25+ documents containing “Business Organization”.
Research Task: Case Study ? Marketing
Prepare a business report from your course work and the information provided below.
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
? Use your knowledge and the information provided
? Communicate using relevant business terminology and concepts
? Present a logical, well-structured answer to the question in the form of a business report
Here is the case study
Business Basic Phone Company is a retailer of mobile phones. Most of its products have been sold to customers 25 years of age and over, mainly for business purposes. Its product range, promotion and pricing strategies are tailored to appeal to business organizations.
Business Basic Phone Company has retail outlets in major shopping centres. Customers need to come to the shop to purchase products and pay accounts. Its employees are mainly permanent, working 9.00am to 5.00pm, with some casual staff employed on weekends and for late-night trading on Thursdays.
In recent years there has been:
? Increasing competition in the mobile phone market;
? Changes in the type of consumers buying mobile phones;
? Changing expectations for mobile phone products and services;
? Changing retailing methods, such as web-based marketing of mobile phones;
? Growing concern over the possible health risks associated with frequent use of mobile phones and environmental damage caused by the increasing number of discarded mobile phones
These changes have forced Business Basic Phone Company to seek the advice of a consultant about the directions the business needs to take if it is to remain competitive.
You have been engaged as a consultant by the managing director of Business Basic Phone Company to prepare a report for the Board.
In your report: propose a marketing strategy that would enable the business to expand its market share. Incorporate some recommendations as to how Business Basic Phone Company can meet its ethical responsibilities to the community.
A report is allowed to contain diagrams, tables, flow charts and ideas written in point form. An introduction and conclusion are needed. It is important that you have some explanation for your diagrams.
Step 1: Identify that it is a report. Example ?this report is written for Business Basic Phone Company to advise them of the causes of their current business problems and strategies they can adopt to help them overcome these problems.? By starting this way you have already identified that you understand report writing.
Step 2: Identify the reasons that Business Basic Phone Company is having problems. This is best done with a situation analysis where you identify the market, competitors, staff, structure, use of technology, suppliers, market share and financial position. Any information that is not given you are allowed to assume using your business studies knowledge. Remembering that the markers are looking for use of knowledge.
Step 3: Carry out a strategic audit of the business using a SWOT analysis. The information from the situational analysis is used here to highlight Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Don?t forget that you cannot just launch in to the SWOT analysis. Explain why you are using this tool. For example ?a strategic audit of Business Basic Phone Company will highlight the current issues facing the business. A SWOT analysis is the best way to go about this as it will not only show the strengths and weaknesses of Business Basic Phone Company but also the opportunities and threats presented by the external environment. These can be seen in the following grid (or table).
Step 4: Use the SWOT analysis as a guide in suggesting strategies and action plans.
Step 5: In the last stages of your report include advice on how to manage these changes. This means; How will management be able to check that these changes are taking place and are beneficial to the business? Explain why the evaluation tools that you recommend are the most effective.
Step 6: Finish summing up your report. For example; ?it is recommended that Business Basic Phone Company carry out the following changes (briefly list). Regular evaluations are needed to ensure that change is being successfully carried out.?
In summary, a business report should include;
? An introduction (executive summary)
? Business terminology relevant to the question
? Business studies concepts such as SWOT, decision trees, etc either in word or diagrammatic form
? Headings to draw attention to main points, and underlining and highlighting of key points
? Creative, relevant and realistic solutions and strategies to achieve them. Suggestions on how the business can evaluate the success of the changes
? A strong conclusion with recommendations for action
market segmentation; product/service differentiation; the marketing mix; the 4 p's product and service strategies, price, promotion, place/distribution; environmental effects on distribution
Business Studies
Business Functions
Major Subject: Human Resources
Requested Essay is in the Subject: Learning and Development
Please write an essay explaining the importa...nce and aspects of training and development in business.
The essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. The main points that are required in the essay are the following:
1- The difference between training and development.
2- The benefits of training and development of employees for organizations (At least four benefits).
3- Select a business organization and explain the methods used by this organization for training and development of its employees. Five different methods of training and development are required. (Generally, you can find such information on web, in the: ?Annual Report? then the part of the ?Management Report? of the organization you select as an example).
4- Explanation of the notion that an appropriate investment in training and development in people is also an investment in the brand name/image. Support the answer with examples.
General instructions for author:
Word count: 1375 words
Format: write the answers in an essay format: introduction, body paragraph(s) and a conclusion.
Referencing: Please use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and list of reference at the end. more
International business ?Writing Assignment
Source and topics: Only from the Wall Street journal, New York Times, Financial Times, Or the Economist, Select an article that discuss this topic: Business Organization Theory.
After reading and analyzing the article relates to the principles of international business covered in class thus far, including the text book chapters assigned ( Book's Name: Hill, Charles W.L., International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace 4th Edition(McGraw Hill)
Would you please attach the article of the newspaper to me, It is quite important for for me to turn in it.
There are faxes for this order.
Law - Business Organisation coursework
Mary and Joseph, shareholders in Kings plc, are concerned about the management of the company by its current directors. Here is an account of wh...at the directors have recently done:
The directors of Kings plc, which owned a hotel, wanted to acquire two more hotels. The directors therefore formed a subsidiary company for the express purpose of buying the two hotels. Kings plc could only take a few shares of the new subsidiary, while the directors and the company solicitor bought up the majority of the new subsidiary?s shares. Subsequently the subsidiary was sold and the directors made a substantial profit.
Mary and Joseph want to know whether the directors were legally entitled to do this. They ask you to prepare an explanatory memorandum that they can take to the other shareholders at their next meeting. They also ask you what legal sanctions there may be against the directors.
Advise Mary and Joseph in regards to:
the legality of directors? actions and the relevant legal sanctions against the directors
Please use and reference the following books:
1)Birds, J, and Boyle, AJ, (2011), Boyle and Bird's on Company Law, 8th edition, Jordan's Publishing.
2)Hannigan, B, 2012, Company Law, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press
3)Dignam, A, 2011, Hicks and Goo's Cases and Materials on Company Law, 18th ed, Sweet & Maxwell more
Compare and Contrast the three major forms of business organizations: Soleproprietorship, partnership, corporation. Describe each and discuss the benefits and problems of each.
Thank you!
Organizations Paper
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you list one example of
each of the following categories of business organizations:
1. Domestic
2. International
3. Multinational
4. Regional
5. Global
Explain and justify your selection of the business organizations for
each category.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Preferred References:
4. International Business: Environments and Operations, 11e
ISBN: 9780131869424 Author: John D. Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh, Daniel P. Sullivan
copyright 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company
5. International Business, 1e
Chapter : Preface
ISBN: 0471383503 Author: Oded Shenkar, Yadong Luo
copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Social Factors in Global Business
Other References to use
Adler, N. J. (2002, September). Global companies, global society: There is a better way. Journal of Management Inquiry, 11(3), 255.
Barker, T. S., & Cobb, S. L. (2000). A survey of ethics and cultural dimensions of MNCs. Competitiveness Review, 10(2), 123.
Dooley, R. (2003). Four cultures, one company: Achieving corporate excellence through working cultural complexity (part 1). Organization Development Journal, 21(1), 56.
Dooley, R. (2003). Four cultures, one company: Achieving corporate excellence through working cultural complexity (part 2). Organization Development Journal, 21(2), 52.
Sanchez, P. (2004, December). Defining corporate culture. Communication World, 21(6), 18.
There are faxes for this order.
Pls answer to the 10 questions you can find on the attachments, your paper should have just the question number and the answer with citation form as request by the test.
all the material should come from Texas Business organizations Code fro queston 1 to 8 and for question 9 and 10 from Texas Business and Organitazion code
For this research project, you will consider a very practical question. While it may initially seem unrelated to the Christian worldview, as you study it, you will see that it has deep implications fo...r the Christian businessperson and the Kingdom of God. The issue is: which form of business organization is best for a client in a given situation and how should that entity be taxed?
As noted, at first blush, this very practical question may seem to have very little to do with the Christian worldview. That conclusion, however, would be in error. The Bible is a very practical book and it is concerned with every facet of our lives. There is no part of the universe over which Jesus is not Lord (See, e.g., Matthew 28:18). Accordingly, there is no part of our lives with which He is not concerned.
