Business Statistics Essays Prompts

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Business Statistics Paper (due at week 2)
Identify a research issue, opportunity, or problem from one of the UOP data sets, either available on your page, OR analyze something at work you may wish quantify. The data should consist of at least 30 or more observations of ratio or interval scale data from one of the provided data sets. Using your readings from Week 1 and RES 341 background, prepare a 3-4 page paper describing your selected research issue or problem. Include a definition of your selection using quantifiable measures. Finally, include the following steps of the business research process that you will follow for addressing or finding a solution to your selected issue or problem:
a. Purpose of the research
1) Describe the research problem
2) Explain why the research problem is important
b. Problem definition
Explain what question will be answered by your research
c. Research hypothesis
1) Explain two or three possible outcomes that can result from this research
2) Define operational definitions for each variable
a) Identify the variables to be tested
b) Define the level of measurement for each variable
c) Define the measurement scale for each variable

RefDoane, D. P. & Seward, L. E. (2007). Applied statistics in business and economics. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
The book below is optional and can be used as a study aid and additional resource to understand any difficult topics. You can access all the files referred to in the book by clicking the "Text Resources for Students" link below.
Orris, J. B. (2007). Basic statistics using Excel and MegaStat. Boston MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Essay questions for a Business Statistics class

1. Conduct a literature and internet search on the subject of business statistics. Write a 250-350 word paper describing the various uses of statistics in business today. In your paper, discuss the need for business statistics and how businesses benefit from statistical applications.

2. Conduct a statistical study of the average temperature for the month of February in Dayton OH over the past twenty years. In your study, determine the mean, median, and mode (if any) of your data set and the standard deviation. Write an essay of 250-350 words describing your study. In your paper, provide your data (including the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) and the method(s) used to collect that information. Next, discuss the methods that you used to determine the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Finally, discuss what inferences can be drawn from your data (e.g., warming trends, etc.).

3. Conduct a literature and internet search and write a paper of between 200-3-300 words explaining how permutation and combinations can be used in business today.

4. Conduct a literature and an internet search of the topic probability. Write a short paper of between 250 - 300 words describing how probability is used in business.

5. Conduct a literature and internet search and in a paper of between 200 and 300 words, describe the relative usefulness of probability distributions on business today. In your discussion, explain how such statistical devices can aid the businessman in making sound business decisions

6. Conduct a literature and internet search and write a paper of between 200-300 words describing how business uses normal distribution. In your paper, discuss how a business person can benefit from using normal distribution.

Explain the need for business statistics and the benefits of statistical applications. Briefly explain how permutation and combinations are used in business today.

Read the Reflection Before Action: The Statistical Consultant Confronts Ethical Issues article.

Read the article A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics article.

Write a paper of 1,000-1,500 words that considers ethical issues in business statistics and discuss how your personal values can be applied to them. This assignment is primarily introspective in nature and students will be given significant latitude in addressing specific questions.

Include a brief introduction that outlines your paper.

In the Reflection Before Action: The Statistical Consultant Confronts Ethical Issues article, the authors cite the American Statistical Association's Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice (see the section "Ethics Provides A Defensible Response" in the article).

1. Which ethical guideline from the articles is most applicable to you and why? How does this article (or articles) affect your personal decision-making as related to statistics and ethics?

2. How can the ethical issues raised, be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance, using principles from a Christian worldview perspective, could be applied to understand and address these ethical issues?

The following link from the GCU website may be helpful in formulating your response:

Also, the article A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics article may also be helpful in formulating your response.

Provide a conclusion that summarizes your perspectives.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Business Statistics Is an Area

I need the following questions answered in 250-300 words each.

1. Conduct a literature and internet search on the subject of business statistics. Write a 250-300 word paper describing the various uses of statistics in business today. In your paper, discuss the need for business statistics and how businesses benefit from statistical applications.

2. Conduct a statistical study of the average temperature for the month of February in your town/city over the past twenty years. In your study, determine the mean, median, and mode (if any) of your data set and the standard deviation. Write an essay of 250-300 words describing your study. In your paper, provide your data (including the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) and the method(s) used to collect that information. Next, discuss the methods that you used to determine the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Finally, discuss what inferences can be drawn from your data (e.g., warming trends, etc.).

3. Conduct a literature and internet search and write a paper of between 200-3-300 words explaining how permutation and combinations can be used in business today.

