25+ documents containing “Business Structure”.
In particular, we know that McDonald's is a franchisor that has franchisees. And we know that each franchise can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. In a 4-5 page paper you are to make a case for a franchisee to utilize one of these structures at the expense of the others.
Assignment expectations:
Identify and distinguish between the various business structures
Choose one structure and explain why it is the better option
Helpful Hints
If you have not done so already, read, examine, and evaluate the background information. And using the internet and your cyber-library, read, examine, and evaluate any other information you might find that is relevant to the case you will develop.
Thinking in terms of McDonalds and what it offers is one approach. The other approach is to think in terms of how franchises are structured. Make sure to conduct in-depth searches of sites discussing franchises.
John and Fred are good friends. John is a lawyer and Fred is an accountant. They have
known each other for several years and recently decided to commence a business venture
...together. Fred and John have both had a long interest in picture framing and have seen a
site in Surry Hills which is suitable for such a shop.
John and Fred have made an appointment to see you about obtaining some advice as to
how to set up their new venture. You are requested by your manager to interview the two
men and prepare a letter of advice that addresses the type of business structure that would
be appropriate and any duties that John and Fred may be exposed to depending on the type
of business structure selected. You should consider and examine the relative complexity,
flexibility, aspects of liability and suitability for financing purposes for each particular
structure contemplated.
Business structure could be "Partnership", "Companies", "Joint Venture", "Associates" or "Trust" etc.
Please specify why and how this business structure suitable for this case. Why the others are not suitable?
Apply the principle of Corporation Law to this case, specifically in Australian Corporation Law
critical thinking of partnership,
additional Resources
Corporation Act 2001 online: (http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ComLaw/Legislation/ActCompilation1.nsf/0/CA1F0F9868473141C
A256FB9002CA4B2/$file/Corps2001Vol1WD02.pdf) more
Watch the "Your Business Structure" and "Corporate Business Structures" videos on the Electronics Reserve Readings page. Access UoP instructions
Identify the different business structures.
Write a 550 word explanation of how each business structure might and might not be advantageous.
Use Headers to explain EACH point
Use ONLY current tense, no past tense allowed. Eg do not write sally walked to store. Have to re-write it to say sally walks to store. Failure to do so is an automatic request for a re-write
Use page numbers for in-text citations
Have a reference page that is up to date with APA 2013
1 page outline, including a thesis statement of the ramifications and application of business structure and ethics in organizational behavior that will impact businesses in the next ten years.
We request for a different writer or a totally different paper to order #A2092435. This is for the same professor.
John and Fred are good friends. John is a lawyer and Fre...d is an accountant. They have
known each other for several years and recently decided to commence a business venture
together. Fred and John have both had a long interest in picture framing and have seen a
site in Surry Hills which is suitable for such a shop.
John and Fred have made an appointment to see you about obtaining some advice as to
how to set up their new venture. You are requested by your manager to interview the two
men and prepare a letter of advice that addresses the type of business structure that would
be appropriate and any duties that John and Fred may be exposed to depending on the type
of business structure selected. You should consider and examine the relative complexity,
flexibility, aspects of liability and suitability for financing purposes for each particular
structure contemplated.
Business structure could be "Partnership", "Companies", "Joint Venture", "Associates" or "Trust" etc.
Please specify why and how this business structure suitable for this case. Why the others are not suitable?
Apply the principle of Corporation Law to this case, specifically in Australian Corporation Law
critical thinking of partnership,
additional Resources
Corporation Act 2001 online: (http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ComLaw/Legislation/ActCompilation1.nsf/0/CA1F0F9868473141C
A256FB9002CA4B2/$file/Corps2001Vol1WD02.pdf) more
ovative Business
Due Week 4 and worth 260 points
Go to the Wall Street Journal?s Website and read ?And the Most Innovative Entrepreneur Is...?,?located here. After reading the article, co...nceive an innovative idea for a new product or service. Imagine that you are going to start a business that offers that product or service.?
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Briefly describe your innovative idea.Determine the business structure that would be the best choice for your venture. Support your decision.Create an outline of the stages in the entrepreneurial process that you would need to follow when starting this business. Determine the resources and tools you would need to be successful at each stage.Determine the market for your innovative idea. Include details on regarding your potential customers, the predicted size of the market, and the competitors that already exist in the marketplace.Create an action plan that describes how you would overcome any foreseen barriers to your venture?s success.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the stages in the entrepreneurial process.Examine the process of innovating and developing ideas and business opportunities.Analyze different innovative business models to determine the best model for a specific venture.Analyze the market, customers, and competition of entrepreneurs.Examine the process of developing a business plan and setting up the company.Use technology and information resources to research issues in entrepreneurship.Write clearly and concisely about entrepreneurship using proper writing mechanics. more
Go to the Wall Street Journal?s Website and read ?And the Most Innovative Entrepreneur Is...?, located here. After reading the article, conceive an innovative idea for a new product or service. Imagin...e that you are going to start a business that offers that product or service.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Briefly describe your innovative idea.
Determine the business structure that would be the best choice for your venture. Support your decision.
Create an outline of the stages in the entrepreneurial process that you would need to follow when starting this business. Determine the resources and tools you would need to be successful at each stage.
Determine the market for your innovative idea. Include details on regarding your potential customers, the predicted size of the market, and the competitors that already exist in the marketplace.
Create an action plan that describes how you would overcome any foreseen barriers to your venture?s success.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the stages in the entrepreneurial process.
Examine the process of innovating and developing ideas and business opportunities.
Analyze different innovative business models to determine the best model for a specific venture.
Analyze the market, customers, and competition of entrepreneurs.
Examine the process of developing a business plan and setting up the company.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in entrepreneurship.
Write clearly and concisely about entrepreneurship using proper writing mechanics. more
Assignment 2: Successfully Funding Your Business Venture
Due Week 8 and worth 280 points
For Assignment 1, you imagined that you were going to start a company that offered an innovative p...roduct or service. In Assignment 1 you also determined the business structure you would use for that venture. For this assignment, you can use that same idea and structure or imagine different ones. Use the Internet and the Strayer Online Library to locate any additional information needed to complete this assignment.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Determine the steps you would need to take to officially establish your company with the business structure that you feel is most appropriate. For each of those steps, be sure to include specifics that are relevant to your market and geographic area.
Examine at least three (3) funding sources that might be appropriate for your business. Describe what those sources of capital are, and explain the pros and cons of each.?
Select the funding source that you believe to be the best fit for your business and explain why.
Determine the form(s) of intellectual property that you will have to protect when starting your business. Develop a plan to protect these intellectual properties.?
Choose one (1) of the following approaches: Assume you decide to revamp your product or service so that it is completely virtual / online and concentrates on fulfilling a social need. Propose two (2) ways that you would need to alter your preferred funding sources and explain why. Determine whether you would or would not have additional forms of intellectual property to protect. Support your decision. Or If your initial business product or service was already completely online and geared toward social entrepreneurship, determine ways that you might need to revise your funding and protection of intellectual property had your company not been rooted in social entrepreneurship and had a physical location.
Imagine that you established your initial idea for a company and have been successfully operating for five years (5). Describe how your hypothetical need for capital changed over the years. Determine which sources of funding would be the most appropriate if you wanted to raise capital to expand your hypothetical business. Examine how, if at all, those funding sources might have differed from those needed in early stage funding.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Examine the process of developing a business plan and setting up the company.
Analyze money sources for finding and managing funds.
Compare the different forms of intellectual property and how they differ.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in entrepreneurship.
Write clearly and concisely about entrepreneurship using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric found here. more
Can you please treat these as three different papers?
It is suggested that the organization or company you choose for this assignment should be one in which you have easy access to the non-pr...oprietary information that you will be asked to cover in your paper or presentation.
Please answer the following questions:
What is the name of (the division of) the organization or company you have chosen to audit?
In three pages:
Identify and discuss a contract or agreement entered into by the company you have chosen to study in Bus205. Be sure to include all contract elements in the discussion.
Note that since the firm you are auditing might have more than one division and that these divisions encompass different products (goods and/or services), you should limit your analysis to only one of the markets in which your firm operates.
In three Pages:
Discuss the business structure of the company or organization you have chosen to audit.
In three Pages:
Share with your instructor a 'blank' contract that the company you are auditing uses. Then, indicate if the contract comes under the jurisdiction of article 2 of the UCC. Defend your position that it does or does not come under that jurisdiction.
If you do not have access to a 'blank' contract, 'pretend' that you are a vendor (seller) to Uhaul. Indicate if the following contract comes under the jurisdiction of article 2 of the UCC? http://www.uhaul.com/purchasing/contract.pdf.
Defend your position that it does or does not come under that jurisdiction.
In Three Pages:
Identify and discuss, with as much detail as possible, a transaction or business arrangement in which your organization is and/or was involved that may have been potentially in violation of antitrust laws.
