Corporate Risk Management Essays Prompts

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You are required to write:

1. Work-in-Progress for 600 words (2 pages)

Please write the progress of your work starting from the beginning until 6 July 2011. The content shou...ld include ides, concepts, your reflection, i.e. what research you have done, how you did the research, what problem you have encountered, what result you have found, etc. Then, please upload the file before 8 July 2011 so that I can download and submit it to the tutor. No need for references in this paper.

2. Dissertation for 12,000 words (40 pages) (from Executive summary to conclusion).

It has to be said that Integrated Corporate Communication (ICC) and Corporate Communication (CC) are the major communications development spanning the decade either side of the millennium. There are implications for advertising practitioners, researchers and educators surrounding its emergence, development, growth, and meaning.

Thus, write a dissertation in order to examine the theoretical and practical applicability of Integrated Corporate Communication (ICC) and Corporate Communication (CC). Practical implications have to include variability in terms of the application of ICC and CC principles.

3. Reflective Analysis Report for 3,000 words (10 pages)

Analysis what you have learnt from the experience (from the beginning until you finish the dissertation).

The structure of the dissertation should be as follows:

1. Table of Contents

2. Executive summary

One side of A4 summarising the key points of your report.

3. Aims and objectives

This should outline the way in which you are tackling the question set.

4. Literature review, Analysis and Discussion (chapter by chapter)

This is the main body of the report in which you demonstrate your ability to find, evaluate, analyse and synthesise information to produce an original piece of work. Please give some example of any organisation or case study and explain/analyse/evaluate how it is apply to academic model.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Main Body
4.3 Discussion

You are required to use secondary data, NOT primary data. The dissertation should be well-structured report which presents the evidence in a logically coherent fashion, chapter by chapter. Minimise description but maximise critical examination.

5. Conclusion

This is the section where you summarise the previous section in such a way as to clearly provide a response to the question posed in the topic you were given.

6. Recommendations

If appropriate recommendations for action should be provided in this section.

7. References

All sources from which you have quoted must be listed here in alphabetical order according to the Harvard referencing system.

8. Bibliography (optional)

9. Appendices

The structure of the Reflective Analysis Report should be as follows:

a) Introduction

b) Recollection of experiences

How the development process worked. Diarised recollection of key stages and events in the development of both the literature review and the integrated marketing plan. Any particular internal crises or elements of enlightenment should be identified.

In compiling this element, you are advised to keep regular and detailed diaries or logs.

c) Personal feelings and learning from the experience

Personal feelings regarding the process and ones own contribution to the experience. Identification of any specific personal problems either with content, process or other group members. Identification of how issues were resolved and over what time period.

How, if at all, was my performance compromised by the actions of others? How might my actions have compromised the performance of others? Any other comments regarding personal feelings and learning.

d) Group dynamics and learning from the experience

How did the group respond to the process? Identification of any problems with the group as a whole. How did the group dynamic evolve? How did the group respond to you and your input? What new group insights evolved? How would the other members of the group have regarded you? What more might the group, or individuals within the group have done in solving the problem(s)? What value was gained from the supervisor consultations?

However, please explain that you prefer to work on this project individually and give the reason why.

e) Lessons for future projects

Identify up to 5 key lessons to improve your performance in future group activities and projects.

f) Conclusion

General conclusions from the process.

The dissertation should be critically evaluated by reference to appropriate literature (text books, journals, articles in the press). Any picture, chart or diagram is allowed to be inserted in the report, however, these must be fully referenced. These must be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please do not use many quotations in the dissertation. However, paraphrasing or summarizing the theory or others idea from the sources, then acknowledging the original author and provide the proper citation/reference is accepted. Wikipedia is not allowed to be used as a reference in this dissertation.

I have also attached another 2 articles regarding Corporate Communication to this order which I think it might be useful for you.

Please keep me update about your process and regularly check message in your inbox.

Another important thing is I heard that some of my friends, who got the same topic, also use Essay Town to write their report. Could you please confirm that you will write this dissertation on this topic for me only? I am really afraid of plagiarism. Please take care of this dissertation as it is yours.

Should you need clarification about this order, please feel free to contact me. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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*** We will offer more money for this one!!***
Project management (complex) in the arena of Shipbuilding, Ship repair, Engineering works (plants like Pharmaceutical, Refinery and Power Station or ...Steel Structural Building).Work scope of concern includes estimation, quotation, contract award, terms and conditions, planning, resources and manpower allocation, cash projection, scheduling, execution, work break down (WBS) milestone achievement (Gantt chart), productivity, cost and quality control as well as profitability.

