Concept Map Essays Prompts

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This is the basic structure that we have to follow to write down the proposal:

Written Proposal ??" Part 1 (50%)
Department of International Business and Economics
Research Proposal
Student Name: .
Student ID Number: .
Provisional Research title: ..
Projects overall aims and objectives
approximately 500 words ??" providing a background to the research and outlining the general parameters for the investigation

Literature review
approximately 2,000 words ??" presenting an up-to-date and recent debates

Research Concept Map - diagram
There are faxes for this order.

Commentary audience and purpose:

You are telling (Dr. Hecsh) about your learning experience in this project as evidence of critical thinking, creative thinking and teamwork. Include in your... commentary your responses to:

Reading The Devil's Highway,
Learning to make and use a concept map and
Your use of concept map, your group process, and how you responded to critical friends
Your role in the group, and your
Plan to incorporate what you have learned as you move toward your next step--as a credential candidate, as a graduate student, as a trainer or in whatever place you have identified as your "next" step.
Note to writer: I attached some documents for you to look at. You have a copy of the concept map, a attachment what is a critical friends and my role in the group was that i worked on the first week which was the mental map. the second week ben was responsible for. the third week ray worked on it and brandon and gretchen worked on the rest of the project. I enjoyed working with my group and is looking forward to graduating with them this fall at sacramento state. I liked the feedback our group got back from the class from using critical friends. At the beginning our group kept changing our concept until we came up with the idea of a survival kit. I learned how iam very nervous talking in front of the class during our prensentation and in front of my cl;assmates and peers, but my group the whole entire time supported my feeling and helped me get through it. I enjoyed reading the devils highway and working in a group. I also liked the idea of a contract between everyone in the group so everyone is responsible for doing work. If you need more information please call me 916 317-4141

You can only use the Univ of Phoenix website library for all refrences and sources for this paper; detais below

Locate a job description online for a well-known organization. The job description should include the following components:

? Position details
? Job duties
? Performance standards
? Job factors

Identify recruitment and selection methods that are consistent with the organization chosen.

Develop a concept map that summarizes the steps of recruiting and the selection criteria for an employee using the job description selected.

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words that includes rationale for the team?s decisions.





Click eCampus Login
User: thecardsender
Password; shakti44
Click Library Tab and filter for Peer Reviews ONLY; Need 2
For Videos: Click Materials Tab; Scroll down to Week 4 and see the Video; can also use the chapter in week 4 as a source

Assume you are an instructor in the Biology 100 class and are explaining a concept.

1. Must have Illustrations/images that support your text
2. Must have Concept Map Diagram & Explanation
3. Must have Feedback Loop Diagram & Explanation
4. Must have Summary of Terms (Definition of terms) found in the paper (just important words, as if you are teaching a class)
5. Must have 10 multiple choice questions with answers (like module quiz questions)

Capstone Project

You will present a Capstone Project that defines an instructional problem from a learning setting of your choosing, is related to your MAED area of concentration, and propose...s a solution to the problem.

The five primary sections of the Capstone Project will consist of the weekly written assignments and demonstrate mastery of the 7 program outcomes for your MAED degree program with the final Capstone Project submitted in Week 6.

In Week 6, you will add the fifth section of your project prior to submission. In Section V, reflect upon the educational leadership principles you have explored in the context of your MAED program and your career, and offer a summary of how your development as a professional educator has informed your practice that led to completion of the Capstone Project and your overall degree program. This summary should be to 1 page in length and presented in a coherent essay format (i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion).

The final Capstone Project will consist of 5 sections, a title page, References, and appendix(as), and will be formatted using proper APA style:

Section I: Instructional Problem Description
Section II: Reflective Assessment Solution
Section III: A Critical Review of the Research
Section IV: A Learning Solution Proposal
Section V: Reflective Leadership
Appendix A: Instructional Problem Concept Map
Appendix B: Assessment Instrument

Section V of the Capstone Project will be developed during Week 6 and submitted in the final Capstone Project submission.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

NRSG 366
Freda smith is a 64 year old woman who has been referred by the local hospital to the community Health centre for ongoing care. Freda was discharged home 2 days ago. She was diagnosed wit...h rheumatoid arthritis 10 years ago and chronic heart failure 5 years ago.

She also has a cataract in her left eye which will be removed in 3 months.
During her recent hospital stay she has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and commenced on insulin, her regular BGL have been high ranging from 18.5 to 25.6 mmol/L.
Freda lives with her husband John in a 2 bedroom second storey unit.
There is lift access within the building,.John works full time as a builder
and Freda works in his business as the office manager.
John and Freda have 4 children, 3 sons and 1 daughter, all of them live overseas. Freda is 170cm tall and weighs 110kgs
She is short of breath on exertion.
Her current observations
BP: 140/80
P: 100
R: 26
Sa02: 96% on 21% oxygen

Fredas current medications include
frusemide 40mg BD
digoxin 250 mcg daily
lisinopril 20 mg BD
atenolol 50 mg daily
aspirin 100 mg daily
amiodarone 300 mg BD with food, to be reviewed in one month
iboprufen 400 mgs TD
lantus 52 units daily

You are the RN from the community Health service who has been assigned to visit Freda and John at home to assess Fredas level of self management of her BGLs and insulin injections.
The hospital had indicated John was reluctant to give his wife this injection
or get involved in her care
You are required to
A comprehensive client assessment.
Identification of the impact of the health issues on Freda and John
Impact on their level of independence and functioning in the community
The nursing care strategies that will support and educate Freda and john to promote their level of independent living. This is to include Fredas level of independence associated with her BGL monitoring and insulin administration.

One: identify the person

Understand the background of the person

Understand all the details provided about the person

Clarify all the symptoms, identified problems and diagnoses
so you understand who you
are dealing with and what problems they may have.

Two: understand the pathophysiology of the diagnoses and the pharmacological principles of the medications the person is on

Review the normal physiology of the body systems involved in the various diagnoses.

Review the pathophysiology related to the diagnoses so you understand the variation from normal

Identify the purpose of the medications in relation to the diagnoses

Review the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the medications

Understand the effect of the medication on the pathophysiology of the diagnoses


Identify the information needed to care for the client and structure assessment to provide you with the information required to plan care for this particular client?s specific problems

Identify all the domains of health to be assessed

Identify the tools needed to perform the assessments in each domain

Identify additional information needed and method to collect the required data, e.g. urine tests

Four: care planning

Identify care needs in order of priority

Construct a plan of care that meets the needs of the client.

Consider care planning across all domains of health: physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, intellectual and other domains you may identify

Include method of evaluation in the care planning

Review care planning from ethical perspective to include client consent, autonomy and adherence to nurses? code of conduct ,legal requirements etc

Five: implementation

Identify possible obstacles to implementation and how you could address it
Six: evaluation and reassessment

Identify how outcomes will be measured and identify reassessment or conclusion of

Identify tracking of progress of long term care goals



In this task, you will use selected resources to research and report on at least three themes, concepts, and or ideas which may include lifestyles, values, mores, and other characteris...tics of at least two sub-cultures living in your state.

Note: If you live in a rural area and dont have any diverse populations, think of areas in your state that have minority cultures and those types of cultures you would most likely work with in the classroom.

For organizational ease, include the following task headings: label section C Concept Map, label sections D-G Introduction, Results, etc, label section H Personal and Professional Relevance. Keep the work organized in the same way the task is outlined.


A. Write a statement of purpose for your research project on subcultures living in your state.
A statement of purpose is a sentence that defines what you want to learn about in your research project and acts as a guide for your research.

