Customer Relationship Essays Prompts

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This paper needs to be on any small to medium business that is or could be using e-marketing. This company needs to be identified and used as the example.

The paper need to focus on how the company uses e-marketing to target their customers...what works...what may not work well. What is currently being done...and what could work going forward as they grow.

A web page is only a part of E-Marketing. The paper should focus on what goes on beyond the web page.

There also needs to be a marketing analysis (SWOT) on the company.

The paper needs to be 6 pages along with a work sited page using at least 4 sites.

Consulting Assignment:
Argot International (a fictitious name) is a medium-sized company in Peoria, Illinois, with about 2,000 employees. The company manufactures special machines for farms and food-processing plants, buying materials and components from about 150 vendors in six different countries. It also buys special machines and tools from Japan. Products are sold either to wholesalers (about seventy) or directly to clients (from a mailing list of about 2,000). The business is very competitive.
The company has the following information systems in place: financial/accounting, marketing (primarily information about sales), engineering, research and development, and inventory management. These systems are independent of each other, although they are all connected to the corporate intranet.
Argot is having profitability problems. Cash is in high demand and short supply, due to strong business competition from Germany and Japan. The company wants to investigate the possibility of using information technology to improve the situation. However, the vice president of finance objects to the idea, claiming that most of the tangible benefits of information technology are already being realized.
You are hired as a consultant to the president. Respond to the following:
--Prepare a list of ten potential applications of information technologies that you think could help the company.
--From the description of the case, would you recommend any portals? Be very specific. Remember, the company is in financial trouble.
--Are there any Web services that could help Argot? Recommend and be specific.
Assignment Outcomes:
Assess enterprise application systems within business function areas.
Evaluate the impact that the Internet has on the relationship between firms and customers.
Examine ethical issues within information systems.
Assess the benefits and limitations of e-commerce.
Assess the challenges of the new information technology infrastructure.

Google Achieves Cult Status as

Dear writer
The essay is urgent and should be sent to me on the 21 morning.
This essay is part of my phd work in marketing, it should be highly original and of excellent quality.
With atleast 10 good citations (atleast 6 to 7 books and rest can be web).

the essay is urgent and should be dilevered on the 21.
How google brand in your opinion has achieved cult status.

1. You will need to get a real feel for the product and market and address it specifically.
2. You should critically consider both what consumers have done and what the company has done that has given the brand such status.

Your essay should refer to theory
An approximate split of about 60% theory, 40% application would be expected

It is important that in your conclusions you indicate whether the company should adapt their tactics at this time continue what they are currently doing or do nothing and leave the marketing to their consumers.

Write an essay of up to 1,500 words.

Good answers will be those that have a logical structure, use marketing or consumer models to analyze and identify issues, include evidence of wider reading (i.e. not just the set text) and demonstrate an overall understanding of the topic.

the essay should show.

Relevance to set question
vast Depth of coverage
Understanding of the issues
Coherence & Balance of the arguments
Quality of conclusions
Reading and use of the academic literature
Use of appropriate data (media comment and industry reports)
Format and structure
Clarity of communication

your reading list can include

Power of Cult Branding by Ragas, Matthew W.; Bueno,

Building strong brands David A. Aaker.

Brand sense : how to build powerful brands through touch, taste, smell, sight & sound / Martin Lindstrom ; foreword by Philip Kotler.

The ultimate book of business brands : insights from the world's 50 greatest brands / Stuart Crainer, Des Dearlove. - [New ed.] Oxford : Capstone, 2003

Strategic brand management : building, measuring, and managing brand equity / Kevin Lane Keller.

The reality of global brands : cases and strategies for the successful management of international brands / Graham Hankinson and Philippa Cowking.

Keller, K.L. (2000) The brand report card, Harvard Business Review, 147-157

Keller, K.L. (2001) Building customer-based brand equity: a blue print for creating strong brands, Marketing Management, 10, 15-19.

Mitchell C (2002) Selling the brand inside, Harvard Business Review, 99-105.

Balachander S and Ghose, S (2003) Reciprocal spillover effects: A strategic benefit of brand extensions, Journal of Marketing, 67, 1, 4-13.

Quelch J. A. and Kenny, D. (1994) Extend profits not product lines, Harvard Business Review, 153-160.

Kumar, N. (2003) Kill a brand, keep a customer, Harvard Business Review, 87-95.

Aaker, D (1996) Building Strong Brands, Free Press: New York (or see other work by Aaker).

this is the question
Question 1

Part 1: with reference to the main elements of communication in chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, describe how you will develop and enhance your communication abilities and skills in the future (15 marks).

Part 2: EITHER: imagine that you have been brought in as a consultant to offer advice on communication processes in the business/organisation you work for (or have worked for recently). With reference to the section on macro-organisational communication strategies in Chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, and the Harley-Davidson case study, what suggestions would you offer to its leaders to assist them in enhancing and improving communication processes throughout the entire business/organisation (15 marks)?

OR: or if you work for a small company, what steps do you think need to be taken to enhance communication processes internally and externally, in order to improve your ability to maintain repeat business with existing customers and clients, and to generate new business in the future (15 marks)?

OR: if you are a sole operator, or have limited work experience, with reference to the section on macro-organisational communication strategies in Chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, and the Harley-Davidson case study describe the generic strategies that real-life organisations can employ in order to improve their macro-communication processes (15 marks)?

please try to stick to the book mentioned and the case study following are the rules
You are expected to write this in a style that is appropriate for a university essay, and it must not consist of a collection of bullet-point ?shopping-lists?. It must include a clear introduction, a logical development of ideas and a sound conclusion. Please use the correct format for quotations and referencing, edit your essay carefully for errors in spelling and punctuation and be precise in your choice of words and expression of ideas. Please use some contemporary real-life examples cited in course materials or from your own reading to illustrate your answer.

The APA referencing system is the preferred Al-Faisal format for in-text referencing and the bibliography. Please do not include any pictures, diagrams, tables or figures. Your assignments must be no longer than 5000 words - excluding the bibliography and in-text author references. There is no need to provide an abstract, executive summary or table of contents.

Answer the following 19 questions in detail. Please separate each question with the corresponding answer.

What are the advantages of qualitative measurements when doing marketing research? What are the disadvantages? Be sure to answer both questions.
What are the benefits to a company of a well-executed BRANDING strategy? What are the benefits to a consumer?

Marketers recognize that the marketing of services is different than the marketing of a product because of the different characteristics that distinguish them from physical products. How do marketers communicate the value of services to consumers? How do they make these intangible services appear tangible to the consumer? What are some marketing strategies that might be employed with services to ensure positive results? In your answer, provide an example of a service to which your strategies would be utilized.

Your company is about to introduce a new product that will increase the fuel mileage on ANY gasoline-powered car by 25%. This is a genuine product that REALLY works and has received endorsements left and right as a tool to help America become less dependent on foreign oil. Utilizing the micropulverization capabilities of electronic frequency distribution, the GasEnhance device will take an automobile that gets 28 mpg and allow it to get 25% more mileage; that is, 35mpg. It REALLY works! Your cost to manufacture this product is $115.00 and installation (which is easy) requires about one hour, or about $60 for labor. What Kotler pricing strategy will you use, knowing that your competition has a similar product that will likely use a slightly different technology and that will be out in 120 days? Rumor has it that their product will provide 35% more mileage.

Edward Adams is the new sales manager for Wolfe Corporation. He has just come aboard to head up a sales force of seventy sales professionals, all of whom possess at least a Bachelors degree, many of whom have Masters Degrees. Mr. Adams' sales reps sell highly complex instrumentation systems that are used to analyze a variety of different materials in laboratory environments. The instruments, sixteen in total, are used to analyze gases, liquids, and blood. Each product is very technical and customers expect their Wolfe sales rep to be very knowledgeable about the technical applications and analysis requirements of their laboratories. Each sales professional covers an assigned territory, which usually comprises one to two states depending upon the geographic area and amount of industry. The sales team has been divided into twelve teams around the country, with each team having its own sales manager and five to nine sales reps, all of whom call on a variety of customers. Sales teams operate out of the same office, located in a major metropolitan area (e.g., Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta, etc). Sales rep turnover has been about 15% annually the past few years, and Mr. Adams sees it as imperative that he do something about this. Annual sales have been averaging a 3-5% increase each year over the past five years, but the corporate president wants more. Your competition has been averaging 6-8% sales growth increases in revenue each year.Analyze the sales force structure. What is the current sales force strategy that is being used? What might be the limitations of the current sales force structure? What changes, if any, would you suggest that Mr. Adams consider making to the sales force structure to effect increased sales?

