Development Plan Essays Prompts

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Third Application Paper: 5 year Development Plan. Using at least two scholarly journal articles, to prepare a 5 ??" 7 page paper in which you create your own five-year career development plan. Your plan should include the following:
a. Career goals and objectives
b. Possible promotional opportunities for career growth
c. Methods for career management
d. An inventory of current skills, abilities, training, and education
e. Job satisfaction attributes
f. Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives
g. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals
h. Analyze the affect of career training programs
Be sure to properly cite your sources.

Dear writer,

Please write a 1100 word individual paper outlining a five-year skills development plan to fulfil your vision of the skill you've chosen which is "Motivation in work place...".

In your paper:
1. Articulate your vision for your career or professional life in approximately five years time.
2. Identify the various skills and competencies you will need to fulfil this vision.
3. Evaluate your proficiency in these other skills and competences at the present time, including a
summary of progress made on your nominated skill this semester.
4. Assemble a plan to develop 3-5 complementary skills over the next five years.
5. Identify the specific and concrete steps you will take to advance your plans over the next 12

In the appendices to your paper, please include:
1. Any relevant self-assessment reports, personal reflections, peer or colleague feedback relating
to your present skill development
2. Tables or detailed descriptions relating to your future plans
3. A complete Turnitin originality report.

Assessment criteria:
? Articulation of a relevant personal vision in five years time (10%)
? Justification of required skills (15%)
? Evaluation of current proficiency in required skills, including progress made in the
nominated skill area this semester (25%)
? Adequacy of five-year skill development plan, including a plan for the next 12 months
? Quality of written communication (10%)
? Quality of referencing based on Harvard style referencing and Turnitin originality report
? Evidence of thoughtful self-assessment using ReView (5%)

Required texts
Carlopio, J., Andrewartha, G. (2012) ?Developing Management Skills: A Comprerhensive Guide for Leaders?, 5th
edn, Pearson Australia: Frenches Forest.

Recommended texts
Quinn, R., Faerman, S., Thompson, M., St. Clair, L. (2011) ?Becoming A Master Manager: A Competing Values
Approach ?, 5th edn, John Wiley and Sons, U

Best Regards,,

Dear Agent

Kindly write the essay according to the below given subject. (Please read it carefully)

Subject area : Enterprise and Marketing

(Summative assignment)

P...ersonal Development Plan.

The design and content of your P.D.P brings together all the various research activity and study you have undertaken, with specific reference to how your Masters skills, knowledge and behavior have developed since you first commenced the module and how you will evaluate yourself at the end of the Module.

It should include a Personal development matrix with action points as part of the conclusion.
In particular, your P.D.P embraces elements from each of the key module learning sessions: Lectures, workshops and Independent Learning activities.

You have to design and write a professional Personal Development Plan of maximum 2475 words (word count does not include references and bibliography).
There are personal planning guidelines in both of the Modules recommended reading books plus the three websites below, you must adapt this guidance into your own Personal Development Plan Structure..

Other personal planning sources are

This is a Post Graduate Academic assignment and as such your work has to go past description and narrative of you and your life to date.

It is expected as a minimum you include Harvard reference citations from your core reading books and list and reference to taught input to support your assertions. It is expected you allude to and adapt the models and concepts you have been introduced to in class and workshops.
To achieve a high grade and to develop deeper understanding and knowledge of the subject, you will be expected to conduct and evidence your wider reading and research beyond the directed reading/teaching materials.

You must compare a wide range of other authors work and current schools of thought in the subject area. This will be from Academic Journals and other research data gathered.
The critical analysis of this data and your findings must be evidenced in this assignment.
All assertions in the assignment MUST BE!!, evidenced by regular/frequent use of appropriate Harvard Reference citations, quotations and paraphrasing from taught material and other authors work to support your assertions, findings and conclusions.

Other information sources are.

1. Information from Induction.
2. Residential experience or non-residential assignment analysis.
3. Formal Lectures.
4. Workshops activities.
5. Recommended text books.
6. Wider reading and research you have independently conducted.

Hope the above sufficient for you to write an excellent essay.



