Cultural Communications Essays Prompts

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Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment (CCHPA) (12 points)

The Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment (CCHPA) was created by the National Center for Cultural Competence to encourage competence in cultural linguistics among providers. As a result of the assessment, health care providers will be conscious of ways to effectively reduce or eliminate health disparities among ethnic and racial groups. The hope is for you to discover your own cultural competence.

Follow the below directions to complete the assignment, worth 12 points:

1. Paste the below website in your browser:
2. Read the overview and purpose.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and begin the assessment. There will be six sub-scale areas to complete in the assessment.
4. After completing the assessment, state how you could benefit from gaining knowledge from each of the six sub-sale areas.
5. In a word document, place the six(6) sub-scale areas in a "TABLE FORMAT" (below is an example of the table with the Values and Belief Systems sub-scale area) along with any suggestions from the ?benefit from gaining knowledge? information. Each subscale area should have two (2) suggestions provided by the CCHPA website.
Sub-Scale Areas How could you benefit from gaining knowledge? (1 pt. each suggestion)
1. Values and Belief Systems (Example) a. Identify and engage key cultural informants within diverse communities (1 pt. each)
b. Discern cultural group norms and group differences (1 pt. each)

2. Cultural Aspects of Epidemiology a.
3. Clinical Decision-Making a.
4. Life Cycle Events a.
5. Cross-Cultural Communication a.
6. Empowerment/Health Management a.

6. Next, submit your completed assignment

TITLE: Factors That Impact Cross-Cultural Communication at the Workplace

SYNOPSIS: Cross Cultural organizations are an expanding reality. The prime target of this study and research is to provide suitable and acceptable answers to the following questions:
1. What is communication?
2. What does it look like?
3. What is the purpose of communication within organizations?
4. What factors can negatively impact effective communication within cross-cultural organizations.

1. Discuss some of the problems that negatively impact communications in cross-cultural settings and global organizations. During this study, extensive reference should be made to the following cross cultural theories:
? Anxiety Uncertainty Management theory developed by Dr. William B. Gudykunst.
? Hofstede?s Cultural dimensions
? Hall?s Context theory
? Schwartz value Inventory Theory

2. Analyze how the Anxiety Uncertainty Management theory relates to cross-cultural communications - with particular focus on concepts related to anxiety, uncertainty, mindfulness, and trust development.

3. Discuss, the importance and academic interest of this endeavor/study land the projected/expected benefits that global leadership practitioners can gain out of this study - particularly the deeper understanding of how different individual and cultural backgrounds within a cross-cultural setting can influence communication behavior between all stakeholders at all levels of an organization.

4. Make reference to at least one research study and one questionnaires that relates to cross-cultural communication and the factors that impact cross-cultural communications at the workplace/in global companies.

Methodology and Ethics: Research must be based on the study of work-culture (via Internet sources and academic/professional literature specified above) in the context of the cultural theories ? in particular the Anxiety Uncertainty Management theory developed by Dr. William B. Gudykunst. Other considerations for this study include:
? Hofstede?s Cultural dimensions
? Hall?s Context theory
? Schwartz value Inventory Theory

Data gathering and ethical issues to take in consideration:

1. Cross-cultural research is comparative, that is, it requires the collection of data from different cultures and the comparison of their data in context.

2. Based on a 2008 publication by David C. Thomas ?Cross-Cultural Management - Essential Concepts?, it is anticipated that three broad methodological areas of precaution must be seriously taken into consideration when running cross-cultural studies:

? Equivalence
? Sampling
? Data Collection

Literature that must be referenced in this research and study includes:

Berger, C. R., & Calabrese, R. J. (1975). Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication. Human Communication Theory, 1, 99-112.

Cornelius N. Grove, 2005, retrieved Feb/12/2011, Introduction to the GLOBE Research Project on Leadership Worldwide. [Last accessed 01/01/2012]

Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember, Cross-Cultural Research Methods, Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2001.

Govindarajan, V., & Gupta, A. (2001). Building an Effective Global Business Team. (cover story). MIT Sloan Management Review, 42(4), 63-71. Retrieved March 8, 2010 from

Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y. Y. (2002). Communicating With Strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages. ISBN: 9780072321241.

Harris, R., Moran, R., and Moran, S. (2004). Managing Cultural Differences: Global Leadership Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, 6e. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

Hofstede, Geert H. (1980), Culture?s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

House, R. J., Hanges, P. J, Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., & Gupta, V. (2004). Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62. Sage Publications. ISBN: 9780761924012.

Hubbert, K., Gudykunst, W., & Guerrero, S. (1999). Intergroup Communication over Time. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 23, 13-46.

Kraut, R. E., Fish, R. S., Root, R. W., & Chatfonte, B. L. (1990). Informal Communication in Organizations: Form, Function, and Technology. Retrieved through Google Scholar.

Landes, L. (2001). Real-life, Real-time Communication: More Than a Function, It?s the Central Nervous System of Your Organization.

Langer, E. (1978). Rethinking the Role of Thought in Social Interaction. In J. Harvey, W. Ikes, & R. Kidd (Eds.) New Directions in Attribution Research (Vol. 2). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Langer, E. (1989). Mindfulness. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Rajagopal, & Rajagopal, A. (2006). Trust and cross-cultural dissimilarities in corporate environment. Team Performance Management, Vol. 12, Issue 7/8.

Stephen, W. G., Stephen, C. W., & Gudykunst, W. B. (1999). Anxiety in Intergroup Relations: A Comparison of Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory and Integrated Threat Theory. Int. J. Intercultural Rel. Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 613?628.

Slimbach, R. (2000). The Transcultural Journey. The Frontiers Journal.


Write a summary of the article: "Cross-Cultural Communications for Managers" by Mary Munter in "Business Horizons " (May/June 1993) V36,N3,69-78.Also incorporate what can be learned from the material in the article.

Develop a two-page paper in which you examine the conclusions you have found from your research and answer the following questions. Do men and women communicate differently? Does it make a difference in the workplace?


SECOND SOURCE:Select three (3) articles on gender and communication and three (3) articles on cross-cultural communication from the ProQuest Library.


Use Chicago Manual of Style. I need the bibliography and work cited information along with my order for free. I provided 11 reference materials to use. Along with that add at least 20 other references. I need minimum of 15 quotations. I have provided the Introduction of the research paper. Based on the introduction please write the body and conclusion. NOTE Keep my introduction and use that as a base to write the body and conclusion. I am ordering 12 pages in total write 10 pages for the body and 2 pages for conclusion based on my introduction. I am not paying to write an introduction as I would like to use my own introduction. So please write the body and conclusion only and make sure it flows with my introduction. The paper should be based on my introduction and answer the last three topic of the introduction, which are:
- Online cross-cultural communication is more prone to misunderstanding and distrust than face-to-face communication because some of the nonverbal communication cues like body language are missing.
- The building of trust between individuals can lead to successful on-line cross-cultural communication.
- There is a need to understand how the meaning of word may vary between cultures in order to eliminate any potential misunderstanding and distrust between individuals.

Subject: Interpretation across Culture in on-line communication


I have been using my second language, English, since I was two years old. I have been living in the U.S. for nine years and still some words do not portray the same meaning to me as they do to people over here. I have found that the meanings of words can change; I notice this particularly at my workplace. When I started my job, I was given a project, and in an e-mail communication I wrote, "I am working on resolving the problem. I will keep you posted with my findings. In the meantime, if you have any further problems please feel free to contact me again." The word "problem" created a big situation in my department. My manager and my co-workers thought the word "problem" sounded negative and that I should use the word "issue" instead. I explained to them that where I come from, Bangladesh, "issue" sounds very harsh. It makes me feel as if I am attacking someone personally. After much discussion, I stepped aside to think from their perspective and decided to change the word. These made me realize that communicating in the workplace in my second language, even if my colleagues and I do not always understand words the same way, we can eventually understand each other well enough to achieve our tasks at work.

