Business Report Essays Prompts

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The business idea is to create a thrift store. Focuses on employing boys and girls right out of juvenile detention center. The profits of the store are invested in housing and education for the workers, children and also to help maintain the store.

The assignment:

Clearly explaining the idea to the reader
Then focus on briefly highlighting following aspects of your idea:
1. Unique attributes of your idea
2. Similarities and differences from existing ideas
4. Antecedents of the idea (How can you tie this idea to other existing innovations? To generate this idea what existing innovations did you have to recombine?)
5. Key Success and failure factors

In the body report (Most important parts - 4 pages);

Highlight the following aspects of the idea (9 pts for each main step):
2. Entrepreneurial Goals and Context (Chapters 1-3)
a. Long and short term goals of innovation
b. Expected financial and social implications of the innovation
c. Defining the possible markets for the innovation
3. Opportunity Recognition (Chapters 4-6)
a. Personal, processual, and environmental antecedents of the idea
b. Network of existing ideas that your innovation is built on
c. The process of idea generation

ATTENTION: For this assignment no conclusion is necessary!!

Thank You!

Business Structure Advice

Write a 600-word response to the following e-mail:

Dear Consultant,

I am currently starting a business and developing my business plan. I'm in need of some advice on how to start forming my business. I am not sure exactly how it will be financed and whether or not I want to take on partners. I am interested and willing to learn the intricacies of my options to determine how to best proceed with my plan.

Please advise on what my options are, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and possible tax consequences for each scenario?


John Owner
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (MSwriter) completes this order.

Class: Information Technology
In order for an organization to develop an effective business continuity plan or disaster recovery plan, it must know what information assets it has, their impact on business operations, and the criticality and priorities associated with the information systems and assets. The primary objective of a business impact analysis (BIA) is to identify the assets that are required for continued business operations in the event of an incident or disaster. Thus, a critical step in the development of an effective BIA includes establishing component priorities and determining component reliance and dependencies. Additionally, organizational personnel must know their responsibilities during recovery efforts.
Write a four page paper in which you:

1. Describe the methods for establishing component priorities, including:
a. Business functions and processes
b. BIA scenarios and components
c. Financial and service impact of components not being available
d. Recovery time frameworks
2. Describe the methods for determining component reliance and dependencies, including:
a. Component dependencies
b. Resources required to recover component in the event of failure
c. Human assets needed to recover components
3. Provide recommendations for the development of the BIA, management and other personnel responsibilities, and educating company personnel that would be involved in the recovery efforts.
4. Use the following resources in this assignment:
2. Security policies and Implementations issues(see attachment)
3. Information Security principles and practices(see attachment)
4. Choose one more

Please follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format.


Read through the business plan, and write a paper outlining whether you recommend investing $5 million into the business or not. Clearly state your reasons.

In your decision-making process, you may want to consider the following questions:

Management Issues

What do you think of the management team?
Are there any gaps?
What other information would you like to know? How may you get that information?
Market and Product Issues

Is the market attractive? And big enough?
Are there concerns that you have with this specific industry and market?
What do you think about the product description?
Is the timing good for this business idea?
Financial Issues

Do you believe the financials? Why, or why not?
Are there ways that you can increase your confidence in the projections?
What kind of valuation will you put on this company (no need for exact numbers??"just say high, medium or low. Keep in mind that if you go with low, or even medium, the entrepreneurs may reject your offer and go with your competitor).

-As you evaluate the investment opportunity, which is the topic of the project, you should use the frameworks that have been developed before. Is the innovation a business model innovation? Is it disruptive? How will culture play into this? Is there market research that can be done? And so on.

I should emphasize that I am not looking for a correct answer here. It does not matter what your decision is; what matters is that you have arrived at the decision in a thoughtful, logical manner. This project will be evaluated according to the following criteria, listed in order of importance:

Consistency and strength of arguments
Style (grammar, spelling, punctuation)

Write theories and concepts of how to do the business, for example, what is it? how to apply it?

CHAPTER 3 (How to do business)
3.1 Business planning methodology (0.5 pages)
3.1.1 The Analysis of Business Plan Component
- Marketing mix (1 page)
- Logistic strategy (1.5 pages)
- Human resources strategy (1.5 pages)
- Financial Projection (1.5 pages)
Cash flow analysis table

My research is on opening a home based travel agency. I mailed 50 surveys to people asking their travel needs and if they would be willing to use me as a travel agent. I will be using a bar graph for the results of my survey that I have sent to people. I will be developing a matrix for easy reference on the different resorts within Jamaica and what the resorts have to offer.
I have attached a copy of my timeline to show what research I have done for this assignment. If you need any further information or have questions, please let me know. Thanks.