Purposes for this assignment:

1. To demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the five managerial functions (planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling)

2. Demonstrate the ability to effectively use available research tools in developing the content of an extensive supervisory development plan

3. Apply critical thinking and written communication skills in preparing a written presentation


You will prepare your own Supervisory Development Plan. Begin by:

1) Identifying your developmental goals

2) Consider performance gaps

3) Conduct self assessments

4) Collect input from others

5) Reference knowledge, skills and abilities needed by supervisors

6) Identify your learning materials and strategies

7) Plan implementation of your developmental plan

A portion of the authentic assessment project requires to include an analysis of gaps in your performance that need improvement. I will attach a gap analysis template which you can use as a guide to conducting an analysis of your performance gaps, along with a sample template of the authentic assessment.
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Please be sure to have an introduction and conclusion and apa formatting per the apa format of the 6th edition.

When citing the sources, please include page numbers.

Complete a personal coaching and development plan for increasing your capacity to coach and develop others.

Your paper should focus on data collected through interviews, self-assessments, your personal journal, learning from this course, and additional research you have conducted.

Submit and publish your coaching and development plan in the assignment area.

Customer is requesting that (dmusings) completes this order.

Write a Five year Development Plan. Using at least two scholarly journal articles, to prepare five page paper in which you create your own five-year career development plan. The plan should include the following

a. Career goals and objectives
b. Possible promotional opportunities for career growth
c. Methods for career management
d. An inventory of current skills, abilities, training, and education
e. Job satisfaction attributes
f. Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives
g. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals
h. Analyze the affect of career training programs


I am an undergraduate Junior student from Saudi Arabia studying a Business degree in Management_ Los Angeles. After completing my degree, I will then pursue a Hospitality degree in switzerland which will enable me to enter the field of Hospitality and Hotel Management in the Middle East. I come from a Hospitality business background where I had a chance to experience what it is like to work in such industry.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

Individual Development Plan

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word Individual Development Plan for one selected EI competency you wish to enhance in yourself. Make this a step by step plan for improving this skill.

Include an analysis of the changes needed for developing the selected skill.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

A minimum of three references is required for this paper.

Leadership Development Plan

Purpose: The purpose of the Experiential Leadership Plan Course Project is to further the application of leadership/managerial aspects of the nursing profession through interactive discussion and part...icipation with topic area experts. The purpose of Milestone 3, Leadership Development Plan, is to finalize your progress for attaining your individual goals and report your mastery of these goals to date.
1. Please refer to the Milestone 3 guidelines inclusive of the grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for the guidelines of this assignment.
2. Use the form below to complete your Leadership Development Plan.
3. Reflect on your mastery of each goal. Summarize what you have accomplished to date; what did you learn?
4. Identify any challenges that you faced in attempting to achieve your goals and document this in the form. Describe the challenges in detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was there anything you were not able to discover?
5. Explain the problem-solving techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems and challenges.
6. Describe what change you will make in your behavior as a leader in the next month, based on your experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were the leader/manager, what could you have done better?

SMART Goal 1: Leadership Development: Mentor
Leadership development SMART goal.
1.Summarize your accomplishment of this goal to date; what did you learn?
2.Identify any challenges that you faced in attempting to achieve your goals and document this in the form. Describe the challenges in detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was there anything you were not able to discover?
3.Explain the problem-solving techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems and challenges. Were there barriers in meeting your learning outcomes?
4.Describe what change you will make in your behavior as a leader in the next month based on your experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were the leader/manager, what could you have done better?

SMART Goal 2: Organizational Planning: Improve efficiencies, reduce errors and wait time in the facility.
1.Organizational planning SMART goal
2.Summarize your accomplishment of this goal to date; what did you learn?
3.Identify any challenges that you faced in attempting to achieve your goals and document this in the form. Describe the challenges in detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was there anything you were not able to discover?
4.Explain the problem-solving techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems and challenges. Were there barriers in meeting your learning outcomes?
5.Describe what change you will make in your behavior as a leader in the next month based on your experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were the leader/manager, what could you have done better?

Design your own Professional Development Plan. You will need to create a step-by-step timeline that shows your commitment to personal and professional growth in creating academically and culturally diverse classrooms.