There should be a project team and organization chart includes project champion or PM and technical project management staff like engineers and skilled workers. The work force sizes shall be around 200 men. Project location preferably Singapore based and I shall furnish name of the client as well the sub-contractor who is to carry out the proposed project. Case study project proposed to be 6-12 months with a total value of 5-US$5-8millions.

The project endeavor should have crisis solution in term of HR, financial, productivity, cost control and variation works. I would like to request the completion of literature review be completed and delivered before 20th Aug as I?ve got a dead line to meet on the 25th Aug 04. the full completion shall not be later than 9th Aug 04 because my deadline is on the 15th Aug. As I am in the MBA level in one of the UK second class Universities and am not a native speaker (IELTS 7) therefore, the standard of dissertation should be consistent to my level as well as the University standard.

My topic is ""Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool to build Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Tylenol's Headache". The requirements as follow:
- I want to focus on Building competitive advantage by CSR
- It must be "Secondary Research" only.- Length = 8,000 words
- I would prefer academic references (I will send you some)
- The outline should beSynopsis (maximum 250 words)Main Text IntroductionBackground to research
Overview of research
Aims and Objectives
Terms of reference
Key research questions
Literature Review
Methodology (secondary research)
Analysis & Discussion
Conclusion & Recommendations, Ideas for future research,
Appendix (if applicable)
- I would be highly appreciate if you finish my work before time. I will need to submit to my Prof to ask for his suggestions.
- I did the first chapter and my Prof. approved already. However you can start from the beginning if it's easier for you. Thank you
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For Serban only!
Module 5 ? Case (TOYOTA)
Strategic Management: Strategy Implementation
Strategic Implementation
The implementation of a strategy is one of the most important parts ...of the strategic management process. Most of the strategies tend to fail because of the poor implementation. In this case, we will be looking at the top management team at Toyota and analyze how they use structure, controls, and culture to implement their strategy and fulfill their corporate mission.
Please read the information in the background material, look for more information, and then write a five-page report for your professor by answering the following questions:
1. Do you think that the implementation of Toyota's current strategies identified in its 2011 Annual Report and on its web page will help to overcome the public relations difficulties resulting from the recall issues reported by the media in 2010? (Take Positive side)
2. Identify two or more strategies that Toyota is presently taking to win back its loyal customer base and argue whether you believe these strategies are working or not based on Toyota's organizational structure, culture, and controls. Are they succeeding at this endeavor? Pay special attention to Toyota's values and culture in your discussion.
NOTE: Please note that your report/assignment will not be accepted without proper citations and references. You must use the sources from the background material together with the sources you find your own.
Case Instructions:
Step 1: After reviewing the background materials on strategy and structure, controls, and culture, read the following article:
Shirouzu, N. (2010). Inside Toyota, executives trade blame over debacle. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. A.1. Retrieved August, 2011, from library portal via coursenet.
Step 2: Research the company to get information about the structure, controls, and culture of Toyota from the company perspective.
Toyota. (2012). Annual Report 2011. Retrieved August, 2012 from
Toyota. (2012). Vision and Philosophy. Retrieved August, 2012 from

Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper analyzing concepts of contemporary financial management within the context of today's economic conditions and the increased occurrences of corporate restructuring.

Use matrices attached as a guide.

Research financial management and corporate restructuring. Use a minimum of four credible articles to support the analysis. When researching, focus on articles which discuss real-world cases that exemplify the essence of each required component below and how they can or may have contributed to a corporate restructuring.

The analysis should include a discussion of the following:

1. The roles and objectives of financial management.

2. The significance of evaluating financial performance, financial planning, and forecasting, and examples of how each can be carried out.

3. Current conditions of fixed income and common stock securities and how these conditions impact financial management.

4. Risk and return and its role in financial management.

Prepare essay in APA format.

Include 4 in-text citations

An abstract is not required.

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Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.

Using provided information please create Mobile Device Management Change Initiative Plan, outlining a multi-dimensional mobile device management initiative that addresses techniques for mitigating the... identified risk. These techniques may be based on tools, policy, employee training, and so on. Also include your implementation schedule and plan for engaging senior management sponsorship of the initiative and communicating the initiative throughout the organization.