Language is the key factor for communication. The English language is being used globally to communicate through online media. While most people are using the same language to interact, not everyone is communicating with the same cultural values and understanding. Effective communication with people of different culture is especially challenging. There are no established procedures or rules for us to follow to be efficient communicators across cultures. The Internet has caused an explosion in the variety of communication methods and has opened an extraordinary level of communication without boundaries. This is causing an unprecedented possibility for misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and distrust. Trust is a vital element in team development and efficiency building within a traditional team context. Any kind of communication we engage in has our cultural values intermingled in it. Culture teaches us values and principles that direct our thoughts and actions toward anything we encounter. This cultural understanding dictates the way we learned how to speak, write, and interact with others. It creates a challenge in understanding each other. Along with the regular face-t-face cross-cultural communication challenges now we need to pay attention to the cross-cultural communication via on-line media.

To keep costs down and remain competitive in the global economy many organizations are choosing to convert traditional teams to virtual teams and forming Geographically Dispersed Teams (GDT). It is easy to setup virtual teams, but the challenge is in establishing trust among virtual team members to work collaboratively. Individuals in a virtual team not only depend on the use of information technology but also create rapport through on-line communication. In a research done by Dr. Zhou she revealed that virtual team also needs to trust their team members for their work. Because they are dependent on each others assigned task to deliver a successful project. When there is s strong trust built within the team, it is easier for the team members to work efficiently because they are able to depend on each other. It also helps them to have open communication within the group and maintain a collaborative environment. Trust is a vital element in team development and efficiency building within a traditional face-to-face communication of team context. So, we also need to pay attention on how to build trust through on-line communication.

It is phenomenal how people can communicate with each other while connected only by computers. Today, online media has shortened the time span of international communication to a matter of seconds. According to Internet World Stats, on June 30, 2008 the Internet was used by 21.9% of the world population, which is a 5.19% increase since 2006. The increase of Internet usage has brought with it a mixture of new settings and concerns that affect how the world interacts with in cyberspace. It has become a melting pot of different languages, cultural values, laws, regulations, and individual expectations. These factors need to be considered while using the online media to network with people of different cultures around the globe. A majority of work teams now spend at least 25% of their time working in a virtual environment, according to a recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity.

It can also be said that the on-line media is also influencing people to take on new habits from other cultures. Consider the following simple scenario that Satinder Gill, talks about in his article "The Cultural Interface: The Role of Self." Usually, in Japanese culture, everyone addresses their colleagues at work by their last name. When communicating via email they tend to address their colleagues by their first name, which they do not normally do in person (1). Here we can see how online communication changes how Japanese communicators address each other differently online rather than face-to-face. This is just one example of global communication causing unconscious changes to occur in users' communication styles and how we need to pay attention to online communication protocols between cultures.

The emergence of cyberspace is pushing everyone in the workplace to grow an understanding of how different cultural values can play a role in online communication. Online cross-cultural communication in can be unconsciously affected by cultural values. This factor can affect how employees from different countries engage in online communications. All of these issues can play a positive or negative role in our life. If we do not pay attention to potential misunderstanding, then we are more likely to become victims of miscommunication. It will take more than just awareness to overcome these issues and communicate online across culture. On-line cross-cultural communication is a vital element in todays communication at workplace for team development and efficiency. In this study I plan to explore some of the potential reasons for misunderstanding and distrust in on-line communication. I believe to address this question I need to tackle the following issues listed below:

- Online cross-cultural communication is more prone to misunderstanding and distrust than face-to-face communication because some of the nonverbal communication cues like body language are missing.
- The building of trust between individuals can lead to successful on-line cross-cultura communication.
- There is a need to understand how the meaning of word may vary between cultures in order to eliminate any potential misunderstanding and distrust between individuals.

Some Resources to use in the paper Annotated Bibliography

Nastri, J., Pea, J., and Hancock, J. T. (2006). The construction of away messages: A speech act analysis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11.4, article 7.
This research study focuses on away messages in IM and how it can be used for better communication. A total of 483 away messages written by 44 individuals were studied. The messages were broken down indo different categories. They are primarily assertives, followed by expressives and commissives, but rarely with directives. These findings are discussed in terms of computer-mediated discourse and online self-presentation.
Coppola, N. W., Hiltz, S. R., & Rotter, N G. (2004). Building trust in virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 47.2, 95-104
The authors, researchers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark uses Debra Meyersons concept, swift trust at the beginning of an on-line course to build trust between temporary teams in online courses. The industry is moving towards a virtual world and along with it the academia is also preparing the students to work in a virtual world. As the students are meeting for a short time they can be compared to the temporary groups at workplace how everyone is pressured to become familiar in a limited amount of time. It shows the faculty members who were able to build trust between the team within the first week of the class were able provide successful learning community. The same phenomenon works within virtual teams at work place. Trust needs to be present between team members so they can count on each other and work more effectively towards their task without additional worries.
Suchan, J. & Hayzak, G. (2001). The communication characteristics of virtual teams: a case study. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication; 44.3, 174-186
The authors, researchers are from the Naval Postgraduate School and the U.S. Army explores on how there is greater need by the industry to deliver to their client in the most efficient way and how they are turning towards virtual team to give them the nimbleness to leverage their resources. They research analyzed the communication technologies like Customer Support Virtual Team (CST) for a Fortune 500 organization. Advanced electronic media provide the primary means of interaction between the virtual team members. For an effective team they found the great need for self driven team members and a great deal of trust along with the most efficient communication tools. In contrast they also found that organizations need to have staff to support these technologies for virtual team to perform effectively. As the industry is getting more demanding with the turnaround time of their project this study shows how managing a productive virtual team directly depends on a reliable communication systems. They show an interlinked relationship connecting the need to maintenance the uptime of these systems which helps the virtual team to be productive and as a result support their clients.
Zhou, L., & Zhang D. (2005). A heuristic approach to establishing punctuation convention in instant messaging. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.4, 391-400
The author, researcher at the University of Maryland, MD explores the behavioral indicators of deception in virtual group when using instant messaging as a media of communication through qualitative study. He also discovered the difference in linguistic behavior between deceivers and the truth teller. This study is crucial for industries as most are instant messaging or synchronous computer mediated communication now pervades in daily life of the workplace. The study also compares the research on deception in face-to-face communication based on the clue theory with the deception via instant messaging. The interpersonal deception theory from social science was also used to guide the deception research in the group studied using instant messaging. Compared to face-to-face interaction instant messaging is influenced by the lack of incoming social cues as the communicators doesnt get to see the facial expressions. It is important identify these deceptions as organizations interact with each other virtually to reduce project failures. The results from this research can be used to understand knowledge of deception behavior in human communication and be aware of deceptions in the virtual world.

Grosse, C. U. (2002). Managing communication within virtual intercultural teams. Business Communication Quarterly. 65.4, 22-38.
This study was based on the findings from a graduate level business communication class assignment and interviews with four executives from France, United Kingdom, and US. The study focuses on how to build a strong virtual team through technology at the same time keep the interaction more humanized. It is a challenge for the traditional workers to work with teammates where there is no face-to-face interaction so there is a greater need for human touch to make them comfortable. There is also a need to have awareness of cultural diversity in the global virtual team to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. The study also troughs the idea of a first face-to-face interaction between the team before forming them into virtual team but this is not always feasible due to geographical location and cost. The organization need to encourage open communication from the beginning between the virtual team members to grow trust and understanding. In the long run this will help the team to be more efficient and productive.