Create a document that includes at least two goals from each of the following areas:

*Mindset, learning environment and differentiation
*Curriculum and differentiation
*Assessment and differentiation
*Student readiness and differentiation
*Student interest and differentiation
*Student learning profile and differentiation
*Managing a differentiated classroom
*Make sure to include the timetable for meeting the goals and a thorough explanation of how the goals will be met. *Address any obstacles that may keep you from reaching your goals and what you will do to overcome them.

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Staff development plan
Planning for staff development has often been an overlooked aspect of educational administration. However, in today's world with its emphasis on improvement and deliberate decision-making, having a predetermined plan for staff development is becoming the norm. In this assignment, you will be researching staff development and writing a plan to assure that staff development is an integrated part of the institution rather than an afterthought.

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

1This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, you should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

2Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines .
If you are not currently working in higher education, envision your future organization.
In 2,000-2,250 words, describe a staff development plan for your institution. Include the following components in your plan:

1A research-supported rationale for creating the plan. Clearly describe how the plan will support quality improvement in the institution.

2 A research-supported description of five professional development activities appropriate for higher education faculty. Activities should reflect best practice in professional training and development.

3. A research-supported description of five professional development activities appropriate for higher education support staff members. Activities should reflect best practice in professional training and development.

4. A research-supported description of tools that could be employed to support interpersonal relationships between faculty and support staff members.

5. A research-based description of activities that can support the development of emergent leaders. Activities should reflect best practice in leadership training.

Professional Development Plan

Focus of the Final Project

To create your Final Project you will be designing your own Professional Development Plan. You will need to create a step-by-step timeline that shows your commitment to personal and professional growth in creating academically and culturally diverse classrooms.

Instructions for the Final Project

Create an eight- to ten-page (not including title and reference pages) document that includes at least two goals from each of the following areas:

Mindset, learning environment and differentiation
Curriculum and differentiation
Assessment and differentiation
Student readiness and differentiation
Student interest and differentiation
Student learning profile and differentiation
Managing a differentiated classroom
Make sure to include the timetable for meeting the goals and a thorough explanation of how the goals will be met. Address any obstacles that may keep you from reaching your goals and what you will do to overcome them.

Hello, i am an INTERNATIONAL STUDENT and i do not work. My class is Human Resource Management (MGMT 327), and my major is Accounting. under you will find the book used and the requirement.

Dessler, Gary, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Content, Competencies and Applications, [Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009]

Application Paper: 5 year Development Plan. Using the assigned readings(CH6), along with at least two scholarly journal articles, to prepare a 5 ??" 7 page paper in which you create your own five-year career development plan. Your plan should include the following: a. Career goals and objectives b. Possible promotional opportunities for career growth c. Methods for career management d. An inventory of current skills, abilities, training, and education e. Job satisfaction attributes f. Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives g. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals h. Analyze the affect of career training programs Be sure to properly cite your sources.

Assignment: Building a Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth Plan

As a graduate student and business professional in the 21st century, it is important that you learn to self-manage,... self-monitor, and self-motivate to meet the multiple demands in your personal and professional life. The Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth (BPPG) is designed to help you with establishing a habit or process of setting goals, analyzing and reflecting on benchmarks, and addressing strengths and challenges. The BPPG encourages you to consider, reflect, address, and develop successful skills and dispositions.

In a 3 page journal-type entry, summarize the following questions:

o What is the importance of management in today?s global society and how will you prepare to be effective as a manager? What kind of skills should you possess and what will you do to improve your skills? What resources will you consult for information?
o Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Management by Objectives (MBO).
? How can this strategy be used to influence others?
? What negative responses could this theory elicit?
? In what ways can this theory bring about effective responses?