Note: Your statement of purpose will go into the introduction of your paper. (See D1 below)

B. Locate and gather sources of information from the library, the Internet, interlibrary loan, or from organizations that directly represent the cultures you wish to study.

Note: This information will be used in your paper and cited in section G listed in APA format and identified if it is a primary or secondary source.

1. Secondary sources: Locate at least two non-Internet sources on each culture (four sources total). Seek various types of sources (e.g., textbook, library monograph, brochure, etc.). Do not include encyclopedias as part of the four required sources.
2. Primary sources: Locate at least three sources for each culture (six sources total). Seek various types of materials (e.g., pictures, documents from authoritative bodies, poetry from members of that culture, etc.).

Note: Do not use personal interviews as a source.

a. Include at least one primary source for either culture from the Internet.
b. Include at least one primary source for either culture from an official government or public policy source (e.g., U.S. Supreme Court or U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division), which are available on the Internet at sites indicated by *.gov rather than *.com or *.edu.

C. Create a concept map or an outline for each culture (two maps or outlines total) and upload them with your research paper. Each concept map or outline should represent at least three common themes, concepts, and ideas (e.g., beliefs, foods, arts and entertainment, educational aspirations, political tendencies, traditions, family life, holidays, languages spoken). Use the same 3 themes for each culture.
You can find explanations of concept mapping and outlining on the Internet by entering concept map into a search engine.
If you create the concept maps by hand, scan a copy of each map and save the images as JPEG files. If you use software, such as Inspiration, save the file in either Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or in JPEG format (*.jpg).

D. Write an introduction (suggested length of 1??"2 paragraphs).
1. Place your statement of purpose at the beginning of your introduction.
2. Identify the cultures you researched.
3. Briefly describe the common themes, concepts, and ideas of each culture you will address.

E. Write a results section to describe each culture (suggested length of 1??"2 pages per culture).
1. Present the information you found on each culture. Use the three themes you used to create your concept maps.
2. Cite any information you include using APA in-text citations.

F. Write a discussion and conclusions section (suggested length of 1??"2 pages).
1. Discuss how the two cultures are similar (at least two similarities) using the information you researched.
2. Discuss how the two cultures are different (at least three differences) using the information you researched.
3. Explain at least three specific ways the information found on the two cultures from this project could be applied in a classroom.

G. Create a reference list in APA format. Be sure to identify each source as primary or secondary.

Note: Make sure that the sources you site on your reference list are also cited in your paper.

H. Clearly describe the materials and methods you employed (suggested length of 1??"2 paragraphs).
1. Briefly describe the methods you used to find your resources.
2. Explain by name which sources were most important and why.
3. Describe how you reviewed and synthesized the information you found in the sources.
4. Describe why the report is important to you personally and as a teaching professional. Explore your feelings and make connections between the information you learned and your future as a teacher.
There are faxes for this order.

In this paper, you will use selected resources to research and report on the lifestyles, values, mores, and other characteristics of at least two sub-cultures living in you...r state.
(I live in Nebraska and would like to use Native Americans and Hispanics as my two sub-cultures)
The body of your report should focus on the important aspects of each culture. Be sure to document your findings during your research. You will need to go beyond simply copying material you find in encyclopedias. Follow the task prompts (below) to maximize your scores.
Upon completing your research you will take the information and place it into context for your future classrooms. Formulate your response around questions like: How does this piece of information help me understand this culture? What implications does this information have on my practice? What kinds of questions does it raise?
In order to understand the information you find, you will need to perform research in primary and secondary sources (e.g., information about the art from a given culture found in a textbook versus original documents such as the works of art from artists within the culture). This will help you to understand the information about each culture within the broader context of your future classrooms.
1. Write a statement of purpose for your research project.
o A statement of purpose is a sentence that you write which states what you want to learn about in your research project.
o A statement of purpose acts as a guide so that you will read and take notes only on what you will need for your project (See link below).
Note: Your statement of purpose will go in the introduction of your paper (see #4 below).
2. Locate and gather sources of information.
a. Secondary Sources: Locate at least two books on each culture (total of four books). Look for different types of sources (e.g., textbook, library monograph, brochure, etc.). None of the four required books may be an encyclopedia. However, you may begin your search by reading an encyclopedia entry for each culture you will research.
b. Primary Sources: Locate at least three primary sources for each culture (total of six sources). For example, if you are writing about a subculture based on a religion, a basic statement of beliefs without outside comment offered by a leader of that religion might be useful. Seek various types of materials (e.g., pictures, documents from authoritative bodies, poetry from members of the culture, etc.).
c. You must locate and use at least one primary source from the Internet.
d. Primary Government or Public Policy Sources: Locate at least one source on either culture from an official resource. For example, if you are writing about the African American culture, you could use one of many documents from the U.S. Supreme Court or U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.

Do not use an author's description of an official document - such as a discussion about the U.S. Constitution in a textbook. The goal here is to find an official document. Many government documents and public policy documents are available on the Internet at [*.gov] sites.
e. Gather copies of the books and other materials from the library, Internet, Inter-library loan, or directly from organizations that represent that culture you wish to study.
3. Review, organize, synthesize, and summarize information from multiple sources in a logical manner.
. Create a concept map or an outline for EACH culture. Identify common themes, concepts, and ideas. For example, your concept map or outline may include such things as beliefs, foods, arts and entertainment, educational aspirations, political tendencies, traditions, family life, holidays, languages spoken, etc.

You can find many good explanations of concept mapping and outlining on the Internet. Find these materials by entering the words "Concept Map" into an Internet search engine (e.g., We highly recommend using concept maps.
a. Upload a copy of your outline or concept maps along with your research paper. If you create your concept maps by hand, scan a copy of each map and save each image as a JPEG file. If you use software - such as Inspiration - save the file in either Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or in JPEG format.
4. Write an introduction (1-2 paragraphs).
. Place your statement of purpose at the beginning of your introduction.
a. State explicitly the cultures you researched and describe the aspects of each culture you will address.
b. Describe why the report is important to you as a person and as a teaching professional. Be sure to dig deeply into your personal feelings and make connections between the information you learned and your future as a teacher.
5. Write about materials and methods employed (1-2 paragraphs). This section should be clear enough to allow others to follow your methods.
. Give a brief description of how the information was collected. What methods did you use to find your resources?
a. Describe which sources you thought were most important and why.
b. Describe how you reviewed and synthesized the information you found in the sources.
6. Write a results section to describe each culture (1-2 pages per culture)
. Present the information you found on each culture.
a. Cite any information you include using in-text citations (as opposed to footnotes or endnotes).
7. Write a discussion and conclusions section (1-2 pages).
. Discuss how the two cultures are similar and how they are different. Be sure to provide at least two ways the cultures are the same and three ways the cultures are different.
a. Identify at least three ways the information you learned from this project could be applied in your classroom.
8. Create a bibliography (1 page).
. List all references used in your report in APA format. If you need help with formatting references in APA format, you can find APA style guides on the Internet (See link below). If this link is not active, simply enter the terms "APA" and "References Guide" into an Internet search engine (such as
a. At the end of each reference categorize the material to help graders. Within square brackets [], identify each source as:
?X Primary or Secondary - to help the grader verify you met the requirements of prompt 2a. and 2b. (above).
?X Internet, Library, or Other - to help the grader verify you met the requirements of prompt 2c. (above).
?X Government, Public Policy, or Other - to help the grader verify you met the requirements of prompt 2d. (above).
Author, A. A. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. [Primary, Internet, Government]

Project Requirements

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

Content: Prepare a final paper that includes the fol...lowing components in the order listed:
Title Page.
Table of Contents.
Introduction (1??"2 pages).
Theoretical Analysis of the following: (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (5??"7 pages)
Ethical and Cultural Issues (2??"3 pages).
Group Development (2??"3 pages).
Personal Model (Conclusion): Present your conceptual map and summarize how it represents all of the components of your Personal Model to discuss is (democratic style) of Group Therapy and The Treatment of Compulsive and Addictive Behavior See attached example of Concept Map.