The most obvious wild card in the change management game is the individual user of a system. Although change management methodologies are effective in controlling known changes, individual behavior with respect to technology is harder to anticipate. The adoption of mobile technology is a case in point. As organizations accommodate staff use of corporate- or personally-owned computing devices for business purposes, it is important to understand the type of information that may be shared with third parties through commonly used applications. Examine the graphic developed by Wall Street Journal experts in the article Your Apps are Watching You, and consider how this would inform organizational policy on mobile device use and management.

Research how your colleagues throughout the organization use mobile devices to perform work-related activities. Review the policy or employee guidelines in place at your organization with respect to acceptable use of corporate resources. Identify areas of possible risk to the organization and to individuals that pertains to mobile device use. Complete the NIST Sample Security Impact Analysis for this identified use. (See Appendix I of NIST SP 800??"128.)

Thank you.

Customer is requesting that (Oriented) completes this order.

Power and Moral Leadership
This assignment is intended to build on the understanding of power, moral leadership, the 11 step plan for civil virtue, and diversity.
Part Two (Chapters 5, 6, and ...7) of Moral leadership contains articles on the psychology of power in relation to exercising moral leadership.
A central concept in these readings is that power and self-interest without restraint leads to corruption.
Write a 5 page paper analyzing and evaluating ways in which power is or is not restrained in an organization you have worked with, are familiar with, or one you have read about in multiple sources.
Note that at the end of chapter five on pages 156 and 157, Zimbardo offers an 11 step plan for civil virtue, number eight being ?respect human diversity.?
Critically evaluate two steps in this plan: number eight and another one of your choice and discuss how they relate to the organization you have chosen.
Further recommend and defend two important guidelines for restraining power and self-interest in organizations.
You may find the articles by Bruhn (2009) and Ardichvili (2009) useful.
Please include at least 5 scholarly articles in addition to the text.

Content Criteria
The paper meets all of the requirements listed in directions.
The reference list includes at least 3 scholarly articles in addition to the texts.
The length is 5 pages with no wasted-space formatting or digressions into irrelevant areas. That is, all of the paragraphs develop the argument of the paper.
The paper is well structured and gives logical ?completeness to the analysis. There is a discernible beginning, middle, and end.
The writer demonstrates thorough and detailed understanding of the material.
The writer analyzes the situation with logical progression of ideas.
The paper highlights important concepts from ethics, ethical theories, moral leadership, and ethical decision making (texts and articles).
The work synthesizes concepts from the readings, outside sources, and professional experience.
The writer critically evaluates the topics in depth and with insight at the doctoral.
Usefulness of applications is discussed.
The author identifies any unsupported conclusions.
Writing and Organization Criteria
The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.
The structure is clear, logical and easy to follow.
The tone is appropriate to the content of the assignment.
The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.
Spelling is correct.
Research and Criteria
The paper includes a summary and analysis of at least three professional/scholarly articles, internet sources, and information obtained from an organization.,
Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and
Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erikson, etc.).
Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.
When appropriate, the paper addresses ethical considerations in research.
Style Criteria
The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).
The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment
The paper includes an APA style cover page.
The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.
The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.
The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
1. Textbooks
Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2013). Business ethics: Decision-making for personal integrity & social responsibility (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Preface: Why a Decision Model?
Chapter 8: Ethics and Marketing
Chapter 10: Ethical Decision Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance
Rhode, D. L. (Ed.). (2006). Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0787982822
Chapter 10: Strategic Philanthropy and Its Malcontents
Chapter 11: Ethics and Philanthropy
Chapter 12: Exercising Moral Courage
Review Week 3 Readings in:
Rhode, D. L. (Ed.). (2006). Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 5: The Psychology of Power
Chapter 6: Taming Power
Chapter 7: Power and Moral Leadership
2. Articles
Ardichvili, A., Mitchell, J., & Jondle, D. (2009). Characteristics of ethical business cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(4), 445-451. (Document ID: 1666886121).
Bruhn, J. G., (2009). The functionality of gray area ethics in organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 89 (2), 205-214. (Document ID: 1881471631).
Pies, I., Beckmann, M., & Hielscher, S. (2010). Value creation, management competencies, and global corporate citizenship: An ordonomic approach to business ethics in the age of globalization. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(2), 265-278. (Document ID: 2093720441).
Recommended Readings
1. Articles
Chesters, C., & Lawrence, S. (2008). The business of doing good: An Australasian perspective on corporate philanthropy. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, (31), 89-104. (Document ID: 1645357421).
Marshak, R. & Grant, D. (2008). Transforming talk: The interplay of discourse, power, and change. OrganizationDevelopment Journal, 26(3), 33-40. (ProQuest document ID: 1546365011).
Toor, S., & Ofori, G. (2009). Ethical leadership: Examining the relationships with full-range leadership model, employee outcomes, and organizational culture. Journal of Business Ethics, 90, 533 ? 547. (Document ID: 1913218371)
Zoghbi-manrique-de-lara, P. (2010). Do unfair procedures predict employees' ethical behavior by deactivating formal regulations? Journal of Business Ethics, 94(3), 411-425. (Document ID: 2083819121).