Further, we as Christians should be good stewards of what God has given us, and we should be about the business of being fruitful and multiplying and taking dominion over the Earth (See, e.g., Genesis 1:2831, 9:1 and 7). A primary means for accomplishing these goals is through just commercial activity conducted through business enterprises.
Consider this: the Pilgrims and Puritans who settled what is now Massachusetts did so via the business organization known as a Joint Stock Company. Business enterprises have developed cures for various diseases. They have built skyscrapers that tower over the landscape like mountains and dug vast tunnels under the sea beds. Businesses have been essential in accomplishing this amazing level of dominion over the earth and helping us to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth just as God commanded.
Therefore, choosing the right business organization form and tax regime for a new business is very much a God-honoring endeavor. With that said, now consider the following fact pattern for this research project:
Alex, Bill, Carl, and Devon inherit from their Dad an operating organic farm in New State. The farm includes an orchard, various vegetable garden tracts, fields usually planted in grains, several trout ponds, and a poultry operation. In addition to selling the various organic products, the farm usually invites the public in each year during the fall for a corn maze, pumpkin patch, and other amusements. Alex, Bill, Carl, and Devon were never interested in farming, so their cousin, Xavier, was trained to run the farming operation by Dad and has been helping Dad do so for the past 5 years. Xavier wants to continue to do that, and Alex, Bill, Carl, and Devon are willing for him to continue to do that. Therefore, they want to form a business entity to own the farm, which Dad ran as a sole proprietorship. Obviously, they dont want a lot of formalities or complexities to fool with since they want Xavier to handle the day-to-day operations of the farm. Further, they want to minimize their taxes on the entity, they want to avoid any personal liability from the farming operations, and they want to keep the business in the family (it might be fine to sell interests in the business to their kids or to Xavier, but they would not want a stranger owning part of the business).
They have discussed the deal with Xavier, and he is very excited. In fact, he proposes that the business borrow an additional $500,000 and expand its operations to include a vineyard. There is a bank willing to offer financing, but Alex, Bill, Carl, and Devon would have to be willing to sign personal guarantees. They are still thinking it over, but they probably will proceed with Xaviers plan for expansion.
They want you to be their accountant in New State, and therefore they come to you for advice as to which would be the best form of business organization to use for operating of the farm.
Alex, Bill, Carl, Devon, and Xavier are all Christians and want their business to be organized and operated in accordance with the Christian worldview.
In view of their situation described above, which form of business organization would you recommend? Explain fully, including the strengths and weaknesses of each form of business organization and be sure to make application to the specific facts of this situation. Assume for the purposes of this assignment that New State has typical statutes governing business organizations and that New States taxation of business organizations follows the federal regime.
Suggest Helpful Resources:
For an excellent article discussing the relative advantages and disadvantages of s-corporation taxation and partnership taxation, see Walter D. Schwidetzky, Integrating Subchapters K and SJust Do It, 62 Tax Law. 749 (2009). For an excellent discussion of one of the primary benefits of s-corporation taxation for many closely held businesses, the minimization of employment taxes, see Timothy M. Todd, Multiple-Entity Planning to Reduce Self-Employment Taxes: Recent Cases Demonstrate the Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them, 13 Journal of Tax Practice & Procedure 31 (April/May 2011). more
I would like you to select a narrow topic or issue you would like to research and analyze related to the subjects we have covered (Agency, Employment, Discrimination, Business Organizations, Securities Law, or Consumer Protection (advertising). You should select a business minded question or issue related to the subject, and research that topic. Then, prepare a business minded memo addressed to the CEO of the Company providing your advice.
The format should be a 5 page (or less) single spaced 12 point type memo to your boss with your analysis and recommendations regarding the topic.
Question 1
A) Suggest an idea that could turn into a business proposition using business competition chain. Word count: 400 words
B) Based on the idea produced in question 1 part A, explain... the main difficulties/barriers? Word count: 400 words
Question 2
A) Reflect on the possibility to finance the new business. Note the case study ?Supporting new business start-ups? provides you with different ideas to be considered. Word count: 250 words
B) Illustrate on the types of risks when answering. (Refer to enterprise value-cycle.) Word count: 400 words
Question 3
List and clarify STEEP and seven P?s when introducing a business idea. Word count: 400 words
Question 4
Identify and explain what is meant by the market research cycle. Word count: 625 words
Guidance to Question 01
Keep in mind that this question is intended to test the ability of being innovative. Try to express your idea logically creatively using the business competitive chain. B) Each venture has its barriers; you should propose solutions to overcome these obstacles.
Guidance to Question 02
This questions aims to reflect various types of finance to start a business. B) Enterprise Value-cycle will help you identify those risks when applying the idea.
Guidance for Question 03
You should be able to connect STEEP and the 7P?s to the proposed ideas.
Guidance for Question 04
Enable the reader of your conscious of the seven stages of the market research cycle as to what each entails.
Case Study
Supporting new business start-ups
This case study looks at the challenges of setting up a new business. It looks at some of the decisions that must be made by a budding entrepreneur. It outlines some of the services and support that are offered to business start-ups by a financial institution like Barclays.
The business idea:
An obvious starting point is the business idea. Many people think that they might have spotted a business opportunity. Translating that thought into action is another matter. There are many ways of coming up with a bright idea.
Source of Ideas Examples of idea Example
Developing a hobby A gardening service
Using your skills A service creating and maintaining websites
A chance idea Producing a musical toothbrush
Combining two ideas Running an Internet caf?
Many people are inspired by existing businesses. Tim O?Neil runs T&T Vision, a business that sells spectacles through an online shop on eBay. Tim got the idea for his business in his first year at university. His father bought a pair of reading glasses online. This seemed a good idea for an e-commerce business.
Before setting up a new business, there are important questions to answer. This requires
market research to systematically gather, record and analyze data about the market for
the planned goods or services. This is an ongoing process as markets are always changing. However, some market research is essential before starting any new business.
Secondary (or desk-based) research will answer many of these questions. Secondary research involves scanning already published materials such as reports, patents and statistical data. This research will help a business to decide on its marketing mix. The marketing mix or/and the seven P?s
Types of business organization: If the initial market research suggests the idea is a good one, then the entrepreneur must consider the practicalities of setting up the business. There are three main types of business form:
1. A sole trader is simple to set up - there is no complicated paperwork. The owner of a
sole trader enterprise, such as plumbers, window cleaners and professional writers, has
complete control of the business. However, there is nothing to prevent a sole trader taking
on employees and many do. The sole trader takes all the profits (after tax) but is liable for
all debts the business incurs. This means that if the business makes a substantial loss, the
sole trader may be forced to sell personal assets such as their house to cover the business
debts. In worst cases, sole traders may face bankruptcy.
2. A partnership consists of between two and 20 partners. Partnerships are a common
form of business for many enterprises offering professional services, such as doctors?
surgeries, accountancy practices and design businesses. Partners can bring more capital
and a wider range of skills, work and ideas to the business. However, partners can and do
fall out. Like sole traders, most partnerships also have full liability for any business debts.
3. A limited company is a legal entity. This means, for example, that if a company owes
someone money, the creditor can take the company to court. Because of its legal status,
it is more complicated and more expensive to set up a limited company. Any new (or
small) business choosing this form of structure will become a private limited company. The entrepreneur setting up a new company is likely to retain a large shareholding but may offer shares to some investors in return for capital. However, unlike the public limited companies (PLCs) listed on the stock market, these shares cannot be sold to the general public.
A limited company is owned by its shareholders, who are entitled to a share of any profits and a say in the running of the business. The main advantage of this type of business ownership is that it offers shareholders limited liability. Shareholders are not responsible for the full amount of any debt incurred by the business. The liability of each shareholder is limited to the amount of capital they have invested in the business. This is why this form of business is attractive to many entrepreneurs.
Budgeting and business planning: Many businesses fail in their first year of trading. There are many reasons, but typical ones include: a) lack of understanding of the market ? a failure to carry out market research b) underestimating the strength of the competition c) failure to secure adequate finance d) inaccurate estimates in constructing budgets ? for example, revenue forecasts are too high and/or cost estimates too low.