Shaw, B. , Scheufele, D. and Catalano, S. "The Role of Instant Messaging as a Tool for Organizational Communication: An Exploratory Field Experiment" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Sheraton New York, New York City, NY Online Retrieved 2008-06-20 from
Millions of adults currently use instant messaging (IM) in the workplace and yet there is very little research examining how use and perceptions of this new medium affect intra-organizational communication. While one of the characteristics of instant messaging is the ability to exchange real-time communication, what truly distinguishes instant messaging from other widely adopted forms of mediated communication is the integration of presence technology, which allows parties to detect if others are online and available to communicate. In this paper, we propose a theory of productivity benefits of presence-aware communication technology, building upon past research. Based on this model, we use a quasi-experimental longitudinal research design with quantitative and qualitative methods to test how providing instant messaging to selected workgroups at a Fortune 1000 company impacts employees attitudes and work behavior. Results suggest that IM use had a positive effect on improving productivity with participants citing reductions in voice mail and phone tag, improvements to how easy it was to see if colleagues were online and available to communicate as well as increased productivity served by back-channel communications conducted via IM. Results and future research directions are discussed.

Panteli, N. & Davison, M. R. (2005). The role of subgroups in the communication patterns of global virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.2, 191-220
This study was collaboration between the University of Bath, UK, and the City University of Hong Kong, China. The author, researchers represents both the universities and led a group of 47 students by dividing them into 8 subgroups. The research explores the emergence of subgroups in global virtual and the communication pattern of teams in virtual settings. Extensive observation was made for 8 months to analyze the way all the teams communicated on the same projects by using on-line file excanges, chats, and discussion forums. The study was very close to real life scenario because of the geographical proximity and the organizational homogeneity of the members in two different locations. The study shows how misunderstand between team members caused lack in team cohesiveness thus creating boundaries. Although the end result of the task between the team were very good but interestingly the study show there is greater need to have highly skilled team leader to maintain the serenity between the subgroups and to help taking ownership of faults, thus reducing misunderstanding. The study does a great job in discussing the insinuations of the findings and how to apply in practice. As businesses are moving toward outsourcing this study can be used as source in understanding some of the shortcomings of virtual teams and ways to overcome them.

Burn, J. & Barnett, M. (1999). Communicating for advantage in the virtual organization. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 42.4, 215-222
The authors, researchers at the Edith Cowan University, Australia studies six virtual organizational models and explores how the electronic network of virtual organizations rises above the conventional organizations. All these models have some common needs. They all seek for innovative way to come up with low-cost communications technology and employ rich functionality. The models also explore how virtual organizations are dynamic and are going through constant changes. The most stable virtual organization that run most efficiently are the ones that treat communication knowledge as their core need for their infrastructure. The trend to the formation of virtual organizations industry and a lot can be learned from their communication structure which can be applied to the traditional organization and to the formation of their virtual teams.

Zhou, L. (2005). An empirical investigation of deception behavior in instant messaging. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.2, 147-160
The author, researcher at the University of Maryland, MD explores the behavioral indicators of deception in virtual group when using instant messaging as a media of communication through qualitative study. He also discovered the difference in linguistic behavior between deceivers and the truth teller. This study is crucial for industries as most are instant messaging or synchronous computer mediated communication now pervades in daily life of the workplace. The study also compares the research on deception in face-to-face communication based on the clue theory with the deception via instant messaging. The interpersonal deception theory from social science was also used to guide the deception research in the group studied using instant messaging. Compared to face-to-face interaction instant messaging is influenced by the lack of incoming social cues as the communicators doesnt get to see the facial expressions. It is important identify these deceptions as organizations interact with each other virtually to reduce project failures. The results from this research can be used to understand knowledge of deception behavior in human communication and be aware of deceptions in the virtual world.

Judith A. H. (2005). Building trust and collaboration in a virtual team. Team Performance Management. 7.3, 36-48
The author from the Holland College, Canada focuses on how building and having trust in virtual organization is important for it to be productive. Organization are moving toward a virtual team environment and to have effective virtual team there needs to me seamless communication between team members and they need to be able to rely on each other without any doubts. She studied six members in a virtual team to find the out how level of trust is important in team effectiveness. She suggest the application of Jung's theory of personality types to assess virtual teams in a positive and laissez-faire way to highlight value of diversity so the team members are at ease to share their personal and work style preferences, thus creating a circle of trust. Trust is need between all kinds of team but it is crucial for virtual team as there is no face-to-face interaction between team members and there is vulnerability for deception.

Jarvenpaa L. S. & Leidner E. D. (1999). Communication and trust in global virtual teams. Organization Science. 10.6, 791-816
The authors, researchers, at the University of Texas at Austin, TX studied three hundred and fifty master's students from 28 universities for six weeks in virtual team setting to explore the how trust was developed through virtual interaction. The study show communication challenges dues o cultural in interpersonal differences and thus creating misunderstanding between team members. The presence of the SIDE theory was found in the study as there were pauses between the members during their interactions which influence individuals to build stereotypical intuitions about each other. In this study we also see the application of Debra Meyersons theory of swift trust but between the team members were very fragile and temporary. There are challenges in virtual team due to geographical distance so organizations need to focus on open communications between the virtual team members so there is less misunderstanding. A productive virtual team cannot be built just with the proper communication tools but there is need for trust, respect, and relationship between team members.

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Cross-Cultural Communications

In a 3 page, APA style paper, complete an article review. Your article should come from one of an online library resources and have been published within the last 60 days. Your article should cover the following topics that were introduced in your readings:
? cross-cultural communication challenges
? intercultural communication and process
? effective strategies for cross-cultural communication
Support your analysis to peer-reviewed articles.

1. Read the 2 articles (attached). Write addressing the following

a) What type of cultural communication examples AND cultural miscues were made during the visits
b) If you were asked to comment as a Multicultural Communication Consultant on what Mitt Romney, David Cameron, London Mayor, Huffington Post writers said - what would you report?
c) What advice would make to improve multicultural communication?

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Customer is requesting that (hophead) completes this order.

Objective: To write a 5 6 page research paper about two or more theories, models, and/or methodologies that relate to intercultural and cross-cultural research.
Description: Writing assignment #2 requires you to explain two or more intercultural and/or cross-cultural communication theories, models, and/or methodologies and to describe at least one research project or study for each theory, model, or methodology you choose. The journal articles must be about a topic related to intercultural or cross-cultural communication.

