Cognitive Theory Essays Prompts

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This paper is to offer a substantial review of 10 classic social psychology experiments (listed below). Each of the 10 studies is to be summarized and related to theory, hypothesis, or topic area (or combination of). The conclusion section is to offer a common thread that appears to tie all the studies together. Close with an explanation of what you learned about social psychology from these studies. The paper is to be formatted in APA 6th edition style including an abstract.

The 10 studies correspond to the following website which briefly summarizes each study:

1. The Halo Effect
2. Cognitive Dissonance
3. Sherifs? Robber?s Cave Experiment
4. The Stanford Prison Experiment
5. Stanley Milgram?s Obedience Experiment
6. The False Consensus Bias
7. Social Identity Theory
8. Bargaining
9. Bystander Apathy
10. Conformity

I have submitted between one and three reference sources per study (totaling 18 articles). The studies with 3 sources have a clear linkage to the others, particularly studies 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, & 10. The other studies (1, 2, 6, and 8) are no less significant, and cognitive dissonance is perhaps the most notable of all in social psychology.


I need a (2) page essay, please read instructions below and please contact me if you have any questions. A grading rubric will be attached.
A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people learn. There are three main philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism. You will create your own learning theories paper, by selecting one theory that you may have learned about in this class, and discussing how this theory impacts the student, cognitively, emotionally, and environmentally, in the classroom.

Please answer each question with one page answers, each page should be in APA format with 2 references per page (question)with references listed at the end of each question. If possible please use the following book as a reference for every question.: Blanchard, N.P., & Thacker, J. (2010). Effective training, systems, strategies and practices (Custom 4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Other references are your choice and may be used more than once for listed questions.

1. Name and briefly describe the three components to organization structure that are discussed in the text.
a. Organizational Design
b. Decision Autonomy
c. Division of Labor

2. Describe how the model of training processes serves as a problem solving tool. Include a brief explanation of each of the five phases. (needs analysis phase, design phase, development phase, implementation phase, and evaluation phase)

3. Explain Social Learning Theory.

4. Two definitions of learning were presented in the text, one was behavioral and one was cognitive. Explain each and indicate the major difference between the these definitions and what the training implications of each are.

5. Discuss the proactive approach and the reactive approach to TNA.

6. Compare reliability and validity.

7. What type of learning style best describes you and how does it help you learn? Is it possible to learn when being instructed in your non-preferred learning style?

8. What is a sit in and what are the conditions necessary for it to be effective?

9. What are some points that should be taken into consideration when selecting an IM training program?

10. Define a role play and in doing so, be sure to identify and explain the five different types of role play.

11. What is transfer of training and what are the factors that impact transfer of training?

12. List and give a short explanation of three of the techniques discussed by the authors for maintaining interest in training.

13. Describe the cost benefit evaluation and cost effectiveness evaluation methods of evaluation whether training was worth it.

14. Describe the three kinds of knowledge that can be evaluated in training and how they can be measured.

15. What is the value of orientation training? How can you make sure it is effective?

16. List three reasons, and a short explanation of each, why management development is an important focus.

Attitude Change and Persuasion

Singapore's total fertility rate has fallen to a record low; from 1.28 in 2008 to 1.22 in
2009 and 1.16 in 2010. This problem is evident across all three major ethnic groups
in Singapore. It could be traced to people postponing marriage or not getting
married at all. Those who are married also do not have many children.
To solve the problem, the Singapore government is considering new measures to
encourage marriage and procreation. The government may provide incentives for
marriage such as a 50% subsidy for the purchase of HDB flats and a 50% income tax
reduction. To encourage procreation, it may provide free medical services at
government hospitals for child birth, S$10,000 for every child born to a married
couple in Singapore to help with the cost of raising a child, and a 100% subsidy for
the basic education (primary and secondary schools) of the children. The
government may also use sanctions to increase the income tax among the
unmarried working adults as well as increase the restrictions on the purchase of a
HDB flat.

Ramesh, S. (Jan 18, 2011). ?MM Lee weighs in on Singapore?s record?low fertility rate?.

Retrieved from:

a. Draw from the theory of psychological reactance and overjustification effect to
explain how the above approaches to change behaviour among Singaporeans
are unlikely to have the resulting effect on attitude change.
(400 words)

b. Apply the theory of cognitive dissonance to show how attitude change may
occur. Discuss the effects of insufficient justification and a large incentive, and
effort justification.
(700 words)

Walt Disney Personality Analysis

Your topic: You are to select a fictional character from a television show, movie, book, etc. or a real life individual and explain the individual's "personality" using two (2) contrasting personality theories discussed in this course.

I chose Walt Disney as my subject. His life needs to be described using two personality theories ie cognitive and behavioral are examples.