A well-structured business plan, including budgets, can help a new business to avoid
such problems. A business plan provides a forecast of costs and revenues over the planning period. It sets out how sales will be achieved and how the business is to be financed. Banks expect to see a business plan before agreeing to any loan request. Many banks provide tools to help owners draw up business plans.
It is important for a new business to have clear budgets. A budget is based on the business objectives and identifies key factors, such as what money is needed, for what purpose and where it will come from.
A budget also considers the assumptions a business may need to make about variable
factors, such as interest rate changes or volume of sales. A detailed budget plan with clear
targets will help give a business control by: a) ensuring money is spent on the right activities b) drawing attention to waste or loss c) focusing on areas of the business that need review, for example, if revenue is not meeting target or if costs are rising.
A budget will also take into account expected cash flow so the business can assess if its
income will cover its expenditure. Difficulty with cash flow is common. It is unlikely that a new business will make a profit in its first few months of trading. It takes time to build up a business and win new customers. Many new businesses offer credit terms to customers so they must wait to be paid. The result is that the business is often short of cash.
Financing a new business
Some new businesses need little start-up capital. An online retail business like T&T Vision does not require substantial funds to buy premises or a large selection of stock for display. Other types of business require significant finance for premises, equipment and stock before they can start trading. The owners of any new business, whether sole trader, the partners in a partnership or the shareholders in a limited company will be expected to provide some capital. However, there are other sources of business finance available to meet day-to-day expenses or to buy more expensive capital items:
? An overdraft. This arrangement, agreed in advance with a bank, allows a business to
spend more than the funds available in its account up to an agreed limit. The business can
dip into this ?pot? as and when it needs to, for example, to pay a pressing bill. The
flexibility of an overdraft means the business can pay the bill immediately and the overdraft is automatically repaid once sufficient funds are deposited in the business? account. However, a business pays interest on the amount it owes. Interest rates on overdrafts can be higher than on other, less flexible, ways of borrowing.
? A business credit card enables a business to borrow flexible amounts quickly and for a
short period of time. Banks will usually place tight limits on the amount that a new
business can borrow on a credit card. If the amount borrowed is paid back in full at the
end of each month, the business does not pay any interest. However, interest is charged on any remaining balance until the amount is repaid. Like overdrafts, these interest rates can be higher than other ways of borrowing because of the flexibility of the arrangement.
? A bank loan. Most banks offer bank loans for business. They are useful for borrowing larger amounts, for example, to pay for set-up or expansion costs. For example, it may have to be located in an area of economic deprivation or the owner may have to be under a certain age. One avenue not usually open to business start-ups is venture capital. As the television program Dragons? Den shows, venture capitalists put money into an enterprise in exchange for a share of the business. They would always expect to see some evidence of business success before investing.
A new business is also likely to need financial advice. Banks recognize that a business has different needs to that of an employed person who has regular pay coming into a bank
? A business needs a means of handling payments from its customers, of making payments to its suppliers and of managing its cash flow.
Starting up in business is an exciting challenge. However, it is necessary to have a good idea, a clear understanding of the market and financial knowledge and skills to support the business? development. A detailed business plan will help a business avoid failure by:
a) Researching the market b) Assessing the competition c) Predicting revenue and costs accurately d) Securing adequate finance.
? Please to use the Times New Roman Font Size 12
? Line spacing should be 1.5
? All pages should be numbered
? Keep wide margins
? Align text to the left. Don?t justify leaving spaces between words
* Harvard Style Referencing. more
Competency 310.1.2: Organizational Forms - The graduate can select the appropriate form of organization for a business.
310.1.2-01: Differen...tiate between a sole proprietorship and general partnership.
310.1.2-02: Differentiate between a general partnership and a limited partnership.
310.1.2-03: Identify the distinguishing characteristics of C-corporations.
310.1.2-04: Identify the distinguishing characteristics of S-corporations.
310.1.2-05: Recognize the characteristics of a limited liability company (LLC).
310.1.2-06: Determine the appropriate business form for a given situation.
As you work on this task, ask yourself why one form of business organization would be selected over another, particularly for a small business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form?
The business entity characteristics owners should consider fall into these seven categories:
Liability: What are the limits on liability and protection of not only business assets, but personal assets and future earning power of the owner beyond this particular business?
Income taxes: What are the features of each business entity that affect the amount of federal, state, and local income taxes paid by the business and/or owners?
Longevity or continuity of the organization: What features of each form relate to forced dissolution of the business organization?
Control: Who has ultimate control over important decisions? How much control does the owner have to grant to others?
Profit retention: What portion of the profits does the owner have to give up because they have to be shared with others? How does this affect return on investment?
Location: What are the implications for moving or expanding the business into a different state? Will a separate legal entity have to be created or new documents filed in the new state? Are there advantages or disadvantages regarding how state taxes will be assessed?
Convenience or burden: What additional requirements or extra workload are placed upon the organization to comply with all reporting, meeting, and other regulatory requirements?
A manufacturing business produces a variety of wood moldings, hardwood doors, high-end kitchen cabinets, and specialty cabinets and bookcases for dens, home libraries, offices, etc. The business owner has been operating as a sole proprietorship, but is thinking of changing to a different type of organization. The company has been quite profitable for its size. Profit before taxes for the coming year is expected to be just over $600,000.
While considering this change, the owner has thought about the various functions of the business operation and different types of risks and potential liability that accompany each function. For instance, trained employees usually install cabinets, but when the company has a backlog of work, the owner must occasionally hire outside installers on a subcontractor basis. Although the company has not yet had such a problem, the owner has wondered what might happen if an installer were to make an installation error and a cabinet
were to fall off the wall and injure someone. Also, all of the delivery drivers possess licenses required for the trucks they drive. The owner is concerned about a delivery truck becoming involved in an accident. In addition, the owner is concerned about a shop worker being injured on a saw or shaper, or a load falling off of a forklift and injuring someone.
The owner is unsure what would happen with bills and other liabilities if the business were to fail for some reason. Although the company has ample insurance, the owner has heard of juries awarding judgments that exceed the insurance coverage and wipe out all personal assets.
The owner is planning to expand the business, both by expanding its market geographically and by adding a second factory in an adjoining state. To accomplish this, the owner will need to increase the investment in capital assets. One way of obtaining funds would be to sell a share of the business to a partner, but the owner is not sure how that will impact potential liability. Another possibility is to sell stock in the company. This way the owner might be able to retain control of the company by having family members serve as officers in the corporation.
The owner is also concerned about profit that will be shared with partners or investors, the amount of income tax each year, and continuation of the business under control of the officers in the corporation if the owner were to die.
The owner is aware of terms like S-corporation, C-corporation, LLC, and limited and general partnerships that describe different forms of business organizations but does not fully understand the business forms.
The owner has hired you to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization compared with those for each of the other types, including the type of organization the company is currently using. In your report to the owner, format your response so that it is easy to make comparisons among the six forms of organization. You should use a listing approach rather than discussing several concepts in the same paragraph.
A. Write a report (suggested length of 5??"7 pages) about the forms of business organizations listed below. Your report should have a subheading for each business form with a brief description of the business form and a brief discussion of the key characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of that form of organization.
1. Differentiate among the following forms of business by explaining how at least six of the seven key characteristics listed in the introduction to this task apply to each of the following organizational forms:
a. Sole proprietorship
b. General partnership
c. Limited partnership
d. C-corporation
e. S-corporation
f. Limited liability company
B. Write a memorandum (suggested length of 1??"2 pages) in which you analyze your findings by doing the following:
1. Recommend a specific form of organization that should be used in the given situation.
2. Justify why that is the best business form for this situation.
C. If you choose to use outside sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: Please save word-processing documents as *.rtf (Rich Text Format) files.
Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the attached Rubric Terms.
Note: When using outside sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout Web link below.
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Conduct an extensive literature review of non-traditional versus traditional business skills and tactics used within organizations. Specifically, analyze the use of these skills and tactics by successful individuals in today's business organization.
Can only use one quotation. Will send references and draft paper that had already written and used.
