25+ documents containing “Daily Life”.
Describe, in detail, the perfect position for you. For the moment, assume that money. location, family support, and experience are not considerations. Just describe the kind of work you would most enjoy doing. Don't list a job title, but explain what you would actually be doing on the job. Describe daily functions you would do, the people you would be working with, the environment and the level of authority/ responsibility you would have. WE WANT THIS TO BE A "BLUE SKY" DEFINITION.
I want a job as an Account Executive or Trainer, I like to give presentation and training of staff
The Paper will be on the life and works of Tim Obrien by emphasizing characteristics of his work that are both distinctive and unique . It cannot be a research paper. Must have work cited page
Consider the life stage of very late adulthood.
As a social worker, what kinds of considerations should be addressed when working with an individual at this life stage who is needing to make ...a decision about housing?
When considering the housing issue why do you think it is important to continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and merging societal trends.
1. What kinds of considerations should be addressed when working with an individual who needs to make a decision about housing? (2-3 pages)
a. Organize your answer by describing the considerations for the psychological, cognitive, social, and spiritual wellbeing of the individual
i. So a section for each (use headings for each sections: headings should be bold, title case, and flushed left followed by a colon: and your response)
Ex: Psychological: begin your response here
ii. A non-book or class reference for each section
2. When examining the housing issue why is it important to continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and merging societal trends? (2-3 page)
a. Address why it is important to discover, appraise, and attend to changes, developments, and trends while referring back to your sections on the individuals psychological, cognitive, social, and spiritual well-being?
i. So a section for each ((use headings for each sections: headings should be bold, title case, and flushed left followed by a colon: and your response)
Ex: Psychological: begin your response here more
I need a paper on the life of a russian emigre--effects of emigration, lifestyle, assimilation in a new culture, etc. my class is russian literature, and we focused on vladimir nabokov, nina berberova, and emigration. this is a graduate level russian lit class, and the prof is a nabokov fanatic, so it is extremely important for all facts to be accurate.
I must incorporate at least two outside sources, one of which must be from the following novels/short stories: Return of Chorb, Mary, Pnin, Speak Memory, The Defense, Despair, Russian Spoken Here, Details of a Sunset, and Christmas.
One page summary essay on these articles. The first article is by Seligman, Martin., Steen, Tracy., Park, Nansoon and Peterson, Christopher. "Positive Psychology Progress" American Psychologist, July-August, 2005; Vol.60 (5) 410-421
The second article is by Oishi, Shigehiro., Diener, Ed., Dong-Wong., Kim-Prieto, Chu and Choi, Incheol. The Dynamics of Daily Events and Well-Being Across Cultures: When Less Is More" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2007, Vol. 93, No.4, 685-698.
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3500 word essay
Based on case study (not included in word count)
Written from perspective of a Nurse Practitioner reflecting on the case of patient who came into his/her ...care.
Essay focuses on atopy and asthma and importance of reviewing patients before increasing therapies (as explained below).
Must include UK and Global references, including latest British Thoracic Guidelines and NICE Guidelines available both online and through print sources.
Identify background / key issues that are to be discussed i.e. stepping up asthma treatment, and importance of the review itself, i.e. checking device technique, concordance with therapy and identifying new or exacerbating triggers.
This is the main bulk of the essay. Discuss and expand on the issues identified in your introduction, making reference to appropriate literature and guidelines.
Discuss the fact the patient chose to access a Walk in Centre (unscheduled care) and analyse the different reasons why this setting may have been chosen by the patient, as well as overview of challenges for the practitioner working in this environment i.e. no medical records, no continuity of care, no access to test results etc. Include within this an overview of the Nurse Practitioner role.
Introduce the patient, their own medical history, drug history, allergies and social history, also their socioeconomic and cultural background and provide a reasoned analysis of why these aspects are relevant to the patients presentation (supported with research). In particular, atopy and links to asthma, focusing on the presence of pets (cat allergies specifically) and why some patients can live with a cat for years without asthma symptoms, then another cat introduced to the household can trigger an exacerbation (support with research/evidence).
Provide an overview of how the patient was assessed with asthma symptoms..., what was it from the history that prompted the practitioner to consider asthma as a potential diagnosis (atopic history (dry skin/rhinitis), new allergen to environment, poor medication control, reduced peak flow). This must be supported with analysis using guidelines, research i.e. BTS evidence etc.
Critique the management plan (which consisted of the 3 staged approach of asthma review; i.e. check concordance, check inhaler technique, check for new triggers - reference), also the use of combination therapy as method improving concordance and the importance of controlling allergy factors with asthma (evidence). Discuss and interpret the management plan including a critical analysis and evaluation of the patient, past, present and future management (i.e. discussion regarding how the patient was put on both inhalers one month ago, then this was increased, and given antibiotics....without checking concordance, technique, new triggers etc). Perhaps in hindsight a week of prednisalone would have been useful - discuss?
Provide an overview of the effect of chronic illness on the patient and their family, in the context of quality of life, exacerbations etc.
Discuss the education given to the patient and its importance, supported with evidence and relevant literature. In particular the importance of patients understanding how to use their medicine (referenced), importance of asthma management plans (referenced) and know when to seek help (referenced).
Summarise key issues, linking together main discussion points to bring your essay to a rounded conclusion.
Key points:
Importance of good asthma reviews
Importance of history taking and inhaler device assessment.
Importance of managing allergies alongside asthma management.
No less than 25 references should be used. These must include extensive use of literature and research articles from Respiratory Journals and Publications, including the latest BTS and NICE guidelines.
Appendix - case study - (not included in word count)
62 year old female, presented to a Walk in centre with a 3 week history of chesty cough, chest tightness and wheezing, on top of her usual hay fever symptoms for which she was taking Multi-vitamins and cetirizine 10mg daily.
Her GP had already put her on a Becotide (2 puffs 100mg twice daily) and Salbutamol 100mcg (2 puffs as needed), with no significant improvement. After 1 week on this therapy, her GP changed it to Symbicort 2 puffs twice daily, added in Amoxicillin 250mg three times daily. At this time there were no fever/sputum/sob/anorexia/chest pain/dizziness). Judith reported a good exercise tolerance, no ankle swelling and no PND or orthopnoea. Although she denies any eczema, she did report having always suffered with dry skin particularly in skin flexures, hands etc which she uses creams for. She has also suffered with hay fever since her teens, and reports her skin flaring up occasionally with dry, cracking episodes. She takes Cetirizine from May to Sept every year.
Past medical history: ? Eczema, Hay fever.
Family medical history Mother had 'lung problems' - unsure of diagnosis. Father: unsure of illness/died very young.
Drug history: Cetirizine, Multivitamins, Symbicort.
A: No known allergies to medications. (pollen, dust = causes wheezing)
Social history: married, lives with husband of 44 yrs years, retired retail assistant, lifelong non-smoker, got a new cat 4 weeks ago (last pet died 6 months ago, a cat she had for 7 years).
On examination: Walked in, well looking, good colour, alert and orientated, speaking clearly, no acute breathlessness, oxygen saturations 97% on air, pulse 80 regular, respiratory rate 19 per minute, Peak flow measurement 270 litres per minute (predicted 400lpm) with a poor technique, eye exam normal, ENT clear, chest good air entry, slight expiratory wheeze, no crackles, percussion noted resonant, expansion equal. Heart sounds and cardiac examination normal. Skin: dry eczematous patches of skin to both dorsal aspects of hands, cracking to palms, eczema patches behind both knees, no secondary infection.
Impression: Uncontrolled Allergic Disorder +/- High probability of asthma.
Plan: long chat with patient and husband about importance of adequate control of allergy symptoms and its impact on lung health etc. Discussed importance of diagnosis, strongly advised to see practice nurse for full respiratory assessment (spirometry). Discussed medications at length, checked turbohaler technique using whistle demonstrators = very poor, full demonstration and practice undertaken, with considerable improvement in technique, whistle issued to take home with patient information. Advised use Symbicort 200/6, 2 doses twice daily, up titrated as directed, continue with cetirizine 10mg daily, add in Beconase nasal spray 2 doses each nostril twice daily, stop amoxicillin as clinically no indication at this time (patient requesting to stop due to diarrhoea), discussed allergen avoidance, long chat with patient and husband about new cat, explained it is quite possible to be unaffected by one animal and triggered by another, particularly one with long hair as her new cat has. Strongly advised to see gp for review in next week.