Memo-Quantitative Techniques/Statistics

The plant opening is only a few months away and the Board of Directors for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc. is interested in learning more about what you recommend for plant productivity analysis. Specifically, the board members want you to identify and describe the tools and techniqques that are available that will help the plant's executive team better conduct statistical analyses for plant productivity evaluation. Be sure to define the management information systems in-place that will provide the productivity data required.

What quanitative research techiques/statistics would you recommend for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc?

What information would you expect the statistics to provide for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc?

Analyze research quantitative techniques, business statistics, and data evaluation techniques.

The title of my book for this class is "Business Strategies for Organizational Effectiveness within the Global Perspective.

Ethics in Statistics

Write a paper of 1,000-1,500 words that considers ethical issues in business statistics. Please include a brief introduction that outlines the paper. Please use the following articles when drafting this paper.
In the Reflection Before Action: The Statistical Consultant Confronts Ethical Issues article, the authors cite the American Statistical Association's Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice (see the section "Ethics Provides A Defensible Response" in the article).
1. Which ethical guideline from the articles is most applicable and why? How does this article affect decision-making as related to statistics and ethics?
2. How can the ethical issues raised, be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance, using principles from a Christian worldview perspective, could be applied to understand and address these ethical issues?
Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

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## I will provide the source (two pages)






Ethics in the Sciences Has

Please use the below web articles as 2 of 3 citations for this essay.

1) Read the Reflection Before Action: The Statistical Consultant Confronts Ethical Issues article

2) Read the article A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics article

3) Write a paper of 1,000-1,500 words that considers ethical issues in business statistics and discuss how your personal values can be applied to them. This assignment is primarily introspective in nature.
a) Include a brief introduction that outlines your paper.
b) In the Reflection Before Action: The Statistical Consultant Confronts Ethical Issues article, the authors cite the American Statistical Association's Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice (see the section "Ethics Provides A Defensible Response" in the article).

i) Which ethical guideline from the articles is most applicable to you and why? How does this article (or articles) affect your personal decision-making as related to statistics and ethics?

ii) How can the ethical issues raised, be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance, using principles from a Christian worldview perspective, could be applied to understand and address these ethical issues?

c) Also, the article A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics article may also be helpful in formulating your response.

4) Provide a conclusion that summarizes the perspectives of ethnics when using statistics.

5) APA Style, An abstract is not needed., please ensure references are properly cited.

I want a writer who is well versed in Business Statistics

Topic: Managing Research Design Simulation

Note: write a reference page if there's any citation.
No using Wikipedia as a source please.

Please follow the instructions carefully and fulfill ALL the required criteria.

Part 1:(1 page)
Run the Managing Research Design simulation and then answer the following questions, in short answer format:

a. CoffeeTime is interested in the coffee-drinking habits of people in India. What is the problem in asking subjects: 'How many cups of coffee have you consumed in the past 30 days?'
What subjects would be the most likely to provide an accurate description? How could this question be modified to provide more accurate data?

b. For each of the following, discuss the benefits CoffeeTime managers would find in helping them to obtain valuable information in problem identification research. Discuss whether these data are secondary or primary and justify your answers.
1) Forecasting and business trend research
2) Market share and market potential
3) Segmentation and marketing mix research
4) Image and market characteristic research

Part 2:(1 page)
Finally, what additional strategy (or variation on a given strategy) would you recommend to the key decision maker in the simulation to solve the challenge given? Prepare a 350-word memo to the simulation's key decision maker advocating your recommendation.

NOTE: Part 2 should be in MEMO format, please list the reference page at the end if there's any.

Access to the SIMULATION:
Step1: go to
Setp2: User Login Name: kellyli1002

go to 'Open Resource" which is next to 'Grade Report'

Step4: go to WEEK TWO, you will see the link of
SIMULATIONS: Managing Research Design

Career Plans - Goals -

Work Experience
May 2005 Onwards Institute of Career & Competitions Lucknow
?The institute is an Educational Service Provider and is primarily is engaged in providing guidance to MBA aspirants. As a Business Development Manager I am constantly looking for new markets/areas to expand the business of the company as an Educational Service Provider. Has established two company owned centers in Lucknow and one Franchisee center in Allahabad which has more than doubled the revenue of the company.
The market of undergraduate students is very large and has relatively few players which make it less competitive and profitable. Has designed and launched training courses for the undergraduate students to help them prepare for entrance examination of BBA, LAW, and HOTEL MANAGEMENT etc.
Coordinates with various undergraduate educational institutions/seasoned educationists and conducts workshop and seminars to increase the marketability of students and apprise them about management as a career option
As a R&D Head, duties included Design & Development of course material keeping in sync with the dynamic pattern of the various MBA and undergraduate entrance examinations in India.
Conducts regular session on Higher Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics etc.