You may choose two or more of the following theories, models, and/or methodologies to investigate (please note that only one choice may be a theory/model/methodology discussed in class or included in your required readings. Required readings may not be used as sources for this paper):
Face-Negotiation Theory
Communication Accommodation Theory
Identity Management Theory
Identity Negotiation Theory
Uncertainty Reduction and Anxiety Management Theory
Integrative Communication Theory
Cultural Schema Theory
Intergroup Theory
Feminist Theory
Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory

You must actually read the journal articles you describe in your paper (in other words, dont merely read and write about the article abstract because the abstract alone will not provide you with enough detail for this assignment). Be sure to cite a minimum of four scholarly sources and include the sources in the Works Cited page. Two sources must be journal articles which illustrate how the theories, models, or methodologies you have chosen can be used in research about intercultural and cross-cultural communication (you may cite scholarly books for general information relating to the explanation of theories, methods, or methodologies). Cite sources when you quote directly and when you paraphrase information. All sources must have undergone an extensive editorial review process (I will not accept Wikipedia and sources such as Joe Bobs Web Site as credible sources). Remember to write your research paper with a specific audience in mind; that is, readers who have never taken a course or read material about culture, communication, and theories, models, and methodologies. This means that you must define and explain all terms and concepts and cite sources when necessary.
Additional Requirements: Use one to one-and-one-quarter inch margins (no more, no less) and a double-spaced, twelve-point Times New Roman black font. The cover sheet should include your name, course and section number (HUMA 3300.501), the semester and year (fall semester, 2008), and the title of your composition (Assignment #2: Theories, Models, and Methodologies). Include your full name and the words Assignment #2 in the upper right-hand side of the header on each page of your document. Dont justify your paragraphs. Indent paragraphs one-half inch, block quotes in one inch. Block quotes are double-spaced and not centered. Do not use footnotes or endnotes.
Cite all quotations, direct and indirect (paraphrased) according to the Modern Language Association format. Include a Works Cited listing as a separate page at the end of your paper (n.b. the cover sheet and the Works Cited list are not included in the 5 6 page requirement).

4 page paper on cross cultural communication. with questions/
1. How and in what ways do cultures differ
2. Does it make a difference in the work place
3. What are ways in which some situations can be ameliorated

Francine D Kemp. (2009, May). SAVING FACE. Industrial Engineer, 41(5), 39-43. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1711521141).

Meina Liu. (2009). The Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Effects of Anger on Negotiation Strategies: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Human Communication Research, 35(1), 148. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1623305651).

Aetna; Communicating across Cultures: Learn How This April During Minority Health Awareness Month. (2009, April). Health & Medicine Week,3202. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1675523431).
APR 13 - ( --
Amira Galin, Shani Avraham. (2009). A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Aggressiveness in the Workplace: A Comparison Between Jews and Arabs in Israel. Cross - Cultural Research, 43(1), 30. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1627285761).

Carol Reade, Mark Reade McKenna. (2009). A cross-cultural analysis of print advertising targeted to Hispanic and non-Hispanic American consumers. Thunderbird International Business Review, 51(2), 151. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1649144691).

Communicating across Cultures: Learn How This April During Minority Health Awareness Month. (1 April). Business Wire,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Dateline database. (Document ID: 1671343931).

Hiroaki Morio, Christopher Buchholz. (2009). How anonymous are you online? Examining online social behaviors from a cross-cultural perspective. AI & Society, 23(2), 297-307. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1528947501).

IW Group, Inc. (15 May). Hoover's Company Records,115879. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Entrepreneurship database. (Document ID: 1605047481).

Julie McLeod, Katie Wright. (2009). The Talking Cure in Everyday Life: Gender, Generations and Friendship. Sociology : the Journal of the British Sociological Association, 43(1), 122. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1667040361).

Manhattan Cross Cultural Group, Inc; Quality Interactions(R) Announces Launch of New Cultural Competency Resource Center Website. (2009, February). MD Week,87. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1634944081).
2009 FEB 6 - (

PIONEERING SCIENTIST MATSUMOTO TO LEAD HUMAN EFFECTIVENESS SEMINAR ON EMOTION AND CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. (2009, May 21). US Fed News Service, Including US State News,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1721108241).

Randall B Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, Delores B Lindsey, Raymond D Terrell. (2009, March). Cultural Proficiency: changing the conversation. Leadership, 38(4), 12-15. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ProQuest Education Journals database. (Document ID: 1665682501).
such as:
The art of presentation. (2009, April). Businessline,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1674457141).

Yonca Limon, Lynn R Kahle, Ulrich R Orth. (2009). Package Design as a Communications Vehicle in Cross-Cultural Values Shopping. Journal of International Marketing, 17(1), 30. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1648536841).

Assessment 1??"Annotated Bibliography .
In this assessment, you are required to write a 1000 word annotated bibliography of
three (3) readings from the course texts. This assessment includes a summary and a
critique (critical response) which will address the implications for general or specific
health professions.

The three chapters for you to annotate and critique are:
Chapter 5, Cross-cultural communication and culture shock, pp103-145 in
Eckermann, A-K, Dowd, T, Chong, E, Nixon, L, Gray, R & Johnson, S 2006,
Binang Goonj: Bridging Cultures in Aboriginal Health, Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier, Sydney.
Chapter 2 by Papadopoulos, I. The Papadopolous, Tilki and Taylor model of
developing cultural competence, pp7-23 in Papadopoulos, I (ed) 2006,
Transcultural Health and Social Care: Development of Culturally Competent
Practitioners, Elsevier, London.
Chapter 18 by Omeri, A. Transcultural nursing: the way to prepare culturally
competent practitioners in Australia, pp303-318 in Papadopoulos, I (ed) 2006,
Transcultural Health and Social Care: Development of Culturally Competent
Practitioners, Elsevier, London.
Below is the format students must follow for the annotated bibliography:
Reference details for Eckermann et al. 2006
Summary --------------------------------- 300 words
Critique on implications for practice - 200 words
Reference details for Papadopoulos 2006
Summary --------------------------------- 150 words
Critique on implications for practice - 100 words
Reference details for Omeri 2006
Summary --------------------------------- 150 words
Critique on implications for practice - 100 words

Please Note: an annotated bibliography is not complete without a critique or
development of a critical response to what the author/s have outlined. This assessment
relates to the development of your knowledge of cultural competency and its
application in the health professions, including personal development of your skills in
effective communication for professional practice.
Please check the resources specific to this assessment in your Assssment1 Resources
folder. These resources also include useful links to the Learning and Teaching Unit
(LTU) resources about writing a summary and critique.
Graduate Qualities being assessed in this assignment: 1, 2, 6 and 7
Referencing style to be used: Harvard -

You have to read the essay "Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers," by Deborah Tannen in her analysis claims that the differences in the talk of men and women can only be understood in terms of cross-cultural communication. include in the response one or more personal examples.

This is an applied project paper (much like a thesis). This paper will explore the challenges of creating and maintaining trust in a global virtual team whose members transcend time, space, and culture. The challenges are highlighted by integrating recent literature on work teams, computer-mediated communication groups, cross-cultural communication, and interpersonal and organizational trust.

Read the following case study then read the task at the end of the case study.

Dewey Ballantine, LLP: Cultural Stereotypes and an Interoffice E-Mail
Case study adapted from Tuleja, E.A. (2005). INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION FOR BUSINESS. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
NOTE: full text of the case study will be sent by email.

There are two parts to this case study:
PART A (1300-1500 words)
You are required to critically examine this case study and write a 1300-1500 word essay analysing the situation. Use the following questions to guide your analysis:
1. From Dewey Ballantines point of view, what are the critical issues in this case?
2. Who are the principal stakeholders here? Whats at stake for each of them?
3. Is this just a temporary matter for the firm, or are complaints and anim osity likely to persist? Can Dewey Ballantine take a low profile on this issue and simply wait for the controversy to pass?
4. From a reputation point of view, what sort of problems does the firm face?
5. Besides those actions that have already been taken, what actions would you suggest could be taken by Dewey Ballantine? In other words, is there anything else that can be done besides apologizing, as Mr Pierce suggests? Note, also, that Mr Pierce indicates that the firms assurances concerning some members behaviours are not representative of the org anisations culture will not convince critics. Do you agree? Why or why not?
6. Is this, as some people have said, simply a case of overreaction or pol itical correctness taken to an extreme?
PART B (1000 words)
You are a training consultant in cross-cultural communication with an external training company, and you have been approached by Sanford Morhouse and Morton Pierce from Dewey Ballantine. As there have been two unpleasant incidents at their firm, they would like to know from you what cross-cultural comm unication training Dewey Ballantine should be providing to its employees around the world? Prepare a recommendation report for Sanford Morhouse and Morton Pierce as to what you would include in the training; how you would cond uct the training; who would attend; and where and when it would be delivered. In your report, base your suggestions on theory to provide a convincing foundation for your proposed training approach.
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Cross-Cultural Healthcare

MOD 2 Case:

1. To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
2. To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may enhance health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
3. In terms of communicating with patients of different cultures, what did the health professionals in the video clips do well?
4. What suggestions would you make to help the health professionals improve their cross-cultural communication skills with these patients?