In Three Pages:
Your company has exhausted all debt financing options and is now considering bankruptcy. After researching the various alternatives, which chapter of bankruptcy would you recommend? and why (defend your selection)? more
What is the legal business structure used by McDonald's?
How does the structure used by McDonald's differ from other business structures?
How should McDonald's franchises be structured? Your response should include the following:
Advantages and disadvantages of incorporation
Advantages and disadvantages of a sole proprietorship
Advantages and disadvantages of Limited Liability Companies
There are faxes for this order.
In the introduction to this module, you learned that businesses (in general) are structured as sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations. The legal structure of McDonald's is described in t...he readings. In particular, we know that McDonald's is a franchisor that has franchisees. And we know that each franchise can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
Assignment expectations:
In a 4-5 page paper you are to make a case for a franchisee to utilize one of these structures at the expense of the others.
1. Identify and distinguish between the various business structures
2. Choose one structure and explain why it is the better option
Helpful Hints:
If you have not done so already, read, examine, and evaluate the background information. And using the internet and your cyber-library, read, examine, and evaluate any other information you might find that is relevant to the case you will develop. Thinking in terms of McDonalds and what it offers is one approach. The other approach is to think in terms of how franchises are structured. Make sure to conduct in-depth searches of sites discussing franchises.
Background Information:
Anonymous (2006) Home page for McDonald's. Retrieved from http://www.mcdonalds.com/. Click on corporate, then on franchising.
Iowa Secretary of State (2008). Sole Proprietorship. Retrieved from http://www.sos.state.ia.us/business/sole.html.
Zahorsky, D. (2008). Sole Proprietorship: The Right Business Structure? Retrieved from http://sbinformation.about.com/od/ownership1/a/soleproprietor.htm.
Zahorsky, D. (2008). Creating A Winning Business Partnership. Retrieved from http://sbinformation.about.com/cs/bestpractices/a/aa030203a.htm. more
As a firm expands globally, many factors affect that expansion. Develop a global business strategy for a fictional United States based firm desiring to expand into Europe and Asia. Ch...oose a country from each of the two continents and research each country. The project shall include a research problem and the purpose of the project. In other words, the student must identify a problem or concern in a country and the purpose of her/his work is to analyze and evaluate the causes of such problem and make proposals for its (problem) solution.
Include and develop all of the following objectives in the
Analyze the business structure necessary in each country
to encourage success and benefit the firm as a whole.
Analyze the external environment and/or that of the host
country that include(s) the following elements: Society,
economy, law, education, religion, language, currency, and
Evaluate entry strategies in light of the political,
legal, cultural and economic make-up of each country.
Evaluate the role that Information Technology and the
Internet will play within this emerging global firm.
Evaluate the advantages or disadvantages of manufacturing
and material location in each country.
Analyze your approach to marketing and advertising in each
country, as well as your approach to human resource
The body of the paper must be a minimum of 12 pages in
length, double-spaced and 12 point New Times Roman font.
The mechanics of the paper will follow APA 5th edition
format, including cover sheet and bibliography.
All margins must be 1 inch.
Student must have a minimum of 10 references. more
This is a response paper incorporating discussion from these questions. All questions must be answered in essay. What is Wal-Mart business structure, and explain what type of structure is used. Why is Wal-Mart effective or ineffective? How are Wal-Mart's employees motivated in this structure? How are the different teams used in this structure? How are conflicts resolved in this structure? Can't have any plagiarism.
The requirement require for legal nurse consultant is must be registered nurse to take national computerized certification examination.
Purpose of the Legal nurse certification process--to help he...lp legal nurse consultants achieve national recognition by demonstrating their level of proficiency and commitment to continuing education.
To promote excellence in legal nurse consulting and standardization of the principles and practice in the field.
To increase potential utilization of legal nurse consultants by attorneys and insurance companies by demonstrating the legal nurse consultant's professionalism and uniqueness of nurse consulting as a specialized career distinct from the services of paralegals and other support staff.
To inspire excellence in consulting through education.
Certification renewal--renewal status Successfully completing the certification examination every two years. (extends certification for 2years from date of expiration).
Attending the National Alliance of Certifiied legal Nurse Consultants Annual Conference each year (extends certification for 1 year from date of expiration).
Successfully completing the audiotapes and post-test from the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Annual Conference each for 1year from date of expiration).
Completing 15hours of continuing education related to medical-legal topics or legal issues
(extends certification for 1years from date of expiration).
The role of the Legal Nurse Consultant --
Types of cases on which legal nurse consultants are qualified to consult. Distinctions between the consulting exper and testifying expert. Scope of practice of the legal nurse consultant.
---Litigation Process -Pre litigation phase of a lawsuit, Phases of Litigation, Alternative dispute resolution Variables that affect who wins, Tort reform measures instituted at the state level.
---Theories of Liability and defense used in medical- related cases.
Intentional torts / Neglience / Strict liabilty / Implied warranties of merchantability and fitness/ Representation / Categories of common plaintiff allegations used in medical malpractice cases.
---Anatomy of Personal Injury, Products Liability Environmental and Workers' Compensation Cases. Products liability/ Environmental cases/ Work-related injuries/ General personal injury and medical malpractice.
----Screening Medical-Related Cases, The significance of screening/ Persons who screen of a malpractice cases/ legal elements of a malpratice cases/ Factors that affect initial screening opinions of attorneys and insurance companies/ What the legal nurse consultant needs to screen a case/Potential defendants/principles of screening/ screening form/ Plaintiff alert situation /Cases plaintiff attorneys frequently reject
----Comprehensive Case Evaluation Stratgies and Report Writing Techniques. Steps for evaluating malpractice and medical-related cases./ Report writing-malpractice and other medical related cases.
----Detecting Tampering in a medical record. Purpose of the medical record in the courtroom/ Persons who can detect tampering/ Implications of tampering/ Tampering alert signals / Tampering detection techniques / The legal nurse consultant's reponse to suspected tampering or alteration/ The role of the forensic document examiner/ Working effectively with the forensic document examiner/ The forensic document examiner's tools, techniques and capabilities / the tort of intentional spoilation.
---How to Research Medical-Related Cases. Information available at a library/ selecting the best source of information/ Finding information/ Choosing a database vendor./ Information brokers / Document delivery/ Terms the legal nurse consultant should know.
---Standards of Care. Sources indicative of Standards of Care / Obtaining Standards of care in trial to prove adherence to or deviations from Standards of Care./ Analyzing policies and procedures of the defendant healthcare facility
---Manage Care Litigation. Legal theories/ legal defenses/ potential defenses/accreditation
---Helping Attorneys with Discovery Methods of discovery/ Guidelines for drafting interrogatories and request for production / Types of interrogatories directed to defendants/
Types of requests for production of documents and taangible items directed to defendants/ Types of interrogatories directed to plaintiffs. / Types of requests for production of documents and tangible items directed to plaintiffs.
Role of Nurse as Testifying Expert- Role of testifying expert/ Communicating with your attorney-client/ Preparing for disposition and trial/ What to expect at desposition and trial/ strategies for testifying
---Working with Testing experts. Sources for locating testifying experts / Brokering testifying expert for law firms / Working effectively with testifying experts/ Assessing qualifications potential testifying experts./ Communicating with potential testfying experts./ Types of testifying experts used in medical-related cases./ Fees for locating expert witnesses.
---Formulation and Negotiation of Contracts. Contract/ common clauses/ contract writing/negotiating strategies
---Legal and Ethical Issues. Liability issues/ conflicts of interest/ Attorney-client privilege
---Developing Marketing strategy. Elements of effective marketing/ Competitive strategies/fees
----Techniques for Interviewing Prospects. Preparation/ Interview concepts/ closing/ Evaluation of performance.
will continued
Question 8 in the Outline--- found in www.salary.com
Salary scheme to start consulting $100 to 150 per hour per contract.
In Boston the actual rates
1--Registered nurse 60K - 71K ; part-time
2--Paralegal 41K - 48K ; part-time
3--Grant/Proposal Writer 44K - 58K ; full-time
4--Business development Associate/subcontract 49K - 89K ; part-time
5--Accountant I 41K - 50K ; part-time
Marketing Strategies
Planning in advance for your success
1) Have a vision, mission, and Core valuefor the business.
2) Research market
3) Research, develop, and implement a sound marketing plan.