June 2002-March 2003 AgriFarms Lucknow
? Involved in management of my own Agri-Farm at Lucknow. The farm is engaged in production and marketing of food grains, dairy products, green vegetables, mint plantation, animal husbandry etc.

? The duties include monitoring and managing of operations, negotiating prices with the buyer & seller, decision of hiring temporary labor as per needs.


? Masters in Business Administration with 7.33/10 CPI.
? Excellent knowledge of Business Statistics.
? Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with 72% marks

1995-1997 LCIC LUCKNOW
? Passed standard XII (UP BOARD) with 58.6% marks
? Specialization in Science discipline
? Subjects include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Hindi.
? Passed standard X (ICSE) with 78.9% marks
? Subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Economics as additional subject.

Special Studies
? Study of Risk Free Interest Rates and Risk Premium under Dr. R. Sengupta, IIT KANPUR. Proposed a new model to measure the maximum risk premium the market has to offer to risk friendly investors. The model was based on return offered to investors by developed markets in last few years. The data used to calculate return was sourced from Stock Exchange websites.
? Perishable Asset Revenue Management: An application in Airline & Power Industry under Dr. P. Ramchandran, IIT Kanpur. With special emphasis on how PARM techniques can be used in upcoming sector of POWER TRADING in developing economies such as India where certain region are surplus is power and certain deficit.
Summer Training

2004 Reliance Energy (As part Of MBA curriculum)
? Design, Development and Implementation of Government Consumer Cell (GCC), a cell devoted to tracking/recovery of electricity dues from government consumer in Delhi region.
? Worked in designing of database management system for GCC keeping in view that the long term objective of the GCC is to put in place an automated system that can monitor pending dues and inform recovery officer / customer about it efficiently. The system is in place and is being improved by team of experts and has helped BSES (Distribution Company for Electricity in Delhi, Now known as Reliance Energy) to recover dues more effectively and efficiently. The system proved out to be highly efficient and has reduced the float of the company manifold.
? Trained a team of 50 non-technical background undergraduates to perform technical survey in commercial and residential areas and helped in development of survey form for the survey team keeping in view their non-technical background.
? Study of various components involved in electricity pricing in India and how does electricity pricing differ in India and developed nations.

2000 Hindalco (As part of Engineering curriculum)
? Study of extraction of Aluminum from its principle ores.


As part of MBA curriculum
? Study of marketing strategy of Tanishq
? Comparative Study of a typical worker on a handloom, power loom & Sulzer in the weaving department of The British India Corporation Ltd (LAL IMLI) HR. The study was aimed at evaluating and comparing the living standard of typical worker in LAL IMLI MILLS (KANPUR) vis--vis typical industrial worker. The data used for comparison purpose was sourced from various reports of Government of India.

As part of B.Tech curriculum
? Study of Performance of DI Diesel Engine using vegetable oils. The project was undertaken on normal diesel Engine. The engine fuel intake was modified to take test fuel in measurable quantity; several other important modification were done to ensure that the results ere not affected by external factors. Several Combinations of fuel were tested for their effects on Engine Parameters such as Fuel Consumption, Power Delivered, and Combustion Efficiency etc.
? All the five members of the group received A-Grade for their exemplary work which is a record in AMU.

At Work
? Received Certificate of Appreciation for being the most promising employee 2005-2006.
? Received Employee of the year award for the year 2006-2007.
? Ranked 185 out (top 0.57%) of approximately 32000 candidates in Aligarh Muslim University Engineering entrance examination and selected for Mechanical Engineering.

? Won debate at Intra-University level.
? Prize in paper presentation contest on the topic The Existence of Unified Force Field Theory.
? School Captain (Class 10th) during session 1994-95.

? Received distinction for performance in cricket at university/school level.
? Captain of Hall Snooker team which won Intra-University tournament.
? Second prize in drama contest organized by Family Planning Association of India.
Computer Literacy ? Underwent a short-term course on Internet Application & Security at RAC Computers, Lucknow.
? Working knowledge of Windows ME/XP/2000 etc. Well verse with MS OFFICE.
? Advance user of Microsoft Excel.