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Cultural Identity

Please watch these 2 brief video clips. The interactions between these patients and their healthcare providers reveal a great deal about problems and opportunities in cross-cultural healthcare.

? Justine Chitsena needs surgery for a congenital heart defect, but her mother and grandmother, refugees from Laos, worry that the scar left by the operation will damage her in her next reincarnation. They want to seek advice from the local Buddhist temple. - Case Study of Justine

? Alicia Mercado, a Puerto Rican immigrant, has strong beliefs about using natural home remedies rather than prescription medications. Her diabetes, hypertension, asthma and depression have been aggravated by her recent eviction from her apartment of eighteen years, which has also disrupted the continuity of her care. Her son worries about the "assembly line" care he feels she is receiving. Case Study of Alicia

Write a 2 ? 3 page essay that addresses the following questions:

1.To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
2.To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may enhance health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
3.In terms of communicating with patients of different cultures, what did the health professionals in the video clips do well?
4.What suggestions would you make to help the health professionals improve their cross-cultural communication skills with these patients?

Assignment Expectations - In order to earn full credit, you must review all required background materials and make sure your paper meets these standards:

LENGTH: 2 - 3 pages typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font

COVER PAGE: Copy the exact assignment onto your cover page (the actual questions or task).

REFERENCES: Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples you may review the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list.

PRECISION: Each of the questions of the assignment is specifically addressed in the paper.

CLARITY: The paper reads clearly (i.e., it is not confusing) and is well-structured. Subheadings are used to guide the reader.

BREADTH: The paper presents appropriate breadth covering the questions of the assignment (multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered, as appropriate).

DEPTH: The paper presents points that lead to a deeper understanding of the matters and/or issues being discussed and integrates several points into coherent conclusions.

EVIDENCE: Statements and points are well-supported with facts or statistics, and references.

CRITICAL THINKING: You set aside your own personal biases and instead approach the subject matter using available scholarly evidence. You consider the strengths and weaknesses of competing arguments/perspectives on this topic. Having read these scholarly sources, you make a judgment as to the merit of the arguments presented therein.

This is the assignment. It states clearly what is needed. I need the paper by midnight central time if possible.
It also needs to be single spaced. I need a title page, memorandum, contents page, list of illustration, the body, and works cited page. All subjects are to be covered by headings. Thank you.

A lot has been said lately about the importance of operating and communicating efficiently in a global marketplace. For your formal report you will investigate what it takes to communicate efficiently with other cultures. To do this, I want you to think in terms the construction industry.

After you have given some thought to the broad area of global communications within construction, here is what we will do for this assignment: Consider me as the CEO of your "dream" company, that company for which you would really like to work. As your "boss", I recognize talent when I see it, and I have it in mind that you could rise very quickly in the company, perhaps to the absolute top of management. What's more important is that I trust you to be an honest and ethical person, just the kind of person to put together a report on global communications in our industry. I've decided that I want to remake the image of our company and I've come to the conclusion that if we can bill ourselves to the world as being able to communicate with cultural sensitivity in ALL of our dealings, we will be able to convince a wealthy segment of the investing public to get on board the "global train" with us. I've approached a number of members of the board of directors and they have all agreed that a truly global company, in the times in which we live, will go far. What I need now is a report on the communications situation within our industry and how that situation relates to our company. I want five specific areas covered within your report:

1. Statistics on the global nature of business in general.

2. Testimony from experts in the field of global business communication. (There are hundreds of articles on effective cross-cultural communication practices in every industry imaginable, most written by very learned people who have studied cross-cultural communication carefully. What do they have to say about effective global business communication?)

3. Recommendations from experts as to how to conduct appropriate global business communication. Certainly, there are practices that we can make sure we follow, but what about some of the more esoteric but no less important aspects of business communication? How can we go about creating an efficient global communication climate in our company? If we can do it, we can find an advertising agency to portray it to the public.

4. Your personal recommendations on what we should do to make our company outstanding in terms of communicating globally. Where do we start? Who do we need to get the job done? Don't worry about cost; we already have a commitment from several board members to spend what is necessary.

Your report is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 pages of text. This does not count the peripheral pieces of the formal report, such as the table of contents, list of illustrations, memo of transmittal, executive summary or works cited pages. Add all of those in and you will probably come up with something like 12 to 15 pages. Make sure that the information in your report is accessible as possible to the reader. You and I will BOTH be presenting this report at the next meeting of the board of directors, so if there is a problem in reader accessibility, you'll know it immediately, and you'll feel the sweat break out even sooner.

Before you even think it, let me say that this is not a long assignment by any means. Most formal business reports go much beyond this length. In fact, if you need more room to handle the topic well, feel free, but let me know in advance how long you expect the report to be.

Use the example of a formal report found on pages 447-464 in the textbook as your "bible" for the formatting part of this assignment.

5. Illustrations, charts, graphs, etc.: I will expect statistics to appear in your report, and I want you to include at least 3 visuals. You can use charts, graphs, photos, tables, schematic drawings, illustrations, or whatever you think will work best. Just remember that I will expect to find at least three such visuals.

I might as well say it here, because it happens every semester: If you really cannot get your computer or your word processing program to print page numbers properly, then just include them in any way you can. I don't understand the myriad problems that seem to crop up in this area and I don't want to deal with them anymore. Figure out a system and use it.

The class is Humanities (Cross-Cultural Communications--the Capstone requiremtns and outline are below:

Assume you are an employee of an American firm considering doing business in a foreign country. Your manager has asked you to prepare a research report on the business practices and customs of that country. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the most effective methods and processes of communication to ensure greater success in this venture.

Some countries you may want to consider are: France, Germany, Italy, England, Russia, Brazil, China, Japan, Vietnam, and Mexico. We?re looking for countries that have different business practices than the United States.

When compiling your research concentrate on the following areas:

Communication style and preference:
Linguistic differences
Language barriers and interpretation
Nonverbal communication (body language, eye contact, space)
Structure of business correspondence
Cultural norms and religious influences

Organizational structure of businesses:
Hierarchy Leadership style
Individual or group orientation
Role of women

Negotiation process:
Style and phrases

Rules of Engagement:
Family and Social Structure
Ethical considerations

Legal and Government Considerations:
Labor regulations

In essence, you are to provide a roadmap of acceptable and unacceptable business practices in this foreign country. Consider this report as a preliminary step in determining effective communication and ensuring business success.

Please answer the following essay questions 1 page each.

Essay 1
Explain how differences in the perception of time and the use of space affect intercultural and co-cultural communication.

Essay 2
What are the differences in behavior exhibited by people who come from cultures that have different activity orientations?

Essay 3
How can an understanding of the difference between high-context and low-context cultures help in communicating between members of each culture? (Define these two concepts in your answer.)

Please use these books as references if possible

1. Communication between Cultures, 6th ed., by Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter and Edward R. McDaniel (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2006).
2. Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 11th ed., by Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter and Edward R. McDaniel (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2006).