A new client of your security consulting firm is worried about the potential for data leaks that could expose it to financial losses as well as a damaged reputation. The client recently read a front-p...age story about a negligence lawsuit arising out of a data leak that exposed confidential client information. The source of the data leak was a peer-to-peer file sharing application that had been installed on an employees desktop computer. An initial quick-look security assessment found that your clients concerns were well founded. At least one department (Marketing) was using a similar peer-to-peer file-sharing application to distribute promotional videos and audio podcasts to potential customers. Your team leader has asked you to prepare a short technology evaluation paper (deliverable) in which you address one of the problem areas (a or b) identified in the quick-look assessment:

A: Data: Identify and provide an assessment of the risks associated with collection, processing, and storage of confidential client information (loss of confidentiality).

B: Software: Identify and provide an assessment of the risks associated with unauthorized installation of file-sharing software on company computers, including servers, desktops, and laptops (loss of system integrity).

Use the provided matrix to categorize and assess the risks associated with your chosen option (a or b). Then research and evaluate three or more technology-based solutions that could provide effective protection measures. Use one row per technology solution.

Your technology evaluation paper must begin with an executive summary followed by your technology evaluation matrix. The executive summary should provide an overview of your risk assessment and evaluation. It should also provide additional information to help the client understand your recommended solution. Your summary should be concise??"approximately three pages long??"and include the following elements:

an explanation of the information security threats (risks) and vulnerabilities (in plain English) associated with your selected option (a or b above)

a comparison (compare/contrast) of the capabilities and weaknesses of the candidate technology-based solutions

a recommendation of the best fit technology-based solution to solve/mitigate the problem(s) associated with your selected option

Remember to present your findings and cite your sources in APA format and use only authoritative/scholarly sources such as journal articles, books, government documents, and other industry publications (e.g., trade journals or magazines for health care or security professionals).

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The master degree module that I'm taking now is "Global Business, Transnational Management". You can write something related to that.

Besides, I'm residing in Singapore, an asian country, so if you were to state cases, you can refer to companies in the US or in Asia.

I hope to receive this completed thesis in 2days time which is my assignment deadline. Thank you.

I have paper to be submitted by Monday. I would like to have it by Sunday morning latest. Course Business Law. University - University of Poenix. Subject and paper theme is bellow. Let me know if you ...need anything else. Do you have access to or related data for Riordan Virtual Business?

Individual Assignment: Corporate Compliance Plan

? Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization.

? Access the Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization on the student website.

? Create a Corporate Compliance Plan of no more than 10 pages for Riordan. The plan must synthesize your learning and must apply legal principles of business management. Focus your plan on managing the legal liabilities of Riordan officers and directors.

? Address the following in your plan:

o Enterprise and product liability
o International law
o Tangible and intellectual property
o Legal forms of business
o Governance

? Outline prevention of and management guidelines of the preceding aspects. Use previous individual assignments to bring insight to this project.

? Create your plan as if you were distributing it to officers and directors.

? Address specific laws or aspects Riordan must adhere to and outline steps for employees to adhere to. The plan must also address how to handle situations in which laws are violated or in question, such as when to call in legal counsel, what rights employees have, or whom to turn to when actions are taken against Riordan.

? Format your plan consistent with APA guidelines.