I want a writer who is well versed in Business Statistics

Topic:Research Methods for Managerial Decisions Simulation

Note: write a reference page if there's any citation.
No using Wikipedia as a source please.

Please follow the instructions carefully and fulfill ALL the required criteria.

Part 1:(1 page)
Run the Research Methods for Managerial Decisions simulation and then answer the following questions, in short answer format:
a. Laura wanted to build a multiple regression model based on advertising expenditures and coffee times price index. Based on the selection of all normal values she obtained the following:
1) Multiple R = 0.738
2) R-square = 0.546
By using lagged values she came up with the following:
3) Multiple R = 0.755
4) R-square = 0.570

Explain the differences in using these different models. How could CoffeeTime further optimize this model?

b. Tourism is one consideration for CoffeeTimes future. A survey of 1,233 visitors to Mumbai last year revealed that 110 visited a small cafe during their visit. Laura claims that 10% of tourists will include a visit to a cafe.
Use a 0.05 significance level to test her claim. Would it be wise for her to use that claim in trying to convince management to increase their advertising spending to travel agents? Explain.

Part 2:(1 page)
Finally, what additional strategy (or variation on a given strategy) would you recommend to the key decision maker in the simulation to solve the challenge given? Prepare a 350-word memo to the simulation's key decision maker advocating your recommendation

NOTE: Part 2 should be in MEMO format, please list the reference page at the end if there's any.

Access to the SIMULATION:
Step1: go to
Setp2: User Login Name: kellyli1002

go to 'Open Resource" which is next to 'Grade Report'

Step4: go to WEEK SIX, you will see the link of
SIMULATIONS: Research Methods for Managerial Decisions

We need to find an article (any subject) and assess how the article used statistical theory. This is the second part of a basic statistics class, and the theories covered so far are pretty basic. We have covered Picturing Distributions with Graphs, Describing Distributions with Numbers, The Normal Distribution, descriptive statistics (basic calculations and interpretations),probability, linear regression, and inferential statistics. We can keep it basic.

Please note, a few weeks ago we did a similar paper, and the sublect was small business statistics in Spain. Please make sure we do a totally different topic this time. I don't want to accidentally repeat the same paper.

Here are the only instructions given for the paper:

Assessment #2: Find an article from a credible source thatcontains some statistical component that has been discussed in classduring weeks 1 through 6. You will need to assess and interpret how thisarticle used (or abused) statistical theory. Credible sources include theWall Street Journal and the New York Times. If you are unsure if thesource of the article is appropriate, feel free to contact the instructoror the teaching assistant for their input. The assessment should includethe following:
the title of the article, author, and where it appeared;where the data came from; how was the data collected; the statistics beingused; and an interpretation of how the was used (or misused).

Feel free to contact me at any time with questions.

The general subject : Business Statistics
Type of document : Project Work

Project Topic :Lifestyle. Choose any sub topic under lifestyle since lifestyle is too broad.

Project Introduction
1.Define the population
2.Divide the population into subgroups
3.Set the Sample size
4.Conduct a Simple Random Sampling for each group.
5.Process of administering the Survey.
Use this Information for the Stratified Random Sample
Define the population (JJC Business Students)
Split the population into Strata (1303)
Male 690 (53%)
Female 613 (47%)
Set the Sample size for each stratum
Male = 53
Female = 47
Do two Stratified Random Sampling Surveys
At least one Stratum explains SRS steps.
I am also going to be sending the Data for the Lifestyle project.
Use it if possible and make some adjustments if you have to in making this project outstanding.
Thank you

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Business Proposal report

The context of the situation is that you are proposing a new business venture. This could be a small business start-up or a joint venture.

The report format and items to address are as follows:

-Business description. The basic category of product/service, mission/purpose of the business, general market area (local/regional/ national/global), and basic organizational design (form of ownership and basic structure, with supporting rationale).

-Competitive analysis: Analyze the industry for the type of product you select, analyze the nature of competition in the industry, the general life cycle stage of the product for the market area you want to operate in, and key success factors for operating in this industry.

-Marketing concept: Description of the product/service or product line. Description of the target market (use supporting demographics), the pricing concept, the promotional positioning, and the marketing channels. Provide rationale as to how the pricing, promotional, and marketing channel concepts fit the target market.