Mail and hand out a travel survey to 50 people, to see if there is a demand for my travel Research other travel agencies on the web and develop my own unique services

Research financial needs and regulatory issues for my travel agency

Research small business association for beginning my enterprise

Research for office supplies and the cost I will incur when purchasing equipment

Research With local Print companies for cost of promotional Literature
Research online different resorts within Jamaica and what services/amenities each resort has to offer
Research online the different tours/adventures within Jamaica
Research online different safety tips and emergency telephone numbers for Jamaica and make spreadsheet

Paper Requirements:

Primary Research Summary

Feel free to borrow from your Research Plan in addressing the first two items. But be sure to look for places where it would be appropriate (now that the research is completed) to revise or update the information you presented in your plan. That is, keep what didnt change, and switch-in what did.

1. Brief Problem Definition: Provide a one-sentence statement that defines your problem, opportunity, or need.

2. Final Problem Overview: Present an updated overview of your problem background, benefits, importance, limitations, restrictions, risks, objectives, and design. Where and why did you set out to accomplish what -- and through what means? Give extra emphasis to any details that have changed/evolved from those stated in your proposal.

3. Implementation/Methodology Summary: Here, present a clear and credible account of the action steps you took in performing your research. A clear correlation must exist between your plan (i.e., Objective Implementation & Research Methodology) and what actually took place. Explain and justify all deviations.

4. Data Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations: Provide an honest, complete, and objective assessment of the results and your recommendations. Evaluate the data collected against your "predetermined" criteria (as stated in your plan), and also against any other evaluative mechanisms that have since arisen (e.g. an opinion or other outcome you hadn't expected).

5. Literature Review: A summary of the critical knowledge and ideas published on the defined problem providing historical background and validation for the proposed research. It organizes and synthesizes the information, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and provides support and credibility. The original works maybe empirical, theoretical, analytical, or methodological in nature. An annotated bibliography citing the original works referenced must be included.

I would like to have K. Blake do this research development. Do you believe that ethics is an important factor in conducting business transactions today? Explain and defend your position. Support your answer with logical reasons and/or explain the logic you used to reach your answer. Show the ability to think critically and support the answer you choose.

Please answer the questions individually with inline citation and list references.

Profit vs. Responsibility
1. There is sometimes a perceived conflict between earning profit and being responsible. What should CanGo do about adding violent games to their product mix? What impact might this have on the various stakeholders for the company? Why might the perception that profits can't mix with responsibility be false? How does this affect CanGo's decision whether to sell games with violent content?

2. Do you believe that the decision whether to adopt a strategy related to marketing violent games would be easier made if the company had established mission and values statements? Why or why not?

3. It appears that we seem to focus only on one set of stakeholder as we discuss this issue. So let us explore the impact on other stakeholders. Given the fact that many of CanGo's staff, shareholders, etc. may object to CanGo's participation in selling violent online games, how do you expect them to react if CanGo goes ahead with marketing these violent game?

4. Answer Rebuttal - Pro or Con
As a customer, I would and have cut off trade with businesses that have changed from their original operations and added undesirable products to their line. Some customers may feel like they do not want to support a business that they feel sells inappropriate items. This has the possibility of making a huge difference in the profits. They need to consider their customer base and determine if this will be significant.

5. Answer rebuttal Pro or Con
I think that they should have set a values statement right from the beginning. It would been easier to say yay or nay to marketing these kind of games and to which consumer base. The company has set itself for internal conflict because some will say yes market to all and some will say that these games have to be marketed to a restricted group of consumers.

You are to respond to this scenario.You are working for a large multinational organisation as the newly appointed head of the Competitive Intelligence Unit. This is a Unit of the organisation that has recently been established. The organisation is interested in extending its reach into a number of developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa but it is not sure of the business or government environment.

Therefore as a first task in your new position, you have been asked by your CEO to develop a proposal indicating how you might design, set up and implement a Competitive Intelligence System within your organisation.

This will need to include:
(1)the most critical fields of Competitive Intelligence (country and market) that you claim will be essential for the future consideration of the organisation as it attempts to increase its global reach. You will also need to indicate why these fields of Competitive Intelligence are critical.
(2)How you will design and implement the system within your organisation and then monitor events in your countries of interest over the next 3 years.

This part needs to include the resources needed.You can decide on the organisational structure and number of employees and where they are located, for the purpose of this assignment.

Review the business message provided below:

Dear Customer Name,

Thank you for being our guest at Wyndham Hotels and Resorts. We appreciate your business and are interested in hearing about your recent visit. How was your stay? Were we able to impress you? There?s a quick and easy way to let us know.

Please take a few minutes to evaluate your unique Wyndham experience by completing a brief survey at (survey link). As a valued Wyndham customer, your comments are extremely important to us.