Social Science Is Composed of

Subject is Cultural Studies with focus on Semiotics. Theme should relate to idea that technology, by making some forms of media more interactive, is changing the way we (re-)act towards the cultural communication disseminated by the media. 2000 Words
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Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Culture Psychology

This research paper is for my cross-cultural communication class. Here are the guidelines. Please make sure that the paper is written in first person singular so that the paper feels more personal and it reflects my own experiences and thoughts. Do not write in a very general approach, be detail about it.
Here follows the guidelines:
You are required to immerse yourself into a culture other than your own and interview someone from that culture to expand your cultural awareness. Immersion experiences may include but are not limited to: visiting a synagogue, mosque, the Gay and Lesbian Center, Native-American Center. I want the paper write an experience from the muslim culture, just make sure to be specific and not general when talking about the experience of learning and experiencing about a specific muslim culture, lm interesting about the Saudi Arabian culture. So the paper can also include that im maybe interviewing an other student to get to know about their culture, something in that sense.Please follow the guidelines below.

The must paper must include the following:
Possible outline example:
I. Introduction
a. Explain the reason why you chose this particular culture
b. What were you biases prior to your immersion experience?
II. Primary Cultural Values
a. General family dynamics (e.g., patriarch or matriarch, parent/child relations, extended family), social structure, religious beliefs, language(s) etc.
III. Cultural Experiences
a. Unique historical and contemporary issues related to overall development
b. What conflicts does this culture typically endure in society?
c. Cultural variables that impact counseling
IV. Counseling
a. What strengths do you have that may be of value in counseling someone from a different culture?
b. In what areas do you need to improve in order to counsel someone from a different culture?
c. What have you learn about myself as you this cultures values, beliefs, and attitudes?
d. Specific counseling strategies that are effective with this group
V. Summary/Integration
a. Provide a concise summary of the previous sections. This section should not include any new information not previously discussed in previous sections.
Thank You

Write a descriptive paper about a crucial conversation you have had in your professional role as a nurse.
Use APA format, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11 font.
Include a cover page, 3 pages of written text, and a separate page for references.

Follow the rubric.
Section 1: Describe a Crucial Conversation. (20 pts.) 1 Page

1.Describe an experience as a professional nurse when you observed or took part in what was a crucial conversation. Focus on what was said and why the conversation was crucial. Describe any non-verbal cues and briefly summarize historical factors that were important to understand the situation. Present this scenario as a case study as if you are going to instruct on the best practices in using crucial conversations.

Hospital ABC recently converted to electronic medication administration record (EMAR) including the scanning of patient arm bands prior to medication administration. Many nurses that were accustomed to simply initially paper medication administration records were resistant to EMAR. The hospital had prepared nursing staff for the upcoming changes to how medications would be administered and how safety to patients would be increased because of the new measures.

Nurse A observed Nurse B scan a patient label from their morning hand off sheet instead of scanning a patient armband at bedside before preparing the patient?s medications. Nurse A asked Nurse B why she was not following the new protocol for medication administration. Nurse B stated she was very busy and trying to manage her time. Nurse B then said asked why Nurse A was confronting her about this and asked if he had patients to see? Nurse A said change is not always easy but when it is about patient safety that should come first before time management. Nurse A then stated I am not attacking you personally but just questioning why you follow a method that could potentially harm your patient. He then said to Nurse B, You did not get into health care to hurt anyone, only help right? Nurse B said she was sorry and said Nurse A was right. Nurse B said I should not try and cut corners, I will follow the new protocol.

Define the elements of the crucial conversation using the three elements:
High stakes- Patient safety (Hospital medical errors now the third leading cause of death in the U.S.)
Strong emotions- Nurse B felt like he was being attacked and lashed out (State confronting her about this and asked if he had patients to see?)
Opposing opinions- Nurse B felt time management was more important than safety

?Recall that sometimes conversations turn crucial quickly and that they may surprise you unwittingly. Was this a crucial conversation that evolved quickly or slowly? *Quickly
?What was at stake? Why? Patient safety
?Was it handled well? Poorly? How so? Handled Well
?Was it resolved? If not, why not? Yes it was resolved

?This section should present thorough and specific factors contributing to the problem.

Section 2: Discuss Strategies.
?Discuss strategies (communication models, crucial conversation skills, healthy work environments, and others from the literature).
?Offer possible methods to better address the topic of your crucial conversation in the future.
?This section should present thorough and specific strategies to address the problem.

***Cite at least one reference from the current literature. (See Resources attached)

Section 3: Apply Leadership. (20 pts.)
?What part does leadership play in improving communication?
?Does being an advanced practice nurse require greater leadership in addressing and resolving problems? If so, how?
?This section should present thorough and specific leadership strategies to address the problem in a nursing context.
?Cite at least one reference from the current literature, including resources available from Modules 1 and 2 (other than the text). (See Resources attached)

Section 4: Conclusion. (20 pts.)
?End the paper with implications for nursing and a brief discussion on the importance of communication in leadership.
(Use resource and quote intext citation related to the importance of communication in leadership).

Scholarly Presentation of Paper. (20 pts.)
? References & Formatting.
? Paper in correct APA format. Logical flow of ideas; correct use of grammar and sentence structure. List all references in correct APA format.


****List of resources that could potentially be used/quoted:

Please use these two sources in this paper

1. Grossman, S., & Valiga, T. (2009). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 4 & 5) If you cannot obtain this source, I can give you access through amazon books)

2.Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


Polito, J.M.View in a new window (2013). Effective communication during difficult conversations. Neurodiagnostic Journal, 53, 142-152.
Taylor, et al. (2013). Cross-cultural communication barriers in health care. Nursing Standard. 27(31), 35-43.
Clark, C.M., Ahten, S.M., & Macy, R. (2013, March). Using problem-based learning scenarios to prepare nursing students to address incivility. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 9(3), e75-e83. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2011.10.003.

Crib, A View in a new window. (2011). Integrity at work: Managing routine moral stress in professional roles. Nursing Philosophy. 12, 119-127.


Schneider, B.D. (2008). Energy leadership: Transforming your workplace and your life from the core. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Scott, S. (2002). Fierce conversations: Achieving success at work & in life, one conversation at a time. New York, NY: Berkley Books