Your final paper should be between 15 and 20 pages, not including the cover page, abstract, text, and references.

Learning Goals
1. Understand the multiple facets of child development: physical, cognitive, personality, moral, social-emotional, identity, and spiritual development.
2. Understand stage theory, developmental norms, and critical periods.
3. Be familiar with the history and changing perspectives in the field of child development.
4. Understand and be conversant in the important issues in child development, such as health, nutrition, parenting, caretaking, schooling, resilience, gender, and cultural and ethnic diversity.
5. Become familiar with current research and controversies in the field.

Overview Paper
For the Overview, my goal is to:
? Critically analyze the history of this field.
? Comparing and contrasting theories of child development.

Dependent on the availability of the reading materials, below is the list of resources for possible readings:

Cohen, D. Observing and recording the behavior of young children 4th ed. New York: Teachers College Press.

Crain, W. D. (1999). Theories of development: Concepts and applications 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:: Prentice Hall College Division.

Gesell, A., & Ilg, F.L. (1949). Child development: An introduction to the study of human growth. New York: Harper & Row.

Junn, E.N., & Boyatzis, C.J. (Ed.s). (2000). Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development 00/01. New YorK: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Lefrancois, G. (2000). Of children (9th ed.). Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth.

Lefrancois, G. (1999). Psychology for Teaching (10th ed.). Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth.

Shaffer, D. R. ( 1999 ). Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence 5th Ed.

Ulijasjek, S., Johnson, F., and Preece, M. (ed.s). (1998). Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Wood, C. (1997). Yardsticks: Yardsticks : Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14 : A Resource for Parents and Teachers. Greenfield, MA: Northeast Foundation for Children.
Practical, useful, well-organized resource.

Infancy and Early Childhood

Ainsworth, M. D., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E., & Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bowlby, J. (1990). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human
development. New York: Basic Books.

Brazelton, T. B., & Greenspan, S. I. (2000). The Irreducible Needs of Children: What
Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish. Cambridge, MA: Perseus.

Carlsson-Paige, N., & Levin, D. E. (1987). The war play dilemma. New York: Teachers College Press.

Dunn, J. (1988). The beginnings of social understanding. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Montessori, M. (1967). The absorbent mind 6th Ed.(Claude A. Claremont, Trans.). Madras, India: Kalakshetra Publications. (Original work published in 1949)
Montessoris theory of stages, including psychological, language, and physical development .

Brain and Neurological Development

Eliot, L. (1999). What's Going on in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. New York: Bantam.

LeDoux, J. (1996). The emotional brain. New York: Touchstone.
Makes brain functions understandable with conversational language and simple diagrams.

Shonkoff, J. P. & Phillips, D. A. (Ed.s). (2000). From Neurons to Neighborhoods : The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington DC: National Academy Press.

Cognitive Development

Damon, W. & Hart, D. 1(988). Self Understanding in Childhood and Adolescence.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children. New York: International
Universities Press.

Piaget, J. (1970). Genetic Epistemology. New York: W.W. Norton

Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969). The psychology of the child. New York: Basic Books.


Azibo, D. (1996). African psychology in historical perspective. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Edited volume of chapters by Akbar, Phillips, Stewart, Carruthers, and others. Highly recommended.

Gardiner, H.W., Mutter, J. D., & Kosmitzki, C. (1997). Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Cross-cultural perspectives on development: physical, cognitive, personality, and gender.

Shujaa, M.J.(1995). Too much schooling, too little education; a paradox of black life in white societies. Trenton, NJ Africa World Press

Suarez-Orozco, C., & Suarez-Orozco,, M.M. (2001). Children of Immigration (The
Developing Child). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Tatum, B.D. (1999). Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?: And other conversations about race. New York: Basic Books.


Barnett, W. S. (1996). Lives in the balance: Age-27 benefit-cost analysis of the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program (Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 11). Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope Press.

Elkind, D. 1993. Images of the young child: collected essays on development and education. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Essays by the author of The Hurried Child.

Hohmann, M. & Weikar, D. P. (1995). Educating Young Children: Active Learning Practices forPreschool and Child Care Programs. Ypsilanti, MI: High Scope Press.

Kamii, C. 1982. Number in Preschool and Kindergarten: Educational Implications of Piaget's Theory. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Applying theory to practice.


Cabrera, N. J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Bradley, R. H., Hofferth, S. & Lamb, M. E. (2000). Fatherhood in the twenty-first century. Child Development, 71, 127-136.

Cline, F., & Fay, J. (1990). Parenting with Love and Logic. Colorado: Pinon Press.

Fine, M. J., & Carlson, C. (Eds.). (1992). The handbook of family-school intervention: A systems perspective. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Lamb, M.E. (Ed.). (1997). The role of the father in child development 3rd ed. New York: Wiley.