Reference list: A minimum of ten scholarly sources are required. Scholarly sources include peer-reviewed journal articles and government publications prepared by a panel of experts in the field.

APA formatting: Resources and citations must be formatted according to APA style and formatting.

Reference list: A minimum of ten peer-reviewed references.

Length of paper: 15 typed double-spaced pages.

Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.

Content Format

For your course project, develop a paper that consists of the following sections. You must use proper APA style and formatting for each section of the paper.

1.Theory Selection (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (1??"2 pages). To complete this section, you need to:
?-?Review the literature in group counseling and addictions counseling and identify the theories that influence your approach.
?-?Address how these approaches can be used to help you develop your personal approach ( (democratic style).

2.Theoretical Analysis (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (5??"7 pages). To complete this section, you need to:
?-?Analyze theories for the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors as they apply to group methods.
?-?Synthesize trends in compulsive and addictive behavior research as they apply to group methods.

3.Ethical and Cultural Issues (2??"3 pages). To complete this section, you will:
?-?Recognize client characteristics relevant for ethical group placement in context of American Counseling Association (ACA) and Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) Standards.
?-?Recognize appropriate client preparation for group participation.
?-?Recognize appropriate utilization of clinical supervision to address ethical and cultural issues.

4.Group Development (2??"3 pages). To complete this section you will:
?-?Identify models of group development as applied to the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors.
?-?Address how the theories covered in the theoretical analysis portion of the project affect group development.
?-?Important note: You will not submit this section separately but rather as part of the final paper in Unit 10.

5.Personal Model - (democratic Style) (2??"3 pages). Create a personal model for group leadership based on your individual approach and leadership style. Present your conceptual map and summarize how it represents all of the components of your personal model of group therapy and the treatment of compulsive and addictive behavior.

Configuring SAP R/3 and an

Referencing Harvard style. 2100 words excluding references.

I need an master;s level essay of 2100 words, to be done by who has hands on experience on SAP R/3 (SAP ERP). The report should f...ocus on evidence of implications of implementation or configuration of ERP systems.

The report should demonstrate knowledge in configuration process of ERP systems (SAP R/3) and critical analysis using both practical and theoretical ERP fundamentals. It should reflect hands-on experience on SAP and identify advantages, disadvantages and challenges involved in this process.

The report should emphasize on the implications of deploying ERP systems and critical reflection, and opportunities and challenges involved in the configuration process of an ERP system, with benefits and challenges. The report should also reflect the knowledge gained through configuring components of SAP R/3. The report should be supported theoretically with the help of several well-chosen literature in the form of journals, books (peer-reviewed and high-quality journals, especially).

The report should include a concept map depicting the configuration process. An abstract is mandatory for the report, as usual.

The whole report should speak about SAP R/3, with the second part (one-third of the report) illustrating on production planning module from SAP R/3 perspective.

The focus should be mainly on Production Planning, which includes production planning overview, production process, planning process, MRP process, elements of a production order, in respect to a production department in an organization configuring SAP.

The business processes (flows) from production planning point of view in an organization should be illustrated.

Talk about material master, bill of materials, BOM Master Data, Routing, etc, involved in Production planning process. Also, production order process, procurement process, etc. Also, mention about material masters (finished product, semi-finished products, and raw materials). When talking about material master, explain about different views as well (for eg, MRP 1 view, purchase view, etc)

I have several other reports to be written on other modules of SAP. If this is of good class, I would prefer to order through you for them as well.

Additional info, which can be incorporated if needed

Introduction to configuration of SAP, are as follows:

Architecture of SAP system like Central Relational Databases, Client/server (3-tier), ERP component modules (PP, CO, HR, FI, etc)

Basics of R/3:
Instance - each install of the SAP R/3 software on an individual application server
Configurable - each instance can be distinctively configured to fit the needs and desires of the customer (within limits)

Most of the infrastructure decisions, including configuration decisions, occur during project implementation

The process of tailoring SAP software by selecting specific functionality from a list of those supported by the software.
Does not involve changes to the underlying software code

Business Process Integration: Organizational data, master data, rules, transactions (FI, MM, and SD point of view).


To build authority on the topic of knowledge management, you will complete research on key terms and concepts, historical events and contributions, organizational benefits, and guiding... principles of knowledge management as it relates to the shoe company, Nike.
Provide background information about the important concepts in knowledge management and Nike's expected future contributions to KM.

The finished product will show evidence of your efforts to unearth new material and hypothesize on the future direction of the organization as it relates to KM. The project will also reflect your ability to extract what is important and then present it in an interesting and creative manner.


A A. Written research report 10 pages in length that focuses on Nike.

B. B. Detailed concept map identifying how key concepts relate to knowledge management and Nike.

C C. Synthesize, analyze, and evaluate specific KM concepts by differentiating principles, elements, and their
relationship to Nike.

Ask the questions:

1. How can knowledge be used to transform this learning organization to support innovation,
creativity, and responsiveness for the value of all stakeholders?

2. What are Nike's best practices and what needs improvement?

3. What is the expected future direction of Nike in the global marketplace?

4. What specific strategies must it implement in order to be competitive five years from now?

D. Analyze KM leadership and models within Nike. Create a compare and contrast chart
highlighting similarities and differences of KM models and leadership methods. Identify how these findings
impact the organization's overall competitiveness.

E. Create a timeline to explain and interpret meaning from the historical and contemporary events in the KM
workforce. See the timeline tool at for a software option. Explain how these events
played a role in Nike's evolution. What is the relationship between the historical and contemporary
events within the chosen organization and KM as a whole?

F. Assess the value of culture, through critical reflection and focused research, to the importance of a
successful KM system within Nike. How should this Nike's culture change in order to be
more responsive to its internal and external stakeholders? Discuss the degree of collaboration and
communication that the organization supports.

G G. Explain how both low and high technology strategies impact a global information network within Nike.

H H. Provide specific examples on the future direction of KM and its overall influence on job categories and
professions within Nike, as well as the Nike's influence on its community and society in

I. I. Annotated bibliography containing a minimum of 10 quality reference sources.

J. J. It is essential that the Research Paper include a novel, thoughtful analysis of KM and its impact. Referencing
and expanding on ideas from sources outside the class readings is highly recommended.

Final Deliverables:

1. Research Paper addressing items C - H above.

a. A concept map integrated into the paper.

b. Annotated bibliography of sources used.


There are two parts required for this online assessment. The first part is to create a concept map that presents one of the following domains in recovery.

Hope as a ...frequent self-reported component of recovery
Self-identity, including current and future self-image
Meaning in life, including life purpose and goals
Personal Responsibility, the ability to take personal responsibility for one?s own life.

The second part of this assessment is a discussion piece that explains how the domain you chose for the concept map supports the person?s ongoing recovery.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE DOMAIN I CHOOSE IS : HOPE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Please refer to the marking criteria attached
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: On-line modules
Student Name: __________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________________
Criteria for marking Unsatisfactory
(0-49%) Pass
(50-64%) Credit
(65-74%) Distinction
(75-84%) High Distinction
(85-100%) Total mark

Analysis & Critique Little/no cohesion to flow of discussions.
Broad generalisations are made.
Discussion consists largely of personal opinion. A logical discussion is presented with limited discussion of alternative viewpoints. A cohesive and logical presentation.
Some attempt at analysis and critique from a range of perspectives evident. A cohesive and logical presentation.
Well-developed analysis and critique from a diverse range of perspectives. A cohesive and logical presentation.
A comprehensive and insightful analysis which presents a diverse range of perspectives.