Shoring of Hyundai to the

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors which led for the Hyundai Motor Company to expand successfully its sale marketing to the United States and intercultural management issues faced by offshoring because the mix of foreign and domestic employees and diverse human resource practices present always both opportunities and challenges. While most existing research papers have studied on the Hyundais technological operation system strategy which contributed to its success abroad, I examine on intercultural issues caused for Hyundai to divert its strategy in offshoring its production facilities and organizational changes of HMMA have contributed to the successful bottom line profit in the United States.
As the view of global marketing analyses, most manufacturing organizations have chosen their offshoring site in cheap labor wage countries such as China, India and Eastern Europe. However, in 1980-2000, many big auto manufacturing enterprises have transferred its subsidiaries to the United States which is the most developed and relatively high labor wage country. The Hyundai Motor Company was one of the countries sought in expanding the bottom line profits overseas. Therefore, I select HMMA as a role model of successful offshoring organization in the intercultural management practice.
The factors Hyundai chose Alabama for its subsidiary plant site
There were several factors appeared in Hyundais decision in selecting Alabama. According to research by McClenahen, factoring into Hyundais selection of Montgomery were the presence of a high-quality workforce, proximity to markets, an established automotive parts supply chain, and commitments made by the state of Alabama and the city of Montgomery which the Alabama legislate approved a $118 million incentives package in hopes of attracting Hyundai, and the state and local incentives approved total $234 million (McClenahen, 2002).
HMMAs relocating to the U.S. is to circumvent trade barriers and to move closer to their market by responding to growing the U.S. protectionism in the 1980s (Jung, 2006). Many other foreign auto assembly plants arrived to the Alabama State because it was cheaper to ship parts to assembly plants than to ship finished vehicles across the country (Jung, 2006). Alabamas low wages and union-free environment, local government incentive package, the availability of a workforce, and the site location which provided an easy access to market played major roles in being selected (Jung, 2006). In historically, the Hyundai Motor Company had experienced market-seeking expansions in many countries before transferring to the United States, such as Canada, Turkey, and India (Wang et al., pp. 15). One most distinguished feature of HMCs investment in the U.S. plant was the creation of North American R&D, engineering and design facilities to improve the companys technical expertise (HMC, 2003). This was necessary for HMC to acquire Americans technology to become a global automaker. Accordingly, unlike adopting only market-seeking strategy in China, India, and Turkey, the HMMAs strategy was employed as a combination of marketing-seeking and asset-seeking (Wang et al., pp. 17). For example, in China, India, and Turkey, the HMC subsidiaries introduced labor-intensive production technology and used less automated manufacturing process than its plants in Korea. There were no R&D facilities and all unassembled products were developed in Korea and transferred to China and Turkey. Thus the strategy of Hyundai transferring to the United States was innovative and aggressive methodology to seek the bottom line profit for the globalization.
During 1970 - 1990, the HMCs production management had suffered in its original Ulsan production plant in South Korea due to violent labor union activities. When South Korean economy was depressed in the late 1990s, Hyundai tried to lay-off 27 percent of workforce in South Korea and cut pay and benefits to decrease expenses. However, its militant labor union resisted the managements decision. All across South Korea, 1,200,000 employees from 125 companies participated in protests against the Hyundai and the Government.
In December 2001, the Hyundai made a 74.5 percent in net income and made a 42 percent sales increase compared to the previous year (Jo and You, 2011, p. 57). Hence, workers at the Ulsan plant went on a two day strike demanding higher wages, higher bonuses, and 30 percent share in the profits of the year as a performance bonus. However, the company opposed clearly that even though the company had done well that year, it could not accept workers demands because the increasing imported cars into South Korea were bound to Hyundai market share in South Korea. In addition, General Motors purchase of Dawoo was a threat to the company and the appreciation of the Korean currency which was becoming less competitive in international markets. The unions refused to compromise and the management also did not take a step back. The demand was high, and the negotiation was unsuccessful. Thus, the HMC decided to relocate the manufacturing plant to Montgomery which was relatively free from the influence of strong labor unions. The average percentages of unionized workers in the southern states were under 10 percent including Alabama, while those in the Midwestern States were about 20 percent (Hirsh, Macpherson, and Vroman, 2001, 52). According to Alabamas labor laws, labor union membership is not mandatory even when a labor union is organized within a company (Jo and You, 2011, p. 53).
Another reason for the HMCs relocating its plant in Alabama was the state governments incentive package. The Alabama State Government offered the HMC an attractive incentive package that included tax abatement, a site preparing grant, and access road and bridge. The state government also promised to provide job applicants with education and training programs which were worth approximately $253 million (Jo and You, 2011, p. 57) (Yang H., p.2). Furthermore, Montgomery City also tremendously supported the HMMA to build, with not only financial support but also friendship bondage between Korean culture and American culture.
The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural management
Due to todays globalization, there are not only at HMMA, but today many companies still set plans for offshoring with many reasons such as competitive labor cost, setting forward bases for expanding sales markets, and advanced technology acquisition. However, most of the companies faced difficult time when initially expending their manufacturing plant to other countries due to many heterogeneous dependent and independent variables such as leadership style, organizational structure, organizational communication, governmental unknown regulatory, and tax and compliance issues (Self at el, 2011). Offshoring is defined that the transferring to overseas seeking for any bottom line profit is called offshoring, in the shift of productions, employment, and locations (Offshoring, 2004).
To be successful in offshoring, an organization requires not only adequate transportation and telecommunication infrastructure but also advanced intercultural management system. In the early part of 1980s, Japanese forerunner Subaru-Isuzu Automotive (SIA) brought the concept of Japanese Lean Production System to the United States (Jo and You, pp.45). However, in the beginning, without modifying their system to be adapted in the foreign environment, they utilized the Lean Production System so that SIA had hard time in managing because local workers resistance in emerged in the form of sabotage, protest, and confrontation against the management (Jo and You, pp.45). Without the research and development of the new system, it could be huge damage to host countrys human resource management even if the project or program is beneficial to both the originated and the host countries. This SIAs case displays that both home and host countries must be sensitive to how national cultural issues impact organizational behavior and human resource practices in becming an intercultural organization.
Due to historical and geographical reasons, South Korean and Japanese management systems as well as language structures are very similar because both countries were under Chinese culture for several centuries. Both management systems advocate the idea of strict obedience to superiors and emphasize the harmony necessary among people in the same ranking (Chan, 2011). In addition, Korean and Japanese management styles are quite different from American employment relations and management style because of Asian cultures seniority-oriented, collectivism, and power distance which may have an strongly effect on organizational behaviors and managerial operation styles. Instead of Western individualism and competition, it is critical to the business success to create and maintain a harmonic environment between employees as well as between superior and subordinates (Chan, 2011). Such cultural heritage has penetrated into Korean management practices and processes for long time. Accordingly, their managements expect naturally obedience and loyalty without any questions from employees, particularly between superior-subordinate relationships. However, the expectation of obedience and loyalty has created high power distance between a superior and a subordinate because it is inappropriate for subordinates to directly confront their superior under Korean cultural management. It had caused many human errors occurred under imminent circumstances. For an example, Korean Air Lines had more plane crashes than almost any other airlines in the world for a period at the end of the 1990s. Finally, the incumbent Korean president ordered to investigate problems. As a result, investigators found that plane crashes could be attributed to captains mistakes and his subordinates were not directly confronting the captains to correct their boss mistakes. It leads to the crashes because there were high power distances between Korean captains and subordinates. In addition, high power distance creates many passive subordinates in leading to very few suggestions coming from the subordinates, and it creates the management to be centralized unlike American decision-making style which input from the bottom, not from the top. Thus the power distance between intercultural employees in HMMA may influence communication in its organization.
The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural Communication
Communication plays a vital role in domestic and global business to effectively communicate for effective operation and management as well as necessary for the individuals to express themselves and to fulfill basic needs. Even though people speak the same language, there can still be misunderstandings due to ethic and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, many misunderstanding have occurred, not only because of mistakes in the usage of words or expressions, but also because of the lack of goodwill and cultural knowledge (Najafbagy, 2008). Under different cultural knowledge, people see, feel, and process decision-making differently because of individual different perspectives on the same phenomenon. Thus it is highly possibility that miscommunications occur in an international or intercultural company if there is not cultural awareness trainings for employees. Companies that are successfully able to communicate cross-culturally have a competitive advantage because they can devote more time and resources to conducting business and less time on internal and external communication issues (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). Thus Hyundai put maximum effort to overcome the communication disadvantage of the heterogeneous cultural management. To encourage employees to expand their cultural awareness, Hyundai encourages three-month assignment to overseas duties. For example, when the company was building a site in Alabama it allowed employees to visit and study the regional culture and the company promoted backpack travel program around the world where teams of three design their cultural experience (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). More than 47 teams have traveled over 70 countries, including Peru, Turkey, and Greece (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). Hyundai learned an importance that participants bring experience and knowledge to share with their co-workers and friends. Accordingly, sharing experience and knowledge spread to all other employees so that the organization grows the strength of offshoring in intercultural environments. Cross-cultural communication can affect how we interpret the action of other so that we misunderstand others action in leading to percept wrongful conclusion. For example, while a young girl alone was watching on the television, she was crushed to death when a heavy television set fell over her at a Korean immigrant family home. When the police arrived at the home, her mother cried and expressed herself saying that I killed her. She was dead because of me. But American police accused the mother of murdering because the police interpreted what the mother said literally without considering cultural background. Actually, she meant that she was ethically responsible for the young girls dead because she did not take well care of her. This story presents usual happenings not only at an immigrant family home but also at many intercultural workplaces. Therefore global leaders need to aware intercultural training at workplaces to help employees gain knowledge of the host country, enhance cultural sensitivity, and develop cross-cultural communication skills (Chein, 2012). Actually, intercultural training can help people understand culture differences, provide information and knowledge of a specific culture, and help reduce emotional challenges (Chein, 2012). Effective intercultural training can be extremely beneficial to peoples adaptation to the culture of the host country, and vice versa.
Hyundai Motor Company was established in 1967 and has developed itself as company that focuses on quality improvement and innovation for long time. Today Hyundai still expands its global sales marketing to counties which have potential to glow its bottom line profit. For the expansion to take place, the company requires effective communication that is able to overcome cultural barriers and accomplish global management initiatives. In the auto industry, effective communication is applied not only human resource management practices but also valuing the needs of its customers. After Hyundai lost market share in Canada and Turkey in the early 1990s, Hyundai learned the importance of researching the culture of a country before making profound business decisions (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). In addition, Hyundai realized that cross-culture communication involves adapting organizational polices to fit the context of where business transactions will occur so that the management changed its strategy to more proactive on the need of customers with careful communicating. Thus the key of Hyundais success is its corporate philosophy that places the need of customers as to priority in all business areas (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012).
In 1980s, the Japanese transplants were joint ventures with US automakers such as NUMMI (joint venture of Toyota and GM), located in California, and Diamond Star Motor (joint venture of Mitsubishi and Chrysler), located in Illinois (Jo and You, 2011, p. 45). It had difficult time in overcoming the old practices of mass production of the United States due to the unmodified lean production system under the joint venture management. The Japanese employees well acquainted in the Lean Production System but it was not acquainted on the American Mass Production System. In 1988, in cooperation with Mitsubishi, the Hyundai Motor Companys first venture was offshoring its production plant in Canada, but the production plant was not successful because of poor quality products and ineffective human resource policy. In effect, HMC was not able to produce competitive vehicles against competitors such as Toyota and Honda and HMC mismanaged Canadian workforce without adopting an appropriate human resource managemen approach. The subsidiary plant had to be closed after five years of operation from 1989 (Rhee M. p.3). This implies that the relationship between globalization and employment relations plays a critical role in an interaction approach of offshoring as well as system barriers. According to research by Matthews and Thakkar, connectivity is defined as the ability to orchestrate organizational networks to move in the same direction in order to accomplish the companys mission. Employees must feel contacted to the organization and understand how their individual effort contributes to the bottom line. Global leaders must look for opportunities to connect everyone within the organization to overall goals and objectives. When employees understand the big picture and the direction the organization is taking innovation and change are supported. However, although the first venture was failed, HMC was able to come back for another opportunity due to learning a lesson from the failure. HMMA also put efforts drastically to change intercultural barrier on its human resource management and operational system. Thus keys to the success of HMMA were Hyundais relatively low dependence on skill formation and high reliance on numerical flexibility of its production system relative to its Japanese counterparts (Jo and You, pp.41).