Parke, Ross D. Fatherhood. (1996). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Garbarino, J. (1999). Lost boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save them.
New York: The Free Press.

Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and womens
development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard, MA.

Kindlon, D., & Thompson, M. (1999). Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of
boys. New York: Ballantine.

MacCoby, E.E. (1999). The Two Sexes : Growing Up Apart, Coming Together. :Belknap.

Language Development

Bloom, P. (2000). How Children Learn the Meanings of Words (Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change). Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

De Boysson-Bardies, B. (1999). How Language Comes to Children: From Birth to Two Years. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.M. B. DeBevoise, Translator.

Moral Development

Damon, W. (1989). The moral child: Nurturing children's natural moral growth. New
York: The Free Press.

Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's
development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gilligan, C., & Wiggins, G. (1988). The origins of morality in early childhood
relationships. In C. Gilligan, J. V. Ward, & J. M. Taylor (Ed.s), Mapping the moral
domain. Cambridge, MA: Harvard.

Physical Development

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NICHD

Tamborlane, W. V. (Ed.). (1997). The Yale guide to childrens nutrition. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Spock, B. (1946). Baby and child care. New York: Pocket Books.


Brooks, R.B. (1994). Children at risk: Fostering resilience and hope. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 64, 545-553.

Emery, R. E., & Forehand, R. (1996). Parental divorce and childrens well-being: A focus on resilience. In R. J. Haggrty, L. R. Sherrod, N. Garmezy, & M. Rutter (Ed.s). Stress, risk and resilience in children and adolescents: Processes, mechanisms, and interventions (pp. 64-99).

Neighbors, B.; Forehand, R.; & McVicar, D. (1993). Resilient adolescents and
interpersonal conflict. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63, 462-471.

Werner, E. E. (1989). High-risk children in young adulthood: A longitudinal study from birth to 32 years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59, 72-81.

Werner, E. E., & Smith, R.S. (1992). Overcoming the odds: High risk children from birth to adulthood. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Social and Emotional Development

Bandura, A. (1967). The role of modeling processes in personality development. In W. W. Hartup & N. L. Smothergill (Ed.s). The young child: Reviews of research (pp. 42- 67). Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Erikson, E. H. (1963). Childhood and society (2nd ed.). New York: Norton.

Erikson, E. H. (1980). Identity and the life cycle (2d ed.). New York: Norton.

Freud, S. (1949). An outline of psychoanalysis (J. Strachey, Trans.). New York: W. W. Norton. (Original work published in 1940)

Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Lefkowitz, M. M., Eron, L. D., Walder, L. O., & Huesmann, L. R. (1977). Growing up to
be violent: A longitudinal study of the development of aggression. NY: Pergamon

Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

My book that I used for my class was called "Adult Learning and Development:Perspectives From Educational Psychology". The book was edited by M Cecil Smith and Thomas Pourchot. The class was an overview of contemporary cognitive psychology.

Will this term paper be one that has never been written before?

paper format: section 1: introduction to the paper
2: review of literature- what does the research say about the topic with at least 2 research articles
3: review of theorists- who has an opinion and they theorized
4: application- what is your analysis of the literature and theories? how does this relate to your life?
5: conclusion

Please number the questions/responses

Short Essays (50-150 word responses required)
1. What is the correspondence bias and why might it occur? Are there cultural variations in the correspondence bias?
2. Non-verbal behaviors can be used to serve many functions in communication. Discuss two functions of non-verbal communication, and include two distinct non-verbal behaviors in your discussion.
3. What is self-awareness and what are the possible consequences of self-awareness?
4. What is self-perception theory and how do we use self-perception to increase our self-knowledge?
5. Isa believes herself to be a healthy person that would not do damage to herself. Yet, Isa smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. This situation should create dissonance. Define dissonance and indicate three ways that Isa could reduce dissonance in this situation. (3ways are discussed in uploaded resource Aronsons text pages 1 through 4 - citation listed below)
6. You decide to start a neighborhood watch program. You want the members to be devoted to the group, to attend meetings regularly, and to be involved. How could you employ strategies of effort justification and dissonance to increase devotion and involvement in the organization?
7. Fear-arousing messages can be persuasive. Discuss the circumstances that lead fear-arousing messages to be persuasive and give an example of a fear-arousing message.
8. Do subliminal messages work? Discuss the effects of subliminal messages in both in-laboratory studies and in real-world applications.