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I would like total of 9 pages:
3 pages of literature reveiw about the applications of the Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) methods in the environment (up to date). including the different techniques used in bacterial source tracking in the environment. How the BST methods are used to track the source of contamination in the environment (water environment-watersheds).
3 pages of literature review about the role of Bacterial Source Tracking methods in source apportionment among different animal species and calculating the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in the environment and watershed in particular. I need a literature review on how Bacterial source Tracking is used to calculate the TMDL in the environment (real studies).
3 pages on some background about the TMDL, its different components and how each component is calculated. what are the different environmental issues that need to be taken into consideration when calculating the TMDL.
Final Project
Instructions from instructor for Assignment:
Pick a topic related to strategic planning that you would like to research further. This could be mergers and acquisitions, assessment of market readiness, decision making regarding service lines versus product lines, market/ service expansion, succession planning and staffing planning, researching new product lines or programs, medical tourism, etc. You may want to explore further the economics of market valuation, business ratings, and acquisition of capital. This can take the form of a grant proposal that incorporates strategic planning principles. It may be a strategic plan for new services. This can also be a research paper which explores your topic. Use this as an opportunity to expand your knowledge base and to actually utilize the concepts on a real-life project.
Discuss your topic with your professor and touch base frequently so that this paper is focused. Recommended 25-30 pages, APA.
My instructions to writer:
Paper to cover developing a nurse practitioner led business. The business is to be a wellness and recovery facility for individuals with mental illness. Alabama recently closed all but one state operated facility. The facility will offer residential and day treatment services.
Question was...Full inclusion is the best avenue educationally for students with disabilities. My concern is for the moderately to severly profound impaired students spend may be the inclusivein the classroom; studies suggest these children are improving academically, but what happens to the necessary life skills they are missing from the full inclusion classroom? Most research focuses on the here and now and forgets the future.
Chapter 1
Statement of the problem
Background or history
Purpose of the study
Chapter 2
Literature review of ALL sources used.. all sources must be scholarly
In the lit review section and description of methods for all sources and a synthesis and a lot of in=depth evolution for each.
Evaluation data from government
Chapters 3-5 Body of the paper
It is in the field of psychology, about a behavior I would like to change. I chose about i should start to go to the gym and exercise. Write about the process and how I lost two pounds each week for g...oing to the gym 45 ,minutes everyday.you can imagine yourself doing that and write it on my behalf. please find the steps of the paper below,
Here are the steps:
1. Select a behavior that you would like to change, one that you?d like to increase or
decrease or modify in some way (Examples: eating junk or high-fat foods, chewing gum, smoking, getting angry, studying, exercising, spending money, worrying, etc).
2. Define your specific goal, consider the benefits and barriers, and choose a behavior modification plan.
3. Design a method of tracking your daily progress. This could be a tallying form, a data table, etc. This device should allow you to record the frequency and/or duration of your behavior on a daily basis. (if your behavior is something that is done several times a day, you might want to create a data tracking device that you can carry along with you).
4. Record your behavior, following the procedures you have developed, throughout the term. Write a 4-5 page report that includes the following points:
Goal-Setting and Monitoring
? What behavior did you try to change? What was your precise goal? (for example, to increase/decrease the frequency and or duration)
? What were the benefits that you perceived to changing your behavior? In other words, why did you want to change your behavior?
? How did you keep track of (record) your daily progress? Very briefly describe the type of tallying sheet (or recording device) that you used.
? Where do you think your goal would fall on Maslow?s hierarchy of motives and why? What types of counter-motives made it difficult for you to accomplish your goal (example; hunger, pleasure, etc.) Where would these counter-motives fall on Maslow?s hierarchy?
? Did you feel more intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to change this behavior and why?
? Did your goal involve the behavioral activation system (BAS) or the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and why? Was your goal more approach- or avoidance-oriented and why?
? Do you think that your motives contributed to your outcome? How and why?
Emotions, Barriers, and Social Support
? What types of emotions did you feel when trying to change your behavior? How did you feel along the way and how were these emotions related to the amount of effort you invested in trying to change your behavior?
? What were some of the barriers that you encountered while trying the change the behavior? Did you expect these barriers when you started or did they surprise you along the way? What did you do to overcome these barriers?
? Did you enlist the help of family and friends in trying to change your behavior? Was this helpful or harmful?
? Did you reach your goal or not? How do you feel about the outcome? What could you do differently in the future to be even more successful at changing your behavior? If you do not reach your goal, that is okay. The purpose of this assignment is to make you aware of the psychological principles involved in behavioral changes and to get you to think critically about the course material and readings related to your behavioral change attempts.
? How did you go about trying to change your behavior? Did you use any of the behavior learning strategies that we discussed in class such as classical or operant conditioning?
? How did you use these strategies? Did they work or not? more
Answer each Question using VIDEO LECTURES and other resources submitted to you. Answer must be below the Question.
Responses, in general, must:
outline the parameters of... the topic,
meet the requirements of the question,
not contain conjecture and /or speculation, and
contain a defensible argument that pertains to the question.
Be sure to cite the readings and the anecdotal information presented by the speakers within the videos. The criteria for evaluating your answers on the exam will be your ability to ship evidence of the fact that you have read and viewed the course materials and used the data contained within to frame your answers. Be sure to answer all parts of the question.
1. Discuss the differences between basic evaluation and accepted research procedures. How would you integrate evaluation techniques in your daily work routine to improve your job performance.
2. Describe the following in detail: Focus group interviews, nominal process, and Delphi techniques. Select one (1) of these and describe how the process would integrate into the program planning and evaluation process.
3. Outline the steps you would follow to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire.
4. Define formative evaluation. Discuss the four phases of formative evaluation.
5. Describe (in detail) the five research designs commonly used in outcome evaluation; indicate the specific purpose of each. Provide a description of the shorthand used to document these procedures.
6. Describe three different methods of collecting data. For each method, identify key issues or problems you might encounter when collecting data in this manner.
7. Discuss community-focused evaluation (How is it different from generic evaluation?). Define the following terms within the context of community focused evaluations:
a. Input
b. Activity
c. Output
d. Outcome
e. Indicator
f. Target
8. Dr. 0Rourke provides a primer on survey research and the development of effective instrumentation. Following the guidelines provided by Dr. ORourke, develop a survey instrument. Select a target population and develop a simple 10-item survey.
9. In general terms, discuss how you would use the guidelines (as a Teacher or Teachers Aide) provided by Dr. Wojtowicz in Module 5 to evaluate the effectiveness of school health education in a school setting?
Program Evaluation - Overview and Definitions
Needs Assessment
Focus Group Interviews
Role of Health Educator as Evaluator
Integrating Research and Practice"Some Tools for the Practitioner
Outcome Evaluation
Outcome Evaluation Continued
Community Health Evaluation
Developing Tests and Questionnaires
Survey Research
Evaluation Issue I: Creativity in Teaching
Evaluation Issue II: Data Collection
Evaluation Issues III: Planning and Evaluation
Evaluation Issues IV: Health Risk Assessment
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NRSG 366
Freda smith is a 64 year old woman who has been referred by the local hospital to the community Health centre for ongoing care. Freda was discharged home 2 days ago. She was diagnosed wit...h rheumatoid arthritis 10 years ago and chronic heart failure 5 years ago.
She also has a cataract in her left eye which will be removed in 3 months.
During her recent hospital stay she has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and commenced on insulin, her regular BGL have been high ranging from 18.5 to 25.6 mmol/L.
Freda lives with her husband John in a 2 bedroom second storey unit.
There is lift access within the building,.John works full time as a builder
and Freda works in his business as the office manager.
John and Freda have 4 children, 3 sons and 1 daughter, all of them live overseas. Freda is 170cm tall and weighs 110kgs
She is short of breath on exertion.
Her current observations
BP: 140/80
P: 100
R: 26
Sa02: 96% on 21% oxygen
Fredas current medications include
frusemide 40mg BD
digoxin 250 mcg daily
lisinopril 20 mg BD
atenolol 50 mg daily
aspirin 100 mg daily
amiodarone 300 mg BD with food, to be reviewed in one month
iboprufen 400 mgs TD
lantus 52 units daily
You are the RN from the community Health service who has been assigned to visit Freda and John at home to assess Fredas level of self management of her BGLs and insulin injections.