Evidence to support the analysis Minimal use of the literature with inappropriate application. Satisfactory use of literature. Some attempt to interpret & apply the literature is evident. Satisfactory use of literature with appropriate interpretation & application. An extensive range of relevant literature utilised with appropriate interpretation & application. An extensive range of relevant literature utilised with sophisticated interpretation and analysis.
/ 5
Presentation and
Poor, written presentation & referencing, not at an academic/professional standard.

No refereed journals

No declaration of originality Effective written communication although a number or errors of spelling and grammar.

Mostly accurate referencing using APA format. Two refereed journals.

Declaration of Originality completed Effective written communication with few errors of spelling, and grammar

Mostly accurate referencing using APA format. Three refereed journals

Declaration of Originality completed
High standard of written communication with few errors of spelling, and grammar .

Mostly accurate referencing using APA format. Four refereed journals

Declaration of Originality completed Flawless presentation.

Accurate referencing using APA format. Five or more refereed journals.

Declaration of Originality completed

Total / 20

Nursing Education

Discussion questions
The quality of comments is as important as the quantity, so students are expected to be reflective in their original posts and responses (i.e. not cut and paste from a website... or reiterate material directly from the textbook)
Module 1
A clinical group of undergraduate fundamental nursing students are learning the nursing process and applying it to a client with anemia. During post-conference they bring in research articles that support specific interventions. They develop a group concept map about the client and develop three nursing diagnoses with appropriate NANDA language. The research articles they have retrieved support dietary iron intake and blood replacement but the students assessment reveals that the client is a vegetarian and is of a culture and religion that does not accept blood products. How would you guide their knowledge development in this clinical scenario in the context of Carpers ways of knowing? 250-300 words
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) each can be answered in sentence format
1. Does nursing have a unique body of knowledge or is it the application of various other fields of knowledge in a practice setting?
2. What are the expectations and patient considerations of evidence-based practice in nursing?
3. Reflect on your own practice. Provide examples of how you engaged in caring and supportive relationships. Explain how you may be able to model these behaviors for students in a clinical setting.
4. What was the purpose of NANDA in relation to nursing knowledge development?

Module 2
A tremendous amount of research supports the role of the educator in promoting a safe and effective learning environment for culturally diverse classrooms. What methods or approaches can you employ to develop such positive and effective learning environments? 250-300 words
Critical Thinking Exercises: (40 points) answer in sentence format
Review a variety of websites (e.g. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the National League for Nursing, and the Institute of Medicine ) and summarize some of the strategies that have been proposed to reduce the nursing faculty shortage.
Describe factors that enhance or hinder student learning.
What are several strategies that affect student motivation and what strategies can be implemented to overcome barriers to motivation?
What is the current evidence regarding the use of learning style inventories? Describe how you might utilize such tools in your teaching approach in order to creatively develop your approach to student education.
Module 3
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format
1. Identify the many healthcare trends (social, economic, political, legal, and ethical) that affect nursing practice and the role of the nurse as educator. Elaborate on the degree of influence these trends have on the responsibilities of nurses.
2. As a nurse educator, you need to understand the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that you adhere appropriately to the law in extending civil rights protection to learners, such as those who have sensory, physical, or learning disabilities. Discuss the terms of the law, including the meaning of a major life activity and reasonable accommodations. Give two (2) examples of reasonable accommodations as they relate to teaching a person with a sensory disability, a person with a physical impairment, and a person with a learning disability.
3. Describe an experience you have had either as a learner or as a teacher, focusing on factors that were effective and factors that were detrimental to the process of teaching or learning relative to the developmental stage of the learner.
4. Select a PEM commonly distributed to clients in various healthcare settings (e.g., hospitals, physicians offices, clinics, home care agencies). Calculate the literacy level of the PEM using the Fog, SMOG, and Fry readability formulas. Draw conclusions about the appropriateness of these tools for patient education. Make suggestions for changes to lower the literacy level, as appropriate,
Module 4
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format
1. Conduct a literature review of any current research done on multicultural education in nursing. Critically appraise one evidence-based article.
2. Assess instructional materials given to patients or students. Is it appropriate for a multicultural curriculum/audience? To what extent to instructional materials support inclusiveness. Are materials reflective of diversity? Are materials free of gender, culture, religious and ethnic bias? Can hospital/academic policies be implemented fairly for all learners?
3. How can the concept of transcultural nursing be applied to the assessment and teaching of clients and students from culturally diverse backgrounds?
4. Analyze the socioeconomic reasons for the changing demographics of student nurses, and project how the changing demographics of the nursing workforce will impact health care delivery.
Module 5
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format
1. How can faculty cultivate an environment that positively contributes to learning and proactively responds to student misconduct?
2. Develop an expressive writing exercise designed to decrease threat apperception in the clinical environment.
3. As faculty, you have become aware that one of your students during the ninth week of the semester went from performing quite well with good attendance, submitting all assignments on time and well done and displaying a generally collegial demeanor to suddenly missing class, not turning in weekly assignments, and not returning e-mails. What is the best way to respond to this student?
4. While grading a lab assignment you notice that four students appear to have submitted identical work to the extent that you have become concerned that the students may have presented other peoples work as their own. What is the best way to approach this situation? What could you have done to avoid or minimize this type of incident?

Module 6
As uses of distance education technologies increase in nursing education, there are likely to be intended and unintended consequences. Describe and discuss three research questions that you would like to see answered regarding technology based teaching strategies and/or distance education. 250-300 words
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format
1. What evidence is available on the effectiveness of using simulation in support of learning? Summarize a current evidenced-based article that addresses some aspect of simulation in nursing education.
2. Describe the various standards that have been established to ensure quality of health care information on the World Wide Web and access by special populations.
3. Consider a recent teaching/learning event in which you were either the student or the faculty member. Describe the media that was used to support and deliver the instructional content. Critique the selection, delivery and appropriateness of the media used.
4. Think about your presentation style. In what ways do you already engage learners? How and where do you see yourself trying new approaches? How will you evaluate the success of these new strategies?

Module 7
Describe a real or fictional situation in which a student has some type of disability or impairment. Identify accommodations that would be appropriate to implement in both the clinical and classroom setting. 250-300 words
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format except lit search
1. Describe the ethical principles that dictate the actions of health care providers in delivering services to clients. Provide examples.
2. Provide four examples of direct costs and five examples of indirect costs in the provision of patient/staff education.
3. What boundaries should guide the development of the student-faculty relationship? Are there any off-limits activities?
4. Conduct a literature search on incivility in nursing education. Summarizethe findings of the evidence-based article.

Module 8
Review materials on the AACN website ( on the CNL and DNP; describe the impact these initiatives may have on nursing education and practice. 250-300 words
Critical Thinking Exercises: (10 points each) answer in sentence format
1. How can innovation, evidence-based teaching practices, and a science of nursing education be employed to transform nursing education?
2. Give an example of how your current practice as a nurse educator reflects each of the eight core competencies. Or, if you ar not currently in an educator role, describe how you intend to use each of these competencies as you develop your new role.
3. Identify how changes in nursing education relate to changes in other health professions education.
4. Select three of the major elements in the Excellence in Nursing Education Model and show how they relate to one or more of the Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education.