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You have a good friend named Frank who is planning to form a new business. He comes to you for advice. He is a Christian, and he wants to obey God in the operation of his business. He is concerned as to whether Christians should attempt to minimize their tax burdens, after all, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," right? Further, he is concerned as to what liability protection really means and whether a Christian should use an entity that provides for liability protection. He fears that by using such an entity he might be shirking his personal responsibilities. In order to help Frank with his decision, answer the following questions:
1.Define what is meant by the concepts of limited liability, and/or liability protection. From the perspective of a Christian worldview, is it wrong for a business owner to use a business organization form that provides for liability protection?
2.From the perspective of a Christian worldview, is it wrong for a business to try to minimize its overall tax burden?
Imagine the government has released funds for creating small businesses. You are interested in establishing a small business, and you must decide which of the four forms of business organization would best suit your unique product or service. Consider legal, tax, accounting, and other implications when selecting from the four business types.
Write a paper of no more than 1,250 words discussing your small-business idea. Include the following:
? The advantages and disadvantages of the four different forms of business organization, which include the following:
o Sole proprietorship
o Partnership
o C corporation
o S corporation
? The different types of financial statements associated with each form of business organization
? The following consequences associated with each form of business organization:
o Tax implications
o Legal implications
o Accounting implications, such as SOX and FASB
? An explanation of the unique product or service your small business provides
? Your choice of business organization form for your new business
? Your rationale for choosing this form of business organization
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
One of the first steps in making entrepreneurial business opportunities a reality is deciding what form the business will take. Write a 350- to 700-word paper on the various forms of business organization. Address the following points in your paper:
Define each of the following forms and address the advantages and disadvantage of each:
Sole proprietorships
b. Partnerships
c. Corporations
d. Limited liability companies
Answer the following question and explain your answer: What is the most appropriate form of ownership for an aggressive entrepreneurial firm?
Include at least two scholarly references.
You are renowned business guru and motivational speaker Mai Biz. You have been contracted by a prestigious national business organization to deliver a two part seminar on a couple of today?s ho...ttest business topics: competitive advantage and international business.
Create a full 1,750- to 2,100-word transcript of your planned speech to meet the organization?s request.
Address the following questions for each topic:
Topic 1: Achieving Competitive Advantage
? How does the creation of value lead to competitive advantage?
? How may a firm achieve competitive advantage? Consider strategies of cost leadership, benefit leadership, and degrees of focus.
? How does the price elasticity of demand affect a firm?s strategic positioning for competitive advantage?
? What factors and strategies allow a firm to sustain competitive advantage? Cite at least one real life example of success and one real life example of failure in your explanation.
Topic 2: International Business
? What additional risks do multinational corporations face, and what additional opportunities do they enjoy when compared with domestic firms?
? What strategies may a multinational corporation use to best take advantage of the opportunities discussed above?
? What strategies may a multinational corporation use to best mitigate the risks discussed above?
? How does achieving competitive advantage at an international level differ from achieving competitive advantage at a domestic level? How may a firm strategically position itself for international competitive advantage? Cite at least one example or strategy specific to international business. more
First read the following which discuss (1) cost measurement of business risks, (2) the relationship between risk and organizational performance, and (3) risk reporting and allocation. Reading these ma...terials carefully should help you complete and respond to the assignment expectations adequately.
Ballou, Brian, Heitger, Dan L., and Schultz, Thomas D., (2009). Measuring the costs of responding to business risks. Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_2_10/ai_n31641694/?tag= rbxcra.2.a.44
Dai, Zhonglan, (2005). What matters more for CEO turnover: Performance or risk? Ph.D. dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States -- North Carolina. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=997887091&sid=3&Fmt=6&clientId=29440 &RQT=309&VName=PQD
Grant, John H., (2007). Advances and Challenges in Strategic Management. International Journal of Business, 12(1), 11-31. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1210832701&sid=1&Fmt=6&clientId=2944 0&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Johnson, Kevin and Swanson, Zane, (2007). Quantifying legal risk: a method for managing legal risk. Management Accounting Quarterly. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1411673301&SrchMode=1&sid=5&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1301589798&clientId=29440
Juras, Paul, (2007). A risk-based approach to identifying the total cost of outsourcing. Management Accounting Quarterly. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1411673311&SrchMode=1&sid=6&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1301589926
With, Elbert De and Dijkman, Aagtje, (2008). Budgeting Practices of Listed Companies in the Netherlands. Management Accounting Quarterly. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1625887761&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=6&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1305826699&clientId=29440
Epstein, M., Buhovac, A. R. 2006. Organizational Risk Reporting for Internal and External Decision Making. CMA Management. Hamilton: Nov 2006. Vol. 80, Iss. 7; pg. 26. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=32&did=1253708181&SrchMode=1&sid=3&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315213097&clientId=29440
Query, J. T. 2008. Cost of Risk Allocation Issues. Cost Management. Boston: Mar/Apr 2008. Vol. 22, Iss. 2; pg. 45. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=23&did=1466253901&SrchMode=1&sid=3&Fmt=2&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315212952&clientId=29440
Use the readings and any other additional resources to answer this:
To what extent should risk be identified, managed, and measured in business organizations? What tools are available to assist in this task? Why should this be the domain of management accounting? Support your answers with good arguments and citations where appropriate.
Write a 3 to 4 page essay typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, News Times Roman, 1 inch Margin (all margins)
The following items will be evaluated in particular:
Analyze and evaluate the most common types of risk in most business entities.
Evaluate the risk, tools for risk measurement, and relationship between risk and management accounting.
Discuss the importance of risk management in management accounting. Include reliability and measurement issues in your discussion.
Grading rubric:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16251375/Graduate/ACC%20504%20grading%20rubric.docx more
Requested Writer: infoceo
Small-Business Idea
Imagine the government has released funds for creating small businesses. You are interested in establishing a small business, and you must decide which of the four forms of business organization would best suit your unique product or service. Consider legal, tax, accounting, and other implications when selecting from the four business types.
NO MORE THAN 1,250 words discussing your small-business idea. Include the following:
? The advantages and disadvantages of the four different forms of business organization, which include the following:
o Sole proprietorship
o Partnership
o C corporation
o S corporation
? The different types of financial statements associated with each form of business organization
? The following consequences associated with each form of business organization:
o Tax implications
o Legal implications
o Accounting implications, such as SOX and FASB
? An explanation of the unique product or service your small business provides
? Your choice of business organization form for your new business
? Your rationale for choosing this form of business organization
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.
this essay should focus on small business managemnet in relation to a landscaping(gardening) business. when possible try to correlate the two topics of the essay.
the essay should address the small business in regards to these broad areas.
the following essay must focus on landscaping and the small business in the following areas
these are the areas:
- define it and list some of the traits
*business plan:
- what does a business plan do ,what are the parts of a business plan.
*legal aspects:
- what are the three types of legal forms of business organization?
-what is tort law?and why would it be important to a small business owner of a landscaping company?
* finance
- discuss the difference between debt capital and equity capital?
- what is sba/
* marketing
-describe what marketing is?
-also describe some marketing channels in landscaping
what are some different pricing strategies that can be implemented in the landscaping business
There are faxes for this order.
Assignment Instructions
GOAL: Create the initial element of your Business Model Generation?your business Model Canvas.
Introduction: Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coup...led with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the business organization where you work. Since every organization has unique features, do your best to work at the application of the various components of the building blocks of the canvas. Show as much detail as you can so that it is evident that you comprehend the general business model of your organization. There must be a demonstration of synthesis of the procedure on your part. You may need to interview some of the management team to verify the business model details of your organization. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works. There are many other YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas.
Instructions: Your submittal this week will be considered as a ?draft? that should consist of:
1. A Cover page that provides a general description of your organization/business:
Name of the organization (preferably your present organization/business)
Date of origination (or incorporation)
Location (as appropriate; some entities require discretion)
Brief overview of the purpose of the organization/business
Description of your relationship and role in the organization/business
Other details that enable fuller explanation (if applicable)
2. Business Model Canvas with Post-It notes (as seen in the examples). You have two options for the submission of your canvas:
? You may download and use the blank PowerPoint canvas with electronic Post-Its to create your canvas (click here), or
? You may create a Word.doc that lists the nine building blocks (clearly identify each one) and uses bulleted points in the same manner as Post-Its.