It is our goal to deliver each and every one of our guests the best hotel experience possible. I personally appreciate your time and assistance in helping to make our hotels the best they can be.

Thank you for choosing Wyndham.

Kind Regards,

Susie Smith
Human Relations President
Wyndham Hotels and Resorts

Consider that you are the subject matter expert on communication and your audience is a group of Wyndham employees. You have been hired by the company to help improve the communication of the employees. You are utilizing the sample communication piece above in order to further explain, and apply the communication process.

Analyze the message using the communication process. The analysis should include the following:

? Descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback. Include the definitions of each communication element and be sure to cite your source(s).
? Explanations of whether the message and technology were appropriate given the environment and purpose and why
? An explanation of how the content, media, and technology of the feedback are or are not appropriate for the purpose and audience.

Draft a response to the message stating you were not satisfied with the unfriendly service. Use direct, effective writing techniques. Explain why the writing techniques are effective (chapter readings)

Compose a 1,000- to 1,200-word paper that includes your message, analyses, response, and rationale (all of the above).

Format your paper according to APA standards. Appendix A should be cited throughout your paper. You should also use your chapter readings as a source at least once in the paper, particularly when explaining your direct, effective message. Format your Reference page according to the APA Guidelines in the Center for Writing Excellence (Citations and References link). Third person point of view should be used.

Be sure to review the Essay Guides document in the Center for Writing Excellence for tips about drafting your report.

Appendix A:

A Basic Communications Model
The Basic Communications Model is the starting point for analyzing the communications process in terms of the intent of the sender, the needs of the receiver, and the elements of the communications environment.
Use the model as your starting point when analyzing messages in your assignments.

The communications model above shows the basic components present in a simple two-way exchange of information. Every communication, whether it is real-time, such as with a face-to-face meeting or a telephone conversation, or asynchronous, as with e-mail and fax, involves the following:
? The environment in which the communication takes place
? A sender or encoder who starts with a purpose
? A message created to accomplish the purpose through the following:
o Content, or the words and images
o Media, or the format in which the content is presented, such as audio, text, video, or multimedia
? Technology, which is made up of the following:
o Encoding and presentation tools
o Channels, or data networks appropriate to that technology
? Noise, which is anything that reduces the likelihood of the message being interpreted the way the sender intended
? A receiver or decoder who interprets the message
? A feedback message that reverses the process

Note. A more advanced communication model would consider multiple parties, the different types of each component, and the perceptual filtering of a message done by both the sender and receiver?the characteristics, thoughts, and emotions of all parties that contribute to the message?s formation and interpretation.

Business Research Methods

From Chapter 12 - Read Snapshot: Measuring Respect. Discuss the information presented and the critical measures taken in order to validate the relevance of respect in business practice

From Chapter 5 - Review the Research Questions from Close Up: Proposing Research for MindWriter and the Exploration Phase, and then decide: How do these questions in the research proposal lead one towards a tangible end result defined by either higher service quality; higher levels of customer satisfaction; better product; or monetary savings?


Assume that you are a researcher working in a multinational company (it is easier if the company is fictional) based in Country A (a developed country), and that you are asked by your chief executive officer (CEO) to write a report on doing international business in Country B (a developing country).

In the report, you must analyse various aspects of the international business environment (see below) and provide a recommendation on whether your company should engage in trade and/or investment in Country B and how. You may if you wish make Country A a developing country and Country B a developed country.

It is sensible to decide on real countries for Country A and B and a real industry for the firm (e.g. textile manufacturing). Note: these are only examples.

You can select any countries and any industry that you wish. It is sensible to select countries and industries for which it is easy to obtain the data that you will need. For your own benefit, you should define what your firm does narrowly and clearly (e.g. a laptop manufacturer is much better than a computer firm).

Issues to be considered in the report:

a) An analysis of the national business system and cultural conditions in Country B with an assessment of how this will affect your firm within its industry.

You should keep in mind the national business system and cultural conditions in Country A so that you have accounted for the major differences between the systems that the firm operates in from the one it is considering operating in. When considering cultural conditions, you should avoid focusing exclusively on Hofstedes, Trompenaars or Halls frameworks and instead draw on a more diverse set of readings about national culture. Also avoid general analyses of national business systems and cultural conditions and instead provide an analysis that is relevant for your chosen industry and firm.

b) An assessment of the pattern and trends of trade between the two countries, especially in your selected industry, and also consideration of the type and level of protection measures against imports and foreign investment in Country B within your industry.

In this section you should indicate, in the light of the trade patterns and the level of protection, what type of competitive advantages your firm would need to be successful in Country B. Note: you need to keep in mind the industry that you have selected for your company.

c1) An outline of the exchange regimes that govern Countries A and B with an assessment of the risks this poses for your firm.