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

Cultures in Texas the United

Competency 601.3.3: Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance - The graduate understands and is sensitive to differences in cultural values, norms, and mores of the families of culturally dive...rse students and is committed to respecting these differences.
601.3.3-03: Describe the culture (e.g., lifestyles, values, mores, and other characteristics) of at least two minority cultural populations living within your home state.
601.4.3-01: Locate information from library resources.
601.4.3-02: Locate information using the Internet.
601.4.3-04: Gather information using a library and from the Internet.
601.4.3-05: Review and organize information.
601.4.3-06: Synthesize information from multiple sources.
601.4.3-07: Summarize information from multiple sources in a logical manner.
601.4.3-08: Create a bibliography that includes books, Internet documents, and professional journal articles.
601.4.3-10: Write in-text citations and bibliographic citations in a standard format.
601.4.3-12: Write a problem or thesis statement for a research project.

In this task, you will use selected resources to research and report on the lifestyles, values,
mores, and other characteristics of at least two sub-cultures living in your state.
For organizational ease, include the following task headings: label section C Concept Map,
label sections D-G the paper title you choose, label section H Personal and Professional
Relevance. Keep the work organized in the same way the task is outlined.
A. Write a statement of purpose for your research project on subcultures living in your
A statement of purpose is a sentence that defines what you want to learn about in
your research project and acts as a guide for your research.
Note: Your statement of purpose will go into the introduction of your paper. (See D1 below)
B. Locate and gather sources of information from the library, the Internet, interlibrary
loan, or from organizations that directly represent the cultures you wish to study.
1. Secondary sources: Locate at least two non-Internet sources on each culture
(four sources total). Seek various types of sources (e.g., textbook, library
monograph, brochure, etc.). Do not include encyclopedias as part of the four
required sources.
2. Primary sources: Locate at least three sources for each culture (six sources total).
Seek various types of materials (e.g., pictures, documents from authoritative
bodies, poetry from members of that culture, etc.).
a. Include at least one primary source for either culture from the Internet.
b. Include at least one primary source for either culture from an official
government or public policy source (e.g., U.S. Supreme Court or U.S.
Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division), which are available on the
Internet at sites indicated by *.gov rather than *.com or *.edu.
C. Create a concept map or an outline for each culture (two maps or outlines total) and
upload them with your research paper. Each concept map or outline should represent
at least three common themes, concepts, and ideas (e.g., beliefs, foods, arts and
entertainment, educational aspirations, political tendencies, traditions, family life,
holidays, languages spoken).
You can find explanations of concept mapping and outlining on the Internet by
entering concept map into a search engine.
If you create the concept maps by hand, scan a copy of each map and save the
images as JPEG files. If you use software, such as Inspiration, save the file in
either Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or in JPEG format (*.jpg).
D. Write an introduction (suggested length of 12 paragraphs).
1. Place your statement of purpose at the beginning of your introduction.
2. Identify the cultures you researched.
3. Briefly describe the common themes, concepts, and ideas of each culture you will
E. Write a results section to describe each culture (suggested length of 12 pages per
1. Present the information you found on each culture.
2. Cite any information you include using APA in-text citations.
F. Write a discussion and conclusions section (suggested length of 12 pages).
1. Discuss how the two cultures are similar (at least two similarities).
2. Discuss how the two cultures are different (at least three differences).
3. Explain at least three ways the information from this project could be applied in a
G. Create a reference list in APA format.
H. Clearly describe the materials and methods you employed (suggested length of 12
1. Briefly describe the methods you used to find your resources.
2. Explain which sources were most important and why.
3. Describe how you reviewed and synthesized the information you found in the
4. Describe why the report is important to you personally and as a teaching
professional. Explore your feelings and make connections between the information
you learned and your future as a teacher.
Note: Please save word-processing documents as *.rtf (Rich Text Format) files

Thank you for doing this paper. I would attempt it myself but my husband is going through chemo treatments and I just got out of the hospital from surgery myself so I am really not up for the challenge. Please pay careful attention to the details of the paper. They are wanting the paper to have sections that are clearly labeled. Also, you do not need to do the concept map. I will do that part after the paper is done. Finally, the sources do not necessarily have to be verifiable...just believable.

Back to "Diversity"
601.3.3-03, etc. (2006)

Directions for 601.3.3-03, etc.


Competency 601.3.3: Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance - The graduate understands and is sensitive to differences in cultural values, norms, and mores of the families of culturally diverse students and is committed to respecting these differences.
Competency 601.4.3: Research - The graduate engages in research activities (e.g., locates, accesses, gathers, reviews, evaluates, organizes, and cites primary and secondary information).

601.3.3-03: Describe the culture (e.g., lifestyles, values, mores, and other characteristics) of at least two minority cultural populations living within your home state.
601.4.3-01: Locate information from library resources.
601.4.3-02: Locate information using the Internet.
601.4.3-04: Gather information using a library and from the Internet.
601.4.3-05: Review and organize information.
601.4.3-06: Synthesize information from multiple sources.
601.4.3-07: Summarize information from multiple sources in a logical manner.
601.4.3-08: Create a bibliography that includes books, Internet documents, and professional journal articles.
601.4.3-10: Write in-text citations and bibliographic citations in a standard format.
601.4.3-12: Write a problem or thesis statement for a research project.

In this task, you will use selected resources to research and report on the lifestyles, values, mores, and other characteristics of at least two sub-cultures living in your state.

For organizational ease, include the following task headings: label section C Concept Map, label sections D-G the paper title you choose, label section H Personal and Professional Relevance. Keep the work organized in the same way the task is outlined.


A. Write a statement of purpose for your research project on subcultures living in your state.

A statement of purpose is a sentence that defines what you want to learn about in your research project and acts as a guide for your research.

Note: Your statement of purpose will go into the introduction of your paper. (See D1 below)

B. Locate and gather sources of information from the library, the Internet, interlibrary loan, or from organizations that directly represent the cultures you wish to study.

1. Secondary sources: Locate at least two non-Internet sources on each culture (four sources total). Seek various types of sources (e.g., textbook, library monograph, brochure, etc.). Do not include encyclopedias as part of the four required sources.

2. Primary sources: Locate at least three sources for each culture (six sources total). Seek various types of materials (e.g., pictures, documents from authoritative bodies, poetry from members of that culture, etc.).

a. Include at least one primary source for either culture from the Internet.

b. Include at least one primary source for either culture from an official government or public policy source (e.g., U.S. Supreme Court or U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division), which are available on the Internet at sites indicated by *.gov rather than *.com or *.edu.

C. Create a concept map or an outline for each culture (two maps or outlines total) and upload them with your research paper. Each concept map or outline should represent at least three common themes, concepts, and ideas (e.g., beliefs, foods, arts and entertainment, educational aspirations, political tendencies, traditions, family life, holidays, languages spoken).

You can find explanations of concept mapping and outlining on the Internet by entering concept map into a search engine.

If you create the concept maps by hand, scan a copy of each map and save the images as JPEG files. If you use software, such as Inspiration, save the file in either Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or in JPEG format (*.jpg).

D. Write an introduction (suggested length of 12 paragraphs).

1. Place your statement of purpose at the beginning of your introduction.

2. Identify the cultures you researched.

3. Briefly describe the common themes, concepts, and ideas of each culture you will address.

E. Write a results section to describe each culture (suggested length of 12 pages per culture).

1. Present the information you found on each culture.

2. Cite any information you include using APA in-text citations.

F. Write a discussion and conclusions section (suggested length of 12 pages).

1. Discuss how the two cultures are similar (at least two similarities).

2. Discuss how the two cultures are different (at least three differences).

3. Explain at least three ways the information from this project could be applied in a classroom.

G. Create a reference list in APA format.

H. Clearly describe the materials and methods you employed (suggested length of 12 paragraphs).

1. Briefly describe the methods you used to find your resources.

2. Explain which sources were most important and why.

3. Describe how you reviewed and synthesized the information you found in the sources.

4. Describe why the report is important to you personally and as a teaching professional. Explore your feelings and make connections between the information you learned and your future as a teacher.