The hospital had indicated John was reluctant to give his wife this injection
or get involved in her care
You are required to
A comprehensive client assessment.
Identification of the impact of the health issues on Freda and John
Impact on their level of independence and functioning in the community
The nursing care strategies that will support and educate Freda and john to promote their level of independent living. This is to include Fredas level of independence associated with her BGL monitoring and insulin administration.
One: identify the person
Understand the background of the person
Understand all the details provided about the person
Clarify all the symptoms, identified problems and diagnoses
so you understand who you
are dealing with and what problems they may have.
Two: understand the pathophysiology of the diagnoses and the pharmacological principles of the medications the person is on
Review the normal physiology of the body systems involved in the various diagnoses.
Review the pathophysiology related to the diagnoses so you understand the variation from normal
Identify the purpose of the medications in relation to the diagnoses
Review the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the medications
Understand the effect of the medication on the pathophysiology of the diagnoses
Identify the information needed to care for the client and structure assessment to provide you with the information required to plan care for this particular client?s specific problems
Identify all the domains of health to be assessed
Identify the tools needed to perform the assessments in each domain
Identify additional information needed and method to collect the required data, e.g. urine tests
Four: care planning
Identify care needs in order of priority
Construct a plan of care that meets the needs of the client.
Consider care planning across all domains of health: physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, intellectual and other domains you may identify
Include method of evaluation in the care planning
Review care planning from ethical perspective to include client consent, autonomy and adherence to nurses? code of conduct ,legal requirements etc
Five: implementation
Identify possible obstacles to implementation and how you could address it
Six: evaluation and reassessment
Identify how outcomes will be measured and identify reassessment or conclusion of
Identify tracking of progress of long term care goals
TITTLE OF THE THESIS: The Face of Violence: Art as witness, interpreter and mediator of violence in Colombia.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: This thesis evaluates the social role of art in the problem... of violence in Colombia, as an active element, witness, interpreter and mediator, and the relationship between artists and social circumstances in Colombia.
A. Narrative
The description of the violence in Colombia has been a theme well enough dissected nationally and internationally. On the contrary, Colombian art and its history seem to be secluded to a more local context and are, for the most part, frequently overlooked.
A great part of Colombian art, as it happens elsewhere, represents what happens in the country. Unfortunately, violence has been a big part of Colombians lives throughout their history. Through an analysis of the work of Colombian artists that have worked with violence as a subject for their art, this thesis examines the social role of art in the problem of violence in Colombia; art as an active element, witness, interpreter and mediator, and the relationship between artists and social circumstances in Colombia.
This concept is of primary importance, since as first hand witnesses of the history of Colombia and as activists of an aesthetic expression, artists have a very interesting story to share with the rest of the world. This dissertation seeks to have a social effect. If these ideas, concepts and expressions are shared, this can be a contribution for a better understanding about what is happening in Colombia. It can promote a greater awareness and civic commitment. After all, art must have a social function and civic responsibility.
B. Art and Violence in Colombia
Since the beginning of the 20th Century, several artists have dedicated themselves to represent violence in Colombia. However, it wouldnt be until of mid-century when they really felt compromised with the social reality of the country. Between 1948 and 1958, Colombia lived a period called La Violencia. This sudden outbreak of violence was the result of a longtime constrained frustration by the public over the corrupted and centralized government and spread throughout the entire country. Like never before, an important number of artists responded to the events and became aesthetic activists. This difficult time produced a very intense movement in culture and arts in general; writers such as Alvaro Mutis, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Leon de Greiff came to the public light. Artists such as Alejandro Obregn, Fernando Botero, Deborah Arango, Pedro Nel Gmez, and Luis Caballero, among others, began to use their work to denounce, protest, and/or criticize political and social injustice.
Guerillas and paramilitary movements, created in the 1960s and extremely active during the following two decades, concentrated their subversive and terrorist activities mostly in rural areas where peasants and indigenous were the main victims. An example of the artistic production at the time is the group Factory Four, formed by the artists: Nirma Zrate (1939-1999) and Diego Arango (1942), and other artists.
The last decades of the 20th Century brought a new generation of artists facing a different type of violence when, in addition to the old political conflicts, the drug and narcotics traffic war made its entrance. In the 1980s, narcotics trafficking became a multi-billion dollar illicit business in Colombia. By the 1990s, the internal war between cartels, in addition to the Colombian government and international military persecution reached the cities that for almost two decades were fairly safe.
For many artists and regular citizens, it was an awakening. Now, artists were first hand witnesses living in the middle of a social, political, and criminal violence. The 1980s and 90s produced art with different points of view, diverse approaches, and new means of expression. Artists like Juan Fernando Herrn (1963) use photography to question the institutional aspects of the war against narcotics trafficking. Or, for example, Jose Alejandro Restrepo (1959) explores the origins of violence and works with video-installations. Different perspectives, such as the feminist, gained strength. Two of the most influential artists who have dedicated their work to the subject of violence are Beatriz Gonzlez (1938) and Doris Salcedo (1958). They work with images taken from real events, but their message is neither political nor social. Gonzalez and Salcedo focus on the human, intimate, and personal vision of the victims and survivors of violence.
Today, Colombia is undergoing a rehabilitation process. Citizens and government, in general, understand that everybody has a civic responsibility and that in order to end violence in the country, it is necessary to work with the people. Victims and non-victims must learn from the past and heal, but not forget. Many sectors of society; governmental institutions, church, industry, artists, and cultural organizations are participating and creating public programs that use art as a therapeutic, educational, and edifying tool. Art has become a means for exercises on collective memory, relief, and expression.
C. Boundaries
From an historic and social perspective, this thesis is divided in three main sections that address the artistic production of distinctive and crucial periods of time in the last half of the 20th Century, when, in consensus with most historians, Colombia entered cultural modernity. The first part deals with the political violence in the 1950s and revolutionary violence from the 1960s to the 80s. The second one concentrates on the terroristic and narcotic violence in the 1980s and 90s. Finally, the third section focuses on violence in the new millennium and the new approaches to it.
D. Objectives
Beyond the analysis of certain works of art, this project seeks to learn how art has reflected, produced, generated and /or facilitated new views to the problem of violence. It also attempts to evaluate the impact of the Colombian socio-political situation in artistic production, and how much art has been or not been engaged with the circumstances in Colombia.
General Objetives:
-To study the different periods of violence in Colombia since the second half of the 20th Century and the consequent artistic production.
-To relate the content of the diverse works with the phenomenon of violence in Colombia identifying the historical content.
-To analyze of the works of Colombian artists that address the theme of violence, their perceptions of the country, and their positions; what message they want to express in their work and their contribution to the field.
-To study the capacity of aesthetic language to interpret and transmit the reality of Colombian situation concerning violence.
My first approach to the subject was when I was writing the term paper for my Latin America Art class about violence in the art of Alejandro Obregon. I found out violence was a repeated topic for Colombian artists. A year later, I participated in the symposium Visible Players in Civic Life; Museums and Civic Engagement organized by City College of New York. My paper, Everyday Museums, makes reference to the public programs developed by the National Museum of Colombia seeking reflection on cultural heritage, social situation of victims of violence, and practical actions of civic participation. Cultural action in Colombia has not had a tradition of being evaluated and the hunt for research material was particularly difficult.
Within the subject of art and violence, literature is limited. The most important text is the catalogue for the exhibition Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948, published by the Museum of Modern Art of Bogota. This catalog shows a variety of artists who have addressed violence in their works, the multiple manifestations and approaches to the subject. Most of the works on the subject were published before 1980 and focus on the period of La Violencia. There are few more recent texts, but most of them are theses, urveys, or encyclopedias. Contextual and formal analyses are left mainly for articles and cultural magazines.
In recent years, the general awakening has influenced some artists and scholars to write from different perspectives. An example of that are the reflections on the origin of violence and its reasons in Cuerpo Gramatical: Cuerpo, arte y violencia by Jose Alejandro Restrepo. Anthropologist Pilar Riao Alcala whose work focuses on violence and social engagement, writes about public art in Encounters with Memory and Mourning: Public Art as Collective Pedagogy of Reconciliation. Colombian historian Ana Maria Reyes wrote a thesis for her masters degree at University of Chicago entitled Fernando Boteros Pictorial Language of La Violencia en Colombia. Reyes, who was my professor at same university, also wrote Horrific Beauty: Commemoration and the Aestheticization of Violence in Contemporary Colombian Art; a paper presented at the seminar, New Perspectives in the Study of Social Conflict, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. No a comprehensive study about art, violence and civic engagement in Colombia has been done. It is certainly pertinent.