You should highlight measures that may be used to reduce these exchange rate risks.


c2) An assessment of the implications of international institutions such as the WTO, EU, NAFTA for the firms proposed business links with Country B.

In this section you should apply the implications of the work of the international institutions for a firm in Country A doing business in Country B.

d) Advise on whether the firm should export or use foreign direct investment, or a combination of these means, to do effective business in Country B.

In this section you should discuss what type of exporting and/or foreign direct investment should be used.

e1) Advise on the type of political risks that the firm may encounter in Country B and on ways to reduce these risks.


e2) Advise on the problems of establishing and operating a corporate social responsibility policy covering business with Country B.

Please note that any discussion of the points above has to be relevant to your chosen firm and industry. At the end of the report you should come up with clear and well-grounded recommendations for your chosen company on whether it should engage in trade and/or investment in country B.

The report should contain a clear introduction and a conclusion, summarising your recommended trade/investment strategy for your company.

Your assignment ??" some help and pointers for you.
I thought that it would be helpful if you could all bear in mind the following points when preparing your projects.
1) Avoid using lazy English or imprecise expression. For example, please avoid ending sentences with the word etc.
2) When quoting an authority, the reference, for example (Hill, 2010), should be immediately after the end of the quotation. For further information on referencing please see the Effective Learning Services booklet entitled References and Bibliographies. This is available in hard copy or via this link: from the School of Management website.
3) Diagrams and tables, including the title, should be on a single page.
4) You should briefly explain to your audience what the diagram is illustrating.
5) Avoid using diagrams, tables and theories where they are irrelevant or there is no connection to the rest of your project.
6) The Executive Summary should come before Introduction.
7) The Executive Summary enables the top management (CEO) to have an idea of what you did, why and how you did it, the outcome and your recommendations. This is a summary of the whole project and one to two paragraphs are enough.
8) The Introduction helps the reader to understand why you are doing the research and how carried it out. One paragraph of up to ten lines or so is enough.
9) The Conclusion is a summary of what you did, the findings and the recommendations.
10) There is no need to highlight some points by putting them in bold type.
11) Please observe the word limit. The good news is no more than 3500 words required for this project and this excludes reference, diagrams, tables and appendices (See the ELS booklet entitled Report Writing. This is available in hard copy or via this link:
12) Remember to include a list of your references at the end of the report (See the ELS booklet entitled Report Writing. This is available in hard copy or via this link:
13) Paragraphs should be more than five lines and not more than twenty lines. In short they should be reasonable.
14) The assessors are interested in how you analyse the national business system and culture conditions in Country B with an assessment of how this will affect your firm within its industry, please note in the Country B (See the ELS booklet entitled Report Writing. This is available in hard copy or via this link:
15) An assessment of the pattern and trends of trade between the two countries, especially in your selected industry, is important, as is a consideration of the type and level of protection measures against imports and foreign investment in Country B within your industry. You should also state the type of competitive advantages your firm would need to be successful in Country B (See the ELS booklet entitled Report Writing. This is available in hard copy or via this link:
16) Your project should be clear (readable English with correct spellings), numbered and have headings.
Hope this is going to help you to prepare a well researched and written project.

There are faxes for this order.

Write a paper no more than 2,400 words in which you research Walmart's business environment:
-Review walmarts income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow to determine the financial health of the company. Be sure to compare walmart to at least two other fortune 500 companies in the industry. Be sure to answer the following:
-What have I learned about the walmart by reviewing each statement?
-is there information in any of these documents that is of a concern? If so, describe what it is and what it concerns.
-How can management use this information moving forward?
-Summarize walmart's financial health. How does it compare to other companies in the industry?
-Include a summary of walmart's technologies advantages, or lack therof, in comparison to at least two other company's in the same industry.
-Describe how globalization has affected the company's business strategies.
-Conduct a benchmarking analysis. Be sure your analysis includes the following:
-Best practices
-Operational processeses and procedures
-Products or services
Format using APA

I would like bolavens to do my paper again. I need him to put in quotes, what he is quoting in the paper based on the references he uses please.

hi i am an international student, please use simple sentence structure and words. for this business trend paper, i want to write a trend about outsourcing. my idea is that i want to summarize the contribution of outsourcing to the wold in the past decades and write the future of outsourcing, i will attach the requirement of this paper. i will also attach the blog which you need to relate some ideas to trend paper, such as economic globalization. moreover, i will also attach the CSR paper that i wrote. you also need to relate some ideas between these two paper, such as Foxconn company.
There are faxes for this order.