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Managing Across Cultures 70

Individual Project (3000 words)
Assume the role of an international director preparing managers for expatriate
assignments. You must develop a programme in Intercultural Awareness and Skills
for your staff. Given that you will have earned a postgraduate degree in international
business or international human resource management, you are well-equipped to
draw from academic theories as well as practically-applied skills in cross-cultural
Part 1:
Taking an academic perspective, analyse and critique the models and theories of
culture that are relevant to use as tools for understanding of how people work in
organisations ??" their preferences and their expectations ??" and how business is done
in and between various cultures. Focus your assignment on communication and
problems with communicating across cultures.
! Explain each theory and how it can be used to prepare expatriate managers.
! What are the strengths and weaknesses of each theory and model of looking at
national cultures? In what setting ??" setting up a business, meetings between
existing businesses and/or working in organisations with different cultural
backgrounds ??" are they most useful?
! Select two different cultures and analyse the problems which may be caused
for expatriates with communications coming from one cultural background and
working in the other culture;
! Then, discuss the realistic possibilities for expatriate managers coming from
various cultural backgrounds to overcome the problems of cross-cultural
Be sure to fully explain your reasoning and support your conclusions with specific
examples, verified facts and cited evidence from academic research.
Part 2:
Your next task is to assess the value and relevance of preparation of employees for
expatriate assignments. Explain, based upon articles from academic journals, how
companies may prepare and support expatriates and their relatives with training, the
reward and other aspects of working in another country or culture. Focus again on
how communication is different in various national cultures.
! Reflect upon tutorial activities and your teams presentation;
! Explain how expatriates could be prepared on the basis of relevant concepts
from the course;
! How could knowledge from various sources ??" theories and outcomes of
research - support expatriates with various aspects of working within and
managing organisations (e.g., cultural awareness, resolving ethical
dilemmas), with making managerial decisions, communication and
negotiations and conflict resolution. What are the requirements for
communicating across cultures?
Be sure to explain and justify your reasoning with evidence from readings and
relevant academic journal articles.

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Customer is requesting that (Kiran1976) completes this order.

(Jameson (2007) has defined geography as one of the possible components of cultural identity needed for cross cultural communication in global business. Discuss how a company might take this component into account in managing their business.) that is my topic for this essay..

in this essay that wil talk about the how a global business managine the different cultural in their business. this essay will focus on geography cultural and it can be seperate into foru part.
and there is a article must be used in this essay..

Focus: Socio-cultural factors affecting curriculum and syllabus designin TESOL
Topic:The concept 'Learner-centred curriculum' in TESOL;
Websites: (Cross-Cultural Communication: An Essential Dimension of Effective Education By ORLANDO L. TAYLOR, Ph.D. Good text: This is a very useful text for TESOL students. I am pleased that Dr. Orlando Taylor made it available for us to read.)
The role of grammar in communicative language teaching: An historical perspective . Diane Musumeci.
Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities by Ann Galloway. Communicative language teaching (A Holistic Approach to Task-Based Course Design. (Learner Autonomy: What and Why?)
Multiple Intelligence Theory and the ESL Classroom -- Preliminary Considerations by Karen L. Currie
Teaching Thinking Dispositions: From Transmission to Enculturation by Shari Tishman, Eileen Jay, and D. N. Perkins (This paper is the result of a study on learning strategies used by second language learners. It is related to the study mentioned in the below Website on a study on interlanguage. It is very interesting and usefull, for practical and theoretical interest. You may enjoy it.) (Oral Language Development across the Curriculum, K-12.) (What Is the Collaborative Classroom?) (A Story-Telling and Re-Telling Activity (Teach Students to Interact, Not Just Talk) (Making the Textbook More Communicative) (A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on Styles Recommended by The American Psychological Association) (Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the American Psychological Association. You should read this as it tells you how to do referencing in your essays or thesis. APA referencing is very widely used in many publications.)

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