III. PROPOSED CONTENT (open to some /minor changes)
1. Introduction
2. A look to Colombian social, Political and Artistic context
a.Political Violence Between 1948 and 1958
b.Revolutionary Violence in the 1960s, 70s and 80s
-Case of study #1: Alejandro Obregon
-Case of study #2: Deborah Arango
c.Terroristic and Narcotic Violence in the 1980s and 90s
- Case of study#3: Beatriz Gonzalez
- Case of study#4: Doris Salcedo
3.Surviving Violence, A New Millennium
-Case of study #5: Public art project: La piel de la
memoria (the Skin of Memory)
6.List of Images
IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY (*the following books are must have. You must include them in the bibliography, Im also including a list of suggested books)
-Traba, Marta. Historia abierta del arte colombiano, Bogot, Colcultura, 1984
-Medina, Alvaro. El arte y la violencia colombiana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 10-118 *I CAN FAX IT, BUT IS 150 PAGES, PLEASE ADVISE
- Uribe, Maria Victoria. Desde los margenes de la cultura in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 276-286 SAME BOOK ABOVE
-Rodriguez, Dominique. Violencia y arte: contagio por transfusion. Agenda Cultural. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. (November, 1999): 4-9 *I CAN FAX, ITS 9 PAGES
- Reyes, Ana Maria. Horrific Beauty: Commemoration and the Aestheticization of Violence in Contemporary Colombian Art; a paper presented at the seminar, New Perspectives in the Study of Social Conflict, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (March 23, 2001)
Riao Alcal, Pilar. "Encounters with Memory and Mourning: Public Art as Collective Pedagogy of Reconciliation." in Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Making Curriculum Public, ed. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco and Erica Meiners (New York: Routledge, 2004). 237-61.
_____ "La piel de la memoria--Barrio Antioquia: pasado, presente y futuro," Novay Vetera 36 (August-September 1999): 79-85.
V. SUGESSTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: (suggested and not limited to, except for the must have books)
A.colombian History
Absaln, Jimnez, Democracia en tiempos de crisis 1949-1994, Bogot, instituto de estudios polticos y relaciones internacionales, 2003
Alonso, Salazar, Profeta en el desierto, vida y muerte de Lus Carlos Galn, Bogot, Ed. Planeta, 2003
Borrero, Armando. Las guerras colombianas del siglo XX. Revista Javeriana (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot), vol. 138, no. 635 (June 2002).
Bushnell, David. La Violencia. Chap. 9 in The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation
in Spite of Itself. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, 201-222
_____ The National Front. Chap. 10 in The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation
in Spite of Itself. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, 223-248
Thoroughly documented, the chapters are evenly balanced in focus on the colonial period, the nineteenth century, and the twentieth century through the early 1990s.
Girard, Rene. Violence and the Sacred. The Johns Hopkins University Press (January 1979).
The author exposes the entire history of the alliance between Violence and religion
Jaramillo, Ana Mara, and others. Miedo y desplazamiento. Experiencias y percepciones, ed. Corporacin Regin (Medelln 2004).
Kalmanovitz, Salomn. Las instituciones polticas en el siglo XX, Bogot, Banco de la republica, 1999
Lpez de la Roche , Fabio. Condicionamientos culturales de la violencia en Colombia Universitas Humansticas (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot), vol. 24, no. 42 (June-December 1995).
Medina Gallego, Carlos y Mireya Tllez Ardila. La violencia parainstitucional paramilitar y parapolicial en Colombia. Bogota, Rodrguez Quito Editores, 1994
Pcault, Daniel. Guerra contra la sociedad, Bogot, Ed. Planeta, 2001.
_____ Violencia y poltica en Colombia. Elementos de reflexin, Medelln, Ed. Hombre nuevo, 2003
Taussig, Michael. Law in a Lawless Land: Diary of a Limpieza in Colombia University of Chicago Press, 2005
Anthropologist Taussig chronicles two weeks in a small town in Colombia's Cauca Valley taken over by paramilitaries. It offers a insight into the nature of Colombia's present peril; the paramilitaries, the police and the desperate townspeople.
B.Colombian Art history
lvarez, Miladis. La plstica hoy como ayer. Revista Javeriana (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot), vol. 138, no. 635 (June 2002): 48-54.
Guilln Martnez, Fernando. "Introduccin a nuestra pintura contempornea."Revista de las Indias, N 103 (March-April, 1949)
This article gives an introduction of the modern art history in Colombia. It introduces the political works of some Colombian artists.
Londoo, Santiago. Lyrical Americanism. in Colombian Art. Bogot: Villegas Ed., 2001. 309-313
_____ Expressionists and Political Art. In Colombian Art . Bogot: Villegas Ed., 2001. 337-349
Analyzes Colombian more important moments in art. Londono explains how art is a revolution on consciousness and expression of local values throughout Colombian history. It is definitively useful to get a complete idea of the development of art in the country.
Medina, Alvaro. Procesos del arte en Colombia. Instituto Colombiano de Cultura, Bogota, 1978.
Nancy Princenthal, Carlos Basualdo, Andreas Huyssen. Doris Salcedo, Londres, Ed. Phaidon, 2000
Panesso, Fausto y Olga Lucia Jordan. Beatriz Gonzlez. Arte y parte cuatro dcadas en el arte colombiano, vol. 1, ed. Gamma (Bogot 1990)
This survey presents a series of artists, their biographies and a general description on their artwork.
Posada, Gloria. Beatriz Gonzlez: documentos de identidad. Revista Universidad de Antioquia (Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln) no. 226 (April-June 1999).
Seloff, Gary Alan. Alejandro Obregn and the Development of Modern Art in Colombia. (masters thesis, University of Texas at Austin, n.d. 1983)
Szyszlo, Fernando de. Contemporary Latin American Painting: A Brief Survey. College Art Journal, Vol 19, N 2 (Winter, 1959-1960) 134-145
He focuses his work in the increasingly visible presence of Latin American artists and their work on the global art scene.
Traba, Marta. Historia abierta del arte colombiano, Bogot, Colcultura, 1984
One of the most important books about the history of Colombian art, includes the work of several Colombian artists.
_____ La pintura nueva en Latinoamrica. Bogot: ed. Librera Central, 1961. 138-143
Traba pts in evidence the forgetfulness in which was the art of Latin America. In this book, she emphasizes the importance of the leaders of Latin American modern art.
_____ Violencia: una obra comprometida con Obregn. La Nueva Prensa, Vol. 65, Ref. 136 A (August 3, 1962) 72
This article gives a formal analysis of Obregns paintings: The Massacre of the 10 of April (1948), and Violence (1962), focusing in the latter one.
_____ Seis artistas contemporneos colombianos. Bogot: ed Antares, 1963.
Overview of six important Colombian artists: Enrique Grau, Edgar Negret, Alejandro Obregn, Eduardo Ramrez Villamizar, Fernando Botero, and Doris Salcedo.
Robayo, lvaro. La critica a los valores hegemnicos en el arte colombiano. Bogot, Convenio Andrs Bello: Ediciones uniandes, 2001
Rubiano Caballero, Germn. Arte moderno en Colombia: de comienzos de siglo a las manifestaciones ms recientes. in Colombia hoy perspectivas hacia el siglo XXI. Bogot, tercer mundo editores, 1995
Yo soy como Dbora Arango pero 30 aos despus. Revista Avianca (Bogot), no. 10 (January 2006).
Doris Salcedo, Nuevos nombres: seguimiento, Banco de la Republica , 1990, N 3 exposiciones
C.Art and Violence
Cobo Borda, Juan. Obregn: entre la guerra y la paz. Revista Cromos, N 3399 (March 8, 1983)
Cobo highlights that Obregn incorporated into his painting a repertory of themes that transcend literary reference and are unmistakably Colombian in character. He talks about Obregns works that best represent the violent political events of the moment in the country.