4) Continuously develop, research and evaluate effectiveness of marketing plan
5) Asses your competitors' fee/strength and weakness/Locations/service/clients
Legal Nurse Consultant Business Plan
Table of Contents
I. Introduction.2
II. Objectives.3
III. Methodology.4
I. Introduction
Statistics show a growing demand for Legal Nurse Consultants, as there is a growing need for their service as more and more medical malpractice cases and questionable medical insurance cases are being arbitrated in court. Legal Nurse Consultants are the people who have the proper medical experience and training for legal arguments. They bridge the gap between medicine and the practice of law. They can review, analyze, summarize medical records, and see the potential of a case in a legal battle. They normally assist lawyers with medical related cases. At present, they can charge clients from one hundred to one hundred and fifty US dollars (US$100-150) per hour. This study will look into the possibility of establishing a Legal Nurse Consultants Office and make a realistic business plan. Another future additional venture is to know how to establish a franchise service after mastering the operations in about five years.
II. Objectives
The objective of the study is to make a business plan or a feasibility study for establishing a Legal Nurse Consultants Office. Below is a listing of the details in attaining this goal.
1. To study the history of the legal nurse consultant profession: their educational requirements and licensure to be able to practice;
2. To look carefully into the trend of the profession in terms of future demands for this profession;
3. To identify the different fields of specialization needed in the Legal Nurse Consultant profession and which field of specialization is more in demand;
4. To know all the government equirements in establishing a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office;
5. To identify the targeted clienteles: law firms, insurance companies, government agencies, hospitals, medical providers;
6. To study carefully the different business structures of existing Legal Nurse Consultancy Offices, and draw from these data which business structures will fit an initial investment budget;
7. To identify the different employees needed in setting up a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office: identify permanent positions and positions which can be held on a part-time basis;
8. To research on the different salary schemes for each of the employees;
9. To identify the criteria for an excellent site and size for an office;
10. To study the different marketing strategies employed by existing Legal Nurse Consultancy Offices;
11. To conclude a decent approximate figure of the amount needed in setting up a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office, i.e. an initial investment, and a realistic amount of time needed for the return of investment (ROI), and;
12. To look closely on the possibility of establishing a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office franchise after about five years of excellent operations.
III. Methodology
The above-mentioned objectives can be done through the following methodologies:
1. Literature review: searching through the internet and medical libraries;
2. Telephone interview: call existing Legal Nurse Consultancy Offices/individuals and pretend to be a future client and ask for some details and how much is needed for their services, and write through electronic communication to existing Legal Nurse Offices/Individuals who have their own websites;
3. Visit existing Legal Nurse Consultancy Offices and observe the physical set up of their office; the regular employees one would typically meet; the essential office equipment needed for their operation;
4. Set up appointments with possible future clients and conduct interviews regarding their experiences with Legal Nurse Consultants services: their terms of agreements with their services, know their levels of satisfaction with the present agreements and other areas of improvement with their services, and;
5. Visit the Trade and Industry government office and check all the necessary requirements for opening a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office and how to establish a franchise in the future, and;
6. Visit the local government office and inquire on the different requirements needed in setting-up and registering a Legal Nurse Consultancy Office and the different fees involved and the length of time in processing the registry.
There are faxes for this order. more
The ultimate goal of the Session Long project is to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the laws that govern individuals and other entities in their business transactions.
It is s...uggested that the organization or company you choose for this assignment should be one in which you have easy access to the non-proprietary information that you will be asked to cover in your paper or presentation. If you work in an office of an organization or a company and that organization or company says that it is willing to let you have access to the information that the project requires, then much of the work on your SLP will be re-writing what you obtain into the prescribed format.
For example, the first module is concerned with contracts. A word to the wise: Don't pick a unit of the armed forces or any other federal government entity as the subject of the SLP in this course as you may find yourself unable to complete future modules.
The organization or the company you chose for your Session Long Project can be the one on which any of the Cases are based. Or it can be any of the companies mentioned in the background information for any of the cases. Another word to the wise: Do not pick an individual as the subject of your SLP.
Before you work on the module 1 assignment and to make sure that you have access to the information that the modular components of the Session Long Project require, your first step is to go through the remaining modules making sure:
1. that you understand the items in the outline and
2. that you have access to the non-proprietary information covered in the outline.
Assuming that you work for an organization or company, it might be an interesting project to examine the laws that apply to the operation of your company. If information about your organization or company is proprietary or if you do not have ready access to the information required in the activities outlined, you might want to consider examining a company that is publicly held and/or about which there is a lot of easily accessible information on the Web.
Note that since the firm you are auditing might have more than one division, and that these divisions encompass different products (goods and/or services), you should limit your analysis to only one of the markets in which your firm operates.
The paper should be broken down into the following sections (each section has different requirements and specific page lengths)
Section 1 - State the name of (the division of) the organization or company you have chosen to audit; identify and discuss a contract or agreement entered into by the company you have chosen to study, be sure to include all contract elements in the discussion in 3 pages.
Section 2 - Discuss the business structure of the company or organization you have chosen to audit in 3 pages.
Section 3 - Share a 'blank' contract that the company you are auditing uses, Explain if the contract comes under the jurisdiction of article 2 of the UCC in 3 pages; If you do not have access to a 'blank' contract, use a contract from the following site: http://contracts.onecle.com/.
Section 4 - Identify and discuss, with as much detail as possible, how your company can avoid transactions or business arrangements that may be potentially in violation of antitrust laws in 4 pages.
Section 5 - After researching the various alternatives, identify and explain which chapter of bankruptcy you would recommend in 3 pages more
Would like to request Writer?s
Select a corporation to use in completing assignments. Identify the corporation?s business structure, its locations and divisions.
Determine the corporation?s information technology (IT) governance and synthesize the corporation into a working model. A working model is an organization chart complete with departments, reporting lines, formal processes, and IT systems with hard and soft elements. An effective reference is the McKinsey 7S model.
Research 3D IT leadership models.
Based on your research and the corporation you selected above write a 1100 - word paper including the following:
? Identify the corporate structure, including the location and divisions along with the IT governance.
? Discuss a 3D IT leadership model.
? Identify the major factors in the model and provide your rationale. Discuss the presence or absence of these factors in your corporate structure.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Assignment 2: Assessment of Business Feasibility: CliqUp Implementation
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper that answers the following:
Continuing with the Cliq-Up feasibility analysis, discuss the best business structure (that is, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC) for Cliq-Up and identify the pros and cons of this structure.
Develop and discuss a set of criteria for the Cliq-Up team to follow in choosing their facility?s location.
Suggest a form of compensation plan for the key executives of Cliq-Up. Describe how your plan will work and the expected responses to your plan in terms of team motivation.
4. Formulate and describe a code of ethics which Cliq-Ups management can use in its business.
This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500 10% word Report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills in unders...tanding key strategic issues relating to structural transformation through e-business in a real life organisation. You will be required to apply the strategic concepts and analytical techniques studied in this module. All the learning outcomes below will be assessed:
1. Demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant theories associated with global corporate policies and strategies.
2. Understand the holistic nature of strategy and apply analytical techniques to solve complex problems in real life organizations
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the strategic decision making process through critical analysis of how strategic decision making enables an organisation to relate to its global business environment.
4. Critically evaluate and monitor the business mission, objectives and policies of international organisations.
5. Use critical reflective skills to reflect on the impact of their understanding on the problem solving process
The assignment will be internally moderated by: John Dixon-Dawson
Please note:
1. All work must adhere to the University regulations on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism which are provided as an Appendix in your Programme handbook. See Module Tutor for useful guide on Harvard Referencing Style and on how to avoid Plagiarism.
2. A hard copy and an electronic copy on floppy disk or CD of the assignment must be handed to your Study Centre on or before the appointed date under cover of the Sunderland Business School Feedback Sheet.
3. Issue Date: 19 November 2009
4. Submission Date: Friday 22nd January 2010
Your task is to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation of the strategies adopted by global logistics and supply-chain management company, such as FedEx Corporation, using the information in the case study provided and other materials researched. You will be expected to select and apply appropriate theories, techniques and models studied during the module whilst having regard to the practical aspects of strategy development.
Your assignment should be presented in a Business Report Format and should be within the range 3,500 10% words (excluding executive summary, references and relevant appendices). The report should include a title page and executive summary and be fully and consistently referenced, using Harvard Referencing style. You must also submit a floppy disk or CD containing an electronic version of the report. This should be clearly labelled with your name, your course and the name of the case study.
It is recommended that you research information additional to the case study to support your arguments. This may be obtained from a diverse range of sources and you are encouraged to research the issues in whichever way you deem appropriate.
Assessment Criteria
In the event of failing this individual assignment, normal referral / deferral procedures will apply. This assignment carries a weighting of 100%. The assessment will focus on the level of ANALYSIS carried out. That is, the application of THEORETICAL CONCEPTS studied in the module to the practical case study presented. In other words, you should proceed beyond a DESCRIPTION of the company and its actions. You should be analysing why rather than describing what. The assignment will be assessed and moderated by two members of staff in accordance with the marks allocated to each of the questions detailed below. 10% of the marks are set aside for the presentation criteria.