Briefly answer the following:

Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as both a leader and as a manager (example: conscientiousness, perfectionist) Explain how you would incorporate these into your manager-development strategy.
o Demonstrate critical-thinking skills that lead to ethical and reasoned decision making within a management context.
o Formulate sustainable solutions to practical management problems encountered in a complex global environment by synthesizing relevant data and information and applying systems thinking to problem solving.
o Assess opportunities to improve and sustain organizational performance through strategic thinking, the development of human capital, the allocation of physical resources, and the management of financial resources.
o Evaluate methods to develop people and manage teams to obtain the best performance in order to achieve goals and positive environments despite potential challenges imposed by a diverse workforce, cross-cultural differences, and virtual work settings.
o Propose negotiation strategies that will lead to positive, ethical outcomes and demonstrate scrupulous consideration of perceived points of conflict; differences in values, beliefs, and culture; or divergence of goals.
o Appraise techniques managers may use to facilitate change, examining the implications of culture, inertia, and uncertainty as well as the importance of understanding motivation and devising effective communications.
o Develop effective communications for various types of management scenarios, demonstrating awareness of audience needs, accepted standards of professional practice, correct grammar, and appropriate writing style.

Briefly answer the following:

o How would you rank these outcomes in the creation of a personalized manager-development plan?
o What outcomes would you add to this list?
o How will you achieve these outcomes? What personal goals could you could set for yourself based on the outcomes in this program and how will you achieve those personal goals?
o In what areas do you need to grow? What questions remain to be answered? How will you go about achieving growth and obtaining answers? How will you track your progress?

Do NOT include an introduction or conclusion; only discuss the questions listed above. Please run paper through a plagiarism checker.

Introduction: Introduces the purpose of the paper and addresses all background information elements (who,what,where,when,and why) for the APN professional development plan
APN scope of practice: Provide detailed information regarding education,licensure and regulatory requirements,as well as practice limited or restricted practice limitations as well as prescriptive authority.
Personal Assessment: Perform a personal assessment and reflect upon your strengths,weaknesses,goals, and objectives.
Networking and Marketing strategies: Provide detailed information regarding local and national professional organizations that advertise employment opportunities for APNs. Identify networking and marketing strategies and provide a rationale for your selections
Curriculum Vitae: Provide accurate information regarding the nurse practitioner's abilities,skills,and accomplishments.
Conclusion: An effective conclusion identifies the main ideas and major conclusion from the body of your manuscript. Minor details should not be included. Summarize important aspects of the APN professional development plan.

It is about my personal development, I prefer to write to imporve my accadamic writing at the end of accadami year 2014 . I am a first year nurse student , english is my second language , in my perso...nal development plan i need to reflect how to develop this at the end of this year.
I need to write for me about 800 words. i have put the plan below.

Student Name:
P Number:
Year 1 2 3
PDP Number: ?

What do I want to achieve?

My Academic writing

How am I going to achieve it?
? By structuring an essay such as Introduction, main body, conclusion and reference list or bibliography.
? By improving my punctuation and Grammar
? By using correct Parts of Speech
? By understanding and differentiating Confusing singular and
? By avoiding using unnecessary words
? By using correct commas
? By using appropriate or formal phrases
? By using appropriate or correct use of capital letters
? By sufficient proof-reading
? By having good structure
? By having good and clear reasoning
? By choosing good vocabulary
? By using or proper quoting a well-known phrase
? By using good metaphor

What resources will I need?

? By using library resources
? Using English class
? Using web
? Using online writing course
? Using dictionary
? Using free online spell checker
? Using word counter
Choose a document to link theory .
Journal Article Book .

Cite the document used:

When do I want to achieve this by? Date:

by the end of accadamic year 2014

Write a paper in which you translate your course learning into a reflective personal leadership development plan. Your plan should define a strategy for maximizing your leadership effectiveness... and include the following components:

Discuss the leadership theory or theories supporting your plan.
Explain your leadership strengths and weaknesses and what you will do to capitalize on your strengths and modify your weaknesses.
Address gaps between the leader you are now and the leader you would like to become.
Suggest action items you will realistically implement to close gaps between the leader you are now and the leader you would like to become.
Provide a realistic implementation timeline for each action item on your plan.
Discuss how you will actually use your plan to impact your leadership, your followers, and your organization.
Discuss how you will assess and modify your plan to ensure it is on track.
Consider your plan, not just a paper to satisfy course requirements, but a living, working document.
Provide assessment scores and references to course readings and appropriate peer-reviewed literature to support your judgments, assertions, and development goals.
Because self-reflection is a critical component of your leadership plan, first-person is appropriate for writing this assignment.

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Customer is requesting that (MBAwriter) completes this order.