Designing a marketing channel system requires analyzing customer needs, establishing channel objectives, and identifying and evaluating major channel alternatives. It is important to understand what the customer expects channels of distribution or channel members will provide them. Consumers desire certain key service outputs: lot size, waiting and delivery time, spatial convenience, product variety, and service backup. How does each of these affect the design of the marketing channel? |

Describe the supply chain strategy using demand chain planning. By looking at the company as the center of a value network, how will this approach enable the company to be more financially efficient?
With the memory of the many companies showing poor judgment and poor ethics, such as B&P, Toyota, Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Andersen, and others fresh in your mind, you have been asked to advise your company's CEO on to how to minimize the risk of a similar event occurring at your company. Specifically, what recommendations would you make to your CEO that would minimize unethical business and marketing practices by your employees, such as those alleged to have occurred at these and other companies? |

You are the media planner for an advertising agency, responsible for the placement of your client's ads in various media. Your client's product is a "smart" robotic lawnmower (Robo-mower) that one can easily "program" to cut a home lawn. Robo-mower will only cut grass within its programmed area and it will avoid flower beds, rocks, sidewalks, etc., while you sit in the hammock, enjoying the summer! An emergency "cut-off" switch brings it to a full stop in one-quarter of a second. Select four (4) advertising media that you would consider for an ad placement and indicate THREE (3) advantages and THREE (3) disadvantages of those that you select for advertising the Robo-mower. Failure to provide all of the requested information will result in a loss of points.

Our colleague has been tasked to do market research for your company. Management is complaining that sales have not been where the company would like them to be (the sales are about8% behind the projected goal). Senior management wants your colleague to find out why. At a team meeting, your colleague shares that he has defined the problem, a critical "first step" towards doing market research. Specifically, he announces the Definition of the Problem as "Sales are down. "Comment on the Definition of the Problem, as shared by your colleague. Do you agree or disagree with his Definition of the Problem? How would you restate the Definition of the Problem?

As the marketing manager for the manufacturer of a new line of computer jump drives, what strategy would you use to get your channel members to promote your product? What is the difference between a Push marketing strategy and a Pull marketing strategy? Explain how you might use each of these strategies.

An increasing number of companies are basing their prices on the customer's perceived value of the product or service. Explain the concept of perceived value pricing and what is the "key" to pricing in this manner? How might the marketer determine the price that the consumer might pay in exchange for that value that they receive?


Atlantic Wholesale Distributors is located in Wilmington, Delaware, and represents twenty-seven different companies that make electronic stereo equipment components (e.g., DVD players, audio speakers, amplifiers, graphic equalizers, etc).
Given the independent retail customers to which Atlantic sells, you would like to discuss with them the possibilities of their representing your company, Meyerkord Cable Company (you make cable that connects loudspeakers with the stereo equipment, DVD players, etc).
What would be at least six (6) channel functions or services that you would look to Atlantic to provide Meyerkord Cable Company and/or Atlantic's independent retailers that would provide value?


Edward Smeets is the new sales manager for Grunwald Instrumentation. He has just come aboard to head up a sales force of seventy sales professionals, all of whom possess at least a B.S. in a scientific field. Many have Master's Degrees.
Smeet's sales reps sell highly complex instrumentation systems that are used to analyze a variety of different materials in a variety of laboratory environments. The instruments, sixteen in total, are used to analyze gases, liquids, and blood. Each product is very technical and customers expect their Grunwald sales rep to be very knowledgeable about the technical applications of their product to their analysis requirements of their laboratories.
Each sales professional covers an assigned territory which usually comprises about one-half of a state. In some cases, the sales rep may cover two states, but 80% of the sales reps are within a two-hour drive of their home. The sales team has been divided into twelve teams around the country, with each team having its own sales manager and five to nine sales reps, all of whom call on a variety of customers. Sales teams operate out of the same office, located in a major metropolitan area (e.g., Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta, etc).
Sales rep turnover has been 15% annually the past few years and Smeets sees it as imperative that he do something about this. Annual sales have been averaging a 3-5% increase each year over the past five years... but the corporate president wants more, complaining that your competition has been averaging 6-8% sales growth increases in revenue each year.
Analyze the sales force structure. What is the current sales force structure that is being used and what might be the limitation of the sales force structure that is currently employed? What changes, if any, would you suggest that Smeets consider to the sales force structure to effect increased sales?


Your product, the iPhone, has had a good Introduction phase and is now in the Growth stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC). You know that one product-related strategy that you can employ is to offer newer iPhone models or offer more features on current iPhone models.
As you prepare to do battle with other companies who area also in the market, what might be some other PRODUCT-related strategies that you might utilize to enhance your product offering that complements your introduction of newer models/features?
(NOTE: This question asks you to focus ONLY on the "product." Responses that focus on what you would do relative to the product's pricing, promotion, and channels of distribution are not what you are asked to provide. )


The concept of a Marketing Audit is gaining acceptance within marketing circles, especially as a means to ensure that companies are seen as "above board" and "ethical" in their marketing practices. Were you tasked with creating a Marketing Audit, what would be some things that you would want to consider to ensure that your Marketing Audit was well-structured and was "all inconclusive?"


Michael Porter proposed a tool, the value chain, for identifying ways to create more value. According to the value chain model, every company is a combination of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, deliver, and support their products. Identify the types of activities that would create value within the organization. How can an organization use this tool? What makes this an effective approach?

Discuss the importance of a company being seen by its public as "being ethical" in its marketing practices. What can a company do to ensure its marketers are practicing ethical marketing?

What is integrated marketing communications? To whom is it targeted? Why is it key to a company's success in the 21st century? (Use your own words.)

Michael Porter, the Only Way

Please use above link (but try to use above link to answer most questions) and other references to answer below questions:

Question 1
a. According to Michael Porter, what is the only way to sustain advantage through the Internet
b. What is an electronic tender? Where is it cropping up?
c. Explain loose, Close, and tight relationships?

Question 2
a. What is a demand-pull value chain? Explain this concept by citing an example
b. What is a strategic envelope? What is m-commerce?
c. Briefly describe the goal of linkage analysis planning and the three steps in it.

Question 3
a. What is the difference between an architecture and an infrastructure
b. What are four attributes of a distributed system?
c. Name and briefly describe Porter?s five competitive forces
d. Describe the four types of applications in the e-business value matrix.

Question 4
a. What are server-based computing and peer-to-peer computing?
b. Briefly Describe the functions of hubs, switches, routers, and file servers
c. Assume telephone quality uncompressed audio requires 70,000 bits/sec and a CD can store at most 700 MB (Megabytes). How many seconds of telephone-quality audio could be stored on a CD?

Question 5
a. Briefly describe each layer of the OSI Reference Model
b. What is a data warehouse? Briefly discuss how a data warehouse can support integration?
c. What is metadata? Why is XML important?
d. What is a platform interorganizational system? Give three examples.

Question 6
a. What are the three phases of the content management life cycle, according to Tucker, and what are the goals of each one?
b. What are IT outsourcing, transitional outsourcing, best-of-breed outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, shared services, business process outsourcing, and e-business outsourcing.

Question 7

a. Describe the five pillars of information security.
b. Name 6 features and functions of 4GLS and briefly explain each.
c. What are five steps in building a Web Service?
d. What is a quick-hit DSS? Define three types

Question 8
a. Describe three kinds of knowledge representation
b. What is a smart tag and how might it be used? What is straight-through processing?
c. How do human capital, structural capital, and customer capital differ?
d. Describe the four cells of the time/place matrix. Give an example of a technology used in each.

Small Business Needs to Do

APA Style 11 pages 20 references 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font

The paper need to be on What a small business needs to do to compete against big box stores such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, ect. I have the references and title for the paper.

I also have an account with Questa

Paper should have a stated introduction, developed body, and a conclusion or summary.

The paper needs three major headings developed to a third stage.

Body of paper talk about it in the body
a. Management what a small business needs to do to compete against a big box store.
b. Marketing how can a small business market to customers in a way large business do not?
c. Service how can a small business offer service in a way that big business big box stores dont?

Conclusion tell them what you talked about.