Business Ethics in the Context

Here is the exact info the professor provided:

Research Report
For the report, I want you to research some issue in business ethics and write a report analyzing some aspect of the issue. Once again, you have a pretty open field here; you just have to make sure that the issue involves some specific aspect of ethics in business and that you can analyze it in some way (i.e. explore cause or effect, explain the process by which something happened, define the nature of some issue, etc.). You don?t have to look far to find fertile subjects for such a paper: the Ford Pinto decision, the Enron mess, the insider trading scandals of the ?80?s, the intense marketing to children found in Saturday morning cartoons, etc. These are just examples to get you thinking; find something that you really care about and want to learn more about.

The goal of this assignment is to have you explore some subject in a certain amount of depth. Don?t give just a general overview of the subject; limit yourself to a single aspect of it and develop it fully. We?re not looking for a surface history of what happened in the Enron crisis, for example; you want to get into some depth about some specific aspect of the scandal, such as how exactly Enron hid financial losses or exactly why Arthur Anderson failed to give a true picture of the firm?s finances. We want this report to be tightly focused. Also make good use of your sources. Don?t settle for using just the first few sources you come upon; try to make as complete a search for, and exploration of, the sources available to you in the time allotted to you. Avoid just summarizing the sources; generally, if you repeatedly use a whole paragraph to summarize a single source, you aren?t making good use of the sources. Really you should be pulling facts, statistics, etc. from a variety of sources and synthesizing them within your paragraphs?using them to support your own analysis.

The report should be about 8-10 pages long (double spaced, 12 pt. font). You?ll format your document as a report (title page, executive summary, body of the report, works cited or reference page), and you must document your facts, quotes, etc. using either MLA or APA style (once again, see A Pocket Style Manual).

Case Analysis Report - Food Fight: The Day McDonald's Blinked - Will upload


1.Company/Industry Profiles and other “Case Facts�

The most popular type of student-written cases are company or industry profiles. This popularity stems from the fact that most of us know very little about the inner workings of the companies that influence our daily lives. For example, Kmart, the nation’s third largest retailer, came very close to bankruptcy as a consequence of its aggressive entry into specialty retailing. Eventually, the company shed its excess and concentrated on reviving its stores by changing its identity to “Big Kmart.� Thus, the first reason for the popularity of these types of cases is that it’s interesting and informative to find out “how things are� and “how things work� in the corporate community.

A second reason, beyond the simple pleasure of discovering the unknown, is the fact that these types of cases are excellent at providing “memorable examples.� The information gained from the analysis of a company or industry may not be directly applicable; that is, it may not produce a reproducible model. However, these cases provide a storehouse of examples from which to draw. For example, an analysis of the Wal-Mart Corporation quickly reveals that a major factor in its emergence as the nation’s top retailer, surpassing both Kmart and Sears, is its expertise in information systems. This kind of example, one that reveals the link between functional expertise, strategy, and success, provides an excellent illustration for understanding how firms compete and win.

While it is true that company and industry profiles offer excellent opportunities for student case writing, there is one important caveat. The data are relatively easy to gather; in fact, sometimes too easy. In this era of meta-search engines and web page mania, it is embarrassingly simple to generate a massive list of potential data sources. The problem is that many of these hits repeat the same information. Also, much of the information on the Web is raw data that is not supported by fact. Anyone can write a web page and, because there is a difference between journalism and research, they fail to verify the information they report. This is the classic problem of using secondary sources. One must learn to question sources and to verify the information gathered on the Web. In other words, just because you read it on the Web doesn’t mean it’s true! The best case studies rely on information gathered from primary sources (i.e., company annual reports, company press announcements, original research studies, and interviews with knowledgeable sources) and verification of the information gathered.

Last, a potential problem with company/industry studies concerns the depth of the analysis. Quality case analysis demands that one does not simply restate the work of others. For example, it’s interesting to know that Wal-Mart depends on a sophisticated information system. But the very popularity of this observation demands that a new analyst go one step further by digging deeper.

The specifications given:

Writing the Case Analysis

As a general rule, the case analysis process and write-up should be organized in any way that contributes to the collection of relevant data and to the reader’s understanding. Professor John Quelch, formerly of the Harvard Graduate School of Business and a distinguished case writer, has noted some of the elements of a good case: “Basically, it needs a start, a middle and an end,� and, he continues, “You also need an exciting problem and a sense of the personalities involved.� Some examples follow.

Similar to the issues that distinguish a good case, a good case analyst writes with a purpose (generally persuasive),

1.Defining a Purpose

All good writing has a purpose. In case writing, the definition of purpose begins with the decision about the type of case to be written, but it doesn’t end there. By definition, all cases are intended to be educational, but it’s up to the writer to target and polish the educational thrust. The writer must decide the functional purpose of the case. A decision must be made early on about whether the case will be explanatory, descriptive, or exploratory. Below is a brief description of each type of functional purpose.