Academic Rigour
your ability to isolate the key strategic issues
the coherence and depth of the analysis of those issues
the ability to analyse the strategy context within which companies operate
the ability to critically review and evaluate strategic decisions made by companies
the use of relevant evidence, from material provided and personal research to support any statements made
the appropriateness of the methods used and theoretical models and frameworks applied
the breadth and depth of research undertaken
Evaluation of data
the ability to make sound recommendations or conclusions arising from the analysis
the soundness of arguments put forward
the summary of arguments
report layout and format
use of illustrative material and evidence to support arguments
the appropriateness of length
the quantity and accuracy of referencing
FedEx Corporation Structural transformation through e-business
FedEx Corporation has built superior physical, virtual and people networks not just to prepare for change, but to shape change on a global scale: to change the way we all connect with each other in the new Network Economy (FedEx Corporation Annual Report, 1999). According to Jonah and Wilder (1997) cited in De Wit and Meyer (2004, p.647), FedEx is not only recognizing its internal operations around a more flexible network computing architecture, but its also pulling-in and in many cases locking-in customers with an unprecedented level of technological integration.
Question One: - The express transportation and logistics industry
Using examples from FedEx Corporation and your own research on the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, critically evaluate the:
(a) Strategic Vision and visionary Leadership behind FedEx Corporation,
(b) Transportation and logistics infrastructure within FedEx Corporation, and the
(c) Virtual information infrastructure at FedEx Corporation.
Your answer should be based on a critical Value-Chain and Supply-Chain analyses of the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
[35 % marks]
Question Two: - Branding and business structure up until 19 January 2000
Using information from the case study and your own research, critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) strategies in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.
Discuss how FedEx Corporation managed the acquisition of Caliber Systems in 1998, and determine whether or not the acquisition of Caliber Systems was a success or failure?
[35% marks]
Question Three: - Events leading up to the January 2000 reorganisation
Using appropriate examples from FedEx Corporation, critically evaluate FedExs financial and non-financial performance in the context of developments in the Internet market and e-tailing up to the January 2000 reorganisation.
[20 % marks]
Note: 10% marks is allocated for presentation
Suggested Reading:
De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2004) - Strategy Process, Content, and Context International Perspective, 3rd Edition, Thomson Learning
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Lynch, R. (2006) Corporate Strategy, Fourth Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J. (1998) Strategy Safari, Financial Times Prentice Hall
Websites & PDF documents:
http://fedex.com/ FedEx Corporation
www.economist.com The Economist
www.ft.com The Financial Times
There are faxes for this order. more
Present to Board of Directors on strategy for international expansion into USA. (currently established in Thailand, Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapore & Australia.) explain legal implications of expand...ing the companys operations into the USA.
Specifically address:
1.Business structure (ie agent or subsidiary company or joint venture) explain advantages and disadvantages on establishment and legal issues associated with each alternative. (ie can they establish a company in the USA? Can they employ Thai nationals to work in the USA?)
2.Body of law regulating E-commerce & law relating to the sale of goods to a US operation legal aspects of consumer protection,safety requirements, consumer dispute resolution international treaty or agreement that can apply to the contract, Contract for international sale of goods. what terms and conditions should be included in a contract for the sale of computer goods to US operator and what law should apply in case of dispute - any international treaty/agreement that can apply to the contract?
3.How the company might be paid for goods sent from thailand to the US operations. How can they be assured they will be paid when goods are shipped to the USA. insurance protection managing the risk associated with the transport of goods between countries.
4.Protecting the intellectual property of the products - provide precise advice on ways in which the intellectual property of the company can be protected in the USA. (legal protection of materials, do patents granted in Thailand provide protection in the USA, does international treaty cover this situation,
discussion style non-legalistic, concise & broad perspective and only to touch on specific legal points such as case and international treaties and agreements where necessary. more
Legal Structure of Business
In the introduction to this module, you learned that businesses (in general) are structured as sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations. In particular, we ...know that McDonald's is a franchisor that has franchisees. And we know that each franchise can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
Begin by examining McDonald's Home page:
Click on
Then research McDonald's so that you are prepared to discuss its business structure in detail.
Thinking in terms of McDonalds and what it offers is one approach. The other approach is to think in terms of how franchises are structured. So, I approached the issue by conducting a Google Search on
McDonalds Franchise
Own and operate your own McDonalds fast food restaurant franchise with the McDonalds Corporation. Multiple McDonalds franchise locations are available. http://www.franchiseopportunities.com/Zor_52/McDonalds.htm
This page redirects to /content/corp/franchise/franchisinghome.HTML. ... 2004-2005 McDonald's Corporation and Affiliates. All rights reserved. ... http://www.mcdonalds.com/corp/franchise.html -
Franchising Home
McDonald's has always been a franchising company and has relied on its ... McDonald's remains committed to franchising as a predominant way of doing ... http://www.mcdonalds.com/content/corp/franchise/franchisinghome.html -
Franchise Info
Directly to McDonald's franchisees and franchising support staff. ... To a Panel made up of McDonald's franchisees, support and franchising staff. ... http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/pages/companyinfo/franchiseinfo.html -
Howstuffworks "How Franchising Works"
To do this, you have to buy a McDonald's franchise. ... You'll pay an initial franchise fee of $45000 directly to McDonald's. ... http://money.howstuffworks.com/franchising1.htm -
McDonalds Franchise Opportunities at Franchise Advantage
Our free service provides you with the tools to search, research, and request additional information for any of the opportunities you are interested in ... http://www.franchiseadvantage.com/franchise_mcdonalds.ihtml -
McDonald's Franchise
Own and operate your own McDonalds fast food restaurant franchise with the McDonald Franchise Corporation. Multiple McDonald's franchise locations are ... http://www.smallbusinessopportunity.com/business_274436/mcdonalds.asp -
Franchise for Sale
Franchise for Sale contains the worlds best directory of franchising. ... McDonalds franchise quiznos franchise car wash franchises ... http://www.franchiseforsale.com/ -
Trying to think through the Qs, I see that I have to decide the form of business that the hypothetical McDonald's Franchise I am to operate should be. I liked the initial comments in
I then clicked on <business structure> http://money.howstuffworks.com/biz-structure.htm
After reading about the various types of legal structures, I remembered that I passed a page on creating a plan. Since I am interested in the starting the business, I figured that the legal structure might also be included in the planning process. http://money.howstuffworks.com/franchising8.htm
Then I clicked through the plan to legal structure http://money.howstuffworks.com/business-plans3.htm
This gave me a justification that I will reference for the legal structure that I will choose.
I then went back to some of the other references listed in my initial search to see if I could find out the ways in which existing McDonalds Franchises are structured.
Using the attached file, you are now ready to answer the following questions in a three to five page paper:
We know that McDonald's (the parent company) is a franchisor.
Make a case in favor or against the position that the legal business structure of McDonald's (the franchisor) is a Subchapter S corporation?
Some restaurant chains operate through individual restaurants that are owned by the parent company, others allow the individual restaurants to be operated be entities such as individuals, partnerships, or corporations. Why doesn't McDonalds own and operate all of its own restaurants? It may have needed the franchise fees to open restaurants quickly when the franchising initially was set up; but wouldn't owning and operating its own stores be more profitable for it than franchising them out?
McDonald's franchises are sole proprietorships? On its website, McDonald's says that: "McDonalds franchises restaurants to individuals who personally operate their restaurants and are involved in the day to day operation of their restaurants. We do not franchise to partnerships or allow investors." Build a case in favor of or against McDonald's continuing to only allow its franchisees to be sole proprietorship. In your answer, you might explain why it should continue not allowing the franchisees to be LLC or Partnerships.
The First part already submitted is as under with the remarks of the instructor
The organization in the strategic context week 4 mp1:
Strategic decisions often face co...ntroversial public reputation which impacts the entire organization. The effect of globalization, technological advancement and increased role of media has required strategic managers an increased sensitivity to the public appearances. Since companies are operating in the international business structure, their strength of making a choice from the available suppliers on the international board, the capacity of the business to satisfy their international customer needs and operation of business all are now given the increasing importance to be taken under ethical consideration. Therefore, in today?s business environment the firm?s actions are evaluated from its strategic decisions that require a firm to have strong analytical strategy formulation processes, resource-focused approaches to sufficiently consider the importance of working capital (Holt and McNulty, 2008). During this process of strategic decision making and strategy formulation phases, the firm?s establishes a sense of responsibility and credibility to all stakeholder that are considered on ethical grounds.
The increased focus of consumer needs and public awareness has emerged the conceptual framework of ?risk society?. The concept of risk society has given rise to a completely new horizon of the dialogue between the individual, institutions, social and political levels. The ethical framework has strong tangled the risk society creating ?ground rules? of communication between firm and public (Jones, 2002). In view of the changing business environment and the emergence of risk society, the communication mechanism in the strategic decision making process is focused more and is given more importance from organizational members. It actually establishes the basis upon which the strategy implication can be evaluated and carried forward for future sustainability of the organization.