Expanded Essays (300-500 word responses required)
1. Summarize the results of the Festinger and Carlsmith experiment (this is the uploaded resource journal article - I listed the citation for you below). How do the dissonance theorists explain the findings? How do self-perception theorists explain the findings? What additional research findings have updated the traditional cognitive dissonance findings? What resolution exists between the cognitive dissonance theory and the self-perception theory?
2. Two theories are presented in the text to explain attitude change: the Yale approach to attitude change and the elaboration likelihood approach. Summarize the two approaches and compare and contrast the two approaches. Describe when people are more likely to be persuaded by each approach. (This is discussed in uploaded resource Aronsons text pages A through D - citation listed below)
3. What is the two-factor theory of emotion and how can it lead to a misattribution of arousal? Compare and contrast the two-factor theory of emotion to the appraisal theory of emotion.

Citation for uploaded journal article:
Festinger, L. & Carlsmith, J. M (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 203-210.

Citation for uploaded Aronsons Testbook:
Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2007). Social psychology. (Sixth ed.). Uppers Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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Case Study of Character in a movie.

This is assignment is to review the main character in the movie Little Miss Sunshine. I think it is the little girl Use a comprehensive theoretical analysis from the bio-psycho-social, social work perspective. Start the paper with a succinct sari description. The 2-3 page case description should describe the main character, his /her background and current situation focusing on limitations and difficulties as well as strengths in biological psychological and social functioning. This part needs to be 2 pages. Then A Critical Analysis using application of theory. Need to use 4 theories (1 from each of the following 4 categories.
1. Systems theory, Family systems, ecological Perspectives theory or Gamily Resilience. I would prefer the systems theory or Family Resiliency. Need only one from this section
2. Psychoanalytic Theory, Ego Psychology. Object Relations, or Attachment Theory
3Coginitive (Piaget), Moral Development Theory, Behavioral or Social Cognitive (Social Learning) Theories.
4. Empowerment, Strengths perspective, Conflict theory or Social Dominance. I would prefer the Strengths perspective or Empowerment out of this section.
I only need 2 pages for each theory.
Be specific about how the various theoretical concepts you have chosen are useful in your analysis supporting your. Thoughtfully eclectic understanding of this person case.

Then use three Literature Sources and these two sources
Inside Out an Outside in third edition
Contemporary Human Behavior theory

So the total of the paper should be 12 pages total. So approxiamtely 2 pages for each theory and the 2 pages from the Case Description.

Please make some APA mistakes as I am an A- or B+ student.

1. Psychiatric Disorders, Diseases, and Drugs

? Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper in APA format on the following psychological disorders. Describe the theories and research related to each disorder:
o Depression
o Mania
o Anxiety Disorder
o Tourette Syndrome
? Identify drugs that can remedy or lessen the effects of each disorder. Explain how these drugs work. What are the positive and negative effects associated with these drugs?
? Use a minimum of two outside resources other than the textbook.

Nursing Leadership One of the

The essay requires you to answer 5 questions on clinical leadership and to provide a reflective discussion on a case study.
The case study will be uploaded together with other resource files.
Use only the resource files provided for referencing.
Provide a brief introduction and conclusion (Approx.200 Words)

Part A:
You are required to address the following 5 questions and provide a rationale for each of them.

1- You are to describe what you believe to be is the definitive definition of leadership and discuss how it would be an ideal model of leadership for the clinical environment (approx. 300 words).

2- Explain 'cognitive dissonance' and why it may create conflict during a period of change. Discuss how an effective clinical leader might manage the conflict (approx. 300 words).

3- Define congruent leadership and discuss wether being a 'congruent leader' would make a person a better manager (approx. 300 words).

4- Discuss the following statement: Effective leaders facilitate creativity in those around them in order to motivate those people (approx 300 words).

5- Discuss why understanding organisational culture is an important part of facilitating change (approx.300 words).

Part B: Reflective activity on the case study (approx 700 words)

You are to provide a reflective discussion that includes:

*Provide the goal that was to be achieved (this can range from introducing a new evidence-based safety policy or providing nursing education)

*Discuss who the key members of the team were and identify your position within the team (I am student B in the case study).

*Reflectively discuss any positive or negatives involved with the event/experience in regards to leadership/teamwork and provide insight as to how this event/experience could have been improved.

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Compare and Contrast Piaget and Vygotsky. Explain in detail their theories on education. Also explain in detail how their theories have to do with math instruction. Use at least 4 sources and only 2 can be from the internet. Should have citation from all sources. I would say at least one from each source or one per page of the paper. This is for a masters class in teaching math general and special ed grades 1-6

Evaluate the historical, philosophical, and empirical foundations of the field of psychology, including the major tenets of PRE-modernism, modernism, and post-modernism and how they have helped shape important contemporary psychological theories and issues.