Note: Work must adhere to APA standards as referenced in the general instructions.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the attached Rubric Terms.

File Attachments:
1. Rubric Terms
1. FDA - FOT v2 601.3.3-03
Web Links:
1. APA Style

In this task, you will use selected resources to research and report on the lifestyles, values, morals, and other characteristics of at least two minority cultures living in your state (New Mexico, Na...tive American and Mexican American).

For organizational ease, include the following task headings: label section C Concept Map, label sections D-G the paper title you choose, label section H Personal and Professional Relevance. Keep the work organized in the same way the task is outlined.


A. Write a statement of purpose for your research project on minority cultures living in your state (New Mexico).

A statement of purpose is a sentence that defines what you want to learn about in your research project and acts as a guide for your research.

Note: Your statement of purpose will go into the introduction of your paper. (See D1 below)

B. Locate and gather sources of information from the library, the Internet, interlibrary loan, or from organizations that directly represent the cultures you wish to study.

1. Secondary sources: Locate at least two non-Internet sources on each culture (four sources total). Seek various types of sources (e.g., textbook, library monograph, brochure, etc.). Do not include encyclopedias as part of the four required sources.

2. Primary sources: Locate at least three sources for each culture (six sources total). Seek various types of materials (e.g., pictures, documents from authoritative bodies, poetry from members of that culture, etc.).

a. Include at least one primary source for either culture from the Internet.

b. Include at least one primary source for either culture from an official government or public policy source (e.g., U.S. Supreme Court or U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division), which are available on the Internet at sites indicated by *.gov rather than *.com or *.edu.

Note: Make sure that you identify your sources as either primary or secondary.

C. Create a concept map or an outline for each culture (two maps or outlines total) and upload them with your research paper. Each concept map or outline should represent at least three common themes, concepts, and ideas (e.g., beliefs, foods, arts and entertainment, educational aspirations, political tendencies, traditions, family life, holidays, languages spoken).

D. Write an introduction (suggested length of 1??"2 paragraphs).

1. Place your statement of purpose at the beginning of your introduction.

2. Identify the cultures you researched. (Native American and Mexican Americans living in New Mexico)

3. Briefly describe the common themes, concepts, and ideas of each culture you will address.

E. Write a results section to describe each culture (suggested length of 1??"2 pages per culture).

1. Present the information you found on each culture.

2. Cite any information you include using APA in-text citations.

F. Write a discussion and conclusions section (suggested length of 1??"2 pages).

1. Discuss how the two cultures are similar (at least two similarities).

2. Discuss how the two cultures are different (at least three differences).

3. Explain at least three ways the information from this project could be applied in a classroom.

G. Create a reference list in APA format.

H. Clearly describe the materials and methods you employed (suggested length of 1??"2 paragraphs).

1. Briefly describe the methods you used to find your resources.

2. Explain which sources were most important and why.

3. Describe how you reviewed and synthesized the information you found in the sources.

4. Describe why the report is important to you personally and as a teaching professional. Explore your feelings and make connections between the information you learned and your future as a teacher.

Please note that my references must be 3 from a journal articles 2 from the internet and I from text or a nursing book ( we use medical surgical nursing Lemone & Burke!)Third Edition. These sorces must be easly assessable and not from a paied site! Journal also must be creditable!
Content of the paper is :
Introdction of the Topic
A. Why was this disease precess chosen. ( My daughter has a high risk because she has mitral valve with reguration. and a ASD repair 2 yrs ago.)
B) Incidence of the disease
C) Etiology of the disease.
2.) Body of the paper
A Pathophysiology of the disease process
include a concept map of the disease process in the paper
B.) Clinical Manifestations associated with the Disease Process
Colaborative Care Emphisize
Nursing Care Emphisize Worth big points.
3.) Conclusion
A conclusion drawn from the study.
4.) Care pland in concept map formate Address four top pritiozed actual problems that exist with this dieseae process worth Big points.
Please include an abstract at the begining of the paper!!!!!
And make Sure that this id definately in APA format. Must be at least 6 total quotes (parenthetical citations)

This is for a Geographical Analysis class.You will write an explanatory (informative, descriptive) report on a local issue about MEDICAL MARIJUANA (make it geographical). By local I mean Chico, Ca or ...Butte County. Your report will make references to places outside of the local area in the literature review section.
Include at least one properly formatted and referenced items (these do not count toward 7-10 page minimum for paper)

Think about your audience when writing this report. You are writing to inform someone?the public or a policymaker. Define terms, use transitions, cut down on unnecessary words, and do not try to create a solution. You are informing someone who might be able to make policy, but your job is not to come up with solutions.
Think about this as a background report. However, after having done research you are entitled to an informed position on the issue. For instance, if I was writing report on panhandling laws I?d include all sides of the debate, but my conclusion might reflect a concern with the legality of banning panhandling as well as an acknowledgement that panhandling is a problem (maybe it?s not?not sure, but this is just an example.

Mandatory Sections to your Report:

1. A meaningful title: Make your title compelling (not dry). Try to make it say something about what you are researching. Your title can be a question. You should include information that this is a study of xxx in Butte County, or Chico.

2. Introduction. Write an introduction that says what the report is about and why it?s an important topic. Be engaging and use clear, straightforward language. ? page.

3. Literature Review. This should have been drafted during the annotated bibliography and further explored in the concept map. Think of the major themes that you?ve found in articles that orient your research and thinking about the topic. Your field research and local research section should ?fit? with this section of the paper. For example, if the literature on sit-lie ordinances brings up the legality of this legislation, and you write about this in your literature review portion, then you should explore that in your field research. 1.5-2 pages.

4. Local Research: Background information (Secondary Research) 2 pages
a. Include a description of how the issue has evolved (from issues you put in your timeline and news article summary, and from interview materials). You could adapt the timeline as a table in this section.
b. Provide information of the various ?stakeholders? involved in the issue, and describe any controversies about the issue that you have learned from your news article analysis. Think about who is affected, and how different people or groups feel about the issue. You could provide a table here of the who?s who of the issue.

5. Local Research: Fieldwork (Primary Research) 3 pages
a. Describe what method you used to do your fieldwork portion.
b. Provide a map that will show the area of town or the county where you carried out your research, and/or that was a focus of your research.
c. Provide findings of your field research. Use table and/or graph here.

6. Conclusion ? page

7. Reference list (probably no more than 1 page?use single space within each reference, double space between each reference)
Chicago author-date style


Categories and Expectations

Structure, Flow, Purpose, Clarity:
Title is meaningful, introduction clearly states the purpose of the report, and conclusion ties up your findings and main points. There are transitions and sign posts in your writing. Definitions are provided when appropriate.

Voice, Grammar, Spelling: Use appropriate and correct grammar and spelling. Sentences should read well (use as few words as possible).

Literature Review Section: At least five sources that are well selected and integrated; themes that you discovered in the literature review are clearly represented and appropriate.

Local Research Section: Methods are described; you have included interview, local secondary data such as news and local reports; a description of who the stakeholders in the issue are, and a clear geographic focus on the local issue; preliminary primary data that you have collected yourself. Your findings are appropriate to the data you report (i.e. you do not express opinions that are outside the scope of the research or are not supported by the data).

Format: Cover page, page numbering, paragraphing, reference list.

Level 5 Leadership? Level 5

Please read it and write me a summary of it by bullet format so that it will much more easy for me to do a concept map.

I need your help to add a bit on Literature Review, Methodology and Discussion of my research paper. Please see below for more details with some comments that I have received.