References: Support your competitor analysis and marketing concept with at least 5 references related to your product category or the market area/conditions for your product.

Business Statistics Task 1(A) -

Statistics using MS Ex-cel sheet as much as possible:Kindly use data from datasheet 52 0nly.Use of wrong data will lead to zero result awarded.
Last time the mathematician used a wrong datasheet, so results were wrong.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:Please use data from datasheet 52 for all calculations and also send me all the Ex-cel sheets used for the calculation.
All calculations should be preferably using MS Ex-cel as maximum as possible.
Go on.Surprise me.


Task 1 (70 marks)

From the data supplied calculate the following:

(a) For the group expenditure (total spend) for each nationality:
standard deviation of the sample
standard error
an interval estimate of the population mean

(b) Repeat the above calculations for the individual expenditure (total expenditure for the group divided by the number of people in the group).

(c) Assess the difference in means of the group expenditure for each pair of nationalities.

(d) Repeat the above calculations for the individual expenditure

(e) Calculate a regression equation for numbers in the group against group expenditure for each nationality. Assume that people cause expenditure.

(f) Calculate the r2 for the regression equation and the t-statistic for the intercept and slope coefficient for each nationality.

(g) Estimate the family expenditure of a group of 1 adult and 3 children for each nationality.

(h) Using chi-square assess if there is a difference in opinions on the four different aspects within each nationality.

(i) Using chi-square assess if there is a difference in opinions on the four different aspects between each nationality.

Note: Use a 95% confidence limit throughout. You are to comment on the statistical significance of any results.

TASK 2 (30 marks)

Write a report for Theodoras Spyridos explaining the above results and make any recommendation you think appropriate.


1) This assignment must be your own individual piece of work.
2) The word limit on task 2 is 500 words.
3) Hand in date 11/08/08 - (before 4.00 pm).

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Business scenario:

You have been hires as a consultant by an SME that currently specialises in providing office furniture to other companies using a B2B business model. The SME has decided to take the strategic direction of entering the B2C market and hopes to sell furniture to the public through the internet. They already have legacy systems in place for accounting and stock management.

You have been asked to advise of any key issues affecting the operation of the business as they move into this new market. You have not been asked to undertake the integration into the B2C market, but rather to advise on operational considerations and any key requirements that should be taken into account when inviting tenders to provide a technological solution.

We came up with Objectives/Aims along the following lines:
1. Identifying operational considerations
2. Advising on the operational issues/considerations
3. Identifying the key requirements for tender
4. Advising on the key requirements for tender

Key issues that have been discussed for this scenario:
-Integrate legacy system
-Resistance of change
-Cost (with integrate the legacy system)
-Cost of laboring (for monitoring legacy system)
-Expand labor staff (delivery staff), more staff more training
-Building trust in the environment
-Experience of tender company
-Online market
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Business Plan Proposal

Business Plan Proposal ?" The Ducks Poker Room
The proposal should be 7 pages in length and must include:
? Business Plan Objectives
? Industry Description
? Company Description
? Company Objectives
? Product/Service Offerings
? The Market
Construct a proposal which touches on the above topics. Each topic is a section. The important information to know is that The Ducks Poker Room will have seven tables which can seat nine players at a time. We will be running tournaments each evening and the weekends in the afternoon and live cash games any time. We will have 2 video poker machines as well. We will have 4 TVs to watch sports with a sitting area with an X-Box. We will have poker t-shirts, poker cards, and card toppers for sale. We will serve beverages including alcohol (beer, no hard alcohol) and snack foods.
Be as specific as you can be. The industry is competitive but The Ducks Poker Room will have things that others do not such as; x-box, video poker machines, and promotions involving college basketball and football tickets in the prize pool, as well as having poker merchandise and accessories for sale.
If you need any clarification, please ask. Thanks.

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Business Policy&Strategy

The seven attributes that enable good leadership are identified as vision, performance, principles, education of subordinates,perseverance, passion, and leader selection/development. Select one of the following leaders, evaluating and ranking his/her strenghts and/or weaknesses in these seven categories:President George W. Bush, Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mike Brown (former FEMA Director), Oprah Winfrey (Harpo), or Meg Whitman (eBay Technologies).