â-¦Descriptive cases are narratives that provide a detailed account of a circumstance or situation. Descriptive cases convey information only; thus, the reader is free to use the information unconstrained by any pre-existing goals of the writer.

â-¦Explanatory cases require that the writer assume the role of an expert and use that expertise to translate a difficult subject into a language accessible to the reader. Explanatory cases remove obscurity; they exist to make the difficult comprehensible.

â-¦Exploratory cases invite the reader to tour new terrain. The writer assumes the role of a knowledgeable but unobtrusive guide. In these cases, the reader is left to explore and experience the case. Like a professional guide leading a white-water trip through the Grand Canyon, the case writer remains in the background, secure in the knowledge that all potentially dangerous contingencies have been identified and planned for in advance.

2.Preparing the Case


As a general rule, a case analysis should consist of a minimum of four primary parts:

1.The introduction, which outlines the issues and draws the reader’s interest.

2.The background section, which provides insights into the broader context of events and forces surrounding the decision-making process. Focus only on the most directly relevant background and avoid superfluous details.

3.The core analysis section, which contains information directly relevant to the decision at hand.

4.The appendixes, including any necessary notes, tabulations, calculations, references, etc., which are germane but which are too long or too technical to be included in the main body of the report.*

Remember, cases are not organized around chapters; they consist of a series of labeled subsections that, as a general rule, should not exceed two pages in length. The precise labeling and position of these subsections will, of course, depend on the subject matter. It is the author’s responsibility to discover the natural divisions in the presentation. Headings should be short, informative, and directive; no key aspect of the case should be presented without calling the reader’s attention to it through the use of a heading.

5.Analyzing the Data

In the early phase of the case analysis report, the primary objective of the investigator is to get acquainted with the subject. Cases provide data from a wide range of primary data sources (SEC filings, annual reports, internal memos, interviews, etc.), all of which are distinguished by the fact that they have not been contaminated by the errors or biases of others. It’s the case analyst’s objective to produce a solid representation of the facts to support his or her position. Rely on the facts of the case for your evidence. Case analysis rarely requires a lot of outside research since most cases are designed to be self-contained, meaning that the case typically presents enough facts in the body of the case and the appendices for the analyst to form a sound judgment. Many journalists say that a good rule of thumb is, “If you can’t stand behind it, don’t write it.� Present the facts of the case that you can stand behind.

6.“Selling� Yourself and Other Stakeholders on the Idea ****************************** Once your audience is established, it’s time to prepare for some selling. When seeking cooperation, there are several ways to get the process off to a good start:

• Frame your arguments persuasively

• Understand the dynamics of your audience and the motivations of your audience

• Present facts that support your analysis

• Present recommendations backed by the case facts

• Use active language throughout the report

• Wrap-up with a conclusion and re-sell your primary findings and recommendations

There are faxes for this order.

Your company is planning to open an additional operation. In order to execute the plan, the companies need to obtain additional capital.
Research a (small service) company of your choice and assume you are in charge of obtaining new investors. You are scheduled to have a meeting with potential investors. What information you are going to present to them so that they will be confident to give you their money.
You need to provide at least 5 reasons and also fully explain why these reasons are important to investors. You also have to convince them they have made a best investment choice.
3 pages single space along with financial documents i.e (financial statement Balance Sheet and Income Statement) used in this report must be attached as evidence

Additional information must be included in report:
Need 3 years of history of financial statements
We will issue the investors stocks for investments must be included
From the financial statement calculate the ?" 1)Profit Margin, 2)Return on Equity, 3)Cash Return on Assets, 4)Gross Profit Ratio 5)Debt to Ratio Equations Must include in the report

Obtain a current annual report for any U.S. company you are interested in analyzing. You may download
it from its Website or from the LRC database called Mergent Online. Each student must choose a
different company to analyze; therefore students must receive approval of the selected company from the
professor by Week 5 of the class.
Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:
1. Identify and explain the main sections of the annual report.
2. Discuss the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year.
3. Discuss the primary assets held by the company.
4. Explain how management characterizes the internal control environment of the compa

The report should be done onTarget Annual Report

Small and Medium Size Businesses in the United Arab Emirates.
Trace history, customer service, CRM and satisfaction issue / problems. Discuss trend and needs of SME?s, why they are important. (or any other provided information)
I wrote the introduction and definition.

The purpose of a corporate annual report is to communicate to stockholders and other interested parties its financial statements. The annual report is a summary of the corporation?s operations over the previous 12 month time period and states the corporation?s plans for the future. Many annual reports are created to resemble a corporate brochure, using lots of pictures, color, charts and graphs. Despite the fancy look, the main purpose of the report is to provide the year?s financial data, which comes from the corporation?s accounting system.