Incorporate explanations regarding the foundational philosophical assumptions and principles of the different psychological theories. The theories of Gestalt psychology, behaviorism, psychoanalysis and humanistic theory should be addressed.
Analyze the relevance of issues of diversity as they are related to the history of psychology. Particular emphasis should be placed on how diversity issues have been handled historically and how people from diverse backgrounds have struggled in gaining influence in the field of psychology
Illustrate the influence of at least one of the major theories addressed in this course (listed above) in the field of treating sexual offenders

Answer the following questions in regards to Cognitive Psychology. Each question should be about 1 and 1 /2 pages in length, the last question needs only to be 1 page, 5 questions to total 7 pages of material.

Answer each question separately, not necessay to write in essay format, just write with descriptive evidence, to the point. No need for citations, footnotes or a works cited throughout the answers or at the end of the paper, except for a reference for question #5. No title page necessary.

Answer each question separately, be sure to use academic and refereed material only, no internet sources or personal representations. Only documented material. Number each answer 1-5, leave one blank line between each answer.

Question 1: (1 1/2 pages). Describe the relationship between Behaviourism and Cognitive psychology as movements within the science of psychology in the last century. Is one better than the other? Why or why not? Compare and contrast.

Question 2: (1 1/2 pages). Describe the information-processing approach and its model (by Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968, 1971). You may use the graphical representation to aid in your answer, but do not include it in your analysis. What are the main assumptions and the limitations (or difficulties) derived from this approach?

Question 3: (1 1/2 pages). Discuss the following pattern recognition theories. What are the differences and similarities between Template matching theory, feature detection theory and Recognition by comonents theory? What are the advantages and limitations of Biederman's Object recognition process?

Question 4: (1 1/2 pages). there are many ways that we thing and talk about "attention". Compare and contrast Input Attention vs. Controlled Attention. Discuss the similarities, differences, is one better then the other?

Question 5: (1 page only). What is agnosia? Define the general term, then give an example of a specific kind of agnosia. Describe the symptoms and difficulties faced by a patient with that type of agnosia, the name given to that type of agnosia, and provide a reference (book, journal) to a case study of an individual with that type of agnosia. What does this type of agnosia tell us about cognitive processing?

Assignment Criteria

Research Paper:
You will be assigned a broad topic related to early childhood education and a date for presenting your research in class.

The paper will use primary sources and will be scholarly. It is to be at least twenty (20) pages long, excluding bibliography pages. Articles must be peer reviewed, research based. At least 10 articles must be no older than 5 years old.

The paper will include:
a. A summary of:
the major theories which influence your topic.
Issues related to the topic.
b. A summary of the research in this area.
c. A review of at least 10 research articles published within the last five years pertinent to your topic.
d. Critical analysis of research in relation to your topic.
e. Analysis including proposals for new explanations, new directions for research, or suggestions for reasonable application to early childhood classrooms.
f. Must be typewritten.
g. Use APA style for formatting and referencing.
h. Use of no fewer than twenty pertinent sources.

Evaluation will be based on:
a. Conformity to above criteria.
b. Choice of topic.
c. Clarity in defining problem you are addressing in your topic.
d. Adequate and accurate coverage of the theory and topic - generally 20 - 30 pages long.
e. Synthesizing the research as a whole as well as individually.
f. Connections made between societal influences, research and early childhood education.
g. Depth and originality of ideas in your discussion and analysis.
h. Organization.
g. Quality of writing, including grammar, spelling and appropriate sentence structure. The paper is expected to have the same attention to detail consistent with all graduate students.

At any time, you may request to share your paper with the class and receive peer feedback. The instructor reserves the right to limit time spent in this activity or to call for drafts to be reviewed.

Your presentation will be based on your research.

a. A typewritten outline for the instructor.
b. A summary of your research.
c. Handouts for other class members.
d. Audiovisual materials.

Be sure to keep to the 10 minute time limit.

Presentation (20 points)

A typewritten outline for the instructor:
Yes .5pt
Typewritten .5pt
Thorough .5pt
Written as presented .5pt

A summary of your research
major theories 1-2pts
legislation 1-2pts
relevant research 1-2pts

Critical analysis
research 1-2pts
legislation 1-2pts

Analysis 1-2pts
new directions for research 1pt
impact on children and education 1pt

Handouts 1-2pts

Audiovisual materials 1pt

Kept within time limits 1pt


Extra Credit for innovative and interesting presentation
(Power point does not count here)

Research Paper (30pts)
Topic for review related to early childhood
education and legislation 0-2 pts
Clarity in defining problem 1pt
Coverage of the theory and topic
Adequate 0-2pts accurate 0-2pts
Synthesizes the research
holistically 1pt individually 1pt Connections 1pts
A summary of your research
major theories 0-2pts
legislation 0-2pts
relevant research 0-2pts
10 research articles 1pts
published within
the last five years 1pt
Critical analysis
research 0-2pts
applications 0-2pts
Analysis 0-2pts
new directions for research 1pt
impact on children and education 1pt
depth and originality of ideas 2pts
APA style for formatting and referencing 1pt
Twenty pertinent sources or more 1pt
Lack of quality of writing- Subtract up to 10 points ___
Includes writing style
Punctuation Total ________/30______
Typewritten Yes - grade is given No - no grade is given

Don't have number of sources.