Cohen, David. The Dualist - Painting, Francis Bacon, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany. Art in America. (January, 1997)
For Cohen, Bacons art had registered and interpreted uncountable bloody and miserable episodes. He analyzes the painters works in term of violence.
Gaitan, Andres. El arte en la era de los ciegos. in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 132-150.
Gonzalez, Beatriz. Artistas en tiempos de guerra. Museo Nacional de Colombia, Bogot. 1999
Guzman, German, Orlando Fals and Eduardo Umaa. Violencia en Colombia, estudio de un proceso social. Ed. Punta de lanza. 8th edition. vol. I and II. July, 1977.
Henriquez, Cecilia. Violencia, arte abstracto y neofiguracion. in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 120-131
Jones, Jonathan. When the Master of Peace Did Violence. The Guardian. (October, 2003)
Picasso painted the most compelling antiwar images in history. The author main argument is violence as Picassos greatest theme.
Kristeva, Julia. La hora de los muertos: imgenes de lo prohibido en el arte actual. Revista de occidente, no 21, (February 1998).
Londoo, Santiago. Violencia, Las 10 obras de arte del siglo XX en Colombia. Revista Credencial Historia, N 111 (March, 1999)
It is a very helpful resource to have a bigger picture of the importance of violence as recurrent theme in Colombian art. He enlists Obregns La Violencia as one of most emblematic paintings in Colombian modern art.
Medina, Alvaro. El arte y la violencia colombiana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 10-118
This exhibit catalog shows a variety of artists who have addressed violence since 1948, the multiple manifestations and approaches to the subject and formal analysis of the works exhibited. It was my starting point and main source.
Restrepo, Jose Alejandro. Cuerpo Gramatical: Cuerpo, arte y violencia. Ediciones Uniandes Universidad de los Andes. Bogota, 2006.
Rodriguez, Dominique. Violencia y arte: contagio por transfusion. Agenda Cultural. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. (November, 1999): 4-9
Rubiano Caballero, Germn. El arte de la violencia. in Arte en Colombia (Bogot), no. 25 (1984): 25-33.
Author dedicates this entire chapter of his book to analyzed the art inspired by the drama of violence in Colombia
Uribe, Maria Victoria. Desde los margenes de la cultura in Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Museo de arte moderno de Bogot. Grupo editorial Norma. Bogot. Mayo- julio de 1999. 276-286
Includes notes from an interview to Doris Salcedo by Santiago Villaveces as part of a research proyect called: El pais de los ciegos in 1993.
D.Art and Civic Engagement
Hirzy, Ellen. A Challenge to Museums in Mastering Civic Engagement. ed. American Association of Museums (Washington 2004).
Hoyos, Mauricio . La piel de la memoria--Barrio Antioquia: pasado, presente y future. Medellin: Corporacion Region (2001): 124.
Lacy, Suzanne. Medellin, Colombia: Reinhabiting Memory, Art Journal, vol. 65, no.4. Thomson Gale (December 22, 2006): 17
Reyes, Ana Maria. Horrific Beauty: Commemoration and the Aestheticization of Violence in Contemporary Colombian Art; a paper presented at the seminar, New Perspectives in the Study of Social Conflict, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (March 23, 2001)
Riao Alcal, Pilar. "Encounters with Memory and Mourning: Public Art as Collective Pedagogy of Reconciliation." in Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Making Curriculum Public, ed. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco and Erica Meiners (New York: Routledge, 2004). 237-61.
_____ Encuentros artsticos con el dolor, las memorias y las violencias. En publicacion: ICONOS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito), no. 21 ( 2005).
_____ "La piel de la memoria--Barrio Antioquia: pasado, presente y futuro," Novay Vetera 36 (August-September 1999): 79-85.
Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH),
National Museum of Colombia,
_____ Exhibitions page, Yolanda: Fragments of Exile and Uprooting
Latin Arte,
Luis Angel Arango Library (national library),
Wallis, Brian. Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation.
Benjamin, Walter. The Author as Producer. in Art after Modernism: Rethinking Representation. Contributors: Brian Wallis - editor. Museum of Contemporary Art. (New York. 1984): 297.
_____ Para una crtica de la violencia, Madrid, Taurus, 1999.
Foster, Hal. The Return of the Real: Art and Theory at the End of the Century. MIT Press. 1996
Barthes, Roland. From Work to Text. in Art after Modernism: Rethinking Representation. Contributors: Brian Wallis - editor. Museum of Contemporary Art. (New York. 1984): 169.
Panofsky, Erwin.
Restrepo, Laura. Niveles de la realidad en la literatura de la violencia colombiana. Ideologia y Sociedad, (1976) 7-35
This author argues the big impact of violence on the cultural environment in Colombia. Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal are just couple of the many writers and intellectuals that wrote about the subject. This essay helps to understand the group of Colombian artists that were influenced by the political and social environment and vice versa.
Cobo Borda, Juan Gustavo. Poesa y novela en Colombia en la dcada del 80: Algunas tendencias. in Colombia hoy perspectivas hacia el siglo XXI. Bogot, tercer mundo editores, 1995.
Panesso, Fausto. Los Intocables. Bogot: ed. Alcaravn, 1975.
The book, is a retrospective about the most important painters in the development of the visual arts in Colombia.
Posada, Francisco. Ideas sobre la cultura nacional y el arte realista. Bogot: ed. Letras Nacionales, 1965. 7-33
A study about the varity of cultural expressions of Colombia in the XX century
Sanchez, Gonzalo. Translated by Peter Bakewell. La Violencia in Colombia: New Research, New Questions. The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 65, N 4 (Nov., 1985), 789-807.
Even though this particular source was too general, It has an interesting debate about how ironically Colombia has traditionally had the strongest democracy in Latin America, with a significant social instability that began to spread throughout the country in the late 1940s.
1.Images of mentioned artworks
3.At least 10 citations
4.At least 2 quotes
5.Table of Content
6.Bibliography 30-35 sources (current, whenever possible)
7.list of Images
8.Title page
9.Aproval and signature pages
Following this request form, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITH:
Useful Reading material:
-Doris Salcedo and Beatriz Gonzalez (written by me. in Spanish)
-Interview: Medellin, Colombia: Reinhabiting Memory. By Lacy, Suzanne. (about the project La piel de la memoria / the Skin of Memory, other of the study cases,)*
I CAN FAX THE BELOW SOURCES (*please let me know if you need them):
-Arte y violencia en colombia. Museo de Arte Moderno de bogota -150 pages (it is part of the must have books)
-Arte, memoria y Violencia. by Pilar Riano (it is part of the must have books)
- Violencia y arte: contagio por transfusion. Rodriguez, Dominique. (it is part of the must have books)
There are faxes for this order.
10 double-spaced pages in length, with default margins and 12-pt. font in Times New Roman. You should inc...lude sources that support and contradict a specific position. Ten sources are required. Please use footnotes with a bibliography formatted in accordance with Turabian standards.
The goal of this paper is to not only conclude with a position (even if tentative) regarding the theological issue investigated, but also to interact with the content and arguments for and against the positions that entail all sides of the issue. In other words, you must interact with and respond to opposing views, as well as seriously consider the strengths and weaknesses of your position. In writing this paper, you should work with the biblical text and interact with theological and exegetical arguments used to support all sides of the issue, but nevertheless come to conclusions based upon the strength of the arguments being studied. In doing research of this kind, you are encouraged to use primary sources written by proponents of the positions being espoused. Do not exclusively use secondary sources that summarize the content of a position. Instead, be sure to use sources that argue in support of a position.
The Providence Debate: In the realm of God's providence, there are numerous variables and nuanced positions. Consider the two broader views-the Arminian and the Calvinist views-and evaluate the merits of each as to whether or not there might be alternatives views that incorporated both perspectives. Remember that this debate has less to do with the soteriological issues and more to do with God's control over the happenings that occur in the world in which humans live and make daily choices. more
University of Phoenix Material
Food Intake ? 3 Days
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following points about the 3-day food intake information you recorded in iProf...ile:
? Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
o Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which provide carbohydrate? Which provide lipids?
o Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake compares with the recommendations of the dietary reference intake (DRI). If your recorded protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance?
o Is the protein in each of the foods you ate complete or incomplete, thus combining to become complementary? Why is this fact important?
o How much of your daily-recommended protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake did you achieve? Were you surprised by the number? If your macronutrient intake is insufficient, what might you do to bring it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.