Statistics Business Model

Statistics is about more than calculations. It is about turning data into information and using this information to understand the population. A statistician will be asked to help to solve real world problems by designing a study, collecting date, analyzing the data, and writing up the results. As a final project, you will be asked to do something similar. Though the design and data collection will be done for you, you will be asked to analyze the data using the appropriate tests (ensuring the data are distributed normally) and write up the results using statistical evidence to support your findings. Lastly, you will be asked to include recommendations, that is, apply the results to solve the real world problem.

Paper Topic:

Due to financial hardship, the Nyke shoe company feels they only need to make one size of shoes, regardless of gender or height. They have collected data on gender, shoe size, and height and have asked you to tell them if they can change their business model to include only one size of shoes ? regardless of height or gender of the wearer. In no more 5-10 pages (including figures), explain your recommendations, using statistical evidence to support your findings. The data found are below:

*I will email attachment of the chart displaying shoe size, height, and gender.*

-Pick one of the three topics outlined
-The main aim is to persuade government of a chosen policy position
-Ensure that you make clear what policy position you are advocating at the beginning of the submission
This assignment requires a report-style format. Guidelines and headings:

*Introduction ? what is this about?
-Background of organisation
-The problem
-Developments to date
-Proposed solution
-Evidence in support of proposed solution
-Counter-arguments and responses
*Once again, it is important that your policy position is made clear within the first 2 paragraphs
-The rest of the submission provides evidence & points in favour of why your policy position is the most viable one
-Avoid only basing your policy position on your organisation?s self interest
-Try to frame your argument in terms of what is in the ?public interest? or ?society?s interest? or ?individual rights?
-The best submissions are able to anticipate and rebut the arguments of competing submissions
-Use your conclusion to sum up the evidence in defence of your position
-Ensure that you reference web sources correctly
-Put web addresses in the reference list, not in the text of the submission

Hershey or Tootsie Roll in

(Statistics Paper)

I. The executive summary
A. Describe the most important facts and conclusions.
B. One paragraph, no more!
II. The introduction
A. Several paragraphs.
B. Contents
1.Background on the problem.
2.Questions of interest, problem statement, and/or hypotheses.
3.The nature of the data set - describe your sample.
III. Analysis and methods section
A. Interpret the statistical summaries
1.Tell the reader what you found in the data (results, facts only).
2.Explain what those findings mean with regard to the problem (interpret
B. Design - describe the most important aspects of how the data was collected.
IV. Conclusions and summary section.
A. What has the analysis revealed?
B. Why was the analysis done? (Refers back to your background.)
C. What of value was discovered? (Any unexpected results.)
D. How have your questions been answered? (Refers back to questions of interest,
problem statement, and/or hypotheses
V. References
VI. Appendix

****Extra Information to help below******

Developing the Research Proposal

1. Identify specific problem and write your problem statement. What question will you address? What variable measures will you measure? Why is this problem important?

An introductory section includes the research problem and states why you believe the problem to be important. If you have any relevant research that pertains to your research problem, include it.

2. Formulate hypotheses or objectsives. What specific questions will you address in order to shed light on your problem?

In our day-to-day activities we are often faced with problems for which we must gather information and seek answers. In order to focus our information gathering we try to identify possible solutions, or explanations, to our problem and then gather the information needed to see if given explanation is correct. These educated guesses about possible differences, relationships, or causes are called hypothesis.

You will be unable to formulate good hypotheses unless you know something about the phenomenon you propose to study. The more you know about your topic before you conduct your research, the better will be your hypotheses and the greater will be your chances of producing useful knowledge related toy our problem.
Directional and null hypotheses
Criteria for good hypotheses
Considering alternate hypotheses

3. Select possible measures. Locate and evaluate measures of the variables to be studied and select the most appropriate.

4. Select research subjects. Identify the population to which your research will apply: decide on the size of your sample and how subjects will be selected.

5. Specify the research design. Study the types of research and decide which is most appropriate fro your problem.

Two types- descriptive studies and studies aimed at discovering casual relationships. Three research designs usually used by graduate students are casual-comparison, correlation, or experiment. Descriptive statistics (summary statistics) are used to describe the data we have collected on a research sample. The casual-comparative method is aimed at the discovery of possible causes for the phenomenon being studied by comparing subjects in whom a characteristic is present with similar subjects in whom it is absent or present to a lesser degree. Correlation studies include all research projects in which an attempt is made to discover or clarify relationships through the use of correlation coefficients. The experimental research design is ideally suited to establish casual relationships if proper controls are used. The key feature of experimental research is that a treatment variable is manipulated.