Obtain a current Annual Report for any U.S. company you are interested in analyzing. You may download it from its Website or from the LRC database called Mergent Online. Each student must choose a different company to analyze; therefore students must receive approval of your selected company from your professor by Week 5 of the class. I WAS APPROVED TO WRITE ABOUT WALMART

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Identify and explain the main sections of the annual report.
Discuss the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year.
Discuss the primary assets held by the company.
Explain how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company.

Your assignment must:

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. State the company name and reporting period on which you will be reporting on the cover page, such as ?Coca-Cola, Fiscal Year 2010? The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Identify and explain the fundamental concepts and principles in accounting, the components of the accounting equation, the primary financial accounting equation and financial statements and reports.
Analyze the basic concepts related to accounting information systems.
Use technology and information resources to research issue in financial accounting.
Write clearly and concisely about financial accounting using proper writing mechanics.

The paper clearly and effectively demonstrates the following:
? How Rodolfo might use budgets and performance reports in his decision-making process.
? How ethics might influence his accounting decisions.
? What accounting information is most relevant for Rodolfo to consider when making decisions
Organization / Development

? The paper is no more than 1,050 words in length.
? The student provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
? The paper is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

? Formatting, layout, and graphics (font, colors, spacing) are pleasing to the eye.
? Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
? The paper follows correct APA formatting.

No Plagarism.


Strategic Management includes analysis of the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL environment of THE COMPANY, Definition of the Company's mission, and formulation and implementation of strategies to create or continue a competitive advantage.

Important NOTE: CHOOSE ANY COMPANY of your choice.

The Company can operate in the INTERNATIONAL or in the DOMESTIC environment.
The Company can be from any country.



Very Very Important NOTE: Please Kindly follow Strictly to The Word Lengths Required per description.


1. Introduction of the company , the nature of its business and any other relevant facts - 100 Words.

2. Formulate a SWOT ( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats ) Analysis - 250 Words
in TABLE FORMAT ONLY of the Chosen Company you chose.

the Company BASED ON:

3.1. POLITICAL FORCES - 150 Words





3.6. LEGAL FACTORS -150 Words

4.0. PROVIDE A SCOPE of the EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (Competitive Environment )
of the Company BASED ON:




4.4. THE SUPPLIERS - 150 Words

4.5. THE CUSTOMERS - 150 Words

5.0. PROVIDE an INTERNAL Environment Analysis of the CHOSEN Company
Based ON:

5.1. THE RESOURCES TYPES - 150 Words


6.0. GENERAL CONCLUSION of the ANALYSIS and the COMPANY - 100 Words
THAT you have choosen for this STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Report.

7.0. PROVIDE a Minimum of 8 RECOMMENDATIONS BASED on Corporate Level - 300 Words
and ALSO THE Business Level Strategies for the chosen company.

PLEASE NOTE that it is REQUIRED to CONSULT and FULLY REFERENCE a MINIMUM of 7 sources ( Books, Journals , websites , journal acticles from the full-text Databases , current affairs, newspapers, magazines, etc etc).


This Report must be free from plagarism and must pass through turnintin without plagarism, Otherwise, payment will be cancelled.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO USE ONLY the APA REFERENCING SYSTEM to acknowledge your sources of information ( BOTH IN-TEXT, and AS A REFERENCE LIST at the end ).


DELIVERY OF THIS REPORT TO BE DELIVERED IN ONE DAY. Extra payment has been paid and delivery of this report must be delivered promptly.

thank you very much.

Email:[email protected]

Coastal Uniform (the case analysis should be followed the guideline as exactly as possible)

The Assignment
You will obviously read the case. Perhaps you will underline key points and make notes in the margins.
For each written case, prepare an action-oriented advisory report which attempts to present concisely your analysis of the pertinent issues for the company described in the case, identification of the major problem facing its management, and recommendations for a solution. Your report will consist of a cover memo, which summarizes the pertinent points, followed by the report itself. (please see guideline for details! (uploaded))

You have been asked to review materials on a case regarding form called Coastal Uniforms (it is going to be uploaded) and prepare a report. Using only the materials from the case, prepare a report.

Using the format described in the file uploaded, Guidelines for Case analysis, analyze this case and present a recommendation solution. Your report should include the following:
- Cover memo serving as the Executive Summary of a case study as described in the class handout. (1 page)
- The main body of the report as described in the file uploaded. (10 pages)
"You should write main body first and based on your main body, summarization is included in the cover memo."

Coastal Uniforms case:
1. Although Andrew Vilas is the chief protagonist mentioned in the case, he is not part of top management. His title is Sales Rep, and, he would not be involved in Planning and the associated functions (Vision/mission/strategy/etc.) as discussed in earlier class lectures. For the purpose of this assignment assume that Robert Garret, CEO of Coastal Uniforms, has requested your consulting services.
2. You might consider: The role of Planning (Mission/Vision/etc.) in a company. TQM principles.