? Macronutrient intake ranges
o Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important? What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?
? Fiber intake ranges
o Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you as calculated at the iProfile website?
o Do you think your intake was too high, too low, or just right? Provide a rationale.
o Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups?fruits and vegetables?fell short of the recommended intake?
o Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your days? meals? Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that might affect your fiber intakes.
? Dietary modifications
o Are you able to identify any patterns or trends within your diet? If so, what are they?
o What changes might you make among your vegetables, fruits, meat and meat alternatives, or grain choices to increase the fiber in your diet?
o Do your meals include fiber-rich bean dishes, such as chili, beans in a salad, or split-pea soup?
o If you drink fruit juice instead of eating whole fruit, what might happen to the fiber content and calorie content in your diet?
o How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide examples.
Cite three references other than the course textbooks.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. more
As Lakoff and Johnson written:"Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature." As you are the author of your own life, for this assignment you will find a conceptual metaphor that has had some major significance in your life. You will examine and evaluate how this conceptual metaphor has influenced your thoughts and actions.
As Lakoff and Johnson have done,you will use your conceptual metaphor to hold the paper together, and you will prvde variations(linguistic derivations and offshoots of this metaphor) as examples or evidnce for what this system is like and how it works".
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Customer is requesting that (dlzit) completes this order.
Please expand on current paper following. Please feel free to add Italian or Irish immigrants to flesh out paper.
It needs an intro section, lit review, recommendation or findings and conclusion....
This is the 3rd time I have submitted this request.
Paper following:
Stereotyping of Minorities in the Media
The United States is often characterized as a melting pot, unique for the incredible diversity of ethnicities, nationalities, races and religions that are represented across this nation. And yet, in many ways, its populations remain largely segregated, voluntarily inclined toward communities of their own kind and into social circles, organizations and institutions where such is similarly the case. This is an experience which is common for many Americans, who have viewed other groups through the homogeneity of their own experiences. This contrasts the experience of the dominant culture, a white ethnic spectrum which in total constitutes somewhere in the range of 70% of the population. (Day, 1) This is racial dynamic which facilitates a hegemonic approach to defining and conceptualizing other ethnicities, races and cultures. The result is a set of cultural artifacts perpetuating stereotypical composites of various minorities. These are constructed through various media to confirm hegemonic thinking and used to sustain existing racial power dynamics.
Negative stereotyping is typically a product of limited interaction with members of another ethnic or cultural group, which accounts for the correlation between its presence in the media and the segregation which is generally pervasive in American culture. Indeed, according to Fiske (2004), ?stereotyping entails applying to an individual one?s cognitive expectancies and association about the group. As such, stereotypes represent one specific kind of schema.? (Fiske, 398) Such schema are only made necessary by an absence of true understanding or awareness. In a society where segregation does not occur so consistently as is the case in America?where races and ethnicities are often divided along socioeconomic and geographical lines?the tendency to appeal to such schema is likely to be reduced.
According to the study by Cuddy et al, (2007) ?emotions predict behavioral tendencies more strongly than stereotypes do and usually mediate stereotype-to-behavioral-tendency links.? (Cuddy et al, 631) In a very real and problematic way, media outlets tend to exploit these emotions by representing minority cultures in ways that either appeal to our expectations or which manipulate our fears to greater heights.
These effects suggest a reciprocal relationship between our media and our own racial and ethnic biases as a culture. For instance, the well-known inequality faced by African Americans is carried out not just in the judicial system and through economic exclusion, but also by the delivery of negative stereotypes through the media. These have the effect of both informing a negative self-image for African Americans and of perpetuating unfair assumptions by the hegemonic culture regarding the cultural characteristics of the particular group. These abuses were psychological and would help to keep a degrading racist picture of African American people in the public eye. This racist picture would help the reigning political order to justify the oppression of African Americans. In the Kern-Foxworth (1994) article, the author considers the way that advertising after the Civil War would help to keep negative stereotypes and ideas about African Americans alive even after slavery had ended.
Two popular ways of showing the African American which were used liberally in the years around the turn of the century would depict him either as very simple or as a backwards and dangerous savage. By the early 1900s, it had become normal for cartoons on products that were for sale and in advertisement illustrations to show African Americans in the negative ways that whites preferred to view them. The Sambo stereotype was used quite frequently and, with serious reflection, remains evident in the self-deprecating humor of many African American humorists today. This image has allowed for the idea by white people that the African American is naturally simple and obedient. This idea facilitates advertisements which show the black man as being ignorant in a way that is meant to be funny. An insulting description of African Americans which comes with a coffee product discussed the article states that ?the banjo is the favorite instrument of the Negro and adds to gaiety of his home life in his cabin. Here while thrumming the notes, and beating time with his foot, he teaches his young pickaninnies to make their crude steps in harmony with the music.? (Kern-Foxworth, 34) The advertisement uses degrading and condescending words like ?crude? and ?pickaninnies.? But also, it shows the African American as being happy without addressing the stark inequalities in his life. This is a false and ironic way of showing African Americans, casting a sharp counterpoint to the lynching?s and other crimes still perpetrated against African Americans.
These associations demonstrate the destructive potential of media stereotyping which today frequently casts African Americans as the criminal villains in a law and order society. Depictions of other groups seem to reflect a similar desire to cast the social ?other? in a villainous role. With respect to the depictions of Jews, for instance, recent cases in popular culture illustrate, there does genuinely exist an often unspoken but continually relevant mistrust of the Jews amongst other cultures. The inflammatory notion that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a mythologized over-simplification of history that has helped to sustain an unwavering if often invisible image problem for the Jews. The spotlight created by the situation of conflict in Israel has been very pertinent to this conception of the Jew as deceptive, combative and imbued with a sense of superiority. (Patterson, 1) This notion has been a long-standing provocateur of resentment against the Jews.
In 2004, Director Mel Gibson became embroiled in controversy for producing what may likely be considered the most direct and explicit work of anti-Semitism created for mainstream consumption since WWII. In The Passion of the Christ, which would ultimately gross more than $370 million at the box office, Gibson would retell the story of Jesus with a focus on the myth of the Jew as a weak, effeminate figure whose treachery caused the death of the Messiah. (BOM, 1) The recall of an otherwise fading perspective on the Jews returned the pointlessly divisive question to the public discourse, likewise causing a firestorm that would have a dramatically negative effect on Gibson?s theretofore well-cast public image. The Academy Award winning director would prove with this film that the response from both anti-Semites and Jews would be substantial. Its successful performance in the box office would illustrate that support does still exist for this media depiction of the Jews.
The two examples of African American and Jewish American experiences demonstrate that even as American society appears to achieve ever greater social egalitarianism, its core ethnocentrism still drives a wedge between reality and the impression held of America?s minorities.
Works Cited:
BOM. (2004). ?The Passion of the Christ? Lifetime Box Office. Box Office Mojo. Online at
Cuddy, A.J.; Fiske, S.T. & Glick, P. (2007). The BIAS map: behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(4), 631-648.
Day, J.C. (2001). National Population Projections. U.S. Census Bureau. Online at < http://www.census.gov/population/www/pop profile/natproj.html>.
Fiske, S. (2004). Social Beings. Hoboken, NJ; Wiley and Sons.
Kern-Foxworth, M. (1994). Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastas. Memories of the Way We Were.
Patterson, C. (2006). Mel Gibson and the Gospel of Anti-Semitism. Jewish Virtual Library. Online at < http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti semitism/gibson.html>
Note to the writer:
Please predate this research in 2005. In other words, use references or sources dated before 2005.
I do not have the actual data for this research. In other words I have not distributed the questionnaires to the 10 subjects mentioned. You will have to simulate or assume the questionnaires were given, or replace the questionnaires with focus group. Anyway, this research will serve as a model for research students, specifically in terms of form.
What the research is about:
To explore the role of email in students academic lives, ten college students use of email in the submission of assignments and class work will be observed in a period of one term (4 months). It is anticipated that through email there will be faster submission of assignments, due to the fact that the teacher can easily check online. In other words, there is a sense of obligation among students to pass the assignments on time since technology provides them the speed. These predicted results have implications on the importance and usefulness of technology, specifically email, in academics.
I will email some other notes.