References (below are approved already)
References can be no older than five years old.
Backman, M., & Butler, C. (2003). Big in Asia: 25 Strategies for Business Success. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bannock, G. (2005). The Economics and Management of Small Business: An International Perspective. New York: Routledge.
Call to Women to Increase Exports. (2003, August). Business Asia, 11, 29.
Clinkinbeard, C. (2005). Hypergrow your business: double, triple, or quadruple any business by harnessing the natural laws of growth. Topeka: Strive publishing.
Daily, C. M., & Dalton, D. R. (1993). Board of Directors Leadership and Structure: Control and Performance Implications. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 65+.
Edmond, A. (1994, February). Making the Most of NAFTA: Here's What to Do When the Barriers to Mexico's Markets Come Down. Black Enterprise, 24, 39.
Gilliam, S. (2007, November). In Case of Emergency: Strategize Preparedness for Small-Business Owners in Handling a Crisis Is Key. Black Enterprise, 38, 52+.
Grossman, L., & Jennings, M. M. (2002). Building a Business through Good Times and Bad: Lessons from 15 Companies, Each with a Century of Dividends. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
Henderson, W. (2007, January 30). Small-Business Nightmare. The Advocate 13.
Holmes, T. E. (2007, June). Making Sense out of Energy Deregulation: What Small Businesses Need to Know to Cut Back Costs and Boost Their Bottom Lines. Black Enterprise, 37, 62.
Huff, P. A. (2003). Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Movements. International Journal on World Peace, 20(1), 83+.
Hunter H., & Saperstein, J. (2008). Improve your marketing to grow your business: insights and innovation that drive business and brand growth. New Jersey: Wharton School Publishing.
Johnson, D., & Turner, C. (2003). International Business: Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy. London: Routledge.
Julien, P., & Raymond, L. (1994). Factors of New Technology Adoption in the Retail Sector. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 18(4), 79+.
Kaplan, S. (2008). Bag the elephant! How to win & keep big customers. New York: Workman Publishing.
Kaye, R. & Hawkridge, D. (Eds.). (2003). Learning & Teaching for Business: Case Studies of Successful Innovation. London: Kogan Page.
Krug, B. (Ed.). (2004). China's Rational Entrepreneurs: The Development of the New Private Business Sector. New York: Routledge.
Mccrea, B. (2003, October). To Join or Not to Join? Trade Groups Can Boost Business-If You Pick the Right One. Black Enterprise, 34, 38.
Mccrea, B. (2004, June). Seeking New Streams: Multiple Revenue Sources Are Critical to Small Businesses. Black Enterprise, 34, 68.
Mccrea, B. (2005, November). Virtually Yours: The Growing Virtual Assistant Industry Presents Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Alike. Black Enterprise, 36, 116+.
Naim, M. (2006, July/August). Megaplayers vs. Micropowers: Rising Instability Is Good News for the Little Guy-And Bad for Everyone Else. Foreign Policy 96+.
Pietrobelli, C. & Sverrisson, . (Eds.). (2003). Linking Local and Global Economies: The Ties That Bind. New York: Routledge.
Prencipe, A., Davies, A., & Hobday, M. (Eds.). (2003). The Business of Systems Integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ries, A., & Trout, J. (2001). Positioning: the battle for the mind. New York: McGraw-Hill
Small Business, Big Dreams: As the Nation Copes with an Ever-Tightening Economy and the Highest Unemployment Rate in a Decade, Many Gay and Lesbian Entrepreneurs Are Finding Happiness-And Financial Security-By Going into Business for Themselves. (2003, February 18). The Advocate 24+.
Stanat, R., & West, C. (1999). Global Jumpstart: The Complete Resource for Expanding Small and Midsize Businesses. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
Taylor, D., & Archer, J.S. (2005). Up against the wal-marts: How your business can prosper in the shadow of the retail giants. New York: American Management Association
Young, S. (2007, May). Above and Beyond: Dedicated and Determined, This Year's Nominees Are True Models of Success. Black Enterprise, 37, 49+.

Marketing- Consumer behavior
approx 100 words per question.
Discussion Post
1. Identify the three types of needs that products can fulfill and give an example of each.

2. Identify the various relationships that consumers can have with a brand.

3. What is the difference between surface-level processing and meaning-level processing? Why are marketers concerned with these types of processing?

Case Study
approx 80 - 100 words per question Case Outline

. M-1 The Company
. M-2 Nextel?s Competitive Advantage
and they started refocusing on corporate customers. It will take time for the competition to catch up with Nextel. Nextel?s decade-old Direct Connect phone, made by Motorola (http://www.motorola. com), links users within a second at the push of a button. That?s a convenience construction workers, salespeople, and many others will