As mentioned above, this paper should be professional and you should assume you are a consultant. I will upload files you need for this paper.

Do Not include generals: general writing or general information in order to use precious space. PLEASE Do Not underestimate the quality of work.

There are faxes for this order.

Assignment 1: Annual Report Project
Due week 8 and worth 240 points

The purpose of a corporate annual report is to communicate to stockholders and other interested parties its financial statements. The annual report is a summary of the corporation?s operations over the previous 12 month time period and states the corporation?s plans for the future. Many annual reports are created to resemble a corporate brochure, using lots of pictures, color, charts and graphs. Despite the fancy look, the main purpose of the report is to provide the year?s financial data, which comes from the corporation?s accounting system.

Obtain a current Annual Report for any U.S. company you are interested in analyzing. You may download it from its Website or from the LRC database called Mergent Online. Each student must choose a different company to analyze; therefore students must receive approval of your selected company from your professor by Week 5 of the class.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:
Identify and explain the main sections of the annual report.
Discuss the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year.
Discuss the primary assets held by the company.
Explain how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company.
Your assignment must:
Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. State the company name and reporting period on which you will be reporting on the cover page, such as ?Taco Bell, Fiscal Year 2010? The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Identify and explain the fundamental concepts and principles in accounting, the components of the accounting equation, the primary financial accounting equation and financial statements and reports.
Analyze the basic concepts related to accounting information systems.
Use technology and information resources to research issue in financial accounting.
Write clearly and concisely about financial accounting using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Assignment 1: Annual Report Project
Criteria 0 Unacceptable 20 Developing 30 Competent 40 Exemplary
1. Identify and explain the main sections of the annual report. Did not complete the assignment or did not identify and explain the main sections of the annual report; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Partially identified and explained the main sections of the annual report; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Sufficiently identified and explained the main sections of the annual report. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness and logic, Fully identified and explained the main sections of the annual report. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness and logic.
2. Discuss the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year. Did not complete the assignment or did not discuss the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Partially discussed the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Sufficiently discussed the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness and logic, Fully discussed the key factors that influenced the company?s financial performance during the year. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness and logic.
3. Discuss the primary assets held by the company. Did not complete the assignment or did not discuss the primary assets held by the company; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Partially discussed the primary assets held by the company; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Sufficiently discussed the primary assets held by the company. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness and logic, Fully discussed the primary assets held by the company. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness and logic.
4. Explain how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company. Did not complete the assignment or did not explain how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Partially explained how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness and logic. Sufficiently explained how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness and logic, Fully explained how management characterizes the internal control environment of the company. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness and logic.
5. Clarity Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized. (Major issues). Explanations generally unclear and not well organized. (Many issues). Explanations generally clear and /or organized. (Minor issues). Explanations very clear and well organized. (Added helpful details).
6. Writing ? Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA usage, if required. Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA usage, if required. (Major issues). Had 6-7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA usage, if required. (Many issues). Had 4-5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA usage, if required. (Minor issues). Had 0-3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA usage, if required..

Create your own consultant's notes as you observe various CanGo meetings (video episodes).

Requirements for Writing Team Video Analysis Reports

After viewing the video episodes, prepare an analysis report - based on your observations contrasted against established principles/concepts and your individual experiences. These reports serve as critical examinations of the management practices employed by CanGo. You will report on the strengths and deficiencies of the processes or systems under consideration, with recommendations for improvement.

For each video you must choose only one issue as well as a recommendation on how to resolve that issue. This is the basis for the paper.

It is important to recognize that each video episode provides a snapshot of a broader issue within the company. Therefore, in your analysis, you should consider the wider implications for the company and not focus only on single events or personal ramifications for any individual.

You must include significant detail in your reports to allow the client to follow your logic, analysis, and conclusions. Think of yourselves as first an observer and then as an analyst. As an observer, you will report what you have seen happen. As an analyst, you will draw conclusions and make recommendations based on your observations. You will summarize your conclusions in the weekly Analysis Reports, just remember to back them up with observed evidence - facts speak louder than generalizations. As you work with your team, you will deliberate about what happened and what it means. You will then present your findings and recommendations to Liz (CEO) and the CanGo Board of Directors in the Final Presentation. Write these reports clearly and concisely, as if you will need to turn over your notes to someone else who will replace you on short notice, without your help to understand them.

Format of the Team Video Analysis Report

Margins: Left, Right, Top & Bottom ??" 1 inch
Font: Times New Roman
Line spacing: Double spaced
Font size: 12 pt

For each video you must choose only one issue as well as a recommendation on how to resolve that issue. This is the basis for the paper.

Here are the links to the 2 videos:

Video #1:


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