1st Request,

Question. - Heure's description and pervasiveness of mindsets and cognitive biases, can analysis really be improved? (Richard Heuer, "Psychology of Intelligence Analysis), - 12 size, Times New Roman font. Double-spaced. up to 1000 words (3pages). Footnote.
2nd request,
Topic - Chinese view of Future conflicts - Economic, political, and Military.
Outline one page. 12 Point, Times New Roman font. Single or Double spaced.
3rd request.
Topic - How will potential adversaries (State, Non-state) adjust their theories of conflict based on obervations of OIF (Operation Iraq Freedom)/or OEF(operation Enduring Freedom). Outline answer using the domains of conflict (Physical, Cognitive, Information)
2 pages. 12 pint, Times New Roman Font, Double spaced.
4th request.
Topic - Using the domains of conflict (Physical, Cognitive, Information), Explain why terrorism works or does not work/ give example.
2 pages. 12 pint, Times New Roman Font, Double spaced.
These are needed by NLT Monday, Oct. 29, 9:00PM.

Book for module is Geldard & Geldard, 3rd ed 2008

A reflective essay is required. This will include a presenting problem such as alcohol or drug abuse. This will be relevant to an adolescent client. Including how this may reflect on your own history and how this may influence your attitude and approach to working with this client.

2-3 theories only
compare and contrast
choose similair theories
CBT is one to use-NO psycodynamic theories please
ethical issues to be established
Evidence is required, e.g. in support of!

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Compare and critically evaluate Maslows Humanistic-Existential model and Cognitive Behavioural model in relation to counselling practice.

Discuss the origins, similarities and differnces in the underlying assumptions and the nature of the therapeutic relationship between the two approaches.

Should be formatted in strict APA 5th edition style: 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, double spaced, reference page, etc.

A brief introduction/overview to the topic of Transformational Learning theory in the context of adult learning. 1 pg.

Then a historical grounding of the topic should be included and developed. (J. Mezirow was the leading founder of the theory, and should be cited/given credit accordingly) Then explore what is has become now. 3-4 pgs.

There are 4 perspectives through which the theory can be viewed - Mezirow's cognitive-rational approach, Paolo Freire's focus is social justice oriented, the developmental approach taken by Daloz, and the spirituality-learning link developed by Dirkx and Healy. 1-2 pgs.

What's considered (experience, critical reflection, development) and what's not considered (context, rationality, social action) in the theory? 1 pg.

Take a position, is the theory applicable and beneficial in Higher education (post-secondary -- college & university)? Support it with literature citations. 1 pg.

Summary conclusion. 1/2 pg.

An excellent journal to find articles on this topic is Adult Education Quarterly. Please have at least 3 references from this journal.

Others are Update on Adult Learning Theory (1993) and The New Update on Adult Learning Theory (2001). They are both short volumes in the New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education series. They were both published by Jossey-Bass and the articles in each should be available online.

This is the 3rd section to a 3 part(section) paper. PLEASE CITE(in-text citation) in every paragraph. The first two sections of the paper I will be sending as resources, plus the LITERATURE REVIEW ASSIGNMENT PAPER WITH THE GUIDELINES THAT SHOWS SECTION 3:INTERVENTION AND ALL THAT FOLLOWS SECTION THREE NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE. BUT DO NOT COMPLETE paper until you read the last two papers with section one and section two, section three is a continuance of the last two section papers.


Remember only section 3 needs to be complete:Intervention; Intervention Description, Theory of Change,Analysis of the Empirical literature on Intervention, and summary.
There are faxes for this order.

Observation Requirements You will write up a description of the observation (TOTAL PAPER
You must be able to observe cognitive, social, fine motor, and gross motor skills.
Your observation may not include any inferences. (For example, She made a face at her mother because she was mad.) ?Because she was mad? is an inference. She may have made the face because she did not like green beans, or for any other number of reasons.
You will lose points for grammatical errors.
Keep yourself out of the interview.
This means you should have no personal pronouns in your paper.
At no time should you interact with the child you are observing.
Theory Select one of the following theories and apply your observation to that theory: psychoanalytic, behavioral, social learning, cognitive, sociocultural, or epigenetic.
Write a short paragraph demonstrating how some of the things you observed apply to that theory.
Hints One task may fall into more than one category.
Be sure that you have listed it in all that apply.
Keep your task statements consistent. If you decide to use full sentences, do so throughout the observation.
Keep your verb tenses consistent.
Keep yourself out of the observation. Do not use any personal pronouns.