M-3 Boost Mobile pay a premium for. Today, competing technologies involve at least a
. M-4 The Company?s Financial Position
. M-5 Recent Developments
. M-5a New Spectrum
. M-5b New Technologies
. M-5c Mergers and Acquisitions
. M-5d The Aftermath
. M-5e A New Twist
Discussion Questions Notes
4-second delay to set up a call. On May 4, 2004, Nextel began offering push-to-talk nationally and internationally (instead of just regionally), and other new services are on the way domestically. Late in 2004, Nextel launched several new handsets featuring popular built-in cameras and sleek, small designs. And it continues to expand popular premium wireless-data applications, such as the @Road service, which helps truck-fleet operators locate vehicles through a global positioning satellite system.
Although only 20 percent of its 10.6 million subscribers use wireless data today, they pay more than $90 in revenues a month on average and defect at half the rate of other customers. Analysts predict that by 2010, 5.5 percent of Nextel?s revenues per user could
M-1 The Company come from wireless data, up from 1 percent in 2004.
Nextel is going after new users among the white-collar work- force, government employees, and even young consumers. Govern- ment workers?including first responders on the frontline in home- land security?are one of its fastest-growing sectors. And Nextel is deciding whether to pursue the 18- to 24-year-old market. By sell- ing Nextel phones via surfer shops and music stores, such as Bill- abong ( and Wherehouse (http://, Nextel is testing whether it is worth risking its business-oriented brand image to capture the potentially high- margin youth market.
As the competition chased the booming consumer market over the?past few years, Nextel stuck to selling its unique walkie-talkie?like?service to business users in industries such as trucking, plumbing,?home repair, and construction. This strategy has paid off. It has?proved to be a remarkably popular mode of communication and?Nextel?s main differentiator. Indeed, many analysts credit it with?allowing the fifth-largest wireless carrier in the United States to?enjoy the industry?s lowest customer turnover and an average?revenue per user of at least $10 more than the other players. Indeed,?Nextel grabbed the coveted top spot in the 2004?s BusinessWeek Info?Tech 100 ranking. During one of telecom?s toughest years, Nextel scored $1.66 billion
Nextel?s competitive advantage may soon evaporate. AT&T in profit in 2002. It collects an average of $71 in revenues per Wireless (, Verizon Wireless (http:// subscriber per month, compared with $50 at other carriers?and
Nextel, a FORTUNE 200 company based in Reston, Virginia, is a leading provider of fully integrated wireless communications serv- ices. It has built the largest guaranteed all-digital wireless network in the country, covering thousands of communities across the United States. Today 95 percent of FORTUNE 500 companies are Nextel customers. Nextel and Nextel Partners Inc. currently serve 297 of the top 300 U.S. markets where approximately 259 million people live or work. Nextel is the nation?s fifth-largest wireless company.
M-2 Nextel?s Competitive Advantage
9781111397364, Shopper, Buyer, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Marketing Applications and Public Policy Implications, Jay D. Lindquist - ? Cengage Learning
M-3 Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile (, a division of Nextel aimed at young subscribers and ethnic groups, is ramping up. Boost Mobile, a prepaid service, added 132,000 customers in the first quarter of 2004, on top of 385,000 in all of 2003. In May of 2004, Nextel reported that it has 13 million subscribers.
M-4 The Company?s Financial Position
704 Case M Nextel (
its 2.1 percent monthly customer-defection rate is the lowest in an industry that averages a 2.6 percent monthly churn.
Operating performance remains impressive. In 2004?s first quarter, Nextel added 474,000 subscribers?about 15 percent of the overall industry?s total gains in that period. Nextel is gaining market share. Despite the vicious price-cutting that the industry is witnessing, Nextel?s income jumped 184 percent, to $591 million, on revenues that were up 31 percent, to $3.1 billion, in the quarter.
M-5 Recent Developments
M-5a New Spectrum
Because Nextel uses the same frequencies as police and fire depart- ments, all parties suffer from interference. The Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) has been trying for several years to relocate part of Nextel?s service to a different wireless spectrum. Doing so should allow Nextel to build a superfast network similar to those being constructed by rivals like Verizon Wireless, the number one U.S. wireless company. On July 8, 2004, the FCC made a decision to allot Nextel valuable new spectrum space (in the 1.9- gigahertz band) to carry its cell phone service. Under this agree- ment, Nextel will get the frequency in return for relinquishing some of its existing spectrum to police and fire departments and helping them relocate to the spectrum it is giving up. This upgrade will cost Nextel three times what it had originally offered for relocation. The deal ultimately is expected to cost $3.2 billion. On the bright side, having the new spectrum should allow Nextel to handle more voice calls, provide more advanced data services, and keep up with its rivals in the long run. Without the spectrum swap Nextel is likely to be at a competitive disadvantage because of its spectrum limita- tions?its existing spectrum did not have enough capacity to sup- port more voice calls and advanced services. Analysts agree that the company?s long-term survival now looks to be more ensured. Earn- ings should grow 45 percent this year, to $2.07 per share, on revenues of $12.9 billion.
M-5b New Technologies
Analysts say that the new technology, PPT, is likely to create waves in the cellular phone market. With PTT, the user can connect to another party simply by holding down a special button when talk- ing. The feature connects users within a few seconds, as opposed to 20 to 25 seconds with conventional cell phone dialing.
Verizon Wireless is charging $20 a month for the service. That price is likely to drop when other carriers enter the market. Building out a PTT service is not that expensive, costing well under $100 million for most carriers compared with the tens of billions they spent on networks allowing for more voice calls and other data services, such as interactive mobile games, which add only about $2 in extra revenue per user each month.
A May 2003 Yankee Group ( survey of 2,490 business users and consumers showed that 24 percent of them want the PTT function. That?s why Cingular (, AT&T Wireless, and T-Mobile (http:// have partnered with equipment vendors Erics- son (, Nokia (, and privately held Sonim Technologies to standardize the PTT technology. The standard would ensure that different carriers? cus- tomers can call each other using PTT. To counter this thrust, Nextel is working with Motorola, the creator of the unique iDen technol- ogy its network is based on, and wireless technology powerhouse
Qualcomm ( on interoperability with technology used by Sprint PCS.
Nextel has another reason to worry. It has not paired up its walkie-talkie service with an IM-like screen, showing which of the users are available at a given time, as Verizon has done. And analysts say that is what will make the improved PTT service the next wireless killer application.
Nextel has some key advantages. Its service is easy and con- nections are fast. In contrast, a caller on the Verizon network has to wait 3 to 5 seconds to connect to the recipient. Then, a delay of several seconds occurs in between each person speaking and the voice actually coming through on the phone. Sonim says its PPT connection times will eventually be virtually instantaneous, con- necting in under a second like Nextel?s. Another barrier that Nex- tel?s rivals have to overcome is the dearth of PTT-enabled phones, which have a special button and better speaker quality. These rivals will have to find a way to get their customers to upgrade to new phones that cost, in the case of Verizon Wireless, $149.99 a unit for a Motorola V60p phone on a 2-year contract.
M-5c Mergers and Acquisitions
Sprint Corp. ( and Nextel announced on December 15, 2004, a $35 billion deal to merge into the third- largest wireless powerhouse. With a market capitalization of $70 billion, the new Reston (Va.)-based Sprint Nextel hopes to gain the competitive advantage it needs to fight the two leading Bell-owned wireless giants?Cingular and Verizon Wireless. Cingular grabbed the number one spot in the wireless market with 47 million sub- scribers after its October acquisition of AT&T Wireless. And Ver- izon Wireless, the number two player, reached its 42 million users mark. Sprint, a distant third with 20 million customers, and num- ber five Nextel, with 14.5 million, need each other to hold their own. While Sprint has local and long-distance businesses in addi- tion to wireless, it does not have the scale to compete over the long haul with the Bells. And although Nextel has the wireless industry?s highest margins, its focus on a unique niche?PTT service to busi- ness users?is too narrow to sustain an independent company as the industry consolidates.
The long-term goals may be twofold. First, the deal allows Sprint Nextel to play a pivotal role in the coming convergence between traditional and wireless phones, web access, and video services. As the Bells race against the cable operators to sell con- sumers everything from voice to data to video, both sides need wireless phone services to sweeten their bundle of offerings. The Bells already own their own wireless companies, but the cable companies do not. Sprint Nextel can provide a ready-made wireless offering for cable companies. Second, the merger can compete against the Bells and cable operators in the market for converged services. The two wireless carriers together own enough airwaves, stretching coast-to-coast, to offer voice, data, and even video over next-generation wireless broadband technology, the WiMax standard.
The two companies seem to complement each other well. Nextel needs Sprint?s innovative know-how in creating new wireless data applications in mobile music, video, and games to go after the youth consumer market with its Boost Mobile brand. Sprint can expand in the business market by helping to bolster Nextel?s attempt to equip corporate campuses with communications serv- ices. Sprint?s long-distance networks, along with Nextel?s wireless offerings, give companies a more complete offering. Nextel uses a special wireless technology that no other carrier uses. Without Sprint, Nextel would have to build an entirely new network to offer customers email and video services that zip along at speeds of up to 300 kilobits per second. By using Sprint?s digital network, Nextel can save much of the $2 to $3 billion it would otherwise spend to build its own next-generation infrastructure.
M-5d The Aftermath
There were problems in the aftermath of the merger. For example, Sprint Nextel embarked on a marketing campaign that prompted an exodus of Nextel?s customers. The brand Nextel is trying to reinvent its image around a new slogan,??Sprint ahead,?? which does not mention Nextel at all. Also, rumors indicate that plans were made to eliminate the Nextel name from the sponsorship of the main NASCAR racing series, one of Nextel?s most successful brand- ing campaigns before the merger. The plan was to call it the NASCAR Sprint Cup. Of course, this plan did not materialze. Thank goodness! Analysts have criticized this move because cus- tomers are confused by the combined company?s brand. If you click on, the browser takes you to the Sprint home page, and there is no mention of Nextel on Sprint?s home page. Nextel did not disappear, but seems to be taking a backseat in Sprint?s large conglomeration.
The slogan of the new Cingular/AT&T Wireless is ??raising the bar.?? Verizon Wireless?s advertising stressed its reputation for good service, and now Sprint Nextel settled on ??Sprint, together with Nextel.??
M-5e A New Twist
this is a cultural trend? If so, why and to what extent is it associated with other cultural trends? Tip: Use culture concepts (Chapter 11 and 12) to formulate your answer.

Sprint Nextel Corp. has started its own virtual community for wireless fans and foes? Many of the members so far seem to be Sprint Nextel subscribers, but you don?t have to be a subscriber to join. Members share their stories about their experiences with the carrier. Of course, not all stories are good. As a matter of fact, there are more bad than good stories. However, Sprint Nextel is using this virtual community to ??listen to the customer.?? The forum is also used to ask questions and get help on solving problems.

Discussion Questions

1. What is the target market that Nextel has focused on since its inception? Describe this market segment in demographic and psychographic terms. Tip: Use the demographic concepts found in Chapter 14 and the psychographic concepts found in Chapter 6 to formulate your answer.

2. What is the image associated with Nextel? Nextel is contemplating targeting young adult consumers. Do you think this is a wise strategy? Explain. Tip: Use the concepts of brand user image and consumer self-concept (Chapter 5) in formulating your answer.

3. How is Nextel perceived versus its major competitors in the minds of the young adult population? Can you predict brand preferences based on these perceptions? Explain. Tip: Use any of the multiattribute attitude models in Chapter 9 to formulate your answer.

4. One can hypothesize that more young adult consumers are cutting the cord (i.e., using cellular phones exclusively without having a wired phone in their homes). Do you think

5. Have you seen any of Nextel?s ads? How about ads related to any of Nextel?s competitors: Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, and so on? Can you evaluate the effectiveness of their ads? Tip: Use concepts and models from the communication and persuasion (Chapter 10) in formulating your answer.

6. Consider a typical family involving a father, mother, and two teenage kids?a market segment described as in the middle of the family life cycle. Suppose the family is now considering the purchase of a cell phone, possibly a family package. Who in the family is most likely to recognize the need for a cell phone? How can Nextel appeal to that segment of the consumer population? Who in the family is most likely to gather information about the various cellular carriers in the local area? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Who in the family is most likely to evaluate the various carriers and recommend a carrier? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Who in the family is most likely to make the purchase? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Tip: Use concepts described in the household and family influences (Chapter 15) to formulate your answer.