Inferential statistics are used to make inferences from sample statistics to the population parameters. They allow us to generalize from the situation that was studied to the situations not studied.

6. Select analysis procedures. Review statistical tools and decide which will best test your hypothesis, given your subjects, measures, and design research.

7. Specify research activities. Describe in chronological order and in a much detail as you can the specific steps you must take to carry out the proposed research. Check the entire proposal fro ethical and legal compliance

>Business Proposal: You have been crowned the 2007 Miss Nigeria in America (MNIA) and you have chosen a platform you would undertake during your reign. MNIA, Inc. has tasked you to write a proposal on your platform that you will present to different NGOs, Grant Agencies and to the Board Members of MNIA, Inc. The budget for your proposal/plan is $10,000

>Describe in essay format the following topics (1-4):
1.Name of platform and reason why you chose to undertake it:

High Blood Pressure Awareness

**If chosen as the next Miss Nigeria in America, I would undertake High Blood Pressure Awareness as my platform. High-blood pressure otherwise known as hypertension is a major health problem in the United States and especially among West Africans. Not only are the risks higher, but so is the likelihood of developing it at a younger age and its severity. In order to deal with this problem, people must know the risk factors and if they do have hypertension, that they lower their blood pressure.
Many of those who have high blood pressure do not know it. This is a uniquely silent disease. There are no symptoms until it is too late; unfortunately my grandmother and my aunt fell victim to the silent killer. This challenge can be met by raising awareness in Nigerian communities and empowering them to be responsible for their health. Because high blood pressure is silent and can be treated effectively, early detection and awareness is important. Given that high blood pressure runs in my family, I have a strong personal commitment, involvement, and conviction to promote widespread awareness about high blood pressure.

2. Steps you would take to promote this platform to Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora

Some suggestions I had includes build visibility, but this is NOT limited. **Im open to suggestions
The goal is to promote the fact that HBP can be prevented and controlled; people just need to be aware and willing to get checked every now and then to ensure they are within a healthy range
A. Fundraising
B. Since I live in NYC; I thought to have a statewide awareness program
C. Work to assure blood pressure screening and follow-up services for state employees
D. Promote school health programs that maintain or enhance physical education classes and offer healthful foods in cafeterias
and vending machines.
E. Provide blood pressure screening programs focused on high-risk groups; Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora
F. Work with health care organizations like, American Heart Association, NIH
G. Monthly Screenings available for Nigerian Organziations; provide incentives. Discount for this high-risk group with hospitals?
H. Get people involved/organizations involved:

3. Advice you would give the named agencies above on ways to implement your platform program.

Below are some ideas, but not limited to
A. Work with your local American Heart Association
B. Free Clinicsplease include the fact that I volunteered with the Ithaca Free Clinic in Ithaca, NY. I created a hypertension brochure to hand out to patients to educate them. Also, I was trained to read patient vitals and use the automated blood pressure machine to measure patients blood pressure levels

4. Detailed/Realistic Budget outlining total cost on undertaking this platform

This must be specific (i.e. in order to promote school health care; it will cost $X because research indicates) In terms of the layout; the budget section does not count as a page. This will be included as a separate page and attached at the end of the proposal.

***So, 8 pages will focus on Topics 1-3 and the 9th page will focus on topic 4--budget.

Charts, tables etc, if used do not count as a page. Please put in the appendix section of the report if necessary.

>Tone of the Proposal:
Passionatemaybe open up with the major reason why I chose this topic. It runs in my family; I lost my aunt, grandmother, and my mom has it now. So, its a bit personal as well. Another suggestion may be to follow up with startling statistics to really grab the readers attention. This must be consistent throughout the essay/proposal b/c its 8 pages long.