The case of BP deep water horizon oil spill, portrays one such example of corporate strategic decision making under risk society at international front.
The strategic parameter for oil & gas companies in general is to make sure how safe their companies are in general? And how much are they prepared to respond such crisis? These two questions that are core to the strategic management process of companies like oil & gas whose business are at risk under the consideration of Health and Safety Executive committee. The challenging position for BP in the case under review was that in the post inquiry inspection the Health and Safety Executive committee have found a number of fragile points regarding the failure on the Deepwater Horizon were uncovered among which the most prominent ones were the dead batteries in the operation process and devices of weak and non technical nature were found that was insufficient to control the oil spill in the event of explosion (O?Murchu, 2010).
Further to this comment made by Health and Safety Executive committee also retrieved from the article of O?Murchu (2010) the two main sources of company?s risk position inspected during some of the critical scenarios that the company has gone through. These were highlighted as:
a) The company had lacked clear chain of command. The chain of command describes who reports to whom and makes every person within the chain accountable of their duties and reporting authorities. In the case when there is perplexed chain of command, the workers are unaware of the reporting line and are not sure who to report under the situation of crisis. Companies when undergoing sensitive operation like deepwater drilling in it a slightest mistake or even a slight manhandling of the instrument can result in massive disaster that not only effects the environmental elements of the society, the resources of the affected bodies and the financial loss of the company but it is a major risk to the company reputation as well. Therefore, it is critically important for a company to have clear spam of control, line of instruction and well defined roles and responsibility of each worker in case of emergency.
b) The Health and Safety Executive committee has pointed out another area that had exhibited weak position during the time of emergency was the lack of communication system. It was reported that the communication devices like satellite phone and handheld radio were not remitting and receiving signals, thus not operative at the time of emergency. This has let the company in the sensitive position to support themselves in defense of their accusation. It is the primary responsibility of the company to foresee that all the communication system is in proper working conditions before any accidental situation arises. The company despite having a contingency plan were not even prepare for the emergency situation.
The Social Amplification of Risk Framework has formulated the risk communication system that is based on the ?risk signals? which has taken the form of risk images, risk signs and risk symbols. These risk signals interplay their part in the whole communication process of risk assessment through their interaction with social, cultural, institutional and psychological processes of the business to communicate the presence of risk in the process flow and possible mitigation and management procedures (Kasperson, 2003). The risk is communicated in three possible potential risk signals which can be termed as: The toxic risk signal, Shell as a polluting agent risk signal and the moral purity of the deep ocean risk signal.
BP in response to the lawsuits that were assumed to cover-up the economic losses suffered by gulf fishermen, hotels, seafood processors, restaurants and other associated businesses have been filed impulsively in response to the breach of the 1990 Oil Pollution Act without any descriptive proof for the looses being incurred. In response to these lawsuits company has asked for the detail of claims which will initially be presented to the special BP-financed fund manager. BP has decided the time space of 90 days before any claims would be lodged from court. This action of BP was well supported by many academic leaders in the field of law. They are in support of the BP?s action and argue that the company has right to get time and debatable points of law in their support to amend the charges made against them. However in doing so the company might have to face certain social, political and media restriction and opposition which can bring bad name to the company (Peel, 2010).
In the formulation of best strategic framework for the company, there are certain management issues that intervene in the process. The management issues not only contributes to setting of the internal process system to its right order after the solution has attained but also is responsible for managing the external environment of the company (David, 2000). Some of the major management issues are listed below:
a) Matching organization structure to the strategy
b) Linking performance and pay to the strategy
c) creating organization climate conducive to change
d) managing political relations
e) creating a strategy supportive culture
f) adapting production/operation processes
g) managing human resource
h) establishing annual objectives
i) devising policies
j) Allocating resources.
In addition to the points identified by David (2000) in strategic development and strategy implementation, organizations must empower their team to operate under risky situations. The success of Greenpeace over Shell in North Sea, June 1995 was the example of organizations slow with respect to modernity in their operation. In the well developed, highly advanced and technically sound economies risk consideration is as important as any other wealth and financial resource. In the societies inherited with risk ?symbolic power? is as important as any other economic, social or public power that adds value to the resources and public image of the organization (Tsoukas, 1999). The companies like Shell in such an environment are not only competing with the market competition but are also experiencing challenges. However, in response to these challenges they conducted public discussions and arguments to make the point clear. The strategic development team of Shell thinks that these public discussions and arguments are equally important as producing a quality product that creates competitive advantage.
The strategy adopted by BP in respond to the litigation was defensive strategy, where the company was aggressively using measure to defend their point of weak strategic decision making process and technical insufficiency that resulted in the company?s bad image and ruined financial position among the share holder.
Michael Porter (1996) has defined strategy in terms of competitive strategy, which can be based on the argument for the company, creating its competitive position during the time of risk. According to him a company can outperform its competitor only if:
a) A company can have long term sustainability and can beat its rival provided it can create a clear difference that it can conserve.
b) Strategic position can be achieved through customer needs, customer?s convenience and a wide range of product or services being offered.
c) Competitive value of individual duties cannot be segregated from the whole unit.
d) Strategic positions are long term not limited to a single process flow or product or service cycle.
e) Management?s role is to define strategy, make trade-offs and finding the best fit among business functions.
Many organizations in response to the global competitive environment are finding it difficult to differentiate between operational effectiveness and strategy. Technological innovation and advance level of learning and training in the field have made it possible for firms to introduce new operating procedures, quality control measures and time and resource management tools for increasing the profitability of the company. But these firms have failed to understand what drives these forces. It is actually the corporate strategy that molds these operational procedures and gives it a shape of long term sustainability and profitability. Within this strategic process is the company?s ability to respond under emergency or crisis situation. Organizations role in risk management process is idealistically of preemptive in nature, capturing the risk signals, understanding those signals and taking measures to mitigate and manage the causes of these signals. When establishing a risk symbol strategic framework in an organization the following points needs to be taken into consideration:
a) Defining Roles and responsibilities of each work team: This phase is part of the risk assessment in which company is responsible to define the roles and responsibility of each individual, in the normal course of business and under the emergency situation as well. For the purpose of clarity and standardization, these duties and roles are laid out in the human resource instrument of the job description and job specification duly signed by the employee and supervisor.
b) Spam of control and chain of command: Employees are being aware of the reporting line and supervisory control. In case of work groups functioning in the form of teams, team leader is responsible to play the necessary role.
c) Health, Safety and Security sensitive workplace: When the company is operating in the business which is sensitive to the health and security of the staff then measures to be adopted by the company not only to safeguard the heath and security issues of its employees but also of the surrounding bodies being affected through business operation. This should be held as an important element in the standard operating procedure guidelines of the business and should also be legally bound on the part of the employer.
d) Setting up benchmarks: Besides setting financial goals for the company, benchmark on the risk measurement and control mechanisms should also be set. Risk sensitive areas to be evaluated against non risk sensitive areas and risk gap should be assessed to have control of the company business operations.
BP has undergone a strategic change in their management practice due to the issue of underwater oil spill. This case is an example for many of the companies either operating in similar industry or in diversified business. Strategic development of the company not only limits itself to concentrate on the corporate goals and missions subjected to financial benefits of the company but also view its importance on the risk requirement framework that sees the sustainability of the business from multiple dimensions.
In this regard, the role of management in the strategy formulation and process flow have been dynamic and widened. All the business functions are interlinked to its operation. Communication lapse in any of the area can break this network and bring the company in great loss. The loss under such circumstances is also not limited to the financial loss but it unfolds the company?s responsibility towards the stakeholders and the general public which can be distorted through bad public image portrayed in media. Therefore, the ability of the company to create its sound strategic image in the media and the general public is also important integral part of strategic management process that ensures the perseverance of company?s policy and sustainability long term. Every function of the business is equally held responsible in the process flow.
David, R. F., (2000) Strategic management concepts & cases. Prentice hall publications, upper
saddle river, New Jersey 07458
Holt, R. & McNulty, T. (2008) ?Securing the license to act: a foundational capability?, Journal of
Strategy and Management, 1 (1): 72-92.
Jones, R. (2002) Challenges to the notion of publics in public relations: implications of the risk
society for the discipline. Journal of Public Relations Review, Vol-28, issue Feb. 2002.
pp. 49-62
Kasperson, J. X., Kasperson, R. E., Pidgeon, N. and Slovic, P. (2003) The social amplification of
risk: assessing fifteen years of research and theory, The Social Amplification of Risk,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
O?Murchu, C. (2010) BP?s failures are symptomatic of wider problems. Retrieved on 2 August 2011 through: http://blogs.ft.com/energy-source/2010/09/15/bps-failures-are-symptomatic-of-a-wider-problem/#axzz1TqXNBcwO
Peel, M. (2010) Opposition grows to BP?s legal strategy. Retrieved on 2nd August 2011 through:
Porter, M. (1996) what is strategy? Breakthrough Ideas, Harvard Business Review, issue Nov-Dec 1996
Tsoukas, H. (1999) ?David and Goliath in the risk society: making sense of the conflict between
Shell and Greenpeace in the North Sea?, Organization, 6 (3): 499-528.