7. Nextel and all of its competitors conduct satisfaction studies. Propose a study that can help Nextel assess the various sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the purchase, use, maintenance, and disposal of cellular phones. Tip: Use concepts described in the consumption and postpurchase behavior (Chapter 4) to formulate your answer.


1. Do we need banks ?
Massive shake-up of the traditional way of banking
2. Rise and the fall of market leaders
Faster pace of innovation cycles demand for quick market adaption and repositioning

3. Upcoming challenges in the horizon
Market agility and flexible technology architecture are the key factors averting the ?perfect storm?

4.New, emerging battlefields in banking
Banking is commodity. Authentic customer centricity is the name of game.

5.New kids on the block
Banking outsiders are rolling up the market with innovative financial services and compelling user experience

6. Traditional Retail-Banks ? still a safe business model for domestic banks ?
Digital natives have no boundaries. The new customer generation will cross boarders for the financial services

7. Survival banking kit for traditional banks
Transformation to Bank 2.0 is key

8. Q & A

Training Levels and Number of

II. Introduction:

Provide an introduction and brief overview of the study you are conducting.
Briefly outline the specific issues of concern in the study. The introduction should read similar to an abstract in a professional journal.

III. Statement of the Problem:

A. Describe nature of the problem [i.e., topic, issue or concern], you have selected
to examine in full detail.
B. How long has this problem existed?
C. Provide an historical overview.
E. Explain why, in your opinion, does this problem still exist today?

IV. Theoretical Framework:

Discuss the conceptual and/or theoretical context of this problem. That is:

A. What are the major concepts and/or theories that have been advanced to
explain why this problem exists?
B. Does the existing conceptual/theoretical framework, in your judgment, provide an adequate and reasonable explanation of the problem? If not, how do you expect to improve upon them in your approach to examining this problem?

V. Significance of the Study or Review:

A. What, in the final analysis, do you believe is the overall significance of this
problem? That is:
B. Why is an examination of this problem important to you as a social scientist?
C. What do you see as the significance of your study to the field of public
administration, your community and to society in general?

VI. Research Question: Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis:

A. What is the central question you will try to answer by conducting research on
this problem?
B. What is your hypothesis? [i.e., your tentative answer] to this question?

VII. Major Concepts & Variables:

A. Provide either a theoretical or operational [i.e., measurable], definition for each of the major concepts you believe are critical to an understanding of this problem.
B. List the major variables that will be analyzed in studying this problem.
C. Which of these variables are dependent? Which are independent?
D. Discuss what you view as the relationship that exist between these variables?

VIII. Research Methodology: Data Collection Steps & Procedures:

A. Describe the steps you took to gather your data [i.e., primary data], related to your research problem.
B. Outline the methods employed to evaluate your data.
What types of data did you use?
C. Discuss the techniques and procedures you employed to evaluate your data, i.e., content analysis, comparative analysis, or statistical analysis? If so, in what specific ways?
D. Note If a hypothesis is going to be tested:

1. Decide on a null hypothesis, Ho.
2. Decide on an alternative hypothesis, H 1.
3. Decide on a significance level.
4. Calculate the appropriate test statistic, using the sample data.
5. Find from the tables the appropriate tabulated statistic.
6. Compare the calculated and tabulated test statistics and decide whether to reject the null, Ho.
7. State a conclusion, after checking to see whether the assumptions required for the test in question are valid.

IX. Review of Literature:

Note: Treat this section as the body of your paper

A. Outline and discuss pertinent studies you reviewed.
B. Explain the importance and relevance of these studies to your research.

Research Findings Summary and Conclusion:
A. Outline the results of your study.
B. Are the results in line with your stated hypothesis?
C. Based on the preliminary findings, can you accept the hypothesis?
D. Do the findings require you to accept the null?
E. Provide recommendations for future studies in this area.
F. Outline any factors which deserve attention which may not have been outlined
or discussed under one of the major headings.

XI. Bibliography:

Use Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers,
Theses and Dissertations 6th Ed

XII. Appendices:

Provide a full list all of the special documents & reports that will be included as
full text references for this study. Include draft copies of any survey &
questionnaire instruments you intend to employ in gathering data, as well as any
interview schedules you plan to implement.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (heatherk13) completes this order.

Canyon Ranch CRM With Two

I am uploading a case study named 'Canyon Ranch' and also the questions that you should answer according to that case. The questions are in the last page.

1) Should Canyon Ranch implement a crm strategy?
2) Does a CRM Strategy fir with overall Canyon Ranch positioning?
3) How do you judge their current use of CRM Concepts?
4) what should canyon ranch destination resorts crm initiative look like=

also you should answer the case analysis question;
'' how should canyon ranch leverage its uniqueness in the face of increasing competition and against entrenched customers' beliefs about the firm as a world class spa?

you should write 2 pages for total ...

I choose freshman english, please consider this while writing. I dont want an advanced english.

Thank you very much
There are faxes for this order.

Please follow the instructions below to completion:
The below paper needs further research and should follow the below five steps to completion.

ONLY Acceptable References:
Acceptable references include peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings as well
as published theses and dissertations. Genuine textbooks are acceptable as scientific
sources. ACM/IEEE publications with the word transactions in their title are normally
RFCs, ISO standards, ACM and IEEE standards, and ECM standards may be cited for the areas they discuss.

Overall, the research MUST detail the following:

Research Paper:

I. Problem Statement:
Document that details the problem you wish to address. MUST include acceptable references (see above) that justify your assertion that this is indeed a problem that is recognized in the field.

II. Project Proposal:
Draft the project proposal that clearly describes the research project that you will be conducting. The proposal should include a brief:

i. description of the problem being investigated
ii. the solution/approach that will be applied to addressing the problem
iii. and the expected results of their project.

III. Final Report:

1. Introduction
Provide the necessary background and discuss the relevant literature to
motivate the research problem that your paper addresses.

2. The Problem
Discuss the problem in detail and formulate it a manner that makes it

3. The Method
Describe the method used to address the problem. Justify the approach that
you have adopted.

4. Results
Present the significant results of your study and relate it to the existing literature.

5. Conclusion
Summarize and highlight the significant contributions of your work. Identify
potential limitations of the study and suggest areas of research that can
address these limitations.

A. An additional 18 pages is required to be added to the existing document below
B. An additional 25 references is required.
C. Therefore, there should be 25 pages and 40 references in total when completed


Problem Statement
Cloud computing manipulates and alters our way of understanding of how current computing systems are aligned. The economics of cloud computing are re-ordering the enterprise software industry globally, bringing greater value at a lower price to companies needing to stay in step with customers (Ambust, et al., 2009). The continued growth of cloud computing is also driving more digital content and information into data centers and the cloud than has ever been the case in the past, completely redefining the development methodologies of applications as well (Rajkumar, Yeo, Venugopal, 2008). Information and data are banished to a hypothetical land of bits and bytes that really exist nowhere but the cloud. All digital information in cloud computing relinquishes its presence on specific sets of computer, hard drives, and other storage components (Durkee, 2010). Cloud computing changes the locality of digital information which can be universally distributed to any geographic location. As a result, the command and control of this data is significantly diffused. This technological diffusement gives rise to new problems as well, including the need for managing security more effectively than has been the case in the past with enterprise applications (Kaufman, 2009). The most impactful concern dealing with cloud computing services is the customers' concerns dealing with the potential limitations that this trend leans towards including confidentiality of data and the need for greater fidelity of data platforms and their underlying technologies (Lin, Fu, Zhu, Dasmalchi, 2009).
In order to understand these limitations it is important to investigate the finer points and details that give cloud computing its definition. Many differing expectations and opinions must be explored to fully grasp the relative perspectives that arise from this idea. The thesis of this exploration deals with the legal, technical and economic viewpoints of cloud computing (RN Calheiros, et al., 2010). Specifically, this problem requires an identification process that potential customers should propose to cloud computing service providers before agreeing to their specific terms of contracts. This area specifically is focused on the area of Service Level Agreements (SLA) and their relative value for enterprise customers including their potential to re-order the economics of enterprise cloud computing in the enterprise (Balachandra, et al., 2010). The continual evolution of cloud computing from a technology standpoint continues to show significant potential for reduction of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while also reducing the incremental costs of aligning a specific application to the needs of a segment or larger audience of enterprise computing users (Ambust, et al., 2009). The lowered costs that cloud computing platforms are enabling and accelerating today are being further strengthened by how quickly applications on these platforms can be aligned to the specific, very precise needs of customers. Also what unified all of these strategies together is the continual reliance on Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and their role in stabilizing the nascent yet very fast moving aspects of cloud computing in the enterprise. The goal of this pursuit addresses the problems that might arise related to the capabilities and performance of software applications that are executed in cloud computing scenarios. The argument focuses upon previous research and personal experimentation in designated cloud computing scenarios. Ultimately, the goal is to distinguish the specific contributions affecting performance and, simultaneously provide some possible recommendations or solutions or to potential cloud users that might affect performance problems that are all initially defined through SLA benchmarks and continually monitored through real-time analytics of service performance including reliability and security metrics of performance (McQueen, M. (2008).