>Quotes: Yes! This may help keep the reader engaged

>Must haves
1. Personal history/experience with HBP
2. Directly answer 1-4 above
3. Relate/Direct proposal with the target audience of Nigerians/Nigerians in America
4. Mention the Miss Nigeria in America Oranization
5. Mention that as the 2007 Miss Nigeria in America, I will or something to this extent

>Additional Information I think may help or to provide guidance:

Improving Control of High Blood Pressure in Wisconsin
Wisconsins Cardiovascular Health Program collaborated with a statewide group of 20 HMOs and health systems, as well as other public and private health organizations, to increase the percentage of patients who have their high blood pressure controlled. Participating HMOs represented 84 percent of patients enrolled in HMOs in the state in 2000 and more than 98 percent of those enrolled in 2001 (nearly 1.5 million people). The Cardiovascular Health Program asked that the 20 participating health plans with commercial enrollees collect data on measures of cardiovascular health. Based on these data, health plans made quality improvements in blood pressure control. Among participating health plans, the percentage of patients who had their high blood pressure controlled increased from 48 percent to 58 percenta 21 percent relative increase.

Promote physical activity and healthy eating habits. Programs aimed at increasing physical activity and promoting a healthy diet are effective in lowering blood pressure and could delay or prevent the onset of high blood pressure.

Promote early identification of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a well-known risk factor for heart disease and stroke that can be prevented. Early intervention through detection and treatment is a fundamental strategy for public health.

Develop community programs. Successful community programs should be convenient for your population and conducted in a culturally sensitive manner. Programs should be targeted to those populations who are most likely to develop high blood pressure and those with limited access to health care.

Promote access to the health care system for all. Less than half of your constituents diagnosed with high blood pressure have it under control. Lack of access to health care providers and medical care will lead to uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Encourage quality improvement efforts in the health care setting. Systems that support providers and patients in following established guidelines are needed. Quality improvement programs in the primary care, specialty care and hospital settings can transform the care that is provided to patients with high blood pressure. Resources: Washington State Department of Health Web site The Health of Washington State High Blood Pressure: Available at

Business Research

Guidelines / Outline Format for the Research Proposal

? Prior approval of your research topic is required. Chapters 6 and 25 are good references.
? The paper should be written in the 3rd person. Avoid ?I? or ?we?. The final draft should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not exceed 25 pages (excluding appendices). The paper should look professional and be well written. Number each page. Use headings and sub-headings to show changes in topics. A sample format has been provided.
? The following areas must be included:
o Title Page (title of the report, the date, and for whom and by whom it was prepared)
o Table of Contents
o Executive Summary (no more than 1 page)
? Basically, a report in miniature written after the proposal is completed
o Introduction
? Problem Statement
? Identify the purpose for the research project ? the sponsor of the research should know the management dilemma and question, its significance, and why something should be done
? Identify the unit of analysis (organizational, departmental, individual, objects, etc.)
? Identify the relevant variables and operationally define each
? Hypotheses and/or research objectives
? Literature Review
? Summarize 3 articles, from scholarly journals, related to your proposed research
? When choosing your research topic, be sure you can find 3 related articles.
o Methodology (will probably be the bulk of your proposal)
? This section should specify all methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed data.
? Address:
? Research design: Describe the research design. Will the research be exploratory, descriptive, or causal/experimental? Why is this particular design the best one for this research?
? Data collection: Describe, in detail, how the data will be collected. Will the data come from primary or secondary sources? Will results be collected by survey, observation, case study, interviews, focus groups, experiment or a combination thereof? When will the data be collected? How much time will it take? Discuss any special equipment, services, facilities needed to collect data. If an experimental design is used, describe how subjects will be assigned to groups. Include copies of all data collection instruments in the appendix.
? Sample design: What is the target population? Be specific. What sampling frame will be used? What sample units will be used? How will they be selected? How many will be in the sample?
? Fieldwork: Will fieldworkers be used? If so, how many and what type? What training and supervision will they receive? Will their work be verified? How?
? Data analysis: Outline the statistical methods to be used for data analysis ensuring that the methods are appropriate for the design, objectives, and the type of data collected (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio). Why have you chosen these statistical methods?
? Limitations of the research: Identify any potential methodology problems, their impact, and possible ways to handle (to include possible ethical concerns and threats to validity ? page 271).
o Results
? Provide dummy tables/charts/graphics showing how the results section will probably look
o Timeline and Budget
? State the proposed timeline and budget for this research project. Each step in the research should be identified and a realistic timeframe allocated. Give an educated guess as to the cost of this research (i.e., travel, meetings, reproduction, mail, telephone costs, incentives to participants, equipment).
o Bibliography
? Include a list of all sources consulted during the research for this proposal, not just the texts cited in your literature review. Use APA format.
o Appendices
? Include samples of all data collection instruments and any other materials that reinforce the body of the proposal.

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