3. Create a memo (no particular format, but neatly presented) that describes what you learned about your organization/business as a result of creating the business model canvas.
UPLOAD your finished assignment into the Assignment page. You may consolidate the cover page and memo into one document if you use the PowerPoint method of the canvas. If you do all of the assignment as a Word.doc, then you may consolidate the entire assignment into one document; it is your call. However, Each file OF YOUR WORK should be named in the following manner: Last name?truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)
For example: Smith-Wk02-Model Part 1
Textbook_Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
Alexander Osterwalder& Yves Pigneur
Combative Fighting Systems- Martial arts school that teaches JKD concepts/Kali/and Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu
Opened July 1995
Westminster Ave, Westminster, Ca. 90630 (714) 926-8981
Martial art instruction for children through adults.
MMA training, coaching. Physical fitness
Business owner/operator
More info on line Google Ken Gabrielson Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. ?Dirty Dozen?, Gracie Jiu-jitsu Black Belts. Combative Fighting Systems.
Fighters trained: John ?Machine? Lober
Todd Medina El Tiburon
I would like to use Word Document that lists nine building blocks and bullet points more
Find an in-depth profile of a current business organization. (For suggestions, check out Yahoo! at http://biz.yahoo.com/i/.) Put yourself in the role of an outside consultant who has been broug...ht in to analyze the team dynamics and conflict situations in this organization. Based on the Organizational Behavior theories you learn in this course, ask yourself, "How can this organization run more efficiently and effectively?" Write a 12-page report that describes your findings and makes detailed recommendations.
Part One
Write a one-page summary of the organization you chose.
Part Two
Write an assessment of each of the following topics:
Work-group productivity
Social influence
Individual differences and personality
The habits of effective people
Perception and attribution
High-performance teams
Effective and ineffective team roles
Quality management and teamwork
Group decision-making techniques
Leadership, management, and followership
Employees managing their managers
Power and politics
The communication process
Giving and receiving feedback
Sources of conflict
Conflict resolution
For each bullet point listed above, provide a definition of the term/idea/process and then make a recommendation about how the company can improve in that area.
When you cannot find information for your organization on one of the topics, you should make assumptions based on other information in the profile. Be sure to note all assumptions.
Part Three
Write a one-page summary of your findings.
Additional Requirements
The paper must conform to the following guidelines:
It must be at least 12 pages long (double-spaced, using a standard 12-point proportional font).
You must refer to at least three sources.
You may refer to no more than two Internet sources, not including printed books or articles from magazines and journals that you access through the Web.
All citations should be in APA (American Psychological Association) style.
While looking for sources for your paper, bear several points in mind. In the paper itself, you must demonstrate how each source is related to the overall theme of the paper and to the other sources. If a source is only tangentially related to the topic and the other sources, then do not cite it unless you absolutely must. Read your sources closely; when you write about them, analyze the component parts of the author's argument in order to explain how it supports your own. This process starts with your choice of the passages to cite and the analysis of specific phrases or passages of the text. Be wary of information from the Internet; some of it is not reliable. The following are a few general standards to consider when trying to judge the validity of online sources:
Authorship: Can you determine the author of the text/site? If it is not clearly stated, can you find out more through an Internet search? Reputable texts should clearly acknowledge their source.
Accuracy: Does the general context of facts, events, etc., seem reasonably accurate? Outdated or clearly inaccurate information should be warning signs for the text as a whole.
Access: How did you get to the site? Through a reference search engine, a recommendation, an advertisement? The more random and/or commercial the path you took to the site, the more cautious you should be about its content.
Availability: Is the site accessible visually? Are there frequent errors in downloading, or large files that are unreliable? For scholarly reference purposes, the site must be accessible, reliable, and stable.
For more information about assessing online sources, see the following Web sites:
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/hypertext/ResearchW/critical.html more
Explain the different types of financial statements associated with following forms of business organization
Sole proprietorship
C corporation
S corporation
We will pay $400.00 for this order!!
Please submit your research proposal. It should include the following components: (1) topic/title, (2) purpose statement, (3) hypothesis, (4) key research... questions, (5) responses to the nine central arguments by Maxwell, (6) proposed paper outline, (7) preliminary list of references.
Please be sure to use APA formatting.
Philosophical Worldview
EX: a qualitative Postpositivist worldview
Research Questions
Survey Design:
ex:The purpose of this cross-sectional or longitudinal study will be to test??
Why a Survey?
Form of Data Collection:
ex: self-administered questionnaire , interviews
Population and Sample:
The population for the study 68 active duty military; 24
civilian government employees assigned and/or employed within two different Medical units with the military
Population: 92
Sample will include:
ex: a survey invitation, and the survey respondents .
a singlestage or multistage sample will be used
sample population will be stratified to data comparisons and analysis.
Survey Instrument
ex:The survey (see Appendix A) was designed by the survey author, and tailored toward the
ex:The survey was created, and will be administered using
SurveyMonkey.com (see Appendixes A and B).
Validity and Reliability of survey:
The survey is judged to have validity because???
Determination on predictive validity will be assessed after the survey and research are complete
(Creswell, 2009).
However, potential threats to the external validity of the survey results
The survey and the survey results are found in Appendixes A and B; and the compiled results are found in Appendix C. The results are compiled using the Microsoft Excel 2007, with
Survey Procedures:
The survey administration and data measurement steps for the study are as follows:
1. The survey will be sent to all contact information can be
a. First, a pilot test will be sent to (businesses to be determined).
b. The survey will be emailed to 2.
To maximize participation, follow up emails will be sent 2 and 4 weeks after the initial
email are sent.
a. If participation is deemed statistically low after 60 days, then the survey team will
place individual phone calls to the businesses who have not responded.
3. The survey will remain open for ?? days.
4. Collect the data totals outlined in Error! Reference source not found. (items 1, 2, 3, 4).
5. Calculate the data elements outlined in Error! Reference source not found. (items 5, 6,
6. Answer the research questions based on the calculations in Error! Reference source not
7. No pretests, treatment or posttests are required for this study because the hypothesis is
based on comparing data from a snapshot in time.
(dependent variable)
(independent variables)
Data Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation:
Responses Bias
Dealing Effectively With Organizational Change
Du Juania M. Deloatch
American Military University
BUSN500 Quantitative Methods for Decision-Making
Thomas J. Schaefer
November 22, 2009
This study seeks to investigate how effectively individuals deal with organizational change. This literature will show how changes within organizations can be a stressful event that effects the emotions of employees, thus having implications on the degree of support and attitudes towards change when various strategies and tactics are utilized. A sample of 69 respondents; both military and civilian responded to an employee satisfaction / organizational change survey. Participants of this study consisted of 52 active duty military personnel and 17 civilian government employees; all with diverse backgrounds. All 69 personnel are affiliated with two separate Medical Readiness organizations.
Dealing Effectively With Organizational Change
I. Introduction
Organizational change is a growing area of importance for modern organizations strategic development. Effective organizational change management represents an imperative of success for organizations. Quantitative data was collected by administering employee satisfaction questionnaires in order to obtain statistical data on responses to attitudes in regards to the organizational change process as well as job satisfaction. Qualitative data was also collected through interviews from random participants in order to attempt to gain personal responses of employees experiencing change.
We all have our own assumptions about how organizations work, perhaps developed through a combination of experience and education. Organizations are continually forced to make changes to nearly every aspect of their operations due to a growing global economy, political pressure, social stress, technological advances, and a vast array of other internal and external influences. Managers at all levels, whether in a public or private business environment, have found that the only thing that will remain constant is change. Regardless of whether the change will have an impact at the individual or organizational level, it is human nature to resist the change from what is familiar to the unknown. The effect of this phenomenon grows rapidly as the proposed change goes beyond superficial organizational changes and imposes risk and uncertainty onto deep-rooted cultural aspects of the organization. Remarkably, despite the perpetual state of change in organizations, research has shown that three out of every four organizations that have initiated large-scale change efforts have not realized the significant organizational improvements that were intended, often at a tremendous price (Choi & Behling, 1997).