Problem Description
As was defined in the problem description, the legal, technical and economic viewpoints of cloud computing form the foundation of this thesis, with specific focus on the issues that enterprise customers are facing in the context of extended service agreements including Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The cloud computing industry has however found that SLAs are often not enforceable with cloud computing services providers, as many of them do not allow for their contracts to be binding from a legal standpoint (Rajkumar, Yeo, Venugopal, 2008). This is because the performance of their back-end systems defy a purely scientific level of management; there is no clear cause-and-effect of how to manage a highly integrated and complex cloud computing architecture with the same level of precision as a desktop operating system for example (Balachandra, et al., 2010). Even the most well-known enterprise software companies who have cloud computing applications running on the Software as a Service (SaaS) platform are not offering legally binding SLA contracts, and this includes (Stolfo, et al, 2012). For these very large, rapidly growing cloud computing and SaaS-based enterprise software companies, SLAs are more for marketing and less for actually managing the overall performance levels of the applications they deliver (Stolfo, et al, 2012). In many instances the SLA commitments made are not enforceable legally and are meant to be offered as miles per gallon (MPG) ratings for new cars; as in each buyers and companys mileage may vary (Durkee, 2010).
In addition to the lack of enforceability of SLAs often cloud computing and SaaS-based enterprise software companies rely extensively on maintenance fees and annual maintenance contracts to generate the case they need to operate on a daily basis. The reliance on maintenance fees within enterprise software is commonplace and often doesnt lead to greater innovaton in new product development, instead making the enterprise software companies even more complacent over time due to the lack of urgency of generating revenue (Leavitt, 2009). For the typical enterprise software customer, this is often the case. They pay often up to 22% of the purchase price of their applications on a yearly basis, only to be given periodic, small updates that only incrementally deliver value (Rajkumar, Yeo, Venugopal, 2008). Cloud computing vendors including, and others have created a strong business model by concentrating their efforts on selling against the maintenance fee model of on-premise software vendors, promising to deliver a continual stream of new product updates in exchange for the maintenance fees they charge, which ironically are in the same range as their on-premise counterparts (Balachandra, et al., 2010). The cloud computing enterprise software vendors also claim that their maintenance fees are also delivering more value because they refresh their entire application suite online every 30 days or less; which is significantly faster than any on-premise application can (Kaufman, 2009). Even with all these commitments to deliver a continual stream of new product and feature updates seamlessly over the Web via their cloud platforms, many cloud computing software companies still are not keeping the majority of commitments to their customers. Also, the SLAs they promise are not legally binding given the complexity of wording and lack of accountability and traceability of results (Pronto, JP (2008).
These factors taken together leave the enterprise software buyer with little protection from cloud computing-based software vendors from delivering on their commitments to increased levels of application performance and greater availability of enterprise-grade applications over the Internet. Today the economics of cloud computing are compensating for the lack of accountability of long-term performance (Stoddard, M. (2005). Yet from a legal, technical, and economic standpoint, the broader implications of cloud computing growth are at stake with how these enterprise software vendors choose to manage the distance and dichotomy of their promises and what they deliver. The SLA as a legal instrument needs to continually improve and gain a strong legal precedent to ensure it will be able to protect customers over time and ensure they get the value they are promised. This extends to their reliance on security, scalability of the cloud computing platforms as well, in addition to the development of more effective accounting and performance monitoring systems as well. has been a leader in this area, as the value proposition of moving CRM systems off of on-premise; highly expensive to maintain systems to cloud computing has been a very profitable selling strategy. The creation of trust of is an example of how cloud computing vendors are working to create a more effective approach to quantifying and verifying their performance over time.

Solution or Approach to Solving the Problem
What is needed to alleviate the obfuscation and confusion that enterprise software vendors are propagating on this issue is an independent entity such as a standards organization to benchmark the SLAs of enterprise cloud computing vendors and report the results publically. This index needs to also take into account customer satisfaction levels and show how cloud computing, when properly implemented, can lead to significant gains in enterprise performance from a profitability and workflow perspective as well (OBryan, 2006). The indexing of corporate performance also needs to include a TCO (total cost of ownership) component to evaluate the real value of cloud computing in the enterprise.

Expected Results of the Project
By creating an index of cloud computing performance and defining its attributes from a TCO standpoint, the industry will have a truer measure of the real value of cloud-based applications. This approach to defining a performance-based taxonomy will also allow for a more effective comparison within industries as well. All of these factors taken together will provide enterprise computing buyers with more effective foundations of arguing for more thorough measures of application performance. The net result will be much greater visibility into how cloud computing is actually changing the global economics of the enterprise computing industry.

Ambust, M. et al. (2009). Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing. UC Berkeley Reliable Adaptive Distributed Labratory, 10 Feb 2009. Retrieved from http://x- cms.nsf/id/DE_Von_Regenmachern_und_Wolkenbruechen_-_Impact_2009_Nachlese/$file/abovetheclouds.pdf

Balachandra, R. et al. (2010). Cloud Security Issues. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. Retrieved from

Durkee, D. (2010). Why Cloud Computing Will Never Be Free. Communications of the ACM, May,2010,53, 5. Retrieved from 005.pdf

Kaufman, L. (2009). Data Security in the World of Cloud Computing. IEEE Security & Privacy, July/Aug 2009. Retrieved from World%20of%20Cloud%20Computing.pdf

King, R. (2009). Cloud computing: Small companies take flight. Business Week. http:// 619516.htm

Leavitt, N. (2009). Is Cloud Computing Really Ready for Prime Time? Computer, 42(1), 15-20. Retrieved from ting+Ready.pdf

Lin, G., Fu, D., Zhu, J., & Dasmalchi, G. (2009). Cloud computing: IT as a service. IT Professional, 11(2), 10,13.

McQueen, M. (2008) System Security Through Ideal Driven Technical Metrics. Idaho national laboratory. Jan. 2008. Retrieved from:

(OBryan, 2006). Critical elements of information security program success. Retrieved from

Pronto, JP (2008) Developing Metrics for Effective Information Security Governance. Getronics. Retrieved from:

Rajkumar, B. Yeo, C., Venugopal, S. (2008). High Perfomance Computing and Commuications. HPCC 08, 10th International Conference on Computing. Retrieved from F%2Fi

RN Calheiros, R. Ranjan, A. Beloglazov, C. Rose, and R. Buyya. Cloudsim (2010) a toolkit for modeling and simulation of cloud computing environments and evaluation of resource provisioning algorithms. Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley Press, New York, USA, 2010

Stoddard, M. (2005) Process Control System Security Metrics ??" State of Practice. I3P. Retrieved from:

Stolfo, S. et al. (2012). Fog Computing: Mitigating Insider Data Theft Attacks in the Cloud. Security and Privacy, 2012 IEEE Symposiom, p 125-128, 2012. Retrieved from

Select a publicly traded corporation for which you would like to work or are currently working.

Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University's online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

1.Determine the impact of the company?s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success.
2.Analyze the five (5) forces of competition to determine how they impact the company.
3.Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
4.Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.
5.Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.
6.Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.
7.Select two (2) corporate governance mechanisms used by this corporation and evaluate how effective they are at controlling managerial actions.
8.Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership within this corporation and make at least one (1) recommendation for improvement.
9.Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company?s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.
10.Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

?Determine ways in which the vision, mission, and stakeholders of a firm impact that firm?s overall success.
?Identify how the six segments of the general environment affect an industry and its firms.
?Identify the five forces of competition.
?Analyze the external environment for opportunities and threats that impact the firm.
?Analyze the internal environment of a company for strengths and weaknesses that impact the firm?s competitiveness.
?Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
?Predict ways in which corporate governance will affect strategic decisions.
?Assess the relationship between strategy and organizational structure.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
?Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics.

As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing ways in which social media can direct them to better sources for purchasing.

As a result, businesses are now jumping on the social media bandwagon at a rapid pace, embracing social networks to achieve their marketing and business goals.