Complete the following: Many programs that teachers and paraprofessional for their new career require students to create a professional portfolio as a record of their professional development. Use Ap...pendix A to help you create a Professional Development Plan-a component that can be added to your professional portfolio. In your word paper comprised in Microsoft Word, include answers to the following questions:

1.What are goals in the next five years? In the next 10 or more years?
2.What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles can you foresee and how will you overcome them?
3.What is one principle from the INTASC principles web site that you feel you need to imporove the most in order to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development programs could you pursue to address the need to improve in this area? professional development programs can you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of todays learners?
5.How will you evaluate your progress? What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals?
6.What professional organizations will you join? Why? What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations?
7.What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

I have answer the above questions to help out.
I hope this helps! Please read my notes at the end.

1. What are your goals in the next 5 years? In the next 10 or more years? In the next five years I would like to have graduated with my bachelors degree and take the necessary steps in becoming an elementary teacher (K-2). In the next ten years I would like to have been teaching for a few years before starting to work on my for my masters degree, also in elementary education and specifically in grades (K-2). Before ten years, I would like to have started working on my National Board Certification.
2. What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles might you foresee and how will you overcome them? First of all, I know that becoming a teacher does more than just entail a piece of paper. Once I have completed my bachelors degree and, hopefully, have obtained a job, I pray that there will be a good mentor (or several of them) available to help me to become the best. I know that I will always need to keep learning and taking every professional development opportunity seriously.
I know that there will be many obstacles, primarily making sure that I write lesson plans that cater to all of the students I teach. I also know that it will be difficult at times trying to break down the material or come up with creative lesson plans that keep my students interest. Of course, the way for me to overcome these obstacles is to always reflect on what worked and what didnt, and again, it will be crucial that I get help from other teachers who know what they are doing and do it well.
3. What is one principle from the INTASC Principles Web site ( ) that you feel you must improve the most to be effective in the education profession? I know that I really need to work at developing lessons for different learning styles and diversities. What existing professional development programs might you pursue to address the need to improve in this area? From what I have researched on the internet, I need to find programs that will show me how to differentiate instruction and plan lessons for different learning styles. While I wasnt able to find any specific professional development opportunities, I believe that I will be able to recommend what I need, not only for me but for other teachers, to my principal and school district in hopes that they will be able to help me find the guidance that I need.
4. What professional development programs might you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of today's learners? I have learned that the Ruby Payne program will help me to understand and reach children living in poverty and those who come from diverse and rather unstable environments. I also discovered that the ASCD web site has a lot of books and professional resources, like vocabulary development and assessment. Also, I know that if I join different professional organizations, they will also have a variety of opportunities for me as well.
5. How will you evaluate your progress? I want to keep a teaching journal of my first few years just so I can reflect on what I have done and what progress I have made as a teacher. I want to be sure to identify where I am making the same mistakes and what I am doing well. I also want to be part of a teaching community that is open enough to tell me where I can improve and what steps I can take toward improving. What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals? I know that if I surround myself with teachers who are as enthusiastic as I am about being in the profession, then I believe without a doubt that I will be able to achieve my goals. The key is to stay positive, even when things are difficult.
6. What professional organizations will you join? I want to join the National Council of Teachers of English because language is the foundation of any subject. I would also like to join my states teachers association because of the benefits and support that they offer teachers. What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations? I expect to gain access to different resources, teaching ideas, and sound advice from teachers who know what they are doing.
7. What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills? I think the first thing I need to understand is when I should be a leader and when I should be a follower. If I want to lead, then I know that I need to observe a lot of teachers, both effective and ineffective, do my research and make sound decisions based on my observations and research. From there, I should still work with a team, but always try to contribute something to the team.

I really want to become a teacher and so far from want I am learning, it is some big challenges ahead for me to take on and also the expectations of the teaching profession are very high. I am very passionate for this profession!
You do have some big challenges up ahead of you. That is for certain. One thing you should always remember is that faith in yourself and your students will go a long, long way. Hopefully, I will be fortunate enough to work with really good principals and teachers. I wanted everything I do to be better--not just to show off--but because it is the right thing to do for my students. And back to the students--even when you dont think they are the best, tell them that they are the best and that you think that they are the most wonderful students in the world. In reality, if you do that, they will be the best students in the world. We always live up to others expectations, so if others have negative ones of us, well live up to that.
I will like to thank you Gwyn for your support through my journey of college to become a teacher. You have been very supportive.
Whatever you do, dont be afraid to mess up. Teaching is like a computer. You can always reboot. If you do mess up, then dont be afraid to admit it. Everyone is human.