+1 403 5897693

greetings All,
i have to write a critique on Milton friedman (1970) claim that "the social responsibilty of business is to increase its profits" .
the professor request :
1- critically ...discuss means to discuss claims and counter claims to formulate an informed opinion of your own and to provide a convincing argument
2- linking theory to practice is to discus the topic in a practical context , giving concrete examples whenever appropriate
3- literature : you should engage with the academic literature outlined in the course unit
# Guay,T.,J.Doh, and G.Sinclair.2004."Non-governmental organizations, shareholder Activism, and socially resonsible investments:Ethical , startegic, and governace implications ,"journal of business Ethics 52 (1) : 125-139.
#Sparkes, R.and C.Cowton.2004. The maturing of socailly responsible investment: A review of developing links with corporate social responsibilty , journal of business Ethics 52(1) : 45-57.
# McWiilliams, A.,D.Siegel and P.Wright. 2006"corporate social responsibilty : strategic implications " journal of management studies 43(1):1-18
#Moon, J., N,Kang, and J-P.Gond.,2010"corporate social responsibilty and goverment " (eds.) D.coen, W. Grany, and G.Wilson, the Oxfoed handbook of business and government , oxford university press.
# Freeman, E., J.Harrison, and A.Wicks.2007.Managing for stakeholders: survival, reputation, and success .Yale university Press.2007.
#international finance corporation .2007stakeholder engagement : A good practice handbook for companies doing buisess in emerging market .IFC. the world bank group .
# Pedersen, E., and M.Huniche.2006.corporate citizenship in developing countries : new partnership perspectives .copenhagen business school press .
#Vogel, D.2005 Market for virtue : the potential and limits of corporate social responsibilty .Brookings institution press .
# sparkes , R.2002 socially responsible investment: A global revolution. Willey

another academic refrences can be used along with the above mentioned ones .

my opinion , i am againt him, in which the corporation should consider the community when applying business and if sociall responsibilty can take part with business why not ? he should not be narow minded and think about profits in the short run , he should cosider long run profits by making a good reputation by involving in social activities and increasing profits . successful cases n which corporation involved in sociall activities and increased its profits should be provided .

Describe a multinational corporation (MNC) with which you are familiar.

Select a foreign market for your MNC and assess the risks of foreign currency exposures and develop strategies to manage these risks.

Explain the basic functioning of the international banking system and financial markets (money, bond, equity) and the techniques for using the markets to finance global operations for your MNC.

Develop the financial strategies to support long-term financing of global operations for your MNC that address portfolio investment, capital budgeting, and foreign direct investment decisions.

The Simple Macroeconmic of Bank capital, liquidity and application of credit risk model in SME portfolio management in Nigeria

An MBA research proposal using a standard format. It must be clear which data to be used etc.
Customer is requesting that (WHITELAW) completes this order.

TOPIC: Considering what we have seen so far and the latest corporate scandals that have prompted a legislative reaction to regulate different business activities, how could that be prevented? Is there anything to be done? Consider here the challenging arguments by professor Manne and his proposal for an unregulated corporate system? Would that accommodate with the ethical principles presented at the beginning? And how would it do it with the OECD principles?
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrase with references in APA format and style.

Main reference to quote: Manne, Henry G (2003) , A Free Market model of a Large Corporation System, Emory Law Journal, Vol. 52. No. 3, Summer 2003, pp. 1381-1400.

Please use primarily the attached document : OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance for State-owned Enterprises
but also refer to other articles as requested in the order.

TOPIC: Since the 1990s a wave of privatization of state-owned enterprises has taken place throughout the world. Nevertheless, there are still many companies in government hands. What should the proper corporate governance guidelines for these companies be? And for privatized companies already in private hands?
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrase with references in APA format and style.

TOPIC: Internet Security, the risks internet security presents to the field of information technology and implementing solutions to address these challenges.

The paper will be 15 pages in length (not including title and reference page).

1. Title Page: Include name, paper title, course title, instructor?s name, and date.
2. Abstract: Not more than 120 words
3. Introduction: Discuss the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences. The introduction should offer a preview of the paper, its value, and be based upon the concepts studied in the course.
4. Discussion Content: This section should include 3 elements: 1) a brief examination of the issue, concept, or consequences of actions taken, 2) the concepts or theoretical applications that pertain to this topic, and 3) a discussion of your position on this topic, supporting your argument from the text or other appropriate sources. It is highly recommended you make use of appropriate headings to guide your reader.
5. Conclusion: Include a summative paragraph which includes a restatement of key points in your discussion.
6. References: Can be used more than once, but paper needs a MINIMUM of four academic references per page.