In an attempt to better understand the change process, academic researchers and practitioners from various disciplines have attempted to classify different stages of change whether it involves health and human services, educational systems, psychology, or general business environments. Understanding the dynamics of the change process and the factors that influence it, both positively and negatively, may facilitate the diffusion process (Moore, 1993). Perhaps the most simplistic interpretation is a three stage process introduced by Lewin (1947) who described the change process as a force field model that involves three steps: (a) Unfreezing; (b) Changing and (c) Refreezing. Although this original view of change seems elementary, there are countless other people who have studied change and developed their own stages, indicators, and factors that contribute to the acceptance/resistance to change. For instance, the Tran theoretical Model (TTM) offers an example of a more modern interpretation of the change process (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1982). The TTM uses a five-stage construct to represent the transient, motivational and constancy aspects of change and prescribes a different intervention strategy for each stage. The five stages are, (a) precontemplation (an individual is not intending to make changes), (b) contemplation (an individual is considering a change), (c) preparation (an individual is making small changes), (d) action (an individual is actively engaging in a new behavior), and (e) maintenance (an individual is sustaining the change over time). While more contemporary views add granularity to the change process by identifying additional factors and offering more detailed stages of change, the process of implementing change generally distills into three intertwining stages: (a) readiness, when the organizational environment, structure, and members attitudes are receptive to a proposed change; (b) adoption, the members of the organization temporarily alter their attitudes and behaviors to conform with the expectations of the change; and (c) institutionalization, when the change becomes a established element of the employes permanent behavior (Holt, 2000).
Based on the dismal success rates of change implementation, managers are being encouraged to be proactive by utilizing change measurement instruments to gauge their organizations demeanor before implementing changes (e.g., Jansen, 2000; Simon, 1996).
Largely, the results have been poor due to the fact that few organizations actually assess
readiness for change prior to implementing changes. One of several factors that experts have contributed to these less than desirable outcomes has been the organizational members initial readiness for the changes which is the initiating stage of change. It is a primary assumption of this research that those organizations that are able to gauge readiness before implementing changes will be able to develop focused readiness development programs and positively influence more successful change initiatives.
A significant impediment toward managerial efforts to gauge readiness for change is the vast number of change instruments that are readily available. In reviewing the academic literature for this paper, over 40 different measurement instruments were found to exist that claim to measure some aspect of readiness. Because of limited perspective, no one instrument has emerged as a standard and instruments are often used inappropriately without regard to the psychometric properties involved (Holt, 2000). The purpose of this portion of the research was to analyze the existing instruments available to measure readiness for change and integrate those that have empirically demonstrated reliability, utility, and validity into a new synergistic instrument that can be utilized across various research disciplines. It is anticipated that the development of a more comprehensive change measurement instrument will facilitate future research concerning
readiness and foster a better understanding of the complicated dynamics of organizational
Specifically, this new change instrument was designed to comprehensively measure four main research perspectives dealing with organizational change. The first perspective was the process of the change, or how leadership will encourage change in an organization. The second perspective measured was the context of the change, which examines why the change is needed. A third perspective of interest was the content of the change with regard to the nature of the change and what exactly is involved. Finally, because of the critical role that the
individuals within an organization have on the success or failure of organizational change, the
individual perspective, or the who of the change, was of interest. In the research analysis, each perspective is broken down into smaller elements to ascertain the specific variables necessary to accurately measure each perspective. Beyond the veil of confusion imposed on organizational managers by the sheer number and variety of instruments available to measure readiness, two other details must be addressed as well. First, the research surrounding each instrument has its own interpretation of what readiness is and what is required to measure it. Second, when
searching for an appropriate change instrument, how is an organizational manager supposed to make meaningful comparisons among the existing instruments?
The need for change is increasing and often necessary for an organization to succeed, in this identify factors which often causes for change within an organization
The purpose of my study is to identify through extensive research how individuals adapt to and are affected by organizational change. Human beings are certainly familiar with change and often prove they are quite capable of adapting to it.
Theoretical Perspective (did not prepare yet)
Change is accepted when organizations promote an understanding of their strategy, articulate the
vision, and provide a climate in which employees are motivated to achieve a common goal.
Research Questions
1. The need for change is increasing and often necessary for an organization to succeed, identify factors which often causes for change within an organization
2. What are the types of organizational changes?
3. What are the impacts of change?
4. How is successful change achieved?
Review of Literature
Change is inevitable, it occurs in ones personal and professional life, and is no surprise that change and uncertainty is a challenge that businesses face as well. Assessing change depends on outlook viewed objectively; it is a means for endless opportunities in businesses and personal life. How proficient you are at dealing with change begins with being open-minded and flexible. This allows for an awareness of what's going on in your immediate world, anticipating change before it happens, and plan to take advantage of new situations and opportunities. A business may need to restructure their organization by asking questions and seeking information when things don't work out the way you would like them to.
The best way for an organization to show that it is truly customer driven, is by properly managing information, making that information available to the staff and training staff to use that information to build valuable relationships with the customer.
The organizational background of your business will clarify the companys focus. Developing a clear plan of direction will assist in defining the organization's culture. Individuals within the organization must modify behaviors in order to create the desired culture. Employees must have clear expectations and noticeably understand what acceptable behavior for the organization is. Training is the best way to insure that you are effective in both communicating expectations and teaching new behaviors.
Organizational Change
Organizational change can be defined as the activities associated with planning, designing, implementing and internalizing tools procedures, routine processes, or systems that will require people to perform their jobs differently (Mourier & Smith 2001). Organizational change cannot be defined in simple terms because it can occur across a broad spectrum, an industry-wide revolution in technology, or a refinement of one individual job description. The point is organizational change is more than just a change in process and procedure; its a transition that requires a change in human performance (Holt 1993).
Factors Causing Change
So what causes change to happen? It may seem sometimes as though organizational change appears out of the clear, blue sky, without reason. When organizational change occurs, there are two possible reasons driving the change, those being either external or internal.
Externally driven change is a necessary response or solution to immediate, external circumstances. It may be caused by factors external to the whole organization which in turn would be external to an individuals role or department. For example, response to new legislation, bad publicity, or competition from business rivals is external change. One organizations externally driven change may have been the internally driven change of another organization, as this often happens with vehicle manufacturers such companies as General Motors just to name a few (Maxwell, 2003).
Internally driven change is an attempt to move toward or realize long-term goals. Internal considerations that may influence a company change may include labor relations, employee problems, and a variety of financial issues. The more intense these situations becomes, the more likely change will occur. Years ago, USAA insurance and Financial institution faced major competition from its competitors, this is when the CEO, Robert McDermott announced restructuring that included upgraded computer technology, training over 800 employees on this new technology, pay incentives for claim adjusters and customer services reps as well reassuring employees the security of their jobs. Mc Dermott also reassured that this change process would be well thought out within a 5-year period. In 1992, USAA had implemented these and any more changes, rose to the top ten positions in the insurance industry, and gained a reputation as one of the best companies in America. According to Heinrich and Betts, To succeed in the twenty first century economy, companies need to adapt to a new environment in which everything is in motion In short, its adapt or die (Perspectives on Organizational Change,
To make change really happen an organization must start from its vision and mission. (Aniisu, 2009). In todays changing economy, uncertainty and constant changes are an ongoing concern and present reality. Many times with these conditions, theres often a feeling of insecurity that leads us to seize any source of stability and predictability. In the workplace, we particularly yearn for a sense of direction, more so when we are not the actual change agent. Working with large organizations, individuals often express a need to know the vision, especially when a change has or is about to be implemented. This change can be in the form of a new employee or employer.
Vision is the general framework of future direction that will guide and unite efforts (Quinn, 1996). Individuals yearn for a leader who can align the internal with the external realities and make the organization successful. They want someone who can guide them through the unknown and the unfamiliar. Most have very high expectations of their leaders and at times may easily and quickly become disillusioned by their leaders failure to meet expectations.
General Motors under the new leadership of its latest CEO Alfred P. Henderson has the challenging task of turning this company around. According to Henderson, his strategy is simple and that is to focus on the car business again. It has been affirmed that perhaps Henderson wont like to hear it, but he could learn a thing or two from Alan Mulally (Fords CEO). Mullaly has identified a clear vision of the future, gotten his managers behind it, and created a no-excuses culture (Fortune, 2009).