1) Literature... Review Summary (2 pages)
- You need to include a summary which should be the last page of your literature review
- In literature review summary, you also need to include your conceptual framework as a part of the summary.
- The purpose of a literature review is to place each work in the context of of its contribution to the understanding of the subject under review and to describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration.
- As you write about the findings of each writer you should say how each work is similar to and/or how it varies from the others.
- Recap the main points shown by the literature review as they relate to your study.
- I will send you a sample of literature review and my Conceptual Framework for your reference.

2) Methodology (1-2 page)
- In Methodology, you need to discuss the validity and reliability of your instruments.
- You should also include your methodology Matrix. When you introduce this reference Maxwell and say something about the purpose of the methodology matrix

3) Discussion (2 pages)
- In Discussion, you should quote from your research to support the points you are making
- You need to include a section on Conclusions and Recommendations, in which you will state or reiterate the conclusions based on everything - the lit review, your research etc. and Recommendations should suggest some items that should be included in Bass's instrument to ensure that it captures the Japanese culture.

- My Research DRAFT
- Ideas for Lit. Review and Discussion for reference (please use this if necessary)
- Concept Map for reference
- Sample Literature Review for reference (pdf)
- Text Qualitative Research Design by Maxwell (Methodology is discussed from file page 46 (or text page 82)

Thank you in advance for your help.

There are faxes for this order.

Nursing Admin Controlling

Objective 723.6.2-03: Demonstrate how to manage given patient/staff needs to ensure appropriate response times in a clinical situation.
Objective 723.6.2-04: Demonstrate how to manage given patien...t/staff needs to ensure appropriate clinical interventions in a given nursing situation.
Objective 723.6.2-08: Write a standing order or preprinted protocol to meet guidelines for a given medical situation.



Psychiatric emergencies in medical settings may be particularly challenging since the staff does not encounter them frequently and may not have experience dealing with behavioral crisis intervention. The purpose of this exercise is to help staff improve understanding and coping with nonmedical emergencies that occur in medical settings using the PDCA cycle.

Mr. X is a 41-year-old male admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of possible stroke. The patient is ambulatory, 5?10??, and 350 lbs. Mr. X presented to the emergency department the day before after apparently losing consciousness at home. The initial CAT scan of his head was negative. It is suspected that Mr. X may be an IV drug user since his urine toxicology screening came back positive for opiates. The medical staff thinks that Mr. X had a seizure prior to admission, but he has shown no abnormal signs or symptoms within the last 24 hours. Mr. X was moved to an acute care unit where he sits in bed wearing only a pair of ill-fitting boxer shorts and no shirt. He is able to communicate without any signs of aphasia. The medical staff is still not sure what is wrong with Mr. X.

As the nurse administrator of the day, you hear a Rapid Response called overhead for this patient. As you enter the room, you see Mr. X screaming and on all fours in his bed. He is saying ?Help, help? and ?I don?t know? repeatedly. Respiratory staff, physicians, physician?s assistants, an ICU nurse, and unit staff are all standing there watching Mr. X scream for help. They all seem paralyzed. Finally, one of the staff nurses asks Mr. X to turn over so that respiratory staff can administer oxygen via a facial mask. He complies and at that time the ICU nurse hooks him up to the cardiac monitor as per protocol in a Rapid Response.

Mr. X remains quiet and still for about 60 seconds and then proceeds to rip off the oxygen mask and the EKG leads attached to his chest. He climbs over the side rails and stands there in a daze, saying ?I don?t know, I don?t know.?

The staff reacts negatively to Mr. X?s behavior in front of him. The respiratory therapist says, ?If you think I?m going in to get an ABG from him, you?re crazy.? Speaking to Mr. X, the ICU nurse repeats over and over in a stern impatient voice, ?What don?t you know?? Mr. X seems overwhelmed and can?t answer. The physician looks through the chart and asks the nurses questions about the patient. The other nurses stand there staring at Mr. X. The ICU nurse leaves a few minutes later stating that the patient?s EKG is normal.

All at once, Mr. X bolts from the room towards the elevator, which has just opened, and gets on. One of the nurses calls a security code, but it is too late; Mr. X has disappeared. The county police are called and hours later they find Mr. X at his nearby home. They try to encourage him to return to the hospital, but since he has not been deemed a danger to himself or others, they have no choice but to leave him alone.

The next morning Mr. X returns to the Emergency Department with ?severe chest discomfort and a headache? and is admitted back to the same unit. When the staff see him, they are apprehensive and somewhat angry that he is back. After about three hours on the unit, Mr. X starts yelling that his stomach is hurting. His nurse calls the physician about his symptoms but she and the rest of the staff avoid extended contact with him because of what happened the day before.


Write an essay (suggested length of 5 pages) in which you develop a plan to help this staff become proficient in handling behavioral emergencies on a non-psychiatric unit by doing the following:

A. Analyze the situation using the FOCUS and PDCA models by doing the following:
1. Use the FOCUS model to identify possible causes of the staff?s problem.
a. Find a Process to Improve (What needs to be improved based on the incident in the scenario?)
b. Organize a Team That Knows the Process (Who is the leader, the facilitator, the recorder, the time keeper, team member? Do you need all these people? Do you need others?)
c. Clarify Current Knowledge of the Process (What is being done now that might have added to or allowed the incident?)
d. Understand Causes of Process Variation (Use cause-effect diagrams, concept maps or other diagrams to show how you would understand the cause)
e. Select the Process Improvement (What would you do to improve the situation so that you decrease the risk of it occurring again?)

2. Develop an improvement plan that will ensure appropriate response times and appropriate clinical interventions in this situation, using a modified version of the PDCA model (PDC).
a. Plan (develop a plan to address the situation and possible risk in the future)
b. Do (You are not expected to actually do the plan but tell how it would be done)
c. Check (How would you check if the plan worked?)

B. Write a unit protocol containing at least five directives for staff to follow in case of a behavioral emergency in a non-psychiatric setting.

C. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly.

Psychiatric emergencies in medical settings may be particularly challenging since the staff does not encounter them frequently and may not have experience dealing with behavioral crisis intervention. ...The purpose of this exercise is to help staff improve understanding and coping with nonmedical emergencies that occur in medical settings using the PDCA cycle.

Mr. X is a 41-year-old male admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of possible stroke. The patient is ambulatory, 5?10??, and 350 lbs. Mr. X presented to the emergency department the day before after apparently losing consciousness at home. The initial CAT scan of his head was negative. It is suspected that Mr. X may be an IV drug user since his urine toxicology screening came back positive for opiates. The medical staff thinks that Mr. X had a seizure prior to admission, but he has shown no abnormal signs or symptoms within the last 24 hours. Mr. X was moved to an acute care unit where he sits in bed wearing only a pair of ill-fitting boxer shorts and no shirt. He is able to communicate without any signs of aphasia. The medical staff is still not sure what is wrong with Mr. X.

As the nurse administrator of the day, you hear a Rapid Response called overhead for this patient. As you enter the room, you see Mr. X screaming and on all fours in his bed. He is saying ?Help, help? and ?I don?t know? repeatedly. Respiratory staff, physicians, physician?s assistants, an ICU nurse, and unit staff are all standing there watching Mr. X scream for help. They all seem paralyzed. Finally, one of the staff nurses asks Mr. X to turn over so that respiratory staff can administer oxygen via a facial mask. He complies and at that time the ICU nurse hooks him up to the cardiac monitor as per protocol in a Rapid Response.

Mr. X remains quiet and still for about 60 seconds and then proceeds to rip off the oxygen mask and the EKG leads attached to his chest. He climbs over the side rails and stands there in a daze, saying ?I don?t know, I don?t know.?