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To study the humanities is to study what it means to be human. In your 10 weeks, you thought critically about concepts like myths and narratives, morality and decision making, freedom, and happiness, ...as well as specific subjects like literature, art, music, film, and popular culture. All of these ideas and applications are ways to communicate with the past, present, and future.
Your Project for this course will be a virtual time capsule. A time capsule is a grouping of items for future discovery. Imagine that your time capsule will be buried at the end of the course and opened 100 years later.
The goal of the capsule is to provide an overview of what you believe future generations should remember about the 20th and early 21st Centuries. The project can be composed in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. It can include multimedia if you wish.
You must include the course materials in your time capsule; incorporate APA formatting, including citations and a references section. Word count specifications are described below for each category.
The Project should include the following EIGHT criteria
Item 1: Letter of introduction:
Write a letter, including a minimum of 250 words, describing your current life to a potential reader 100 years in the future.
In your letter, consider the following questions: What is your daily experience? Describe your daily routine, as well as your customs and habits (i.e., holidays, work schedules, etc.). Also describe your perspective on the modern era, and your dreams/goals for the future.
Item 2: Morality/Decision Making
Include one specific example of morality and decision-making in current culture. Reference the course materials, or specific examples of morality. Include at least 100 words for this category.
Item 3: Happiness
Include your definition of happiness in 100 words or more. Describe how you reached this view of happiness. Do you believe your definition of happiness corresponds with one of the theories of happiness you studied in the unit on happiness?
Item 4: Literature
In one paragraph, select one specific literary word (poem, short story, play, or novel). Indicate why this literature selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 5: Art and Architecture
In one paragraph, select one piece of architecture or art. Indicate why this art or architecture selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 6: Music
In one paragraph, select one specific song (or group of songs). Focus specifically on the selected song(s) and not the artist/musician for the song(s). Indicate why this song or group of songs is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 7: Film
In one paragraph, select one film. Indicate the film genre as well as why this film selection is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this film selection communicate about our culture today?
Item 8: Pop Culture
In one paragraph, select one specific item from pop culture. Indicate why this item from pop culture is significant to you. Why is this item worth preserving for readers 100+ years in the future? What does this selection communicate about our culture today?
Summarize your time capsule in a concluding paragraph. What should a reader in the future learn about the current era after reviewing your time capsule?
Please feel free to include examples that you discovered in your studies this term; incorporate the course materials in your time capsule. Challenge yourself to choose items that might be valuable for the future, though they might not necessarily be your favorites. Feel free to incorporate additional outside sources. Add citations and references for all consulted sources. Complete the project using the Microsoft Word template in Doc Sharing.
APA formatting:
Incorporate APA citations throughout the time capsule as well as a references section at the end of the time capsule. Review the APA quick reference guide on the left-hand sidebar under course home for APA formatting guidelines. As always, contact your instructor if you have questions.
Course Material: The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a Technique for Living Author: Richard Janaro and Thelma Altshuler more
I want this writer : amber111
The instructions :
?This is a formal academic writing task and must be structured as such. You need to provide an introduction and conclusion, as well ...as responses to the all of the questions. You can use sub-headings to achieve this if you wish.
?This assignement must include at least 8 references from reputable sources (print or web based) other than your texts. Which is
?(Medical-surgical Nursing for Lemon ,Burke,Dwyer at al )
-You must reference all materials correctly according to the APA style and from 2008 until now
-You must focus on the marking criteria when you are writing the essay
-Use the outline which attached to you as a guide.
-Use the case study as an example
-No personal language
- You must talk about statistics for diabetes in Australia, but without being put graphics, so you can explain and put the resource of statistics
The question :
Diabetes Assignment
Word limit 2000-2500 words
Josh is a 9-year-old aboriginal boy who lives with his parents, two siblings and his grandmother (who is NIDDM). Over the last month Josh?s mother has noticed that he has become increasingly unwell. Josh has been constantly thirsty and often hungry. He has been passing urine frequently, getting up to the toilet 2-3 times per night. Josh has had 2 episodes of abdominal pain. Josh?s mother reports he seems tired most of the time.
A BGL and urinalysis indicate BGL-20mmol/L and the U/A shows large glucose and trace ketones. Insulin was administered in the ED and an IV cannula inserted. Josh has been admitted to hospital for stabilisation and management of Diabetes.
1.Outline the incidence/ prevalence and main causes of Diabetes in Australia.
2.Discuss the following statement:
The disease processes of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have some similarities but also some important differences. Compare and contrast these two conditions.
3.Explain the relationship between Type 2 diabetes and one resulting chronic condition. Explain the pathophysiological changes that occur and that result in the development of the chronic condition.
4.The management of diabetes includes significant changes in an individual?s life. For example:
? Diet modifications,
? Medication management,
? Life style changes
Explain and discuss two of these changes and include the education the patient should receive regarding these changes. Relate your answer to either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes-not both
Finally, I will send the marking criteria to support team please read it before starting more
Evidence for Translation and Best Practice
rate the evidence related to translation of evidence into practice. The student then is to choose the 3 best strategies/practices/interventions that are supported by the evidence to address the practice issue. Describe the search methodology. Include a matrix related to translation of evidence (not a general overview of the topic). Only include evidence related to deling with difficult patients.
The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, based on primary sources, provide an integration of ideas, and be 5-6 pages in length, not including title page, reference list, and matrix. Organized flow, logical progression of ideas, and clarity in thought processes are essential.
Criteria Points
Introduction paragraph (one paragraph). There must be a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph that explicitly tells the reader the purpose of paper and what will be discussed. /2
Describe the system in which you currently practice (even if you are not yet an advanced practice nurse). Be specific about your system. Give the reader a sense of place about your system.
Describe the practice issue, policy, or clinical/administrative issue that you are interested in addressing. Why did you choose this topic?
Describe your search methodology? What databases were accessed and what search terms/keywords were used in the search? Include a description of your hits. /4
Provide a synthesis/overview of your rating of the evidence related to your issue or topic. Pay particular attention to gaps in the evidence or areas that are not well supported. This section is an overview related to your topic
Include a brief historical perspective in the development of the evidence that addresses your issue/topic. /4
What 3 strategies/practices/interventions are best supported by the evidence?
Briefly describe the interventions and an overview of the supporting evidence.
Present the evidence in a matrix format (see below for matrix guidelines).
Provide a synthesis of the rating of evidence related to the strategies/best practices/interventions recommended to address your clinical issue. /6
Conclusions: summarize the essential points of paper (one paragraph). /2
Primary, peer-reviewed from scholarly journals. Number to include at least 10 from scholarly journals. May include other sources from appropriate literature in addition to minimum of 10 scholarly journal references. If applicable, include an appropriate clinical practice guideline. /1
Matrix (in Appendix): Provide a matrix of evidence related to the translation of evidence into practice systems. as well. Use the matrix format downloaded Include a copy of the method used for rating the evidence in the appendix. /6
Total /25
Papers must be submitted to turnitin.com and students are to review the report generated by this software system. Students will be given the opportunity to submit revisions of the paper to turnitin.com. The final report is to be submitted in the assignment #1 dropbox with Assignment #1 and the highlighted NU 608 matrix of evidence (if applicable). Please make sure each of these is a separate pdf file. Assignments submitted without a turnitin.com report will not be accepted and will result in a 10% point deduction for failure to submit properly on initial submission.
All files should be submitted in pdf. Assignments not submitted in pdf will not be accepted and will result in a 10% point deduction for failure to submit properly on initial submission.
Papers over the page limit will not be accepted and will result in a 10% point deduction for failure to submit properly on initial submission.
Scholarliness of the paper, correct grammar, appropriate spelling, and correct use of APA are expected.
Deductions for APA errors, grammatical & spelling errors will be made at the discretion of the instructor.
Assignment #1 Helpful Hints
Here are some helpful hints .
1. The introduction section of your paper should begin with some general statements. Try to share something that is interesting or attention grabbing. The last sentence in the introduction paragraph (one paragraph) will be your thesis statement which tells the reader the purpose of the paper and what will be discussed. Dont pose your thesis statement as a question. It should clearly state that the purpose of the paper is to..