Strategies for Change
Change in an organization cannot be totally effective without implementing organizational change strategies. Requirements for this process include evaluating, planning, implementing standards, and monitoring goals and objectives. To bring about desired change in an organization requires careful consideration of the organizations change strategy in order to address the main variables that will affect the change outcome (Cameron & Green, 2009). Strategies for change implementation are as follows:
1.Establish the need for change in order to determine the extent of a problem or the total opposite; an opportunity. If people affected by change do not agree with a problem or change, its possible the process should stop; of course this depends on the organization. For example, when the United Steel Workers union and steel making companies started to form labor management teams, not all union and management officials agreed with the idea. Progress had to stop, and the change was ultimately implemented only in companies that believed teamwork would work.
2.Find an idea that fits the needs within the organization by talking with other managers or leaders within the organization; assign employees the task of seeking issues or problems within the organization, and asking perhaps creative individuals to seek solutions. This is an opportunity to encourage employee participation and providing them with the freedom needed to think about and perhaps explore new options.
3.Solicit support from top management/officials to articulate new goals. Large changes require the blessing and support of the president, general manager, or the general, depending on the organizations setting. For smaller changes, influential managers or leaders relevant to the department or section within the organization is required.
4.Develop plans to overcome resistance to change by aligning needs and goals, communicating effectively, educating, participating in change, and coercion. As a last resort managers and leaders may overcome resistance by threatening employees with loss of jobs or promotions, firing or transfer. Of course this particular isnt hardly favored but is sometimes required for administrative changes that flows from the top on down.
5.Building the change team such as a creative department to create new ideas or a task force to ensure that implementation is completed. The leader brings the right people together and establishes momentum through teamwork
6.Reward success by recognizing internal champions from the individuals who assisted with achieving goals and objectives. This can be used as a motivational tool for others within the organization others (Daft, 2002).
Reactions to Change
Often when an organization changes, different employees will act in different ways. For some theres increased stress resulting from perhaps an increased workload (Ming-Chu Yu, 2009). These employees are likely to feel job insecurity, which can cause a negative effect on their job performance and the organization achieving its goal. Other employees will view the change as an opportunity for growth, these employees also even work harder at convincing others to climb aboard, and they also tend to become more involved in organizational functions.
The Hawthorne Effect, named after the factory in which it was studied, explains the mere observation of a group or more precisely. The perception of being observed and ones interpretation of its significance tends to change the group. When people are observed or believes someone cares about them they act differently. Usually these changes cause effects that are unintended and not recognized (Newstrom & Davis, 1997).
The technology of the 80s and 90s bears almost no resemblance to that of today. In the same, way our jobs and organizations probably bear little resemblance to that same time as well. Companies reduce their staff, rearrange organizational structure, and upgrade their tools. Dealing with all this change can be daunting, yet being able to survive the change is vital to you career. The starting place for mastering change is with the understanding of what an organization is and what organizational change means. Regardless of whether you work for a civilian or military organization, the global environment in which we operate is increasingly volatile and complex. Todays business organization have to change rapidly at times, leaders often make quick decisions, ones that sometimes have an effect on an organizations long term and short term success. Managers and employees must be able to perform as well during the change as they perform when the organization is not changing. Performing well during change means executing change just as well as you execute your day to day business.
Methodology is the total strategy for the study and it starts from the identification of the problem to the final plans of for the data collection (Uys & Basson 1991).
Research Design
The aim of the study seeks to extend previous studies by measuring a wide variety of coping strategies that might be used by individuals in dealing with organizational change. A research design is a blueprint for conducting the study that maximizes control over factors that could interfere with the validity of the findings (Burns& Grove 2001). This author states that research design guides the researcher in planning and implementing the study in a way that is most likely to achieve the intended goal.
According to Polit & Hungler (1995), research design is the overall plan for obtaining
answers to the research questions or for testing the hypothesis and Uys and Basson (1991), stated that it is the structural framework within which the study is implemented. In this study the sources of stress experienced by registered nurses were identified and the relationship between stress, coping, and turnover was described.
Quantitative research Polit & Hungler (1995) defines quantitative research as a systematic collection of numerical information and analysis of that information sing statistical
procedures. This is supported by Kennedy (1998 stating that a quantitative design is used when data is measured in numbers. Quantitative research was used because the study consisted of a larger number of subjects, who were scattered in the different units/wards and a survey method
was found to be the relevant to use. Descriptive statistics was used to describe and summarize the data obtained from the respondents. Seaman (1987 supported this by stating that quantitative design is used to count and measure data including counting frequencies, use of percentages and
The purpose of this longitudal survey study is to determine the theory that change is accepted when organizations promote an understanding of their strategy, articulate the vision, and provide a climate in which employees are motivated to achieve a common goal, furthermore, employee satisfaction questions will be an element of the survey.
Uys and Basson (1991), state that survey research is an empirical and logical investigation that involves the systematic and impartial collection of data from a sample of cases, as well as the statistical analysis of the findings. According to Burns and Grove (2001) a survey is a technique of data collection in which questionnaires (collected by mail or in person) are used to gather information about an identified population. It is used to collect data that can be collected through self-report. There is no manipulation of variables or an attempt to establish causality. This is supported by Seaman (1987) who mentioned that in a survey, standardized information is collected from subjects from a larger population of more than one hundred. For the purpose of this study the researcher identified sources of stress experienced by registered nurses, described the relationship between stress, coping.
Motivation for the use of the survey
A self administered survey and several interviews were used for this study. Because of the nature of work of the participants (staff shortages, long hours, and limited time for interviews) it made it difficult to conduct face to face interviews with a1.l A questionnaire was ideal as the respondents used their own time and pace to complete the questionnaire. Uys and Basson (1991) states that the questionnaire is less expensive time consuming and has an advantage of involving a large number of subjects. Babbie (1992) supports the choice of the questionnaire stating that the central element in survey research is the standardized questionnaire.
Population and Sample
The target population is all elements (individuals, objects, or substances) that meet certain
criteria for inclusion in a given universe (Burns and Grove 2001). This is supported by Polit
and Hungler (1995), who states that the target population included all the members who are
under study that conforms to a designated set of specifications. In this study the population
consisted of 68 active military and 28 civilian government employees of various grade levels and responsibilities.
Uys and Basson (1991) define the sample as the number of units of the population under study and should represent the characteristics of the population being studied. Polit and Hungler (1995) stated that sampling is the process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire population and nonprobability. Sample size is the number of subjects needed in a sample (Polit and Hungler 1995).
Data Collection Instruments
Data collection included self administered questionnaire; observation and interviews, basically a combination of methods. This data will be used to examine the individual responses to the proposed research questions.
A 15-questions survey with specific change effort/employee satisfaction in mind will be used. Participants will place checkmarks next to the statement that comes close to representing their opinion. Question 4 is based on a 1-10 scale and questions 7 and 15 require a yes or no answer.
Survey statistics will be administered by ANOVA/or Survey Monkey.
Validity and reliability after calculations should prove reliable based on variables used. Murphys Law on the other hand, could present a problem
Choi, T. Y., & Behling, O. C. (1997). Top managers and TQM success: One more look after all these
years. Academy of Management Executive, 11, (pp.37-49).
Moore, R. E. (1993). A Case Study of The Diffusion of An Electronic Mail System in a High School
Administrative Setting. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, Greensboro, NC.
Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in group dynamics: Concept, method and reality in social science; Social
Equilibrium and Social Change. Human Relations, 1, (pp.3-41).
Prochaska, J. O., & DiClemente, C. C. (1982). Transtheoretical therapy: Toward a more integrative
model of change. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 19, 276-288.
Holt, D. T. (2000). The measurement of readiness for change: A Review of Instruments and
Suggestions for Future Research. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Academy of
Management, Toronto, Canada.
Jansen, K. J. (2000). The emerging dynamics of change: Resistance, readiness, and momentum.
Human Resource Planning, 23(2), 53-55.