If you need anything else please feel free to contact me via email.

There should be a formal sustainable development plan. Using the internet and other resources, please write where you locate sustainable development plans for two countries. For each of them:

- Indicate and discuss the major areas they address such as poverty, employment, natural resources, clean water, fiscal problems, land distribution, etc. (be sure that these areas are specific to the particular countries you selected)

- If available, provide a timeline for reaching milestones and completion of projects

- Compare and contrast the two countries plans for differences and similarities

- Indicate if the plans include resources and assistances from international agencies such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations. Describe the type of assistance provided

Thank you very much Moritz

I would like your help in reading the article on "Training and development for support personnel" (the article will be faxed to you). I would like your help in developing a staff development plan...b> for the support personnel (custodian, maintance people) that enable them to contribute most effectively to the mission. The mission of the School District to promote high academic achievement, build character, and foster creativity for every student.

? Promote High Academic Achievement.
Our students will possess upon graduation: effective thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing and research skills; knowledge of and ability to apply math and science; grasp of history; and facility in a foreign language.

? Build Character.
Our students will develop: respect for all people, fairness, discipline, trustworthiness, empathy, responsibility, compassion and citizenship.

? Foster Creativity.
Our students will pursue creative endeavors in an effort to promote academic inquiry, artistic expression, and enjoyment.
of a K-12 school district.

All along, the classified personal have very low self-esteem they always felt being treated as second class citizen in the school setting. In the staff development plan, please be sure to include plan that bring up their self value and their importance in supporting the school to carry out the school's mission. To provide a safe and secure learning environmnet for learning.
please also include that the "individual", "school site" and "school district" should always work together, overlapping is always a must. Everyone needs to understand the group dynamic.
Please also include a follow up plan. Thanks.

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Request For Writer Infoceo

Topic: Creating Leadership Development Plan

Qusestion and Request - (Martin's Leadership Report will be sent via e-mail_

Martin is an employee of Imperial Tobacco Canada (a wholly owned subsidiary of British American Tobacco).A leadership assessment was carried out on Martin to ascertain his leadership characteristics and a report was provided based on the assessment. Now, create a leadership development plan for Martin based on your understanding of the various leadership concepts learnt. In doing this, address the following:
- address Martins development plan in relations to Imperial Tobaccos current Challenges
- What should Martin do to ensure that he realizes the plans you have developed for him in the short term, medium term and long-term.

Please be succinct and make the plan all about Martin.

The report mentioned above will be sent via email.

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Professional Development Plan

Devise a plan, based on research, to provide standards-based professional development for staff at your school. I must analyze the roles of administrators and teachers in implementing standards-based curriculum and instruction, recommend strategies to ensure all students successfully meet the standards, and recommend a professional development plan that emphasizes standards-based curriculum and instruction. Please include an abstract and the URL that you cite. I am including several articles; however it is okay for you to add more.

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Read the case study titled A Successful Downsizing: Developing a Culture of Trust and Responsibility before starting this assignment.

Write a seven to ten (7-10) page paper in which you:
-Describe specific practices that successful project managers apply in exercising their leadership and management roles overall.

-Evaluate Judy Stokleys level of success in developing a culture of trust while implementing her drawdown plan as Eglin Air Bases new Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) program director. Provide three (3) specific examples to support the response.

-Indicate three (3) key learning and behavior modification strategies that Judy Stokley used in order to address AMRAAMs organizational problems and gain the trust of project team members. Provide three (3) specific examples to support the response.

-Analyze three (3) actions that Judy Stokley took in order to change the project teams culture and create a relationship of trust, mutual support, and teamwork between the government and contractors. Support the response with three (3) specific corresponding examples.