The paper should focus on analysis and not be a description of the company?s performance. It should include your assessment of what the firm's management is doing right and why that is the right thing to do, and what the firm's management is doing wrong and why that is the wrong thing to

Introduction: A brief, one-to-two paragraph introduction that states succinctly the key issues or problems raised by the case that you will discuss in your report.
Analysis: Respond to each of t...he questions/issues listed below. Your report should recognize, integrate, and cite relevant theories, concepts, and ideas from the required course readings and from conferences activities.
??????????What are the major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faces in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China? How might the differences between the corporate cultures of CreaseFree and DynaCoat impact the joint venture?
??????????Analyze the role of top managers in the money-laundering scheme. Are top managers responsible when corruption is afoot? What individual or situational factors encouraged the money-laundering scheme at AccuForm?
??????????Outline the key, specific elements of an ethics and compliance program or a corporate social responsibility program that Kim can use to re-establish AccuForm?s reputation and to build its corporate culture for the long term benefit of the company. How will the actions you recommend to Kim mitigate or eliminate the problems you have identified in your analysis of this case?
Conclusions and Reflection: ?????????
- Assume you are a manager in a foreign subsidiary of a US-based company. What would you advise your staff to do when faced with local expectations of ?payoffs? or ?referral money?? Where would you go for guidance, either within or outside your company organization? In the absence of guidance, what would you do?
- What lessons do you take from your analysis as a current or future manager or leader in an international organization or internationalizing company?

Assignment 3: Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
Due Week 6 and worth 300 points

Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corp...oration within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University's online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation's most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Assume that you are a researcher working in a multinational company (it is easier if the company
is fictional) based in Country A (a developed country), and that you are asked by your chief
ex...ecutive officer (CEO) to write a report on doing international business in Country B (a
developing country). The purpose of this assignment is to help the CEO to decide if the company
should engage in trade and/or investment in Country B. You may if you wish make Country A a
developing country and Country B a developed country.

Issues to be considered in the report:

a) An analysis of the national business system and cultural conditions in Country B with
an assessment of how this will affect your firm within its industry.

b) An assessment of the pattern and trends of trade between the two countries in your
selected industry, and also consideration of the type and level of protection measures
against imports and foreign investment in Country B within your industry.

c-1) An outline of the exchange regimes that govern Countries A and B with an
assessment of the risks this poses for you firm.
c-2) An assessment of the implications of international institutions such as the WTO, EU,
NAFTA for the firms proposed business links with Country B.

d) Advise on whether the firm should export or use foreign direct investment, or a
combination of these means, to do effective business in Country B.

e-1) Advise on the type of political risks that the firm may encounter in Country B, their
implications for your firm, and on ways to reduce this risks.
e-2) Advise on the problems of establishing and operating a corporate social
responsibility policy covering business with Country B in your industry.

Any discussion of the points above has to be relevant to your chosen firm and
industry. At the end of the report you should come up with clear and well-grounded
recommendations for your chosen company on whether it should engage in trade and/or
investment in country B.

One of the sources which need to be used in the report (book):

*Hill, Charles W.L. (2007) International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (6/E),Irwin publishers, London.

Book to reference for paper

Eighth edition International management culture, strategy, and behavior

fred luthans jonathan p. doh

Instructions for paper below:

Individual Cross-Sectional Cultural Management Plan



Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats (Internal & External)

Political, Legal, Social, Cultural, Economic, Technological, etc.

What you plan to accomplish cross-culturally for the MNC selected

Items to be considered & included from the International Management Perspective


Major cultural & HR items discussed in this course
Any relevant information which supports your position

A Case Study on Strategic Management of KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad.

1. Introduction (300 words)
- Company background (brief)
- Overview of operations
- What are they involv...ed in?
- i.e. what type of business?

- Industry overview

- Key players?
- How competitive (generally) market is?
- What is the company?s overall position in the market (local) ?
2. External analysis (800 words)
2.1. PESTLE (min 3 points on each factor)
- Identify key issues
- Explain them briefly
- Show impact
Academic perspective, how it will affect you? Here and there?