Identify one (1) of the major social media outlets and write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1.Discuss the four (4) components of a legally astute social media marketing manager who utilizes social media outlets for consumer transactions and how each component can mitigate the risk involved in doing business in cyberspace.
2.List and analyze methods of alternative dispute resolution and determine which would be most effective in resolving genuine disputes that arise with consumers who may make purchases from businesses that provide links via social media.
3.Since consumer transactions on social media can occur across state lines, determine how the federal government can best control these transactions.
4.Examine the three (3) branches of government and discuss which can effectuate the most significant impact on regulating consumer transactions via social media outlets. Support your decision.
5.Explain the agency relationship that exists on social media sites between the social media provider and businesses that utilize the site for advertising.
6.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Operationalizing Constructs

Churchill Jr., G. A. (1979). A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 16(1), 64-73 [Please read: up to the Purify the Measure heading on p. 68, i.e. pp. 64-68].
Hinkin, T. R. (1995). A Review of Scale Development Practices in the Study of Organizations. Journal of Management, 21(5), 967-988 [Please read: up to the Scale Construction heading on p. 974, i.e. pp. 967-974].
MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavioral research: Integrating new and existing techniques. MIS Quarterly, 35(2), 293-334 [Please read: up to the Step 3 heading on p. 304, i.e. pp. 293-304].
Examples of Operationalizing Theoretical Constructs
The following three papers provide examples of different approaches to operationalizing theoretical constructs. Please read the indicated portions of any TWO of the following papers:
Detert, J. R. & Edmondson, A. C. (2011). Implicit voice theories: taken for granted rules of self censorship. Academy of Management Journal, 54, 461-488 [Please read: up to the Data Analysis heading on p. 473, i.e. pp. 461-473].
Haber, J. A., Fitzgerald, S. P. , & Berkley, R. L. (2010, October). Perceptions of Competency Norms in the Workplace: Scale Development. Southern Management Association Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, 1-44 [Please read: pp. 1-10. Note: This is based on part of Dr. Haber's dissertation here at TUI! Access by clicking on the paper title].
Ja-Shen, C., Yen, H., Li, E. Y., & Ching, R. H. (2009). Measuring CRM effectiveness: Construct development, validation and application of a process-oriented model. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(3), 283-299 [Please read: up to the Data Collection and Analyses heading onto p. 288, i.e. pp. 283-288].
The sections of the first three required background readings that we asked you to read for this module focus on the early, conceptual stages of the operationalization process. For example, Churchill (1979) refers to these early stages as "specify domain of the construct" and "generate sample of items" (p. 67), Hinkin (1995) begins with "item generation" (p. 969), and MacKenzie, Podsakoff, and Podsakoff (2011) illustrate the early conceptual stages as "develop a conceptual definition of the construct" and "generate items to represent the construct" (Figure 1, p. 297). Finally, MacKenzie, et al. (2011) provide a set of factors to consider in construct conceptualization (Table 1, p. 299). In this case assignment, you will apply those factors to:
Assignment: Evaluate the nature and quality of the processes used to develop conceptual definitions and measurable items in the two example articles that you read
(i.e., Detert & Edmondson, 2011, Haber, et al., 2010, or Ja-Shen, C., et al., 2009)
Assignment Expectations
1. Explain and support each of your points in your analysis.
2. Draw upon and cite key points from the first three articles to support your analysis.
3. Your analysis of each article should be approximately two double spaced pages.
4. Following your two analyses, include a 1-2 page discussion in which you compare and contrast the processes used to develop conceptual definitions and measurable items in both articles. Is one better than the other? If so, why?
5. Add a brief introduction in which you provide an overview of the entire paper.

General Expectations

1. Length 3-4 pages of double spaced 12 point font text, plus cover and reference page.
2. Structure: Narrative style, including a brief introduction in which you provide an overview of your paper.
3. References; Follow Campion's (1997) rules for references (see background page).
4. Style: APA format.

Customer is requesting that (superduper68) completes this order.

This is the exact assignment. Everything its explained clearly so please follow instruction... This is Cambridge Uni final year assignment and it plays important role. The example assignment (Assignment_Retail Marketing_2007.pdf ) is uploaded to give you the exact picture of how the essay should look like.
There is 5 files uploaded to help to ensure that high quality work will be given. Everything is written as need it to aim at highest standard!

TOPIC; Select a non-domestic retailer operating in a country of your choice. Analyse each element of the retail mix to determine how your chosen retailer seeks to create sustainable competitive advantage.

Assessment criteria

Your work will be assessed based on your knowledge and understanding of each of the following elements of the retail mix and the extent to which it provides a basis for competitive advantage:

Assessment criterion and weighting Mark out of 10 Weighted mark
Merchandise range and assortment (15%)
Marketing communications (15%)
Store layout, design and visual merchandising (15%)
Customer service and facilitating services (15%)
Store formats and locations (15%)
Pricing strategy and tactics (15%)
Academic style: structure, clarity, accurate referencing, visual presentation, range of sources (10%)

Please note that this assignment is based on your own detailed analysis of your chosen retailer. This analysis will be based on published information but most importantly on your own visits to your chosen retailer. A retailer that you are unable to visit is an unsuitable choice. The retailer must be non-domestic meaning that you could analyse Aldi trading in the UK but not Aldi trading in Germany, or Tesco trading in China but not in the UK.

Please pay special attention to the Generic Assessment criteria and learning outcomes published on page 20 of this guide. If you make ?inadequate use of learning resources? you cannot pass the assignment. Learning resources in this case means academic sources (books and journal articles) plus industry sources (journals, magazines, company sources, trade bodies such as IGD, market intelligence such as MINTEL). Similarly if your ?information base is inadequate? you cannot pass the assignment. Information base in this case means learning resources plus your own primary research.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Topic- The role of business education in developing Corporate Social Responsibility Skills

Strategy helps organizations to adapt to the changing environment and offer valuable products and services that satisfy their customers and earn profits.

The following needs to be included in the paper:

Identify and evaluate at least two types of strategies can enable organizations to co-create value with their customers.

Analyze the contribution of The role of business education in developing Corporate Social Responsibility skills to improving the relationship between organizations and customers.

Please ensure the research paper is APA 6th version. Please ensure the paper is original and will be used in Turn it in for originality. Thanks for your assistance

the effect of grocery store by entrance of hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand.

I'll sent proposal which is preliminary data for dissertation and i'll sent any information that I got to you later. Thanks
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (kiran1976) completes this order.

Marketing Customer Value

Case studies depict actual situations faced by managers in dynamic industries. A case analyst acts as a consultant. You offer marketing/business expertise and objectivity. Your challenge is to assess the market environment and design appropriate strategic responses. Cases are an integral part of this course. You will be graded on three case submissions. Grading criteria include the depth and insights of the environmental and strategic analyses; use of value concepts, strategic planning tools, and support materials; and writing style/organization. Case analyses are to be limited to 5 pages of text and should be analyzed using the Customer Value Funnel Approach starting on p. 153 of your text. In your analysis, answer the questions on page 157 & 158. You should provide answers to two questions at the end of the case as well.

I will be faxing the cases analysis and the correspondig pages. I will give one case at a time so please keep all papers a fax you for future references.

There are faxes for this order.

Sports Apparel

Section 5: Final Comprehensive Activity
In this final section of the course, your will bring together what you have learned and accomplished in this and your previous research courses.

Assignment 10 Comprehensive Activity
In this final activity, you will pull together activities from this and previous research courses to compose a comprehensive paper.

Activity Resources
Review readings from the course.
Main Task: Submit Final Comprehensive Activity
Based on your problem statement, purpose statement, research questions, method, and design identified in RSH9101, RSH9102, and course activities, compose a comprehensive paper in which you discuss the envisioned context and variables in your proposed research. Also, include discussion of envisioned data collection method and analyses along with the reasoning behind your selection. Finally, propose plans to ensure validity and reliability of your outcomes. The expected length of this assignment is 10 pages.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Assignment Outcomes
Compare and contrast common qualitative designs and give examples of appropriate application based on study research problems, purposes and research questions.
Compare and contrast interpretive frameworks and relate to proposed study.
Select a qualitative design based on the proposed study purpose, and include a rationale for appropriateness and support with foundational research methods literature.
Describe credibility and validity issues as related to qualitative research.
Describe potential ethical implications in qualitative studies.
Describe the appropriate collection, coding and analysis and reporting techniques relative to the proposed qualitative inquiry.
Customer is requesting that (cathii) completes this order.