The staff reacts negatively to Mr. X?s behavior in front of him. The respiratory therapist says, ?If you think I?m going in to get an ABG from him, you?re crazy.? Speaking to Mr. X, the ICU nurse repeats over and over in a stern impatient voice, ?What don?t you know?? Mr. X seems overwhelmed and can?t answer. The physician looks through the chart and asks the nurses questions about the patient. The other nurses stand there staring at Mr. X. The ICU nurse leaves a few minutes later stating that the patient?s EKG is normal.

All at once, Mr. X bolts from the room towards the elevator, which has just opened, and gets on. One of the nurses calls a security code, but it is too late; Mr. X has disappeared. The county police are called and hours later they find Mr. X at his nearby home. They try to encourage him to return to the hospital, but since he has not been deemed a danger to himself or others, they have no choice but to leave him alone.

The next morning Mr. X returns to the Emergency Department with ?severe chest discomfort and a headache? and is admitted back to the same unit. When the staff see him, they are apprehensive and somewhat angry that he is back. After about three hours on the unit, Mr. X starts yelling that his stomach is hurting. His nurse calls the physician about his symptoms but she and the rest of the staff avoid extended contact with him because of what happened the day before.


Write an essay (suggested length of 5?10 pages) in which you develop a plan to help this staff become proficient in handling behavioral emergencies on a non-psychiatric unit by doing the following:

A. Analyze the situation using the FOCUS and PDCA models by doing the following:

1. Use the FOCUS model to identify possible causes of the staff?s problem.

a. Find a Process to Improve (What needs to be improved based on the incident in the scenario?)

b. Organize a Team That Knows the Process (Who is the leader, the facilitator, the recorder, the time keeper, team member? Do you need all these people? Do you need others?)

c. Clarify Current Knowledge of the Process (What is being done now that might have added to or allowed the incident?)

d. Understand Causes of Process Variation (Use cause-effect diagrams, concept maps or other diagrams to show how you would understand the cause)

e. Select the Process Improvement (What would you do to improve the situation so that you decrease the risk of it occurring again?)

2. Develop an improvement plan that will ensure appropriate response times and appropriate clinical interventions in this situation, using a modified version of the PDCA model (PDC).

a. Plan (develop a plan to address the situation and possible risk in the future)

b. Do (You are not expected to actually do the plan but tell how it would be done)

c. Check (How would you check if the plan worked?)

d. Act (Note: Act has been omitted in the modified version since you are not expected to carry out this plan so you cannot periodically review the change to ensure that it is successful.

B. Write a unit protocol containing at least five directives for staff to follow in case of a behavioral emergency in a non-psychiatric setting.

C. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Nursing Research

Writer?s Assco5522, rbwpenn, betty, philipj

Please answer the following question

1. Examining the research ideas outlined in the lesson, identify an area of research you would like... to pursue. Are you more interested in clinical or educational research? Whom will you seek out for collaboration? What further education will help you meet your research goals?

Boyer?s scholarship of discovery refers to the faculty role in research. The extent to which faculty members conduct research is based on many factors. However, the expectation, especially in colleges and universities, is that you will approach teaching practice with an inquiring mind and that you will publish what you have learned.

Several actions have been identified for helping new faculty members get involved with research and publishing. For example, some faculty build on the research they completed in their graduate programs and continue studying their project topic. This is especially useful for writing and submitting your first manuscript for publication. Likewise, presenting the results of a project or dissertation is a good way to disseminate your findings.

Finding a research or publication mentor can also be helpful, as well as peer mentors who provide support, assistance, and feedback on the research (Cirasella & Smale, 2011). Experienced, doctoral-prepared faculty researchers are more commonly employed by research universities, where faculty research is funded with federal grants. This is a very vigorous process!

However, the opportunity to do research is everywhere. A good way to begin is to write about what you are doing. Have you developed an excellent handout to teach a clinical topic? A concept map on a physiological process? A simulation that helped your students think critically? These are a few of the projects that could be turned into a manuscript.

Working together to research and write is another way to get involved in the scholarship of discovery, especially if you can find a more experienced faculty member for collaboration. Likewise, you can partner with a clinical expert to study a clinical issue and write about it.

Perhaps the most important research effort is to teach your students about evidence-based practice, both in the clinical arena and in your teaching practice (Billings & Halstead, 2011). In particular, the instructional methods you use should be based on solid evidence. Consider the research ideas in this image: What type of research topic interests you?


The scholarship of discovery is an important part of your educator role because you are considered to be part of a community of scholars. As you develop your career, look for opportunities to evaluate and test your teaching and apply evidence-based teaching methods.

Obtaining a doctoral degree is an excellent step toward meeting your research goals, and doctoral degrees in nursing are becoming more common. Generally, two doctorate degrees in nursing are most often offered: the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and the doctor of nursing practice (DNP). The PhD is considered the research degree and the DNP is considered the practice degree. Both degrees are appropriate for nurse educators, and the decision to choose one or the other depends on your goals (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2013).


American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2013). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2011). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

Cirasella, J., & Smale, M.A. (2011). Peers don?t let peers perish: Encouraging research and scholarship among junior library faculty. Collaborative Librarianship, 3(2), 98?109.

ICU Medication Errors

Instructions to Writer
? Develop literature review on the chosen nursing problem. ? Medication Errors transcription errors as well as med errors resulting from Look Alike Sound Alike Drugs in an ...ICU unit ? Unlike traditional literature reviews which summarize each article this paper will Summarize the complete compilation of all peer reviewed articles a minimum of all eight?.. what are all these eight articles telling me or not telling me? 6-8page Paper.
Synthesize information related to research topic.
In this Assignment, you will conduct a literature review and evaluate the research associated with your identified nursing problem.
The literature review will provide you with a solid foundation for the nursing problem you have identified or the simulated scenario you chose. The literature review involves the following:
? Reviewing scholarly references related to your selected nursing problem
? Summarizing the information
? Synthesizing the information
Synthesizing the information can include reorganizing the information, combining new and old information, and discussing how the information impacts your selected nursing problem.
Your literature review should be organized around your selected nursing problem. Summarize the literature and include the following:
? What trends were identified
? What was missing from the literature
? What theories were covered
? What solutions were identified
You should review at least 8?10 current (within the last 5 years) actual research studies on the topic.
TO WRITER: The following is a concept map of topics related to my nursing problem to use as a guide; However, the literature review only needs to be a summary of the compilation of all the eight peer reviewed articles (within last 5 years) chosen / I have provided several peer reviewed articles in resource materials but it?s OK to use others as long as they have been peer reviewed and are within 5 years:
-How medication errors occur in an ICU
1) Transcription errors
2) look alike drugs (similar packaging)
3) sound alike drugs (similar names)
4) pharmacy errors that trickle down to the bedside
-Reporting methods Prevention and Quality improvement
-Cost and Reimbursement
-Liability to hospital
-Impact and effects on patients
-Impact on nurses and nursing practice
-Impact on administration
-Impact on drug manufacturers and packaging
-Solutions ?
--Hands on approaches on the ICU floor
--Education - Education on prevention
--Technology ? bar code scanning systems
--Automatic Drawers systems that dispense meds
--Most emerging technology of voice activated packaging ? and Cost to implement this system including return on investment

The finished Assignment should be a 6?8 page paper, excluding the title page and references. The nursing problem and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.
Before you finalize your work, you should:
? be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
? consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary;
? utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and
? access information regarding APA citation information Your writing Assignment should:
? follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
? be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
? display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
? use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources including:
? 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font
? use of in-text citations
? reference page

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