2.2. Forces
- Identify specific 5 forces issues (provide a diagram)
- Explain them briefly
- Show impact
(don?t use table) (use paragraphs, subheading to make reading interesting)

2.3. Prioritized opportunity or THREATS (can use point form)
- Extract from 2.1 and 2.2 explain it, elaborate them
- At least 4-5 = major opportunities/ 4-5 = major THREATS

3.0. Internal Analysis ? Value chain (400 words)
- Include a diagram
- A value chain has to be adapted to the specific and will have to incorporate points
from ALL resource (AUDITS)
(Depends a lot on company annual reports and from news)
- Analyze you diagram and identify key value creating and key value destroying activities
3.1. Prioritized Strength & Weaknesses
4-5 = key strengths
4-5 = key weaknesses

4.0. Strategic options (500 words)
- identify at least 5 strategic options (from generic, ansoff, or functional)
- elaborate them
- propose practical options
- why did you think about it?

4.1. SAF TEST (Present in diagram/ table)
(suitability, acceptability, feasibility of the 5 options in 4.0)
(how to finance? acceptability by stakeholders, explain and justify where to get finance? How to benefit the company?
Use winning strategies)

5.0. Recommendations (750 words)
- Based on the test (4.1.)
- selection and detailed justification of a winning strategy has to be explored

List of references
(at least 20)
ALL must be used in the essay as in text references

(whatever needed to give additional information; must be referred to in the essay)

Requirement: Writer Amber 111, formal law assigment (using 4 steps method) of topic Directors Duties under Corporate Law refer to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Chicago Intex referencing is required....> Question:

Hugo is a director of Coco Ltd, a chocolate company that normally purchased its cocoa from Brazil. Hugo?s in-laws Brett and Sandra own a cocoa plantation in Costa Rica. Hugo attends a boards? meeting of Coco ltd. Helerans that therei is a world shortage of cocoa and the company is planning to place a large order of cocoa from Costa Rica. The directors are to decide at their meeting whether Coco Ltd should commence negotiations with companies in Costa Rica (including Brett and Sandra?s company) in order to acquire their cocoa.
Immediately following the director?s meeting in January 2013, Coco Ltd placed a very large order of cocoa to be shipped from Costa Rica to Australia. It was decided that the goods will be shipped uninsured as the cost of insurance from Costa Rica to australia was too high and Coco Ltd would not be able to sustain the cost. Coco Ltd paid 25% of the purchase price on placing the order and the balance was due within 3 months. The ship carrying the cocoa sank in the Syez Canal after a terrorist attack. Coco Ltd could not pay for the goods.

By early April 2013 the company?s financial position has deteriorated due to the sinking of the ship as the company has incurred further debts. The company continues trading until 31 May 2013, when the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) lodges a director penalty notice on the companys board of directors for failure to pay the company?s taxes (which means that the directors may be personally liable for the company?s tax obligations)

With reference to the above facts, Use the 4 steps method to answer the question

1. Advise the directors of Coco Ltd if they have any reason to be concerned under both the c and case law over not insuring the shipment of cocoa? (<1000 words
2. Is the company insolvent? (<500 words)
3. If Coco Ltd were insolvent what liability would the directors face? (<1000 words)

Research Title :-

Assessing the implications of Capital Requirements on Risk Behavior of Banks : AAIB Case study.

The Research aim :-
The research aims to identify and analyze t...he relationship between Capital Requirements and the Risk Behavior : Arab African International Bank ( AAIB ) Case Study Thus, this paper investigates the impact of the capital regulation on the banking behaviors and particularly on the levels of risk ( i.e credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, capital risk )

Our research Question :-
Does the regulatory pressure imposed by minimum capital requirements is efficient in reducing risk behavior of (AAIB)?
Does a Capital requirement matter for Risk Behavior of AAIB ?

Independent Variables Dependent Variables
Capital Requirements Banks' risk
( i.e Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Capital Risk )

Hypothesis :-

H0 : there is no relationship between Capital Requirements and Banks' risk behavior?
H1 : capital requirements have a positive effects on Banks' risk behavior?
H2 : capital requirements have a negative effects on Banks' risk behavior?