Holt, D. T. (2002). Readiness for change: The Development of A Scale. Paper submitted for
presentation to the Organizational Development and Change Division of the Academy of
Mourier, P. & Smith M. (2001). Conquering change: How to Succeed Where Most Companies
Fail. CH 1, Retrieved November 29, 2009. http://mmlviewer.book24x7.com
Holt, David H., (1993). Management and Principles (pp. 474). 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall. Englewood,
New Jersey
Maxwell, John C. (2001) Developing the Leader Within You (pp.174-175) Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee
Aniisu (2009). Internal Communicators as Change Managers. Retrieved 1 November 2009.
Quinn, Robert E. (1996). Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within You. Retrieved
October 29, 2009. http://mmlviewer.book24x7.com
Taylor, Aex III (October 12, 2009) Fortune: Can GM Survive? 60 (7), 60. Retrieved
October 31, 2009, Proquest, ISSN: 00158259
Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2009) Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to
The Models & Techniques of Organizational Change. Retrieved October 31, 2009
Daft, Richard L. (2002) Organizational Theory and design 4th Ed. (pp. 271-273) West
Publishing Co. St. Paul, Minnesota
Min-Chu (Spring 2000) Entrepreneur. Retrieved November 31, 2009, www.entrpreneur.com
Uys, H.H.M. & Basson, A.A. (1991). Research Methodology in Nursing. (PP. 37-38) Cape
Town: Kagiso Tertiary
Burns, N. & Grove, S.K. (2001). The Practice of Nursing Research. (pp. 223)
Polit, D.F., and Hungler, B.P. (1999). Nursing Research: Principles and Methods, 6th ed. (pp.115)
Philadelphia, PA J.P. Lippincott.
Kennedy, I. (1998). Research Methodology. Advanced Research Workshop, REME
Seaman, C.H.C. (1987). Research Methods: Principles, Practice, and Theory for
Nursing. (pp. 174) Appleton & Lange.
Uys, H.H.M. & Basson, A.A. (1991). Research Methodology in Nursing. Cape
Town: Kagiso Tertiary.
Babbie, E. (1992). The practice of social research. California, Belmont Wardsworth
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Theoretical Perspective
Research Questions
a. Define Organizational Change
b. Identify Factors of Change
c. Strategies/Tools Adaptation of Change
(1) Establish the need for change
(2) Develop plans to overcome resistance to change
(3) Solicit support from top management/officials to articulate new goals
(4). Develop plans to overcome resistance to change
(5). Building the change team
(6). Reward success by recognizing internal champions
(1). Research design
(2) Reason selected
(3) Population/Sampling
(4). Data collection/Analysis
Customer will not be emailing or faxing any additional files for this order. more
Ask yourself why one form of business organization would be selected over another, particularly for a small business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each fo...rm?
The business entity characteristics owners should consider fall into these seven categories:
Liability: What are the limits on liability and protection of not only business assets, but personal assets and future earning power of the owner beyond this particular business?
Income taxes: What are the features of each business entity that affect the amount of federal, state, and local income taxes paid by the business and/or owners?
Longevity or continuity of the organization: What features of each form relate to forced dissolution of the business organization?
Control: Who has ultimate control over important decisions? How much control does the owner have to grant to others?
Profit retention: What portion of the profits does the owner have to give up because they have to be shared with others? How does this affect return on investment?
Location: What are the implications for moving or expanding the business into a different state? Will a separate legal entity have to be created or new documents filed in the new state? Are there advantages or disadvantages regarding how state taxes will be assessed?
Convenience or burden: What additional requirements or extra workload are placed upon the organization to comply with all reporting, meeting, and other regulatory requirements?
A manufacturing business produces a variety of wood moldings, hardwood doors, high-end kitchen cabinets, and specialty cabinets and bookcases for dens, home libraries, offices, etc. The business owner has been operating as a sole proprietorship, but is thinking of changing to a different type of organization. The company has been quite profitable for its size. Profit before taxes for the coming year is expected to be just over $600,000.
While considering this change, the owner has thought about the various functions of the business operation and different types of risks and potential liability that accompany each function. For instance, trained employees usually install cabinets, but when the company has a backlog of work, the owner must occasionally hire outside installers on a subcontractor basis. Although the company has not yet had such a problem, the owner has wondered what might happen if an installer were to make an installation error and a cabinet
were to fall off the wall and injure someone. Also, all of the delivery drivers possess licenses required for the trucks they drive. The owner is concerned about a delivery truck becoming involved in an accident. In addition, the owner is concerned about a shop worker being injured on a saw or shaper, or a load falling off of a forklift and injuring someone.
The owner is unsure what would happen with bills and other liabilities if the business were to fail for some reason. Although the company has ample insurance, the owner has heard of juries awarding judgments that exceed the insurance coverage and wipe out all personal assets.
The owner is planning to expand the business, both by expanding its market geographically and by adding a second factory in an adjoining state. To accomplish this, the owner will need to increase the investment in capital assets. One way of obtaining funds would be to sell a share of the business to a partner, but the owner is not sure how that will impact potential liability. Another possibility is to sell stock in the company. This way the owner might be able to retain control of the company by having family members serve as officers in the corporation.
The owner is also concerned about profit that will be shared with partners or investors, the amount of income tax each year, and continuation of the business under control of the officers in the corporation if the owner were to die.
The owner is aware of terms like S-corporation, C-corporation, LLC, and limited and general partnerships that describe different forms of business organizations but does not fully understand the business forms.
The owner has hired you to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization compared with those for each of the other types, including the type of organization the company is currently using. In your report to the owner, format your response so that it is easy to make comparisons among the six forms of organization. You should use a listing approach rather than discussing several concepts in the same paragraph.
A. Write a report (suggested length of 5 pages) about the forms of business organizations listed below. Your report should have a subheading for each business form with a brief description of the business form and a brief discussion of the key characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of that form of organization.
1. Differentiate among the following forms of business by explaining how at least six of the seven key characteristics listed in the introduction to this task apply to each of the following organizational forms:
a. Sole proprietorship
b. General partnership
c. Limited partnership
d. C-corporation
e. S-corporation
f. Limited liability company
B. Write a memorandum (suggested length of 1 page) in which you analyze your findings by doing the following:
1. Recommend a specific form of organization that should be used in the given situation.
2. Justify why that is the best business form for this situation.
C. If you choose to use outside sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. more
this is the question
Question 1
Part 1: with reference to the main elements of communication in chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, describe how you will develop and enhance your communica...tion abilities and skills in the future (15 marks).
Part 2: EITHER: imagine that you have been brought in as a consultant to offer advice on communication processes in the business/organisation you work for (or have worked for recently). With reference to the section on macro-organisational communication strategies in Chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, and the Harley-Davidson case study, what suggestions would you offer to its leaders to assist them in enhancing and improving communication processes throughout the entire business/organisation (15 marks)?
OR: or if you work for a small company, what steps do you think need to be taken to enhance communication processes internally and externally, in order to improve your ability to maintain repeat business with existing customers and clients, and to generate new business in the future (15 marks)?
OR: if you are a sole operator, or have limited work experience, with reference to the section on macro-organisational communication strategies in Chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, and the Harley-Davidson case study describe the generic strategies that real-life organisations can employ in order to improve their macro-communication processes (15 marks)?
please try to stick to the book mentioned and the case study following are the rules
You are expected to write this in a style that is appropriate for a university essay, and it must not consist of a collection of bullet-point ?shopping-lists?. It must include a clear introduction, a logical development of ideas and a sound conclusion. Please use the correct format for quotations and referencing, edit your essay carefully for errors in spelling and punctuation and be precise in your choice of words and expression of ideas. Please use some contemporary real-life examples cited in course materials or from your own reading to illustrate your answer.
The APA referencing system is the preferred Al-Faisal format for in-text referencing and the bibliography. Please do not include any pictures, diagrams, tables or figures. Your assignments must be no longer than 5000 words - excluding the bibliography and in-text author references. There is no need to provide an abstract, executive summary or table of contents. more
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Read Full Paper ❯Introduction: Ask yourself why one form of business organization would be selected over another, particularly for a small business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form? The business entity…
Read Full Paper ❯this is the question Question 1 Part 1: with reference to the main elements of communication in chapter 3 of Maximum Performance, describe how you will develop and enhance your…
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