Event of Fisher's Life

This paper is based on -

Fisher, Antwone Quenton (2001). Finding fish: a memoir. New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. ISBN: 0-688-17699-2

A. Multi-theory analysis of Fisher Paper: This paper is a major writing assignment that synthesizes the various theories that we have studied and discussed this semester. The primary goal is to demonstrate the ability to assess from several theoretical perspectives, describing key events within his life as seen through each theoretical lens, and connect intervention choices to a theory-driven plan. The paper will describe the key events in the author?s life story. A table will be included with columns for six theories and rows for six key events in the author?s life. (You can make the font smaller for your table, but please do NOT make the table landscape.) For example, a key event in Fisher?s story is the onset of sexual abuse. How would that event be interpreted from a system theory perspective? A cognitive/behavioral lens? A conflict theory lens? A resilience theory lens? A crisis theory lens? A strengths theory lens? We review 19 theories so you should select 6 theories that are diverse enough to show a range of lens. Therefore as you are reading the autobiography, you should pay particular attention to key events, how the context of the events could be seen from different theoretical views. The paper should be in Word format and, though length is flexible to what you need to clearly and thoroughly accomplish the assignment, the paper should be around 8-10 pages in length, correctly formatted grammatically and using the latest APA format, and should have headings that describe each gradable issue.
The paper outline should be as follows:
I. Discussion of the book?s key events in the life so far of the author.
II. Table for author with rows of key events and columns for six theories. Each column will then succinctly describe the theoretical explanation for the key event (i.e. sexual abuse row then explains the event from a system theory column, from a crisis theory column).
III. Discussion of the usefulness or difficulties with applying some of the theories to understanding what the author is going through. Remember to incorporate the readings as appropriate to make your case. The purpose of this section is to synthesize the readings and discussions in class with the life stories while keeping an observer role as you observe how well the theories fit the effort to explain the life events. I fully expect that you will find that some events lend themselves more to one theory than another. Be careful to watch for your own bias as to which theory you prefer or know best.
IV. Pick a theory or set of theories and describe a theory-informed intervention for a key event of your choice for the author. Outline how the theory informs your specific interventions that you would use to help the author to navigate effectively through the event.



Let me know if you have any questions! I can respond pretty quickly to emails.


Behavioral Changes and Learning

1. Provide a basic orientation to the theory (domain(s) covered, principles)

2. Describe how the theory explains human development

3. Reflect on how the theory would answer the fundamental questions about human nature, including:
-Is human development continuous or discontinuous?
-Is there one course of development or many?
-Are people shaped more by nature or nurture?
-Can people really change who they are?
-What motivates people to act as they do (thinking, behaving, or feeling)?
-Are people basically good or basically selfish?
-Finally, identify some limitations & suggest some changes

*Use headings and subheadings (when needed)

This a copy of the assignment and documentary of Lamanda.

For this assignment, you are going to read a documentary about Lamanda, who is an adult woman who could be diagnosed with depression. Many factors have contributed to the development of this abnormal disorder. Your task is to identify twelve factors that you believe may have contributed to Lamandas current state of being and apply them to the current psychological perspectives.

For each perspective listed below, you will

include two factors (red flag, building block, etc.) from Lamandas life that would be relevant or of interest to a person subscribing to that perspective and explain how or why that factor illustrates the perspective; in other words, I am requiring that you identify key concepts from each perspective and explain why the concepts fit within the theory
explain why each concept could potentially identify a cause of Lamandas disorders
use appropriate psychological and theoretical terminology

Since Lamandas history is not completely described, you may have to fill in the gaps. For example, not much information is shared about Lamandas relationship with her parents. If you believe that these relationships could have impacted her behavior in some way, you may have to assume certain aspects of that relationship. If you need to assume details about any hypothesized factor, make sure that you identify in your paper that these are assumptions.

You must provide enough detail for your explanations so that I can determine that you understand the differences among the perspectives and understand your logic for the reasons that the anxiety and depression may have developed. For example, if you want to state that under the psychoanalytic perspective Lamandas parents influenced her destructive behavior, you would have to discuss either the role in the Electra conflict, repressed feelings, or impact on his fixation in a psychosexual stage of development or some other specific concept. Points will be deducted from your paper if concepts are not identified within your explanation. These identified concepts help demonstrate that you understand the differences among the theories. Without specific information or concepts, the impact of Lamandas parents can fit under the psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic, biological and even sociocultural perspectives.