Your MP1 was good. It was the right length, and had references at the end. RE: "STRATEGIC IMPLICATION OF SHELL OIL SPILL :" - the assignment is about BP, not about Shell. I wasn't really happy about the coherence and logic of the writing, but you did raise a lot of good issues. The second half of your paper was forward looking (i.e. recommendations) and so would have fitted better in the Week 7 MP2. (the second part which you are going to write now) more
Develop the strategic objectives for your business in the format of a balanced scorecard. Review information on Balanced Scorecard in the Materials Forum and in the course texrbooks. The strategic obj...ectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis. Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:
? Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Market share
o Revenues and costs
o Profitability
o Competitive position
? Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Customer retention or turnover
o Customer satisfaction
o Customer value
? Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Measure of process performance
o Productivity or productivity improvement
o Operations metrics
? Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Employee satisfaction
o Employee turnover or retention
o Level of organizational capability
o Nature of organizational culture or climate
o Technological innovation
Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas identified above (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week Three. Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.
? For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, "The percentage of increase in market share." The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of "Increase market share" could be "Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years" of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)
Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives from your vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis.
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SWOTT Analysis
Legal and regulatory:
S-pro-small business regulations, regulatory crackdowns on large competitors.
W-still a number of hurdles for a new business (inspections, double taxation for the corporate structure).
O-regulations weakening large business in this field.
T-other small competitors.
T-new small business taking over for Starbucks and other large retailers.
S-opportunities to expand, growing global demand for Americanized coffee products
(Frappuccino?s, and etc.).
W-difficult for small business to sustain international-related cost.
O-Filling niche in European cities such as London or Prague.
T-global competition, foreign coffee shops.
T-Americanized companies and products popping up everywhere.
S-people shopping more at small businesses recently.
W-product price shill relatively high.
O-?buy local? and small business buying movements.
T-other small business competitors.
T-more small businesses entering marketplace.
S-new gift cards, espresso machines, Frappuccino makers.
W-new technology available to upstarts.
O-demand for new products created with new technology.
T-other competitors with the same technology.
T-technology more important to the business.
S-small business can afford to innovate.
W-no blockbuster innovations.
O-relatively new business.
T-other competitors innovating faster.
T-more innovation.
S-more demand for coffee and local coffee businesses.
W-Considerable amount of competition.
O-always demand for local businesses.
T-lost revenue from other small coffee shops.
T-coffee shops will grow smaller and more local.
S-more demand for sustainability and green tech.
W-higher costs.
O-small businesses can cater to these environmental needs.
T-customer will not want to pay for any of it.
T-greener coffee shops.
Comparative analysis:
S-better labor, lower costs because of supply chain.
W-volume and consistency.
O-a small, community-based coffee shop, which does hospitality better that competitors.
T-unresponsive public.
T-smaller coffee shops with higher prices.
S-based off logic, statistics, analysis of key factors.
W-mostly newcomers in the business.
O-a comprehensive, metric-based strategy.
T-professional strategies.
T-more local and metric-based strategies.
W-lack capacity for change.
O-a simple business structure.
T-more efficient structure.
T-simpler structure.
S-tested as efficient using time-and motion study.
W-little experience.
O-a simple, results-based process.
T-more experience-based processes.
T-simpler processes.
S-direct, grower-to-retailer resource relationships.
O-people support direct relationship for resources.
T-innovation to lower prices.
T-more sustainable resources.
S-modest, mostly short-term.
W-few long-term goals.
O-more effective for coordinating business plans.
T-more sophisticated goal-setters.
T-more short-term.
S-appealing expertly to the local area.
W-not enough capital to go far beyond the local area.
O-becoming a dominant player in the local market.
T-more small, region or city-based businesses.
S-pro-coffee shop culture.
W-culture can easily change.
O-culture can be supportive of local coffee shops almost no matter what.
T-competition also taking advantage of this culture.
T-culture not changing.
Intellectual Property:
S-relatively unimportant problem; coffee has already been invented.
W-hard to utilize.
O-a great new idea.
T-other companies coming up with that idea.
T-more minor ideas.
S-local leadership.
W-cannot have substitutes without hiring or promoting.
O-a strong local leader to coordinate concepts.
T-well experienced leadership.
T-new, direct leaders.
The SWOTT analysis is important for the development of this business and the different factors, which should be kept in mind when founding this business. However, if the company tries to focus on all of them equally it will not be productive in the short term or the long term. It must focus on the seven areas of economic trends; environmental trends; laws; regulations; society; culture, and leadership.
Perhaps the greatest strength of this business lies in one of the strongest economic trends of the past few years. The question to focus on here is how does the economic crisis affect the development of small coffee business? As the effects of the economic crisis began to take hold in the late 2000s, there was a new focus on the size and practices of businesses where customers shopped. Price was no longer the most important thing and people began to frequent small businesses, which may have charged higher prices, but higher prices, but hired local workers and sourced their food in a sustainable way (Gilligan, 2009).
The retail coffee business was one of these businesses which was affected by the small business trend. Starbucks has begun to decline, and it has closed many locations in recent years. That has given an opportunity for some local businesses to fill the void and cover the still-growing demand for coffee among the public. This strength and opportunity is balanced against the negative of high wages and expensive products which the public demands from such a location.
There is, of course a threat here when concerning a new businesses entering the market. This is not an incredibly difficult market to enter. If a company can meet rent, supply, and labor costs, it usually can offer coffee, espresso, pastries, and other breakfast-type foods, which will cater to the kind of people who want to eat at such establishments. Therefore, there are almost no barriers to new entrants and new competition, which can drive down prices and carve up an already limited pie for business owners. Even the few barriers, which exist now are being torn down by coffee shops carried by bicycles and in food trucks. Such economic trends and threats must be taken into consideration by any coffee business that wants to start up anytime soon. Businesses such as mine must make it a point to coordinate the most efficient supply chains possible. The company does not want to needlessly waste money developing inefficiencies in such a chain.
Rather, the company should craft relationships with individual suppliers and producers so that they can cut out the middleman and keep costs to a minimum. Having a contract with a family in Colombia or a baker 10 miles away may be difficult to arrange. It may take a number of trips and calls to find the right partner. However, once that partner is found eliminating wholesale costs and possible quality problems with a large supplier will mean that my company can offer product at a much lower price level, but with all the perks that the public is looking for out of a local coffee shop.
Another important concept to consider is: what is the impact of the recent notion of environmental trends and how can these trends aid small coffee businesses in particular? Environmental trends are increasingly leaning toward sustainably raised coffee beans, which are sold in green stores that use less energy and water than other stores. This is both a strength and a weakness for relatively small businesses. Although small coffee shop business is able to make changes and decisions much faster than a massive franchise such as Starbucks, larger companies are better able absorb the extra costs associated with them (Schultz, 2011).
Such sustainable business requires a sophisticated supply chain which does not simply work through the cheapest and most economical wholesalers on the market. However, the trend of consumers frequenting environmentally friendly businesses is one, which is continuing to grow and will continue to grow over the new few years. Therefore, there is a serious opportunity for companies, which want to undergo the somewhat costly changes that will result in greater customer numbers in the future (Sherman, 2013).
These concepts are all important concerning this research question: What is the impact of laws and regulations in the coffee business? The coffee business will be supported that the regulatory environment has been increasingly favorable to small businesses in recent years. There has been a recognition that small businesses create a considerable number of jobs that they should be supported by government policies. This is one of the few notions that policymakers could agree upon in recent years (Gilligan, 2009).
As a result, they gave been able to pass laws that provide for small business loans, tax credits, and optimistic polices against large corporations. Such laws give all kinds of businesses including coffee businesses, such as mine a strength against the entrenched coffee giants such as Caribou Coffee, and Starbucks. However, the major weakness and threat is that it eases the barriers for new companies to enter the market in a way that will reduce prices. It still creates an opportunity for companies such as mine. Because the economy is still somewhat troubled, and the government is still interested in policies that will combat the weak economy, it is clear that there will still be a trend of more investments in small businesses.
Another question to consider is: how does society and culture influence the future of this business in ways, which are not directly controlled by economics? Social and cultural trends both support purchases from local coffee shops such as mine. There is the continued social trend of long work hours and pressure to perform in the workplace and other areas of life. Such trends help fuel the national caffeine addiction.