B2B Transactions

Please make sure to follow the instruction from resources send. Please use three free sources on each assignment. Please follow the instruction from the attached document before writing the assignments.
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (gibbs) completes this order.

The 5 essay questions are given below. Each numbered question is not permitted to be any longer than 2 pages in length for a total of 10 pages. There are corresponding source papers that I will place in parentheses. I have emailed Essaytown the PDF files for the source papers to which some of the questions relate. With some questions you may not even need to refer to the source paper. We have free reign to go beyond the source paper, but citing is required should you reference a source outside the PDF source paper. There is no need to cite a reference from the PDF source paper. I have broken down each questions sub-questions as: a) b) c) d), but in your paper you can ignore this format and write it as one complete answer for each numbered question. You do not need to re-write the question in your paper. My work is pulling me away from my studies and I must once again rely on my favorite authors at Essaytown to do a great job. Thank you so much in advance!

Here are the questions as quoted from the assignment:

1. Provide two examples of firms that you think have been able to create value using Information Systems. The first one should be a firm that has done so by primarily using Customer Relation Management systems. The second one should be a firm that has done so mainly by providing value to business (B2B). Discuss how IS/IT provides the value.

2. (Netflix, Apple) Technology pioneers/early adopters.
a) Discuss the sustainability of a first mover advantage, particularly a technological one. What forces aid sustainability and which hinder sustainability?
b) Discuss the pros and cons (benefits/costs) of a company being an early adopter of technology versus a later adopter.

3. (Li & Fung)
a) Why is Li & Fung so successful today?
b) Describe the value chain in the export business (i.e. suppliers, transformation costs, customers).
c) How does Li & Fung manage the transformation/supply chain process to achieve the goal of top-notch quality at the best price in the timeliest manner (pg 5 in the source paper)?
d) How did its initial acquisition strategy (pages 2-4 in the source paper) support this goal?
e) What factors in the international environment might make Li & Fung less successful in the future?
f) What factors might make it more successful?

4. (Apple)
a) Did Apple gain a competitive advantage from its decision to invest in an online music business?
b) Will this competitive advantage last forever? Why?
c) Using Michael Porters Five Forces Model, analyze Apples buyer and supplier power. Which of the 3 generic strategies is Apple following (cost leadership, differentiation, or focused strategy)?
d) Which of Porters Five Forces did Apple address through its introduction of the iPod? In what way is the iPod a logical extension of Apples pre-existing product line?

5. (iPremier, ChoicePoint) Privacy & security.
a) What lessons were learned through the iPremier & ChoicePoint cases regarding the security of personal information?
b) What can you say regarding the business and public relations implications resulting from compromise (& potential compromise) of personal information?
c) Analyze (describe) the relationship among ethical, social, and privacy issues that are raised by these cases.

There are faxes for this order.

The Case for the second Case Analysis Exercise will be the Owens and Minor Case (A), Product #: 9-100-055, Rev. Feb 14, 2005. It is available from Harvard Business Online at .Chose the Sealed Electronic Download option to obtain this case.

Each case consists of a case scenario that requires students to integrate material and provide managerial assessments of business situations. Your written case report should include a brief environmental analysis, problem determination, and summary of the impact on logistics supply chain management followed by qualitative and quantitative analyses to derive, present and justify a decision for implementation. Responses must be NO LONGER THAN 5 pages, double-spaced, including exhibits.

The specific details of this assignment are as follows:

Answer all questions. Answer them in the form of a report, not in a quiz format.

1. What are the services rendered by the distributor to manufacturers and hospitals? How has the nature of distribution changed over time? What is the value-added by O&M?

2. Evaluate the impact cost-plus pricing has on distribution, customers and suppliers.

3. What effect will ABP have on customer behavior?

4. Explain Exhibit 5. How does the pricing matrix work? How does the costs in Exhibit 5 correspond to the costs shown in the customer profitability statement in Exhibit 4. Why doesnt the matrix comprise all costs shown in Exhibit 4?

5. What are the obstacles to successful implementation of ABP at Ideal?

I will email the passwords to access the case on Harvard Business online to [email protected].

There are faxes for this order.

Loyalty Programs in CRM for

What are the challenges to traditional CRM?

The background section presents 2 articles that question loyalty programs and 2 articles that show successful loyalty programs. Once again, imagine that you are consulting for a company. Choose any company (other than a strictly regulated company that may be limited in its ability to create loyalty reward). You have been tasked to write a report. (a) Briefly suggest three reasons why your company should have a loyalty program. (b) Next, identify at least two components of that loyalty program and explain why you are recommending those components. Finally, (c) anticipate at least 2 objections from others in the company who believe loyalty programs are dead. You may agree or disagree with them. For example, you may recommend a certain type of reward for customers who buy a certain amount of your product or service, and then explain why you make thi recommendation. Your answer will be evaluated based on logic and analysis. Rather than present opinion or anecdotes, refer to the background readings to support your position.

==> Demonstrate understanding of CRM

==> Directions followed for the assignment (absolutely critical!)

==>Take a strong position (not "we could have some of each")

==>Logical support for all our points

==>Evidence of use of required references and background materials (necessary for a grade of "B" or higher)

==>Use of APA formatting Guidelines here.

==>Length should be 2 pages words (flexible)

==>Few quotes and absolutely no copying or close paraphrasing from any source without appropriate citation

==>No definitions and no summaries from the text

==>No general statements with "all," "none," "must," "should," "mandatory," and similar terms

Background Readings:

Anonymous, New Rules of Building Customer Loyalty. Inc Magazine. May 20.

Barnett, M. (2010), How brands can play the loyalty card . Marketing Week. Oct 7 . 28
Cool, K.and and Paranikos, P. (2011) When Every Customer Is A New Customer. Harvard Business Review v 89 (May) 29-31

Retrieved from the Internet May 15, 2011.

Mahoney, Sarah (2011) Local Hooks, Positioning Spark Ace Hardware Loyalty . Media Post.

Thelen, Mason (2010) Loyalty Programs: A Thing Of The Past? v. 20 (40) Nov 8, p. 13.

LOYALTY: How brands can play the loyalty card

Barnett, Michael (2010), How brands can play the loyalty card.. Marketing Week. Oct 7 . 28

Zmuda, Natalie (2011) Retailers on Quest to Rekindle the Personal Touch
of a Bygone Era. Advertising Age (February 14)

Summary Current Article Releated to Marketing it would be best if it could be related to services marketing but Marketing in general is fine....

Use the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Businessweek, Yahoo...ect...

Include date and title of article...

I will need the article or link to article to print out...

1-2 pages is all that is necessary...

also provide a brief higlight sheet for short exsplaination (verbal presentation 1-2 min about the article talking points)

Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.

6 Pages

E-Marketing Rockwell's Cafe and Bakery

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This is the exact assignment. Everything its explained clearly so please follow instruction... This is Cambridge Uni final year assignment and it plays important role. The example assignment (Assignment_Retail…

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6 Pages

Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 1519
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Effect of Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand

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the effect of grocery store by entrance of hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand. I'll sent proposal which is preliminary data for dissertation and i'll sent any information that I got to…

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Marketing Customer Value

Words: 1898
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GUIDELINES FOR CASE ANALYSIS Case studies depict actual situations faced by managers in dynamic industries. A case analyst acts as a consultant. You offer marketing/business expertise and objectivity. Your challenge…

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Sports Apparel

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Section 5: Final Comprehensive Activity In this final section of the course, your will bring together what you have learned and accomplished in this and your previous research courses. Assignment 10…

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B2B Transactions

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Please make sure to follow the instruction from resources send. Please use three free sources on each assignment. Please follow the instruction from the attached document before writing the…

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Information Systems & Information Technology

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The 5 essay questions are given below. Each numbered question is not permitted to be any longer than 2 pages in length for a total of 10 pages.…

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Logistics This Case Study Presents

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Length: 5 Pages
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The Case for the second Case Analysis Exercise will be the Owens and Minor Case (A), Product #: 9-100-055, Rev. Feb 14, 2005. It is available from Harvard Business…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Loyalty Programs in CRM for

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What are the challenges to traditional CRM? The background section presents 2 articles that question loyalty programs and 2 articles that show successful loyalty programs. Once again, imagine that you…

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2 Pages

Consumers Power Transformational Marketing (Hamelin,

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Summary Current Article Releated to Marketing it would be best if it could be related to services marketing but Marketing in general is fine.... Use the Wall Street Journal, NY…

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