The methodology :-
SPSS program for both:

Financial statement analysis (secondary data) ?
In addition to, a survey (primary data) for AAIB to support or reject secondary data findings.

thesis general criteria :-
1- Title must be written in capital letter and short (not more than 12 words).
2- Abstract must not contain any citation and short (from 120 to 150 words).
3- Abstract should contain scope, purpose and result of the research.
4- Literature review should be written from your own words (plagiarism free) with proper citation of what you have been red.
5- The university will screen the research with advanced plagiarism ??" detection software. (It must be not more than 30% Copy and Paste otherwise, it will be rejected).
6- In case of mentioning to a theory in Literature review you should not need to stipulate the whole theory just cite it and write comments from your own words.
7- Research Methodology to be Quantitative and / or Qualitative depending upon the nature of the topic.
8- Research not to be based on financial model.
9- APA for Bibliography Format or Citation Style.
10- If there is any internet citation a date and time must be quoted.
11- Any graphs, charts and tables to be included in the appendix only (not in the body o the research).
12- Font 12 for Text , 14 for Heading , 16 for chapters Times New Roman / Double space Text / 1 ??" inch margin.
13- Research should be From 40 to 50 pages (each page should include approximately 300 words).
14- The research consists of 5 chapters.
15- Each chapter must be not less than 4 pages.
16- Title should be written on upper left hand on each page.
17- Page no. should be written in the middle of each page.
18- Research to be conducted in simple English language.

19- Research design :-
Table of Contents
Abstract (Half of a page)
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Research
2.1 Introduction (not less than one page)
2.2 Problem Statement
2.3 Research Objectives
2.4 Research Questions (Qualitative)/Research Hypotheses (Quantitative)
2.5 Conceptual Framework

Chapter 2 - Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definitions
2.3 The normal flow of your literature
2.4 Conclusion
Chapter 3 - Research Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Methodology (Based on the Topic i.e Qualitative/Quantitative)
3.3 Research Method (Based on the Methodology i.e Survey/Case-Study/ Hypotheses Test etc).
3.4 Research Instruments (Based on the Method Questionnaires/Interviews/ Secondary data etc).
3.5 Sampling Method
3.6 Data Collection Plan
3.7 Data Analysis
3.8 Research Ethical Considerations
3.9 Research Limitations
3.10 Conclusion

Chapter 4 - Research Findings

Chapter 5 - Conclusion and recommendations

Bibliography ??" Its that part of the research report in which you will write the names of those sources which were used during the process of preparation of report & completion of the projects.

Appendix ??" This must be the last part of the research repot & will include the format & the types of the documents & forms which were used for the collection of the data or some of the methodology.

*if you have any comments about any of the above kindly let me know

There are faxes for this order.

Assignment 1: HRM in an MNE
Due Week 4 and worth 300 points
Assume that you are an HR manager in a MNE, and you have been tasked with designing HR policy that
would apply to the various lo...cations external to the United States. You must define the differences
between domestic and international HRM, examine key factors that drive standardization, and define the
impact on culture and the institutional environment.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Compare and contrast two (2) main differences between domestic and international HRM.
2. Examine two (2) of the factors that drive standardization of HRM practices. Determine whether or
not it is advantageous for an MNE to adopt a worldwide corporate culture for each of its
3. Examine the role of the subsidiary. Compare and contrast global innovators, the integrated
player, implementers, and local innovators as subsidiaries. Determine the best role for a company
that is just beginning to expand internationally. Provide a rationale for your response.
4. Analyze two (2) of the factors that drive the localization of HRM practices for an MNE. Determine
two (2) advantages of the localization of HRM practices.
5. Determine the impact of the culture and institutional context (environment) on:
a. recruitment and selection
b. training and development
c. compensation
d. task distribution
6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other
Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
??Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
??Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
??Determine the nature of globalization, cultures, and labor markets, and assess the impact on
human resource management (HRM).
??Use technology and information resources to research issues in global HRM.
??Write clearly and concisely about global HRM using proper writing mechanics.

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Australian Corporate Directors the Four Step Process

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Requirement: Writer Amber 111, formal law assigment (using 4 steps method) of topic Directors Duties under Corporate Law refer to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Chicago Intex referencing is required. Question: Hugo…

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Research Paper

Capital Requirement and Risk Behavior Arab African

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Research Title :- Assessing the implications of Capital Requirements on Risk Behavior of Banks : AAIB Case study. The Research aim :- The research aims to identify and analyze the relationship…

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HRM in an MNE Human Resource Management in an Multinational Enterprises

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Assignment 1: HRM in an MNE Due Week 4 and worth 300 points Assume that you are an HR manager in a MNE, and you have been tasked with designing HR…

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