People are continuing to need caffeine, and they keep the demand for caffeinated beverages high. While coffee is not the only caffeinated beverage, worries about the health of products such as soda kept it as the most popular source of caffeine. At the same time, cultural trends have resulted in people continuing to frequent coffee shops and businesses such as mine. The culture of the coffee shop with its couches and fashionable interiors have resulted in the proliferation of such shops. People will come into a coffee shop to study, work, or pursue recreational interest in ways that they will not frequent other establishments.
The coffee shop has become a place where people with class come together for meetings or pursue other interests. As a result, people are much more willing to pay more money for a cup of coffee that they would pay at either their house or a gas station. People are willing to pay for the numerous trappings that go along with the local coffee shop in ways that they would not be willing to pay in other areas. Because this is cultural concept it cannot be relied on (Schultz, 2011). The prestige of coffee shops ebbs and flows with the passage of time. Companies such as mine should not rely on such concepts but should try to take advantage of them whenever they can.
Finally, leadership can never be ignored when concerning small business such as this one. The question is: how can leadership be helpful in such a business? I believe that having the creative brains behind starting the business will be important in running the business. The hands-on approach of a small business will make it so the business can react to trends and changes in the workplace (Taylor, 2009). However, there are of course possible problems with having one group of owners run the business as well, because if those owners, or managers cannot come into work for some reason the company will not be effectively ran.
It is clear that these different fields will lead to the company?s success. Since they sell a millennia-old product, coffee shops can easily change, but it is possible for them to change too much. They can change as a result of such factors as I have described, but they should not change any concepts vital to their brand. When it comes to concerning both changes and the adaption of a business plan, there should be somewhat of a holistic approach. The company should not ignore concepts such as goals and resources. Rather, it should focus on these seven while taking them all of them into consideration when formulating a comprehensive business plan.
To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders?
To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers?
To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?
To satisfy our shareholders and customers, at which business process must we excel?
Balanced more
You are to write a 3-page paper. Read the Case Study below and at the end of the Case Study answer the Discussion Questions. You Are to State the Question First and then continue to answer the questio...n. Do Not Use Outside Sources!
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. 2004
The neon sign Hot Doughnuts Now, when illuminated, lures hungry customers into the local Krispy Kreme stores. The sign signals Krispy Kremes signature product Hot Original Glazed doughnuts, are right now rolling under the glazing process and are ready to be devoured by anxiously waiting customers. Theres nothing better than a hot, fluffy glazed doughnut that melts in your mouth to satisfy your sweet tooth. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts went public on April 5, 2000, allowing its customers to have their donuts and eat them too. It opened a test doughnut-making store in a Wal-Mart Supercenter in October 2003.
Vemon Rudolph opened a donut company, Krispy Kreme, on July 13, 1937, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The company started out by selling elements to local grocery stores. People walking in front of the bakery soon began stopping by to ask if they could purchase the donuts hot. Rudolph decided to cut a hole in the wall of the bakery so that his Hot Original Glazed doughnuts could be sold directly to the customer, making the introduction of Krispy Kremes retail service. During the 1950s, the element making process was mechanized with the new Krispy Kreme automatic doughnut cutter. Hand cut donuts became a thing of the past. All processes in the bakery became entirely automatic. This was the original version of Krispy Kremes continuous yeast donut making equipment. The year 1962 saw a new innovation for Krispy Kreme. Doughnuts were no longer cut; they were extruded by air pressure from a doughnut hopper directly to trays. On May 28, 1976, Krispy Kreme doughnut Corp. became a wholly owned subsidiary of Beatrice Foods Company of Chicago, Illinois. The headquarters for Krispy Kreme remained in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Krispy Kreme posts in purchase from Beatrice Foods Company on February 28, 1982, by a group of Krispy Kreme franchisees, led by Joseph A. McAleer Sr. Krispy Kreme made huge dream when a contribution of Krispy Kreme artifacts was donated to the Smithsonian institutions National Museum of American History in Washington, DC., on July 17, 1987. Krispy Kreme sought to enhance and broaden its beverage offerings to customers and therefore acquired Digital Java, Inc., in 2001. Digital Java was a small coffee roaster and brewing- equipment fabricator located in Chicago. Also in 2001, Krispy Kremes comments transferred to the New York Stock Exchange under the new ticker symbol KKD. On December 11, 2001, Krispy Kreme opened its first store outside the United States, in Canada. Then on June 19, 2003, it opened its first store outside of North America, and Australia.
Present Conditions
Krispy Kreme produces approximately 7.5 million donuts a day, serving customers in 302 stores operating and 41 states in the United States, and also in Canada and Australia. KKD acquired Montana Mills Bread Co., in early 2003. Under the terms of the merger agreement, the shares of Montana Mills common stock will be converted to Krispy Kreme stock. Krispy Kreme has plans to develop a bakery Caf strategy with Montana Mills product and brand as a basis for this new concept. Montana Mills offers more than 80 types of bread, muffins, rolls, scones, cookies, brownies, and cakes, which are sold through its 22 retail stores located primarily in suburban areas in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, in Connecticut. The stores cater to upscale customers, offering baked goods, ready-made sandwiches, specialty coffees, and gift items. Montana Mills went public in June 2002 and trades on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol MMX.
Company Profile and Philosophy
The principal business of KKD is high volume sales and production over 20 varieties of the finest quality donuts, including the signature Hot Original Glazed. Krispy Kremes commitment to quality and consistency has created a long-standing devoted customer base. The doughnut making stores, quality ingredients, vertical integration are part of what makes Krispy Kreme capable of differentiating itself from competitors. Krispy Kreme is dedicated to a strategic philosophy, which includes the following beliefs:
All products will have a taste and quality that are second to none
Control product quality and freshness of the ingredients.
Be thoroughly prepared to execute growth initiatives when they become needed.
The keys to creating and maintaining a competitive advantage include observing the quality, service, and innovation are second to none.
Instill the belief that the company is a set of capabilities, not just a product or brand.
Have a passion that growth and success as a company is a natural result of the growth and success of our people.
Business Structure
Krispy Kreme is a vertically integrated company with three reportable segments: Company store operations, franchise operations, and Krispy Kreme manufacturing and distribution (K K M & D.) unit. KKD company stores are owned by the KKD Company and are consolidated joint ventures; there are 114 units in this division. There are 188 franchise stores that are owned by either area developers or associates. These stores pay royalties to Krispy Kreme company stores and franchise stores both make and sell doughnuts and complementary product through on premises and off premises sales channels. The KKM& D division provides all supplies including foodstuffs, equipment, signage, and uniforms to all KKD locations. KKDs Co. stores have both on and off premises sales. On premise sales include direct in-store sales to customers visiting inside or at the drive-through window. Discounted sales for community organizations fund-raising purposes are also included in on premises sales. Off premise sales include fresh doughnut distributions of branded, unbranded, and/or private label doughnuts to grocery and convenience stores. These doughnuts are sold packaged or unpackaged from a retailers display case. KKD Inc., offers franchise opportunities. Franchisees pay royalties to Krispy Kreme doughnuts in return, for the use of Krispy Kreme name. Two franchise programs are offered. First, in the associate program, which is the original program, franchisees pay royalties of three percent of on premises sales and 1% of all other sales with the exception of private labels. Second is the area developer program developed in the mid-1990s, in which royalties of 4.5% of all sales are paid along with franchise fees ranging on $20,000 to $40,000 per store. Almost all area developers and associates contribute 1% of all sales to the national advertising and brand development fund. Krispy Kreme offers franchises in the US market as well as the global market. Franchise stores and company stores are required to purchase all supplies from KK M& D. The KKM& D unit buys and processes all ingredients used in the doughnut mixes and manufacturers the doughnut making that all stores are required to purchase. KKM& D also includes the coffee roasting operations. KKM& D ships all food ingredients, juices, display cases, uniforms, and other items to Krispy Kreme locations on a weekly basis by common carrier.
The number one competitor of Krispy Kreme is Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is owned by Allied Domecq PLC, which is an international company whose core businesses is in spirits and wine, and quick serve restaurants. Dunkin Donuts has 5,438 stores; 1,602 stores outside the United States and 3836 located in United States. Bill Rosenberg founded Dunkin Donuts in Quincy, Massachusetts, and KKD has recently expanded into its home territory. Sizing up a competition, one glazed doughnuts from Krispy Kreme has 200 calories. Dunkin Donuts carries 25 varieties of doughnuts as well as beverages, bagels and breakfast sandwiches. Krispy Kreme sales coffee espresso, frozen blends, plain or flavored milk, and has 2 varieties of doughnuts; in addition it has special flavors such as a pumpkin spice doughnuts offered during the fall months. Dunkin Donuts celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2000. In 2001 Dunkin Donuts introduced new beverage, Vanilla Chai, a creamy combination of tea, vanilla, honey, and spices. It also introduced a new logo the same year and in launched its new advertising tagline, JUST THE THING in 2000. Since KKD sells drip coffee, espresso, frozen beverages, and plain or flavored milk, the company now considers Starbucks Corp. as a key competitor. Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees, which it sells, together with rich-brewed coffees, primarily through approximately 6,800 retail stores located in the United States, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Starbucks offer a wide selection of pastries and confections in addition to coffee and coffee making equipment and accessories.