-Create a personal leadership development plan for Judy Stokley so that she may be eligible for future promotions to leadership roles beyond program director. The plan should, at a minimum, focus on promoting key leadership behaviors, designate specific strategies to promote a higher level of performance relative to the position, and specify actions that Judy could take to promote the AMRAAM culture in her new role.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Personal Leadership Development Plan (in healthcare-eldercare advocacy) consisting of an 8 page paper (excluding cover page and references)). Use a minimum of 3-4 sources. Plan should define a strategy for maximizing leadership effectiveness and include the following components:
1. The Transformational leadership theory supporting the plan in healthcare/eldercare

2. Your leadership strengths (self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, vision, ability to motivate people, being a good role model and especially empathy) and weaknesses (managing performance effectively, providing support and stimulation, and patience with employees)

3. Your plan for making the best use of your strengths and correcting your weaknesses

4. Gaps between the leader you are now and the leader you would like to become

5. Action items you will implement to close gaps between the leader you are now and the leader you would like to become

expectations include competency in the following:

Sentence Structure
Verb Tense and Agreement Pronoun Use
Possessive Use Punctuation Spelling
Focus and Organization

Cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism, APA style format, double-spaced with 1-inch margins typed in 12-point Times New Roman, Cover Page and Reference Page and an Introduction and conclusion

During the course of Managerial Reasoning we have studied based on Competing Values Framework and the objective of the course was:
"This course will enable you to use diagnostic methods, conceptua...l frameworks and practical tools to make sound judgment about the types of managerial roles and competencies that are essential for effective management. The theoretical basis for this course is the Competing Values Framework (CVF), which differentiates successful managers as high performing managers with a deep capacity to develop paradoxical skills and learning abilities to deal with divergent problems. Making sound judgment about the kind of behaviors and responsibilities, or roles, which one must assume to get people to accomplish particular goals also has ethical and moral ramifications. Thus, this course will help you develop the sensitivity skills associated with reasoning about what you value most and how it might affect others."

And During the modules of the courses we have studied :
Module 1Roles Managers Play
Module 2Living with Environments of Change
Module 3Culture and Ethical Leadership
Module 4Integration

I will send you my first survey results attached with my first assignment during the course which is the analysis of our competing values profile, and I will add a file showing you my second results at the end of the course.

The assignment I am asking you to write is stated below:

1. Retake the survey that you took at the beginning of the class; print off the new profile. ( I have taken the survey and I will send you my results)

2. Drawing on ALL of the data you have collected so far, prepare a Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP). The elements of your PLDP must include the following:
Summary of your strengths and weaknesses as a managerial leader, and the basis for your assessment.
Identification of your two weakest roles and associated competencies and why these two roles are the weakest ones for you.
Options available to you for improving your skills over the next 180 days.
Detailed plan of sustained improvement efforts on the two roles and their competencies over the next six months. Present your plan of what you will do within the next 30 days, 60 days, and 180 days.
Detail steps on how you will evaluate your plan and adjust as needed.
Summarize with an evaluation of your strengths.
There are faxes for this order.

The Task:
The CEO of Orange Julius has decided that it is time to develop into Denver/Boulder market with Organic Alternative, no sugar added healthy smoothie. Your group has been recruited to be ...the project team for the development plan. Your product team is asked to prepare a Market Development Plan for Organic alternative.You will present your findings and proposal to a key decision committee of the firm. Your project will be judged by your understanding of the company, the target market Denver/Boulder, overall analysis, recommendations, detailed marketingplan.

The following are suggested main components of a marketing plan.
1. Memo to CEO/Executive Summary (2-4 page)
This is a two- or four-page summary of the project. It provides a quick overview, including key conclusions from situation analysis, marketing objectives, and key ngredients in your marketing plan. This memo is of ultimate value in the corporate environment as a must-read material for CEO, managers, and other marketing people.
2.Introduction (2 Pages)
This is a brief introductory review section about the project. Clearly but briefly describe the product to be promoted and marketed. State the purposes and/or objectives of this new venture and its potential contributions to the firm.
What are the characteristics of the consumer food product?
How will the product meet the target consumers needs?
How does the product differ from existing products?
Attach Your Product Concept Sheet. A product concept sheet provides a simple visualization of the product and one- or two-paragraph descriptions of the product. Use your creativity to prepare an appealing product concept sheet.

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