Current perspectives (use each perspective, describing 2 concepts within each, 5 points per concept):







After you have completed this portion of the assignment, explain the complexity of human behavior and how one factor alone probably could not account for any behavior. (2 points)

To earn all five points for a concept (remember that you will identify and apply 12 different concepts), you must have included or addressed the following:

relevant concept for the respective perspective (1 point present, 0 points absent)

clear and accurate explanation of the concept (1 point present, 0 points absent)

explanation distinguishes this concept/perspective from the other five perspectives (1 point present, 0 points absent)

logical explanation of how the concept could help understand the respective behavior (in this case, Lamandas mental illness) (1 point present, 0 points absent)

use of appropriate terminology within the explanation (1 point present, 0 points absent)

To earn both points for the human complexity explanation, you must include the following:

ideas must be thoroughly explained (1 point present, 0 points absent)

explanation of eclectic approach (1 point present, 0 points absent)

Grammar This paper needs to be typed and double-spaced. Proofread your paper before submitting it (3 points). To earn:

3 points - few (2 or less) errors in grammar, punctuation, organization, and formatting

2 points - some (3 - 5 errors) errors in grammar, punctuation, organization, and formatting

1 point - many (6 or more) errors in grammar, punctuation, organization, and formatting


Lamanda is a 22 year old woman who has recently graduated from Ohio State University with a psychology degree. She is currently working as a waitress at a popular restaurant near campus, and says she has always planned to attend law school.

Lamanda was born in Detroit, Michigan. Her mother is an African American who is an assistant manager at a grocery store. Her father is Caucasian and works at a department store. Lamanda reports that she was a shy, unattractive child, but that in general her early childhood was "pretty happy." Lamanda says that during elementary school, she was constantly harassed by classmates about being of mixed race. Still, she says that she felt very close to her family during this period. She says she feels especially close to her mother, though she typically approaches her father "when I have a big problem."

When Lamanda was 14, her family moved to Royal Oak, a working class suburb outside of Detroit. At about this time, Lamanda began to blossom intellectually. Her grades were consistently very good, and she was a member of the National Honor Society. She says she remembers this as the happiest period of her life. Lamanda also bloomed physically. She became popular with boys, although she reports frequent anxiety when she was unsure of how to deal with their advances. Lamanda was especially distressed by some strong sexual advances from her 47 year old softball coach during her sophomore year of high school. Lamanda insists, however, that this "incident" is in the past and that she has not thought about it for years.

Throughout high school, Lamanda concealed her mixed heritage from her classmates by not inviting friends over to her home. She admits that she is embarrassed by this, and she suspects that her parents realized what she was doing. She now insists that "I am not black or white, I am me."

During her junior year of high school, Lamanda had her first serious boyfriend, Morris Silverstein, who was a high school classmate. She describes the relationship as warm and supportive and they became sexually active during her senior year of high school. She describes the sex as "good, considering our age." Morris was accepting of Lamanda's ethnic heritage, and became good friends with Lamanda's father. Like many young people, Lamanda seldom discussed sexual or romantic issues with her parents, preferring to keep her parents out of her personal life.

Morris broke up with Lamanda during her freshman year of college explaining that he wanted to be able to date other people. Lamanda says she coped with the break up "pretty well" and she and Morris have remained good friends. In college, Lamanda has dated sporadically and she acknowledges some bisexual experimentation. Lamanda says that she prefers heterosexual relationships, however. She has been dating Brett for more than a year, but she says that he seems to be less committed to the relationship than he used to be. Although he seems to be making an effort to be supportive, Lamanda reports that he tries to be positive but always ends up criticizing her.

Although Lamanda appears to be a natural athlete, she leads a relatively sedentary lifestyle. She was the star pitcher for her high school softball team, although she quit abruptly during her junior year. Last year, she joined a recreational softball league, but she quit after only a few weeks, explaining that she was just not enjoying herself.

Lamanda does not like her job at the restaurant, but seems unwilling to look for other employment. She says that she feels "very jittery" whenever she gets ready for work, and she uses any excuse to take days off. She also refuses to associate with fellow employees, and reports getting very anxious when shewas given a surprise birthday party.

Lamanda works the evening shift, and she often does not get home until 3am. In turn, she routinely sleeps in until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Recently, she has lost interest in cleaning her house and seldom cooks for herself. She also attends less to her personal grooming. She now avoids seeing both Morris and her parents, fearing that that they will disapprove of her. She also says she has lost interest in further education.

About two months ago, Lamanda became friends with a social worker who frequents the restaurant. After a protracted conversation, he recommended that she seek professional assistance.

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Event of Fisher's Life

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Behavioral Changes and Learning

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