Industry Outlook
The Standard & Poors (S&P) restaurants index was up 22.08% year-to-date through August 22, 2003 versus a 13.6% rise in the S&P 1500. Shares in the Quick Service Restaurant(QSR) industry have begun to rebound from a recent drop caused by an aggressively competitive environment, including significant price discounts by industry leaders McDonalds and Burger King. Stable same-store sales growth and positive operating conditions may have contributed to the surge in casual dining industry stocks. A casual dining sector continues to gain share from fast food chains, as an older, wealthier population favors dining in full-service restaurants. This trend is estimated to continue. Food product price inflation remained modest third 2003, but began increasing in 2000 four. Major industry themes will likely incorporate an emphasis on lowering development cost of new restaurants and slowing expansion in the overstored US fast food market. Reducing the cost of new units should enhance companies returns on investment in improved entry into smaller markets. Some national companies are looking to international expansion for growth, while others are investing new formulas to find ways to grow. There is a new trend toward providing healthy choices. During the past two decades, an ever-increasing percentage of US dollars has gone to eating out. With a greater percentage of Americans working, there has been less time available for at-home food preparation. Krispy Kreme believes that this trend along with growth in two incomes households will increase snack food consumption and further growth of doughnuts sales.
Internal Factors
On premises KKD sales include counter sales and drive to window sales. Krispy Kreme is involved in community organization fundraisers events in which it offers doughnuts at a discounted price community fund-raising projects. Off premises cells included branded and unbranded, and private-label sales to grocery stores in convenience stores. Krispy Kreme entices customers with its doughnut making theaters, which are stores that have glass viewing areas that allow customers to watch the actual doughnut making process. Generations about loyal customers have grown to love that one-of-a-kind taste of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Each Krispy Kreme doughnut store is a doughnut factory which has the capacity to produce from 4,000 dozen to over 10,000 dozen doughnuts daily. KKM& D manufactures the donuts making equipment and produces the donuts mixes that all stores are required to purchase. KKD relocated to Chicago based Digital Java to its home town Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The full beverage program was implemented in approximately 70 KKD locations. It is anticipated that the remaining stores will receive the new beverage program, primarily espresso and frozen beverages, and the next 12 to 18 months.
KKDs upper management structure is comprised of eight officers, including the president and chief executive officer, and seven senior vice president.
Global Issues
Krispy Kreme currently has international locations in Ontario Canada, British Columbia, Qubec, and Sydney Australia, and has plans to open stores in Britain and Mexico in early 2004; over the next five years, it plans to open 25 stores outside the US. Krispy Kreme has teamed up Harrodss department store as the place to debut donuts in Britain. The United States and Britain differ in eating habits in office etiquette. Brits are accustomed to their traditional English breakfast of eggs, bacon, and milk. KKD plans to conceive the Brits to replace the biscuit, which is a cookie, with a doughnut for other snack food. Another concern for Krispy Kreme is persuading people to buy donuts by the dozen to take to the office. Most people in Britain do not have cars; therefore they cannot stop by the drive-through window on their way to work. Office etiquette is more formal in Britain and a dozen of Krispy Kreme hot glazed original doughnuts would cost about 5 pounds, which is about eight dollars Krispy Kreme will also offer the tea drinking British its own custom brew of coffee. KKDs largest competitor, Dunkin Donuts, can be found throughout the world. Dunkin Donuts currently has location in Aruba, the Bahamas, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Indonesia, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, the US, and the UAE.
E-commerce Issues
Krispy Kremes chief information officer, Frank Hood, has teamed up with network appliance to provide network storage solution for KKD. Krispy Kremes intranet, myKrispy Kreme.com, allows store operators and franchise owners access to real-time company information, including inventory updates, equipment maintenance, and store directories, dramatically improving communication between owners and home-office. Krispy Kreme teamed up with productivity point international to provide the tools and knowledge necessary to help train employees to reach their top potential. Knowledge of publishers productivity point allows employees to enter at the trainers via real-time chat and e-mail. Training is conveyed visually, not just in words, creating an environment where specific techniques can be demonstrated. Krispy Kreme doughnuts can be found on the Web at www.Krispy Kreme.com and Dunkin Donuts can be found at www.Dunkin Donuts.com. KKDs web site is not user friendly as Dunkin Donuts, Dunkin Donuts offer online ordering of its coffee and gift baskets; KKD has no online ordering.
Future Outlook
For the year ending January 2002, Montana Mills had a negative net income. Further integration into the bakery and Caf concept can lead KKD to consider acquiring companies such as Atlanta Bread Company. Montana Mills had a net loss of approximately $2.6 million for the 39-week period ending in October 2002; Krispy Kreme may have paid too much for it. The acquisition of Montana Mills has extended KKDs breadth of competitors; Atlanta Bread Company is a bakery much like Montana Mills, except that its privately owned company. Sales for Atlanta Bread Company in2002were $15 million; it has 150 stores in 24 states and covers some territory that is not covered by Montana Mills. Atlanta Bread Company is worth about $75 million, and acquiring it may be a good strategy for Krispy Kreme. Krispy Kreme also should accelerate its plans for global market, which includes opening locations in the United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and Spain.
Discussion Questions
1.Determine whether you think KKD paid too much for Montana Mills.
2.Determine whether you think KKD should expand globally, and if so, where and how fast, or should the firm be expanding further domestically?
3.Develop a three-year strategic plan for KKD, which is in a real fight with Dunkin Donuts for market share. more
Discuss any practical business issue facing an orhanisation engaged in international trade and then apply any international convention or law that is applicable to international trade. discuss ways is which the organisation can apply the law to the particular issue and recommend how any legal risk can be managed. (practical manager aware of relevant international laws and their application to business wanting to engage in international trade)
cover international law and contracts, CISG, relationships between domestic and international law, transport of goods, WTO, business structure for foreign investment.
ref reading Mo, J 2008, International commercial law, 4th edn Lexisnexis Butterworths, Sydney
I need We will offer more for this one!!!!
to create an entrepreneurial project or business description of interest. I chose a business plan for a heart hospital.
I need to follow... an outline that focuses on building the pla as if I were presenting this to a health care organization. I'm attaching a copy of a busines plan format that I am to use. The reason why I chose the heart hospital is because the project has supporting data that is available through industry resources. (at least I think it does).
The purpose of the plan is to identiy the reason for investiment, the assumptions uderlying its feasibility, the resiks, and the expected returns. In addition,what value does this add for the pateint and payor. Also, if the payor knew he/she was going to make the investment,would the payor e willing to pay more for it. There also needs to be a foucs on revenue, expected return, etc.
I will like that the same writer continue with this research , his ID is Dr. O
Thank you
Mariane Carna
1. Executive Summary and Recommendations
a. Background and project description
b. Current situation and needs assessment
c. Financial feasibility
d. Recommendations
2. Introduction
a. Project background and concept
b. Goals and objectives
c. Discussion or relevant environment/industry trends related to the project
d. Relation to XYZ Health System mission, values, strategic plan, goals, and objectives
3. Project Description
General project description identifying services to be offered, general market/target groups, financial resources, management, location, and site requirements
4. Range and Scope of Services
a. Description of type of services/programs/products to be developed
b. Relation to existing programs and services
c. Technologies and skills required for successful development
5. Market Assessment
a. Target groups identified
b. Size and location of market with anticipated trends
c. Needs assessment
d. Market research (if utilized)
e. Strengths and weaknesses of competition
f. Comparative pricing
g. Projected market share/market position
h. Ongoing market monitoring plan
6. Development Plan (5 years)
a. Market plan summary and strategy
1) Product/service philosophy
2) Packaging
3) Pricing
4) Promotion
5) Communication
b. Future service/product
c. Future service/product spin-off analysis
d. Resource requirements
1) Land
2) Facilities
3) Labor
4) Capital
5) Equipment
e. Legal/regulatory requirements
7. Organization
a. Separate business structure or division of existing organization entity
b. New or additional service of an existing program
c. Organization structure
d. Management
1) Roles
2) Responsibilities and accountability
e. Outside contracting or consulting services required
f. Operating controls
g. If joint venture:
1) Ownership arrangement
2) Financial arrangement
3) Management
4) Staffing terms
5) Marketing and sales terms
8. Financial Analysis (5 Years)
Forecasted Income Statement
9. Risk Analysis
a. Identified risks, assumptions, and problems
b. Risk leveling opportunities
c. Contingency plans
10. Follow-ups
a. When should performance be compared to plan?
b. Market exit strategy more
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