2. Describe your system in which you currently practice . CURRENTLY WORKING IN THE HOSPICE END OF LIFE SETTING Be specific about your system. What kind of institution NON PROFIT HOSPICE INPATIENT UNIT WITH 36 BEDS LOCATED CAPE CORAL FLA, where is it located, how many beds, etc. Give the reader a sense of place about your system. Describe your practice issue for us. Be clear and succinct. Why did you choose this issue? Is there a problem on your unit/in your system that really needs your focus? Has some problem resulted in negative patient outcomes?
You also will need to describe your search methodology. We want to be sure you are doing a thorough search and need to see what databases and any other sources you have accessed. Include the number of hits you have obtained.
3. When we say provide a synthesis of the evidence, we are not talking about a listing of studieswe are referring to an overview of the literature. What is out there? Where are the gaps? This section of your paper should probably be around 1 pages in length, depending on how much literature there is related to your issue. Again, do not include a listing of each study and what was found, give a synthesis.
Ex. In relation to pain management of breast cancer patients, 5 of the 20 studies reviewed concluded that nurse practitioners do not.(citation 1; citation 2; citation 3; citation 4; citation 5).
However, we dont want to see something like, Three studies found X. Two studies found Y. Five studies found Z. If you are confused and want to see an example of what is meant by a synthesis, look at an article in the background or literature review section.
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Total Fitness & Wellness and Introduction to Exercise Science
Prepare a 900-word paper in which you analyze my personal exercise habits as they relate to volume, intensity, and frequency (density
Address the following items:
Describe your exercise habits.
The only exercise habits I do would be softball two-three times a week, walking the dog, hiking while photographing wildlife, and daily house work.
Explain why locomotion movements, nonlocomotion skills, and object manipulation skills should be taken into consideration when planning a program of physical development. Which types of movements and skills will you include in your exercise habits for personal training? Why?
Explain how each energy system is affected by your exercise habits. Which one(s) are more prevalent in your plan?
List the units of exercise and the time required to enhance physical adaptation.
Describe the impact of the exercise as it relates to either aerobic or anaerobic power.
Determine the relationship between the time you need to train, and the time you need to allow your body to regenerate and rest.
Identify potential issues in developing motor skills and motor learning from your exercise habits.
List changes or additions to your training program designed to enhance fitness.
topic: use of yiddish in jewish ultra orthodox communities (haredi) as a first language in contrary of the use of local vernacular (israel - hebrew, NY & London - english). in hassidic communities... yiddish is more common, in litvish (yeshivish) local vernacular is more common.
why the difference? what functions does yiddish serve in those communities? effects of vernacular pressure on use of yiddish. identity issues, religious language related issues (ancient hebrew - loshn koydesh is considered holy. what's the yiddish condition in this aspect?), heritage issues ("haymish"), cultural isolation - yiddish as a means to create bounderies (in-out, out-in). diglossia (or triglossia).
please include general sociolinguistic material about: language & ethnicity / group identity / collective identity / religious identity.
include footnots, at least 25 cited sources (reference articles&books folowing - bottom), research hypothesis, abstarct, conclusions.
1) Yiddish & Ultra Orthodox Jews:
- International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 1999, 138. (Eds: Isaacs, M & Glinert, L.H.), Mouton De Grouyter.
- Isaacs, Miriam/ Haredi, haymish and frim: Yiddish vitality and language choise in a transnational, multilingual community. pp 9-30.
- Isaacs, Miriam/ Contentious partners: Yiddish and Hebrew in Haredi Israel. pp 101-121.
- Glinert, Lewis H./We never changed our language: attitudes to yiddish acquisition among Hasidic educators in Britain. pp 31-52.
- Abraham, Joan E./ Perceptions of English learning in a hasidic jewish sect. pp 53-80.
- Bogoch, Bryna/ Gender, literacy, and religiosity: dimentions of Yiddsh education in Israeli government-supported schools.
- Belcove-Shalin Janet S, editor (1995): New World Hasidim: Ethnographic Studies of Hasidic Jews in America. Albany: SUNY Press.
- Fishman Joshua A. (1981), Never Say Die! A Thousand Years of Yiddish in Jewish Life and Letters. Mouton Publishers, The Hague.
2) Sociology of Yiddish:
- International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 1987, 67. (Ed: Fishman Joshua A.), Mouton De Grouyter.
- International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 1980, 24. (Ed: Fishman Joshua A.), Mouton De Grouyter.
- Fishman Joshua A. (1991): Yiddish: Turning To Life. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
- Zisenwine David: Jewish Culture ? Identity and Language.
- Ben-Refael Eliezer: Language and Social Division ? the Case of Israel.
- Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 2001, 31, 1, Spring, 213-229. The Paradox of Creativity in Diaspora: the Yiddish Language and Jewish identity. King Robert D.
- Mitchel Bruce: Yiddish and Hebrew Revival: A New Look at the Changing Role of Yiddish.
3) History of Yiddish:
- International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 1991, 91. (Ed: Fishman Joshua A.), Mouton De Grouyter.
- Fishman Joshua A. (1981): Never Say Die! A Thousand Years of Yiddish in Jewish Life and Letters. Mouton Publishers, The Hague.
- Fishman Joshua A. (1991): Yiddish: Turning To Life. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
- Goldsmith Emanuel S. (1997): Modern Yiddish Culture ? The Story of the Yiddish Language Movement. Fordaham University Press, NY.
4) Sociolinguistics: group/ethnic/religious identity:
- Fishman Joshua A. (1989): Language & Ethnicity in Minority Sociolinguistic Perspective. Clevdon ? Philadelphia, Multilingual Matters LTD.
- Fishman Joshua A. (1997): In Praise of the Beloved Language ? A Comparative View of Positive Ethnolinguistic Consciousness. Berlin ? New York, Mouton De Grouyter.
- Edwards John (1985): Language, Society and Identity. Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd.
- Gumperz John J. (1982): Language and Social identity. Cambridge University Press.
- Abrams Dominic, Hogg Michael A.: Social Identity ? Constructive and Critical.
- Dannenberg C. J.: Sociolinguistic Construct of Ethnic Identity.
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I am a masters student in nurse practitioner program. I need a thesis paper that:
1. clearly identifies a significant problem in a specific population. The description of the problem has to be original, insightful and compelling. In my case, the problem is childhood obesity among Mexican-American school age children.This portion also has to describe the characteristics of the environment within which the problem exist which in this case will be elementary schools of San Francisco.
2. A literature review and analysis of 5 articles including statistical analysis and mention of the strength and weakness of each research article. I have about 30 articles that I have chosen and of which I have marked 5 for analysis.
3. Proposal of an ontervention to the problem. In my case, I would like to propose the addition of PE classes to the daily curriculum.
4. Evaluation of the intervention supported by literature
5. Conclusion
This is a portfolio paper on a real life experience. I picked Stress Management for my topic. I am a Team Leader on my job. You can only use use books or textbooks on my topic. Can not use the interne...t. The introduction of the paper is to tell about your learning experience, so use first person pronouns because you are talking about the experience. The body of the paper should be scholarly. Therefore , revert to third person pronouns in order to keep the scholarly focus on the paper. The conclusion should remain in third person as you summarize your main points. Must have an abstract page and an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must include with re-statement of the thesis and a concluding paragraph. Must include citations after every sentence you cite. The topic of Stress Management is a study of stress and other related health topics and their effects upon human behavior. Examine stress, its effects and how to deal with it will be studied from a conceptual and application basis. Related topics include job-related stress and burnout, smoking, obesity, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes. Being a team leader in a manufacturing plant can sometimes be stressful. If you can center my paper around my job. more
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Read Full Paper ❯I want this writer : amber111 The instructions : ?This is a formal academic writing task and must be structured as such. You need to provide an introduction and conclusion,…
Read Full Paper ❯Total Fitness & Wellness and Introduction to Exercise Science Prepare a 900-word paper in which you analyze my personal exercise habits as they relate to volume, intensity, and frequency…
Read Full Paper ❯topic: use of yiddish in jewish ultra orthodox communities (haredi) as a first language in contrary of the use of local vernacular (israel - hebrew, NY & London -…
Read Full Paper ❯I am a masters student in nurse practitioner program. I need a thesis paper that: 1. clearly identifies a significant problem in a specific population. The description of the problem…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a portfolio paper on a real life experience. I picked Stress Management for my topic. I am a Team Leader on my job. You can only use…
Read Full Paper ❯