eating disorders. Today, you are leading a group information session with two different populations: clients with obesity issues, and clients with anorexia issues. So that the clients feel more comfortable, you would like to first start the session by explaining some of the physiological factors that cause people to eat or not eat. Then, you will open the floor for questions from the group.
? Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper in APA format containing the following:
o Introduction: Act as the eating disorder counselor and introduce yourself to the group. Provide a brief explanation about what you will be discussing today. Note: You may organize your paper into two different ?group sessions?, one for obesity and one for anorexia, or you may choose to combine them into just one general ?eating disorder group? in your paper.
o Description of the physiological factors for hunger and satiety: Discuss the physiological ?myths? about hunger and satiety (theories that were NOT supported by research) and the physiological factors that do contribute to hunger and satiety (theories that ARE supported by current research).
? Respond to the following questions proposed by the two different groups:
o Lindsey asked: ?My parents were both obese, is that why I am??
o Robert asked: ?My girlfriend and I eat together all of the time, so we eat the same food and amounts of food, but she never gains weight like I do. Why is that??
o Nancy asked: ?My mom says that I became anorexic because I?ve been reading too many Cosmo magazines and want to look like those girls. Maybe I did, but I really just don?t crave food. What do you think it is??
o Tyra asked: ?I don?t eat because every time I do, I just feel sick! Do you know why this is??
Literature review;4000 words to include journals and articles from sciencedirect,psychnet,questia,google scholar,pubmed -within last 10 years
Reference from 1-2 books eg Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome;Albert Stunkard.
Methodology;2000 words;Qualatitative semi-structured open-ended interviews;description of qualatitive approach,ethical considerations and reliability and validity.
10 sample open-ended questions.
Reference and Bibliography approx 80 ref
Please give assignment ?hisdudeness?
Write a 3000-word research paper,
on eating disorders in women from a Christian point of view. Develop a title page and abstract. the abstract must be 150?250 words, with keywords included at the end. Keep in mind that an abstract is not an introduction to your paper or topic, but a summary of your paper?s major points. Write an outline and references page for the paper. The outline must be formatted as an alpha-numeric outline in current APA formatting. Please have at least 2 levels of headings, listing which scholarly sources, textbook information, and Bible references you expect to use as support for each heading. Utilizing information presented in the required texts, as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, compile a references page of sources for your research paper. You must have at least 12 scholarly sources on your references page. All sources must be less than 8 years old. The references page and all citations must be in current APA formatting.
Prevalence of Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Builimia, Binge eating) in Females of ages 15-35 in Hispanic Population
Abstract: This section should be Approximately to 200 words to describes the background, objectives,significance, design/methods, and anticipate the outcomes. Then explain each bellow in full detailed!!!
Objective/Specific aims: I would like to identify eating disorders in the hispanic population that I work in. After identifying the females with eating disorders, I would like to help them ackwolege their mental illness and then use psychotherapy to help them overcome their disease.
Project Design/Methods/Barriers:I am going to make a survey of questions in spanish to identified the eating disorders (anorexia, builimia, binge eating) in the hispanic population in females ages 15-35years. Barriers might be that maybe the patients would not like to participate, or maybe i am not going to find many patient in the hispanic population with eating disorders.
Specific Aims/Goals:to help identify eating disorders and help them ackwolege their mental illness.
Project Evaluation:What you think the outcome will be.
References: Please place the 6 references here, MUST BE CURRENT ARTICLES OR JOURNALS, NO OLDER THAN 2006 PLEASE!!!
The paper should include the following:
Your definition of health
How the consumer health behavior relates to the definition
Research the health problem of over eating/ poor eating habits include information about factors surrounding practice of positive health behaviors
Determination of a plan for behavior change with discussion as to appropriateness of plan for the consumer.
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Read Full Paper ❯Hello, Basically for the source you will be using Kalat's Introduction to Psychology. For the behavioral topic that I selected: Eating Disorders, the assignment is to write a…
Read Full Paper ❯This should be a review of 3-5 articles aboout different eating disorders ( ex: anorexia, bulimia, obesity) Includes participants used, methods used, correctly identifies type of study (case study, survey,…
Read Full Paper ❯You are a counselor for individuals who are experiencing eating disorders. Today, you are leading a group information session with two different populations: clients with obesity issues, and clients…
Read Full Paper ❯Appendix Abstract Introduction Literature review;4000 words to include journals and articles from sciencedirect,psychnet,questia,google scholar,pubmed -within last 10 years Reference from 1-2 books eg Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome;Albert Stunkard. Methodology;2000 words;Qualatitative semi-structured open-ended interviews;description of…
Read Full Paper ❯Please give assignment ?hisdudeness? Write a 3000-word research paper, on eating disorders in women from a Christian point of view. Develop a title page and abstract. the abstract must…
Read Full Paper ❯Prevalence of Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Builimia, Binge eating) in Females of ages 15-35 in Hispanic Population Abstract: This section should be Approximately to 200 words to describes the background,…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper should include the following: Your definition of health How the consumer health behavior relates to the definition Research the health problem of over eating/ poor eating habits include information about…
Read Full Paper ❯